A review of emergen cy equipment carried and
procedures performed by UK front line paramedics
on paediatric patients
K Roberts, F Jewkes, H Whalley, D Hopkins, K Porter
See end of article for
authors’ affiliations
Correspondence to:
Dr K Roberts, 77 Three
Acres Lane, Dickens
Heath, Solihull,
Birmingham B90 1NZ, UK;
Accepted for publication
10 May 2005
Emerg Med J 2005;22:572–576. doi: 10.1136/emj.2004.022533
Objectives: In 1997 a review of paramedic practice upon adult patients in the UK found many
inconsistencies and deficiencies in basic care. A follow up review in 2002 identified widespread
improvement in provision of equipment and skills to provide basic and advanced life support.
Paediatric care was not assessed in either review. The authors conducted this study to identify current
standards of care in paediatric paramedic practice and areas of potential improvement.
Method: A questionnaire designed to determine what equipment and skills were available to paramedics
for the management of common or serious paediatric emergencies was sent to chief executives of the 32
NHS Ambulance Trusts in England and Wales.
Results: The trend of expanding and standardising practice among adult patients has not extended to
paediatric practice despite national guidelines from the Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison
Committee (JRCALC). Furthermore there are some serious failings in the provision of care and skills. Many
Trusts have not adopted JRCALC guidelines for the management of life threatening paediatric emergencies
such as asthma, meningitis, and fluid replacement in hypovolaemia.
Conclusions: Ambulance Trusts not meeting standards set out in the JRCALC guidelines must address their
areas of deficiency. Failure to do so endangers children’s lives and leaves Trusts open to criticism.
nited Kingdom NHS ambulance services aim to
maintain life and alleviate patient morbidity until
definitive care can be delivered in a hospital facility.
Simple techniques and equipment are usually all that are
required in order to achieve this, using the well rehearsed
mantra of airway, breathing, and circulation. This is
particularly true for children as the vast majority of paediatric
deaths are due to hypoxia or hypovolaemic shock.
A study in 1997
reviewing variations in equipment carried
on UK front line ambulances concluded that basic levels of
ambulance equipment were adequate but that some essential
equipment was missing from the majority of Ambulance
Trusts. Such equipment included nasopharyngeal airways
(NPAs), Hudson type oxygen masks, traction splints, long
boards, and vacuum splints. It was also suggested that UK
paramedics should be able to perform needle cricothyroidot-
omy and needle thoracocentesis. The study was repeated in
four months following the introduction of the Joint
Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee (JRCALC)
guidelines, and found that the equipment available to UK
paramedics and procedures that they may perform had
expanded. Variation in practice between Trusts had decreased
while the number of interventions had increased.
Furthermore some Trusts demonstrated that they were
keeping up to date with current medical thinking—for
example, hypotensive resuscitation.
The current survey aimed to assess national practice upon
paediatric patients and identify if the standardisation of
equipment and skills by the ambulance services seen among
adult patients is occurring in paediatric practice. The survey
was commissioned on behalf of the research and develop-
ment committee of the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care at the
Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh and follows the
introduction of a new degree course for ambulance para-
medics and the advent of paramedic protocols by JRCALC.
In July 2003, a year and a half after publication of the second
edition of JRCALC guidelines, each chief executive of the 32
NHS Ambulance Trusts in England and Wales was sent a
postal questionnaire. No reminders were sent.
The questionnaire was designed to determine what
equipment and skills were available to paramedics for the
management of common or serious paediatric emergencies
including basic and advanced life support. Questions were
structured to follow the standard paradigm of the ‘‘primary
survey’’—airway, breathing, and circulation with haemor-
rhage control. Specific questions relating to extrication
equipment, spinal immobilisation, analgesia, and specific
paediatric emergencies were included.
Twenty two (69%) Trusts replied to the survey. The results,
including comparison with adult practice in 2002 where
appropriate (indicated as ‘‘adult % of Trusts’’), are presented
in tables 1 to 5.
In tables and text ‘‘Trusts (%)’’ refers to the percentage of
Trusts who responded to the questionnaire and not the total
number of UK NHS Ambulance Trusts.
Table 1 shows the equipment and procedures available to the
paramedic for airway control. One Trust cannot provide high
flow Oxygen (12–15 l/min) because they do not carry
paediatric non re-breather masks with a reservoir bag. All
trusts carry oropharyngeal airways. Only 27% of Trusts
permit the cutting of endotracheal tubes for use as
nasopharyngeal airways. Intubation is permitted by all trusts,
Abbreviations: JRCALC, Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison
Committee; LMA, laryngeal mask airway; NPA, nasopharyngeal
airways; OPA, oropharyngeal airway.
however practice varies widely. 36% of Trusts do not carry
straight blades (which are preferred for intubating very
young children) and two do not carry uncuffed endotracheal
tubes (preferred before puberty as the pressure of the cuff can
damage the airway in these children). Six Trusts do not
permit intubation of under one year olds, one Trust under
five year olds, and one Trust under six year olds. Three Trusts
(14%) permit the use of the laryngeal mask airway in
children and three have capnography widely available.
Needle cricothyroidotomy is permitted by 60% of Trusts.
Table 2 shows that 73% of Trusts allow their paramedics to
perform needle thoracocentesis in children, comparable to
adult practice (68%). Three Trusts do not permit or have the
equipment for pulse oximetry. Twenty one (95%) Trusts carry
peak flow meters. None carry spacer devices for the
inhalation of commonly used asthma medications.
Table 3 shows the equipment available for the treatment of
shock. All trusts carry intravenous cannulae and all permit the
use of large bore, size 14 gauge cannulae. Eighty two per cent
carry intraosseous needles and 23% permit placement of
cannulae in the external jugular vein. Twenty one (95%)
Trusts employ JRCALC guidelines for the resuscitation of
patients suffering haemorrhagic shock with 20 ml/kg being
given as a first bolus. Eleven Trusts follow guidelines allowing a
second bolus. Practice varies in the remaining Trusts from no
further fluid to unlimited boluses. The use of crystalloids in
paediatric and adult practice is comparable (Hartmans solution,
64% (this study) and 68% (adult study 2002); normal saline,
77% (this study) and 71% (adult study 2002)) whereas the
availability of colloids continues to decrease (Gelofusine, 18%
(this study) v 39% (adult study 2002) and 54% (adult study
1997); Haemaccel, 9% (this study) v 29% (adult study 2002) and
72% (adult study 1997)). Eighteen Trusts have a protocol for
fluid replacement of paediatric burn victims; however, the
protocols vary widely (see table 3). Sixty eight per cent of Trusts
carry cling film or Waterjel (Water-Jel Technologies, Carlstadt,
New Jersey, USA) for topical application to prevent dehydration
of burnt tissue, further fluid loss, and pain relief.
Disability, and spinal and limb immobilisation
The use of AVPU as a tool to assess conscious level is
universal. Fourteen Trusts also employ the use of the
paediatric Glasgow Coma Scale.
All Trusts returning the questionnaire carry long spinal
boards and 9% paediatric scoop stretchers. The use of traction
splints (namely Donway, Sagar, or Thomas) is permitted by
half of the Trusts (compared with 74% of adult practice).
Every Trust uses either box or vacuum splints (or both) for
immobilisation of long bone fractures. Extrication devices
such as the Telford and Kendrick devices are widely available
(87%). These can also be used as a method of paediatric
spinal immobilisation.
Medication and analgesia
All Trusts surveyed use entonox. The availability of nalbu-
phine continues (77%) and no Trust, in accordance with
version 2 of the JRCALC guidelines, permits the use of
morphine. Simple analgesics (paracetamol or oral non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are employed by half of
Table 1 Airway management
Equipment carried or
procedure performed Trusts (n) Trusts (%)
Adult % of
Oropharyngeal airway 22 100 100
Nasopharyngeal airway* 62755
Intubation 22 100 100
Neonatal straight
endotracheal blade
14 64
Uncuffed endotracheal
20 91
Laryngeal mask airway 3 14 26
Capnography 3 14
Hudson type mask 21 95 94
Oxygen 12–15 l/min 21 95 96
Needle cricothyroidotomy 13 60 35
*In young children this necessitates cutting an endotracheal tube for use
as an NPA.
Eight Trusts do not permit intubation of younger children. The age limits
are: under 1 year old (six Trusts), under 5 year old (one Trust), under
6 year old (one Trust).
Table 2 Paediatric breathing and ventilation
Equipment carried or
procedure performed Trusts (n) Trusts (%) Adult % of Trusts
Needle thoracocentesis 16 73 68
Pulse oximetry 19 86 95
Peak flow meter 21 95
Spacer device 0 0
Table 3 Paediatric circulation, haemorrhage control,
and burn management
Equipment carried or
procedure performed Trusts (n) Trusts (%) Adult % of Trusts
Circulation management
Intravenous cannula 22 100 100
Large bore (14G) 22 100 100
External jugular vein 5 23
Intraosseous needles 18 82
Intravenous fluids
JRCALC protocol* 21 95
Hartman’s solution 14 64 68
Normal saline 17 77 71
Gelofusine 4 18 39
Haemaccel 2 9 29
Burn management
Cling film or Waterjel 15 68
Fluid replacement 18 81
*JRCALC protocol = 20 ml/kg bolus.
15 JRCALC version 2 protocol [20 ml/kg bolus] (15 Trusts): nil if
,5 years old and 500 ml if .5 years old (two Trusts); if systolic BP
,90 mmHg or transfer time .1 hour (one Trust).
Table 4 Disability, and spinal and limb immobilisation
Equipment carried or
procedure performed Trusts (n) Trusts (%) Adult % of Trusts
AVPU 22 100
Paediatric GCS 14 64
Adult GCS 18 82
Spinal board 22 100 97
Paediatric scoop 2 9
Traction splint 11 50 74
Box splint 21 95 97
Inflatable splint 4 18 23
Vacuum splint 13 59 77
Extrication device
(TED or KED)
19 87 97
GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale.
UK front line paramedics and paediatric patients 573
the Trusts. Every Trust permits the use of nebulised
salbutamol in the treatment of asthma although none carries
salbutamol inhalers. The protocols for the volumes of
nebulised salbutamol vary widely (number of Trusts that
adopt each protocol is given in parentheses): no maximum
unless side effects become a problem (JRCALC guidline)
(nine); 5 mg max (two); ,1 year old 2.5 mg, .1 year old no
max (three); nil to ,1 year olds and various other doses for
.1 year olds (five); 2.5 mg as required (one); 5 mg ,5 year
old, 10 mg .5 year old (one); and no protocol (three).
Hydrocortisone can be given by four Trusts (18%) for the
treatment of asthma.
One Trust does not allow the use of adrenaline (epinephrine)
in anaphylaxis whereas two (9%) permit chlorphenamine (not
recommended in version 2 but is now in version 3 of the
guidelines) and seven (32%) hydrocortisone.
All Trusts carry diazepam for rectal administration and 17
(77%) permit the use of intravenous diazepam. Version 3 of
the guidelines permits intravenous or rectal routes for the
administration of diazepam.
Benzylpenicillin is carried by 17 (77%) Trusts for the use in
cases of suspected meningitis; four of these permit its use
when there is no non-blanching purpuric rash.
Four Trusts permit the use of nebulised adrenaline in croup.
None carries nebulised budesonide or oral dexamethasone.
One Trust does not routinely check finger tip blood sugar
levels but all carry glucagon. Intravenous glucose is carried by
17 Trusts (77%) and oral by 12 (55%).
This review demonstrates that paediatric care by UK
paramedics is limited by resource and skill availability and
on occasion accepted standards are seriously lacking, as
assessed by comparison with national guidelines. It is not
clear why the observed improvement in adult practice has not
extended to paediatric practice.
Hypoxia is the commonest mechanism of death in children
and the equipment required to maintain an airway is
minimal, inexpensive, and easy to use. Standards of
paediatric airway care are varied and on occasion inadequate.
Every Trust returning a questionnaire approved the use of
OPAs and allowed intubation in children but few encouraged
the use of nasopharyngeal airways. In cases where an OPA is
contraindicated, the NPA is a simple, safe, and potentially
lifesaving alternative. Although smallest commercially avail-
able NPAs have a 5 mm internal diameter, many Trusts
(73%) are not using either these preformed tubes or making
their own by cutting an appropriately measured endotracheal
tube to size. This observation is not confined to paediatric
In 2002 only 55% of Trusts carried NPAs for adult
use. A suspected base of skull fracture is a widely taught
contraindication for NPA placement and it is possible that
fear of this complication has limited the use of the NPA.
However the evidence for this complication is based upon a
single case report
and has recently been contested on the
grounds that the clinical indicators of a basal skull fracture
can be difficult to interpret, especially outside of the well lit
hospital environment and that teaching should focus on
correct placement of the NPA (parallel to the nasal floor) and
the advantages of this piece of equipment rather than the
often quoted but once cited complication.
The value of prehospital intubation of children is dubious,
with a large, well conducted study demonstrating no benefit
over efficient bag valve mask ventilation.
paramedics should be able to place an endotracheal tube in
a child of any age, in case of a difficult airway or special
circumstances making bag valve mask ventilation less
desirable—such as very long transit times or when there is
a high risk of aspiration such as drowning. This skill is
infrequently performed and therefore it is essential that all
appropriate equipment should be available to make life as
easy as possible. Age discrimination is unacceptable.
Endotracheal intubation carries risks, the most important
being unrecognised oesophageal intubation. The risk is
increased when no anaesthetic agents are used, as is the
case with UK paramedics. Procedures need to be in place to
recognise this complication.
One such procedure is the use of
end tidal CO
monitoring, which is recommended in the
JRCALC guidelines, and available in only three Trusts.
While the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) is widely used in
hospital paediatric practice, its use in prehospital care has not
been established and expert bodies do not yet recommend its
use in children. It may prove to provide a valuable
mechanism of airway maintenance, as it is undoubtedly
easier to place than an endotracheal tube. This device does
not protect the patient from aspiration of gastric contents as
effectively as an endotracheal tube; however, the incidence of
aspiration in non-fasted patients has been vastly over-
In addition it is relatively easy to learn how to
use and retain this skill.
Cricothyroidotomy is an emergency procedure to ‘‘buy’’
time and is simple to perform. In children it could be
lifesaving in cases of upper airway obstruction due to foreign
body or epiglottitis and is a technique that every paramedic
should be trained to perform, although skill decay is a
concern. Furthermore, assembling equipment for the task
can be cumbersome and take several minutes. The authors
recommend constructing equipment and storing it in a safe
place for use should an appropriate emergency arise.
Needle decompression of a tension pneumothorax, a
simple and quick life saving procedure, can be performed
by 73% of paramedics. This practice must become universal:
tension pneumothorax can rapidly kill and prehospital
diagnosis and treatment undoubtedly saves lives. Pulse
oximetry provides rapid, non-invasive monitoring to assess
Table 5 Medication and analgesia
Equipment carried or
procedure performed Trusts (n) Trusts (%) Adult % of Trusts
Paracetamol/oral NSAID 11 50
Entonox 22 100 100
Nalbuphine 17 77 71
Morphine 0 0 10
Salbutamol inhaler 0 0
Salbutamol nebuliser 22 100
Ipratroprium inh/neb 0 0
Hydrocortisone 4 18
Adrenaline 21 95
Chlorpheniramine 2 9
Hydrocortisone 7 32
Diazepam IV 17 77
Diazepam rectal 22 100
Benzylpenicillin 17 77
With no rash present 4 18
Nebulised adrenaline 4 18
Nebulised budesonide 0 0
Dexamethasone 0 0
Routine BM check 21 95
Glucose oral 12 55
10% Glucose IV 17 77
Glucagon 22 100
NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory.
Note: The previous studies reviewing adult practice did not assess
treatment of medical conditions.
574 Roberts, Jewkes, Whalley, et al
the ability of the patient to oxygenate their blood and guide
the paramedic as to the effectiveness and need for further
airway or breathing support. It is less widely used in children
than adults (86% v 95%). The fact that it is less available to
children than adults suggests that Trusts have failed to
purchase paediatric sensors—presumably on grounds of
economy. This is unacceptable, because the main cause of
death in children is hypoxia.
All Trusts appropriately employ wide bore cannulae. Eighty
two per cent carry the intraosseous needle and 23% allow
placement of cannulae in the external jugular vein. In
shocked patients venous access can be difficult and intraoss-
eous needles offer rapid access to the vascular compartment.
All drugs and intravenous fluids can be given by this route. It
is a concern, as with NPAs, cricothyroidotomy, and chest
decompression, that a proportion of Trusts do not permit
their use. Similarly, they are easy to learn how to use,
effective, and there is little skill decay. There are complica-
tions with their use such as extravasation, osteomyelitis, or
growth plate damage and therefore teaching methods of safe
placement in order to avoid complications is essential.
The external jugular vein is a large peripheral vein that is
easily accessible. Cannulating this vein is easy to teach and
again the focus must be how to avoid complications such as
damage to pleura and other deep structures.
Circulatory support is essential in trauma care. There is
much debate and research over volume and type of fluid that
should be used in the resuscitation of adult patients in and
outside of hospital.
However children have very different
physiological and compensatory mechanisms to hypovolae-
mic shock and the authors are not aware of any significant
work investigating fluid resuscitation of children in pre-
hospital care. It is important not to overly extrapolate adult
conclusions to children who have different cardiovascular
The increased use of crystalloids and decreased use of
colloids reveal that ambulance Trusts are adapting to the
current trend in medical practice. A recent systematic review
of randomised controlled trials comparing colloid and
crystalloid resuscitation in critically ill trauma patients found
no difference in outcome.
A further systematic review of
randomised controlled trials identified an increased relative
risk of death associated with colloid use (2.6, 95% CI 1.1 to
5.9) in a similar group of patients.
All this, however, is adult
work. If crystalloid is to be given the choice is important. The
use of a lactate containing solution (such as Hartman’s) in
massive haemorrhagic shock decreases acidosis and improves
outcome in adults.
However children metabolise lactate
poorly, particularly in ‘‘medical’’ shock where lactic acidosis
may become severe (for example, meningococcal sepsis) and
it may be that solutions without lactate, such as 0.9% sodium
chloride, are best.
Although the arguments continue over what fluid type is
best it is accepted that warm fluid must be given to avoid
secondary coagulopathy.
This is particularly important in
children as their body surface to volume ratio predisposes
them to hypothermia.
A further trend adopted by prehospital practitioners in
adult practice is ‘‘hypotensive resuscitation’’. This describes
limited fluid replacement to achieve vital organ perfusion
while accepting a lower than normal blood pressure in an
attempt to control further blood loss. A detailed discussion is
beyond the remit of this paper and can be found elsewhere.
However, during haemorrhage, children maintain their blood
pressure very well before rapid cardiovascular collapse and
death. The hypotensive state that can be identified and then
maintained by limited fluid replacement in adults is not easy
to identify in children. The JRCALC (version 3) guidelines
therefore recommend up to two 20 ml/kg fluid boluses
aiming to normalise pulse and capillary refill time.
Fluid resuscitation outside of hospital can increase on-
scene time and the total volumes of fluid infused are low
because of short scene and transit times.
18 19
The temptation
to cannulate on-scene and infuse fluids should be deferred in
non-entrapped patients until the ambulance is en route to
definitive care. If the patient is trapped and greater
circulatory support is required prehospital then medical
advice should be sought from prehospital doctors or hospital
based medical personnel.
A minimum standard of care is the ability to splint
fractures and immobilise the spine. This is achieved
universally. Some trusts carry specific paediatric scoop
stretchers or spinal boards; however the majority use adult
long spinal boards—presumably using blankets to stabilise
smaller children on the board.
Lower limb traction splints, such as Donway, Sagar, or
Thomas, can be used by 50% of Trusts on paediatric patients.
This is 24% less than adult practice. Low limb fractures,
especially of the femur, cause moderate blood loss if the
fracture is closed and massive haemorrhage if open. Traction
splintage decreases the volume of blood loss and also the
incidence of fat embolism and pain. The use of the Thomas
splint in the First World War contributed to a decreased
mortality from 80% to 8% in open fractures of the femur.
is appreciated that their application takes several minutes,
but in cases of long on-scene or transport times their use can
be life saving and certainly decreases morbidity and pain.
Four Trusts still use inflatable splints despite concerns over
microvascular compromise.
21 22
Now that box or vacuum
splints are available this equipment should be abandoned.
Extrication devices such as the Telford Extrication Device
(TED) and Kendrich Extrication Device (KED) can be very
useful in the extrication of trapped patients from motor
vehicle accidents. In children they have a further use—their
design enables spinal immobilisation and a means of
A long term criticism of the ambulance service has been
the inadequate provision of analgesia.
In adult practice this
seems to be addressed,
however the paediatric patient has
until recently been exempt. At the time of the study
paramedics were not permitted to give paediatric patients
morphine. However, in 2003, the Medicines and Health care
products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) approved its use.
Version 3 (March 2004) of the JRCALC guidelines include
advice on the use of morphine in children and this must be
encouraged because of the distress and physiological stress
that pain causes children. When doses are calculated for the
patient’s age the response to intravenous morphine is
predictable and safe.
With the paramedic role continuing to expand and the
introduction of a paramedic degree course, there is scope to
consider the use of other forms of anaesthesia. One suitable
example would be the use of local anaesthetic to anaesthetise
the femoral nerve in fractures of the femur. This aids pain
relief, splintage, and transportation of the patient. Another
would be the use of ketamine to aid extrication of patients
with fractured limbs trapped in road traffic accidents.
Furthermore younger children do not appear to experience
unpleasant emergence phenomena, which can be a problem
with its use in adults.
Every Trust carries salbutamol for nebulised administra-
tion, however the doses given to patients vary greatly and
three Trusts do not allow administration to under one year
olds. Once more discrimination on the basis of age is
unacceptable. At the time of the study ipratroprium was
not permitted, this has been changed in version 3 of the
UK front line paramedics and paediatric patients 575
guidelines. Salbutamol is less effective in under one year olds
whereas ipratropium can be particularly effective.
This study has identified many areas of deficiency;
however, there are infrequent but encouraging examples of
Trusts permitting more advanced practice than basic guide-
lines recommend. Regarding the treatment of asthma, four
Trusts permit the use of hydrocortisone (not discussed in
JRCALC guidelines). Another, and more contentious, exam-
ple is the administration of intravenous benzylpenicillin in
cases of suspected meningitis. Currently the majority of
Trusts (76%) adopt JRCALC guidelines and permit this when
a patient’s history is in keeping with meningitis and the
patient has a non-blanching purpuric rash. Antibiotic therapy
is more effective given earlier in the disease, before rash
formation, and four Trusts permit the administration of
benzylpenicillin when there is no rash but the history is
suggestive of meningitis. Presumably this is by a locally
arranged patient group directive, a legal arrangement
permitting non-doctors to prescribe in certain circumstances.
This attitude of widening the paramedics scope to improve
patient care and to expand practice has to be encouraged,
although there are concerns over the diagnostic abilities of
paramedics and thus inappropriate administration of ben-
zylpenicillin with potential serious adverse reaction. We
would advise Trusts to support their paramedics with
additional, specific training when establishing such patient
group directives. Audit of this practice is essential along with
dissemination of results with other Trusts.
The management of anaphylaxis varies widely. One Trust
does not even allow the administration of intramuscular
adrenaline whereas two permit chlorpheniramine and seven
hydrocortisone. At the time of the study, chlorpheniramine
was not endorsed by the JRCALC guidelines but has been in
the current version. Although hydrocortisone and chlorphen-
amine have a delayed onset of action, their administration
before hospitalisation is desirable if transfer is not delayed by
the process.
The trend of expanding and standardising practice among
adult patients has largely not extended to paediatric practice,
despite national guidelines being in place for over 18 months.
Basic standards of care are widely achieved. Such practice
includes the use of high flow oxygen combined with suitable
oxygen masks, simple airway adjuncts including the ability of
modify endotracheal tubes for the use as NPAs, the ability to
gain IV access and give fluid, spinal immobilisation, and
fracture management. However it is not adequate that such
basic care is widely practiced—universal practice must be
achieved. Furthermore age discrimination is not acceptable.
Ambulance Trusts not meeting standards set out in the
JRCALC guidelines must address their areas of deficiency.
Failure to do so endangers children’s lives and leaves Trusts
open to criticism. We recommend universal ability to provide
or perform:
high flow oxygen
NPAs for any age of patient
intubation equipment (including straight blades) for all
chest decompression
pulse oximetry
intraosseous access
low limb traction splints
morphine administration.
The management of common medical and traumatic
emergencies is not universal and we recommend that
Trusts streamline protocols and base them upon the
JRCALC guidelines. Such cases include fluid replacement in
trauma and burns and the management of asthma, anaphy-
laxis, and suspected meningitis. We also recommend wider
use of the LMA and capnography.
Paramedics are under increasing pressure to perform a
wider spectrum of skills and further existing standards of
care. In this environment skill decay is a real problem,
especially with infrequently performed but potentially life
saving procedures. Paramedics must be fully supported to
avoid this problem. Methods include Trusts developing
regular in-house training sessions and the establishment of
external training and review.
Authors’ affiliations
K Roberts, Walsall Manor Hospital, West Midlands, Warwickshire and
Northamptonshire Air Ambulance, UK
F Jewkes, Wiltshire Ambulance Service, UK
H Whalley, SHO Surgery, Heartlands Hospital, Birmingham, UK
D Hopkins, Warwickshire and Northamptonshire Air Ambulance, UK
K Porter, Selly Oak Hospital, Birmingham, UK
Competing interests: none declared
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