Name of owners:
Last First Middle initial
Last First Middle initial
Write the homestead property index number (PIN). ____________________________________________
Write the legal description of the homestead property. Attach additional sheets if needed.
I, the owner and applicant, agree:
1 that the total amount of property taxes, including special assessments, deferred under the Senior Citizens
Real Estate Tax Deferral Act, 320 ILCS 30/1, et seq., plus interest, for the year for which a deferral is
claimed, as well as for those previous years for which the property taxes, including special assessments,
are not delinquent and for which such deferral has been claimed may not exceed 80 percent of my equity
interest in the property for which property taxes, including special assessments, are to be deferred and
that, if the total deferred property taxes, including special assessments, plus interest, equals 80 percent of
my equity interest in the property, I shall thereafter pay the annual interest due on such deferred property
taxes, including special assessments, plus interest, so that total deferred property taxes, including special
assessments, plus interest, will not exceed such 80 percent of my equity interest in the property.
2 that any property taxes, including special assessments, deferred under the Act and any interest accrued
thereon at the rate of 3 percent per year, are a lien on the real estate and improvements thereon until paid.
No sale or transfer of such real property may be legally closed and recorded until the property
taxes, including special assessments, which would otherwise have been due on the property, plus
accrued interest, have been paid unless the collector certies in writing that an arrangement for
prompt payment of the amount due has been made with his or her oce. The same shall apply if the
property is to be made the subject of a contract of sale.
3 thatuponmydeath,theheirs-at-law,assignees,orlegateesshallhaverstprioritytotherealproperty
upon which property taxes, including special assessments, have been deferred by paying in full the total
property taxes, including special assessments, that would otherwise have been due, plus interest. However,
if such heir-at-law, assignee, or legatee is my surviving spouse, the deferred status of the property shall
be continued during the life of my surviving spouse if the spouse is 55 years of age or older within six
months of the date of my death and my spouse enters into a deferral and recovery agreement before the
time when deferred property taxes, including special assessments, become due under Section 3 of the Act.
Any additional deferred property taxes, including special assessments, plus interest, on the real property
under a deferral and recovery agreement signed by my surviving spouse shall be added to the property
taxes, including special assessments, and interest which would otherwise have been due, and the payment
of which has been postponed during the life of my surviving spouse, in determining the 80 percent equity
requirement provided by this Section.
Illinois Department of Revenue
Real Estate/Special Assessment Tax Deferral
and Recovery Agreement for Tax Year 2023
IL-1018 (R-10/23)
4 that if the property taxes due, including special assessments, plus interest, are not paid by the heir-at-law,
assignee, or legatee, or if payment is not postponed during the life of my surviving spouse, the deferred
property taxes, including special assessments, and interest, shall be recovered from my estate within one
year of the date of my death. In addition, deferred property taxes, including special assessments, and any
interest accrued thereon, are due within 90 days after any deferred property tax property, including deferred
If payment is not made when it is required by Section 3 of the Act, foreclosure proceedings may be instituted
under the Property Tax Code.
5 that any joint owner or trustee or contract-for-deed seller has given written prior approval for such
agreement, which written approval shall be made a part of such agreement.
6 thataguardianorconservatorappointedformeintheeventIsuerlegaldisabilitymayactonmybehalfin
complying with the Act.
7 thatIormyagenthaveprovidedtothesatisfactionofthecollector,sucientevidencethatthequalifying
property on which the property taxes, including special assessments, are to be deferred is insured against
have been deferred.
Under penalties of perjury, I state that, to the best of my knowledge, the information in this agreement is true,
correct, and complete.
Signature of applicant
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
_______ day of ____________________, ___ ___ ___ ___.
Notary public
Signature of collector
Month Day Year
Month Day Year
Printed by authority of the State of Illinois - Web only, One copy IL-1018 (R-10/23)