(Autonomous Institution UGC, Govt. of India)
(Affiliated to JNTUH, Hyderabad, Approved by AICTE - Accredited by NBA & NAAC ‘A’ Grade - ISO 9001:2015 Certified)
Maisammaguda, Dhulapally (Post Via. Hakimpet), Secunderabad 500100, Telangana State, INDIA.
Computer Forensics Fundamentals: What is Computer Forensics?,Use of Computer
Forensics in Law Enforecement,Computer Forensics Assistance to Human
Recources/Employment Proceedings,Computer Forensics Services,Benefits of
professional Forensics Methodology,Steps taken by Computer Forensics Specialists.
Types of Computer Forensics Technology: - Types of Business Computer Forensic
Technology.Types of Military Computer Forensic Technology,Types of Law
Enforcement- Computer Forensic Technology,Types of Business Computer Forensic
Computer Forensics Evidence and capture: Data Recovery Defined-Data Back-up and
Recovery-The Role of Back -up in Data Recovery-The Data -Recovery Solution.
Evidence Collection and Data Seizure: Why Collect Evidence? Collection Options-
Obstacles-Types of Evidence-The Rules of Evidence-Volatile Evidence-General
Procedure-Collection and Archiving-Methods of Collections-Art facts-Collection Steps
-Controlling Contamination: The chain of custody.
Duplication and Preservation of Digital Evidence: Preserving the Digital Crime
Scene-Computer Evidence processing steps-Legal Aspects of collecting and Preserving
Computer forensic Evidence.
Computer image Verification and Authentication: Special needs of Evidential
Authentication - Practical Consideration-Practical Implementation.
Computer forensic analysis and validation: Determining what data to collect and
analyze, validating forensic data, addressing data-hiding techniques, performing remote
Network Forensics: Network forensic overview, performing live acquisitions,
developing standar procedures for network forensics, using network tools, examining the
honeynet project.
Processing crime at incident scenes: Identifying digital evidence, collecting evidence in
private-sector incident scenes, processing law enforcement crime scenes, preparing for a
search, securing a computer incident or crime scene, seizing digital evidence at the scene,
storing digital evidence, obtaining a digital hash, reviewing a case.
Current Computer Forensic Tools: evaluating computer forensic tool needs, computer
forensic software tools, computer forensic hardware tools, validating and testing forensic
E-mail investigations: Exploring the role of email in investigations, exploring the role of
client and server in email, investigating email crimes and violations, understanding email
servers, using specialized email forensic tools.
Cell phone and mobile device forensics: Understanding mobile device forensic,
understanding acquisition procedures for cell phones and mobile devices.
Working with windows and dos systems: understanding file systems, exploring
Microsoft file structures examining NTFS disks, understanding whole disk encryption,
windows registry, Microsoft startup tasks, MS Dos startup tasks, virtual machines.
1. Computer Forensics, Computer Crime Investigation by John R,Vacca, Firewall Media,
New Delhi.
2. Computer Forensics and Investigations by Nelson, Phillips Enfinger, Steuart, CENGAGE
1. Real Digital Forensics by Keith j.Jones, Richard Bejitlich,Curtis W.Rose ,Addison-
Wesley Pearson Education
2. Forensic Compiling,A Tractitioneris Guide by Tony Sammes and Brain
Jenkinson,Springer International edition.
3. Computer Evidence Collection &Presentation by Chrostopher L.T. Brown,Firewall
4. Homeland Security ,Techniques& Technologies by Jesus Mena,Firewall Media.
5. Software Forensics Collecting Evidence from the Scene of a Digital Crime by Robert
M.Slade ,TMH 2005
6. Windows Forensics by chad Steel,Wiley India Edition.
Computer Forensics Fundamentals
Types Of Computer Forensic Technology
Computer Forensics Evidence and capture
Evidence Collection and Data Seizure
Duplication and Preservation of Digital Evidence
Computer image Verification and Authentication
Computer forensic analysis and validation
Network Forensics
Processing crime at incident scenes
Current Computer Forensic Tools
E-mail investigations
Cell phone and mobile device forensics
Working with windows and dos systems
Understanding Whole Disk Encryption
Virtual Machines
Computer forensics is the process of methodically examining computer media (hard
disks, diskettes, tapes, etc.) for evidence. In other words, computer forensics is the
collection, preservation, analysis, and presentation of computer-related evidence.
Computer forensics also referred to as computer forensic analysis, electronic discovery,
electronic evidence discovery, digital discovery, data recovery, data discovery, computer
analysis, and computer examination.
Computer evidence can be useful in criminal cases, civil disputes, and human resources/
employment proceedings.
Computer forensics assists in Law Enforcement. This can include:
Recovering deleted files such as documents, graphics, and photos.
Searching unallocated space on the hard drive, places where an abundance of data often
Tracing artifacts, those tidbits of data left behind by the operating system. Our experts
know how to find these artifacts and, more importantly, they know how to evaluate the
value of the information they find.
Processing hidden files files that are not visible or accessible to the user that contain
past usage information. Often, this process requires reconstructing and analyzing the date
codes for each file and determining when each file was created, last modified, last accessed
and when deleted.
Running a string-search for e-mail, when no e-mail client is obvious.
Computers can contain evidence in many types of human resources proceedings, including
sexual harassment suits, allegations of discrimination, and wrongful termination claims.
Evidence can be found in electronic mail systems, on network servers, and on individual
employee’s computers.
Employers must safeguard critical business information. An unfortunate concern today is the
possibility that data could be damaged, destroyed, or misappropriated by a discontented
individual. Before an individual is informed of their termination, a computer forensic specialist
should come on-site and create an exact duplicate of the data on the individual’s computer. In
this way, should the employee choose to do anything to that data before leaving, the employer
is protected. Damaged or deleted data can be re-placed, and evidence can be recovered to show
what occurred. This method can also be used to bolster an employer’s case by showing the
removal of proprietary information or to protect the employer from false charges made by the
employee. You should be equipped to find and interpret the clues that have been left behind.
This includes situations where files have been deleted, disks have been reformatted, or other
steps have been taken to conceal or destroy the evidence. For example, did you know?
What Web sites have been visited?
What files have been downloaded?
When files were last accessed?
Of attempts to conceal or destroy evidence?
Of attempts to fabricate evidence?
That the electronic copy of a document can contain text that was removed from the final
printed version?
That some fax machines can contain exact duplicates of the last several hundred pages
That faxes sent or received via computer may remain on the computer indefinitely?
That email is rapidly becoming the communications medium of choice for businesses?
That people tend to write things in email that they would never consider writing in a
memorandum or letter?
That email has been used successfully in criminal cases as well as in civil litigation?
That email is often backed up on tapes that are generally kept for months or years?
That many people keep their financial records, including investments, on computers?
Computer forensics professionals should be able to successfully perform complex evidence
recovery procedures with the skill and expertise that lends credibility to your case.
For example, they should be able to perform the following services:
Following federal guidelines, computer forensics experts should act as the
representative, using their knowledge of data storage technologies to track down
The experts should also be able to assist officials during the equipment seizure process.
When one party must seize data from another, two concerns must be addressed:
the data must not be altered in any way
the seizure must not put an undue burden on the responding party
The computer forensics experts should acknowledge both of these concerns by making
an exact duplicate of the needed data.
When experts works on the duplicate data, the integrity of the original is maintained.
Using proprietary tools, your computer forensics experts should be able to safely recover
and analyze otherwise inaccessible evidence.
The ability to recover lost evidence is made possible by the expert’s advanced
understanding of storage technologies.
Computer forensics experts should also be able to search over 200,000 electronic
documents in seconds rather than hours.
The speed and efficiency of these searches make the discovery process less complicated
and less intrusive to all parties involved.
Computer forensics experts should extract the relevant data from old and un-readable
devices, convert it into readable formats, and place it onto new storage media for
Computer forensics experts should be able to explain complex technical processes in an
easy-to- understand fashion.
This should help judges and juries comprehend how computer evidence is found, what it
consists of, and how it is relevant to a specific situation.
Computer forensics experts should offer various levels of service, each designed to suit your
individual investigative needs. For example, they should be able to offer the following
Standard service: Computer forensics experts should be able to work on your case
during nor-mal business hours until your critical electronic evidence is found.
On-site service: Computer forensics experts should be able to travel to your location to
per-form complete computer evidence services. While on-site, the experts should
quickly be able to produce exact duplicates of the data storage media in question.
Emergency service: Your computer forensics experts should be able to give your case
the highest priority in their laboratories. They should be able to work on it without
interruption until your evidence objectives are met.
Priority service: Dedicated computer forensics experts should be able to work on your
case during normal business hours (8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday)
until the evidence is found. Priority service typically cuts your turnaround time in half.
Weekend service: Computer forensics experts should be able to work from 8:00 A.M.
to 5:00 P.M., Saturday and Sunday, to locate the needed electronic evidence and will
continue 14 Computer Forensics, Second Edition working on your case until your
evidence objectives are met.
Computer forensics experts should also be able to provide extended services. These services
Analysis of computers and data in criminal investigations
On-site seizure of computer data in criminal investigations
Analysis of computers and data in civil litigation.
On-site seizure of computer data in civil litigation
Analysis of company computers to determine employee activity
Assistance in preparing electronic discovery requests
Reporting in a comprehensive and readily understandable manner
Court-recognized computer expert witness testimony
Computer forensics on both PC and Mac platforms
Fast turnaround time.
A knowledgeable computer forensics professional should ensure that a subject computer
system is carefully handled to ensure that:
No possible evidence is damaged, destroyed, or otherwise compromised by the
procedures used to investigate the computer.
No possible computer virus is introduced to a subject computer during the analysis process.
Extracted and possibly relevant evidence is properly handled and protected from later
mechanical or electromagnetic damage.
A continuing chain of custody is established and maintained.
Business operations are affected for a limited amount of time, if at all.
Any client-attorney information that is inadvertently acquired during a forensic
exploration is ethically and legally respected and not divulged.
The computer forensics specialist should take several careful steps to identify and attempt to
retrieve possible evidence that may exist on a subject’s computer system. For example, the
following steps should be taken:
1. Protect the subject computer system during the forensic examination from any possible
alteration, damage, data corruption, or virus introduction.
2. Discover all files on the subject system. This includes existing normal files, deleted yet
remaining files, hidden files, password-protected files, and encrypted files.
3. Recover all of discovered deleted files.
4. Reveal the contents of hidden files as well as temporary or swap files used by both the
application programs and the operating system.
5. Access the contents of protected or encrypted files.
6. Analyze all possibly relevant data found in special areas of a disk. This includes but is
not limited to what is called unallocated space on a disk, as well as slack space in a file
(the remnant area at the end of a file in the last assigned disk cluster, that is unused by
current file data, but once again, may be a possible site for previously created and
relevant evidence).
7. Print out an overall analysis of the subject computer system, as well as a listing of all
possibly relevant files and discovered file data.
8. Provide an opinion of the system layout; the file structures discovered; any discovered
data and authorship information; any attempts to hide, delete, protect, and encrypt
information; and anything else that has been discovered and appears to be relevant to the
overall computer system examination.
9. Provide expert consultation and/or testimony, as required.
Key objectives of cyber forensics include rapid discovery of evidence, estimation of
potential impact of the malicious activity on the victim, and assessment of the intent and
identity of the perpetrator.
Real-time tracking of potentially malicious activity is especially difficult when the
pertinent information has been intentionally hidden, destroyed, or modified in order to
elude discovery.
National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC) works with
criminal justice professionals to identify urgent and emerging technology needs.
NLECTC centers demonstrate new technologies, test commercially available
technologies and publish results linking research and practice.
National Institute of Justice (NIJ) sponsors research and development or identifies best
practices to address those needs.
The information directorate entered into a partnership with the NIJ via the auspices of
the NLECTC, to test the new ideas and prototype tools. The Computer Forensics
Experiment 2000 (CFX-2000) resulted from this partnership.
CFX-2000 is an integrated forensic analysis framework.
The central hypothesis of CFX-2000 is that it is possible to accurately determine the
motives, intent, targets, sophistication, identity, and location of cyber criminals and
cyber terrorists by deploying an integrated forensic analysis framework.
The cyber forensic tools involved in CFX-2000 consisted of commercial off-the-shelf
software and directorate-sponsored R&D prototypes. CFX includes SI-FI integration
The Synthesizing Information from Forensic Investigations (SI-FI) integration
environment supports the collection, examination, and analysis processes employed
during a cyber-forensic investigation.
The SI-FI prototype uses digital evidence bags (DEBs), which are secure and
tamperproof containers used to store digital evidence.
Investigators can seal evidence in the DEBs and use the SI-FI implementation to
collaborate on complex investigations.
Authorized users can securely reopen the DEBs for examination, while automatic audit
of all actions ensures the continued integrity of their contents.
The teams used other forensic tools and prototypes to collect and analyze specific
features of the digital evidence, perform case management and time lining of digital
events, automate event link analysis, and perform steganography detection.
The results of CFX-2000 verified that the hypothesis was largely correct and that it is
possible to ascertain the intent and identity of cyber criminals.
As electronic technology continues its explosive growth, researchers need to continue
vigorous R&D of cyber forensic technology in preparation for the onslaught of cyber
reconnaissance probes and attacks.
Computer forensics tools and techniques have become important resources for use in
internal investigations, civil lawsuits, and computer security risk management. Law
enforcement and military agencies have been involved in processing computer evidence for
Computer Evidence Processing Procedures
Processing procedures and methodologies should conform to federal computer evidence
processing standards.
Preservation of Evidence
Computer evidence is fragile and susceptible to alteration or erasure by any number of
Computer evidence can be useful in criminal cases, civil disputes, and human resources/
CFX-2000 Schematic
employment proceedings.
Black box computer forensics software tools are good for some basic investigation
tasks, but they do not offer a full computer forensics solution.
SafeBack software overcomes some of the evidence weaknesses inherent in black box
computer forensics approaches.
SafeBack technology has become a worldwide standard in making mirror image backups
since 1990.
The computer forensic expert should be able to demonstrate his or her ability to avoid
destructive programs and traps that can be planted by computer users bent on
destroying data and evidence.
Such programs can also be used to covertly capture sensitive information, passwords,
and network logons.
Without proper documentation, it is difficult to present findings.
If the security or audit findings become the object of a lawsuit or a criminal
investigation, then documentation becomes even more important.
Slack space in a file is the remnant area at the end of a file in the last assigned disk
cluster, that is unused by current file data, but once again, may be a possible site for
previously created and relevant evidence.
Techniques and automated tools that are used by the experts to capture and evaluate file
Trade secret information and other sensitive data can easily be secreted using any
number of techniques. It is possible to hide diskettes within diskettes and to hide entire
computer hard disk drive partitions. Computer forensic experts should understand such
issues and tools that help in the identification of such anomalies.
Net Threat Analyzer can be used to identify past Internet browsing and email activity
done through specific computers. The software analyzes a computer’s disk drives and
other storage areas that are generally unknown to or beyond the reach of most general
computer users. Net Threat Analyzer avail-able free of charge to computer crime
specialists, school officials, and police.
Programs can be designed to perform multiple processes and tasks at the same time.
Computer forensics experts must have hands-on experience with these programs.
Tools that can be used to find targeted strings of text in files, file slack, unallocated file
space, and Windows swap files.
Computer evidence searches require that the computer specialist know what is being
searched for. Many times not all is known about what may be stored on a given
computer system.
In such cases, fuzzy logic tools can provide valuable leads as to how the subject computer
was used.
2. Disk Structure
Computer forensic experts must understand how computer hard disks and floppy
diskettes are structured and how computer evidence can reside at various levels within
the structure of the disk.
They should also demonstrate their knowledge of how to modify the structure and hide
data in obscure places on floppy diskettes and hard disk drives.
3. Data Encryption
Computer forensic experts should become familiar with the use of software to crack
security associated with the different file structures.
4. Matching a Diskette to a Computer
Specialized techniques and tools that make it possible to conclusively tie a diskette to a
computer that was used to create or edit files stored on it. Computer forensic experts
should become familiar how to use special software tools to complete this process.
5. Data Compression
Computer forensic experts should become familiar with how compression works and
how compression programs can be used to hide and disguise sensitive data and also
learn how password- protected compressed files can be broken.
6. Erased Files
Computer forensic experts should become familiar with how previously erased files can
be recovered by using DOS programs and by manually using data-recovery technique &
familiar with cluster chaining.
7. Internet Abuse Identification and Detection
Computer forensic experts should become familiar with how to use specialized software
to identify how a targeted computer has been used on the Internet.
This process will focus on computer forensics issues tied to data that the computer user
probably doesn’t realize exists (file slack, unallocated file space, and Windows swap
8. The Boot Process and Memory Resident Programs
Computer forensic experts should become familiar with how the operating system can
be modified to change data and destroy data at the whim of the person who configured
the system.
Such a technique could be used to covertly capture keyboard activity from corporate
executives, for example. For this reason, it is important that the experts understand
these potential risks and how to identify them.
The following are different types of business computer forensics technology:-
Data Interception by Remote Transmission (DIRT) is a powerful remote control
monitoring tool that allows stealth monitoring of all activity on one or more target
computers simultaneously from a remote command center.
No physical access is necessary. Application also allows agents to remotely seize and
secure digital evidence prior to physically entering suspect premises.
Binary Audit Identification Transfer (BAIT) is a powerful intrusion detection tool that
allows users to create trackable electronic documents.
BAIT identifies (including their location) unauthorized intruders who access, download,
and view these tagged documents.
BAIT also allows security personnel to trace the chain of custody and chain of
command of all who possess the stolen electronic documents.
What it really costs to replace a stolen computer:
The price of the replacement hardware & software.
The cost of recreating data, lost production time or instruction time, reporting
and investigating the theft, filing police reports and insurance claims, increased
insurance, processing and ordering replacements, cutting a check, and the like.
The loss of customer goodwill.
If a thief is ever caught, the cost of time involved in prosecution.
PC PhoneHome is a software application that will track and locate a lost or stolen
PC or laptop any-where in the world. It is easy to install. It is also completely
transparent to the user.
If your PC PhoneHome-protected computer is lost or stolen, all you need to do is
make a report to the local police and call CD’s 24-hour command center. CD’s
recovery specialists will assist local law enforcement in the recovery of your
Services include but are not limited to:
Lost password and file recovery
Location and retrieval of deleted and hidden files
File and email decryption
Email supervision and authentication
Threatening email traced to source
Identification of Internet activity
Computer usage policy and supervision
Remote PC and network monitoring
Tracking and location of stolen electronic files
Honeypot sting operations
Location and identity of unauthorized software users
Theft recovery software for laptops and PCs
Investigative and security software creation
Protection from hackers and viruses.
1.10 Data Recovery Defined
Data recovery is the process in which highly trained engineers
evaluate and extract data from damaged media and return it in an intact format.
Many people, even computer experts, fail to recognize data recovery
as an option during a data crisis. But it is possible to retrieve files that have
been deleted and passwords that have been forgotten or to recover entire hard
drives that have been physically damaged.
1.11 Data Back-up and Recovery
Back-up Obstacles
Back-up Window: The back-up window is the period of time when
back-ups can be run. The back-up window is generally timed to occur during
nonproduction periods when network bandwidth and CPU utilization are low.
Network bandwidth: If a network cannot handle the impact of
transporting hundreds of gigabytes of data over a short period of time, the
organization’s centralized backup strategy is not viable.
System throughput: Three I/O bottlenecks are commonly found in
traditional backup schemes. These are
1. The ability of the system being backed up to push data to the backup
2. The ability of the backup server to accept data from multiple systems
3. The available throughput of the tape device(s) onto which the data is
Lack-of Resources: Many companies fail to make appropriate
investments in data protection until it is too late.
1.12 The Role of Back-up in Data Recovery
There are many factors that affect back-up. For example:
Storage costs are decreasing: The cost per megabyte of primary
(online) storage has fallen dramatically over the past several years and
continues to do so as disk drive technologies advance.
Systems have to be on-line continuously: Because systems must be
continuously online, the dilemma becomes that you can no longer take files
offline long enough to perform backup.
The role of Back-up has changed: The role of backup now includes
the responsibility for recovering user errors and ensuring that good data has
been saved and can quickly be restored.
A typical tape management system consists of a dedicated workstation
with the front-end interfaced to the network and the back-end controlling a
repository of tape devices. The media server runs tape management software.
It can administer backup devices throughout an enterprise and can run
continuous parallel backups and restores.
An alternative to tape backup is to physically replicate or mirror all
data and keep two copies online at all times. The advantage is that the data
does not have to be restored, so there are no issues with immediate data
NETWORK BACKUP creates network performance problems.
Using the production network to carry backup data, as well as for normal user
data access, can severely overburden today’s busy network resources.
OFFLINE BACKUP affects data accessibility. The time that the host
is offline for data backup must be minimized. This requires extremely high-
speed, continuous parallel backup of the raw image of the data.
LIVE BACKUPS allow data access during the backup process but
affect performance. The downside to the live backup is that it puts a
tremendous burden on the host.
MIRRORING doesn’t protect against user error and replication of
bad data. Fully replicated online data sounds great, albeit at twice the cost per
megabyte of a single copy of online data.
Backup at extremely high speed is required. Recovery must be
available at file level. The time that systems off-line for back-up must be
Remote hot recovery sites are needed for immediate resumption of
data access. Backup of critical data is still required to ensure against data
errors and user errors.
To achieve effective backup and recovery, the decoupling of data from its storage
space is needed.
It is necessary to develop techniques to journal modified pages, so that
journaling can be invoked within the primary storage device, without host
Part of the primary storage area must be set aside for data to be backed
up. This area must be as large as the largest backup block. We should have fast
nonrandom restoration of critical data.
1.13 The Data Recovery Solution
a. The complex systems that have evolved over the past 30 years must be
monitored, managed, controlled, and optimized. But most of the bright
young graduates this term haven’t had much exposure to mainframe
b. Backups often take place while an application is running. Application
changes take place on the fly. If an outage occurs, the company stands
to lose tens of thousands of dollars an hour.
Disk storage is more reliable than ever, but hardware failures are still possible. A simple
mistake can be made by an application programmer, system programmer, or operations person.
Logic errors in programs or application of the wrong update at the wrong time can result in a
system crash or, worse. Disasters do really occurs! Floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis,
and even terrorism can do strike. We must be ready.
We have fewer resources (people, processing power, time, and money) to do more work than
ever before, and we must keep your expenses under control. Systems must remain available to
make money and serve customers. Downtime is much too expensive to be tolerated.
One of the most critical data-management tasks involves recovering data in the event of a
problem. You must evaluate your preparations, make sure that all resources are available in
usable condition, automate processes as much as possible, and make sure you have the right
kind of resources.
Evaluate your preparation
If all of the resources (image copies, change accumulations, and logs) are available at recovery
time, these preparations certainly allow for a standard recovery. Finding out at recovery time
that some critical resource is missing can be disastrous!
Don’t let your resources fall through the cracks
Identifying different types of conditions is critical to ensuring a successful recovery. Checking
your assets to make sure they’re ready should be part of your plan.
Automated Recovery
With proper planning and automation, recovery is made possible, reliance on specific
personnel is reduced, and the human-error factor is nearly eliminated.
Data integrity and your business relay on building recovery job control language (JCL). In the
event of a disaster, the Information Management System (IMS) recovery control (RECON) data
sets must be modified in preparation for the recovery.
Cleaning your RECON data sets can take hours if done manually, and it’s an error-prone process.
Make Recoveries Efficient
Multithreading tasks shorten the recovery process. Recovering multiple databases with one
pass through your log data certainly will save time. Taking image copies, rebuilding indexes,
and validating pointers concurrently with the recovery process further reduce downtime.
Take Back-ups
The first step to a successful recovery is the backup of your data. Your goal in backing up data
is to do so quickly, efficiently, and usually with minimal impact to your customers. You might
need only very brief out-ages to take instant copies of your data, or you might have intelligent
storage devices that allow you to take a snapshot of your data. Both methods call for tools to
assist in the management of resources.
BMC software has developed a model called the Back-up and Recovery Solution (BRS) for the
Information Management System (IMS) product.
Image Copy
BRS contains an Image Copy component to help manage your image copy process.
BRS can take batch, on-line (fuzzy), or incremental image copies; Snapshot copies; or
Instant Snapshot copies.
The Image Copy component of BRS offers a variety of powerful features: dynamic allocation of
all input and output data sets, stacking of output data sets, high performance access methods
(faster I/O), copying by volume, compression of output image copies, and database group
processing--- all while interfacing with DBRC and processing asynchronously.
Change Accumulation
The BRS Change Accumulation component takes advantage of multiple engines, large virtual
storage resources, and high-speed channels and controllers that are available in many
Use of multiple tack control block (TCB) structures enables overlapping of as much processing
as possible, reducing both elapsed and CPU time.
The BRS Recovery component, which functionally replaces the IMS Database
Recovery utility for null- function (DL/I) databases and data-entry databases (DEDBs),
allow recovery of multiple databases with one pass of the log and change accumulation
data sets while dynamically allocating all data sets required for recovery.
BRS recovers multiple databases to any point in time. BRS can determine the best
choice for a Point-in- Time (PIT) recovery. Full DBRS support includes:
Recovery Manager component lets you automate and synchronize recoveries
across applications and databases by creating meaningful groups of related databases and
creating optimized JCL to perform the recovery of these groups.
Recovery Manager component provides a positive response for the IMS
commands that are used to deallocate and start your databases.
Recovery Manager component fully automates the process of cleaning the
RECON data sets for restart following a disaster recovery.
Recovery Manager component also allows you to test your recovery strategy and
notifies you when media errors have jeopardized your recovery resources.
BRS offers the capability to verify the validity of database pointers through the Concurrent
Pointer Checking function for both full-function databases and Fast Path data-entry databases
If indexes are ever damaged or lost, the Index Rebuild function of BRS allows you rebuild them
rather than recover them.
The Recovery Advisor component of BRS allows you to monitor the frequency of your image
copies and change accumulations.
It helps you to determine whether all your databases are being backed-up. By using any
number of back-up and recovery tools available, you can better manage your world and be
ready to recover!
2.1 Why Collect Evidence?
The simple reasons for collecting evidence are:
Future Prevention: Without knowing what happened, you have no hope of ever being
able to stop someone else from doing it again.
Responsibility: The attacker is responsible for the damage done, and the only way to
bring him to justice is with adequate evidence to prove his actions. The victim has a
responsibility to the community. Information gathered after a compromise can be
examined and used by others to prevent further attacks.
2.2 Collection Options
Once a compromise has been detected, you have two options:
Pull the system off the network and begin collecting evidence: In this case you may
find that you have insufficient evidence or, worse, that the attacker left a dead man
switch that destroys any evidence once the system detects that its offline.
Leave it online and attempt to monitor the intruder: you may accidentally alert the
intruder while monitoring and cause him to wipe his tracks any way necessary,
destroying evidence as he goes.
2.3 Obstacles
Computer transactions are fast, they can be conducted from anywhere, can be encrypted
or anonymous, and have no intrinsic identifying features such as handwriting and
signatures to identify those responsible.
Any paper trail of computer records they may leave can be easily modified or destroyed,
or may be only temporary.
Auditing programs may automatically destroy the records left when computer
transactions are finished with them.
Investigating electronic crimes will always be difficult because of the ease of altering the
data and the fact that transactions may be done anonymously.
The best we can do is to follow the rules of evidence collection and be as assiduous as
2.4 Types of Evidence
Real Evidence: Real evidence is any evidence that speaks for itself without relying on
anything else. In electronic terms, this can be a log produced by an audit function
provided that the log can be shown to be free from contamination.
Testimonial Evidence: Testimonial evidence is any evidence supplied by a witness. As
long as the witness can be considered reliable, testimonial evidence can be almost as
powerful as real evidence.
Hearsay: Hearsay is any evidence presented by a person who was not a direct witness.
Hearsay is generally inadmissible in court and should be avoided.
2.5 The Rules of Evidence
1. Admissible: Admissible is the most basic rule. The evidence must be able to be used in
2. Authentic: You must be able to show that the evidence relates to the incident in a relevant
3. Complete: It’s not enough to collect evidence that just shows one perspective of the
4. Reliable: Your evidence collection and analysis procedures must not cast doubt on the
evidence’s authenticity and veracity.
5. Believable: The evidence you present should be clearly understandable and believable to a
Using the preceding five rules, we can derive some basic do’s and don’ts:
Minimize handling and corruption of original data: Once you’ve created a master
copy of the original data, don’t touch it or the original. Any changes made to the
originals will affect the outcomes of any analysis later done to copies.
Account for any changes and keep detailed logs of your actions: Sometimes evidence
alteration is unavoidable. In these cases, it is absolutely essential that the nature, extent,
and reasons for the changes be documented.
Comply with the five rules of evidence: Following these rules is essential to
guaranteeing successful evidence collection.
Do not exceed your knowledge: If you ever find yourself ―out of your depth,‖ either go
and learn more before continuing (if time is available) or find someone who knows the
Follow your local security policy: If you fail to comply with your company’s security
policy, you may find yourself with some difficulties.
Capture as accurate an image of the system as possible: Capturing an accurate image
of the system is related to minimizing the handling or corruption of original data.
Be prepared to testify: If you’re not willing to testify to the evidence you have collected,
you might as well stop before you start. No one is going to believe you if they can’t
replicate your actions and reach the same results.
Work fast: The faster you work, the less likely the data is going to change. Volatile
evidence may vanish entirely if you don’t collect it in time. If multiple systems are
involved, work parallel.
Proceed from volatile to persistent evidence: Always try to collect the most volatile
evidence first.
Don’t shutdown before collecting evidence: You should never, ever shutdown a
system before you collect the evidence. Not only do you lose any volatile evidence, but
also the attacker may have trojaned the startup and shutdown scripts, plug-and-play
devices may alter the system configuration, and temporary file systems may be wiped
Don’t run any programs on the affected system: The attacker may have left trojaned
programs and libraries on the system; you may inadvertently trigger something that
could change or destroy the evidence you’re looking for.
2.6 Volatile Evidence
Always try to collect the most volatile evidence first. An example an order of volatility
would be:
1. Registers and cache
2. Routing tables
3. Arp cache
4. Process table
5. Kernel statistics and modules
6. Main memory
7. Temporary file systems
8. Secondary memory
9. Router configuration
10. Network topology
2.7 General Procedure
Identification of Evidence: You must be able to distinguish between evidence and junk
Preservation of Evidence: The evidence you find must be preserved as close as
possible to its original state.
Analysis of Evidence: Analysis requires in-depth knowledge of what you are looking
for and how to get it.
Presentation of Evidence: The manner of presentation is important, and it must be
understandable by a layman to be effective.
2.8 Collection and Archiving
Once we’ve developed a plan of attack and identified the evidence that needs to be
Logs and Logging: You should run some kind of system logging function. It is
important to keep these logs secure and to back them up periodically. Messages and
logs from programs can be used to show what damage an attacker did.
Monitoring: By monitoring we can gather statistics, watch out for irregular, and trace
where an attacker is coming from and what he is doing. Unusual activity or the sudden
appearance of unknown users should be considered definite cause for closer inspection.
You should display a disclaimer stating what monitoring is done when users log on.
2.9 Methods of Collection
There are two basic forms of collection: freezing the scene and honeypotting.
Freezing the Scene
It involves taking a snapshot of the system in its compromised state. You should then
start to collect whatever data is important onto removable nonvolatile media in a
standard format.
All data collected should have a cryptographic message digest created, and those
digests should be compared to the originals for verification.
It is the process of creating a replica system and luring the attacker into it for further
The placement of misleading information and the attacker’s response to it is a good
method for determining the attacker’s motives.
2.10 Artifacts
There is almost always something left behind by the attacker be it code fragments,
trojaned programs, running processes, or sniffer log files. These are known as artifacts.
Never attempt to analyze an artifact on the compromised system.
Artifacts are capable of anything, and we want to make sure their effects are controlled.
2.11 Collection Steps
1. Find the Evidence: Use a checklist. Not only does it help you to collect evidence, but it
also can be used to double-check that everything you are looking for is there.
2. Find the Relevant Data: Once you’ve found the evidence, you must figure out
what part of it is relevant to the case.
3. Create an Order of Volatility: The order of volatility for your system is a good
guide and ensures that you minimize loss of uncorrupted evidence.
4. Remove external avenues of change: It is essential that you avoid alterations to the
original data.
5. Collect the Evidence: Collect the evidence using the appropriate tools for the job.
6. Document everything: Collection procedures may be questioned later, so it is
important that you document everything you do. Timestamps, digital signatures, and
signed statements are all important.
2.12 Controlling Contamination: The Chain of Custody
Once the data has been collected, it must be protected from contamination. Originals
should never be used in forensic examination; verified duplicates should be used.
A good way of ensuring that data remains uncorrupted is to keep a chain of custody. This
is a detailed list of what was done with the original copies once they were collected.
Once the data has been successfully collected, it must be analyzed to extract the
evidence you wish to present and to rebuild what actually happened.
To reconstruct the events that led to your system being corrupted, you must be
able to create a timeline.
Never, ever change the clock on an affected system.
Forensic Analysis of Back-ups
When we analyze back-ups, it is best to have a dedicated host for the job. We need a
dedicated host which is secure, clean and isolated from any network for analyzing back-
Document everything you do. Ensure that what you do is repeatable and capable of
always giving the same results.
Reconstructing the Attack
After collecting the data, we can attempt to reconstruct the chain of events leading to and
following the attacker’s break-in. We must correlate all the evidence we have gathered.
Include all of the evidence we’ve found when reconstructing the attack---no matter how
small it is.
Searching and Seizing
There is no one methodology for performing a computer forensic investigation and analysis.
There are too many variables for to be just one way. Some of the typical variable that comes
to the mind includes operating systems; software applications; cryptographic algorithms and
applications; and hardware platforms. But moving beyond these obvious variables spring
other equally challenging variables: law, international boundaries, publicity, and
There are a few widely accepted guidelines for computer forensic analysis:
A computer forensic examiner is impartial. Our job is to analyze the media and report
our findings with no presumption of guilt or innocence.
The media used in computer forensic examinations must be sterilized before each use.
A true image (bit stream) of the original media must be made and used for the analysis.
The integrity of the original media must be maintained throughout the entire investigation.
Before the Investigation
For the sake of first argument, you must have skilled technicians in-house and a top notch
the right equipment, the right computer forensic tools, and so on.
District attorneys may require more documentation on the chain of evidence handling.
When you have a case arise, you know what is required and can work the case from the
inception in support of these requirements.
Methodology Development
Define your methodology, and working according to this methodology.
Here methodology defines a method, a set of rules: guidelines that are employed by a
Document Everything
The chain of evidence is so important in computer forensic investigations. If resources
allow, have two computer forensic personnel assigned to each case every step of the way.
Important in the documentation are the times that dates steps were taken; the names of those
involved; and under whose authority were the steps taken?
Evidence Search and Seizure
Prior to search and seizure, you already have the proper documents filled as well as permission
from the authority to search and seize the suspects machine.
Step 1: Preparation
You should check all media that is to be used in the examination process. Document the
wiping and scanning process. Check to make sure that all computer forensic tools are
licensed for use and all lab equipment is in working order.
Step 2: Snapshot
We should photograph the scene, whether it is a room in a home or in a business. You
should also note the scene. Take advantage of your investigative skills here. Note pictures,
personal items, and the like. Photograph the actual Evidence. For example, the evidence is a
PC in a home office. Take a photograph of the monitor. Remove the case cover carefully
and photograph the internals.
Step 3: Transport
If you have the legal authority to transport the evidence to your lab, you should pack the
evidence securely. Photograph/videotape and document the handling of evidence leaving the
scene to the transport vehicle and from transport vehicle to the lab examination facility.
Step 4: Examination
You should prepare the acquired evidence for examination in your lab. There are many
options to on what tool to use image the drive. You could use EnCase, the Unix command
DD, ByetBack, or also SafeBack. It is wise to have a variety of tools in your lab. Each of
these tools has its respective strengths. The important note to remember here is: Turn off
virus-scanning software. We must record the time and date of the COMS. Do not boot the
suspect machine.
When making the image, make sure that the tool you use does not access the file system of
the target evidence media. After making the image, seal the original media in an
electrostatic-safe container, catalog it, and initial the container. Finally, the examination of
the acquired image begins.
2.13 Preserving the Digital Crime Scene
After securing the computer, we should make a complete bit stream backup of all
computer data before it is reviewed or processed.
Bit stream backups are much more thorough than standard backups.
They involve copying of every bit of data on a storage device, and it is recommended
that two such copies be made of the original when hard disk drives are involved.
Any processing should be performed on one of the backup copies.
IMDUMP was the first software for taking bit stream back-ups developed by Michael
SafeBack has become a law enforcement standard and is used by numerous government
intelligence agencies, military agencies, and law enforcement agencies worldwide.
SafeBack program copies and preserves all data contained on the hard disk.
Even it goes so far as to circumvent attempts made to hide data in bad clusters and even
sectors with invalid CRCs.
Another bit steam back-up program, called SnapBack, is also available and is used by
some law enforcement agencies primarily because of its ease of use.
Its prices several hundreds of dollars higher than SafeBack.
It has error-checking built into every phase of the evidence back-up and restoration
The hard disk drive should be imaged using specialized bit stream back-up software.
The floppy diskettes can be imaged using the standard DOS DISKCOPY program.
When DOS DISKCOPY is used, it is recommended that the MS DOS Version 6.22 be
used and (data verification) switch should be invoked from the command line.
Know and practice using all of your forensic software tools before you use them in the
processing of computer evidence.
We may only get one chance to do it right.
2.14 Computer Evidence Processing Steps
There really are no strict rules that must be followed regarding the processing of computer
The following are general computer evidence processing steps:
1. Shut down the computer.
Depending on the computer operating system, this usually involves pulling the plug or
shutting down a network computer using relevant commands required by the network
involved. Generally, time is of the essence, and the computer system should be shut down as
quickly as possible.
2. Document the hardware configuration of the system.
Be-fore dismantling the computer, it is important that pictures are taken of the computer
from all angles to document the system hardware components and how they are connected.
Labeling each wire is also important, so that it can easily be reconnected when the system
configuration is restored to its original condition at a secure location.
3. Transport the computer system to a secure location.
A seized computer left unattended can easily be compromised. Don’t leave the computer
unattended unless it is locked up in a secure location.
4. Make bit stream backups of hard disks and floppy disks.
All evidence processing should be done on a restored copy of the bit stream backup rather
than on the original computer. Bit stream backups are much like an insurance policy and are
essential for any serious computer evidence processing.
5. Mathematically authenticate data on all storage devices.
You want to be able to prove that you did not alter any of the evidence after the computer
came into your possession. Since 1989, law enforcement and military agencies have used a
32- bit mathematical process to do the authentication process.
6. Document the system date and time.
If the system clock is one hour slow because of daylight-savings time, then file timestamps
will also reflect the wrong time. To adjust for these inaccuracies, documenting the system
date and time settings at the time the computer is taken into evidence is essential.
7. Make a list of key search words.
it is all but impossible for a computer specialist to manually view and evaluate every file on
a computer hard disk drive. Gathering information from individuals familiar with the case to
help com-pile a list of relevant keywords is important. Such keywords can be used in the
search of all computer hard disk drives and floppy diskettes using automated soft-ware.
8. Evaluate the Windows swap file.
The Windows swap file is a potentially valuable source of evidence and leads. When the
computer is turned off, the swap file is erased. But the content of the swap file can easily be
captured and evaluated.
9. Evaluate file slack.
It is a source of significant security leakage and consists of raw memory dumps that occur
during the work session as files are closed. File slack should be evaluated for relevant
keywords to supplement the keywords identified in the previous steps. File slack is typically
a good source of Internet leads. Tests suggest that file slack provides approximately 80 times
more Internet leads than the Windows swap file.
10. Evaluate unallocated space (erased files).
Unallocated space should be evaluated for relevant keywords to supplement the keywords
identified in the previous steps.
11. Search files, file slack, and unallocated space for keywords.
The list of relevant keywords identified in the previous steps should be used to search all
relevant computer hard disk drives and floppy diskettes. It is important to review the output
of the text search utility and equally important to document relevant findings.
12. Document file names, dates, and times.
From an evidence standpoint, file names, creation dates, and last modified dates and times
can be relevant. The output should be in the form of a word-processing-compatible file that
can be used to help document computer evidence issues tied to specific files.
13. Identify file, program, and storage anomalies.
Encrypted, compressed, and graphic files store data in binary format. As a result, text data
stored in these file formats cannot be identified by a text search program. Manual evaluation
of these files is required. Depending on the type of file involved, the contents should be
viewed and evaluated for its potential as evidence.
14. Evaluate program functionality.
Depending on the application software involved, running programs to learn their purpose
may be necessary. When destructive processes that are tied to relevant evidence are
discovered, this can be used to prove willfulness.
15. Document your findings.
It is important to document your findings as is-sues are identified and as evidence is found.
Documenting all of the software used in your forensic evaluation of the evidence, including
the version numbers of the programs used, is also important. Be sure you are legally
licensed to USE the forensic software. Screen prints of the operating software also help
document the version of the software and how it was used to find or process the evidence.
16. Retain copies of software used.
As part of your documentation process, it is recommended that a copy of the software used
be included with the output of the forensic tool involved. Duplication of results can be
difficult or impossible to achieve if the soft-ware has been upgraded and the original version
used was not retained.
2.15 Legal Aspects of Collecting and Preserving Computer
Forensic Evidence
A chain of custody is a roadmap that shows how evidence was collected, analyzed, and
preserved in order to be presented as evidence in court.
Preserving a chain of custody for electronic evidence requires proving that:
No information has been added or changed.
A complete copy was made.
A reliable copying process was used.
All media was secured.
Legal Requirements
When evidence is collected, certain legal requirements must be met. These legal
requirements are vast, complex, and vary from country to country.
CERT Advisory CA-1992-19 suggests the following text be tailored to a corporation’s
specific needs under the guidance of legal counsel:
This system is for the use of authorized users only. Individuals using
this computer system without authority, or in excess of their authority,
are subject to having all of their activities on this system monitored and
recorded by system personnel.
In the course of monitoring individuals improperly using this system, or
in the course of system maintenance, the activities of authorized users
may also be monitored.
Anyone using this system expressly consents to such monitoring and is
advised that if such monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal
activity, system personnel may provide the evidence of such monitoring
to law enforcement officials.
The legality of workplace monitoring depends primarily on whether employment
policies exist that authorize monitoring and whether that policy has been clearly
communicated to employees.
To prove that the policy has been communicated, employees should sign a statement
indicating that they have read, understood, and agreed to comply with corporate
policy and consent to sys-tem monitoring.
Evidence Collection Procedure
When the time arrives to begin collecting evidence, the first rule that must be followed is
Do not rush.
The investigation team will need a copy of their incident-handling procedure, an
evidence collection notebook, and evidence identification tags.
They may also need to bring tools to produce reliable copies of electronic evidence,
including media to use in the copying process.
In some cases, legal counsel will want photographs of the system prior to search and
seizure. Then include a Polaroid camera in the list of tools.
The Incident Coordinator
Policy and procedure should indicate who is to act as incident coordinator.
The Incident coordinator
will contact the other members of the response team as outlined in the Incident
Response Policy, when an incident is reported.
will be responsible for ensuring that every detail of the incident-handling procedure
is followed, upon arrival at the incident site.
will assign team members the various tasks outlined in the incident-handling procedure.
serve as the liaison to the legal team, law enforcement officials, management, and
public relations personnel.
Ultimate responsibility for ensuring that evidence is properly collected and preserved, and
that the chain of custody is properly maintained, belongs to the incident coordinator.
The Evidence Notebook
One team member will be assigned the task of maintaining the evidence note-book.
This person will record the who, what, where, when, and how of the investigation
process. At a minimum, items to be recorded in the notebook include the following task.
a) Who initially reported the suspected incident along with time, date, and circumstances
surrounding the suspected incident?
b) Details of the initial assessment leading to the formal investigation.
c) Names of all persons conducting the investigation.
d) The case number of the incident.
e) Reasons for the investigation.
f) A list of all computer systems included in the investigation, along with complete system
specifications. Also include identification tag numbers assigned to the systems or
individual parts of the system.
g) Network diagrams.
h) Applications running on the computer systems previously listed.
i) A copy of the policy or policies that relate to accessing and using the systems previously
j) A list of administrators responsible for the routine maintenance of the system.
k) A detailed list of steps used in collecting and analyzing evidence. Specifically, this list
needs to identify the date and time each task was performed, a description of the task,
who performed the task, where the task was performed, and the results of the analysis.
l) An access control list of who had access to the collected evidence at what date and time.
A separate notebook should be used for each investigation. It should be bound in such a
way that it is obvious if a page or pages have been removed.
This notebook is a crucial element in maintaining chain of custody. Therefore, it must be
as detailed as possible to assist in maintaining this chain.
Evidence Collection
Another team member (or members) will be assigned the task of evidence collection.
To avoid confusion, the number of people assigned this task should be kept to a minimum.
This member (or members) should also be highly proficient with copying and analysis
This person will tag all evidence and work with the person responsible for the evidence
notebook to ensure that this information is properly recorded.
Next, the person will also be responsible for making a reliable copy of all data to be used
as evidence.
The data will include complete copies of drives on compromised or suspect systems, as
well as all relevant log files.
This can be done on-site or the entire system can be moved to a forensics lab, as needs
A binary copy of the data is the proper way to preserve evidence.
A reliable copy process has three critical characteristics.
The process must meet industry standards for quality and reliability.
The copies must be capable of independent verification.
The copies must be tamperproof.
Once all evidence is collected and logged, it can be securely transported to the forensics
A detailed description of how data was transported and who was responsible for the
transport, along with date, time, and route, should be included in the log.
Storage and Analysis of Data
The lab must provide some form of access control; a log should be kept detailing
entrance and exit times of all individuals.
It is important that evidence never be left in an unsecured area.
If a defense lawyer can show that unauthorized persons had access to the evidence, it
could easily be declared inadmissible.
As analysis of evidence is performed, investigators must log the details of their actions
in the evidence notebook. The following should be included at a minimum:
The date and time of analysis
Tools used in performing the analysis
Detailed methodology of the analysis
Results of the analysis.
Finally, once all evidence has been analyzed and all results have been recorded in the
evidence notebook, a copy of the notebook should be made and given to the legal team.
If the legal team finds that sufficient evidence exists to take legal action, it will be
important to maintain the chain of custody until the evidence is handed over to the
proper legal authorities.
Legal officials should provide a receipt detailing all of the items received for entry into
2.16 Special Needs of Evidential Authentication
During an investigation, it is decided that evidence may reside on a computer system.
It may be possible to seize or impound the computer system, but this risks violating the
basic principle of innocent until proven guilty, by depriving an innocent party of the
use of his or her system.
It should be perfectly possible to copy all the information from the computer system in
a manner that leaves the original system untouched and yet makes all contents
available for forensic analysis.
The courts may rightly insist that the copied evidence is protected from either
accidental or deliberate modification and that the investigating authority should prove
that this has been done. Thus, it is not the content that needs protection, but its
This protection takes two forms:
A secure method of determining that the data has not been altered by even a
single bit since the copy was taken.
A secure method of determining that the copy is genuinely the one taken at the
time and on the computer in question.
These elements are collectively referred as the Digital Image Verification and
Authentication Protocol.
Without an assurance of the software’s integrity, and without knowing who published
the software, it’s difficult for customers to know how much to trust software.
It’s difficult to make the choice of downloading the software from the Internet.
For example (when using Microsoft Authenticode coupled with Digital IDs™ from
VeriSign®), through the use of digital signatures, software developers are able to
include information about themselves and their code with their programs.
When customers download software signed with Authenticode and verified by
VeriSign, they should be assured of content source, indicating that the software really
comes from the publisher who signed it, and content integrity, indicating that the
software has not been altered or corrupted since it was signed.
Microsoft Authenticode allows developers to include information about themselves and
their code with their programs through the use of digital signatures.
Through Authenticode, the user is informed:
1. Of the true identity of the publisher
2. Of a place to find out more about the control
3. The authenticity of the preceding information
Users can choose to trust all subsequent downloads of software from the same
publisher and all software published by commercial publishers that has been verified
by VeriSign.
Public Key Cryptography
In public key cryptographic systems, every entity has two complementary keys (a public
key and private key) that function only when they are held together.
Public keys are widely distributed to users, whereas private keys are kept safe and only
used by their owner.
Any code digitally signed with the publisher’s private key can only be successfully
verified using the complementary public key.
Code that successfully verified using the publisher’s public key, could only have been
digitally signed using the publisher’s private key, and has not been tampered with.
Certificate Authorities
Certification Authorities such as VeriSign are organizations that issue digital certificates
to applicants whose identity they are willing to vouch for. Each certificate is linked to
the certificate of the CA that signed it.
VeriSign has the following responsibilities:
1. Publishing the criteria for granting, revoking, and managing certificates
2. Granting certificates to applications who meet the published criteria
3. Managing certificates
4. Storing VeriSign’s root keys in an exceptionally secure manner
5. Verifying evidence submitted by applicants
6. Providing tools for enrollment
7. Accepting the liability associated with these responsibilities
8. Time-stamping digital signatures.
Digital ID
A Digital ID/Certificate is a form of electronic credentials for the Internet.
A Digital ID is issued by a trusted third party to establish the identity of the ID holder.
The third party who issues certificates is known as a Certificate Authority (CA).
Digital ID technology is based on the theory of public key cryptography.
The purpose of a Digital ID is to reliably link a public/private key pair with its owner.
When a CA such as VeriSign issues a Digital IDs, it verifies that the owner is not
claiming a false identity.
When a CA issues you a digital certificate, it puts its name behind the statement that you
are the rightful owner of your public/private key pair.
How Authenticode works with VeriSign Digital IDs?
Authenticode: VeriSign Digital ID process
1. Publisher obtains a Software Developer Digital ID from VeriSign
2. Publisher creates code
3. Using the SIGNCODE.EXE utility, the publisher
Creates a hash of the code, using an algorithm such as MD5 or SHA
Encrypts the has using his/her private key
Creates a package containing the code, the encrypted hash, and the publisher’s
4. The end user encounters the package
5. The end user’s browser examines the publisher’s Digital ID. Using the VeriSign root
Public Key, which is already embedded in Authenticode enabled applications, the end
user browser verifies the authenticity of Software Developer Digital ID (which is itself
signed by the VeriSign root Private Key)
6. Using the publisher’s public key contained within the publisher’s Digital ID, the end
user browser decrypts the signed hash.
7. The end browser runs the code through the same hashing algorithm as the publisher,
creating a new hash.
8. The end user browser compares the two hashes. If they are identical, the browser
messages that the content has been verified by VeriSign, and the end user has the
confidence that the code was signed by the publisher identified in the Digital ID, and the
code hasn’t been altered since it was signed.
Time Stamping: Because key pairs are based on mathematical relationships that can
theoretically be ―cracked‖ with a great deal of time and effort, it is a well-established
security principle that digital certificates should expire.
2.17 Practical Consideration
It is useful to present some fundamental requirements of a forensic data collection
system before considering how these can be securely protected.
Other forensic experts may argue against some or all of them:
a. Forensic data collection should be complete and non-software specific, thus
avoiding software traps and hidden partitioning.
b. In operation, it should be as quick and as simple as possible to avoid error or delay.
c. It should be possible for anyone to use a forensic data collection system with the
minimum amount of training.
d. Necessary costs and resources should be kept to a minimum.
To meet the conditions specified in items 2, 3, and 4, the digital integrity verification and
authentication protocol must be tailored to suit.
Only investigators issued with a valid digital signature would be able to complete copies.
2.18 Practical Implementation
A minimum amount of reliance is placed on the technical ability of the
It must be understood that during the copying process, procedures are implemented to
trap and handle hardware errors, mapping exceptions where necessary.
It must also be understood that procedures are implemented to verify that information is
copied correctly.
This information is stored on each cartridge within a copy series.
Also stored on each cartridge is a reference area containing copy-specific information
such as CPU type and speed, hardware equipment indicators, copying drive serial
number, cartridge sequence number, exhibit details and reference comments, operator
name together with a unique password, and the real date and time as entered by the
The cartridge is divided into blocks of an arbitrary chosen size. Blocks may contain
reference, ROM, CMOS, or disk data depending on their location on the cartridge. Each
cartridge contains the information copied from the suspect drive on a sector by sector
Safe Boxes and the Vault
As each block is copied and verified, a hash value is generated such that a single bit
change anywhere within the block would produce a different hash. The result is stored in
the relevant safe box and copying to the next block.
Once all the blocks relevant to a particular cartridge have been copied and treated in this
way, the whole group of safe boxes, collectively referred to as the vault, are treated as an
individual block and a vault hash value is generated and stored in the final safe box. The
vault is then copied to another area of the cartridge and this second copy is encrypted.
The vault hash value for each cartridge is stored in a separate area in memory and the
operator is prompted to insert a new cartridge until the copy is completed. The final
cartridge will contain similar information to the others in the series and in addition will
have the accumulated vault hash values from all other cartridges in the series.
Once the final cartridge has been copied, the operator is prompted to insert a
preformatted floppy disk into the drive used to start the DIBS process. All of the
accumulated vault hash values are then written to a floppy disk together with the
reference details of the whole copy procedure. At least two identical floppy disks are
created in this manner.
The floppy disks are then sealed in numbered, tamperproof bags and both numbers are
written on both envelops. The computer owner is given his or her chosen floppy and the
other is placed in secure storage.
Security Considerations
Computer forensics investigators are constantly discovering new vulnerabilities in old
image verification and authentication products.
As a result CIOs (Chief information Officers) are devoting more money and time to
image verification and authentication security.
Staff-members are the ones who make sure viruses don’t come in and holes aren’t
created in the firewall.
They have to understand that most business is built on trust, and their role in maintaining
trust is crucial.
It’s difficult, perhaps impossible, to measure the return on investment in security.
You have to protect your data. It only takes one time ---one hacker getting in and
hacking all your financial data.
It would be irresponsible on CIO’s part not have the toughest image verification and
authentication security possible.
3.1 Determining What Data to Collect and Analyze
Examining and analyzing digital evidence depend on the nature of the investigation and the amount of
data to process. Criminal investigations are limited to finding data defined in the search warrant, and civil
investigations are often limited by court orders for discovery. Corp.- rate investigators might be searching
for company policy violations that require examining only specific items, such as e-mail. Therefore,
investigations often involve locating and recovering a few specific items, which simplifies and speeds
In the corporate environment, however, especially if litigation is involved, the company attar- nay often
directs the investigator to recover as much information as possible. Satisfying this demand becomes a
major undertaking with many hours of tedious work. These types of invest- ligations can also result in
scope creep, in which an investigation expands beyond the original description because of unexpected
evidence you find, prompting the attorney to ask you to examine other areas to recover more evidence.
Scope creep increases the time and resources needed to extract, analyze, and present evidence. Be sure to
document any requests for add- tonal investigation, in case you must explain why the investigation took
longer than planned, why the scope widened during the course of the investigation, and so forth.
One reason scope creep has become more common is that criminal investigations increasingly require
more detailed examination of evidence just before trial to help prosecutors fend off attacks from defense
attorneys. Because defense attorneys typically have the right of full discovery of digital evidence used
against their clients, it’s possible for new evidence to come to light while complying with the defense
request for full discovery. However, this new evidence often isn’t revealed to the prosecution; instead,
the defense uses it to defend the accused. For this reason, it’s become more important for prosecution
teams to ensure that they have analyzed the evidence exhaustively before trial. (It should be noted that
the defense request for full discovery applies only to criminal cases in the however, depends on whether
it’s an internal corporate investigation or a civil or criminal investigation carried out by law
enforcement. In an internal investigation, evidence collection tends to be fairly easy and straightforward
because corporate investigators usually have ready access to the necessary records and files. In contrast,
when investigating a criminal cyber- stalking case, you need to contact the ISP and e-mail service.
Some companies, such as AOL, have a system set up to handle these situations, but others do not. Many
companies don’t keep e-mail for longer than 90 days, and some keep it only two weeks.
An employee suspected of industrial espionage can require the most work. You might need to set up a
small camera to monitor his or her physical activities in the office. You might also need to plant a
software or hardware key logger (for capturing a suspect’s keystrokes remotely), and you need to engage
the network administrator’s services to monitor Internet and network activities. In this situation, you might
want to do a remote acquisition of the employee’s drive, and then use another tool to determine what
peripheral devices have been accessed.
1. For target drives, use only recently wiped media that have been reformatted and inspected for
computer viruses. For example, use ProDiscover Secure Wipe Disk, Digital Intelligence PDWipe, or
White Canyon Secure Clean to clean all data from the target drive you plan to use.
2. Inventory the hardware on the suspect’s computer and note the condition of the computer when
seized. Document all physical hardware components as part of your evidence acquisition process.
3. For static acquisitions, remove the original drive from the computer, if practical, and then check the
date and time values in the system’s CMOS.
4. Record how you acquired data from the suspect drive note, for example, that you created a bit-
stream image and which tool you used. The tool you use should also create an MD5 or SHA-1 or better
hash for validating the image.
5. When examining the image of the drive’s contents, process the data methodically and logically.
List all folders and files on the image or drive. For example, FTK can generate a Microsoft Access
database listing all files and folders on a suspect drive. Note where specific evidence is found, and
indicate how it’s related to the investigation.
6. If possible, examine the contents of all data files in all folders, starting at the root directory of the
volume partition. The exception is for civil cases, in which you look for only specific items in the
7. For all password-protected files that might be related to the investigation, make your best effort to
recover file contents. You can use password recovery tools for this purpose, such as Access Data
Password Recovery Toolkit (PRTK), NTI Password Recovery, or Pass ware Kit Enterprise
1. Identify the function of every executable (binary or .exe) file that doesn’t match known hash
values. Make note of any system files or folders, such as the System32 folder or its content, that are
out of place. If you can’t find information on an executable file by using a disk editor, examine the
file to see what it does and how it works.
1. Maintain control of all evidence and findings, and document everything as you progress through
your examination. ps to locate specific message Refining and Modifying the Investigation Plan In
civil and criminal cases, the scope is often defined by search warrants or subpoenas, which specify
what data you can recover. However, private sector cases, such as employee abuse investigations,
might not spec- ify limitations in recovering data. For these cases, it’s important to refine the
investigation plan as much as possible by trying to determine what the case requires. Generally, you
want the investigation to be broad enough to encompass all relevant evidence, yet not so wide-
ranging that you waste time and resources analyzing data that’s not going to help your case.
Of course, even if your initial plan is sound, at times you’ll find that you need to deviate from the
plan and follow where the evidence leads you. Even in these cases, having a plan that you
deliberately revise along the way is much better than searching for evidence haphazardly.
Suppose, for example, an employee is accused of operating an Internet-based side business using
company resources during normal business hours. You use this timeframe to narrow the set of data
you’re searching, and because you’re looking for unauthorized Internet use, you focus the search on
temporary Internet files, Internet history, and e-mail communicate- ion. Knowing the types of data
you’re looking for at the outset helps you make the best use of your time and prevents you from
casting too wide a net. However, in the course of reviewing e-mails related to the case, you might
find references to spreadsheets or Word documents containing financial information related to the
side business. In this case, it makes sense to broaden the range of data you’re looking for to include
these types of files. Again, the key is to start with a plan but remain flexible in the face of new
3.1.1Using Access Data Forensic Toolkit to Analyze Data
So far, you have used several different features of FTK; this section goes into more detail on its
search and report functions. FTK can perform forensics analysis on the following file systems:
Microsoft FAT12, FAT16, and FAT32
Microsoft NTFS (for Windows NT, 2000, XP, and Vista)
Linux Ext2fs and Ext3fs
FTK can analyze data from several sources, including image files from other vendors. It can also
read entire evidence drives or subsets of data, allowing you to consolidate large volumes of data
from many sources when conducting a computer forensics analysis. With FTK, you can store
everything from image files to recovered server folders on one investigation drive.
FTK also produces a case log file, where you can maintain a detailed record of all activities during
your examination, such as keyword searches and data extractions. This log is also handy for
reporting errors to Access Data. At times, however, you might not want the log feature turned on. If
you’re following a hunch, for example, but aren’t sure the evidence you recover is applicable to the
investigation, you might not want opposing counsel to see a record of this information because he or
she could use it to question your methods and perhaps discredit your testimony. (Chapter 15 covers
testimony issues in more detail.) Look through the evidence first before enabling the log feature to
record searches. This approach isn’t meant to conceal evidence; it’s a precaution to ensure that your
testimony can be used in court.
FTK has two options for searching for keywords. One option is an indexed search, which catalogs
all words on the evidence drive so that FTK can find them quickly. This option returns search
results quickly, although it does have some shortcomings. For example, you can’t search for
hexadecimal string values, and depending on how data is stored on the eve- dense drive, indexing
might not catalog every word. If you do use this feature, keep in mind that indexing an image file
can take several hours, so it’s best to run this process overnight.
The other option is a live search, which can locate items such as text hidden in unallocated space
that might not turn up in an indexed search. You can also search for alphanumeric and
hexadecimal values on the evidence drive and search for specific items, such as phone numbers,
credit card numbers, and Social Security numbers. Figure 9-1 shows the hits found during a live
search of an image of a suspected arsonist’s laptop. You can right-click a search hit to add it to
your bookmarks, which includes the result in your final report.
3.2 Validating Forensic Data
Fig: Validating Forensic Data
One of the most critical aspects of computer forensics is validating digital evidence because
ensuring the integrity of data you collect is essential for presenting evidence in court. Chapter 5
introduced forensic hashing algorithms, and in this section, you learn more about validating an
acquired image before you analyze it.
Most computer forensic tools such as ProDiscover, X-Ways Forensics, FTK, and Encase provide
automated hashing of image files. For example, when ProDiscover loads an image file, it runs a
hash and compares that value to the original hash calculated when the image was first acquired.
You might remember seeing this feature when the Auto Image Checksum Verification message
box opens after you load an image file in ProDiscover. Computer foren- sics tools have some
limitations in performing hashing, however, so learning how to use advanced hexadecimal editors
is necessary to ensure data integrity.
3.2.1Validating with Hexadecimal Editors
Advanced hexadecimal editors offer many features not available in computer forensics tools,
such as hashing specific files or sectors. Learning how to use these tools is important, especially
when you need to find a particular filefor example, a known contraband image. With the hash
value in hand, you can use a computer forensics tool to search for a suspicious file that might
have had its name changed to look like an innocuous file. (Recall that two files with exactly the
same content have the same hash value, even if they have different names.) Getting a hash value
with a full-featured hexadecimal editor is much faster and easier than with a computer forensics
3.3 Addressing Data-Hiding Techniques
Data hiding involves changing or manipulating a file to conceal information. Data-hiding
techniques include hiding entire partitions, changing file extensions, setting file attributes to
hidden, bit-shifting, using encryption, and setting up password protection. Some of these
techniques are discussed in the following sections.
3.3.1Hiding Partitions
One way to hide partitions is to create a partition and then use a disk editor, such as Norton
Disk Edit, to delete any reference to it manually. To access the deleted partition, users can edit
the partition table to re-create the links, and then the hidden partition reappears when the
computer is restarted. Another way to hide partitions is with a disk-partitioning utility, such as
G Disk, Partition Magic, System Commander, or Linux Grand Unified Boot loader
(GRUB), which provides a startup menu where you can select an OS. The system then ignores
other bootable partitions.
To circumvent these techniques, be sure to account for all disk space when you’re examining
an evidence drive. Analyze any disk areas containing space you can’t account for so that you
can determine whether they contain additional evidence. For example, in the following code,
Disk Manager recognizes the extended partition (labeled EXT DOS) as being 5381.1 MB
(listed as Mbytes). The LOG DOS labels for partitions E through F indicate that they’re logical
partitions that make up the extended partition. However, if you add the sizes of drives E and F,
the result is only 5271.3 MB, which is your first clue to examine the disk more closely. The
remaining 109.8 MB could be a previously deleted partition or a hidden partition. For this
example, the following code shows the letter ―H‖ to indicate a hidden partition. Disk Partitions
Cylinders Heads Sectors Mbytes Sectors 2 5111661663 5495.8 11255328
Windows creates a partition gap between partitions automatically; however, you might find a gap
that’s larger than it should be. For example, in Windows 2000/XP, the partition gap is only 63
sectors, so 109.8 MB is too large to be a standard partition gap. In Windows Vista, the gap is
approximately 128 sectors.
In Figure, you can see a hidden partition in Disk Manager, which shows it as an unknown
partition. In addition, the drive letters in the visible partitions are nonconsecutive (drive I is
skipped), which can be another clue that a hidden partition exists. Most skilled users would make
sure this anomaly doesn’t occur, however.
Fig: Viewing a hidden partition in Disk Manager
In ProDiscover, a hidden partition appears as the highest available drive letter set in the BIOS.
Figure 9-9 shows four partitions, similar to Figure 9-8, except the hidden partition shows as the
drive letter Z. To carve (or salvage) data from the recovered partition gap, you can use other
computer forensics tools, such as FTK or WinHex.
Fig: Viewing a hidden partition in ProDiscover
3.3.2Marking Bad Clusters
Another data-hiding technique, more common in FAT file systems, is placing sensitive or
incriminating data in free or slack space on disk partition clusters. This technique involves using a
disk editor, such as Norton Disk Edit, to mark good clusters as bad clusters. The OS then
considers these clusters unusable. The only way they can be accessed from the OS is by changing
them to good clusters with a disk editor.
Some home computer users developed the skill of programming in the computer manufacturer’s
assembly language and learned how to create a low-level encryption program that changes the
order of binary data, making the altered data unreadable when accessed with a text editor or
word processor. These programs rearrange bits for each byte in a file. To secure a file
containing sensitive or incriminating information, these users run an assembler program (also
called a macro) on the file to scramble the bits. To access the file, they run another program that
restores the scrambled bits to their original order. Some of these pro- grams are still used today
and can make it difficult for investigators to analyze data on a suspect drive.
Start Notepad, and in a text document, type TEST FILE. Test file is to see how shifting bits will
alter the data in a file.
Save the file as Bit_shift.txt in your work folder, and exit Notepad.
Fig: Hex workshop
Start Hex Workshop. Click File, Open from the menu. Navigate to your work folder, and then
double-click Bit_shift.txt. Bit_shift.txt open in Hex Workshop.
To set up Hex Workshop for the bit-shifting exercise, click Options, Toolbars from the menu.
In the Customize dialog box, click the Data Operations check box, and then click OK.
Click the Shift Left button (<< icon) on the Data Operations toolbar. The Shift Left Operation
dialog box opens, where you specify how you want to treat the data, the ordering scheme to use
for bytes, and whether you shift bits for selected text or the entire file.
Fig: The Shift Left Operation dialog box
1. Click OK to accept the default settings and shift the bits in Bit_shift.txt to the left.
2.Save the file as Bit_shift_left.txt in your work folder. above Figure shows the file
in Hex Workshop, with the @ symbols indicating shifted bits.
Fig:Viewing the shifted bits
1. To return the file to its original configuration, shift the bits back to the right by clicking the
Shift Right button (>> icon) on the Data Operations toolbar. Click Ok to accept the default
settings in the Shift Right Operation dialog box. The file is displayed in its original format.
2. Save the file as Bit_shift_right.txt in your work folder, and leave Hex Workshop open for the
next activity. Now you can use Hex Workshop to find the MD5 hash values for these three files and
determine whether Bit_shift.txt is different from Bit_shift_right.txt and Bit_shift_left.txt. (You
could also use FTK or ProDiscover to find the MD5 hash values.) To check the MD5 values in Hex
Workshop, follow these steps:
1. With Bit_shift_right.txt open in Hex Workshop, click File, Open to open Bit_shift.txt, and
then repeat to open Bit_shift_left.txt.
2. Click the Bit_shift.txt tab in the upper pane to make it the active file.
3. Click Tools, Generate Checksum from the menu to open the Generate Checksum dialog box. In
the Select Algorithms list box, click MD5, and then click the Generate button. Copy the MD5
hash value of Bit_shift.txt, shown in the lower-right pane, and paste it in a new text document in
4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for Bit_shift_left.txt and Bit_shift_right.txt, pasting their hash values in
the same text file in Notepad.
5. Compare the MD5 hash values to determine whether the files are different. When you’re
finished, exit Notepad and Hex Workshop.
Typically, antivirus tools run hashes on potential malware files, but some advanced malware
uses bit-shifting as a way to hide its malicious code from antivirus tools. With the bit-shifting
functions in Hex Workshop, however, you can inspect potential malicious code manually. In
addition, some malware that attacks Microsoft Office files consists of executable code that’s
embedded at the end of document files, such as Word documents, and hidden with bit- shifting.
When an Office document is opened, the malware reverses the bit-shifting on the executable
code and then runs it.
3.4 Performing Remote Acquisitions
Remote acquisitions are handy when you need to image the drive of a computer far away from
your location or when you don’t want a suspect to be aware of an ongoing investiga- tion. This
method can save time and money, too. Many tools are available for remote acquisi- tions; in the
following sections, you use Runtime Software to learn how remote acquisitions are made.
Fig: FTK displaying encrypted files
Fig: Exporting encrypted files
3.4.1Remote Acquisitions with Runtime Software
Runtime Software ( offers the following shareware programs for
remote acquisitions:
DiskExplorer for FAT
DiskExplorer for NTFS
Chapter 4 introduced these tools; remember that theyre designed to be file system specific, so
there are DiskExplorer versions for both FAT and NTFS that you can use to create raw for-
mat image files or segmented image files for archiving purposes.
HDHOST is a remote access program for communication between two computers. The
connection is established by using the DiskExplorer program (FAT or NTFS) corresponding
to the suspect (remote) computer’s file system. The following sections show how to make a
live remote acquisition of another computer over a network. To use these tools, it’s best to
have computers connected on the same local hub or router with minimal network traffic.
3.5 Network Forensics Overview
Network forensics is the process of collecting and analyzing raw network data and tracking
network traffic systematically to ascertain how an attack was carried out or how an event
occurred on a network. Because network attacks are on the rise, there’s more focus on this
field and an increasing demand for skilled technicians. Labor forecasts predict a shortfall of
50,000 network forensics specialists in law enforcement, legal firms, corporations, and
Network forensics can also help you determine whether a network is truly under attack or a user
has inadvertently installed an untested patch or custom program, for example. A lot of time and
resources can be wasted determining that a bug in a custom program or an untested open-source
program caused the ―attack.‖
Network forensics examiners must establish standard procedures for how to acquire data after an
attack or intrusion incident. Typically, network administrators want to find compromised.
3.5.1Securing a Network
Network forensics is used to determine how a security breach occurred; however, steps must be
taken to harden networks before a security breach happens, particularly with recent increases in
network attacks, viruses, and other security incidents. Hardening includes a range of tasks, from
applying the latest patches to using a layered network defense strategy, which sets up layers of
protection to hide the most valuable data at the innermost part of the network. It also ensures
that the deeper into the network an attacker gets, the more difficult access becomes and the
more safeguards are in place. The National Security Agency (NSA) developed a similar
approach, called the defense in depth (DiD) strategy. DiD have three modes of protection:
If one mode of protection fails, the others can be used to thwart the attack. Listing people as a
mode of protection means organizations must hire well-qualified people and treat them well so
that they have no reason to seek revenge. In addition, organizations should make sure employees
are trained adequately in security procedures and are familiar with the organize- tion’s security
policy. Physical and personnel security measures are included in this mode of protection. The
technology mode includes choosing strong network architecture and using tested tools, such as
intrusion detection systems (IDSs) and firewalls. Regular penetration testing coupled with risk
assessment can help improve network security, too. Having systems in place that allow quick and
thorough analysis when a security breach occurs is also part of the technology mode of
3.6 Performing Live Acquisitions
The problem investigators face is the order of volatility (OOV), meaning how long a piece of
information lasts on a system. Data such as RAM and running processes might exist for only
milliseconds; other data, such as files stored on the hard drive, might last for years. The fol-
lowing steps show the general procedure for a live acquisition, although investigators differ on
exact steps:
Create or download a bootable forensic CD, and test it before using it on
a suspect drive. If the suspect system is on your network and you can access it
remotely, add the appropriate network forensics tools to your workstation. If not,
insert the bootable forensics CD in the suspect system.
Make sure you keep a log of all your actions; documenting your actions
and reasons for these actions is critical.
A network drive is ideal as a place to send the information you collect.
If you don’t have one available, connect a USB thumb drive to the suspect system
for collecting data. Be sure to note this step in your log.
Next, copy the physical memory (RAM). Microsoft has built-in tools for
this task, or you can use available freeware tools, such as mem fetch
( memfetch) and Back Track (discussed in the
following section).
The next step varies, depending on the incident you’re investigating.
With an intrusion, for example, you might want to see whether a rootkit is present
by using a tool such as Root Kit Revealer
( RootkitRevealer.mspx). You
can also access the system’s firmware to see whether it has changed, create an
image of the drive over the network, or shut the system down and make a static
acquisition later.
Be sure to get a forensically sound digital hash value of all files you
recover during the live acquisition to make sure they aren’t altered later.
Performing a Live Acquisition in Windows
Live acquisitions are becoming more necessary, and several tools are available for capturing
RAM. ManTech Memory DD ( can access up to 4 GB
RAM in standard did format. Another freeware tool, Win32dd (,
runs from the command line to perform a memory dump in Windows. In addition, comer- coal
tools, such as Guidance Software Winen.exe, can be used.
Another popular tool is Backtrack (, which com- bines
tools from the White Hat Hackers CD and The Auditor CD (see Figure 11-3). More than 300
tools are available, including password crackers, network sniffers, and freeware for- entices
tools. Backtrack has become popular with penetration testers and is used at the annual
Collegiate Cyber Defense Competitions.
Fig:Some of the tools available in BackTrack
3.7 Developing Standard Procedures for Network Forensics
Network forensics is a long, tedious process, and unfortunately, the trail can go cold
quickly. A standard procedure often used in network forensics is as follows:
Always use a standard installation image for systems on a
network. This image isn’t a bit-stream image but an image
containing all the standard applications used. You should also
have the MD5 and SHA-1 hash values of all application and OS
When an intrusion incident happens, make sure the
vulnerability has been fixed to prevent other attacks from
taking advantage of the opening.
Attempt to retrieve all volatile data, such as RAM and running
processes, by doing a live acquisition before turning the system
Acquire the compromised drive and make a forensic image of it.
Compare files on the forensic image to the original installation
image. Compare hash values of common files, such as Win.exe
and standard DLLs, and ascertain whether they have changed.
In computer forensics, you can work from the image to find most of the deleted or hidden files
and partitions. Sometimes you restore the image to a physical drive so that you can run
programs on the drive. In network forensics, you have to restore the drive to see how mal- ware
attackers have installed on the system works. For example, intruders might have trans- mitted a
Trojan program that gives them access to the system and then installed a root kit, which is a
collection of tools that can perform network reconnaissance tasks (using the ls or net stat
command to collect information, for instance), key logging, and other actions.
3.8Using Network Tools
A variety of tools are available for network administrators to perform remote shutdowns,
monitor device use, and more. The tools covered in this chapter are freeware and work in
Windows and UNIX. Sysinternals ( is a collection of
free tools for examining Windows products. They were created by Mark Russinovich and Bryce
Cogs well and acquired by Microsoft.
Fig: Opening page of Sysinternals
As you can see in above Figure, you can choose from file and system, networking,
process, and security tools, among others. The following list describes a few examples
of the powerful Windows tools available at Sysinternals:
RegMon shows all Registry data in real time.
Process Explorer shows what files, Registry keys, and
dynamic link libraries (DLLs) are loaded at a specific time.
Handle shows what files are open and which processes are using these
Filemon shows file system activity.
Far too many tools are available to list here, but you should take some time to explore the site
and see what’s available. One in particular that’s worth investigating is PsTools, a suite created
by Sysinternals that includes the following tools:
PsExecRuns processes remotely
PsGetSidDisplays the security identifier (SID) of a computer or user
PsKillKills processes by name or process ID
PsListLists detailed information about processes
PsLoggedOnDisplays who’s logged on locally
PsPasswdAllows you to change account passwords
PsServiceEnables you to view and control services
PsShutdownShuts down and optionally restarts a computer
PsSuspendAllows you to suspend processes
3.9 Understanding Rules of Evidence
Consistent practices help verify your work and enhance your credibility, so you must handle all
evidence consistently. Apply the same security and accountability controls for evidence in a civil
lawsuit as in a major crime to comply with your state’s rules of evidence or with the Federal Rules
of Evidence. Also, keep in mind that evidence admitted in a criminal case might also be used in a
civil suit, and vice versa. For example, suppose someone is charged with murder and acquitted at
the criminal trial because the jury isn’t convinced beyond a reasonable doubt of the person’s guilt.
If enough evidence shows that the accused’s negligence contributed to a wrongful death, however,
the victim’s relatives can use the evidence in a civil lawsuit to recover damages.
As part of your professional growth, keep current on the latest rulings and directives on col- lecting,
processing, storing, and admitting digital evidence. The following sections discuss some key
concepts of digital evidence. You can find additional information at the U.S. Department of
Justice Web site ( and by searching the Internet for ―digital evidence,‖ ―best
evidence rule,‖ ―hearsay,‖ and other relevant keywords. Consult with your prosecuting attorney,
Crown attorney, corporate general counsel, or the attorney who retained you to learn more about
managing evidence for your investigation. DVD to your work folder. The work folder path
shown in screenshots might differ slightly from yours.
Start Microsoft Word, and in a new document, type By creating a file,
you can identify the author with file metadata. Save it in your work folder as
InChp05-01. doc, and then exit Microsoft Word.
To start FTK, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Access Data,
point to Forensic Toolkit, and click Forensic Toolkit. If you’re prompted with
a warning dialog box and/or notification, click OK to continue, and click OK,
if necessary, in the message box thanking you for evaluating the program.
Click Go directly to working in program, and then click OK. Click
File, Add Evidence from the menu.
In the Add Evidence dialog box, enter your name as the investigator,
and then click Next. In the Evidence Processing Options dialog box, accept
the default setting, and then click Next.
In the main Add Evidence to Case dialog box, click the Add Evidence
button. In the next Add Evidence to Case dialog box, click the Individual File
option button, and then click Continue.
In the Browse for Folder dialog box, navigate to your work folder,
InChp05-01.doc, click Open, and then click OK. Click Next, and then
click Finish.
In the main window, click the Overview tab, if necessary. Under the
File Category heading, click the Documents button. Click to select the InChp05-
01.doc file in the bottom pane; its contents are then displayed in the upper-right
pane. Figure shows an example (although the filename in this figure is
Fig: Selecting a document
On the File List toolbar at the upper right, click the View files in
native format button, if the button isn’t already selected. (Hint: Hover your mouse
over buttons to see their names displayed.)
Next, click the View files in filtered text format button. If you entered
your username and organization when you installed Word, that information is displayed
(see Figure 5-2).
10. Exit FTK, clicking No if prompted to back up your work.
11. In addition to revealing the author, computer-stored records must be proved
authentic, which is the most difficult requirement to prove when you’re trying to
qualify evidence as an exception to the hearsay rule. The process of establishing
digital evidence’s trustworthiness originated with written documents and the best
evidence rule, which states that to prove the content of a written document,
recording, or photograph, ordinarily the original writing, recording, or
photograph is required (see Federal Rules of Evidence, 1002). In other words, the
original of a document is preferred to a duplicate. The best evidence, therefore, is
the document created and saved on a computer’s hard disk.
3.10 Collecting Evidence in Private-Sector Incident Scenes
Private-sector organizations include businesses and government agencies that aren’t
involved in law enforcement. In the United States, these agencies must comply with
state public disclo- sure and federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) laws and make
certain documents avail- able as public records. State public disclosure laws define state
public records as open and available for inspection. For example, divorces recorded in a
public office, such as a court- house, become matter of public record unless a judge
orders the documents sealed. Anyone can request a copy of a public divorce decree.
Figure 5-3 shows an excerpt of a public disclosure law for the state of Idaho.
State public disclosure laws apply to state records, but the FOIA allows citizens to
request copies of public documents created by federal agencies. The FOIA was
originally enacted in the 1960s, and several subsequent amendments have broadened its
laws. Some Web sites now provide copies of publicly accessible records for a fee.
A special category of private-sector businesses includes ISPs and other communication
companies. ISPs can investigate computer abuse committed by their employees, but not
by customers. ISPs must preserve customer privacy, especially when dealing with e-mail.
However, federal regulations related to the Homeland Security Act and the Patriot Act
of 2001 has redefined how ISPs and large corporate Internet users operate and
maintain their records.
ISPs and other communication companies now can investigate customers’ activities that are
deemed to create an emergency situation. An emergency situation under the Patriot Act is the
immediate risk of death or personal injury, such as finding a bomb threat in an e-mail mes- sage.
Some provisions of those laws have been revised over the past few years, so you should stay
abreast of their implications.
3.11Processing Law Enforcement Crime Scenes
To process a crime scene properly, you must be familiar with criminal rules of search and sei-
zure. You should also understand how a search warrant works and what to do when you process
one. For all criminal investigations in the United States, the Fourth Amendment limits how
governments search and seize evidence. A law enforcement officer can search for and seize
criminal evidence only with probable cause. Probable cause refers to the standard speci- fying
whether a police officer has the right to make an arrest, conduct a personal or property search, or
obtain a warrant for arrest. With probable cause, a police officer can obtain a search warrant
from a judge that authorizes a search and the seizure of specific evidence related to the criminal
complaint. Although several court cases have allowed latitude when searching and seizing
computer evidence, making your warrant as specific as possible to avoid challenges from
defense attorneys is a good practice. Often a warrant is written and issued in haste because of
the nature of the investigation. Law enforcement officers might not have the time to research the
correct language for stating the nature of the complaint to meet probable cause requirements.
However, because a judge can exclude evidence obtained from a poorly worded warrant, you
should review these issues with your local prosecutor before investigating a case.
3.12 Preparing for a Search
Preparing for a computer search and seizure is probably the most important step in computing
investigations. The better you prepare, the smoother your investigation will be. The following
sections discuss the tasks you should complete before you search for evidence. To perform these
tasks, you might need to get answers from the victim (the complainant) and an informant, who could
be a police detective assigned to the case, a law enforcement witness, or a manager or co-worker of
the person of interest to the investigation.
3.13 Securing a Computer Incident or Crime Scene
Investigators secure an incident or crime scene to preserve the evidence and to keep information
about the incident or crime confidential. Information made public could jeopardize the
investigation. If you’re in charge of securing a computer incident or crime scene, use yellow
barrier tape to prevent bystanders from accidentally entering the scene. Use police officers or
security guards to prevent others from entering the scene. Legal authority for a corporate incident
scene includes trespassing violations; for a crime scene, it includes obstructing justice or failing
to comply with a police officer. Access to the scene should be restricted to only those people
who have a specific reason to be there. The reason for the standard practice of securing an
incident or crime scene is to expand the area of control beyond the scene’s immediate location. In
this way, you avoid overlooking an area that might be part of the scene. Shrinking the scene’s
perimeter is easier than expanding it.
For major crime scenes, computer investigators aren’t usually responsible for defining a scene’s
security perimeter. These cases involve other specialists and detectives who are collecting physical
evidence and recording the scene. For incidents primarily involving computers, the computers
can be a crime scene within a crime scene, containing evidence to be processed.
3.14 Seizing Digital Evidence at the Scene
With proper search warrants, law enforcement can seize all computing systems and peripherals.
In corporate investigations, you might have similar authority; however, you might have the
authority only to make an image of the suspect’s drive. Depending on company policies,
corporate investigators rarely have the authority to seize all computers and peripherals.
When seizing computer evidence in criminal investigations, follow the U.S. DOJ standards for
seizing digital data (described later in this chapter, or see
searching.html). For civil investigations, follow the same rules of evidence as for criminal
investigation. You might be looking for specific evidence, such a particular e-mail message or
spreadsheet. In a criminal matter, investigators seize entire drives to preserve as much information
as possible and ensure that no evidence is overlooked. If you have any questions, doubts, or
concerns, consult with your attorney for additional guidance.
3.15 Storing Digital Evidence
With digital evidence, you need to consider how and on what type of media to save it and what
type of storage device is recommended to secure it. The media you use to store digital
Evidence usually depends on how long you need to keep it. If you investigate criminal matters,
store the evidence as long as you can. The ideal media on which to store digital data are CD- Rs
or DVDs. These media have long lives, but copying data to them takes a long time. Older CDs
had lives up to five years. Research is currently being done on CD-Rs and CD-RWs with life
spans of only one or two years. Today’s larger drives demand more storage capacity; 200 GB
drives are common, and DVDs can store up to only 17 GB of data.
You can also use magnetic tape to preserve evidence data. The 4-mm DAT magnetic tapes store
between 40 to 72 GB or more of data, but like CD-Rs, they are slow at reading and writing data.
If you’re using these tapes, test your data by copying the contents from the tape back to a disk
drive. Then verify that the data is good by examining it with your computer forensics tools or
doing an MD5 hash comparison of the original data set and the newly restored dataset.
If a 30-year lifespan for data storage is acceptable for your digital evidence, older DLT
magnetic tape cartridge systems are a good choice. Keep in mind that you never know how
long it will take for a case to go to trial. Figure shows a 4-mm DAT drive and tape and a
DLT tape drive.
Fig: 4-mm DAT and DLT tape drives
DLT systems have been used with mainframe computers for several decades and are reliable data-
archiving systems. Depending on the size of the DLT cartridge, one cartridge can store up to 80
GB of data in compressed mode. Speed of data transfer from your hard drive to a DLT tape is also
faster than transferring data to a CD-R or DVD. The only major drawback of a DLT drive and
tapes is cost. A drive can cost from $400 to $800, and each tape is about $40. However, with the
current large disk drives, the DLT system does offer significant labor savings over other systems.
Recently, manufacturers such as Quantum Corp. have introduced a high-speed, high-capacity tape
cartridge drive system called Super Digital Linear Tape (Super-DLT or SLDT). These systems are
specifically designed for large RAID data backups and can store more than 1 TB of data. Smaller
external Super-DLT drives can connect to a workstation through a SCSI card.
However, don’t rely on one media storage method to preserve your evidence—be sure to make
two copies of every image to prevent data loss. Also, if practical, use different tools to create the
two images. For example, you can use the Linux dd command to create the first image and
ProDiscover to create the second image.
3.16 Obtaining a Digital Hash
To verify data integrity, different methods of obtaining a unique identity for file data have been
developed. One of the first methods, the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is a mathematical
algorithm that determines whether a file’s contents have changed. The most recent version is
CRC-32. CRC, however, is not considered a forensic hashing algorithm. The first algorithm for
computer forensics use was Message Digest 5 (MD5). Like CRC, MD5 is a mathematical
formula that translates a file into a hexadecimal code value, or a hash value. If a bit or byte in the
file changes, it alters the hash value, a unique hexadecimal value that identifies a file or drive.
(Before you process or analyze a file, you can use a software tool to calculate its hash value.)
After you process the file, you produce another digital hash. If it’s the same as the original one,
you can verify the integrity of your digital evidence with mathematical proof that the file didn’t
3.17 Reviewing a Case
Some of which are repeated in the following list. Later in this section, you apply each task to a
hypothetical investigation to create a preparation plan for searching an incident or crime scene.
The following are the general tasks you perform in any computer forensics case:
Identify the case requirements.
Plan your investigation.
Conduct the investigation.
Complete the case report.
Critique the case.
4.1Types of Computer Forensics Tools
Computer forensics tools are divided into two major categories: hardware and software. Each
category has additional subcategories discussed in more depth later in this chapter. The following
sections outline basic features required and expected of most computer forensics tools.
Hardware Forensics Tools Hardware forensics tools range from simple, single purpose
components to complete computer systems and servers. Single-purpose components can be
devices, such as the ACARD AEC-7720WP Ultra Wide SCSI-to-IDE Bridge, which is designed to
write-block an IDE drive connected to a SCSI cable.
Some examples of complete systems are Digital Intelligence F.R.E.D. systems, DIBS Advanced
Forensic Workstations, and Forensic Computers Forensic Examination Stations and portable units.
Software Forensics Tools Software forensics tools are grouped into command-line applications
and GUI applications. Some tools are specialized to perform one task, such as Safe Back, a
command-line disk acquisition tool from New Technologies, Inc. (NTI). Other tools are designed
to perform many different tasks. For example, Technology Pathways Pro- Discover, X-Ways
Forensics, Guidance Software En Case, and Access Data FTK are GUI tools designed to perform
most computer forensics acquisition and analysis functions.
Software forensics tools are commonly used to copy data from a suspect’s drive to an image file.
Many GUI acquisition tools can read all structures in an image file as though the image were the
original drive. Many analysis tools, such as ProDiscover, En Case, FTK, X-Ways Forensics,
ILook, and others, have the capability to analyze image files. In Chapter 4, you learned how some
of these tools are used to acquire data from suspects’ drives.
Tasks Performed by Computer Forensics Tools
All computer forensics tools, both hardware and software, perform specific functions. These
functions are grouped into five major categories, each with sub functions for further refining data
analysis and recovery:
Validation and discrimination
In the following sections, you learn how these five functions and associated sub functions apply
to computing investigations.
Acquisition, the first task in computer forensics investigations, is making a copy of the original
drive. As described in Chapter 4, this procedure preserves the original drive to make sure it
doesn’t become corrupt and damage the digital evidence. Sub functions in the acquisition category
include the following:
Physical data copy
Logical data copy
• Data acquisition format
Command-line acquisition
GUI acquisition
Remote acquisition
Some computer forensics software suites, such as Access Data FTK and En Case, provide separate
tools for acquiring an image. However, some investigators opt to use hardware devices, such as the
Logic be Talon, VOOM Hard Copy 3, or Image MASSter Solo III Forensic unit from Intelligent
Computer Solutions, Inc., for acquiring an image. These hardware devices have their own built-in
software for data acquisition. No other device or program is needed to make a duplicate drive;
however, you still need forensics software to analyze the data.
4.1.1 Validation and Discrimination
Two issues in dealing with computer evidence are critical. First is ensuring the integrity of data
being copiedthe validation process. Second is the discrimination of data, which involves sorting
and searching through all investigation data. The process of validating data is what allows
discrimination of data. Many forensics software vendors offer three methods for discriminating data
values. These are the sub functions of the validation and discrimination function:
• Hashing
• Filtering
• Analyzing file headers
Validating data is done by obtaining hash values. As a standard feature, most forensics tools and
many disk editors have one or more types of data hashing. How data hashing is used depends on the
investigation, but using a hashing algorithm on the entire suspect drive and all its files is a good
idea. This method produces a unique hexadecimal value for data, used to make sure the original
data hasn’t changed.
This unique value has other potential uses. For example, in the corporate environment, you could
create a known good hash value list of a fresh installation of an OS, all applications, and all
known good images and documents (spreadsheets, text files, and so on). With this information, an
investigator could ignore all files on this known good list and focus on other files on the disk
that aren’t on this list. This process is known as filtering. Filtering can also be used to find data
for evidence in criminal investigations or to build a case for terminating an employee.
The primary purpose of data discrimination is to remove good data from suspicious data. Good data
consists of known files, such as OS files and common programs (Microsoft Word, for example).
Several computer forensics programs can integrate known good file hash sets, such as the ones from
the NSRL, and compare them to file hashes from a suspect drive to see whether they match. With
this process, you can eliminate large amounts of data quickly so that you can focus your evidence
analysis. You can also begin building your own hash sets.
Another feature to consider for hashing functions is hashing and comparing sectors of data. This
feature is useful for identifying fragments of data in slack and free disk space that might be
partially overwritten.
An additional method of discriminating data is analyzing and verifying header values for known file
types. Similar to the hash values of known files, many computer forensics pro- grams include a list
of common header values. With this information, you can see whether a file extension is incorrect
for the file type. Renaming file extensions is a common way to try to hide data, and you could miss
pertinent data if you don’t check file headers.
4.1.2 Extraction
The extraction function is the recovery task in a computing investigation and is the most challenging
of all tasks to master.
Recovering data is the first step in analyzing an investigation’s data. The following sub functions
of extraction are used in investigations:
Data viewing
Keyword searching
Many computer forensics tools include a data-viewing mechanism for digital evidence. How data is
viewed depends on the tool. Tools such as ProDiscover, X-Ways Forensics, FTK, EnCase,
SMART, ILook, and others offer several ways to view data, including logical drive structures, such
as folders and files. These tools also display allocated file data and unallocated disk areas with
special file and disk viewers. Being able to view this data in its normal form makes analyzing and
collecting clues for the investigation easier
.4.2 Computer Forensics Software Tools
Whether you use a suite of tools or a task-specific tool, you have the option of selecting one that
enables you to analyze digital evidence through the command line or in a GUI. The following
sections explore some options for command-line and GUI tools in both Windows and UNIX/Linux.
Command-Line Forensics Tools
Computers used several OSs before MS-DOS dominated the market. During this time, computer
forensics wasn’t a major concern. After people started using PCs, however, they figured out how
to use them for illegal and destructive purposes and to commit crimes and civil infractions.
Software developers began releasing computer forensics tools to help private- and public-sector
investigators examine PCs. The first tools that analyzed and extracted data from floppy disks and
hard disks were MS-DOS tools for IBM PC file systems.
One of the first MS-DOS tools used for computer investigations was Norton Disk Edit. This tool
used manual processes that required investigators to spend considerable time on a typical 500
MB drive. Eventually, programs designed for computer forensics were developed for DOS,
Windows, Apple, NetWare, and UNIX systems. Some of these early programs could extract data
from slack and free disk space; others were capable only of retrieving deleted files. Current
programs are more robust and can search for specific words or characters, import a keyword list
to search, calculate hash values, recover deleted items, conduct physical and logical analyses, and
One advantage of using command-line tools for an investigation is that they require few sys- tem
resources because they’re designed to run in minimal configurations. In fact, most tools fit on
bootable media (floppy disk, USB drive, CD, or DVD). Conducting an initial inquiry or a
complete investigation with bootable media can save time and effort. Most tools also produce a
text report small enough to fit on a floppy disk.
Forensic Workstations
Many computer vendors offer a wide range of forensic workstations that you can tailor to meet
your investigation needs. The more diverse your investigation environment, the more options
you need. In general, forensic workstations can be divided into the following categories:
Stationary workstationA tower with several bays and many peripheral devices
Portable workstationA laptop computer with a built-in LCD monitor and almost as
many bays and peripherals as a stationary workstation
Lightweight workstationusually a laptop computer built into a carrying case with
a small selection of peripheral options
When considering options to add to a basic workstation, keep in mind that PCs have limitations
on how many peripherals they can handle. The more peripherals you add, the more potential
problems you might have, especially if you’re using an older version of Windows. You must learn
to balance what you actually need with what your system can handle.
4.3 Validating and Testing Forensics Software
Now that you have selected some tools to use, you need to make sure the evidence you recover and
analyze can be admitted in court. To do this, you must test and validate your software. The
following sections discuss validation tools available at the time of this writing and how to develop
your own validation protocols.
Using National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) Tools
The National Institute of Standards and Technology publishes articles, provides tools, and creates
procedures for testing and validating computer forensics software. Software should be verified to
improve evidence admissibility in judicial proceedings. NIST sponsors the Computer Forensics
Tool Testing (CFTT) project to manage research on computer forensics tools.
Establish categories for computer forensics toolsGroup computer forensics
software according to categories, such as forensics tools designed to retrieve
and trace e-mail.
Identify computer forensics category requirementsFor each category,
describe the technical features or functions a forensics tool must have.
Develop test assertionsBased on the requirements, create tests that
prove or diSprove the tool’s capability to meet the requirements.
Identify test casesFind or create types of cases to investigate with the
forensics tool, and identify information to retrieve from a sample drive or
other media. For example, use the image of a closed case file created with a
trusted forensics tool to test a new tool in the same category and see
whether it produces the same results.
Establish a test method—Considering the tool’s purpose and design,
specify how to test it.
Report test resultsDescribe the test results in a report that complies
with ISO 17025, which requires accurate, clear, unambiguous, and
objective test reports.
Another standards document, ISO 5725, demands accuracy for all aspects of the testing pro- cess, so
results must be repeatable and reproducible. ―Repeatable results‖ means that if you work in the same lab
on the same machine, you generate the same results. ―Reproducible results‖ means that if you’re in a
different lab working on a different machine, the tool still retrieves the same information.
4.4 Exploring the Role of E-mail in Investigations
E-mail evidence has become an important part of many computing investigations, so computer
forensics investigators must know how e-mail is processed to collect this essential evidence. In
addition, with the increase in e-mail scams and fraud attempts with phishing or spoofing, investigators
need to know how to examine and interpret the unique content of e-mail messages.
As a computing investigator, you might be called on to examine a phishing e-mail to see whether it’s
authentic. Later, in ―Tracing an E-mail Message,‖ you learn about resources for looking up e-mail and
Web addresses to verify whether they’re associated with a spoofed message.
One of the most noteworthy e-mail scams was 419, or the Nigerian Scam, which originated as a chain
letter from Nigeria, Africa. Fraudsters now need only access to Internet e-mail to solicit victims, thus
saving postage costs of international mail. Unlike newer, more sophisticated phishing e-mail frauds,
419 messages have certain characteristic ploys and a typical writing style. For example, the sender asks
for access to your bank account so that he can transfer his money to it as a way to prevent corrupt
government officials in his homeland from confiscating it. The sender often promises to reward you
financially if you make a minor payment or allow access to your bank account. The messages are
usually in uppercase letters and use poor grammar
4.5 Exploring the Roles of the Client and Server in E-mail
You can send and receive e-mail in two environments: via the Internet or an intranet (an internal
network). In both e-mail environments, messages are distributed from a central server to many
connected client computers, a configuration called client/server architecture. The server runs an e-mail
server program, such as Microsoft Exchange Server, Novell GroupWise, or UNIX Send mail, to
provide e-mail services. Client computers use e-mail programs (also called e-mail clients), such as
Novell Evolution or Microsoft Outlook, to contact the e-mail server and send and retrieve e-mail
Fig: Role of client and server in E-mail
Regardless of the OS or e-mail program, users access their e-mail based on permissions the e-mail
server administrator grants. These permissions prevent users from accessing each other’s e-mail. To
retrieve messages from the e-mail server, users identify themselves to the server, as when logging on
to the network. Then e-mails are delivered to their computers.
E-mail services on both the Internet and an intranet use a client/server architecture, but they differ in
how client accounts are assigned, used, and managed and in how users access their e-mail.
Overall, an intranet e-mail system is for the private use of network users, and Internet e-mail
systems are for public use. On an intranet, the e-mail server is generally part of the local network,
and an administrator manages the server and its services. In most cases, an intranet e-mail system is
specific to a company, used only by its employees, and regulated by its business practices, which
usually include strict security and acceptable use policies. For example, network users can’t create
their own e-mail accounts, and usernames tend to follow a naming convention that the e-mail
administrator determines.
4.6 Investigating E-mail Crimes and Violations
Investigating crimes or policy violations involving e-mail is similar to investigating other types of
computer abuse and crimes. Your goal is to find out who’s behind the crime or policy violation,
collect the evidence, and present your findings to build a case for prosecution or arbitration.
E-mail crimes and violations depend on the city, state, and sometimes country in which the e-mail
originated. For example, in Washington State, sending unsolicited e-mail is illegal. However, in other
states, it isn’t considered a crime. Consult with an attorney for your organization to determine what
constitutes an e-mail crime.
Committing crimes with e-mail is becoming commonplace, and more investigators are finding
communications that link suspects to a crime or policy violation through e-mail. For example, some
people use e-mail when committing crimes such as narcotics trafficking, extortion, sexual
harassment, stalking, fraud, child abductions, terrorism, child pornography, and so on. Because e-
mail has become a major communication medium, any crime or policy violation can involve e-mail.
4.6.1 Examining E-mail Messages
After you have determined that a crime has been committed involving e-mail, first access the victim’s
computer to recover the evidence. Using the victim’s e-mail client, find and copy any potential
evidence. It might be necessary to log on to the e-mail service and access any protected or encrypted
files or folders. If you can’t actually sit down at the victim’s com- puter, you have to guide the victim
on the phone to open and print a copy of an offending message, including the header. The header
contains unique identifying numbers, such as the IP address of the server that sent the message. This
information helps you trace the e-mail to the suspect.
4.6.2 Copying an E-mail Message
Before you start an e-mail investigation, you need to copy and print the e-mail involved in the
crime or policy violation. You might also want to forward the message as an attachment to another e-
mail address, depending on your organizations guidelines.
The following activity shows you how to use Outlook 2007, included with Microsoft Office, to copy
an e-mail message to a USB drive. (Note: Depending on the Outlook version you use, the steps
might vary slightly.) You use a similar procedure to copy messages in other e-mail programs, such as
Outlook Express and Evolution. If Outlook or Outlook Express is installed on your computer, follow
these steps:
Insert a USB drive into a USB port.
Open Windows Explorer or the Computer window, navigate
to the USB drive, and leave this window open.
Start Outlook by clicking Start, pointing to All Programs,
pointing to Microsoft Office, and clicking Microsoft Office
Outlook 2007.
In the Mail Folders pane (see Figure 12-2), click the folder
containing the message you want to copy. For example, click the
Inbox folder. A list of messages in that folder is displayed in the
pane in the middle. Click the message you want to copy.
Resize the Outlook window so that you can see the message you
want to copy and the USB drive icon in Windows Explorer or
the Computer window.
Drag the message from the Outlook window to the USB drive
icon in Windows Explorer or the Computer window.
Click File, Print from the Outlook menu to open the Print dialog
box. After printing the e-mail so that you have a copy to include
in your final report, exit Outlook.
4.6.3Viewing E-mail Headers
After you copy and print a message, use the e-mail program that created it to find the e-mail header.
This section includes instructions for viewing e-mail headers in a variety of e-mail programs,
including Windows GUI clients, a UNIX command-line e-mail program, and some common Web-
based e-mail providers. After you open e-mail headers, copy and paste them into a text document so
that you can read them with a text editor, such as Windows.
To retrieve an Outlook e-mail header, follow these steps:
Start Outlook, and then select the original of the message you
copied in the previous section.
Right-click the message and click Message Options to open the
Message Options dia- log box. The Internet headers text box at the
bottom contains the message header.
Fig: An Outlook e-mail header
Select all the message header text, and then press Ctrl+C to copy it to the
Start Notepad, and then press Ctrl+V in a new document
window to paste the message header text.
Save the document as Outlook Header.txt in your work folder.
Then close the document and exit Outlook. To retrieve an Outlook
Express e-mail header, follow these steps:
Start Outlook Express, and then display the message you want to examine.
Right-click the message and click Properties to open a dialog
box showing general information about the message.
Fig: An Outlook Express e-mail header
Click the Message Source button to view the e-mail’s HTML
source code ,which can be helpful in examining possible
phishing messages.
Select all the message header text, and then press Ctrl+C to copy it to the
Start Notepad, and then press Ctrl+V in a new document
window to paste the message header text.
Save the document as Outlook Express Header.txt in your work
folder, and then exit Notepad.
Close all open windows and dialog boxes, and then exit Outlook Express.
Fig: Viewing the message’s HTML source code
To retrieve an e-mail header in Novell Evolution, follow these steps:
Start Evolution, and open the Inbox.
Double-click the e-mail message to open it.
Click View, All Message Headers from the menu to display the
e-mail header, shown in Figure 12-6.
Select all the message header text, and then press Ctrl+C to
copy it to the Clipboard. Start a text editor, such as KEdit or gedit,
and then press Ctrl+V in a new document window to paste the
message header text.
Save the document as Evolution Header.txt in your work
folder, close the file, and then exit the text editor and Evolution.
In the previous activities, you used a GUI program to find the header information. Now you see how
to find this same information with a command-line e-mail program. If available, follow these steps to
retrieve e-mail headers in UNIX Pine:
Start Pine by typing pine at the command prompt and pressing
Enter. The Pine e-mail screen appears with available options at the
Type s to display setup options.
4.7Understanding E-mail Servers
An e-mail server is loaded with software that uses e-mail protocols for its services and
maintains logs you can examine and use in your investigation. As a computer forensics investigator,
you can’t know everything about e-mail servers. Your focus is not to learn how a particular e-mail
server works but how to retrieve information about e-mails for an investigation. Usually, you must
work closely with the network administrator or e-mail administrator, who is often willing to help you
find the data or files you need and might even suggest new ways to find this information. If you
can’t work with an administrator, conduct research on the Internet or use the forensics tools discussed
later in this chapter to investigate the e-mail server software and OS.
To investigate e-mail abuse, you should know how an e-mail server records and handles the e-mail it
receives. Some e-mail servers use databases that store users’ e-mails, and others use a flat file system.
All e-mail servers can maintain a log of e-mails that are processed. Some e-mail servers are set up
to log e-mail transactions by default; others must be configured to do so. Most e-mail
administrators log system operations and message traffic to recover e-mails in case of a disaster, to
make sure the firewall and e-mail filters are working correctly, and to enforce company policy.
However, the e-mail administrator can disable logging or use circular logging, which
over- writes the log file when it reaches a specified size or at the end of a specified time frame.
Circular logging saves valuable server space, but you can’t recover a log after it’s overwritten. For
example, on Monday the e-mail server records traffic in the Mon.log file. For the next six days, the
e-mail server uses a log for each day, such as Tues.log, Wed.log, and so forth. On Sunday at
midnight, the e-mail server starts recording e-mail traffic in Mon.log, overwriting the information
logged the previous Monday. The only way to access the log file information is from a backup file,
which many e-mail administrators create before a log file is overwritten.
E-mail logs generally identify the e-mail messages an account received, the IP address from which
they were sent, the time and date the e-mail server received them, the time and date the client
computer accessed the e-mail, the e-mail contents, system-specific information, and any other
information the e-mail administrator wants to track. These e-mail logs are usually formatted in plain
text and can be read with a basic text editor, such as Notepad or vi.
Fig: An e-mail server log file
4.8 Using Specialized E-mail Forensics Tools
For many e-mail investigations, you can rely on e-mail message files, e-mail headers, and e-mail
server log files. However, if you can’t find an e-mail administrator willing to help with the
investigation, or you encounter a highly customized e-mail environment, you can use data recovery
tools and forensics tools designed to recover e-mail files.
As technology has progressed in e-mail and other services, so have the tools for recovering information
lost or deleted from a hard drive. In previous chapters, you have reviewed many tools for data
recovery, such as ProDiscover Basic and Access Data FTK. You can also use these tools to investigate
and recover e-mail files. Other tools, such as the ones in the follow- ing list, are specifically created for
e-mail recovery, including recovering deleted attachments from a hard drive:
Data Numen for Outlook and Outlook Express
FINAL e MAIL for Outlook Express and Eudora
Sawmill-GroupWise for log analysis office_agent.html)
DBX tract for Outlook Express
Fookes Aid4Mail and Mail Bag Assistant for Outlook,
Thunderbird, and Eudora
Paraben E-Mail Examiner, configured to recover several
e-mail formats
Access Data FTK for Outlook and Outlook Express
On track Easy Recovery Email Repair for Outlook
and Outlook Express
R-Tools R-Mail for Outlook and Outlook Express.
Office Recoverys Mail Recovery for Outlook, Outlook Express, Exchange,
Exchange Server, and IBM Lotus Notes
When you use a third-party tool to search for a .db file, for example, you can find where the
administrator stores .db files for the e-mail server. To find log files, use .log as the search criteria.
You’re likely to find at least two logs related to e-mailone listing logged events for messages and
the other listing logged events for accounts accessing e-mail.
FTK, En Case, and other forensics tools enable you to find e-mail database files, personal e-mail
files, offline storage files, and log files. Some tools allow you to view messages and other files with
a special viewer; others require using a text editor to compare information, such as the date and time
stamp, username, domain, and message contents, to determine whether it matches what was found
on the victim’s computer.
One advantage of using data recovery tools is that you don’t need to know how the e-mail server
or e-mail client operates to extract data from these computers. Data recovery tools do the work
for you and allow you to view evidence on the computer.
After you compare e-mail logs with the messages, you should verify the e-mail account, message
ID, IP address, and date and time stamp to determine whether there’s enough evidence for a
warrant. If so, you can obtain and serve your warrant for the suspect’s computer equipment.
4.9 Understanding Mobile Device Forensics
People store a wealth of information on cell phones, and the thought of losing your cell phone
and, therefore, the information stored on it can be a frightening prospect. Despite this concern,
not many people think about securing their cell phones, although they routinely lock and secure
laptops or desktops. Depending on your phone’s model, the following items might be stored on
Incoming, outgoing, and missed calls
Text and Short Message Service (SMS) messages
Instant messaging (IM) logs
Web pages
Personal calendars
Address books
Music files
Voice recordings
Many people store more information on their cell phones than they do on their computers and
with this variety of information, piecing together the facts of a case is possible. Recent cases,
such as the rape allegations at Duke University and the Scott Peterson murder trial, show that
cell phone data is used increasingly in court as evidence. In some countries, cell phones are even
used to log in to bank accounts and transfer funds from one cell phone to another, which
provides even more potential evidence. This handheld device is one of the most versatile pieces
of equipment invented yet.
Despite the usefulness of these devices in providing clues for investigations, investigating cell
phones and mobile devices is one of the most challenging tasks in digital forensics. No single
standard exists for how and where cell phones store messages, although many phones use similar
storage schemes. In addition, new phones come out about every six months, and they’re rarely
compatible with previous models. Therefore, the cables and accessories you have might become
obsolete in a short time. Also, cell phones are often combined with PDAs, which can make
forensics investigations more complex.
Mobile Phone Basics
Since the 1970s, when Motorola introduced cell phones, mobile phone technology has advanced
rapidly. Gone are the days of two-pound cell phones that only the wealthy could afford. In the
past 40 years, mobile phone technology has developed far beyond what the inventors could have
Up to the end of 2008, there have been three generations of mobile phones: analog, digital
personal communications service (PCS), and third-generation (3G). 3G offers increased band-
width, compared with the other technologies:
384 Kbps for pedestrian use
128 Kbps in a moving vehicle
2 Mbps in fixed locations, such as office building.
4.10 Understanding Acquisition Procedures for Cell Phones and Mobile
All mobile devices have volatile memory, so making sure they don’t lose power before you can
retrieve RAM data is critical. At the investigation scene, determine whether the device is on or
off. If it’s off, leave it off, but find the recharger and attach it as soon as possible. Note this step
in your log if you can’t determine whether the device was charged at the time of seizure. If the
device is on, check the LCD display for the battery’s current charge level.
Because mobile devices are often designed to synchronize with applications on a user’s PC, any
mobile device attached to a PC via a cable or cradle/docking station should be disconnected from
the PC immediately. This precaution helps prevent synchronization that might occur
automatically on a preset schedule and overwrite data on the device. In addition, collect the PC
and any peripheral devices to determine whether the hard drive contains any information that’s
not on the mobile device.
Depending on the warrant or subpoena, the time of seizure might be relevant. In addition,
messages might be received on the mobile device after seizure that may or may not be admissible
in court. If you determine that the device should be turned off to preserve battery power or a
possible attack, note the time and date at which you take this step. The alternative is to isolate the
device from incoming signals with one of the following options:
Place the device in paint can, preferably one that previously contained
radio wave blocking paint.
Use the Paraben Wireless Strong Hold Bag which conforms to Faraday
wire cage standards.
Use eight layers of antistatic bags (for example, the bags that new hard
drives are wrapped in) to block the signal.
The drawback of using these isolating options is that the mobile device is put into roaming mode,
which accelerates battery drainage. NIST suggests supplying a portable means of power, such as
a battery-powered charger, to prevent this problem. Newer mobile devices shut themselves off or
enter a ―sleep state‖ after reaching a certain low battery level.
As mentioned, memory resides in the phone itself and in the SIM card, if the device is equipped
with one. The file system for a SIM card is a hierarchical structure. This file structure begins with
the root of the system (MF). The next level consists of directory files (DF), and under them are
files containing elementary data (EF). EFs under the GSM and DCS1800 DFs contain network data
on different frequency bands of operation. The EFs under the Telecom DF contain service-related
Fig: SIM file structure
You can retrieve quite a bit of data from a SIM card. The information that can be retrieved falls
into four categories:
Service-related data, such as identifiers for the SIM card and subscriber
Call data, such as numbers dialed
Message information
Location information
If power has been lost, you might need PINs or other access codes to view files. Typically, users
keep the original PIN assigned to the SIM card, so when you’re collecting evidence at he scene,
look for users’ manuals and other documentation that can help you access the SIM card. With
most SIM cards, you have three attempts at entering an access code before the device is locked,
which then requires calling the service provider or waiting a certain amount of time before trying
again. Common codes to try are 1-1-1-1 or 1-2-3-4.
SIM Card Readers With GSM phones and many newer models of mobile devices, the next step
is accessing the SIM card, which you can do by using a combination hardware/ software device
called a SIM card reader. To use this device, you should be in a forensics lab equipped with
antistatic devices. In addition, biological agents, such as fingerprints, might be present on the
inside of the case, so you should consult the lead investigator when you’re ready to proceed to
this step. The general procedure is as follows:
Remove the back panel of the device.
Remove the battery.
Under the battery, remove the SIM card from its holder.
Insert the SIM card into the card reader, which you insert into your
forensic workstation’s USB port.
A variety of SIM card readers are on the market. Some are forensically sound and some are not;
make sure you note this feature of the device in your investigation log. Another problem with
SIM card readers is dealing with text and SMS messages that haven’t been read yet. After you
view a message, the device shows the message as opened or read. For this reason, documenting
messages that haven’t been read is critical. Using a tool that takes pictures of each screen can be
valuable in this situation. These screen captures can provide additional documentation.
IPhone Forensics Because the iPhone is so popular, its features are copied in many other
mobile devices. The wealth of information that can be stored on this device makes iPhone
forensics particularly challenging. At first, many researchers and hackers tried to find a way to
―crack‖ the iPhone but were unsuccessful because the device is practically impenetrable. A more
fruitful approach was hacking backup files. However, this method does have limitations: You
can access only files included in a standard backup, so deleted files, for example, can’t be
5.1. Understanding file systems
To investigate computer evidence effectively, you must understand how the most commonly
used OSs work and how they store files. In addition to this section on file systems, you should
review books on Computer Technology Industry Association. A file system gives an OS a road
map to data on a disk. The type of file system an OS uses determines how data is stored on the
disk. A file system is usually directly related to an OS, although some vendors grandfather in
previous OSs so that newer ones can read them. For example, most current Linux releases can
access disks configured in the older Linux Ext2fs and Ext3fs file systems.
No matter which platform you use, you need to know how to access and modify system settings
when necessary. When you need to access a suspect’s computer to acquire or inspect data related
to your investigation, you should be familiar with the computer’s plat- form.
Understanding the Boot Sequence:
To ensure that you don’t contaminate or alter data on a suspect’s Windows or DOS PC, you
must know how to access and modify a PC’s Complementary Metal Oxide Semi- conductor
(CMOS) and Basic Input/ Output System (BIOS) settings. A computer stores system
configuration and date and time information in the CMOS when power to the system is off. The
system BIOS contains programs that perform input and output at the hardware level.
When a subject’s computer starts, you must make sure it boots to a forensic floppy disk or
CD, because booting to the hard disk overwrites and changes evidentiary data. To do this,
you access the CMOS setup by monitoring the subject’s computer during the initial bootstrap
process to identify the correct key or keys to use. The bootstrap process is contained in ROM and
tells the computer how to proceed. As the computer starts, the screen usually displays the key or
keys, such as the Delete key; you press to open the CMOS setup screen. You can also try
unhooking the keyboard to force the system to tell you what keys to use. The key you press to
CMOS depends on the computer’s BIOS. The popular BIOS manufacturers Award and AMI use
the Delete key to access CMOS; other manufacturers use Ctrl+Alt+Insert, Ctrl+A, Ctrl+A, or
Ctrl+F1, F2, and F10.
Figure shows a typical CMOS setup screen, where you check a computer’s boot sequence. If
necessary, you can change the boot sequence so that the OS accesses the CD/ DVD drive or a
floppy drive (if available) before any other boot device. Each BIOS vendor’s screen is different,
but you can refer to the vendor’s documentation or Web site for instructions on changing the
boot sequence.
A typical CMOS setup screen
Understanding Disk Drives:
You should be familiar with disk drives and how data is organized on a disk so that you can find
data effectively. Disk drives are made up of one or more platters coated with magnetic material,
and data is stored on platters in a particular way. For additional information on disk drive
configurations, see Follow- ing is a list
of disk drive components:
Geometry—Geometry refers to a disk’s structure of platters, tracks, and sectors.
Head—the head is the device that reads and writes data to a drive. There’s one head
per platter.
TracksTracks are concentric circles on a disk platter where data is located.
Cylindersa cylinder is a column of tracks on two or more disk platters. Typically,
each platter has two surfaces: top and bottom.
Sectorsa sector is a section on a track, usually made up of 512 bytes.
The manufacturer engineers a disk to have a certain number of sectors per track, and a typical
disk drive stores 512 bytes per sector. To determine the total number of addressable bytes on a
disk, multiply the number of cylinders by the number of heads (actually tracks) and by the
number of sectors (groups of 512 or more bytes).
Fig : disk drives
Exploring Microsoft File Structures
Because most PCs use Microsoft software products, you should understand Microsoft file
systems so that you know how Windows and DOS computers store files. In particular, you need
to understand clusters, File Allocation Table (FAT), and New Technology File System (NTFS).
The method an OS uses to store files determines where data can be hidden. When you examine a
computer for forensic evidence, you need to explore these hiding places to determine whether
they contain files or parts of files that might be evidence of a crime or policy violation.
In Microsoft file structures, sectors are grouped to form clusters, which are storage allocation
units of one or more sectors. Clusters are typically 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, or more bytes each.
Combining sectors minimizes the overhead of writing or reading files to a disk. The OS groups
one or more sectors into a cluster. The number of sectors in a cluster varies according to the disk
size. For example, a double-sided floppy disk has one sector per cluster; a hard disk has four or
more sectors per cluster.
Clusters are numbered sequentially starting at 2 because the first sector of all disks contains a
system area, the boot record, and a file structure database. The OS assigns these cluster numbers,
which are referred to as logical addresses. These addresses point to relative cluster positions; for
example, cluster address 100 is 98 clusters from cluster address
Sector numbers, however, are referred to as physical addresses because they reside at the
hardware or firmware level and go from address 0 (the first sector on the disk) to the last sector
on the disk. Clusters and their addresses are specific to a logical disk drive, which is a disk
Disk Partitions
Many hard disks are partitioned, or divided, into two or more sections. A partition is a logi- cal
drive. For example, an 8 GB hard disk might contain four partitions or logical drives. FAT16
does not recognize disks larger than 2 MB, so these disks have to be partitioned into smaller
sections for FAT to recognize the additional space. Someone who wants to hide data on a hard
disk can create hidden partitions or voidslarge unused gaps between partitions on a disk drive.
For example, partitions containing unused space (voids) can be created between the primary
partition and the first logical partition. This unused space between partitions is called the
partition gap. If data is hidden in a partition gap, a disk editor utility could also be used to alter
information in the disk’s partition table. Doing so removes all references to the hidden partition,
concealing it from the computer’s OS. Another technique is to hide incriminating digital
evidence at the end of a disk by declaring a smaller number of bytes than the actual drive size.
With disk-editing tools, however, you can access these hid- den or empty areas of the disk.
One way to examine a partition’s physical level is to use a disk editor, such as Norton Disk- Edit,
WinHex, or Hex Workshop. These tools enable you to view file headers and other critical parts
of a file. Both tasks involve analyzing the key hexadecimal codes the OS uses to identify and
maintain the file system. Table 5-1 lists the hexadecimal codes in a partition table and identifies
some common file system structures.
Hexadecimal code
File system
DOS 12-bit FAT
DOS 16-bit FAT for partitions smaller than 32 MB
Extended partition
Table 5-1 Hexadecimal codes in the partition table
1. If necessary, download Hex Workshop from BreakPoint Software and install it. Check
with your instructor about where you should install it on your computer.
DOS 16-bit FAT for partitions larger than 32 MB
AIX bootable partition
AIX data partition
DOS 32-bit FAT
DOS 32-bit FAT for interrupt 13 support
Hidden NTFS partition (XP and earlier)
Hidden FAT32 partition
Hidden VFAT partition
Partition Magic recovery partition
Novell partitions
Linux swap partition (can also be associated with Solaris partitions)
Linux native file systems (Ext2, Ext3, Reiser, Xiafs)
FAT16 volume/stripe set (Windows NT)
High Performance File System (HPFS) fault-tolerant mirrored partition or
NTFS volume/stripe set
FreeBSD and BSD/386
Typical of a corrupted NTFS volume/stripe set
2. Insert a USB drive into a USB port.
3. Start Hex Workshop by right-clicking the Hex Workshop desktop icon and clicking
Run as administrator, and then clicking the Continue button in the UAC message
4. In Hex Workshop, click Disk, Open Drive from the menu to see a list of your logical
drives. Click the C: drive (or your working drive), and click OK.
5. Click Disk, Open Drive again, but this time, in the Open Drive drop-down list, click
your USB drive, and then click OK. Compare the file system label for this drive to the
one you saw in Step 4. Leave Hex Workshop open for the next activity.
With tools such as Hex Workshop, you can also identify file headers to identify file types with or
without an extension. Before performing the following steps in Hex Workshop, use Windows
Explorer or My Computer to find a folder on your system containing a bitmap (.bmp) file and a
folder containing a Word document (.doc). Then follow these steps:
1. To open a bitmap file on your computer, click File, Open from the Hex Workshop
menu. Navigate to a folder containing a bitmap (.bmp) file, and then double-click the
.bmp file. (If you’re prompted to select any bookmarks, click Cancel and continue
with this activity.)
2. Hex Workshop window identifies the file type for the graphic. For .bmp files, it shows
―BM6,‖ ―BM,‖ or ―BMF.‖ As shown in the figure, ―42 4D‖ is also displayed to
indicate a .bmp file.
3. To open a Word document, click File, Open from the menu. Navigate to a folder
containing a Word document (.doc) file, and then double-click the .doc file. As shown
in Figure 6-6, the first line contains a row of 0s followed by ―D0 CF 11 E0 A1 B1 1A
E1,‖ which identifies the file as a Microsoft Office document. The same file header is
displayed for an Excel or a PowerPoint file but doesn’t apply to Access databases.
4. Exit Hex Workshop.
5.3 Examining NTFS Disks
New Technology File System (NTFS) was introduced when Microsoft created Windows NT and
is the primary file system for Windows Vista. Each generation of Windows since NT has
included minor changes in NTFS configuration and features. The NTFS design was partially
based on, and incorporated many features from, Microsoft’s project for IBM with the OS/2
operating system; in this OS, the file system was High Performance File System (HPFS). When
Microsoft created Windows NT, it provided backward compatibility so that NT could read
OS/2 HPFS disk drives. Since the release of Windows 2000, this back- ward compatibility is no
longer available.
NTFS offers significant improvements over FAT file systems. It provides more information
about a file, including security features, file ownership, and other file attributes. With NTFS, you
also have more control over files and folders (directories) than with FAT file systems.
In NTFS, everything written to the disk is considered a file. On an NTFS disk, the first data set
is the Partition Boot Sector, which starts at sector [0] of the disk and can expand to 16 sectors.
Immediately after the Partition Boot Sector is the Master File Table (MFT). The MFT, similar
to FAT in earlier Microsoft OSs, is the first file on the disk. An MFT file is cre- ated at the same
time a disk partition is formatted as an NTFS volume and usually consumes about 12.5% of the
disk when it’s created. As data is added, the MFT can expand to take up 50 % of the disk. An
important advantage of NTFS over FAT is that it results in much less file slack space. Compare
the cluster sizes in Table 5-3 to Table 5-2, which showed FAT cluster sizes. Clusters are smaller
for smaller disk drives. This feature saves more space on all disks using NTFS.
Table 5-2 Sectors and bytes per cluster
Drive size
Sectors per cluster
032 MB
512 bytes
3364 MB
1 KB
65128 MB
2 KB
129255 MB
4 KB
256511 MB
8 KB
5121023 MB
16 KB
10242047 MB
32 KB
20484095 MB
68 KB
Drive size
Sectors per cluster
Cluster size
0512 MB
512 bytes
512 MB1 GB
1024 bytes
12 GB
2048 bytes
24 GB
4096 bytes
Table 5-3 Cluster sizes in an NTFS disk
NTFS System Files
Because everything on an NTFS disk is a file, the first file, the MFT, contains information about
all files on the disk, including the system files the OS uses. In the MFT, the first 15 records are
reserved for system files. Records in the MFT are referred to as metadata. Table 6-4 lists the
first 16 metadata records you find in the MFT.
48 GB
8192 bytes
816 GB
16,384 bytes
1632 GB
32,768 bytes
More than 32 GB
65,536 bytes
System file
Base file record for each folder on the NTFS
volume; other record positions in the MFT are
allocated if more space is needed.
The first four records of the MFT are saved in this
position. If a single sector fails in the first MFT,
the records can be restored, allowing recovery of
the MFT.
Log file
Previous transactions are stored here to allow
recovery after a system failure in the NTFS
Information specific to the volume, such as label
and version, is stored here.
A table listing attribute names, numbers, and
Root filename
This is the root folder on the NTFS volume.
Boot sector
A map of the NTFS volume showing which
Table 5-2 Metadata records in the MFT
MFT and File Attributes
When Microsoft introduced NTFS, the way the OS stores data on disks changed signifi- cantly.
In the NTFS MFT, all files and folders are stored in separate records of 1024 bytes each. Each
record contains file or folder information. This information is divided into record fields
containing metadata about the file or folder and the file’s data or links to the file’s data. A
record field is referred to as an attribute ID.
File or folder information is typically stored in one of two ways in an MFT record: resident and
nonresident. For very small files, about 512 bytes or less, all file metadata and data are stored in
the MFT record. These types of records are called resident files because all their information is
stored in the MFT record.
Files larger than 512 bytes are stored outside the MFT. The file or folder’s MFT record pro-
vides cluster addresses where the file is stored on the drive’s partition. These cluster addresses
are referred to as data runs. This type of MFT record is called nonresident because the file’s data
is stored in its own separate file outside the MFT.
clusters are in use and which are available.
Boot sector
Used to mount the NTFS volume during the
bootstrap process; additional code is listed here if
it’s the boot drive for the system.
Bad cluster file
For clusters that have unrecoverable errors, an
entry of the cluster location is made in this file.
Security file
Unique security descriptors for the volume are
listed in this file. It’s where the access control list
(ACL) is maintained for all files and folders on the
NTFS volume.
Upcase table
Converts all lowercase characters to uppercase
Unicode characters for the NTFS volume.
NTFS extension
Optional extensions are listed here, such as quotas,
object identifiers, and reparse point data.
Reserved for future use.
MFT Structures for File Data
When viewing an MFT record with a hexadecimal editor, such as WinHex, the data is displayed
in little endian format, meaning it’s read from right to left. For example, the hexadecimal value
400 is displayed as 00 04 00 00, and the number 0x40000 is displayed as 00 00 04 00.
The first section of an MFT record is the header that defines the size and starting position of the
first attribute. Following the header are the attributes that are specific for the file type, such as an
application file or a data file. MFT records for directories and system files have additional
attributes that don’t appear in a file MFT record. The following sections explain how data files
are configured in the MFT.
MFT Header Fields
For the header of all MFT records, the record fields of interest are as follows:
At offset 0x00The MFT record identifier FILE; the letter F is at offset 0.
At offset 0x1C to 0x1FSize of the MFT record; the default is 0x400 (1024) bytes,
or two sectors.
At offset 0x14Length of the header, which indicates where the next attribute starts;
it’s typically 0x38 bytes.
At offset 0x32 and 0x33The update sequence array, which stores the 2 two bytes
of the first sector of the MFT record. It’s used only when MFT data exceeds 512
bytes. The update sequence array is used as a checksum for record integrity
NTFS Compressed Files
To improve data storage on disk drives, NTFS provides compression similar to FAT Drive-
Space 3, a Windows 98 compression utility. Under NTFS, files, folders, or entire volumes can
be compressed. With FAT16, you can compress only a volume. On a Windows Vista, XP,
2000, or NT system, compressed data is displayed normally when you view it in Windows
Explorer or applications such as Microsoft Word.
During an investigation, typically you work from an image of a compressed disk, folder, or file.
Most computer forensics tools can uncompress and analyze compressed Windows data,
including data compressed with the Lempel-Ziv-Huffman (LZH) algorithm and in formats such
as PKZip, WinZip, and GNU gzip. Forensics tools might have difficulty with third- party
compression utilities, such as the RAR format. If you identify third-party compressed data, you
need to uncompress it with the utility that created it.
NTFS Encrypting File System (EFS)
When Microsoft introduced Windows 2000, it added built-in encryption to NTFS called
Encrypting File System (EFS). EFS implements a public key and private key method of
encrypting files, folders, or disk volumes (partitions). Only the owner or user who encrypted the
data can access encrypted files. The owner holds the private key, and the public key is held by a
certificate authority, such as a global registry, network server, or company such as VeriSign.
When EFS is used in Windows Vista Business Edition or higher, XP Professional, or 2000, a
recovery certificate is generated and sent to the local Windows administrator account. The
purpose of the recovery certificate is to provide a mechanism for recovering encrypted files
under EFS if there’s a problem with the user’s original private key. The recovery key is stored in
one of two places. When the user of a network workstation initiates EFS, the recovery key is sent
to the local domain server’s administrator account. If the workstation is standalone, the recovery
key is sent to the workstation’s administrator account.
EFS Recovery Key Agent
The Recovery Key Agent implements the recovery certificate, which is in the Windows
administrator account. Windows administrators can recover a key in two ways: through
Windows or from an MS-DOS command prompt. These three commands are available from the
MS-DOS command prompt:
Efsrecvr (used to decrypt EFS files)
Deleting NTFS Files
Typically, you use Windows Explorer to delete files from a disk. When a file is deleted in
Windows NT and later, the OS renames it and moves it to the Recycle Bin. Another method is
using the Del (delete) MS-DOS command. This method doesn’t rename and move the file to
the Recycle Bin, but it eliminates the file from the MFT listing in the same way FAT does.
When you delete a file in Windows Explorer, you can restore it from the Recycle Bin. The OS
takes the following steps when you delete a file or a folder in Windows Explorer:
Windows changes the filename and moves the file to a subfolder with unique identity in
the Recycle Bin.
Windows stores information about the original path and filename in the Info2 file, which
is the control file for the Recycle Bin. It contains ASCII data, Unicode data, and the date
and time of deletion for each file or folder.
5.4 Understanding Whole Disk Encryption
In recent years, there has been more concern about loss of personal identity information (PII) and
trade secrets caused by computer theft. Company PII might consist of employees’ full names,
home addresses, and Social Security numbers. With this information, criminals could easily
apply for credit card accounts in these employees’ names. Trade secrets are any in- formation a
business keeps confidential because it provides a competitive edge over other companies. The
inadvertent public release of this information could devastate a business’s competitive edge.
Of particular concern is the theft of laptop computers and other handheld devices, such as PDAs.
If data on these devices isn’t secured properly, the owners could be liable for any damages
incurred, such as stolen identities, credit card fraud, or loss of business caused by the release of
trade secrets to the competition. Because of the PII problem, many states have enacted laws
requiring any person or business to notify potential victims of the loss as soon as possible. To
help prevent loss of information, software vendors, including Microsoft, now provide whole disk
encryption this feature creates new challenges in examining and recovering data from drives.
Current whole disk encryption tools offer the following features that computer forensics
examiners should be aware of:
Preboot authentication, such as a single sign-on password, fingerprint scan, or token
(USB device)
Full or partial disk encryption with secure hibernation, such as activating a password-
protected screen saver
Advanced encryption algorithms, such as AES and IDEA
Key management function that uses a challenge-and-response method to reset passwords
or passphrases
A Trusted Platform Module (TPM) microchip to generate encryption keys and
authenticate logins
Examining Microsoft BitLocker
Microsoft’s utility for protecting drive data is called BitLocker, available only with Vista
Enterprise and Ultimate editions. BitLocker’s current hardware and software requirements are as
A computer capable of running Windows Vista
The TPM microchip, version 1.2 or newer
A computer BIOS compliant with Trusted Computing Group (TCG)
Two NTFS partitions for the OS and an active system volume with 1.5 GB available
The BIOS configured so that the hard drive boots first before checking the CD/DVD
drive or other bootable peripherals
Windows Registry
When Microsoft created Windows 95, it consolidated initialization (.ini) files into the Reg- istry,
a database that stores hardware and software configuration information, network con- nections,
user preferences (including usernames and passwords), and setup information. The Registry has
been updated and is still used in Windows Vista.
For investigative purposes, the Registry can contain valuable evidence. To view the Registry,
you can use the Regedit (Registry Editor) program for Windows 9x and Regedt32 for Windows
2000, XP, and Vista. For more information on how to use Regedit and Regedt32, see the
Microsoft Windows Resource Kit documentation for the OS.
Exploring the Organization of the Windows Registry
The Windows Registry is organized in a specific way that has changed slightly with each new
version of Windows. However, the major Registry sections have been consistent, with some
minor changes, since Windows 2000; they’re slightly different in Windows 9x/Me. Before
proceeding, review the following list of Registry terminology:
RegistryA collection of files containing system and user information.
Registry EditorA Windows utility for viewing and modifying data in the Registry.
There are two Registry Editors: Regedit and Regedt32.
HKEYWindows splits the Registry into categories with the prefix HKEY_. Windows 9x
systems have six HKEY categories and Windows 2000 and later have five. Windows
programmers refer to the ―H‖ as the handle for the key.
KeyEach HKEY contains folders referred to as keys. Keys can contain other key folders
or values.
Sub keyA key displayed under another key is a subkey, similar to a subfolder in
Windows Explorer.
BranchA key and its contents, including sub keys, make up a branch in the Registry.
Value—A name and value in a key; it’s similar to a file and its data content.
Default valueAll keys have a default value that may or may not contain data.
HivesHives are specific branches in HKEY_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
Hive branches in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software are SAM, Security,
Components, and System. For HKEY_USER, each user account has its own hive link to
Examining the Windows Registry
Some forensics tools, such as ProDiscover and FTK, have built-in Registry viewers. For this next
activity, your company’s Legal Department has asked you to search for any references to the
Superior Bicycles company and e-mail addresses containing the name Denise. A parale- gal tells
you the home page for Superior Bicycles ( and gives you a
ProDiscover .eve file containing the image of a Windows 98 computer belonging to a Superior
Bicycle employee named Denise Robinson.
For this activity, you use ProDiscover Basic to extract System.dat and User.dat from the image
file, and then use Access Data Registry Viewer to see what information you can find in these
files. If you find any items of interest, you copy the Registry path and name to a text file that
you can give to the paralegal. Although the file is an image of a Windows 98 computer, you can
use Windows XP or Vista to run ProDiscover Basic and Access Data Registry Viewer in the
following activities. Registry Viewer can run in Windows 9x and later and analyze all Windows
Registry versions.
To extract Registry files with ProDiscover Basic, follow these steps:
Start ProDiscover Basic with the Run as administrator option. If the Launch Dialog box
opens, click Cancel.
Click File, New Project from the menu.
In the New Project dialog box, type InChap06 in the Project Number text box and the
Project File Name text box, and then click OK.
In the tree view of the main window, click to expand Add and then click Image File.
In the Open dialog box, navigate to your work folder, click the GCFI-Win98.eve image
file, and click Open. Click Yes in the Auto Image Checksum message box, if necessary.
Click the Search toolbar button. In the Search dialog box, click the Content Search
tab. Click the Search for files named option button, and in the Search text box, type
system.dat and user.dat. Under Select the Disk(s)/Image(s) you want to search in, click
the image file (see Figure 6-26), and then click OK.
In the search results, click the check box next to the SYSTEM.DAT file. When the
Add Comment dialog box opens, type Registry files to extract, click the Apply to all
items check box, and then click OK (see Figure 6-27).
Click the check box next to the USER.DAT file, and then click Tools, Copy Selected
Files from the menu. In the Choose Destination dialog box, click Browse. In the Browse
for Folder dialog box, navigate to and click your work folder, and then click OK. Click
OK again in the Choose Destination dialog box.
Exit ProDiscover Basic, saving the project if prompted.
5.6 Microsoft Startup Tasks
You should have a good understanding of what happens to disk data at startup. In some
investigations, you must preserve data on the disk exactly as the suspect last used it. Any access
to a computer system after it was used for illicit purposes alters your disk evidence. As you
learned in Chapter 4, altering disk data lessens its evidentiary quality considerably. In some
instances, accessing a suspect computer incorrectly could make the digital evidence corrupt and
less credible for any litigation.
In the following sections, you learn what files are accessed when Windows starts. This
information helps you determine when a suspect’s computer was last accessed, which is
particularly important with computers that might have been used after an incident was reported.
Startup in Windows NT and Later
Although Windows NT is much different from Windows 95 and 98, the startup method for the
NT OSsNT, 2000, XP, and Vistais about the same. There are some minor differences in
how certain system start files function, but basically, they accomplish the same orderly startup.
All NTFS computers perform the following steps when the computer is turned on:
Power-on self test (POST)
Initial startup
Boot loader
Hardware detection and configuration
Kernel loading
User logon
Windows OSs use the files discussed in the following sections to start. These files can be located
on the system partition or boot partition.
Startup Files for Windows Vista When Microsoft developed Vista, it updated the boot
process to use the new Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) as well as the older BIOS sys- tem.
The EFI boot firmware is designed to provide better protection against malware than BIOS does.
EFI Vista’s boot processes have also changed since Windows XP. The Ntldr program in
Windows XP used to load the OS has been replaced with these three boot utilities:
Bootmgr.exeThe Windows Boot Manager program controls boot flow and allows
booting multiple OSs, such as booting Vista along with XP.
Winload.exeThe Windows Vista OS loader installs the kernel and the Hardware
Abstraction Layer (HAL) and loads memory with the necessary boot drivers.
Winresume.exeThis tool restarts Vista after the OS goes into hibernation mode.
Startup Files for Windows XP unless otherwise specified, most startup files for Windows XP are
located in the root folder of the system partition. The NT Loader (Ntldr) file loads the OS.
When the system is powered on, Ntldr reads the Boot.ini file, which dis- plays a boot menu.
After you select the mode to boot to, Boot.ini runs Ntoskrnl.exe and reads Bootvid.dll, Hal.dll,
and startup device drivers. Boot.ini specifies the Windows XP path installation and contains
options for selecting the Windows version.
If a system has multiple boot OSs, including older ones such as Windows 9x or DOS, Ntldr reads
BootSect.dos (a hidden file), which contains the address (boot sector location) of each OS.
When the boot selection is made, Ntldr runs, a 16-bit real-mode program that
queries the system for device and configuration data, and then passes its findings to Ntldr. This
program identifies components and values on the computer system, such as the following:
CMOS time and date value
Buses attached to the motherboard, such as Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) or
Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI)
Disk drives connected to the system
Mouse input devices connected to the system
Contamination Concerns with Windows XP When you start a Windows XP NTFS
workstation, several files are accessed immediately. When any of these or other related OS files
are accessed at startup, the last access date and time stamp for the files change to the current date
and time. This change destroys any potential evidence that shows when a Windows XP
workstation was last used. For this reason, you should have a strong working knowledge of the
startup process.
Startup in Windows 9x/Me
Like Windows XP, system files in Windows 9x/Me containing valuable information can be
altered easily during startup, which affects their evidentiary value and integrity. Windows 9x
OSs have similar boot processes. Windows Me is similar, too, with one important exception:
You can’t boot to a true MS-DOS mode. When you’re conducting a computing investigation,
being able to boot to MS-DOS is preferred, especially if you’re running a later version of
Windows 95 OEM SR2 (version 4.00.1111) or a newer one in which the MS-DOS boot
mode can read and write to a FAT32 disk.
Windows 9x OSs has two modes: DOS protected-mode interface (DPMI) and protected- mode
GUI (serves the same purpose as Config.sys in MS-DOS). Many older computer forensics tools
use DPMI mode and can’t be run from a Windows command prompt window because they use
certain disk accesses that conflict with the GUI.
The system files Windows 9x uses have their origin in MS-DOS. The Io.sys file communicates
between a computer’s BIOS, the hardware, and the OS kernel. During the boot phase of a
Windows 9x system, Io.sys monitors the keyboard for an F8 keystroke. If F8 is pressed during
startup, Io.sys loads the Windows Startup menu, which has options such as booting to Windows
normally and running in Safe mode to perform maintenance.
5.7 MS-DOS Startup Tasks
MS-DOS uses three files when starting, with the same names as in Windows 9x/Me: Io.sys,
Msdos.sys, and Two other files are then used to configure MS-DOS at startup:
Config.sys and Autoexec.bat. Although MS-DOS and Windows 9x use some of the same startup
filenames, there are some important differences between the files in these OSs.
Io.sys is the first file loaded after the ROM bootstrap loader finds the disk drive. Io.sys then
resides in RAM and provides the basic input and output service for all MS-DOS functions.
Msdos.sys is the second program to load into RAM immediately after Io.sys. As mentioned, this
file is the actual OS kernel, not a text file as in Windows 9x and Me. After Msdos.sys finishes
setting up DOS services, it looks for the Config.sys file to configure device drivers and other
settings. Config.sys is a text file containing commands that typically run only at system startup to
enhance the computer’s DOS configuration.
Msdos.sys then loads, which contains the same internal DOS commands in
Windows 9x. As the loading of nears completion, Msdos.sys looks for and loads
Autoexec.bat, a batch file containing customized settings for MS-DOS that runs automatically.
In this batch file, you can define the default path and set environmental variables, such as
temporary directories. MS-DOS then accesses and resets the last access dates and times on files
when powered up.
Other Disk Operating Systems
Years ago, other microcomputer OSs, such as Control Program for Microprocessors (CP/M),
Digital Research Disk Operating System (DR-DOS), and Personal Computer Disk Operating
System (PC-DOS) were used. Of these OSs, only DR-DOS is still available. As mentioned in
Chapter 1, if you encounter an old computer running one of these OSs, you might need to call
on your network of experts to research, explore, and test the OS. This section summarizes some
features of these OSs.
In the 1970s, Digital Research created the first nonspecific microcomputer OS, CP/M, which had
a unique file system. Computers using CP/M had 8-inch floppy drives and didn’t support hard
drives. The CPU was the Zilog Z-80, which could access up to 64 KB RAM. In the early
1980s, IBM supplied an expansion card with a built-in Z-80 CPU that allowed users to
process applications available for CP/M.
After Microsoft developed MS-DOS, Digital Research created DR-DOS in 1988 to compete with
that OS; it used FAT12 and FAT16 and had a richer command environment than MS-DOS. DR-
DOS is now sold primarily as an embedded OS for out-of-the-box ROM or Flash ROM systems.
When IBM created the first PC using the Intel 8088 processor, it contracted with Microsoft, then
a startup company, to create an OS. In 1981, Microsoft purchased 86-DOS from Seattle
Computing; it could run on the Intel 8088 16-bit processor and was a modification of CP/M.
Microsoft supplied 86-DOS to IBM for use on its PCs, and IBM called it PC-DOS. IBM
maintained upgrades to PC-DOS until Microsoft released Windows 95.
PC-DOS works much like MS-DOS, although its OS files are slightly different. For example,
Io.sys is called Ibmio.sys, and Msdos.sys is called Ibmdos.sys. However, PC-DOS uses FAT12
and FAT16, so accessing data is no different from working with MS-DOS.
5.8 Virtual Machines
New versions of OSs and applications are released frequently, but older versions are still widely
used. As an investigator, you’ll be faced with the challenge of having enough resources to
support the variety of software you’re likely to encounter. More companies are turning to
virtualization to reduce the cost of hardware purchases, so the number of investigations involving
virtual machines will increase as this practice continues.
As an investigator, you might need a virtual server to view legacy systems, and you might need
to forensically examine suspects’ virtual machines. Virtual machines enable you run another OS
on an existing physical computer (known as the host computer) by emulating a computer’s
hardware environment VMware Server virtual machine running Windows XP Professional on
the desktop of a host computer. Typically, a virtual machine consists of several files. The two
main files are the configuration file containing hard- ware settings, such as RAM, network
configurations, port settings, and so on, and the virtual hard disk file, which contains the boot
loader program, OS files, and users’ data files.
A virtual machine acts like any other file but with a twist: It performs all the tasks the OS
running on the physical computer can, up to a certain point. The virtual machine recognizes
hardware components of the host computer it’s loaded on, such as the mouse, keyboard, and
CD/DVD drive. However, the guest OS (the one running on a virtual machine) is limited by the
host computer’s OS, which might block certain operations. For example, most virtual machines
recognize a CD/DVD drive because the host computer defaults to auto-detect. Some virtual
machines don’t recognize a USB drive; this capability varies with the virtualization software.
Although networking capabilities are beyond the scope of this book, be aware that virtual
machines can use bridged, Network Address Translation (NAT), or other network configurations
to determine how they access the Internet and communicate with systems on the local network.
Creating a Virtual Machine
Some common applications for creating virtual machines are VMware Server and VMware
Workstation, Sun Microsystems Virtual Box, and Microsoft Virtual PC, although others are
available. Virtual Box is an open-source program that can be downloaded at www.
Consult with your instructor before doing the following activity. You must download and install
Virtual PC first, and you need an ISO image of an OS because no OSs are provided with
Virtual PC. Follow these steps to create a virtual machine:
If you haven’t already done so, install Microsoft Virtual PC.
Start Virtual PC. In Virtual PC 2007, the New Virtual Machine Wizard starts
automatically. (If it doesn’t, click File, New Virtual Machine Wizard from the menu.)
In the welcome window of the New Virtual Machine Wizard, click Next.
In the Options window, click the Create a virtual machine option button, and click Next.
Fig: creating a new virtual machine
In the Virtual Machine Name and Location window, type Windows Server 2003 for the
virtual machine name. Note that the default location for Vista is Documents\ Virtual
Machines. Your instructor might tell you to use a different location. Click Next.
In the Operating System window, click Windows Server 2003 in the Operating system
list box, and then click Next.
In the Memory window, you allocate the amount of RAM. You can increase the amount
of RAM if needed, but for now, leave it at the recommended level, and then click Next.
In the Virtual Hard Disk Options window, click the A new virtual hard disk option
button, and then click Next.
In the Virtual Hard Disk Location window, accept the default location and then click
Click Finish.
Fig: The Virtual PC Console with a virtual machine available
In the following activity, you use an ISO image that your instructor will provide on the net- work
or a CD for installing a guest OS. For any guest OS, you must have a valid product key to
install it. You can get the product key from your instructor.
In the Virtual PC Console, make sure the Windows Server 2003 virtual machine is
selected, and then click the Start button.
The Virtual PC user console opens, similar to the window you see when a physical
computer starts, and Virtual PC examines the host computer’s hardware.
This book assumes you know how to install an OS, so detailed steps aren’t given.
Virtual PC treats an ISO image the same as an installation CD, so when you’re
prompted for the source disk, enter the location of the ISO image. For the name of
the owner, type Sally Freidman, and for the company name, type ABC Corporation.
Create a domain name of Main Host.
Create an administrator password and make a note of it.
After the OS is installed, log on. Note that pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete activates the host
computer. To log on to the virtual machine, press right Alt+Delete. (You can also use
Alt+Enter for full screen.)
You should be able to navigate through the contents of the Windows Server 2003 virtual
server as though it were a real computer. To switch between the virtual machine
window and the desktop, press right Alt and move the cursor.
To exit Virtual PC, click File, Close from the menu, and then click Turn off in the drop-
down list.