A set of public policy priorities for lawmakers, regulators
and advocates to reduce asthma morbidity and mortality
2022 Update
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A National Asthma Public Policy Agenda
2022 Update
May 2022
©2022 American Lung Association
55 W. Wacker Drive, Suite 1150 | Chicago, IL 60601
1-800-LUNGUSA | Lung.org
The update of the National Asthma Public Policy Agenda was supported by Grant Number
6NU38OT000292, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the
responsibility of the American Lung Association and do not necessarily represent the official views of the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or the Department of Health and Human Services.
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Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Objective and Approach..................................................................................................................................................... 5
About the Update ................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Acknowledgements .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Public Health Infrastructure and Surveillance ........................................................................................................... 7
Guiding Principles .......................................................................................................................................................... 7
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Policy Statements and Supporting Strategies ............................................................................................... 9
Outdoor Air ............................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Guiding Principles ........................................................................................................................................................ 13
Overview .......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Policy Statements and Supporting Strategies .............................................................................................. 14
Healthcare Systems and Financing ........................................................................................................................... 20
Guiding Principles ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................ 20
Policy Statements and Supporting Strategies .............................................................................................. 21
Homes ........................................................................................................................................................................................26
Guiding Principles .......................................................................................................................................................26
Overview .........................................................................................................................................................................26
Policy Statements and Supporting Strategies ............................................................................................. 27
Schools ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 34
Guiding Principles ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................ 34
Policy Statements and Supporting Strategies ............................................................................................ 36
Workplaces ............................................................................................................................................................................ 44
Guiding Principles ...................................................................................................................................................... 44
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................ 44
Policy Statements and Supporting Strategies ............................................................................................ 45
Conclusions and Call to Action .................................................................................................................................... 50
APPENDIX A. The Consensus Process....................................................................................................................... 51
APPENDIX B: Advisory Group Participants & Reviewers ................................................................................. 55
References ............................................................................................................................................................................. 59
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The burden of asthma in the United States is complex, multi-factorial, unequal and serious.
Efforts to address asthma must be equally significant and must look at the underlying systemic
causes of both the disease and the barriers to controlling it.
In 2009, the American Lung Association released the first National Asthma Public Policy
Agenda by bringing together a broad, multi-disciplinary group of asthma specialists, medical
professionals and public health and policy experts to agree on a set of public policy priorities
that, if implemented, could have the greatest impact on asthma morbidity and mortality. The
project established a blueprint for a national asthma policy on which lawmakers, regulators and
advocates could act. To be successful, the policy recommendations needed to be adopted by
multiple stakeholder groups at all levels.
In the subsequent decade, much has been accomplished to impact and hopefully improve the
quality of life for those living with asthmaincluding the passage of the Affordable Care Act
(ACA) in 2010, the adoption of stricter national air standards for particle pollution in 2012 and
ozone in 2015, the 2018 implementation of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development’s smokefree public housing policy, and the 2020 update of the National Asthma
Education and Prevention Program’s clinical guidelines. These and other changes in the policy
environment made it necessary to review, revise and update the National Asthma Public Policy
Agenda to chart a path for the public health community to follow in this next decade.
The stakeholders brought together by the American Lung Association to update the National
Asthma Public Policy Agenda met before the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has exposed
many of the major challenges facing the nation’s public health and health systems
infrastructure, including a serious lack of robust, predictable, and sustained investments in
public health at the federal, state and local levels; depleted and understaffed workforces;
inadequate public health surveillance; and systemic inequities that create disparate health
outcomes. The recommendations included in the National Asthma Public Policy Agenda - 2022
Update are even more timely and urgent considering this global respiratory pandemic.
The Burden of Asthma Is Unequal and the Updated
Agenda Must Address These Disparities
Asthma makes breathing difficult for the 24.8 million Americans it affects, including 5.5
million children. Since 2001, asthma rates have increased 22% among adults while
decreasing 34% among children. While asthma affects people of all ages, races,
genders and segments of society, the burden is not equally shared across these
segments. Black individuals and American Indian/Alaska Natives have the highest rates
of current asthma compared with other races and ethnicities. Further, though asthma
rates are relatively low for Hispanics overall, Puerto Ricans in the continental United
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States have the highest current asthma rate of any racial or ethnic group (14.0%
Finally, asthma rates were significantly higher among those with a family income below
the poverty threshold.
Of the 24.8 million Americans with a current diagnosis of asthma, 19.2 million were
adults and 5.5 million were children. Over half of children and adults with asthma
(52.7%) living below the federal poverty level reported an asthma attack in the past
year compared to 44.6% of those living at or above double the federal poverty
which is an indication of poor asthma control. Children and people living below
the federal poverty level are among the groups most likely to have asthma, and to
suffer from severe asthma attacks, hospitalization and even death.
Asthma morbidity and mortality is disproportionably burdensome for Black individuals,
who are least likely to have access to adequate healthcare.
There are substantial gaps
between guidelines-based asthma care and coverage by state Medicaid programs. A
large percentage of children with asthma receive coverage through Medicaid and the
Children’s Health Insurance Program (47.6%).
Many Medicaid programs do not cover
the recommended categories of care and have inconsistent coverage across fee-for-
service and managed care plans within the same state, making it difficult for providers
and patients to understand coverage of asthma treatments and services.
While the ACA provides quality healthcare coverage for tens of millions more
Americans, including many with asthma, gaps in states that have not expanded
Medicaid and increasing challenges of affordability still leave millions more without the
coverage they need. Asthma’s multi-factorial and complex causes and triggers also
underscore that this disease will not be addressed by treatment alone; it also requires a
robust multi-sector response including public health and environmental responses.
Outdoor and Indoor Air Quality
A substantial body of evidence links asthma exacerbations to exposures to allergens
and irritants from outdoor sources and from indoor pollutants found where people live
go to school
or work.
Establishing asthma-friendly policies that eliminate or reduce
exposures to indoor and outdoor allergens, irritants, and pollutants where people with
asthma live, work, go to school and play is critical in the overall management of asthma.
Asthma self-management education, which includes education on reducing exposure
to asthma triggers, has been repeatedly shown to make a difference in patients’ ability
to maintain good control of the disease.
NHIS data from 2016-2018 was combined to acquire a large enough sample size to ensure an accurate
estimate for this population.
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Climate change brings new challenges to people with asthma, such as increased
ozone pollution driven by heat; increased particle pollution from more wildfires;
increased pollen levels that can trigger allergic asthma; and mold from flooding and
extreme storms. Public policies focused on asthma must also recognize the
importance of addressing both the causes and impacts of a warming Earth and
Significant Financial Burden
People with asthma that have difficulty managing their disease can impact their
community in several ways, from lost productivity in the workplace to healthcare costs
to premature death. Asthma costs the nation $81.9 billion annually, including $50.3
billion in direct health care expenses and additional costs from loss of productivity,
absenteeism and mortality.
Contributing to the burden, asthma accounts for an
estimated 10.9 million missed workdays for people over 18 years of age and 7.9 million
missed school days.
Much of the overall health and economic burden of asthma is the
result of asthma not being well controlled; in addition to missing work or school, people
with asthma may require care in the emergency department or hospital for asthma
Objective and Approach
The American Lung Association with support from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC), National Center for Environmental Health reviewed the
recommended policies and strategies from the 2009 National Asthma Public Policy
Agenda, assessed the existing evidence for effective asthma policy interventions,
convened an interdisciplinary group of asthma experts and built consensus for an
updated, comprehensive and actionable national asthma public policy agenda.
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About the Update
The consensus process resulted in 22 public policy recommendations grouped in six
major categories. The expert stakeholders determined the categories should remain
unchanged from the 2009 Agenda, but many of the policies and supporting strategies
within the categories were updated to reflect
the latest science.
Each policy category begins with a list of
“Guiding Principles.” The participants at the May
2019 conference decided to maintain the use of
the guiding principles from the original Agenda
and update them to reflect changes to the
policy recommendations. Each policy category
includes an overview of the importance of the
category, followed by the recommended policy
statements and support strategies. For each
policy, the authors described the existing
research and evidence of effectiveness. These
summaries are not intended as a comprehensive review of the issue but provide
context for including policies.
The American Lung Association is grateful to individuals that made this report possible:
Members of the 2019 National Asthma Public Policy Agenda Stakeholder Group and
Reviewers (see Appendix B) who shared their expertise and passion.
American Lung Association staff who dedicated their time and expertise to writing and
reviewing the report: Barbara Kaplan, Hannah Green, Thomas Carr, Laura Kate Bender,
Katherine Pruitt and Erika Sward. A special thanks Kenneth Rosenman, MD, for his
contributions to the workplaces section of the report.
A National Asthma Public Policy Agenda 2022 Update was made possible with
support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for
Environmental Health. The National Asthma Public Policy Agenda does not represent an
official position of the American Lung Association or the CDC. Rather, it represents a
broad agreement on policy from a multi-disciplinary group of stakeholders committed
to reducing asthma morbidity and mortality.
Public Policy Categories
Public Health Infrastructure
and Surveillance
Outdoor Air
Healthcare Systems and
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Public Health Infrastructure and Surveillance
Guiding Principles
A strong public health infrastructure is essential to ensure adequate capacity and
training for community-based asthma strategies. An adequate public health
infrastructure should:
Recognize that asthma is both a chronic and an environmental disease.
Promote the establishment, maintenance or enhancement of surveillance
systems to monitor trends in asthma burden.
Provide funding for comprehensive asthma programs and services that impact
morbidity and mortality.
Identify cross-cutting risk factors that include addressing social determinants of
health and asthma management for underserved, disproportionally affected
Address asthma management in multiple sectors, including health systems,
housing, workplaces, schools, and childcare facilities.
Be prepared for and resilient to the impacts of climate change (e.g., adaptation,
planning, sustainable development, disaster response) to protect people with
The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated how essential our nation’s public health
infrastructure is to the country’s well-being, and how important proper surveillance is to
help protect the public. The same concept holds true for other public health challenges
such as asthma and other chronic health conditions. Without comprehensive
surveillance nationally and in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories,
people working to reduce the burden of asthma are likely missing key information,
including about which communities are disproportionately impacted. In turn, a strong
public health infrastructure, including at the state and local level, is essential to
delivering the programs and services necessary to reduce the burden of asthma.
Essential to helping to strengthen the public health infrastructure to address asthma is
the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National Asthma Control
Program (NACP), created in 1999. Over the years, CDC has funded state and local
health departments, national non-governmental organizations and other agencies to
conduct asthma surveillance, implement evidence-based asthma interventions and
evaluate their effectiveness, and develop partnerships. Through the 2019 cooperative
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agreement “A Comprehensive Public Health Approach to Asthma Control through
Evidence-based Interventions,” the National Asthma Control Program currently
supports 25 state, local and territorial health departments in their efforts to enhance
public health infrastructure and leverage partnerships. The purpose of the cooperative
agreement is to reduce asthma morbidity, mortality and disparities by implementing
evidence-based strategies across multiple sectors.
Since 2002, CDC has demonstrated that adequately funded health departments
working on asthma can have a significant positive impact on their communities.
12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17
Each grant cycle, CDC-funded state asthma programs have conducted asthma
surveillance and developed comprehensive state asthma plans. To have the greatest
impact on asthma morbidity and mortality, these grants should be extended to all 50
states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories.
Asthma surveillance data are collected at the national and state levels. Surveillance
data are then analyzed to understand when, where and among whom asthma occurs.
There are several surveys that can be used to obtain information to track the overall
burden of asthma and to identify disproportionately affected populations. Grantees
funded by the NACP typically use data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance
System and the Asthma Call-Back Survey to track asthma prevalence, activity
limitations, days of work or school lost, rescue and control medication use, asthma self-
management education, and self-reported healthcare use (physician office visits,
emergency department visits and hospitalizations) due to asthma. Another surveillance
tool introduced in 2009, the Environmental Public Health Tracking (EPHT) network,
connects environmental and health information. This information is used to target,
implement and evaluate interventions.
In 2018, CDC published the EXHALE technical package.
It represents a group of
strategies based on the best available evidence that can improve asthma control and
reduce health care costs. It is intended as a resource to inform decision-making in
communities, organizations and states. These strategies are complementary and are
intended to work in combination to reinforce each other. The hope is that multiple
sectors, including public health, health care, education, social services and non-
governmental organizations, will use this technical package to improve asthma control
in all age groups. Commitment, collaboration and leadership from numerous sectors
can maximize the impact of the strategies. As new evidence becomes available, the
strategies can be refined to reflect the current state of the science.
Since the publication of the 2009 National Asthma Public Policy Agenda, changing
climate patterns have increased the frequency and intensity of natural disasters and
severe weather, such as wildfires, droughts, floods and extreme heat events, which can
reduce both outdoor and indoor air quality.
People living with chronic lung diseases,
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such as asthma, face greater risks and need guidance and support to stay healthy.
The CDC provides planning resources for state and local governments, emergency
planners and responders, healthcare facilities and providers, businesses, and
individuals, families and communities.
Several national organizations including the
Allergy & Asthma Network,
American Lung Association,
and the Asthma & Allergy
Foundation of America
offer guidance and support tools for people with asthma
during natural disasters.
Policy Statements and Supporting Strategies
Every state and territory should have a comprehensive statewide asthma strategic
plan and adequately funded state asthma program to reduce asthma morbidity and
Statewide asthma programs and partners should develop a strategic plan to
document the problem, implement strategies and assess progress.
Statewide asthma programs should follow best practices outlined in CDC’s
EXHALE Technical Package on implementing a comprehensive asthma program,
including access to guidelines-based asthma care, expanded asthma self-
management education in clinical and home visits, and environmental policies
and practices to reduce exposure to asthma triggers.
Statewide asthma programs should partner with multiple sectors, including
health systems, housing, workplaces, schools and childcare facilities, when
implementing comprehensive asthma programs.
Statewide asthma programs should implement the activities outlined in CDC’s
EXHALE Guide for Public Health Professionals.
Statewide asthma programs should identify and ensure they address asthma in
underserved and disproportionately affected populations in their strategic plan
and activities.
About the evidence. Strategic plans represent a coordinated approach that targets
both clinical and environmental aspects of asthma. All CDC-funded state asthma
programs are required to develop and maintain a strategic asthma plan to assess the
burden of asthma and available asthma control services, outline major strategies and
activities, and identify resources and collaborations needed to accomplish these
Statewide asthma programs working in partnership with community-based
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partners that work directly with communities disproportionately impacted by asthma is
a strategy that is helping to improve asthma. Statewide and local partnerships increase
the capacity to enhance asthma surveillance, improve asthma management, reduce
exposure to environmental factors that exacerbate the risk of asthma, and ultimately
reduce disparities in asthma outcomes.
Over the past decade, congressional appropriations for the NACP have vacillated
between approximately $23 million and $30 million. The NACP received $30.5 million
for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022. This level of funding has allowed the NACP to provide grants
to 23 states, Puerto Rico, and Houston, Texas. To be able to fund comprehensive
asthma programs in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and all U.S. territories, the
NACP would require approximately $65 million in funding from Congress. Federal
legislation known as the Elijah E. Cummings Family Asthma Act would authorize just this
amount. Ultimately, this level of funding is what is required to enable all individuals in the
United States to benefit from the impactful activities of a comprehensive asthma
The federal government and states should institute a comprehensive, nationwide
asthma surveillance system that provides timely and relevant data.
Asthma surveillance systems should include the collection of asthma data at
both the national and the state level.
The asthma surveillance system should collect or coordinate with other
agencies/organizations to obtain data and report measures that are nationally
consistent by patients' age, sex, race, ethnicity, occupation, and socio-economic
The asthma surveillance system should track asthma prevalence, morbidity and
mortality, and coordinate with other data gathering efforts.
The asthma surveillance system should explore obtaining data from non-
traditional sources, including federally qualified health centers (FQHC),
government (Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program [CHIP]), private
insurance, hospitals, and schools.
About the evidence. National data is available on asthma prevalence, activity limitation,
days of work or school lost, rescue and control medication use, asthma self-
management education, physician visits, emergency department visits due to asthma,
and mortality due to asthma from National Center for Health Statistics’ (NCHS) National
Health Interview Survey (NHIS), National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS),
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National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NHAMCS) and the Vital Statistics
System. In addition, national data on asthma-related hospitalizations and emergency
department data for some states are from the Agency for Healthcare Research and
Qualitys (AHRQ) Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project survey (HCUP). At the state
level, adult and child asthma prevalence is available from the Behavioral Risk Factor
Surveillance System (BRFSS). BRFSS is a system of health-related telephone surveys
that collects information about prevalence of major behavioral risks associated with
adults ages 18 and older.
States may opt to include children in the survey. The
Asthma Call-back Survey (ACBS) adds considerable depth to the existing body of
asthma data. It addresses critical questions surrounding the health and experiences of
children and adults with asthma and provides data at the state and local level. The 2018
ACBS survey included 31 states and Puerto Rico. Any state can apply for funds to
conduct the ACBS. If more funding were available to states or territories, more states
could apply and improve the data set.
Asthma surveillance should also be able to track environmental and social factors
related to health disparities that contribute to high rates of poorly controlled asthma.
Some of the environmental factors associated with asthma exacerbations include
particulate pollution, pollen, mold, secondhand tobacco smoke, dust mites and
cleaning chemicals
as well as inhaling dusts, gases, fumes from chemicals or other
substances while at work.
Other factors that are attributed to health disparities in
asthma include social drivers such as poverty, where people live, age and quality of
housing, and access to quality healthcare services.
Federal, state and local governments’ natural disaster response plans and climate
resilience plans should address the needs of people with asthma.
Federal, state and local governments should consider the current and future
impacts of natural disasters and climate change on air quality in their natural
disaster response plans and climate resilience plans.
Federal, state and local governments should include air quality experts and
asthma control programs in their stakeholder engagement efforts when
planning and implementing natural disaster response plans and climate
resilience plans.
Federal, state and local governments should ensure that natural disaster
response plans and climate resilience plans address populations with chronic
lung conditions that may be disproportionately impacted by poor air quality.
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About the evidence. Asthma and other chronic conditions can be worsened during
natural disasters as a result of disrupted access to asthma medicines and healthcare,
stress, or exposures to pollutants such as wildfire smoke or mold after flooding. Acute
respiratory infections and exacerbations of chronic lung conditions are common after
natural disasters, and preparedness and response efforts should be aware of and plan
for associated healthcare needs.
An increased focus on personal preparedness for
individuals, improvements in informatics and availability of healthcare records, and
increased capacity via standardized post-disaster treatment plans and first responder
training can help reduce the demand for care of chronic respiratory diseases in the
wake of a hurricane, wildfire or other disaster.
CDC is using its public health expertise to help state, tribal, local and territorial health
departments prepare for and respond to the health effects that a changing climate
may bring to their communities. CDC’s Climate-Ready States and Cities Initiative
(CRSCI) is helping grant recipients use the five-step Building Resilience Against Climate
Effects (BRACE) framework to identify likely climate impacts in their communities,
potential health effects associated with these impacts and their most at-risk
populations and locations.
The BRACE framework then helps these jurisdictions
develop and implement health adaptation plans and address gaps in critical public
health functions and services.
CDC’s Climate and Health Program recently released a new approach to climate
change-related health effects that expands CDC’s climate and health activities to build
capacity in communities to prepare for and respond to health impacts of climate
Air quality is a key concern with preparing for and responding to the impacts
of climate change, as climate change may cause increased frequency and intensity of
wildfire events, high smog days, flooding events and extended pollen seasons, all of
which can have impacts on respiratory health.
For personal preparedness, CDC provides guidance on asthma management during
hurricanes and includes a guide on safe asthma medication use after natural
This guidance emphasizes the need for a three-month supply of
medications, related equipment and documentationsuch as an asthma action plan
as well as getting the flu vaccine. Several national non-governmental organizations also
provide asthma-specific information to help individuals prepare for and recover from
hurricanes, wildfires and other disaster events.
36, 37, 38, 39
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Outdoor Air
Guiding Principles
The following principles should be considered in implementing asthma policy
recommendations relating to outdoor air:
Equitable protection from breathing outdoor air pollution should exist for people
with asthma throughout the country.
Actions taken to reduce outdoor air pollution should include strategies that
reduce air and climate pollution caused by building infrastructure and emissions
from the energy and transportation sectors.
Mitigating climate change by reducing greenhouse gases is critical to protecting
people with asthma.
Many people face higher exposure to pollution because of pollution sources
near their residence or community, furthering health disparities. Communities
may face multiple sources of pollution that contribute to greater cumulative
harm. Stronger and/or targeted measures and investments will be needed to
reduce exposure and pollution levels.
Outdoor air pollution poses a wide range of public health challenges, especially for
people with asthma who face greater risks of negative health effects. Additional groups
who are at higher risk of health harm from air pollutants include children, older adults,
people of color, low-income populations, people with cardiovascular disease or
diabetes, people who work or exercise outdoors and people who live or work near
busy highways. Communities of color and low-income communities may be more
susceptible to air pollution because they are more likely to have power plants, industrial
facilities, major roads and other sources of air pollution nearby. Much of this inequity is
rooted in the long history of systemic racism in the United States, including the practice
of redlining, wherein discriminatory policies and practices around real estate have, in
practice, led to racially segregated neighborhoods. When people with asthma fall into
one or more of these additional at-risk groups, the potential for health impacts is even
The year 2020 marked the 50th anniversary of the federal Clean Air Act, which aims to
protect human health from dirty air by requiring the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) to set limits, called National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS), on
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certain air pollutants. Thanks to this law, the nation enjoys much cleaner air overall
today, but challenges remain. First, too many communities located near polluting
sources are still awaiting cleanup. And second, climate change is already adding to the
challenges of achieving clean, healthy outdoor air for all people. Rising temperatures
are leading to higher levels of ozone (“smog”) formation; hotter, drier conditions are
contributing to drought and wildfires that add to existing particle pollution; and the
changing climate is leading to longer, more intense allergy seasons. The health impacts
of climate change, driven in part by these impacts on air quality, are projected to
dramatically worsen without decisive action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Climate change is driven by many of the same sources that emit other harmful air
pollution, including fossil fuel-fired power plants and gasoline- and diesel-powered
vehicles and equipment. A nationwide transition to zero-emission vehicles and clean,
non-combustion renewable electricity can reduce air pollutants that cause immediate
harm and reduce greenhouse gases at the same time, improving air quality for people
with asthma in both the short- and long-term.
Policy Statements and Supporting Strategies
Federal, state and local governments should support and implement the Clean Air
Act to reduce asthma risk from outdoor air pollution.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should adopt and implement strong
national measures to reduce emissions of outdoor air pollutants that cause or
worsen asthma and contribute to climate change.
EPA should adopt strong, science-based National Ambient Air Quality Standards
(NAAQS) that provide an adequate margin of safety for people with asthma and
other more vulnerable populations.
EPA, states and local governments should ensure reductions in emissions, so air
quality meets the NAAQS, and so that more local, community-level sources of
harmful pollution are addressed.
Federal, state and local agencies should use Clean Air Act tools and other steps
to reduce air and climate pollution.
About the evidence. The Clean Air Act provides a suite of proven tools to improve air
quality. From 1980 to 2020, emissions of common air pollutants declined 73% while the
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nation’s gross domestic product (GDP) grew 173%.
However, there is still much work
to do to fully implement the law.
The NAAQS process laid out in the law requires that EPA set the national limits on
ozone, particulate matter and four other criteria pollutants at the level requisite to
protect the public health, with an adequate margin of safety, and that the agency
review the science regularly and update the NAAQS, if necessary. The evidence has
shown that ozone and particulate matter are more harmful than previously realized and
the current standards do not adequately protect people with asthma.
NAAQS for these pollutants that reflect the current science would drive reductions in
emissions nationwide as states with unhealthy levels of these pollutants work to meet
the standards.
EPA also has the authority to require greater reductions in emissions for power plants,
the oil and natural gas industry and vehicles, including greenhouse gas emissions.
Stronger rules covering these sources are critical to driving a nationwide transition to
zero-emission electricity and transportation. The regulations resulting from the Clean
Air Act have the potential to improve health equity for people with asthma if they not
only drive down overall greenhouse gas emissions, but also maximize reductions in
localized sources of air pollution. EPA must also enforce regulations currently in place
to ensure that communities see the promised benefits of air pollution cleanup.
States and communities should reduce greenhouse gases to minimize climate
change, and prepare communities for hotter temperatures, more high-ozone days,
extreme weather, flooding, drought, wildfires and smoke to reduce risk for people
with lung disease.
States and communities should minimize climate change by cleaning up major
sources of carbon pollution and other greenhouse gases, including power
plants, industrial facilities, cars, trucks, and other mobile sources. These policies
o Adopt science-based targets to prevent global warming above 1.5° C.
o Maximize benefits to health by reducing carbon and methane pollution
while reducing other dangerous emissions from polluting sources.
o Ensure pollution is cleaned up in all communities, prioritizing those near
polluting sources who have historically borne a disproportionate burden
from air pollution.
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o Leave the Clean Air Act fully in place. Any policy to address climate
change must not weaken or delay the Clean Air Act or the authority that it
gives EPA to reduce carbon emissions.
About the evidence. Action on climate change is needed at every level of society,
including from state, Tribal, local and community governments. Strong federal action
must be paired with additional actions at the state and local level to protect people with
asthma from the impacts of the changing climate. At the state level, most states have
adopted Renewable Electricity Standard or Clean Electricity Standard policies designed
to transition electricity production from fossil-fuel-powered to more clean or renewable
However, of these states, only 12 plus the District of Columbia require 100%
clean electricity by 2050 or earlier. The Clean Air Act also allows California to set
stronger motor vehicle emissions standards than the federal government and other
states to opt into California’s standards. As a result, 16 states have adopted California’s
vehicle regulations.
Opportunities abound for additional states to set or strengthen
policies to drive their transitions to zero-emission electricity and transportation.
Actions at the local level can also provide reductions of both greenhouse gases and
other dangerous air pollutants, and cities nationwide are taking steps to do so. For
example, the Climate Mayors coalition, a network of more than 470 mayors nationwide,
has compiled city-level climate actions, including city solar installations, bike share
programs, renewable energy purchases, energy efficiency measures in city facilities,
building codes that will require new construction be net-zero energy, and installation of
electric vehicle charging stations.
In addition, states and communities must address the health impacts of climate change
that cannot be avoided. CDC’s BRACE framework helps communities project the health
burden of climate impacts, assess interventions, and develop and implement plans to
protect the public.
The American Public Health Association offers additional
informational resources for local health departments on understanding and addressing
the inequitable health impacts of climate change, including air quality issues that
disproportionately affect people with asthma.
State and local governments should prioritize environmental justice through
community-informed and directed healthy air protections and investments in
disproportionately impacted communities.
Implement environmental policies and best practices such as those outlined in
CDC’s “EXHALE Fact Sheet on Environmental Policies and Best Practices to
Reduce Asthma Triggers.”
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Enhance publicly available air quality and health data through expanded
monitoring networks to identify major sources of pollution burdens at the
community level and inform targeted clean-up efforts in areas disproportionately
impacted by asthma.
Reduce burdens caused by the fossil fuel industry through increased investment
in energy efficiency and zero-emission alternatives for transportation, energy,
home heating and cooking and other end uses to reduce asthma exacerbations.
Make public funding for transportation projects conditional on verifiable emission
reductions and providing alternatives to driving by increasing pedestrian, bicycle
and transit infrastructure and service).
Reduce harmful industrial and commercial practices that can exacerbate
asthma, including agricultural burning, oil and gas flaring and broadcast
applications of toxic pesticides.
Transition to zero-emission technologies for on- and off-road vehicles and
equipment (cars, school buses, transit, trucks, port equipment), such as by
purchasing zero-emission school buses to replace diesel buses.
Transition to zero-emission appliances for home heating and cooking to reduce
and eliminate health impacts caused by combustion.
Reduce emissions of pollutants from fossil fuel-fired power plants, especially
sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emissions, and transition to clean, non-
combustion renewable electricity.
Prohibit or restrict outdoor wood boilers (outdoor hydronic heaters) and require
cleanup or retirement of existing units.
Reduce agricultural sources of emissions, such as agricultural burning and diesel
trucks, tractors, pumps and other equipment.
Adopt policies that reduce the use of motor vehicles, promote more compact
and walkable community development, and encourage transit use, bicycling and
walking that is safe and accessible to all communities, especially those that have
been historically under-invested in and impacted negatively by transportation
Adopt or expand mass transit and other shared mobility options that reduce
emissions from motor vehicles and expand the benefits of healthier, less
polluting forms of travel.
Adopt policies to transition to zero-emission vehicles, including investment in
infrastructure and programs that ensure equitable distribution of the health
American Lung Association Page | 18
benefits of zero-emission cars, school and transit buses, trucks and other
transportation sources.
Implement policies and programs to reduce exposure to air pollution in
disproportionately burdened communities.
About the evidence. EPA defines environmental justice as “the fair treatment and
meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin or income
with respect to the development, implementation and enforcement of environmental
laws, regulations and policies,” and further says that fair treatment “means no group of
people should bear a disproportionate share of the negative environmental
consequences from industrial, governmental and commercial operations and
Of course, the nation has much work to do before people in all communities
experience fair treatment. Currently, people of color, low-income and indigenous
communities experience disproportionate harms from pollution, including health harms,
which puts people with asthma in these communities at additional risk.
EPA offers states and communities resources to identify environmental justice
concerns, including EJSCREEN, a tool that overlays data on low-income populations
and people of color with several environmental health indicators, including outdoor
ozone and particle pollution levels. However, additional monitoring is critical to capture
specific and timely air quality concerns that affect people with asthma in communities
with environmental justice concerns. The White House Environmental Justice Advisory
Council (WHEJAC) issued recommendations for the federal government in 2021 that
include ensuring that each state adequately monitors pollution in frontline and fence-
line communities, including hyperlocal measurements in communities that lack these
The use of combustionwhether of coal or natural gas at a power plant, of wood in an
outdoor boiler or residential woodstove, or of gasoline or diesel in vehicles and
equipmentcreates harmful emissions and puts people with asthma at risk. Programs
that transition away from combustion and reduce demand for combustion-based
energy are critical for cleaning up air pollution at the community level. The WHEJAC
recommendations also include policies to incentivize community solar projects; invest
in battery storage; transition to clean energy; invest in transit hubs; electrify school
buses and sanitation trucks and provide job training in the renewable energy industry.
The agriculture industry is another source of local pollution and greenhouse gases due
to fossil-fuel powered equipment, erosion and tilling of soil, agricultural burning and
fertilizer use. EPA offers guides to understand the agricultural best practices to reduce
these impacts.
Pesticides have additional health risks associated with them, including
asthma and other lung problems, and pose a danger to the workers who apply them.
American Lung Association Page | 19
The National Pesticide Information Center offers guides to understand the risks and
reduce exposure.
The above steps to reduce emissions can be paired with additional measures that help
mitigate the harm of existing air pollution. For example, in areas prone to exposure to
wildfire smoke, residents may benefit from programs that provide access to
mechanical air filtration devices (air cleaners) to help them create a space in their home
in which it is safer to breathe during smoke events.
Important considerations include
focusing on effective devices that do not produce ozone or other additive technologies
and informing the public about key considerations for their use, including sizing of the
device relative to the room.
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Healthcare Systems and Financing
Guiding Principles
The following principles should be considered in implementing asthma policy
recommendations relating to healthcare systems and financing:
The healthcare system, in partnership with other sectors, should work to
address the medical needs and social determinants of health for people with
asthma, and communities with the highest burden.
All patients should receive high-quality, culturally competent, guidelines-based
asthma care regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation and gender
identity, age, disability, immigration status, socioeconomic status or geographic
Access to high-quality, affordable healthcare coverage is critical to improving the
health of people with asthma and reducing health disparities. Since the passage of the
Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2010, historic progress has been made. Patients with pre-
existing conditions like asthma can no longer be denied coverage or charged more
because of their health status. The ACA also provides subsidies to purchase health
insurance, enables states to expand Medicaid coverage, and allows young adults to
stay covered by their families’ health insurance until age 26. As a result of these
changes, the number of uninsured individuals dropped from 46.5 million in 2010 to 26.7
million in 2016, with some of the largest coverage gains among low-income individuals
and people of color.
The past decade has also seen significant changes in where patients can access
healthcare services. In 2014, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
reversed its free care policy, expanding the ability of school-based health programs to
provide services for individuals with Medicaid coverage.
This policy change, for
example, expands the ability of school health professionals to provide, and be
reimbursed for, self-management education for students with asthma. Additionally, as
a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, federal and state lawmakers have made temporary
and permanent policy changes to increase the number of patients who can access
healthcare services via telehealth, including care needed to manage asthma.
Despite this progress, many patients with asthma are still not getting the care that they
need from our nation’s healthcare system. Twelve states have failed to expand
Medicaid, leaving the most vulnerable people in those states without access to
The number of uninsured individuals has also increased from 2016 to
American Lung Association Page | 21
2019, and disparities in coverage still remain, with people of color more likely to be
uninsured than white individuals.
The passage of expanded financial assistance for
coverage through the American Rescue Plan Act, as well as new investments in
outreach and enrollment, appear to be helping to reverse this trend, with the number of
uninsured individuals once again falling in both 2020 and 2021.
Policy Statements and Supporting Strategies
All people with asthma should have comprehensive, affordable, and accessible
healthcare coverage to improve overall health and quality of life.
Maintain and expand access to Medicaid, CHIP and other affordable health
insurance coverage options for eligible populations.
Ensure that Medicaid and other payers include all asthma treatments and home-
based asthma services that reduce or eliminate environmental asthma triggers
recommended by national evidence-based guidelines in coverage policies.
End policies that require patients to change medications when they are already
well controlled (non-medical switching) and other practices that interfere with
patients’ ability to control their asthma.
Limit out of pocket costs for patients to support adherence to medications and
other treatments.
About the evidence. Medicaid remains an important source of coverage for patients
with asthma; for example, nearly half of children with asthma receive their coverage
through Medicaid or CHIP.
Research on the ACA’s Medicaid expansion highlights the
beneficial impact of Medicaid coverage on patients with asthma. For example,
Medicaid expansion is associated with a reduction in preventable hospitalizations for
asthma and other chronic conditions.
Another study found that Medicaid expansion is
associated with improvements in quality measures related to asthma management at
federally qualified health centers, an important source of care for patients with lower
Recognizing the burden of asthma in the Medicaid population, with the support of CDC,
the American Lung Association launched the Asthma Guidelines-Based Care Coverage
Project in 2015 to track asthma guidelines-based care in state Medicaid programs. The
first peer-reviewed study from this project, published in Preventing Chronic Disease in
September 2018, found a lack of consistent and comprehensive coverage of
guidelines-based asthma care across state Medicaid programs as well as multiple
American Lung Association Page | 22
barriers to care.
Project data are updated annually and continue to show much room
for improvement in this area.
The 2009 National Asthma Public Policy Agenda recognized the burden that restrictive
formularies and high costs for care have on patients with asthma, problems that
unfortunately remain a decade later. Non-medical switchingwhere health plans
require patients to change their asthma medication to one that has preferred status on
their formulary, sometimes repeatedlycan have a long-term negative impact on
patients’ asthma control.
Additionally, high deductible health plans have grown
significantly over the past decade, and while the Internal Revenue Service updated
guidance in 2019 to clarify that inhaled corticosteroids for asthma management should
be covered by these plans as preventive care before patients hit their deductibles,
many medications, devices and other treatments to manage asthma are not subject to
this policy, leaving patients at risk for high costs.
According to a poll conducted by the Kaiser Family Foundation in 2021, 26% of
individuals report having trouble affording their prescription medications, and three in
10 adults report having not taken medications at some point in the previous year due to
Research has shown that higher cost-sharing is associated with reduced
treatment for patients with asthma,
and even copayments as low as one to five
dollars can result in reduced use of necessary healthcare services by individuals with
lower incomes.
Private health insurance, Medicare and Medicaid should develop and implement
policies and payment systems to support the delivery of guidelines-based asthma
care, address social determinants of health and eliminate disparities.
Implement activities such as those outlined in CDC’s EXHALE Guide for Medicaid
and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Leaders or CDC’s EXHALE
Guide for Managed Care Leaders and Staff.
Ensure that prescription formularies include a full range of medication options for
quick-relief and long-term control of asthma in accordance with the National
Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) guidelines for diagnosing
and managing asthma.
Develop and test innovative payment models that incentivize providers and
cover treatments and services to support the needs of people with asthma.
Develop and implement coding, coverage and reimbursement policies for
payment for home-based asthma services, including environmental remediation.
American Lung Association Page | 23
Develop and implement sustainable financing mechanisms to better integrate
services provided by community health workers into the healthcare delivery
Expand access to telehealth services.
About the evidence. The ACA expanded opportunities related to payment reform to
test new models that can decrease costs and improve patient care, a potential
pathway to translate innovations in clinical practice into public health advancements.
Institutions like the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (MACPAC)
are studying the implementation of value-based payment models in state Medicaid
programs, which will be important to ensure the innovations in this area reach the
underserved populations enrolled in these programs.
With regard to asthma specifically, stakeholders have increasingly focused on
achieving coverage and reimbursement for home-based asthma interventions that
have a strong record of improving asthma control as well as a positive return on
While the Asthma Guidelines-Based Care Coverage Project has shown
low uptake of these interventions by state Medicaid programs, many state asthma
programs are working to expand coverage in this area.
In 2021, the Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released guidance on opportunities in Medicaid
and CHIP to address social determinants of health, including interventions to address
triggers in the home environment for patients with asthma.
Efforts to expand
coverage and reimbursement for community health workers in state Medicaid
programs are closely related to efforts to expand coverage of home-based asthma
interventions, and a recent review found emerging evidence of a positive return on
investment from home-based asthma interventions led by community health workers
77, 78
Because of the critical role of CHWs in providing culturally competent care
in their communities, expanding and integrating their services into the healthcare
system could also be an important component of efforts to eliminate health disparities
among patients with asthma.
The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically expanded the adoption of telehealth. Some
states have already moved to make temporary changes to expand access to telehealth
visits with providers permanent.
Some state asthma programs have worked to make
interventions like in-home environmental assessments for patients with asthma
available virtually or using hybrid models (in-person plus virtual visits).
Evaluations of
transitions to virtual implementation of home visit programs that include home
environmental assessments and self-management education will be key to building the
evidence-base for longer-term policy change related to the delivery of asthma services
via telehealth.
American Lung Association Page | 24
Provider teams should deliver services and treatments consistent with the National
Asthma Education and Prevention Program guidelines for the diagnosis and
management of asthma with appropriate care coordination.
Implement the activities outlined in CDC’s EXHALE Guide for Healthcare
Provide self-management education using evidence-based interventions by
trained professionals as a standard of care.
Develop and use asthma action plans for all patients.
Provide case management and care coordination, including home-based
asthma education, environmental assessment, remediation, and referrals to
other social supports or resources, for high-risk patients and those whose
asthma is not well controlled.
Provide tobacco dependence treatment and pharmacological therapy to
smokers who have asthma or who have family members with asthma.
Recruit and train a diverse workforce to care for patients with asthma, including
community health workers (CHW), pharmacists and other members of patients’
care teams.
About the evidence. Many of the strategies in this section were included in the 2009
National Asthma Public Policy Agenda and remain relevant today. In 2020, the National
Heart, Lung and Blood Institute released the 2020 Focused Updates to the Asthma
Management Guidelines: A Report from the National Asthma Education and Prevention
Program Expert Panel working group.
These updates have important implications for
asthma management, and it will be important to track their implementation to
determine whether additional strategies are needed to ensure providers teams are
equipped to deliver guidelines-based care.
The strategy about recruiting and training a diverse workforce recognizes the
increased focus on reducing health disparities in asthma policy work over the past
decade. Research has shown that patients benefit when receiving care from diverse
teams, with diversity defined by race, age, educational status, and other similar
CHWs have been well-documented in the literature to provide asthma home
environmental assessments and asthma education. Since the publication of the 2009
Agenda, CHWs delivered a range of home-based asthma services including home
environmental assessments, trigger reduction education, and asthma self-
management management education
and have improved outcomes (e.g., reduced
American Lung Association Page | 25
emergency department visits, hospitalization, and asthma symptoms) in underserved
85, 86
The healthcare system should develop and meet quality improvement goals that
improve outcomes for patients with asthma.
Implement the activities outlined in CDC’s EXHALE Guide for Healthcare System
Executive Leaders.
Revise, expand or develop national performance measures aligned with national
standards to better measure asthma control and quality of care.
Provide comprehensive and consistent data that is reported across healthcare
systems, including through electronic health records, to improve asthma
surveillance and tracking of asthma outcomes and disparities.
About the evidence. There are multiple quality measures related to asthma, including
the asthma medication ratio (AMR), which measures level of control and, by extension,
the quality of the asthma care patients receive based on their medication use.
AMR is included in both the Child Core Set and Adult Core Set, measures that CMS
recommends state Medicaid programs report on. Beginning in 2024, all states will be
required to report on the Child Core Set of measures to CMS, including the AMR.
Moving to mandatory reporting will make the federal quality data set more robust and
should drive providers to deliver evidence-based care. However, some stakeholders
believe these measures are insufficient and have begun discussing other possible
measures that better capture the quality of patientsasthma care.
For example, Green
& Healthy Homes Initiative collaborated with stakeholders to develop a standard set of
measures for the reimbursement of in-home environmental health services as part of
comprehensive asthma care.
Accessing and analyzing claims data and other sources of data are vital to evaluating
progress in asthma care. Without high-quality data, ineffective programs may be
difficult to identify and even harder to improve. Limitations and challenges exist with
respect to accessing or acquiring large administrative data files, data management,
data integration and, most importantly, data quality issues. Alternative sources of
asthma-related data (such as surveys) rely on patient self-reporting, which can be
unreliable. The need for high-quality, accessible data remains a significant challenge.
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Guiding Principles
The following principles should be considered in implementing asthma policy
recommendations relating to homes:
Policies for homes include all residential settings, including single and multi-unit
housing, group homes, shelters, institutionalized settings, etc.
Housing codes are public health tools that can and should be used to improve
indoor environmental quality in homes of residents who have asthma.
Harmful pollutants generated from the use of e-cigarettes and the combustion
of tobacco products, wood and fossil fuels for heating and cooking should be
eliminated from homes.
“Green building” guidelines do not necessarily provide adequate protection from
asthma health concerns.
People with asthma should have access to affordable, safe, healthy and climate-
resilient homes and neighborhoods.
The home is where most people spend much of their time, from infancy through old
age. There are many factors that affect the quality of the home environment and the
health of its residents, including the age and physical condition of the structure, the
materials used in the building and furnishings and the activities of the occupants.
Homes of all types often contain known triggers for asthma exacerbations, including
dampness and mold, dust mites, pests, secondhand smoke, cleaning chemicals,
pesticides, disinfectants and fragrances. Numerous studies have linked the indoor
environment with the development and exacerbation of asthma. Measures
recommended to reduce asthma triggers in the home include controlling humidity
levels and fixing water leaks, removing carpeting/rugs in bedrooms, vacuuming
carpets, area rugs and floors regularly using a vacuum with a HEPA filter, eliminating
cockroaches and rats, not using cleaning compounds or disinfectant that can
aggravate asthma, using special covers on mattresses and pillows, and reducing
indoor combustion, including smoking.
Since there are few policy approaches available that apply to private residences, most
control strategies for asthma triggers in homes are voluntary. Even in rental and multi-
unit housing, building owners and managers have a lot of autonomy when establishing
American Lung Association Page | 27
rules and practices for maintaining their properties. The three main types of state and
local laws that address the indoor environment in rental and multi-unit housing are
housing codes, landlord-tenant laws and laws or rules regulating specific indoor
pollutants, such as secondhand smoke.
The policy recommendations in this section have remained much the same as in the
original 2009 National Asthma Public Policy Agenda. One important addition is the
recognition that healthy housing will need to be made resilient to the effects of climate
change, including increasing temperatures, wildfires and flooding. Progress on policy
change in housing over the last 10 years has been for the most part slow, incremental
and localized. One significant exception has been the increase in the number of smoke
free laws and policies, especially in public housing.
Secondhand smoke is a serious health hazard causing or making worse a wide range
of diseases and conditions, including asthma. Children are particularly at risk as,
according to the U.S. Surgeon General, exposure to secondhand smoke causes more
frequent and more severe asthma episodes.
In the decade since this agenda was last
updated, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development took a major step
forward when it finalized and implemented a rule requiring public housing agencies to
prohibit smoking in all public housing. This rule is expected to significantly reduce
exposure to secondhand smoke among public housing residents who are
disproportionately exposed.
Policy Statements and Supporting Strategies
Housing agencies should adopt housing codes that protect people with asthma
from exposure to indoor air pollutants, irritants and allergens.
Adopt and proactively enforce healthy housing standards in state and local
housing codes.
Use integrated pest management (IPM) techniques in multi-unit housing.
About the evidence. Housing codes are a set of tools used by states and
municipalities to set minimum standards for the maintenance of residential buildings.
Most U.S. cities, counties and states that adopt and enforce housing codes opt to base
them on model codes developed by the International Code Council. The purpose of
housing codes is to preserve a building’s structural and weather-resistant performance
and ensure a minimum level of safety and sanitation for residents and the community.
American Lung Association Page | 28
Many of the standard housing codes touch on issues that affect occupant health,
including peeling paint, mold and moisture and cockroach and rat control, but health is
not usually the primary focus. To better connect the housing and public health sectors,
the American Public Health Association and the National Center for Healthy Housing
published the National Healthy Housing Standard in 2014.
This evidence-based
Standard includes many provisions for maintaining healthy indoor air quality and
facilitating the environmental management of asthma. The Standard is written in
housing code language to complement the International Property Maintenance Code. It
is intended for use by housing advocates, public health professionals, elected officials,
code agency staff and community members interested in strengthening their local
As the evidence for the impact of housing on health has grown over time, more states
and municipalities have taken steps to address the problem of substandard housing
though code changes. In 2018, for example, the New York City Council passed a law to
amend the city’s housing maintenance code to require private landlords to prevent and
remediate indoor asthma triggers in their multi-unit residential buildings. The law lays
out detailed provisions for addressing mold and pests and is notable for its mandate to
use IPM practices to minimize the use of chemicals in controlling pests. IPM as defined
by the EPA is an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest
management that relies on a combination of common-sense practices.
there is a need for additional state and federal funding opportunities for housing
agencies to address indoor environmental quality conditions in subsidized and public
State and local health departments and housing agencies should enforce housing
codes to protect people with asthma from exposure to indoor air pollutants,
irritants and allergens.
Provide training for housing code enforcement officials on applying codes to
address indoor environmental quality problems.
Provide proactive inspections of rental housing.
Provide authority and capacity for local health departments to take legal action
to enforce indoor environmental quality-related codes and laws (including
nuisance laws).
Provide capacity within state and local housing inspection agencies to offer
specialized services to identify and remedy indoor environmental quality
problems where families with asthma reside.
American Lung Association Page | 29
Improve legal and other recourse for tenants to ensure enforcement of local
laws (including judicial education, increasing legal services and tenant
education) without risk of displacement.
Provide capacity for state and local health departments to offer guidance to
property owners on identifying and remediating indoor environmental quality
problems, including information on smokefree policies.
About the evidence. Enforcement of housing codes has the potential to be a powerful
tool in the environmental management of asthma, but there are many challenges to
implementing it effectively. Just as housing codes are most often focused on basic
safety and sanitation, rather than health, so too are most code enforcement efforts. In
most places, inspection by code enforcement officers is based on complaints, rather
than being done systematically, so serious health and safety problems can be missed
until they become a crisis. Complaints about housing code violations are frequently
based on exterior conditions such as trash and peeling paint, rather than conditions
inside the home that affect occupant health. Tenants can be fearful of being displaced
if they complain about their living conditions. Therefore, enforcement of laws should
not put tenants at risk of displacement (e.g., raised rent, eviction).
To ensure that housing is safe and healthy, municipalities need a range of enforcement
tools, including detailed, enforceable health-based code language, financial support to
hire and train enforcement officers and community support for and cooperation with
the program. Cross-agency collaboration is critical to ensure that all the various
government agencies with enforcement authority in residential buildings are
coordinating their efforts and services. The health department managing a home
asthma program, for example, should be able to share information with housing
inspectors to address a mold problem.
Making code enforcement less punitive and more collaborative has been shown to
increase community support and compliance.
Alameda County in California adopted
a cooperative compliance model, in which code enforcement officers work
cooperatively with property owners to help them understand the elements of healthy
housing, the importance of code compliance and how to bring the property into
compliance. The code enforcement officer is also able to provide information about
available resources to improve housing conditions and promote health. The Boston
Public Health Commission’s Breathe Easy at Home program is a web-based referral
system that allows healthcare professionals to refer patients to receive a home
inspection that is conducted by the Boston Inspectional Services Department (ISD).
The ISD inspectors work with property owners to address poor housing conditions for
people with asthma.
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Multi-unit housing, including public and other federally supported housing, should
be smokefree.
Pass state and local laws and regulations to require smokefree multi-unit
housing, including e-cigarettes and marijuana.
Expand policy with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
(HUD) to require all federally supported multi-family housing to be smokefree.
Develop and disseminate guidance on best practices for enforcement of
smokefree policies while minimizing displacement and eviction.
Provide resources and services to support smokers wishing to quit.
Collaborate with tenants’ rights and other community-based organizations to
develop and implement policies and best practices.
About the evidence. According to the U.S. Surgeon General, secondhand smoke has
been causally linked to a number of diseases and conditions, including lung cancer,
heart disease and stroke in adults and respiratory symptoms, including impaired lung
function, lower respiratory illness, and sudden infant death syndrome among children.
Children with asthma exposed to secondhand smoke have more severe and more
frequent asthma attacks.
The Surgeon General has also declared that aerosol coming
from e-cigarettes is “not harmless.”
In addition, secondhand marijuana smoke
contains many of the same toxins and carcinogens found in directly inhaled marijuana
smoke, in similar amounts if not more.
Therefore, e-cigarettes, marijuana smoking and
vaping can be harmful to lung health.
Children have a higher prevalence of secondhand smoke exposure than adults,
especially children age 3 to 11, and most exposure among children occurs in the
In 2019, an estimated 25.3% of middle and high school students reported
secondhand smoke exposure in the home. Exposure is even higher for children living in
multi-unit housing. Among children who live in homes in which no one smokes indoors,
those children living in multi-unit housing such as apartments or condos have 45%
higher cotinine levels than children living in single-family homes.
Disparities in secondhand smoke exposure also persist despite overall declines in the
number of people exposed to secondhand smoke, especially for Black individuals and
people who live below the federal poverty level.
The disparities for Black people are
particularly stark50.3% of Black people who do not smoke are exposed compared to
approximately 20% of white people and individuals of Mexican descent.
In addition,
while secondhand smoke exposure among U.S. youth in homes and vehicles
significantly declined from 2011 to 2018, exposure among Black youth did not change.
American Lung Association Page | 31
On July 31, 2018, an important rule from HUD took effect that required public housing
agencies to prohibit smoking in all public housing. Specifically, the rule prohibited the
smoking of most tobacco products in all public housing living units and interior areas,
including but not limited to hallways, rental and administrative offices, community
centers, day care centers, laundry centers, and similar structures, as well as in outdoor
areas within 25 feet of public housing and administrative office buildings.
The rule,
unfortunately, does not include e-cigarettes, but individual public housing authorities
can extend their policies to include them.
This rule is expected to reduce exposure to secondhand smoke for close to 2 million
public housing residents and reduce episodes of asthma accordingly. Although not the
main intent of the rule, it is also expected to reduce cigarette consumption and
increase smoking cessation rates. One study of public housing residents in Milwaukee,
Wisconsin, showed a decrease in secondhand smoke exposure after implementation
of the rule.
Another study measuring air quality in Norfolk, Virginia, found that
secondhand smoke exposure initially dropped one month after the rule’s
implementation, then increased relative to the previous year’s exposure level several
months later.
Both studies point to the need for ongoing implementation support,
including ongoing education of public housing authority residents and staff, and
thoughtful enforcement for the benefits of the rule to be fully realized. HUD, the
American Lung Association, and many other organizations assembled implementation
and smoking cessation resources based in part on previous voluntary adoption of
smokefree housing policies by public housing authorities, and some organizations
provided direct implementation support in the 18-month period between when the rule
was finalized and implemented.
At present, no efforts are underway to extend the smokefree policy to other federally
subsidized housing, but that could be considered in the future to further reduce
exposure to secondhand smoke among populations disproportionately exposed to
secondhand smoke and e-cigarette aerosol.
Uptake of state or local laws prohibiting smoking in multi-unit housing has been much
less widespread, with only a few communities in California adopting such laws. Over 10
states do explicitly prohibit smoking in the common areas of multi-unit housing as part
of their laws prohibiting smoking in public places and workplaces. Efforts in certain
communities to encourage voluntary adoption of smokefree multi-unit housing policies
have been much more widespread, with programs existing or having existed in the
majority of states.
American Lung Association Page | 32
State and local agencies should incorporate best practices for healthy and climate-
resilient homes through construction, rehabilitation and repair of housing, including
public and other federally supported housing.
Identify substandard public and other federally assisted housing buildings and
renovate according to best practices for healthy indoor environmental quality.
Green building guidelines should incorporate healthy housing standards.
Housing authorities should incorporate financing tools, including grants, loans
and tax credits, to ensure safe and healthy properties.
Ensure that federal policies for the funding of housing rehabilitation encourage
following best practices for improving indoor environmental quality for housing
rehabilitation and weatherization.
Housing authorities should incorporate climate resilience into building
construction, rehabilitation and repair with considerations of siting of residential
buildings and flood protection; materials; heating, cooling and ventilation; energy
sources; and zero-emission vehicle fueling infrastructure.
About the evidence. Much progress has been made in the last 10 years in identifying
best practices in building and maintaining healthy and climate resilient homes.
Research has shown that applying these practices can reduce asthma morbidity,
including in public and federally subsidized housing.
109, 110
Climate change is affecting buildings and indoor environments as well as outdoor
environments. Wildfires and extreme storms can cause extensive structural damage
and leave toxic residue behind. Buildings can be modified not only to reduce their
contributions to the fossil fuel use that drives climate change, but also to enhance their
resilience in the face of climate impacts.
Changes made to homes to improve their energy efficiency are important to reduce
demand for electricity that comes from polluting sources. Indoor air quality
considerations must be incorporated into green building practices to ensure that
measures that reduce airflow between the indoors and outdoors to reduce heating and
cooling costs, for example, do not contribute to air quality problems.
EPA offers
guidelines for energy upgrades in multi-unit and single family homes designed to
inform contractors and environmental professionals for voluntary adoption by state,
Tribal and local weatherization assistance programs, federally funded housing
renovation programs and others.
Initial considerations in single-family homes, for
example, include ensuring that combustion appliances are properly vented, that
exposure to building materials that may contain volatile organic compounds is
American Lung Association Page | 33
minimized, that flooring is water-resistant in areas prone to moisture, and that mold
problems are remediated before buildings are upgraded.
114, 115
Additionally, EPA offers a compendium of green building codes and identifies which
include indoor environmental quality factors.
The American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) offers a guide to ensuring
healthy indoor air quality in design, construction and commissioning, including
adequate air filtration.
Federal, state and municipal governments and nonprofit organizations offer a
patchwork of funding programs to help landlords and low-income homeowners with
home repairs. HUD has several loan and grant programs to address housing-related
health hazards, including asthma. USDA Single Family Housing Repair Loans and Grants
provide funds to elderly and very-low-income homeowners to remove health and
safety hazards, perform necessary repairs and make homes more energy efficient.
Some communities use their HUD-funded Community Development Block Grants for
housing code enforcement programs and housing rehabilitation efforts. Unfortunately,
these funding programs are not available consistently across the country, and can be
difficult to find and apply for, which limits the accessibility of proven best practices,
especially for the most vulnerable populations.
American Lung Association Page | 34
Guiding Principles
Closer coordination between schools and the healthcare system is critical to
improve health outcomes for children with asthma.
Provision of adequate health services requires creative solutions including
private/public partnerships, use of health technicians, etc. Links between
schools, private/public partnerships and other community services should be
aggressively pursued and used.
Although these policy recommendations focus on schools, children with asthma
in all institutional settings, including childcare and residential programs, should
receive similar protections.
Asthma is one of the most common chronic childhood illnesses in the United States,
affecting 5.5 million children. Although common, asthma can be difficult to manage,
and its impact on the well-being of children and families ripples through communities
nationwide. In 2018, 44% of children with asthma reported missing at least one day of
school due to asthma.
Additionally, the average annual rate of children visiting the
emergency room for asthma in 2016-2018 was 88.1 per 10,000, much higher than the
rate for adults at 41.1 per 10,000.
A student’s health status can directly affect their
attendance and academic achievement and may impact a parent’s ability to go to
work. For example, asthma is linked with chronic absenteeism, and students that miss
fifteen or more school days a year are at an increased risk of dropping out of school.
Schools face several issues directly related to asthmaproviding a healthy school
environment, potential asthma emergencies, absenteeism, student and teacher
productivity, health office visits, and access to life-saving asthma medications. Often,
schools are not prepared to manage these issues, resulting in a school environment
that may cause or worsen asthma symptoms and impede a student’s learning.
In 2014, the Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) and the
CDC launched the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model.
WSCC is an expansion of the CDC’s Coordinated School Health model. The WSCC
model does not replace the Coordinated School Health model, but rather expands on it
and builds on the lessons learned through its implementation. It uses a collaborative
approach to improve learning and health in schools across the country. The model
American Lung Association Page | 35
encourages engagement of the community, creating opportunities for schools to
facilitate linkages to healthcare providers and other social services.
Over the last 10 years, some of the biggest advancements in school districts and
schools that directly impact children with asthma have come from the adoption of
policies that allow schools to stock quickrelief asthma medication, the use of Every
Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) funds to improve school buildings, and opportunities
through the reversal of the free-care rule for schools to receive Medicaid
reimbursement to manage chronic conditions.
121, 122, 123, 124, 125
In 2015, Congress passed
the School-Based Allergies and Asthma Management Program Act. This law
incentivizes states to require schools to have trained nursing or other personnel on
staff, as well as require each student with asthma or allergies to have a personalized
action plan.
ESSA replaced the “No Child Left Behind Act” in December 2015. ESSA is a law that
governs school and school districts’ education policy for K-12. ESSA includes several
provisions that support student health, such as: adding chronic absenteeism as a
required indicator to school report cards for Title I schools; supporting school nursing
services as a part of the Title 1 Schoolwide Program Plans; restructuring Title IV, Safe
and Healthy Students, to require that eligible school districts conduct a needs
assessment to identify the health and safety needs of their students; and recognizing
both health education and physical education as part of a well-rounded education.
ESSA also requires states to include a measure of school quality or student
engagement and over 30 states use chronic absence as that measure.
eligible for ESSA funds could apply financial resources to develop school asthma
management plans. An optimal asthma management plan for schools is one that
supports a healthy school environment and implements appropriate policies and
procedures to manage the medical aspects of students with asthma.
The opportunities presented by ESSA implementation for supporting healthy schools
and student health and wellness can help to transform education to better support
healthy schools and student health and wellness and address key health issues, such
as asthma, that impact studentsability to learn.
School health services are delivered primarily by the school nurse. School nurses play a
pivotal role in the health and well-being of students with asthma. The school nurse is
responsible for many critical components, including ensuring that quick-relief
medication is at school for each student with asthma; implementing a student’s asthma
action plan; administering medication or supervising the administration of medications;
monitoring the student’s condition, and often providing asthma education to the rest of
the school staff. School nurses are uniquely able to identify students whose asthma is
not well controlled and to work with the family and the student’s asthma care clinician
American Lung Association Page | 36
to identify and implement the right control measures. Since the publication of the 2009
Agenda, there has been an increase in the number of School-based Health Centers
(SBHCs) with over 2,500 now available in underserved communities.
In August 2015,
the Community Preventative Services Task Force recommended “the implementation
and maintenance of SBHCs in low-income communities to improve education and
health outcomes.”
Communities with SBHCs have demonstrated decreases in
asthma morbidity, emergency room visits and hospitalizations for asthma.
National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE), through its State Policy
Database, tracks state health policies. NASBE tracks several state policies related to
school-based health services, including policies that address on-campus health
centers or clinics. Eighteen states and the District of Columbia have policies that
address on-campus health centers or clinics.
Policy Statements and Supporting Strategies
Every state should put in place laws and regulations to improve asthma
management in schools.
Establish laws to authorize stocking of asthma medication in schools.
Provide funding to support school nurses in every school.
Expand Medicaid programs to allow school districts to bill Medicaid for all
Medicaid eligible services delivered to Medicaid enrolled students.
State Boards of Education should create and disseminate standards or
recommendations for healthcare services and alternative methods for providing
care in schools in the absence of school nurses.
State Departments of Health and State Departments of Education should
coordinate activities to support asthma policies and practices in schools.
States should use funding from and implement procedures recommended by
ESSA to improve school buildings.
About the Evidence. When children with asthma go off to school, their safety and the
management of their condition becomes the shared responsibility of the family, their
healthcare providers and school personnel. Every state and the District of Columbia has
passed a law allowing students with asthma to self-carry their asthma inhalers.
However, there is still a range of policies and practices in place that create barriers to
appropriate access to these potentially lifesaving medicines during the school day. In a
2014 issue brief, “Improving Access to Asthma Medications in Schools: Laws, policies,
American Lung Association Page | 37
practices and recommendations,” the American Lung Association identified six barriers
to optimal access to asthma medications in schools, including local control, parental
engagement, assessing a student’s readiness to self-carry, availability of back-up
medication, protection from liability, and penalties that limit access to life-saving
Currently, 15 states have laws or state administrative guidelines allowing
schools to stock quick-relief medications.
However, there is still much work that
needs to be done in communities to fully implement the law. Once a law has been
established, it is important for school districts and schools to put protective policies
and practices into place, such as obtaining medication and supplies, training
designated school staff in administering stock quick-relief asthma medication, and
implementing a communication strategy to inform students, parents, staff, and the
larger community. An American Thoracic Society policy statement, published in
September 2021, provides a comprehensive guide for passing and implementing laws
pertaining to stock asthma medication in schools.
Every state should provide funding for school nurses in every school. CDC estimates
that 40% of school-aged children and adolescents have at least one chronic health
The National Association of School Nurses and the American Academy of
Pediatrics recommends at least one full-time school nurse per school.
136, 137
there are no federal laws regulating school nurse staffing, and the Department of
Education does not monitor the number of school nurses at the state or local level. For
schools without a school nurse, state boards of education should intervene by
providing guidance for schools to address health. ESSA funds could help to support
school nursing services.
School nurses serve an important role in asthma treatment, including monitoring
asthma, medication delivery and care coordination.
138, 139
Studies have demonstrated
that full-time school nurses reduce illness-related absenteeism. All states have a
school Medicaid program that allows school districts to bill for certain Medicaid-eligible
services, including nursing services. As of March 2022, 16 states have expanded their
school Medicaid programs through the free care policy reversal to allow school
districts to bill for additional services delivered to Medicaid enrolled students.
than half of public schools (51.1%) bill for Medicaid reimbursement; however,
reimbursements differ by state.
Schools eligible for ESSA funds could also apply financial resources to develop school
asthma management plans. An optimal asthma management plan for schools is one
that not only manages the medical aspects of students with asthma but also
implements appropriate policies and procedures to support a healthy school
environment. A number of policies, programs and maintenance activities to ensure
healthy indoor air at school can also help to protect students with asthma.
American Lung Association Page | 38
Approximately 87% of districts use integrated pest management, defined as an
approach to pest control that seeks to minimize the use of pesticides. Integrated pest
management uses methods that focus on preventing pests by eliminating pest access
to food, water, and shelter in and around the school.
All educational facilities should adopt and implement policies and procedures for
the medical management of asthma that are based on current research and best
Implement recommended strategies such as those outlined in CDC’s EXHALE
Guide for Schools on coordination of care and educate all students with asthma
and their caregivers on asthma self-management.
Ensure that all students with asthma who are not well controlled are provided
case management by a school nurse or other designated school personnel.
Educate all educational personnel (especially health services, physical education
teachers, coaches and athletic trainers) about asthma, including how to identify
and respond to students at risk for a respiratory emergency.
Establish and implement emergency protocols for students in respiratory
Designated school health staff should identify and track all students with a
healthcare provider diagnosis of asthma and assess and refer students who
may be at risk for asthma or have asthma that is not well controlled based on a
nurse assessment for clinical diagnosis and treatment.
Obtain and ensure the use of an asthma action plan for all students with asthma
in all settings.
Ensure students with asthma have immediate access to quick-relief medications
by establishing protocols to define studentsassessment of readiness for self-
carry and by stocking medication in school.
Schools should identify alternative options for care when school nurses are not
present, such as School-based Health Centers (SBHCs), community health
workers or telehealth.
About the evidence. Children with asthma can experience symptoms that can lead to
a life-threatening scenario while at school. School health services policies should
ensure that the school nurse or other designated school personnel (for schools without
American Lung Association Page | 39
a school nurse or school nurses with limited availability) has a list of students with
asthma; has an asthma action plan on file for each student; documents each visit to the
school health office for medication use; and can quickly intervene when a child is in
respiratory distress. In 2016, 76.2% of school districts reported having polices or
practices in place for a school-based management program to manage chronic
conditions. In addition, 66% of schools had procedures in place to provide instruction
on self-management of chronic conditions, such as asthma.
School nurses play a critical role in the management of asthma in schools. According to
the 2016 School Health Policies and Programs Survey (SHPPS), from 2000 to 2016,
school nurses employed by the school district have decreased from 93.7% to 79.7%,
and only 33.7% of school districts have a policy stating that each school will have at
least one full-time school nurse.
Furthermore, the National Association of State
Boards of Education (NASBE) state policy database identifies only two states (Delaware
and Vermont) that require a full-time nurse in every school. School nurse availability in
school buildings across campus and at all grade levels is addressed in policies in the
remaining states but school nurse availability is limited.
In the absence of a school
nurse, schools and school districts should consider alternate sources of care. School-
based health centers can serve as an important source of asthma care particularly in
schools that are in low-income communities.
Regardless of the availability of a school nurse, students with asthma need immediate
access to quick-relief asthma medication. Even though every state and the District of
Columbia have passed a law allowing students with asthma to self-carry their asthma
inhalers, only 91.2% of districts had adopted policies that some students may carry and
self-administer a prescribed quick-relief inhaler.
More can be done to educate
schools and school districts to ensure that all children have immediate access to life-
saving quick-relief asthma medication. Schools can add permissions to asthma action
plans allowing students to self-carry, which becomes a shared decision between the
child, parents, healthcare provider and school. In addition, schools can adopt policies to
stock back-up quick-relief asthma medication to prevent emergencies for children that
do not have medication available. Adopting standardized emergency procedures can
benefit both diagnosed and undiagnosed students with asthma during unexpected
respiratory distress.
After-school programs, youth serving organizations and licensed childcare
systems should adopt and implement policies and procedures for the
management of asthma that are based on current research and best practices.
American Lung Association Page | 40
Communities should educate and train personnel from after-school programs,
youth serving organizations and licensed childcare systems about effective
asthma friendly policies and practices to improve childhood asthma.
After-school programs, youth serving organizations and licensed childcare
systems should implement emergency protocols for students in respiratory
About the evidence. Over 10 million children participate in after-school programs.
Like schools, staff employed by licensed childcare centers, Head Start programs and
out-of-school time programs (e.g., before- and after-school care, camps) should adopt
asthma-friendly policies and practices. These out-of-school time programs often serve
low-income, minority populations that have high rates of asthma. Additionally, CDC
reports that about one in 10 preschool-aged children have an asthma diagnosis and
this age group is twice as likely to end up in the emergency room or hospitalized
because of their asthma.
Licensed childcare providers can implement effective
interventions like the Asthma Basics for Childrenprogram which educates families
and daycare providers to reduce asthma episodes including medication management
and steps to improve the environment by removing asthma triggers.
These programs
can educate parents and children about asthma, require asthma action plans on file for
each child with asthma, conduct training about asthma to enable staff to recognize
symptoms of asthma and respond to a child in respiratory distress, and implement
policies and practices that improve the physical environment. Research has
demonstrated that educating preschool staff in asthma while simultaneously providing
at-home asthma education to parents can significantly improve asthma control, reduce
hospitalizations and reduce oral corticosteroid use.
Similar to schools, after-school programs, youth-serving organizations and licensed
childcare providers need to be trained to recognize a child in respiratory distress, have
access to asthma medication, be able to assist the child in administering quick-relief
asthma medication and call emergency services if necessary.
All educational systems should adopt and implement environmental assessment
and management protocols that are based on current research and best practices.
Develop, implement and sustain an indoor air quality program as detailed in U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency’s Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools.
American Lung Association Page | 41
Educational systems should strive to have ventilation systems that meet the
minimum guidelines of American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-
Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).
Educational systems should follow work practices to reduce exposure to
cleaning agents and disinfectants that cause or aggravate asthma as
recommended by EPA’s “Safer Choice” program.
Require schools, grounds, facilities, vehicles and sponsored events to be 100%
tobacco-free, including e-cigarettes.
Schools should minimize students’ exposure to outdoor air pollutants on days
with unhealthy levels of air pollution, including using ventilation/filtration and
other strategies to reduce exposures while inside school buildings.
Schools should adopt zero-emission technology for school buses, and policies
to prevent school bus and personal car idling on school grounds.
Schools should develop and implement a disaster response plan that addresses
exposure to indoor and outdoor pollutants (e.g., mold, wildfires), access to
asthma medication and cleaning up schools.
About the evidence. For more than three decades, the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) has been working with school districts to create asthma management
plans. IAQ management plans address dampness problems, mold contamination,
maintenance and repairs, cleaning, integrated pest management and other factors. An
asthma management plan includes four components: using EPA’s indoor air quality
(IAQ) Tools for Schools, identifying students with asthma, providing school-based
asthma education programs, and communicating with parents. Through years of
implementation, EPA’s IAQ Tools for Schools program addresses six common issues
that schools face: maintaining Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems
for proper ventilation and filtration; inspecting and mitigating for mold and moisture;
implementing integrated pest management (IPM) techniques; cleaning and
maintenance practices; selecting low-emitting products; and eliminating sources of
indoor pollutants by using and storing chemicals properly. School districts from urban,
suburban and rural districts that have implemented the IAQ Tools for Schools program
have demonstrated strategies to overcome barriers and improve student health.
School environments can expose both children and staff to indoor and outdoor air
pollution. The health effects of indoor and outdoor air pollutants, including asthma, are
well established. Schools should choose asthma-friendlier cleaning products that clean
and disinfect without serving as a respiratory irritant. The EPA’s “Safer Choice”
or the Cleaning for Asthma Safe School project by the California
American Lung Association Page | 42
Department of Public Health
helps consumers, businesses, and institutional buyers
identify cleaning and other products that perform well, are cost-effective and are safer
for the environment. On the positive side, IAQ management programs in schools
increased in 2006-2016. Specifically, the percentage of districts that had a specific
policy or practice related to indoor and outdoor air quality increased from 35.4% to
However, less than half of school districts implementing policies and
practices to protect the school community is not sufficient. In addition, only 39.3% of
districts had an IAQ program based on best practices provided in the EPA’s IAQ Tools
for Schools program.
Research has shown that schools can reduce tobacco use among school-aged youth
when school tobacco-free policies are clearly and consistently communicated, applied
and enforced. The Public Health Law Center identified that, “while smoking is prohibited
within school buildings under the clean indoor air laws of most states, local school
policies vary as to whether all tobacco use, or just smoking, is prohibited on school
property; whether tobacco use is also prohibited in outdoor areas on school grounds;
and whether tobacco use is prohibited at off-campus school functions.”
Comprehensive tobacco-free policies not only prohibit tobacco products on school
property, including school-sponsored events, but they also include practices to
educate students and staff about the dangers of tobacco products. While many
schools have adopted tobacco-free campus policies, with the surge of e-cigarette use
among youth, schools need to update tobacco-free campus policies to include e-
cigarettes. E-cigarettes are being used by teens more than any other tobacco product,
which led to the U.S. Surgeon General declaring e-cigarette use among youth an
In addition, state departments of education and school districts should
adopt comprehensive tobacco-free policies. Close to 15 states require tobacco-free
campus policies, including e-cigarettes, by state law or regulation.
Indoor air is not the only source of pollution in a school setting. Children playing outside
on high pollution days can be exposed to unhealthy levels of outdoor air pollution,
which is an established asthma trigger. School buses are frequently used to transport
children to school, but diesel exhaust, a known cause of asthma episodes, from buses
can concentrate in the bus cabin, exposing children to a hazardous lung irritant. Idling
diesel school buses also increase the exposure to children, and the exhaust can
infiltrate the school building itself. Fewer than half (49.2%) of districts implement a
school bus anti-idling program.
Modifying older diesel engines of school buses to run
more cleanly reduces air pollution and has been shown to reduce airway inflammation,
improve lung growth over time and reduce absenteeism.
158, 159
Zero-emission, electric
school buses present an additional opportunity for health benefits for students and
staff. The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act’s passage made available $2.5 billion
American Lung Association Page | 43
in funding for the transition to electric school buses, which will help schools clean up
diesel pollution.
Over the last decade, the United States has seen an increase in the frequency of
wildfires, hurricanes and flooding. Because these natural events can occur at any time,
even when children and staff are in school, schools need to develop a disaster
management plan. Disaster management plans may be especially important to children
with asthma and should take into consideration access to quick-relief asthma
medication and cleaning practices after the disaster to minimize exposure to asthma
triggers. SchoolSafety.gov offers emergency planning resources for schools.
American Lung Association Page | 44
Guiding Principles
Workplaces should reduce or eliminate conditions that cause or exacerbate asthma.
Many people work in situations that place them at risk of developing work-related
asthma, but also may be discouraged from seeking assistance. Policies to identify and
manage asthma in the workplace should recognize that critical issues must be
addressed, including:
Every worker has the right to a safe workplace. Immigrants, people of color and
low-wage earners are especially vulnerable and should not face discrimination
nor denial of these rights.
Every worker should have access to comprehensive, affordable healthcare
coverage for themselves and their family members to manage asthma.
Every worker should be eligible for workplace accommodations to minimize the
effect of the workplace on their asthma symptoms.
Every worker is eligible to receive workers’ compensation for asthma caused or
aggravated by work.
The 2009 Agenda called for establishment of surveillance mechanisms to document
levels of work-related asthma (WRA) and to establish national guidelines for the
management of WRA. CDC’s National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) funds states to assess the extent and severity of workplace injury, illness,
disability, and death and identify worker populations and occupations at greater risk.
Massachusetts and Michigan have consistently monitored work-related asthma since
the program began in 1988, with California following in 1993. Additional states have
conducted surveillance and developed resources related to work-related asthma,
including New Jersey, New York, Washington and Wisconsin. However, more studies
are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of approaches to prevent and manage work-
related asthma. Also, national guidelines do not exist for states to prevent and manage
Consensus documents from the American Thoracic Society conclude that 16% of
asthma in adults is caused by exposures at work
and that 21.5% of adults with
asthma have aggravation of their asthma by work.
163, 164
There are three types of work-
related asthma (WRA): 1) asthma caused by an immunological reaction to a wide variety
of substances such as animals (e.g., veterinarians or workers handling mice/rats in
American Lung Association Page | 45
research labs), plants (e.g., bakery workers, or workers in grain mills), or chemicals (e.g.,
workers making car seats from isocyanate foam, or construction workers using epoxy
glues); 2) asthma caused by a marked exposure to an irritant (e.g., janitorial workers
exposed to a mixture of bleach and acid or bleach and ammonia); 3) aggravation of
pre-existing asthma (e.g., workers in offices with poor ventilation and/or housekeeping).
Moreover, a large proportion of new onset cases in surveillance data are associated
with chronic irritant exposures, as opposed to Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome
The diagnosis of WRA is based on the presence of asthma symptoms that
occur/increase in relationship to work, history of exposure to substances that cause
work-related asthma, and medical tests (e.g., breathing tests that show worsening in
relationship to work and sometimes allergy testing). CDC’s National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) guidelines include questions to be asked and
recommended medical tests to be undertaken to diagnose WRA.
There are approximately 300 substances present in the workplace that have been
shown to cause WRA from an immunological reaction. There are thousands more
substances in the workplace that can aggravate pre-existing asthma or cause new
asthma from an irritant exposure. Consultation with an occupational medicine
specialist, pulmonary specialist or allergist may be useful to assist in both diagnosis and
identification of the causal agent.
Early diagnosis of WRA along with removal from exposure to the causal agent(s) is
extremely important. Early diagnosis and together with cessation of exposure to the
agent(s) causing WRA increases the likelihood of complete resolution of symptoms or
at least the reduction of the severity of symptoms.
The importance of early diagnosis has led to recommendations that individuals who
work with known causes of WRA be provided medical surveillance, to promptly
recognize individuals who develop asthma from their work. Surveillance should, at the
minimum, include a respiratory questionnaire about breathing symptoms.
Many organizations have developed recommendations for health care providers and
approaches to reduce use/exposure to workplace causes of asthma (e.g., OSHA Fact
Sheet or the Cleaning for Asthma Safe School project by the California Department of
Public Health).
167, 168
Policy Statements and Supporting Strategies
American Lung Association Page | 46
The federal government should update Occupational, Safety, and Health
Administration (OSHA) standards to make them comprehensive standards that
include air levels set low enough to prevent work-related asthma and provide
education and medical surveillance to exposed workers.
About the evidence. Agents that are known to cause work-related asthma do not
have comprehensive standards, so there are no requirements to educate workers
about the risks nor requirements for medical surveillance to ensure early diagnosis.
OSHA standards have not been promulgated to prevent work-related asthma.
Examples include flour, which is regulated as a nuisance dust, or disinfectants, which
have no regulatory air standard. Additionally, exposure to some causes of work-related
asthma such as isocyanates can occur after skin exposure, and OSHA regulations do
not require skin protection.
Even in the absence of changes in OSHA regulations, employers who use substances
known to cause work-related asthma should undertake voluntary efforts to lower
exposure to known causes of work-related asthma, educate their employees and
provide periodic medical testing.
Employers should identify and eliminate exposures to hazards that put workers at
risk for developing asthma or causing asthma symptoms.
Identify work processes that expose workers to substances that cause or make
asthma worse and control these exposures by eliminating their use, substituting
safer substances and employing engineering controls (such as ventilation).
Establish 100 percent tobacco-free workplaces, including e-cigarettes.
Implement fragrance-free policies.
Provide tobacco cessation programs.
Adopt cleaner equipment (e.g., loaders, tractors) or vehicle technology (e.g.,
transition to zero-emissions technology).
About the evidence. Employers should use the National Institute for Occupational
Safety and Health (NIOSH) Hierarchy of Controls” as a basic method to protect
workers from risk of illness or injury. The hierarchy includes five stages of effectiveness:
elimination (physically remove the hazard), substitution (replace the hazard),
engineering controls (isolate people from the hazard), administrative controls (change
the way people work) and personal protective equipment (Figure 1).
American Lung Association Page | 47
While elimination and substitution of
the agent are the preferred
preventative methods, they may also
be the most difficult. A good
example of the substitution method
is healthcare professional use of
powdered latex gloves. By
substituting powder-free latex
gloves, hospitals and health systems
were able to reduce occupational
allergy and asthma in healthcare.
Sometimes elimination and
substitution are not feasible, and
employers have to resort to less effective methods. Ventilation is a good example of an
engineering controls method. All employers should ensure that ventilation in their
facilities meets the minimum guidelines of American Society of Heating, Refrigerating
and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) specific for their type of workplace (e.g.,
office, laboratory, retail store).
In addition, all employers can address issues related to
cleaning agents/disinfectants, tobacco smoking, fragrances and other allergens.
NIOSH provides guidelines on work-related asthma, including useful information that
can help employers and employees develop and maintain a worksite safe from asthma
Similarly, the American Lung Association’s Guide to Control Asthma at
Workdetails a set of measures to eliminate sources of unhealthy air in the workplace
by using safer disinfectant and cleaning products whenever possible, using chemicals
and machinery according to manufacturer instructions, and establishing tobacco-free
policies eliminating smoking, secondhand smoke and e-cigarette aerosols.
The COVID pandemic has increased the use of disinfectants, many of which are known
causes of work-related asthma (e.g., bleach and quaternary ammonium chloride
compounds). EPA’s “Safer Choice” program helps consumers, businesses and
institutional buyers identify cleaning and other products that perform well, are cost-
effective and are safer for the environment.
A list of cleaners that meet EPA
standards can be found by searching for SAFER Choice Products. The American Lung
Association has a sample fragrance-free policy that employers can use to help reduce
asthma that is exacerbated by exposure to personal care and cleaning products.
While reducing exposures to hazards in the workplace is critical to prevent WRA, there
are several strategies that employers can implement to make workplaces safer. For
example, all employers should make sure their health insurance includes a
comprehensive tobacco cessation benefit for all employees. The Affordable Care Act
Figure 1. Hierarchy of Control (NIOSH)
Figure 1. Hierarchy of Controls (NIOSH, 2015)
American Lung Association Page | 48
(ACA) requires employee-sponsored health insurance to cover smoking cessation. A
benefit that covers all treatments recommended in the 2008 U.S. Public Health Service
Guideline, including all seven medications and three forms of counseling, would give
smokers the best chance to become tobacco-free.
The critical part to prevent WRA is making workplaces safe. When establishing
workplace wellness programs, employers should consider a comprehensive approach
that includes smoking cessation. One such program is the American Lung
Association’s Freedom From Smoking® program, which has over 35 years of
experience helping hundreds of thousands of people quit smoking for good.
Outdoor workers or construction workers may be exposed to air pollutants and diesel
exhaust from heavy equipment. Mobile sources are major contributors to air pollution
because they emit air pollutants including nitrogen oxides (NOx), hydrocarbons (HC),
particulate matter (PM), toxics and greenhouse gases. Diesel exhaust from on-road
vehicles (cars, trucks buses), farm and construction equipment, locomotives, marine
vessels and aircraft is a major contributor to air pollution. The California Air Resources
Board (CARB) 2020 Mobile Source Strategy promotes advancing the use of zero-
emission technologies.
States should adopt and implement surveillance mechanisms to track work-
related asthma, identify asthma hazards, follow trends and facilitate interventions.
Establish a surveillance system for work-related asthma using data from
healthcare providers, clinics, emergency departments, hospitals, workers’
compensation databases and poison control centers.
Promote interventions that investigate and reduce exposures associated with
work-related asthma.
About the evidence. NIOSH maintains a clearinghouse for work-related lung disease
data, including State-Based Occupational Respiratory Disease Surveillance asthma
data that contributes to NIOSH epidemiological research.
Since 1988, NIOSH has
funded several states to collect surveillance data on WRA including Massachusetts,
Michigan, New Jersey, California, Washington, Wisconsin and New York. These
surveillance projects have identified new causes of work-related asthma and, more
importantly, have shown that follow-up with the workplaces identified through the
surveillance programs can prevent work-related asthma in fellow workers of the index
case, as well as in other similar workplaces.
State health departments should
encourage healthcare professionals to report all diagnosed or suspected cases of
asthma that are caused by or exacerbated by workplace exposures or conditions,
and/or use existing data sources such as emergency or hospital discharge data,
American Lung Association Page | 49
workers’ compensation data, and poison control center data for case-finding.
Expansion of surveillance systems in additional states would increase reported cases
and help to report trends in WRA.
National clinical guidelines on the diagnosis and management of work-related
asthma, including primary and secondary prevention, should be adopted by
healthcare providers and healthcare systems.
National guidelines should be implemented by healthcare providers to assess
work-related asthma and should include education and clinical decision support
Healthcare providers should ask their adult asthma patients about their
workplace, positions and job tasks, including associated exposures and timing
of symptoms.
About the evidence. The American College of Chest Physicians published a
consensus statement on work-related asthma in 2008.
Early diagnosis is extremely
important in work-related asthma, because the sooner work-related asthma is
diagnosed after the onset of symptoms and measures are taken to eliminate/reduce
causal exposures, the greater the likelihood that the disease will be halted from further
The most common reason for missing the diagnosis of work-related asthma is failure
of the healthcare provider to ask about work exposures among their adult patients with
asthma. OSHA produced a fact sheet that healthcare providers and adults can use to
assess for work-related asthma.
The fact sheet outlines the key questions and
process that healthcare providers may use in the diagnosis of WRA. A study from
Michigan, Minnesota and Oregon reported that only 21% to 25% of adults who thought
their asthma was caused by a job had discussed with their doctor the possibility their
asthma was work-related.
Healthcare providers and employers can play a key role in
raising awareness about WRA and use tools like the OSHA Fact Sheet in addition to
Prevention and control of WRA starts with a workplace assessment, followed by a
discussion between the employer, employee and workplace health and safety
professional on appropriate strategies to minimize or eliminate exposure. Industrial
hygienists play a critical role in identifying workplace hazards and helping to mitigate or
control them through appropriate measures. When WRA is suspected, the healthcare
system including healthcare providers can engage with industrial hygienists to further
American Lung Association Page | 50
investigate the exposure and help develop exposure control plans to prevent additional
Conclusions and Call to Action
Public policy has the potential to make a tremendous impact on the health and quality
of life of those living with asthma. The evidence detailed throughout this Agenda
demonstrates that tools such as disease surveillance and smokefree multi-unit housing
can help reduce the burden of asthma. The policy recommendations and priorities
addressed in this Agenda reflect the consensus of a broad, multi-disciplinary group of
leaders and experts. These public policy priorities, if implemented, could greatly
improve asthma morbidity and mortality. As such, this Agenda establishes a blueprint
for national asthma policy that lawmakers, regulators, and advocates can use to guide
policy development and enact positive change at the federal, state and local levels.
American Lung Association Page | 51
APPENDIX A. The Consensus Process
Below is a description of the consensus process.
Small Group Orientation Call
In April 2019, the Lung Association convened Advisory Group members to help prepare
for the one-day conference. During the call, Lung Association project staff provided an
overview of the expectations of advisory group members, the asthma policies in the
2009 National Asthma Public Policy Agenda, the review process, and the planned
agenda for the May 16, 2019, meeting.
Online Assessment of Existing Policies
The Lung Association team distributed a feedback form to Advisory Group members to
assess the National Asthma Public Policy Agenda on what is currently being done, what
policy approaches appear to be most successful, and where gaps exist. Participants
were asked to rate the policy statements and supporting strategy in topic areas where
they had the most expertise. The categories included Keep, Edit, Delete, Don’t Know
and Unsure. Participants were then asked to recommend additional supporting
strategies for each policy statement, new policy statements and to include evidence to
support the new policy statements or supporting strategies.
In-Person Meeting with Experts
A nationwide group of asthma stakeholders gathered in Arlington, Virginia, on May 16,
2019, to discuss policies and strategies to improve asthma morbidity and mortality. This
meeting was made possible by a grant from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, National Center for Environmental Health.
Capitalizing on the unique opportunity to have so many esteemed asthma stakeholders
gathered, a robust agenda was crafted to accomplish one clear and direct objective
to review, discuss and reach consensus on policies and supporting strategies that will
improve asthma morbidity and mortality.
In addition, meeting attendees were charged with challenging past assumptions and
exploring new pathways while seeking to identify policies that were achievable and
based on evidence. Attendees were also asked to consider how outcomes will be
tracked and measured along with who should be charged with accomplishing specific
policies and strategies.
The day began with an opportunity for meeting attendees to network and get
acquainted with one another before each was tasked with identifying three things,
either positive or negative, that have made the most significant changes on the burden
of asthma this past decade. Answers to these questions were placed on charts labeled
American Lung Association Page | 52
with each policy areaoutdoor air, healthcare systems and financing, public health
infrastructure and surveillance, homes, schools, and workplaces.
Topic area table facilitators then grouped responses to identify trends and key themes
to anchor table discussions scheduled later in the morning. Following this exercise,
Barbara Kaplan, MPH, presented the group with an overview of the assessment results
gathered from pre-meeting feedback provided by meeting attendees to begin
identifying which current policies should be revised, deleted or expanded. This
presentation was followed by a robust, moderated discussion before each attendee
was assigned to their respective topic breakout table.
Breakout Groups
Each attendee was assigned to a group charged with focusing on a specific policy
section of the agenda, which as noted earlier are:
Public Health Infrastructure and Surveillance
Outdoor Air
Healthcare Systems and Financing
Initially, each group was assigned an ice breaker activity to build cohesion and acquaint
those who may not have had the opportunity to meet before this gathering. Each group
was also asked to identify a notetaker and presenter. The Lung Association also
provided a staff member with subject matter expertise to moderate table discussions.
First Consensus Exercise
Before diving into their specific topic areas, the larger group was challenged to agree
upon definitions for the terms policy and strategy. In its simplest terms, policy was
agreed to mean specific goals and transformative actions while strategies would serve
as the tools to implement stated policies.
Table Brainstorming
With clarity on the aforementioned key terms, each group was asked to begin by
discussing their topic area’s findings identified during the charting success exercise
where everyone was asked to identify positive or negative actions or influences that
have most impacted the burden of asthma this past decade. Building on this exercise,
each group was asked to determine which current policies still effectively address
American Lung Association Page | 53
these issues while also identifying new policies or strategies that need to be
considered in light of this initial feedback.
Each group was then asked to move the discussion forward by determining whether
any current policy statements need to be revised or combined. Groups were then
charged with beginning to fine-tune language and modify for clarity or conciseness
based on the instructions and format examples noted below.
Think in terms of what should be done to impact asthma morbidity and mortality. Begin
by identifying who should take the recommended action and follow with a clear
statement of what must be done and conclude with a clear statement of how the
implementation is to occur when applicable.
Sample: Every county in every state should attain the national ambient air quality
standards as expeditiously as possible.
Sample: All school systems should adopt and implement a comprehensive plan
for the management of asthma based on current research and best practices.
Each group worked on fine-tuning their respective topic area policies through lunch
and then presented their working drafts for feedback and discussion with the larger
group. With the larger group’s feedback, the group members reconvened and spent
the remainder of the afternoon preparing their policy statements and brainstorming
While no policies were finalized, most groups made significant progress and noted that
they would only need one or two more meetings to reach consensus.
Small Group Expert Follow-up Calls
Following the May 16 meeting, each group reconvened again for a 90-minute phone
conversation to continue to finetune guiding principles, policies and supporting
strategies. Asthma experts who were unable to attend the in-person meeting or who
had a desire to provide feedback in other topic areas were assigned accordingly.
Each facilitated call lasted 90 minutes allowing each of the six groups to further narrow
and refine their recommendations while also taking time to consider if the
recommended actions adhered to the proof check listed below.
1. Have we recommended policies that are clear, actionable and measurable?
2. Is what we’ve recommended feasible?
3. Who will be in charge of implementing each recommended policy and tactic?
4. How will we know success has been achieved?
5. Do the policies address social determinants of health or health equity?
American Lung Association Page | 54
6. Are the policies evidence based? Do you know where the data comes from to
support each policy statement? If not, can you cite who knows where to find this
Following this series of calls, each table facilitator then incorporated the group’s
comments into the revised strategy and policy documents providing one last round of
feedback and review to occur through email.
Following the development of the National Asthma Policy Agenda, each participant will
have the opportunity to review the document in its entirety and provide final feedback,
ensuring that the revised policy guidance is a clear and transparent reflection of 26
leading public health organizations and more than 30 nationally recognized asthma and
public health policy experts that participated in the convening process.
American Lung Association Page | 55
APPENDIX B: Advisory Group Participants & Reviewers
This list includes Advisory Group members and reviewers, all of whom made invaluable
contributions to the project. Individuals with a [P] by their names participated in the
May 16, 2019, meeting and those with an [R] by their names participated after the
meeting as external reviewers. The participation of an individual does not imply the
support of their institution, organization or agency for the policy recommendations as
stated in this report, nor should such support be inferred.
Allergy & Asthma Network
Charmayne Anderson [P] [R]
Director of Advocacy
American Lung Association
Laura Kate Bender [R]
National Assistant Vice President, Health Air Campaign
Thomas Carr [P] [R]
National Director, Policy
Hannah Green [P] [R]
National Senior Director, Health Policy
Barbara Kaplan, MPH [P] [R]
National Director, Asthma Programs
Janice Nolen [P]
National Assistant Vice President, Policy
Katherine Pruitt [R]
National Senior Director, Policy
Erika Sward [R]
National Assistant Vice President, Advocacy
Cindy Trubisky, MS Ed, AE-C [P]
National Senior Director, Asthma Programs
Association of Asthma Educators
Michael Bowman, PhD, MD [P]
American Lung Association Page | 56
Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America
Jenna Riemenschneider [P]
Director of Advocacy and Special Projects
California Department of Public Health, Occupational Health Branch
Justine Lew Weinberg, MSEHS, CIH [R]
Industrial Hygienist
Jennifer Flattery, MPH [R]
Research Scientist
Childrens Environmental Health Network
Kristie Trousdale [P]
Deputy Director
Environmental Law & Policy Center
Janet McCabe, JD [P]
Senior Law Fellow
Environmental Law Institute
Tobie Bernstein, JD [P]
Senior Attorney, Director, Indoor Environments & Green Buildings Program
George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health
Katie Horton, RN, MPH, JD [P]
Research Professor, Department of Health Policy
Green & Healthy Homes Initiative
Michael McKnight [P] [R]
Vice President of Policy and Innovation
Healthy School Campaign
Rochelle Davis [P] [R]
President & CEO
Alexandra Mays [R]
Senior National Program Director
Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Occupational Health Surveillance
Elise Pechter, MPH, CIH [P]
American Lung Association Page | 57
Industrial Hygienist
Michigan State University
Kenneth Rosenman MD, FACE, FACOEM, FACPM [R]
Professor of Medicine
Chief of the Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Missouri Department of Public Health
Peggy Gaddy, RRT, MBA [P]
Asthma Program Coordinator
National Association of School Nurses
Piper Largent [P] [R]
Director, Government Affairs
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Stavros Garantziotis, MD [P]
Medical Director, NIEHS Clinical Research Unit and Principal Investigator
Regional Asthma Management & Prevention, Public Health Institute
Joel Ervice [P] [R]
Associate Director
Anne Kelsey Lamb, MPH [R]
Brandon Kitagawa, MS [R]
Senior Policy Associate
Rhode Island Department of Public Health
Julian Rodriguez-Drix, MPH [P]
Asthma Program Manager
Saint Louis University Center for Health Outcomes Research
Eric Armbrecht, PhD [P]
Associate Professor; Director consulting practice
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Peter Ashley, DPH [P] [R]
Division Director, Policy and Standards Division, Office of Lead Hazard and
Healthy Homes
American Lung Association Page | 58
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Indoor Environments Division
Tracy Enger [P]
Program Manager
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Pamela Collins, MPA, MSA [P] [R]
Deputy Branch Chief, Asthma and Community Health Branch, Division of
Environmental Health Science and Practice, National Center for Environmental
Zanie Leroy, MD, MPH [P] [R]
Medical Officer, School Health Branch, Division of Population Health, National
Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Kanta Sircar, PhD, MPH, PMP [P] [R]
Epidemiology Team Lead, Asthma and Community Health Branch, Division of
Environmental Health Science and Practice, National Center for Environmental
Emily Gardner, MPH [R]
Public Health Analyst, Asthma and Community Health Branch, Division of
Environmental Health Science and Practice, National Center for Environmental
Joy Hsu, MD, MS, FAAAAI [R]
Medical Officer, Asthma and Community Health Branch, Division of
Environmental Health Science and Practice, National Center for Environmental
Carol A. Johnson, MPH [R]
Epidemiologist, Asthma and Community Health Branch, Division of Environmental
Health Science and Practice, National Center for Environmental Health
Paige Welch [R]
Public Health Advisor, Asthma and Community Health Branch, Division of
Environmental Health Science and Practice, National Center for Environmental
National Institutes of Occupation Safety & Health, Respiratory Health Division
Jacek Mazurek, MD, PhD [P]
Surveillance Branch Chief
American Lung Association Page | 59
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