Updated November 19, 2020
Avon Grove School District (AGSD) has created this Health and Safety Plan to serve as the guideline
for the reopening of co-curricular and extracurricular activities. This plan will remain in effect and
follow the guidance of the Chester County Health Department (CCHD) and Pennsylvania Department of
Health (PADOH) . NOTE: Coach and advisor Training Seminars will occur under the direction of the
Director of Athletics and Student Activities. In order for workouts and activities to begin, all coaches
and advisors must attend a Training Seminar.
Per Pennsylvania Department of Education guidelines this plan has been reviewed and approved by the
AGSD Board of Directors, was implemented only after their approval, and posted on the AGSD website
for public viewing. Kyle Christy, AGSD Athletic and Activities Director, will serve as the AGSD
athletic and activities point of contact for all questions related to COVID-19 for parents, athletes,
participants and coaches. His email address is [email protected] and his office number is 610-
Prior to starting co-curricular and extracurricular activities, the following conditions will be
adhered to:
Parents and athletes/participants will complete the Avon Grove High School and Fred S Engle Middle
School: 2020-21 Participation Permission Form which includes:
Permission for the athlete/participant to participate in the activities.
Medical insurance information and emergency contact information.
Certification that the athlete/participant is in good health and acknowledges no athlete or
participant will be allowed to participate in activities if sick.
Confirmation that the parent and athlete/participant have reviewed the CDC guidelines
related to the symptoms of COVID-19, appropriate social distancing, hygiene, hand
washing and sanitizing procedures.
Confirmation that each athlete/participant is responsible to provide her/his own personal
protective equipment, beverages and food items for each activity and that these items will
not be shared with others.
Coaches/advisors will sign an AGSD Form that will include
Confirmation that they have reviewed the CDC guidelines to educate themselves on the
symptoms of COVID-19, appropriate social distancing, hygiene, hand washing and
sanitizing procedures, and received training from Mr. Christy prior to initiating activities
with students.
Confirmation they have reviewed the CDC guidelines on consideration for youth sports
to modify practices, activities and games to mitigate the risk of spreading the COVID-19
virus. This includes focusing on individual skill building versus competition and limiting
contact in close contact sports.
Confirmation that each coach/advisor is responsible to provide her/his own personal
protective equipment, beverages and food items for each workout and that these items
will not be shared with others.
Acknowledgement they will be responsible to take attendance at each workout session
and make sure all coaches/advisors and athletes/participants have participated in initial
training related to COVID-19.
Updated November 19, 2020
Acknowledgement they are responsible for the cleaning of all school district equipment
after each activity for each activity group.
Coaches/advisors will schedule their activity sessions through the athletics/activities
During each athletic workout or activity the following conditions will be adhered to:
AGSD will make sure that
Adequate restrooms are open and available for use by athletes/participants and
coaches/advisors for proper hygiene and hand washing. These restrooms will be stocked
and cleaned daily.
Cleaning products are available for use by coaches/advisors and athletes/participants.
Signs are posted to remind coaches/advisors and players/participants of COVID-19
symptoms, appropriate social distancing, hygiene, hand washing and sanitizing
AGSD facilities are closed to the public during any workout period.
Coaches/advisors will make sure that
They take coach/advisor and athlete/participant attendance at each activity session and
that each person participating has completed the Participation Permission Form. Any
athlete/participant or coach/advisor who self-reports being sick will not be allowed to
participate, will be isolated from the group and sent home. The name of anyone sent
home due to illness will be given to Mr. Christy, Helen Arrell, the athletic trainer, or the
high school administrator on-site. (The complete procedure for ill
coaches/advisors/athletes/students is listed later in this document)
They provide their own personal protective equipment, beverages and food items for each
activity and that these items will not be shared with others.
They wear face coverings at all times.
They limit unnecessary physical contact with anyone. This includes shaking hands, fist
bumps and high fives.
They maintain appropriate social distancing to the maximum extent feasible, including in
the field of play, sidelines, benches, workout areas, and all facilities. During down time,
athletes/participants and coaches/advisors should maintain social distancing and will
wear face coverings unless doing so jeopardizes their health.
The number of coaches/advisors and athletes/participants participating in any activity
adheres to the gathering limitations set forth by the Governor's Plan for Phased
They clean all school district equipment after each activity session for each activity
Locker Rooms will be closed.
Workouts/activities are limited to current student-athletes, coaches and staff and students
in the marching band and activities. No other person may attend, participate or watch the
Athletes/participants will make sure that
Updated November 19, 2020
They are healthy when reporting for each activity. If they are sick they will let their
coach/advisor know and not attend the activity.
They provide their own personal protective equipment, beverages and food items for each
workout and that these items will not be shared with others.
They wear face coverings unless doing so jeopardizes their health.
They limit unnecessary physical contact with anyone. This includes shaking hands, fist
bumps and high fives.
They maintain appropriate social distancing to the maximum extent feasible, including in
the field of play, sidelines, benches, workout areas, and facilities. During down time,
athletes and coaches/advisors should maintain social distancing and will wear face
coverings unless doing so jeopardizes their health.
They clean/disinfect all clothing and personal equipment after each workout.
Procedures for competitions:
Fall Sports - All Ches-Mont schools will follow the Ches-Mont League Return To Competition
Health & Safety Plan.
Winter Sports - All Ches-Mont schools will follow the Ches-Mont League Winter Health &
Safety Plan.
While the Ches-Mont League Winter Health & Safety Plan designates a November 30th
start date for all sports, Avon Grove School District will start all winter sports officially
on December 14th.
Fall Sports - Each individual sport will reference and abide by the guidance set forth in the
Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association Return To Competition: Individual Sport
Winter Sports - Each individual sport will reference and abide by the guidance set forth in the
Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association Return To Competition: Individual Sport
Spectators during competitions will be limited to family, parents, guardians, and caretakers.
Tickets will be limited to 2 tickets per student unless reductions/restrictions must be
enforced due to gathering limitations in which case, the number of tickets per student will
be reduced or possibly eliminated.
Spectators must remain masked for the entirety of the event unless doing so jeopardizes
their health.
Only Avon Grove spectators will be allowed at Avon Grove home events. No visiting
school spectators will be allowed.
Media and video-streaming personnel will be allowed with additional precautions.
Media members will be expected to alert athletic directors prior to arrival.
Media members will be asked to complete the Screening Procedures listed below.
Media members will be required to wear masks and socially distance at all times.
Post-game interviews will be allowed but should be done via teleconferencing, telephone,
or at an appropriate social distance outside.
Sidelines are restricted to student-athletes, coaches, staff, and officials only.
All concessions will be closed.
Ticketing will be done virtually through a digital format.
Updated November 19, 2020
If there is an away event, caregivers may drive their student athlete to that event if they do not
feel comfortable riding the bus. A note from the caregiver must be turned into the athletic office
a day in advance.
Procedures for competition transportation:
AGSD will make sure that
Transportation is available for all student athletes and performers to away events.
Transportation is sanitized between uses.
A maximum of 48 students will be assigned to a bus.
Signs are posted to remind coaches/advisors and players/participants of COVID-19
symptoms, appropriate social distancing, hygiene, hand washing and sanitizing
Coaches/advisors will make sure that
Seating charts are created to keep students in the same seats and in cohorts for the entire
Some windows are opened to increase airflow.
They provide their own personal protective equipment, and do not consume food or
beverages while on the bus.
All coaches/advisors/athletes/participants are masked for the entire ride.
Athletes/participants will make sure that
They sit in the same seat to each event for the entire season.
Some windows are opened to increase airflow.
They provide their own personal protective equipment, and do not consume food or
beverages while on the bus.
They remain masked for the entire ride.
Procedure for anyone who arrives or becomes ill during an activity session.
Any athlete/participant or coach/advisor who is ill, will not be allowed to participate in the
session. Their name will be given to Mr. Christy and the athletic trainer or other high school
administrator on duty. Their name will then be given to Helen Arrell, the school nurse on special
assignment for COVID-19.
These coaches/advisors and athletes/participants will be immediately isolated from the
rest of the group and emergency contact information will be used to arrange for
transportation home.
Any equipment used by the ill person will be removed from use until it can be
Any athlete/advisor or coach/participant who is ill will not be allowed to return to any sessions
until all signs and symptoms of the illness have gone away.
Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 will be required to follow the isolation guidelines by
the CDC before returning, have medical clearance from their physician or appropriate healthcare
professional (MD/DO/PN/PNP), are non-contagious, fever free (without fever-reducing
medicine), demonstrating improvement in respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath),
and no vomiting or diarrhea.
Updated November 19, 2020
Any student sent home due to illness at practice will have their family contacted by the school
nurse, athletic trainer, or athletic director in order to verify that they are symptom free.
Any student tested for COVID-19 out of state are required to report their results to CCHD within
24 hours on notice.
Coaches/Advisors Screening of Athletes/Participants Prior to Participation
Each coach/advisor will use the script to screen coaches/advisors and athletes/participants with
the Athlete and Staff COVID-19 Screening Form. This must be completed prior to every
Completion of the screening by athletes/participants must be done no earlier than 2 hours before
their practice/competition is scheduled to begin.
Coaches/advisors must submit the screening forms weekly to the athletic office every Friday for
documentation in case contact tracing by CCHD is necessary.
Emergency Weather Guidelines
In the case of projected or currently occuring inclement weather, all practices and games will be
Should any emergency weather occur while a group of 25 are here for activity purposes, the
stadium field group will report to the main gym, the front turf will report to the cafeteria, the
back turf will report to the front lobby, and other groups can report to center court, the LMC, the
auditorium, and the mini-gym should there be multiple other groups needing space to
appropriately social distance. In the event that more spaces are needed, classrooms can be
utilized but must be sanitized before the last person leaves.
The whole group should maintain social distancing while in the building and will wear face
coverings unless doing so jeopardizes their health.
The coach/advisor will remain with the group until participants are picked up.
All spectators and visitors will report to their method of transportation to the event
Fitness Center Guidelines
Anyone using the facility must follow the AGSD Co-Curricular and Extracurricular Health and
Safety Plan.
Cloth masks or other approved face-coverings must be worn at all times.
All doors which allow entrance to the fitness center must be propped open when in use and
closed/locked when the room is empty.
Students will bring their own labeled water supply and are not allowed to share with other
Students must clean equipment before and after each use.
Hand sanitizer will be available.
Proper signage will be posted to provide clear guidelines as to appropriate daily equipment usage
and traffic flow.
A coach must be in the fitness center at all times when students are using the fitness center to
monitor social distancing and fitness center rules.
Updated November 19, 2020
A coach will screen all athletes using the script and record their responses on the screening form
before each use of the fitness center.
The maximum capacity due to physical distancing requirements is 25 participants (includes coaches and
athletes) as referenced by commercial fitness center guidelines based on square footage along with
indoor facility guidance.
Updated November 19, 2020
Gathering Sizes
The following phases will be used in conjunction with the yellow and green phase restrictions on
gathering limitations and building occupancy. During the yellow and green phases of reopening, sports-
related activities at the PK-12 level are limited to student athletes, coaches, officials, staff, and approved
spectators only. If still in Yellow phase and a team has more than 25 participants who want to attend,
consider a rotating schedule, dividing the group among different coaches and fields, or multiple
RED - No sports are allowed in counties designated as being in the Red phase.
YELLOW - Groups of 25 or less (including coaches).
GREEN - Groups of 250 or less (including coaches).
The goal of our voluntary workouts and activities is building individual skills over competition and
limiting contact.
Conditioning, Individual Drills, and Group Drills only.
Modified intrasquad scrimmages.
No group huddles.
Instruction should be given in a way that maintains appropriate social distancing.
Stretching, warmups, and cooldowns should be done in a way that maintains appropriate
social distancing.
Drills should be done in pods of 10 or less when possible.
Outdoor practices and workouts are prefered. When indoor workouts are scheduled, they must
adhere to all Health and Safety Plan guidelines and be approved in advance by the Director of
Athletics and Student Activities.
Locker rooms will be closed.
Indoor sports should consider doing conditioning and individual drills outside whenever
Gym activity should be designed in a way that allows for social distancing. Athletes
should take frequent breaks for handwashing.
Face coverings required for all coaches/advisors/trainers unless doing so jeopardizes his/her
health. Face coverings required when athletes/participants arrive/leave and during down time
(i.e. during instruction) unless doing so jeopardizes his/her health. Face coverings are required at
all times.
Spectators/Parents must remain in their vehicles during practices and pickup from competitions.
Spectators during competitions will be limited to family, parents, guardians, and caretakers.
Tickets will be limited to 2 tickets per student unless reductions/restrictions must be
enforced due to gathering limitations in which case, the number of tickets per student will
be reduced or possibly eliminated.
Spectators must remain masked for the entirety of the game unless doing so jeopardizes
their health.
Only Avon Grove spectators will be allowed at Avon Grove home events. No visiting
school spectators will be allowed.
Personal equipment, such as bottles, towels, and pinnies should not be shared.
Limit shared objects to those required for sport only (i.e. footballs, basketballs, etc.). Athletes are
required to bring their own water supply and avoid sharing towels or pinnies.
Updated November 19, 2020
Any athlete/participant that doesn’t bring their own water supply will be turned away and
sent home.
All equipment should be cleaned at the conclusion of each session by
coaching/advising/custodial staff and individual clothing or equipment (team issued or
personal) should be cleaned at the conclusion of each session by the participant.
No unnecessary physical contact including shaking hands, fist bumps, and high fives.
Team/club meetings should maintain social distancing guidelines or take place on a virtual
1. PA Guidance for All Sports Permitted to Operate During the COVID-19 Disaster Emergency to
Ensure the Safety and Health of Employees, Athletes, and the Public- June 10, 2020
2. Process to Reopen Pennsylvania- June 9, 2020
3. Guidance for Chester County Organized Sports during the Yellow Phase- June 10, 2020
4. PIAA Press Release- June 10, 2020
5. PA Department of Education Preliminary Guidance for Phased Reopening of Pre-K to 12
Schools- June 3, 2020
6. CDC COVID-19 Considerations for Youth Sports- May 29, 2020
7. NFHS Guide for Opening Up High School Athletics and Activities- May 2020
8. Implementing Safety Practices for Critical Infrastructure Workers Who May Have Had Exposure
to a Person with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19- April 20, 2020
9. UPMC Sports Medicine Playbook: Returning to Sports During COVID-19 Minimum Guidelines
(High School)- May 28, 2020
10. NATA COVID-19 Return to Sport Considerations for Secondary School Athletic Trainers- May
11. KSI Return to Sports and Exercise during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Guidance for High School
and Collegiate Athletic Programs- June 2, 2020
*Kyle Christy, Director of Athletics and Activities - Committee Chairperson
M. Christopher Marchese, Superintendent of Schools
Michael Snopkowski, Assistant Superintendent
Scott DeShong, Principal Avon Grove High School
Sean Burns, Director of Pupil Services
Dennis Pagan, Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds
Colleen Munger, Certified School Nurse
Lisa Boyer, MS, LAT, ATC, East Division Director of Sports Medicine, ATI Physical Therapy
Danielle Paterno, Communications Coordinator