Alexis Hirvo
A Thesis
Submitted to the Graduate College of Bowling Green
State University in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
April 2022
Scott Highhouse, Advisor
Margaret Brooks
Jari Willing
© 2022
Alexis Hirvo
All Rights Reserved
Scott Highhouse, Advisor
This study examines how likely interviewers are to choose each of three question types
(i.e., traditional, behavioral, brainteaser) based on their goal for the interview (i.e., assess
competence of the applicant, assess applicant’s fit, asses the applicant’s tolerance for stress).
Participants were randomly assigned to one of three conditions in an online experiment where
they imagined they were creating an interview question bank based on an assigned interviewing
goal (i.e., assessing competence, assessing fit, assessing stress tolerance). Results were only
partially consistent with hypotheses. Traditional questions were chosen by those assigned either
a goal for assessing competence or for assessing fit significantly more frequently than those
assigned a goal for assessing stress tolerance. Brainteaser questions were chosen by those
assigned the goal for assessing stress tolerance significantly more frequently than those assigned
a goal for assessing competence or assessing fit.
First and foremost, I would like to thank my advisor, Dr. Scott Highhouse, for his
guidance, feedback, and support throughout this process. I also want to acknowledge my
committee members, Dr. Margaret Brooks and Dr. Jari Willing for their feedback and
encouragement. I am exceptionally grateful for their numerous contributions not only to my
thesis, but to my development as a researcher.
I would also like to acknowledge my amazing parents for their encouragement, love, and
constant support throughout this process. And to my brother who always has a listening ear,
encouraging word, and goofy video ready to keep me motivated. I would be remiss if I did not
also recognize my grandpa, aunts, uncles, and cousins for their constant support and interest in
my endeavors. I could not have achieved this without my family’s unwavering confidence in me.
And to my amazing friends who have helped me throughout this process, I am
exceedingly grateful. Your encouragement, support, movie nights, and countless hours of
conversation gave me the strength to keep going. So, to Melissa, Kate, Marie, Karli, and Mary
Stuart, thank you. The journey of graduate school would not be the same without you.
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1
Interviews...................................................................................................................... 2
Types of Interview Questions ....................................................................................... 3
Traditional interview questions......................................................................... 4
Behavioral interview questions......................................................................... 5
Brain teaser interview questions ....................................................................... 6
Goals for an Interview .................................................................................................. 7
Assess competence............................................................................................ 8
Assess fit ........................................................................................................... 8
Assess tolerance for stress ................................................................................ 10
METHOD ................................................................................................................................ 13
Participants.................................................................................................................... 13
Design and Procedure ................................................................................................... 14
Pilot study ......................................................................................................... 14
Main study ........................................................................................................ 15
Measures ....................................................................................................................... 16
Interview Questions .......................................................................................... 16
Demographics ................................................................................................... 20
RESULTS ................................................................................................................................. 21
Exploratory Analyses.................................................................................................... 26
DISCUSSION........................................................................................................................... 29
Theoretical and Practical Implications.......................................................................... 31
Future Research Directions........................................................................................... 35
Limitations .................................................................................................................... 37
Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 42
REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 43
APPENDIX A. INTERVIEW QUESTIONS .......................................................................... 58
APPENDIX B. EXPERIMENTAL SCENARIOS .................................................................. 60
APPENDIX C. MANIPULATION CHECK........................................................................... 61
Figure Page
1 Mean Rating of Question Type by Assigned Goal ....................................................... 24
Table Page
1 Interview Questions ...................................................................................................... 17
2 Correlation Coefficients for Interview Questions......................................................... 19
3 Exploratory Factor Analysis ......................................................................................... 21
4 Preference for Interview Questions Across 3 Experimental Conditions ...................... 23
5 Paired-Sample T-Tests for Interview Questions Across 3 Experimental Conditions... 24
6 ANOVA Table of Interview Questions by Assigned Interview Goal .......................... 25
7 Exploratory Standardized Forward Regression Coefficients for Interview Questions. 27
Interviews have been studied in industrial-organizational (IO) psychology for over a
century (Buckley, Norris, & Wiese, 2000; Posthuma, Morgeson, & Campion, 2002; Zickar &
Gibby, 2007). As a staple of selection, interviewing is a cost-effective component of the
selection process that is familiar to both applicants and interviewers (Dipboye, Macan, &
Shahani-Denning, 2012; Gatewood, Feild, & Barrick, 2016). There are two categories of
interviews primarily examined in the literature: structured and unstructured. While the structure
of an interview can range on a spectrum from entirely unstructured to entirely structured with
numerous levels of semi-structured lying between the two, research has largely focused on the
two extremes (Campion, Palmer, & Campion, 1997). Generally, unstructured interviews lack
consistency and are easily biased by extraneous factors (e.g., appearance, inappropriate
questions) that impact an interviewer’s evaluation (Dipboye, 2004). Alternatively, structured
interviews are more consistent across applicants (e.g., asking the same questions, rating answers
on a clearly defined scale) and limit irrelevant influences (Schmidt & Hunter, 1998). In general,
considerable research suggests that unstructured interviews lack reliability and validity in
selection (Conway, Jako, & Goodman, 1995; Huffcutt & Arthur, 1994; Schmitt, 1976; Ulrich &
Trumbo, 1965; Wagner, 1949). Nevertheless, unstructured interviews remain widely utilized
(König, Jöri, & Knüsel, 2011; Lievens & De Paepe, 2004; Lodato, Highhouse, & Brooks, 2011;
Orpen, 1985).
Despite being extensively studied and used as a selection tool, interviews vary drastically
in format, formality, and question type (Rynes, Colbert, & Brown, 2002). Many have called for
the standardization of interviews (e.g., Chapman & Zweig, 2005), in hopes of maximizing
reliability and job relatedness (Conway et al., 1995). When interviewers are confronted with
these findings, however, they often retain less reliable practices (e.g., unstructured interviews)
believing that unstructured interviews are more effective at assessing “fit” (e.g., Klehe, 2004).
With this in mind, we recognize that interviewers may not adhere to the ideal standards of
interviews established in the literature and may instead be interested in choosing questions and
interview styles that align with their interview goals. The interviewer’s goal for the interview
may receive higher priority than job-relatedness, for instance, when selecting interview
questions. Therefore, this study examines if the types of questions interviewers prefer
(behavioral, traditional, or brain-teaser) are related to their goals for the interview (assess
competence, fit, or tolerance for stress).
Unstructured interviews, though flawed, engender better applicant and interviewer
reactions than structured ones (Hausknecht, Day, & Thomas, 2004). Rapport building is a major
concern for both interviewers and applicants (Barrick et al., 2012; Chapman & Zweig, 2005).
Rapport building makes the interview feel more casual (Barrick, Swider, & Stewart, 2010),
putting both the applicant and interviewer at ease (Chapman & Zweig, 2005; Farago, Zide, &
Shahani-Denning, 2013).
Interviewers frequently believe that they can trust their intuition in decisions (Highhouse,
2008; McConnell, 1999; Miles & Sadler-Smith, 2014) because unstructured interviews give
them a better “feel” for personality and fit (Barrick et al., 2012). This assumption leads many
interviewers to utilize faulty approaches in their selection process even when informed of the
potential threats to validity (Barrick et al., 2012). Even trained interviewers who structure other
aspects of their interview will ignore recommendations to reduce rapport building (Chapman &
Zweig, 2005).
Structured interviews, on the other hand, are more reliable and predictive of applicant
success (Campion, Campion, & Hudson, 1994; Huffcutt & Youngcourt, 2007). Interviewers are
given (or create) a specified list of questions to ask every applicant in a set order with an
anchored rating scale for consistent scoring (Campion, Pursell, & Brown, 1988). Follow up
questions or prods are not allowed (Lievens & De Paepe, 2004) and interviewers are expected to
evaluate each applicant in an “unbiased” way (though bias is never fully eliminated in human
judgment; Bar, Neta, & Linz, 2006; Barrick et al., 2010). Interviewers are generally hesitant to
utilize completely structured interviews because of the apparent rigidity (Dipboye, 1997) and
possible impact on applicant reactions (Harris, 2000). To resolve these concerns, researchers
push for a way to combine unstructured with structured interviews (Fylan, 2005).
Combining aspects of structured with unstructured interviews is known as semi-
structured interviewing (Fylan, 2005). Generally, some structure is better than none, so
implementing a semi-structured framework is an improvement over unstructured interviews
(Kallio, Pietilä, Johnson, & Kangasniemi, 2016). There are also ways to train interviewers on the
“unstructured” aspects to increase reliability (Swider, Barrick, & Harris, 2016). Training on
structured rapport building (Gatewood et al., 2016), initial impression awareness (Swider et al.,
2016) and asking relevant follow up questions (Chapman & Zweig, 2005) all increase the
reliability and validity of the interview.
Types of Interview Questions
Highhouse, Nye, and Zhang (2019) distinguished three categories of questions used in
interviews: traditional, behavioral, and brainteaser. Traditional interview questions are
unstructured, unstandardized, and provide minimal job-related information about the applicant
(e.g., “What do you look for in a job?”; Highhouse et al., 2019; Huffcutt & Arthur, 1994).
Alternatively, behavioral questions are standardized, based on job analyses, and relevant to the
job (e.g., “Did you ever postpone making a decision? Why?”; Highhouse et al., 2019; Janz,
1982; Latham, Saari, Pursell, & Campion, 1980). Over time, a new category emerged, now
labeled brain teaser questions. Brain teaser questions distress job applicants because they are
logical in nature, appear inappropriate in the interview setting, and lack a correct answer (e.g.,
“Estimate how many windows are in New York.”; Poundstone, 2003).
Traditional Interview Questions
Traditional questions, also known as unstructured questions, are the most frequently used
type of question asked in an interview (Campion et al., 1988). These questions rarely assess job-
related constructs, are not based on a valid job analysis, and are not reliable (Barrick, Shaffer, &
DeGrassi, 2009). However, traditional questions are usually preferred because interviewers
overestimate the accuracy of their intuition (Highhouse, 2008). One of the biggest issues with
traditional questions is how difficult it is to consistently score them because there is no consistent
expected response (e.g., “Tell us why you want to work for us.”). With no clear scoring,
interviewers rely on their initial impressions, gut feelings, and assumptions about the applicant
(Gatewood et al., 2016). The easiest improvement scholars have recommended for over 70 years
is to enforce structure through a variety of means including dimensional ratings (Landy, 1976;
Yonge, 1956), note taking (Barrett, Svetlik, & Prien, 1967), behaviorally-anchored-rating-scales
(Zedeck, Tziner, & Middlestadt, 1983), patterned question structure (McMurry, 1947), and
situational interviewing (Latham et al., 1980). These researchers also recommend using a more
job-related and consistent question style known as behavioral interview questions.
Behavioral Interview Questions
Behavioral interview questions have been studied at length as a more predictive
alternative to unstructured interviews for over 70 years (e.g., Hakel, 1989; Van Iddekinge,
Raymark, Roth, & Payne, 2006; Wagner, 1949). Two of the initial behaviorally-based models for
interviews were situational interviews (Latham et al., 1980) and patterned behavior description
interview (PBDI; Janz, 1982). Both of these models contain job-related questions and
behaviorally-anchored rating scales (Latham et al., 1980; Janz, 1982). Situational interviews are
based on the premise that intentions are the best predictor of future behaviors (Latham et al.,
1980; Latham & Sue-Chan, 1996) whereas PBDI is based on the premise that the best predictor
of future behavior is past behavior (Latham & Sue-Chan, 1996; Janz, 1982). Because behavioral
description interviews are based on critical incidents at the current job, dimensions can be
identified as either describing maximum or typical performance and altered appropriately when
evaluating the past performance of the applicant (Janz, Hellervik, & Gilmore, 1986). Most
behavioral interviews thus focus on the typical performance facets (e.g., organizational skills,
punctuality, work ethic) and omit maximum performance dimensions (e.g., technical skills and
knowledge; Gatewood et al., 2016).
Behavioral questions can be further broken down into two categories: Past-oriented and
situational. Past-oriented behavioral questions are generally designed to elicit stories from
applicants about previous actions or experiences (e.g., “Tell me about a time when you failed”;
Bangerter, Corvalan, & Cavin, 2014). These questions can assess either maximum performance
(e.g., technical skills, job knowledge, handling extreme situations) or typical performance (e.g.,
organization, working with others, distractibility; Gatewood et al., 2016). Situational (or
hypothetical) behavioral questions are generally designed to assess problem solving abilities or
ideal performance (e.g., Imagine you were faced with the following situation… what would you
do?”; Ellis, West, Ryan, & DeShon, 2002). These questions are largely future oriented (Taylor &
Small, 2002) and elicit responses dictated by impression management strategies (Ellis et al.,
2002). Both past-oriented and situational behavioral questions are scored separately for each
question and dimension throughout the interview (Gatewood et al., 2016).
Brain Teaser Interview Questions
Brain teaser questions were initially popularized by Microsoft in the 1990s (Wright,
Sablynski, Manson, & Oshiro, 2012) as an unexpected and challenging question asked in the
midst of a job interview (Highhouse et al., 2019; Honer, Wright, & Sablynski, 2006; Wright et
al., 2012). These “odd-ball” questions (e.g., “How many windows are in New York City?”) are
known for distressing job applicants because they are unexpected and require both job-irrelevant
logic and creative thinking during an already stressful interview. Generally, brain teaser
questions are criticized for lacking validity and serving no real purpose in selection (Mitchell et
al., 2019), although no systematic attempts have been made to establish validity (Highhouse et
al., 2019). Even though these questions lack a clear scoring key and are generally unreliable
(Honer et al., 2006), they are assumed to measure critical thinking, creativity, intuition,
flexibility, and ability to reason (Bock, 2015; Munk & Oliver, 1997). It is unknown, however,
how many interviewers use brain teasers or believe they provide important information in their
selection decisions (Wright et al., 2012).
Brain teasers can be further broken down into three sub-categories: Nonsense, problem-
solving, and puzzle-like (Honer et al., 2006; Poundstone, 2012). Nonsense brainteasers are
thought to assess quick creativity and flexibility (e.g., “If Hollywood made a movie about your
life, who would you like to see play the lead role as you?”; Highhouse et al., 2019). They are
difficult to score and commonly used as a proxy for personality (Kluger & Rothstein, 1993).
Problem-Solving brainteasers are thought to assess intuition and ability to reason (e.g.,
“Calculate the angle of two clock pointers when time is 11:50”; Highhouse et al., 2019). Unlike
nonsense questions, problem-solving questions have a correct answer that could be solved
through a combination of mental models and perspective changes (Krauss & Wang, 2003).
Finally, Puzzle-Like brainteasers are thought to assess ability to reason, critical thinking,
and creativity (e.g., “How would you determine the weight of a commercial airplane without a
scale?”; Highhouse et al., 2019). These questions are significantly correlated with cognitive
ability and applicant reaction measures of procedural justice and perception of performance
(Honer et al., 2006). These items are harder to score than problem-solving questions because
there is no “correct” answer, but are easier to score than nonsense questions because there is a
general expected type of response that can be evaluated.
With these different types of questions in mind, it is apparent that traditional, behavioral,
and brainteaser questions are each geared to evoke different types of responses. Because all three
are frequently used in a variety of interview settings, it is reasonable to expect that the
interviewer’s selection goals would influence the types of questions they prefer to ask in the
Goals for an Interview
Just as there are different types of interviews (i.e., recruitment, screening, selection),
interviewers have different goals for their interviews (Dipboye et al., 2012). This can be based on
a variety of factors including the values of the organization (Cable & Judge, 1997) or personal
preferences (Ramsay, Gallois, & Callan, 1997). Although many goals for an interview have been
studied, three primary goals consistently arise: assessing competence, assessing fit, and assessing
tolerance for stress (Sutton & Watson, 2013; Swider, Zimmerman, & Barrick, 2015; Wright et
al., 2012). With the existence of multiple goals, it is reasonable to expect that there are individual
differences in the relative importance of interview goals, and that these differences relate with
preferences for different types of interview questions.
Assess Competence
One obvious goal for interviewers is to assess applicant job competence (Carroll &
McCrackin, 1998). Assessing competence is an important aspect of selection because it
encompasses job-related knowledge, skills, and experiences (Sutton & Watson, 2013). Job-
related competence allows interviewers to identify who already possesses the abilities required
for the position (Huffcutt, 2011) and what training may be required if they are selected (Carretta,
2011). If competence is the primary goal in an interview, the interviewer needs to ask questions
that are capable of assessing past performance and abilities. Thus, I predict a competency goal
will relate to a preference for behavioral questions (i.e., past-oriented and situational). This is
because behavioral questions are focused on job-related experiences, skills, and abilities. If an
interviewer is interested in assessing an applicant’s job competence, I predict they will prefer
behavioral interview questions that provide more direct insight into job-related competence.
Hypothesis 1: Interviewers who assign more importance to assessing applicant
competence will indicate a higher likelihood of using behavioral questions than those
who assign less importance to assessing applicant competence.
Assess Fit
Another common goal for an interview is to assess “fit” of the applicant with the job or
the organization (Haptonstahl, 1998). Fit can be assessed in an interview formally through
interview questions on personality or preferences, and informally by allowing more time for
applicant questions at the end of the interview (Swider et al., 2015). Literature has focused on
different perceptions of fit, with most research focusing on perceptions of fit from the applicant’s
perspective (e.g., Kristof, 1996) or the interviewer’s perspective (e.g., Rynes & Gerhart, 1990).
The term “fit” is a fuzzy concept that is applied to a variety of theories and has been
criticized for its unclear definitions and numerous subtypes (e.g., person-environment, person-
job, person-occupation; Schneider, 2001). Harrison (2007) argued that this multi-definitional use
of fit does not provide much value to the literature. However, fit can still be useful when defined
as a complex, person-environment construct rather than the basis for larger overarching theories
(Harrison, 2007). With this perspective, fit can be seen as the compatibility of all the applicant’s
attributes with the job’s environment, made up of unique values and attributes itself (Harrison,
2007). Although fit has many uses and definitions, this study focuses on an interviewer’s
intuitive sense of the compatibility between the applicant and the overall job environment.
Although fit is commonly considered an important factor for applicants when deciding to
accept a job (Elfenbein & O’Reilly, 2007), assessing fit in an interview as a primary goal is not
entirely reliable because it is highly dependent on personality and other influential factors
(Werbel & Johnson, 2001). Rynes and Gerhart (1990) found subjective qualifications like
interpersonal skills, goal orientation, and physical attractiveness contribute to interviewer’s
assessment of fit whereas objective qualifications like GPA, years of experience, and extra-
curricular offices did not contribute to perceptions of fit.
When interviewing an applicant, the interviewer is taking in a lot of information, so fit
can be used as a heuristic to achieve faster evaluations of the applicant (Vleugels, De Cooman,
Verbruggen, & Solinger, 2018). These assumptions can be biased by a variety of aspects about
the applicant that may or may not be job-relevant. For instance, if an applicant’s temperament
reminds the interviewer of an old colleague, the interviewer may prescribe characteristics of that
colleague to the applicant because they appear to act similarly. Depending on the similarly traits
of the colleague, the association could be either beneficial (e.g., they are a team player) or
harmful (e.g., they are unproductive) to the applicant. Therefore, the interviewer could claim the
applicant is a bad fit for the organization simply because they are similar to an old colleague who
was a bad fit. Because these assessments of fit are unreliable, they are likely aligned with, and
utilized as a goal in, traditional (unstructured) interviews.
Hypothesis 2: Interviewers who assign more importance to assessing applicant fit will
indicate a higher likelihood of using traditional questions than those who assign less
importance to assessing applicant fit.
Assess Tolerance for Stress
A third potential goal for an interview is to assess the applicant’s tolerance for stress.
This type of interview is typically utilized for high-pressure jobs (Wright et al., 2012) with the
intention of throwing applicants off from what they would expect in an interview (Honer et al.,
2006). This allows the interviewer to see how applicants handle stress, uncertainty, and “think on
their feet” (Bock, 2015). Historically, stress interviews were used to assess police officers or
military personnel to examine how they behave under intense stress while bounded by time
(Freeman, Manson, Katzoff, & Pathman, 1942). Officers who handled the stressful interview
well possessed qualities of “bold intelligent action in the face of confusion and stress” (Freeman
et al., 1942, p. 427). By handling a stress interview well, the applicants proved they had the
ability to remain calm and find a productive solution to the problem, a job relevant skill. Stress
interviews are criticized, however, as an excuse for interviewers to wield power over applicants
in a callous way (Highhouse et al., 2019). Stress interviews are only successful if the applicant is
highly motivated to receive a job offer (Freeman et al., 1942), making it seem even more cruel to
take advantage of the power differential in an interview.
Although stress interviews have drawbacks, they have expanded in frequency because
interviewers today want to ensure the applicant does not act out when under pressure (Chen, Lee,
Huang, & Ko, 2019). So, these interviews could be used to demonstrate the applicant’s ability to
regulate emotions under a stressful situation (Chen et al., 2019). Employees’ ability to stay calm
under stress is increasingly important in a variety of organizations, so it is more frequently being
assessed as part of the interview process (Chen et al., 2019; Posthuma et al., 2002). Similarly,
brainteaser questions focus on throwing off the applicant to examine his or her ability to tolerate
stress in an already stressful situation (Highhouse et al., 2019). Both stress interviews and
brainteaser questions are seen negatively from the applicant’s perspective as a cruel use of power
that signifies the interviewer’s indifference toward the applicant (Highhouse et al., 2019; Wright
et al., 2012). Because brainteasers and tolerance for stress both focus on throwing off the
applicant, I expect interviewers with the goal to assess tolerance for stress to most frequently use
Hypothesis 3: Interviewers who assign more importance to assessing applicant stress
tolerance will indicate a higher likelihood of using brainteaser questions than those who
assign less importance to assessing applicant stress.
The purpose of this study is to examine the broader mechanisms that influence
interviewer decision making when choosing interview questions. Based on previous research, I
expect to find that an interviewer’s primary goal for the interview will be associated with the
questions they choose to ask. To assess this, I conducted a study on how lay people choose
questions to ask in a hypothetical interview setting to see if there are any effects when assigning
interview goals.
The present study is an experimental manipulation of interview goals using a sample of
lay people. In this study, I provided the participant with a scenario in which they were an
interviewer preparing for an interview. They were given a goal for their hypothetical interview
(i.e., assess fit, assess tolerance for stress, or assess competence) and asked to indicate their
likelihood of asking different questions in that hypothetical interview.
Data were collected using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk ( through Cloud
Research ( MTurk is an online marketplace where people can receive
small amounts of compensation for completing short tasks. MTurk participants are significantly
more diverse than the average sample of American college students, and they tend to be slightly
more diverse than the typical internet sample (Buhrmester, Kwang, & Gosling, 2011; Moss &
Litman, 2020). Cloud Research (formerly known as Turk Prime) is a toolkit used alongside
MTurk to improve the quality of data through extensive participant panels, study batching to
reduce cost, and automatically excluding low-quality participants (Edelman, Rosenzweig, &
Moss, 2020). The study was advertised to potential participants as a general examination of
interview question preferences. Those who volunteered to participate were then instructed to use
their assigned goal to guide their responses to the survey. Only those who were over 18 years of
age and living and working in the United States were allowed to participate in the study.
Participants were compensated $0.75 for conscientiously completing the survey.
Data were collected for 452 adults, 53 of whom were removed due to a failed
manipulation check, leaving a final sample of 399 participants. Of the 53 who failed the
manipulation check, 13 (25%) were from the “Fit” condition, 26 (49%) from the “Competence”
condition, and 14 (26%) from the “Stress” condition. The majority (62%) of failed manipulation
checks incorrectly selected “fit” as their intended goal, followed by “competence” as their
incorrect intended goal (36%), with only one person (2%) incorrectly choosing stress tolerance
as their intended goal. Sixty percent of participants removed for failing the manipulation check
finished the survey faster than average of 6 minutes (SD = 4 minutes; 35% finished in under 3
minutes, 25% finished in 3-5.99 minutes) while the remaining 40% of removed participants
finished the survey slower than average (18% finished in 6-8.99 minutes, 22% finished in 9+
minutes). Those removed from the sample did not significantly differ from the retained sample in
any demographic variables.
The remaining respondents were primarily white (76%), but gender was evenly
represented (50% female) and ages ranged widely (M = 41 years of age, SD = 12 years). These
descriptives are typical of MTurk samples (Moss & Litman, 2020). Participants had an average
tenure of 7 years at their current organization. Interviewing experience varied across participants
such that 39% had never conducted an interview, 36% had conducted a handful of job
interviews, 20% had conducted quite a few job interviews, and 5% had conducted an enormous
amount of job interviews over their career. Organization size also varied across participants with
31% from organizations with 1-19 employees, 18% from organizations with 20-99 employees,
22% from organizations with 100-499 employees, 10% from organizations with 500-999
employees, 5% from organizations with 1,000-2,499 employees, 4% from organizations with
2,500-5,499 employees, and 12% from organizations with 5,500+ employees. Participants across
conditions did not significantly differ on any demographics.
Design and Procedure
Pilot Study
A brief pilot study was conducted on the interview questions to see if they could be
sorted appropriately into their item question category. The questions came from Highhouse et al.
(2019), which list publicly-available interview questions (e.g., used for hiring at
organizations including brainteaser questions used at organizations like Dell, Microsoft, and
Bank of America. Highhouse and colleagues observed a high degree of internal consistency
among the brainteaser questions as a group (.91), despite the wide differences in content (e.g.,
choosing to be an animal on the carousel versus picking two celebrities to be one’s parents). Of
the 49 items from Highhouse et al. (2019), 45 were initially selected for this study. See Appendix
A for the list of questions.
Five graduate student subject matter experts (SMEs) sorted each interview question into
the category they believed the item most closely aligned with (i.e., behavioral, traditional, or
brainteaser). If they thought an item could be considered in multiple categories, they were
instructed to sort it into the category they thought it most closely resembled. Definitions and
examples for each category were provided so that all SMEs had the same frame of reference.
Once all SMEs sorted the 45 interview questions, I examined what proportion of SMEs
properly sorted each question. Thirty-eight items (84%) were sorted into the proper category
with complete agreement from SMEs. The remaining seven items were individually assessed for
retention. Any item that was not properly sorted by at least 60% of SMEs was removed. Four
items were removed from the final set of interview questions: One brainteaser question (“Have
you ever stolen a pen from work?”), two behavioral questions (“If you could start your career
over again, what would you do differently?”; “Tell me about a time when you misjudged a
person”), and one traditional question (“If you could be anyone else, who would it be?”). This
left a total of 41 interview questions to be used in the final survey (See Appendix A).
Main Study
The main study assessed how interviewer goals impact what questions lay people ask in a
hypothetical interview. Participants were instructed to imagine that they were responsible for
hiring at a Fortune 500 company and told to evaluate a set of interview questions for
management-level applicants (See Appendix B). In this study, I provided them with one of the
three goals for the interview (i.e., assess fit, competence, or tolerance for stress). Participants
then rated how likely they were to include each question in their pool of interview questions.
After responding to individual-difference measures, participants were compensated for their
Interview Questions
To assess how likely participants are to ask different types of questions in the interview
process, I presented them with the 14 brainteaser (e.g., “How would you explain what a chair is
to an alien?”), 13 behavioral (e.g., “What would you do if you disagree with a coworker?”), and
14 traditional questions (e.g., “Are you a good listener?”) remaining after the pilot study. Of the
49 items from Highhouse et al. (2019), 45 were initially selected for this study, with 41 retained
after the pilot study (See Table 1).
Interview Questions
Why should we hire you?
Do you consider yourself a leader?
What do you look for in a job?
Can you work under pressure and deal
with deadlines?
What do you know about our
Are you a good listener?
What led you to this point in your life?
How long would it take you to make a
meaningful contribution to our firm?
If you could be anyone else, who
would it be?*
What would you do if you disagree with a
What do you do when your schedule is
interrupted? Give an example of how you
handled it.
Describe a situation when you took a risk
professionally. What was the outcome?
Tell me about a creative solution you
developed for a challenging situation or
What is the most stressful situation you have
handled and what was the outcome?
Describe a decision you made that was a
failure. What happened and why?
If you could start your career over again, what
would you differently?*
Tell me about a time that you participated in a
team. What was your role?
Tell me about a time when you failed.
If you were to get rid of one state in the
country, what would it be and why?
If Hollywood made a movie about your
life, who would you like to see play the
lead role as you?
Calculate the angle of two clock pointers
when time is 11:50.
How would you explain what a chair is to
an alien?
If you could be any animal on a carousel,
what would you pick and why?
How would you determine the weight of a
commercial airplane without a scale?
Why are manhole covers round?
What is your favorite song? Perform it for
us now.
Estimate how many windows are in New
What do you love?
How do you get along with older
Do you check voicemail and email
while on vacation?
How successful do you think you’ve
been so far?
Tell us why you want to work for us.
What salary do you think you
Give an example of a goal you reached and
tell me how you achieved it.
Have you handled a difficult situation? How?
Give an example of an occasion when you
used logic to solve a problem.
Did you ever postpone making a decision?
Tell me about a time when you were faced
with conflicting priorities. How did you
determine the top priority?
Tell me about a time when you misjudged a
Pick two celebrities to be your parents.
Have you ever stolen a pen from work?*
How many quarters do you need to reach
the height of the Empire State Building?
Name three previous Nobel Prize winners.
What do you think about when you are
alone in your car?
What songs best describe your work
* Item was removed after Subject Matter Expert (SME) review because less than 60% of SMEs sorted it into the correct category
Participants were instructed to imagine that they work for a Fortune 500 company and are
responsible for creating a pool of general interview questions to ask all management-level
applicants that assess qualifications from an assigned goal (i.e., assess fit, competence, tolerance
for stress). Specifically, they were told “Imagine that you work for a Fortune 500 company. You
are constructing a pool of interview questions to be asked of all supervisory or management-level
applicants. To help you create the question pool, your supervisor provides a specific goal for you
to focus on. Your primary goal is to select questions that will determine [whether the person is
a good fit for the organization/the applicant’s overall job competence/the person’s ability to
handle stress]. Consider what you need to ask the applicant to determine if they are a good
overall fit. Please indicate the likelihood that you would select each of the items below to be
included in the set of general interview questions. Remember, your goal is to assess
[fit/competence/stress tolerance]”. Participants then rated how likely they are to include each
question in their pool of interview questions on a scale of 1 (would never include) to 5 (would
definitely include). Responses were averaged across question-type to create the participant’s
average brainteaser, behavioral, and traditional question score (See Table 2 for correlations and
Cronbach’s alpha).
Table 2
Correlation coefficients for interview questions
1. 2. 3.
1. Traditional (.88)
2. Behavioral .52* (.87)
3. Brainteaser .01 .20* (.90)
Note: Cronbach’s alpha listed in the diagonal. * indicates p < .001
A manipulation check was included to ensure participants understood their provided
interview goal. Specifically, they were asked “Which of the following best describes your
provided goal for creating the pool of interview questions?” and could select “Assess applicant
fit”, “Assess applicant competence”, or “Assess applicant stress tolerance”. Participants were
instructed to select the statement that most closely resembled their provided goal (See Appendix
At the conclusion of the survey, I collected relevant demographic information including
age, race, gender, tenure at current job, interviewing experience, and size of organization (See
Appendix C).
The hypotheses and exclusion criteria are preregistered on
( Before running the ANOVA to test my hypotheses, I ran an
exploratory factor analysis on the 41 interview questions to see if the items would sort into their
correct category. Because these items were chosen from three question categories (i.e.,
behavioral, brainteaser, traditional), I forced the analysis to have three factors but still allowed
the items to freely associate. All 14 brainteaser questions loaded cleanly on Factor 1 and
predicted 15% of the variance. Thirteen traditional questions and 2 behavioral questions (“Tell
me about a time that you participated in a team. What was your role?” and Give an example of a
goal you reached and tell me how you achieved it.”) loaded onto Factor 2, predicting 13% of the
variance. Finally, the remaining 11 behavioral questions and 1 traditional question (“Can you
work under pressure and deal with deadlines?”) loaded onto Factor 3, predicting 11% of the
variance (See Table 3).
Table 3
Exploratory Factor Analysis
.67 .54
.54 .65
.70 .54
.60 .61
.51 .62
What would you do if you disagree with a coworker?
What do you do when your schedule is interrupted? Give an
example of how you handled it.
Describe a situation when you took a risk professionally.
What was the outcome?
Tell me about a creative solution you developed for a
challenging situation or problem.
What is the most stressful situation you have handled and
what was the outcome?
Describe a decision you made that was a failure. What
happened and why?
Tell me about a time that you participated in a team. What
was your role?
Tell me about a time when you failed.
Give an example of a goal you reached and tell me how you
achieved it.
.48 .63
Have you handled a difficult situation? How?
Give an example of an occasion when you used logic to
solve a problem.
.36 .73
Did you ever postpone making a decision? Why?
Tell me about a time when you were faced with conflicting
priorities. How did you determine the top priority?
If you were to get rid of one state in the country, what would
it be and why?
.69 .53
If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you
like to see play the lead role as you?
.62 .58
Calculate the angle of two clock pointers when time is 11:50.
How would you explain what a chair is to an alien?
If you could be any animal on a carousel, what would you
pick and why?
.62 .58
How would you determine the weight of a commercial
airplane without a scale?
.62 .60
Why are manhole covers round?
What is your favorite song? Perform it for us now.
Estimate how many windows are in New York.
Pick two celebrities to be your parents.
How many quarters do you need to reach the height of the
Empire State Building?
.72 .47
Name three previous Nobel
Prize winners.
What do you think about when you are alone in your car?
What songs best describe your work ethic?
Why should we hire you?
Do you consider yourself a leader?
What do
you look for in a job?
Can you work under pressure and deal with deadlines?
What do you know about our organization?
Are you a good listener?
What led you to this point in your
How long would it take you to make a meaningful
contribution to our firm?
.42 .66
What do you love?
How do you get along with older coworkers?
Do you check voicemail and email while on
How successful do you think you’ve been so far?
Tell us why you want to work for us.
What salary do you think you deserve?
B = B
ehavioral question, R = Brainteaser question, T =
Traditional question
This exploratory factor analysis shows 93% of items naturally loaded onto the correct
factor for their item type. As a final check, I entered all 41 items into a Confirmatory Factor
Analysis (CFA) and assigned each item to its originally assigned group (behavioral, brainteaser,
or traditional). In the CFA model, all items significantly loaded onto their factor at p < .001 and
the overall model had okay fit CFI = .77, TLI = .76, SRMR = .09, RMSEA = .07, χ
(776) =
2249, p < .001. From both of these factor analyses, I concluded the items functioned as intended
within their question type.
Next, I examined the descriptive statistics for the interview questions (See Table 4) in
each condition and across the total sample to see if there were any general differences between
groups before running the ANOVA. In total, behavioral questions were rated as the most likely
to be used in the interview (M = 3.93, SD = .65), followed by traditional questions (M = 3.12, SD
= .76), with brainteaser questions as the least likely to be used (M = 1.53, SD = .62; See Figure
1). I also ran paired sample t-tests to see if these differences were significant when examined in
pairs (See Table 5). Behavioral questions were significant more likely to be used in an interview
than traditional questions, t(398) = 23.1, p < .001, d = 1.16, or brainteaser questions, t(398) =
53.6, p < .001, d = 2.69. Additionally, traditional questions were significantly more likely to be
used in an interview than brainteaser questions, t(398) = 36.1, p < .001, d = 1.81. This supports
previous findings of the appeal of behavioral and traditional questions over brainteaser questions
(Hausknecht et al., 2004; Honer et al., 2006).
Table 4
Preference for interview questions across 3 experimental conditions
Assess Fit Assess Tolerance
Competence Total (n = 399)
(n = 142) for Stress (n = 135)
= 122)
Figure 1
Mean Rating of Question Type by Assigned Goal
Table 5
Paired-sample t-tests for interview questions across 3 experimental conditions
t df p Cohen’s d
Behavioral-Traditional 23.1 398 < .001 1.16
Behavioral-Brainteaser 53.6 398 < .001 2.69
Traditional-Brainteaser 36.1 398 < .001 1.81
To test Hypothesis 1-3, I conducted a One-Way ANOVA on the three goals. Hypothesis
1 posited that those with a competency goal would assign a higher likelihood to use behavioral
questions than those presented with alternative goals. The One-Way ANOVA showed that there
was an insignificant main effect of goal for behavioral questions, F(2, 396) = .61, p = .54, η
.003 (See Table 6), with Tukey’s post-hoc tests revealing those assigned the goal for competence
(M = 3.98, SD = .69) were not significantly more likely to use behavioral questions than those
assigned the goal for fit (M = 3.92, SD = .60, d = -.09) and those assigned the goal for stress
tolerance (M = 3.90, SD = .67, d = .14). Despite finding a slightly higher preference for
behavioral questions from those with a goal for competence (See Figure 1), it was not
significant; thus, Hypothesis 1 was not supported.
Table 6
ANOVA table of interview questions by assigned interview goal
Sum of Mean
df F Sig.
Between Groups
< .001
Within Groups
Between Groups
Within Groups
Between Groups
Within Groups
Note. N = 399.
Hypothesis 2 posited that those with a fit goal would assign a higher likelihood to use
traditional questions than those presented with alternative goals. The One-Way ANOVA showed
that there was a significant main effect of goal for traditional questions, F(2, 396) = 19.95, p <
.001, η
= .092 (See Table 6), with Tukey’s post-hoc tests revealing those assigned a goal for fit
(M = 3.37, SD = .61) were significantly more likely to choose traditional questions than those
assigned the goal for stress tolerance (M = 2.82, SD = .82, d = .75; See Figure 1). However, those
assigned a fit goal were not significantly more likely to choose traditional questions than those
assigned the goal for competence (M = 3.18, SD = .74, d = .26). Therefore, Hypothesis 2 was
partially supported. Consistent with the hypothesis, those assigned a fit goal were significantly
more likely to choose traditional questions than those assigned a stress tolerance goal.
Inconsistent with the hypothesis, those assigned a fit goal were equally as likely to choose
traditional questions as those assigned a competence goal.
Hypothesis 3 posited those with a goal to assess tolerance for stress would assign a higher
likelihood to use brainteaser questions. The One-Way ANOVA for brainteaser questions showed
that there was a significant main effect of goal, F(2, 396) = 6.90, p < .001, η
= .034, (See Table
6), with Tukey’s post-hoc tests revealing those assigned the goal for stress tolerance (M = 1.69,
SD = .67) were significantly more likely to choose brainteaser questions than those assigned the
goal for competence (M = 1.51, SD = .61, d = -.28) and fit (M = 1.42, SD = .54, d = -.44). Those
with the goal for competence or fit did not significantly differ in their preference for brainteaser
questions (See Figure 1). Therefore, Hypothesis 3 was supported.
Exploratory Analyses
Because literature on interviewer goals is still relatively novel, I performed three
exploratory regressions on the average behavioral, brainteaser, and traditional scores. The data
collected contained demographic information on age, race, gender, tenure at current job,
interviewing experience, and size of organization. I used the three HR-related variables (tenure,
size of organization, and interviewing experience) in a standardized forward linear regression to
see if any job-related variables predicted item preference above and beyond the experimentally
assigned goal. I used a forward linear regression specifically because it empirically examines
which variable predicts the outcome the most without regard to theory. Given that I had no clear
predictions about any of the variables, a forward regression method was most appropriate.
In all three regressions, the interview question type (behavioral, brainteaser, traditional)
was the dependent variable, the assigned goal (fit, competence, stress) was entered in Step 1, and
the HR-variables (tenure, organization size, and interviewing experience) were entered in Step 2.
If any of the HR-variables significantly predicted the interview question type, that variable was
retained in the final regression model. Any HR-variable that did not add significance was
automatically dropped from the model (See Bendel & Afifi, 1977; Thayer, 2002).
When testing for behavioral interview question preferences, the initial model with only
the assigned goal was insignificant, R
= .00, F(1,393) = .13, p = .72. After the HR-variables
were added in Step 2, Interviewing Experience significantly changed the F-value and explained
an incremental 1% of the variance in behavioral interview preference, ΔR
= .01, ΔF(1,392) =
4.09, p < .05, though the entire model was ultimately still insignificant, R
= .01, F(2,392) =
2.11, p = .12 (See Table 7).
Table 7
Exploratory Standardized Forward Regression Coefficients for interview questions
Step 1
Step 2
Step 1
Step 1
Step 2
Int. Exp.
Adjusted R
Note. N = 399. * indicates value is statistically significant at p < .001.
When testing for brainteaser interview question preferences, the initial model with only
the assigned goal was significant, R
= .03, F(1,393) = 13.22, p < .001. After the HR-variables
were added in Step 2, no variable predicted brainteaser interview question preference above and
beyond the assigned goal. Thus, only the goal predicted brainteaser preference (See Table 7).
When testing for traditional interview question preferences, the initial model with only
the assigned goal was significant, R
= .09, F(1,393) = 37.29, p < .001. After the HR variables
were added in Step 2, Tenure significantly changed the F-value and explained an incremental 1%
of the variance in traditional interview preference, ΔR
= .01, ΔF(1,392) = 4.72, p < .05, and the
entire model was still significant, R
= .10, F(2,392) = 21.18, p < .001 (See Table 7).
Very little research has been done on interviewer goals and how they could potentially
influence which questions are asked in an interview. Although previous research has identified
that interviewers might have different goals prior to conducting the interview, this study
connected their goals to the questions they are likely to ask in an interview setting. Given how
little research has been done on the mechanism of interviewer goals, this study focused on three
goals in particular (i.e., to assess applicant fit, to assess applicant competence, and to assess
applicant tolerance for stress) and how they relate to three types of interview questions (i.e.,
behavioral, traditional, and brainteaser questions).
In the current study, I examined interviewer goals as a predictor of behavioral,
brainteaser, and traditional interview question preference. Overall, there was a strong preference
for behavioral interview questions independent of assigned interviewer goals. Those who were
assigned the goal to assess competence indicated the highest likelihood of choosing behavioral
interview questions, as predicted; however, the difference was insignificantly higher than the
other two conditions. Therefore, there were slightly different preferences for behavioral
questions based on the assigned goal condition with the competence condition having the
strongest preference of the three. Although this difference was not significant, it still shows
differential preference for the questions in the predicted direction. Future research should
investigate this directional trending further to see if it is truly insignificant. The preference for
behavioral questions supports previous findings that behavioral questions are seen by
interviewees as fair (Gilliland, 1993), frequently used (Simola et al., 2007), and job-relevant
(Campion et al., 1997). Behavioral questions tap into job-related abilities or experiences which
would explain why people overwhelmingly indicated a preference for these questions above all
else. In the exploratory analyses, people with more interviewing experience were significantly
more likely to use behavioral questions, indicating an additional factor into the preference for
behavioral questions that should be explored further.
Those assigned the goal to assess fit were significantly more likely to choose traditional
questions than those with the stress-tolerance goal, as predicted, and equally as likely as those
with the competence goal (not predicted). Overall, those assigned the goal for fit had the highest
likelihood of choosing traditional questions of the three conditions, indicating differential
preference between the groups in the predicted direction. Much like the behavioral questions,
traditional questions are frequently perceived as job-relevant (Hausknecht et al., 2004) and
appropriate to ask in an interview setting (Dipboye et al., 2012). This would explain why
participants gravitate toward traditional questions in a similar manner they chose behavioral
questions. In the exploratory analyses, people with more tenure at their organization were
significantly more likely to use traditional questions, indicating an additional factor into the
preference for traditional questions.
Finally, when participants were assigned the goal for stress tolerance, they were
significantly more likely to choose brainteaser questions than those assigned fit or competence
goals, as predicted. This finding again indicates differential question preferences between the
three conditions in the predicted direction. Brainteaser questions are frequently perceived as
irrelevant to the job (Wright et al., 2012), distressing (Munk & Oliver, 1997), and inappropriate
to ask in an interview setting (Mitchell et al., 2019). This would explain why participants in the
tolerance for stress condition were most likely to choose the brainteaser questions in this
experiment. It is also important to note that exploratory analyses revealed no additional
demographic variables predicted brainteaser question use over and above the assigned goal.
Taken together, the findings of the present study provide initial support for the influence
of interviewer goals when selecting interview questions. Across all interview questions, the
assigned goal predicted different preferences for interview questions for all groups, finding
significant results for traditional and brainteaser questions in particular. By using an
experimental manipulation, we know the assigned goal was what changed question preference
and should be studied further.
Theoretical and Practical Implications
This study supported numerous aspects of the current literature on selection interviews
and paves the way for future research to further explore the mechanism of interviewer goals.
First of all, the present study may suggest an unspoken understanding people have that
traditional questions are not as stressful as behavioral questions. Because traditional questions
(e.g., “Can you work under pressure and deal with deadlines?”) can sound less formal than
behavioral questions (e.g., “Have you handled a difficult situation? How?”), they may appear to
be less stressful. If the added structure inherent in behavioral questions sound more formal to the
participant, that structure could indicate an added level of stress. Perhaps the underlying stress of
behavioral questions explains why applicants experience more negative reactions after
behavioral interviews than traditional (Hausknecht et al., 2004). The assigned stress goal in this
study reveals an interesting mechanism of inherent stress found in behavioral interview questions
that should continue to be studied moving forward. Although stress goals are found less
frequently in applied settings than the other goals examined in this study, this experimental goal
points to something inherently stressful about behavioral interview questions.
Another important implication of the present research is how similarly goals for fit and
goals for competence appear to function. Across all three question types, the groups assigned
goals for fit and competence never significantly differed. Some people could have individually
interpreted the fit goal as a competence goal or vice versa since they are both commonly assessed
in interviews. This could even be because people can hold multiple goals going into an interview
(e.g., mainly want to assess competence but also want to make sure the applicant will fit in on
the team) so the goals function similarly. Although people may colloquially use “fit” and
“competence” interchangeably, more attempts should be made to conceptually distinguish the
goals moving forward. The manipulation used in the current study states the goal plainly without
explaining what that goal really means (e.g., “Your goal is to assess the applicant’s fit”). Future
attempts to study interviewer goals should state what the goals mean more clearly to strengthen
the manipulation even more (e.g., “Your goal is to assess the applicant’s fit. Fit can include how
the applicant would fit into their job, fit with the team, or fit with the organization”). A
strengthened manipulation would reveal if the goal for fit and goal for competence actually
function similarly or if they were simply misinterpreted in the present study.
If the goals do function similarly as seen in this study, it brings some optimism to the
implementation of more structure in interviews. If goals for fit and competence overlap, it could
open a new avenue to encourage people to use more structure by appealing to their personal
goals for the interview (e.g., if you want someone who fits in with your team, this behavioral
question is the best way to assess that).
As an initial study combining interviewer goals and question preference, the present
study highlighted differences in how likely people are to ask certain questions in an interview.
This can be extended in future studies to see what items specifically people choose to include in
a limited item bank. By limiting the number of items someone can include to accomplish their
interview goal, it is possible the effect interviewer goal has on question choice could change. In
the present study, we examined how likely people are on average to include interview questions
in an item bank with no specified number of items to ultimately choose at the end. If this study
were replicated, it would be interesting to see what would happen if participants were presented
with the items they would consider including in their item bank and asked to only choose 10 as
their final set of questions. This would require participants to choose only the top items they
want to include and could encourage them to choose items that closely align with their assigned
goal. The present study allows participants to rate as many items positively as they want, so
theoretically their final item bank could have 40 items in it. If we require participants to make
difficult choices and only choose a limited number of items, we could see some interesting
results. This could be an important stepping stone into future research to explore when and why
these goals function differently.
Given the experimental nature of this study, there are a few practical implications that
can be taken away. First, the main practical implication of the present study is for practitioners to
simply be aware that interviewer goals can influence the questions they ultimately ask in an
interview. If the organization does not have a designated system for structuring their selection
interviews or choosing interview questions, they could see inconsistent interview question choice
across interviewers based on their individual goals for the interview. Organizations could
improve this by focusing specifically on the goals of the interviewers by requiring them to pre-
identify their personal goals and training them on the influence of goals. This could inform
interviewers on the impact their goals could have. Additionally, organizations could provide
frame of reference training to help interviewers rate responses more consistently and reliably. By
providing all of this added structure, organizations would help reduce the impact goals have on
interview question choice and train their interviewers to provide more reliable and consistent
With this in mind, practitioners concerned about the influence of interviewer goals could
consider training hiring mangers on how to standardize question choice across interviewers to
limit the influence of individual preference on the interview. Although this training may
resemble previous trainings on structured or semi-structured interviews, it would primarily differ
in the framing. It would still highlight the importance of using reliable and valid interview
questions and enforcing as much structure as possible, but it would do so by explaining the
influence of individual goals on question choice. By teaching hiring managers how individual
interviewers differ in what questions they personally want to ask based on their goal for the
interview, it could encourage managers to create a standard set of questions across interviewers
if they haven’t already done so. It could also reveal why it is important to enforce more structure
from the onset of the interview. If the interviewer’s goal influences what they look for in the
interview (and thus what questions they ask), practitioners should consider enforcing more
structure to keep interviews as consistent as possible.
The final practical recommendation I propose is to frame why people should ask more
structured questions differently. Rather than telling people to use behavioral questions because
they are more reliable, valid, or predictive of performance, practitioners could try framing
question choice based on interviewer goals. For example, imagine someone is hesitant to use
behavioral items in their interview because they believe their gut instinct is a good indication of
the applicant’s fit with the organization. Instead of encouraging them to use the more structured
behavioral questions because they are a better predictor, practitioners could encourage them to
use a behavioral question that specifically assesses organizational fit. The item would then
appease one aspect of the interviewer’s concerns by assessing organizational fit and would allow
for more reliable and valid interpretations of fit. While I do not propose this framing as the
ultimate way to get people to use more structure in their interviews, I think it is a tactic worth
exploring. In understanding the influence of individual goals, practitioners could appeal to that
goal specifically when encouraging interviewers to use more structure in their interviews.
Future Research Directions
From this study, four additional research directions logically emerge: (1) how hiring
managers’ goals influence their interview question choice, (2) how hiring manager individual
differences relate to their goals, (3) how organizations can influence interview goals, and (4) how
organizational and interviewer goals interact. Regarding the first potential research direction, this
study showed through experimental manipulation how interview question choice was influenced
by an assigned goal for the interview. However, it would be interesting to expand this further
into an applied HR setting to see if actual hiring managers choose interview questions that align
with their personal goal for the interview. They could complete the same task to indicate the
likelihood they would choose each interview question for a general interview pool, however,
they would not be given a specific goal to guide their decisions. Instead, they would use their
own personal goal to choose the questions. This new research direction would pair well with the
findings of the present study because it shows how the same mechanic functions in an applied
HR setting. It could also investigate what happens in applied settings when hiring managers have
multiple personal goals (e.g., mainly focused on competence but also interested in fit). Future
research should continue to consider how interviewer goals impact the questions they choose in
both an experimental and applied setting.
The next research direction logically follows. Once we know what goals currently exist in
HR managers, we should examine what individual differences predict interviewers’ goal choice.
Considering the previous research on goal setting in organizations (e.g., Judge & Ilies, 2002), I
would expect differences in personality traits (e.g., Big 5, HEXACO) to predict different
interview goal preferences. For example, someone high on extraversion might have the goal to
assess fit in an interview because they prefer to just get to know the candidate in the interview
setting. Alternatively, someone high in conscientiousness might prefer to assess competence in
the interview to increase their likelihood of choosing a successful candidate. Studying individual
differences is a logical step as previous research has found people high in dark triad traits
perceive brainteaser questions as more appropriate in interview settings (Highhouse et al., 2019).
Future research should consider personality, dark triad traits, and other individual differences
(e.g., intelligence, risk aversion) when assessing interviewer goals and the questions they
ultimately choose to ask.
Future research should also seek to understand how organizations influence interview
goals and how organizational goals interact with or influence individual hiring manager goals.
Previous research has primarily focused on selection interviews as an interaction between the
applicant and the interviewer. In this research stream, the interviewer is considered synonymous
with the organization because they serve as a representative for the organization while in a
selection interview setting with the applicant. However, in shifting the focus of the research
away from the applicant and toward interviewer, a new interesting piece emerges. Organizations
as an entity can disseminate company goals for their employees which could influence the goal
of the interviewer. For example, if a fast-paced technology company is focused on hiring
employees who can handle any situation, they might highlight the need to hire people who can
remain calm under pressure or stress. This could then influence the interviewer to select more
questions that will assess how the candidate can tolerate stress. The role of the organization
should not be ignored moving forward.
The last future research direction that logically arises from the present study is to
examine the interaction between interviewer goals and organizational goals. Because the role of
the organization in the interviewer goal setting process has not been studied as widely, it would
be interesting to see how organizational goals interact with personal interviewer goals. Take the
previous example of the fast-paced technology company focused on hiring employees high in
tolerance for stress. In this scenario, how would the interviewer’s own personal goals influence
their question choice? If their goal aligns with the organization’s goal, they might be more
inclined to select a large proportion of questions to assess stress tolerance. On the other hand, if
their own personal goal is to assess if the candidate is the most competent for the job, they could
experience internal conflict when selecting questions. They have to weigh out their own goals
compared to the organization’s goals and decide which will take precedence in the interview. I
think this dynamic would be fascinating to study further to understand what mechanics lie at the
center of this balancing act.
Although the findings of this study contribute to the academic literature, it is important to
note some limitations. First, data was collected using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk),
which has previously received criticism surrounding data quality concerns. Participants recruited
through MTurk have been criticized for lacking full demographic representation, having a high
degree of careless responding, and lacking motivation to participate meaningfully in the study.
There are concerns over who is participating in MTurk and if they provide data that can be
significantly interpreted by researchers. However, research has found that MTurk results are
generalizable (Buhrmester, Talaifar, & Gosling, 2018; Landers & Behrend, 2015; Shadish, Cook,
& Campbell, 2002), replicable (Berinsky et al., 2012; Mason & Suri, 2012), and valid (Horton et
al., 2011). Additionally, MTurk participants tend to be more diverse than the typical internet
sample (Buhrmester et al., 2011). In the present study, I used Cloud Research, an Amazon Web
Service, and a manipulation check to increase participant quality. While there are some concerns
about using MTurk, there is support for conducting experimental manipulations on the platform.
Horton et al. (2011) found experiments conducted on MTurk were as internally and externally
valid as other kinds of experiments (including laboratory and field experiments). With this in
mind, I believe MTurk was an appropriate service for the present experimental study.
Another potential limitation of the study was the incentive given to participants. People
would not gain anything in particular by participating in the study outside of becoming more
aware of different interview questions. Participants on MTurk were also paid at a fair rate for the
platform ($0.75), but that pay could have been too little to motivate participants to respond
conscientiously. Beyond the base pay, I could have provided a bonus, additional payment, or
potential to win a larger raffle for conscientious responding. By motivating the participants more,
I could have seen fewer people fail the manipulation check and may have had better data in
Another limitation of this study is the manipulation itself. Although I included a
manipulation check to ensure participants understood what their assigned goal was and removed
anyone who failed to identify their correct goal, the number of failures points to a potential issue
with the manipulation. One way to strengthen the manipulation is to expand upon what the goals
mean by providing more than just a statement of the goal. For instance, instead of simply telling
a participant their goal is to “Assess candidate fit”, the stronger manipulation could expand on
that by clearly defining what fit means. This could be expanded with additional explanation
through a sentence (e.g., “Fit can include how the applicant would fit into their job, fit with the
team, or fit with the organization.”) or could be presented in a chart below the scenario that
highlights important elements of that goal (e.g., “Consider how the applicant will fit in their
position. Will they fit in with their coworkers? Imagine how they will fit in with the team. Do
they fit into the larger organization?”). Alternatively, the manipulation could be altered by
expanding it even further to explain why that goal is particularly relevant to the participant. For
example, after assigning the goal of fit, an additional paragraph could be added that explains the
potential dangers of hiring someone who does not fit in with the organization. This could include
anecdotes of people performing poorly and turning over quickly because they could not fit into
the company or team culture. If there is interest in future studies to examine different levels of
fit, general fit could be split into more goal conditions by dividing it into two separate goals: The
goal for company fit and the goal for job fit. Additionally, after assigning the competence goal,
the additional paragraph to strengthen the manipulation could include information about the
importance of choosing someone who is fully prepared for the position and is most qualified to
perform the job. This could include estimates of how much high performing individuals
contribute to the organization’s overall performance (e.g., productivity) with an emphasis on
how much money is saved by hiring the most competent person.
Another check that could strengthen the manipulation is to include an open-ended
manipulation check immediately after participants are assigned their goal. This open-ended
response could simply ask participants to explain what their assigned condition means to them.
Adding this step would improve the manipulation in a few ways. First, it would require
participants think about their condition more deeply by reflecting on the goal more explicitly.
Second, it would provide extra clarification for the researcher by showing exactly how
participants interpreted their assigned goal. This would serve as a good check for the researcher
to ensure the manipulation worked and that participants interpreted their condition in a similar
By strengthening and expanding the manipulation further, it could improve the study in
many ways. First, I would expect fewer participants to fail the manipulation check. By clearly
stating the goal and expanding on what that goal really means, I would expect fewer people to
forget or confuse their assigned goal when responding to the manipulation check. In the present
study, it is easy for a participant to misinterpret the goal for fit as a goal for competence or vice
versa because there is no clear explanation of what the goal really means which could in turn
cause a manipulation check failure. Second, I would expect a stronger manipulation to clarify the
results of fit and competence specifically. As previously stated, these two functioned similarly in
the data which could be due to the colloquial misinterpretation of what fit and competence mean
in an interview setting. People in the present study may have misinterpreted one for the other or
could just think they mean the same thing entirely. Without the stronger manipulation check, I
cannot know if fit and competence goals actually function similarly or if my participants
misinterpreted the meaning of these goals. Therefore, future studies focused on interviewer goals
should define the goals more clearly in the manipulation.
Another potential limitation is the nature of the task in the study. As an initial study of
interviewer goals, I wanted participants to indicate how likely they are to choose each item
individually without regard to the size of their item bank or with any strict rules. This seemed to
be an appropriate first step to understand these three goals, but it is possible this task was not
strong enough to differentiate all the goals. If the task itself were changed, we could see different
results. For instance, participants could still begin by indicating how likely they are to choose
each task as they did in the present study. However, we could add a new task following it that
requires participants to definitively decide if they will include that item in their final item bank.
That way, we have both their likelihood and a final set of items for each participant. Although I
see ways to improve the task used in the present survey, I believe the present task was useful as
an initial study on interviewer goals.
The study could be considered limited by its experimental nature. As explained in
Highhouse (2009), experiments are frequently criticized for not being generalizable; however,
they allow us to control more of the study (Gravetter & Forzano, 2016), infer a level of causality
(Bleske-Rechek, Morrison, & Heidtke, 2015), and understand how variables relate to each other
(Toomela, 2008). However, experiments are overwhelmingly critiqued for creating unrealistic
situations (Bauman, McGraw, Bartels, & Warren, 2014), providing mundane realism
(Highhouse, 2009), or failing to provide an explanation for the results (Gravetter & Forzano,
2016). However, in novel areas of research, an experiment is an ideal place to begin because it
provides control and clear interpretation of the relations between variables (Highhouse, 2009;
Stone-Romero, 2011). Because limited previous research exists that explicitly examines how
interviewer goals relate to the interview questions they choose to ask, an experiment was a useful
first step in understanding the larger topic at hand and was appropriate in the present study.
The final limitation is the potential lack of generalizability to real-world choices by hiring
managers. An online convenience sample was ideal for an experimental scenario to better
understand how variables relate, but it does not tell us how these findings transfer to an actual
hiring setting. As previously outlined, studying these goals and questions in HR professionals is
an important next step for the research. Although online experiments are generalizable to the
larger population (Mullinix, Leeper, Druckman, & Freese, 2016), using a non-experimental
approach with real hiring managers could reveal additional information about the underlying
mechanics of this study’s findings.
Selection interviews have been a staple of IO Psychology for well over a century
(Buckley et al., 2000; Posthuma et al., 2002; Zickar & Gibby, 2007) and will continue to be as
long as they are widely utilized in the selection process. Throughout that time, researchers have
explored how best to encourage hiring managers to use more structured processes and questions
in their interviews with mixed results (Conway et al., 1995; Huffcutt & Arthur, 1994; König et
al., 2011; Lievens & De Paepe, 2004; Lodato et al., 2011; Orpen, 1985; Schmitt, 1976; Ulrich &
Trumbo, 1965; Wagner, 1949). This study approached this long-standing question from a new
angle by examining how interviewer goals can ultimately influence the questions they choose to
ask in an interview. Results indicate some support for the relation between interviewer goals and
the questions they choose to ask, suggesting there is potential for continuation in this area of
research. By more thoroughly understanding the role of interviewer goals, this experiment points
toward an under-studied mechanism that could explain why hiring managers are hesitant to use
fully structured interviews and instead favor semi-structured or unstructured interviews based on
their own personal goals for the interview. Future research should continue to study the influence
of interviewer goals by addressing the limitations of the current study.
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Interview Questions (Highhouse et al., 2019)
Brainteaser Questions
1. If you were to get rid of one state in the country, what would it be and why?
2. If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you like to see play the lead role
as you?
3. Calculate the angle of two clock pointers when time is 11:50.
4. How would you explain what a chair is to an alien?
5. If you could be any animal on a carousel, what would you pick and why?
6. How would you determine the weight of a commercial airplane without a scale?
7. Why are manhole covers round?
8. What is your favorite song? Perform it for us now.
9. Estimate how many windows are in New York.
10. Pick two celebrities to be your parents.
11. Have you ever stolen a pen from work?*
12. How many quarters do you need to reach the height of the Empire State Building?
13. Name three previous Nobel Prize winners.
14. What do you think about when you are alone in your car?
15. What songs best describe your work ethic?
Behavioral Questions
1. What would you do if you disagree with a coworker?
2. What do you do when your schedule is interrupted? Give an example of how you handled
3. Describe a situation when you took a risk professionally. What was the outcome?
4. Tell me about a creative solution you developed for a challenging situation or problem.
5. What is the most stressful situation you have handled and what was the outcome?
6. Describe a decision you made that was a failure. What happened and why?
7. If you could start your career over again, what would you differently?*
8. Tell me about a time that you participated in a team. What was your role?
9. Tell me about a time when you failed.
10. Give an example of a goal you reached and tell me how you achieved it.
11. Have you handled a difficult situation? How?
12. Give an example of an occasion when you used logic to solve a problem.
13. Did you ever postpone making a decision? Why?
14. Tell me about a time when you were faced with conflicting priorities. How did you
determine the top priority?
15. Tell me about a time when you misjudged a person.*
Traditional Questions
1. Why should we hire you?
2. Do you consider yourself a leader?
3. What do you look for in a job?
4. Can you work under pressure and deal with deadlines?
5. What do you know about our organization?
6. Are you a good listener?
7. What led you to this point in your life?
8. How long would it take you to make a meaningful contribution to our firm?
9. If you could be anyone else, who would it be?*
10. What do you love?
11. How do you get along with older coworkers?
12. Do you check voicemail and email while on vacation?
13. How successful do you think you’ve been so far?
14. Tell us why you want to work for us.
15. What salary do you think you deserve?
Note: All items were presented in a randomized order.
* The item was removed after Subject Matter Expert (SME) review because less than 60% of
SMEs sorted the item into the correct category
Participants responded on a scale from 1 (would never include) to 5 (would definitely include).
Experimental Scenario:
Assess Fit
“Imagine that you work for a Fortune 500 company. You are constructing a pool of interview
questions to be asked of all supervisory or management-level applicants. To help you create the
question pool, your supervisor provides a specific goal for you to focus on. Your primary goal is
to select questions that will determine whether the person is a good fit for the organization.
Consider what you need to ask the applicant to determine if they are a good overall fit. Please
indicate the likelihood that you would select each of the items below to be included in the
set of general interview questions.
Remember, your goal is to assess fit.”
Assess Competence
“Imagine that you work for a Fortune 500 company. You are constructing a pool of interview
questions to be asked of all supervisory or management-level applicants. To help you create the
question pool, your supervisor provides a specific goal for you to focus on. Your primary goal is
to select questions that will determine the applicant’s overall job competence. Consider what
you need to ask the applicant to determine if they are highly likely to perform well on the job.
Please indicate the likelihood that you would select each of the items below to be included
in the set of general interview questions.
Remember, your goal is to assess competence.
Assess Tolerance for Stress
“Imagine that you work for a Fortune 500 company. You are constructing a pool of interview
questions to be asked of all supervisory or management-level applicants. To help you create the
question pool, your supervisor provides a specific goal for you to focus on. Your primary goal is
to select questions that will determine the person’s ability to handle stress. Consider what you
need to ask the applicant to determine if they are able to handle pressure on the job. Please
indicate the likelihood that you would select each of the items below to be included in the
set of general interview questions.
Remember, your goal is to assess stress tolerance.”
Manipulation Check
Which of the following best describes your provided goal for creating the pool of interview
1. Assess applicant fit
2. Assess applicant competence
3. Assess applicant stress tolerance
Interview Experience
Which of the following best describes your experience with conducting interviews?
1. I have never conducted an interview.
2. I have conducted a handful of job interviews over my career
3. I have conducted quite a few job interviews over my career.
4. I have conducted an enormous amount of job interviews over my career.