NIST GCR 22-032
Life Cycle Environmental Impacts
of Plastics: A Review
Paul Rikhter
Ilayda Dinc
Yirui Zhang
Ted Jiang
Bobby Miyashiro
Shelby Walsh
Ruoyu Wang
Yvonne Dinh
Sangwon Suh
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NIST GCR 22-032
Life Cycle Environmental Impacts
of Plastics: A Review
Prepared for
U.S. Department of Commerce
Material Measurement Laboratory and Engineering Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8970
Paul Rikhter
Ilayda Dinc
Yirui Zhang
Ted Jiang
Bobby Miyashiro
Shelby Walsh
Ruoyu Wang
Yvonne Dinh
Sangwon Suh
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March 2022
U.S. Department of Commerce
Gina M. Raimondo, Secretary
National Institute of Standards and Technology
James K. Olthoff, Performing the Non-Exclusive Functions and Duties of the Under Secretary of Commerce
for Standards and Technology & Director, National Institute of Standards and Technology
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This report was prepared under Contract number 1333ND18DNB630011 Task Order
number 1333ND20FNB730244 titled “The State of Life-Cycle Assessment in Plastics
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Global production and consumption of plastics and its deposition in the environment are
growing rapidly, while their life-cycle impacts to the environment are yet to be fully
understood. This study reviews the existing literature with the goal of evaluating the state of
current data and knowledge on plastics’ life-cycle environmental impacts. We identified 98
peer-reviewed journal papers, 25 reports, 8 databases as well as 21 existing reviews on the
environmental impacts of plastics. Our review shows that life-cycle approaches have been
instrumental in gaining new insights on the environmental implications of plastics. Global
life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from plastics, for example, is estimated to be
around 1.7 Gt CO
e yr
, which is substantially larger than the GHG emissions from global
aviation. LCAs have also been widely employed in various comparative studies such as
biomass v.s. petroleum-based plastics, single-use plastics v.s. multi-use alternatives, which
often result in counterintuitive outcomes. However, our analysis also indicates that there still
is a paucity of reliable data and tools for conducting LCAs of plastics. In particular, we find
that Asia, the major plastic-producing region, is scarcely covered by existing literature and
databases. In addition, the life-cycle impacts of plastic additives, and the degradation
pathways and associated environmental, human and ecological impacts of plastics are poorly
understood, limiting our ability to gauge the life-cycle impacts of plastics. Furthermore, we
find that a consensus on the allocation of environmental impacts for the recycling and reuse
of plastics is yet to be reached. We identify four major areas of future research including: (1)
developing the method for reliable estimate of the amount of plastics entering the
environment, (2) understanding plastics’ environmental degradation pathways, degradation
byproducts, and their human and ecological impacts, (3) expanding the coverage of life-cycle
inventory data across geographies and additives, and (4) building consensus on key
methodological issues including those around allocation.
Key words
Plastics; life cycle assessment; human and ecological impacts; environmental degradation;
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Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1
Review of Plastics LCA ................................................................................................... 2
2.1. Method ......................................................................................................................... 2
2.2. LCA Databases ............................................................................................................ 2
2.3. LCAs on Plastics by Feedstock Types ........................................................................ 5
2.3.1. Petroleum-based Plastics ....................................................................................... 5
2.3.2. Bio-based Plastics .................................................................................................. 5
2.3.3. Captured CO2-based Plastics ................................................................................ 8
2.4. LCAs on Plastic Materials and Products ..................................................................... 9
2.4.1. Packaging .............................................................................................................. 9
2.4.2. Agriculture ........................................................................................................... 11
2.4.3. Building and Construction ................................................................................... 13
2.4.4. Automotive .......................................................................................................... 14
2.4.5. Consumer Goods ................................................................................................. 15
2.4.6. Electronics ........................................................................................................... 17
2.5. LCAs on Plastics Additives ....................................................................................... 17
2.5.1. Functional Additives ........................................................................................... 18
2.5.2. Colorants ............................................................................................................. 19
2.5.3. Fillers and Reinforcements .................................................................................. 19
2.6. Overall Trend Summary ............................................................................................ 20
Challenges and Gaps in Plastics LCA ......................................................................... 20
Discussion and Recommendations ............................................................................... 23
References .............................................................................................................................. 25
Supporting Information ....................................................................................................... 36
4.1. Terms and Definitions ............................................................................................... 36
4.2. Supplemental Documents .......................................................................................... 37
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List of Tables
Table 1. Available LCA databases sources, description, and references. ................................. 4
Table 2. Distribution of plastics demands by mass of resin types in 2018 [31]. .................... 36
Table 3. Overview of definitions on plastics. ......................................................................... 37
List of Figures
Fig. 1. Breakdown of bioplastics production capacities and applications [29]. ....................... 6
Fig. 2. Common types of bioplastics and their position in biodegradability and feedstock type
spectra [44]. ............................................................................................................................... 7
Fig. 3. Implications of microbial habitation and biofilm formation on microplastics [73]. ... 12
Fig. 5. Weathering processes of poorly reversible plastic pollution [38]. .............................. 21
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The word ‘plastics’ is a colloquial term for a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic polymer
materials that are used in a growing range of applications[1]. While the first man-made plastic
was created in 1862, it was not until the 1940s when industrial production of plastics became
possible through the use of fossil fuels as feedstock [1]. Soon after, the growth of the global
plastics market took off in the 1950s [2].
Global plastics market is currently valued at around USD 570 billion and is expected to grow at
an annual rate of 3.2 %. It is estimated that 6,300 Mt of plastics waste has been generated since
the 1960s, around 9 % of which has accumulated in natural environments or landfilled [3]. If the
current production trend continues, roughly 12,000 Mt of plastics waste will be landfilled by
2050 [3].
Plastics serve as a key material in our daily lives. Though plastics have brought many benefits to
human wellbeing and materials welfare thanks to their durability, versatility, and low cost, the
production, consumption, and end of life management of plastics have raised environmental
concerns ranging from persistence in the environment, marine debris, human health risks,
greenhouse gas emissions, among others [4-9].
One of the approaches employed by various studies to measure the environmental and human
health impacts of plastics is Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) [10-13]. LCA is a science-based
approach that quantifies the environmental impacts of products across their life cycle including
extraction of raw materials, manufacturing, transportation, consumption, and disposal [14-16].
However, our ability to understand the life-cycle environmental impacts of plastics hinges upon
the availability and quality life cycle inventory (LCI) data and impact assessment methods. This
study aims to review existing databases, literature, and recent activities related to LCAs of
plastics with the goal to evaluate whether the body of knowledge and data accumulated in the
literature and existing databases provide a sufficient basis for understanding plastics' life-cycle
environmental impacts. We will also identify the key challenges and gaps in current studies,
standards, and tools. Finally, we will discuss the currently on-going initiatives that are aiming to
fill known research gaps.
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Review of Plastics LCA
2.1. Method
Relevant research for this review was identified through searching the literature in sources
including Google Scholar, Web of Science, and Google. We used a variety of keyword
combinations to develop a comprehensive list of relevant studies. We used “plastics” and
“polymer” in combination with “LCA,” “life cycle,” “life-cycle” and “life cycle assessment” to
capture the LCAs on plastics. In addition, we used specific application types, material
characteristics, and life-cycle stages to identify the relevant literature that specifically addresses
them, including: “recycling,” “packaging,” “biodegradable,” “bio-based,” “bioplastics,
“agriculture,” “plasticizers,” “automotive,” “building,” “construction,” “colorants,” “resin,
“fillers,” “nanoplastics,” “microplastics,” “lightweight,” “single-use,” “fiber reinforced,
“impacts,” “database,” “materials,” “climate,” and “reusable.” In addition to keywords, searches
also specified the regional interest areas including Europe, the United States, and Asia. The
searched literature was considered relevant if the principles and research it contained discussed
at least one environmental impact or aspect of plastics. The search focused only on the papers
published in or after 1990, but we also included highly cited articles published prior to 1990, if
relevant to this review. Databases and reports that were determined relevant but not covered by
the keyword searches were manually added to the list. Resulting list of data sources includes 98
peer-reviewed journal papers, 25 reports, 8 databases as well as 21 reviews. See Supporting
Information for a complete list of data sources used in this review.
After finalizing the list, we analyzed each item for its objectives, main findings, and key
discussion points. The main topics covered by the list of sources collected include:
environmental characteristics of plastics (46 references), life cycle assessment methods (5
references), databases (3 references), bio-based and biodegradable plastics (16 references),
carbon dioxide-derived plastics (4 references), packaging (15 references), agriculture (11
references), building and construction (11 references), automobiles (13 references), consumer
goods (8 references), electronics (2 references), functional additives (12 references), and fillers
and reinforcements (6 references).
In the next section, we will provide an overview of plastics LCA, data sources, common material
uses, and impacts to be considered. More details on terms and definitions discussed in the report
are in the Supporting Information. We will first review existing LCA databases and their
coverages of plastics. Following that, we will review the LCAs on plastics by their feedstock
categories and then by application types. Given that the plastics that use various feedstock types
are applied in various sectors, the feedstock-based and application-based reviews are two
different angles to look at the same pool of LCA studies. We reviewed plastics by feedstock
type, highlighted bio-based and captured CO
-based plastics in section 3.2, while the following
section, 3.3, covers all feedstock types across various applications.
2.2. LCA Databases
The literature often distinguishes two primary approaches to life cycle inventory (LCI):
processed-based and economic input-output (IO) approaches [17-20]. Processed-based LCA
focuses on the material flows and environmental impacts of every life-stage in the life cycle,
which would generate results with high precision and granularity. However, process-based LCA
requires detailed data for every life-stage, thus requiring significant efforts on data collection, the
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absence of which often leads to incompleteness or “truncation error” [18]. IO-LCA is an
approach based on monetary transactions or economic input-output data to trace along the supply
chain, which covers a wider spectrum of sectors but can only provide sectoral or product group
averages at a lower resolution. Table 1 provides a summary of the most widely used databases
for plastics-related LCA modeling from both process-based and IO-based LCA databases.
Altogether, these databases provide LCIs of several hundred plastics materials with varying
temporal and spatial system boundaries and level of aggregation. These LCI databases can be
applied to various life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) methods that quantify plastics impacts on
climate change, ozone layer depletion, acidification, and various human and ecotoxicological
Overall, Europe is better represented by these databases than other continents: 4 of the 8
databases listed have data drawn primarily from European industry and the release year of these
databases ranges from 2003 to 2017, while some of the underlying data may be older. These
databases also differ in the feedstock types and application categories they cover. USEEIO,
CEDA, and the GREET model cover plastics product types including bags, bottles, foams, pipes,
laminated products, and others. On the other hand, Plastics Europe and the US LCI database
cover specific resin and monomer types including PET, HDPE, PVC, LDPE, PP, PS, and others.
However, these databases often have limited coverage in plastics additives and bio-based
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Table 1. Available LCA databases sources, description, and references.
Source of Data
Additional Information
US LCI database
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) created the US
Life Cycle Inventory Database to provide gate-to-gate, cradle-to-
gate, and cradle-to-grave accounting for plastics environmental
PVC, biodegradable fill, open molding, and
Main datasets were collected between 2003 and
2005. Fuel production data for the U.S. based on
Department of Energy national statistics and
data. The national average U.S. electricity grid
(from the U.S. LCI Database) was used.
Life cycle inventory database encompassing around 18,000
processes including energy supply, agriculture, transport,
chemicals, construction, and waste treatment.
including electronics, agriculture, waste
Underlying data were drawn mainly from
European sources.
Plastics Europe
Association of plastics manufacturers in the European plastics
PTA, PET, and others
Most of the datasets can be found as such in
their aggregated form in Simapro industrial
database, and Gabi database (which avoid
conversion and format problems)
Gabi Plastics
Extension Database
Gabi provides life-cycle inventory data on mass plastics (e.g., PE
with various densities, PP, PS), vinyl polymers (e.g., PVC,
PVAL), technical plastics (e.g., ABS, PMMA, PTFE), polyamide
(e.g., PA 6, PA 6.6, PA 6.12), special plastics (e.g., PPS, PEEK,
polymers, technical plastics, polyamide, and
special plastics
US Environmentally-
Extended Input-
Output (USEEIO)
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides an LCA
database on US products and services. This database includes
datasets for multiple plastics products (e.g., plastic bottles).
plastics products including plastic bottles,
foam products, bags, pipes, and others
USEEIO uses an environmental-extended input-
output (EEIO) LCA model.
Environmental Data
Archive (CEDA)
CEDA is an extensively peer-reviewed suite of environmentally
extended input-output databases first launched in 2000. These are
designed to assist various environmental systems analyses
including life cycle assessments (LCA), carbon, energy, water,
waste, and toxic impact assessment throughout the supply chain.
rubber industry machinery manufacturing,
plastics and resin materials manufacturing,
bottles, urethane and other foam products,
CEDA uses an environmental-extended input-
output (EEIO) LCA model.
CarbonMinds has developed a CM.CHEMICAL database from a
regionalized model of the global chemical industry, built from
plant-level. The database provides life cycle inventory datasets for
national averages of consumption, production and per technology.
as well as market average LCIs of feedstock,
resin, intermediate and final petrochemical
CM.Chemical uses sophisticated process
simulations and market intelligence data.
Greenhouse gases,
Regulated Emissions,
and Energy use in
(GREET) Model
GREET model is developed by Argonne National Laboratory to
address life-cycle emissions of various fuel-vehicle combinations.
Since plastic is widely used in automobile manufacturing, this
model includes LCA data for plastic resins and products.
ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM)
resin, flexible polyurethane foam,
compression molding, and average
transformed plastic products
LCA data for the majority of the processes in
this model is extracted from the aforementioned
NREL and Plastics Europe databases.
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2.3. LCAs on Plastics by Feedstock Types
Currently there are three types of feedstock categories used for producing plastics
commercially: (1) petroleum, (2) biomass, and (3) captured CO
. The majority of the
plastics produced and consumed today are petroleum-based, with only slightly above 1 %
of global plastics produced in 2019 being bio-based [29]. From the following section, we
will review LCAs of plastics that use bio-based and captured CO
against petroleum-
based plastics.
2.3.1. Petroleum-based Plastics
A majority of plastics are made of petroleum-based polymers. The Society of the Plastics
Industry in the UK and the Plastics Industry Association in the US classify them into
seven categories: PET, HDPE, PVC, LDPE, PP, PS, and others [30, 31]. Petroleum-based
plastics, also known as conventional plastics, are the most common form of plastic with
production on the order of 350 Mt annually and are responsible for 4 % to 8 % of the
annual global oil consumption [32, 33]. Petroleum-based plastics have replaced other
materials due to its lightweight, corrosion resistance, and ability to process in lower
temperatures. As demand for plastics continues to increase, concerns for polymers to leak
from waste streams and not degrade has increased [33]. The slow degradation of
petroleum-based plastics characteristics is favorable for transportation, storage, and use,
but not for disposal [5, 33].
Not surprisingly, given the volume of production, the life-cycle environmental impacts of
petroleum-based plastics are reported to be substantial. A recent study on life-cycle GHG
emissions from plastics, for example, showed that conventional plastics generate 1.7 Gt
e yr
over their life-cycle [9]. This level of emission rate is substantially higher than
the direct annual GHG emissions from global aviation.
2.3.2. Bio-based Plastics
Bio-based polymers can be generally grouped into two types, (1) polymers synthesized
by living organisms (natural or bio-engineered) and (2) polymers obtained from bio-
based monomers [34]. An example of the first type is poly(hydroxyalkanoate) (PHAs),
and an example for the second type is polylactic acid (PLA) [34]. These two polymers are
the two most studied bio-based and biodegradable plastics materials [35]. Both materials
are produced from renewable sources, such as corn (maize) and sugarcane [35]. Their
mechanical properties are comparable to other commodity plastics, and both materials are
found to have a simpler and faster degradation mechanism due to their renewable
feedstock [35]. However, some bioplastics’ properties are different, and as such, their
applications and sector focus differs from conventional plastics. The most common
replacement of conventional plastics occurs in packaging, consumer goods, and textiles
(Figure 1).
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Fig. 1. Breakdown of bioplastics production capacities and applications [29].
However, it is worth noting that not all bio-based polymers are biodegradable [34]. For
example, bio-based PE, PP, PET, and poly(trimethylene terephthalate) (PTT) can be fully
or partially manufactured from bio-based feedstock, but are not biodegradable [34].
Furthermore, some petroleum based polymers, such as poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL),
polybutylene adipate terephthalate (PBAT), and poly(butylene succinate) (PBS), are
biodegradable [36]. Sometimes, bio-based but non-biodegradable polymers and
petroleum-based but biodegradable polymers are collectively (and confusingly) referred
to as ‘biopolymer’ or ‘bioplastic’ (Figure 2) [36].
Bio-based plastics may, though not always, degrade faster, while degradation rates
depend on the environmental conditions [37]. For example, one of the most common bio-
based plastics, polylactic acid (PLA)-based plastics, are biodegradable in soils much
faster than conventional plastics, but their half-lives are similar to that of petroleum-
based polyethylene in the marine environment [5, 38]. Nonetheless, the concerns around
the dependence on fossil fuels and persistence of plastics in the environment propelled
the demand for bio-based and biodegradable plastics over the last few decades, reaching
3.8Mt, or about 1 % of the petrochemical polymers, in 2019 [39].
Waste management options of bio-based plastics differ from those of petrochemical
plastics and often cannot be recycled alongside each other. However, bioplastics can be
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composted alongside conventional waste streams, such as landfills, incineration,
recycling, and anaerobic digestion [37]. Some studies suggest that anaerobic digestion is
the preferred degradation method, while others favor incineration [40]. Studies have
pointed out that clear standardization of labeling and sorting systems is needed to ensure
optimal end of life treatment of biodegrade plastics, which affect LCA results [41].
While bio-based plastics can be recycled along with conventional wastes, separating bio-
based plastics from conventional plastic waste is a better option; it can improve the
composting rate of biodegradable waste and the energy recovery rate for non-recyclable
bioplastics [42]. Although fossil fuel-based plastics currently have a price advantage over
renewable ones, accounting for the external costs and future optimization is expected to
bring the price of fossil fuel-based polymers 44 % higher than those of bio-based
polymers [34]. However, a direct comparison of environmental impacts between fossil
fuel-based and biomass-based polymers based on the literature is still challenging due to
the underlying differences among LCA studies. End of life scenarios are, for example,
modeled differently in almost every LCA study, making the environmental impacts from
waste streams difficult to compare [37]. A study has shown that bioplastic production for
replacement of petrochemical plastics can be an effective way of reducing end of life
emissions, with mechanical recycling being the optimal method for energy savings [43].
Another study also showed that the use of biomass as a feedstock for plastics can reduce
life-cycle GHG emissions from plastics [9].
Fig. 2. Common types of bioplastics and their position in biodegradability and
feedstock type spectra [44].
The majority of LCAs on biopolymers (e.g., PLA, PHA, and starch-based polymers)
focused primarily on their GHG emissions. The results demonstrated several outcomes
examining the use and potential reductions of plastics’ environmental impacts. Ref. [45]
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and Ref. [44] show that using these materials may reduce climate impacts, but may result
in other environmental tradeoffs. According to Ref. [35], the process efficiency needs to
be further improved to optimize the climate benefits, though such improvement might
have taken place since the publication of study. A more recent review by Ref. [46] shows
that the shift to biopolymers can potentially reduce 241 to 316 million tonne CO
emissions. A similar review demonstrates that many LCA studies on PHA show that
energy usage comparing bio-based and fossil-fuel based plastics are comparable, and
while climate change impact is typically lower for bioplastics, they often perform worse
in other impact categories [47]. In addition to GHG emissions, Ref. [33] and Ref. [48]
show that bio-based feedstocks, especially large-scale agricultural products, are usually
dependent on fossil-derived pesticides and fertilizers, which create higher impacts in
eutrophication and acidification.
In addition to improving process efficiencies, Ref. [35] points out that using energy- and
chemical-intensive crops is associated with considerable environmental impacts. Ref.
[48] demonstrate that for certain types of feedstocks, there will be a significant amount of
energy consumption during the process of converting agricultural products into plastics
materials, potentially creating a higher global warming impact. Ref. [48] and Ref. [49]
show that land-use change is also an important factor when determining the
environmental impacts of biobased plastics, and it depends on the geographical location.
According to Ref. [50], land use change and excessive harvesting of biomass cause the
release of soil organic carbon to the atmosphere and decreases soil’s ability to sequester
organic carbon. Extensive land use for bio-based plastics production will make it a
competitor with agricultural production, threatening the food value chain. From a study
by Ref. [51], it is estimated that a complete replacement of conventional plastics with
bio-based one would consume between 30 and 219 million hectares of additional lands,
and around 307 to 1652 billion m
of water per year.
Overall, the literature generally warns that large-scale production of bio-based plastics
may potentially create higher environmental impacts through the emissions from land use
and land management. Therefore, it would be crucial to take into account land-based
emissions when assessing the life-cycle impacts of biomass feedstock [33, 52].
2.3.3. Captured CO2-based Plastics
As compared to petroleum-based plastics that took off in the mid-20th century, CO
capture and utilization for plastics is still an emerging subject, as a majority of the
research has occurred in the 21st century [32]. The overall process of separating,
capturing, and using CO
for the creation of polymers may be done in several ways, and
companies are driving innovative processes for each method. Among the most active
companies specifically making captured CO
-based plastics are Covestro, Econic
Technologies, and Novomer [32]. While there are these companies making CO
plastics, the processes are relatively new and CO
-based plastics are still developing on a
commercial scale [53].
Among the active companies making CO
-based plastics, most of the information is
contained outside of peer-reviewed literature. Each of these companies use different
proprietary catalysts to convert CO
into polymers. As most of the information is coming
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from news outlets or from the companies themselves, it is unclear the full environmental
impacts from CO
-based plastics. Most emphasis on company websites are placed on
reduction rather than other impact indicators [54, 55]. Given the nascency of the
technologies behind CO
-based plastics, peer reviewed literature that compares the life-
cycle environmental impacts of CO
-based plastics against petroleum-based or biomass-
based plastics has yet to be developed.
2.4. LCAs on Plastic Materials and Products
In this section, we reviewed 53 studies from 6 different market segments, including
packaging, agriculture, building and construction, automotive, consumer goods, and
electronics as well as the plastics industry. These industries have products of different
lifetimes, and therefore will have different scopes of impacts associated with them.
Product categories include but are not limited to bags, straws, cutlery, mulch films,
printers, and nappies. Different types of plastics and alternative materials considered
include PET, PP, and PVC. Also, some studies that specifically focus on different plastic
types are included in the review. The major takeaways are summarized by the market
sector as follows.
2.4.1. Packaging
The packaging sector utilizes the biggest portion of primary plastics produced. In 2015,
42 % of primary non-fiber plastics produced were used by the packaging industry [2].
Also, the product life-times of packaging products are very short, mostly less than a year,
making the contribution of packaging in the near-term plastics waste generation even
greater; globally, packaging accounted for 54 % of non-fiber plastic waste in 2015 [2].
Plastics are used for many applications in the packaging industry such as food containers,
bottles, bags, and cutlery. LCA studies on packaging often compare various plastics and
non-plastics materials such as HDPE, PET, PP, PS, PLA, PE, cotton, paper [49, 56-58].
These studies show that the weight of the material, use pattern, and waste management
are critical factors when determining environmental impacts [49, 57, 58].
One of the most common uses of plastics is shopping bags. Ref. [58] assess the life-cycle
impacts of 7 shopping bags and reported that use pattern, material type and weight were
the key determinants of their environmental impacts and being more preferable depends
on the environmental impact indicator that is being considered. The research here and in
other studies shows that a single-use paper bag has higher environmental impact in all
categories except eutrophication when compared to single-use plastic bags due to the
weight and paper production processes [58, 59]. In the study, paper bags are assumed to
weigh 47 g whereas the alternative single-use products made of HDPE weigh 6-8 g [56,
58]. UNEP’s report compares the two studies from Finland and Hong Kong, China and
India [60, 61]. The report states that paper bags seem to perform better in the Finnish
study mostly due to the Finnish paper production using integrated pulp and paper mills
whereas Muthu et al.’s study states a high dependence on fossil fuels in the paper
production process [60, 61]. The studies tend to show better life cycle emissions results
depending on the efficiency of the production processes.
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The impact is doubled when the weight of the material used for a bag is doubled, and if a
bag is used twice, the impact is the half of a single-use bag [56]. This makes the
assumptions around the use pattern very relevant in the analysis. For example, it was
found that if a reusable polypropylene bag is used 52 times instead of 104 as assumed,
then its impact is higher than all the other single-use bags except the paper bag [57, 58].
UNEP reviewed the comparative LCAs on shopping bags covering a wide global range
including Europe, USA, and Asia [56]. The report concluded that the waste management
practices are important in determining the environmental impact and different waste
management practices are being applied across geographies [56, 60]. This becomes
important when comparing paper bags to plastic bags. Landfilled paper bags result in
methane emissions, which have higher global warming potential, whereas plastic bags are
relatively inert when landfilled [56, 60]. However, when incinerated, CO
emissions from
biogenic carbon in paper bags are carbon-neutral since biomass captures CO
photosynthesis while growing, whereas incinerating petroleum-based plastic bags
generate net emissions of CO
[56, 62]. Composting biodegradable bags decreases the
environmental impacts compared to conventional plastics, however, the availability of
composting facilities is highly dependent on the region [63].
Another common use of plastics in packaging is bottles, for which PET is the main
material in use. UNEP reviewed 7 LCA studies on single-use plastic bottles and
alternatives [64]. The alternatives suggested include single-use and reusable glass bottles,
single-use aluminum cans, single-use carton laminated packaging systems, reusable steel,
and aluminum bottles [64]. Production technology and end-of-life management practices,
which vary widely across geographies, were found as the key factors that determine the
LCA results [64]. Similar to plastic bags, bottle alternatives behave differently in
different impact categories. For example, compared to PET bottles, PLA bottles have
lower global warming potential, fossil energy use, and human toxicity, but PET bottles
have lower impact in acidification and eutrophication categories [64, 65]. Glass bottles
would have to be 3 times lighter than they are now to have a lower footprint than PET
ones [66]. End of life treatment of plastic bottles has also been studied: while even
though the majority of PET bottles are discarded, a study in China examined the
production of blankets made entirely from recycled plastic bottles where impacts
stemmed mainly from additional energy inputs resulting in global warming and fossil fuel
depletion [67]. Ref. [2] analyze the potential impact of China’s ban on the import of
plastic wastes, of which the dominant category was PET. The study shows that in the
absence of about 2 million metric tons of recyclable PET imported prior to the ban, China
is likely to use virgin coal as a substitute to produce PET fiber, increasing the life-cycle
environmental impacts for all categories considered [2].
Another use of plastics in packaging is take-away food containers. UNEP reviewed 6
LCA studies on take-away food packaging and alternatives including materials such as
fossil and biobased plastics, aluminum, paper, cardboard, wood and glass [68]. Chemical
contamination becomes an important factor for the LCA of food containers because it
deteriorates the recyclability of the material [68]. Ref. [69] suggest that compostable
tableware can be a better alternative since they can be sent to a composting facility
together with the food waste and the analysis show that compostable tableware perform
better in 7 out of 15 categories including climate change, when compared to traditional
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fossil based plastic tableware [69]. Cutlery in take-away food containers is disposed of
and incinerated often without energy recovery. Shifting to different compostable
materials could result in a tenfold reduction in energy consumption [70]. Given the
preference for single-use containers for take-away food, the UNEP report recommended
that the consumer behavior and functional differences between take-away food packaging
should be taken into consideration when assessing different alternatives [68]. Also, Some
studies point out that the ability for food packaging to prevent food waste, which is often
ignored in food packaging LCA studies, is an important consideration in LCA, because
food wastes often embody higher environmental impacts than packaging itself [44]. Most
of the time, food waste has greater environmental impact than the packaging itself [68].
The weight of the material, production technology, resource use, geographical context,
and end-of-life management are crucial factors for deciding the environmental impacts of
food containers [40, 68].
The literature on plastics LCA applied to packaging generally agrees that plastics should
be lighter and use more reusable alternatives [57]. However, there are some
disagreements and inconsistencies on the impacts of single-use packaging products when
compared to plastics [11, 12, 49, 57, 58]. Overall, packaging is often not the major
contributor to a product’s life cycle impacts, and the weight of the material, resource use,
geography, process efficiency, and waste management determine the significance of its
contribution [68]. Functional use of each packaging should be defined clearly, and a
systems approach should be taken to find the best solution for each use.
2.4.2. Agriculture
Plastics are used in greenhouses, mulching, irrigation systems, crop transportation, and
many other applications in the agriculture industry [1]. We have reviewed 6 LCA studies
on agriculture which focus primarily on fossil fuel consumption, acidification, and
eutrophication. According to Plastics Europe, agriculture made up 3.4 % of the total
plastics demand in Europe in 2018 [71]. While the percentage of agriculture seems to be
low, agricultural plastics are difficult to collect from open fields and plastics can be
transported to the open waters along with other materials [71]. Chemicals like pesticides
adhere to the plastic surfaces and microplastics can carry pesticides into nearby water
bodies [72]. Biodegradation of these microplastics accelerates the release of associated
organic contaminants, many of whose effects we do not yet understand (Figure 3). The
release of plastics will in turn affect plant health and transfer to human toxicity effects.
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Fig. 3. Implications of microbial habitation and biofilm formation on microplastics
Mulch film is responsible for the largest portion of agricultural plastics use (41 %)
followed by greenhouses and tunnels [74-76]. Mechanical recycling is challenging for
mulch films because they are highly contaminated with soil, stones, and biological waste.
The alternative to mechanical recycling of mulch film is the use of biodegradable
materials. These alternatives are compared to non-biodegradable plastics for mulch film
to cover 1 hectare of mulched agricultural land [76]. The potential impacts are reduced by
25 % to 80 % depending on the impact categories and the end-of-life scenario [76].
Granule production was the biggest contributor to global warming and nonrenewable
energy consumption for both biodegradable film and Polyethylene (PE) film [76].
Biodegradable plastics can be a good alternative since the waste at the end of the crop
cycle is reduced to zero [76].
Plastic greenhouses are mainly located in eastern Asia and the Mediterranean Basin,
accounting for about 10 % of agricultural plastics use [74]. The environmental impact of
using plastics materials in greenhouses is dependent on factors such as its carbon
emissions during the production phase and its generation of waste during its use in
greenhouses [77]. It has been found that plastics used in greenhouses have a smaller
environmental impact than glasses used in greenhouses during the production phases of
each material [78]. Recycling of greenhouse plastics must also be considered. Mechanical
recycling of plastics is only beneficial if they are sorted properly. Therefore, the utility of
using plastic waste to substitute other materials, such as concrete, in greenhouses is non-
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value adding [78]. Additionally, PVC greenhouse materials can release heavy metal
stabilizers into the environment during mechanical recycling [78].
Another LCA study has been conducted on agricultural plastic nets. Plastic nets are
oftentimes used in agricultural operations to enhance agriculture yields and nutritional
properties as well as limit exposure to insect infestation and solar radiation [79].
However, it is often impossible to measure the global volume of agricultural net
production due to a lack of data availability from agricultural and manufacturers
associations [74]. Like mulch film, biodegradable plastic nets made of poly-lactic acid
(PLA) require a lower energy demand for production and have a lower GHG emission
equivalent than non-biodegradable plastic nets made of polymer (PE) [79]. Recycling of
agricultural plastic nets seems like a sustainable disposal method as it diverts landfill
volume and removes excess plastics from the environment. However, recycling plastic
nets can trigger water and air pollution and is confined by technological limitations that
inhibit the process from being fully effective [79].
2.4.3. Building and Construction
Plastics are an important component in the building and construction sector due to their
unique properties, such as being lightweight and corrosion resistant [80]. A number of
LCA studies have been conducted to evaluate the environmental impacts of building
materials and construction processes. We have examined 8 LCA studies in the sector
from the U.S., Europe, and Australia.
One of the most common uses of plastics in construction materials is fiber reinforced
plastics (FRP). FRP is a composite material with a polymer matrix blended with fibers,
such as carbon and glass [81]. FRP has the advantages of high durability and high
resistance under extreme environmental conditions, making it superior compared to
construction materials [80]. Using FRP instead of traditional steel significantly reduces
the amount of reinforcement by 67 % due to FRP’s comparatively low weight [81]. It is
also found that FRP reinforced pavement’s environmental impact is significantly lower
than that of steel-reinforced one, since FRP reinforced material requires less maintenance
[82]. Regarding buildings and construction, a recent study indicates that the FRP
reinforced bridge produces 50 % less carbon dioxide and requires 59 % less embodied
energy than conventional steel reinforcement [83].
Polypropylene (PP) fiber is another successful application of plastics in the building
sector [84]. PP is widely used as a popular alternative to steel reinforcing mesh (SRM),
which is traditionally used to reinforce concrete to prevent cracks [85]. Detailed LCA
shows that, compared to SRM, recycled PP fiber consumes 99 % and 91 % less water and
fossil fuel, respectively [85]. Moreover, it produces 93 % less CO
equivalent and 97 %
less PO
equivalent [85].
In addition to using plastics as replacement materials for concrete, they are also used to
replace other building materials, such as those for plumbing, flooring, and insulation.
Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) may be used for plumbing as a replacement for copper,
and consumes 42 % less CO
equivalent, contains 47 % less embodied energy, and has
lower environmental impacts across impact categories than the metal [86]. PVC may be
used for flooring instead of wood or linoleum (cork), but creates 2.6 times the carbon
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emissions of linoleum and 9.8 times the emissions of wood flooring, and has higher
impacts on water quality and creates more waste than the other materials [87]. Extruded
polystyrene (XPS) is a rigid cellular plastic with a closed cell structure that, along with
fiberglass and corkboard, is used as an insulation material. XPS has 57 % CO
more than fiberglass, and 2.8 times the CO
equivalent of corkboard [88]. Moreover, it
produces 50 % and 29 % more SO
equivalent than fiberglass and corkboard, respectively
PVC is commonly used in water and sewer pipes in buildings. Compared to other
materials used for pipes, PVC has 61 % less embodied energy than HDPE and 56 % less
embodied energy than ductile iron [89]. However, the manufacture, use, and disposal of
PVC pose significant environmental and human health hazards. It creates long-lasting
pollutants including chlorinated dioxins, chlorinated furans (polychlorinated
dibenzofurans), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB), and
octachlorostyrene (OCS). Aside from pipes, PVC is also used for wall and floor
coverings, which is linked to higher rates of exposure to health hazards such as toxic
mold growth, heavy metals, and PVC phthalate [90]. Energy consumption and GHG
emissions from PVC are lower than similar materials, but toxicity exposure is higher. It is
important to look at various environmental and human health indicators while accessing
different plastics materials. As in the case of PVC, they might be performing well in one
of the indicators but might be very harmful in another category.
Research also found that the end-of-life treatment method is an important factor when
determining life-cycle environmental impacts. For example, the production of recycled
PP fiber emits 50 %, 28 %, and 78 % less CO
equivalent, water, and fossil fuel
compared to virgin PP fiber, respectively [85]. In the building and construction sector,
using recycled plastics could be a feasible and promising solution without compromising
the structural properties.
2.4.4. Automotive
Polymers and composite materials are often used in the automotive sector as a
replacement for metals [91]. One main driver is the more stringent fuel efficiency
standard, such as the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standard. These fuel
efficiency standards require vehicles to be more fuel efficient; weight reduction is one of
the most cost-effective approaches. Reducing automobile weight is a key method in
improving fuel economy and energy efficiency of automobiles. Compared to using metals
such as steel, using fiber reinforced plastics offers weight reduction potential in the range
of 50 % to 60 % [92]. In a review of 33 LCA studies, all studies indicate that using
aluminum, glass-fiber reinforced plastic, and high strength steel to replace conventional
steel reduces the vehicle’s GHG emissions [93]. Due to the high flexibility of options
given by the variety of materials present, these material changes will be able to reduce
life cycle emissions. Furthermore, studies have examined lightweighting specific
automotive parts through the addition of glass-fiber reinforced polymers (GFRPs). GFRP
products consistently perform better than steel alternatives in the global warming
potential, energy demand, and acidification potential categories [94].
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In addition to making cars weigh less, plastics have great design flexibility [95]. They can
be molded to tight tolerances and complex shapes, with lower tooling costs than most
metal components [95]. We found 7 LCA studies mostly from Europe focusing on
plastics in the automotive sector, of which 2 focus on carbon-reinforced plastics, while
others examine plastics car parts, residue, and alternative feedstocks. Environmental
impact categories varied, but the majority included energy consumption, global warming
potential, acidification, and human toxicity.
Plastics have been widely applied in automobiles and one example is carbon fiber
reinforced polymer (CFRP). CFRP are composite materials that use carbon fiber to
strengthen the materials, while polymer enhances the cohesiveness [96]. It is estimated
that, for a passenger vehicle, applying CFRP indicates a vehicle life cycle energy savings
potential of 17 % to 25 % with assumed weight savings potential of 65 % to 70 % [97]. A
similar study compares lightweight solutions including recycled magnesium and
conventional steel to other options in a cradle-to-exit gate stage modality. Out of those
solutions, CFRP has the best performance [98]. However, concerns about high energy
intensity and cost may become major barriers to large-scale CFRP production and
application. It is estimated that the energy intensity of carbon fiber production is 14 times
higher than conventional steel production [92]. CFRP and steel energy consumption is
found to be comparable when considered from the perspective of input data variability
due to numerous sources used [92]. The high energy content of carbon fibers results in
higher energy recovery in recycling, and a lighter weight in lower use phase energy
consumption. Other common reinforcement materials include glass fiber, clay, and
natural fiber, which is further discussed in section 2.5.3 [7, 99].
Similar to other sectors, end-of-life treatment is also an important consideration for
plastics usage in the automotive industry [100]. In 2015, the European Union’s End-of-
Life Vehicle (ELV) Directive set specific recycling targets for vehicles and components
[100]. It requires that since January 2015, for all end-of-life vehicles, a minimum of 95 %
of vehicle weight needs to be recycled [100]. In Europe, the recycling rate of automobiles
is high because the metallic fraction (usually 75 % of the vehicle weight) has been
recycled [101, 102]. The remaining 25 % of material consists of plastics, fibers, and
glass, which is also called automotive shredder residue (ASR). Therefore, the use of
plastics in ASR is a hurdle in achieving a higher recycling rate of the vehicles.
Several studies evaluate the environmental impacts of ASR treatment. Ref. [102]
evaluated different end-of-life treatment methods, including landfill, incineration,
mechanical recycling, and chemical recycling. The results indicate that small-scale
recycling plants, modeling with mechanical recycling and chemical recycling options,
achieved the lowest impacts due to energy and material recovery [102].
2.4.5. Consumer Goods
Plastics are widely used in many consumer products such as toothbrushes, wipes,
nappies, feminine products, masks and other personal care products. We found eight
studies examining plastics in consumer goods, two of which were analyses of already-
published studies. Most of these studies analyzed plastics materials in Europe, however,
other studies were held in the United States and Brazil. Environmental impact categories
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varied from study to study, but common ones include global warming potential, ozone
depletion, and human toxicity.
Johnson & Johnson analyzes different handle materials for its toothbrushes to reduce
environmental waste and integrate environmental issues in its product design and
development [103]. The results show that incorporating pre-consumption plastics waste
into toothbrushes reduces both production costs and environmental impacts by 44 %
A study from the UK comparing single-use nappies (diapers) to reusable ones concludes
that there is ultimately no better product [104]. The drivers of environmental impacts are
different in single-use and reusable nappies [104]. Single-use nappy manufacturers can
reduce nappy’ weight and improve the manufacturing process, whereas reusable nappy
users can reduce the energy consumption for washing and drying to lower their
environmental impacts [104]. Use patterns and end-of-life disposal are also important
factors while determining environmental impact of reusable nappies [104]. Biobased
nappies demonstrate potential reductions in environmental impact if they are composted
at the end-of-life [104].
When comparing different feminine products, reusable menstrual cups perform better
than single-use pads and tampons [105]. Single-use tampons have a lower environmental
impact than single-use pads, especially if there is no applicator [105]. Additionally,
reusable menstrual cups produce less than 10 % of the costs of disposable products [105].
Again, the life-cycle stage that has the biggest contribution changes depending on the
product. The use-phase is an important stage for the menstrual cups, that depends on
water use and washing frequency [105].
Today, personal protective equipment such as masks are widely used, primarily due to
the global pandemic. There are various single-use and reusable masks on the market.
According to a study, reusable masks have a lower environmental impact than disposable
masks [106]. The most important contributors to the impact change depends on the
reusability of the product [106]. Material production, packaging, and end-of-life
management are significantly impactful stages for the disposable masks, while the use-
phase (washing and sterilization) are the most important stages for the reusable masks
UNEP’s report on single-use plastics products emphasizes the importance of
geographical and cultural context in the analysis [105]. Geographical location affects
resource availability and use, energy mix, and production technology [105]. Cultural
context affects the adoption of alternative materials and user behavior [105]. Both
cultural and geographical factors affect recycling rates and end-of-life management
practices [105]. While a comparison of many LCA studies indicated that recycling is on
average the preferred option if it could replace at least 70 % to 80 % of virgin plastics,
this depends on the performance of recycled plastics as well as the efficiency of
mechanical recycling and energy recovery that results [107]. The majority of LCA
studies conclude that single polymer plastics recycling with minimal contamination
replace virgin plastics at a ratio close to 1:1, and recycling is generally the preferred
treatment option [108]. However, these conditions do not always occur. As demonstrated
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in several studies, recycling performance is optimized when pretreatment is adapted to
the recycling technology, which may reduce emissions from the most demanded plastics
by up to 73 % [109]. However, post-treatment of plastic solid waste from goods is also
important with reviews showing that pyrolysis is often the preferred advanced waste
treatment technique with advantages from bio-oil and biochar production [40].
Each study had varying results, however, it was found that recycled and reusable
materials found in consumer goods generally have a lower environmental impact than
virgin plastics materials.
2.4.6. Electronics
The market for consumer electronics is rapidly growing, and historically environmental
impacts have not been considered in the product design and development processes.
Fossil-based plastics are widely used in electronics. Additives in the composition make it
difficult to recycle and reuse; therefore, the recycling efficiency is low [110].
Two studies that are reviewed in this report focus on laptops and printer panels as case
studies and evaluate the impacts of the use of fossil-based plastics and alternative
materials, including bio-based materials, aluminum, and bamboo [110, 111]. Many
electronics products are still lacking in life cycle assessment studies and do not have
many publicly facing studies available. The laptop case study found that in order for
metals to be a better option than plastics, the recycled content of the product should be
above a certain percentage depending on the metal, thus replacing the primary metal
production [110]. To be able to understand the impacts of bio-based materials, there
needs to be more research on end-of-life of bio-based materials. In general, increasing the
post-consumer recycled content in consumer electronics will result in tangible reductions
in environmental impacts [110].
Another study shows that additives in printer panels are the biggest contributors to
cradle-to-gate GHG emissions of a printer’s GHG emissions (up to 40 %) [111]. For both
flame retardant and non-flame retardant panels, two alternative biobased plastics are
suggested [111]. For flame retardant panels, biobased material provides similar
environmental and economic performance, whereas, for non-flame retardant panels, the
environmental performance is improved with the biobased alternative [111].
2.5. LCAs on Plastics Additives
Additives in the plastics industry are chemical compounds that are added to basic
polymers to enhance the performance, functionality, and aging properties of plastics
products [7]. Generally, there are four main categories of additives: (1) functional
additives, (2) colorants, (3) fillers, and (4) reinforcements [7]. Specifically, functional
additives include plasticisers, flame retardants, stabilisers, slip agents, lubricants, curing
agents, blowing agents, and biocides [7]. Under each of these categories, there are many
potential available chemical substances, ranging from a simple substance such as zinc
oxide (an inorganic pigment) to complicated organic substances such as bis (2-
ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP, a common plasticiser) [7]. Due to the heterogeneity of these
substances, the amount and quality of the studies vary significantly across the categories.
Overall, additives are often omitted from plastics LCA studies [37].
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There are two main types of LCAs for these additives. The first one is the cradle-to-gate
LCA for the substances themselves. There are more studies of this type, considering there
are existing LCA tools and databases for chemical substances. Some examples include
the Chemical Life Cycle Collaborative (CLiCC) and the Environmental Assessment Tool
for Organic Synthesis (EATOS) [112, 113]. If the additives do not affect the life-cycle
characteristics of the products significantly (e.g., the colorants which only change the
color of the products), this type of study can be simply integrated into the LCA of the
plastics products. However, for additives such as stabilisers, which would significantly
increase the life-time of the product, comprehensive LCAs for the product with and
without such additives will be necessary to understand their environmental impacts. The
second type of the LCA, which is the cradle-to-grave LCA for the plastics products with
the consideration of the additives, would be a better fit to understand the impact. There
are fewer studies of this type in the existing literature, and most of them focus on specific
industries, probably due to the initiatives in such industries for sustainability. To develop
this type of comprehensive analysis, it is necessary to predict how various additives
would affect the service life-span and degradation rate of a plastics product.
In the following sections, 12 LCA-related articles are reviewed regarding additives in
plastics production. If an additive category is not reviewed, it means we cannot identify a
significant amount of LCA studies focusing on its applications. However, it is still
possible to find LCAs of the substances in the category in databases like CLiCC or
2.5.1. Functional Additives
Plasticisers are small organic molecules, which are used to improve the flexibility and
processability of polymers [114]. The impacts of plasticisers on human health and the
environment have been widely studied, and there are existing tools to help evaluate the
risks of certain plasticiser substances [114, 115]. However, there are only a few studies
that use LCA to analyze the environmental impacts of plasticisers, and these studies are
usually cradle-to-gate LCAs for specific plasticiser substances. The European Council for
Plasticisers and Intermediates (ECPI) applies cradle-to-gate LCA on the production of di-
isononyl phthalate (DINP) [116]. Since this study only focuses on DINP instead of
evaluating a range of plasticiser substances, the result cannot provide much insight.
Another study in 2013 applies cradle-to-gate LCA to DEHP, and compared its impacts
with acetyl tributyl citrate (ATBC) and diisononylcyclohexane dicarboxylate (DINCH) in
a semi-quantitative fashion (full LCAs for ATBC and DINCH are not applied) [117]. The
study concluded that DINCH has a higher cradle-to-gate impact than DEHP, but has a
lower impact when considering the use phase [117]. Retardants
Flame retardants (FR) are used to inhibit, suppress, or delay the ignition in plastics [118].
Similar to other additives, FRs are usually ignored in plastics LCA studies, yet there are
still several cradle-to-grave studies focusing on the use of FRs in various products [118].
Deng and co-workers apply cradle-to-grave LCAs to two printed circuit board (PCB)
substrates--a biobased one using melamine polyphosphate (MPP) as FR and a
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conventional one using tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) as FR [119]. They show that
the biobased PCB has better overall environmental performance, but has a worse land-use
impact [119]. Jonkers and co-workers apply cradle-to-grave LCAs to two types of
laptops, one using brominated flame retardants (BFR) and another one using halogen-free
flame retardants (HFFR) [120]. They conclude that BFR has worse environmental
impacts compared to HFFR, which is mainly caused by the high human toxicity impact
of BFR in the end-of-life stage of the product [120].
The main function of FR is to prevent the risk of fire, which would affect the life-cycle
characteristics of the plastics products. Since conventional LCA assumes a normal
operation during the life-cycle of the product, it cannot necessarily capture the potential
environmental benefits brought by the prevention of the fire events due to the FRs. To
tackle the problem, a research group in Sweden developed a Fire-LCA model [121]. This
model is a cradle-to-grave LCA model including fire event as a potential end-of-life
scenario for the product and includes all the corresponding emissions of the fire event in
the LCA analysis [121]. In another study from the same group, they applied the Fire-LCA
model to two types of TV enclosures--one with FR and one without FR and concluded
that the TV enclosure without FR has significantly higher life-cycle emissions due the
emissions from the potential fire event [122].
2.5.2. Colorants
During our review, we could not find LCA studies focusing on the application of
colorants in the plastics industry. However, unlike other additives which are usually
ignored in existing LCAs for plastics products, colorants are sometimes included. For
example, both USEEIO and CEDA include synthetic dyes and pigments in their analyses
for plastics products [25, 26].
2.5.3. Fillers and Reinforcements
The term “functional fillers” is sometimes used to describe both fillers and reinforcement
in plastics production. The purposes of adding fillers and reinforcements into plastics
products are usually cost reduction and property (especially mechanical property)
enhancement [99]. Typical filler/reinforcement materials include talc, clay, natural fiber,
carbon fiber, and glass fiber [7, 99]. Natural fiber, such as wood, cellulose, cotton, and
flax, are gaining more attention in current studies due to their “green” characteristics
[123]. Compared to other additive categories, there are relatively abundant studies on this
The first type of study compares plastics with fillers to virgin plastics using LCA. Vidal
and co-workers applied LCAs to virgin plastics and recycled thermoplastic with rice
husks and cotton linters; they concluded reduced environmental impacts for the latter
[124]. Wotzel and co-workers apply LCAs to car side panels made of acrylonitrile
butadiene styrene (ABS) and hemp fiber composite and discover that the latter has the
better environmental performance [125].
The second type of study focuses on comparing plastics with different types of fillers
using LCA. Corbiere-Nicollier and co-workers compare the environmental impacts of
plastic transport pallets made of PP reinforced by glass fiber and PP reinforced by China
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reed fiber [126]. They show that China reed fiber reinforced PP has lower environmental
impacts [126]. Korol and co-workers studied the environmental impacts of plastic pallets
made of PP reinforced by glass fiber and three different natural fibers (cotton, jute, and
kenaf) [127]. They found better environmental performances for jute and kenaf
reinforced PP compared to glass fiber reinforced PP. However, cotton reinforced PP has
the worst environmental performance due to its cultivation process with significant
environmental impacts [127]. Luz and co-workers researched the environmental impacts
of sugarcane bagasse reinforced PP and talc reinforced PP and concluded a better
environmental performance for the former [128]. It is worth mentioning that most of
these studies focus on products in the automobile industry, probably due its initiative in
improving product sustainability.
2.6. Overall Trend Summary
In general, literature agrees that use pattern assumptions are critical when comparing
single-use and multi-use products [11, 12, 64, 105, 129]. Multi-use products might not
perform better if they are not used sufficiently many times.
The production phase of
multi-use products might have more environmental impacts than the single-use products,
since they might require more inputs to make them more durable.
Various papers showed that waste generated from plastics can cause a variety of
environmental impacts, and end-of-treatment methods greatly affect LCA results.
Compared to landfilling, recycling has lower environmental impacts, including GHG
emissions, water consumption, and fossil fuel consumption [85, 102, 130]. But the cost of
pre-sorting and collecting waste makes it hard to improve the recycling rates globally
[131]. In addition, regional waste management policy is an important determining factor.
For example, the EU requires that plastics packaging is either reusable or recycled in a
cost-effective way by 2030, which incentivizes plastics recycling in the EU market.
Regarding the LCA for recycling itself, papers showed that allocation of the
environmental benefits of recycling lacks a consistent approach across the industry, and
various industrial guidelines provide different suggestions [132]. This obscurity would
potentially lead to double counting of credits across the whole economy [132].
Many papers show that factors that are being considered in the assessments depend on
geographical and/or cultural context [56, 68]. These factors include resource availability
and use, feedstock mix (virgin materials, fillers, and recycled materials), energy mix,
adoption of new materials and manufacturing technologies, user behavior, recycling
rates, and end-of-life management practices [56, 68].
Challenges and Gaps in Plastics LCA
There are several challenges in understanding the life-cycle environmental impacts of
plastics that have been identified through our review.
First, there is a lack of reliable, up-to-date, high-quality, and regionalized data on plastics.
The reviewed LCA databases are highly concentrated on the EU and North America
markets. In the seven reviewed LCA databases, USEEIO, NREL, and CEDA are based in
the United States. PlasticsEurope only covered European countries. Gabi covers both US
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and EU countries and CM.Chemicals has broader regional distribution. Ecoinvent has
limited data for the Asian market, while Asia has emerged as the major contributor to
global plastics production with approximately 51 % of the world’s plastics produced in
Asia in 2019 [1]. Region-specific emission factors are needed to accurately represent the
background energy mix scenarios and end-of-life treatment options. Some of the recent
datasets such as CM.Chemicals, however, started to address region- and supplier-specific
life-cycle environmental impacts.
Second, existing LCA studies do not address the environmental, ecological and human
health impacts of microplastics and the degradation byproducts from plastics.
Microplastics are abundant in marine and freshwater environments [133]. However, the
health impacts of microplastics are still not well understood [38, 133]. Research shows
that microplastics, due to their composition and relatively large surface area, might
transport contaminants up the food chain which can accumulate in the tissues of the
organisms [134]. The research in this space of understanding plastic degradation is only
emerging, and there are several pathways of degradation that must be considered (Figure
5). Weathering proceeds along multiple synergistic pathways that would be difficult to
model in an LCA study due to the variety of pollution-caused damages that occur,
including those to the carbon and nutrient cycles, habitat changes, changes to ecotoxicity,
and societal impacts [38].
Fig. 4. Weathering processes of poorly reversible plastic pollution [38].
Third, additives are essential ingredients for plastics products, but additives are poorly
covered in LCA studies. We reviewed twelve articles utilizing LCA to analyze the
environmental impacts of additives in the plastics industry--one for plasticizers, five for
flame retardants, and six for fillers and reinforcements (with special focus on organic
reinforcement materials in the automobile industry). Other functional additives such as
stabilizers, slip agents, and lubricants are usually missing in the existing literature [37].
Integrating additives into LCA for plastics products is challenging for several reasons.
There are many potential substances, and no generalized LCA can cover them all. Also,
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some additives will alter the characteristics of the product (e.g., prolonged lifetime,
reduced fire risk), and such characteristics need to be embedded in the cradle-to-grave
LCA for accurate results. The impact of plastics additives also depends on the end of life
(EOL) treatment for the product, which would decide the final destination of the additives
[135]. On the other hand, additives, especially fillers, may also limit the EOL options for
plastics products [123]. For example, the industry tends to incinerate plastics with high
content of filler, since it is hard to separate the materials and recycle them. With EOL
remaining a major gap in plastics LCA studies, it is difficult to accurately capture the
impact of additives.
Fourth, currently, there is no publicly available tool with which manufacturers and
researchers can assemble reliable LCIs of plastics. This problem becomes particularly
challenging when developing an LCI for a new plastics material or product with no
background data available in the public domain. When using existing LCI data,
interoperability and compatibility among them with regard to technological,
geographical, and temporal boundaries can pose additional challenges, since most of the
existing studies only provide results with specific parameters. In reality, the ability to
adjust such parameters would be far more helpful in the decision-making process.
Fifth, modeling of plastics’ EOL is still a significant challenge. When developing a new
plastics material or product, developing a reasonable estimate for its recycling potential is
often difficult given that collection rate, type and severity of contamination, and
accessible recycling technologies vary widely across geographies and times.
Furthermore, currently there is no consensus on how to allocate environmental impacts
for recycling or reusing of EOL plastics, understanding of which is crucial when
developing a consequential LCA model for recycling or reusing plastics. Inconsistencies
in allocation may result in ambiguous claims about recycled content, or other plastic use
cases. For instance, some studies or declarations claim products with 100 % recycled
content while allocating recycling credit to only parts of the production process, while the
remainder does not contain recycled content [136]. Certification programs are
inconsistent with their methodologies, and further amplify the obscurity of such claims. It
is also notable that the inability to access sensitive information, such as the technical
details of commercial technologies, is a perennial challenge in LCA, accessing such
information related to plastics including emerging recycling technologies is not an
Finally, some authors warn that plastic LCAs potentially have blind spots and have the
potential to be misused [137]. For example, it has been pointed out that many LCAs of
plastics do not take the end of life phase into consideration, making plastics often the
preferable material, even though plastics may continue degrading and leaching into the
environment [138]. Furthermore, not all potential environmental and human and
ecological health impacts of plastics and their degradation byproducts are fully
understood or incorporated into life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) methods, limiting
our ability to evaluate plastics using LCA [138]. Some studies point out that LCA studies
often focus on recycling options rather than studying alternative materials [137].
Additionally, much of the impact of plastic products depends largely on the use phase
and post-consumption phase scenarios--how long and how many times a product is used
by a consumer and what EOL treatment options are chosen [137].
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Discussion and Recommendations
Given the growing demand for plastics and their increasing presence in the environment,
the capacity to understand life-cycle environmental impacts of plastics is urgently
needed. Having gone through the literature and databases covered in this review, we ask
ourselves the question that prompted us to embark on this study in the first place: have
we accumulated enough knowledge and data to understand the life-cycle environmental
impacts of plastics? Despite that there has been enormous progress in the literature, our
best answer to this question is ‘not yet’. That’s primarily because of the scarcity of
reliable data and tools for conducting LCAs of plastics. In addition, science needs to be
further advanced to capture the full spectrum of impacts caused by plastics and their
degradation byproducts, and such new knowledge should be actively incorporated into
the development of LCIA methods. What can be done to close these gaps in the literature
so that LCAs can be utilized to reliably and credibly evaluate the life-cycle
environmental impacts of plastics? Based on our review, we summarize our
First, we believe that developing a set of reference LCIs for major plastics materials,
additives, and prevailing processes is needed to enable rapid and reliable LCA of plastics.
In particular, LCI data in general is scarce in North America and Asia. When developing
such reference LCIs, it would be crucial to ensure interoperability and compatibility with
existing, widely used LCI databases. Not only LCIs of plastics but also the data on
plastics emissions to the environment as a part of other non-plastic products’ LCI need to
be built. Currently little is known how much plastics are entering the environment
throughout the life cycle of plastics-using products, making it difficult to quantify their
environmental implications. Such an effort can best be accompanied by standardization
of nomenclature, system boundary definitions, materiality criteria, default scenarios use,
and EOL phases, among others. Existing platforms such as Federal LCA Commons can
be leveraged to maximize the value of existing resources. Such LCI data is highly
dependent on regional resource use and geographical context. Building an open-source
data exchange platform could help facilitate the data collection process and enhance
collaboration in the plastics industry globally. Forming federal level working groups
would help standardize and coordinate the efforts on plastics LCA across executive
Second, the on-going research on the prediction of the service life of plastics with the
consideration of additives can be tapped into LCA research. Understanding the service
life of a product is crucial in developing use phase and EOL phase scenarios.
Inventorying the on-going research that is potentially relevant to LCA research and
communicating the needs from LCA practitioners with relevant researchers at the early
stage of such projects would facilitate synergies.
Third, one major opportunity is to develop a life-cycle screening tool focusing on plastics
life cycle, which can also provide the flexibility to adjust several key considerations such
as energy mix, feedstock mix, functional additives, end-of-life treatment. With the tool,
plastics manufacturers could make more informed decisions in product design. This
comprehensive plastics screening tool would enable users to input relevant information
such as polymer type, country of production, energy mix, feedstock mix, EOL scenarios,
This publication is available free of charge from:
and the type and quantity of additives. Based on the users’ inputs, a publicly accessible
tool can help understand the greenhouse gas emissions, human health impacts, and
ecological toxicity of plastics. Such a tool will enable users to consider the environmental
impacts in the design and use of plastics products.
Finally, the research on the fate, transport, degradation pathways and exposure of plastics
as well as their human and ecological impacts need to be incorporated into mainstream
LCIA methods. The science of plastics’ environmental degradation pathways,
bioaccumulation potential, and their impacts is rapidly evolving [73, 139-144]. However,
currently none of these findings have been incorporated into mainstream LCIA methods,
making the human and ecological impacts of plastics’ degradation byproducts including
those of micro- and nano-plastics a complete blind spot. Without the protocol to
incorporate the recent research findings into LCIA, LCAs of plastics can provide only a
partial view on their environmental impacts. We believe that existing characterization
methods, such as the USEtox, may be applied to plastics once the degradation pathways
of plastics in various environmental conditions are well understood. We recommend
incorporating such findings into relevant characterization methods, so that the full
ecological and human health impacts of plastics can be assessed through LCA.
This publication is available free of charge from:
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Supporting Information
4.1. Terms and Definitions
Plastics are commonly grouped into polyethylene terephthalate (PET), high-density
polyethylene (HDPE), poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC), low-density polyethylene (LDPE),
polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), and the rest [17]. Table 2 shows the polymer types
and the demand of most common polymers in the plastics market by mass.
It is notable that biomass-derived plastics are not always biodegradable and compostable,
and biodegradable and compostable plastics are not always derived from biomass [39]. A
plastic’s ability to biodegrade rather depends on its design and conditions it is exposed to
after use. See section 2.2.2. For details. Table 3 outlines some common terms and
definitions used in plastics.
Table 2. Distribution of plastics demands by mass of resin types in 2018 [31].
Plastic Type
Demand by mass
Common uses
19.3 %
Food packaging, sweet and snack wrappers, hinged caps,
microwave containers, pipes, automotive parts, bank notes
17.5 %
Reusable bags, trays and containers, agricultural film, food
packaging film
12.2 %
Toys, milk bottles, shampoo bottles, pipes, houseware
10 %
Window frames, profiles, wall and floor covering, pipes,
cable insulation, garden hoses
7.9 %
Building insulation, pillows and mattresses, insulating foams,
7.7 %
Bottles for water, soft drinks, juices, cleansers
6.4 %
Food packaging, building insulation, electronic equipment,
refrigerator inner lining, eyeglass frames
19 %
Hub caps (ABS), optical fibers (PBT), eyeglass lenses and
roofing sheets (PC), touch screens (PMMA), cable coating
and communications (PTFE), and many others in medical
and surgical devices, membranes, valves and seals, and
protective coats
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Table 3. Overview of definitions on plastics.
A large molecule composed of monomers typically connected by covalent bonds.
A colloquial term for a wide range of synthetic or semi-synthetic polymers [1]
While exact definitions vary, it generally refers to both biodegradable plastics
and bio-based plastics [29].
Compostable plastic
A plastic that is capable of biodegrading at elevated temperatures in soil under
specified conditions and time scales, usually only encountered in an industrial
composter. A composting facility is one that transfers or stores composting
materials resulting in biological decomposition [63]. In Europe, compostable
plastics are defined to be materials that disintegrate within 12 weeks and
completely biodegrade after 6 months [30].
Degradable plastic
A plastic that is capable of a partial or complete breakdown as a result of e.g.,
UV radiation, oxygen attack, biological attack, which implies an alteration of the
properties, such as discoloration, surface cracking, and fragmentation [35].
The generic term for small pieces of plastics the longest dimension of which is
under 5 mm [133].
Bio-based plastic
A type of plastic derived from biomass such as organic waste material or crops
grown specifically for the purpose, which may or may not be biodegradable [35].
It applies to both naturally occurring polymers and natural substances that have
been polymerized into high molecular weight materials.
Biodegradable plastic
A plastic that is capable of degrading under biological processes of organic
matter, which is completely or partially converted to water, CO
energy, and new biomass by microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) [35].
Fiber reinforced plastic
Composite material made of a resin matrix reinforced with fibers to enhance the
mechanical properties [31].
4.2. Supplemental Documents
Two supplemental documents are available at
(1) a literature review spreadsheet (XLSX format) with categorization and brief
summaries of documents found related to the state of LCA in plastics
(2) a set of presentation slides (PPTX format) that summarizes the findings in this