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November 28, 2022
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Summary .........................................................................3
Clean energy jobs analysis ..............................................8
Regional jobs analysis................................................... 13
Workforce system review ............................................ 16
Training, skill and knowledge requirements ................ 20
Clean energy training program inventory .................... 24
References .................................................................... 33
Linda Larsen, Todd Rusk, Stacy Gloss, James Kim,
Aakanksha Kulkarni, Pranjali Shah, Bo Pang, and Jarin
Subah, University of Illinois Smart Energy Design
Assistance Center
Christopher Merrett, Western Illinois University Illinois
Institute for Rural Affairs
Reggie Greenwood, Governors State University
Brian Richard, Northern Illinois University Center for
Governmental Studies
John Furr, Northern Illinois University Education
Systems Center
Jennifer Foster and Whitney Johnson, Illinois
Community College Board
Courtney Breckenridge, Southern Illinois University
Illinois Clean Energy Jobs and Training Program Inventory
Climate and Equitable Jobs Act
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The Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (Illinois Public Act 102-0662, also known as “CEJA”) establishes the Illinois
policy to equitably transition the state to 100 percent clean energy by 2050. As part of this, the Illinois
Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) is responsible for implementing CEJA workforce
programs that prepare the Illinois workforce for this clean energy transition. DCEO is also responsible for
identifying the career pathways and training curriculum needed, based on comprehensive stakeholder input, so
that workers are ready and able to enter clean energy jobs.
This report is intended to inform the design of the Clean Energy Jobs Curriculum that will be used in two of the
workforce programs: The Clean Jobs Workforce Network Program and the Returning Residents Clean Jobs
Training Program. It assesses existing clean energy training and skills development programs in Illinois. It
evaluates industry employment trends to identify in-demand career opportunities for clean energy workforce
training participants. Finally, it identifies best practices and programmatic gaps that will need to be addressed to
support the industry requirements of in-demand clean energy occupations.
Request for public input
We invite public input on this report and its findings through a Request for Information. This report’s findings
and stakeholder input will inform the curriculum development process and workforce program design.
Illinois in-demand clean energy jobs
This report identifies in-demand, entry-level clean
energy jobs in Illinois that would be an appropriate
focus for the Clean Energy Jobs Curriculum. We
evaluated jobs data from existing reports from the
Department of Labor (DOL), the Illinois Department
of Employment Security (IDES), and other sources.
We assessed job titles and industry types based on
the following criteria: a) number of annual job
openings and total jobs; b) education and training
requirements; c) expected growth; d) salary; and d)
need for specific clean energy training.
We reviewed Workforce Innovation and
Opportunity Act (WIOA) Regional Plans and found
very few mentions of clean energy jobs and
industries in their assessments of key regional
industry sectors. Further, the currently available
data for jobs in the solar and wind industries are
lacking or inadequate. When developing clean
energy training programs, it will be important to
coordinate with employers and regional workforce
partners to ensure strong network connections and
coherent workforce pathways for the clean energy
Among job titles that are related to clean energy,
the jobs in Illinois with the largest number of
workers in 2018 were maintenance and repair
workers, construction laborers, machinists,
automotive service technicians and mechanics, and
carpenters. Plumbers, industrial machinery
mechanics, electricians, and maintenance & repair
workers are expected to see strong job growth. We
recommend that the curriculum framework focus
on entry-level jobs within the following six career
clusters in the table below.
Illinois Clean Energy Jobs and Training Program Inventory
Climate and Equitable Jobs Act
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Table 1: Preliminary list of clean energy career clusters with examples of job titles
Examples of Entry-Level Jobs
Cluster 1: Solar & Wind
Solar photovoltaic (PV) installers
Solar sales representatives and assessors
Wind turbine service technicians
Cluster 2: Automotive (EV
Electric vehicle service technicians, mechanics
Bus and truck mechanics
Cluster 3: Electrical
Electrical & electronic engineering technicians
Cluster 4: Green building
Construction laborers (including
weatherization installers)
Construction & building inspectors (including energy
Cluster 5: Building
Heating, ventilation, air conditioning and
refrigeration (HVAC/R) mechanics & installers
Maintenance & repair workers, general
Plumbers, pipefitters, & steamfitters
Industrial maintenance mechanics
Cluster 6: Manufacturing
clean energy technologies
Sheet metal worker
Machine tool setters, operators, tenders
Welder, cutter, solderer, brazer
Training, skill and knowledge requirements
Next, we identified the general training and education requirements for each of the career clusters on our list.
Most typically require a training period of 1-2 years, while some require a training period of 3-12 months. We
summarized skills that are required across the different jobs, based on information from the Department of
Labor’s O*Net Online (Table 2). We recommend that the curriculum focus on these core skills and knowledge
requirements so that students are prepared for multiple jobs in the clean energy industry.
Table 2: Top employability, technical skills, and knowledge requirements
Top employability skills
Top technical skills
Top knowledge requirements
Critical thinking
Judgment and decision-making
Active listening
Time management
Active learning
Reading comprehension
Quality control
Operations & control
Complex problem solving
Equipment maintenance
English language
Customer service
Administration and management
Engineering technology
We also identified common certifications and credentials in these industries, along with technical training gaps.
Some of these gaps are described in the table below.
Table 3: Technical skill gaps in clean energy training.
Career cluster
Need for stackable certificates to teach people to service electric vehicles that includes high voltage electrical
Green building &
and buildings EV ready, and meeting energy code and net zero requirements. In addition, the focus of
construction training programs tends to be new construction, rather than retrofits of older buildings, which
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Climate and Equitable Jobs Act
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Workforce system best practices and gaps
Based on previous research of clean energy workforce systems in Illinois, we identified challenges and best
practices, as shown in the table below.
Table 4: Clean energy workforce system challenges and solutions
Lack of communication & coordination
among various parts of the workforce
Improve coordination among employers and training providers
Improve coordination among community support providers, training providers, and
workforce agencies
Coordinate and streamline communication channels to reduce confusion
Lack of awareness and/or negative
perceptions of clean energy jobs
Promote clean energy literacy in the schools
Help students and incumbent workers explore career options through hands-on
Engage in outreach to K-12 schools and community organizations
Develop engaging career and job resources
Workforce trainees with inadequate skills
for emerging clean energy jobs
Support trade programming at high schools
Integrate newer clean energy technologies into existing curricula and continuing
Provide work-based learning in clean energy
Teach stackable, broad, transferrable skills
Provide more job readiness and soft skill training
Failure to reach and support diverse,
underserved populations
Form diverse stakeholder and advisory groups, including community-based organizations
Promote diversity through inclusive training program policies and by collecting and
evaluating outcomes.
Target underserved populations for training programs and increase outreach to these
Make training more accessible and feasible by providing comprehensive support services
Make sure training leads to good jobs with livable wages.
Next, we reviewed each of the 10 Illinois WIOA Regional Plans to summarize potential strengths and weaknesses
related to growing the clean energy workforce in these regions. The plans mention a need for more
communication, coordination, and information sharing between workforce partners. Regions noted that there
were too many jobseekers that go through training who do not find jobs, suggesting a lack of coordination
among employers, training providers, and support providers. They noted a need for a more cohesive approach
for providing basic skills and soft skills training. Finally, most regions noted challenges with availability of wrap-
around services, especially transportation and childcare.
Clean energy training program inventory
We collected data on existing clean energy training programs in Illinois that prepare people for the entry-level
jobs on our list. The purpose of this inventory was to assess what programs already exist, to explore gaps, and to
identify ways the training programs could be enhanced to meet emerging clean energy needs. The main sources
of our inventory included Illinois Community College Board reports, DCEO WIOA program reports, US
Department of Labor lists of registered apprenticeships, Illinois Works pre-apprenticeship programs and FEJA
solar training programs. We supplemented with web research to build as comprehensive a list of training
programs as possible. We identified 1157 training programs for these clean energy-related jobs, and 856 of
these are community college programs. The table below breaks down the number of programs identified per
Illinois Clean Energy Jobs and Training Program Inventory
Climate and Equitable Jobs Act
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Table 5: Number of Illinois training programs in each clean energy cluster
Solar and
Green building &
For each program, we sought to collect information about training provider type, training outcome, description,
location, cost, program length, program format, program pre-requisites and more for most of the programs on
our list. In many cases, the information was not available. The greatest amount of data was available for
community college programs. We were unable to collect detailed information about most of the apprenticeship
programs, in part because many of these programs do not have a strong online presence. We were also unable
to acquire a list of non-college programs related to these clean energy jobs; therefore, we suspect that our
inventory under-reports private and community-based programs.
Program delivery recommendations
Training provider collaboration. Community-based organizations, community colleges, and organized
labor programs should coordinate efforts for clean jobs workforce program delivery that focuses on
equity and meets the needs of participating job seekers. These organizations should align their
respective strengths and capacities for short-term certification training, longer-term technical programs,
community and employer engagement, and wrap-around services.
Address data shortage. DCEO should work with the Illinois Board of Higher Education, the community
colleges, and community-based workforce providers to address the shortage of workforce program data
for assessment of outcomes and a more comprehensive inventory of training programs in the future.
Need better clarity on solar and wind job data. Traditional sources of employment data do not
adequately capture true jobs numbers in the rapidly changing solar and wind industries. DCEO and clean
energy workforce training providers should coordinate closely with solar and wind companies to
understand hiring needs. Otherwise we face two opposing risks: 1) train too many people who will not
find jobs, or 2) fail to deliver an adequate pipeline of qualified workers.
Continue to grow partnerships with employers to provide apprenticeship, internship, and work-based
learning opportunities for students, and to ensure that students can connect to job opportunities when
their training is complete.
Online and social media presence is important to provide more information and to become better
known by more prospective students.
More continuing education programs are needed to help existing professionals develop the skills they
need to meet the growing demand for clean energy products and services. Building inspector and
energy auditor training programs are especially well suited for existing professionals who are looking for
a career change or additional training.
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Climate and Equitable Jobs Act
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Curriculum framework recommendations
Solar job training should be prioritized.
Solar installer training is well suited for
stackable certifications that could be added
to existing construction or electrical training
programs. Solar training should include
basic construction training, when students
do not already have this training. Given the
urgent demand for equity-eligible
contractors, this training should be
prioritized early on.
More electric vehicle (EV) training is
needed. There is no shortage of automotive
training programs, but very few of these
prepare students to repair and maintain
electric vehicles. We recommend stackable
electric vehicle certificates to address this
need or integrating electric vehicle training
into existing automotive certificate
More electric vehicle charging
infrastructure training is needed. We
recommend that electrician and electrical
technician programs offer training to
prepare people to install and maintain
electric vehicle charging infrastructure. This
will be a tremendous need soon and should
be aligned with the Illinois Department of
Transportation’s Electric Vehicle
Infrastructure Deployment Plan. This could
be a short certificate program added to an
existing program or could be included in a
larger curriculum.
More clean-energy focused multi-craft
construction training is needed. This
training should cover a broad range of fields
(carpentry, solar, electrical, HVAC,
plumbing). There is a strong need to
prepare workers for the growing demand
for energy efficiency, electrification, and
renewable energy services. Students who
receive this training will be well-positioned
to enter any number of clean energy jobs.
Especially in geographic areas where the
demand for a single clean energy
technology may be limited, educating
students broadly can help them transfer
their skills from one job to another to meet
Focus on quick wins and industry-
recognized certifications. There are several
entry-level jobs in the clean energy industry
that have relatively short training
requirements and can effectively be
delivered by community-based
organizations. These training programs
should focus on quick wins, cross-cutting
skills, and industry-recognized certifications,
when possible.
Focus on energy efficiency and
electrification in construction, carpentry,
or building maintenance training
programs. Training programs could, for
instance, utilize BPI’s Building Science
Fundamentals course to teach these skills.
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To identify a list of clean energy jobs for analysis,
we first turned to the definition of clean energy jobs
in the CEJA legislation. The Climate and Equitable
Jobs Act section 5-25 on Clean Energy Jobs
Curriculum defines clean energy jobs as jobs “in the
solar energy, wind energy, energy efficiency, energy
storage, solar thermal, green hydrogen, geothermal,
electric vehicle industries, other renewable energy
industries, industries achieving emission reductions,
and other related sectors.” Other related sectors
include “related industries involved in the
manufacture, development, build, maintenance, or
provision of ancillary services to renewable energy
resources or energy efficiency products or services.
These can also include the manufacture and
installation of healthier building materials that
contain fewer hazardous chemicals.” Further, clean
energy jobs include “administrative, sales, other
support functions within these industries and other
related sector industries.”
We began by identifying a wide range of entry-level
clean energy jobs that fit this definition. We
reviewed several key clean energy jobs reports,
including NREL’s State-Level Employment
Projections, the Department of Energy’s U.S. Energy
& Employment Jobs Report (USEER) 2022, the
Brookings Institute’s Clean Energy Jobs Report, the
Interstate Renewable Energy Council’s Clean Energy
Career Maps, and the New York Clean Energy
Industry Report 2021. Job titles and classifications
are different across these sources. Ultimately, we
decided to use the job titles associated with
Department of Labor Standard Occupational
Classification (SOC) system so that we could collect
Department of Labor jobs data and training
program information about these jobs.
We included jobs that were solely clean energy jobs
(such as solar PV installer and wind energy service
technician), as well as "green enabled jobs,” jobs
that are primarily separate to the green economy
but increasingly require green skills (e.g. an
automobile mechanic with EV expertise), as defined
in Working Nation’s Green Jobs Now. We also
considered “Green Enabling Jobs” that aren’t
associated with green tech, but that support the
green economy (such as a truck driver who
distributes clean energy products). Finally, we only
included entry-level jobs to address the
requirements of the training programs in the
Jobs were grouped into the following career
clusters, based on our review of clean energy fields.
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Climate and Equitable Jobs Act
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Table 6: Initial Clean Energy Jobs for Analysis
Solar and wind
Solar photovoltaic installers
Solar sales representative and assessors
Solar thermal installers & technicians
Solar energy installation managers
Wind energy operations managers
Wind turbine service technicians
Automotive service technicians & mechanics
Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians
Bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists
Electrical & electronic engineering technologists and technicians
Electrical power-line installers and repairers
Green building &
Construction laborers
Weatherization installers & technicians
Construction & building inspectors
Energy auditors
Building maintenance
HVAC/R mechanics and installers
Stationary engineers and boiler operators
Maintenance and repair workers (general)
Plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters
Industrial maintenance mechanics
Sheet metal worker
Machine tool setters, operators, tenders, metal & plastic
Welder, cutter, solderer, and brazer
Electromechanical equipment assemblers
Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand
Transportation worker, all other
Stockers & order fillers
Professional services,
Dispatchers, except police, fire, and ambulance
Bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks
Water & wastewater
Water & wastewater treatment plant and system operators
Fuel cell technology
Chemical technicians, mechanical engineering technologists & technicians
Electrical & electronic engineering technologists and technicians
To create a shorter list of jobs for deeper analysis, we established criteria for narrowing. To qualify, jobs needed
to meet all or most of these criteria:
Typical education and training levels, based on surveys of workers, are less than 2 years and do NOT
require a bachelor's degree (data from Department of Labor O*NET OnLine)
At least 300 job openings annually in Illinois or 3,000 total jobs. To identify annual job openings and
total jobs, we reviewed data from O*NET OnLine, Lightcast Green Jobs Now: Illinois, Department of
Energy US Energy Employment Report 2022, and IDES Long-Term Occupational Projections 2020-2030.
We noted significant disparities between the IDES projections and ONET data from the same year
(2020). In general, we prioritized the IDES data for our analysis, though IDES did not have data for solar
and wind jobs. Because data from IDES, Lightcast, and ONET was either unavailable or inconclusive
about the solar and wind jobs on our list, we turned to the USEER report, which included numbers for
solar and wind “construction” and “professional services” jobs in Illinois in 2021. We assume that the
Illinois Clean Energy Jobs and Training Program Inventory
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entry-level jobs on our list make up about half of these jobs. We assume that the annual openings make
up 10% of total jobs, based on results from the other jobs.
Expected growth over the next 10 years above 2% (data from Bureau of Labor Statistics, Lightcast, and
IDES projections). We noted significant disparities between the IDES projections and ONET data. In
general, we used IDES data, though IDES did not have data available for solar and wind jobs.
Salary at or above near living wage for one adult + one child in Illinois: $29.50/hour or $50,000/yr after
. (Data from O*NET OnLine)
Need for specific clean energy training. Training that is focused on basic principles of clean energy
and/or specific skills needed for renewable energy production, energy efficient construction or
maintenance, or reduced emissions. For instance, commercial drivers are needed to transport and
distribute clean energy products, but no specific clean energy training is required for this position.
It's important to note that the employment projections used for this analysis do not consider the mandates and
incentives included in the Illinois CEJA legislation, the Illinois Power Agency Act, or the National Inflation
Reduction Act. These mandates and incentives will increase the demand for clean energy production, energy
efficiency upgrades and retrofits, and electric vehicles. Meeting this increased demand will require additional
workers, especially equity-eligible workers. Thus, the job openings and employment growth figures used in this
document likely underestimate the actual future workforce needs, especially in the solar and wind industries.
We narrowed our list to 19 jobs in six job clusters that met all or most of these criteria, as shown below. Blue
highlights indicate areas where the focused jobs do not fully meet criteria.
See MIT’s Living Wage Calculator
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Climate and Equitable Jobs Act
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Table 7: Narrowed List of Clean Energy Clusters and Jobs
Job title
Total jobs in
2020 (IDES,
Openings IL in
2020 (IDES,
% growth
(IDES, unless
Average Salary
Clean energy training
Solar and Wind
Wind turbine service
1-2 years 1,643 (USEER)
$66,823 Yes
Solar photovoltaic
1,582 (USEER)
$52,344 Yes
Solar sales reps &
1-2 years
$107,005 Yes
Automotive service
techs and mechanics
1-2 years 28,408 2,909 3.25% $48,313
Yesspecialty in EV
Bus and truck
1-2 years 11,528 1,204 9.49% $58,150
Yesspecialty in EV,
hybrid, biodiesel
Electrician 1-2 years 24,704 3,006 12.73% $80,718
Yesspecialty in
renewables, EV
Electrical & electronic
engineering tech
1-2 years 2,985 280 1.71% $68,498
Yes--specialty in
renewables, EV
Green building and construction
Construction laborers
39,508 4,444 10.37% $41,510
Yesspecialty in
energy efficient
31,602 3,091 4.28% $60,340
Yesspecialty in
energy efficient
3,908 421 9.06% $60,850
Yesspecialty in
energy efficiency,
Construction & building
inspectors (including
energy auditors)
1-2 years
2,105 227 -4.42% $66,280
Yesspecialty in
green buildings &
energy code, energy
Building Maintenance
HVAC/R Mechanics &
1-2 years 8,968 967 9.52% $56,643
Yesspecialty in
energy efficiency
Maintenance & repair
workers, general
1-2 years 64,626 6,994 9.98%
Yesspecialty in
energy efficiency,
Plumbers, pipefitters &
1-2 years 17,649 2,038 9.56% $95,090
Yesspecialty in
energy efficiency
Industrial maintenance
1-2 years 13,611 1,680 27.21% $63,575
Yesspecialty in
energy efficiency
Sheet metal worker
5,388 559 8.22% $64,860
1-2 years
Machine tool setters,
operators, tenders
11,539 1,325 9.74% $42.369
Welder, cutter,
solderer, brazer
14,597 1,765 10.31% $45,994
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Solar and wind: It is difficult to get conclusive
numbers on the jobs available in the solar and wind
industry. Using estimates from the USEER Illinois
report, the numbers of jobs available in the solar
and wind cluster are still not high enough to meet
our criteria (at least 300 annual openings). We
recommend that the state collect better solar and
wind jobs data to get a more accurate
understanding of the scope of the industry in Illinois
and the need for more jobs.
However, all job projections in this industry expect
very high growth, due to funding available at the
federal and state level for solar and wind energy.
Rapid expansion of the solar and wind workforce
will be needed.
Furthermore, solar and wind training will need to be
a major focus of the curriculum because of
upcoming equity requirements. The Illinois Power
Agency Act requires that certain portions of work
on renewable projects be done by equity-eligible
persons and contractors. There are few equity-
eligible contractors currently in Illinois. Employers
will need to be able to hire people from the CEJA
training programs to meet these equity
Automotive: While the salary for automobile
mechanics and service technicians is lower than
living wage, we still recommend including these
jobs because of the great need for technicians with
EV training. This additional training is likely to
increase salary potential as well.
Electrical: There is a large demand for electricians
and technologists with expertise in renewable
interconnection, electric vehicle charging station
infrastructure, and more. Though the number of
jobs for electrical and electronic engineering
technicians is slightly low, we still recommend
including these jobs because of the great need for
technicians with experience in interconnection or
EV charging station installation.
Green building and construction: The salary for
construction laborers is low, but there is a great
need for construction laborers with expertise in
energy efficiency and renewable installation. These
added skills are likely to increase their salary
potential. There are relatively smaller numbers of
weatherization professionals, energy auditors, and
building inspectors, but these jobs are in high
demand and are currently difficult to fill. We
suggest including them in the training program
inventory as add-on specialty training for those
already in the construction industry.
Building maintenance: HVAC/R mechanics are
expected to see high growth, and there is a need for
mechanics who can install and maintain heat pump
technologies to aid with the electrification of our
heating systems. Likewise, there is a huge need for
more industrial maintenance mechanics, especially
those with specialty in energy efficiency. This field is
expected to grow 27.21% in the next 10 years.
Maintenance workers have a lower-than-living-
wage salary. However, learning energy efficiency
and electrification skills will increase these workers’
salary potential as well.
Manufacturing: Most of the jobs in the
manufacturing sector have a lower-than-living-wage
salary. In addition, it is not clear how much this
training would require a clean-energy focused
curriculum. However, because of the great need for
more energy efficiency and renewable energy
technologies and products, we recommend further
analysis of this cluster.
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To identify the clean energy jobs and focus areas, we reviewed WIOA Regional Plans, as well as long-term
Occupational and Industry projections (2020-2030). Below we summarize the targeted industries mentioned in
the most recent WIOA regional, noting any mentions of the clean energy industry.
Regionally targeted industries with in-demand occupations
Table 8: Regionally targeted industries with in-demand occupations.
Illinois Economic
Development Region
Targeted Industries
Mention of Energy or Clean
Central Economic
Development Region 1
Healthcare & Social Assistance
Professional & Business Services
Financial Activities
Leisure & Hospitality
Information Technology
East Central Economic
Development Region 2
Transportation & Warehousing
Business Services
Information Technology
Mentions the Green / Energy
sector, energy efficiency
workforce collaboration
North Central Economic
Development Region 3
Healthcare & Social Assistance
Transportation & Warehousing
Professional & Business Services
Mentions a solar training
Northeast Economic
Development Region 4
Healthcare & Social Assistance
Transportation & Warehousing
Information Technology
Northern Stateline
Economic Development
Region 5
Transportation & Warehousing
Health Care & Social Assistance
Agricultural Production
Leisure & Hospitality
Natural Resources & Mining
Retail Trade
Educational Services
Information Technology
Northwest Economic
Development Region 6
Professional & Business Services
Information Technology
Mentions solar, wind, and
nuclear jobs; energy industry
connection to information
Southeast Economic
Development Region 7
Healthcare (including childcare)
Southern Economic
Development Region 8
Advanced Manufacturing
Mentions energy (fossil and
Southwestern Economic
Development Region 9
Transportation & Warehousing
Health Care & Social Assistance
Mentions oil and ethanol
refining; power industry
West Central Economic
Development Region 10
Health Care & Social Assistance
Agricultural Production
Wholesale Trade
Mentions renewable energy
courses; power industry
“Clean energy” is a new industry category for most regional workforce systems. As shown in the table above,
“clean energy” is not mentioned as a specific targeted industry in any of the regional development plans, though
renewable energy or energy efficiency are mentioned in three of the plans. However, construction and
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manufacturing are targeted industries in most of plans, leaving room for energy efficient new construction and
retrofits as well the manufacturing and installation of energy efficiency and renewable technologies.
When selecting clean energy training areas for these regions, it will be important to coordinate with employers
and regional workforce partners in to ensure strong network connections and coherent workforce pathways for
the clean energy sector. Most regions report apprenticeships and work-based learning programs, primarily
associated with targeted industries. There is a gap in organized apprenticeships and work-based learning
programs for clean energy sectors.
We also used the IDES Economic Development Region Occupation Projections 2018-2028 to identify the clean
energy jobs that are projected to see strong growth or that have a strong number of jobs available, as shown in
the tables below. Note that no regional jobs data were available for the solar and wind jobs on our list.
Table 9: Economic Development Regions 1-5 Long-term Occupation Projections 2018-2028 for Clean Energy Jobs
Across all regions, the jobs with the largest number of workers in 2018 were maintenance and repair workers,
construction laborers, machinists, automotive service technicians and mechanics, and carpenters.
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The jobs that anticipated the highest percentage growth by 2028 varied by region, as shown in the table below.
In general, the plumbing industry and industrial machinery mechanics are expected to grow across the region.
HVAC mechanics and installers were high-growth jobs for most regions.
Table 10: Top 5 jobs by percentage growth from 2018-2028 by Economic Development Region
Top 5 jobs by percentage growth by 2028
Region 1
Plumbers, Electrical power-line installers & repairers, Construction & building inspectors, Industrial machinery
mechanics, and roofers
Region 2
Industrial machinery mechanics, Plumbers, Roofers, HVAC mechanics & installers, Machinists
Region 3
Industrial machinery mechanics, Plumbers, Bus and truck mechanics, HVAC mechanics & installers, Roofers
Region 4
Plumbers, HVAC mechanics & installers, Electrical power-line installers & repairers, Industrial machinery mechanics,
Bus and truck mechanics
Region 5
Industrial machinery mechanics, HVAC mechanics & installers, Plumbers, Electrical power-line installers & repairers,
Construction & building inspectors
Region 6
Electrical power-line installers & repairers, Plumbers, HVAC mechanics & installers, Industrial machinery mechanics,
Region 7
Plumbers, Electrical power line installers, Industrial maintenance mechanics, Roofers, Multiple machine tool setters
Region 8
Industrial maintenance mechanics, Electrical power-line installers & repairers, Construction & building inspectors
Region 9
HVAC Mechanics & Installers, Electrical power-line installers & repairers, Roofers, Construction & building inspectors,
Multiple machine tool setters
Region 10
Industrial machinery mechanics, Multiple machine tool setters, Bus & truck mechanics & diesel engine specialists,
Machinists, Sheet metal workers
The jobs that anticipated the highest number of new jobs also varied by region, as shown in the table below.
Table 11: Top 5 jobs by number of anticipated new jobs by 2028 from 2018-2028
Top 5 jobs by number of anticipated new jobs by 2028
Region 1
Construction laborers, plumbers, electricians, machinists, and maintenance workers.
Region 2
Machinists, construction laborers, industrial machinery mechanics, and plumbers.
Region 3
Machinists, Industrial maintenance mechanics, Construction laborers, Plumbers, Maintenance & repair workers
Region 4
Maintenance and repair workers, Plumbers, Construction workers, Electricians, Machinists
Region 5
Machinists, Maintenance & repair workers, Industrial maintenance mechanics, Electricians, Plumbers
Region 6
Construction laborers, Machinists, Industrial maintenance mechanics, Electricians, Plumbers
Region 7
Maintenance & repair workers, Construction laborers, Multiple machine tool setters, Machinists, Carpenters
Region 8
Industrial maintenance mechanics, Maintenance & repair worker, Machinists, Electrical power-line installers
Region 9
Construction laborers, Maintenance & repair workers, Plumbers, Electricians, Industrial machinery mechanics
Region 10
Machinist, Multiple machine tool setters, Maintenance & repair worker, Bus & truck mechanics
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This section summarizes clean energy workforce
system challenges and best practices, based on the
WIOA regional plans and prior research on
workforce systems in general and workforce
specifically related to clean energy jobs. Clean
energy jobs have been growing in Illinois, but
current training programs are not delivering an
adequate number of qualified employees.
Employers indicate that they find it difficult to hire
people for clean energy jobs. In addition, the clean
energy workforce is lacking in racial and gender
From our preliminary research, we find four main
challenges to clean energy workforce development.
We describe best practices to address those
challenges, summarized below.
Challenge: Lack of connections among various
parts of the workforce system. In the clean energy
workforce system, there is not enough coordination
among employers and training providers to ensure
that the training programs are meeting the
emerging needs of the clean energy workforce.
There is also a need for greater coordination among
community support providers, training providers
(community colleges, community-based
organizations, K-12 schools), and workforce
agencies to support the needs of a diverse
workforce. Multiple communication channels can
lead to confusion and duplication of efforts. Best
practices to address the lack of connections include
the following:
Streamline communications among
workforce groups to reduce confusion and
avoid duplication of efforts.
The Clean Jobs Network Hubs should bring
together training providers, support
providers, workforce agencies, community-
based organizations to offer different
options and support training program
participants, rather than having the
different entities compete against each
other for resources.
In the workforce hubs, foster strong
internal communication channels,
assessments, and hand-off procedures to
better serve participants.
Strengthen advisory committees and
stakeholder gatherings to provide feedback
on training programs and how to help
students succeed.
Challenge: Lack of awareness/negative perceptions
of clean energy jobs. The sector has a growing
demand for workers, and not enough students are
pursuing training or careers in these industries.
Among construction and trade programs, there is
limited awareness of clean energy jobs, training
programs, and skillsets. Many parents or school
counselors have the misperception that trade
programs are only suitable for low-performing
students, so they tend to steer students away from
this path. There is also a lack of awareness about
the benefits of apprenticeship and vocational
programs, which train a substantial portion of the
clean energy workforce, so many students and
trainees do not pursue these programs.
Best practices to raise awareness of clean energy
opportunities include:
Promote clean energy literacy.
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Help students & incumbent workers explore
career options.
Engage in outreach to K-12 schools and
community organizations.
Develop coherent and clear descriptions
and definitions of clean energy jobs and
career paths.
Develop engaging promotional resources to
draw a diverse workforce to the industry.
Challenge: Lack of qualified workers for clean
energy jobs. There is a high demand for skilled
workers with the technical, academic, workplace
and personal effectiveness skills needed. Some
focused programs (such as solar or weatherization)
do not cover the construction basics that people
need. In addition, many programs do not address
newer clean energy technologies (such as heat
pumps, demand-responsive technologies and EV
technologies) and the most up-to-date energy
efficiency practices. There is also a need for whole-
building approaches that address the building as a
system, rather than considering its individual parts.
In some areas, there are a not enough qualified
trainers who can teach these newer clean energy
technologies and strategies.
Many employers note that the skills that are most
often missing are not the technical skills, but skills
such as basic math, time management,
communication, reading comprehension, and more.
Best practices to help increase the number of
qualified workers to meet the needs of an evolving
clean energy industry include:
Support trade programming at high schools.
Form employer curriculum advisory
committees to make sure that new clean
energy technologies and services are
integrated into existing and new training
Provide work-based learning and continuing
education in clean energy.
Teach stackable, broad, transferrable skills
that are applicable across many clean
energy jobs.
Challenge: Failure to reach and support diverse,
underserved populations. Another major issue and
source of untapped potential for the clean energy
sector is a lack of participation from diverse,
underserved populations. Many clean energy jobs
are predominantly older, male, and lacking in racial
diversity. Rural populations and underserved
communities also struggle to train, attract and
retain clean energy workers. Reasons for the lack of
diversity are complex and include non-inclusive
policies, a lack of support services, less access to
opportunities, and few diverse voices in decision-
making bodies. Below are a few best practices to
reach and support diverse, underserved
Promote diverse hires through inclusive
policies and mandates.
Offer diversity training to employers and
training programs.
Target underserved populations for training
programs through more inclusive
advertising and recruitment.
Form diverse stakeholder groups; partner
with CBOs and CAAs. Involve these groups
in decision-making processes.
Make training feasible and accessible by
providing comprehensive support
(transportation, childcare, stipends,
scholarships, access to technology, mental
health services, etc.).
Connect training to good jobs with livable
wages and benefits.
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The above challenges are described in the WIOA regional plans, as shown below.
Table 12: Selected workforce system weaknesses, self-identified in the WIOA Illinois Regional Plans
IL Economic Development
Weaknesses in regional workforce
Central Economic
Development Region 1
Need better communication/coordination/information sharing between workforce partners
- need better communication of available services to jobseekers
Not enough qualified instructors available
East Central Economic
Development Region 2
Need better communication/coordination/information sharing between workforce partners
Limited transportation services for jobseekers especially in rural areas
North Central Economic
Development Region 3
Need better communication/coordination/information sharing between workforce partners
Technology challenges in rural areas
Northeast Economic
Development Region 4
Awareness - need better communication of available services to jobseekers
Limited transportat
ion services for jobseekers especially in rural areas
Technology challenges in rural areas
Need better communication/coordination/information sharing between workforce partners
Northern Stateline
Economic Development
Region 5
Need better communication/coordination/information sharing between workforce partners
Employers over
-surveyed and confused by requests from multiple workforce partners
Too many jobseekers that go through training are not finding jobs
Need more cohesive approach for
providing basic skills and soft skills training
Limited transportation services for jobseekers
Limited childcare services for jobseekers
Negative perceptions of manufacturing jobs by jobseekers
Northwest Economic
Development Region 6
Need better communication/coordination/information sharing between workforce partners
Limited transportation services for jobseekers
Not enough qualified instructors available
Southeast Economic
Development Region 7
Limited transportation services for jobseekers
- need better communication of available services to jobseekers
Limited childcare services for jobseekers
Limited availability of mental health assistance services
Southern Economic
Development Region 8
Need better communication/coordination/information sharing between workforce partners
Southwestern Economic
Development Region 9
Need to develop career pathways and strategies to address skills gaps
West Central Economic
Development Region 10
Need better communication/coordination between workforce partners
Limited success establishing apprenticeship programs
Technology challenges in rural areas
A few weaknesses stand out across multiple economic development regions. First and foremost, the plans
mention a need to for more communication, coordination, and information sharing between workforce
partners. Illinois EDR Region 5 provides examples of this. Employers indicated that they were over-surveyed and
confused by requests from multiple workforce partners. They also noted that there were too many jobseekers
that go through training who do not find jobs, suggesting a lack of coordination among employers, training
providers, and support providers. Finally, they noted a need for a more cohesive approach for providing basic
skills and soft skills training.
Many economic development regions noted a need to raise awareness of jobs, training, and services to
jobseekers. There was a need to better communicate opportunities to job seekers.
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Finally, several economic development regions identified gaps in training opportunities. For instance, EDR
Region 9 reported a need to develop career pathways and strategies to address skills gaps. EDR Region 10
reported limited success establishing apprenticeship programs, while other regions did report active programs
for apprenticeships, pre-apprenticeships, and youth apprenticeships. Some, but not all, regions had
apprenticeship navigators, US DOL Registered Apprenticeships, and other work-based learning programs. This
suggests that there are regional gaps in work-based learning opportunities.
Several regions noted barriers that make it difficult for people to access training and jobs, including limited
childcare and limited transportation support services for jobseekers lacking vehicles, especially in rural areas.
There were also technology challenges in rural areas. To address these barriers, economic development plans
indicated the availability of wrap-around services in their regions. Below we summarize this availability.
Regional availability of supportive wrap-around services
Table 13: Summary of available supportive services identified in the WIOA Illinois Regional Plans (2020-2024)
Social services
Central EDR 1
East Central
Yes, some
North EDR 3
Yes, some gaps
Stateline EDR 5
Yes, some
Yes, some gaps
Yes, some gaps
Yes, some
Yes, some gaps
Southern EDR 8
West Central
EDR 10
Yes, some
We note that all economic development regions report a similar availability of supportive services for
participants. Transportation assistance was noted as the most important challenge. While all provide
transportation assistance, participants that do not own a vehicle struggle with transit to education, training,
work, and social service appointments. This is especially true, although not exclusively, for rural areas. Limited
childcare availability in rural areas was also noted as a challenge for participants. The economic development
regions did not discuss supportive services for mental health and substance abuse as much as they reported on
other services. This might indicate a gap that needs to be addressed.
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For the shorter list of jobs identified above, we used Department of Labor’s O*NET Online to get a sense for the
skills and knowledge required in these jobs. DOL’s job descriptions of knowledge, skill, and training requirements
are based on surveys of employers in the industry and represent the typical training, skills, and knowledge
required for these jobs. 12 of the 19 jobs typically required medium-length training (1-2 years preparation), as
shown in table 7 above. For these programs, most required a career-focused training program with on-the-job
experience. An apprenticeship or associate degree may be required, and previous work-related skills,
knowledge, and experience are usually required.
Seven of the 19 clean energy-focused jobs typically required a shorter period of training (3-12 months
preparation). For these jobs, a high school diploma was usually required for entry, and some previous work skills
or experience was usually needed. On the job training or career-focused training was often required.
To identify skills and knowledge requirements for these jobs, we first consider the skills and knowledge
requirements that were broadly applicable across all clean energy jobs. We identified the general knowledge
and skill requirements of all 24 jobs, based on O*NET Online data from the US Department of Labor. To dive
deeper into skill and knowledge requirements, we reviewed the Department of Labor’s Competency Model
Clearinghouse, which identifies personal effectiveness competencies, academic competencies, workplace
competencies, industry-wide competencies, and industry-sector technical competencies for several of the clean
energy job clusters. We also reviewed the State of Illinois Model Programs of Study Guides for related clean
energy jobs. The top employability skills, technical skills and knowledge requirements across all jobs in our
inventory are described in the table below.
Table 14: Top employability and technical skills and knowledge requirements.
Top employability skills
Top technical skills
Top knowledge requirements
Critical thinking (15/19 jobs)
Judgment and decision-making (14/19)
Speaking (14/19)
Active listening (14/19)
Coordination (13/19)
Time management (12/19)
Active learning (12/19)
Reading comprehension (11/19)
Monitoring (18/19)
Quality control (13/19)
Troubleshooting (12/19)
Operations & control (10/19)
Repairing (7/19)
Complex problem solving (7/19)
Equipment maintenance (6/19)
Mechanical (16/19)
English language (16/19)
Math (15/19)
Building/construction (13/19)
Customer service (12/19)
Design (12/19)
Administration and management (12/19)
Engineering technology (11/19)
DCEO’s Recommended Technical and Essential Employability Competencies for College and Career Pathway
Endorsements presents another way to consider the core competencies required for the clean energy jobs on
our list.
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The report identifies the following top ten cross-
sector essential employability competencies:
Teamwork & conflict resolution
Problem solving
Decision making
Critical thinking
Adaptability & flexibility
Initiative & self-drive
Reliability & accountability
Cultural competence
Planning & organizing.
The report also identifies the top 10 technical
competencies for advanced manufacturing,
engineering, technology and trades:
Equipment safety
Manufacturing environment
Personal health & safety
Spatial reasoning
Process, design, & development
Customer focus
Quality assurance & continuous
Digital manufacturing
Supply chain logistics
In addition to considering skills and knowledge
areas, we identified core competencies for
clean energy jobs using competency models
from the Department of Labor’s Competency
Model Clearinghouse, for industries related to
clean energy: renewable energy; energy
generation, transmission and distribution;
residential construction; commercial and
industrial construction; and advanced
manufacturing. The Generic Building Blocks
Competency Model, shown on the left. For Tier
1 (Personal Effectiveness Competencies), Tier 2
(Academic Competencies), and Tier 3
(Workplace Competencies), competencies are
nearly identical across these clean energy-
related industries and are reflected in the
Generic Building Blocks Competency Model,
shown on the left. The competencies taught in
these three tiers should be addressed in curriculum through job readiness training, remedial training (as
needed) and connection to adult education programs. Assessments, especially for academic competencies, will
help to identify needs for additional training.
Industry-wide technical competencies were somewhat similar across the different clean-energy industries. All
industries required competencies in quality assurance and continuous improvement, as well as personal health
and safety. Most also required knowledge of policies, laws, and regulations. Residential and commercial
Figure 1: Generic Building Blocks Competency Model
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construction shared the most overlap, with shared competencies in building and construction design; material
resources; and operations, installation, and repair. Training programs should make sure to cover these shared
competencies to train people for a variety of different jobs.
For each industry, the Department of Labor’s competency models provide detailed worksheets and
spreadsheets for assessing curriculum and credentialing and can be used to identify the broad range of skills
needed in each general cluster.
For industry-sector and occupation specific technical competencies, we recommend reviewing government or
industry-created job task analyses or competency and task lists. These documents can be used to guide a
curriculum framework for specific jobs. We identify a few task analyses for newer clean energy jobs in the table
Table 15: Sample job task analyses for clean energy jobs
Job cluster
Job task analyses
Solar and wind cluster
NABCEP: PV Installation Professional Job Task Analysis
NABCEP: Objectives and Task Analysis for a Professional Small Wind Energy System Installer
NABCEP: PV Technical Sales Job Task Analysis
ASE: Light Duty Hybrid/Electric Vehicle Task List (p. 5-12).
Green building construction
NREL: Single-family Energy Auditor Job Task Analysis
NREL: Multifamily Energy Auditor Job/Task Analysis and Report
BPI: Energy Auditor Job Task Analysis
Green building maintenance
ESCO Group: HVAC Excellence Competency and Task List (with emphasis on newer clean energy
NREL: Job/Task Analysis for a Facility Manager (with emphasis on newer energy efficiency
We also researched certifications that are common in the industry to standardize training across programs and
ensure that training is meeting industry requirements. We list a few of the most common in the table below.
Table 16: Common certifications
Career cluster
A Sample of common certifications or licenses
NABCEP PV Associate (entry level) and professional certifications; ETA: PV Certifications; NABCEP
and ETA: Small wind certification.
Automotive EV certificates
ETA International: Electrical Vehicle Technician; NIASE: Light duty hybrid/electric vehicle specialist
ETT Certified technician certifications; ETA International Industrial electronics, state and
municipal licenses; EVITP: EV Infrastructure Certification
Green building & construction
NCCER: Carpentry, Weatherization, etc. BPI: Building Science Principles, Air Leakage Control
Installer, Quality Control Inspector, Envelope Professional, etc.; ICC: Electrical plans examiner,
Commercial building inspector, etc.; LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green
Building maintenance
EPA 608 technician certificates; NATE: Ready to Work certificate, HVAC Support Technician, etc.;
BPI: Retrofit Installer Technician, Infiltration & duct leakage; ESCO: Geothermal Heat Pump
Certification; NABCEP: Solar Heating Associate.
NIMS: Machining Level 1; AWS: Certified Welder
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Curriculum gaps
In preparation for creating a curriculum framework, we have begun reviewing existing curriculum and note a
few gaps that need to be filled, as shown in the table below.
Table 17: Curriculum gaps
Career cluster
(such as the NCCER curriculum) if students do not already have construction training. Need training on
for stackable certificates to teach people to service electric vehicles that includes high voltage electrical
Green building &
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To begin to collect data on clean energy training programs in Illinois, the Standard Occupational Classification
(SOC) job codes and names were matched with similar jobs in the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP)
codes used by the US Department of Education. For some jobs, the SOC codes (job name) and CIP Code (training
program name) aligned perfectly. For others, there were multiple CIP codes for a single job, or multiple SOC
codes for a single CIP code. Identifying CIP codes allowed us to collect data from DCEO and the Illinois
Community College Board about specific training programs.
We then began to inventory the training programs that were associated with these jobs. The main sources of
our inventory included:
Illinois Community College Board: They identified all community college programs with the target CIP
codes. Each separate certificate or associate degree program was included, meaning that if a college had
stackable certificates or programs, multiple entries were listed. Information provided included credit
hours, program type (certificate or AAS), college name, and program title.
WIOA Programs: Northern Illinois University provided us with a spreadsheet of all DCEO WIOA programs
for the target CIP and ONET codes. This was by far the most comprehensive dataset available, and
included training program URL, program format, entity type, program prerequisites, program length,
and even outcome data (though only about 10% of entries had outcome data, and even this data was
incomplete). Each separate certificate or associate degree program was included, meaning that if a
college had stackable certificates or programs, multiple entries were listed.
Registered Apprenticeship Programs: DCEO also provided a list of registered apprenticeship and
Preapprenticeship programs. Information provided included location, employer name, program sponsor
name, program type, and occupation title.
FEJA solar training programs: We manually researched and entered information on each of the solar
training programs through FEJA.
We collected the following data about each program, to the extent that data was available.
CIP codes and SOC codes
Training program provider type
Training program length
Program prerequisites and format
Cost of training program
Location of training program
Type of outcome (industry recognized certificate, associate degree, etc.)
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We sought to collect outcome data (number of participants served, number of participants who completed the
program, etc.) from these training programs but were only able to collect outcome data from a very small
number of programs. We have therefore not included this in our analysis.
Below, we present summaries of each of the clean energy career cluster inventories.
Solar and wind
Cluster 1 includes the following four jobs:
Wind turbine service technicians
Wind energy operations and development managers
Solar photovoltaic installers
Solar sales representatives and assessors
We identified related CIP training program names for these four jobs and then added up the number of Illinois
training programs in our inventory with these codes.
Wind Energy Technology/Technician (2 programs)
Energy Systems Technology/Technician (31 programs)
Energy System Installation and Repair Technology (4 programs)
Solar Energy Technology/Technician (5 programs)
Solar Energy System Installation and Repair Technology/Technician (25 programs)
In total, we identified 69 programs in this cluster. The table below describes some of the main findings in our
inventory regarding training provider type, training program outcome, program length, and location.
Table 18: Summary of Solar and Wind Training Program Inventory
Training provider type
Training program
Program length
Solar training
Split between private
programs (non-profit or
for-profit), and
community college
Mostly industry
recognized certifications,
some associate degree
or IHE certificate of
Installer programs mostly
short (under 25 weeks).
Technologist programs 1-2
Most in northeast IL, with
a few in other scattered
Wind training
Mostly community
college programs
Mostly associate
degrees and certificates
Most programs 1-2 years
Most in northeast and
central IL, with a few in
other scattered regions.
In general, we found that the wind technician programs were located at community colleges and were largely
associated with energy systems technology programs. Many were associate degree programs, with some
stackable certifications. Wind energy and energy systems technology programs were clustered around the
central part of the state, where wind turbines are most appropriate, though some programs were in the
Northeast region as well.
Solar training programs were split between private programs and community colleges, with private programs
providing the bulk of the solar installer training. These programs mostly prepared students for the NABCEP PV
Associate exam, though some programs did not provide industry-recognized certifications but instead led to
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“measurable skill gain.” Some energy systems technology programs at community colleges offered both wind
and solar training (including training to prepare for the NABCEP PV Associate exam). We did not find any
programs that specifically trained people for solar sales representative and assessor jobs.
Climate and Equitable Jobs Act Training programs should focus on offering more training for all jobs in this
cluster. Solar Photovoltaic Installer training is particularly well suited for delivery by community-based
organizations because it is short in duration and can help prepare people to receive industry-recognized
credentials. There are many public and private providers who can provide this training. Solar training can also
easily be integrated into construction trades, as an add-on specialty curriculum in apprenticeship or pre-
apprenticeship programs.
We also see a need for more community college training programs in both wind and solar, especially outside of
Chicago. We recommend developing an add-on certificate to train people to be solar assessor and sales
representative, as it appears that this training is not regularly offered in Illinois.
Cluster 2 includes the following two jobs:
Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics
Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists
Related CIP coded training programs include the following:
Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Technology; Automobile/Automotive Mechanics
Technology/Technician (229 programs in Illinois)
Diesel Mechanics Technology/Technician (32 programs in Illinois)
Alternative Fuel Vehicle Technology/Technician (12 programs in Illinois)
In total, we identified 273 automobile technician and repair technology training programs in Illinois. The table
below describes some of the main findings from our inventory. We identified 13 programs that had a specific EV
or alternative fuel focus.
Table 19: Automotive Training Program Inventory Summary
Training provider type
Training program
Program length
Almost all taught at
community colleges
Mostly stackable
certificates leading up to
associate degrees
Many short-term
certificate programs
(under 25 weeks), with a
range of offerings ranging
from a few months to 2
Decent geographic
distribution throughout
the state, with fewer
programs in the west
central region.
All taught at
community colleges
EV training is usually
offered as a certificate
(or set of certificates) in
a larger automotive
Most programs 1-2 years
Very sparse distribution of
EV-focused training
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Most of the automotive industry trainings (255) available in the state are classified as community college
programs. 18 additional programs were listed as “other.” Most (198) are classified as certificate programs that
are either industry recognized, or students receive a certificate of completion. 51 programs were associate
degree programs. Training duration for automotive technology jobs is varied. 117 programs provide under 25
weeks of training. 80 programs provide 25 weeks to 50 weeks of training. 60 programs provide 51-75 weeks of
training. 11 programs provide 76 100 weeks of training. Five programs provided more than 101 weeks of
Illinois shows a growth trajectory in automotive and truck mechanic industries. Illinois is working to position
itself as a leader in electric vehicles. The Climate and Equitable Jobs Act sets a goal for 1 million electric vehicles
on the road in Illinois by the end of 2029. The automotive technology training programs will need to adapt to
equip workers with electric vehicle maintenance and repair experience as EV vehicles and EV charging stations
expand across the U.S. As an early adopter, Heartland Community College has opened an electric vehicle
training with five separate program certificates in partnership with Rivian Automotive LLC in Normal, IL. While
there is no shortage of vehicle maintenance and repair technology programs, only a few of these programs offer
EV-focused training. There is tremendous opportunity for existing community colleges to step up and offer this
It should also be noted that there is a great need for more Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics, and
Bus and Truck Mechanics and Diesel Engine Specialists, and these technicians will also need EV and alternative
fuel training. We note that Bus and Truck Mechanics are expected to see higher growth, and there are fewer
training programs, compared to the number of workers.
Cluster 3 includes the following three jobs in the electrical and power distribution sector:
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologists and Technicians
Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers
We identified 6 CIP training program codes related to these positions. Below we describe the number of training
programs in our inventory for each of these 6 CIP programs. In total, we identified 196 electrical training
programs in Illinois.
Electrical, Electronic, and Communications Engineering Technology/Technician (69)
Electrician (65)
Industrial Electronics Technology/Technician (48)
Electrical/Electronics Equipment Installation and Repair, General (7)
Lineworker (2)
Electrical and Power Transmission Installation/Installer (2)
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All electricians and electrical & electronic engineering technologies technicians require a medium amount of
preparation including vocational school training, on-the-job training and experience, an associate degree, 1-2
years of experience, and/or an apprenticeship for union trades. Electrical Power-Line Installers and Repairers
require a minimum of a high-school diploma or general equivalency degree, along with on-the-job training and
experience, and apprenticeships.
Table 20: Summary of Electrical Training Program Inventory Summary
Training provider type
Training program outcome
Program length
Split between community
colleges (140),
Apprenticeships (104),
and private providers (16)
Industry or IHE certificates (110)
Apprenticeship completion (39),
License (7), Associate degree
(58), Measurable skill gain (62)
Range of programs and certificate
offerings. 42 programs 0-25 weeks; 46
programs 26-50 weeks; 54 programs
51-75 weeks; 16 programs over 100
Decent geographic
distribution throughout
the state, with 108 in the
Northeast region.
Most of the electrical industry training listed in our inventory is available through IL community colleges or
through trade unions. There are 37 community college programs for electrician training, 81 community college
programs for electrical and electronic engineering technologists and technicians, and 3 community college
programs for electrical power-line installers and repairers. We identified 13 apprenticeships for electricians, 11
apprenticeships for electrical/electronic engineering techs, and 3 apprenticeships for power-line workers. Most
of the programs provide certificates; a few have licensed apprenticeships, and a few programs lead to an
associate degree. Of the programs listed, about half are 25-50 weeks, and half are 51-75 weeks. Apprentice
programs for electricians take about 4 years – 8,000 hours of on-the-job experience. Most programs are in-
person, a couple online and a few hybrid-training programs exist.
The electrical industry in Illinois shows signs of growth in some areas and signs of contraction in others. The
steadiest growth rate is for line workers and electricians with skills that cross several clean-energy technology
areas including commercial/industrial/residential solar and industrial wind turbine installation; electric charging
stations; and general grid expansion and maintenance. The skills are transferable across sectors and across
state-lines. Linemen travel across the state as needed by the utility they work for and can be deployed to
disaster areas after extreme weather events like hurricanes, tornadoes, extremely high-winds, and ice-storms,
to repair the electric grid. As the effects of storms worsen due to climate change, the need for workers in this
field grows.
Programs that provide base-level CEJA workforce development trainings should include some electrical systems
training. Specific electrician training programs and apprenticeships should include a certificate, track or other
training designed to train electricians specifically about solar installation and provide hands on experience. The
expanding solar industry in Illinois needs electricians with solar experience and high-voltage expertise. General
electricians with no solar experience take more time to learn on the job which increases project costs. Power-
line workers and installers should be recognized by CEJA as a clean-energy job path; however, specialized
training for line-workers is not something that the CEJA Clean Jobs Curriculum should focus on.
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Green building and construction
Cluster 4 includes jobs in the green building and construction sector which includes O*NET job titles for
construction laborers (including weatherization installers), carpenters, roofers, and construction and building
inspectors (including energy auditors). Related CIP coded jobs included five related positions:
Construction Trades, General (46 programs)
Carpentry/Carpenter (25 programs)
Construction Site Management/Manager (22 programs)
Roofer (8 programs)
Building/Home/Construction Inspection/Inspector (including energy auditor) (9 programs)
Some of the jobs in this cluster require more training than others do. Construction laborers, carpenters, and
roofers typically require some high school education and some experience (3 months to 1-year), according to
the Department of Labor’s O*Net Online. Weatherization technicians require a little more training, proof of a
high school diploma, some training, and job experience. Construction and Building Inspectors and Energy
Auditors require a medium level of preparation. A high school diploma, vocational school training, on-the-job
experience, and additional training up to an associate degree may be required.
Table 21: Training program inventory summary
Training program
Training provider type
Training program outcome
Program length
Split between community
colleges (9),
apprenticeships (8), private
non-profit or for-profit
providers (18)
Some industry recognized or
IHE certificates (7),
completion of apprenticeship
or pre-apprenticeship (8). A
few associate degrees (4).
Most under 25 weeks.
Split between community
colleges, apprenticeships,
and private providers
Associate degree programs or
completion of apprenticeship
Not enough data.
Split between community
college and apprenticeship
Mix between industry
recognized certificates (10),
completion of apprenticeship
(6), associate degree (5).
Apprenticeships longer (multiple years);
community college programs mostly under 50
Building inspection
and energy auditor
Mostly private programs
Most lead to industry-
recognized certificates.
Split between 0-25 weeks, 26-50 weeks, and
more (5).
Construction, construction management, and carpentry programs were split somewhat evenly between
community colleges and union trade programs. There were also several general construction programs
provided by private non-profit training programs. As is consistent with the training requirements, many of the
programs are short-term, though there are some longer apprenticeships as well.
Building inspection and energy auditor training is usually offered by a private provider as an add-on curriculum
for existing professionals in the construction industry. BPI certifications are common for jobs in the residential
energy efficiency retrofit field.
Annual openings indicate that the construction trades industry needs a steady flow of qualified workers.
Workers with diversified skills, problem solving ability, and knowledge of building science and general
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construction can have upward mobility into higher paying career jobs. As Illinois adopts more advanced energy
efficiency and building codes, construction-related and remodeling/retrofit workers will need additional
Clean-energy focus of construction methods applies to a wide range green-building practices and varied building
certifications. Existing construction programs should incorporate green-building design and construction
principles into the basics to overcome the ideas that somehow green building is a separate topic, “different,”
“more difficult,” “more expensive,” and therefore “not desirable” for construction. Programs that normalize
green building practices, improve energy efficiency, and focus on long-term operating costs of buildings will help
move Illinois closer to carbon reduction goals. Workers with diversified skills, problem solving ability, and
knowledge of building science, general construction, and green building practices can have considerable upward
mobility into higher paying career jobs. Also, we recommend cross training roofers with solar panel installation
training to prepare them for in-demand solar installation work.
Building maintenance
Cluster 5 includes the following four jobs:
HVAC Mechanics & Installers
Industrial Machinery Mechanics
Maintenance & Repair Workers, General
Plumbers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters
We identified related CIP training programs for these jobs. Below we list the number of training programs we
identified that are associated with each CIP training program:
HVAC/R Maintenance Technology/Technician (114)
HVAC/R Engineering Technology/Technician (8)
Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance Technology (13)
Building/Property Maintenance and Management (9)
Plumbing Technology/Plumber (25)
Table 22: Building Maintenance Training Program Inventory Summary
Training provider type
Training program outcome
Program length
Mostly community
colleges, with a few
private and
Mostly industry-recognized
certificates or IHE completion
certificates (75). 23 associate
degrees, and a handful of
apprenticeship certificates. Lots of
stackable certificates
Half of the programs were
between 26-50 weeks.
Others split between short-
term (0-25 weeks) and
longer programs (51-75
Decent geographic distribution
throughout the state, though no
programs were identified in the
West Central and Southeast
Most jobs in this category require medium preparation: vocational school training and on the job experience, an
associate degree of 1 2 years. Industrial Maintenance Mechanic training may include an apprenticeship. The
most training programs (114) were found associated with the HVAC mechanic and installer job. Lightcast reports
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9 programs for building/property maintenance, 25 programs for plumbing trades, and 13 programs for industrial
mechanics and maintenance technology.
Training programs for jobs in this cluster are most frequently part of community college programs (110
programs). There were 38 apprenticeship providers listed, 7 for-profit training programs, and 13 programs that
fell into an “other” category. Of these, 66 programs provided industry-recognized certifications, 22 IHE
certificates of completion. 31 offer apprenticeships, 14 provide licenses (for plumbing primarily). Most training
programs were between 26 and 50 weeks (65). 52 training programs were 51-75 weeks of training. 27
programs were considered short programs under 25 weeks. 7 programs were more than 101 weeks of training
indicating completion of an apprenticeship program.
Lightcast estimates the highest growth in this cluster at 18.8% for industrial maintenance mechanics. Growth
projects are flat for HVAC and General Maintenance and Repair Workers. 3% growth is expected in the plumbers
and pipefitters field. IDES data projects industrial maintenance mechanics to grow by 27% and growth of 9
10% for HVAC mechanics and installers, maintenance and repair workers, and plumbers and pipefitters.
Stationery engineers and boiler operator jobs are projected 7.66%. This data was published before the passage
of the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, which provides rebates, credits, and other incentives for high energy
efficiency appliances and renewable energy projects. The Inflation Reduction Act addresses affordability of high-
efficiency HVAC systems for low and moderate-income individuals by providing credits at the time of purchase.
Families putting off the purchase of energy systems that reduce energy bills will have more financial resources
beginning in 2023 to upgrade furnaces and boilers. As high-efficiency appliances are incentivized, the market for
these products will increase. HVAC technicians will need to learn new skills for installing high efficiency
equipment such as high efficiency air-source heat pumps; geothermal or ground source heat pumps; hybrid hot
water systems; heat-pump water heaters and more. Companies that begin to sell and repair these technologies
early on will be at an advantage over companies that are only interested in sticking with the status quo.
Climate and Equitable Jobs Act Training programs should focus on HVAC and Industrial Maintenance Mechanics
programs in this cluster. Create training for energy efficiency, controls, and heat pump expertise.
The manufacturing cluster includes the following jobs:
Sheet Metal Worker
Machine Tool Setters, Operators, Tenders, Metal & Plastic
Welder, Cutter, Solderer, and Brazer.
For these four jobs, we identified a diverse set of CIP training programs. Below we describe the number of
programs we identified for each training program type.
Welding technology/welder (221 programs)
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Welding Engineering Technology/Technician (2)
Machine Tool Technology/Machinist (65)
Machine Shop Technology/Assistant (13)
Manufacturing Engineering Technology/Technician (12)
Sheet Metal Technology/Sheet working (6)
Sheet Metal Worker (7)
Precision Systems Maintenance and Repair Technologies/Technician (2)
Precision Production, Other (3)
Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) Machinist Technology (2)
In total, we identified 340 training programs related to manufacturing. Most jobs in this category require some
preparation, some experience, and 3 months to 1 year of training. A machinist job may require a medium level
preparation with vocational school training, on-the-job experience, or 1–2-year associate degree.
The table below summarizes some of the main findings from our inventory of this cluster.
Table 23: Manufacturing Training Program Inventory Summary
Training provider type
Training program outcome
Program length
Most programs we
identified were based
at community colleges
(259), with a few
private providers (34)
or other providers (41).
Most programs led to industry-
recognized certificates or IHE
certificates of completion (275).
There were a few Associate degree
programs (44)
Over half of the programs
in this inventory were
under 25 weeks, while 30%
were between 26-50
weeks, and 15% were
between 51-75 weeks.
Geographic distribution is
somewhat representative of
population levels, with the
Northeast region having the largest
number of training programs. The
North Central and Southern regions
have a disproportionately high
number of training programs per
As our inventory shows, there are ample training programs in the manufacturing sector, many job openings, and
high anticipated growth. We also note that three of the four jobs in this cluster are below living wage.
It is unclear how much specialized clean-energy curriculum is required for this industry. The technical skills
taught in existing programs are likely similar to the technical skill needs for clean-energy focused manufacturing
(manufacturing solar panels, for instance). However, students may benefit from a “core” clean energy
curriculum that broadens their career options to other clean energy career pathways. In regions where
manufacturing is expected to grow, there may be a need for additional training, especially training delivered by
community-based organizations that is more accessible to target populations.
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Climate and Equitable Jobs Act
Page | 34
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Illinois Clean Energy Jobs and Training Program Inventory
Climate and Equitable Jobs Act
Page | 35
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