September 2022 Edition
Important Numbers & Information
Polling Location Technician
Name Number
My Precinct: Polling Place:
Polling Place Address:
Equipment Issues:
Voter Issues:
Check-In Times:
Check-In Number:
Local Law Enforcement (non-emergency #):
Poll Managers Handbook
September 2022 Edition
State Election Commission
1122 Lady Street, Suite 500
Columbia, SC 29201
Mailing Address:
State Election Commission
P.O. Box 5987
Columbia, SC 29250-5987
Follow scVOTES on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter
Download a copy at www.scVOTES.gov
Printed September 2022
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Total Cost $67,500.00, Total Printed 30,000, Unit Cost $2.25
Executive Director
1122 Lady Street
Suite 500
Columbia, SC 29201
P.O. Box 5987
Columbia, SC 29250
Fax: 803.734.9366
To The Manager:
Thank you for your willingness to serve as a poll manager on election day.
State and county election officials work hard all year to ensure that elections are
secure and run smoothly, but we can't do it alone. You and more than 20,000 of
your fellow poll managers play an important role in conducting fair and impartial
As a poll manager, you will be the face of the election community as you assist
voters in a friendly and courteous manner. Poll managers are expected to put
aside any personal political views and party allegiances. Our goal is to ensure
voters have a pleasant experience and leave the polling place feeling satisfied and
confident that their vote counts.
This handbook provides you with the information necessary to conduct elections
efficiently and effectively in the polling place. Even if you have worked as a poll
manager before, it is important to review the information to make sure you are
aware of any changes that may have occurred. In addition to the handbook, an
online poll manager training program is available. Online poll manager training can
be accessed at any time via the Internet. Ask your county voter registration and
elections office to provide you with access to the system.
Again, thank you for serving as a poll manager.
Howard M. Knapp
I Table of Contents
Introduction .........................................................................................................1
Poll Managers
Managers Creed .......................................................................................................... 2
Types of Managers
...................................................................................................... 2
Poll Managers Roles
..................................................................................................... 2
Qualications of Managers
............................................................................................ 3
Number of Managers
................................................................................................... 3
...................................................................................................................... 4
Constitutional Oath
...................................................................................................... 4
Failure of Managers to Attend Election........................................................................... 4
Power of Managers
...................................................................................................... 4
Use of Electronic Devices Within the Polling Place
........................................................... 5
Campaign Materials
..................................................................................................... 6
Poll Watchers and Observers
..................................................................................... 6-9
Candidates and Candidate Representatives
Ballot Types
.......................................................................................................... 12-13
Ballot Styles
.............................................................................................................. 13
Before Polls Open
Arrival .......................................................................................................................14
......................................................................................................................... 14
Manager’s Badges
What to Bring
What NOT to Bring
Expectations of Behavior
Manager’s Oath
Emergency Preparedness
Arrangement of Polling Place
Polling Place Diagram
.................................................................................................. 17
Polling Place Accessibility
........................................................................................ 18-21
Parking ............................................................................................................18
Interior Pathway
Voting Area
Accessible Voting
Hanging Signs
Managing Long Lines ..................................................................................................22
Table of Contents II
Equipment Setup ................................................................................................... 23-24
Setting up the Electronic Poll Books (EPBs) .........................................................23
Preparing Ballot-Marking Devices (BMD’s) and Scanners for Voting
Ballot Box ..................................................................................................................24
Security Seals
Voter Registration Lists
Electronic Poll Books (EPBs)
Paper Voter Registration Lists
Poll List & Voter’s Oath
................................................................................................ 26
Completeing the Opening Checklist
Opening the Polls
Processing the Voter
At the Qualication Table ........................................................................................ 28-31
Step 1. - Voter Presents Photo Identication .......................................................28
Step 2. - Verify Photo, Expiration Date and Signature
Step 3. - Locate Voter On Electronic Poll Book (EPB)
Step 4. - Verify Address
..................................................................................... 29
Step 5. - Check for Comments or Status Codes
.............................................. 29-30
Step 6. - Primary Elections
Step 7. - Voter Signs Voter’s Oath
Step 8. - Print Ballot Card
Step 9. - Direct Voter to Next Available Ballot-Marking Device (BMD)
Step 10. - Voter Marks Ballot
Step 11. - Voter Casts Ballot on Scanner
Assistance to Voters ...................................................................................................32
Curbside Voting
..................................................................................................... 33-34
Ballot-Marking Device (BMD) Accessibility
Audio Ballot Procedure
Husband and Wife Voting Together
Children in the Voting Booth
Voter Wishes to Take Sample Ballot into Voting Booth
Time for Voter to Remain in Voting Booth
Write in Votes
Crossover Voting
Defaced or Spoiled Ballots
Voting in Primaries and Runoffs
III Table of Contents
Election Day Issues
Voter Without Qualifying Photo Identication ........................................................... 38-39
Photo ID Questions and Answers
Voter’s Identity in Doubt
Name Not Found on Electronic Poll Book (EPB)
Manually Adding Voters
Address Not Correct on Electronic Poll Book (EPB)
Failsafe Voting
....................................................................................................... 46-47
Absentee Ballot Issued
Voted at Early Voting Center
Voter Qualication Challenges
Voting a Provisional Ballot....................................................................................... 50-51
Voter Decides not to Vote During Check in Process
........................................................ 51
Voter Leaves Without Completing Voting Process
Police Ofcers
No Concealed Weapons Allowed
Emergency Situations..................................................................................................52
Felony Charges for Election Misconduct
Equipment Issues
.................................................................................................. 53-54
Marking Paper Voter Registration List
Marking Absentee Voters
............................................................................................. 55
Marking Election Day Voters
General Election List .........................................................................................56
Party Primary List
........................................................................................ 56-57
Municipal Election List
Ballot Box is Full .........................................................................................................58
Closing of the Polls
Shutting Down the Electronic Poll Books (EPB) ..............................................................59
Canvassing and Reporting of Vote Totals at Polling Place
................................................ 59
Scanning Emergency Ballots
Provisional Ballots
Posting Election Results
Sealing Equipment after Election
Accounting for Ballots after Election
Unable to Scan Emergency Ballots
Completing the Closing Checklist
.................................................................................. 62
Returning Supplies to the County Ofce
Table of Contents IV
Qualifying Photo IDs .................................................................................................... 1
Primary Voter Registration List
...................................................................................... 2
Democratic Primary Poll List
........................................................................................ 3
Republican Primary Poll List
.......................................................................................... 4
General Election Voter Registration List
......................................................................... 5
General Election Poll List
.............................................................................................. 6
Municipal Voter Registration List
................................................................................... 7
SC Voters Change of Address Form
............................................................................... 8
Provisional Ballot Envelope (Front)
................................................................................. 9
Provisional Ballot Envelope (Back)
Notice of Hearing on Provisional Ballots
Ballot Reconciliation Worksheet
................................................................................... 12
Ballot Reconciliation Worksheet Instructions
................................................................. 13
Record of Watchers and Observers Form
...................................................................... 14
Code of Conduct for Polling Places
1 Introduction
Statutory References
Statutory references in this booklet (for example, 7-13-72) refer to sections of the 1976 Code of
Laws of South Carolina as amended. For training purposes only, certain language from the S.C. Code
of Laws has been paraphrased. This is not intended to change the meaning of any law in any way.
Voter Registration Lists
All voter registration lists in this Poll Managers Handbook are public records. These lists are used for
training purposes only. While the names in these lists are factual, some signatures shown in these
lists are not the actual signatures of the voters. These signatures are not intended to be used as the
voters’ signatures and are used only for demonstration purposes.
“Elector” and “Voter” – Used interchangeably to mean a registered voter.
“Manager” – Poll manager or manager of the election.
“Clerk” – Lead poll manager
“County Board” – The county board of voter registration and elections.
“County Ofce– The county voter registration and elections ofce.
“EPB” – Electronic Poll Book
“BMD” – Ballot-Marking Device
2 Poll Managers
Manager’s Creed
I will do all I can within the law to help you vote today.
Types of Managers
Clerk – The county board appoints one manager in each precinct to be clerk. The clerk is
the lead poll manager (7-13-72).
Poll Managers – All managers assigned to the polling place, including clerks and
assistants, are poll managers and are responsible for the operating of polling place.
Poll Manager’s Assistant – One 16 or 17-year-old assistant may be appointed for every
two poll managers. Assistants must complete poll manager training. Assistants may not
serve as clerk but have the same responsibilities as a poll manager (7-13-110).
Poll Manager Roles
Managers may serve in various roles on election day. In smaller precincts or in elections with low
turnout, one manager may play multiple roles:
Clerk – The clerk is the lead poll manager and oversees the polling place. It is the clerk’s
job to assign roles, arrange the polling place, monitor the ow of trafc, maintain an orderly
voting process, complete paperwork, ensure equipment is returned, and ensure policies and
procedures are followed.
Greeters – Greets voters, asks voters if they have the proper Photo ID, asks voters to
have their ID ready, identies voters with issues, directs voters to the manager’s table
or resolution table, monitors for curbside voting, and monitors for any issues inside or
outside the polling place.
Manager’s Table – Processes voters.
Resolution Table
– Processes voters with address issues, provisional ballots, and other issues.
Curbside Manager – Manages the curbside voting process.
Ballot-Marking Device (BMD) Manager – Directs voters to an available BMD, instructs
voters on inserting the ballot card, selects ballot styles, and directs voters to the scanner.
Exit Monitor – Monitors the scanner to ensure voters do not leave without scanning their
ballot, instructs voters on how to scan their ballot, provides “I Voted” stickers, and collects
ballot stubs from voters casting an emergency ballot (Section 7-13-730).
Poll Managers 3
Qualications of Managers
Clerks must be registered to vote in the county in which they are working, or in an adjoining
county (7-13-72).
Poll managers must be registered to vote in South Carolina. There is no requirement to be a
resident of the county or an adjoining county (7-13-110).
Managers may not be a candidate or the spouse, parent, child, brother, or sister of a
candidate at any polling place where the candidate’s name appears on the ballot (7-13-120).
Number of Managers
General Elections
For general elections, the county board appoints three managers for each polling place in the
county for every 500 voters registered to vote at such polling place or portion thereof (7-13-
72). For example, if 1,350 persons are registered to vote at a particular voting place, nine
managers should be appointed.
Special or Municipal Elections
For special or municipal elections, the authority charged by law with conducting the election
appoints three managers for the rst 500 electors registered to vote in each precinct in
the county, municipality, or other election district and one additional manager for each 500
registered voters over the rst 500 (7-13-72).
Statewide Primaries
For primary elections held on the second Tuesday in June of each general election year, the
county board appoints three managers for each polling place in the county for the rst 500
electors registered to vote at such polling place, and may appoint three additional managers
for each additional 500 electors registered to vote there.
All Other Party Primaries
For all other primaries, the county board appoints three managers for the rst 500 electors
registered to vote in each precinct involved in the primary election and one additional
manager for each 500 electors registered to vote in the precinct above the rst 500.
Forty-ve days prior to any primary, except municipal primaries, each political party holding
a primary may submit a list of prospective managers to the county board. The board must
appoint at least one manager for each precinct from the list of names submitted by each
political party holding a primary. The county may refuse to appoint a manager from the list
for good cause (7-13-72).
4 Poll Managers
Efciently run elections are essential to an orderly form of government. All elections must be
uniform and conducted within the boundaries of the laws of the state. Poll manager training is
necessary for the conduct of good elections and is required by law. The county board is responsible
for training poll managers. The State Election Commission is responsible for providing poll manager
training materials (7-13-72).
While you may be required to attend in-person training, all managers are encouraged to
complete online poll manager training at scVOTES.gov. Your county board will provide you
a username and password.
Constitutional Oath
After completing training, managers must take and sign the following oath prescribed by the S.C.
I do solemnly swear (or afrm) that I am duly qualied, according to the Constitution
of this State, to exercise the duties of the ofce to which I have been appointed, and
that I will, to the best of my ability, discharge the duties thereof, and preserve, protect
and defend the Constitution of this State and of the United States. So help me God.
(Article III, Section 26, S.C. Constitution)
This oath should be led immediately with the Clerk of Court, or if there is no clerk, then with the
Secretary of State (7-13-72).
Failure of Managers to Attend Election
If any of the managers fail to attend or if they have not been appointed, the qualied voters of the
precinct who are present may appoint a manager to act in the place of the absent manager. If the
duly appointed managers attend within a reasonable time, they will act as managers (7-13-170).
Power of Managers
Managers have such police power as necessary to carry out the provisions of the election laws. They
have full authority to maintain good order at the polls and to require obedience to their commands
during the election and during the counting of the ballots. All peace ofcers are required to answer
a manager’s call for help in preserving the peace (7-13-140).
For example, if a person is being disorderly or unruly and refuses to stop, or is interfering with the
conduct of the election, a police ofcer may be requested to remove that person.
Poll Managers 5
Use of Electronic Devices within the Polling Place
For the purposes of this section,
A. A person may not use a wireless communication device or camera within the polling
location. For larger precincts, these devices may be used until the voter reaches the interior
voting room, including the check-in station.
B. A person may not use any mechanical or electronic means of recording images or sound
within the polling location.
C. Election ofcials may require a person who violates this section to turn off the device or to
leave the polling place.
D. This section does not apply to:
1. an election ofcial in conducting their ofcial duties;
2. a voter using a phone or electronic device for accessibility purposes;
3. a voter using a phone to view their sample ballot
4. the use of election equipment necessary for the conduct of the election; or
5. a person who is employed at the location in which a polling place is located while the
person is acting in the course of the person’s employment.
E. Reporters or photojournalists may observe the polling location as long as it’s not interfering
with the conduct of the election. They may not take photo/videos in the interior voting
area without prior permission from the county ofce. County ofce will provide reporters or
photojournalists with guidelines for photography within the polling place.
Guidelines for media include:
1. Photographers should not be in the polling place for any extended amount of time and
no longer than it takes to get the necessary photos/video
2. No continuous live shots from inside the polling place
3. Photographers should stay as far away from voters and equipment as possible
4. No close-up shots of voters or equipment
5. Do not approach voters as they are entering the polling or while they are inside of the
polling place
6. Interviews can only be conducted outside as the voter is leaving
6 Poll Managers
Campaign Materials
On election day, it is unlawful for any person to distribute or display campaign material within 500
feet of any entrance used by the voters to enter a polling place.
Campaign material is any written or visual material that has the intention or effect of supporting or
opposing any candidate, party, or question in the current election.
It is the duty of poll managers to keep this prohibited area clear of political literature and displays.
(7-25-180 (a))
The poll managers’ responsibility to enforce this rule applies only to the polling place property and
any public property or rights of way within the 500-foot area. Poll managers are not responsible for
addressing materials distributed or displayed on private property not under the control of the county
board of voter registration and elections on election day. Complaints about campaign materials being
displayed within 500 feet of the polling location on private property should be directed to local law
enforcement. Poll managers have no authority to remove signs or other materials from private property.
If the campaign material is displayed within 500 feet on the grounds of the polling place, poll
managers can remove the material or require the person displaying or distributing the material to
remove the material, cover the material, or otherwise cause the material not to be visible. Campaign
material on shirts may be addressed by wearing a jacket, coat, or sweater over the shirt or turning
the shirt inside out. The material must remain out of sight while in the polling place and within 500
feet of the polling place. If a voter refuses to cover or remove the material, poll manager should
advise the voter of the law and the requirement that the material not be visible. Illegal campaign
material displayed by a voter must be addressed rst before proceeding with the voter check-in
process. If the voter refuses to comply, contact the county ofce for assistance.
If the campaign material is displayed on public property within 500 feet of the polling place, but not on the
grounds of the polling place, contact the county ofce. The county ofce will have the material removed.
In consideration of the factors stated above, county and municipal law enforcement ofcers must,
upon the request of the poll managers or county election ofcials, remove or cause to be removed
any material distributed or displayed within 500 feet of any such entrance.
Poll Watchers and Observers
Poll Watcher
A Poll Watcher is a person designated by a candidate or party to fulll a specic role at the precinct.
They will have an ofcial letter from the candidate or party designating them as such and listing the
precinct(s) for which they may be assigned.
An observer is a member of the public who isn’t performing a specic role (manager, clerk, voter,
etc.). Since elections are a public process, anyone should be allowed to observe under
certain conditions.
Poll Managers 7
Record of Watchers and Observers
Poll watchers and observers must present a valid photo ID to the poll manager/clerk on duty upon
their arrival. Managers must record the names of watchers/observers on the Record of Watchers
and Observers form. These forms should be provided to you by your county ofce, however, there
is also a copy of it in the Appendix of this handbook. These forms should be returned to the county
ofce with the election supplies.
Designated Observation Areas
Watchers and observers will be placed in designated areas for viewing the processes on Election
Day or at an Early Voting Center. Watchers should be stationed nearby, behind, but within earshot of
the check-in table. This area must be out of reach of election equipment, supplies, and documents.
Watchers must not be seated at the same table with managers or in an equivalent position that
could cause confusion about who is an election ofcial. Observers should be stationed completely
out of the way of the entire process. Observers should be limited to broadly viewing the activity
within the polling place. Poll watchers and observers must remain in the designated area while in
the polling place.
If the size of the polling place will not accommodate the number of qualied poll watchers, the Clerk
must allow for watchers to take turns in shifts. Due to polling place size, observers may be limited in
number or disallowed.
Watchers – Party Primaries
Each candidate may appoint one watcher at a time for any polling place where the candidate’s name
is on the ballot (7-13-860).
Watchers – General and Special Elections
Party Candidates – Watchers are appointed by the party, not the candidate. Candidates
of the same political party are jointly represented at a polling place by not more than two
watchers at a time for each 1,000 registered voters or fraction thereof registered in the
precinct (7-13-860).
Nonpartisan Candidates – Each candidate may appoint one watcher at a time for any polling
place where the candidate’s name is on the ballot (7-13-860).
8 Poll Managers
Poll Watchers Must:
Wear their badge when inside of the polling location at all times.
> Their badge must specify the names of the candidate or party he/she represents.
> The size of the badge must not exceed 4 ¼” X 4 ¼.
> The size of the individual letters on the badge must not exceed ¼” X ¼.
> The badge may not be a color that has a uorescent quality.
Be a qualied voter in the county.
Present the poll manager with a letter signed by the candidate or by an appropriate party
ofcial stating that he/she is certied to act as a watcher in that precinct.
Address the Clerk or Poll Manager if they wish to challenge a voter. They may not address
the voter. The manager should then follow the procedure outlined in the preceding section
entitled “Voter Qualication Challenge Procedure.
General Polling Place Conduct and Expectations for Poll Watchers and Observers
Poll Watchers and Observers must follow the direction of the Clerk and/or Poll Manager on duty at
all times. Any Poll Watcher or Observer who refuses to agree to and abide by the Code of Conduct
will not be allowed to remain in the polling location and will be asked to leave. If they refuse to
leave, the poll manager or clerk should contact local law enforcement for assistance.
Note: The clerk or poll manager may provide a copy of the Code of Conduct handout to watchers
and observers. The handout can be found in the appendix.
Observers and Poll Watchers may:
Observe the election processes, including the opening and closing processes at the polling
Observe the election processes during the early voting period at an early voting center.
Obtain information from the Clerk, or designated Poll Manager, about how many people
have voted and who has voted as long as the EPB station is not currently being used to
check-in voters. Lists will not be provided at the polling location.
Make notes while observing the election processes.
Ask questions of the Clerk, or designated Poll Manager, at the polls as long as they do not
interfere with the conduct of any part of the voting process. If a poll watcher/observer
disagrees with the designated poll manager or clerk, or needs more information, they
should step outside and contact the county ofce for clarication.
Poll Managers 9
Observers and Poll Watchers may not:
Interfere with the conduct of the election.
Take pictures or video inside the polling place, with the exception of the zero tape and
totals tape once posted. See section on “Use of Electronic Devices within the Polling Place.
Physically handle or touch any voting materials or equipment.
Move or rearrange tables, chairs, or voting booths at the polling place or early voting center.
Sit at or hover around ofcial worktables or view condential voter information on any
computer terminal, EPB, or document.
Communicate with voters inside of a polling place or an early voting center.
Display any political material, including slogans, or wear campaign badges, buttons, or apparel.
Wear any uniform resembling that of law enforcement ofcers or military personnel.
Have a rearm, knife, or other weapon within a polling place or early voting center.
Talk to any election worker who is not the Clerk or designated Poll Manager.
Tell a Clerk or Poll Manager how to conduct their duties.
Argue with any election workers or voters.
Make physical contact with election personnel or voters.
Verbally harass or intimidate election workers, voters, or other persons in the polling place
or early voting center.
Assist in operations at any polling place or early voting center.
Prevent other observers or poll watchers from observing materials or a process.
Canvassing the Vote
After the polls close, poll watchers and observers can remain in the polling place to observe the
canvassing process. The Clerk may establish a new designated area for watchers and observers
to allow for the viewing of the closing process. They must remain in a designated observation
area during this time apart from viewing the totals tape once it is posted publicly. They may take
a picture of the totals tape once its posted outside of the immediate voting area. Watchers and
observers will be dismissed from the polling place after the totals tapes have been printed, signed,
and posted AND the ballot boxes have been locked and sealed.
10 Poll Managers
Candidates and Candidate Representatives
Candidates may not:
Display or distribute campaign materials within the 500-foot area.
Wear a candidate badge inside the polling place.
Actively campaign inside the polling place.
Intimidate voters.
Interfere with the orderly election process.
Candidates may:
Campaign verbally within 500 feet of the entrance to the polling place as long as it does not
interfere with the election process.
Wear a badge no larger than 4 ¼” X 4 ¼” This badge may contain only the candidate’s
name and ofce sought.
Enter the polling place. Candidate badge must be removed before entering.
Candidate Representatives may not:
Display or distribute campaign materials within the 500-foot area.
Wear any type of campaign badge.
Campaign inside the polling place.
Intimidate voters.
Interfere with the orderly election process
Candidate Representatives may:
Campaign verbally within 500 feet of the entrance to the polling place as long as it does not
interfere with the election process.
Any complaint regarding polling place campaigning should be directed to the poll managers.
Managers should use their best judgment to settle any issues and maintain an orderly election
process. See “Power of Managers” section (7-25-180 b).
Under supervision of the poll managers; poll watchers, candidates, and candidate’s representatives
should be allowed to look at the list if it is not currently being used to process voters and does not
interfere or disrupt the orderly voting process.
Poll Managers 11
ExpressVote Printer
The ExpressVote Printer is directly connected
to the EPB and is the equipment you use for
producing a ballot for voters.
Ballot Marking Device (BMD)
The ballot marking device, or BMD, is
the machine that voters use to select the
candidates they wish to cast a ballot for.
The BMD will allow voters to review their
selections on the screen and will print a copy
of their selections on their paper ballot.
Electronic Poll Book (EPB)
The electronic pollbook, or EPB, is what poll
managers and clerks use to check-in voters,
verify their addresses, and in most cases
verify their eligibility to vote.
MiFi Device
These devices are provided by the SEC and
are only used to connect the EPBs to the
county ofce for election security.
Ballot Scanner DS-200
The DS200 is a ballot scanner. This is where
voters ofcially cast their ballots in an
election. This scanner reads ballots whether
placed face up or face down, however, face
down is recommended for optimal privacy for
the voter.
12 Poll Managers
Ballot Types
Ballot Cards
Ballot cards are issued to voters at the check-in table and are inserted in a ballot-marking device
(BMD) by the voter to activate a voting session. After making selections, voters review their
selections and print their ballot card. Voters then review the printed ballot card and cast their ballot
by inserting it into the scanner. The scanned ballot cards are then automatically fed into a ballot bin
in a compartment in the scanner base.
Each polling place should have one BMD for each 250 registered voters, or portion thereof, or as
near thereto as may be practicable (7-13-1680). BMDs must have a means to ensure voter privacy.
Voters must use ballot cards and BMDs, except under limited circumstances detailed below.
Emergency/Provisional Ballots
These are paper ballots that are hand-marked by the voter. Hand-marked paper ballots may also be
referred to as “full-face” paper ballots. Emergency/Provisional ballots are included with your polling
place supplies and should not exceed 10% of the registered voters in the precinct (7-13-430). You
will receive Emergency/Provisional ballots for each ballot style in your precinct. The ballots will be
labeled “Emergency/Provisional” at the top and are used for two purposes: emergency voting and
provisional voting.
Emergency ballots are used if BMDs are not available. Voters hand-mark the ballots then place them
in the scanner. If both the BMDs and the scanner are not available, the ballots are placed in the
Emergency/Provisional slot on the front of the scanner by the voter. Poll managers scan emergency
ballots during the closing of the polls. For more on using emergency ballots, see the “Ballot-Marking
Devices (BMDs) Not Available (Emergency Ballots)” section.
Provisional ballots are used for various purposes outlined in the “Election Day Issues” section. Voters
place these ballots in a Provisional Ballot Envelope, and the envelope is placed in the emergency/
provisional slot on the front of the scanner base. Provisional ballots are not counted on election day.
The envelopes are returned to the county ofce by the managers. For more details on provisional
voting, see the “Voting a Provisional Ballot” section.
Failsafe Provisional Ballots
These are hand-marked paper ballots included with your polling place supplies that should not
exceed 5% of the registered voters in the precinct (7-13-430(C)). Failsafe Provisional ballots contain
only federal, statewide, countywide, and municipality-wide ofces. In smaller elections, you may
not receive Failsafe Provisional ballots because there are no such ofces on the ballot. Voters
place these ballots in a Provisional Ballot Envelope, and the envelope is placed in the emergency/
provisional slot on the front of the scanner base. Failsafe Provisional ballots are not counted
on election day. The envelopes are returned to the county ofce by the managers. For more
information, see the “Failsafe Voting” section.
Poll Managers 13
Use of Hand-Marked Paper Ballots
Hand-marked paper ballots may be used only for emergency and provisional voting. A voter may
not use a hand-marked ballot simply because they do not want to use the BMD. For more on using
emergency ballots, see the “Ballot-Marking Devices (BMDs) Not Available (Emergency Ballots)
section (7-13-830).
Ballot Styles
One of your most important duties is to ensure each voter gets the correct ballot style. A ballot
style is a unique combination of ofces that appear on a voter’s ballot depending on the voter’s
address. For example, a county council district line may cross your precinct causing some voters to
vote a ballot featuring district 1 while other vote ballots featuring district 2. Your polling place may
have numerous ballot styles. In primaries, additional ballot styles will exist for each party (7-13-610).
Electronic poll books (EPBs) automate the ballot style selection process. After checking in the voter,
you will place the voter’s blank ballot card in a printer, which will print a barcode on the ballot. When
the voter inserts the ballot card in the BMD, the voter’s correct ballot style will automatically appear.
If providing a voter a hand-marked paper ballot, you will need to refer to either the EPB, paper list,
or be directed by the county ofce to select the correct ballot.
14 Before Polls Open
Managers should arrive at the polling place at least one hour before the polls are scheduled to open.
Know how to get to your polling place and where to park before Election Day. It may be helpful to visit
your assigned polling place before Election Day. Make sure arrangements have been made to unlock
the doors to the facility on election morning. Make sure you have an emergency contact number.
It’s election day, and because you are a public employee for the day, appropriate casual dress is required.
What you wear helps set the professional tone that should be present in your polling location at all times.
On Election Day, select clean, comfortable, and appropriate attire. Wear comfortable shoes. Because it is
both mandated by law and inappropriate, you should not show political preference toward or against any
party, candidate, or issue. Do not wear cologne, perfume, or aftershave, which may affect sensitive people.
You may wear patriotic colors. Bring a sweater or jacket in case the temperature in the room is cool.
Manager’s Badges
Managers will be provided with identication badges and must wear them at all times.
What to Bring
Poll managers should remember to bring the following items to the polling place on Election Day:
Food and drink for the day
Cell phone and charger
A light sweater or jacket
Medications you may need (Kitchen
facilities may not be available; check
with your county ofce if your
medication needs refrigeration.)
What NOT to Bring
Do not bring any of the following items to the polling place on Election Day:
Personal music player/headphones/earbuds
Political items
Alcoholic beverages
Firearms, knives, or other weapons
Children or other guests
Before Polls Open 15
Expectations of Behavior
Working on election day is a wonderful way to serve your community and keep our elections secure.
You are the key to a successful election. As such, it is important to be aware of who is in earshot
during your conversations throughout the day. You want to avoid all talk of candidates who are
on the ballot and don’t engage in conversation around your political beliefs. In the role of the poll
manager, it is important for you to separate your personal political beliefs from your job serving as a
poll manager. You must remain impartial at all times.
Manager’s Oath
Before opening the polls, the managers must take and sign a second oath in addition to the oath
signed at training (included in polling place materials).
“We do solemnly swear that we will conduct this election according to law and will allow no
person to vote who is not entitled by law to vote in this election, and we will not unlawfully
assist any voter to prepare his ballot and will not advise any voter as to how he should vote
at this election.” (7-13-100)
The oath must be returned to the county board.
Emergency Preparedness
Identify all exits from your polling place.
Locate the re extinguisher, alternative telephones, and re alarm handles, if any, to pull in
case of an emergency.
Ensure your cell phone is charged and turned on at all times.
Know the address of the polling place and be prepared to give a denitive location within your
building so that in the event you have to call 9-1-1, emergency responders can nd you quickly.
Maintain custody of ballot-marking devices, scanners, ballot boxes, ballot cards, paper
ballots, paper voter registration list, EPBs, and other election materials and equipment to
and from the polling place. If left unattended, these items must be locked in a secure area.
Follow the voting system opening and closing procedures. Make certain to use seals and
record seal numbers on the seal envelopes as instructed (see “Voting System Seals” section).
Secure ballot cards and paper ballots while not in use. Do not leave ballots unattended.
Verify ballot compartments and ballot boxes are locked, sealed, and monitored at all times.
Do not leave any ballot box unattended.
Notify the county ofce immediately of any security concerns.
After closing the polling place, return all materials immediately as instructed by the county
ofce. The county ofce may instruct managers to secure some equipment inside the polling
place for later pickup.
16 Before Polls Open
Arrangement of Polling Place
Proper polling place arrangement is essential to ensure the secrecy of the ballot, an orderly ow of
voters, accessibility for all voters, and polling place security. Managers should arrange their polling
place in the most efcient manner possible.
Each polling place must have a table for the managers
BMDs must be placed at least ve feet from a manager’s table or station and any area
where voters may be waiting. Allow us much distance as possible between these areas and
the BMDs to maximize voter privacy.
BMDs must be placed so that the screen cannot be seen by any manager or voter. Managers
must ensure no one be in a position to see a voter’s ballot while the voter is voting (7-13-1780).
To accomplish this, devices may be positioned sideways against a wall so that the voter’s
shoulder is toward the wall, or the device can be positioned with the screen facing a wall so that
the voter’s back is toward the wall. Refer to the polling place layout diagram later in this section.
To maximize voter privacy, turn the BMD so that the screen is facing away from any area
where managers or voters may be.
In most cases, BMDs will be placed on tables. Privacy screens are provided to surround
the BMDs to ensure the secrecy of the voter’s ballot. Other types of voting booths may be
provided by the county ofce. A privacy screen on a table or voting booth must also be
provided for voters who are hand-marking an emergency ballot.
The scanner must be kept secure and should be arranged so that the voter can deposit
their ballot without crowding, confusion, or interference.
A manager must be stationed between the scanner and the exit door to ensure voters do
not leave without scanning their ballot card. Managers should position themselves in a way
that maintains the secrecy of the voter’s ballot.
A guard rail must be provided around the voting booths so that no one except authorized
person can approach nearer than ve feet to the booths. Use rope, tape, or other means
to accomplish the objectives of avoiding crowding and interference, and to preserve the
secrecy of the ballot (Section 7-13-130).
Sample ballots and all posters and signs should be posted in a conspicuous area (7-13-1740).
Posters should be posted so that the center of the poster is approximately four feet off the oor.
Establish a designated area for Poll Watchers and Observers. Watchers should be stationed
nearby, behind, but within earshot of the check-in table. This area must be out of reach of
election equipment, supplies, and documents. Watchers must12 not be seated at the same table
with managers or in an equivalent position that could confuse voters as to who they should
check-in with. Observers should be stationed completely out of the way of the entire process.
Observers should be given the ability to broadly view the activity within the polling place.
Instructions for using the BMD and scanner should be posted in the polling place. Instructions are
included on the BMD and scanner display screens. In addition, detailed instructions on how to use
the BMD and scanner are available in the brochure titled: “South Carolina’s Paper-Based Voting
System.” If available, post this brochure inside the voting booth.
Before Polls Open 17
For use as example only. Not drawn to scale. Every polling place is different. Arrange the
polling place for maximum voter privacy and polling place efciency.
Red arrows represent voters moving through process. Blue line represents painter’s tape used
on oor to direct trafc ow.
18 Before Polls Open
Polling Place Accessibility
Polling places must be accessible to all voters. While county boards work to take action to ensure
polling places are accessible, poll managers play an important role in the process. This section
provides polling place accessibility requirements and what steps you can take on Election Day to
ensure all voters can access the polling place.
There must be at least one designated van accessible space with
signage containing the International Symbol of Access. The van
accessible space must be at least 96” wide with a 96” access aisle.
Parking lots with 25-50 spaces require one additional car space
which is a 96” wide space with a 60” access aisle. Parking lots
with 51-75 spaces require two additional car spaces.
Accessible parking should be as close as possible to the most
accessible route to the voting area.
A curbside voting location must be provided and marked with a
curbside voting sign. Curbside voting is covered in more detail in
the Election Day Issues section.
What you can do:
If the parking lot doesn’t have accessible parking spaces, you can create accessible spaces
by marking two regular spaces as one space by placing accessible parking signs in those
spaces and separating them with cones or chairs.
Ensure curbside voting signs are placed at eye level and are visible as voters enter the
parking area.
If using a bell, ensure it can be reached by the driver without leaving the car.
Do not use the accessible parking spaces for curbside. The accessible parking spaces are
for voters who may want to vote inside.
Walk through parking lot, remove any debris barriers or obstructions.
Before Polls Open 19
There must be a sign directing voters to the accessible entrance to the polling place.
The pathway from the parking lot to the accessible entrance must be free of
barriers and obstructions.
Voters must be able to operate door handles with a closed st.
What you can do:
Ensure accessible entrance signs are placed at eye level and are visible from the accessible
parking area.
Walk through all paths, remove debris, and move objects such as plants or signs out of the way.
Make sure that any separate accessible entrances are unlocked.
If door handles are inaccessible, prop open doors or schedule a person to open doors.
Ensure that doors are not propped open using anything that would block the pathway. The
county ofce may provide door stops.
The county ofce may also provide accessible lever handles that can be used to make
doorknobs accessible.
If any one side of a double leaf door is not at least 32 inches wide prop both doors open.
The county ofce may also provide portable ramps or wedges to provide access to
thresholds and slight changes in level.
Interior Pathway
Walking surfaces must be stable, rm, and slip resistant.
Wall mounted objects must not extend more than 4 inches from the side of an accessible
route if between 27 inches (2 feet 3 inches) and 80 inches (6 feet 8 inches) above the ground.
Post mounted objects must not extend more than 12 inches (1 foot) from the side of an
accessible route if higher than 27 inches (2 feet 3 inches) and 80 inches (6 feet 8 inches)
above the ground.
The bottom edge of overhead objects must be at least 80 inches (6 feet 8 inches) above
the ground. Examples of overhead objects include, but are not limited to, overhead signs
and the underside of an exposed stairway.
What you can do:
Walk through interior pathways, remove debris, and move objects such
as plants or signs out of the way. Check for cords, rugs, and other
barriers that could make mobility difcult.
If pathway is not stable, rm and slip resistant try to establish an
alternative pathway.
Use cones, chairs, trash cans, etc. under barriers to prevent voters from walking into them.
20 Before Polls Open
Voting Area
There must be a clear route throughout the entire voting area that is at least three feet wide.
There must be a circular area at least ve feet wide in front of the BMDs and scanner for an
individual in a wheelchair to be able to turn around and leave the voting area.
At least one BMD (preferably all) must be placed at an accessible height. An accessible table has
a surface height of no more than 34 inches and no less than 28 inches above the oor. At least
27 inches of knee clearance must be provided between the oor and the underside of the table.
What you can do:
Walk through the voting area, remove debris, and move objects such as plants or signs out
of the way. Check for cords, rugs, and other barriers that could make
mobility difcult.
Provide chairs for individuals to sit on while waiting if needed.
Accessible Voting
All BMDs are accessible to all voters. Each BMD is equipped with the following features:
Audio-Tactile Keypad
Headphone Jack
An Input for a Sip-and-Puff Device and other Assistive Switches
High Contrast Functionality
Zoom Functionality
There must be at least one wheelchair accessible voting station in each polling place. Please ensure
that at least one BMD is set up on a table to accommodate a voter in a wheelchair.
Voters may require assistance scanning their ballots. Do not assume that a voter requires
assistance. Instead, the voter must request assistance if needed.
What you can do:
Provide headphones to any voter requesting them.
Ensure secrecy of the voter’s ballot if assistance is required for scanning.
Before Polls Open 21
Hanging Signs
You will receive a variety of signs from the county ofce that need to be placed around the polling
facility. The list below describes which signs are required by law. Please make every effort to place
these signs visibly. You will want to consider what the polling place may look like if there is a line
of voters waiting to vote so you can avoid placing a sign that will be unintentionally covered. Also
consider whether signs will be visible to voters in wheelchairs.
Required Signs
The following signs are required at each polling place:
No Concealed Weapons
No Campaign Materials Allowed
Vote Here
Photo ID posters
Accessibility (curbside and directional)
Voting Twice is a Felony
Sample ballot(s)
Insert Ballot Face Down for Privacy (for ballot scanner)
Your county ofce may provide you will additional signs to be placed around the polling location.
22 Before Polls Open
Managing Long Lines
In elections with heavy turnout, managers need to take additional steps to help reduce wait times.
Visit the polling place prior to election day to determine the best layout:
Think about where the line will form and arrange the manager’s table to maximize the
indoor waiting area.
Use removable tape (e.g., painter’s tape) on the oor to direct trafc ow. Think about a
line leading to an amusement park ride or a bank teller. Do NOT use tape that would leave
residue or damage oors.
In a large polling place, consider having one line at the manager’s table and another smaller
line waiting to use ballot-marking devices (BMDs). If this method is used, be sure to keep
the number of voters waiting on a BMD manageable so that there is no confusion over who
has been checked in.
Think about ow from the entrance door to the manager’s table, to the BMD, to the
scanner, to the exit door, and maximize your space.
Consider using a resolution table. A resolution table can be set to the side and out of the
way of the normal ow of voters. Voters who are voting provisional ballots, have address
changes, or have other issues, can be processed at the resolution table. This allows these
voters to be processed without slowing down the ow of trafc.
Consider using signs to make it clear to voters where to go and what step is next. It is best
to place these directional signs above head level so they can be seen in a crowd.
If an insufcient number of BMDs are available resulting in unusually long wait-times or
unacceptable delays in the voting process, this may be considered an “emergency situation.” Hand-
marked emergency ballots may be used in this situation. Contact your county ofce immediately if
you believe you have an emergency. For procedures on using emergency ballots, see the “Ballot-
Marking Devices (BMDs) Not Available (Emergency Ballots)” section.
Before Polls Open 23
Setting up the Electronic Poll Books (EPBs)
1. Verify case seal numbers on Seal Envelope and remove seals.
2. Remove equipment from case (EPB, printer, cords, white charging block). One case will
contain a MiFi device to serve all EPBs.
3. Plug in each device to a power outlet.
a. When connecting the charging block to the EPB, ensure the EPB is completely plugged
in (the silver charging port should not show and you should hear a “click”). This will
ensure the EPB stays charged all day.
4. Connect printer to EPB using the printer cable. You will see a green printer icon on the EPB
screen if the printer is properly connected.
5. Press power button on MiFi device to power it on.
6. Power on printer by holding down orange button until you hear a beep.
7. Power on EPB by pressing orange button at the top.
8. Position EPB to voter’s right since most voters are right-handed. Position EPB so “Scan
Here” is facing you. You will rotate the screen between yourself and the voter. Grasp the
screen on each side and turn. The screen rotates in either direction.
9. Wave your hand under the barcode scanner to activate it. Tilt the screen up or down to
ensure the red dot projects to the center of the “Scan Here” box.
10. On the screen, touch “Launch.” When prompted, enter the Pollbook Qualication Code (PQC)
provided by your county ofce, then touch “Submit.” This takes a few seconds to process.
11. Select your polling place. Begin typing in the name of your polling place until options
appear and choose your polling place. Touch “Save.
12. Enter the username and password provided by the county ofce and touch “Sign In.
13. Make sure your polling place is correct.
14. Make sure EPB is connected to MiFi. The EPBs should automatically connect. If all three
icons beside the date and time are green, the EPB is connected. If all three icons are not
green, contact the county ofce or your polling location technician.
15. Touch “Open Poll.
16. Rotate the screen toward the voter. You are ready to process your rst voter.
24 Before Polls Open
Preparing Ballot-Marking Devices (BMDs) and Scanners for Voting
A detailed step-by-step guide for opening and closing the BMDs and scanners is provided with your
poll manager’s materials. Be sure to follow these instructions carefully.
Before opening the polls, examine the scanner to see no vote has been cast and the public count is
zero (000). Make sure to post the “zero tape” for public viewing.
Counter Does Not Register Zero
Call the county board and report the problem immediately.
Do not use the scanner unless and until instructed to do so. Use another scanner if
available. Otherwise follow the procedure in the “Scanner Not Available” section (7-13-1770).
Ballot Box
At least one ballot box for paper ballots must be provided by the county board. The box must be a
sufcient size to handle the volume of ballots (7-13-340).
The scanner base features two ballot compartments.
Main Ballot Compartment: This compartment houses the ballot bin. When a voter inserts a ballot
card into the scanner, the ballot card is automatically deposited into the bin. At the close of the
election, the ballot bin is removed for transporting ballots to the county ofce.
Emergency/Provisional Ballot Compartment: This compartment features a slot to place unscanned
ballot cards and emergency ballots in the event the scanner is not working. Provisional ballot
envelopes are also placed in this slot. The compartment is designed to keep these unscanned ballots
separate from scanned ballots. At the close of the election, unscanned ballot cards and emergency
ballots and provisional ballot envelopes are removed from the compartment. Unscanned ballot cards
and emergency ballots are scanned at the polling place during the closing process. Provisional ballot
envelopes are placed in the ballot bin or other ballot box or secure ballot bag for transporting to
the county ofce. It is important to remember that unscanned ballots must always be kept separate
from scanned ballots.
Your county ofce may also provide additional ballot boxes or secure ballot bags for use under
certain circumstances.
Locking and Sealing the Ballot Box
The clerk must publicly display that ballot boxes are empty before opening the polls. The BMD and
scanner opening and closing guides provide detailed instructions for locking and sealing the ballot
boxes. You will remove the ballot bin from the main ballot compartment and open the aps to show
it is empty. When you return the bin to the compartment, make sure the aps are left open. Lock
and seal the compartment. You will open the door to the emergency/provisional compartment to
show it is empty then lock and seal both compartments. Open any other ballot box to be used in the
election, show it is empty, and lock and seal the box. The clerk must secure the keys until the polls
are closed, and it is time to remove the ballots. (7-13-840).
Before Polls Open 25
Security Seals
BMDs and scanners will be sealed in various places using numbered seals. The seal numbers will be
recorded on the seal envelope. The BMD and scanner opening and closing guides provide detailed
instructions for managing these seals. You will be provided with a Seal Envelope to record seal
numbers and store broken seals. Unused closing seals will also be provided to the managers inside
the seal envelope.
The envelope containing these seals should not be opened until at least three of the managers of
the precinct are present and can examine the envelope to see that it has not been opened.
Voters, poll watchers, and observers should not take pictures of voting equipment, including but
not limited to, the seals on the machines. Cameras, cell phones, and other digital photography and
electronic recording devices are not allowed in the voting area.
Voter Registration Lists
You will use a voter registration list to help determine whether a person is eligible to vote in an
election and in your precinct. The voter registration list contains the names of registered voters in
the precinct. The list will identify voters who have already been issued an absentee ballot. The list
also helps you identify the voters correct ballot style (the ballot containing the unique combination
of election districts in which the voter resides). There are two types of voter registration lists:
Electronic Poll Book (EPB)
Paper Voter Registration List
Electronic Poll Books (EPBs)
An EPB is an electronic version of the voter registration list. The EPB system features a touch screen
tablet in a stand, a ballot printer and one MiFi device to serve the polling place. EPBs will be used
in every polling place to check in standard voters. Paper voter registration lists will be provided to
serve as a backup in case EPBs are not available and to manually process some voters.
Updating Absentee Voters
1. EPBs connected to MiFi: Absentee voters are automatically updated.
2. EPBs not connected to the MiFi: You will need to update absentee voters on the EPBs.
a. Click “Search for Voter” and enter the voter information from absentee list provided by
county ofce. Touch voter’s name in search results.
b. Touch “Manage Voter.
c. Enter the supervisor password provided by the county ofce.
d. Update absentee status to “Absentee Issued” Or “Absentee Returned” (based on a
report provided by the county ofce) Touch “Save,” then touch “X” to exit.
26 Before Polls Open
Paper Voter Registration List
All polling places will have a paper voter registration list. The paper list is used as a backup in
case of EPB failure. For more information on how to use paper voter registration lists, see section
“Marking the Paper Voter Registration List.
Poll List and Voter’s Oath
Voters will use their nger to sign the voter’s oath on the EPB touchscreen. You will be provided
blank poll lists to use for curbside voters, for manually processing voters, and as a backup in case
EPBs are not available. Voters should sign the poll list with either blue or black ink.
Ask the voter to read the oath before signing. By signing the poll list, the voter is taking the voter’s oath.
It is not necessary for a manager to read the oath to the voter (unless the voter is illiterate or blind).
General & Special Elections
I do solemnly swear or afrm that I am qualied to vote at this election according to the
Constitution of this state, and that I have not voted during this election” (7-13-710, 7-13-720).
Party Primaries
I do solemnly swear or afrm that I am qualied to vote at this election according to the
Constitution of this state, and that I have not voted during this election. Further, I do solemnly
swear or afrm that I am duly qualied to be at this primary election and that I have not
voted before at this primary election or in any party’s primary election or ofcially participated
in the nominating convention for any vacancy for which this primary is be held” (7-13-1010).
If the voter is unable to write or is prevented from signing their name by physical disability, they must sign
the poll list by mark with the assistance of one of the managers. The voter should make a cross mark (X)
after which the manager will write the voter’s name and phrase “his mark” in the following manner:
John (X) Smith DCR <- Manager’s Initials
The manager should place their initials on the line beside the mark (7-13-710).
If you must use the paper voter registration list in an emergency, be aware of two key points:
To determine whether an absentee ballot was issued (ABS-I) or returned (ABS-R), you will have to
use a separate absentee voter list provided by the county ofce. The paper list will only show “ABS.
No “D” or “R” ballot style indicator will appear on the paper list.
> For example, the paper list will show “B001.
> On the BMD, choose the style based on the voter’s primary choice that corresponds with
the ballot style number on the list.
> Example: Paper list shows ballot style B001, and voter is voting in the Democratic
Primary. On the BMD, choose D001.
Before Polls Open 27
Completing the Opening Checklist
Clerks should ensure all items have been completed on the checklist prior to the opening of the polls.
Opening the Polls
At 7:00 a.m., the clerk publicly announces that the polls are open, and the voting process begins. No
voter can begin the voting process before 7:00 a.m.
28 Processing the Voter
At the Qualication Table:
STEP 1 - Voter Presents Photo Identication
Ask the voter to present one of the following forms of current and valid photo identication (7-13-710).
S. C. driver’s license
S.C. Department of Motor Vehicles identication card
S.C. Voter Registration card with a photograph
Federal Military identication card with a photograph
U.S. Passport
See Appendix I for examples of qualifying Photo IDs.
If the voter does not present qualifying Photo ID, the voter may vote a provisional ballot. See “Voter
Without Qualifying Photo Identicationsection.
STEP 2 - Verify Photo, Expiration Date and Signature
Verify the photograph on the qualifying Photo ID is that of the person seeking to vote. Check
any expiration date the Photo ID may have. If the ID is expired, ask the voter for another form of
qualifying Photo ID. If the voter has no other form of qualifying Photo ID, follow the procedures
under “Voter Without Qualifying Photo ID” in the “Election Day Issues” section. Additionally, check
the signature on the voter’s identication against the voter’s signature on the EPB after the voter
signs this list.
Any address listed on the Photo ID has no impact the voters eligibility to vote. The Photo ID is
not required to have an address, and the address is not required to be current. What
matters is whether the voter conrms the address shown on the voter registration list (see Step 4).
STEP 3 - Locate Voter on Electronic Poll Book (EPB)
Voter with Driver’s License or DMV ID: Have voter scan ID barcode by placing ID in the
“Scan Here” box. EPB automatically scans barcode, returns search results.
Voter with other Photo ID: Barcode will not scan. Rotate screen toward you and touch
“Search for Voter.” Enter rst few letters of voter’s last and rst names. Search results
begin to appear. Enter date of birth to narrow results. You can also search for a voter by
looking up their voter registration number.
NEVER allow a voter to perform their own search.
The search may return multiple voters. Use your nger to scroll down the list.
Select the correct voter.
Processing the Voter 29
STEP 4 - Verify Address
Ask the voter if the address on the voter registration list is the voter’s current address. For example:
“Do you still live at 123 Main Street in Columbia?”
If the voter conrms the address as listed, proceed to the next step. If the voter’s address is
different from what is listed on the voter registration list, see the “Address Not Correct on Voter
Registration List” in the “Election Day Issues” section.
STEP 5 - Check for Comments or Status Codes
In the electronic poll book, a status indicator will be present next to the voter’s name, address, and
date of birth. Once you click on the voter’s name, you will see the voter’s basic information and the
full status indicator. Follow the instructions listed under the comments sections.
Status Indicators:
Active Eligible – voter is eligible to receive a ballot
Comment: Verify ID and address. Issue standard ballot if information is unchanged or issue
provisional ballot if changed.
Active Ballot Issued – the voter was issued an active ballot already
Comment: Reissue standard ballot if spoiling original.
Active Early Ballot Issued – the voter voted at an early voting center during the early voting period
Comment: Voter is ineligible to vote on election day.
Inactive Eligible – the voter is currently inactive in the system but is eligible to vote
Comment: Verify ID and provide voter with Update Form. Issue standard ballot when
ABS-I Indicates the voter has been issued an absentee ballot.
If the voter was issued an absentee ballot and did not return their absentee ballot and
wishes to vote at the polls on election day, follow procedures under “Voter Marked
ABS-I on the Voter Registration List” in the “Election Day Issues” section”.
ABS-R Indicates the voter has been issued an absentee ballot.
Comment: They may not vote at the polls on election day as voting twice (or
attempting to vote twice) in an election is now a felony.
30 Processing the Voter
If you are using the paper voter registration list, you may see one of the below listed status codes.
ABS Indicates the voter has been issued an absentee ballot.
If the voter was issued an absentee ballot and did not return their absentee ballot and
wishes to vote at the polls on election day, follow procedures under “Voter Marked ABS-I
on the Voter Registration List” in the “Election Day Issues” section.
I-M Stands for “Inactive – Moved” and indicates that the State Election Commission has
received information that the voter has moved. Follow steps under I-F below.
I-F Stands for “Inactive – Failed to Respond” and indicates the voter failed to respond to a
conrmation mailing conducted by the State Election Commission to verify the voter’s address.
The “I-M” and “I-F” designations do not necessarily require any extra action by the poll
manager. These designations are used primarily by the voter registration ofce. It is
essential to ask every voter whether their address is correct, including voters with “I-M”
and “I-F” designations. If a voter with one of these designations states that the address
on the voter registration list is correct, the voter should be allowed to vote a regular
ballot using the BMD and scanner. If the voter states the address is incorrect, follow the
procedures under “Voter Address Discrepancy” in the “Election Day Issues” section.
I-I I Indicates the voter has been declared mentally incompetent by a probate judge for voting
purposes. The individual cannot be issued a ballot until a judge makes a new ruling.
STEP 6 - Primary Elections
If not a Primary, Skip to STEP 7.
If more than one primary is being held, ask the voter to declare in which political party’s primary
they wish to vote.
IMPORTANT: Do NOT ask the voter, “Are you a Republican or Democrat?”
Instead politely ask the voter:
“In which party’s primary do you wish to vote today?”
If only one-party primary is being held, inform the voter:
“There is only a _________________ Party Primary today”
Ensure that you select the correct option on the EPB screen by choosing either “Republican” or
“Democratic” and “Election Day.
In some cases, you may see up to four options if the EPB is set to include the early voting period.
Processing the Voter 31
STEP 7 - Voter Signs Voter’s Oath
Touch “Issue Standard.” DO NOT touch “Issue Provisional.
Rotate the EPB screen toward the voter.
Ask the voter to read the oath and sign in the box using their nger.
Ask voter to touch “Done Signing” when nished.
Rotate the EPB back, ensure the voter signed, and touch “Accept.
STEP 8 - Print Ballot Card
Place a blank ballot card in the printer with the corner cut to the right. The printer will
automatically begin printing and will eject the ballot card when complete.
Touch “Complete Check-in.
Provide voter with printed ballot card
STEP 9 - Direct Voter to Next Available Ballot-Marking Device (BMD)
STEP 10 - Voter Marks Ballot
Ask the voter to insert the ballot card with the corner cut to the right.
The voter’s ballot style will automatically appear.
After marking the ballot card, print the ballot card.
Ask the voter to review and conrm their selections on the ballot card and then direct the
voter to the scanner.
Step 11 - Voter Casts Ballot on Scanner
Direct the voter to the scanner saying:
“For privacy, insert your ballot face down on the green arrow.
Note: Ballots can be scanned in any direction.
Never handle the voter’s ballot unless the voter requires assistance (See “Assistance to
Voters” section).
Have the voter wait until the screen reads “thank you for voting.
Thank the voter for voting and provide an “I Voted” sticker (if available).
No voter, poll watcher, or observer should take pictures of voting equipment, including but not
limited to, the seals on the machines. Cameras, cell phones, and other digital photography and
electronic recording devices are not allowed in the voting area.
32 Processing the Voter
Assistance to Voters
Generally, no one except a voter preparing their ballot is allowed within ve feet of the voting booth.
However, any voter who requires assistance to vote by reason of blindness, disability, or inability
to read or write may be given assistance by a person of the voter’s choice, other than the voter’s
employer or agent of that employer or ofcers or agent of the voter’s union (7-13-780, Section 208
of the 1965 Voting Rights Act). Assistants may include, but are not limited to, family members,
friends, candidates, poll watchers, poll managers, voters waiting in line, and minors.
Procedure for Determining if a Voter is Entitled to Assistance
Step 1. The voter must request assistance. Do not assume that anyone needs assistance,
volunteer anyone for assistance, or allow anyone else to do so.
Step 2. Say to the voter: “The law provides that any voter who requires assistance to vote for
reason of blindness, disability, or inability to read or write is entitled to that assistance. Do
you request assistance for one of these reasons?”
Step 3. If the voter answers yes, say: “You may choose anyone you wish to assist you in casting
your ballot except for your employer, an agent of your employer, an ofcer of your union,
or an agent of your union.
Step 4. After the voter has selected an assistant, conrm with the assistant that the assistant is
not the voter’s employer, agent of that employer, or ofcer (or agent) of the voter’s union.
Step 5. The voter and their chosen assistant enter the voting booth to cast the voter’s ballot.
Under normal circumstances a poll manager would accompany the voter into the voting booth only
if the poll manager is chosen to be the voter’s assistant. However, if the managers have credible
evidence or good reason to suspect that there is any scheme to defraud voters who are entitled to
assistance, a poll manager may be appointed to accompany the voter and the voter’s assistant into
the voting booth to act as an observer. An example of this may be if a non-poll manager is frequently
asked to assist. This manager cannot mark the ballot or take any part in assisting the voter. The
manager is there only as an observer to ensure the ballot is marked in strict accordance with the
voter’s wishes. If the manager, acting as an observer, sees that the assistant is not marking the ballot
as the voter wishes, or is otherwise acting improperly, the manager should challenge the ballot.
Instructions after the Voter has Entered the Voting Booth
After a voter has entered a voting booth and asks for further instructions concerning the procedure
for voting, two managers must enter the booth to provide instructions. Poll managers must not in any
manner request or seek to persuade or induce the voter to vote in any particular manner. After giving
instructions, the voter must be allowed to cast their ballot in secret (7-13-1830).
Processing the Voter 33
Curbside Voting
Any voter who, because of a disability or being age 65 or older, cannot enter the polling place in
which they are registered to vote, or is unable to stand in line to vote, may vote outside the polling
place inside a vehicle in the closest available parking area (7-13-771, National Voting Accessibility for
the Elderly and Handicapped Act).
Curbside voting signs must be displayed in the designated curbside parking area.
Managers must monitor the curbside parking area in intervals of no more than 15 minutes.
No person other than the voter is permitted in the vehicle in which the voter is casting their
ballot unless the voter is entitled to assistance (see “Assistance to Voters” section).
Only those who meet these qualications may vote curbside. The driver of the vehicle or
the voter’s caregiver may not vote curbside unless they also meet these qualications. The
driver or caregiver would need to vote normally at their polling place or vote absentee if
Curbside voting does not allow a voter to “jump” to the front of the line. A curbside voter
marker should be given to another voter in line to alert the manager’s table when it is the
curbside voter’s turn to vote.
Do not continuously use the same BMD for curbside voting. Continually using the same
device can quickly reduce the battery charge. Don’t forget to reconnect the power cord
when returning the device.
Curbside Voting Procedure
Step 1. When notied a voter requires curbside voting, greet the voter at the vehicle and ask for
the voter’s Photo ID. Verify the expiration date on the Photo ID (if it has one) and verify
the photo on the Photo ID.
A caregiver may also bring the Photo ID inside to the managers. If so, verifying the
photo must be done in conjunction with Step 5.
Step 2. If there is a line, provide the next voter in line with a marker to notify managers when it is
the curbside voter’s turn to vote.
Provide the voter with the option of going inside the polling place to vote when it is
their turn. A person voting curbside due to the inability to stand for long periods of
time may prefer this option. If the voter chooses this option, notify the voter when it is
their turn to go inside to vote instead of taking the BMD to the vehicle in (Steps 5-11.)
Step 3. Take the Photo ID inside and process the voter on the EPB. On the signature screen using
your nger, write “C” then the number of the voter’s signature on the poll list. For example,
if the voter is the third curbside voter, write “C-3.
Step 4. When it is the voter’s turn to vote, two managers take the curbside poll list and a BMD to
the voter’s vehicle. The voter signs the appropriate page and line number on the list.
Step 5. Return the Photo ID to the voter, and have the voter sign the poll list.
34 Processing the Voter
Step 6. Provide the voter with a ballot card and a ballot privacy sleeve.
Step 7. If using a Curbside Cart, wheel the cart in place so the screen is at the voter’s car window.
Otherwise, according to the voter’s preference, either hold the BMD on the windowsill, place
it in the voter’s lap, place it on the center console or place it in the seat beside the voter.
Step 8. Instruct the voter to insert the ballot card in the BMD to begin the voting session. Instruct
the voter to insert the printed ballot card in the ballot privacy sleeve when nished and
return it to the managers.
Step 9. Explain to the voter that you and the other manager will take the ballot directly to the
scanner inside the polling place to cast the ballot. Thank the voter for voting and provide
an “I Voted” sticker (if available).
If the voter is voting curbside due to the inability to stand in a line, provide the voter
the option of going inside the polling place to scan the ballot.
Step 10. The two managers take the poll list, the BMD and the voter’s ballot in the ballot privacy
sleeve directly back inside the polling place. While one manager watches, the other
manager slides the ballot out of the privacy sleeve face down into the ballot scanner to
cast the voter’s ballot. Return the BMD to be used by other voters. Be sure to reconnect
the BMD to its power source.
Ballot-Marking Device (BMD) Accessibility
All BMDs have features that make voting accessible for all voters.
BMDs are placed on tables to provide access for voters in wheelchairs. Alternatively, BMDs
may be placed in wheelchair-height booths.
Any BMD can be used for curbside voting.
High contrast (white on black) mode
Text zoom functionality
An input for a sip-and-puff device and other assistive switches
Every BMD features an audio ballot that makes voting accessible to voters who are blind
or visually impaired. Each device is equipped with headphones and a headphone jack.
An audio-tactile keypad with Braille-embossed buttons is used to navigate the ballot. The
keypad is stored on the left side of the device. If a voter indicates he is blind or visually
impaired, offer use of the audio ballot. Voters may choose to use their own headphones. A
voter with a visual impairment may also choose to vote with assistance from another person
(see the “Assistance to Voters” section).
Processing the Voter 35
Audio Ballot Procedure
Step 1. Process the voter as normal following the steps in the “Processing the Voter” section. It will
be necessary for a poll manager to read the oath to the voter. Assist the voter with signing
the oath if requested.
Step 2. Escort the voter to the next available BMD.
Step 3. Ensure the headphones are plugged into the headphone jack on the front panel. Voters
may choose to use their own headphones. Volume and tempo can be adjusted with
audio-tactile keypad.
Step 4. Have the voter put on the headphones and give the voter the audio-tactile keypad. Explain that
the voter will listen to voice cues through the headphones and use the audio-tactile keypad
to navigate the ballot and make selections. Explain that after reviewing the ballot, the voter
will print the ballot card. The ballot card will need to be scanned. Invite the voter to raise their
hand after printing their ballot if they need assistance in scanning their ballot. Explain that the
voting session is about to begin and to raise their hand if they require assistance.
Step 5. Direct the voter to insert the ballot card with the corner cut to the right in the slot on the
bottom right side of the device. Assist the voter only if the voter requests assistance.
Step 6. Select the appropriate ballot style (if necessary) to begin the voting session. Suggest that
the voter press the diamond-shaped button at the top right of the keypad to hide the
screen to protect the secrecy of the voter’s ballot.
Step 7. Step away from the BMD to provide the voter privacy. If the voter cannot navigate the
ballot or has problems that you are unable to assist with, give the voter the option of
receiving assistance with voting (see the “Assistance to Voters” section).
Step 8. After the voter prints their ballot, guide the voter to the scanner (if requested). Direct the
voter to insert the ballot card in the tray on top of the scanner and to position the ballot
face down with the corner cut to the left to protect the secrecy of their ballot.
NOTE: If the voter wants to verify the selections on the ballot card, the voter can insert the card
into any available BMD. The device will read the selections back to the voter using the headphones.
Husband and Wife Voting Together
It is illegal for husbands and wives who are capable of voting separately to enter the voting booth
together for the purpose of voting (7-13-750 ruled unconstitutional, Edwards vs. Abrams, Opinion No.
20578, January 10, 1978). The only exception to this is if one spouse is disabled and requests the
assistance of the other to vote. See section on “Assistance to Voters”
Children in the Voting Booth
Minor children (age 17 and under) of a voter may accompany the voter in the voting booth while
casting their ballot. Voters must conrm they are the parent of any accompanying children.
36 Processing the Voter
Voter Wishes to Take Sample Ballot into Voting Booth
Voters may take their own marked sample ballot into the voting booth with them. Distributed copies
of sample ballots are prohibited in the voting area. Managers should check the voting booths on a
regular basis to ensure that no marked sample ballots have been left behind. Voters may not allow a
marked sample ballot to be seen by others in the polling place (see the “Campaign Literature at the
Polls” section).
Time for Voter to Remain in Voting Booth
Ballot-Marking Devices (BMDs)
No voter can stay in a voting booth longer than three minutes. After three minutes has passed and
if other voters are waiting, the voter should be reminded of the three-minute rule and asked to nish
voting (7-13-1820).
Hand-Marked Paper Ballots
When hand-marking a paper ballot, no voter can stay in a voting booth for longer than ve minutes,
regardless of whether the voter is receiving assistance. After ve minutes has passed and if other
voters are waiting, the voter should be reminded of the ve-minute rule and asked to nish voting
If a voter’s time in the booth is interfering with the conduct of the election, the voter may be
removed by the managers.
Write-in Votes
In general and special elections, the voter may write in the name of any person they choose for any
ofce except President and Vice President.
Write-in votes are not allowed in primaries, primary runoffs and non-partisan runoff elections.
Crossover Voting
Crossover voting is the act of voting a straight party ballot then “crossing over” and voting for a
candidate of another party for a particular ofce. Crossover voting is allowed
Processing the Voter 37
Defaced or Spoiled Ballots
If a voter defaces or makes a mistake marking their ballot, they may obtain one additional ballot
upon returning the ballot to the managers. The voter may not be given a second ballot unless the
ballot is returned to the managers.
To replace a spoiled ballot:
1. Have the voter fold the ballot and write “spoiled” across the back of the spoiled ballot and
place it in the Spoiled Ballot Envelope (7-13-790).
2. Search for the voter in the electronic poll book (EPB). Touch “Reissue Standard”.
3. Select the Reissue Reason (for this scenario you would select voter spoiled ballot)
4. Touch “Next
5. Voter signs their name
6. Touch “Done Signing”
7. Touch “Accept”
8. New Ballot Can be reissued.
All defaced or spoiled ballots must be accounted for and turned over to the county board by the
managers following the election.
The EPB will not issue more than two total ballots to a voter. If a voter reaches their limit of two
ballots at the fault of the election staff, the clerk should call the county ofce and have them amend
the record in Connect to show a ballot has been issued. The clerk will then take a blank ballot card
to the BMD and manually select the voter’s ballot style.
Voting in Primaries and Runoffs
State law prohibits a voter from voting in more than one party’s primary on the same day and requires
the voter to choose the primary in which they wish to vote (7-13-1010 and “Voter’s Oath” section).
If a voter votes in a Presidential Primary, the voter will still be allowed to vote in either party’s
primary election in June, regardless of which Presidential Primary the voter chooses. The
Presidential Primary is considered separate from the June primary.
Primary Runoffs
Voter voted in primary: Can vote only in the same partys runoff.
Voter did not vote in primary: Can vote in either party’s runoff.
For example, if a voter votes in a Republican primary, the voter may vote in the Republican runoff;
however, the voter may not vote in the Democratic runoff. Even if there is no Republican runoff, the
voter may not vote in the Democratic runoff (7-13-50, 7-13-1040, 7-17-610).
38 Election Day Issues
If every voter who arrived at your polling place was qualied to vote there and had proper ID, your
job as a poll manager would be simple. While most voters are qualied, some are not. One of your
most important responsibilities is to determine if and how these voters should vote in your polling
place. You are also responsible for ensuring that everyone follows the rules for the conduct of
elections. This section provides instruction on addressing many of the issues you may encounter on
election day.
Voter Without Qualifying Photo Identication
If a voter does not present one of the qualifying Photo IDs, the manager must ask:
“Did you forget to bring your Photo ID to the polls,
or do you not have a Photo ID?
1. If the voter forgot to bring their Photo ID, the voter has two options:
a. Leave polling place, return with Photo ID, and vote a regular ballot using the BMD and
b. Vote provisional ballot now and present Photo ID later to county board of voter registration
and elections no later than provisional ballot hearing. Explain ballot will NOT count unless
voter presents Photo ID by that time. Poll manager checks the box in section C of the
Provisional Ballot Envelope. Voter does NOT complete Reasonable Impediment Afdavit.
Provide voter with Notice of Provisional Ballot Hearing.
2. If the voter does not have a Photo ID, ask the voter the following question:
“Is there an obstacle that prevented you from getting
one of the necessary Photo IDs?”
Election Day Issues 39
Voter Answers “Yes” (Reasonable Impediment)
1. Ask voter to show their paper voter registration card without a photo.
2. If voter shows the paper voter registration card without a photo, proceed to Step 3.
a. If voter has a paper voter registration card without a photo but did not bring it to the
polls, they have the option of retrieving it and proceeding to Step 3.
b. If voter does not have a paper voter registration card without a photo and does not
retrieve one, voter must vote a provisional ballot that will NOT count unless the voter
presents one of the qualifying Photo IDs to the county board of voter registration
and elections prior to certication of the election. Completes Steps 2-4 under Voter
Answers “No” below.
3. Manager completes Voter Information Section of Provisional Ballot Envelope.
4. Voter completes Reasonable Impediment Afdavit in Section D of the Provisional
Ballot Envelope.
5. Notary notarizes (if available), or manager attests to, voter’s signature by signing afdavit.
6. Continue the provisional voting process by following the procedure in the “Voting a
Provisional Ballot” section.
Voter Answers “No
1. Manager informs voter they may vote a provisional ballot that will NOT count unless the
voter presents one of the qualifying Photo IDs to the county board of voter registration and
elections prior to certication of the election.
2. Manager must inform voter they may obtain a free Photo ID from the Department of Motor
Vehicles or the county voter registration and elections ofce.
3. Manager completes Voter Information section of Provisional Ballot Envelope and checks the
box in Section C indicating the voter will need to provide Photo ID to the county board of
voter registration and elections prior to certication of the election.
4. Continue the provisional voting process by following the procedure in the “Voting a
Provisional Ballot” section.
40 Election Day Issues
Photo ID Questions and Answers
“What is a reasonable impediment?”
By asking the voter if there is “an obstacle that prevented you from getting one of the necessary
photo IDs,” the manager is determining if the voter wishes to claim the “reasonable impediment”
exception to providing photo ID at the polling place.
If the voter doesn’t understand reasonable impediment, the manager should explain that a
reasonable impediment is any obstacle that prevented the voter from obtaining any one of the
qualifying photo IDs. Some reasonable impediments may include:
A religious objection to being photographed
Disability or illness
Work schedule
Lack of transportation
Lack of birth certicate
Family responsibilities
Any other obstacle the voter nds reasonable
“I have a reasonable impediment or “I have a good reason for not having a photo ID”
or any similar statement.
Manager must consider such statements by the voter as a “yes” answer to the reasonable
impediment question. Manager should follow procedure for voter answering “yes’ under “Voter
Without Qualifying Photo Identicationin the Election Day Issue Section.
“Can I just say I don’t have a car? or “I have kids, is that reason enough? or “I just
don’t have time. Can I claim that?” or similar questions.
Manager should explain that the voter may claim any obstacle to obtaining a qualifying ID that they nd
reasonable as long as it is true. Only the voter determines what is reasonable. In other words, only the
voter can say whether any particular obstacle created a reasonable impediment to obtaining a photo ID.
Managers and other election ofcials do not determine the reasonableness of the claimed impediment.
“Will my vote count?”
A provisional ballot cast under the reasonable impediment exception will count unless the county board has
grounds to believe the afdavit is false. In other words, the county board would have to have convincing
evidence that the voter is either not who they claim to be, or that the voter lied about their impediment.
“What if my Driver’s License is expired?”
State law requires that the qualifying Photo ID be current (not expired). Not all Photo IDs have an
expiration date, but managers must check any expiration date that is on the ID (see “Processing the
Voter” section). If the ID is expired, it cannot be accepted. If the voter has no other qualifying Photo
ID, the manager follows the procedure under “Voter Without Qualifying Photo Identication.
Election Day Issues 41
“My Driver’s License is suspended. Can I still use it?”
State law requires that the qualifying Photo ID be valid (not suspended, cancelled, revoked). In most
cases, managers will not know whether a Photo ID has been suspended, cancelled, revoked, etc.
However, if the manager has knowledge that the Photo ID is not valid (e.g., voter volunteers the
information), the ID cannot be accepted for voting. If the voter has no other qualifying Photo ID, the
manager follows the procedure under “Voter Without Qualifying Photo Identication.
“I’ve misplaced my Photo ID”
A person who has lost or misplaced their Photo ID and has no other approved Photo ID should
be considered as not having a Photo ID. This voter would be eligible to vote under the reasonable
impediment exception in “Voter Without Qualifying Photo Identication.” The voter would not be treated
the same as a voter who simply left their Photo ID at home. The voter who leaves their Photo ID at home
either must retrieve it or vote a provisional ballot and show a Photo ID prior to certication of the election.
“What is considered a federal, military ID?”
There are numerous Photo ID cards that are considered federal, military IDs:
Active-duty military IDs (see Appendix for image)
Retiree and spouse military IDs (see Appendix for image)
Contractor or civilian employee military IDs
Any other photo ID issued by the Department of Defense
Veteran’s Affairs Benets Card (see Appendix for image)
When in doubt about whether a photo ID is a federal, military ID, ask yourself these questions:
Is it federal?
Is it military?
Does it have a photograph?
If the answer to all three questions is “yes,” the ID is a qualifying Photo ID acceptable for voting. If
the answer to any of the questions is “no,” it is not a federal military ID. The manager may contact
the county voter registration and elections ofce for guidance. If the ID is not a federal military ID,
ask the voter if they have any other form of qualifying Photo ID. If not, follow procedures under
“Voter Without Qualifying Identication” in the Election Day Issues section.
“Can I vote with my S.C. Concealed Weapons Permit (CWP)?”
Yes, if it is current and valid. The CWP is a form of identication containing a photograph issued by
the Department of Motor Vehicles.
42 Election Day Issues
Voter’s Identity in Doubt
The manager must verify that the photograph on the qualifying ID is that of the person seeking to
vote. Additionally, the signature on the voter’s ID should be checked against the voter’s signature
on the poll list. In comparing the photograph, the manager must consider the issue date of the ID,
changes in hair style or color, eyewear, or other changes to the voter’s appearance that could make
the voter appear differently at present than at the time the photo was taken. For example, a voter
may look substantially different today than they look in a photograph taken ten years ago. Likewise,
a person’s signature may change over time. Managers must err on the side of the voter in making
these comparisons.
If after examining the voter’s photograph and signature on the voter’s ID the manager disputes the
identity of the voter, follow these steps:
Step 1: Ask the voter for another form of qualifying photo ID. If the voter provides a second
qualifying photo ID, and the manager no longer disputes the voters identity, the voter
must be allowed to vote a regular ballot using the BMD and scanner.
Step 2: If the voter cannot provide a satisfactory, secondary qualifying photo ID, the manager
must allow the voter to vote a provisional ballot.
Step 3: Manager completes the Voter Information Section of the Provisional Ballot Envelope and
Section B, Voter Qualication Challenge.
Step 4: Continue the provisional voting process by following the procedure in the “Voting a
Provisional Ballot” section.
Election Day Issues 43
Name Not Found on Electronic Poll Book (EPB)
A voter’s name not being on the voter registration list could be an indicator that a voter is not
registered or has moved away from the precinct. However, just because a voter’s name is not on
the voter registration list does not necessarily mean the voter cannot vote at that polling place.
For various reasons, the name of a qualied voter may not appear on the voter registration list.
Managers must help ensure each voter casts a ballot in the polling place in their precinct of
residence. Voting in an incorrect precinct may cause a voters vote not to count.
In some cases, the county board of voter registration and elections may provide the voter with a
letter instructing the managers in the precinct to allow the voter to vote. If so, allow the voter to
vote a regular ballot using the BMD and scanner.
When any person offers to vote and their name does not appear on the voter
registration list, follow these steps (S.C. Code 7-13-820):
1. If initial search on EPB does not nd voter in your precinct:
a. Touch “Expand Search” to search all voters in the election.
2. Voter found registered in another precinct:
a. Touch the voters name on the screen.
b. Ask the voter if they still live at the address on the screen.
c. If the address is correct, touch “Find Poll Place.” Provide voter with the address of their
correct polling place and offer to send a text with the address to the voter’s phone.
Touch “Send Text.” Enter the voter’s cell phone number and touch “Send.
d. If the address is not correct, refer to the “Failsafe Voting” section of the Poll Manager’s
3. Voter NOT found in any precinct:
a. Call county ofce. County ofce will search its records to determine if voter is registered
and in which precinct.
b. County ofce nds voter registered in another precinct: County ofce will instruct you to
either direct voter to correct precinct or to county ofce, depending on situation.
c. County ofce nds voter is eligible to vote in your precinct:
i. If EPBs are connected to the network properly, county ofce will add voter remotely
to the EPB, and you will process the voter through the EPB.
ii. If EPBs are not connected to the network, county ofce will direct you to manually
add the voter to the paper voter registration list.
44 Election Day Issues
Manually Adding Voters
In some situations, you will be directed to manually add a voter to the paper voter registration list.
To manually process a voter:
1. In the next blank line at the end of the paper voter registration list, write the voter’s
information (name, address, and date of birth, if available) from the voter ID.
2. On the paper poll list, have the voter sign the next available line.
3. Write the page and line number on the registration list.
4. Initial in the manager’s initials column.
5. Shade in the “Voted” circle.
6. Provide voter with blank ballot card. At BMD, manually select voter’s ballot style provided
by county ofce.
If the ofce cannot locate the voter’s record, or you cannot contact the county ofce, and the voter
insists on voting, the voter may vote a provisional ballot. Complete the Voter Information Section
and Section B of the Provisional Ballot Envelope listing the reason for the challenge. Continue the
provisional voting process by following the procedure in the “Voting a Provisional Ballot” section.
Election Day Issues 45
Address Not Correct on Electronic Poll Book (EPB)
You will ask each voter if the address on the voter registration list is correct. If the voter says the
address on the list is not correct, follow these steps:
1. Ask for the voter’s current address.
2. Determine if the address is inside or outside the precinct. You may need to call the county
ofce for help.
a. Outside the precinct: Refer to “Failsafe Voting” section of the Poll Manager’s Handbook.
b. Inside the precinct:
i. Voter completes Change of Address form. Save the form with materials to be
returned to the county ofce.
1. EPBs connected to network: County ofce updates voter remotely, then process
the voter through the EPB.
2. EPBs NOT connected network: Process the voter on the EPB, but skip the ballot
card printing step to avoid printing an incorrect style on the card. To skip the
ballot printing stage:
After pressing “Issue Ballot,” the EPB will direct you to insert the ballot card in
the printer.
Instead of inserting the card, power off the printer.
Press “Skip.” Then press, “Complete Check-in.
Power the printer back on.
Use a blank ballot card at the BMD and manually select the ballot style as
directed by the county ofce.
c. If you are unable to determine whether the address is inside or outside the precinct.
i. The best option is to send the voter to the county ofce.
ii. If time does not allow, or voter insists on voting at polling place, allow voter to
vote a provisional ballot. Complete Voter Information Section and Section B of the
Provisional Ballot Envelope listing reason for challenge. Continue provisional voting
process by following the procedure in the “Voting a Provisional Ballot” section.
46 Election Day Issues
Failsafe Voting
Failsafe voting is designed to allow voters who have moved from one precinct to another and failed
to update their address to update the address on election day and vote (7-5-440).
Failsafe voting applies in two situations:
1. Voter moves from one precinct to another within the same county.
2. Voter moves from one South Carolina county to another within 30 days of an election.
A voter in either of these situations has two options:
1. Vote at the polling place where the voter’s name is on the voter registration list (in the
voter’s previous precinct). The voter votes a limited, failsafe ballot containing only federal,
statewide, countywide, and municipality-wide ofces. NOTE: In a local election that is not
countywide, the former polling place may not be open, and the only option would be to go
to the county ofce.
2. Go to the voter registration ofce in the voter’s current county of residence, complete a
change of address form, and vote a full ballot.
If voting failsafe at the polling place, follow these steps:
1. Manager completes Voter Information section and Section A of Provisional Ballot Envelope.
2. Voter signs Section A of Provisional Ballot Envelope.
3. Continue the provisional voting process by following the procedure in the “Voting a
Provisional Ballot” section.
a. Be sure to provide the correct Failsafe Provisional ballot.
Failsafe voting does NOT apply in these situations:
Voter moves within their precinct. This voter votes a regular ballot using the BMD and
scanner (see “Address Not Correct on Voter Registration List” section).
A voter who has moved from one South Carolina county to another prior to 30 days before
the election. In this case, the voter should have registered in their new county by the 30-
day deadline. If the voter moved before the 30-day mark and did not register in their new
county, the voter is not eligible to vote in the election.
Election Day Issues 47
Failsafe Voting in Municipal Elections
Failsafe voting also applies to municipal elections with some differences:
1. A voter must have resided within the municipality for at least 30 days to be eligible to vote
in the municipal election.
a. Move within Precinct within Municipality: If the move is within the same precinct
and within the municipality, the voter votes a regular ballot using the BMD and scanner
(see “Address Not Correct on Voter
b. Precinct to Precinct within Municipality: If the move is from one precinct within
the municipality to another precinct within the municipality, choose from the two
options under the “Failsafe Voting” section.
Vote at the polling place where the voters name is on the books (in the voter’s
previous precinct). The voter votes a limited, failsafe ballot containing only federal,
statewide, countywide, and municipality-wide ofces.
Go to the voter registration ofce in the voter’s current county of residence, complete
a change of address form, and vote a full ballot.
c. Move from Outside a Municipality: If a voter has moved from outside a municipality
to inside a municipality, ask the voter when the move occurred.
If the move occurred before the 30-day mark, failsafe voting applies because the
voter has been a resident of the municipality for 30 days.
If the move occurred after the 30-day mark, the voter may not vote because they
have not resided in municipality for 30 days.
2. There are additional considerations when a municipal election is being held with a county or
state election and when a municipality is split by county lines. In these situations, refer to
your county voter registration and elections ofce for assistance.
48 Election Day Issues
Absentee Ballot Issued
Poll Managers cannot, under any circumstances, accept absentee ballots at the polling place (7-15-
430). A voter who received an absentee ballot must return the ballot to the county ofce.
Electronic poll book (EPB) indicates voter was issued an absentee ballot, returned an absentee
ballot, or voter is marked ABS on paper voter registration list. Absentee Issued or Absentee
Returned will be shown on the EPB screen. Before proceeding, double-check that the correct voter
record is selected on the EPB.
Absentee Issued (but not returned):
Voter votes a provisional ballot. This ballot will count if the voter has not returned an
absentee ballot and is otherwise qualied.
On the provisional ballot envelope, complete the Voter Information Section and Section B,
Voter Qualication Challenge, checking the box “Issued an absentee ballot.
It is no longer necessary to select the box next to the question “Did voter receive ballot?”
Continue with “Voting a Provisional Ballot” section of the Poll Manager’s Handbook.
Absentee Returned:
First inform voter, “You have already voted absentee and are not eligible to vote again.
If voter says they did not return an absentee ballot, inform voter that attempting to vote
twice is a felony. If the voter insists the record is not correct, allow voter to vote a provisional
ballot. The county board will determine the issue at the provisional ballot hearing.
Voted at Early Voting Center
If a voter cast a ballot at an early voting center, they are ineligible to vote on election day. It is
now a felony to vote or attempt to vote more than once in an election. On the EPB, you will see the
voter’s status as “Active: Early Ballot Issued” and they will be highlighted in red.
Election Day Issues 49
Voter Qualication Challenges
Challenges by the Managers
If you are reasonably sure a person is qualied to vote, you must provide the person a ballot (7-13-730).
If you have good reason to believe a person has already voted, you must prevent them from
voting. (For example, the EPB indicates the person voted absentee or the paper voter registration
list has ABS next to the voter’s name). You must also prevent any person from voting who is not a
registered voter or who has become disqualied for any cause. It is your duty to challenge the vote
of any person who may be known or suspected to not be a qualied voter (7-13-810).
Any voter’s ballot may also be challenged by a watcher (see “Watchers and Observers” section) or
other voter (7-13-810, 7-13-820, 7-13-830).
Voter Qualication Challenge Procedure
Challenges must be made before the voter inserts their ballot in the scanner or deposits their ballot
in a ballot box. No challenge may be considered after that time.
Step 1: Explain Qualications
When a manager, watcher, or voter challenges a ballot, the manager must explain to the
voter the qualications of a voter (7-5-120):
Must be at least 18 years of age
Must be citizen of the United States, a resident of South Carolina, the country, and the
voting precinct at which they offer to vote
Must not be under a court order declaring him mentally incompetent
Must not be conned in a prison or jail (does not apply to persons awaiting trial)
Must not have been convicted of a felony or crimes against the elections laws (unless
they completed their sentence, including any probation or parole time and paid
restitution, or has been pardoned for such offenses, and has registered to vote after
completing their sentence)
Must have been duly registered by the board of registration at least 30 days prior to
the election
Step 2: Voter Insists on Voting
If the person whose ballot is challenged insists that they are qualied, and the challenge is
not withdrawn, the voter must vote a provisional ballot.
Step 3: On the provisional ballot envelope, complete the Voter Information Section and Section B,
Voter Qualication Challenge, listing the reason for the challenge. Continue the provisional
voting process by following the procedure in the “Voting a Provisional Ballot” section.
50 Election Day Issues
Voting a Provisional Ballot
Voters may be required to vote a provisional ballot for various reasons. Once you determine a voter
must vote a provisional ballot, follow these steps:
Step 1: All provisional voters are processed through the EPB.
Locate voter in EPB. Provisional ballots can be issued for voters in your precinct or
voter who are found in other precincts.
° If voter is NOT found in EPB, touch “Voter Not Found.” Complete voter details
screen. To select voter’s precinct and ballot style, begin typing your precinct name.
Ballot style options will appear. Touch the correct style to choose. Touch “Next.
Touch “Issue Provisional”
Select the appropriate provisional reason and touch “Next.
Rotate the screen toward voter and ask voter to sign and touch “Done Signing.
Rotate the screen back, ensure voter signed, and touch “Accept.
Note: If this is a primary election, you will need to select the party primary in which
the voter wishes to cast a ballot.
Touch “Issue Ballot.
Touch “Complete Check-in”
Step 2: Manager completes the Provisional Ballot Envelope
Complete Voter Information Section.
Complete the appropriate section (A, B, C or D) depending on reason for voting
provisional (see previous sections). If using section, A or D, voter must also complete
and sign.
Step 3: Manager provides voter with:
Completed Provisional Ballot Envelope
Emergency/Provisional or Failsafe Provisional ballot (make sure to provide the correct
ballot style)
Blue or black ballpoint pen
Step 4: Direct voter to a nearby voting booth to mark the ballot. Instruct the voter to place the ballot
in the envelope when nished, seal the envelope, and return it to the manager’s table.
Monitor the voter to ensure the voter returns to the managers table and does not
attempt to leave the polling place or scan the ballot in the scanner. If possible, notify
the scanner or exit monitor to assist with monitoring.
Election Day Issues 51
Step 5: When the voter returns the provisional ballot envelope, verify the voter placed the ballot
in the envelope and the envelope is sealed.
Step 6: Provide voter Notice of Provisional Ballot Hearing and verbally inform the voter of the
date, time, and location of the hearing.
Step 7: Insert the envelope in the emergency/provisional ballot slot or in a separate ballot box
designated for that purpose.
Voter Decides Not to Vote During Check in Process
After being checked in, a voter may decide not to vote. If you have printed the voter’s ballot from
the electronic poll book (EPB), but the voter has not placed it in the BMD, you will need to spoil the
ballot since the ballot will have a ballot style printed on the card. Previously when issuing a blank
card, the ballot card could be reused.
You will also need to cancel the voter’s participation in the EPB:
1. Search for the voter in the EPB and select the voter.
2. Touch “Manage Voter.
3. Enter the Supervisor Password provided by the county ofce.
4. Touch “Cancel Ballot. Conrm by touching “Cancel Ballot” again.
Voter Leaves without Completing Voting Process
If a voter leaves a BMD without printing their ballot, and the managers could not alert the voter, the
managers must assume the voter intended to cast the ballot. At least two managers must proceed
to the end of the ballot without changing any selections and print the ballot. The two managers
must then place the ballot in the scanner.
If a voter leaves a printed ballot card at the BMD, at least two managers must then place the ballot
in the scanner.
If a voter leaves and indicates to the managers that they no longer wish to vote, follow the
procedures in the “Voter Decides Not to Vote During Check in Process” section.
Police Ofcers
Peace ofcers may call upon bystanders to assist them, and bystanders are required to render such
assistance (7-13-150).
Unless called within the polls by a majority of the managers for assistance, no sheriff, deputy,
policeman, or other ofcer is allowed to come within the polling place. This does not prevent a
police ofcer from entering the polling place for the purpose of casting their ballot (7-13-160). Once
they vote, however, the peace ofcer should leave the polling place.
52 Election Day Issues
No Concealed Weapons Allowed
In accordance with state law, no concealable weapons are allowed within the polling place on
Election Day, regardless of a concealed weapons permit (23-31-215). Signs must be posted at the
entrances to the polling locations. This law applies regardless of the status of the building during
regular business hours on a typical, non-election day.
Emergency Situations
In any emergency, your rst concerns should be your own safety, the safety of your co-workers, and
the safety of any voters in the polling place.
In the case of a medical emergency or other emergency requiring assistance from the
Police Department, Fire Department, or medical personnel, always dial 9-1-1.
If you see something, say something. Report any suspicious or criminal activity to law
enforcement immediately. If safe to do so, also notify the county ofce.
If you must leave your polling place due to an emergency, the safety of you, your fellow
managers and voters are the primary concern. There may be times when voting can
continue at an alternate location. If safety and time permit, take the following items with
you, in order of importance:
> Electronic poll book(s) or paper voter registration list
> Paper ballots
> Poll lists
> The scanner and scanner base including the ballot boxes
> Ballot cards and BMDs
> Other election materials.
Always follow the instructions of emergency personnel.
If you must leave your polling place, call the county ofce once you reach a safe location to
report the situation.
Election Day Issues 53
Felony Charges for Election Misconduct
In May 2022, the South Carolina General Assembly has upgraded some election crimes to felonies
and increased the penalties.
Fraudulent voting or attempt to fraudulently vote, aiding in fraudulent voting or attempt to
fraudulently vote, voting more than once, or impersonating a voter.
> Penalty: Felony, up to $5,000 ne and 5 years prison.
The county ofce will provide a poster stating “VOTING MORE THAN ONCE IS A FELONYYou
must display the poster in the polling place.
The following felonies are punishable up to $5,000 ne and ve years in prison:
Willful violation of duties by a poll manager.
Fraud or corruption by a poll manager in
the management of an election.
Willful neglect of duties or corruption in
conduct of duties by any election ofcial.
Accepting anything of value in exchange
for requesting, collecting, or delivering an
absentee ballot.
Equipment Issues
Scanner Not Available
If the scanner is inoperable or not available, continue using BMDs and direct voters to insert ballot cards into
the emergency/provisional ballot slot on the front of the scanner and notify the county ofce immediately.
A technician will be sent to restore operation of the scanner. Any ballot cards placed in the emergency/
provisional ballot slot will be counted at the end of the night. Instructions for processing these ballots are
including in the scanner closing procedure.
Ballot-Marking Devices (BMDs) Not Available (Emergency Ballots)
If all BMDs are inoperable or if not enough are available, provide voters with emergency paper ballots
and notify the county ofce immediately. A number of ballots labeled “Emergency/Provisional” will be
provided for this purpose not to exceed 10% of the registered voters at the polling place. The county
ofce will work to restore the BMDs and/or provide additional emergency ballots.
Voters must be provided with a voting booth to ensure the secrecy of their ballot. If hand-marking a
paper ballot in an emergency, use a voting booth or remove the privacy screen from an inoperable
BMD and place it on a table to create a voting booth.
After marking the paper ballot, instruct voters to fold the ballot so that the stub can still be seen. Voters return
the ballot to the managers who then remove the stub. The ballot is returned to the voter, and the voter places
the ballot in the scanner using the larger slot below the ballot card slot. If both BMDs and the scanner are not
available, voters will place the hand-marked emergency ballot in the emergency/provisional ballot slot on the
front of the scanner base or, if necessary, in another ballot box provided by the county ofce.
54 Election Day Issues
Insufcient Ballots
If you run out of emergency ballots and no additional emergency ballots have been provided,
the poll managers must provide ballots made as nearly as possible to the ofcial ballots. Use any
resource available, if necessary, to create these ballots. A ballot must be provided.
One remedy is to photocopy one of each style of the emergency ballots before they are exhausted.
Remember to renumber these copied ballots consecutively before issuing to voters (7-13-1870).
An eligible voter may not be turned away from the polls during voting hours without
being given the opportunity to vote.
A poll manager who fails to comply with the provisions of this law regarding providing ballots is
guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, must be ned not more than $500.00 (7-13-430).
ExpressVote Printers Not Working
If the printers are not working, not printing the barcode label at the top of the ballot card, or
printing the wrong ballot style, you will continue processing voters on the EPBs but skip the ballot
printing step. Use blank ballot cards and manually select the ballot style for the voter at the BMD.
If the printer is on but not printing correctly or printing incorrect styles, you will need to power
down the printer so you can skip the printing step. After pressing “Issue Ballot,” press “Skip.” Then
press, “Complete Check-in.
Provide the voter a blank ballot card and direct them to a BMD. Ask the voter to insert the ballot
with the corner cut to the right. When prompted, select the voter’s ballot style number. Do not
allow the voter to select their own ballot style. Once the ballot style is selected, the voter continues
voting as normal.
The county ofce will direct managers on how to determine the voter’s ballot style number.
Electronic Poll Books (EPBs) Not Available
You will use the paper voter registration list and paper poll list to process voters if the EPBs
are not available.
State law requires that when a precinct has more than 750 registered voters, the paper voter
registration list must be divided alphabetically so that each list contains no more than 750
voters, with separate managers provided for each list (7-7-730). Split the list so that there are an
approximately equal number of voters in each section. While you should split the list at a letter
break, do NOT split the list in half by the number of letters in each section (A-M, N-Z). This will likely
result in unbalanced lines. Use signs to direct voters to the appropriate line.
Election Day Issues 55
Marking the Paper Voter Registration List
Because the paper voter registration list will be scanned after the election to give voters credit
for voting in the election, it is very important that managers be very careful in marking the voter
registration list:
Use a number 2 pencil
Keep manager’s initials, page number, and line number inside the boxes
Fully shade the VOTED, PARTY, and/or RUNOFF circles. No “X”s, checks, or other marks
Do not fold or crease the pages
Do not write notes on the list (such as deceased, moved, etc.)
Use a straight edge to help ensure you stay on the same line as you complete each column.
Marking Absentee Voters
Most voters who have been issued an absentee ballot will already be marked on the list. The “MGR
INT” column will have “ABS” pre-printed in the column and the “VOTED” column will have an “X
pre-printed in the circle (see line 5 in the example general election list). However, voters who are
issued an absentee ballot close to election may not be marked on the list. If some absentee voters
have not been marked on the list, your county ofce will provide you with a list of absentee voters
to mark. These voters must be marked before voting begins.
To mark absentee voters, follow the procedure detailed below for the appropriate type of election.
However, instead of writing your initials where indicated, write “ABS-I” or “ABS-R” depending
on if the voter was issued a ballot or was issued and returned an absentee ballot. Shade in the
appropriate circles. Make no marks in the “PAGE” and “LINE” columns.
56 Election Day Issues
Marking Election Day Voters
After nding the voter on the list, follow these instructions depending on the type of list being used:
General Election List
Step 1. Initial in the “MGR INT” (Manager’s Initials) column.
Step 2. Write the page and line number on which the voter signs the poll list in the “POLL LIST”
page and line number columns.
Step 3. Shade in the circle in the “VOTED” column.
Party Primary List
Step 1. Determine the primary in which the voter wishes to vote (if more than one).
Step 2. Initial in the “MGR INT” column.
Step 3. Write the page and line number of the voter’s signature on the poll list in the “POLL LIST”
page and line number columns.
Step 4. Shade in the circle in the “PARTY” column (R=Republican, D=Democratic).
Election Day Issues 57
Primary Runoffs
In a primary runoff, you will use the same list as you used in the primary. Any voter who voted in
the primary is limited to voting only in the same party’s runoff. In other words, the voter may not
switch from one party in the primary to another party in the runoff. You will use the list to make
sure voters vote only in the runoff for which they are eligible.
A voter who did not vote in the rst primary but was eligible to vote may vote in either party’s runoff.
Step 1.
Determine if the voter voted in the primary, then follow A, B or C.
A. If the voter voted in the primary, and there is a runoff for that party (see line 4 in
example primary list):
1. Shade in the circle in the “RUNOFF” column
2. Initial under the circle
3. Write the page and line number of the voter’s signature on the poll list in the
“RUNOFF” page and line number columns.
B. If the voter voted in the primary, but there is no runoff for that party:
1. Voter is not eligible to vote.
C. If the voter did not vote in the primary (see line 1 in the example primary list):
1. Determine in which runoff the voter wishes to vote (if more than one)
2. Initial in the “MGR INT” column.
3. Shade in the circle in the “PARTY” column (R=Republican, D=Democratic).
4. Shade in the circle in the “RUNOFF” column.
5. Initial under the circle.
6. Write the page and line number of the voter’s signature on the poll list in the
“RUNOFF” page and line number columns.
58 Election Day Issues
Municipal Runoffs
In a municipal runoff, you will use the same list as you used in the election. A voter who did not
vote in the election but was eligible to vote may vote in the runoff. Follow the same procedures as
above, but complete only the columns under “RUNOFF.” Make no marks in the “ELECTION” column.
Ballot Box is Full
It is possible in a high turnout election for the ballot bin to reach capacity. Also, if a large number of
unscanned ballot cards, unscanned emergency ballots or provisional ballots are placed in the emergency/
provisional ballot slot, it is possible for the emergency/provisional compartment to reach capacity.
Ballot Bin
If the ballot bin reaches capacity, it should be replaced with another ballot bin. If you do not have a
second bin, the county ofce or a polling location technician will provide one. Cut the seal on the door
to the main ballot compartment and record the seal number on the seal envelope. Remove the ballot
bin. Check the compartment for any ballots that may have fallen outside the bin and place them in
the bin. Close the lid to the bin, lock the bin, and seal the bin. Record the seal number on the seal
envelope. Place the new bin in the compartment, making sure both aps to the lid are open. Close and
lock the door. Place a new seal on the door and record the new seal number on the seal envelope.
Emergency/Provisional Ballot Compartment
If the emergency/provisional compartment reaches capacity, begin using a separate ballot box or
secure ballot bag. If you do not have a second ballot box or bag, the county ofce or a polling
location technician will provide one. Before using the separate ballot box or bag, display that the box
or bag is empty. Lock and seal the box or bag. Record the seal number on the seal envelope.
Municipal Election List
Step 1. Initial in the “MGR INT” column.
Step 2. Write the page & line number on which the voter signs the poll list in the “PAGE” & “LINE” columns.
Step 3. Shade in the circle in the “VOTED” column.
Closing of the Polls 59
At 7:00 p.m., the clerk announces that the polls are closed. Any voters who are in the process
of voting or waiting to vote at this time must be allowed to vote. No one who arrives after the
announcement that the polls are closed may be allowed to vote (7-13-850). A poll manager should
stand at the end of the line to mark the last voter and to monitor for late arrivers.
Shutting down the Electronic Poll Books (EPBs)
1. Touch “Monitor Poll” from the voter search screen.
2. Touch “Close Poll” then “Yes.
3. Touch “Yes” when asked if you want to sign out.
4. Touch “Shut Down” then “Yes.
5. Return equipment to the EPB case being careful to keep the cords from being pinched
or tangled by the equipment or the case itself.
Canvassing and Reporting of Vote Totals at Polling Place
After the polls close and all voters waiting in line have voted, the managers must immediately close
the BMDs and scanner. No further voting is allowed.
A detailed step-by-step guide for opening and closing the BMDs and scanners, including
canvassing and reporting vote totals, are provided with your poll manager’s materials. Be
sure to follow these instructions carefully.
Complete the Ballot Reconciliation Worksheet as you complete the closing process.
Scanning Emergency Ballots
After the polls have closed and with at least three managers present, follow the step-by-step
scanner closing procedures and publicly open the emergency/provisional compartment and/or any
other ballot box used for emergency/provisional ballots.
Scan any ballot cards and hand-marked emergency ballots in the compartment and/or
ballot box.
Provisional ballot envelopes are removed and returned to the county ofce unopened (see
“Provisional Ballots” below).
Provisional Ballots
At the close of the election, the poll managers must turn over the envelopes containing provisional
(challenged) ballots to the county ofce. Managers do not include challenged ballots in their tally.
The sealed envelopes containing these ballots must not be opened by the managers.
60 Closing of the Polls
Posting Election Results
Three managers must sign the totals tapes, posting one copy in a conspicuous location at the
polling place, and return the other totals tape with other election supplies. If possible, post the tape
in a window or other location where it can be read from the outside after the polling place is closed
(7-13-1110, 7-13-1880).
Sealing Equipment after Election
You are required to seal ballot boxes using numbered seals at the close of the election. Seals will be
provided in the seal envelope. Seal numbers will be recorded on the seal envelope. The BMD and
scanner opening and closing guides provide detailed instructions for managing these seals.
Accounting for Ballots after Election
After closing the polls, counting the votes, and publicly posting the results; the clerk or other
manager designated by the board, must deliver to the county board the voter registration list, poll
lists, ballot boxes, unused ballots, results tape, and thumb drive from the scanner.
The managers are also responsible for accounting for all ballots provided to them by completing
the Ballot Reconciliation Worksheet provided with your poll manager’s materials. The worksheet
helps you account for and document all ballots provided and used during the election, as well as the
number of voters who were checked in on the voter registration list (7-13-1150).
Managers account for:
Ballot cards and hand-marked ballots provided
Spoiled ballots returned by voters
Unused ballots to be returned to the county board
Voted ballots
Provisional ballots
Closing of the Polls 61
Unable to Scan Emergency Ballots
If the scanner is not operational, contact the county ofce immediately. You may be directed to
return the emergency ballots to the county ofce for tabulation.
In some cases, you could be required to hand count ballots at the polling place. Your county ofce
will provide guidance if required to do so. If required to hand count ballots:
Managers are authorized to use additional volunteer personnel in counting the ballots. A
volunteer counter cannot be a candidate or a watcher for a candidate for an ofce to be voted
on in the election, and they must take the following oath prior to assuming their duties:
I do solemnly swear or afrm that I am not a candidate or a watcher in this election, am
qualied elector of this county, that I will count the ballots entrusted to my care in a fair
and impartial manner, and make to the best of my ability a correct tabulation of the results.
The managers are required to make a list of such volunteer counters and turn this list in
with other election material to the county board.
Counting of ballots to be done in public. While the public has a right to be present when the ballots
are being counted, no one can unduly interfere with or impede the process of counting the ballots.
The managers should permit full observation of the counting but should also maintain absolute
control of the entire proceeding to ensure that the ballots are properly counted and accounted for.
If a voter marks more names than there are persons to be elected or nominated to an
ofce, this is an overvote, and no vote for the ofce will be counted. The sections of the
ballot that are properly marked must be counted (7-13-1120).
A vote must be counted when there is reasonable certainty as to the voter’s intent in choice of
candidate or answer to a question. The determination of a voter’s choice is sometimes a difcult
task. The voter may make unclear marks making determining how the voter intended to vote
difcult. Managers are required to exercise their best judgment as to how the voter intended to
cast their ballot. If it is impossible to tell how the voter intended to vote in a particular contest, no
vote can be counted for that contest, but votes may be counted for other contests on the ballot
Vote tallies at the polling place are unofcial. It is important that all ballots be preserved so
that the county board can canvass the vote prior to certication.
The counting must continue without interruption until it is completed.
After the counting is complete, the managers shall sign such statements of the results of
the election as may be required (7-13-1110).
62 Closing of the Polls
Completing the Closing Checklist
Clerks should ensure all items have been completed on the checklist prior to the closing of the polls.
Returning Supplies to the County Ofce
Return all supplies to the county ofce the night of the election. Your county ofce will provide you
with a list of everything that should be returned immediately upon the close of the polling location
and will give you directions as to where these items will be returned within the ofce. Supplies and
ballot boxes must be taken directly back to the county ofce from the polling location.
Items that must be returned the night of the election:
All cast ballots, including Provisional, Emergency, and Failsafe ballots, lanyard with DS200
thumb drive, two copies each of zero and totals tapes, sealed and locked in blue ballot bin
Any blank ballot cards in sealed/locked ballot bag
Ballot reconciliation worksheet
The Appendix represents scans of SC Election materials, in the event some of the forms in this section
are out of date, we need to scan the newer forms to replace them.
Most of the Photo IDs are good to use, we may want to feature the “newer” SC Voter Identication
Card along with the one in the book and make note “If presented one of the two types of SC Voter
Identication Cards are acceptable”
The following pages include samples of each form, to be used during an election, from opening and
closing tapes to poll list and other materials used during the election process.
1. Qualifying Photo IDs
2. Primary Voter Registration List
3. Democratic Primary Poll List
4. Republican Primary Poll List
5. General Election Voter Registration List
6. General Election Poll List
7. Municipal Voter Registration List
8. SC Voters Change of Address Form
9. Provisional Ballot Envelope (Front)
10. Provisional Ballot Envelope (Back)
11. Notice of Hearing on Provisional Ballots
12. Ballot Reconciliation Worksheet
13. Ballot Reconciliation Worksheet Instructions
14. Record of Watchers and Observers form
15. Code of Conduct for Polling Places
1 Appendix
Qualifying Photo ID
Note: This is not a denitive list of acceptable Photo IDs
S.C. Drivers License
S.C. Department of Motor Vehicles Identication Card
Appendix 1 cont.
U.S. Passport
Federal Military identication card with photograph
S.C. Voter Registration Card with photograph
2 Appendix
Primary Voter Registration List
Appendix 3
Primary Poll List
4 Appendix
Primary Poll List
Appendix 5
General Election Voter Registration List
6 Appendix
General Election Poll List
Poll List
Page No. _______
Voters Oath - Please read: I do solemnly swear or affirm that I am qualified to vote in this election
according to the Constitution of this State and that I have not voted during this election.
Signatures of Voters
Appendix 7
Municipal Voter Registration List
8 Appendix
SC Voters Change of Address Form
Each voter whose address has changed should complete a Change of Address form.
Appendix 9
SEC FRM 1100-202105
Please Print. Complete polling place and voter information and the appropriate section (A, B, C or D) for type of provisional.
Precinct/Polling Place
Poll Manager/Clerk
Voter as
Provide as much
information as
Full Name
Voter Registration #
Registration Address
Complete if voter
has moved and is
voting a Failsafe
Provisional ballot.
Voter’s New Address
Mailing Address
(if different from above)
I swear (or affirm) that the address provided above is my sole legal residence for voting purposes.
Signature of Voter
Complete if not
Failsafe (A) or
Photo ID (C or D).
Use Emergency/
Provisional Ballot.
Issued an absentee ballot. Did voter receive ballot? Yes No
Registered in another precinct or county
Registered after deadline
Not found in poll book (voter says registered at DMV or other agency)
Not found in poll book (other reason)
Archived voter
Other (explain)
Challenge by Poll Manager/Clerk
Yes No
If not poll manager, provide challenger information.
Voter Registration #
Provisional Ballot Envelope (Front)
10 Appendix
Did You Provide Notice of Provisional Ballot Hearing?
Voter Did Not
Bring Photo ID
Use Emergency/
Provisional Ballot.
Check here if voter has a Photo ID but did not bring the Photo ID with them to the
polling place.
Remind voter to show Photo ID to county board of voter registration and elections by the
time of the provisional ballot hearing.
Voter Has No
Photo ID
Complete this
section if voter
does not have a
Photo ID due to
some obstacle.
Voter must show
voter registration
card without
Use Emergency/
Provisional Ballot.
Reasonable Impediment Affidavit
I swear (or affirm) under penalty of perjury that I am the same person who appeared at this
polling place and cast this provisional ballot on Election Day.
I suffer from the following reasonable impediment that prevented me from obtaining one
of the required Photo IDs (check one):
Religious objection to being photographed
Lack of transportation
Disability or Illness
Lack of birth certificate
Work schedule
Family Responsibilities
Other reasonable impediment (list if disclosure is not protected by state or federal law)
Signature of Voter ___________________________________________________________
Signature of Poll Manager or Notary _____________________________________________
Date _______________________ Commission Expiration Date _______________________
Office Research
Failsafe Verified
Not Eligible for Election
Registered Too Late
Eligibility Verified
Not in VREMS
Moved from Another County
No Absentee Returned
Does Not Live in County
Voted at Wrong Precinct
Photo ID Provided
Inactive for Cause
Arrived at Polls after 7pm
HAVA ID Provided
Voted Absentee
Unauthorized Return by Another
Photo ID Not Provided
HAVA ID Not Provided
Board Ruling
Record Updated
Date Initials
Provisional Ballot Envelope (Back)
Appendix 11
Notice of Hearing on Provisional Ballots
The provisional ballot hearing will be held:
If you are the challenged voter:
You are entitled to be present at this hearing.
You are entitled to be represented by legal
counsel and to present evidence.
If you forgot to bring your Photo ID to the
polling place, you must show Photo ID to the
county election commission no later than the
time of the provisional ballot hearing for your
vote to count.
If you did not have a Photo ID because you
suffer from a reasonable impediment and you
completed the affidavit, your vote will count
unless the election commission has grounds to
believe your affidavit is false.
If you are the challenger:
You may be present at the hearing and
present evidence.
Prior to the hearing, you may present written
evidence to the county election commission.
If you do none of these to support the challenge,
the ballot will be counted.
Check the status of your provisional ballot:
At scVOTES.org, click on “Voters”, then
“Check Your Provisional Ballot”.
Or call the State Election Commission toll-free
at 1-866-200-6110.
This notice was issued as required by Section 7-13-830
of the 1976 South Carolina Code of Laws.
7035_34 072013
scec_007035.34_notice_of_hearing_prov_ballot_01.indd 1 7/31/13 2:16 PM
Notice of Hearing on Provisional Ballots
12 Appendix
Ballot Reconciliation Worksheet
County ___________________________Precinct __________________________ Date ____________
Ballots Supplied
Ballot Cards
(Completed by County Office)
Hand-Marked Paper Ballots
(Completed by County Office)
(Emergency/Provisional + Failsafe Provisional)
Additional Ballot Cards
Additional Hand-Marked Paper Ballots
(Emergency/Provisional + Failsafe Provisional)
Total 1
Ballots Used
Ballots Scanned
(Ballot Cards and Emergency Ballots)
(Number displayed on the Scanner/DS200)
Provisional Ballots
(Hand-Marked Paper Ballots/Envelopes)
Spoiled Ballots
(Ballot Cards + Hand-Marked Paper Ballots
Total 2
Ballots Not Used
Ballot Cards
Hand-Marked Paper Ballots
(Emergency/Provisional + Failsafe
Total 3
Voters Checked In
Electronic Poll Book (EPB)
Paper Poll List
(Include Provisionals NOT entered in the EPB) (DO NOT
Include Curbside Poll List)
Total 4
Total 2 + Total 3 = (Should equal Total 1)
Total 4 + G = = (Should equal Total 2)
Explain any discrepancies:
Are you returning any Emergency ballots that have not been scanned? Yes
(Do NOT include Provisional or Failsafe Provisional ballots)
Poll Clerk Signature: _______________________________________________________Time: _______________
Appendix 13
Ballot Reconciliation Worksheet Instructions
Ballots Supplied
A. Ballot Cards – Ballot cards supplied to start election day. Filled in by county office.
B. Hand-Marked Paper Ballots –Hand-marked paper ballots (Emergency/Provisional and Failsafe
Provisional) supplied to start election day. Filled in by county office.
C. Additional Ballot Cards – Ballot cards brought to precinct on election day.
D. Additional Hand-Marked Paper Ballots Hand-marked paper ballots brought to precinct on election
TOTAL 1 = A + B + C + D
Ballots Used
E. Ballots Scanned Ballot cards scanned on the precinct scanner(s). Number displayed on scanner
screen and on results tape. Scan any ballot cards and/or emergency ballots in the
Emergency/Provisional compartment first before getting number. If more than one scanner, combine
numbers from all scanners.
F. Provisional Ballots Provisional ballots submitted on election day. Should correspond to number of
provisional ballot envelopes in emergency/provisional ballot compartment.
G. Spoiled Ballots – Ballot cards and hand-marked paper ballots in “spoiled ballot” envelope.
TOTAL 2 = E + F + G
Ballots Not Used
H. Ballot Cards Count unused ballot cards. To make easier, do not remove ballot cards from packaging
until needed.
Example: 10 packs of ballot cards are supplied. Each pack contains 25 cards. At close of polls, 2 packs
are unopened (50 ballot cards). There are 12 loose ballot cards. Ballots Not Used is 62.
I. Hand-Marked Paper BallotsCount unused hand-marked paper ballots.
TOTAL 3 = H + I
Voters Checked In
J. Electronic Poll Book – Number of voters Checked In displayed at bottom of voter search screen.
K. Paper Poll List Number of signatures on paper poll list (number of voters checked in manually).
Do NOT Include provisional voters checked in using the Electronic Poll Book (EPB). Do NOT Include
curbside poll list. Curbside voters are checked in on the EPB.
TOTAL 4 = J + K
Fill in blanks with corresponding numbers and calculate. Results should equal the number indicated. If
there are differences, check your math. If discrepancies cannot be resolved, poll clerk should provide any
available explanation or information in space provided.
Check the “Yes” box if returning any emergency ballots that need to be scanned. This does NOT include
provisional or failsafe provisional ballots.
14 Appendix
Poll Watcher or
Observer? PW or O
ID Checked?
Letter? Y/N
Candidate/Party Name
ID Badge?
Poll Watchers Only
Record of Watchers and Observers
Precinct/Polling Location:
Election Date:
Record of Watchers and Observers Form
Appendix 15
Code of Conduct for Poll Watchers and Observers
General Polling Place Conduct and Expectations for Poll Watchers and Observers
All Poll Watchers and Observers must show a valid photo ID to the Clerk and/or Poll Manager on duty upon arrival. Poll
Watchers must present an official letter from the candidate or party designating them as such and listing the precinct(s)
for which they may be assigned. Poll Watchers and Observers must follow the direction of the Clerk and/or Poll Manager
on duty at all times. Any Poll Watcher or Observer who refuses to agree to and abide by this Code of Conduct will not be
allowed to remain in the polling location and will be asked to leave. If they refuse to leave, the poll manager or clerk
should contact local law enforcement for assistance.
Observers and Poll Watchers may:
Observe the election processes, including the opening and closing processes at the polling place.
Observe the election processes during the early voting period at an early voting center.
Obtain information from the Clerk, or designated Poll Manager, about how many people have voted and who
has voted as long as the EPB station is not currently being used to check-in voters. Lists will not be provided at
the polling location.
Make notes while observing the election processes.
Ask questions of the Clerk, or designated Poll Manager, at the polls as long as they do not interfere with the
conduct of any part of the voting process. If a poll watcher/observer disagrees with the designated poll manager
or clerk, or needs more information, they should step outside and contact the county office for clarification.
Observers and Poll Watchers may not:
Interfere with the conduct of the election.
Take pictures or video inside the polling place, with the exception of the zero tape and results tape once posted.
See section on “Cell Phones and Electronic Devices”
Physically handle or touch any voting materials or equipment.
Move or rearrange tables, chairs, or voting booths at the polling place or early voting center.
Sit at or hover around official worktables or view confidential voter information on any computer terminal, EPB,
or document.
Communicate with voters inside of a polling place or an early voting center.
Display any political material, including slogans, or wear campaign badges, buttons, or apparel.
Wear any uniform resembling that of law enforcement officers or military personnel.
Have a firearm, knife, or other weapon within a polling place or early voting center.
Talk to any election worker who is not the Clerk or designated Poll Manager.
Tell a Clerk or Poll Manager how to conduct their duties.
Argue with any election workers or voters.
Make physical contact with election personnel or voters.
Verbally harass or intimidate election workers, voters, or other persons in the polling place or early voting
Assist in operations at any polling place or early voting center.
Prevent other observers from observing materials or a process.
Violations of this Code of Conduct will result in dismissal from the polling location for the duration of the election. The
authority for such determination rests solely with the leadership of the polling place and, when necessary, the county
voter registration and elections office.
Canvassing the Vote
After the polls close, poll watchers and observers can remain in the polling place to observe the canvassing process. The
Clerk may establish a new designated area for watchers and observers to allow for the viewing of the closing process.
They must remain in a designated observation area during this time apart from viewing the results tape once it is posted
publicly. They may take a picture of the results tape once it’s posted outside of the immediate voting area. Watchers and
observers will be dismissed from the polling place after the results tapes have been printed, signed, and posted AND the
ballot boxes have been locked and sealed.
State Election Commission
1122 Lady Street, Suite 500
Columbia, SC 29201
P.O. Box 5987
Columbia, SC 29250-5987