American Express Services Europe Limited has its registered ofice at Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9AX,
United Kingdom. It is registered in England and Wales with Company Number 1833139 and authorised and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority.
Cardmember Application Form
UKCP 159025
Please ensure you and your Company complete the Application Form ON COMPUTER(S). When completed please print and have both parties
sign the Application Form. Unless otherwise defined, any capitalised terms used in this form shall have the same meanings as those set out in the
American Express Corporate Card Cardmember Terms and Conditions. If you cannot complete on screen you may print this Application Form and
complete it in CAPITALS with black ink.
All fields marked with an * are mandatory and forms cannot be processed without them.
Card Type: (Fees may apply - see terms and
conditions attached to this Application Form)
Green Corporate Card
Liability Type:
Full Corporate Liability
1. Applicant Details
Mrs Ms Miss Other
*Full First and Middle Name(s):
As they appear in your passport
or other ocial documentation
*Last Name:
*Please provide your name as you wish it to appear
on the Card in no more than 20 letters and spaces:
Surname is Mandatory
*Permanent Residential (not oce) Address
(inc. street number, street name,
town, postcode, country):
If you reside outside the UK please supply a copy of valid photo ID (passport, driver’s license or
national identity card) when you submit your Application Form.
*Date of Birth (DDMMYYYY):
*Company Name:
*Oce Address
(inc. street number, street name,
town, postcode, country):
*Oce Telephone Number
(inc. country code):
*Mobile Number
(inc. country code):
*Please provide your mother’s maiden name. This
will be used to confirm your identity for security
purposes :
E-mail Address:
(This will only be used for servicing purposes
by American Express unless you choose to
receive marketing oers by ticking the box
American Express would like to send you emails with interesting news and specially selected marketing offers
that we feel may be of interest to you. We will not share your email address with other companies to market their
own products or services. If you would like to receive these emails please tick the above box.
You can update your email marketing preferences with American Express at any time by visiting
americanexpress.co.uk and by selecting the Privacy Statement link.
Employee Number (if applicable):
Department Code or Cost Centre
(if applicable):
If you have any current/previous
American Express Cards please provide details:
*Please indicate where you would like your Card to be sent (your Card will be delivered to this
address unless your Company has arranged to distribute it).
Oce address as provided above
Residential address as provided above
3 7
American Express Services Europe Limited has its registered ofice at Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9AX,
United Kingdom. It is registered in England and Wales with Company Number 1833139 and authorised and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority.
Cardmember Application Form
UKCP 159025
2. Urgent Delivery
Normal Card delivery is within 12 working days (on receipt of a fully completed Application Form).
Tick here for delivery within 5 working days. A fee of £50 applies and will be charged to your Card.
3. Insurance Benefits Enrolment
Your Card comes with insurance benefits, which are provided under a group policy that American Express holds for the benefit of its Cardmembers.
There is no additional charge to you if you choose to receive this benefit.
Please choose whether you would like the travel insurance cover benefits:
Yes No. I understand that there will not be an adjustment to any Card fees and that I can opt back in at any time by submitting a claim.
Please read and ensure that you understand the Insurance Key Information which can be found at:
americanexpress.co.uk/corporate/insurance – for Green Corporate Cards
americanexpress.co.uk/corporate/goldinsurance – for Gold Corporate Cards
americanexpress.co.uk/corporate/platinuminsurance – for Platinum Corporate Cards
4. Direct Debit Details
If your Company pays the Card bill, do not complete the Direct Debit Instruction. If you will be
paying the Card bill, Direct Debit is optional.
Instruction to your bank or building society to pay by Direct Debit.
Service User Number
Bank/Building Society Name
Bank/Building Society Address:
Name(s) of Account Holder(s)
Bank Sort Code:
Bank/Building Society Account Number:
Reference (internal use only):
Instruction to your Bank or Building Society
Please pay American Express Services Europe Limited Direct Debits from the account
detailed above subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand
that this Instruction may remain with American Express Services Europe Limited and, if so,
details will be passed electronically to my bank/building society.
Banks and building societies may not accept Direct Debit Instructions for some types of account.
5. Individual Declaration
By signing below, you confirm that you have received a copy of the American Express Corporate Card Cardmember Terms and Conditions
included in this application and agree to those Terms and Conditions.
You acknowledge and agree that American Express Services Europe Limited ("American Express") and/or its representatives will contact
any source, including credit reference agencies, to obtain information they require to establish the Account including, but not limited to,
information required to establish your identity. Unless your Account has Full Corporate Liability, you further authorise American Express
and/or its representatives to complete credit checks to establish the Account.
You understand that American Express may decline this application without giving a reason and without entering into any correspondence.
Please ensure this section is
signed and dated
*Applicant's Signature (Digital signature is not acceptable)
9900 37
American Express Services Europe Limited has its registered ofice at Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9AX,
United Kingdom. It is registered in England and Wales with Company Number 1833139 and authorised and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority.
Cardmember Application Form
UKCP 159025
6. Company Authorisation
It is essential that this form is counter-signed by a Programme Administrator (PA) or other
authorised signatory, signed for and on behalf of the Company.
*Basic Control Account Number under which
this application should be processed:
- --
If unsure the PA should contact the
Corporate PA Servicing Team on
0800 917 8230 (01273 608123).
*First Name(s):
*Last Name:
Job Title:
On behalf of the Company I confirm that the details supplied by the applicant are correct.
I confirm the identity of the applicant and hereby approve the applicant's application.
*Signature (Digital signature is not acceptable)
Additional Approver’s Signature (if applicable, e.g. Line Manager)
Submitting this Application Form
IMPORTANT: Have you checked this form is complete? Please check that each party has
completed all fields.
Print and sign
Once completed please print and ensure that:
The applicant has signed and dated Section 5
If the applicant is paying by Direct Debit please make sure the Direct Debit instruction is
signed and dated
The authorised signatory has signed and dated Section 6. (If required by your company,
please ensure that two authorised signatories are included.)
Please ensure that the Basic Control Account Number has been provided under Section 6.
Please return this Card Application Form to:
American Express Services Europe Limited, UK Corporate New Accounts, UMC 87-03-010,
1 John Street, Brighton BN88 1NH.
Fax 01273 667111
E-mail UKCorporateNewAccounts@aexp.com
If sending documents by email, please remember that the internet can be insecure.
The applicant should retain the Direct Debit Guarantee slip on page 11.
Cardmember Terms and Conditions
CorpCard-UKCardmember-T&C’s-March 2021
American Express Services Europe Limited has its registered ofice at Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9AX,
United Kingdom. It is registered in England and Wales with Company Number 1833139 and authorised and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority.
1. Acceptance/Subject Matter of the Agreement
This Agreement sets out the terms and conditions for your use
of the Card. Please read it very carefully and keep it for your
reference. By submitting an Application Form (or, if earlier, signing
or using the Card), you agree to the terms of this Agreement. If we
make any changes to this Agreement you will be deemed to have
accepted them subject to the “Changes” section of this Agreement.
This Agreement is open ended, it has no ixed duration and will
continue until you or we end it.
You can request a further copy of this Agreement free of charge at
any time during the term of the Agreement and if you do, we can
make copies available via the Programme Administrator.
This Agreement and all Communications between you and us
concerning this Agreement will be in English.
2. Definitions
In this Agreement:
Account” or “Corporate Card Account” means any account we
maintain in relation to the Card;
Afiliate” means any entity that controls, is controlled by, or
is under common control with the relevant party, including its
Agreement” means this agreement with you;
American Express Entity” means each of our Afiliates
and “American Express Entities” means any one or more
American Express Entity;
Application Form” means the Account application form
completed by you;
Balance Due” means the sum outstanding on your Account at
the date of the Statement;
Card” means the American Express Corporate Card or any other
Account access device we issue for the purpose of accessing your
Account to purchase goods and/or services for Your Company’s
business purposes;
Card Anniversary Date” means the day each year of the
anniversary of Cardmembership;
Cash Advance” means the withdrawal of cash in any currency
through a range of methods including Express Cash and any other
cash products as agreed separately with us;
Charges” means all and any payments made using a Card or
transactions otherwise charged to your Account and includes Cash
Advances (where we have agreed with Your Company), purchases,
fees, commissions, interest, taxes and all other amounts you
and/or Your Company (dependent on which liability structure is
chosen for the Account, please see “Liability for Charges” section
of this Agreement) have agreed to pay us or are liable for under
Code(s)” means each of your Personal Identiication Number
(PIN), telephone code(s), on-line passwords and any other codes
or authentication methods established for use on your Account,
as speciied by us from time to time;
Communications” means Statements, notices (including changes
to this Agreement), servicing messages, disclosures, additional
copies of this Agreement if requested and other communications;
Merchant(s)” means a company, irm or other organisation
accepting American Express Cards as a means of payment for
goods and/or services;
Online Statement Service” means our internet-based service that
we make available to you to obtain or review your Statements;
Programme Administrator” means the person designated by
Your Company to act on its behalf in (i) the administration of the
American Express Corporate Card programme; (ii) communicating
with us about Corporate Card Accounts including your Account
and; (iii) passing on to you certain information we provide in
relation to the Card and your Account as explained within this
PSRs” means the Payment Services Regulations 2017 (SI 2017/752)
as may be amended, consolidated, re-enacted or replaced from
time to time;
Recurring Charges” means where you allow a Merchant to bill
your Account for a speciied or unspeciied amount, at regular or
irregular intervals for goods or services;
Replacement Card” means a renewal or replacement Card issued
to you by us;
Security Information” means your user ID and its associated
password, and any other authentication method speciied by us
from time to time, for use of our Online Statement Service;
Statements” means statements sent by us in respect of your
Account during the relevant billing period;
We, “our” and “us” means American Express Services Europe
Limited, a company registered in England and Wales under
registration number 1833139, with its registered address at Belgrave
House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9AX, United
Kingdom, authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under
the Payment Services Regulations 2009, reference number 661836,
for the provision of payment services, including its successors
and assignees;
You”, “you” and the “Cardmember” means the person whose
name appears on the Card; and
Your Company” means the company, business or irm that we
have an agreement with for the provision of the Card and by whom
you are authorised to incur business expenditure on the Card.
Additional deinitions can be found in the Agreement.
3. Use of the Card/Code(s)
a. You agree that your Account will be debited when you present
the Card to a Merchant that accepts the Card as payment and you:
i) enter your PIN or sign a paper slip issued by the Merchant;
ii) provide your Card number and related Card or Account details
by following the Merchant’s instructions for processing your
payment, and any other authentication method speciied by us
from time to time, in the case of online, telephone, mail order
purchases, Recurring Charges or through any other device such
as telephone boxes and parking permit dispensers;
iii) conclude an agreement with a Merchant and you consent to
the Merchant charging your Account for an amount that is
speciied in such agreement;
iv) authorise a contactless Charge by passing your Card over
a contactless card reader or authorise a Charge requested
through digital wallet technology; or
v) verbally consent, or conirm your agreement, to all or part of
a Charge after the Charge has been submitted.
You cannot cancel Charges once you have authorised them, except
for Recurring Charges which can be cancelled for the future. Please
see the “Recurring Charges” section of this Agreement.
b. We may impose and vary limits and restrictions on your use of
your Card for contactless or digital wallet technology Charges
such as a maximum amount for each Charge, day, statement
period or otherwise or a requirement to enter your PIN after a
certain number or value of contactless or digital wallet technology
c. To prevent misuse of your Account and the Card, you must ensure
that you:
i) sign the Card as soon as received;
ii) keep the Card secure at all times;
iii) regularly check that you still have the Card in your possession;
Cardmember Terms and Conditions
CorpCard-UKCardmember-T&C’s-March 2021
American Express Services Europe Limited has its registered ofice at Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9AX,
United Kingdom. It is registered in England and Wales with Company Number 1833139 and authorised and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority.
iv) do not let anyone else use the Card;
v) retrieve the Card after making a Charge;
vi) never give out the Card details, except when using the Card
in accordance with this Agreement; and
vii) when transferring the number of the Card in payment for
a Charge (online or mail order purchases), comply with the
applicable instructions and recommendations issued by us or
an American Express Entity on each occasion.
d. To protect your Codes (including your PIN), you must in each case
ensure that you:
i) memorise the Code;
ii) destroy our communication informing you of the Code (if
iii) do not write the Code on the Card;
iv) do not keep a record of the Code with or near the Card or
Account details;
v) except as may be required if you allow another service
provider to obtain authorised access to, or to make authorised
Charges from, your Account in accordance with the PSRs, do
not tell the Code to anyone or otherwise allow access to it
(except for the telephone code established for use on your
Account which may be provided to us when you contact us
vi) do not choose a Code (if you select a Code) that can easily
be associated with you such as your name, date of birth or
telephone number; and
vii) take care to prevent anyone else seeing the Code when
entering it into an electronic device (including an ATM).
4. Permitted Uses
a. You are the only person who may use the Card. The Card is issued
to you solely for the purchase of goods and services for Your
Company’s business purposes.
b. You may use the Card, subject to any restrictions set out in this
Agreement, to pay for goods and services from Merchants, except
where Your Company has restricted use of the Card at a Merchant.
c. If we have agreed with Your Company, you may also, in accordance
with the agreement we have with Your Company, use your Account
and the Card to obtain Cash Advances solely for the business
purposes of Your Company.
5. Prohibited Uses
a. You must not:
i) give the Card or Account number to any person or allow
them to use the Card or Account for Charges, identiication
or any other purpose, other than to give your consent to a
transaction in accordance with the “Use of the Card/Code(s)”
section of this Agreement;
ii) allow another person to use the Card or Codes for any reason;
iii) return goods or services obtained using your Account or Card
for a cash refund. If permitted by the Merchant, goods and
services charged to a Card may be returned to the Merchant
for a credit to that Card;
iv) use the Card to obtain cash from a Merchant for a Charge
recorded as a purchase;
v) obtain a credit to your Account except by way of a refund
for goods or services previously purchased on your Account;
vi) use the Card if you are bankrupt or insolvent or if you do not
honestly expect to be able to pay us any sums you owe us
under this Agreement;
vii) use the Card if you know or could be reasonably expected
to know that Your Company is insolvent, wound up, if an
administrator or administrative receiver has been appointed
or it is subject to any other form of insolvency procedure;
viii) use the Card or your Account to obtain cash unless we
have agreed with Your Company separately to permit Cash
ix) use a Card which has been reported to us as lost or stolen until
such time as we issue a new Card or new Account details (in
which case you must use the new details) or we otherwise
conirm that you may resume use of the Account/Card;
x) use a Card after it has been suspended or cancelled, after the
Account expires or after the ‘valid thru’ date shown on the
front of the Card;
xi) use the Card for any purpose other than the genuine purchase
of goods and/or services (or Cash Advances, if applicable);
xii) use the Card to purchase anything for the purpose of re-sale
unless we have previously agreed to this with Your Company;
xiii) use the Card to purchase anything from a Merchant that Your
Company or any third party related to Your Company have any
ownership interest in, where such ownership interest does
not include shares quoted on a recognised stock exchange.
b. Subject to the “Lost/Stolen Cards, Incorrectly Executed
Transactions and Misuse of Your Account” section of this
Agreement, you will be responsible for any prohibited use of your
Account even if we did not prevent or stop the prohibited use,
unless otherwise provided by law.
6. Cash Advances
Participation in the Express Cash Service (or any Cash Advance
facility), which allows you to obtain Cash Advances, is permitted
for use with your Card if Your Company permits and will be
governed by a separate agreement with Your Company. Your
Company is solely liable to us for all Cash Advances. If we agree
with Your Company to allow you to obtain Cash Advances and
Your Company enrols you in our Express Cash Service (or any
other Cash Advance facility), then:
i) you will only be entitled to withdraw cash for the legitimate
business purposes of Your Company;
ii) Your Company may by notiication to us stop you from using
the Express Cash Service (or any other Cash Advance facility)
at any time and Cash Advances will no longer be available
to you;
iii) Your Company must enrol you in the Express Cash Service (or
any other Cash Advance facility) and obtain a Code to access
ATMs that accept the Card;
iv) we may impose limits and restrictions on Cash Advances
such as the minimum and maximum limits that apply to
Cash Advances for each Charge, day, Statement period or
v) participating inancial institutions and ATM operators
may also impose their own limits and restrictions on Cash
Advances such as limits on the number of Cash Advances,
the amount of each Cash Advance and access to and available
services at ATMs;
vi) we reserve the right, without cause and without providing
any notice to you, to terminate your access to Cash Advances
and ATMs, even if the Account is not in default;
vii) fees apply for Cash Advances and are set out in the “Fees”
section of this Agreement. The ATM provider may also charge
a fee; and
viii) you must comply with any instructions Your Company
provides to you in relation to Cash Advances.
7. Statements and Queries
a. Unless the Card is subject to “Full Corporate Liability” as described
in the “Liability for Charges” section of this Agreement and Your
Company is responsible for centrally settling payment of your
Cardmember Terms and Conditions
CorpCard-UKCardmember-T&C’s-March 2021
American Express Services Europe Limited has its registered ofice at Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9AX,
United Kingdom. It is registered in England and Wales with Company Number 1833139 and authorised and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority.
Account with us, we will make available to you, in the manner set
out in the “Communicating with You” section of this Agreement,
Statements periodically and at least once a month if there has
been any Account activity. Unless we agree with Your Company
otherwise, if you enrol in, or if we enrol you automatically in,
our Online Statement Service your Statement is available to
you online. We may also make your Statement available via the
Programme Administrator. Terms and conditions apply to your
use of our Online Statement Service and are set out in the “Online
Statement Service” section of this Agreement. Your Statement
will show important information about your Account, such as
the outstanding balance on the last day of the Statement period,
the payment due, the payment due date, the currency conversion
rate and applicable fees and will include Charges made by you.
b. Always check each Statement for accuracy and contact us as
soon as possible if you need more information about a Charge
on any Statement. If you have a question about or a concern with
your Statement or any Charge on it, inform us immediately by
contacting us through the Programme Administrator or directly
on the number provided in the “Lost/Stolen Cards, Incorrectly
Executed Transactions and Misuse of Your Account” section of
this Agreement. We will normally expect this to be within one (1)
month of receipt of your Statement.
c. If you or Your Company does not query a Charge that you believe
is unauthorised or incorrectly executed within this period, or in
some cases within up to thirteen (13) months, you and/or Your
Company, dependent on which liability structure is chosen for
the Account (please see the “Liability for Charges” section of this
Agreement), may be liable for this unauthorised or incorrectly
executed Charge. If we request, you agree to promptly provide
us with written conirmation of your question or concern and
any information we may reasonably require that relates to your
question or concern.
d. You agree we may send you notices, including notices of variation
of this Agreement, with your Statement (whether online or paper
8. Online Statement Service
a. If you are enrolled in our Online Statement Service you may access
the service via our website, using your Security Information. You
will not receive paper Statements unless we have reason to send
you one such as if your Account is overdue. You must access
the Online Statement Service regularly and check it for any new
b. If you do not receive or are unable to access a Statement, regardless
of the reason, where you are liable to make payment to us (please
see the “Liability for Charges” section of this Agreement), this
shall not affect the payment obligations under this Agreement. It
is your responsibility to contact us in such circumstances to obtain
relevant information in order to fulil any payment obligations.
c. Each online Statement is kept available online for six (6) months.
You can print out your statement data and/or download it for
future reference.
d. You are responsible for obtaining and maintaining your own
compatible computer system, software, and communications
lines required to properly access the Online Statement Service.
We have no responsibility or liability in respect of your software
or equipment.
e. You are responsible for all telecommunications and similar charges
incurred by you in accessing and using the Online Statement
f. We may alter the facilities available under the Online Statement
Service at any time. We will inform you of these changes and
any corresponding changes to Online Statement Service terms
and conditions in accordance with the “Changes” section of this
g. Your Security Information is conidential to you and must not be
shared with any other person or recorded in an insecure location
accessible to anyone else. We are not responsible for any misuse
of the Online Statement Service by you or anyone else nor for
any disclosure of conidential information by us where you have
failed to take reasonable precautions to protect your Security
h. We may terminate or suspend the use of an Online Statement
Service at any time. We will give you prior notice of any withdrawal
or suspension of the Online Statement Service in accordance
with the “Changes” section of this Agreement except (i) in
circumstances beyond our control; (ii) in the event of suspicion
of unauthorised use or breach of the terms of use for an Online
Statement Service; or (iii) for security reasons.
i. We will not be responsible if any information made available via
the Online Statement Service is not available or is inaccurately
displayed due to systems failure, interruptions in the
communications systems or other reasons outside of our control.
j. When your Statement is made available through the Online
Statement Service, we will send you a notiication to the e-mail
address you have provided to us to advise you that your Statement
is ready to view online.
k. If we detect that the e-mail address you have provided is invalid,
the e-mails that are sent to your address are returned or are not
received by you, we may revert to sending you printed Statements
through the post or may attempt to contact you or Your Company.
Our action or inaction does not limit your or your Company’s
obligations under this Agreement.
l. We will not be responsible where any e-mail sent to you under
this Agreement is not received by you due to your e-mail address
having changed or being invalid or due to systems failure,
interruptions in the communications systems or other reasons
outside our control.
m. If you do not receive your notiication e-mail, you are required to
obtain your Account balance either by logging on to our Online
Statement Service via our website or calling the Customer Service
telephone number printed on the reverse of the Card.
n. The fact that you have not received our e-mail notiication or
you have not been able to access your Statement online does not
constitute an exception to your obligation to pay your Account
balance on time.
o. You may cancel participation in the Online Statement Service at
any time and, in this case, paper Statements will be provided or
made available by mail or by another means agreed with you.
9. Fees
a. The fees that apply to your Account are set out below. We are
entitled to charge these fees to your Account when due.
b. A maximum Card membership annual fee of £45 for the Corporate
Green Card, £100 for the Corporate Gold Card or £375 for the
Corporate Platinum Card is payable annually for each membership
year. The irst Card membership annual fee is payable on the irst
Statement date after the Card is issued and then on the Statement
date following the beginning of each membership year unless we
agree with you and Your Company otherwise. A membership year
starts on the Card Anniversary Date and ends on the day before
the next Card Anniversary Date.
c. If you do not pay the Balance Due on your Statement in full by
the due date, you are in default and you agree that we may charge
you a late payment fee of £12 plus 2% of the overdue amount.
The overdue amount is the unpaid balance of the Balance Due
on your previous Statement, excluding any unpaid late payment
Cardmember Terms and Conditions
CorpCard-UKCardmember-T&C’s-March 2021
American Express Services Europe Limited has its registered ofice at Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9AX,
United Kingdom. It is registered in England and Wales with Company Number 1833139 and authorised and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority.
fees. Late payment fees are not charged if the overdue amount is
less than £25.
d. If your Account is sixty (60) days or more overdue for payment and
we cancel the Card and close your Account, we will charge a fee of
£95 for re-instatement of the Card and your Account.
e. We will also charge your Account for any reasonable costs we incur
in recovering overdue payments. These costs may be added to
the outstanding sum and include the cost of using third parties,
such as a irm of solicitors, and any costs they themselves incur
in trying to recover a debt on our behalf.
f. If your Account is paid with a cheque or direct debit and your bank
does not honour the cheque or the direct debit, we will charge you
for any reasonable costs we incur.
g. If you make a Charge that is submitted to us in a currency other
than Pound Sterling, or if we receive a refund in a currency other
than Pound Sterling, we will apply a currency conversion rate to
the Charge or refund and a non-sterling transaction fee of 2.99%.
Please see the “Charges in a Foreign Currency” section of this
h. A Statement Copy Fee of £2 plus VAT may be payable if you request
paper copies of Statements, for each copy provided.
i. A Cash Advance Fee of £3 or 3% (whichever is the greater) of the
amount of any cash you request is payable by Your Company under
the agreement we have with them for Cash Advances. A fee may
also be charged by the provider of any ATM you use in obtaining
j. A fee of £30 plus VAT is payable to enrol a Green or Gold Corporate
Card in the Membership Rewards Programme.
k. We may, at any time, as a continuous right, without prior notice
and before and after demand, set off against any credit on your
Account any amount due by you to us on any other account you
have with us and to do so may convert to one currency any amount
which is in a different currency.
10. Right to Change Fees and Commissions
We may change the circumstances in which any of the fees on
your Account are charged, the amount of those fees and introduce
additional fees in accordance with the “Changes” section of this
11. Charges in a Foreign Currency
a. If you carry out a Charge that is submitted to us in a currency
other than Pound Sterling, or if we receive a refund in a currency
other than Pound Sterling, that Charge or refund will be converted
into Pound Sterling using the American Express Exchange Rate (as
described below). The conversion will take place on the date the
Charge or refund is processed by us, which may not be the same
date on which you authorise the Charge or the date of the refund
as it depends on when the Charge or refund was submitted to
us. If the Charge or refund is not in U.S. dollars, the conversion
will be made through U.S. dollars, by converting the Charge or
refund amount into U.S. dollars and then by converting the U.S.
dollar amount into Pound Sterling. If the Charge or refund is in U.S.
dollars, it will be converted directly into Pound Sterling.
b. Unless a speciic rate is either required by applicable law, or is used
as a matter of local custom or convention in the territory where the
Charge or refund is made (in which case we will look to be consistent
with that custom or convention), you understand and agree that the
American Express treasury system is based on interbank rates that
it selects from customary industry sources on the business day prior
to the processing date (called “American Express Exchange Rate”),
to which a non-Sterling transaction fee of 2.99% will be applied.
c. When you make a Charge in a foreign currency, you may be given
the option of allowing a third party (for example, the merchant)
to convert the Charge into Pound Sterling before submitting it
to us. It is your decision whether to use the third party currency
conversion or not. If Charges are converted by third parties prior
to being submitted to us, any conversions made by those third
parties will be at an exchange rate, and may include a commission
or charge, selected by them. You should check the fees and charges
before completing the Charge to ensure that you do not pay more
than necessary. Since a Charge converted via the third party will
be submitted to us in Pound Sterling, we will not apply a non-
Sterling transaction fee.
d. The American Express Exchange Rate is set daily between Monday
and Friday, except Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. You agree
that any changes in the American Express Exchange Rate will be
applied immediately and without notice. The rate charged is not
necessarily the rate available on the date of your transaction or
refund as the rate applicable is determined by the date on which
the Merchant or ATM operator, in the case of Cards which can
be used at ATMs, submits a Charge or refund which may not be
the date on which you authorise the transaction or a refund is
made. Fluctuations can be signiicant. The American Express
Exchange Rate may be found by logging onto your Online
Account to access the Foreign Transaction Calculator. The total
cost of converting your currency (we call this the ‘the Currency
Conversion Charge’) consists of the American Express Exchange
Rate and the non-Sterling transaction fee. Regulation requires us
to provide you with information to enable you to compare the cost
of the Currency Conversion Charge with reference rates issued
by the European Central Bank. This information can be found at
e. You agree you are acting only for the purposes of your trade,
business or profession when using the Card and acknowledge and
agree that we are not required to send any notiications to you
relating to currency conversion charges, as required by Regulation
(EU) 2019/518.
12. Liability for Charges
a. You and/or Your Company shall be liable to us for all Charges
in accordance with the liability type that is identiied in the
Application Form or that Your Company has otherwise agreed
with us in writing. Subject to the terms of the “Cash Advances”,
“Statements and Queries” and “Lost/Stolen Cards, Incorrectly
Executed Transactions and Misuse of Your Account” sections of
this Agreement:
i) “Full Corporate Liability” means, Your Company shall be fully
liable to us for all Charges;
ii) “Combined Liability” means Your Company and you shall be
jointly and severally liable for all Charges incurred by you;
provided, however, that Your Company shall not be liable for
Charges (a) incurred by you that are personal in nature and
which did not accrue a beneit to Your Company or (b) for
which Your Company has reimbursed you; and
iii) “Individual Liability” means that, except as otherwise
expressly provided in this Agreement, you are liable to us
for all Charges.
b. Regardless of the liability type or settlement option identiied in
the Application Form or that Your Company has agreed with us
in writing, you may be able to make settlement for Charges on
your Card.
13. Payment
a. All Charges are due and payable to us in full in Pound Sterling on
the date set out on your monthly Statement.
b. Any payment made in any currency other than Pound Sterling,
if accepted by us, is converted into Pound Sterling. This will
delay the credit to your Account and may involve the charging of
currency conversion fees.
Cardmember Terms and Conditions
CorpCard-UKCardmember-T&C’s-March 2021
American Express Services Europe Limited has its registered ofice at Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9AX,
United Kingdom. It is registered in England and Wales with Company Number 1833139 and authorised and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority.
c. Payments will be credited to your Account when received, cleared
and processed by us. The time for payments to reach us for clearing
and processing depends on the payment method, system and
provider used to make payment to us. You must allow suficient
time for us to receive, clear and process payments by the payment
due date.
d. We may, at our discretion, accept late or partial payment in full or
payment in settlement of a dispute. In so doing we do not lose or
consent to vary any of our rights under this Agreement or under
the law.
e. We will normally apply payments to your Account irstly to the
amounts that have appeared on your Statement and secondly to
amounts that have not yet appeared on your Statement.
For servicing, administrative, systems or other business reasons,
we may apply payments to your Account in some other order or
manner that we may determine at our discretion. You agree that
we may do so in a way that is favourable or convenient to us.
f. We do not pay any interest on positive balances on your Account.
14. Card is Our Property
The Card is only valid for the time period stated on the Card.
Although you use the Card on your Account, the Card remains
our property at all times. You may be asked to destroy the Card
by cutting it up or returning the Card to us or anyone we ask to
take it on our behalf, including Merchants. We may also inform
Merchants that the Card is no longer valid.
15. Replacement Cards
a. A Replacement Card will be sent to you if the Card is lost, stolen,
damaged, cancelled, renewed or switched to a different card type.
The Card may also be cancelled or no further Charges permitted
without a Replacement Card being issued.
b. You authorise us to send you a Replacement Card before the
current Card expires. You must destroy any expired Cards by
cutting them up or returning them to us. This Agreement as
amended or replaced continues to apply to any Replacement
Cards we issue.
c. Please note that we do not provide Replacement Card information
(such as Card number and Card expiry date) to Merchants.
16. Recurring Charges
a. In order to avoid potential disruption of Recurring Charges and
the provision of goods or services by the Merchant in the case of a
Card being cancelled, you may wish to contact the Merchant and
provide your Replacement Card information or make alternate
payment arrangements.
b. Recurring Charges may be automatically charged to a Replacement
Card without notice to you in which case You and/or Your Company
(dependent on which liability structure is chosen for the Account,
please see the “Liability for Charges” section of this Agreement)
are responsible for any such Recurring Charges but please note
that we are not obliged to provide Replacement Card information
(such as Card number and Card expiry date) to Merchants.
c. To stop Recurring Charges being billed to your Account, you may
wish to advise the Merchant in writing or in another way permitted
by the Merchant.
d. You may contact us on 0800 917 8031 or 01273 689 955 if you wish
to cancel a Recurring Charge. You must notify us no later than the
close of business on the business day before the Recurring Charge
is due to be made to theMerchant.
e. If we permit, you may allow us or our agent to enrol you with a
Merchant for Recurring Charges. You will remain responsible to
make other payment arrangements until the Recurring Charges
begin to be applied to yourAccount.
17. Acceptance of Charges by Us
a. We may require Charges to be approved by us before they are
accepted by a Merchant.
b. Each Charge is approved based on the expense level and credit
history of all of your and/or Your Company’s accounts established
with us, as well as on your credit history with other inancial
institutions and your personal resources and income known by us.
c. Even though your Account may not be in default, we may refuse
any request for approval of a Charge, on reasonable grounds
for example where we suspect unauthorised, improper and/or
fraudulent use, due to technical dificulties, security concerns,
unusual spending behaviour, increased risk that you and/or
Your Company may not be able to pay your Account in full and
on time (including without limitation, exceeding limits that
we impose on Your Company’s outstanding obligations to us
such as global credit limits that apply to some or all Cards), late
payment, problems reported by the credit reference agency or
if the use of the Card is prohibited pursuant to the ‘Prohibited
Uses’ section of this Agreement. Where possible, we may provide
you, at your request, our reasons for any refusal for approval.
You may contact us on 0800 917 8031 or via our website
18. Use of Personal Information
The following terms apply to the processing of your Data
(for additional information in respect of such processing,
please refer to the Privacy Statement on our website
a. To the extent necessary, we may (1) exchange information about
you (including your personal data), your Account and Charges on
your Account (including details of goods or services purchased)
(“Data”) within the American Express Entities, including their
agents, processors and suppliers; to Your Company (including
the Programme Administrator) or its Afiliates, including their
agents and processors; to any party authorised by you; to your
bank, building society or payment card issuer; to local regulatory
authorities; to companies who distribute the Card; to any other
party whose name or logo appears on the Card; and to Merchants
used by you, and/or (2) otherwise process your Data (including
proiling), in each case in order to administer and service your
Account or the American Express Corporate Card programme,
process and collect Charges on it and manage any beneits,
insurance, travel or other corporate programmes in which you
or Your Company are enrolled, or for security, anti-fraud and
regulatory purposes.
b. American Express Entities, other companies and appointed
processors speciically selected by us will have access to and may
process the Data (including proiling) to develop lists to allow us to
make relevant offers to you (by mail, e-mail, telephone or via the
internet), provided that you have opted in to it where required.
We may (i) anonymise the Data (ii) consolidate the Data from
various American Express Entities and/or (iii) aggregate your
Data and other cardmembers’ data in order to manage, maintain
and develop our overall relationship with you. The Data used to
develop these lists may be obtained from the Application Form
and process, from the Charges on the Card, from surveys and
research (which may involve contacting you by mail, e-mail,
telephone or via the internet provided that you have opted in
to it where required) and other sources such as Merchants or
c. Recognising that the Card is only to be used for business purposes
we may use information about you, your Account and Charges
made using the Card, to prepare reports and statistics to enable Your
Company to uphold an effective administration and procurement
Cardmember Terms and Conditions
CorpCard-UKCardmember-T&C’s-March 2021
American Express Services Europe Limited has its registered ofice at Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9AX,
United Kingdom. It is registered in England and Wales with Company Number 1833139 and authorised and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority.
policy, as well as in order to fulil contractual obligations towards
Your Company, this may also include information on outstanding
debt. Such reports and statistics may be made available to Your
Company (including the Programme Administrator and designated
employees) or its Afiliates, including their agents and processors
for the purposes of administration of the American Express
Corporate Card programme and includes detailed information per
transaction like your name, Card number, transaction descriptions
(including for example dates, values and currencies), information
on Merchant and Merchant industry.
d. Unless your Account has “Full Corporate Liability” as described
in the “Liability for Charges” section of this Agreement we may:
i) exchange the Data with credit reference agencies (“CRAs”). If
you owe us money and do not repay in full or on time, we may
tell CRAs to record the outstanding debt. This information
may be used to make decisions about offering products such
as credit and credit-related services and other facilities to you
or another individual with an existing inancial association
with you and for preventing fraud and tracing debtors;
ii) carry out credit checks while any money is owed on your
Account (including contacting your bank, building society
or approved referee) and disclose the Data to collection
agencies and lawyers for the purpose of collecting debts on
your Account; and/or
iii) carry out further credit checks, including at CRAs, and
analyse your Data to assist in managing your Account, to
approve Charges, to develop risk management policies,
models and procedures, and to prevent fraud or any other
unlawful activity. These CRA searches may be seen or used
by other organisations to assess your ability to obtain credit
or to comply with their legal obligations.
e. We may exchange the Data with fraud prevention agencies such
as the UK Card Association and the CIFAS. If you give us false or
inaccurate information resulting in fraud, this may be recorded
for security purposes. These records may be used by us and
other organisations to make decisions about offering products
such as credit and credit-related services, motor, household, life
and other insurance products to you and any other party with
inancial association with you, to make decisions about insurance
claims made by you or any other party with a inancial association
with you, trace debtors, recover debt, prevent fraud and money
laundering and manage your accounts or insurance policies.
f. We, and reputable organisations selected by us, may monitor
or record your telephone calls to us or ours to you to ensure
consistent servicing levels (including staff training) and account
operation, to assist in dispute resolution and follow up on your
contractual requests.
g. We may undertake all of the above both within and outside the
UK and the European Union (“EU”). This includes processing
your information in the USA in which data protection laws are
not as comprehensive as the EU. In these cases, please note that
we always take appropriate steps to ensure an adequate level of
protection as required by laws in the EU.
h. We use advanced technology and well-deined procedures to
help ensure that your Data is processed promptly, accurately and
i. We will process your Data as set out above either where you
consent to those speciied purposes, to comply with a legal or
contractual obligation, or because it is necessary for the purposes
of our legitimate interests.
j. In certain instances, you have the right to access, update, and
change or correct, or erase your Data. You may also be entitled to
restrict how we use your Data and you may also be able to object
to your Data being used. Where you have consented to us using
your Data, you may withdraw that consent at any time. You may
also have the right to receive information about you in a way that
can be “ported” elsewhere. Please refer to our Privacy Statement
on our website business.americanexpress.com/uk for more
information on exercising these rights. Please refer to our Privacy
Statement on our website business.americanexpress.com/uk for
more information on exercising these rights. In addition:
i) If you wish to opt-out of marketing programmes, we
recommend you update your privacy preferences by logging
in to business.americanexpress.com/uk. Alternatively, you
can write to us at American Express, Dept. 68, 1 John Street,
Brighton, BN88 1NH.
ii) You have the legal right of access to your personal records
held by CRAs and fraud prevention agencies. We will supply
the names and addresses of the agencies we have used upon
request to American Express, New Accounts Dept. (OCU),
Dept. 149, 1 John Street, Brighton, BN88 1NH.
iii) If you believe that any Data that we hold about you is
incorrect or incomplete, you should write without delay to
American Express, Dept. 2007, 1 John Street, Brighton, BN88
1NH. Any Data which is found to be incorrect or incomplete
will be corrected promptly.
k. We keep Data about you only for so long as is appropriate for the
above purposes or as required by applicable law. If you ask, we
will provide you with information on the Data we hold about you
in accordance with applicable law.
19. Insurance
You may beneit from insurance taken out by us with third party
insurance providers. The continuing provision, scope and terms
of the insurance beneits may be changed or cancelled by us or the
third party insurance provider at any time during the term of this
Agreement. Wherever possible, we will give you or Your Company
at least sixty (60) days advance notice of any detrimental changes
to or cancellation of the insurance beneits.
20. Communicating with You
a. Communications will be made available to you by post, e-mail,
SMS, insertion of the relevant note in the Statement (or Statement
insert) or via the Online Statement Service or through links on
webpages accessible via the Online Statement Service or any
combination of these and you agree that it is your responsibility
to access all such Communications. You must maintain a valid
mailing address and phone number in our records for your Account
(except as set out below). You also agree that we may communicate
with you via Your Company or Programme Administrator by post,
e-mail, SMS, insertion of the relevant note in the Statement (or
Statement insert) or via the Online Statement Service (or through
links on webpages accessible via the service) that we may establish
from time to time, in which case a Communication to Your
Company or Programme Administrator about the Card, Account or
this Agreement will be deemed to be a notiication from us to you.
b. Where the Card is subject to “Full Corporate Liability” as described
in the “Liability for Charges” section of this Agreement and Your
Company is responsible for centrally settling payment of your
Account with us directly, we may give notice of changes to our
Corporate Card programme to Your Company on your behalf and
not to you personally.
c. You must keep us up to date with your name, e-mail addresses,
postal mailing address and phone numbers and other contact
details for delivering Communications under this Agreement.
We shall not be responsible for any fees or charges or any other
damage suffered by you, if you fail to inform us about any changes
to such contact details.
Cardmember Terms and Conditions
CorpCard-UKCardmember-T&C’s-March 2021
American Express Services Europe Limited has its registered ofice at Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9AX,
United Kingdom. It is registered in England and Wales with Company Number 1833139 and authorised and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority. 10
d. You must inform us of any changes to other information previously
provided to us such as information you provided when you
applied for your Account. You also agree to give us any additional
information we reasonably request.
e. All electronic Communications that we provide including
Statements will be deemed to be received on the day that we send
the notiication e-mail or post the Communication online even if
you do not access the Communication on that day.
f. If we have been unable to deliver any Communication or a
Communication has been returned after attempting to deliver it
via an address or telephone number previously advised to us by
you or the Programme Administrator, we will consider you to be in
material breach of this Agreement and may stop attempting to send
Communications until we receive accurate contact information.
Our action or inaction does not limit your obligations under this
Agreement. All deliveries to the address most recently stated to
us are considered to have been delivered to you.
g. Your Company may provide us with your contact details including
your telephone number(s), e-mail and home address for the
purposes of managing your Account.
21. Complaints and Problems with Goods and Services Purchased
a. If you have a complaint or problem with a Merchant or any goods
or services charged to your Account, you and/or Your Company
(dependent on which liability structure is chosen for the Account,
please see the “Liability for Charges” section of this Agreement)
must still pay all Charges on your Account and settle the dispute
directly with the Merchant.
b. If you have any complaints about your Account or the service you
have received from us, please contact our Customer Relations
Department at American Express, Department 66, 1 John
Street, Brighton, BN88 1NH. Details of our complaints handling
procedures are available on request.
c. If you are unable to resolve your complaint with us and have
received a inal response from us conirming this, you may be
entitled to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange
Tower, London E14 9SR. Details of eligible complainants can be
obtained from the Financial Ombudsman Service, which will
usually only review your complaint if you refer it within six (6)
months of the date of our inal response.
d. We do not use any third party dispute resolution service to
resolve complaints made under this Agreement. All complaints
will be dealt with in accordance with our internal complaints
handling procedures and you will receive a inal response from
us conirming our response to your complaint.
22. Lost/Stolen Cards, Incorrectly Executed Transactions and Misuse
of YourAccount
a. You must tell us immediately by telephone at 0800 917 8031 (01273
689 955) if:
i) a Card is lost or stolen;
ii) you know a Card or Replacement Card has not been received;
iii) you suspect that someone else has learnt a Code;
iv) you suspect that your Account is being misused or a Charge
has not been authorised;
v) you suspect that a Charge has been processed incorrectly;
vi) your Card is used for a contactless or digital wallet technology
Charge without your authorisation;
vii) you discover, after reviewing your Statement, that a Recurring
Charge has been charged to your Account which you
previously requested the Merchant or us to cancel.
b. If a Card is reported lost or stolen we will cancel the Card and
issue a Replacement Card. If a lost or stolen Card is later found, it
must not be used and must be cut in two or otherwise destroyed
c. You or Your Company’s maximum liability for any unauthorised
Charges on the Card is £35 unless you:
i) did not comply with this Agreement (including the ‘Use of
the Cards/ Codes’ section) intentionally or because you were
grossly negligent. For example if you fail to take reasonable
steps to keep the Cards security features safe; or
ii) have acted fraudulently. For example, if you gave the Card
and/or Codes to another person to use, then you may be liable
for the full amount of any unauthorised Charges.
d. Provided you have not acted fraudulently, then you will not be
liable to us for any unauthorised Charges once you have notiied
e. You agree to cooperate with us, including giving us a declaration,
afidavit and/or a copy of an oficial police report, if we ask. You
also agree that we may provide information to the authorities.
f. If there are errors in a transaction and this is our fault, we will
reverse the Charge and restore your Account as if the transaction
had not taken place. We reserve the right to resubmit the correct
transaction amount.
g. If upon contacting us, you wish to dispute a transaction, we will
initiate an inquiry and place a temporary credit on your Account in
the amount of the transaction. Once investigations are complete,
we will adjust your Accountaccordingly.
h. In the event that we suspect any suspected or actual fraud has
been carried out on your Card or that there is any security threat to
your Card, including the circumstances set out in this section, we
will contact you using the contact details you have provided to us.
23. Refunds for Authorised Transactions
a. This section only applies to Charges at Merchants in the European
b. You can request a refund for a Charge if at the time that you
agreed to the Charge, you did not know the exact amount of the
transaction and the amount which appears on your Statement is
greater than the amount you reasonablyexpected.
c. You must submit your request for a refund within eight (8) weeks
from the Statement date on which the Charge applies.
d. We will investigate your request for such a refund, taking into
consideration your recent spending behaviour and all relevant
circumstances related to the Charge. You must give us all the
information we reasonably require about the circumstances of
the Charge and we may give this information to other companies
or people investigating the matter.
e. We will within ten (10) business days of us receiving from you
complete information and documentation about your dispute
including information we may require conirming that your
dispute relates to a Charge falling within this section, either
provide a refund or an explanation for our refusal to do so. We
reserve the right to adjust your Account accordingly.
24. Limitation of Our Liability
a. Nothing in this Agreement shall limit or exclude any liability (and
no limitation or exclusion of liability shall apply to any liability)
of any party:
i) for death or personal injury caused by the negligence of a
party or its employees, agents or subcontractors;
ii) for any fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation; and
iii) to the extent such limitation or exclusion is not permitted
by applicablelaw.
b. Subject to (a) above, we will not be responsible or liable to you or
Your Company or any third party for any loss or damage arising,
whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise in
relation to:
i) delay or failure by a Merchant to accept a Card, the imposition
by a Merchant of conditions on the use of the Card or the
Cardmember Terms and Conditions
CorpCard-UKCardmember-T&C’s-March 2021
American Express Services Europe Limited has its registered ofice at Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9AX,
United Kingdom. It is registered in England and Wales with Company Number 1833139 and authorised and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority.
manner of a Merchant’s acceptance or non-acceptance of the
ii) goods and/or services purchased with the Card or their delivery
iii) failure to carry out our obligations under this Agreement if
that failure is caused by a third party or because of an event
outside our reasonable control, including but not limited to,
a systems failure, data processing failure, industrial dispute
or other action outside our control; and
iv) defects or faults in relation to ATMs.
c. Subject to (a) above, we will not be responsible or liable to you or
Your Company or any third party under any circumstances for any:
i) loss of proit, interest, goodwill, business opportunity,
business, revenue or anticipated savings;
ii) losses related to damage to the reputation of you or any
member of Your Company; or
iii) any indirect, special, punitive or consequential losses
or damages, even if such losses were foreseeable and
notwithstanding that a party had been advised of the
possibility that such losses were in the contemplation of the
other party or any third party.
25. Changes
a. We may change any provision of this Agreement including (i) any
fees and Charges applicable to your Account and introduce new
fees and Charges or change the circumstances in which they are
applied and (ii) the services we provide to you, from time to time.
b. We will give you at least two (2) months’ notice in advance of any
changes. You will be deemed to have accepted the changes unless
you notify us in writing prior to the date on which the changes will
take effect that you do not accept the changes. If you do not accept
any changes to this Agreement, you can terminate your Account
at no cost before the date on which the changes will take effect.
c. You will be liable for all Charges (including fees and late payment
fees) up to the date your Account is closed.
d. If we have made a major change or many minor changes in any
one year, we may make available to you an updated copy of this
Agreement or a summary of the changes.
26. Suspension
a. We may immediately stop or suspend you from using any Card and/
or your Account on reasonable grounds related to: (i) the security
of the Card or the Account; (ii) if we suspect unauthorised and/
or fraudulent use based on, for example, a inding of suspicious
transactions upon analysis of transaction data and loss events or in
the event credit institutions or the police inform us of fraud cases
or data breaches at third parties which may have compromised
Account data or there is information that data has been tapped;
and/or (iii) a signiicantly increased risk that you and/or Your
Company (as applicable) may not be able to pay us any amounts
due under this Agreement in full and on time.
In these cases we may notify you before we stop or suspend use
or immediately afterwards. We will, where possible, tell you the
reasons for our decision.
Please refer to the “Communicating with You” section of this
Agreement for details of how we will tell you.
b. For the avoidance of doubt, the Agreement will continue in effect
notwithstanding the suspension of any Card or Account, and
subject to the “Liability for Charges” section of this Agreement
you and/or Your Company (as applicable) will be responsible for
all Charges as set out in this Agreement and for complying with
the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
c. We will remove the suspension on the Card or Account when the
reasons for the suspension have ceased to exist. You may tell us
by telephone, using the telephone number listed on our website
business.americanexpress.com/uk or other contact information set
out in the “Lost/Stolen Cards, Incorrectly Executed Transactions
and Misuse of Your Account” section of this Agreement when you
believe the reasons for the suspension have ceased to exist.
27. Default
a. We may treat your Account as being in default at any time in the
event that you and/or Your Company (dependent on which liability
structure is chosen for the Account, please see the “Liability
for Charges” section of this Agreement) fail to comply with the
obligations under this Agreement or our Agreement with Your
Company such as a failure to make any payment when it is due
or if any form of payment is returned or not honoured in full.
b. We may also consider your Account to be in default at any time
if any statement made by you and/or Your Company to us in
connection with your Account was false or misleading, you and/
or Your Company breach any other agreement that you and/or
Your Company may have with us or with any of our Afiliates,
or if bankruptcy or other creditor proceedings are threatened or
initiated against you and/or Your Company or we have any reason
to believe that you and/or Your Company may not be creditworthy.
c. The inclusion of previously billed minimum payments and/or any
portion of dishonoured payments shown on a Statement will not
constitute a waiver by us of any default.
d. In the event of any default, you and/or Your Company (dependent
on which liability structure is chosen for the Account, please see
the “Liability for Charges” section of this Agreement) will also be
responsible for all reasonable costs incurred by us or our agents
including collection, collection agency and legal adviser fees
and costs, in recovering any amounts unpaid and in protecting
ourselves from any harm we may suffer as a result of the default.
28. Membership Rewards® Programme
You may enrol in the Membership Rewards Programme (called “MR
Programme”) unless Your Company has chosen not to participate.
If you enrol, you agree to comply with the MR Programme terms
and conditions, including any fees for participation in the MR
29. Contactless and Digital Wallet Technology
Cards issued on the Account may be equipped to enable contactless
payments. Contactless payments enable you to incur Charges by
simply holding your Card against a card reader without having
the Card swiped or imprinted. We may deactivate contactless
payments at any time. We may permit you to use mobile or other
digital wallet technology (provided by a third party or by any of our
Afiliates) to request Charges. Use of the digital wallet technology
may be subject to further terms of use, but this Agreement still
applies to any Charges you request using such technology.
30. Transfer of Claims
a. Although we may have no obligation to do so, if we credit your
Account in relation to your claim against a third party such as a
Merchant, you are automatically deemed to have assigned and
transferred to us, any rights and claims (excluding tort claims) that
you have, had or may have against any third party for an amount
equal to the amount we credited to your Account. You hereby
give consent in advance to such assignment, without any further
notiication being required.
b. After we credit your Account, you agree not to pursue any claim
against or reimbursement from any third party for the amount
that we credited to your Account.
c. You agree to cooperate with us if we decide to pursue a third
party for the amount credited. Cooperation includes signing
any documents and providing any information that we require
and permitting us to share such information with third parties
Cardmember Terms and Conditions
CorpCard-UKCardmember-T&C’s-March 2021
American Express Services Europe Limited has its registered ofice at Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9AX,
United Kingdom. It is registered in England and Wales with Company Number 1833139 and authorised and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority.
(including, without limitation, your Data). Crediting your Account
on any occasion does not obligate us to do so again.
31. You May Close Your Account
a. You or Your Company on your behalf may end this Agreement at
any time. If you do not wish to be bound by this Agreement, please
destroy or return the Card to us and inform us that you wish to
cancel the Card and end thisAgreement.
b. Any annual fees paid in respect of the year in which your Account
is closed will, subject to the “Payments” section of this Agreement,
be returned to your Account taking into consideration the length
of time until your next Card Anniversary Date.
32. We May Close Your Account or Cancel Any Card
a. We can end this Agreement or cancel any or all Cards by giving
you two (2) months’ written notice. We can end this Agreement
immediately if you have broken this Agreement or if your
employment with Your Company is terminated or a decision is
taken to terminate your employment. If we take such action, you
and/or Your Company (dependent on which liability structure is
chosen for the Account, see the “Liability for Charges” section of
this Agreement) will still be obligated to pay all amounts owing
on yourAccount.
b. This Agreement will end immediately and automatically upon
termination of the agreement between Your Company and us
pursuant to which this Agreement has been entered into. We
shall not be responsible for notifying you of the termination of the
agreement between Your Company and us. It is Your Company’s
duty to inform you of termination of the agreement entered into
between Your Company and us.
c. We may decline to renew the Card issued to you without notice
where you have not used it for a period of at least twelve (12)
months. If this happens, this Agreement will not automatically
terminate. You may request that we issue you a new Card within
twelve (12) months of the expiry of the Card under this section. If
you do not request a new Card within this time, we will close your
Account and this Agreement will terminate. If we do so, we will
notify you at least two (2) months prior to cancellation.
33. Consequences of Any Termination
a. If this Agreement ends for any reason, you and/or Your Company
(dependent on which liability structure is chosen for the Account,
see the “Liability for Charges” section of this Agreement) must pay
all money you owe us immediately, including unbilled Charges
that may not be shown on your last Statement and ensure the
discontinuation of use of your Account. We will only close your
Account when you and/or Your Company have paid off all amounts
you owe us.
b. You and/or Your Company (dependent on which liability structure
is chosen for the Account, see the “Liability for Charges” section
of this Agreement) will continue to be responsible for all Charges
made using your Account until you and/or Your Company (as
applicable) has paid off all amounts you and/or Your Company
(as applicable) owe us and your Account is no longer used.
34. No Waiver of Our Rights
If we fail to exercise any of our rights under this Agreement, this
will not be a waiver of our rights and will not prevent us from
exercising them later.
35. Assignment
a. We may assign, transfer, sub-contract or sell our rights, beneits
or obligations under this Agreement at any time to any of our
Afiliates or to an unafiliated third party. You consent to this and
we may do this without giving you noticebeforehand.
b. Your rights under this Agreement and your legal rights will not
be affected.
c. If we do so, or intend to do so, you agree that we can give
information about you and your Account to the third party or
related party.
d. You are not entitled to transfer all or any part of your rights or
obligations under this Agreement to a third party.
36. Severability
If any provision of this Agreement conflicts with any applicable
law or regulation, that provision will be deemed to be modiied
or deleted so as to be consistent with law or regulation. This will
not affect the parties’ obligations which will continue as amended.
37. Governing Law and Exchange Control
a. This Agreement is governed by the laws of England and the courts
of England shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction over all parties
to the Agreement. However, where you have liability under this
Agreement, you agree that we can carry out collection proceedings
in any country where you may be living.
b. You are responsible for keeping to any exchange control
regulations or the local regulations if they apply to use of the
Card and Account.
38. Taxes, Duties
You and/or Your Company must pay any government tax, duty
or other amount imposed by law in any country in respect of the
Card, any Charge on your Account or any use of the Account by
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