Copyright ©2022 Baltimore County Public Schools. All rights reserved.
Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment or Intimidation
I. Policy Statement
A. The Board’s Mission. The Board of Education of Baltimore County (Board)
is committed to ensuring that every student learns in an environment that is
safe and secure and conducive to learning. The Board believes that bullying,
cyberbullying, harassment and intimidation are disruptive to learning and can
adversely affect academic achievement, emotional well-being and school
B. Applicability
1. The Board strictly prohibits bullying, cyberbullying, harassment or
intimidation of any person in Baltimore County Public Schools
(BCPS). Board Policy 5580 and its implementing Superintendent’s
rule apply to students:
a. When participating in school-sponsored activities on school
property or held off school property, including but not limited
to: field trips, extracurricular activities or social events:
b. When traveling on a school bus, or other official means of
transportation, on the way to and/or from school, and/or when
participating in school-sponsored activities;
c. During virtual instruction; and
d. When an alleged act of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment or
intimidation takes place off school grounds, provided that a
nexus exists between the off-campus conduct and conduct on
school property or school-sponsored activity.
2. The Board prohibits bullying, cyberbullying, harassment or
intimidation off school property that the school administrator’s
investigation determines creates a substantial disruption to the orderly
operation of the school the orderly operation of a school.
C. The Board further prohibits reprisal or retaliation against individuals who
report acts of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment or intimidation or who are
targets, witnesses, bystanders or others with reliable information about an act
of bullying, cyberbullying, cyberbullying, harassment or intimidation.
II. Purpose
Copyright ©2022 Baltimore County Public Schools. All rights reserved.
All students have the right to be free from bullying, cyberbullying, harassment or
intimidation. The Board is committed to providing a safe, productive and inclusive
learning environment. Bullying problems are symptomatic of relationship problems
best addressed holistically by students, schools, parents/caregivers and the entire
community. Maryland schools should be places where students are surrounded by
caring adults who encourage students to treat others with kindness and empathy,
while helping to build a relationship-focused, welcoming, school environment
fostering academic and personal growth for every student.
III. Definitions
A. Bullying – Is unwanted, demeaning behavior among students that involves a
real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or is highly
likely to be repeated, over time. To be considered bullying, the behavior
must be intentional and include:
1. An imbalance or perceived imbalance of power (students who bully
use their physical, emotional, social or academic power to control,
exclude or harm others); and
2. Repetition (bullying behaviors happen more than once or are highly
likely to be repeated based on evidence gathered).
B. Cyberbullying Is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell
phones, computers and tablets. Cyberbullying can occur through texting,
apps or online via social media, forums or gaming where people can view,
participate in or share content. Cyberbullying includes sending, posting or
sharing negative, harmful, false or hurtful content about another student. It
can include sharing personal or private information about someone else
causing embarrassment or humiliation.
C. Harassment Includes actual or perceived negative actions that offend,
ridicule or demean another student with regard to race, ethnicity, national
origin, immigration status, family/parental or marital status, sex, sexual
orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, ancestry, physical
attributes, socioeconomic status, physical or mental ability or disability.
D. Intimidation Is any communication or action directed against another
student that threatens or induces a sense of fear and/or inferiority. Retaliation
may be considered a form of intimidation.
E. Parent The biological or adoptive parent, legal guardian or person acting
in the absence of the parent or guardian.
Copyright ©2022 Baltimore County Public Schools. All rights reserved.
F. Perceived Power Imbalance A student’s perception or belief that the
harasser has more power authority than the student who is being bullied.
G. School Property Any Board-owned, controlled or leased property or
vehicle regardless of whether students are present.
IV. Standards
A. The Superintendent will implement a systemwide anti-bullying initiative that
includes prevention, intervention, consequences and remedial actions for any
person engaged in, making a false accusation of and/or committing an act of
reprisal or retaliation related to bullying, cyberbullying, harassment or
B. Procedures
The Board delegates authority to the Superintendent to take necessary and
appropriate actions to establish, implement and maintain procedures to
ensure that all schools comply with the Maryland State Board of Education’s
(MSDE) Model Policy to Address Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation.
The procedures will include, but not be limited to the following:
1. Using the Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Report Form to
report alleged incidents of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment or
2. Creating a reporting process for use in schools that includes
systemwide reporting to MSDE.
3. Reporting, investigating and providing prompt notice of an act of
bullying, cyberbullying, harassment or intimidation to include:
a. Promptly investigating acts of bullying, cyberbullying,
harassment or intimidation;
b. Providing prompt notice to parents;
c. Providing the student with a practical, safe, private and age-
appropriate way of discussing an incident of bullying,
cyberbullying, harassment or intimidation if a student
expresses a desire to do so and to assist students, upon request,
in completing the Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation
Reporting Form at school; and
d. Providing standard consequences and remedial actions for
students committing acts of bullying, cyberbullying,
harassment or intimidation, students engaged in reprisal or
retaliation and students who have made false accusations.
Copyright ©2022 Baltimore County Public Schools. All rights reserved.
4. Communicating the availability of the Bullying, Harassment or
Intimidation Reporting Form by:
a. Informing staff about the availability of the Bullying,
Harassment or Intimidation Report Form during opening-of-
school meetings and then periodically throughout the school
b. Informing Students and parents annually in the student
handbook of the Board’s Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment
or Intimidation policy, its implementing rule and the
availability of the Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation Report
Form on the school system Web site and any other location the
Superintendent deems appropriate; and
c. Publishing a description about the availability of the Bullying,
Harassment or Intimidation Reporting Form on the school
system’s Web site and by providing a user-friendly, online
platform for students, staff, parents, caregivers or close adult
relatives to be able to complete the Bullying, Harassment or
Intimidation Report Form.
5. Providing interventions and supports for students involved in bullying
6. Providing prevention and educational programs, aligned to the school
system’s anti-bullying initiative, for students, parents, teachers, other
staff, administrators and volunteers to prevent bullying,
cyberbullying, harassment and intimidation incidents in schools.
7. Providing annual professional learning for school administrators and
teachers on implementation of Board Policy and Superintendent’s
Rule 5580.
8. Requiring annual training for all employees on recognizing, reporting
and responding to acts of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment and
D. A student who is found to have violated this policy shall be disciplined in
accordance with Board Policy 5550, Student Behavior Code.
V. Limitations of Liability
In accordance with State law, a school employee who reports an act of bullying,
cyberbullying, harassment or intimidation under § 7-424.1 of the Education Article,
in accordance with this policy, is not civilly liable for any act or omission in reporting
or failing to report an act of bullying, cyberbullying, harassment or intimidation.
Copyright ©2022 Baltimore County Public Schools. All rights reserved.
VI. Review
In accordance with State law, Board Policy 5580 shall be reviewed every 5 years,
based on the Maryland State Board of Education’s update of Maryland’s Model
Policy to Address Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation and submitted to the
Maryland State Superintendent.
VII. Reporting
The Superintendent will report to the Board on the implementation of this policy at
least once a year.
VIII. Implementation
The Board directs the Superintendent to implement this policy.
Legal References: 20 U.S.C. § 1232g, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
20 U.S.C. § 1681, Et Seq., Title IX of the Education Amendments
of 1972
34 CFR Part 106, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education
Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance
Annotated Code of Maryland, Criminal Law Article § 3-805, Misuse
of Electronic Communication or Interactive Computer Service
Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article § 7-424, Reporting
Incidents of Harassment or Intimidation Against Students
Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article § 7-424.1, Model
Policy Prohibiting Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation
Annotated Code of Maryland, Education Article § 7-424.3, Bullying,
Harassment and Intimidation Policy
COMAR 13A.01.04.03, School Safety
COMAR 13A.08.01.15, Reporting Delinquent Acts
COMAR 13A.08.02, Student Records
Related Policies: Board of Education Policy 0100, Equity
Board of Education Policy 4100, Employee Conduct and
Copyright ©2022 Baltimore County Public Schools. All rights reserved.
Board of Education Policy 4104, Acceptable Use Policy for
Technology and Social Media (TAUP) for Authorized Users
Board of Education Policy 5230, Student Records
Board of Education Policy 5500, Code of Student Conduct
Board of Education Policy 5510, Positive School Climate
Board of Education Policy 5550, Student Behavior Code
Board of Education Policy 5560, Suspensions and Expulsions
Board of Education Policy 5600, Students’ Responsibilities and
Board of Education Policy 6202, Technology Acceptable Use Policy
(TAUP) for Students
Implementing Rule: Superintendent’s Rule 5580, Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment or
Implementing Form: Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation Reporting Form
Other: BCPS Electronic Online Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation
Reporting Form
Policy Board of Education of Baltimore County
Adopted: 07/14/09
Revised: 04/22/14
Revised: 12/06/16
Revised: 04/14/20
Revised: 05/17/22 (Effective 08/06/22)