Private Water Well Analysis
If your drinking water comes from a household well, then you are
on a private water supply. Federal and Oklahoma governments do
not regulate privately-owned wells in Oklahoma; therefore, you ,
as the homeowner, are responsible for assuring your water is
safe and of adequate quality for your needs. For this reason,
routine testing for a few of the most common contaminants is
highly recommended.
This fact sheet explains some of the testing that was performed
on the water sample from your well or tap. The results should
establish a baseline of the current quality of your drinking
water. This guidance will assist you with interpreting the
results from a Routine Chemical test panel that includes
alkalinity, chloride, nitrate/nitrite, conductivity, pH, sulfate, total
dissolved solids (TDS), and total hardness, or other individually-
requested tests.
Note that the Routine Chemical panel does not include all of the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) primary and secondary drinking
water standard parameters.
Interpreting Your Results
Test results should be compared against the current EPA maximum
contaminant levels (MCLs) and secondary standards (SMCLs) for
the contaminant.
EPA has established MCLs for certain contaminants
which, when present at excessive levels, may have an
adverse effect on human health. MCL concentrations are
the highest concentration of a contaminant allowed in
drinking water.
Note that not all contaminants have MCLs.
EPA has also established National Secondary Drinking
Water regulations that set non-mandatory and non-
enforceable secondary water quality standards for some
contaminants that can make the appearance, taste or
odor of drinking water less pleasing to a consumer.
SMCLs are established as guidelines to assist public
water supply systems in managing their drinking
water for aesthetic considerations. Secondary standard
contaminants are not considered to present a risk to human
health in concentrations at or below the SMCL.
If your tests show a less-than symbol (<) followed by a value, the concentration
of that contaminant in the sample is lower than the lowest concentration the lab
can detect and report. In such cases, it means no signicant concentration of the
contaminant was detected in the sample.
This publication is issued by the
Oklahoma Department of Environmental
Quality authorized by Scott A. Thompson,
Executive Director. Copies have been
prepared at a cost of $0.159 each. Copies
have been deposited with the publications
clearinghouse of the Oklahoma
Department of Libraries.
(Fact Sheets\SELS\Private Well Analysis.
indd 7/2022)
Chemical Tests
Standards (MCL)
Nitrate (as N) 10 mg/L
Nitrite (as N) 1 mg/L
Chloride 250 mg/L
pH 6.5 to 8.5 SU
Sulfate 250 mg/L
Total Dissolved Solids
500 mg/L
Private Water Well Analysis
Total Alkalinity
Total alkalinity is a measure of the
buffering capacity of water or its ability to
resist sudden changes in pH. Comparing
the alkalinity and the pH can provide an
indication if your water exhibits tendencies
of either corrosion or deposition.
See Calcium Carbonate Equilibrium for
further information.
pH can range from 0 to 14 standard units
(SU) and is a measure of how acidic or basic
water is. A pH of 0 would be extremely
acidic and a pH of 14 would be very
alkaline. A pH of 7 is considered neutral.
The optimum range for pH in drinking water
is between 6.5 to 8.5 SU.
The recommended upper limit for chloride
is 250 mg/L. Chloride is the greater part
of table salt and may impart a salty taste
to water.
The maximum allowable level for nitrate in
a domestic well, a public water supply, or
other primary source of drinking water is
10 mg/L. Nitrates are of particular concern
to pregnant women and infants under six
months old since drinking water high in
nitrates may cause blue baby syndrome,
methemoglobinemia. Nitrates are typically
of little concern for adults or older children.
Sources of nitrates include soil, sewage,
and fertilizers.
Conductivity is typically reported in units of
µmhos/cm, and is a measure of the ability
of water to conduct an electrical current.
Some level of conductivity is normal in
well water. Conductivity increases with
increasing amounts of certain ions such as
chloride, nitrate, sulfate, phosphate, sodium,
magnesium, calcium and iron. Elevated
conductivity beyond usual baseline levels
can be an indicator of water pollution. There
is no EPA MCL for conductivity.
Total Dissolved Solids
The recommended upper limit for total
dissolved solids is 500 mg/L. Water over
that level should not be used if better quality
water is available. Palatability of the water
may be affected. Chloride, sulfate and
alkalinity are primarily responsible for the
dissolved solids content of water.
The recommended maximum for sulfate
is 250 mg/L. Excessive concentrations
of sulfate may act as a laxative to
unaccustomed consumers. A bitter or
gyp taste is often associated with high
sulfate concentrations.
Hardness is generally derived from contact
of water with natural accumulations of salts
in soil and geological formations, primarily
limestone, dolomite and gypsum. It is
reported as mg of calcium carbonate per liter
(mg/L). Water hardness can be expressed in
four ways:
Soft – less than 75 mg/L
Moderately Hard – between 75 and
Hard – between 150 and 300 mg/L
Very Hard – greater than 300 mg/L
Hard waters can still be as satisfactory for
drinking as soft waters depending upon
the tastes of the user. Excessive hardness
may, however, cause laundering difculties
or produce scale build-up in hot water
tanks, xtures, and cooking utensils. When
considering the type and effectiveness of a
water softener it is important to know what
form of hardness is present.
Calcium Carbonate Equilibrium
This table should be used to compare the pH
of water to its total alkalinity to determine
if the water is considered either corrosive
or depositive. Water samples with a pH and
alkalinity in the deposition zone are likely
to result in calcium carbonate, or lime,
precipitating out of the water and forming
a protective coating inside the lines of a
water distribution system. This coating is
desirable up to a point, as it will help protect
a metallic water line from corrosion. Excess
deposition of calcium carbonate, however,
can eventually clog a water line.
A water sample with a pH and alkalinity
in the corrosive zone are likely to result in
corrosion of metal service lines, tanks, and
xtures. This corrosive effect allows metals
present in your water or lines and xtures
to dissolve into the water. If iron is present
in your water, this may result in reddish-
colored water and red staining of xtures.
These stains may cause the water to have a
less appealing appearance but are not usually
a danger to health. Corrosion can also cause
additional metals, such as lead or copper, to
dissolve into your water.
If you have additional concerns or questions,
or if you are experiencing other problems
which you feel may affect your water,
contact the DEQ’s State Environmental
Laboratory at (405) 702-1000 or (866)
412-3057, or email [email protected], to
discuss your needs and testing options, and
to coordinate additional well water testing.
Additional Information
Visit our webpage at http://www.deq.state. for additional
Home Water Testing FAQ has additional
information about private wells, well
testing, recommended tests, and private
water treatment options.
State Environmental Laboratory
Analytical Fee Schedule contains current
pricing for analytical services.
Private Water Well Analysis
Calcium Carbonate Equilibrium
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 650
Total Alkalinity
Corrosive Zone
Deposition Zone