Analyst 1.0
ProcartaPlex Analyst
Product Disclaimer
ProcartaPlex™ Analyst Software 1.0 is the property of eBioscience, an Affymetrix company and is protected by intellectual property
laws and international treaties. It is expressly and solely intended for use by eBioscience customers together with ProcartaPlex
Detection Reagents from eBioscience. Unauthorized use, reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result
in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. ProcartaPlex Analyst
Software is based inter alia on proprietary know-how of eBioscience and all text, graphics and contents are the property (either owned
or by way of licenses) of eBioscience. The ProcartaPlex Software is intended only for use of its customers together with ProcartaPlex
Multiple Analyte Detection Reagents for analysis of data generated by a Luminex Instrument. Any form of use beyond the permitted
use by the customer for the intended purpose, any reproduction, resale, or other redistribution of this software is not allowed without
prior written permission of eBioscience.
ProcartaPlex Analyst 1.0 Software
This software is provided “as is“ and any expressed or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties
of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall eBioscience be liable for any direct or
indirect damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business
interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or
otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
System Requirements
The ProcartaPlex Analyst 1.0 software has been validated for use on PC computers running Windows 7 or higher,
as well as for the use on Mac running OSX 10.9 or higher.
ProcartaPlex Analyst 1.0 Software License
You are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable limited license without license fees to use this software to analyze and evaluate
ProcartaPlex™ experiments using eBioscience products. You are not allowed to redistribute this software. This software contains third
party components with additional licenses that apply to these components. A list of third party components can be found in the file
components.txt in the directory “licenses“ in the application directory. All referenced licenses can be found in that same directory.
Software Installation
The Software is complementary and can be downloaded from the website:
Luminex File Format
ProcartaPlex Analyst 1.0 is compatible only with comma separated value (*.csv) files generated by the Luminex system.
The csv file is generated after the plate has been read on the Luminex Instrument and contains the MFI values of your
standards and samples. Upload the original, not previously opened *.csv file, into ProcartaPlex Analyst 1.0. Here are two
methods to generate a *.csv file from either a Bioplex or an xPonent system.
Bioplex Software 6.1
Under “File“ select “Document Export Properties“ => Select Output .csv format and click “Ok“
Under “File“ select “Document Export“ and “Save
xPONENT Software + IS2.3 Software
The *.csv file is automatically saved in the Output folder on the desktop
ProcartaPlex Analyst 1.0 software was tested wit both xPONENT 4.2 and xPONENT 3.1 software versions.
Importing a CSV file
Click on Load File (.csv) Select the directory where the file is saved, highlight the .csv file and
press the open button. Wells containing fluorescent (Fl) information will change their colors from dark grey to light grey.
Wells with low bead count (>20) will be highlighted with an exclamation point.
Note: Each plate must be saved as a separate file. Import of files containing data of multiple plates can not be read by the
Tool Bar
Clicking on the “edit annotation button in the top left corner will bring up a pop up window to allow the
creation of notes for the experiment in a notepad format. It allows the user to enter additional information, which
can be viewed and printed in the final report. The notes or annotations can also be imported or exported as *.txt file.
By selecting the “Restart ProcartaPlex Analyst” button , the program will restart and bring you back to the
previous page, but the *.csv file will not be removed. The “Reset” button will reset the page to the original
state and the previously loaded *.csv file will also be lost. The “Import Previous Evaluation”button will reload
the setting file (*.xml) created previously in the report section. The *.xml file saves your analysis along with all settings
and statistics. Clicking the “Edit customized kits” button in the top left corner will bring up a window to create
customized kit data files. The kit data files will be used to set the starting dilution for the standard curve.
Getting Started
ProcartaPlex Analyst
Defining the Plate Map
First specify the number of replicates (singlicates, duplicates, triplicates). Select the replicate direction by clicking on
Across“ for replicate wells that are identical from left to right or select “Down“ for replicate wells that are numbered
from top to bottom, then left to right.
Select the “set blanks” button then click and drag a selection box over the blank wells. Select the “Set standards” button
then click and drag a selection box over the standard wells. Please note that the maximum number of standards is 7
standard points. Select the “set unknowns” button then click and drag a selection box over the unknown wells. To clear
the plate map, select the “Reset selection” button and click and highlight the wells to be reset.
Set up of Sample Pre-dilution
First mark the sample that requires a higher dilution factor. After right mouse click a window with additional settings will
appear. Choose the option “Set Dilution.
Please enter the recommended sample dilution into the filed “Set Dilution.
The Software provides an option to set up the same dilution factor for all samples. Therefore click on any of the samples
defined in your Plate Map and click right mouse button. It appears the same window as above. Please choose the option
“Set same dilution for all”.
ProcartaPlex Analyst
Select Used Analytes
Select the appropriate ProcartaPlex Kit Panel(s) or Simplex Kits that were used in your experiment by clicking the
appropriate box in the bottom left window. Once the Multiplex Panels or combination of Simplex Kits click have been
selected, the available analytes will then appear in the right half of the screen. Some of the analytes cannot be measured
together, because they use the same bead set. The program will give a warning message if an improper combination is
selected. Refer to the certificate of analysis to confirm the standard lots that were used during the experiment and select
the appropriate Standard Mix.
ProcartaPlex Analyst
Please enter the used sample dilution factor into the filed “Set same dilution for all samples”.
Select the standard lot(s) used in your assay and the software will load concentration and dilution
information associated with this lot. To manually change the standard range for a certain analyte,
click the box “Range: xxx – 0” A new window will appear,
containing the default 1:4 dilution of the seven standard points. Enter in new values to manually
change the standard.
ProcartaPlex Analyst
Import New Kit and Standard Lot Data
If your kit/lot is not listed in the software, the kit/lot data can be downloaded from
resources/procartaplex-analyst-1.0-software.htm. Import downloaded kit data by using the “Load kit data” button
in the top left corner. Import downloaded lot data by using “Upload New” button in the combo box
Available Lots” in the bottom middle window.
Creating Customized Kit Data
To create customized kit data, click on the “Edit customized kits button in the top left corner to bring up a
window to create customized kit data files. Click “Create a new kit” and enter a name for
your customized kit. Select the desired analytes from the drop down menu and specify the bead population (see
Certificate of Analysis). The standard panel associated with the selected analyte will be added automatically. If additional
analytes are needed, select the “Edit Selected Kit” button and then add or subtract analytes
using the “ + or -“ buttons After adding or deleting the analytes, changes can be saved or discarded
Begin Evaluation
Select the “Begin evaluation” button to apply
the bead map. An Analyst Mapping Wizard will appear and the
software will match the analyte information from the loaded .csv
file with the analytes of the selected kit data files. If an analyte is
not properly mapped, the field will be highlighted in red. Select the
correct analyte from the drop down menu and then click “Apply
ProcartaPlex Analyst
Evaluation Details
A window with evaluation details will appear once the analytes are mapped. Experimental information can be enterd in
this window and can be printed with the final report.
Curve Fitting Analysis
The program offers three interpolation models:
By selecting 5P logistic (5PL) fit, the software program will generate a curve using the 5 parameter equation
y = d + [(a - d)/(1 + (x/c)^b)g]
By selecting 4P logistic (4PL) fit, the software generate a curve using the 4 parameter equation
y = d + [(a - d)/(1 + (x/c)^b)]
5PL/4PL: The parameter of the x-axis is concentration (in pg/ml), the parameter of the y-axis is given as MFI/MFI of blank *
100. The MFI (Median Fluorescence Intensity) of each standard point is blank-corrected bydivision of the Blank-MFI (B_B0
= MFI/MFI of Blank*100). The average curve fit of the mathematical model is stated in the top left of the screen (in %).
Point-to-Point: The program will interpolate between two adjacent points using a line (y=ax+b). The parameter of the
x-axis is concentration (in pg/ml), the parameter of the y-axis is given as MFI. The MFI of each standard point is blank-
corrected by subtraction of the Blank-MFI (MFI-MFI_Blank).
The software allows the user to change the axis labels from either a linear or logarithmic presentation. This can be done
by selecting either “Linear axis” or “Logarithmic axis.
The program automatically sets the Cut-off at 30% Bias. The Bias displays the variation from the ideal standard curve
defined by the theoretical standard concentrations. The Cut-off defines the maximum acceptable Bias. However, if this
value is not suitable for your particular application, adjust the Cut-off using the corresponding button on the right (see
The LLOQ (Lower Limit of Quantitation) and ULOQ (Upper Limit of Quantitation) are the highest and lowest standard curve
points that can still be used for quantification. The calculation of LLOQ and ULOQ is based on the maximum acceptable
Bias. Sample concentrations below LLOQ and above ULOQ, respectively, will later be marked red in the final report.
If you select a logistic curve fitting method (Logistic-5PL or Logistic-4PL), the software automatically weights the points in
the curve. To change the weight for a certain standard point select “Custom weights. Then click “Weight Data Point” and
click on the data point you want to adjust. Enter a new value and press Ok. The software will automatically re-calculate the
curve with the new weighting.
This new weighting has impact on the whole standard curve and will be applied to all analytes unless only one analyte is
activated. The weighting will be added to the final report.
Note: The change of weighting of one standard point has an impact on the whole standard curve.
ProcartaPlex Analyst
Standard Curve
The standard curve for each analyte can be viewed on the standard curves tab. A standard curve created from a 7 point
standard curve with the standards processed in duplicate is shown below.
To see the standard curves for the other analytes, select the desired analyte in the drop down menu at the top of the
window. In the menu on the right side of the screen, data points from the standard curve can be removed by clicking on
the “Remove Data Point” button and then clicking on the desired data point to be removed. If the
standard curve is created from the mean of duplicate or triplicate values, selecting the “Remove Data Point“ button and
then clicking the red square will remove the standard point from analysis and the replicates will be displayed as a blue dot.
If the “Remove Data Point” button is selected and the outlier dot is selected, the dot will turn to a yellow triangle and that
dot will not be included in the analysis. By selecting the “Add Data Point” button and clicking on
the blue excluded data point, the analysis will use the remaining point which is then reinserted in the standard curve. It
is possible to save an image of the standard curve as a *.png file by selecting “Save PNG from the
menu. The “Reset“ button will delete all changes for the standards. The “Restart“ button will bring the analysis
back to the start of the evaluation on Standard selection page, but all processing and calculations done so far will be
lost. To save all settings (standard files used, curve fitting parameters, exclusion of data points from the analysis etc.) for
later analysis, click the “Export” button . A pop up menu will appear with the experiment details.
To confirm, select “ok” then select the directory of the .xml file and save it. If all standard curve data is satisfactory press
Continue Evaluation“ to proceed to the next page.
ProcartaPlex Analyst
Report Layout
The results of each measured analyte for each analyzed sample are shown on this page. To preview a detailed description
of each analyte, select the analyte in the upper right hand corner from the drop down menu next to the desired analyte.
ProcartaPlex Analyst
Heat Map
The heat map shows results in a 96 well plate format highlighting concentrations in distinct shades of color from yellow,
orange and red. Lower values are represented by white/yellow color and higher values by orange/red color. Use the drop
down menu at the top of the software to switch between the different analytes.
Note: If a dilution factor is entered all samples data may be colored in red.
Report Tools
This page will enable the creation of a *.pdf, *.csv and *.xml file of your results.
The “Undo last evaluation step button will return
the user back to the “Standard Curves“ page. The “Restart“ button will
return the user back to the start of the evaluation on Standard selection page, but all
processing and calculations done so far will be lost. To save analysis (standard and
sample files, settings, standard curves and calculation), click the “Save Evaluation
button in the right task bar. The pop up
menu will provide experiment details. Confirm with “ok“ select the directory of the
*.xml file and save it.
MFI 1, MFI 2, MFI 3:
Back Calc Conc. in pg/ml (MFI):
CV in % (Back Calc Conc.):
B_B0 (=MFI/MFI_Blank*100):
Back Calc Conc. in pg/ml (Mean MFI):
Back Calculation Bias:
Values of the measured Fluorescence Intensities
The back calculated concentrations of the analyte
The coefficient of variation of the back calculated concentrations of the analyte
The MFI of each standard point is blank corrected by division of the Blank-MFI
see text above
Difference between backcalculated and target (expected) concentration
Generating a PDF file
The PDF Report contains the most extensive information. Customize your individual pdf report by selecting the
individual parts that can be added. Select the contents of your report in the bottom right half of the screen by
clicking the square checkboxes. After selecting the contents of your report, click the “Generate PDF Report button
Enter a file name and click “Save. The Standard Curves will be displayed
in the report as well as the measured Fluorescence Intensity in a table together with the matching concentrations of the
analytes. The Back calculation concentration and the Back calculation bias provide an additional control. The program
back fits the standard values from the standard curve. Values highlighted in red lie outside your chosen cut-off range and
should therefore be regarded as not significant. However, values indicated as <=0 or overflow, respectively, are marked
red as well, because they are situated beyond the detection limits of the kit. Results calculated from duplicate (triplicate)
determinations the following values are given in a table:
ProcartaPlex Analyst
Generating a *.csv file
Select the “Generate CSV Report” button to generate a *.csv file that can be
later opened in a program such as Microsoft Excel. Select the report type (plate format or 384 well plate), tuple separator
character, and text wrapper character followed by selecting a directory and file name. The *.csv file will generate a
table with the experimental results, showing the concentration and mean fluorescence intensity of each analyte for each
analyzed sample. The report will also provide the raw MFI data of each analyte in a 96 well plate format. Use Microsoft
Excel to open and work with the *.csv-File. Check country settings (comma, semicolon) on your operating system and
excel for a correct export of the *.csv. Save evaluation.
ProcartaPlex Analyst
PPX Analyst-0114
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