University of California, Berkeley
Unemployment Insurance and
Job Search in the Great Recession
ABSTRACT More than 2 years after the official end of the Great Reces-
sion, the labor market remains historically weak. One candidate explanation
is supply-side effects driven by dramatic expansions of unemployment insur-
ance (UI) benefit durations, to as long as 99 weeks. This paper investigates
the effect of these extensions on job search and reemployment. I use the lon-
gitudinal structure of the Current Population Survey to construct unemploy-
ment exit hazards that vary across states, over time, and between individuals
with differing unemployment durations. I then use these hazards to explore
a variety of comparisons intended to distinguish the effects of UI extensions
from other determinants of employment outcomes. The various specifications
yield quite similar results. UI extensions had significant but small negative
effects on the probability that the eligible unemployed would exit unemploy-
ment. These effects are concentrated among the long-term unemployed. The
estimates imply that UI extensions raised the unemployment rate in early 2011
by only about 0.1 to 0.5 percentage point, much less than implied by previous
analyses, with at least half of this effect attributable to reduced labor force exit
among the unemployed rather than to the changes in reemployment rates that
are of greater policy concern.
lthough the so-called Great Recession officially ended in June 2009,
the labor market remains stagnant. In November 2011 the unemploy-
ment rate was 8.6 percent, only the third time in 2.5 years that it was below
9 percent. Nearly 45 percent of the unemployed had been out of work for
more than 6 months.
An important part of the policy response to the Great Recession has been
a dramatic expansion of unemployment insurance (UI) benefits. Preexist-
ing law provided for up to 26 weeks of benefits, plus up to 20 additional
weeks under the Extended Benefits (EB) program in states experiencing
high unemployment rates. But in past recessions Congress has frequently
144 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
authorized additional weeks on an ad hoc basis, and in June 2008 it enacted
the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program, which, in
a series of extensions, has brought statutory benefit durations to as long as
99 weeks.
Unemployment benefits subsidize continued unemployment. Thus, it
seems likely that the unprecedented UI extensions have contributed to
some degree to the elevated unemployment rate. However, the magnitude
and interpretation of this effect are not clear. Several recent analyses have
found that the extensions contributed around 1.0 percentage point to the
unemployment rate in 2010 and early 2011 (see, for example, Mazumder
2011, Valletta and Kuang 2010, Fujita 2011), and some observers have
claimed that the effects were several times that size.
There are two channels by which UI can raise unemployment, with very
different policy implications (Solon 1979). On the one hand, UI benefits
can lead recipients to reduce their search effort and raise their reservation
wage, slowing the transition into employment. On the other hand, these
benefits, which are available only to those engaged in active job search,
provide an incentive for continued search for those who might otherwise
exit the labor force. This second channel raises measured unemployment
but does not reduce the reemployment of displaced workers. Partly on the
basis of this observation, David Howell and Bert Azizoglu (2011) find “no
support” for the view that the recent UI extensions reduced employment.
Unfortunately, most studies of the effect of UI on the duration of unem-
ployment have been unable to distinguish the two channels.
Determining the portion of any rise in unemployment attributable to UI
extensions on labor market outcomes is difficult because these extensions
are endogenous by design. UI benefits are extended in severe recessions
precisely because it is seen as unreasonable to demand that workers find
jobs quickly when the labor market is weak. Thus, obtaining a credible
estimate of the effect of the recent UI extensions requires a strategy for
distinguishing this effect from the confounding influence of historically
weak labor demand.
This paper uses the haphazard rollout of the EUC and EB programs dur-
ing the Great Recession and its aftermath to identify the partial equilibrium
effects of the recent UI extensions on the labor market outcomes of work-
ers who have lost their jobs and are actively seeking new employment.
I use the longitudinal structure of the Current Population Survey (CPS) to
1. Grubb (2011); Robert Barro, “The Folly of Subsidizing Unemployment,” Wall Street
Journal, August 30, 2010.
2. In addition, UI may reduce hysteresis by increasing labor force attachment and
thereby slowing the deterioration of job skills. If so, UI extensions could make displaced
workers more employable when demand recovers. A related possibility is that UI extensions
deter displaced workers from claiming disability payments (Duggan and Imberman 2009,
Joint Economic Committee 2010).
construct hazard rates for unemployment exit, reemployment, and labor
force exit that vary across states, over time, and between individuals enter-
ing unemployment at different dates.
I explore a variety of strategies for isolating the effects of UI exten-
sions. One strategy exploits the gradual rollout and repeated expiration of
EUC benefits through successive federal legislation to generate variation
in benefit durations across labor markets facing plausibly similar demand
conditions. Second, following a recent study by Rob Valletta and Kath-
erine Kuang (2010), I use UI-ineligible job seekers as a control group for
eligible unemployed workers in the same state and month. A third strategy
exploits decisions by individual states to take up or decline optional EB
provisions that alter the availability of benefits; this strategy uses a “con-
trol function” to distinguish the effects of the economic conditions that
define eligibility. Finally, I exploit differences in remaining benefit eligibil-
ity among UI-eligible workers displaced at different times, but searching
for work in the same labor markets, to identify the effect of approaching
benefit exhaustion.
All of the strategies point to broadly similar conclusions. The availabil-
ity of extended UI benefits (under both EB and EUC) caused small reduc-
tions in the probability that an unemployed worker exited unemployment,
reducing the monthly hazard in the fourth quarter of 2010, when the aver-
age unemployed worker anticipated a total benefit duration of 65 weeks, by
between 1 and 3 percentage points on a base of 22.4 percent. Not more than
half of this unemployment exit effect comes from effects on reemployment:
my preferred specification indicates that UI extensions reduced the average
monthly reemployment hazard of unemployed job losers in 2010Q4 by
0.5 percentage point (on a base of 13.4 percent) and reduced the monthly
labor force exit hazard by 1.0 percentage point (on a base of 9.0 percent).
The labor force exit effect raises the possibility that UI extensions
actually raise the reemployment rate of those who lose their jobs in bad
economic times, by extending the time until they abandon their search.
However, estimating this effect requires strong assumptions, along with
ad hoc corrections for shortcomings in the data. Using such assumptions
and corrections, I simulate the effect of the 2008–10 UI extensions on
aggregate unemployment and on the fraction of unemployed workers out of
146 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
work 27 weeks or more (the long-term unemployment share). All of the esti-
mates are of partial equilibrium effects, as I ignore any effects of reduced
job search by one worker on others’ search behavior or job finding rates.
This almost certainly leads me to overstate the effect of UI extensions.
Nevertheless, I find quite small effects. My preferred specification
indicates that in the absence of UI extensions, the unemployment rate in
December 2010 would have been about 0.2 percentage point lower, and
the long-term unemployment share would have been about 1.6 percentage
points lower. Even the specification yielding the largest effects indicates
that UI extensions contributed only 0.5 percentage point to the unemploy-
ment rate. Moreover, simulations that include only the labor force partici-
pation effects yield estimates at least half as large as do simulations with
both participation and reemployment effects, suggesting that reduced job
search due to UI extensions raised the unemployment rate by only 0.1 to
0.2 percentage point.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section I reviews
recent labor market trends and discusses the UI extensions that have been
an important part of the policy response. It also presents a simple model
of the effects of UI benefit durations and reviews existing estimates of
the effect of the recent extensions. Section II discusses the longitudi-
nally linked CPS data that I use to study the effects of the UI extensions.
Section III presents my empirical strategies for isolating these effects.
Section IV reports estimates of the effect of UI benefit durations on the
unemployment exit hazard. Section V develops a simulation methodol-
ogy that I use to extrapolate these estimates to obtain effects on labor
market aggregates, and presents results. Section VI concludes.
I. The Labor Market and Unemployment Insurance
in the Great Recession
The Great Recession officially began in December 2007, but the downturn
was slow at first: seasonally adjusted real GDP fell at an annual rate of only
1.8 percent in the first quarter of 2008, then grew at a 1.3 percent rate in the
second quarter. Conditions then worsened sharply, and GDP contracted at
an annual rate of 8.9 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008.
I.A. Labor Market Trends
The labor market downturn also began slowly. Figure 1 shows that
the unemployment rate began trending up in 2007, but it remained only
5.8 percent as of July 2008. Over the next year, however, it rose 3.7 per-
centage points, to 9.5 percent, and it has fallen below 9 percent in only
three months since. Employment data show similar trends: nonfarm payroll
employment rose through most of 2007, fell by 738,000 in the first half
of 2008, and then fell by nearly 6.8 million over the next 12 months. Job
losses continued at slower rates in the second half of 2009, followed by
modest and inconsistent growth in 2010. As of August 2011, employment
remained 6.9 million below its prerecession peak.
Figure 1 also shows the long-term unemployment share. This measure
has lagged the overall unemployment rate by about 6 months or perhaps a
bit more: it began to increase slowly in early 2008 and much more quickly
in late 2008, reaching a peak of around 45 percent in early 2010—nearly
20 percentage points higher than the previous record of 26.0 percent,
recorded in June 1983—and remaining mostly stable since then.
Figure 2 illustrates gross labor market flows during and after the reces-
sion. These are obtained from two sources: the Job Openings and Labor
Turnover Survey (JOLTS), which derives from employer reports, and the
Long-term unemployment share
(right scale)
Unemployment rate
(left scale)
Percent Percent
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics data.
a. Both series are seasonally adjusted monthly data.
b. Fraction of the unemployed who have been out of work 27 weeks or longer.
Figure 1. Unemployment and Long-Term Unemployment, 2004–11
148 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
2004 2011
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics data.
a. All series are seasonally adjusted monthly data, smoothed with a 3-month symmetric triangular
moving average, y
= (y
+ 2y
+ y
b. From the Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey data, which derive from employer surveys.
c. From the research series on labor force status flows constructed by the BLS from longitudinally
linked monthly CPS files.
Millions Percent of previous month’s unemployed
Flows out of jobs
Flows into jobs and out of unemployment
Layoffs and discharges
E-U flows
(left scale)
U-E flow rate
(right scale)
U-N flow rate
(right scale)
Figure 2. Gross Labor Market Flows, 2004–11
3. See Elsby, Hobijn, and ¸S ahin (2010) for a more detailed examination of these and
other aggregate data.
gross flows research series computed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
from matched monthly CPS household data, discussed at length below.
The top panel shows flows out of work: quits and layoffs from the JOLTS
(“other separations,” including retirements, are not shown), and gross flows
from employment to unemployment (E-U) from the CPS. The bottom
panel shows flows into work: hires from the JOLTS and unemployment-
to-employment (U-E) flows from the CPS. It also shows unemployment-
to-nonparticipation (U-N) flows; both the U-E and the U-N flows are
expressed as shares of the previous month’s unemployed population.
The two panels of figure 2 shed a good deal of light on the dynamics
of the rise and stagnation of the unemployment rate.
The top panel shows
that layoffs spiked and quits collapsed in late 2008, indicating an extreme
weakening of labor demand; interestingly, the decline in quits seems to
have preceded the increase in layoffs by several months. Not surprisingly,
the number of monthly E-U transitions increased by about one-third over
the course of 2008. Layoffs returned to (or even below) normal levels in
late 2009, but quits remained just over half of their prerecession level and
E-U flows remained high, suggesting that weak demand continued to dis-
suade workers from leaving their jobs and to impede the usual quick transi-
tion of laid-off workers into new jobs.
The bottom panel of figure 2 shows that the collapse in new hires was
more gradual than the spike in layoffs and began much earlier, in late 2007.
The rate at which unemployed workers transitioned into employment also
began to decline at this time, then fell much more sharply in late 2008.
Recall that the rapid run-up in long-term unemployment was in mid-2009,
roughly 6 months later, again suggesting that the usual process by which
job losers are recycled into new jobs was substantially disrupted around
the time of the financial crisis. U-E flows remain very low at this writ-
ing. Finally, the U-N flow rate fell rather than rose during the recession,
despite weak labor demand that might plausibly have led unemployed
workers to become discouraged. This is plausibly a consequence of UI
benefit extensions, which created incentives for ongoing search even if the
prospect of finding a job was remote.
I.B. The Policy Response
Congress responded quickly to the deteriorating labor market, autho-
rizing the EUC program in June 2008, but proceeded in fits and starts
150 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
4. This discussion draws heavily on Fujita (2010). I neglect a number of details of the UI
program rules. In particular, claimants whose tenure in their previous job was short are not
eligible for the full 26 weeks of regular benefits.
The June 2008 legislation made 13 weeks of EUC benefits
available to anyone who exhausted regular benefits before March 28,
2009. The program was subsequently expanded in November 2008. That
expansion extended the original EUC (now called EUC tier I) benefits to
20 weeks and added a second tier of 13 weeks of benefits in states with
unemployment rates above 6 percent. A second expansion in November
2009 changed tier II benefits to 14 weeks and added tier III, 13 weeks of
benefits in states with unemployment rates above 6 percent, and tier IV,
an additional 6 weeks in states with unemployment rates above 8.5 per-
cent. Individuals in states qualifying for all four tiers were thus eligible for
53 weeks of EUC benefits. The first four columns of table 1 show the num-
ber of tiers and number of weeks available over time.
The EUC program was originally set to expire on March 28, 2009. How-
ever, the program was reauthorized several times to delay the scheduled
Table 1. Changes in the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Program over
Weeks of benefits available under EUC tier
Scheduled EUC
Jun. 30, 2008 13 Mar. 28, 2009
Nov. 21, 2008 20 13
Mar. 28, 2009
Feb. 17, 2009 20 13
Dec. 26, 2009
Nov. 6, 2009 20 14 13 6 Dec. 26, 2009
Dec. 19, 2009 20 14 13 6 Feb. 28, 2010
Feb. 28, 2010 0 0 0 0 NA
Mar. 2, 2010 20 14 13 6 Apr. 5, 2010
Apr. 5, 2010 0 0 0 0 NA
Apr. 15, 2010 20 14 13 6 Jun. 2, 2010
Jun. 2, 2010 0 0 0 0 NA
Jul. 22, 2010 20 14 13 6 Nov. 30, 2010
Nov. 30, 2010 0 0 0 0 NA
Dec. 17, 2010 20 14 13 6 Jan. 3, 2012
Dec. 23, 2011 20 14 13 6 Mar. 6, 2012
Source: Fujita (2010) and Department of Labor bulletins.
a. Dates on which legislation creating, changing, or reauthorizing the program was enacted or the
program expired. After each expiration, the eventual reauthorization was retroactive. NA = not applicable.
b. Benefits available only in states with unemployment rates above 6 percent.
c. Benefits available only in states with unemployment rates above 8.5 percent.
d. As this volume goes to press.
5. The Recovery Act also provided for tax deductibility of a portion of UI benefits, for
somewhat expanded eligibility, and for more generous weekly benefit amounts.
6. During the period covered by my sample, the minimal triggers provided benefits only
when the 13-week moving average of the insured unemployment rate (IUR) was at least
5 percent and above 120 percent of the maximum of its values 1 year and 2 years earlier. It
is this lookback period that accounts for the decline in the minimal series in late 2009. The
maximal triggers also provided benefits in states with 13-week IURs above 6 percent (regard-
less of their lagged values) or with a 3-month moving average total unemployment rate (the
traditional measure) above 6.5 percent and above 110 percent of the value either 1 or 2 years
earlier. Each simulated benefits series allows a state’s status to change no more than once in
13 weeks, following program rules; the maximal series also assumes that the optional 3-year
lookback was adopted when it became available in 2011. See National Employment Law
Project (2011) and the Federal-State Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1970
(workforcesecurity.doleta.gov/unemploy/EB_law_for_web.pdf, accessed June 28, 2011).
expiration. The last column of table 1 shows the scheduled expiration date
as it changed over time. For much of the program’s history, the expira-
tion date was quite close. Indeed, on three occasions, in April, June, and
November 2010, Congress allowed the program to expire. Each time, Con-
gress eventually reauthorized it retroactive to the previous expiration date,
but following the June expiration this took 7 weeks.
The EUC program complemented a preexisting program, the EB pro-
gram, which allowed for 13 or 20 weeks of extra benefits in states with ele-
vated unemployment rates. EB is an optional program: participating states
can choose among several options regarding the specific triggers that will
activate benefits. As costs are traditionally split evenly between the state and
the federal government, many states have opted not to participate or have
chosen relatively stringent triggers. However, the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act of 2009, enacted in February of that year, provided for
full federal funding of benefits under EB. This induced a number of states
to begin participating in the program and to adopt more generous triggers.
Figure 3 shows the number of states in which benefits under the EB
program have been available over time, along with simulated counts of the
number of states where benefits would have been available had every state
adopted minimal or maximal triggers. At the beginning of 2009, only three
states offered benefits under this program, but by July of that year benefits
were available in 35 states. Figure 3 shows that this change reflected a com-
bination of increased EB participation, which brought the actual series well
above the minimal series, and deteriorating economic conditions, which
would have expanded EB participation even if states had not changed their
trigger choices.
The figure also shows that participation plummeted each
time the EUC program was allowed to expire: a number of states wrote
152 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
their EB implementing legislation to provide for state participation only as
long as the federal government paid 100 percent of the cost, and this provi-
sion expired and was reauthorized each time along with the EUC program.
Other than these spikes, participation has been relatively stable over time.
A final feature of figure 3 is the wide disparity between the simulated
minimal and maximal series: relatively few states, and none after mid-
2010, qualified for benefits under the least generous triggers, but nearly
all states did so under the most generous options. Thus, Alabama and Mis-
sissippi, each with January 2010 total unemployment rates of 10.4 percent
but insured unemployment rates below 4 percent, both qualified under the
2008 2009 2010 2011
Source: Author’s calculations using data from the BLS and the Employment and Training Administration.
a. Computed from the Employment and Training Administration’s weekly EB trigger notices.
b. Simulated for a state that has adopted all three of the following: the alternative insured unemploy-
ment rate (IUR) trigger, which provides EB if the IUR is above 6 percent, regardless of its lagged values;
the optional total unemployment rate (TUR) trigger, which provides EB if the TUR exceeds 6.5 percent
and is above the lowest of the 1-year, 2-year, or (optionally) 3-year lagged TURs; and the 3-year lookback
enacted in December 2010 (assumed to have gone into effect on January 1, 2011).
c. Series is simulated for a state that participates in the EB program but does not adopt the optional
3-year lookback period or any of the optional triggers available under the EB legislation. In such a state,
eligibility for EB depends on having an IUR that exceeds 5 percent and is above 120 percent of the higher
of the 1-year-lagged or the 2-year-lagged IUR.
No. of participating states
With maximal laws
With minimal laws
Figure 3. Extended Benefits Availability and the Role of Optional Triggers, 2008–11
maximal triggers but not under the minimal triggers; because Alabama had
adopted the most generous optional triggers but Mississippi had not, unem-
ployed individuals in Alabama were eligible for 20 weeks of EB but those
in Mississippi were ineligible.
When regular (26 weeks), EUC (as many as 53 weeks), and EB program
benefits (as many as 20 weeks) are combined, statutory benefit durations
have reached as long as 99 weeks in many states. However, this overstates
the number of weeks that any individual claimant could expect. According
to EUC program rules, after the program expires, participants can draw
out the remaining benefits from any tier already started but cannot transi-
tion to the next tier. Throughout 2010, the expiration date of the program
was never more than a few months away. Thus, no individual exhausting
regular benefits in 2010 could have anticipated being able to draw benefits
from EUC tiers III or IV absent further congressional action.
It is not clear how to model UI recipients’ expectations in the weeks
leading up to a scheduled EUC expiration. Recipients might reasonably
have expected an extension, if only to smooth the “cliff” in benefits that
would otherwise be created. However, each extension has been highly con-
troversial, facing determined opposition and filibusters in the Senate. It
would have been quite a leap of faith in mid-2010, in the midst of a Repub-
lican resurgence, for an unemployed worker to assume that the program
would be extended beyond its November 30 expiration. Moreover, even a
worker who foresaw an eventual extension might (correctly) have expected
a gap in benefits between the program’s expiration and its eventual reau-
thorization. For a UI recipient facing binding credit constraints, benefits
paid retroactively are much less valuable than those paid on time.
Figure 4 provides two ways of looking at the changes in UI benefit dura-
tions over time. The top panel shows estimates for the state with the longest
benefit durations at any point in time. After late 2008, this is a state qualify-
ing for 20 weeks of EB program benefits and all extant EUC tiers. The bot-
tom panel shows the (unweighted) average across states. Each panel shows
the maximum number of weeks available by statute over time, as well as
the expectations of a worker just entering unemployment and of a worker
who has just exhausted regular benefits, under the assumption that workers
do not anticipate future EUC extensions or trigger events.
The statutory series shows a rapid run-up, due primarily to EUC expan-
sions and secondarily to EB triggers, in 2008 and throughout 2009, fol-
lowed by repeated collapses in 2010 when the EUC program temporarily
expired. However, the other two series, adopting the perspectives of indi-
viduals early in their allowed benefits, show much more gradual changes.
154 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
Expected duration
at 0 weeks
State with maximum benefit duration
Average state
Source: Author’s calculations using data from the Employment and Training Administration.
a. State with the highest statutory benefit duration in a given week.
b. Expected durations are those of a UI benefit recipient at the start of (“0 weeks”) or at exhaustion of
(“26 weeks”) regular UI benefits who does not anticipate further federal legislative changes, changes in
the state’s EB program participation (including those determined by already-legislated triggers), or state
trigger events.
c. Unweighted mean across states.
Statutory duration
Expected duration
at 26 weeks
Expected duration
at 0 weeks
Statutory duration
Expected duration
at 26 weeks
Figure 4. UI Benefit Durations, Statutory and as Perceived by Recipients, 2008–11
7. Chetty (2008) finds that much of the search effect of UI is concentrated among those
who are credit constrained, and that lump-sum severance pay has an effect similar to that of
UI benefit extensions (see also Card, Chetty, and Weber 2007a).
Newly unemployed workers who did not expect further legislative action
would have seen the EUC program as largely irrelevant for most of its exis-
tence, because only on three occasions (roughly, the third quarter of 2008,
the second quarter of 2009, and the period since December 2010) was the
program’s expiration further away than the 26 weeks it would take for such
a worker to exhaust regular benefits. Workers just exhausting their regular
benefits, by contrast, would have anticipated at least tier I benefits at all
times except during the temporary sunsets. Even these workers, however,
could not have looked forward to tier II, III, or IV benefits for most of the
history of the program. Only in December 2010 and at the very beginning
of 2011 could any such worker have anticipated eligibility for tier IV ben-
efits. A final feature to notice is that the average state was quite close to the
maximum from 2009 on, as most states had adopted at least one of the EB
options, and most had hit their triggers.
I.C. A Model of Job Search and UI Durations
To fix ideas, I develop a simple discrete time model of job search with
exogenous wages and time-limited UI. The model yields two main results.
First, search intensity rises as UI benefit expiration approaches, and it is
higher for UI exhaustees than for those still receiving benefits. Thus, an
extension of UI benefits reduces the reemployment chances of searching
individuals, both those who have exhausted their regular benefits and those
who are still drawing regular benefits and thus not directly affected by the
extension. Second, when UI benefit receipt is conditioned on continuing
job search, benefit extensions can raise the probability of search continua-
tion. Both results imply positive effects of benefit extensions on measured
unemployment. However, because the second channel can increase search,
the net effect on the reemployment of displaced workers is ambiguous.
I assume that individuals cannot borrow or save.
The income and there-
fore the consumption of an unemployed individual is y
if she does not
receive UI benefits and y
+ b if she does. Her per-period flow utility is
u(c) - s, where c is her consumption and s is the amount of effort she
devotes to search. If she finds a job, it will be permanent and will offer an
exogenous wage w > y
+ b and flow utility u(w). The probability that she
finds a job in a given period is an increasing function of search effort, p(s),
with p(s) > 0, p(s) < 0, p(0) = 0, p(0) = , and p(s) < 1 for all s. Although
156 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
8. Once benefits are exhausted (d = 0), the problem becomes stationary: V
(0) = max
) - s
+ d[p(s
+ (1 - p(s
9. For example, this holds under the parameters considered by Chetty (2008, p. 8), which
in my notation correspond to constant relative risk aversion (CRRA) utility
with g = 1.75, y
= 0.25w, b = 0.5w, p(s) = 0.25s
, d = 1, and V
= 500u(w).
p(s) might naturally be modeled as a function of changing labor market
conditions, to avoid excessive complexity from dynamic anticipation
effects I assume that job seekers treat it as fixed. I assume that unemploy-
ment benefits are available for up to D periods of unemployment. Initially,
I model these benefits as conditional only on continued unemployment;
later, I condition also on a minimum level of search effort.
These assumptions lead to a dynamic decision problem with state vari-
able d corresponding to the number of weeks of benefits remaining. Let
(d) represent the value function of an unemployed individual with d > 0
weeks of benefits remaining. The Bellman equation is
() max
Vd uy bs ps Vps
d VVd
where s
represents the chosen search effort, V
is the value function of an
employed worker, and 1 - d is the per-week discount rate.
The first-order condition then implies that the choice of search effort
for d 1. The following results are proved in the appendix.
Proposition 1. The value function V
(d) is increasing in d: V
(d + 1) >
(d) for all d 0.
Proposition 2. Search effort increases as benefit exhaustion approaches,
reaching its final level in the penultimate period of benefit receipt: s
< s
= s
for all d 2.
Proposition 2 implies that UI extensions will reduce job finding rates at
all unemployment durations below the new maximum benefit duration D and
will shift the time-until-reemployment distribution rightward. The relative
magnitude of the effect at different unemployment durations depends on the
shape of the p() function, but under plausible parameterizations, (s
- s
declines with d, so benefit extensions will have the largest effects on the
search effort of those who would otherwise be at or near benefit exhaustion.
These results neglect the impact of UI job search requirements. To incor-
porate them, I assume that an individual is considered a part of the labor force
and therefore eligible to receive UI benefits only if his search effort is at least
q > 0. Those who choose lower search effort receive no benefit payments
but preserve their benefit entitlements (that is, d is not decremented). The
Bellman equation for an individual with d > 0 weeks remaining is now
() max2
uy bs ps Vps
uy spsV ps
if q
if q.
Unemployment benefits may deter an unemployed individual from
exiting the labor force if search productivity is low—that is, if p′q <
1d VVd
—and if benefit levels are high relative to q. It can be
shown that:
Proposition 3. Any individual who chooses search effort s q with
d weeks of benefits remaining would also choose s q with d weeks
remaining, for all d, d > 0.
Intuitively, an individual who chooses s < q when her UI entitlement has
not yet been exhausted does not use any of her remaining entitlement, so
the state variable, and therefore the optimization problem, is the same the
following week. She will thus never choose s > q again. This then implies
that the value of the state variable was irrelevant the previous week, as
remaining benefit eligibility has no effect on someone who will never
again draw benefits. The only temporally consistent strategies are to exit
the labor force immediately after a job loss or to remain in the labor force
at least until benefits are exhausted.
UI benefit extensions thus reduce nonparticipation by delaying the exit
of those who plan to exit when d reaches zero. This implies that the net
effect of UI extensions is ambiguous when job search requirements are
enforced: those who would have searched intensively will reduce their
search effort, while some of those who would have dropped out of the labor
force will increase their effort. The relative strength of these two effects is
likely to vary over the business cycle: when labor demand is strong and
search productivity therefore high, the former is likely to dominate, but
when search productivity is low, the latter may be more important.
158 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
10. Aaronson, Mazumder, and Schechter (2010), Fujita (2010), and Elsby and others
(2010) use similar strategies and obtain similar results.
Finally, two important factors not captured by this model are worth men-
tioning. First, p(s) may vary over the business cycle. If p(s) is temporarily
low but expected to recover later, UI extensions might keep individu-
als searching through the low-demand period. If search productivity is
increasing in past search effort, as implied by many discussions of hyster-
esis, this could lead to higher employment when the economy recovers.
Even without state dependence in p(s), UI extensions may bring dis-
couraged workers back into the labor force earlier in the business cycle
upswing. Second, I do not model search externalities. In reality, reduced
search effort by one person likely increases the productivity of search
for all others: if a UI recipient does not take an available job, this merely
makes the job available to someone else. This consideration is particu-
larly important if the labor market is demand constrained, but it arises
whenever labor demand is downward sloping. In the presence of search
externalities, partial equilibrium estimates of the effect of UI extensions
on recipients’ reemployment probabilities will overstate the aggregate
I.D. Earlier Estimates of the Effect of UI Extensions
in the Great Recession
A number of studies have estimated the effect of the recent UI exten-
sions on labor market outcomes. Nearly all involve extrapolations from
prerecession estimates of the effect of UI benefit durations or from pre-
recession unemployment exit rates.
Bhashkar Mazumder (2011) uses estimates of the effect of UI dura-
tions from Lawrence Katz and Bruce Meyer (1990a) and David Card and
Philip Levine (2000) to conclude that UI extensions contributed 0.8 to
1.2 percentage points to the unemployment rate in February 2011.
But UI
durations in the Great Recession and its aftermath have been longer and
labor market conditions have been different in a variety of ways than in
the periods examined by the earlier studies. The effect of UI durations in the
earlier estimates largely reflects a spike in the unemployment exit hazard in
the weeks immediately before benefit exhaustion. Katz and Meyer (1990b)
find that much of this spike is attributable to laid-off workers being recalled
to their previous job; these recalls are thought to have become much less
common in recent years. Card, Raj Chetty, and Andrea Weber (2007a, 2007b)
11. Another potential explanation for large spikes in at least some of the earlier studies
is so-called heaping in reported unemployment durations: improbably large numbers of
observations occur at certain durations. Katz (1986) and Sider (1985) suggest that in retro-
spective reports, much of the observed heaping—which is especially prominent at 26 weeks
(6 months), the maximum duration of regular UI benefits—reflects recall error or other fac-
tors (Card and Levine 2000) rather than UI effects.
suggest that much of the remaining spike is attributable to labor force exit
rather than reemployment, highlighting the importance of distinguishing
these two channels.
Shigeru Fujita (2011) extrapolates from reemployment and labor
force exit hazards observed in 2004–07 to infer counterfactual hazards in
200910 had UI benefits not been extended. To absorb confounding effects
from changes in labor demand, he controls linearly for the job vacancy
rate. He finds larger effects of UI extensions on unemployment than does
Mazumder (2011), primarily attributable to reduced reemployment rather
than reduced labor force exit. However, these conclusions are based on the
extrapolated effects of a reduction in the job vacancy rate that is roughly
twice as large as the range observed in the earlier period.
Mary Daly, Bart Hobijn, and Valletta (2011), drawing on Valletta and
Kuang (2010), contrast changes in the unemployment durations of those
laid off from their previous jobs (whom I refer to as “job losers” below),
many of whom are eligible for UI benefits, and of other unemployed
individuals (many of whom quit their previous jobs), who are not, over
the course of the recession and after. They conclude that UI extensions
raised the unemployment rate by 0.8 percentage point in 2009 and early
2010. This comparison identifies the UI effect in the presence of arbitrary
changes in demand conditions, so long as the two groups are otherwise
similar. However, the collapse in the quit rate seen in figure 2 above sug-
gests that UI extensions may not be the only source of changes in the rela-
tive outcomes of job losers and job leavers. If the remaining job leavers
come largely from sectors where job openings are plentiful, while the job
losers come from sectors hit hard by the recession (such as construction),
the comparison between them will overstate any negative effect of UI
A larger estimate comes from Robert Barro, in the op-ed cited in the
introduction, who assumes that the long-term unemployment share in 2009
would have been the same as in 1983 if not for the UI extensions. Barro
concludes that extensions raised the unemployment rate by 2.7 percentage
points. David Grubb’s (2011) literature review comes to a quite similar
conclusion. In contrast, Howell and Azizoglu (2011) conclude that any
160 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
effect is much smaller and primarily attributable to reduced labor force
exit induced by the UI job search requirement.
A final relevant paper is by Henry Farber and Valletta (2011). That
paper was written simultaneously with and independently of this one but
pursues a similar strategy of using recent data and competing-risks models
to identify the effect of UI extensions on reemployment and labor force
exit hazards. Unsurprisingly, Farber and Valletta obtain results very simi-
lar to those presented below. The analysis here differs from theirs in three
respects: it explores several alternative specifications that isolate different
components of the variation in UI benefits; it examines the sensitivity of
the results to unavoidable ad hoc assumptions made about expected benefit
availability; and it addresses an important discrepancy in the CPS data,
discussed below, that leads survival analyses to drastically understate the
long-term unemployment share and that has the potential to substantially
obscure effects of UI extensions on unemployment durations.
II. Data
I use the Current Population Survey rotating panel to measure the labor
market outcomes of a large sample of unemployed workers in the very
recent past. Three-quarters of each month’s CPS sample are targeted for
another interview the following month, and it is possible to match over
70 percent of monthly respondents (94 percent of the attempted reinter-
views) to employment status in the following month. (The most important
source of mismatches is individuals who move, who are not followed.)
This permits me to measure 1-month-later employment outcomes for
roughly 4,000 unemployed workers each month during and since the Great
Recession, and thereby to construct monthly reemployment and labor force
exit hazards that vary by state, date of unemployment, and unemployment
The CPS data have advantages and disadvantages relative to other data
that have been used to study UI extension effects. Advantages include
larger and more current samples, the ability to track outcomes for individu-
als who have exhausted their UI benefits or who are not eligible, and the
ability to distinguish reemployment from labor force exit.
These are offset by important limitations. First, the monthly CPS does
not contain measures of UI eligibility or receipt. Only job losers, those
who were laid off from their previous job rather than having quit or having
newly entered the labor force, are eligible for UI benefits. Past research has
found that fewer than half of the eligible unemployed actually receive UI
12. Observations in February, March, and April can be matched to data from the
Annual Demographic Survey, which includes questions about UI income in the previous
calendar year. In early 2010, 56 percent of job leavers whose unemployment spells appear
to have started before December 1, 2009, reported nonzero UI income, up from 39 percent
in early 2005.
benefits (Anderson and Meyer 1997). This fraction appears to have risen
somewhat since the onset of the Great Recession: I estimate that over half
of job losers unemployed more than 3 months in early 2010 received UI
Although the UI participation rate is far less than 100 percent, I
simulate remaining benefit durations for all job losers, assuming that each
is eligible for full benefits. As I estimate relatively sparse specifications
without extensive individual controls, the estimates can be seen as the
“reduced form” average effect of available durations on the labor market
outcomes of all job losers, pooling recipients and nonrecipients. To imple-
ment the simulation, I match the CPS data to detailed information about
the availability of EUC and EB program benefits at a state-week level and
compute eligibility for benefits in each week between the beginning of the
unemployment spell and the initial CPS interview (including those paid
retroactively because of delayed reauthorizations). I assume that 1 week of
eligibility has been used for each week of covered unemployment (includ-
ing retroactive coverage due to delayed reauthorizations).
In modeling expectations for benefits subsequent to the CPS interview,
I assume in my main specifications that the individual anticipates no fur-
ther legislative action or triggering of benefits on or off after that date, as
in figure 4. Insofar as unemployed individuals are able to forecast future
legislation, I may understate the duration of expected benefits and over-
state the amount of variation across unemployment entry cohorts within
the same state. It is unclear in which direction this nonclassical measure-
ment error biases my results; I explore specifications aimed at reducing
this bias below.
A second limitation of the CPS data is that employment status and
unemployment durations are self-reported, and respondents may not fully
understand the official definitions. Officially, only someone who is out
of work, is available to start work, and has actively looked for work at
least once in the last 4 weeks should be classified as unemployed, with
a duration of unemployment reaching back to the last time he or she did
not meet these conditions. Someone who has not actively searched or is
unavailable to start a job is out of the labor force. But the line between
unemployment and nonparticipation can be blurry, particularly when there
are few suitable job openings or when job search is intermittent. The data
162 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
13. CPS procedures were altered in 1994, in part to reduce classification error. There
are no public-use reinterview samples from the post-1994 period. However, my analysis of
data supplied by Census Bureau staff suggests that the misclassification of unemployment
remains an important issue even after the redesign.
14. Fujita (2011) also recodes some U-N-U trajectories as U-U-U. I am grateful to Hank
Farber for helpful conversations about this issue.
15. I am unable to address a related potential problem: although the CPS data collection
is independent of that used to enforce job search requirements, these requirements may lead
some true nonparticipants to misreport themselves as active searchers. This may cause my
estimates of the effect of UI extensions on reported labor force participation to overstate the
effect on actual job search.
suggest that reported unemployment durations often stretch across periods
of non participation or short-term employment back to the perceived “true”
beginning of the unemployment spell. Reinterviews with CPS respondents
in the 1980s indicate important misclassification of labor force status, par-
ticularly for unemployed individuals, who are often misclassified as out of
the labor force. This leads to substantial overstatement of unemployment
exit probabilities (Poterba and Summers 1984, 1995, Abowd and Zellner
Relatedly, examination of the unemployment duration distribu-
tions indicates substantial heaping at monthly, semiannual, and annual
frequencies, suggesting that many respondents round their reported unem-
ployment durations.
To minimize the misclassification problem, my primary estimates
count someone who is observed to exit unemployment in one month but
return the following month—that is, someone whose 3-month trajectory
is unemployed-nonparticipating-unemployed (U-N-U) or unemployed-
employed-unemployed (U-E-U)—as a nonexit.
This means that I can
measure unemployment exits only for observations with at least two sub-
sequent interviews. I also estimate alternative specifications that count all
measured exits or that exclude many of the heaped observations, with
similar results.
I discuss these issues at greater length in section V.
Finally, as mentioned, the CPS does not attempt to track respondents
who change residences between interviews. Mobility and nonresponse lead
to the attrition of roughly 8 percent of the sample and 10 percent of the
unemployed respondents each month. If UI eligibility affects the propen-
sity to move (Frey 2009, Kaplan and Schulhofer-Wohl 2011), this could
bias my estimates in unknown ways. However, when I estimate my main
specifications using mobility as the dependent variable, I find no evidence
that it is (conditionally) correlated with my UI duration measures.
Table 2 presents summary statistics for my full CPS sample, which
pools data for interviews between May 2004 and January 2011, matched
Table 2. Summary Statistics
Percent except where stated otherwise
All unemployed
Subsample with
two or more follow-up
Job leavers,
Job leavers,
77,813 61,105
Share matched to 1
follow-up interview
100 100
Share matched to 2
follow-up interviews
100 100
Unemployment duration
(spells in progress)
Average (weeks)
23.1 22.2
Share 0–13 weeks
54 59
Share 14–26 weeks
17 15
Share 27–98 weeks
24 20
Share 99 weeks or more
5 6
Share exiting unemployment
by next month
Counting all exits
(1 or more follow-ups)
38 51
To employment
23 20
Out of labor force
15 31
Not counting U-N-U or
U-E-U transitions
(2 or more follow-ups)
29 41
To employment
20 18
Out of labor force
10 24
Anticipated duration of
unemployment benefits
44.2 NA
24.0 NA
Total (anticipating EUC
57.0 NA
State unemployment rate 7.7 6.9 7.7 6.9
Source: Author’s analysis.
a. All statistics use CPS weights. Shares may not sum to totals because of rounding. NA = not applicable.
b. All observations of unemployed workers from the May 2004–January 2011 CPS samples with
month-in-sample 1, 2, 5, or 6.
c. Excludes observations with missing or allocated labor force status in the base survey or in either of
the two following interviews, or with allocated unemployment duration in the base survey.
164 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
16. This is a lower exit rate than is apparent in the BLS gross flows data, which also
derive from matched CPS samples but do not incorporate my adjustment for U-N-U and
U-E-U trajectories.
to interviews in each of the next 2 months. (Rotation groups that would
not have been targeted for two follow-up interviews are excluded.) Fig-
ure 5 presents average monthly exit probabilities for unemployed workers
who report having been laid off from their previous job (as distinct from
new entrants to the labor force, reentrants, and voluntary job leavers) over
the sample period. The overall exit hazard fell from about 40 percent in
mid-2007 to about 25 percent throughout 2009 and 2010.
The figure also
reports exit hazards for those unemployed zero to 13 weeks and 26 weeks
or more. The hazard is higher for the short-term than for the long-term
unemployed. However, both series fell at rates similar to the overall aver-
age in 2007 and 2008, indicating that only a small portion of the overall
Unemployed 0–13 weeks
Unemployed 26 or more weeks
Source: Author’s calculations using data from the Current Population Survey.
a. Displaced workers are defined as unemployed individuals who report having lost their last job.
Hazards represent the probability of being employed or out of the labor force 1 month hence and not
unemployed the following month. Series are not seasonally adjusted and are smoothed using a 5-month
symmetric triangle moving average.
Figure 5. Monthly Unemployment Exit Hazards for Displaced Workers,
by Duration Group, 2004–10
17. In principle, individuals can be followed for three periods in the CPS data.
(Although the CPS is a four-period rotating sample, I cannot measure exit between period 3
and period 4 because, as discussed above, I require a follow-up observation to identify tem-
porary exits.) Accounting for this would give rise to a somewhat more complex likelihood
function. I treat an individual observed for three periods as two distinct observations, one
on exit from period 1 to period 2 and another on exit from period 2 to period 3 (if she sur-
vives in unemployment in period 2), allowing for dependence of the error term across the
exit hazard decline can be attributed to composition effects arising from the
increased share of long-term unemployed.
III. Empirical Strategy
The matched CPS data allow me to measure whether an unemployed indi-
vidual exits unemployment over the next month, but they do not allow me
to follow those who do not exit to the end of their spells. I thus focus on
modeling the exit hazard directly. I assume the monthly hazard follows a
logistic function. To distinguish between the different forms of unemploy-
ment exit, I turn to a multinomial logit model that takes reemployment,
labor force exit, and continued unemployment as possible outcomes.
Let n
be the number of weeks that unemployed person i in state s in
month t has been unemployed (censored at 99); let D
be the total number
of weeks of benefits available to her, including the n
weeks already used
as well as weeks she expects to be able to draw in the future; and let Z
a measure of economic conditions. Using a sample of job losers, I estimate
specifications of the form
() ln ;3
Here l
is the probability that the individual exits unemployment by month
t + 1; a
and h
are fixed effects for states and months, respectively; and
and P
are flexible polynomials. This logit specification can be seen as
a maximum likelihood estimator of a censored survival model with stock-
based sampling and a logistic exit hazard, with each individual observed for
only two periods.
However, as I discuss below, modeling survival func-
tions in the CPS data is challenging because of inconsistencies between
stock-based and flow-based measures of survival. In section V, I develop a
simulation approach to recovering survival curves from the estimated exit
hazards that are consistent with the observed duration profile. For now I
focus on modeling the hazards themselves.
166 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
After some experimentation, I settled on the following parameterization
of P
() ;
Pn nnnn
nist istist istist
g .
This appears flexible enough to capture most of the duration pattern. I have
also estimated versions of equation 3 using fully nonparametric specifica-
tions of P
; g), with little effect on the results.
As discussed above, the main challenge in identifying the effect of D
is that it covaries importantly with labor demand conditions. Absent true
random assignment of D
, I explore several alternative strategies, aimed
at isolating different components of the variation in D
that are plausibly
exogenous to unobserved determinants of unemployment exit.
My first strategy attempts to absorb labor demand conditions through
the P
function. In my preferred specification, P
is a cubic polynomial
in the state unemployment rate. I also explore richer specifications that
control as well for cubics in the insured unemployment rate (an alter-
native measure of unemployment based only on UI-eligible workers)
and in the number of new UI claims in the CPS week, expressed as a
share of the employed eligible population. The remaining variation in
comes primarily from the haphazard rollout of EUC, which creates
variation over time in the relationship between Z
and the number of
weeks of available UI benefits. Additional variation derives from the
repeated expiration and renewal of the EUC program and from states’
decisions about whether to participate in the optional EB program. Note
that labor demand is likely to be negatively correlated with the avail-
ability of benefits, so specifications of P
that do not adequately capture
demand conditions will likely lead me to overstate the negative effect of
UI benefits on job finding.
A second strategy uses job seekers who are not eligible for UI, either
because they are new entrants to the labor market or because they left their
former jobs voluntarily, to control nonparametrically for state labor market
conditions (Valletta and Kuang 2010, Farber and Valletta 2011). Using a
sample that pools all of the unemployed, I estimate
() ln5
istist istnis
=+ +
ttist istZ st st
where a
is a full set of state × month indicators and e
is an indica-
tor for whether individual i is a job loser (and therefore presumptively
18. Three of the triggers are described in note 6. The fourth is activated when the
3-month moving-average total unemployment rate exceeds 8 percent and is above 110 per-
cent of the lesser of its 1-year and 2-year lagged values. States adopting optional trigger 3
are required to also adopt trigger 4, which when activated provides an additional 7 weeks of
benefits on top of the normal 13.
UI-eligible). P
, e
; g) = P
; g
) + e
; g
) + e
the full interaction of the unemployment duration controls in equation 4
with the eligibility indicator, and e
; d) indicates that the relative
labor market outcomes of job losers and other unemployed are allowed
to vary parametrically with observed labor market conditions. The D
measure of the number of weeks available is calculated for everyone,
eligible and ineligible alike, and is entered both as a main effect, to
absorb any correlation between cohort employability and benefits, and
interacted with the eligibility indicator e
. The effect attributable to UI
duration, b, is identified from covariance between UI extensions and
changes in the relative unemployment exit rates of job losers and other
unemployed workers who entered unemployment at the same time, over
and above that which can be explained by the Z
This specification has the advantage that it does not rely on parametric
controls to measure the absolute effect of economic conditions on job find-
ing rates. However, recall that figure 2 indicated that the quit rate has been
low throughout the recession and since. If the ineligible unemployed during
the period when benefits were extended are disproportionately composed
of people who have relatively good employment prospects, the evolving
prospects of the population of ineligibles may not be a good guide to those
of eligibles, leading the specification in equation 5 to overstate the effect
of UI extensions. I attempt to minimize this by adding controls for sev-
eral individual covariates—age, education, sex, marital status, and former
occupation and industry—to equation 5.
My third strategy returns to the eligibles-only sample but narrows in
on the variation in UI durations coming from state decisions about which
EB triggers to adopt, using a control function to absorb all other varia-
tion in D
. I augment equation 3 with a direct control for the number of
EUC weeks available. This leaves variation only in EB program benefits
(and, incidentally, eliminates my reliance on assumptions about job seek-
ers’ expectations of future EUC reauthorization, as the EB program is not
set to expire). I also add controls for the availability of EB program benefits
in the state × month cell under maximal and minimal state participation in
the EB program (as graphed in figure 3), along with indicators for whether
the state has exceeded each of the four EB thresholds.
With these controls,
168 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
the only variation in D
should come from differences among states in
similar economic circumstances in take-up of the optional EB triggers.
My final strategy turns to an entirely different source of variation, focus-
ing on the interaction between the number of available weeks in the state
and the number of weeks that the individual has used to date. Equations 3
and 5 model the effect of UI extensions as a constant shift in the log odds
of unemployment exit, reemployment, or labor force exit; in some speci-
fications I allow separate effects on those unemployed more or less than
26 weeks. But this is a crude way of capturing the effects, which the model
in section I.C suggests are likely to be stronger for those facing imminent
exhaustion than for those for whom an extension only adds to the end of
what is already a long stream of anticipated future benefits.
To focus better on this, I turn to a specification that parameterizes the
UI effect in terms of the time to exhaustion:
() ln ;6
fd n
υ st
Here d
= max{0, D
- n
} represents the number of weeks of benefits
remaining, with f(z; b) a flexible function; I impose only the normalization
that f(0; b) = 0, implying that UI durations have no effect on job searchers
who have already exhausted all UI benefits. The second term on the right-
hand side of equation 6 is a full set of indicators for unemployment dura-
tion, and the third is a full set of state × month indicators. There are two
sources of variation that allow separate identification of the effects of d and
n, within state × month cells, without parametric restrictions. The first is
the nonlinearity of the mapping from D
and n
to d
: across–state × month
variation in benefit availability has one-for-one effects on d
for those who
have not yet exhausted benefits but not for those who have. Second, the
EUC expiration rules mean that the addition of new EUC tiers extends d
for those who will transition onto the new tiers before the EUC program
expires but not for those with lower n
, who will expect the program to
have expired before they reach the new tiers.
IV. Estimates
The top panel of table 3 presents logit estimates of equation 3, with stan-
dard errors clustered at the state level. The table shows the unemployment
duration coefficient and its standard error. Below these, it also shows the
estimated effect of the UI extensions on the average exit hazard in the
Table 3. Logit Regressions Estimating Effects of UI Extensions on Unemployment Exit Hazards
Independent variables and calculated effects of UI extensions
Sample: job losers (N = 77,813)
Sample: all
(N = 138,883)
3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7
Assuming constant effect of UI across all durations
Weeks of UI benefits/100 -0.33
Effect of UI extensions on average exit hazard, 2010Q4 (percentage points)
-2.1 -1.7 -1.9 -2.1 -2.3 -0.9 -1.2
State unemployment rate No Linear Cubic Cubic Cubic No No
State insured unemployment rate
No No No Cubic Cubic No No
State new UI claims rate
No No No Cubic Cubic No No
State employment growth rate No No No Cubic Cubic No No
Individual covariates
No No No No Yes No Yes
Table 3. Logit Regressions Estimating Effects of UI Extensions on Unemployment Exit Hazards
Independent variables and calculated effects of UI extensions
Sample: job losers (N = 77,813)
Sample: all
(N = 138,883)
3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7
Allowing effect to vary by individual unemployment duration
Weeks of UI benefits/100 × unemployed less than 26 weeks 0.08
Weeks of UI benefits/100 × unemployed 26 or more weeks -0.37
Effect of UI extensions on average exit hazard, 2010Q4 (percentage points)
-1.5 -1.0 -1.3 -1.4 -1.6 -1.0 -1.3
Source: Author’s analysis.
a. Standard errors clustered at the state level are in parentheses.
b. Average monthly exit hazard in the full sample is 29.4 percent; that in the 2010Q4 subsample is 22.4 percent. All specifications using this sample use the CPS sample
weights and include state fixed effects, month fixed effects, and unemployment duration controls (weeks of unemployment as reported in the beginning-of-month survey,
its square, its inverse, and an indicator variable for being unemployed 1 week or less).
c. Specifications include unemployment duration controls (see note b), state × month fixed effects, an indicator variable for whether the individual is a job loser, interactions
of the job loser indicator with the unemployment duration controls and with a cubic in the state unemployment rate, and the number of weeks of benefits the individual would
receive if eligible. Estimation is by conditional logit and uses the average CPS weight in the state × month cell.
d. Difference between the average fitted exit probability and the fitted probability implied by the model if benefit durations had been held fixed at 26 weeks.
e. UI claimants as a share of all insured workers.
f. New UI claims as a share of all insured workers.
g. Sex and marital status indicators, a female-married interaction, and age, education, and preunemployment industry indicators (6, 4, and 15 categories, respectively).
h. Specifications are the same as in the top panel but also include an indicator for whether the individual has been unemployed 26 weeks or more.
19. Strictly speaking, I use observations from the September through November surveys.
December observations are excluded because the EUC program had expired and not yet been
renewed at the time of the December survey; see section I.B.
20. For computational reasons, I estimate the specification by conditional logit, then
back out consistent but inefficient estimates of the a
fixed effects for use in predicted exit
fourth quarter of 2010, computed as the difference between the average fit-
ted exit probability and the average fitted probability implied by the model
with benefit durations set to 26 weeks for the entire sample.
The regres-
sion reported in column 3-1 is estimated using only job losers, who are
presumed to be eligible for UI benefits, and includes state and month fixed
effects and the n
controls indicated by equation 4, but no controls for eco-
nomic conditions in the state or for individual characteristics. It indicates
a significant negative effect of UI benefit durations on the probability of
unemployment exit, with a net effect of the UI extensions on the 2010Q4
exit rate of -2.1 percentage points (on a base of 22.4 percent). Columns
3-2 through 3-5 add additional controls: column 3-2 adds a control for the
state unemployment rate, column 3-3 uses a cubic in that rate, column 3-4
adds cubics in three other measures of slackness (the number of UI claim-
ants and the number of new UI claims, each expressed as a share of insured
employment, and the state employment growth rate), and finally column
3-5 adds a vector of individual-level covariates, including indicators for
education, age, sex, marital status, and industry of previous employment.
The estimated effects of UI durations move around a bit as the covariate
vector is expanded, but within a fairly narrow range: the implied effects on
the exit hazard in 2010Q4 range from -1.7 to -2.3 percentage points.
Columns 3-6 and 3-7 turn to my second strategy, adding to the sample
over 60,000 unemployed individuals who left their jobs voluntarily or are
new entrants to the labor force and are therefore not eligible for UI ben-
efits. As indicated by equation 5, this allows me to add state × month fixed
I also include an indicator for (simulated) UI eligibility and its
interaction with the duration and unemployment rate controls, as well as
a “simulated UI duration” control that is common to both the job losers
and the job leavers and designed to capture any unobserved cohort effects
that are common to both groups but correlated with my UI measure. Col-
umn 3-7 also adds the full vector of individual covariates, as a guard
against the possibility of important differences in employability between
the job losers and the UI-ineligible comparison group. With or without
these covariates, the estimates indicate notably smaller effects than in the
first five columns.
172 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
There is no particular reason to think that benefit extensions have the
same effects on those near benefit exhaustion as on those just beginning
their unemployment spells. As a first step toward loosening this assump-
tion, in the bottom panel of the table I allow D
to have different effects
on those unemployed less than 26 weeks and those unemployed 26 weeks
or longer. The negative effect of D on unemployment exit is found to
be entirely concentrated among the latter, with estimated effects on the
shorter-term unemployed that are close to zero, never statistically signifi-
cant, and in many cases positive. The coefficients for the long-term unem-
ployed are somewhat larger than in the top panel, though the differences
are small. The implied effects of UI extensions on exit hazards are smaller
than those in the top panel in the first five columns, but larger in the last
two, narrowing the gap between the two sets of specifications.
Table 4 presents several specifications aimed at gauging the sensi-
tivity of the estimates to the measurement of expected future benefits.
Column 4-1 repeats the results for the baseline specification from col-
umn 3-3 in the bottom panel of table 3. Column 4-2 replaces the anticipated
Table 4. Specifications Examining the Sensitivity of Results to the Recipient
Expectations Model
Independent variables and calculated
effects of UI extensions 4-1
4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5
Weeks of UI benefits/100 × unemployed
less than 26 weeks
Weeks of UI benefits/100 × unemployed
26 or more weeks
Weeks of UI benefits/100 × unemployed
less than 26 weeks × expectations range
Weeks of UI benefits/100 × unemployed
26 or more weeks × expectations range
Estimated effect of UI extensions on
average exit hazard, 2010Q4
(percentage points)
-1.3 -3.0 -1.8 -2.1 -3.1
Forecast EUC reauthorization?
No Yes No No No
EUC weeks available No No No Yes Yes
EB trigger status No No No No Yes
EB availability under alternative rules No No No No Yes
Source: Author’s analysis.
a. All specifications include state and month fixed effects, unemployment duration controls, and a cubic
in the state unemployment rate. See the text for description of additional covariates.
b. Specification from table 3, bottom panel, column 3-3.
c. Absolute value of the difference in expected durations between the two forecasting models.
d. All recipients are assumed to expect the EUC program to be extended seamlessly and indefinitely.
21. Identification in this specification comes from variation in state take-up of a program
that, for much of the period under study, was entirely funded by the federal government.
Insofar as states that turned down this free money (an important determinant of which seems
to be the presence of a governor who vocally opposed federal economic stimulus in 2009)
experienced sharper labor market downturns (conditional on my controls), this strategy may
lead me to overstate the effect of UI. Of course, an association in the opposite direction
would lead me to understate this effect.
UI duration measure with an alternative calculated under the assumption
that all recipients expect the EUC program to be extended seamlessly
and indefinitely (as in Farber and Valletta 2011). This leads to larger
estimated UI extension effects, more than doubling the effect on the
monthly exit rate.
Measurement error in the two benefit duration proxies is likely con-
centrated in the months shortly preceding expiration of the EUC program,
when the two expectations models yield quite different durations; the sim-
ulated benefit durations should match recipient expectations much more
closely in subsamples where the two expectations models are in closer
agreement. Column 4-3 presents a specification that builds on this intu-
ition. Here I measure the absolute difference between the Ds calculated
under the two expectations models and interact this difference with the
simulated benefit duration (returning to the “myopic” expectations model
used in column 4-1). I interpret the D main effect in this specification—the
effect of durations when the two expectations models are in agreement—as
indicating the effect of D actually attributable to UI benefit duration, and I
interpret the interaction as a measure of the bias due to mismeasurement of
D when EUC expiration approaches. Point estimates for the main effects
are intermediate between those in columns 4-1 and 4-2; the interaction
coefficients are negative for both the short- and the long-term unemployed
but are imprecisely estimated.
Column 4-4 takes a different approach to the difficulty of forecasting
EUC extensions: I simply control directly for the (simulated) number of
EUC weeks available. With this control, the only remaining variation in D
comes from benefits received under the EB program, which are not directly
dependent upon EUC reauthorization. The estimated UI extension effects
are somewhat larger than in my baseline specification but in the same gen-
eral range.
Finally, column 4-5 turns to my third strategy for identifying the UI
extension effect, using a control function to isolate variation in EB pro-
gram benefits coming from state decisions about which version of the EB
triggers to use.
I add to the specification in column 4-4 controls for the
174 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
status of each of the four EB triggers and for simulated EB eligibility under
the most and least generous versions of the triggers. This inflates the coef-
ficients, which now indicate that UI extensions reduced the monthly exit
rate by 3.1 percentage points.
Next, I explore the distinction between reemployment and labor force
exit. Table 5 reports multinomial logit estimates of several of the specifi-
cations from tables 3 and 4, using three outcomes: continued unemploy-
ment (the base case), exit to employment, and exit to nonparticipation in
the labor force. For the long-term unemployed, the results indicate that
UI benefit durations have significant, negative effects of roughly simi-
lar magnitude on the logit indexes for both types of unemployment exit.
For the short-term unemployed, the estimates indicate positive effects on
reemployment and negative effects on labor force exit, both insignificant in
most specifications. The bottom rows show the effects of UI extensions on
average exit hazards in 2010Q4. Benefit extensions appear to lead to larger
reductions in the probability of labor force exit than in the probability of
Table 5. Multinomial Logit Regressions Estimating Effects of UI Extensions on
Reemployment and Labor Force Exit Hazards
Independent variables and calculated
effects of UI extensions 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5
Specification and sample (column from
previous table)
3-1 3-3 3-5 4-3 4-5
Effects on reemployment
Weeks of UI benefits/100 × unemployed
less than 26 weeks
Weeks of UI benefits/100 × unemployed
26 or more weeks
Effects on labor force exit
Weeks of UI benefits/100 × unemployed
less than 26 weeks
Weeks of UI benefits/100 × unemployed
26 or more weeks
Effect of UI extensions on average hazard, 2010Q4 (percentage points)
Reemployment -0.6 -0.5 -0.7
Labor force exit -1.2 -1.0 -1.2 -2.0 -1.8
Source: Author’s analysis.
a. Estimation is by multinomial logit for a trichotomous outcome (unemployment, employment, or not
in labor force) instead of for a dichotomous outcome (unemployment or nonunemployment) as in tables
3 and 4. Average monthly hazards in the full sample are 19.9 percent for reemployment and 9.6 percent
for labor force exit; in the 2010Q4 subsample they are 13.4 percent and 9.0 percent, respectively.
reemployment, reflecting in part the positive point estimates for reemploy-
ment of the short-term unemployed. Given the imprecision in those esti-
mates, however, effects of comparable magnitude on the two margins are
clearly within the confidence intervals.
The multinomial logit model requires the “independence of irrelevant
alternatives” (IIA) assumption, which corresponds to independent risks
of reemployment and labor force exit. This assumption may be incorrect
here, particularly if (as in the model in section I.C) search effort is con-
tinuous and labor force participation simply corresponds to an arbitrary
effort threshold. However, note that the labor force exit and reemployment
effects indicated in the bottom rows of table 5 sum to a net effect on unem-
ployment exit that is, in each column, quite similar to the effect implied
by the corresponding binomial logit model. This is at least suggestive that
violations of IIA are not dramatically biasing the results.
Two additional considerations support the same general conclusion. The
most likely source of IIA violations is unobserved heterogeneity: individu-
als with low job finding probabilities may be most likely (and those with
high job finding probabilities least likely) to exit the labor force. Recall
from table 3, however, that controlling for unobservables has little impact
on the estimated UI extension effects. The same is true in the multinomial
specifications (compare column 5-3 of table 5, which includes the indi-
vidual covariates, with column 5-2, which does not). This is at least sug-
gestive that neglected individual heterogeneity is not driving the results.
Second, insofar as heterogeneity is producing IIA violations, it likely leads
me to overstate the negative effect of UI extensions on reemployment:
if extensions dissuade individuals with low job finding probability from
exiting the labor force, this will reduce average job finding rates among
the unemployed through a pure composition effect, on top of any effect
operating through UI’s disincentive for intensive search. My estimates of
the reemployment effect will thus be biased downward. As even the esti-
mated effects in table 5 are quite small, it seems safe to conclude that UI
extensions have not had large effects on the job finding probabilities of the
Table 6 presents a number of alternative specifications of the multi-
nomial logit regression, focusing on the implied effects of UI extensions
on the 2010Q4 exit hazards. The first row repeats the results from col-
umn 5-2 in table 5. The second row allows the UI effect to differ for those
with initial durations under 26 weeks, exactly 26 weeks, and over 26 weeks,
as there is substantial heaping at 26 weeks in the raw data (presumably
176 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
due to rounding of durations reported in months). Although the point esti-
mates (not reported) show that the effects are largest for those unemployed
exactly 26 weeks, this group is not large enough to change the overall aver-
age exit hazards.
The third row of table 6 offers another approach to investigating the
impact of duration heaping: I exclude from my sample all individuals who
Table 6. Multinomial Logit Regressions: Alternative Specifications and Subsamples
Specification and sample
Reemployment Labor force exit
Effect of UI
Effect of UI
Baseline (N = 77,813)
13.4 -0.5 9.0 -1.0
Alternative specifications and samples
Separate effect at exactly 26 weeks
13.4 -0.5 9.0 -1.0
Drop round-number and
inconsistent durations
(N = 61,854)
12.8 -0.5 7.9 -1.5
Drop durations under 8 weeks
(N = 49,852)
14.2 0.1 9.6 -1.1
Count all U-N and U-E transitions
as exits from unemployment
(N = 127,526)
16.5 -0.6 13.7 -1.3
Ages 25–54 (N = 53,104)
14.4 -1.0 7.5 -1.8
Ages 55 and over (N = 13, 990)
11.6 1.4 9.7 0.5
Men (N = 47,782)
13.7 -0.2
7.3 -1.2
Women (N = 30,031)
13.0 -1.0 11.7 -0.8
High school or less (N = 43,628)
13.3 -0.4 10.0 -1.8
Some college or more (N = 34,185)
13.7 -0.5 7.8 -0.1
Construction and manufacturing
workers (N = 25,584)
14.2 0.4
7.4 -2.1
All other industries (N = 52,229)
13.1 -0.9 9.7 -0.4
Source: Author’s analysis.
a. From table 5, column 5-2.
b. Adds an indicator variable for unemployment duration of exactly 26 weeks and an interaction of that
variable with the number of weeks of UI benefits available.
c. Drops observations where the unemployment duration at the beginning of the spell or at the first
CPS interview was 26, 52, or 78 weeks, and those in month-in-sample 2 that are inconsistent with the
duration in month 1.
d. Counts all transitions from unemployment to nonparticipation or employment as exits from
unemployment, even if the individual returns to unemployment the following month (that is, U-N-U and
U-E-U transitions).
e. Baseline specification is used.
f. UI effects are jointly insignificant at the 5 percent level.
22. For example, an unemployment duration of 9 weeks in interview 2 would be consid-
ered inconsistent unless the individual reported in interview 1 being unemployed for between
3 and 6 weeks.
reported durations of exactly 26, 52, or 78 weeks when first asked about
their unemployment spells (in their first months in the CPS sample), as well
as all who reported inconsistent durations from one month to the next.
This leads to larger effects of UI extensions on labor force exit but does
not change the substantive story. The fourth row excludes individuals who
were unemployed for less than 8 weeks at the first survey. This reduces the
precision of the estimates, and a test of the hypothesis that the effects of UI
durations on labor force exit of the short- and long-term unemployed are
both zero now is only marginally significant (p = 0.06). However, the basic
pattern is again similar to that seen earlier.
The fifth row explores the sensitivity of the results to the definition of
unemployment “exit.” My main specifications count only exits that do not
backslide into unemployment the following month, in order to exclude
those most likely to be spurious consequences of measurement error in
employment status. This specification instead counts all exits, which allows
me to expand the sample by over 50 percent, as I require only one follow-
up interview to measure exit. This raises the baseline hazards substantially,
particularly for labor force exit, but has little impact on the estimated effect
of UI extensions.
The remaining rows of table 6 show estimates for different subsamples.
The sixth and seventh rows show that the negative effects of UI extensions
on exit hazards are concentrated among prime-age workers; for workers
55 and over, extensions appear to raise the unemployment exit probability,
but only the effect on reemployment is statistically significant. The next
two rows show effects by sex; there is no clear pattern here. The follow-
ing two rows show that the labor force exit effect is concentrated among
non-college-educated workers, while the reemployment effects are similar
for more and less educated workers. The last two rows show that labor
force exit effects are concentrated among workers in the construction and
manufacturing sectors, where employment was especially hard hit in the
recession, whereas reemployment effects derive from workers who lost
jobs in other sectors.
Next, I turn to my fourth strategy, that described in equation 6, which
allows the effects of UI durations to operate through the time until benefit
exhaustion. As in the baseline specifications, I include state and month
indicators and a cubic in the state unemployment rate. I also include an
178 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
23. The duration density gets thin beyond 1 year, and most respondents seem to round
their durations to the nearest month. I thus include weekly duration indicators for durations
up to 26 weeks, plus separate linear weekly duration controls within each of eight bins
(26–30, 31–40, 41–50, 51–60, 61–70, 71–80, 81–90, and 91–99 weeks).
24. The maximum value of d
in my sample is 83 weeks, but the frequency of individual
values above 35 weeks is often quite low, so I show coefficients only for the lower portion
of the distribution.
25. The increase in the exit rate as d approaches zero is consistent with the presence of
a spike in the exit rate at or near the exhaustion of benefits (that is, at d = 0 or d = 1; see, for
example, Katz and Meyer 1990a). The CPS data are not well suited to the identification of
sharp spikes, however, as the monthly frequency smooths out week-to-week changes.
26. In the model, exits occur either immediately upon job loss or upon benefit exhaus-
tion. Thus, the model does not perfectly fit the data, which show positive rates of labor force
exit even for nonexhaustees. The gradual rise in labor force exit rates as the date of exhaus-
tion approaches is also inconsistent with the model but may be explained by an imperfect
correspondence between my simulated exhaustion date and the true one.
extremely flexible parameterization of the unemployment duration.
discussed in section III, the time-until-exhaustion effects are identified
from variation across state × month cells in the number of weeks available,
with one-for-one effects on d
only for those whose durations do not
exceed the higher D value—and from variation in D
across unemploy-
ment cohorts within cells due to the projected expiration of EUC benefits
at fixed calendar dates, which means that earlier unemployment cohorts
expect to be able to start more EUC tiers than do later cohorts.
I begin with a multinomial logit specification that allows for unrestricted
effects. The line labeled “nonparametric” in figure 6 plots the d coeffi-
cients from this specification.
The reemployment results, in the top panel,
show a clear pattern of negative coefficients that are perhaps trending
downward as d
falls toward about 10, then rising toward zero as d
further. This is consistent with the general pattern one would expect from
reasonably parameterized search models (see section I.C), with depressed
search effort from those with many weeks left and increasing effort as
benefit exhaustion approaches, reaching a maximum value at the time of
exhaustion, with constant search effort thereafter.
The labor force exit
coefficients, in the bottom panel, show a roughly similar pattern: negative
and fairly stable coefficients for large d
values, rising as d
falls from 10
toward zero. This time, however, the coefficients are generally positive
for the lowest d
values, indicating that those very near benefit exhaus-
tion are more likely to exit the labor force than are those who have already
exhausted their benefits. This, too, is consistent with the search model pre-
sented earlier, which indicated that benefit exhaustion would trigger labor
force exit among at least a subset of UI claimants.
Relative log odds
Labor force exit
Weeks until UI benefit exhaustion
Weeks until UI benefit exhaustion
Relative log odds
Source: Authors calculations.
a. Each series is obtained from a multinomial logit regression with state and time indicators, a cubic in
the unemployment rate, and the unemployment duration controls described in the notes to table 7.
b. Specification includes a full set of weeks-to-benefit exhaustion dummies (zero is the excluded
category). The estimation sample includes values as high as 99 weeks, but only coefficient estimates for
weeks below 35 weeks are shown here.
c. Specification replaces the weeks-to-exhaustion (d) dummies with a dummy for d > 0, a linear control
for d, and a control for max{0, d – 10}. Coefficients are reported in table 7, row 7-3.
30 25 20 15 10 5
30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Figure 6. Parametric and Nonparametric Specifications of the Time-to-Exhaustion Effect
180 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
Given the pattern of coefficients in figure 6, I next turn to a semipara-
metric specification that allows for three duration terms: a linear term in
, a second linear term in max{0, d
- 10} that allows for a change in
the slope when d
exceeds 10, and an intercept that applies to all individu-
als with remaining benefits (that is, with d
> 0). Estimates from a logit
specification are shown in the first row of table 7. As in figure 6, exit rates
are lower for those with many weeks of remaining benefits than for those
whose benefits have been exhausted, roughly constant across d > 10 (the
main d term and the additional term for d > 10 cancel out), and sharply
increasing as d falls from 10 toward zero. There is no significant difference
in exit rates between those in their last weeks of benefits and those who
have already exhausted them, holding constant the length of the spell. The
rightmost column of table 7 shows that the implied effect of UI extensions
on the UI exit rate is somewhat smaller than those implied by the earlier
The second specification reported in table 7 includes a full set of state
× month indicators. This yields results very similar to those in the less
Table 7. Logit Regressions Estimating Effects of Time until UI Benefit Exhaustion
Time-to-exhaustion variable
Effect of UI
No. of
max {0, no. of
weeks - 10}/10
7-1 Logit for unemployment exit
with state, month, and un-
employment rate controls
7-2 Logit for unemployment exit
with state × month controls
7-3 Multinomial logit with state,
month, and unemployment
rate controls
For reemployment -0.03 -0.29
(0.11) (0.13) (0.14)
For labor force exit 0.20
(0.10) (0.12) (0.13)
Source: Author’s analysis.
a. Each numbered row reports a separate regression specification. All regressions include indicator
variables for the duration of the unemployment spell, by week up to 26 weeks, plus a linear spline with
kinks at 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90 weeks.
b. Calculation of weeks until UI benefit exhaustion is based on the expectations model described in the
text, applied to the date of the baseline survey.
c. Includes state and month indicators and a cubic in the state unemployment rate.
d. Includes state × month indicators.
e. Significant at the 5 percent level.
27. In practice, the unemployment duration measure is in weeks, whereas the CPS
sample is monthly. For figure 7, I compute the duration in months as floor(
), where n
is the duration in weeks and 4.3 is the average number of weeks in a month. Note that this
construction does not constrain the survival curve to be downward sloping, and indeed the
data show upward slopes at 6, 12, and 18 months, presumably a reflection of rounding in
reported durations.
restrictive specification. The third specification returns to the control vari-
ables from the first but uses a multinomial logit that distinguishes alterna-
tive types of exit from unemployment. (Coefficients from this specification
are plotted as the series labeled “semiparametric” in figure 6.) As before,
UI extensions have substantial effects on both margins, but the impact on
unemployment exit hazards is smaller than in the earlier analyses.
V. Simulations of the Effect of Unemployment
Insurance Extensions
The results in tables 3 through 7 indicate that the UI benefit extensions
enacted in 2008–10 reduced both the probability that a UI recipient found
a job and the probability that the recipient exited the labor force, with
somewhat larger estimated impacts on the latter probability than on the
former. Moreover, the results are quite stable across a variety of specifi-
cations that exploit different components of the variation in UI benefits.
However, the magnitudes are difficult to interpret. This section presents
simulations of the net effect of the extensions on labor market aggre-
gates, obtained by comparing actual unemployment exit hazards with
counterfactual hazards that would have been observed in the absence of
UI extensions.
V.A. Stocks and Flows in the CPS
Extrapolation of the estimated hazards to the aggregate level requires
confronting an important limitation of the longitudinally linked CPS data:
the exit hazards seen in the data are inconsistent with the cross-sectional
duration profile. Figure 7 illustrates this by plotting survival curves com-
puted in two different ways. The uppermost line uses the CPS as repeated
cross sections, without attempting to link observations between months.
The estimated survival rate to duration n of the cohort entering unemploy-
ment in month m is simply the ratio of the number of unemployed work-
ers observed in month m + n with duration n to the number observed in m
with duration 0.
To smooth the estimated rate, I pool both numerator and
denominator across all entrance months in calendar 2008.
182 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
The figure also shows Kaplan-Meier survival curves based on unem-
ployment exit hazards estimated from the linked CPS sample described in
section II. The survival rate to duration n is computed as
where p(x, t) represents the share of unemployed individuals in month x
at duration t who remain unemployed in month x + 1. The line labeled
“Kaplan-Meier (all exits)” uses 2-month panels to estimate p, counting as
survivors only those who report being unemployed in the second month
(that is, only U-U transitions). The line labeled “Kaplan-Meier (persistent
exits)” uses my preferred survival measure, using a 3-month panel to mea-
sure persistence of exits and counting exits between month 1 and month 2
only when the person does not return to unemployment in month 3 (that
is, U-E-E, U-N-N, U-N-E, and U-E-N transitions count as exits between
months 1 and 2, but U-E-U and U-N-U cycles are treated as survival in
Source: Author’s calculations from Current Population Survey data.
a. All series refer to unemployment spells beginning in 2008.
b. Number unemployed for d months in month m + d divided by the number unemployed 0 months in
month m (with each aggregated over months m in 2008).
c. The Kaplan-Meier survival curves are the product from t = 0 to t = d
– 1 of the share of those
unemployed in month m + t with duration t who remain unemployed in month m + t + 1, computed from
longitudinally linked data. The “persistent exits” series counts someone as remaining unemployed in m +
t + 1 if he or she is unemployed in m + t + 2, regardless of the individual’s measured status in m + t + 1.
Note: Figure has been corrected from the print version.
Months since start of unemployment spell
Fraction of unemployment spells still ongoing (log scale)
(all exits)
(persistent exits)
Figure 7. Alternative Unemployment Survival Curves from Cross-Sectional and
Longitudinally Linked Data
unemployment into month 2). As with the cross-sectional curve, both of
the Kaplan-Meier curves are computed by pooling all unemployment entry
cohorts from calendar 2008.
Both Kaplan-Meier survival curves are substantially below the curve
computed from repeated cross-sectional data. The most important contribu-
tor to this discrepancy is the phenomenon highlighted in section II: it is not
uncommon for an unemployed individual in month t to report being out of
the labor force or employed in t + 1 and then unemployed again (often with
a long unemployment duration) in t + 2. Although some of these transi-
tions are real, a large share appear to be artifacts of measurement error in
the t + 1 labor force status (Abowd and Zellner 1985, Poterba and Sum-
mers 1984, 1986). The alternative Kaplan-Meier survival curve based on
the 3-month panel substantially reduces the discrepancy with the repeated
cross-sectional data.
Extensive exploration of the CPS data points to two other factors con-
tributing to the remaining discrepancy. The first is what has been called
rotation group bias: the measured unemployment rate is higher in the first
month of the CPS panel than in later months, even though each rotation
group should be a random sample from the population (see, for example,
Bailar 1975, Solon 1986, Shockey 1988). Second, individuals starting a
new unemployment spell often report long durations. This phenomenon is
particularly common when the employment spell that precedes the entry
into unemployment is short, suggesting that respondents may be conflat-
ing what appear to be distinct spells into a longer superspell. However,
this “late entry” phenomenon does not seem to be a complete explanation.
In 2006 and 2007, for example, nearly 2,400 respondents are observed to
be employed for 3 consecutive months and then unemployed in the fourth
month; 10 percent of these report unemployment durations in the fourth
month of longer than 6 weeks.
V.B. Reconstructing Survival Curves Consistent
with the Observed Stocks
A full econometric model of measurement error in CPS labor force
status and unemployment durations is beyond the scope of this paper.
Instead, I use ad hoc procedures similar in spirit to the “raking” algorithm
that the BLS uses in constructing the gross flows data (Frazis and others
2005) to force consistency between the Kaplan-Meier survival curve and
the cross-sectional duration profile. I take the view that the cross-sectional
profile is correct and that differences between this profile and my (adjusted)
184 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
28. The UI system tabulates the number of individuals who exhaust their (regular pro-
gram) benefits each month, providing an independent measure of survival. The implied
exhaustion rates are much more nearly consistent with the cross-sectional survival curve
than with the Kaplan-Meier curve.
Kaplan-Meier survival curve are due to “late entries” into unemployment.
I use two different adjustment methods; I argue below that one of these is
likely to lead me to somewhat overstate the effect of UI extensions whereas
the other is likely to understate it.
Let u(m, n, s) be the count of individuals observed in month m in state
s with duration n (in months) obtained from cross-sectional data; let
p(m, n, s) represent the probability that an individual in month m in state
s with duration n persists in unemployment into month m + 1; and let
(m, n, s) be the counterfactual persistence probability that would be
observed in the absence of UI extensions. Both p and p
are obtained from
fitted values from the exit regressions presented in section IV.
The unemployed at duration n are the survivors from among the unem-
ployed 1 month earlier, at n - 1. This creates a link between the u() and p()
() ,, ,, ,, ,,71111umns um nspm nsemns
In population data without measurement error, the residual e(m, n, s) would
be identically zero. The actual residual in equation 7 has two components.
The first is mean-zero sampling error, which may cause the number of
unemployed in newly entering rotation groups to differ from the number
rotating out. The second is the late entry phenomenon discussed above,
which leads to E[e(m, n, s)] > 0 for most n.
I wish to compare u(m, n, s) with the counterfactual unemployment
(m, n, s) that would be observed had the persistence probabilities been
rather than p. To do this, I assume that entry into unemployment at
duration 0 is not affected by UI extensions: u(m, 0, s) = u
(m, 0, s) for all
m and s. My two methods differ in their assumptions about the counter-
factual values of e(m, n, s).
My first method begins with an expression for u(m, n, s) obtained by
recursively substituting into the right-hand side of equation 7:
() ,, ,, ,, ,,80umns um ns pm n tts Emns
Emns em nrrs pm n tts
,, ,, ,,
. (Here-
after, I suppress the month and state subscripts, understanding that incre-
ments to duration require corresponding increments to the month of
observation in order to maintain a focus on the same entry cohort.) In this
method I assume that the cumulative count of surviving late entries E(n)
is unaffected by UI extensions. I estimate
.En un
() ()
This is simply the vertical distance between the top and middle lines in fig-
ure 7, evaluated at duration n. I use equation 8 to construct a counterfactual
unemployment count:
un uptEn
() ()
For my second method, I assume instead that the per-period late entries
e(n) are unaffected by UI extensions but that the subsequent persistence of
these late entrants is affected. Following equation 7, I estimate ê(d) = u(n) -
u(n - 1)p(n - 1) and then define the counterfactual count iteratively as
ˆˆ ˆ
.10 11
un un pn en
cc c
This can be rewritten to yield an intuitive expression for û
(n) in terms
of actual counts u(n) and two adjustments:
11 11 1
un un un pn pn
The first adjustment (the second term on the right-hand side of equa-
tion 11) reflects differences between the actual and the counterfactual
scenarios in unemployment persistence at duration n - 1. The second adjust-
ment (the last term in equation 11) captures differences in exit at durations
t < n - 1, multiplied by the probability of surviving from n - 1 to n.
Neither assumption about the late entries is particularly plausible. First,
there is no reason to expect that the job search behavior of late entrants to
unemployment will be unaffected by UI extensions, particularly if these
late-entrant observations are in part an artifact of measurement error
in the preunemployment labor force status. If the late entrants are in
fact affected, E
(n) < E(n) and û
(n) > u
(n). This implies that the UI
effect inferred from the comparison of u(n) with û
(n) will understate
the effect of UI extensions.
On the other hand, insofar as the late entries reflect people cycling from
unemployment to nonparticipation and back, UI extensions that reduce the
flow from unemployment into nonparticipation would also likely reduce
the number of subsequent late entries. This would imply e
(n) > e(n) and
186 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
(n) < u
(n), so a UI effect inferred from the comparison of u(n) with
(n) will likely overstate the effect of UI extensions on employment.
Thus, there is reason to think that the two counterfactuals should bracket
the true effect of UI extensions (assuming, of course, that the estimated
effects of UI extensions on exit hazards obtained from the specifications in
section IV are accurate).
V.C. Results
Figure 8 presents the two counterfactual simulations of the number of
unemployed, using the model from table 5, column 5-2, to construct p and
and aggregating across all durations at each point in time. The simulated
results are plotted together with the actual, non–seasonally adjusted counts
from the monthly CPS. The simulation using counterfactual method 1
indicates essentially no effect of the UI extensions: its line is hard to dis-
tinguish from the “actual” series. Counterfactual method 2 offers only a
slightly different conclusion, suggesting that the UI extensions increased
unemployment in 2010 and early 2011 by about 2.6 percent.
The top panel of table 8 presents more results from the simulations,
using each of my four main strategies to generate predicted exit hazards
and then simulating aggregate unemployment and the long-term unem-
ployment share in January 2011.
The first specification is the one graphed
in figure 8, using a cubic in the state unemployment rate to absorb endo-
geneity in the availability of extended UI benefits. The second specifica-
tion uses the comparison of job losers with job leavers reported in table 3,
column 3-6, to generate the exit hazards. The third uses the control func-
tion specification from table 5, column 5-5, identified from state decisions
about whether and how to participate in the EB program. The fourth uses
the time-to-exhaustion model from the third regression in table 7.
The estimates indicate that UI extensions raised the number of unem-
ployed in January 2011 by between 5,000 and 759,000, the unemployment
29. State × month–level estimates of E(n) and e(n) are extremely noisy. However,
national-level monthly estimates can be obtained by aggregating across states. The time-
series relationship between Ê(n) and UI benefit durations is robustly negative, consistent
with the view that method 1 understates the effect of UI extensions. The estimated relation-
ship between ê(n) and benefit durations is weaker and generally not statistically significant.
30. I count anyone unemployed 6 months or more as long-term unemployed. This means
that I generally include people who report being unemployed for exactly 26 weeks on the sur-
vey date, whereas the BLS long-term unemployment definition uses durations of 27 weeks or
more. This accounts for the discrepancy between the baseline long-term unemployment rate
in table 8 and the published rate of 42.2 percent.
rate by 0.1 to 0.5 percentage point, and the long-term unemployment
share by between 0.3 and 2.8 percentage points. In each case the largest
estimates come from counterfactual method 2 and the control function
specification (strategy 3); when these are omitted, the upper ends of the
ranges are 370,000 unemployed, 0.2 percentage point on the unemploy-
ment rate, and 1.6 percentage points of long-term unemployment. These
are much smaller effects than are indicated by the extrapolations dis-
cussed in section I.D.
The bottom panel of table 8 presents an alternative and more specula-
tive set of counterfactual simulations. An important question regarding the
effects in the top panel is whether the effect of UI extensions on unemploy-
ment reflects reduced job search behavior or simply reduced labor force
exit. As a first effort to assess this, I rerun the simulations, turning off
the effects of UI extensions on the propensity to become reemployed and
retaining only the effects on the labor force exit propensity. Specifically, let
be the observed values of the explanatory variables, and let y
and y
Figure 8. Actual Unemployment and Counterfactual Simulations without UI Extensions,
Source: Authors calculations.
a. Counterfactual simulations are based on the specification in column 5-2 of table 5. See the text for
b. Actual, non–seasonally adjusted counts from the monthly CPS.
Method 1
Method 2
Table 8. Effect of UI Extensions on Labor Market Aggregates in January 2011
(column or row
in previous
Increase in long-term
unemployment share
(percentage points)Thousands of workers Rate (percentage points)
Method 1 Method 2 Method 1 Method 2 Method 1 Method 2
Actual, January 2011 14,937 9.0 percent 45.5 percent
Full effect of UI extension
Strategy 1 5-2 87 370 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.6
Strategy 2 3-6 131 297 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.9
Strategy 3 5-5 283 759 0.2 0.5 0.9 2.8
Strategy 4 7-3 5 226 0.0 0.1 0.6 1.5
Effect operating through labor force participation
Strategy 1 5-2 98 264 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.9
Strategy 3 5-5 183 476 0.1 0.3 0.5 1.6
Strategy 4 7-3 92 208 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.8
Source: Author’s calculations.
a. Effects are differences between the actual level or rate of unemployment or the long-term unemployment share and a simulation that holds benefit durations fixed at
26 weeks throughout 2004–11, using estimated coefficients from the indicated specifications. “Method 1” and “Method 2” refer to alternative treatments in the counterfactual
of residuals obtained from simulating the actual data; see the text for details.
b. It is assumed that in the counterfactual scenario the multinomial logit index for the labor force exit outcome would change but that the index for the reemployment
outcome would be unaffected.
Increase in unemployment
31. I do not report estimates for strategy 2 in this panel, as the multinomial logit version
of this specification is computationally intractable.
be the full vectors of covariates from the employment and nonparticipation
equations, respectively, of the multinomial logit model.
The one-period survival probability is then p
= [1 + exp(X
) +
, and the counterfactual survival probability used for the simu-
lations in the top panel of table 8 is p
= [1 + exp(X
) + exp(X
where X
represents the explanatory variables in the counterfactual scenario
where benefits are fixed at 26 weeks. In the bottom panel I use instead p
= [1 + exp(X
) + exp(X
. Comparisons of simulations based on p
and p
reveal how much of the overall effect revealed by the
- p
parison is due to labor force exit. The results in this panel indicate that just
turning off the effect of UI extensions on labor force exit reduces unemploy-
ment by more than half as much as did turning off both UI effects in the top
In other words, the majority of the effect of UI extensions on overall
unemployment and on long-term unemployment operates through the labor
force exit channel, by keeping people in the labor force who would other-
wise have exited, rather than through reduced reemployment rates.
These last results must be interpreted with some caution, as they rest
importantly on the assumption of independent risks. With this assumption,
an individual who is dissuaded from exiting the labor force in one month
has approximately a 13 percent chance of becoming reemployed the next
month, the same as would an individual who never considered abandoning
job search. This is probably not realistic; one might expect that the unem-
ployed with the worst employment prospects are the most likely to exit the
labor force. Thus, the results in the bottom panel of table 8 might overstate
the share of the UI effects attributable to labor force exit decisions. Even
so, it is clear from the top panel alone that any negative reemployment
effect must be small.
VI. Discussion
The design of unemployment insurance policy trades off generosity to
workers who have experienced negative shocks against the disincentive
to return quickly to work created by the availability of generous nonwork
benefits. In bad economic times, displacement from a job is a much larger
shock, as it can take much longer to find new work. Moreover, insofar as
weak labor markets reflect a shortage of labor demand, the negative conse-
quences of reduced search effort among the unemployed may be relatively
190 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
32. See, for example, Kroft and Notowidigdo (2011). Schmieder, von Wachter, and
Bender (forthcoming) find evidence in Germany, however, that the reemployment effect of
UI durations is relatively constant across the business cycle.
It thus stands to reason that one might want to extend UI benefit
durations during bad times (Landais, Michaillat, and Saez 2010, Kroft and
Notowidigdo 2011, Schmieder, von Wachter, and Bender forthcoming).
Such extensions can have macroeconomic benefits as well, as the unemployed
likely have a high marginal propensity to consume, and UI payments thus
have relatively large multipliers (Congressional Budget Office 2010).
However, the advisability of long UI extensions depends importantly
on the view that the reduced job search induced by these extensions will
not overly slow the labor market matching process. Many commentators
have argued that the 99 weeks of benefits available through the EUC and
EB programs in 2010 and 2011 have gone too far, and some have pointed
to the apparent outward shift of the Beveridge curve in 2010 (Elsby and
others 2010) as evidence that UI extensions have reduced labor supply suf-
ficiently to noticeably slow the recovery of the labor market.
It is ultimately an empirical question whether UI extensions lead to
large reductions in job finding. But the effect is hard to identify, because
extensions are usually implemented in response to poor labor market con-
ditions. Fortunately for the researcher (if not for the UI recipients them-
selves), the haphazard way in which UI benefits were extended generates
a great deal of variation in benefit availability that is plausibly exogenous
to the demand conditions that otherwise confound efforts to estimate the
benefit duration effect.
Using a variety of comparisons that isolate different components of the
variation in benefit availability, I find that extended UI benefits do reduce
the rate at which unemployed workers reenter employment. But the reduc-
tions are small, in most specifications smaller than the effects on labor force
exit and always much smaller than what one would have expected based
on older estimates in the literature. The two effects both lead to increases
in measured unemployment, but combined they have raised the unemploy-
ment rate by only about 0.2 percentage point, implying that the vast major-
ity of the 2007–09 increase in the unemployment rate was due to demand
shocks rather than to UI-induced supply reductions. Moreover, less than
half of the small UI effect comes from reduced reemployment rather than
from reduced nonparticipation (that is, from increased labor supply).
Any negative effects of the recent UI extensions on job search are
clearly quite small, too small to outweigh the consumption-smoothing and
33. In principle, estimates identified from across–state × month comparisons should
capture these externalities. However, because my samples for these estimates exclude large
fractions of job seekers, only a portion is captured.
equity-promoting benefits of UI (Gruber 1997). The latter are likely to be
particularly large when the marginal recipient has been out of work for
over a year in conditions where job finding prospects are bleak. Moreover,
the estimates herein should be seen as reflecting the partial equilibrium
effects of UI, as they do not account for search externalities: when jobs
are scarce, a job claimed by one searcher reduces the probability that other
searchers will find employment.
Incorporating these spillovers would
make extensions more attractive, as reduced job search among a subset of
the unemployed would not translate one for one into reduced employment
but rather would simply shift jobs from the UI recipients to other job seek-
ers (Landais and others 2010). The evidence here thus supports the view
that optimal UI program design would tie benefit durations to labor market
conditions, to give those who have lost their jobs realistic chances of find-
ing new employment before their benefits expire.
Proofs of Propositions
All proofs are by induction.
Proof of Proposition 1. An individual’s decision problem in state d > 0,
holding search effort for all lower d fixed, is to choose s to maximize
VsduybspsV ps Vd
d ..
The optimal s is labeled s
and by definition satisfies V
, d) = V
Note that the maximization problem is identical whether d = 1 or d = 0.
(Compare equation 1, evaluated at d = 1, with the problem in note 8—they
differ only by an additive term u(y
+ b) - u(y
) > 0 that is invariant to
search effort.) Thus, s
= s
and V
(1) - V
(0) > 0. Second, assume V
(x) >
(x - 1) for some x > 0. Then
() ,,A.1 Vx Vx Vs xVsx
ssx Vsx
Vx Vx ps
UU x
> 0.
Thus, V
(d + 1) > V
(d) for all d.
192 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
Proof of Proposition 2. See above for s
= s
. For d 1, s
the first-order condition
. Proposition 1 thus
implies that p(s
) > p(s
), so p(s) < 0 implies s
< s
Proof of Proposition 3. Let s˜
= arg max
(s, d), where
uy bs psVpsVd
uy spsV ps Vd s
1 <<
and let h
= 1(s˜
q). I show that h
for any d > 0 yields a contra-
diction. Without loss of generality, suppose that h
= h
= . . . = h
; this
merely means that we have chosen the smallest d such that h
Begin by considering the case where h
= 1, so s˜
q for all x d. Then
an argument identical to that above implies that the search requirement is
never binding: s˜
= s˜
, and for all x > 0, V
(x + 1) - V
(x) > 0 and s˜
. In
particular, s˜
> s˜
, so h
= 1.
Next, suppose that h
= 0 but h
= 1. The former implies that
() maxA.2
Vx uspsVpsV
for all 0 x d. Note that the right-hand side of equation A.2 does not
vary with x, so the left-hand side does not either. In particular, V
(d) =
(d - 1). Moreover, because labor force exit with s = s˜
< q is a fea-
sible option with d + 1 weeks of benefits available, it must be the case that
(d + 1) > V
(d). Next, note that
Vd Vd
Vs d
ub s
ps VpsVd
++ +
11 1
sd ps Vd Vd
, d
VVd ps Vd Vd
where the final inequality follows from a revealed preference argument
for benefit duration d. This implies that V
(d) > V
(d - 1), a contradiction.
There are thus only three possible values for the h
sequence: h
= 1 for
all d 0; h
= 0 for all d 0; or
nonparticipation transitions thus occur only when benefits are exhausted;
benefit extensions will delay these transitions for those who would other-
wise have exhausted their benefits.
I thank Stephanie Aaronson, David Card, Hank
Farber, Lisa Kahn, Anne Polivka, John Quigley, Gene Smolensky, Rob Valletta,
Till von Wachter, the editors, participants at the Brookings Panel conference,
and seminar participants at the University of California, Berkeley; the National
Bureau of Economic Research; the University of California, Santa Barbara;
and the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, for many helpful com-
ments and suggestions. I gratefully acknowledge research support from the
Institute for Research on Labor and Employment and the Center for Equitable
Growth, both at the University of California, Berkeley. Ana Rocca provided
excellent research assistance. I served in the Obama administration in 2009–10
and participated in internal discussions of the unemployment insurance exten-
sions studied here, but all opinions expressed herein are my own.
194 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
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Comments and Discussion
This paper by Jesse Rothstein examines the
extent to which the significant recent expansion of unemployment insurance
(UI) benefit durations, first enacted in June 2008 and gradually extended to
allow up to 99 weeks of benefits, has contributed to the persistently high
level of unemployment during the 2007–09 recession and its aftermath. Let
me state up front that Rothstein’s paper really appealed to me. It addresses
a question that has important implications for macroeconomic policy and
takes advantage of all the abundant variation that one finds in microdata
to answer it.
Before I focus on Rothstein’s empirical strategy, it is worth laying out
the macro question in a bit of detail. At issue is whether the current high
unemployment is due to a shortfall in aggregate demand or to an increase
in structural unemployment. The answer has important implications for
both fiscal and monetary policy. To the extent that the cause is a short-
fall in aggregate demand, there is room for monetary and fiscal policy to
bring about an improvement. If, on the other hand, the cause is a rise in
structural unemployment—for instance, because the UI program has made
people less likely to move from unemployment into employment—then
there is less scope for policies that stimulate aggregate demand, although
there could be room for policies that improve the functioning of the labor
Properly measuring the costs and benefits of UI benefits is important.
Families with a member who has been unemployed for a long time are
1. This review represents the views of the author and does not necessarily represent the
views of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
System, the Federal Reserve System, or their staffs.
198 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
likely to be struggling financially, and evidence indicates a high marginal
propensity to consume out of UI benefits, close to 1. At the same time,
however, the UI extensions are not costless. If recipients are people who
would otherwise be working, then the program expansion could in theory
be making the problem worse. The individual optimization problem should
take into consideration not only the immediate labor-leisure trade-off in
the presence of the benefits, but also the impact of these workers’ current
unemployment on their future job opportunities. If this latter effect is not
adequately accounted for, there could be an unintended individual cost.
From the perspective of society, the costs include not only the direct expen-
diture on benefits, but also any shortfall in output due to lower employment
and any externality from the high unemployment, for instance in terms of
future productivity.
Before I turn to the econometric approach Rothstein takes, it is worth
examining the work disincentive effects of UI benefits more closely. A
considerable economic literature has shown that extended UI benefits do
reduce exit from unemployment. The question is whether the effect is large
enough to explain a significant portion of the increase in unemployment
seen since the start of the recession. My figure 1 is similar to Rothstein’s
figure 1 but shows a longer time series. As can be seen, both the unemploy-
ment rate and the share of the labor force that has been unemployed at
least 15 weeks have increased dramatically, even when compared with the
Figure 1. Unemployment and Long-Term Unemployment, 1964–2011
1965 19751970 1980 19901985 1995 2005 20102000
All unemployed
Unemployed 15 weeks
or more
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics.
a. Monthly data.
Percent of labor force
previous severe recession, that of the early 1980s, and remain at high levels
Although the unemployment rate was higher then, so was the natural
rate of unemployment. Of course, the recent recession was the deepest in
the postwar period, so the run-up in unemployment and long-term unem-
ployment is not entirely surprising. Another way to think about whether
the unemployment rate is unusually high is to compare the increase in the
unemployment rate with the change in GDP—the Okun’s Law relation-
ship. As my figure 2 shows, in 2009 the unemployment rate rose more
than would be expected given the decline in output. However, in 2010 the
unemployment rate moved about in line with growth in GDP, and evidence
suggests that in 2011 the unemployment rate has fallen more than would
be anticipated by the relatively modest rise in output. Thus, the unemploy-
ment rate as of this writing does not seem particularly high by this measure.
Another way to think about whether the unemployment rate is unusu-
ally high is in terms of the Beveridge curve. As my figure 3 shows, com-
pared with the relationship before the recession, recent readings on the
unemployment rate are elevated relative to job vacancies. However, in the
normal cyclical pattern, a rising unemployment rate moves the Beveridge
2. It is worth noting that the survey from which these data are drawn, the Current Popu-
lation Survey, was redesigned in 1994. The redesign was partly aimed at better identify-
ing an individual’s labor market status. Although the redesign had only a marginal impact
on the reported aggregate unemployment rate, it substantially increased reported average
unemployment durations (Polivka and Miller 1998).
Figure 2. Okun’s Law Relationship, 1951–2010
Real GDP growth (percent per year)
Okun’s Law (best fit)
Change in unemployment rate from
previous year (percentage points)
Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics and Bureau of Economic Analysis.
200 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
curve counterclockwise during a recession, and so the rise in structural
unemployment suggested by the current Beveridge curve is perhaps on the
order of 1 percentage point.
Of course, this discussion of the Beveridge curve raises precisely the
problem faced by Rothstein and others who have examined the relation-
ship between UI benefits and unemployment. Because Congress extends
UI benefits at times when aggregate demand is weak, it is difficult to dis-
tinguish the rise in the unemployment rate induced by the extension from
the rise due to the lack of demand for labor.
How does Rothstein attack the problem? His basic approach is to care-
fully model the institutional details of the UI program and to adopt a vari-
ety of identification strategies to estimate its effects, which allows him to
test the robustness of the results. He also decomposes the total impact of
extended UI benefits on unemployment into a part due to the impact on
labor force participation and a part due to the impact on employment. This
decomposition is helpful because it gets at the question of whether eco-
nomic activity is being hampered by the program. It is also worth noting
one thing that Rothstein does not do, which is to use information from past
episodes in which benefits were extended. This is important because, rela-
tive to previous episodes, the contraction that precipitated the recent exten-
sion was unusually prolonged and the recovery has been relatively anemic.
This suggests that the behavioral response could be different than in the
past. In addition, the 1994 redesign of the Current Population Survey (see
my note 1) may limit the usefulness of previous episodes.
Figure 3. Beveridge Curve, December 2000–October 2011
Unemployment rate
3.0 5.04.0 7.06.0 8.0 10.09.0
Sources: Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey and Current Population Survey.
Job vacancy rate
Jan. 2009
2009-11 monthly observations
Oct. 2009
Jun. 2011
Of the four identification strategies Rothstein uses, I will focus on
three. The first uses variation in the availability of UI benefits due to stops
and starts in program implementation, controlling for labor demand. The
expansion of the UI program responded not only to economic conditions,
but also to the exigencies of the political process. Congress regularly let
the program expire, and renewals were always uncertain. Finally, states
could choose whether to participate in the extended benefits (EB) por-
tion of the program. These idiosyncrasies in implementation break the
link between economic conditions and the duration of available benefits.
Although Rothstein models all these institutional details carefully, his use
of state unemployment rates to control for economic conditions raises a
problem: even with these controls (and controls for state fixed effects),
there could be an omitted variable relating to the political economy of a
state—for example, the availability of other benefits—that both contrib-
utes to the availability of EB and affects the probability that people remain
What Rothstein denotes as his third identification strategy is very similar
to the one just described but adds controls for the estimated duration of the
federal component of the UI expansion, called emergency unemployment
compensation (EUC). He also adds control functions that model the indi-
vidual state EB triggers. This leaves variation in the state adoption of EB
as the only source of identification. It is worth noting that this specification
does increase the estimated impact of the UI extensions on labor force deci-
sions. In particular, the impact on the average exit hazard in 2010Q4 rises
from about 2 percentage points in the various specifications that follow the
first identification strategy to about 3 percentage points in this one.
A third identification strategy (the second in the order in which the
paper presents them) is to use voluntary job leavers as a control group.
The problem here is that people who leave their job but remain in the
labor force must have information that the researcher does not about
their job opportunities or their willingness to drop out of the labor force;
these individuals likely have better opportunities or are more willing to
exit the labor force than a similarly situated person who has been laid
off. Rothstein is well aware of the problems with this approach and takes a
number of steps to control for the differences between the two groups that
one can observe: his regressions include as controls an estimated duration
of UI benefits for the job leavers and a variety of individual covariates.
In addition, the inclusion of job leavers allows Rothstein to include state-
month fixed effects. This actually enables him to control for the omit-
ted variable that, as I proposed above, could be correlated with both an
202 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
individual’s decision to receive UI and the state’s decision to offer EB.
Interestingly, the estimated effect of the UI extensions is smaller in the
specifications identified using this third strategy (the average reduction in
the 2010Q4 exit hazard falls to about 1 percentage point), although, per-
haps unsurprisingly given the amount of variation soaked up by the state-
month fixed effects, the coefficients are less precisely estimated than in
other specifications. Despite Rothstein’s considerable work on this speci-
fication, I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, it seems that
despite the individual controls, there must still be unobserved differences
between job losers and job leavers that affect the probability of exit from
unemployment. On the other hand, the inclusion of the state-month fixed
effects seems desirable, even if their usefulness is limited somewhat by
the reduction in power.
Having identified the impact of UI extensions on unemployment exit
hazards, Rothstein turns to decomposing this effect into changes due to
reemployment probabilities and changes due to labor force exit. For this
he uses multinomial logits. However, as he himself notes, the IIA (inde-
pendence of irrelevant alternatives) assumption implicit in a multinomial
logit is likely to be violated. The problem is that the choice between being
unemployed and exiting the labor force is not completely clear for the
marginal displaced worker—it is likely to be a matter of search effort.
But UI extensions probably have a particularly large impact on people who
would otherwise have exited because their reemployment probabilities
are low. As a result, the extensions could appear to depress reemployment
probabilities simply by increasing the share of the unemployment pool
that is less employable. Rothstein attempts to ameliorate this problem by
including a standard set of controls for personal characteristics. Although
these may help, the differences in search effort are likely driven by unob-
served heterogeneity. For this reason an alternative (albeit computationally
more costly) estimation strategy is probably worth pursuing. In particular,
Rothstein could have used multinomial probits, which do not require the
IIA assumption, or multinomial logits with random effects, which would
absorb some of the unobserved heterogeneity. In the absence of results
from one of these alternative techniques, I hesitate to put too much weight
on these results (or the analogous results dividing the unemployment rate
effect of UI extensions into parts due to reemployment and labor force
exit), although I find them suggestive.
The penultimate section of the paper maps the estimated effect of UI
extensions on exit hazards onto effects on the stocks of the unemployed.
To accomplish this, Rothstein statistically forces the survival rates derived
from the transitions observed in the matched monthly CPS to equal the
survival rates reported by respondents. This raises the question of whether
one should trust the reported durations more than the transition-derived
There are a number of obvious problems with the reported durations. First,
they are subject to substantial recall bias. Rothstein provides evidence from
the matched CPS data that people who report new spells of unemploy-
ment often report durations longer than is consistent with their observed
history. Moreover, a quick look at figure 7 of Rothstein’s paper shows
substantial heaping of responses at certain durations, which suggests that
recall bias is important. In addition, there is the problem of dependent cod-
ing of the monthly CPS: if a person who is unemployed in one month is
determined to be unemployed in the next, that person’s duration is automati-
cally increased by 4 weeks, regardless of whether he or she was unemployed
the whole time.
In contrast, some of the criticisms leveled against the transition-based
survival hazards are not particularly relevant. For instance, with regard to
the dependent coding, it has been argued that even if individuals actually
experience a short spell of employment or nonparticipation between sur-
veys, this is not a meaningful exit from unemployment, and therefore it is
not a problem for them to have been counted as unemployed for the entire
period. However, even if a person is actually out of work for the reported
duration, he or she might not have been unemployed by the CPS defini-
tion, which is what one is trying to match. Rothstein also presents evidence
from validation studies done in the 1980s showing significant numbers of
spurious transitions. However, one goal of the 1994 CPS redesign was to
improve the identification of labor market status, and there is evidence in
papers by Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) staff at the time that it did
improve their ability to consistently identify unemployment. Therefore,
validation studies from the 1980s criticizing the transitions are not so rel-
evant. Here I should point out that Rothstein did talk to staff at the BLS to
obtain updated information on the validity of the transitions reported in the
monthly CPS, but the BLS would not release the data. Finally, it should
be noted that even the monthly flows understate transitions. Christopher
Nekarda (2009), using weekly data from the Survey of Income and Pro-
gram Participation, finds that gross flows are understated by 15 to 24 per-
cent in monthly data. This does not suggest that one’s prior should be that
U-N-U and U-E-U transitions are spurious.
Unfortunately, Rothstein does not test the robustness of his results to
forcing the survival curve from the flow data to look like that from the
204 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
reported durations, although he does present two different methods of
reconciling the curves. From private correspondence, I think he believes
he would find even smaller results using the transition-based dura-
tions. Nonetheless, I would have liked to see a robustness check of this
All that said, I found the results that UI extensions have had a small
impact on the unemployment rate in the recent recession and recovery
compelling. Rothstein uses a variety of identification strategies to estimate
his results and subjects them to numerous specification tests. Moreover, the
simple fact that Rothstein estimates, rather than extrapolates, the results,
and the care with which he performs the analysis, make this an important
contribution to the literature. Although his results are on the low side of
other estimates, they are not orders of magnitude different from those of
other carefully performed analyses, even those that do extrapolate. Whether
the UI program has raised the unemployment rate by 0.2 percentage point
or 1 percentage point (or somewhere in between, as I suspect), the fact is
that extended UI benefits can explain only a small portion of the rise in the
unemployment rate since the recession.
By itself the paper cannot answer the question I raised at the outset:
whether the current increase in the unemployment rate is due to a shortfall
in aggregate demand or to a rise in structural factors. However, the find-
ing does eliminate one potential cause of higher structural unemployment.
Moreover, the fact that the impact of the UI extensions program is small
argues in favor of extending UI benefits as part of a fiscal stimulus package,
since it helps families in need and has a high multiplier, with only a small
Barnichon, Regis, and Andrew Figura. 2010. “What Drives Movements in the
Unemployment Rate? A Decomposition of the Beveridge Curve.” Finance and
Economics Discussion Series no. 2010-48. Washington: Board of Governors of
the Federal Reserve System.
Nekarda, Christopher J. 2009. “Understanding Unemployment Dynamics: The
Role of Time Aggregation.” Washington: Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System (June).
3. Rothstein does test whether the decision to exclude individuals with U-E-U and
U-N-U transitions biases the results of his hazard rate models. The estimated effects of UI on
the hazard rates are a bit larger, but of the same order of magnitude.
Polivka, Anne E., and Stephen M. Miller. 1998. “The CPS after the Redesign:
Refocusing the Economic Lens.” In Labor Statistics Measurement Issues,
edited by John Haltiwanger and others. University of Chicago Press.
LISA B. KAHN In this paper Jesse Rothstein asks whether the recent
extensions to unemployment insurance (UI) benefits have led to an increase
in the unemployment rate. Basic agency theory suggests that subsidizing
unemployment creates a disincentive for workers to search for jobs. How-
ever, it is unclear whether, in a period of severely depressed labor demand,
this moral hazard imposes so large a cost as to outweigh the many benefits
associated with UI extensions. Rothstein finds that the recent incarnations
of the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) and Extended
Benefits (EB) programs have had only small impacts on the overall unem-
ployment rate, raising it by 0.1 to 0.5 percentage point. He shows that the
bulk of the effect is in dissuading unemployed workers from exiting the
labor force, with a smaller share being driven by reduced reemployment
rates. His findings are remarkably robust to four different identification
The impact of UI on a workers labor supply is one of the most important
questions facing policymakers today. The EUC and EB programs, which
currently extend UI coverage from 26 weeks to potentially 99 weeks, are
frequently up for renewal and thus continuously in need of justification.
However, previous research serves as only a rough guide to the cost-benefit
analysis of these programs.
An older literature on the impacts of UI on job search produced a wide
range of estimates that are quite out of date. The gold standard approaches
were those of Lawrence Katz and Bruce Meyer (1990) and Robert Moffitt
(1985), who exploited the observation of a large spike in the probabil-
ity of exiting unemployment in the last week of coverage, and the natu-
ral experiment approach of David Card and Philip Levine (2000). Katz
(2010) himself points out that labor market institutions such as temporary
layoffs and recalls have changed substantially since the period most of
these papers study. Further, the methodology exploited in most of the pre-
vious literature did not allow for separate estimates of the impacts of UI
on reemployment and labor force exit. Especially for policy, the distinc-
tion is important.
In response to renewed policy interest in this question, a new itera-
tion of papers has emerged. One strand extrapolates from the previous
206 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
literature, and for the reasons stated above, its results can be quite mis-
leading. Meanwhile many of the regional Federal Reserve banks have
quickly filled policymakers’ need for up-to-date research with clever
back-of-the-envelope calculations. Their estimated impacts of UI exten-
sions on the unemployment rate range from about 0.4 to 2.0 percentage
points (Aaronson, Mazumder, and Schechter 2010, Fujita 2010, Valletta
and Kuang 2010). These papers helpfully provided reasonable, relatively
consistent estimates in a hurry.
However, the literature still cried out for systematic econometric studies
performed on data contemporaneous to the crisis. Rothstein provides this.
His approach is able to estimate the separate impacts of UI on reemploy-
ment and labor force exit—a distinction that matters for policymakers, and
one that many of the previous papers were not able to make. He makes
extremely careful use of longitudinally linked Current Population Survey
data. He very carefully considers sources of variation in UI benefit dura-
tions, a point that I discuss in more detail below. Finally, his results pass
the smell test: he finds some evidence for moral hazard, which aligns with
economic theory, but he also finds that the distortions are small, as the cur-
rent distressed state of labor demand might suggest.
The difficulty in studying this problem is that benefits are extended at
precisely the moment when job finding rates fall. Rothstein’s approach to
dealing with this problem is a veritable kitchen sink, exploiting four dif-
ferent sources of variation. He mainly exploits discrete changes in maxi-
mum benefit length based on triggers that vary across states and over time,
allowing him to control for changes in local labor market conditions. The
downside is that no single approach is perfect; each requires somewhat
unpalatable assumptions. For example, in some specifications he must para-
metrically control for economic conditions, whereas in others he exploits
cross-sectional variation in UI eligibility and can control for state-month
fixed effects. The latter strategy alleviates reliance on functional form but
requires the assumption that those ineligible for UI are a good control group
for the eligible. The assumptions thus differ across approaches, yet each
approach yields estimates that are remarkably consistent with the others.
This suggests that no one assumption can be driving the results, so that one
feels better about the overall package.
The regressions reported in the paper take the form of a job finding
hazard on the left-hand side and expected benefit duration on the right,
1. So do Farber and Valletta (2011) in a contemporaneously written paper.
along with several different controls for current labor market conditions.
The main difficulty, as I see it, is in measuring the length of time unem-
ployed workers expect to receive benefits. Rothstein equates expectations
with current law, assuming that workers expect no further action by Con-
gress to extend benefits. Henry Farber and Robert Valletta (2011) obtain
similar results with the opposite approach, one that assumes that current
law will be extended throughout the workers UI duration. Both assump-
tions are reasonable, but both will suffer from measurement error since it is
impossible to capture true expectations.
This means that the main coefficient suffers from attenuation bias. More-
over, the problem is worse than that since, for a given worker, the accuracy
of this proxy for expectations will change over time. In particular, as unem-
ployment duration increases, current law probably becomes a more accurate
predictor of a workers expectations.
For example, consider a worker who became unemployed in January
2010 and lived in a state with 99 weeks of UI. At that point Rothstein’s mea-
sure of expected duration for that worker, D
, would have been 46 weeks
(26 weeks of regular UI coverage and 20 weeks of EB), since the EUC
program was scheduled to sunset later that winter.
By late July 2010, if the
worker were still unemployed, D
would have included one tier of EUC,
since the program was reauthorized through November 2010. In Decem-
ber, when all four EUC tiers were reauthorized until January 2012, D
this worker would have been the full 99 weeks. Ex post, we know that this
worker would be eligible for 99 weeks of UI, but Rothstein’s measure would
have only incorporated this about a year into the UI spell. It is unclear what
the workers expectations would have been throughout the spell. However,
both Rothstein’s measure and the workers expectations would have been
most accurate toward the end of the 99 weeks.
The attenuation bias generated by this measurement error is a bigger
problem for workers with low durations of unemployment than for those
with high durations. This could be why Rothstein finds effects that are
almost always larger in magnitude for those with more than 26 weeks of
unemployment. He addresses this problem as best he can, with some robust-
ness checks. But it is worth thinking about whether this measurement error
problem causes him to slightly understate the impact of UI extensions on
the unemployment rate.
2. In fact, the worker might have expected only 26 weeks, since many states also had
automatic triggers that would end their EB programs when 100 percent federal funding
expired along with the EUC program.
208 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
Despite the problem of measurement error, I believe this paper estab-
lishes quite well that in the current economy, UI extensions pose minimal
consequences to job search behavior. Given that conclusion, it is worth
thinking next about the benefits that UI provides, and in particular the ben-
efits of extending UI in an economic slump. Rothstein, rightly, does not
expound on these issues in his paper; he sets out a specific, important ques-
tion and answers it well. In the rest of this comment, I will touch on some
of the issues beyond the scope of his paper, including the value of the extra
search time that UI provides unemployed workers and the value of UI as
economic stimulus.
It has been commonly suggested that UI allows workers more time to
search for the right job, thus helping them find better matches. Recent
evidence suggests that the stakes to finding the right job are particularly
high in recessions. In their paper in this volume, Steven Davis and Till von
Wachter summarize and provide new evidence on the long-term costs of
job displacement, finding that the effects are particularly large and damag-
ing when displacement comes in a recession. Further, a growing body of
work finds that workers who graduate from school in a downturn receive
on average, lower wages, which persist long into their careers, even though
they spend little time in unemployment (Kahn 2010, Oreopoulos, von
Wachter, and Heisz 2012, Oyer 2008).
These findings suggest that having to search for work during an eco-
nomic slump is particularly damaging. Indeed, job matches in recessions
are typically of lower quality and in worse firms (Bowlus 1995, Davis,
Haltiwanger, and Schuh 1996). Furthermore, in recent work (Kahn 2011)
I have shown that despite ending up in worse jobs, workers who take jobs
in a downturn actually stay in those jobs longer than do other workers at
the same firm. It is unclear what mechanism drives these results, but they
do suggest that job placement in a downturn is crucial to future success.
Extensions to UI allow workers some flexibility toward putting themselves
in the best job possible.
A report by the Council of Economic Advisers (2010) estimates that as of
2010Q3, 40 million people had benefited from EUC or EB either as recipi-
ents themselves or through receipt by household members. In 42 percent of
these families, UI was essentially the only source of income. In addition to
the private benefits associated with UI, the extensions benefit the economy
as a whole. EUC and EB are a particularly well-targeted form of economic
stimulus, since they go to people who are very likely to spend the money
(Elmendorf 2010). They may also help keep workers off of disability insur-
ance, a typically irreversible transition (Autor and Duggan 2006), and may
help avoid mortgage foreclosures (Foote and others 2009). These benefits
are important to keep in mind when weighing the costs and benefits of
extending UI.
As of this writing (October 2011), labor demand is still severely
depressed. There are almost 14 million unemployed, including almost 6 mil-
lion long-term unemployed, in addition to the 1 million discouraged
workers who have exited the labor force but will, one hopes, reenter at
some point. Posted vacancy rates hover at low levels that imply more than
four job seekers per job opening. Unemployed workers thus need more
time to find jobs than they would during normal times; indeed, job finding
rates are about half what they were in good times and have not recovered
any ground. UI gives these workers much-needed support. Rothstein’s
paper contributes to a growing body of evidence that distortions to job
search behavior caused by UI are much lower in recessions (see also Kroft
and Notowidigdo 2011 and Schmieder, von Wachter, and Bender forthcom-
ing). This evidence should weigh heavily in the policy debate on whether
the UI extensions should be renewed in the course of 2012 and beyond.
Aaronson, Daniel, Bhashkar Mazumder, and Shani Schechter. 2010. “What Is
behind the Rise in Long-Term Unemployment?” Federal Reserve Bank of Chi-
cago Economic Perspectives 34, no. 2: 28–51.
Autor, David H., and Mark G. Duggan. 2000. “The Growth in the Social Security
Disability Rolls: A Fiscal Crisis Unfolding.” Journal of Economic Perspectives
14, no. 3: 37–56.
Bowlus, Audra J. 1995. “Matching Workers and Jobs: Cyclical Fluctuations in
Match Quality.” Journal of Labor Economics 13, no. 2: 335–50.
Card, David, and Philip B. Levine. 2007. “Extended Benefits and the Duration of
UI Spells: Evidence from the New Jersey Extended Benefit Program.” Journal
of Public Economics 78, nos. 1-2: 107–38.
Council of Economic Advisers. 2010. “The Economic Impact of Recent Temporary
Unemployment Insurance Extensions.” Washington (December).
Davis, Steven, John Haltiwanger, and Scott Schuh. 1996. Job Creation and Destruc-
tion. MIT Press.
Elmendorf, Douglas. 2010. “Policies for Increasing Economic Growth and Employ-
ment in the Short Term.” Testimony prepared for the Joint Economic Committee
of the United States Congress, February 23. Washington: Congressional Budget
Farber, Henry S., and Robert Valletta. 2011. “Extended Unemployment Insurance
and Unemployment Durations in the Great Recession: The U.S. Experience.”
Princeton University and Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (June 24).
210 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
Foote, Christopher L., Kristopher S. Gerardi, Lorenz Goette, and Paul S. Willen.
2009. “Reducing Foreclosures: No Easy Answers.” NBER Macroeconomics
Annual 24: 89–138.
Fujita, Shigeru. 2010. “Economic Effects of the Unemployment Insurance Ben-
efit.” 2010. Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Business Review (Fourth
Quarter) 20–27.
Kahn, Lisa B. 2010. “The Long-Term Labor Market Consequences of Graduating
from College in a Bad Economy.” Labour Economics 17, no. 2: 303–16.
_________. 2011. “Job Durations, Match Quality and the Business Cycle: What
We Can Learn from Firm Fixed Effects.” Yale University.
Katz, Lawrence F. 2010. “Long-Term Unemployment in the Great Recession.”
Testimony prepared for the Joint Economic Committee. Harvard University
(April 28).
Katz, Lawrence F., and Bruce D. Meyer. 1990. “Unemployment Insurance, Recall
Expectations, and Unemployment Outcomes.” Quarterly Journal of Economics
105, no. 4: 973–1002.
Kroft, Kory, and Matthew J. Notowidigdo. 2011. “Should Unemployment Insur-
ance Vary with the Unemployment Rate? Theory and Evidence.” Working Paper
no. 17173. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research (June).
Moffitt, Robert A. 1985. “Unemployment Insurance and the Distribution of Unem-
ployment Spells.” Journal of Econometrics 28: 85–101.
Oreopoulos, Phil, Till von Wachter, and Andrew Heisz. 2012. “The Short- and
Long-Term Career Effects of Graduating in a Recession: Hysteresis and Het-
erogeneity in the Market for College Graduates.” American Economic Journal:
Applied Economics 4: 1–29.
Oyer, Paul. 2008. “The Making of an Investment Banker: Macroeconomic Shocks,
Career Choice, and Lifetime Income.” Journal of Finance 63: 2601–28.
Schmieder, Johannes F., Till von Wachter, and Stefan Bender. Forthcoming. “The
Effects of Extended Unemployment Insurance over the Business Cycle: Evi-
dence from Regression Discontinuity Estimates over Twenty Years.” Quarterly
Journal of Economics.
Valletta, Rob, and Katherine Kuang. 2010. “Extended Unemployment and UI Ben-
efits.” FRBSF Economic Letter No. 2010(12) (April). Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco.
GENERAL DISCUSSION Jeffrey Kling recalled that previous work
by Daron Acemoglu and Robert Shimer had suggested that unemploy-
ment insurance can facilitate mobility to new occupations by providing a
safety net if job transitions do not work out—which may also lead to better
matches between workers and jobs. He also reiterated Lisa Kahn’s concern
about worker mobility as a potential source of error in the analysis, since
the CPS tracks households and not individuals, who may move between
households. Jesse Rothstein replied that he had not examined data on
wages upon reemployment that would provide evidence about the quality of
matches; he was fairly confident that the mobility issue was not corrupting
his results but acknowledged he needed to add more statistics to support that.
Robert Hall questioned Rothstein’s use of reemployment hazard rates
in his econometric framework, given the structure of errors in employment
data in the CPS. Errors arise when respondents do not classify themselves
in accordance with the technical definitions of “employed,” “unemployed,”
and “not in the labor force.” He noted a feature of the CPS that may exac-
erbate reporting error: not every person in the CPS is interviewed directly;
rather, a single respondent is designated to respond for all members of the
household. Hall suggested that instead of calculating hazard rates, which
amounts to taking first differences of the data, Rothstein come up with an
indirect inference approach more clearly based on the theoretical model of
unemployment he presented in the paper, even though such an approach
would represent a significant departure from previous literature.
Hall pointed out further that a large recent drop in job matching effi-
ciency remained unexplained. He saw Rothstein’s results as compelling
evidence that unemployment insurance does not explain this drop, which
leaves open the question of what does. Hall also asked whether Steven
Davis could comment on the possible sources of recent deviations from
the historical Beveridge curve, which is meant to measure changes in labor
market efficiency.
Responding to Hall, Steven Davis cited two pieces of evidence about
the sources of recent deviations from the historical Beveridge curve and
the recent breakdown in the empirical relationships implied by a standard
matching function. First, in work with John Haltiwanger and Jason Faber-
man, Davis found that the intensity of recruitment to fill vacant positions
had declined sharply during the recent recession and remains low. Second,
a recent Brookings Paper by Alan Krueger and Andreas Mueller found that
job search intensity declines with the duration of an unemployment spell.
In his comment on that paper, Davis showed that their evidence, combined
with the recent increase in average spell durations at the aggregate level,
implies a sizable drop in search intensity per unemployed person.
Rothstein suggested that the decline in matching efficiency was driven
by the very low level of job openings. Matching theory posits a frictional
rate of job vacancies, and Rothstein thought that for a period during the
recession, the vacancy rate had fallen below the frictional level. For a
while, therefore, the matching rate might have fallen even though people
were searching harder for jobs, because there were so few job openings.
This interpretation led Rothstein to doubt the need for new models to
212 Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2011
describe a breakdown in the job matching process. Such an exercise, he
thought, would require too much extrapolation from previous circumstances
to provide new insights.
Davis also hoped that someone would apply Rothstein’s methodology
to previous extensions of UI, to see whether UI had different effects in
different macroeconomic environments. He thought that both the policy
debate and academic research dwelled too much on the question of whether
UI extensions are good or bad; lawmakers and researchers should instead
spend more time evaluating the benefits and costs of UI extensions against
alternative policy options, especially since UI extensions are expensive.
Davis expressed disappointment at the federal government’s willingness to
legislate additional expenditure on UI without encouraging states to con-
duct randomized controlled experiments on alternative ways to help the
unemployed, especially the long-term unemployed, get back to work. In his
view, setting aside the macroeconomic effects, the main welfare benefit of
UI comes from its income and consumption smoothing effects. Two alter-
native policies might achieve the same effects at lower cost: workers could
make some type of prepayment, building up funds to be drawn on during
spells of unemployment, or the government could offer low-cost loans to
unemployed workers, to be repaid when they are once again employed.
Rothstein disagreed, on the grounds that a prepayment or loan plan would
be no less expensive than UI but would simply be accounted for differently. He
argued that, aside from whatever moral hazard they create, both UI and these
alternative policies amount to transfer programs. People can differ on the mer-
its of the transfer, but economic analysis can only lend insight into the costs of
moral hazard and any other incentive distortions created by the policies.
George Akerlof seconded a point that Kahn had made about interpreting
the welfare impact of UI. If one considers the labor market to be a rationed
market, then a subsidy in the market has a positive impact on welfare. By
enabling unemployed workers to search longer rather than take the first job
offered, UI enables them to find a better match. He reminded the Panel that
another benefit of UI in recessions is that it provides economic stimulus by
putting money in the hands of people who will spend it. Rothstein replied
that he had not spent much time investigating the impact of UI extensions
on job match quality because earlier research had not found a relationship
between the two.
Till von Wachter suggested that past empirical research on UI extensions
had been unclear about whether it was measuring pure partial equilibrium
effects or general equilibrium effects. Like these earlier papers, Rothstein’s
estimates actually represented a hybrid of partial and general equilibrium
effects, because they exploited both state variation and time variation in
UI availability over a period during which economic conditions were also
changing. Von Wachter also revisited Rothstein’s point that back-of-the-
envelope extrapolations from prerecession estimates far overestimated the
impact of UI extensions on unemployment. He noted that straightforward
adjustments to these extrapolations, such as allowing for congestion in the
labor market, imperfect take-up of UI benefits, or low job arrival rates,
could produce estimates much closer to Rothstein’s results.
Finally, von Wachter sought to clarify a point on the implications of a
paper he had written with Johannes Schmieder and Stefan Bender on the
varying effects of extended UI over the business cycle. Using 25 years of
unemployment data from Germany and a clean identification strategy, they
had found that rates of exhaustion of UI rose sharply during recessions,
but that the effect of UI on the probability of regaining employment stayed
constant over the business cycle. The upshot of these two facts, he argued,
is that the moral hazard effect of UI falls during recessions, providing a
clear rationale for extending UI during economic slumps.
Ricardo Reis pointed out what seemed to him a contradiction between
Rothstein’s results and previous research. An extensive literature from the
1990s had shown, using cross-country comparisons, that high levels and
durations of UI benefits helped explain the high levels of unemployment
in some European countries. Reis argued that, in theory, a rule promising
extended UI benefits during a recession should have the same effect on
unemployment as a higher level of UI benefits throughout the business
cycle, but Rothstein’s results suggested this was not the case.
John Quiggin thought it bizarre that the political debate focused so much
on the moral hazard effects of UI benefit extensions. He saw the potential
for much costlier moral hazard among people who had exhausted their
UI benefits and sought disability insurance, since those who successfully
apply for DI seldom return to the labor force and instead receive benefits
for the rest of their lives. Rothstein said he planned to look more into the
relationship between UI and DI using data on DI income from the CPS.
Betsey Stevenson noted that President Obama’s proposed American Jobs
Act called for spending $5 billion on experiments aimed at getting long-
term unemployed workers back to work. She also reminded the Panel of
how few people are actually eligible for UI: currently about a quarter of
the unemployed received state-based UI, and another quarter received UI
through the federal extensions, leaving half of the unemployed without ben-
efits at all. She inferred that if UI reduces job search intensity among recipi-
ents, it should skew job-finding rates in favor of those who are ineligible.