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375 South Jennersville Road
West Grove, PA 19390
Thursday, September 12th, 2019
6:30 P.M.
Avon Grove High School
257 State Road
West Grove, PA 19390
The material contained in this packet is provided to inform all citizens of the Avon Grove School District on
the proposed construction of a new high school.
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Act 34 of June 1973, now Section 24 P.S. 701.1 of the Pennsylvania Public School Code,
requires that a public hearing be held regarding either the construction of new school buildings
or substantial additions to existing school buildings.
The purpose of this Act 34 hearing is to present the proposed construction of a new high
school to the residents and employees of the District and to provide them with a public forum
to express their opinion regarding the project.
If the maximum building construction cost of $81,001,789 and adopted by Board resolution
on August 12th, 2019 is exceeded by eight (8) percent upon receipt of bids, a second public
hearing will be required.
The hearing is not a public debate. It is an opportunity for the pubic to learn about the
proposed construction projects and for the Board to receive and record comments and
observations regarding the project.
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1. Opening Remarks ..................................................................................... Andrew D.H Rau
School District Solicitor
Unruh Turner Burke & Frees
2. Purpose of the Hearing ............................................................................ Andrew D.H Rau
3. Procedures for Public Comment ............................................................ Andrew D.H Rau
4. Need for the Project .......................................................... Dr. M. Christopher Marchese
5. Alternatives Considered ...................................................... Dr. M. Christopher Marchese
6. Project Descriptions ......................................................................... Mike Strohecker, AIA
Project Architect
KCBA Architects, Inc
7. Direct Costs for the Projects .......................................................... Mike Strohecker, AIA
8. Financial Alternatives Considered ................................................................. John C. Frey
Financial Advisor
PFM Financial Advisors, LLC
Ken Phillips
Financial Advisor
RBC Capital Markets
9. Effect of Project Costs on Taxes .................................................................. John C. Frey
Ken Phillips
10. Indirect Costs for the Projects ....................................................................... John C. Frey
Ken Phillips
11. Public Comment ....................................................................................... Andrew D.H Rau
12. Adjournment
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The Board of School Directors of the Avon Grove School District welcomes comments from
all District residents and employees who wish to express opinions about the proposed
construction project.
In order for the hearing to be of the greatest value and use to the School Board, the following
procedures have been established for public comment:
1. Verbal Presentations at the Hearing. Any District resident or employee wishing
to make a verbal presentation is asked to complete a public comment form. The
public comment forms will be located on a back table in the meeting space. Forms are
also available prior to public meetings through Board Docs. The Board of School
Directors requests that members of the public complete the form and submit it to Mr.
Dan Carsley, Business Manager, prior to the start of the meeting. During the verbal
presentation section of the meeting, the presiding officer will call individuals to the
podium in the order the forms were submitted.
If a District resident or employee did not complete and submit a form prior to the
start of the meeting and wishes to make a comment, they may still participate. To do
so, the Board asks that the individual complete the public comment form. After the
presiding officer calls all individuals who pre-submitted forms to the podium, a final
call for verbal presentations will be made. During this time, District residents or
employees may come forward to make verbal presentations. Those individuals must
submit the public comment form to the Board Secretary, or designee, prior to making
their comment and approaching the podium.
When making their verbal presentation, individuals should identify themselves by
name, address, resident or employee, and present their comments or questions. If
objections are raised, it would be beneficial if the individual proposed what should be
done to solve the problem being addressed and how the Board might accomplish the
suggested change. Individuals are permitted to make one verbal presentation, limited
to three (3) minutes. Board will allow public comment and/or questioning until the
conclusion of the hearing, but no later than 12:00 Midnight when the Board reserves
the right to terminate the public hearing.
2. Written Testimony for the Hearing. Residents and employees of the School
District may submit written testimony regarding the proposed projects no later than
6:00 PM on Thursday, September 12, 2019. Such written testimony should be mailed
or delivered to:
Dr. Wendi Lee Kraft, Board Secretary
Avon Grove School District
375 South Jennersville Road
West Grove, PA 19390
The written testimony shall include the name and address of the person submitting
the request, identification of the sender as a District resident or employee, name of
project of concern and a description of the support or objection to the project. To
be of most benefit to the Board, a statement of objection should be followed by a
viable alternate solution.
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3. Written Comments Following the Hearing. For a period of thirty (30)
days following the hearing, School District residents and employees who
wish to have their written comments regarding the project included in the
material forwarded to the Pennsylvania Department of Education should
mail or deliver such statements to:
Wendi Lee Kraft, Board Secretary
Avon Grove School District
375 South Jennersville Road
West Grove, PA 19390
Any such comments must be submitted no later than 4:00 PM on October
14th, 2019. All written comments should include the name and address of
the person submitting the comments, identification of the sender as a
resident or employee, and a description of the support or objection to the
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The Avon Grove School District is located in West Grove, Chester County, in southeastern
Pennsylvania. It is located approximately 25 miles west of Philadelphia and 15 miles
northwest of Wilmington.
From a combined population of approximately 30,080 residents in 2010, and an estimated
33,121 residents in 2019 in the townships of Franklin, London Britain, London Grove, New
London, and Penn, along with the boroughs of Avondale and West Grove, the District
educates over 5,100 students in grades K-12 (2018-19 enrollment). The District currently
maintains four schools: Penn London Elementary School (K-2); Avon Grove Intermediate
School (3-6); Fred S. Engle Middle School (7-8); and Avon Grove High School (9-12).
The Avon Grove School District has identified that “fostering a learning environment for all
students to be exceptionally well prepared to succeed and lead full and meaningful lives,” is its
core mission and focus of strategic planning.
Project History
In 2007, the District acquired a 153 acre parcel of land at the corner of Old Baltimore Pike and
Jennersville Road/SR 796 commonly referenced as the “Sunnyside Road” property. The
intent of the District at that time was to construct a school facility on this site to address the
dramatic growth of the District. When the economic downturn began in 2008, those plans
were put on hold.
Since 2014, the Avon Grove School District’s Facilities Committee has evaluated the
effectiveness of the District’s facilities and annually prepares the Long Range Plan (LRP),
which is then updated on a monthly basis to forecast capital improvements required at all
District facilities. Enrollment reports are prepared monthly and evaluate the District’s actual
enrollment versus the projected enrollment determined by the demographic study conducted
by Sundance Associates in the fall of 2017.
In the fall of 2014, the Gilbert Architects conducted a feasibility study to evaluate the current
conditions of facilities. The feasibility study was completed in the Spring of 2015. In
general, the high school is showing significant signs of aging. Originally constructed in 1957,
there were renovations in 1995, 2008, with an addition in 1997. The functional capacity of
AGHS is 1274 students, while the enrollment has consistently remained above 1750 students
for the past 10 years. To address this overcrowding, modular classrooms were added for the
2005-06 school year, with additional modular classrooms added for the 2010-11 school year.
The District’s feasibility study concluded that many of the systems in the high school are at or
beyond life span and require significant updates or repairs. Additionally, the educational needs
have exceeded the facility’s ability to satisfactorily serve the Avon Grove School District in
several core areas:
Teaching and Learning
Space is required to deliver instruction incorporating Project Based Learning.
Innovative models, including spaces for STEM and Maker Spaces, are not available.
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Space is not available to offer additional curricular options to prepare students for 21
Century learning and workplace needs.
More flexible spaces are required to accommodate changes in curriculum and
instructional delivery models.
Small group spaces need to be added to provide personalized learning.
Capacity and Enrollment
Avon Grove High School currently has the lowest square footage per student in the
southeastern region
A larger functional capacity is necessary to meet enrollment demands.
Space is needed for expanded enrollment in specialized programs.
Co-Curricular/Athletic Limitations
Space is needed to fully support students and community in the performing arts.
Space is needed to fully support curricular and co-curricular athletic activities.
Space is needed to support community access and usage.
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Avon Grove School District (AGSD) undertook an extensive public process to create the
master facilities plan. After considerable analysis of the existing buildings and their
conditions, the district began a process of public investigation conducted through a task force
named the Facilities Input Group (FIG). The FIG was comprised of district stakeholders
who were selected through a publicly advertised application process. The FIG kick-off
meeting occurred in May 2016, and concluded with a non-binding recommendation to the
Board of Directors in September 2017.
From October through December 2017, the District utilized FJJ/ICS Consultants to facilitate
23 community “listening posts” regarding the FIG recommendation and the other options
studied by the FIG committee. A summary of the listening posts’ data was provided to the
Board during a public meeting in early January 2018.
From late January 2018 through April 2018, the Board engaged in bi-monthly public work
sessions to formally review the FIG’s recommendation. Two additional options were reviewed
and a fourth option was introduced by the Board at its retreat in January 2018. The purpose
of these sessions was to obtain consensus on one option for implementation.
There were several factors that contributed to the evaluation of the high school as not meeting
the educational needs of the students or community. These factors included, but were not
limited to, building safety, accessibility, building code compliance, undersized classroom
spaces, and the lack of the ability to include new 21st Century educational spaces for teaching
at a high school level. While these factors were also analyzed in the other district buildings, it
was at the high school that these presented the greatest barriers to student success.
Two of the four options included scenarios that required new construction. The first option
(1A) considered a scenario where new construction would have created a high school, while
the second option (1C) created a new middle school. The second option required phasing to
build new core facilities that would connect the existing high school and middle school and
create a comprehensive high school for students in grades 9 through 12.
The third option (1D) accounted for the renovation and expansion of the existing high school,
middle school and Penn London, as well as an educational goal to develop a 6-8 middle school.
A fourth option (4A) explored a renovation and expansion of the existing high school, middle
school and Penn London Elementary School to meet projected demographics without
additional grade realignment.
The four options considered by the Board following the FIG process are as follows;
Option 1A Build new high school, renovate current high school to become 6-8
middle school and realign elementary grades K-1 and 2-5.
Option 1C - Build new middle school, renovate and connect existing high school
and middle school to become new high school, realign intermediate and elementary
Option 1D Expand and renovate the current high school. expand and renovate
the current middle school to accommodate grades 6 through 8, realign elementary
grades K-1 and 2-5.
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Option 4A - Renovate and expand to demographic projection the current high
school, middle school and Penn London Elementary School. No grade realignment
is required.
Summary of Options:
The Avon Grove School District studied multiple options to address the needs of the existing
physical condition of its school buildings, reduce overcrowding, and eliminate modular
classrooms at three of four schools in the District. The District also identified the educational
outcome that the middle school would include grades 6-8, rather than the current grade span
of 7-8. This would then create grade spans of K-1, 2-5, 6-8, and 9-12 in the four district
buildings. Cost estimations were developed by FJJ/ICS Consultants.
Option 1A
Convert Penn London Elementary School to a K-1 grade configuration. Convert AGIS to a
2-5 grade configuration. Build a new high school at the “Jennersville” site. Renovate and
convert the existing high school to a middle school with grades 6-8. The existing middle
school would be abandoned, demolished, leased or sold.
Estimated Project Cost (2017/2018) $138,090,172
Addresses 5 year capital plan at HS/MS Option may be limited due to finances
New HS fully supports 21
Century Learning Competition stadium remains at State Rd.
Relieves parking and traffic issues at State Rd. MS reorganization is delayed
Increases athletic fields Decision regarding vacant FSEMS
Least impactful construction scenario Site limitations and variance requirements
Shortest construction timeframe of all options Recent Mechanical, Electrical, and
Plumbing (MEP) upgrades at FSEMS
Option 1C
Convert Penn London Elementary School to a K-1 grade configuration. Convert AGIS to a
2-5 grade configuration. Build a new middle school at the “Jennersville” site. Renovate
existing high school, build new core facilities between current middle school and high school
to combine and connect existing buildings and create a new high school campus.
Estimate Project Cost (2017/2018) $137,264,184
Addresses 5 year Capital Plan at HS/MS Age concerns of current HS and MS
Building capacity supports enrollment projections Site limitations and variance
Supports 21
Century Learning at MS HS parking impact during construction
Smaller building for site Longer construction process
Adds sports fields Occupied renovations
Makes use of all District facilities
Stadium not required
Less phasing required than options 1D and 4A
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Option 1D
Convert Penn London Elementary School to a K-1 grade configuration. Convert AGIS to a
2-5 grade configuration. Renovate and expand existing middle school to create 6-8 grade
span. Renovate and expand existing high school.
Estimate Project Cost (2017/2018) $128,118,987
Addresses 5 Year Capital Plan at HS/MS Education intent not fully supported
Building capacity supports enrollment projections Core space will be problematic at
Makes use of all District facilities Loss of athletic fields (MS site)
Stadium not required Less total parking but more parking need
Lesser cost than options 1A and 1C Crowded site becoming more crowded
Age of MS and HS buildings
Occupied renovation at MS and HS
Most impactful construction scenario
Significant student disruption
Site limitations and variance requirements
Unused parcel at “Jennersville”
Option 4A (Introduced at Board Retreat)
Renovate and expand existing high school to appropriate size and remove modular
classrooms. Expand existing middle school (7-8) to remove modular classrooms and build to
demographic projection. Expand Penn London Elementary School (K-2) to remove
modular classrooms and build to demographic projection. Avon Grove Intermediate School
(3-6) build to demographic projection.
Estimate Project Cost (2017/2018) $93,209,031
Addresses 5 year capital plan at HS only Education intent not fully supported
Building capacity supports enrollment projections Does not address 5 year plan for
Makes use of all District facilities 6-8 MS not created
Stadium not required Core space will be problematic at HS/MS
Lesser cost than all options reviewed Loss of athletic fields (MS site)
No grade realignments required Less total parking on secondary campus
Crowded site becoming more crowded
Age of MS and HS buildings
Occupied renovation at MS and HS
Highly impactful construction scenario
Parking area HS/MS impacted
Significant student disruption
Site limitations and variance requirements
Unused parcel at “Jennersville”
Loss of play area due to PLE addition
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Option Selected:
By a vote of 9-0, the Board of School Directors for the Avon Grove School District approved
the following resolution in support of the plan defined by option 1A.
APRIL 26, 2018
WHEREAS, the Avon Grove School District has engaged in a multi-year process to consider
future facilities planning and related needs throughout the District, an exercise which has
included numerous and extended listening post sessions, as well as related input from students,
parents, teachers, administrators, and other community stakeholders; and
WHEREAS, the District has engaged professionals from Foster, Jacobs & Johnson, Inc., and
its successor entity, ICS Consulting, Inc., to facilitate the discussions, meetings, and the
decision-making process; and
WHEREAS, the District through its Board of Directors (“Board”) has carefully considered
the information presented and developed, and the potential action paths and options
established through this detailed planning process; and
WHEREAS, the Board has now reached the decision-making stage for facilities planning steps
to be taken, in the three major areas of 1) educational outcomes; 2) funding; and 3) physical
updates and projects as to buildings and infrastructure.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board hereby directs its administrative
staff to move forward to the next phase of facilities planning with the following parameters
and instruction: The Board of School Directors has considered various educational outcomes
to be achieved, and hereby identifies the following for purposes of the comprehensive facilities
plan for Avon Grove School District:
1. Educational Outcomes
(i). Strategic initiative to be achieved:
Foster 21st Century Learning environments for students in the Avon Grove School
Allow for the reorganization of grade structure into buildings that are grades K-1;
2-5; 6-8; and 9-12.
A plan that includes renovation and maintenance needs for the current buildings as
well as the potential for future expansion of district facilities based upon the
educational goals of the district.
(ii) Benefits/outcomes to be achieved:
Provide flexible spaces that support student directed and collaborative learning.
Provide spaces that support the learning needs of students of all levels of aptitude
and ability.
Provide spaces that support a comprehensive educational experience taking into
consideration both academics as well as extra-curriculars.
Provide spaces that support professional learning for teachers and other staff,
including Professional Learning Communities (PLCs).
School facilities that are safe and secure, including the removal of all modular
classrooms in the district.
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Renovation and new construction that is designed to allow for expansion to
accommodate potential future enrollment increases.
New construction that gives consideration to LEED certification for
environmentally sound construction and energy efficiency taking into account both
immediate costs as well as potential long term operational savings.
A new HS using design and construction techniques such that it is flexible enough to
accommodate future changes in technology and teaching methods with minimum
need for renovation or significant building alteration.
Facilities that promote community access.
A new HS whose design honors and recognizes the history of the school district and
the community.
2. Physical Updates and Projects as to Buildings and Infrastructure. The Board directs the
following physical updates and projects to be undertaken as to buildings and infrastructure, in
accordance with the referenced educational outcomes and funding level selected herein:
Construction of a new high school, that considers LEED certifications.
Repair/renovation of the existing HS building to become a grade 6-8 middle school.
Repurposing of the existing MS in such a manner as to provide greatest benefit to
the district, such as an alternate revenue stream for the Avon Grove School District.
Removal of all portable classrooms at all district facilities.
Renovation and/or upgrades at all district facilities to provide for secure entrances
and additional security measures as recommended by the administration.
Adopted this 26th day of April 2018.
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The new Avon Grove High School project will replace the existing school building with a new
298,000 sq. ft. facility 2.5 miles from the existing school. The school will house grades 9-12.
Students will continue to use the existing school for the duration for the new construction
phase, which will extend approximately two years. Once the new building is completed and the
District has moved into the facility, the existing high school will be renovated and converted
into the middle school housing grades 6-8.
Site improvements will include safer and more efficient vehicular traffic routes and will
separate bus staging from student drop-off and staff parking areas. Student parking, drop-off
and visitor parking will be at the main entrance to the school. The separate bus loading lot
will be adjacent to the cafeteria and provide afterhours overflow parking. Staff parking will be
in a third separate lot adjacent to the athletic entrance. The layout of the new building will
include a 1-story portion that will house the athletic and performance spaces, including the
gymnasium, auxiliary gymnasium, fitness center and auditorium. These spaces are intended to
be used jointly with the community after school hours will have a separate entrance and be
closed off from the classroom portion of the building.
The building was designed with flexibility, collaborative spaces and based upon an educational
program that was developed from stakeholders. A 3-story wing will provide general
classroom spaces, along with spaces for classes offered in Family Consumer Sciences, Business
and Art. In addition, several spaces will be provided for STEM activities including a wood
shop, metal shop, Maker Space and other Applied Engineering labs. Music department spaces
are located adjacent to the auditorium which allows for easy access to the stage for
performances. Spaces will be provided for small group instruction along with a variety of
spaces to allow a collaborative learning approach. The new cafeteria and associated serving
areas will provide more space and a much better flow for students. All spaces will be
supported by the latest technology to prepare students for the future.
To maximize security, the main building administration functions will be located on the 1
floor at the front of the building providing clear views of all exterior vehicular and pedestrian
activity. In addition, there will be smaller administrative offices located on the 2
and 3
directly above the main administration providing administrative presence in other areas of the
building. Admission to the building will be controlled by an electronically locked secure
Mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems are all designed to be energy efficient. Mechanical
systems will provide improved indoor air quality. More natural light will provide a better
environment for learning and LED lighting will reduce energy costs.
This new state-of-the-art educational environment will accommodate 1750 students along
with the ability to expand with a future addition. This school will allow students to experience
century learning and prepare for future workplace needs.
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The Direct Costs for the project are reflected on the next five (5) pages (D02, D03, attachment
to D03, D04 and D20) extracted from the Planning Construction Workbook, Part D. The
estimated direct cost millage increase is detailed elsewhere.
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We have analyzed several alternative methods of financing the renovations and
additions to the High School (the “Project”). We have also estimated the direct costs of
financing, all as required by Department of Education regulations issued November 4, 1978.
Analysis of Alternatives
The alternatives of financing which we examined are:
1. Cash or a short-term loan.
2. A local general obligation bond issue.
3. A local authority issue.
4. State Public School Building Authority (SPSBA).
Analysis of the School District’s recent financial statements and of the financing
projections in connection with this Project indicated that a short-term bank loan was not
We also analyzed the remaining alternatives which would require the School District
to incur long-term debt. For each alternative we estimated a bond issue and average annual
debt service. Financing costs for each were slightly different due to the nature of the issue
structure and entity issuing the debt. These costs are presented on the attached Table I.
Based on these estimates, at this time the least costly alternative for financing the
capital projects is through the use of General Obligation Bond Issues. This alternative also
offers the School District the advantage of increased flexibility and control over the
construction of the project, structure of the Bond Issue, lower interest rates through the
general obligation issue, investment of Bond Proceeds and more favorable refunding
provisions. In anticipation of the project and to take advantage of interest rates, the School
District issued General Obligation Bonds in 2018. The remaining funding for the Project
would occur over the next two/three years with a series of general obligation bond issues.
The State reimburses a School District for a portion of the principal and interest
which the School District pays each year on its bonds. The amount of the reimbursement is
determined by two factors - the percentage of the Project determined by the Department of
Education to be reimbursable and the School District’s Market Value Aid or CARF ratio.
Current estimates by the Architect indicate that the Project will have a net effective
reimbursement of approximately 7.10% for the Project financings after taking into
consideration the School District’s Market Value Aid Ratio of 53.43%. Therefore, for each
dollar paid by the School District toward principal and interest, the state will reimburse the
School District approximately 7.10 cents for the Project.
There can be no assurances that
the State will pay reimbursement to the District. The financial analysis for this Act 34
Hearing assumes no reimbursement and the debt is 100% local effort.
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Avon Grove School District
Comparison of Various Methods of Financing
High School
General Local
Costs Obligation Authority SPSBA
Costs of Construction:
High School (1) 113,050,192 113,050,192 113,050,192
Financing Costs: (2)
Bond Discount 872,989 885,000 895,000
Legal Fees 219,169 245,000 227,000
Financial Advisor 235,072 265,000 265,000
Printing & Miscellaneous 42,659 55,000 55,000
Rating/Insurance & CUSIP 140,892 165,000 165,000
Paying Agent 7,764 12,000 12,000
Total Requirements 114,568,737 114,677,192 114,669,192
Interest Earned (3) 1,901,943 1,903,000 1,903,000
Bond Premium (3) 7,196,794 7,199,192 7,196,192
Size of Bond Issue(s) 105,470,000 105,575,000(4) 105,570,000(5)
(1) Includes total Project Costs for Project appearing on PLANCON D-02, Line F;
Contingency Fund Allowances and funds for Project Management occurring on
PLANCON D-03, Line G-9.
(2) Financing Costs are estimates based upon recent averages and fees realized from
bond issues sold in the municipal market.
(3) Interest earnings on construction funds being available from investments based upon
approximate payout schedule and possible use for millage phase-in. Assumes Bonds
sold with premium coupon structure.
(4) A local authority would have annual administrative expenses, which have not been
included in these calculations and also higher rates due to revenue bond issue.
(5) SPSBA average annual payment is calculated assuming higher interest rates for a
general obligation bond issue as compared to rates for a revenue bond issue.
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Debt Service and Millage Impact
Table IIA and IIB is a summary of the projected debt service and approximate millage
impact anticipated by the completion of the Project. The School District is funding the
Project with the Series 2018 bond issue and proposed general obligation bond issues in the
years 2020-2021. All financings are anticipated to be structured in a wrap-around debt
structure. In 2007 the District borrowed funds in a general obligation bond issue that were
used to purchase land for the future project. The land purchased with these funds is where
the Project will be built.
It is anticipated that the required funds for the School District’s share of debt service
requirements will be derived from using a phase-in of new mills and the budget surplus in the
early years of these new mills and, in later years, using existing debt related mills currently in
the budget which become available as previous bond issues are retired.
Table IIB illustrates
one option for the District to phase-in the new millage requirements from the issuance
of the new debt beginning with the 2018 Bonds and the future bond issues. The
District will continue to study phase-in options throughout the financing process to
reflect final bid costs and interest rates. In 2007 the District funded the cost of those
general obligation bonds and therefore it does not appear as New Mills required on
Table IIB since the proper mills have been in place since 2007.
The District, in anticipation of the Project, began funding the annual budget in fiscal
year 2018/19 realizing that if the Project did materialize that the District would need
several years to implement a funding plan.
Based upon an estimated future value of 1 collected mill being $1,855,000, a summary
millage impact and debt service analysis is shown on Tables IIA. The supporting bond
amortization schedules are shown as attachments.
Table IIA
Net Debt Service
After State
Reimbursement (2)
Mills Required
for Direct Debt
Total Mills
Required for Direct
and Indirect Costs
4.64 Mills
1.79 Mills (3)
4.78 Mills
1.93 Mills (3)(4)
1. Average annual share from Fiscal Total column totals on attached debt service
schedules assuming a level debt average. (The Project will require 100% of the
$36,245,000 Series of 2018 Bond issue and 100% of the total remaining bond issues to
be financed in 2020-2021, calculated as total principal and interest which includes a
0.75% interest rate contingency for a total of $163,858,735/19.023 avg. years equals
average annual debt of $8,613,716 if structured as a level debt financing).
Per the attached wrap around debt schedules the average annual debt
service is less the first ten/twelve years of the debt structures and greater the last
seven/nine years of the structures. This wrap-around structure minimizes the new
millage requirements required for the Project to 1.79 mills.
2. Assumes a zero project reimbursement for the Bonds.
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3. Table IIB attached to show the millage impact of the wrap-around debt structure for
the proposed bond issues.
4. The breakdown of Indirect Costs follows the discussion on the Direct Costs.
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The following figures reflect anticipated changes in indirect costs for the proposed new Avon
Grove High School. In assessing potential increases in related costs, the following categories
were studied.
PERSONNEL: These calculations assume that staff members assigned to the current
Avon Grove High School will be transferred to the new building upon completion. Current
teaching staff, instructional assistants, and office staff will be sufficient to meet anticipated
needs unless any program changes are made and/or if significant growth in student enrollment
MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: Teaching materials and supplies used for the current 9-12
curriculum will be transferred to the new building. No additional costs are anticipated unless
any program changes are made and/or if significant growth in student enrollment occurs.
COST OF FUEL & UTILITIES: Fuel and utilities are anticipated to be $123,341
BUILDING OPERATION & MAINTENANCE: Increased costs related to
maintenance/custodial for the building will be approximately $330,781 per year.
PUPIL TRANSPORTATION: No changes in pupil transportation costs are anticipated as a
result of the new High School.
INSURANCE PREMIUM: The insurance premium to cover the New High School is
estimated to be $54,000 per year.
VALUE OF ONE MILL $ 1,855,000
The costs above are offset by $247,500 for the savings realized as a result of taking modular
classroom units out of operation.
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Chester County, Pennsylvania
WHEREAS, the Board of School Directors of Avon Grove School
District has determined that certain new facilities may be required for the use of the
pupils of Avon Grove School District and has authorized certain preliminary steps to
be taken with regard to a new school project, consisting of planning, designing,
constructing, furnishing and equipping a new Avon Grove High School (herein “New
High School Project”); and
WHEREAS, the Pennsylvania Public School Code of 1949, as
amended (the "School Code"), including amendments made pursuant to Act 34 of the
Session of 1973 of the General Assembly ("Act 34"), requires, inter alia, that a public
hearing be held prior to the construction, the entering into a contract to construct or
the entering into a contract to lease a new school building or a substantial addition to
an existing school building; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with the requirements of Act 34 and the
School Code, a public hearing is required to be held in connection with the New High
School Project; and
WHEREAS, the School Code requires that a notice of such public
hearing under Act 34 be advertised at least twenty (20) days prior to such hearing and
that certain information be made available to persons in attendance at such hearing
and that certain financial information be available for inspection by interested citizens
during the period of such advertisement; and
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WHEREAS, the Board of School Directors desires to authorize its
Solicitor, Business Manager, Architect, and Underwriter and others to take certain
actions with respect to the New High School Project; and
WHEREAS, Avon Grove School District wishes to take certain
action with respect to the New High School Project, and to comply with Act 34 and
the School Code.
School Directors of the Avon Grove School District, Chester County, Pennsylvania,
as follows:
1. Avon Grove School District hereby authorizes a public
hearing to be held in accordance with and in compliance with the requirements of Act
34 and the School Code, in the Avon Grove High School , Auditorium, 257 State
Road, West Grove, PA 19390 on Thursday, September 12th, 2019 beginning at 6:30
p.m., prevailing time.
2. The Secretary of the Board of School Directors is hereby
authorized and directed to advertise the Notice of Public Hearing set forth in Exhibit
"A" which is attached hereto and made a part hereof in accordance with the
requirements thereof and of Act 34 and the School Code.
3. Avon Grove School District hereby authorizes a maximum
project cost of $114,568,737 and maximum building construction cost of $81,001,789
for the project.
4. The Board of School Directors of Avon Grove School District
hereby authorizes and directs that a description of the New High School Project be
prepared and hereby directs the Secretary of the Board of School Directors of the
School District to make copies of such description of the project available to interested
citizens requesting the same at the place and during the reasonable hours stated in the
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Notice of Public Hearing, after approval thereof by the Solicitor of Avon Grove
School District, and also to make such description available to the public media as
required by Act 34, the School Code and the Regulations of the Pennsylvania
Department of Education.
5. Avon Grove School District hereby authorizes Andrew D.H
Rau, Unruh Turner Burke & Frees, West Chester, Pennsylvania, Solicitors of Avon
Grove School District, to perform such acts on behalf of Avon Grove School District
as may be necessary in connection with the New High School Project.
6. Avon Grove School District hereby authorizes the
architectural firm of KCBA Architects, Inc., Project Architect for the New High
School Project, to perform such acts on behalf of Avon Grove School District as may
be necessary in connection with the New High School Project.
7. Avon Grove School District hereby authorizes the firm of
Public Financial Management, Incorporated, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, as Financial
Advisor, to perform such acts on behalf of Avon Grove School District as may be
necessary in connection with the New High School Project.
8. Avon Grove School District further authorizes the
engagement of a court stenographer to transcribe the Act 34 hearing proceedings,
consistent with the intent of this Resolution.
9. Avon Grove School District further authorizes its officers,
administration, solicitor, investment counselor and project architect to take any and all
necessary actions in order to effectuate the intent and purposes of this Resolution.
DULY ADOPTED, by the Board of School Directors of Avon
Grove School District, this 12
Day of August, 2019
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Chester County, Pennsylvania
Attest:_______________________ By:_____________________
Board Secretary Board President
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I, the undersigned, Secretary of the Board of School Directors of the Avon
Grove School District, Chester County, Pennsylvania (the "School District"), hereby
certify: That the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Resolution which was duly
adopted by affirmative vote of a majority of all members of the Board of School
Directors of the School District duly convened and held according to law on August
12, 2019, at which meeting a quorum was present; that said Resolution duly has been
recorded in the minutes of the Board of School Directors of Avon Grove School
District; and that said Resolution is in full force and effect, without amendment,
alteration or repeal, as of the date of this Certificate.
I further certify that the Board of School Directors of Avon Grove School
District meets the advance notice requirements of the Sunshine Act, Act No. 1998-93
of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved October
15, 1998, by advertising said meeting and posting prominently a notice of said meeting
at the principal office of the School District or at the public building in which said
meeting was held, all in accordance with such Act.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I set my hand and affix the official seal of the
School District, this 12
day of August 2019.
Wendi Lee Kraft
(SEAL) Board Secretary
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Please take notice that a public hearing will be held in Avon Grove High
School , Auditorium, 257 State Road, West Grove, PA 19390 on Thursday, September
12th, 2019 beginning at 6:30 p.m., prevailing time, for the purpose of reviewing all
relevant matters relating to the planning, designing, constructing, furnishing and
equipping of a new Avon Grove High School to be located in Penn Township (herein
“New High School Project”).
A description of the New High School Project, including facts with respect to
the educational, physical, administrative, budgetary and fiscal matters related to the
Project, will be presented and will be available for consideration at such public hearing,
and from August 23rd, 2019, until the public hearing, during regular business hours
(8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M.) of the School District Administration offices located at 375 S.
Jennersville Road, West Grove, PA 19390.
The Board of School Directors of Avon Grove School District by Resolution
duly adopted has authorized Maximum Project Cost of $114,568,737 and a Maximum
Building Construction Cost of $81,001,789.
This public hearing is being held with respect to the New High School Project,
pursuant to the requirements of the Pennsylvania Public School Code of 1949,
approved March 10, 1949, as amended and supplemented, including amendments
made pursuant to Act 34 of the Session of 1973 of the General Assembly.
Residents and employees of the School District may submit written testimony
regarding the proposed project. Such written testimony should be mailed or delivered
Wendi Lee Kraft, Board Secretary
Avon Grove School District
375 South Jennersville Road,
West Grove, PA 19390
The written testimony shall include the name and address of the person submitting the
request, identification of the sender as a District resident or employee, the name of the
project of concern and a description of the support or objection to the Project. To be
of most benefit to the Board, a statement of objection should be followed by a viable
alternative solution.
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Any and all interested persons may further appear at and attend the public hearing and
will be given reasonable opportunity to be heard at such public hearing. Public
comment forms will be available at the Avon Grove High School Auditorium at the
time of the hearing. The Board of School Directors requests that members of the
public complete the form and submit it to Mr. Dan Carsley, Business Manager, prior to
the start of the meeting. During the verbal presentation section of the meeting, the
presiding officer will call individuals to the podium in the order the forms were
After the presiding officer calls all individuals who pre-submitted forms to the
podium, a final call for verbal presentations will be made. During this time, District
residents or employees may come forward to make verbal presentations. Those
individuals must submit the public comment form to the Board Secretary, or designee,
prior to making their comment and approaching the podium.
Testimony will be limited to three minutes per interested person. Board will
allow public comment and/or questioning until the conclusion of the hearing.
Written comments regarding the Project will also be received by the Secretary
of the Board of School Directors at the School District’s administrative offices until
4:00 P.M., October 14th, 2019.
Chester County, Pennsylvania
Wendi Lee Kraft
Secretary of the Board of
School Directors