Resolution No. ( 33 ) of 2021
of Department ’s Chairman,
Regulation of Transport Passenger by Bus in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
The Chairman of the Department of Municipalities and Transport (DMT):
Having reviewed:
- Law No. (1) of 1974, for the Reorganization of the Government Apparatus of
the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, and the amendments thereof;
- Law No. (19) of 2006, concerning the Regulation of Taxi Transport in the
Emirate of Abu Dhabi, and the amendments thereof;
- Law No. (30) of 2019, concerning the Creation of the Department of
Municipalities and Transport (DMT);
- Resolution No. (259) of 2017 of DMT’s Chairman, for passing the Executive
Bylaw for the Regulation of School Transport Service in the Emirate of Abu
Dhabi; and
- Based on what has been presented to the Executive Council and the Council’s
approval thereof.
The following has been resolved:
Article (1)
In the application of the provisions hereof, the following words and expressions shall
have the following meanings set out next to each one of them, unless the context
indicates otherwise:
Emirate: The Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
Department: The Department of Municipalities and Transport (DMT).
Centre: The Integrated Transport Centre (ITC).
Bus: A vehicle having a capacity of more than 9 passengers including
the driver as per the manufacturer’s classification.
Public Buses: Buses that are operated by the Centre, a Centre’s contractor, or
an entity that is authorized by the Centre, which are designated
for the passenger public transport according to specific tariffs
and service lines within the Emirate and from the Emirate to
outside it.
Tourist Bus: A bus that is licensed as a tourist bus by the licensing authority
for the use in the activity of tourist transport.
Private Bus: A bus that is registered in the Emirate based on a permit from
the Centre for the transport entity’s employees, workers and
customers .
Passenger Transport by Rented Bus:
The transport of the workers, staff and customers of commercial
and tourist centers and entities, construction companies, and
other entities based on contracts that are signed between such
entities and the operator of the rented bus for this purpose.
Tariff: A designated charge that is payable in return of the use of a
public bus.
Operator: An individual company or establishment that is authorized by the
Centre to operate and undertake one or some of the activities of
passenger bus transport within the Emirate.
Activity Permit: A permit that is issued by the Centre for undertaking an activity
of passenger bus transport.
Vocational Permit:
A permit that is issued by the Centre for driving a certain
category of buses as specified in the permit.
Activity: Any activity of passenger bus transport as is undertaken starting
from the Emirate, in accordance with the resolutions that are
passed by the Department.
Licensing Authority:
The authority that is in charge of licensing vehicles in the
Service Brands: The marks that distinguish a passenger bus transport service,
whether registered or unregistered with the concerned
authorities, or the logos or statements of the services, the unique
bus color for every service, drivers’ uniform, and others.
Franchise Agreement:
An agreement that is approved by the Department’s Chairman,
under which the Centre outsources the operator for undertaking
the activity of passenger transport by public buses.
Article (2)
The provisions hereof shall apply to passenger bus transport operators in the Emirate
and to the buses that are registered outside the Emirate with being operated within the
Article (3)
The Centre shall have the competency to apply the provisions of this regulation and to
monitor compliance. The Centre may undertake the following competencies:
1. To authorize the registration of all buses in the Emirate, and to create databases
for such buses in liaison with the licensing authority.
2. To operate public bus lines within the Emirate and between the Emirate and the
other Emirates.
3. To sign contracts with others for the provision of public bus services after the
Department’s approval, and to forward periodic reports about the competency,
efficiency, safety and quality of the services.
4. To authorize undertaking passenger bus transport activities within the Emirate,
and from the Emirate to the other Emirates.
5. To issue vocational permits to the drivers of public buses and tourist transport.
6. To monitor the operators’ adherence to the conditions of the permits granted to
them and the contracts signed with them.
7. To create databases, and to conduct the specialized studies in the development
and improvement of activities in the Emirate and to forward such studies to the
8. To prepare the application forms, the manuals, the specifications, the technical
standards, the operational policies, and work methodologies of buses and to
forward these to the Department for approval.
Article (4)
It is conditional for undertaking the activity to adhere to the following:
1. To obtain an operation permit from the Centre and to adhere to the condition of
the permit granted prior to the commencement of operation processes.
2. To obtain a permit from the Centre for the registration, renewal, title transfer or
deregistration of a bus with the licensing authority.
3. To not operate the buses for a duration that exceeds the lifetime specified by the
Centre as per the stipulations thereof, whereby such duration shall not exceed
ten years from the year of manufacture in all cases. Such duration may be
extended yearly after the bus passes the technical test required for this purpose
by the Centre.
4. To provide an insurance to cover the driver and passengers.
5. To provide a mechanism for the submission of complaints, suggestions and
remarks, and to keep complaint records, which shall contain the complaint
details, and its time, date and location, and the actions taken regarding the same,
with the exception of the operators of private buses.
6. To present all the rules and conditions concerning the use of the bus and the
actions to be taken in emergencies in a prominent location that is easily visible
by the passengers.
7. To register in the Occupational Safety and Health Management System
(OSHMS) under the requirements of Abu Dhabi Public Health Centre
(ADPHC) within a period of 30 days from the date of the permit and/or permit
8. To set detailed programs for the periodic maintenance of buses, including the
daily examination procedures, and to ensure the indoor and outdoor cleanliness
thereof and to keep the records and to enable the Centre to inspect on demand
and to adhere to their implementation.
9. To not occupy the entrances, exits and corridors of buses, including emergency
exits, with any obstacles or seats during operation.
10. To provide the uniform for the drivers and to require them to wear it and to tag
the vocational permit clearly during working hours as per the approved manuals.
11. To deliver the baggage being left at buses or entities to the nearest police station
immediately and to inform the Centre according to the mechanism that is
determined by the center.
12. To adhere to the service brands designated by the Centre for every activity and
to not use any of such service brands or any other marks on buses before
obtaining the Centre’s approval.
13. To remove the service brands from the buses upon the expiration of the activity
permit or upon the sale or deregistration of the buses or using the same in any
activity other than the permitted activity.
14. To link the buses with an electronic tracking and monitoring system that shall
be designated by the Centre.
15. To ensure the consistency of intelligent transport systems with the standards and
specifications approved by the Department.
16. To exclusively use the bus for undertaking the licensed activity.
17. To not use the color designated for public buses and school transport buses on
other private or tourist passenger transport buses.
18. To not affix any writings or advertisements on the outer body of the bus without
the Department’s approval.
19. To keep regular records that set out the number of the drivers’ working hours
and resting hours, using technological devices that are approved by the Centre.
20. To park the buses in the permitted locations.
21. To provide the details, information, reports and documents that are requested
by the Department or the Centre within the time duration specified in the
22. To adhere to the stipulations and instructions that are issued by the Department
or the Centre.
Article (5)
The Operation of the Activity of
Passenger Transport by Public Buses
The following shall be adhered for providing public buses service:
1. To sign an operation or a franchise agreement with the Centre, as required, and
to adhere to the stipulations, standards and specifications stipulated in such
agreements, as well as the legislations regulating the activity.
2. To obtain a vocational permit from the Centre for the driver to drive the category
of the bus in which he is driving.
3. To pay the stipulated fees for the operation service of the activity approved in
the Emirate.
4. The approved tariff within the Emirate for the transport of passengers and their
Article (6)
Vocational Permit
1. It is prohibited for any person to drive any public or tourist bus unless such
person is permitted by the Centre to do so. It is conditional to meet the following
for granting such permit:
a. Such person shall have a driving license according to the type of the
transport vehicle intended to be driven.
b. To pass the training courses that are specified by the Centre.
c. To be not younger than (25) years old.
d. To submit a good conduct certificate issued by the Abu Dhabi Police GHQ
for UAE-residents or issued from the country of origin for those who are
being outsourced from abroad, provided that such certificate shall be duly
certified and shall have not been issued more than one month prior to the
application submitting date.
e. To provide the traffic points report from the concerned authority for the year
in which the application is being submitted and the prior year .
f. To submit a medical report every two years in confirming being clear of the
following illnesses:
o Disability.
o Heart diseases, diabetes, and high-risk blood pressure.
o Epilepsy and mental, neurological and psychiatric illnesses.
o Kidney diseases and hepatitis.
o Leprosy.
o Vision and sight strength illnesses and weak hearing.
g. to be knowledgeable of Arabic or English.
h. to pass the tests that are conducted by the Centre.
Article (7)
General Provisions
1. An activity permit that is issued by the Centre shall be valid for one year.
2. A bus permit that is issued by the Centre shall be valid for one year. Such
duration is renewable.
3. An operator shall renew the activity permit prior to the expiration. A permit
shall stand void one month following the expiration date.
4. The duration of validity of a vocational permit shall be limited to two years,
renewable for similar durations. A driver may not drive any bus under an
expired permit.
5. A vocational permit shall be renewed within a month from the expiration date.
A permit shall stand void one month following the expiration date.
6. The Centre may suspend or cancel any permit whenever it doesn’t meet the
requirements and conditions stipulated hereunder, as well as in case it is
evidenced that the details given for obtaining the permit are incorrect, or in case
of the failure to pay traffic violation fines within a duration of six months from
the issuance date of the traffic violation ticket.
7. Activity permits and profession permits may only be renewed after the payment
of the stipulated fees and fines.
8. In case a driver is accused of committing any crime in breach of honor or
honesty or is convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics
and psychotropics or in case he causes a serious accident, the vocational permit
given to such driver shall be immediately suspended and returned back to the
Centre until a final ruling is made against him. If the ruling is made in his
conviction, the permit shall be canceled and he shall not be permitted to practice
the profession anymore.
Article (8)
In addition to the other specifications and standards of buses as are determined by virtue
of a resolution of the Department’s Chairman, all the buses that are registered or
operated in the Emirate shall be conformant to the approved Emirati standards
specifications and shall have a certificate.
Article (9)
An operator that is authorized to undertaken the activity of passenger transport by buses
that are rented to others shall provide a copy of the contract between it and the service
lessee for the certification thereof by the Centre prior to commencing the provision of
the service to such lessee, and shall identify the route and points of picking-up and
dropping off passengers within the Emirate.
Article (10)
1. It is prohibited to operate any bus, including private buses, in the Emirate for
undertaking any activity without obtaining a permit from the Centre.
2. It is prohibited to operate any bus, including private buses, for undertaking the
activity unless they are registered in the Emirate. The Centre may authorize
buses from outside the Emirate to operate within the Emirate as per the approved
3. It is prohibited to operate any bus, including private buses, that are not air
conditioned and that are not compliant with the specifications and standards
approved by the Department.
Article (11)
1. Without prejudice to any more stringent penalty as stipulated in any other
legislation, the schedule of violations and penalties appended hereto shall apply
to those who violate the provisions.
2. The Centre shall inform the competent licensing authorities of the Emirate of
all the traffic violations whose fines have not been paid, and shall liaise with
such authorities for the collection of the amount of such fines.
Article (12)
1. The law enforcement officer shall monitor the implementation of the provisions.
For such purpose, such officers may detect violations and request the
presentation of the necessary documents, and they may seek the help of the
Police or any other competent authority whenever it is required.
2. When writing the minutes, the competent law enforcement officer shall offer
conciliation to the violator, and this shall be evidenced in the minutes.
3. A violator who accepts conciliation shall pay 75% of the total penalty amount
specified for the violation, within a grace period not exceeding a month from
the date of offering conciliation thereto, and the violation shall cease by
Article (13)
Every interested party may aggrieve in writing to the Centre against any decision, action
or remedy that is taken against such party under the provisions of this regulation and
the decision passed thereunder, within sixty (60) days from the date of being informed
of the aggrieved resolution, action or remedy. A decision shall be made in the grievance
according to the applicable procedures of the Centre and the grievant shall be informed
of the grievance result. The failure to make a decision in the grievance within ninety
(90) days from the date of filing the same shall constitute an acceptance of the
Article (14)
All the operators of the activity of passenger bus transport shall rectify their status in
accordance with the provisions of this bylaw within a duration not exceeding one year
from the effectiveness date thereof.
Article (15)
This resolution shall be published in the official gazette, and shall take effect from the
publication date thereof.
Falah Mohammed Al Ahbabi
The Chairman of the Department of Municipalities and Transport (DMT)
Passed in Abu Dhabi
Corresponding to:
The Schedule of Violations of the Operators of
the Activity of Passenger Bus Transport
Penalty in Dirhams
Undertaking the activity in the Emirate without a permit from the
Undertaking an activity other than the activity permitted by the
Undertaking the activity under an expired permit.
The operation of an unpermitted bus for undertaking the activity.
1,000 per bus
The operation of a bus to undertake an activity other than the
authorized activity.
500 per bus
Driving a public transport bus or a tourist bus by an unauthorized
Driving a public transport bus or a tourist bus under an expired
driver permit.
The failure to adhere to, or the manipulation of, the tariff
determined for public buses.
The violation of the conditions approved by the Department for
the transport of passengers and their baggage.
The failure to provide a means of contact for making enquiries or
the submission of remarks and complaints about the service.
The failure to present all the rules and conditions of bus use in a
prominent location that is easily visible by passengers.
500 per bus*
The failure to provide records of the periodic maintenance
programs for the bus.
1,000 per bus
The failure to set a security and safety plan for the entity and
buses according to ADPHC’s requirements.
The occupation of the entrances, exits and corridors of buses,
including emergency exits, with any obstacles during operation.
500 per bus
The failure to keep complaint records, including complaint
details, and its time, date and location, and the actions taken.
The failure to provide the uniform for bus drivers in the activities
that are designated by the Centre.
The failure to deliver the baggage being left at the operator’s
buses or entities to the nearest police station immediately
following finding the same and to inform the Centre of such
according to the mechanism that is determined by the center.
The failure to adhere to the service brands that are designated by
the Centre for every activity.
Using any service brands or other marks on buses before
obtaining the Centre’s approval.
The incompliance of intelligent transport systems with the
standards and specifications approved by the Department.
The failure to remove service brands from buses upon the
expiration of the activity permit or in case of the sale or
cancelation or using the same in any activity other than the
permitted activity.
1,000 per bus
The presentation of outdoor advertisements in the outer body of
buses without a permit from the Centre.
1,000 per bus
The operation of buses that are not air conditioned or that are not
compliant with the specifications and standards approved for
undertaking the permitted activity.
2,500 per bus
The failure to link buses with the tracking and monitoring system
designated by the Centre.
2,500 per bus
The failure to keep regular records that set out the number of the
drivers’ working hours and resting hours.
The failure to deliver the driver’s permit to the Centre upon the
end of his employment for the operator.
The failure to provide the details, information, reports and
documents that are requested by the Department or the Centre
within the time duration specified in the request.
The failure to adhere to the stipulations and instructions that are
issued by the Department or the Centre.
The Schedule of Drivers’ Violations
Penalty in Dirhams
The failure to tag the vocational permit clearly for the designated
The failure to wear the uniform or the failure to adhere to general
The failure to deliver of lost items and keeping such items for
The cancelation of
profession permit
* With giving the violator a grace period of 5 days for status rectification, failing such,
the violation will be charged once again.