Supervisory Insights Winter 2012
n today’s low interest-rate environ-
ment, many bank customers may
be looking to earn higher interest
rates on their deposits. In response,
some banks are offering high-yield
checking accounts to attract the
attention of these customers. This
article reviews the typical features of
high-yield checking accounts, with a
focus on specific aspects of disclosure
that, based on examiner observa-
tions, appear most likely to contribute
to customer confusion about these
accounts. By providing customers with
clear and unambiguous disclosures,
banks can minimize the potential for
customer dissatisfaction and the poten-
tial for violations of laws or regulations.
Typical Features of the High-
Yield Account
High-yield accounts typically offer
free checking, with no minimum
balance requirements, and the poten-
tial for earning a high annual percent-
age yield (APY),
provided certain
conditions (“qualifiers”) are met.
(Note: The APY is not necessarily the
same as the advertised interest rate).
Some common qualifiers include
engaging in a certain number of debit
card transactions monthly (usually 10
to 15 transactions), making at least
one direct deposit or Automated Clear-
inghouse (ACH) payment monthly,
enrolling in the bank’s online banking
program, and agreeing to receive elec-
tronic bank statements.
Community banks frequently offer
these accounts to attract deposits and
compete with larger financial institu-
tions. The accounts permit banks to
profit from interchange fee income
generated through the use of the debit
card. In addition, the electronic bank
statement qualifier allows banks to
reduce expenses associated with print-
ing and mailing statements, and may
reduce future overhead expenses as
consumers shift from visiting branches
to conducting online transactions.
Many banks cap the balances to
which the higher APY will apply to
control interest expenses. Therefore,
balances above the cap amount do not
earn the higher APY even if the quali-
fiers are met; however, these accounts
may still earn an attractive APY when
compared to competing financial insti-
tutions. To encourage consumers to
open these accounts, banks offer a
fall-back interest rate (the interest rate
consumers earn when the qualifiers
are not met), which may be slightly
higher than current market interest
rates. This rate structure makes these
accounts an attractive alternative to
traditional personal checking accounts.
As a hypothetical example for illus-
trative purposes, a bank may offer
a personal checking account with a
4.01 percent APY,
which is much
higher than the 0.10 percent APY of
other banks in its area. To qualify for
this higher APY, customers must: a)
use their debit card a minimum of 10
times per month; b) make one direct
deposit or ACH payment monthly; and
c) enroll in online banking. There is
no minimum balance requirement as
balances below $25,000 receive the
higher interest rate while balances of
$25,000 or more receive an APY of
High-Yield Checking Accounts:
Know the Rules
Section 1030.2(c), formerly Section 230.2(c) of Regulation DD (Truth in Savings) defines annual percentage yield
(APY) as a percentage rate reflecting the total amount of interest paid on an account, based on the interest rate
and the frequency of compounding for a 365-day period and calculated according to the rules in Appendix A of
this part.
Supervisory Insights Winter 2012
1.01 percent if the qualifiers are met
each qualification period. Where the
qualifiers are not met, an APY of 0.25
percent will be applied regardless of
the account balance, which is still
significantly higher than the interest
rate being paid by other banks in the
Disclosure Issues Most
Frequently Observed with
High-Yield Accounts
In a number of instances, FDIC exam-
iners have had concerns about the
disclosures or promotional materials
associated with high-yield accounts.
In such instances, examiners have
found the disclosures or promotional
materials to be unclear or ambigu-
ous about what customers need to do
to earn the higher APY. Where such
concerns exist, they may pertain to
the Truth in Savings disclosures that
explain the account terms, as well as
to a bank’s advertisements,
and promotional materials on its Web
site. If these materials indicate that
the higher APY can be obtained by
performing a few simple tasks with-
out fully describing the actual steps
consumers must take to earn the
higher interest rate, there is a potential
for customer dissatisfaction and regula-
tory violations.
For example, the requirement that
account holders must make a mini-
mum number of transactions monthly
with their debit card may not be about
the account holder “using” the debit
card a certain number of times, but
rather about the minimum number
of debit card transactions that must
post and settle during the statement
cycle or qualification period. These are
different things as there is often a delay
between the time an account holder
makes a transaction and the time the
transaction is posted to the account
and settled by the bank. Whether the
qualifier for the higher APY will be met
depends on whether the minimum
number of transactions, as that term is
defined, happen within the statement
cycle or qualification period.
Example: An account holder’s statement cycle runs from August 1st to August 31st
and the consumer needs ten debit card transactions to meet the qualifier. On August
30th the account holder realizes she has made only five debit card transactions since
August 1st. To satisfy the qualifier, she purchases five candy bars (or other small-dollar
items) and performs five separate Point-of-Sale (POS) transactions on August 30th. She
thinks she has satisfied the ten debit card transactions qualifier, but because these
five transactions do not post and settle to the account until two days later, she will be
credited with only the five transactions she had prior to the candy bar purchases. The
consumer fails to meet the qualifier despite having “used” her debit card ten times
during the statement cycle or qualification period.
Section 1030.2(b), formerly Section 230.2(b) of Regulation DD defines an advertisement as a commercial
message, appearing in any medium that promotes directly or indirectly: (1) The availability or terms of, or a
deposit in, a new account; and (2) For purposes of §1030.8(a) formerly §230.8(a) and §1030.11 formerly §230.11 of
this part, the terms of, or a deposit in, a new or existing account.
Supervisory Insights Winter 2012
High-Yield Checking Accounts
continued from pg. 13
Example: An account holder pays her monthly gym membership automati-
cally from the account on the last day of each month, but the payment does
not post and settle until the first of the next month. Result: the consumer does
not meet the ACH qualifier to record the requisite number of transactions
within the statement cycle or qualification period.
Further complicating the issue is
that some banks may disqualify small-
dollar purchases made at the end of
the month. FDIC examiners have
heard anecdotal evidence that banks
tell consumers that making several
small-dollar purchases at the end of
the month to obtain the higher APY is
manipulating the system, and will not
be tolerated. Consumers have been
warned that continuing such behavior
could result in their account being
closed. However, this behavior and
consequences was not disclosed to the
consumer at the time the account was
opened. Similar confusion can occur
with ACH payments.
In both of the above examples, it is
important that the bank’s promotional
materials, Web site, and disclosures do
not lead the account holder to believe
that the mere occurrence of making
the debit card transactions or ACH
payment each month would be suffi-
cient to meet the high-yield account
qualifier. Clear and conspicuous disclo-
sures that the transactions must post
and settle during the account state-
ment cycle or qualification period to
qualify for a high APY would avoid this
potential problem. Disclosure problems
also may exist in connection with the
account requirement that consum-
ers enroll in online banking and agree
to receive monthly statements elec-
tronically. Examiners frequently have
observed that banks’ advertisements
and disclosures do not inform account
holders that enrolling in online bank-
ing means logging into their online
account at least once every month and
viewing their periodic statement. This
is information that consumers would
need to know to ensure they satisfy
this qualifier.
Regulatory Concerns
Regulation DD (Truth in Savings)
generally (1) governs how banks
disclose account terms to consumers at
account opening; (2) defines what must
be disclosed when subsequent events
impact the account; and (3) outlines
requirements for promoting accounts.
In accordance with Regulation DD,
depository institutions are required
to make disclosures clear, conspicu-
ous, in writing, and in a form that the
account holder may retain.
ous disclosures may result in violations
of various sections of Regulation DD,
including: Section 1030.1(b) (formerly
230.1(b)), requiring depository institu-
tions to provide account disclosures
that give consumers the ability to make
meaningful comparisons among insti-
tutions; Section 1030.3(b) (formerly
230.3(b)), requiring that disclosures
reflect the terms of the legal obligation
of the account agreement between the
consumer and the institution; Section
1030.4(b) (formerly 230.4(b)), requir-
ing that account disclosures include,
as applicable, information on rates,
compounding and crediting, balance
information, fees, transaction limita-
tions and bonuses; and Section 1030.8
(formerly 230.8), requiring that adver-
tisements not be misleading, not refer
to accounts as “free” or “no cost” if
certain fees may be imposed, only state
the APY and interest rate, and provide
other information if certain triggering
terms are present.
See Section 1030.3(a), formerly Section 230.3(a) of Regulation DD.
Supervisory Insights Winter 2012
When disclosures, Web sites, adver-
and promotional brochures
are unclear and use ambiguous termi-
nology, they may violate Regulation
DD and may be considered an unfair or
deceptive act or practice under Section
5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act
(Section 5).
Table 1 summarizes the
standards for determining whether a
practice is unfair or deceptive under
Section 5.
Violations involving unfairness or
deception are serious because of the
potential for consumer harm, as well
as reputational risk to the financial
institution. In such instances, a bank’s
compliance rating may be downgraded
and formal or informal enforcement
actions may be imposed. The FDIC
also may require banks to conduct
account-level reviews to identify
harmed consumers and request restitu-
Advertisements take a variety of forms, but some of the more common problems have been observed in lobby
advertisements, bank Web sites, third-party created brochures, new account literature, radio scripts, and news-
paper advertisements.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has jurisdiction over insured depository institutions with
total assets exceeding $10 billion with respect to certain consumer laws and regulations, including the Truth in
Savings Act and Regulation DD. The CFPB also has authority under Sections 1031 and 1036 of the Dodd-Frank Act
to take action against abusive acts or practices including those that are unfair or deceptive. Thus far, the CFPB
has not exercised its authority with respect to abusiveness.
Table 1
Section 5 of the FTC Act
Standards of Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices (*)
An act or practice is unfair if it causes or is likely to cause substantial injury to
The injury is not reasonably avoidable by the consumer.
The unfair act or practice is not outweighed by countervailing benefits to
consumers or competition.
Public policy also may be considered in determining whether an act or practice is
A representation, omission, or practice must mislead or be likely to mislead the
The consumer’s interpretation of the representation, omission, or practice must
be reasonable under the circumstances.
The misleading representation, omission, or practice must be material.
A deceptive representation can be expressed, implied, or involve a material omission.
The key is the overall net impression created by the written disclosures. Fine print may
be insufficient to correct misleading text.
(*) All standards for unfairness and deception must be met for a Section 5 violation to
occur. Please refer to the following Financial Institution Letters (FILs) for more detailed
information: FIL-57-2002 (Guidance on Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices) and
FIL-26-2004 (Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices by State-Chartered Banks).
Supervisory Insights Winter 2012
tion be provided to adversely affected
consumers. For example, paying the
difference between the interest rate
that should have been paid compared
to what was paid or refunding Auto-
matic Teller Machine (ATM) fees.
Restitution can be costly. The FDIC
also may require banks to pay civil
money penalties, which can be large
depending on the seriousness of the
violations and the number of harmed
During compliance examinations,
FDIC examiners have identified several
common issues with the promotional
materials and disclosures for high-yield
accounts that may constitute a viola-
tion of Regulation DD or an unfair or
deceptive act or practice under Section
5, depending on the specific facts and
circumstances. Table 2 lists some of
the more common problems noted.
Violations associated with high-yield
checking accounts often stem from
inadequate coordination between
marketing and compliance person-
nel during the product development,
introduction, and marketing phases
of a high-yield checking account.
Similarly, management may rely too
Table 2
Commonly Observed Issues with
High-Yield Checking Account Promotional Materials and Disclosures (*)
Bank advertisements, promotional materials, Web sites, and disclosures may:
Highlight the highest APY and omit the fall-back APY.
Provide the highest APY and fall-back APY, but not state the qualifiers to achieve the higher APY.
State some, but not all of the qualifiers.
Represent unlimited, free, nationwide ATM access but condition free access, through the Truth in
Savings disclosures, on the consumer meeting certain qualifiers and limit ATM fee refunds to a
certain number per statement or qualification cycle.
Omit the qualifier requiring enrollment in online banking and receipt of electronic banking statements
or fail to explain how the consumer can enroll. Enrollment is not always conducted at account open-
ing and consumers may not be aware of how to enroll.
Omit the requirement that a consumer must log-on and view electronic banking statements during
each statement or qualification cycle.
Omit the requirement that debit card/POS and ACH transactions must post and settle during the state-
ment or qualification cycle.
Omit the requirement that debit card/POS transactions must be PIN-based or signature-based.
Fail to state ATM transactions do not count as debit card transactions.
Fail to explain qualifiers must be met during a certain period, i.e., statement cycle or qualification
cycle, and/or not define the period. A statement cycle may be from the 20th (a calendar day) of a
month to the 20th (a calendar day) of the next month. However, some banks use a “qualification
cycle” within which the qualifiers must be met. Qualification cycles may be from the 19th of a month
(a business day) to the 18th of the next month (a business day). Because the statement cycle is based
on calendar days and the qualification cycle on business days, the two periods may not coincide.
(*) This list is illustrative and not all-inclusive.
High-Yield Checking Accounts
continued from pg. 15
Supervisory Insights Winter 2012
heavily on third parties to ensure the
product complies with applicable laws,
rules, and regulations and may not
involve compliance personnel in this
determination. Senior management is
responsible for performing proper due
diligence to ensure that third-party and
in-house products are implemented
and administered in accordance with
the law. Early involvement of compli-
ance personnel in the origination
of both developed and third-party
products can greatly reduce the use
of ambiguous terminology in describ-
ing account terms and qualifiers.
Conversely, not involving compliance
staff in the development of new prod-
ucts represents a significant weakness
in a bank’s Compliance Management
System (CMS).
As an example of such issues, FDIC
compliance examiners have identi-
fied problems in high-yield checking
account products related to a bank’s
use of products developed by third
parties that initially comply with
regulatory requirements, but are then
adjusted by the bank’s marketing
department in an attempt to make the
program more attractive to consum-
ers. Third-party products may state
that debit card transactions need to
post and settle to meet the qualifi-
ers. However, marketing department
personnel change the language to state
that consumers have to simply “make”
or “have” a certain number of debit
card transactions per month to meet
the qualifiers. Such adjustments, if not
monitored and detected by the bank’s
compliance personnel, could result in
violations of consumer protection laws
and regulations.
Such issues may reflect a need for
the bank to strengthen its compli-
ance program. A proactive compliance
program requires the sampling and
monitoring of disclosures, advertise-
ments, and promotional materials
to ensure potential problems can
be addressed early. By periodically
sampling and monitoring disclosures,
advertisements and promotional mate-
rials, the bank’s compliance personnel
can promptly detect any issues that
may cause consumer confusion.
When examining a bank offering a
high-yield account, examiners will:
Closely scrutinize bank advertise-
ments (in all forms) connected with
high-yield accounts to determine
whether the terms and conditions
are disclosed in a manner that is
clear and unambiguous for account
Check the bank’s complaints and
inquiries to determine whether
customers have expressed confu-
sion with the bank’s explanation
of the qualifiers related to the
account. This is often best accom-
plished by interviewing front-line
branch personnel who interact with
Ensure deposit disclosures clearly
and conspicuously define account
terms and conditions for the
consumer. Terms and qualifiers
should be consistent and allow a
reasonable consumer to understand
them. Examiners should focus
on broadly defined terms such
as “make,” “use,” or “have” etc.,
and how institution management
defines them.
Supervisory Insights Winter 2012
Best Practices
Banks can minimize exposure to
violations of consumer protection laws
and regulations by incorporating the
following best practices into their CMS:
Involve the compliance officer
or compliance consultants in the
product development, implementa-
tion, and promotional phases of the
Ensure materials contain clear and
conspicuous terminology. Define all
terms and provide detailed infor-
mation explaining how to satisfy
each qualifier and note any relevant
limitations (post and settlement
time, qualification cycle, etc.). View
materials from the perspective of a
“reasonable consumer.”
Monitor consumer inquiries and
complaints for signs that informa-
tion in disclosures, brochures, Web
sites, or promotional materials
is unclear. Banks receiving such
inquiries or complaints should be
proactive and alert their compliance
officer that consumers are express-
ing confusion about account terms.
Tracking inquiries and complaints
can help banks make modifications
to ensure consumers are not misled
and that promotions, Web sites, and
disclosures conform to all applicable
laws and regulations;
Review training materials and
scripts used in promoting accounts,
including a review of promotional
materials provided by third-party
Ensure bank personnel responsible
for opening accounts are properly
trained in account qualifiers, under-
stand product features, and can
clearly convey this information to
Clearly state the purpose of the
account and disclose examples of
inappropriate behavior or account
misuse. Identify the ramifications
of engaging in such behavior. For
example, the bank might state that
the account cannot be used for
multiple small-dollar POS transac-
tions at the end of the statement
cycle to earn the higher APY; and
Explain (clearly and conspicuously)
what happens if the consumer does
not meet the qualifiers.
When examiners encounter a bank
offering high-yield checking accounts,
they will closely review whether the
bank’s communications with consum-
ers about these types of products are
clear and conspicuous. Bank manage-
ment should have devoted the time to
design and implement accurate and
unambiguous promotional materials,
Web sites, and disclosures. Banks that
invest the time will reduce the likeli-
hood of violating consumer protec-
tion laws, rules, and regulations, and
enhance their credibility with account
holders by reducing customer frustra-
tion and dissatisfaction.
John B. Bowman
Senior Examination
Specialist/Certified Regulatory
Compliance Manager
Division of Depositor and
Consumer Protection
High-Yield Checking Accounts
continued from pg. 17