The transition from the military to college life can
be challenging. You’ve built critical skills in your service to
our country, but reentering civilian life and going back to
school require dierent sets of strategies. Because of this
gap, many military-connected students find themselves left
behind when they arrive on campus. At Ashland University,
as the premier private university in the nation in terms
of supporting military-connected and veteran students,
their families and their dependents, we have dedicated
ourselves to providing resources, generating opportunities
and oering the kind and quality of individualized attention
military students won’t find anywhere else. We will support
you through the entire experience, from your first moment
of contact until long after you graduate.
The steepest hill to climb for military-connected and veteran students transitioning to college is
successfully identifying and accessing all the benefits for which you’re eligible. That’s why we are
committed to doing all the work for you, long before you ever set foot on campus.
GI Bill
The GI Bill helps qualifying veterans and their family members get money to cover all or some of the
costs for school or training. We will handle the whole process to ensure you are able to maximize the
benefits of this program.
Yellow Ribbon Program
The Yellow Ribbon Program is designed to bridge the qualification and financial gaps not covered by
the GI Bill. This primarily applies to private and out-of-state tuition costs. Ashland University is proud
to be one of only a few universities in the nation committed to covering the maximum number of
students with the highest amount of financial coverage. Enrolling at Ashland University means you
will pay little to no out-of-pocket expenses for your education.
Throughout the transition from the military to civilian and college life, our goal is your success.
Your focus in college should only involve being a student. We want to free you up to seize the kind of
opportunities for growth and development that can only happen here.
Thats why we make it a priority to take as many of the overwhelming extraneous details o your
plate as possible. Before you even come to visit campus for the first time, we’ve already determined
which specific benefits you qualify for. During your campus visit, we’ll give you a tour, show you
around The Jack, our dedicated military and veteran center, and help you navigate the daily details
of college life—housing, finances, meals, meeting faculty, class scheduling, partnering with other
veterans who can advise you on any details you may have questions about, and so much more!
Our plan moves you toward success, step-by-step, and allows you to focus on what’s most important
during this next season of your life. Whether you are taking classes in-person on campus, online, or
a hybrid of the two, we’re with you at every point.
Your situation is unique, so we’ve made a commitment to providing you with everything you need
to succeed. Ashland University is the top private university in the nation when it comes to setting
military-connected and veteran students up for success.
After enrollment, our levels of support only increase.
Here are just a few of the ways we support you.
VA Benefit Assistance
Along with determining which benefits you qualify for and applying for them, we also oer one-on-
one VA benefit counseling intended to ensure you get exactly what you need.
Career Planning
Before you set foot inside a classroom, we’ll work with you to develop a plan for your future career.
And upon graduation, you’ll have had opportunities to participate in internships that give you the
experience employers are looking for.
Academic Advocacy
With admissions assistance, academic advising and degree planning, we are dedicated to seeing you
succeed both inside and beyond the classroom.
Military-Connected Community
Your college experience at Ashland University will include a community of student veterans, veteran
recognition events and mentorship opportunities throughout your college career.
One of the things our military-connected and veteran students miss the most from their time serving
our country is the community and camaraderie they experience during enlistment. We’ve made
considerable eorts to ensure that, for military-connected and veteran students and their families,
belonging at Ashland University is an experience you can’t find anywhere else.
Along with all the other benefits you’ll experience as a student at Ashland University, you’ll also
have opportunities throughout the year to connect with other military-connected students and their
During our graduation cord ceremony, for example, veterans receive a red, white and blue cord to
mark both their military service and academic achievement. We are deeply involved in both the
Student Veterans of America and the National Veteran Leadership Foundation, both of which oer
membership and leadership opportunities that connect military-connected students nationwide
and allow you to make professional connections you’ll carry forward through your career. We also
oer numerous philanthropic outreach opportunities that allow our military-connected students to
serve the local area and do what they do best: make the world around them a better place.
And that’s just the beginning. Community is a cornerstone of our military-connected culture
on campus. You are invited to be an integral part of it.
Established in 2020, the Jack H. Liebert Military and Veteran Resource Center is your central hub
at Ashland University. Known on campus as “The Jack,” this facility was built by and exclusively
for military-connected and veteran students on campus. One step inside and you’ll know you
belong here.
This beautiful center houses military student service oces, access to academic and mental
health counseling services, a USO-style lounge, study spaces and communal spaces. The Jack was
designed just for you, providing access to everything you need to transition successfully into college
life and equip yourself for a successful future.
Designed with direct input from veterans, military-connected students and their families,
The Jack includes:
• Conference spaces
• Offices for Military Student Services and support staff
• A USO-style veterans’ lounge where veteran students and staff
can share a sense of camaraderie in a comfortable space
• Game room with ping-pong table and TVs
• Fully-stocked kitchen, including snacks
• Beautiful outdoor patio area with a propane grill and corn hole
• Study areas
• Two studio-apartment-style receiving rooms to provide temporary and
emergency housing for veterans and their families at a moments notice
• Living communities created to meet the specific needs of
current student veterans living on campus
And, with more plans for the center in the future, the current benefits are just the beginning.
Randy Spade
Randy Spade
Director of Veteran Services
Dear Prospective Student,
If you’re like most military-connected or veteran students looking to transition to college, your mailbox and inbox
are probably flooded with messages that, on their surface, look a lot like this one.
But, this message will be dierent than most—if not all—of the ones you will receive from other schools. Just as
Ashland University is dierent than other schools.
Because, here’s the deal.
If you’re like most prospective students enrolling after military service, you are probably most concerned about three
big questions. So I’m going to answer each of them as they relate to Ashland University.
How can I afford this?
We’re going to make sure you’re covered. When you come from the military to Ashland, you can attend for as little as
no out-of-pocket expenses. Plus, we’ll do all the heavy lifting. We’ll do the research, we’ll go through the application
process and we’ll get you every benefit you qualify for so you can just focus on becoming a student.
What does the college experience look like for me as a military-connected or veteran student?
At Ashland University, our singular goal is your success and we’ve poured an incredible amount of resources into
making sure you are never left behind during your transition from the military. Along with getting you the benefits
you deserve, we also oer ongoing academic advocacy, career planning, guidance for the daily details of college life,
a community of military-connected students across both campus and the nation, as well as a designated “home” on
campus—The Jack—that houses all of our military student services, gives you a gorgeous place to hang out, and will
provide for your every need for the duration of your college career. And after college? You’re a lifelong member of
the Ashland community, which means if you ever need something, we’ll help in any way we can.
How is Ashland University different?
Ashland University is focused on the success of every individual. We’ve made a promise to all students that
guarantees access to a wide range of benefits from day one and forever after. This promise holds true for our
military-connected and veteran students, ensuring that you have access to everything you need to be successful.
This includes:
an education that prepares you for your future career by teaching you how to think, notwhat to think
guaranteed job acceptance or career counseling after graduation
a dedicated concierge service that meets your needs as a military-connected student
a welcoming community
personalized mentorship and individualized faculty support
at least one relevant internship or applied learning experience.
Your success is our mission, from the first moment of contact on. Even after graduation, we will be there for you,
maintaining the support you need and celebrating every success alongside you.
Ashland University is, hands down, the best private university in America for military-connected students. We have a
diverse population of online and adult students, along with a thriving community of military-connected and veteran
students, making Ashland a great place to belong.
I would love to talk more about the opportunities just waiting for you at Ashland University. Simply contact me
via my information below with any questions or concerns and to schedule a visit to AU to discover just how far our
commitment to military students extends. We are especially excited about The Jack, our new central point of contact,
support and community built exclusively for military-connected and veteran students on campus.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and your interest in Ashland University. I hope to connect with you soon!
401 College Avenue, Ashland, OH 44805
419.207.6478 |