Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Bryan, Texas
June 2, 2022
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Chairperson Leo Gonzalez
Vice-Chairperson Marca Ewers
Parliamentarian John Bush
Kevin Boriskie
Paul Torres
Jared Salvato
Michael Beckendorf
Joseph “Jody” Rodriguez
THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2022 6:00 P.M.
Disclaimer: The meeting minutes herein are a summarization of meeting procedures, not a verbatim
a. Call to Order.
Chairperson Gonzalez called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m.
Held in
Past 6
in Past 6
Percentage of
Attended in
Past 6 Months
Michael Beckendorf
Kevin Boriskie
John Bush
Jared Salvato*
Marca Ewers
Leo Gonzalez
Joseph “Jody” Rodriguez
Paul Torres
*Commissioner Salvato was seated on the Commission on January, 2022
b. Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag.
Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Bryan, Texas
June 2, 2022
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Chairperson Gonzalez led the pledge.
c. Hear Citizens.
No citizens came forward.
d. Recognition of Affidavits Filed in Response to State Law on Disclosure of Local Official’s
Conflict of Interest.
None were filed.
a. Approval of minutes from the regular meeting on May 5, 2022.
b. Final Plat FP22-14: Windmill Hill Subdivision Phase 1
Proposed Final Plat of Windmill Hill Subdivision - Phase 1 being 27.87 acres of land out of the
Thomas J. Alcorn League, A-61, located across FM 1179 from Easterling Drive in the
extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) in Brazos County, Texas. (I. Martinez)
c. Easement Release ER22-01 City of Bryan
A request to release a public utility easement, adjoining the north side of Mumford Road at its
intersection with North Harvey Mitchell Parkway, extending northwest within A-38, L
McLaughlin (ICL) being tract 12 of 449.48 acres, and within A-181 M Mitchell and A-234 O
Wilcox and A-35 W S Martin in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (M. Cameron)
d. Approval of Consent Agenda
Commissioner Bush moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Boriskie
seconded the motion, and the motion passed unanimously.
3. Request for Approval of Zoning Changes - A Public Hearing will be held for each item
(Commission makes recommendation; City Council has final approval).
e. Rezoning RZ22-05: WAS-WLB, Ltd. and The Saviours Temple
A request to change the zoning classification from Residential District - 5000 (RD-5) to Planned
Development Business District (PD-B) on 3.66 acres of land out of the Zeno Phillips League, A-
45, adjoining the east side of Groesbeck Street, approximately 490 feet to 815 feet north of its
intersection with Richard Street, in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (A. Kay)
Ms. Kay presented the staff report (on file in the Development Services Department). Staff
recommends approval of the request.
Commissioners questioned if there had been any complaints received. Staff responded there had
been none received.
The public hearing was opened.
Mr. Wayne Rife, Attorney representing applicant, stated the background of the property and that
the proposed zoning is fitting for this property.
Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Bryan, Texas
June 2, 2022
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Mr. Tom Raunebacker, Attorney representing applicant, stated he believes the zoning is fitting for
the property.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Bush moved to recommend approval of RZ22-05 to the Bryan City Council,
as requested, and to adopt the written staff report and analysis, as the report, findings and
evaluation of this Commission. Commissioner Ewers seconded the motion.
Commissioners stated the staff report revealed all issues involved and found reasonable options
for this case.
The motion passed unanimously.
b. Rezoning RZ22-08: Mitchell & Morgan, LLP.
A request to change the zoning classification from a combination of Retail District (C-2) and
Agricultural Open District (A-O) to Multiple-Family District (MF) on 53.87 acres of land out of
the TJ Wooten League, A-59, adjoining the north side of Riverside Parkway (SH 47) between
Leonard and West Villa Maria Roads in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (K. Williams)
Ms. Williams presented the staff report (on file in the Development Services Department). Staff
recommends approval of the request.
The public hearing was opened.
Mr. Hartzell Elkins, Owner of the property, believes the proposed zoning is a good fit for the
Mr. Mike Bishop, 5459 Jones Road, stated concerns regarding traffic control and improvements
needed for Jones Road.
Staff responded that the applicants will be conducting a Traffic Impact Analysis for the
development. There is also a future extension of Jones Road and right-of-way dedication will be
requested from the applicant.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Bush moved to recommend approval of Rezoning RZ22-08 to the Bryan City
Council, as requested, and to adopt the written staff report and analysis, as the report,
findings and evaluation of this Commission. Commissioner Torres seconded the motion.
Commissioners stated the development aligns with the City’s development plan and will support
nearby Rellis Campus.
The motion passed unanimously.
3. Rezoning RZ22-09: Brightwork Real Estate
A request to change the zoning classification from a combination of Commercial District (C-3)
and Planned Development Mixed Use District (PD-M) to Retail District (C-2) on 4.48 acres of
land, being Lots 1 and 2 of Fullers Subdivision, as well as property out of the John Austin
Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Bryan, Texas
June 2, 2022
Regular Meeting Minutes
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League, A-2, adjoining the north side of the intersection of East William Joel Bryan Parkway and
Nash Street in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (A. Kay)
Ms. Kay presented the staff report (on file in the Development Services Department). Staff
recommends approval of the request.
The public hearing was opened.
Mr. Graham Moore, Civil Engineer of applicant, stated his excitement for the proposed
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Torres moved to recommend approval of Rezoning RZ22-09 to the Bryan
City Council, as requested, and to adopt the written staff report and analysis, as the report,
findings and evaluation of this Commission. Commissioner Ewers seconded the motion.
Commissioners stated the area is great for the proposed development and the zoning is
appropriate for the location.
The motion passed unanimously.
4. Requests related to 190.11 acres of land out of the Maria Kegan Survey, Abstract No. 28,
located at the northwest corner of the intersection of State Highway 30 (FM 158) and Hardy
Weedon Road in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (Commission makes recommendation; City
Council has final approval).
a. Rezoning RZ22-11: 1983 Land Investments, LLC.
A request to amend the development plan of a previously approved Planned Development
Mixed Use District (PD-M) on 190.11 acres of land out of the Maria Kegan Survey, Abstract No.
28, located at the northwest corner of the intersection of State Highway 30 (FM 158) and Hardy
Weedon Road in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (K. Williams)
Ms. Williams presented the staff report (on file in the Development Services Department). Staff
recommends approval of the request.
The public hearing was opened.
Mr. Kenneth Poenisch, 10056 Hunters Run, College Station, stated he is the president of the
Homeowner’s Association neighboring the property and questioned the zoning amendments. Mr.
Poesnisch questioned what is considered a structure and the proposed building setback
Mr. Jonathan Stone, 10053 Hunters Run, College Station, stated concerns regarding a buffer area
in between subdivisions.
Commissioners questioned if there are buffers in between subdivisions.
Mr. Joe Schultz, Engineer of the applicant, stated there are buffers in between subdivisionS
however that is noted on the Master Plan, not the zoning documents.
Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Bryan, Texas
June 2, 2022
Regular Meeting Minutes
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The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Bush moved to approve Rezoning RZ22-11 to the Bryan City Council, as
requested, and to adopt the written staff report and analysis, as the report, findings and
evaluation of this Commission. Commissioner Ewers seconded the motion.
Commissioners stated the amendments are consistent with the original plan.
The motion passed unanimously.
b. Master Plan MP22-03: Yaupon Trails Subdivision
Proposed Master Plan Amendment of Yaupon Trails Subdivision, being 126.23 acres of land out
of the Maria Kegan Survey, Abstract No. 28, located at the northwest corner of the intersection of
State Highway 30 (FM 158) and Hardy Weedon Road in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (K.
Ms. Williams presented the staff report (on file in the Development Services Department). Staff
recommends denial of the request.
The public hearing was opened.
Mr. Poenisch stated thanks and compliments to the applicant.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Torres moved to approve Master Plan MP22-03, contingent upon the Bryan
City Council’s prior approval of the related planned development amendment request (case
no. RZ22-11), and to adopt the written staff report and analysis as the report, findings and
evaluation of this Commission. Commissioner Boriskie seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
5. Requests for Approval of Conditional Use Permits - A Public Hearing will be held for each
item (Commission has final approval; appeals may be directed to City Council).
a. Conditional Use Permit CU21-06: 3816 North Texas Avenue
A request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit, to allow the construction of a new detached
residential dwelling and legitimize an existing detached residential dwelling on property that is
zoned Commercial District (C-3) on 2.65 acres out of the Moses Baine Survey adjoining the west
side of North Texas Avenue between Lightfoot Lane and Stevens Drive and currently addressed
as 3816 North Texas Avenue in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (K. Williams)
Ms. Williams presented the staff report (on file in the Development Services Department). Staff
recommends approval of the request.
The public hearing was opened.
No one came forward.
The public hearing was closed.
Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Bryan, Texas
June 2, 2022
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Commissioner Ewers moved to approve Conditional Use Permit CU21-06, subject to the
following conditions: 1) Conformance with the approved site plan; and 2) Approval of a
preliminary plan and recordation of a final plat prior to issuance of a building permit and to
adopt the written staff report and analysis as the report, findings and evaluation of this
Commission. Commissioner Torres seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
b. Conditional Use Permit CU22-02: 3459 Mahogany Drive
A request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow an accessory dwelling unit on land
zoned Planned Development Mixed Use District (PD-M) on 0.39 acres of land adjoining the
south side of Mahogany Drive, currently addressed as 3459 Mahogany Drive in Bryan, Brazos
County, Texas. (A. Kay)
Ms. Kay presented the staff report (on file in the Development Services Department). Staff
recommends approval of the request.
Commissioners questioned if there had been any complaints received. Staff responded there had
been none received.
The public hearing was opened.
No one came forward.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Boriskie moved to approve Conditional Use Permit CU22-02, to allow the
construction of an accessory dwelling unit on the subject property as requested, and to
adopt the written staff report and analysis as the report, findings and evaluation of this
Commission. Commissioner Torres seconded the motion.
Commissioners discussed the request is similar to previous requests in the area.
The motion passed unanimously.
c. Conditional Use Permit CU22-04: 107 South Preston Avenue
A request for approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a professional office on land
zoned Residential District 5000 (RD-5) on 0.26 acres of land adjoining the east side of South
Preston Avenue between East 26th and East 27th Streets and currently addressed as 107 South
Preston Avenue in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (K. Williams)
Ms. Williams presented the staff report (on file in the Development Services Department). Staff
recommends approval of the request.
The public hearing was opened.
No one came forward.
The public hearing was closed.
Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Bryan, Texas
June 2, 2022
Regular Meeting Minutes
Page 7 of 8
Commissioner Ewers moved to approve Conditional Use Permit CU22-04 and to adopt the
written staff report and analysis as the report, findings and evaluation of this Commission.
Commissioner Torres seconded the motion.
Commissioners stated the previous use is the same as the proposed and it is fitting for the
The motion passed unanimously.
6. Request for Approval of Variance to Standards - A Public Hearing will be held for each
item (Commission has final approval; applicants may direct appeals to City Council).
a. Planning Variance PV22-09: 507 Walnut Street
A request for approval of a 1.4-foot variance from the minimum 15-foot side building setback
required on properties zoned Mixed Use District (MU-2) to allow construction of a single family
detached dwelling that extends within 13.6-feet of the side property line, on property adjoining
the South intersection of Walnut Street and Tidwell Avenue, being Lot 5 in Block 46 of the Oak
Grove Park Subdivision in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (I. Martinez)
Ms. Martinez presented the staff report (on file in the Development Services Department). Staff
recommends approval of the request.
The public hearing was opened.
Ms. Maria Arenas-Gomez, Applicant, stated they are also the builder and plan to build two
residential homes on the property.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Torres moved to approve Planning Variance PV22-09, and to adopt the
written staff report and analysis as the report, findings and evaluation of this Commission.
Commissioner Boriskie seconded the motion.
Commissioners discussed the case was unique because of the location and the proposed
development suits the area.
The motion passed unanimously.
b. Planning Variance PV22-10: 2950 Blue Belle Drive
A request for approval of a 3.2-foot variance from the minimum 15-foot side building setback
when adjoining a local street, and a 4.7-foot variance from the minimum 25-foot front building
setback required on properties located within this Planned Development Mixed Use (PD-M)
Zoning District, to allow the construction of a new detached residential dwelling in which the
structure proposes to extend within 11.8-feet from the south side property line and a garage
overhang which proposes to extend within 20.3-feet of the front property line, currently
addressed as 2950 Blue Belle Drive, being Lot 25 in Block 2 of The Traditions Subdivision -
Phase 20A, in Bryan, Brazos County, Texas. (M. Cameron)
Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Bryan, Texas
June 2, 2022
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Mr. Cameron presented the staff report (on file in the Development Services Department). Staff
recommends approval of the request.
The public hearing was opened.
Mr. Ricardo Reyna, Applicant, stated they requested a variance for another property in the area
for the same reason.
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Bush moved to approve Planning Variance PV22-10, and to adopt the written
staff report and analysis as the report, findings and evaluation of this Commission.
Commissioner Boriskie seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
a. Adjourn.
Without objection, Chairperson Gonzalez adjourned the meeting at 7:06 p.m.
These minutes were reviewed and approved by the City of Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission
on this the 16th day of June, 2022.
Leo Gonzalez II, Chairperson
Planning and Zoning Commission
City of Bryan, Texas
Randy Haynes, AICP
Planning Administrator and Secretary
To the Planning and Zoning Commission