I have put off writing this, my last newsletter article
for TBY, until I realized that although this may be my
last newsletter article as your rabbi, it most certainly
will not be my last connection with the congregation.
I have spent almost my entire career as a rabbi at
Temple Bat Yam. Each one of you have become an
important part of my life. I have loved being your
rabbi. It has been meaningful to represent you in the
broader community. It has been my pleasure to
officiate at your weddings, Bar and Bat Mitzvot, your
baby namings. It has been my honor to accompany
you as you mourn the loss of your loved ones. And I
have taken great joy in celebrating Shabbat and all the
holidays with you.
We have done a lot at TBY in the past ten years. The
congregation is stronger and more cohesive than it
ever has been. We have added new members and
welcomed Friend members. We have joined other
URJ congregations in embracing the Mishkan Tefillah
prayerbook and the High Holiday prayerbook
Mishkan HaNefesh. We have an involved Caring
Committee; our Sisterhood and Men's Club are very
strong and active.
We have all, literally, put our hand in the “new”
Torah scroll which has become such an integral part
of our services. We have been involved in class after
class after class, always learning and stretching our
minds. We have expanded our horizons with trips to
Israel and to Amsterdam (and keep tuned for another
trip led both by myself and Rabbi Mills in the spring
of 2019).
There are so many people to thank for all these years.
If I named every name it would fill this whole
newsletter. But I want to especially thank my co-
service leaders Phyllis Alpern and Cheryl Taustin.
They are amazing musicians and colleagues. They
have taught me so much. Our work together has been
a pleasure from the first day, and there is no way they
will know how much their musicianship, their
professionalism, their spirituality, and friendship has
meant to me.
There is a saying in Judaism “All beginnings are
hard.” I add to that, endings are hard too. But I know
the congregation will welcome Rabbi Mills with open
arms. I know, because I know that this congregation
will give her time to become acquainted with you and
to learn the culture of the congregation.
I am so very grateful to have been your rabbi. I thank
you for allowing me to grow and learn and to be a
part of your lives. I pray that Temple Bat Yam will
continue to thrive, and that what Judaism teaches will
become more and more meaningful to each one of
you. As I say every Friday night,
Y’va-re-cha-cha Adonai, v’yis-m’recha. May God
bless you and keep you. Amen.
From Rabbi Susan Warshaw:
President’s Letter:
By Paul Schwab, President
In This Issue
Photos, Photos, Photos!
Rabbi's Message
President's Message
Arts & Furnishings
Sisterhood and Men's Club
. . .And Much More
Paul presenting the Gudelsky Family
Foundation Award to.......
Dear TBY Congregants,
Since our next newsletter issue will not be coming out
until after July 1, this is my last President’s letter as
my term ends June 30. I will be continuing on our
Board of Directors as Immediate Past President.
I want to thank all of you for giving me the
opportunity to serve TBY in a leadership capacity. I
also want to especially thank our officers and trustees
for their continuing support and encouragement. As I
reflect on the past twenty-two months, I will be
leaving the position with many remembrances.
This letter is about us as a congregation: our vibrancy
and strength, our many joys and yes many sadnesses;
our wonderful team efforts and also singular acts of
helping and caring for persons in need both within
and outside of our community; an outstanding
threesome at the pulpit; opportunities to benefit from
the involvement of neighboring Christian clergy; and
so much more.
Particular standouts for me include the following: the
unselfish and courageous giving of the gift of life by
one congregant to another; conducting “in-house,”
with a modicum of outside assistance, a successful
and professional Rabbinical search process; achieving
an effective resurgence of the Men’s Club while
accomplishing a seamless change in Sisterhood
leadership; welcoming many new members to our
increasingly “interstate” Temple life; and having a
number of congregants step up with major volunteer
contributions as well as financial support. On a
personal note, having the opportunity to have many
personal and up close experiences with Rabbi
Warshaw has been especially memorable.
I look forward to working with our incoming new
Rabbi Mills, our Board, and all of you.
Thanks again.
Ethan Lucus with Bill Lucus and
Rabbi Susan at his Bar Mitzvah.
As always, Sisterhood continues to work to help make our Temple a joyous place to be. April, May and June
continue to be busy with Sisterhood activities.
On Saturday April 28
we have the 1920's Speakeasy Casino Night sponsored by the Sisterhood
and the Men's Club.
May 6 is Mitzvah Day with many volunteers sorting clothes and making sandwiches for Diakonia.
In June will have a favorite program of ours, Dinner with the Rabbi.
Please join us. And please support your Sisterhood.
Submitted by Anita Winkler, President
Sisterhood Memorial Scholarship Award
March 22, 2018
The Sisterhood of Temple Bay Yam is very proud to award an annual scholarship. We want Jewish children or
grandchildren of our Sisterhood to apply, and who will be attending a school of higher learning. In order to
keep every applicant on the same footing, we have established the following guidelines:
1. All applicants must be the Jewish child or grandchild of a member of the Sisterhood of
Temple Bat Yam.
2. An application form must be completed and returned by the stated date. Applications can be
found on the table outside the Social Hall.
3. The essay required on the application form must be written by the applicant and submitted
with the applicant’s form.
4. The scholarship is to be used for higher education such as college, trade school or summer
5. The scholarship can be awarded no more than twice to any individual applicant.
6. Three judges from the Sisterhood will review the essays. It will be a blind judging; therefore,
any identifying words such as names will be removed from the essay before the judges receive the
applications to review.
The Sisterhood of Temple Bat Yam encourages you to apply!
A At River Run Golf Club
designed by Gary Player
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
$160.00 per player includes:
Putting contest, longest drive, closest to the pin AND a hole-in-one contest
2 mulligans, 1 chance to drive from the ladies tee and green fees & golf cart, grilled hot
lunch in the Clubhouse with FREE beer & FABULOUS gourmet buffet dinner with FREE
OPEN BAR and many drawings for exciting door prizes, must be present to win!
The Tournament Format will be: A Full Scramble.
Play the best ball of your group on every shot.
Seniors (60 and over) - Hit from the White Tees.
Net + Gross Team Winners First Place Only
Prizes Given For: *Longest Drive *Putting Contest *Closest to the Pin
Plus many Door Prizes and Drawings
Hole In One Contest: First Hole in One Wins a Brand New Car from
Sherwood of Salisbury!!
Hal Glick Memorial Golf Classic Registration Form
TEAM NAME __________________ or Single Name__________________
1. ________________________________________ _____________________
2. ________________________________________ _____________________
3. ________________________________________ _____________________
4. ________________________________________ _____________________
11:30-12:45 Registration and Lunch
____ Yes, enclosed is our team/player registration fee of $ 640.00 (or 160.00/player)
____ Yes, in addition I/We would like to sponsor one or more holes: at ___($150) ____ ($200 Silver) ___($500 Gold)
Sponsorship receives: 1. Signage at Golf Course on tournament day Make checks Payable to:
2. Name appears in complimentary Ad Temple Bat Yam Charity Golf Tournament
3. Listed in Golf Program 11036 Worcester Highway
Berlin, MD 21811
For Information please call: Christine Glick 410-251-6961
Or…I am unable to attend, please accept my donation of $ ______________
Chairpersons: Larry Michnick & Christine Glick Tournament Director: Mark Gizzi
The men's club has been very active these several
months. Recently the club conducted a Holocaust
Remembrance Day ( Yom Hashoah) service as well as
the annual Mens Club Shabbot service. The services
were lead by Steve Winkler and Steve Cohen. Several
members of the club participated in the service by
reading passages about Yom HaShoah.
The club also cosponsored with the sisterhood a casino
night on April 28, 2018. In the future there is a planned
trip to the National Indian Museum in Washington DC.
Also once a month the club members and guests have a
dinner followed by a classical movie night at the Clayton
All are welcome to join the club. There is no fee to
Please contact Steve Cohen or Steve Winkler for
further information.
Steven Cohen, J.D.
Sidney Eagle Memor ial Mens Club
Golfers, Friends, Sponsors and Boosters
The "Hal Glick Memorial Golf Classic"
Will be celebrating our 25th Year with a "Full Scramble" format.
It is hard to believe 25 years!
This will be the final year for the Hal Glick Golf Memorial.
Please submit your Sponsorship and/or Team/Single Player(s) with handicap(s) as
soon as possible.
Thank you to all our friends for participating in this wonderful Golf Tournament!
We would be honored have Hal's many friends and fellow golfers come and enjoy this
special day.
So looking forward to seeing everyone and having a great time!
Chairpersons: Christine Glick (410-251-6961) and Larry Michnick
Tournament Director: Mark Gizzi
Questions: Email: [email protected]
(Please note that at this time, plans are underway to continue a Golf Tournament
in June 2019 in support of Temple Bat Yam.)
A At River Run Golf Club
designed by Gary Player
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
$160.00 per player includes:
Putting contest, longest drive, closest to the pin AND a hole-in-one contest
2 mulligans, 1 chance to drive from the ladies tee and green fees & golf cart, grilled hot
lunch in the Clubhouse with FREE beer & FABULOUS gourmet buffet dinner with FREE
OPEN BAR and many drawings for exciting door prizes, must be present to win!
The Tournament Format will be: A Full Scramble.
Play the best ball of your group on every shot.
Seniors (60 and over) - Hit from the White Tees.
Net + Gross Team Winners First Place Only
Prizes Given For: *Longest Drive *Putting Contest *Closest to the Pin
Plus many Door Prizes and Drawings
Hole In One Contest: First Hole in One Wins a Brand New Car from
Sherwood of Salisbury!!
Hal Glick Memorial Golf Classic Registration Form
TEAM NAME __________________ or Single Name__________________
1. ________________________________________ _____________________
2. ________________________________________ _____________________
3. ________________________________________ _____________________
4. ________________________________________ _____________________
11:30-12:45 Registration and Lunch
____ Yes, enclosed is our team/player registration fee of $ 640.00 (or 160.00/player)
____ Yes, in addition I/We would like to sponsor one or more holes: at ___($150) ____ ($200 Silver) ___($500 Gold)
Sponsorship receives: 1. Signage at Golf Course on tournament day Make checks Payable to:
2. Name appears in complimentary Ad Temple Bat Yam Charity Golf Tournament
3. Listed in Golf Program 11036 Worcester Highway
Berlin, MD 21811
For Information please call: Christine Glick 410-251-6961
Or…I am unable to attend, please accept my donation of $ ______________
Chairpersons: Larry Michnick & Christine Glick Tournament Director: Mark Gizzi
Arts and Furnishings Committee: April, 2018 Report
by Bonnie Kaplan, Chairperson
Early spring and it is still cold, but the flowers are
peeking through and the cherry blossoms are
blooming in Washington, DC. and that makes it
official! The Arts and Furnishing Committee of
Temple Bat Yam will again meet to discuss
placement of newly donated art pieces and any needs
for additional furnishings. As you review your pieces
of art acquired over the years please keep the Temple
in mind for any modern Judaic pieces of our faith that
you would like to share with us either on loan or as a
One interesting project we plan to undertake is the
restructuring of the tale of our beautiful mosaic glass
windows in the Sanctuary. These windows were
designed and hand made by our own Temple Bat
Yam Artisans. The story has been narrated and on
display for many years in the lobby of our building.
However, it is difficult to see and read and many
members have not noticed it hanging by the door of
the Sanctuary which hides it when the doors are open.
The plan is to find a better place to display the
narration and accompany it with pictures of the
windows during the three years they were in
development before installation. Many of TBY
members have been unaware of this history until
Rabbi Susan Warsaw shared the story and introduced
the window’s artists to us at the March, 2018, Friday
Evening Shabbat Service.
Please remember that the forms for donating or
loaning any of your family art may still be obtained
from Peggy in the Temple Office. Messages for me or
the committee may also be left at the Temple office
with Peggy. It is also possible to contact me on my
cell phone, if you have any questions about Art
donation etc. My cell phone number is 301-633-0613.
The Committee welcomes new ideas and people who
have an interest in working on this committee.
Thank you for considering an Art donation for the
Purim Potluck D inner and Service
Our annual Purim Potluck dinner was held on Friday, March 2 sponsored by the Sisterhood and co-chaired by
Joan Kessler and Joan Strauss.
As usual, we had a delicious array of food covering all of the food groups (our congregation loves to show off
their specialties!). And we had some original, great costumes as pictured in the newsletter.
After our service, we had our
traditional Purim cast of
characters performing the
Megillah (or should we say
entertaining) for the
congregation. Joan & Joan
moderated the costume contest
with the congregation voting by
their applause, followed by an
Oneg with Purim desserts of
Hamantaschen and jelly donuts.
Joan Kessler
Caring Committee
We need your HELP! You are our eyes and ears in
our community so please contact the Rabbi or me if
you know of a need within Temple Bat Yam.
The Caring Committee meets every 3 months. Our
next meeting is Wednesday, July 18. We’d love for
you to join us. If you would like more information
about joining our committee, contact Bette Bohlmann
at [email protected] or 410-251-6366.
Come Hear What We Have to Say
Assistance to Hearing Challenged Congregants
Temple Bat Yam is pleased to announce that we are
now equipped to assist hearing challenged
congregants to better hear our services with the use of
individual blue tooth receivers and ear phones with
their own volume controls. There are 8 blue tooth
receivers with ear buds and 4 hearing aid compatible
These receivers will be available in the Judaica Shop
before every service on a first come, first serve basis
(sorry, we cannot reserve units in advance).
You will be asked to leave your car keys with Bette
Bohlmann in the Judaica Shop in order to take out the
unit. The keys will be returned to you when you
return the unit to the Judaica Shop at the end of the
service. It will be your responsibility to clean the ear
buds with alcohol wipes that will be provided.
Happy hearing, and we hope this helps you feel more
connected to our services!
Submitted by Steve Winkler
Please note: Special thanks go to Steve Winkler,
George Rosenstock, Steve Martin (Sound Consultant
to TBY), and an anonymous donor for making this
project a reality......Paul Schwab
A Note From Your Editor
Our next regular issue will be the July-August-
September 2018 issue, which will be e-mailed to our
members in August. Articles should be submitted to
Ellen Krawczak at [email protected] by July
15. If you submit a picture (or pictures) along with
an article, please make sure to include the date of the
picture, the event, and the names of the people in the
All photos that do not accompany an article should be
e-mailed to Peggy at the Temple office. Please
indicate what activity is depicted in the photo.
Special thanks to everyone who submitted photos for
this newsletter.
Also, a special thank you to everyone who
contributed articles to this newsletter. We would not
have a newsletter without you.
We hope that you enjoy this issue.
Ellen and Barbara
The Chaverim Bakers
by Tiffanie Nichols
On November 9th, a group of baking buddies from
TBY got together at Tiffanie Nichols new home for a
Challah Bake. It was so successful that they followed
up with a Sufganiyot Bake in December and a Bialy
Bake in January. Hamantashen were baked in
February, and March brought Pesach fun with Matzah
Making Maham. The baking class starts with a
themed pot luck and is followed by a lesson on the
integration of food in the holiday being celebrated,
and then an interactive group baking activity.
The most recent pot luck theme was a ‘twist’ on the
classic Seder plate. The roasted egg was represented
by roasted egg salad, karpas was cleverly included as
members of a very beautifully crafted Israeli salad, a
scrumptious Sephardic version of charosis graced the
table, marror- the bitter herb was deliciously blended
into an arugula/horseradish dressing for gefelte fish
(or veggies), and a very spicy Bloody Mary with
horseradish ice cubes added an additional bite of
‘remembrance’. The shankbone was embodied in
lamb kabobs, and fire roasted beets with orange
balsamic glaze offered a spot for both the vegetarians
and the women (….as it was once said that a woman
belongs on the bima as much as an orange belongs on
a Seder plate). Chazeret, the second bitter herb, was
artfully made from arugula, spinach and kale deep
fried and topped with Mediterranean Sea salt.
The baking group originated on the premise of l’dor
v’dor לדור ודור, which refers to continuity through the
Jewish woman’s responsibility to pass on spiritual
knowledge and cultural traditions from “generation to
generation” to sustain customs and preserve heritage.
Many of the ladies in the group became close friends
when they went to Israel together as TBY's Chaverah
group (meaning ‘Friend of a sister-type’) in 2016 for
their JWRP Momentum adventure. The importance of
l’dor vador was instilled in them through “a deep,
eternal connection to Israel, a profound kinship with
each other, and a heart filled with Jewish values.” As
a tribute, the group has coined themselves The
Chaverim Bakers.
Chaverim חבר - Friends n. (plural)
For those interested in learning more about this
activity, please contact Board member Rachel White
Genetic Testing
by Susanna Eisenman, Caring Committee
Two of my friends recently had one of the popular
genetic tests done and received some surprising
results. One found he had a half-sibling living in
another state and they now plan to meet. They
actually had one friend in common who had said
more than once that they looked like brothers! My
other friend was amused to find he was 1.5%
European Jewish (that’s a whole other story).
The real reason why I am musing about these tests is
that privacy concerns, as with the recent Facebook
debacle, may be in the news later for these testing
companies. Most of us agree (without reading) to the
Terms of Service for all our apps and other things we
want. We’re almost accustomed to hearing about our
accounts being hacked and watching our online
transactions more carefully.
Of course, my kids (and most of my friend's kids) are
against genetic testing for this very reason. We may
think that our genetic information is scrubbed of any
identifying markers, but a university researcher found
an individual and all his first degree relatives with
only his age and his state of residence in under a few
hours. So while we may not be affected by the
availability of this information, it’s possible that our
kids or grandkids will be because of a choice we
made for ourselves. There are already effects from
genetic testing on the state of long term care
insurance (the number of providers has gone down
and costs will probably rise) and we don’t yet know
what other areas will be affected. Even with the
Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008,
abuse is possible.
Of course, there is the flip side - your genetic
information can contribute to medical research or you
can be better prepared for a medical possibility such
as breast cancer. But for right now, I’m not getting
tested, just perusing birth records and census data for
our family history - I don’t think I need to know about
any half-siblings yet.
Temple Bat Yam - Upcoming Events
Food Lion gift cards are no longer being offered through TBY.
Be sure to use the Amazon Smile program when ordering through Amazon. By doing so, TBY receives a
percentage of your total order as a donation! We have received $192.31 in donations since the inception of this
Shabbat Dinners Mitzvah Day
June 15
Sunday, May 6
May 18
July 20
Farewell Reception for Rabbi Susan Warshaw will be held at the Embers Restaurant in Ocean City on
Sunday, June 3, 2018, from 4:00 to 6:00 PM. RSVP to the Temple office with the number in your party
no later than May 21
. 410-641-4311 or [email protected]
Hal Glick Memorial Charity Golf Classic will be held on Tuesday, June 12, 2018, at River Run Golf
Course. Registration starts at 11:30AM, with a shotgun start at 1:00PM. Please contact the Temple
office or Christine Glick (410-251-6961) for additional tournament and registration details..
Correction to January/February Yahrzeits listed in our last Newsletter:
Kathy Willmuth (incorrectly listed in February as Veronica Kahn’s mother) Daughter of John Willmuth
Ida Wolf (name was missing in February) Mother of Veronica Kahn
Marcia Israelov (name was missing in January) Sister of Malcolm Karl
Beatrice Karl (name was missing in February) Mother of Malcolm Karl
April 2018 Yahrzeits
Lillian Cohen Mother of Allyn Cohen
Lee Shilan Mother of Marion Longberg
Bernard Burkom Husband of Sylvia Burkom
Charles Gottheim Father of Elaine Rabinowitz
Louis Shapiro Father of Fran Korman
Arthur Goldstrom Father of Emily Schwab
Gertrude D. Brodsky Mother of Allen Brodsky
Fred Shortland Father of Jean Rosenfeld
Albert Himelfarb Father of Ronnye Levin
Myron Kahn Brother of Stan Kahn
Jack Levinson Father-in-law of Marilyn Levinson
Frances Cohen Mother of Victor Cohen
Margaret Crosten Sister of Elaine Freedman
Martin Firestone Father of Phyllis Alpern
Benjamin Novick Father of Marv Novick
Robert Caplan Father of Hermione Caplan
Ethel Goodman Mother of William GoodmanApril
Edna Krents Mother of Ellen Eanet
Yetta Levinson Mother-in-law of Marilyn Levinson
Abe Silverman Father of Allen Silverman
Freda Kanthal Mother of Lynn Neidenbach
Nettie Lampel Grandmother of Rachel White
Samuel Taustin Uncle of Jay Taustin
Edward Tannenbaum Grandfather of Janice Spieler
Hilda Wolpin Mother of Ed Wolpin
Robert Courtland Son-in-law of Pam & Stu Smolins
Sam Resnick Father-in-law of Debbie Resnick
Sarah E. Ward Mother of Christine Glick
Jeanette Gladden Aunt of Marsha Sandler
Mike Sarig Father of Arleen Pace
Edward Spieler Father-in-law of Janice Spieler
Harry Auerbach Father of Ron Auerbach
Lillian Cisenfeld Mother of Harriet Schneider
James Brunet Father of Jim Brunet
Theodore Heit Grandfather of Rebecca Brunet
April Yahrzeits Continued
Isaac Sobel Father of Syl Sobel
Evelyn Block Sister-in-law of Marion Longberg
Neil Chaikin Father of Jodi Sabo
Herman Jacobs Father of Debbie Resnick
Max Klein Father-in-law of Marion Longberg
Robert Saunders Father of Karen Karl
May 2018 Yahrzeits
Lou Gusst Father of Barry Gusst
Marshall Gusst Brother of Barry Gusst
Ruth Rasinsky Mother of Donna Seigel
Murray Rosenfeld Father of Paul Rosenfeld
Leon Sandler Father of Art Sandler
Sally Levin Mother of Phyllis Brodsky
Sidney Cohen Father of Allyn Cohen
Sarah Cohen Grandmother of Stu Smolins
Marilyn Chazan Benoit Mother of Rebecca Brunet
Maurice Eanet Grandfather of Bruce Eanet
Morton Cohen Father of Judith Galuardi
Morris J. Wechsler Father of Mady Segal
John Wyatt Brother-in-law of Don Pace
Albert Cohen Father-in-law of Wendi Cohen
Michael Frankovich Son of Jan Sklar
Maurice Goldstein Grandfather of Lewis Goldstein
Max Moreno Brother of Ioana Gudelsky
Sylvia Bartz Mother of Marsha Rosenstock
Dorothy Feirman Grandmother of Beth Woodell
Siegfried Kanthal Father of Lynn Neidenbach
Julian Rosenstock Father of George Rosenstock
Abraham Samuel Sind Father of Karen Abrams & Jeanine Horner
Jesse S. Goodman Father of William Goodman
Jerome Kanthal Brother of Lynn Neidenbach
Anna Lutzky-Davis Grandmother of Carole Eagle
Harold Rabinowitz Husband of Elaine & Father of Robin Rabinowitz
Martin Shilan Brother of Marion Longberg
Benjamin Starr Father of Sylvia Burkom
Lewis Freedman Father of Harry Freedman
Mariene Hecker Mother of Larry Hecker
Gertrude Sobel Mother of Sylvan Sobel
Gertrude Rosenstock Grandmother of George Rosenstock
May Yahrzeits Continued
Albert Schwartz Grandfather of Bruce Eanet
Clara Schaerf Mother of Janice Hamburg
Alvin Benjamin Father of Andy Benjamin
Rose Nestler Mother-in-law of Gloria Nestler
Harry Rosenberg Father of Marsha Howarth
Jean Rothfield Mother of Steven Rothfield
Harold Smolins Brother of Stu Smolins
Albert Bremy Snyder Father of Rochelle Cohen
Samuel Jay Hankin Grandfather of Cyndi Leiner
Rose Sind Grandmother of Karen Abrams
Bertha Burkom Mother-in-law of Sylvia Burko
Janet Pace Wife of Donald Pace
Michael Goodman Benjamin Brother of Andy Benjamin
Bruce Kassalow Brother of Gerald Kassalow
Anita Levin Mother of Ilene Silverman
Sidney Bass Father of Roberta Bass
Lillian Gottlieb Mother of Joan Adoff
Louise Pearson Mother of Rick Pearson
Nathan Brodsky Father of Allen Brodsky
Lester Greenberg Father of Ronnie Stern
Faye Guerrieri Mother of Marilyn Levinson
Marvin Levinson Husband of Marilyn Levinson
Jessie Klapholz Brother of Arie Klapholz
Adele Moss Aunt of Phyllis Alpern
Sam Sperling Father of Gloria Nestler
Kenneth Fox Father of Rina Thaler
Isaac Hecker Father of Larry Hecker
Sam Nestler Father-in-law of Gloria Nestler
Harold Pearson Father of Rick Pearson
Sharon Caden Friend of Stan & Veronica Kahn
Doris Wyatt Sister of Don Pace
Milton Albert Father of Jane Lafferman
Gert Gershenfeld Grandmother of Michael Gershenfeld
Allen Dickson Cousin of Vic Cohen
Rose Getson Mother of Florence Kasden
Morris Kurland Grandfather of Vic Cohen
Carl Pace Father of Don Pace
Anne Berger Mother of Leonard Berger
June 2018 Yahrzeits
June Yahzeits Continued
Donald Klein Father of Rachel White
Benjamin Strauss Father of Bob Strauss
Abner Graft Father of Andrea Kahn
Phyllis Rice Mother of Joseph, Dianne & Susan Rice
Ida Caplan Mother of Marcia Hirsch
Samuel Davis Grandfather of Carole Eagle
Sidney Davis Father of Carole Eagle
Robert Hankin Father of Cyndi Leiner
Samuel Kaplan Father of Jo Anne Glazer
Richard Levin Cousin of Phyllis Brodsky
Robert Starr Brother of Sylvia Burkom
Rose Gottheim Mother of Elaine Rabinowitz
Grandmother of Robin Rabinowitz
Harry Segal Father of David Segal
Naomi Charlotte Frankfort Mother of Barbara Patrick
Myron Eanet Father of Bruce Eanet
Herbert Kaplan Father of Nadine Wieder
David Rubenstein Father of Arnold Rubenstein
Lillian Saunders Mother of Karen Karl
CONTRIBUTIONS For April/May/June as of April 23,20
Note: Earlier contributions made for several of the listed funds were acknowledged in one or more previous Newsletters.
David & Michelle Baer
Sylvia Burkom
~In memory of Nona Teichman
Pete & Kim Cuesta
Christine Glick
~In honor of the engagement of Cole Taustin and
Bree Mattern
~In honor of Ethan Scheiber being recognized with
the Jefferson Award
~In honor of the engagement of Paul Kahn and
Felecia Ben Zakan
Marcia Hirsch
~In memory of Veronica Kahn’s brother, Richard A.
Lee & Jennifer Klepper
~In memory of Caryn Klapholz
Ellen Krawczak
~In memory of John Bohlmann
Bill & Jane Lafferman
Hilda Plisko
~In memory of Miriam Green
George & Marsha Rosenstock
~In memory of Pat Diken
Paul & Emily Schwab
~In memory of Veronica Kahn’s brother, Richard A.
Mel & Janis Schwartz
Stu & Pam Smolins
~In memory of Veronica Kahn’s brother, Richard A.
Janice Spieler
~In honor of Art & Marsha Sandler’s 50
Nadine Wieder
~In memory of Veronica Kahn’s brother, Richard A.
Bette Bohlmann
Bette Bohlmann
~In honor of Ethan Scheiber being recognized for his
community & public service as a recipient of the
Jefferson Award. Mazel Tov!
~Sending well wishes to Gloria Nestler for a speedy
Lew Bush
Dave & Cindy Fox
Sy & Marion Longberg
~In honor of Art “Two Gun” & Marsha Sandler’s 50
Anniversary. Mazel Tov!
Gail Goldfarb
~In honor of Carole Eagle’s 80
Birthday. Mazel
Stanley & Joan Adoff
~Joan’s father, Dr. George Gottlieb
Andy & Nancy Benjamin
~Nancy’s father, Jerome M. Kaufman
Nancy Berg
~Sister, Jacqueline Levy
Bette Bohlmann
~In loving memory of my parents, Benjamin &
Dorothy Westervelt
Allen & Phyllis Brodsky
~Phyllis’ father, Sam Levin great father and
~In loving memory of Phyllis’ mother, Sally Levin
Jim & Rebecca Brunet
~In loving memory of Rebecca’s father, Nathan
Sylvia Burkom
~Husband, Bernard Burkom
~Sister-in-law, Evelyn Block
Hermione Caplan
~Father, Robert Caplan
Allyn & Joyce Cohen
~Allyn’s mother, Lillian Cohen In loving memory
of Mom and Grandma Lillian from Allyn, Joyce,
Stephen, Jason & Meredith
~Joyce’s father, Herman Wiener In loving memory
of my Dad and Grandpa Hy from Joyce, Allyn,
Stephen, Jason & Meredith
~Allyn’s father, Sidney Cohen In memory of
Allyn’s beloved Father.
Bruce & Ellen Eanet
~Bruce’s grandmother, Bess Eanet
~Ellen’s mother, Edna Krents
Dave & Cindy Fox
~Cindy’s mother, Ruth Beck thank you for your
Harry & Elaine Freedman
~Elaine’s mother, Catherine Crosten
Eileen Frye
~In memory of my father, Meyer “Mike” Segall
Jo Anne Glazer
~In loving memory of my son, Charles Michael
~Mother-in-law, Celia Glazer
~Husband, Philip Glazer
Christine Glick
~In memory of my mom, Sarah Ward
~In memory of brothers-in-law, Michael Glick & Bob
Lewis Goldstein
~Wife, Marie-Claude Goldstein
~Mother, Peggy Goldstein
~Father, Morton Goldstein
Lynda Gonen
~Husband, Mickey Gonen
Barry & Candy Gusst
~Barry’s mother, Ella Gusst
Stan & Veronica Kahn
~Veronica’s mother, Ida L. Wolf Our love &
~Stan’s father, Leon I. Kahn With loving memory
~Stan’s brother, Myron R. Kahn, In loving memory
Ellen Krawczak
~Father, Arnold Green & Mother-in-law, Martha
Krawczak You are missed.
Bill & Jane Lafferman
~Bill’s father, Morris Lafferman Always in our
Sy & Marion Longberg
~In memory of Marion’s brother-in-law, Kurt Klein
~In memory of Marion’s son, Jonathan Klein Miss
you so much!
~Friend, Helen Stefanedis
~Marion’s mother, Lee Shilan Miss you!
~Marion’s father-in-law, Max Klein
Lynn Neidenbach
~In memory of my mother, Freda Kanthal
Don & Arleen Pace
~Arleen’s sister, Joyce Winer
~Friend, Mike Sarig
Hilda Plisko
~Father, Samuel Pelmont
Debbie Resnick
~In loving memory of my husband, Ray Resnick
~In loving memory of my father-in-law, Sam Resnick
Art & Marsha Sandler
~Marsha’s father, Morris Glodberg
Carol Schachter
~In memory of my father-in-law, Jacob Schachter
~In memory of my mother-in-law, Sarah Schachter
Harriet Schneider
~Husband, Edwin Schneider I’m loving and
missing you always
Paul & Emily Schwab
~In memory of Paul’s mother, Ruth Schwab
~In memory of Emily’s father, Arthur Goldstrom
~In memory of Emily’s sister, Susan Goldstrom
Stu & Pam Smolins
~Stu’s mother, Bessie Smolins
Janice Spieler
~In memory of my mother-in-law, Sophie
~In memory of my dear father-in-law, Edward Spieler
~In memory of my beloved Grandpa “Pamp”, Edward
Bernard & Kathleen Sussman
~Kathleen’s mother, Margaret Dunn
Jay & Cheryl Taustin
~Cheryl’s father, Fred Miller
Rabbi Susan & Richard Warshaw
~Richard’s mother, Ella Warshaw
~Richard’s father, Irving Warshaw
~Richard’s brother, Paul Warshaw
Rachel & Billy White
~In memory of Rachel’s cherished sister, Ann Bright
~In memory of Rachel’s beloved mother, Joyce Klein
~In memory of Rachel’s dear aunt, Charlotte Klein
~In loving memory of Rachel’s Grama Nettie
Mel & Janis Schwartz
10052 Waterford Drive, Ellicott City, MD 21042
(Home) 410-203-2006
(Cell) 410-409-3868 (Work email)
Seasonal address: 4105 136
Street, Ocean City,
MD 21842
Lew & Barbara Meltzer new email address:
[email protected] (those are “L’s” not the
number 1)
Shelley Cohen [email protected]
Rachel & William White 9056 Canter Lane,
Hebron, MD 21830
Carole Eagle new home phone # - 410-600-4490
~Jay & Cheryl Taustin
~Bruce & Cyndi Leiner
~Grayce Cohen
~Jo Anne Glazer
~Gloria Nestler
~Paul & Emily Schwab
~Jeff & Rina Thaler
~Nadine, Max & Sam Wieder
~Jonathan & Terry Bell
~Michael Gershenfeld & April Snow
~Lee & Jennifer Klepper
~Larry & Deanne Michnick
~John Willmuth
~Pam & Stu Smolins
~Ronnye Levin
~Debbie Resnick
~Warren Rosenfeld
~Carol Schachter
~Janice Spieler
From the family of Dustin Wright:
Temple Bat Yam Sabbath Congregants, Thank you for the letter of November 20, 2017. We really appreciate
you advising us of the prayers honoring Dustin. Dustin was a very special person. Y ou all would have been
proud to have known him.
Many thanks, Faye & the Wright Family.
From the family of Sergeant First Class Jason Sonnenfeld:
Dear Worshipers, We received your letter announcing that you had honored our son, Sergeant First Class Jason
Sonnenfeld, during your Sabbath prayers. Your letter left us inarticulate. Your words and person touch in your
signatures comforted us greatly during our family’s most tragic event EVER. We are extremely touched
knowing that people with warm hearts would take the time to recognize our son for his life’s work through his
service to God, country. The cemetery where Jason is buried is right next door to our home and is closed for the
winter. However, we can trudge through our back yard to visit on foot. Before it closed, we had placed a glass
cookie jar at his grave, emulating a sort of mailbox. So far it encloses a Christmas card. During our next visit,
we will place your letter there. We know it’s silly but necessary for us right now. Thank you and know that we
are indeed honored to meet your acquaintances.
Otto & Coleen Sonnenfeld
From the family of BG Steven T. Eveker:
Dear Members of Temple Bat Yam Thank you for your prayers in honor of BG Steven T. Eveker. We miss
him greatly and appreciate the kindness and support you have extended to our family. May God bless you.
The Eveker Family
Julia, Evan & Sarah
From the mother of Stephanie Hetland:
Dear All Thank you so much for honoring my daughter, Stephanie Hetland, during your Sabbath prayers. It
means so much to know you are thinking of her. It is such a comfort to know others are praying. Blessings,
Lisa M. Hetland
From the family of Mark Weaver:
Dear Friends, Thank you for your prayers on behalf of our son and family. Mark w as a hero to all of us and a
beloved son. He lives on in our memory as a darling little boy. Generous to a fault, he loved serving us in
uniform. Shalom,
Tim & Joan Weaver
From the family of Ariel Gruenberg:
During a time like this we realize how much our family and friends really mean to us. Your expression of
sympathy will always be remembered. Thank you for honoring my son. We received your package from
your hearts to ours and we are grateful. Peace, love and joy to you all!
The family of Ariel I. Gruenberg
Board of Directors: Board of Trustees: Past Presidents:
Rabbi Susan Warshaw Rolfe Gudelsky Candy Gusst Hal Glick
President Paul Schwab Bette Bohlmann Larry Pack Mel Stein
Exec VP Karen Abrams Cole Taustin Stu Eisenman Jerry Selig
Cong VP Stu Smolins Ed Wolpin Larry Michnick Andy Benjamin
Treasurer Lew Bush Christine Glick Mikle Waldman
Exec Sec Joan Kessler Jay Taustin Jeff Thaler
Cong Sec Jeff Thaler Rachel White
The Judaica Shop
The Judaica gift shop is open Monday through Friday from 9:30 am 1:30 pm. Peggy, our office manager,
will be happy to assist you with any purchase. The shop is open on most Friday nights before the service
begins. Please contact me, Bette Bohlmann, for any special requests or orders. I will be ordering some new
merchandise over the summer. Feel free to call me at 410-251-6366 with any suggestions of items you would
like me to order.
Have a simcha to celebrate or a Yahrzeit to commemorate?
Consider supporting the congregation
by sponsoring an Oneg or Kiddush!
Honor a Birthday, Wedding, Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Remember the Passing of a Loved One
Make a donation to the General Account to the Interest of Your Choice
Caring Committee Rabbi’s Discrtionary Religious School Arts and Furnishing
Sponsor an Oneg
Tree of Life/Memorial Plaque Library
Cantorial Soloists
Your Name: ______________________________________________ Donation Amount: ______________
Special Message:
Send Acknowledgement To:
Temple Bat Yam
11036 Worcester Highway, Berlin, MD 21811
P.O. Box 3238 Ocean City, MD 2184