Certificate of Incorporation
Restated Certificate of Incorporation of General Electric Company
Section 1. Name
The name of the corporation is General Electric Company.
Section 2. Purposes
The purposes of the corporation are as follows:
A. To manufacture, process, construct, develop, assemble, and produce in any way, to sell,
lease, supply, and distribute in any way, to purchase, lease, mine, extract, and acquire in any
way, to own, operate, experiment with, deal in, service, finance, and use in any way,
equipment, apparatus, appliances, devices, structures, materials, processes, information,
tangible and intangible property, services and systems of every kind, nature and description:
1. for any electrical, or energy-conversion, application or purpose, including but not limited to
the production, transmission, distribution, storage, regulation, control and use in any manner
of electricity, or in any way connected with or deriving from any electrical, or energy-
conversion, application or purpose, and,
2. for any other application or purpose, whatsoever, including but not limited to industrial,
utility, consumer, defense, governmental, scientific, educational, cultural, financial,
recreational, agricultural, transportation, construction, mining, and communication applications
or purposes.
B. To conduct studies and research and development, and to engage in any other activity
relating to the development, application, and dissemination of information concerning science,
technology, and other fields of endeavor.
C. To acquire by purchase, subscription or otherwise all or part of any interest in the property,
assets, business, or good will of any corporation, association, firm, or individual, and to
dispose of, or otherwise deal with, such property, assets, business or good will.
D. To engage in any activity which may promote the interests of the corporation, or enhance the
value of its property, to the fullest extent permitted by law, and in furtherance of the foregoing
purposes to exercise all powers now or hereafter granted or permitted by law, including the
powers specified in the New York Business Corporation Law.
Section 3. Authorized Shares
A. General Authorization
The aggregate number of shares which the corporation is authorized to issue is 1,700,000,000
shares, consisting of:
1. 1,650,000,000shares of common stock having a par value of $0.01 per share; and
Text of Certificate of Incorporation as set forth in the Restated Certificate of Incorporation filed by the Department of
State of New York on January 16, 2014, as amended by the Certificate of Amendment dated December 3, 2015, the
Certificate of Amendment dated January 19, 2016, the Certificate of Change dated September 1, 2016, the Certificate of
Amendment dated May 13, 2019, the Certificate of Change dated December 9, 2019, the Certificate of Amendment dated
July 30, 2021 and the Certificate of Change dated May 15, 2023. General Electric Company was created by a Special Act
of the New York Legislature, Chapter 323, Laws of 1892, effective April 15, 1892.
2. 50,000,000 shares of preferred stock having a par value of $1 per share.
B. Preferred Stock
1. The Board of Directors is authorized, subject to limitations prescribed by law and the
provisions of this subsection B, to provide for the issuance of the preferred shares in series,
and by filing a certificate pursuant to the Business Corporation Law, to establish the number
of shares to be included in each such series, and to fix the designation, relative rights,
preferences and limitations of the shares of each such series. The authority of the Board with
respect to each series shall include, but not be limited to, determination of the following:
(a) The number of shares constituting that series and the distinctive designation of that
(b) The dividend rate on the shares of that series, whether dividends shall be cumulative
and, if so, from which date or dates;
(c) Whether that series shall have voting rights, in addition to the voting rights provided
by law and, if so, the terms of such voting rights;
(d) Whether that series shall have conversion privileges and, if so, the terms and
conditions of such conversion, including provision for adjustment of the conversion rate in
such events as the Board of Directors shall determine;
(e) Whether or not the shares of that series shall be redeemable, and, if so, the terms
and conditions of such redemption, including the date or dates upon or after which they
shall be redeemable, and the amount per share payable in case of redemption, which
amount may vary under different conditions and at different redemption dates;
(f) The rights of the shares of that series in the event of voluntary or involuntary
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the corporation;
(g) Any other relative rights, preferences and limitations of that series.
2. Dividends on outstanding preferred shares shall be declared and paid, or set apart for
payment, before any dividends shall be declared and paid, or set apart for payment, on the
common shares with respect to the same dividend period.
3. Series A, Series B and Series C of Preferred Stock
(a) Designation. Three series of preferred stock designated the “Fixed-to-Floating Rate
Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, Series A” (hereinafter called “Series A”),
“Fixed-to-Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, Series B” (hereinafter
called “Series B”) and “Fixed-to-Floating Rate Non-Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock,
Series C” (hereinafter called “Series C,” and together with the Series A and the Series B,
the “Preferred Stock”) are established and the authorized number of shares that shall
constitute each such series of Preferred Stock is as follows:
(i) 2,777,625 shares of Series A, $1.00 par value per share and having a
liquidation preference of $1,000 per share;
(ii) 2,072,525 shares of Series B, $1.00 par value per share and having a
liquidation preference of $1,000 per share; and
(iii) 1,094,100 shares of Series C, $1.00 par value per share and having a
liquidation preference of $1,000 per share.
Such number of shares of each series of Preferred Stock may be increased or decreased
by resolution of the Board of Directors (or a duly authorized committee thereof); provided,
however, that no decrease shall reduce the number of shares of any series of Preferred
Stock to less than the number of shares of such series of Preferred Stock then issued and
outstanding plus the number of shares of such series of Preferred Stock issuable upon
exercise of outstanding rights, options or warrants or upon conversion of outstanding
securities issued by the corporation. The “original issue date” of the shares of each
series of the Preferred Stock shall be December 3, 2015. Shares of any outstanding
series of Preferred Stock that are redeemed, purchased or otherwise acquired by the
corporation shall be cancelled and shall revert to authorized but unissued shares of
preferred stock undesignated as to series.
(b) Ranking. The shares of the Preferred Stock shall rank:
(i) senior, with respect to the payment of dividends and distributions of assets
upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up, to the common stock and to any other
class or series of capital stock of the corporation now or hereafter authorized,
issued or outstanding that, by its terms, expressly provides that it ranks junior to
each series of the Preferred Stock with respect to the payment of dividends and
distributions of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
corporation, as the case may be (collectively, such common and such other
capital stock, “Junior Securities”); and
(ii) on a parity, with respect to the payment of dividends and distributions of
assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up, with any other class or series
of capital stock of the corporation now or hereafter authorized, issued or
outstanding that, by its terms, does not expressly provide that it ranks junior to
each series of the Preferred Stock with respect to the payment of dividends and
distributions of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
corporation, as the case may be (collectively, such other capital stock, “Parity
Each series of Preferred Stock shall rank on a parity, with respect to the payment of
dividends and distributions of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up, with each
of the other series of Preferred Stock.
The corporation may authorize and issue additional shares of Junior Securities and Parity
Securities without the consent of the holders of the Preferred Stock. The corporation may
not issue any class or series of capital stock of the corporation that, by its terms,
expressly provides that it ranks senior to the Preferred Stock with respect to the payment
of dividends or distributions of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
corporation, as the case may be.
(c) Dividends. (i) Holders of the Preferred Stock will be entitled to receive, when, as and
if declared by the Board of Directors (or a duly authorized committee thereof), out of
assets legally available for the payment of dividends, non-cumulative cash dividends
based on the liquidation preference of each series of the Preferred Stock at a rate equal
(1) with respect to Series A:
(i) 4.00% per annum for each semi-annual dividend period from
and including the original issue date to, but excluding, June 15,
2022 (the “Series A Fixed Rate Period”),
(ii) three-month LIBOR plus a spread of 2.28% per annum, for each
quarterly dividend period from and including June 15, 2022 to, but
not including, the redemption date of the Series A, if any (the “Series
A Floating Rate Period”);
(2) with respect to Series B:
(i) 4.10% per annum for each semi-annual dividend period from
and including the original issue date to, but excluding, December 15,
2022 (the “Series B Fixed Rate Period”);
(ii) three-month LIBOR plus a spread of 2.32% per annum, for each
quarterly dividend period from and including December 15, 2022 to,
but not including, the redemption date of the Series B, if any (the
“Series B Floating Rate Period”);
(3) with respect to Series C:
(i) 4.20% per annum for each semi-annual dividend period from
and including the original issue date to, but excluding, June 15,
2023 (the “Series C Fixed Rate Period,” and together with the Series
A Fixed Rate Period and the Series B Fixed Rate Period, the “Fixed
Rate Periods”); and
(ii) three-month LIBOR plus a spread of 2.37% per annum, for each
quarterly dividend period from and including June 15, 2023 to, but
not including, the redemption date of the Series C, if any (the
“Series C Floating Rate Period,” and together with the Series A
Floating Rate Period and the Series B Floating Rate Period, the
“Floating Rate Periods”).
In the event the corporation issues additional shares of any series of Preferred Stock
after the original issue date for such series, any dividends on such additional shares
shall accrue from the issue date of such additional shares.
References to the “accrual” (or similar terms) of dividends on each series of the
Preferred Stock refer only to the determination of the amount of such dividend and do
not imply that any right to a dividend arises prior to the date on which a dividend is
(ii) When, as and if declared by the Board of Directors (or a duly authorized
committee thereof), dividends will be payable on each series of the Preferred Stock
on the following dates (each such date, a “dividend payment date”):
(1) with respect to Series A:
(i) during the Series A Fixed Rate Period, dividends will be payable semi-
annually, in arrears, on June 15 and December 15 of each year, beginning
on December 15, 2015 and ending on June 15, 2022;
(ii) during the Series A Floating Rate Period, dividends will be payable
quarterly, in arrears, on March 15, June 15, September 15 and December 15
of each year, beginning on September 15, 2022;
(2) with respect to Series B:
(i) during the Series B Fixed Rate Period, dividends will be payable semi-
annually, in arrears, on June 15 and December 15 of each year, beginning
on December 15, 2015 and ending on December 15, 2022;
(ii) during the Series B Floating Rate Period, dividends will be payable
quarterly, in arrears, on March 15, June 15, September 15 and December 15
of each year, beginning on March 15, 2023;
(3) with respect to Series C:
(i) during the Series C Fixed Rate Period, dividends will be payable semi-
annually, in arrears, on June 15 and December 15 of each year, beginning
on December 15, 2015 and ending on June 15, 2023; and
(ii) during the Series C Floating Rate Period, dividends will be payable
quarterly, in arrears, on March 15, June 15, September 15 and December 15
of each year, beginning on September 15, 2023.
In the event that any dividend payment date during a Fixed Rate Period on which
dividends would otherwise be payable is not a Business Day, the dividend payment
date will be postponed to the next day that is a Business Day, without any adjustment
to the dividend amount. In the event that any dividend payment date during a
Floating Rate Period on which dividends would otherwise be payable is not a
Business Day, the dividend payment date will be postponed to the next day that is a
Business Day and dividends will accrue to, but exclude, the date dividends are paid.
However, if the postponement would cause the dividend payment date to fall in the
next calendar month during a Floating Rate Period, the dividend payment date will
instead be brought forward to the immediately preceding Business Day. A “Business
Day” means any weekday that is not a legal holiday in New York, New York and that
is not a day on which banking institutions in New York, New York are authorized or
required by law or regulation to be closed.
(iii) Dividends will be payable to holders of record of the Preferred Stock as they
appear on the corporation’s stock register on the applicable record date, which shall
be the 15th calendar day before the applicable dividend payment date, or such other
record date, no earlier than 30 calendar days before the applicable dividend payment
date, as shall be fixed by the Board of Directors (or a duly authorized committee
(iv) A “dividend period” is the period from and including a dividend payment date to,
but excluding, the next dividend payment date (without giving effect during a Fixed
Rate Period to any adjustment of the dividend payment date because any such date
is not a Business Day), except that the initial dividend period during a Fixed Rate
Period will commence on and include the original issue date of the relevant series of
the Preferred Stock. Dividends payable on the Preferred Stock for a Fixed Rate
Period will be computed on the basis of a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day
months. Dividends payable on the Preferred Stock for a Floating Rate Period will be
computed based on the actual number of days in a dividend period and a 360-day
year. Dollar amounts resulting from that calculation will be rounded to the nearest
cent, with one-half cent being rounded upward. Dividends on the Preferred Stock will
cease to accrue on the redemption date, if any, unless the corporation defaults in the
redemption (which would include a default in the payment of the redemption price) of
the shares of the Preferred Stock called for redemption.
(v) The dividend rate for each dividend period in a Floating Rate Period will be
determined by the calculation agent using three-month LIBOR as in effect on the
second London banking day prior to the beginning of the dividend period, which date
is the “dividend determination date” for the dividend period. The calculation agent
then will add the spread of (a) 2.28% (in respect of the Series A), (b) 2.32% (in
respect of the Series B) and (c) 2.37% (in respect of the Series C), in each case, per
annum, to the three-month LIBOR as determined on the dividend determination date.
Absent manifest error, the calculation agent’s determination of the dividend rate for a
dividend period for any series of Preferred Stock will be binding and conclusive on
the holders of any such series of Preferred Stock, the transfer agent and the
corporation. The calculation agent will notify the corporation of each determination of
the dividend rate and will make the dividend rate available to any stockholder upon
A “London banking day” is any day on which dealings in deposits in U.S. dollars are
transacted in the London interbank market.
The “calculation agent” means, at any time, the person or entity appointed by the
corporation and serving as such agent at such time. The corporation may terminate
any such appointment and may appoint a successor agent at any time and from time
to time, provided that the corporation shall use its best efforts to ensure that there is,
at all relevant times when any series of Preferred Stock is outstanding, a person or
entity appointed and serving as such agent. The calculation agent may be a person
or entity affiliated with the corporation.
The term “three-month LIBOR” means the London interbank offered rate for deposits
in U.S. dollars having an index maturity of three months in amounts of at least
$1,000,000, as that rate appears on Reuters screen page “LIBOR01” (or its
equivalent on Bloomberg) at approximately 11:00 a.m., London time, on the relevant
dividend determination date. If no offered rate appears on Reuters screen page
“LIBOR01” on the relevant dividend determination date at approximately 11:00 a.m.,
London time, the corporation will select four major banks in the London interbank
market and will request each of their principal London offices to provide a quotation of
the rate at which three-month deposits in U.S. dollars in amounts of at least
$1,000,000 are offered by it to prime banks in the London interbank market, on that
date and at that time, that is representative of single transactions at that time. The
corporation shall notify the calculation agent of the quotations. If at least two
quotations are provided, three-month LIBOR will be the arithmetic average (rounded
upward, if necessary, to the nearest .00001 of 1%) of the quotations provided.
Otherwise, the corporation will select three major banks in New York City and will
request each of them to provide a quotation of the rate offered by it at approximately
11:00 a.m., New York City time, on the dividend determination date for loans in U.S.
dollars to leading European banks having an index maturity of three months for the
applicable dividend period in an amount of at least $1,000,000 that is representative
of single transactions at that time. If three quotations are provided to the calculation
agent by the corporation, three-month LIBOR will be the arithmetic average (rounded
upward, if necessary, to the nearest .00001 of 1%) of the quotations provided.
Otherwise, three-month LIBOR for the next dividend period will be equal to three-
month LIBOR in effect for the then-current dividend period.
(vi) Dividends on each series of the Preferred Stock will not be cumulative and will
not be mandatory. If the Board of Directors (or a duly authorized committee thereof)
does not declare a dividend on any series of Preferred Stock in respect of a dividend
period, then no dividend shall be deemed to have accrued for such dividend period,
be payable on the applicable dividend payment date or be cumulative, and the
corporation will have no obligation to pay any dividend for that dividend period,
whether or not the Board of Directors (or a duly authorized committee thereof)
declares a dividend for any future dividend period on such series of Preferred Stock,
any other series of Preferred Stock or on any other series of the corporation’s
preferred stock or common stock.
(vii) While any series of the Preferred Stock remains outstanding, unless, in each
case, the full dividends for the preceding dividend period on all outstanding shares of
such series of Preferred Stock have been declared and paid or declared and a sum
sufficient for the payment thereof has been set aside:
(1) no dividend shall be declared or paid or set aside for payment and no
distribution shall be declared or made or set aside for payment on any Junior
Securities (other than (i) a dividend payable solely in Junior Securities or (ii) any
dividend in connection with the implementation of a stockholders’ rights plan, or
the redemption, repurchase or exchange of any rights under any such plan);
(2) no shares of Junior Securities shall be purchased, redeemed or otherwise
acquired for consideration by the corporation, directly or indirectly (nor shall any
monies be paid to or made available for a sinking fund for the redemption of any
such securities by the corporation) (other than (i) as a result of a reclassification
of Junior Securities for or into other Junior Securities, (ii) the exchange or
conversion of one share of Junior Securities for or into another share of Junior
Securities, (iii) through the use of the proceeds of a substantially
contemporaneous sale of other shares of Junior Securities, (iv) purchases,
redemptions or other acquisitions of shares of Junior Securities in connection
with any employment contract, benefit plan or other similar arrangement with or
for the benefit of employees, officers, directors or consultants, (v) purchases of
shares of Junior Securities pursuant to a contractually binding requirement to buy
Junior Securities existing prior to the preceding dividend period, including under
a contractually binding stock repurchase plan, or (vi) the purchase of fractional
interests in shares of Junior Securities pursuant to the conversion or exchange
provisions of such stock or the security being converted or exchanged); and
(3) no shares of Parity Securities shall be purchased, redeemed or otherwise
acquired for consideration by the corporation, directly or indirectly (other than (i)
pursuant to offers to purchase all, or a pro rata portion, of the Preferred Stock
and such Parity Securities; (ii) by conversion into or exchange for Junior
Securities; (iii) as a result of a reclassification of Parity Securities for or into other
Parity Securities; (iv) through the use of the proceeds of a substantially
contemporaneous sale of other shares of Parity Securities; (v) purchases,
redemptions or other acquisitions of shares of the Parity Securities in connection
with any employment contract, benefit plan or other similar arrangement with or
for the benefit of employees, officers, directors or consultants; or (vi) the
purchase of fractional interests in shares of Parity Securities pursuant to the
conversion or exchange provisions of such stock or the security being converted
or exchanged).
For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this paragraph (vii) shall limit the corporation
from taking any of the actions set forth in this paragraph (vii) after the original issue
date of the Preferred Stock and prior to the first dividend payment date.
(viii) When dividends are not paid in full upon the shares of any series of Preferred
Stock and any Parity Securities, all dividends declared upon shares of any series of
Preferred Stock and any Parity Securities will be declared on a proportional basis so
that the ratio of dividends to be declared on any such series of Preferred Stock for the
then-current dividend period to dividends to be declared on any Parity Securities is
the same as the ratio of accrued but undeclared dividends on such series of
Preferred Stock for the then-current dividend period to accrued but undeclared
dividends, including any accumulations in the case of Parity Securities that accrue
cumulative dividends, on any Parity Securities.
(ix) Subject to the foregoing, and not otherwise, dividends (payable in cash, stock or
otherwise), as may be determined by the Board of Directors (or a duly authorized
committee thereof), may be declared and paid on the corporation’s Junior Securities
and the corporation’s Parity Securities from time to time out of any assets legally
available for such payment, and the holders of the Preferred Stock shall not be
entitled to participate in any such dividend.
(d) Liquidation. (i) Upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the business and
affairs of the corporation, either voluntarily or involuntarily, holders of each series of the
Preferred Stock are entitled to receive a liquidating distribution of $1,000 per share, plus
any declared and unpaid dividends, without accumulation of any undeclared dividends,
out of assets of the corporation available for distribution to stockholders before the
corporation makes any distribution of assets to the holders of the corporation’s Junior
Securities. Distributions will be made only to the extent of the corporation’s assets that
are available after satisfaction of all liabilities to creditors and subject to the rights of
holders of any securities ranking senior to the Preferred Stock and pro rata as to each
series of the Preferred Stock and any other shares of the corporation’s stock ranking
equally as to such distribution. Holders of Preferred Stock will not be entitled to any other
amounts from the corporation after they have received their full liquidating distribution.
(ii) In any such distribution, if the assets of the corporation are not sufficient to pay
the liquidation preferences plus declared and unpaid dividends in full to all holders of
each series of the Preferred Stock and all holders of any Parity Securities, the
amounts paid to the holders of the Preferred Stock and any Parity Securities will be
paid pro rata in accordance with the respective aggregate liquidating distribution
owed to those holders. If the liquidation preference plus declared and unpaid
dividends has been paid in full to all holders of each series of the Preferred Stock and
any Parity Securities, the holders of the corporation’s Junior Securities shall be
entitled to receive all remaining assets of the corporation according to their respective
rights and preferences.
(iii) For purposes of this section, the merger or consolidation of the corporation with
any other entity, including a merger or consolidation in which the holders of the
Preferred Stock receive cash, securities or property for their shares, or the sale, lease
or exchange of all or substantially all of the assets of the corporation for cash,
securities or other property, shall not constitute a liquidation, dissolution or winding up
of the business and affairs of the corporation.
(e) Redemption. (i) Each series of the Preferred Stock is perpetual and has no maturity
date. None of the series of the Preferred Stock is subject to any mandatory redemption,
sinking fund or other similar provisions. The corporation may redeem, to the extent of
lawfully available funds, any of the Preferred Stock at the option of the corporation, in
whole or in part, from time to time, on any dividend payment date on or after June 15,
2022 (in respect of the Series A), December 15, 2022 (in respect of the Series B) or June
15, 2023 (in respect of the Series C), in each case, at a redemption price equal to $1,000
per share, plus any declared and unpaid dividends, without accumulation of any
undeclared dividends.
(ii) If shares of any series of the Preferred Stock are to be redeemed, the notice of
redemption shall be given by first class mail to the holders of record of the Preferred
Stock to be redeemed, mailed not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days prior to
the date fixed for redemption thereof (provided that, if such shares of the Preferred
Stock are held in book-entry form through The Depository Trust Company, or “DTC”,
the corporation may give such notice in any manner permitted by DTC). Each notice
of redemption will include a statement setting forth: (i) the redemption date; (ii) the
number of shares and series of the Preferred Stock to be redeemed and, if less than
all the shares held by the holder are to be redeemed, the number of such shares of
Preferred Stock to be redeemed from the holder; (iii) the redemption price; (iv) the
place or places where the certificates evidencing shares of the Preferred Stock are to
be surrendered for payment of the redemption price; and (v) that dividends on the
shares to be redeemed will cease to accrue on the redemption date. If notice of
redemption of any shares of the Preferred Stock has been duly given and if the funds
necessary for such redemption have been irrevocably set aside by the corporation for
the benefit of the holders of any shares of the Preferred Stock so called for
redemption, then, on and after the redemption date, dividends will cease to accrue on
such shares of Preferred Stock, such shares of Preferred Stock shall no longer be
deemed outstanding and all rights of the holders of such shares will terminate, except
the right to receive the redemption price plus any declared and unpaid dividends
without accumulation of any undeclared dividends.
(iii) In case of any redemption of only part of the shares of a series of the Preferred
Stock at the time outstanding, the shares to be redeemed shall be selected either pro
rata, by lot or in such other manner as the corporation may determine to be equitable.
Subject to the provisions hereof, the Board of Directors (or a duly authorized
committee thereof) shall have full power and authority to prescribe the terms and
conditions upon which shares of the Preferred Stock shall be redeemed from time to
(iv) The holders of the Preferred Stock do not have the right to require the redemption
or purchase by the corporation of any of the shares of any of the series of the
Preferred Stock.
(f) Voting Rights. (i) Except as provided below or as expressly required by law, the
holders of shares of Preferred Stock shall have no voting power, and no right to vote on
any matter at any time, either as a separate series or class or together with any other
series or class of shares of capital stock, and shall not be entitled to call a meeting of
such holders for any purpose, nor shall they be entitled to participate in any meeting of
the holders of the corporation’s common stock.
(ii) Each share of each series of the Preferred Stock will have one vote whenever it
is entitled to voting rights. If the corporation redeems or calls for redemption all
outstanding shares of each series of the Preferred Stock and irrevocably deposits in
trust sufficient funds to effect such redemption, the shares of each series of the
Preferred Stock will not be deemed outstanding for the purpose of voting and the
voting provisions with respect to the Preferred Stock shall not apply.
(iii) If the corporation fails to pay, or declare and set apart for payment, dividends on
outstanding shares of any series of the Preferred Stock or any other series of
preferred stock upon which equivalent voting rights have been conferred for three
semi-annual or six quarterly dividend periods, whether or not consecutive, the
number of directors of the corporation shall automatically be increased by two at the
corporation’s first annual meeting of shareholders held thereafter, and shall remain
increased until continuous noncumulative dividends for at least one year on all
outstanding shares of each series of the Preferred Stock and any other series of
preferred stock upon which equivalent voting rights have been conferred shall have
been paid, or declared and set apart for payment, in full. At such annual meeting, the
holders of the shares of Preferred Stock and all series of other preferred stock upon
which equivalent voting rights have been conferred, shall have the right, voting as a
class, to elect such two additional members of the Board of Directors to hold office for
a term of one year. Upon the payments, or the declarations and setting apart for
payments, in full, of continuous noncumulative dividends for at least one year on all
outstanding shares of each series of the Preferred Stock and any other series of
preferred stock upon which equivalent voting rights have been conferred, the terms of
the two additional directors so elected shall forthwith terminate, and the number of
directors shall automatically be reduced by two, and such voting right of the holders
of shares of each series of the Preferred Stock and such other series of preferred
stock upon which equivalent voting rights have been conferred shall cease, subject to
increase in the number of directors as described above and to revesting of such
voting right in the event of each and every additional failure in the payment of
dividends for three semi-annual or six quarterly dividend periods, whether or not
consecutive, as described above.
The holders of each series of the Preferred Stock, together with holders of shares of
other preferred stock entitled to elect members of the Board of Directors, voting
together as a class, may remove and replace (without cause) either of the members
of the Board of Directors they elected. If the office of either such member of the
Board of Directors becomes vacant for any reason other than removal, the remaining
member of the Board of Directors elected in accordance with this paragraph (iii) may
choose a successor who will hold office for the unexpired term of the vacant office.
(iv) For purposes of the voting rights provided under Section 804 or any other
provision of Article 8 (or any successor provision) of the New York Business
Corporation Law, the granting of additional voting rights to holders of the Preferred
Stock shall be deemed to not adversely affect the rights of the holders of shares of
the Preferred Stock and shall be permitted without the consent or vote of any such
(g) Conversion Rights. The Preferred Stock will not be convertible into, or exchangeable
for, shares of any other class or series of stock or other securities of the corporation.
(h) Preemptive Rights. The holders of shares of Preferred Stock will have no preemptive
rights with respect to any shares of the corporation’s capital stock or any of its other
securities convertible into or carrying rights or options to purchase any such capital stock.
(i) Purchase. The corporation may purchase and sell the Preferred Stock from time to
time to such extent, in such manner, and upon such terms as the Board of Directors (or
any duly authorized committee thereof) may determine.
(j) Certificates. Except as otherwise expressly provided below, each series of the
Preferred Stock shall be issued solely in the form of one or more permanent global stock
certificates (each a “Global Certificate”) registered in the name of the Depositary or a
nominee thereof and delivered to such Depositary or nominee thereof or custodian
therefor. No Global Certificate may be exchanged in whole or in part for certificates
registered, and no transfer of a Global Certificate in whole or in part may be registered, in
the name of any person other than the Depositary for such Global Certificate or a
nominee thereof unless (A) such Depositary (i) has notified the corporation that it is
unwilling or unable to continue its services as Depositary for such Global Certificate and
no successor Depositary has been appointed within 90 days after such notice or (ii)
ceases to be a “clearing agency” registered under Section 17A of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”) when the Depositary is required
to be so registered to act as the depositary and so notifies the corporation, and no
successor Depositary has been appointed within 90 days after such notice or the
corporation becoming aware that the Depositary is no longer so registered or (B) the
corporation determines at any time that any series of the Preferred Stock shall no longer
be represented by Global Certificates and shall inform such Depositary of such
determination. In the event of the occurrence of any of the events specified in the
preceding sentence, the corporation will promptly make available to the transfer agent a
reasonable supply of certificates for such affected series of the Preferred Stock in
definitive, fully registered form.
For purposes of the foregoing, “Depositary” means a “clearing agency” registered under
Section 17A of the Exchange Act that is designated by the corporation to act as
depositary for each series of the Preferred Stock.
Global Certificates may include legends in substantially the following form and/or such
other notations, legends or endorsements required by law, stock exchange rules, the
Depositary or agreements to which the corporation is subject:
4. Series D of Preferred Stock
(a) Designation. A series of preferred stock designated the “Fixed-to-Floating Rate Non-
Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, Series D” (hereinafter called “Series D”) is
established and the authorized number of shares that shall constitute such series is
5,944,250 shares, $1.00 par value per share and having a liquidation preference of $1,000
per share.
Such number of shares of Series D may be increased or decreased by resolution of the
Board of Directors (or a duly authorized committee thereof); provided, however, that no
decrease shall reduce the number of shares of Series D to less than the number of shares
of Series D then issued and outstanding plus the number of shares of Series D issuable
upon exercise of outstanding rights, options or warrants or upon conversion of outstanding
securities issued by the corporation. The “original issue date” of the shares of Series D
shall be January 20, 2016. Any outstanding shares of Series D that are redeemed,
purchased or otherwise acquired by the corporation shall be cancelled and shall revert to
authorized but unissued shares of preferred stock undesignated as to series.
(b) Ranking. The shares of Series D shall rank:
(i) senior, with respect to the payment of dividends and distributions of assets upon
liquidation, dissolution or winding up, to the common stock and to any other class or
series of capital stock of the corporation now or hereafter authorized, issued or
outstanding that, by its terms, expressly provides that it ranks junior to the shares of
Series D with respect to the payment of dividends and distributions of assets upon
liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the corporation, as the case may be
(collectively, such common and such other capital stock, “Junior Securities”); and
(ii) on a parity, with respect to the payment of dividends and distributions of assets
upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up, with any other class or series of capital
stock of the corporation now or hereafter authorized, issued or outstanding that, by its
terms, does not expressly provide that it ranks junior to the shares of Series D with
respect to the payment of dividends and distributions of assets upon liquidation,
dissolution or winding up of the corporation, as the case may be (collectively, such
other capital stock, “Parity Securities”).
The Series D shall rank on a parity, with respect to the payment of dividends and
distributions of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up, with each series of
preferred stock issued by the corporation prior to the original issue date of the Series D.
The corporation may authorize and issue additional shares of Junior Securities and Parity
Securities without the consent of the holders of the shares of Series D. The corporation
may not issue any class or series of capital stock of the corporation that, by its terms,
expressly provides that it ranks senior to the shares of Series D with respect to the payment
of dividends or distributions of assets upon liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
corporation, as the case may be.
(c) Dividends. (i) Holders of the shares of Series D will be entitled to receive, when, as
and if declared by the Board of Directors (or a duly authorized committee thereof), out of
assets legally available for the payment of dividends, non-cumulative cash dividends based
on the liquidation preference of the Series D at a rate equal to:
(1) 5.00% per annum for each semi-annual dividend period from and including the
original issue date to, but excluding, January 21, 2021 (the “Series D Fixed Rate
Period”); and
(2) three-month LIBOR plus a spread of 3.33% per annum, for each quarterly
dividend period from and including January 21, 2021 to, but not including, the
redemption date of the Series D, if any (the “Series D Floating Rate Period”).
In the event the corporation issues additional shares of Series D after the original issue
date, any dividends on such additional shares shall accrue from the issue date of such
additional shares.
References to the “accrual” (or similar terms) of dividends on the Series D refer only to
the determination of the amount of such dividend and do not imply that any right to a
dividend arises prior to the date on which a dividend is declared.
(ii) When, as and if declared by the Board of Directors (or a duly authorized committee
thereof), dividends will be payable on Series D on the following dates (each such date,
a “dividend payment date”):
(1) during the Series D Fixed Rate Period, dividends will be payable semi-
annually, in arrears, on June 15 and December 15 of each year, beginning on June
15, 2016 (provided that the final semi-annual dividend period during the Series D
Fixed Rate Period will be from December 15, 2020 to, but excluding, January 21,
2021 and the final dividend payment date with respect to the Series D Fixed Rate
Period will be January 21, 2021); and
(2) during the Series D Floating Rate Period, dividends will be payable quarterly,
in arrears, on March 15, June 15, September 15 and December 15 of each year,
beginning on March 15, 2021. The initial quarterly dividend period during the
Series D Floating Rate Period will be from January 21, 2021 to, but excluding,
March 15, 2021.
In the event that any dividend payment date during the Series D Fixed Rate Period on
which dividends would otherwise be payable is not a Business Day, the dividend
payment date will be postponed to the next day that is a Business Day, without any
adjustment to the dividend amount. In the event that any dividend payment date during
the Series D Floating Rate Period on which dividends would otherwise be payable is
not a Business Day, the dividend payment date will be postponed to the next day that
is a Business Day and dividends will accrue to, but exclude, the date dividends are
paid. However, if the postponement would cause the dividend payment date to fall in
the next calendar month during the Series D Floating Rate Period, the dividend
payment date will instead be brought forward to the immediately preceding Business
Day. A “Business Day” means any weekday that is not a legal holiday in New York,
New York and that is not a day on which banking institutions in New York, New York
are authorized or required by law or regulation to be closed.
(iii) Dividends will be payable to holders of record of the shares of Series D as they
appear on the corporation’s stock register on the applicable record date, which shall
be the 15th calendar day before the applicable dividend payment date, or such other
record date, no earlier than 30 calendar days before the applicable dividend payment
date, as shall be fixed by the Board of Directors (or a duly authorized committee
(iv) A “dividend period” is the period from and including a dividend payment date to,
but excluding, the next dividend payment date (without giving effect during the Series
D Fixed Rate Period to any adjustment of the dividend payment date because any such
date is not a Business Day), except that the initial dividend period during the Series D
Fixed Rate Period will commence on and include the original issue date of the Series
D. Dividends payable on the Series D for the Series D Fixed Rate Period will be
computed on the basis of a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months.
Dividends payable on the Series D for the Series D Floating Rate Period will be
computed based on the actual number of days in a dividend period and a 360-day year.
Dollar amounts resulting from that calculation will be rounded to the nearest cent, with
one-half cent being rounded upward. Dividends on the Series D will cease to accrue
on the redemption date, if any, unless the corporation defaults in the redemption (which
would include a default in the payment of the redemption price) of the shares of Series
D called for redemption.
(v) The dividend rate for each dividend period in the Series D Floating Rate Period will
be determined by the calculation agent using three-month LIBOR as in effect on the
second London banking day prior to the beginning of the dividend period, which date
is the “dividend determination date” for the dividend period. The calculation agent then
will add the spread of 3.33% per annum to the three-month LIBOR as determined on
the dividend determination date. Absent manifest error, the calculation agent’s
determination of the dividend rate for a dividend period for the Series D will be binding
and conclusive on the holders of shares of Series D, the transfer agent and the
corporation. The calculation agent will notify the corporation of each determination of
the dividend rate and will make the dividend rate available to any stockholder upon
A “London banking day” is any day on which dealings in deposits in U.S. dollars are
transacted in the London interbank market.
The “calculation agent” means, at any time, the person or entity appointed by the
corporation and serving as such agent at such time. The corporation may terminate
any such appointment and may appoint a successor agent at any time and from time
to time, provided that the corporation shall use its best efforts to ensure that there is,
at all relevant times when any shares of Series D are outstanding, a person or entity
appointed and serving as such agent. The calculation agent may be a person or entity
affiliated with the corporation.
The term “three-month LIBOR” means the London interbank offered rate for deposits
in U.S. dollars having an index maturity of three months in amounts of at least
$1,000,000, as that rate appears on Reuters screen page “LIBOR01” (or its equivalent
on Bloomberg) at approximately 11:00 a.m., London time, on the relevant dividend
determination date. If no offered rate appears on Reuters screen page “LIBOR01” on
the relevant dividend determination date at approximately 11:00 a.m., London time, the
corporation will select four major banks in the London interbank market and will request
each of their principal London offices to provide a quotation of the rate at which three-
month deposits in U.S. dollars in amounts of at least $1,000,000 are offered by it to
prime banks in the London interbank market, on that date and at that time, that is
representative of single transactions at that time. The corporation shall notify the
calculation agent of the quotations. If at least two quotations are provided, three-month
LIBOR will be the arithmetic average (rounded upward, if necessary, to the nearest
.00001 of 1%) of the quotations provided. Otherwise, the corporation will select three
major banks in New York City and will request each of them to provide a quotation of
the rate offered by it at approximately 11:00 a.m., New York City time, on the dividend
determination date for loans in U.S. dollars to leading European banks having an index
maturity of three months for the applicable dividend period in an amount of at least
$1,000,000 that is representative of single transactions at that time. If three quotations
are provided to the calculation agent by the corporation, three-month LIBOR will be the
arithmetic average (rounded upward, if necessary, to the nearest .00001 of 1%) of the
quotations provided. Otherwise, three-month LIBOR for the next dividend period will
be equal to three-month LIBOR in effect for the then-current dividend period.
(vi) Dividends on the Series D will not be cumulative and will not be mandatory. If the
Board of Directors (or a duly authorized committee thereof) does not declare a dividend
on the Series D in respect of a dividend period, then no dividend shall be deemed to
have accrued for such dividend period, be payable on the applicable dividend payment
date or be cumulative, and the corporation will have no obligation to pay any dividend
for that dividend period, whether or not the Board of Directors (or a duly authorized
committee thereof) declares a dividend for any future dividend period on the Series D
or on any other series of the corporation’s preferred stock or common stock.
(vii) While the Series D remains outstanding, unless, in each case, the full dividends
for the preceding dividend period on all outstanding shares of Series D have been
declared and paid or declared and a sum sufficient for the payment thereof has been
set aside:
(1) no dividend shall be declared or paid or set aside for payment and no
distribution shall be declared or made or set aside for payment on any Junior
Securities (other than (i) a dividend payable solely in Junior Securities or (ii) any
dividend in connection with the implementation of a stockholders’ rights plan, or
the redemption, repurchase or exchange of any rights under any such plan);
(2) no shares of Junior Securities shall be purchased, redeemed or otherwise
acquired for consideration by the corporation, directly or indirectly (nor shall any
monies be paid to or made available for a sinking fund for the redemption of any
such securities by the corporation) (other than (i) as a result of a reclassification of
Junior Securities for or into other Junior Securities, (ii) the exchange or conversion
of one share of Junior Securities for or into another share of Junior Securities,
(iii) through the use of the proceeds of a substantially contemporaneous sale of
other shares of Junior Securities, (iv) purchases, redemptions or other acquisitions
of shares of Junior Securities in connection with any employment contract, benefit
plan or other similar arrangement with or for the benefit of employees, officers,
directors or consultants, (v) purchases of shares of Junior Securities pursuant to a
contractually binding requirement to buy Junior Securities existing prior to the
preceding dividend period, including under a contractually binding stock
repurchase plan, or (vi) the purchase of fractional interests in shares of Junior
Securities pursuant to the conversion or exchange provisions of such stock or the
security being converted or exchanged); and
(3) no shares of Parity Securities shall be purchased, redeemed or otherwise
acquired for consideration by the corporation, directly or indirectly (other than (i)
pursuant to offers to purchase all, or a pro rata portion, of the Series D and such
Parity Securities; (ii) by conversion into or exchange for Junior Securities; (iii) as a
result of a reclassification of Parity Securities for or into other Parity Securities; (iv)
through the use of the proceeds of a substantially contemporaneous sale of other
shares of Parity Securities; (v) purchases, redemptions or other acquisitions of
shares of the Parity Securities in connection with any employment contract, benefit
plan or other similar arrangement with or for the benefit of employees, officers,
directors or consultants; or (vi) the purchase of fractional interests in shares of
Parity Securities pursuant to the conversion or exchange provisions of such stock
or the security being converted or exchanged).
For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this paragraph (vii) shall limit the corporation
from taking any of the actions set forth in this paragraph (vii) after the original issue
date of the Series D and prior to the first dividend payment date.
(viii) When dividends are not paid in full upon the shares of Series D and any Parity
Securities, all dividends declared upon shares of Series D and any Parity Securities
will be declared on a proportional basis so that the ratio of dividends to be declared on
any Series D for the then-current dividend period to dividends to be declared on any
Parity Securities is the same as the ratio of accrued but undeclared dividends on the
Series D for the then-current dividend period to accrued but undeclared dividends,
including any accumulations in the case of Parity Securities that accrue cumulative
dividends, on any Parity Securities.
(ix) Subject to the foregoing, and not otherwise, dividends (payable in cash, stock or
otherwise), as may be determined by the Board of Directors (or a duly authorized
committee thereof), may be declared and paid on the corporation’s Junior Securities
and the corporation’s Parity Securities from time to time out of any assets legally
available for such payment, and the holders of shares of Series D shall not be entitled
to participate in any such dividend.
(d) Liquidation. (i) Upon any liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the business and
affairs of the corporation, either voluntarily or involuntarily, holders of shares of Series D
are entitled to receive a liquidating distribution of $1,000 per share, plus any declared and
unpaid dividends, without accumulation of any undeclared dividends, out of assets of the
corporation available for distribution to stockholders before the corporation makes any
distribution of assets to the holders of the corporation’s Junior Securities. Distributions will
be made only to the extent of the corporation’s assets that are available after satisfaction
of all liabilities to creditors and subject to the rights of holders of any securities ranking
senior to the Series D and pro rata as to the Series D and any other shares of the
corporation’s stock ranking equally as to such distribution. Holders of shares of Series D
will not be entitled to any other amounts from the corporation after they have received their
full liquidating distribution.
(ii) In any such distribution, if the assets of the corporation are not sufficient to
pay the liquidation preferences plus declared and unpaid dividends in full to all holders
of shares of Series D and all holders of any Parity Securities, the amounts paid to the
holders of shares of Series D and any Parity Securities will be paid pro rata in
accordance with the respective aggregate liquidating distribution owed to those
holders. If the liquidation preference plus declared and unpaid dividends has been paid
in full to all holders of shares of Series D and any Parity Securities, the holders of the
corporation’s Junior Securities shall be entitled to receive all remaining assets of the
corporation according to their respective rights and preferences.
(iii) For purposes of this section, the merger or consolidation of the corporation
with any other entity, including a merger or consolidation in which the holders of shares
of Series D receive cash, securities or property for their shares, or the sale, lease or
exchange of all or substantially all of the assets of the corporation for cash, securities
or other property, shall not constitute a liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the
business and affairs of the corporation.
(e) Redemption. (i) The Series D is perpetual and has no maturity date. The Series D is
not subject to any mandatory redemption, sinking fund or other similar provisions. The
corporation may redeem, to the extent of lawfully available funds, the Series D, at the option
of the corporation, in whole or in part, from time to time, on any dividend payment date on
or after January 21, 2021, at a redemption price equal to $1,000 per share, plus any
declared and unpaid dividends, without accumulation of any undeclared dividends.
(ii) If shares of Series D are to be redeemed, the notice of redemption shall be given
by first class mail to the holders of record of the shares of Series D to be redeemed,
mailed not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days prior to the date fixed for
redemption thereof (provided that, if such shares of Series D are held in book-entry
form through The Depository Trust Company, or “DTC”, the corporation may give such
notice in any manner permitted by DTC). Each notice of redemption will include a
statement setting forth: (i) the redemption date; (ii) the number of shares of Series D to
be redeemed and, if less than all the shares held by the holder are to be redeemed,
the number of such shares of Series D to be redeemed from the holder; (iii) the
redemption price; (iv) the place or places where the certificates evidencing shares of
Series D are to be surrendered for payment of the redemption price; and (v) that
dividends on the shares to be redeemed will cease to accrue on the redemption date.
If notice of redemption of any shares of Series D has been duly given and if the funds
necessary for such redemption have been irrevocably set aside by the corporation for
the benefit of the holders of any shares of Series D so called for redemption, then, on
and after the redemption date, dividends will cease to accrue on such shares of Series
D, such shares of Series D shall no longer be deemed outstanding and all rights of the
holders of such shares will terminate, except the right to receive the redemption
price plus any declared and unpaid dividends without accumulation of any undeclared
(iii) In case of any redemption of only part of the shares of Series D at the time
outstanding, the shares to be redeemed shall be selected either pro rata, by lot or in
such other manner as the corporation may determine to be equitable. Subject to the
provisions hereof, the Board of Directors (or a duly authorized committee thereof) shall
have full power and authority to prescribe the terms and conditions upon which shares
of Series D shall be redeemed from time to time.
(iv) The holders of the shares of Series D do not have the right to require the
redemption or purchase by the corporation of any of the shares of Series D.
(f) Voting Rights. (i) Except as provided below or as expressly required by law, the
holders of shares of Series D shall have no voting power, and no right to vote on any matter
at any time, either as a separate series or class or together with any other series or class
of shares of capital stock, and shall not be entitled to call a meeting of such holders for any
purpose, nor shall they be entitled to participate in any meeting of the holders of the
corporation’s common stock.
(ii) Each share of Series D will have one vote whenever it is entitled to voting rights.
If the corporation redeems or calls for redemption all outstanding shares of Series D
and irrevocably deposits in trust sufficient funds to effect such redemption, the shares
of Series D will not be deemed outstanding for the purpose of voting and the voting
provisions with respect to the Series D shall not apply.
(iii) If the corporation fails to pay, or declare and set apart for payment, dividends on
outstanding shares of Series D or any other series of preferred stock upon which
equivalent voting rights have been conferred for three semi-annual or six quarterly
dividend periods, whether or not consecutive, the number of directors of the corporation
shall automatically be increased by two at the corporation’s first annual meeting of
shareholders held thereafter, and shall remain increased until continuous
noncumulative dividends for at least one year on all outstanding shares of Series D
and any other series of preferred stock upon which equivalent voting rights have been
conferred shall have been paid, or declared and set apart for payment, in full. At such
annual meeting, the holders of the shares of Series D and all series of other preferred
stock upon which equivalent voting rights have been conferred, shall have the right,
voting as a class, to elect such two additional members of the Board of Directors to
hold office for a term of one year. Upon the payments, or the declarations and setting
apart for payments, in full, of continuous noncumulative dividends for at least one year
on all outstanding shares of Series D and any other series of preferred stock upon
which equivalent voting rights have been conferred, the terms of the two additional
directors so elected shall forthwith terminate, and the number of directors shall
automatically be reduced by two, and such voting right of the holders of shares of
Series D and such other series of preferred stock upon which equivalent voting rights
have been conferred shall cease, subject to increase in the number of directors as
described above and to revesting of such voting right in the event of each and every
additional failure in the payment of dividends for three semi-annual or six quarterly
dividend periods, whether or not consecutive, as described above.
The holders of shares of Series D, together with holders of shares of other preferred
stock entitled to elect members of the Board of Directors, voting together as a class,
may remove and replace (without cause) either of the members of the Board of
Directors they elected. If the office of either such member of the Board of Directors
becomes vacant for any reason other than removal, the remaining member of the
Board of Directors elected in accordance with this paragraph (iii) may choose a
successor who will hold office for the unexpired term of the vacant office.
(iv) For purposes of the voting rights provided under Section 804 or any other provision
of Article 8 (or any successor provision) of the New York Business Corporation Law,
the granting of additional voting rights to holders of shares of Series D shall be deemed
to not adversely affect the rights of the holders of shares of Series D and shall be
permitted without the consent or vote of any such holders.
(g) Conversion Rights. The Series D will not be convertible into, or exchangeable for,
shares of any other class or series of stock or other securities of the corporation.
(h) Preemptive Rights. The holders of shares of Series D will have no preemptive rights
with respect to any shares of the corporation’s capital stock or any of its other securities
convertible into or carrying rights or options to purchase any such capital stock.
(i) Purchase. The corporation may purchase and sell the Series D from time to time to
such extent, in such manner, and upon such terms as the Board of Directors (or any duly
authorized committee thereof) may determine.
(j) Defined terms. Terms defined in this Section 3.B.4 shall have such meaning when used
in this Section 3.B.4 only.
C. Preemptive Rights
No present or future holder of any shares of the corporation of any class or series, whether
heretofore or hereafter issued, shall have any preemptive rights with respect to (1) any shares of
the corporation of any class or series, or (2) any other security of the corporation (including bonds
and debentures) convertible into or carrying rights or options to purchase such shares.
Section 4. Office
The office of the corporation is located in the City of Schenectady, County of Schenectady, State of
New York.
Section 5. By-laws
The by-laws may be amended or repealed, and new by-laws may be adopted, by the shareholders or
the Board of Directors, except that the Board of Directors shall have no authority to amend or repeal
any by-law which is adopted by the shareholders after April 20, 1948, unless such authority is granted
to the Board by the specific provisions of a by-law adopted by the shareholders.
Section 6. Directors
The Board of Directors of the corporation shall consist of not less than seven directors, the exact
number to be determined pursuant to procedures set forth in the by-laws.
A person who is or was a director of the corporation shall have no personal liability to the corporation
or its shareholders for damages for any breach of duty in such capacity except that the foregoing shall
not eliminate or limit liability where such liability is imposed under the Business Corporation Law of the
State of New York.
The vote required for election of a director by the shareholders shall, except in a contested election, be
the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast in favor of or against the election of a nominee at a
meeting of shareholders. In a contested election, directors shall be elected by a plurality of the votes
cast at a meeting of shareholders by the holders of shares entitled to vote in the election. An election
shall be considered contested if as of the record date there are more nominees for election than
positions on the board of directors to be filled by election at the meeting.
Section 7. Agent for Process
The Secretary of State of the State of New York is designated as the agent of the corporation upon
whom process against it may be served, and the post office address to which the Secretary of State
shall mail a copy of such process served upon him or her is Vice President, Litigation, General Electric
Company, One Financial Center, Suite 3700, Boston, MA 02111.