Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices December 18, 2023
Bloomberg US Treasury Index
Bloomberg US Treasury Index
This document is intended to be read in conjunction with Bloomberg Fixed Income Index Methodology
; these documents
collectively constitute the index methodology for this Index.
The Bloomberg US Treasury Index measures US dollar-denominated, fixed-rate, nominal debt issued by the US Treasury. Treasury
bills are excluded by the maturity constraint but are part of a separate Short Treasury Index. STRIPS are excluded from the index
because their inclusion would result in double-counting. The US Treasury Index is a component of the US Aggregate, US Universal,
Global Aggregate and Global Treasury Indices. The index includes securities with remaining maturity of at least one year. The US
Treasury Index was created in March 1994, and has history back to January 1, 1973.
All float adjustment updates to the US Treasury amount outstanding in the Projected Universe are made on or prior to T-3 (3 business
days before month-end using the U.S. calendar). Further details about indices’ treatment of SOMA holdings of US Treasuries can be
found in this note
Index ID
Base Currency Index
I00054US / LUATTRUU: Total Return USD Unhedged
Eligibility Requirements:
Principal and interest must be denominated in USD.
Treasury bonds only.
Credit Rating
Securities must be rated investment grade (Baa3/BBB-/BBB- or higher) using the middle
rating of Moody’s, S&P and Fitch; when a rating from only two agencies is available, the
lower is used; when only one agency rates a bond, that rating is used. In cases where
explicit bond level ratings may not be available, other sources may be used to classify
securities by credit quality:
Local currency treasury issues are classified using the middle long-term local currency
sovereign rating from each agency for all outstanding bonds, even if bond level ratings
are available.
Expected ratings at issuance may be used to ensure timely index inclusion or to properly
classify split-rated issuers.
Minimum Liquidity
USD 300mn minimum par amount outstanding.
US Treasuries held in the Federal Reserve SOMA account (both purchases at issuance
and net secondary market transactions) are deducted from the total amount
outstanding. New issuance bought at auction by the Federal Reserve does not enter the
index. Net secondary market purchases/sales are adjusted in the Projected Universe of
the index weekly, typically on Fridays, and in the Returns Universe once a month, based
on the amount outstanding in the Projected Universe at prior month-end.
Fixed-rate coupon.
Original zero-coupon issues are included.
Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices December 18, 2023
Bloomberg US Treasury Index 2
Publication Currency
Bloomberg may offer this index in additional currencies for both unhedged and hedged indices.
See Appendix 2 of the Bloomberg Fixed Income Index Methodology
for Currency Hedging and Currency Returns.
See Appendix 12 of the Bloomberg Fixed Income Index Methodology for Index Identification and Publication Currency.
At least one year until final maturity, regardless of optionality.
Security Types
Public obligations of the US Treasury
Bullet, putable, sinkable/amortizing and
callable bonds
Original issue zero coupons
Inflation-linked bonds, floating-rate bonds
STRIPS, Treasury bills, bellwethers
State and local government series (SLGS)
Rebalance Date
Monthly on the last business day.
Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices December 18, 2023
Bloomberg US Treasury Index 3
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Disclosures
This Index does not take into account any ESG factors or pursue any ESG objectives. Please refer to the Bloomberg Fixed Income
Methodology for ESG disclosures.
Document Version History
December 2023
Publication in new format
Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices December 18, 2023
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