MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
This document contains release notes for the changes in recent releases of MySQL Connector/NET.
For additional Connector/NET documentation, see MySQL Connector/NET Developer Guide.
Updates to these notes occur as new product features are added, so that everybody can follow the development
process. If a recent version is listed here that you cannot find on the download page (
downloads/), the version has not yet been released.
The documentation included in source and binary distributions may not be fully up to date with respect to release note
entries because integration of the documentation occurs at release build time. For the most up-to-date release notes,
please refer to the online documentation instead.
For legal information, see the Legal Notices.
For help with using MySQL, please visit the MySQL Forums, where you can discuss your issues with other MySQL
Document generated on: 2024-09-17 (revision: 28999)
Table of Contents
Preface and Legal Notices ................................................................................................................. 2
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET Version 9.x .................................................................................. 3
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 9.1.0 (Not yet released, General Availability) .......................... 3
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 9.0.0 (2024-07-01, General Availability) ................................. 4
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET Version 8.x .................................................................................. 4
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.4.0 (2024-04-30, General Availability) ................................. 4
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.3.0 (2024-01-16, General Availability) ................................. 5
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.2.0 (2023-10-25, General Availability) ................................. 6
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.1.0 (2023-07-18, General Availability) ................................. 6
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.33 (2023-04-18, General Availability) ............................... 7
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.32 (2023-01-17, General Availability) ............................... 9
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.31 (2022-10-11, General Availability) .............................. 11
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.30 (2022-07-26, General Availability) .............................. 12
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.29 (2022-04-26, General Availability) .............................. 14
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.28 (2022-01-18, General Availability) .............................. 15
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.27 (2021-10-19, General Availability) .............................. 17
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.26 (2021-07-20, General Availability) .............................. 17
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.25 (2021-05-11, General Availability) .............................. 18
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.24 (2021-04-20, General Availability) .............................. 18
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.23 (2021-01-18, General Availability) .............................. 20
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.22 (2020-10-19, General Availability) .............................. 21
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.21 (2020-07-13, General Availability) .............................. 23
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.20 (2020-04-27, General Availability) .............................. 25
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.19 (2020-01-13, General Availability) .............................. 26
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.18 (2019-10-14, General Availability) .............................. 27
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.17 (2019-07-22, General Availability) .............................. 28
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.16 (2019-04-25, General Availability) .............................. 30
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.15 (2019-02-01, General Availability) .............................. 31
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.14 (2019-01-21, General Availability) .............................. 31
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.13 (2018-10-22, General Availability) .............................. 32
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.12 (2018-07-27, General Availability) .............................. 34
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.11 (2018-04-19, General Availability) .............................. 36
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.10 (2018-01-30, Release Candidate) .............................. 38
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.9 (2017-09-28, Development Milestone) ......................... 40
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.8 (2017-07-10, Development Milestone) ......................... 43
Preface and Legal Notices
This document contains release notes for the changes in each release of MySQL Connector/NET.
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MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
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Changes in MySQL Connector/NET Version 9.x
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 9.1.0 (Not yet released, General
Version 9.1.0 has no release notes, or they have not been published because the product version has not
been released.
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 9.0.0 (2024-07-01, General Availability)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Removed the deprecated OldGetStringBehavior connection option. (WL #16280)
Functionality Added or Changed
Removed .NET Core 7 and Entity Framework Core 7 support, as they received End of Support status on
May 14, 2024. (WL #16386)
Bugs Fixed
Improved how the connection pool releases connections. (Bug #36483069)
The AppendReturningClause method is now overridden to prevent an
DatabaseGeneratedOption.Computed attribute annotation from adding an unsupported
RETURNING clause to the generated SQL.
Our thanks to Wang Shiyao for the contribution. (Bug #113443, Bug #36116171)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET Version 8.x
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.4.0 (2024-04-30, General Availability)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Deprecation and Removal Notes
The deprecated authentication_fido_client authentication plugin and
associated FidoActionRequested connection option was removed. Instead, use the
authentication_webauthn_client authentication plugin. (WL #16150)
Functionality Added or Changed
Expanded the metadata present in the MSI package and DLL files. (WL #16204)
Added TLS 1.3 support for .NET Framework 4.6, and also enabled TLS 1.3 for .NET Framework 4.8
and .NET 6 and above. (WL #16176)
Connector/NET is now ready to support the VECTOR data type when it becomes available with MySQL
Enterprise Server. (WL #16175)
Known limitation of this release: because the mysql_native_password authentication plugin is disabled
by default as of MySQL Server 8.4.0, some unit tests may generate errors unless the plugin is enabled.
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Bugs Fixed
Setting MinPoolSize to a value other than 0 would throw an exception and prevent new connections.
(Bug #36319784)
Using either shared memory or a named pipe for a connection in a multithread environment would throw
an exception. (Bug #36208929, Bug #36208932)
Mapping a column to a byte array had a limit of 8000 characters, and attempting to insert a larger value
would insert an empty value. (Bug #36208913)
The pool manager could cause a deadlock to occur. Our thanks to Marek Matys for the patch. (Bug
#114272, Bug #36380976)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.3.0 (2024-01-16, General Availability)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Calling the MySqlDataReader.GetString() method now throws an InvalidCastException exception if
the associated column is not a string type.
The OldGetStringBehavior connection option was added to allow (by setting it to true) restoring
previous behavior by logging a deprecation warning instead of throwing the exception. This option
defaults to false.
This option was removed in version 9.0.0. (WL #15972)
Functionality Added or Changed
Previously, each Entity Framework Core (EF Core) NuGet package supported a single .NET target. For
instance, the connector’s EF Core 8 package was able to target .NET 8.0 only. Now, the package-target
support relationships are:
EF Core 6 targets .NET 6
EF Core 7 targets .NET 6, .NET 7
EF Core 8 targets .NET 6, .NET 7, .NET 8
(Bug #35968775)
Upgraded the Google.Protobuf dependency to version 3.25.1. (WL #16075)
Previously, Connector/NET 8.2.0 supported .NET 8 and Entity Framework Core 8.0 (EF8) preview
releases only. Connector/NET now supports all .NET 8 and EF8 releases. (WL #16035)
Added Microsoft.Build.Traversal support; executing MSBUILD dirs.proj in the Connector/
NET root folder now builds all projects in the repository (MySQL.Data, MySQL.Data.OpenTelemetry,
MySQL.Web, EntityFramework, and EFCore) as defined in dirs.proj. (WL #15798)
Bugs Fixed
Added an AssemblyInfo file for MySQL.Data.OpenTelemtry. (Bug #35957212)
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
After an application called Dispose() on a connection object, it was possible to reopen the connection.
Now, the connector returns an exception if an attempt is made to reopen a disposed connection. (Bug
The timeout period of a transaction could elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the connection
pool. This might occur because all pooled connections were neither discarded from nor returned to
the pool, but remained marked as InUse. The fix resolves an issue that prevented the removal of a
connection from the connection pool after an exception was thrown. (Bug #112123, Bug #35731216)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.2.0 (2023-10-25, General Availability)
Packaging Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Packaging Notes
Updated the Portable.BouncyCastle 1.9.0 NuGet package reference to
BouncyCastle.Cryptography 2.2.1, which is the currently maintained package. (Bug #111361,
Bug #35488339)
Functionality Added or Changed
Combined all of the Entity Framework Core projects (6, 7, and 8) into a single project under a folder
named EFCore. (WL #15799)
Connector/NET now supports .NET 8.0 and Entity Framework Core 8.0 (preview versions). (WL #15792)
Connector/NET now supports an authentication method that enables users to authenticate to
MySQL Server using WebAuthn-aware devices for classic MySQL protocol connections. WebAuthn
authentication is based on the FIDO and FIDO2 standards. For an overview of the supported client-side
authentication plugins and authentication methods, see Connector/NET Authentication. (WL #15193)
Bugs Fixed
Applications like Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Power BI Desktop emitted an error when used with
Connector/NET 8.0.33 and later. This fix identifies and restores the missing component. (Bug #110975,
Bug #35379875)
Multiple MySqlConnection objects on separate threads called simultaneously
could return ArgumentException or InvalidOperationException when
MySqlPoolManager.GetPoolAsync tried to modify the shared thread-pool object concurrently from
the different threads. (Bug #110717, Bug #35307501)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.1.0 (2023-07-18, General Availability)
MySQL Connector/NET 8.1.0 is a new GA release version that supersedes the 8.0 series; it's
recommended for use on production systems. This release can be used against MySQL Server version 5.7
and higher.
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Packaging Notes
X DevAPI Notes
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Bugs Fixed
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Previously, mysql.proc was used as a way of speeding up queries for procedures and parameters.
Starting with MySQL 8.0, the mysql.proc table is no longer available and the connector now uses
information_schema. (WL #15643, WL #15644, WL #15654)
Support to install Connector/NET through MySQL Installer is removed. The preferred method is to install
Connector/NET using NuGet packages for full functionality, or the standalone MSI file for base-level
functionality (see Installing Connector/NET on Windows). (WL #15795)
Connector/NET no longer supports the following discontinued standard and frameworks:
.NET Core 3.1 and 5.0
EF Core 3.1 and EF Core 5.0
(WL #15797)
Packaging Notes
Connector/NET now provides the MySQL.Data.OpenTelemetry NuGet package that
implements OpenTelementry.Api and adds the AddConectorNet extension method to
TraceProviderBuilder, which sets the connector as a source of application-specific telemetry that
client application code emits. For details, see Enabling OpenTelemetry Tracing. (WL #15707)
X DevAPI Notes
Application developers must now ensure the availability of the ZstdSharp.Port library at run time
when using the noinstall packages (NuGet packages provide the dependency). This implementation
replaces the bundled implementation of the zstd compression algorithm, which was deactivated in
Connector/NET 8.0.33. (WL #15708)
Bugs Fixed
Queries using the MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection class did not
connect as expected if the connector was installed using the MSI file. This fix now adds
System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions and System.CompilerServices.Unsafe DLLs to the
MSI file for inclusion into the GAC. (Bug #35360846)
Some DLL files in NuGet and No Install packages were unsigned. (Bug #35052869)
MySqlParameter.Clone could return a MySqlParameter object with a MySqlDbType value that
differed from the original, rather than preserving the original type. (Bug #109682, Bug #34993796)
MySqlParameter.MySqlDbType, if set to MySqlDbType.Int24, emitted an error similar to Out of
range value for column 'data' at row 1 when a prepared statement was executed and the
parameter value was a negative number. (Bug #108756, Bug #34694519)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.33 (2023-04-18, General Availability)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Packaging Notes
X DevAPI Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Bugs Fixed
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Data can be passed in and out of a MySQL stored procedure through the MySqlCommand.Parameters
collection. When used with a legacy server (prior to MySQL 8.0), the command object consults the
mysql.proc table to determine the parameters of the stored procedure. This secondary action now is
deprecated and will be removed in a future release. (WL #15645)
Packaging Notes
.NET Framework 4.6.2 replaces version 4.5.2 in target frameworks. (WL #15641)
Connector/NET no longer provides within the install and no-install bundles any third-party libraries
that the connector does not build internally. Application developers must now ensure the availability of
following libraries at run time.
For applications using OCI Authentication and SSL Certificates validation:
Portable.BouncyCastle (see
For applications using X DevAPI:
K4os.Compression.LZ4.Streams (see
Google.Protobuf (see
(WL #15682)
X DevAPI Notes
Class MySqlX.XdevAPI.Collection<T> is expanded to enable the use of generic types with
operations performed on a collection. Collection<T> now includes these new methods:
Add(Object[]) (replaces the Add(T) method)
CreateIndex(String, Object)
(Bug #31182148, WL #15476)
Functionality Added or Changed
The zstd compression algorithm is deactivated in the connector. (Bug #35281610)
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Asynchronous methods used with classic MySQL protocol connections now are implemented to ensure
asynchronous behavior at the level of I/O operations. Previously, some asynchronous methods were
executed in a synchronous context. (Bug #70111, Bug #26477952, WL #15484)
Connector/NET’s implementation of the authentication_oci_client plugin now permits using a
security-token file to support ephemeral key-pair authentication when integration with an external identity
provider is needed for classic MySQL protocol connections. In addition, .NET applications now can set
the new OciConfigProfile connection option (see General Options) to specify which profile in the
configuration file to use for authentication. (WL #15489)
Bugs Fixed
Queries using the MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection class did not
connect as expected if the connector was installed using the MSI file. This fix now adds
System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions and System.CompilerServices.Unsafe DLLs to the
MSI file for inclusion into the GAC.
This resolution requires Connector/NET, which supersedes the
Connector/NET 8.0.33 release.
(Bug #35360846)
Connector/NET API member documentation was incomplete. (Bug #34975410, Bug #35141281)
When Connector/NET inserted multiple rows using a single MySqlCommand object, the
MySqlCommand.LastInsertedId property returned the ID of the first row that was inserted rather
than the last row. (Bug #109683, Bug #34993798)
A valid query formatted with tabs or new lines could return an invalid syntax error. (Bug #95226, Bug
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.32 (2023-01-17, General Availability)
An Important Update
Entity Framework 6 Notes
Pluggable Authentication
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
An Important Update
The Connector/NET MySql.Data version NuGet package now is released and the newer
package supersedes the original 8.0.32 package. All of the dotnet build warnings produced when
compiling a program that references MySql.Data version 8.0.32 (and related issues) are resolved when
referencing the MySql.Data package. (Bug #109670, Bug #34990010)
Entity Framework 6 Notes
In some cases, the function that creates SQL queries did not specify an escape character properly. This
fix adds a new method to handle the cases in which a string could require an escape character and
applies it before building the SQL query. (Bug #103160, Bug #34498485)
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
When Connector/NET set the @@SESSION.sql_mode value to 'ANSI', it did so without considering the
current value. (Bug #79678, Bug #22564126)
Pluggable Authentication
Connector/NET 8.0.27 implemented support for the SSPI Kerberos library on Windows, which was not
capable of acquiring cached credentials previously generated by using kinit command. Connector/
NET 8.0.32 also supports GSSAPI through the MIT Kerberos library to add that capability using the
authentication_kerberos_client authentication plugin on Windows.
A new connection option, KerberosAuthMode, enables developers using the classic MySQL protocol
to attempt authentication at run time using a mode value specified at design time. These mode values
are permitted:
AUTO (default value) – Use SSPI and fall back to GSSAPI in case of failure.
SSPI – Use SSPI only and raise an exception in case of failure.
GSSAPI – Use GSSAPI only and raise an exception in case of failure.
Use of the KerberosAuthMode connection option is restricted to Windows. Its use raises an exception
in non-Windows environments. For more information about the connector’s implementation of the client-
side Kerberos authentication plugin, see authentication_kerberos_client. (WL #15341)
Functionality Added or Changed
This release of Connector/NET upgrades the NuGet package reference for Google.Protobuf
to version 3.21.9, which has been publicly reported as not vulnerable to CVE-2022-3171. (Bug
#34859629, WL #15408)
To enhance the performance of connections, Connector/NET now determines whether a connection
string has been analyzed already before performing the analysis for a second time. (Bug #102964, Bug
It is now possible to pass a stream object to the MySqlBulkLoader.Load() method for copying bulk
data to a database. Our thanks to Alexander Reinert for the patch. (Bug #74392, Bug #21049228)
Connector/NET now fully supports .NET 7 and Entity Framework Core 7.0 (EF7) for applications that
target .NET 7 exclusively. Previously, Connector/NET 8.0.31 supported the .NET 7 and EF7 previews.
(WL #15334)
Bugs Fixed
Connector/NET could not authenticate a valid client user through Oracle Cloud Infrastructure pluggable
authentication. Now, the connector implements new constraints to ensure that the client-side plugin
loads the OCI.DotNetSDK.Common assembly, which contains the required functions needed to
authenticate a client user. (Bug #34851463)
When unloading the assembly, the procedure recommended by Microsoft was not performed
accurately for .NET Core frameworks. Our thanks to Gabriele Gervasi for the patch. (Bug #108837, Bug
An unexpected System.NullReferenceException message was returned when the
MySqlCommand.Cancel() method was called for a command associated with a closed (or disposed)
MySqlConnection object. The issue is resolved with new validation in the method that now checks the
connection state. (Bug #101507, Bug #32127591)
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Some methods of the MySqlDataReader class that should retrieve an integer value instead could
return unexpected values. This behavior had multiple causes. First, the connector was not properly
informed by the TreatTinyAsBoolean property that it should treat type TINYINT(1) as INT or BOOL.
In addition, Connector/NET implemented the conversion to a different type inconsistently. (Bug #99091,
Bug #31087580)
When executing multiple INSERT statements in one MySQLCommand call, the LastInsertedId
property was set to zero because the connector read an extra OK packet from the server that omitted
LastInsertedId. Now, Connector/NET avoids overriding the value if it is set. (Bug #97061, Bug
Improved validation now ensures that the MySqlParameterCollection.Add() method behaves
consistently when it checks whether a named parameter has been added already. (Bug #93370, Bug
Values of the Size, Scale, Precision, IsNullable, and SourceColumnNullMapping properties
were omitted during the copy operation performed by the MySqlParameter.Clone() method. (Bug
#92734, Bug #28777779)
The MySqlException.Number property for authentication-related exceptions always returned a value
of zero. (Bug #78426, Bug #21830667)
Output parameters in combination with a command of type CommandType.Text were not supported.
This fix changed how Connector/NET manages the parameters with an output direction for text
commands. (Bug #75267, Bug #20259756)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.31 (2022-10-11, General Availability)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Deprecation and Removal Notes
The EMTrace extension is removed. The EMTrace project implements a trace-listener plugin that feeds
data back to MySQL Enterprise Monitor using a REST server endpoint. (WL #15158)
The MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Memcached namespace and its members now are removed. An
alternative binary or text client is recommended for applications that access data using the InnoDB
memcached plugin. (WL #15213)
Functionality Added or Changed
Connector/NET now provides DNS Service (SRV) records support without depending on libraries that
were previously omitted from the Connector/NET 8.0.19 (and later) NuGet packages. This update does
not change how the DNS-SRV feature looks up, extracts the SRV records, or uses those records to
establish a connection (see Opening a Connection Using a Single DNS Domain). (WL #14016)
Connector/NET now supports .NET 7 (preview) and continues to support a range of frameworks (see
Connector/NET Versions). (WL #15195)
Connector/NET now fully supports EF Core 7.0 (preview) for applications that target .NET 7 exclusively.
Applications that target .NET Framework (or any .NET Standard version) cannot use this feature. (WL
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Bugs Fixed
One of the links published for submitting a pull request was not well-formed. Our thanks to Adam Croot
for the patch. (Bug #108290, Bug #34535732)
NuGet was not able to display license information for Connector/NET packages accurately. Our thanks
to Matthew Steeples for the patch. (Bug #108091, Bug #34477295)
On systems running .NET 6, Connector/NET could throw an exception when trying to perform an
equality check involving type Datetime.Date. (Bug #107618, Bug #34317220)
After a connection timeout expired, exception type TimeoutException was thrown when
MySqlException was expected. (Bug #107600, Bug #34299402)
Incomplete dependencies prevented Connector/NET from installing and running properly. (Bug #107316,
Bug #34189859)
If an exception occurred during the execution of a SQL statement within a transaction, the subsequent
transaction rollback produced a null reference exception, which could cause the Web server (IIS)
process to halt unexpectedly. This fix changes the way the connection object manages rollback
behavior. (Bug #107110, Bug #34107186)
The overall performance of the
MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlParameterCollection.Add(Object) method was improved
by changing the return statement. (Bug #105997, Bug #33710643)
When a query attribute and a command parameter had the exact same name, Connector/NET
overwrote the value of the attribute with the value from the parameter, which then prevented using
mysql_query_attribute_string to retrieve an accurate value for the attribute. Connector/NET now
removes all parameter names when sending a prepared statement. (Bug #105728, Bug #33620022)
Additional validation now checks the MySqlParameter value assignment to ensure that binary data in a
MemoryStream object can be read properly. (Bug #102593, Bug #32506736)
An error was emitted after passing in MySqlParameter.MySqlDbType set with type
MySqlDbType.Int24 to command.ExecuteNonQuery() using a prepared statement. (Bug #95986,
Bug #29959095)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.30 (2022-07-26, General Availability)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Deprecation and Removal Notes
The MySql.Data.MySqlClient.Memcached namespace and its members now are deprecated.
An alternative binary or text client is recommended for applications that access data using the InnoDB
memcached plugin. (WL #15163)
The EMTrace extension is deprecated. The EMTrace project implements a trace-listener plugin that
feeds data back to MySQL Enterprise Monitor using a REST server endpoint. (WL #15159)
Functionality Added or Changed
Connector/NET collation support now aligns with the collations that were either renamed or newly added
by the server starting with MySQL 8.0.30. All current collations named utf8 are renamed to utf8mb3.
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
The new collations are:
Norwegian (same as Danish): Norwegian collation has two codes, nb (Norwegian Bokmål) and nn
(Norwegian Nynorsk)
utf8mb4_nb_0900_ai_ci (same as utf8mb4_da_0900_ai_ci) (*)
utf8mb4_nb_0900_as_cs (same as utf8mb4_da_0900_as_cs but CASE FIRST OFF) (*)
utf8mb4_nn_0900_ai_ci (same as utf8mb4_da_0900_ai_ci) (*)
utf8mb4_nn_0900_as_cs (same as utf8mb4_da_0900_as_cs but CASE FIRST OFF) (*)
Serbian with Latin characters (same as Croatian)
utf8mb4_sr_latn_0900_ai_ci (same as utf8mb4_hr_0900_ai_ci)
utf8mb4_sr_latn_0900_as_cs (same as utf8mb4_hr_0900_as_cs)
Bosnian with Latin characters (same as Croatian)
utf8mb4_bs_0900_ai_ci (same as utf8mb4_hr_0900_ai_ci)
utf8mb4_bs_0900_as_cs (same as utf8mb4_hr_0900_as_cs)
Bulgarian (same as Russian)
utf8mb4_bg_0900_ai_ci (same as utf8mb4_ru_0900_ai_ci)
utf8mb4_bg_0900_as_cs (same as utf8mb4_ru_0900_as_cs)
Galician (same as standard Spanish)
utf8mb4_gl_0900_ai_ci (same as utf8mb4_es_0900_ai_ci)
utf8mb4_gl_0900_as_cs (same as utf8mb4_es_0900_as_cs)
Mongolian written with Cyrillic letters (identical to Russian)
utf8mb4_mn_cyrl_0900_ai_ci (same as utf8mb4_ru_0900_ai_ci)
utf8mb4_mn_cyrl_0900_as_cs (same as utf8mb4_ru_0900_as_cs)
(Bug #34156197, WL #15209)
Connector/NET now implements the MySqlConnectionStringBuilder.TryGetValue method.
(Bug #104910, Bug #33351775)
Bugs Fixed
X DevAPI: Connector/NET permitted setting a null or empty string ("") value to represent a document
path when modifying a collection. Now, the Set() method enforces using the dollar sign character ($)
as the document path argument. (Bug #34243143)
The link to the Oracle Contributor Agreement (OCA) page specified in the CONTRIBUTING file was
incorrect. (Bug #34082302)
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Connections to a properly configured server using the named-pipe transport protocol were not possible
when running MySQL Server as a Windows service. (Bug #33974737)
With the SSL mode set to VerifyCA or VerifyFull, SSL connections could not be established if the
client certificates were chained. (Bug #33179908)
The MySql.Data NuGet package was dependent on an unmaintained version of BouncyCastle. This
fix replaces the dependency with Portable.BouncyCastle, which contains the BouncyCastle DLL and is
current. (Bug #106370, Bug #33827732)
The mechanism used to clean up idle connections in the connection pool performed poorly. This fix
changes the idle list from type Queue<T> to type LinkedList<T> to reduce the overall number of idle
connections remaining in the pool after a connection surge is over and the load requirement is reduced.
(Bug #106368, Bug #33935441)
Type MySqlDbType.Enum could not be used with the MySqlParameter method in a prepared
statement. (Bug #106247, Bug #33827735)
Previously, it was possible to cancel the MySqlConnection.OpenAsync operation if the
CancellationToken object was canceled. This fix restores the original behavior. (Bug #106243, Bug
References: Reverted patches: Bug #28662512.
MySqlCommand.CommandText emitted an error if the stored procedure to execute included one or
more backtick characters (`) in the name. (Bug #104913, Bug #33338458)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.29 (2022-04-26, General Availability)
X DevAPI Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
X DevAPI Notes
An exception was raised when using a TableInsertStatement object to insert a string value
containing special characters (- / \ % & =). (Bug #100314, Bug #31692694)
Functionality Added or Changed
Previously, an application could set the SslMode=none connection option to establish a classic
MySQL protocol or X Protocol connection to a non-TLS/SSL enabled server. However, if an application
attempted to establish an unencrypted connection and also submitted connection options related to
TLS/SSL, Connector/NET determined that the combination of options was incompatible and raised an
error. The options incompatible with SslMode=none are: CertificateFile (Certificate File),
CertificatePassword (Certificate Password), SslCa (Ssl-Ca), SslCert (Ssl-Cert),
SslKey (Ssl-Key), and tlsversion (tls-version, tls version).
To reduce the number of connection errors and to enhance the connection experience, Connector/NET
now implements the following changes to connections:
The SslMode=none connection-option value is deprecated (marked obsolete) and is replaced with
the SslMode=disabled connection-option value.
Neither SslMode=none nor SslMode=disabled raises an error when combined with other TLS/SSL
connection options.
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
The restriction against submitting duplicated TLS/SSL connection options in the same connection
string (or ConnectionString property) now is removed. Currently, .NET Framework imposes
a restriction against using duplicate MySqlSslMode values in traditional connection strings for X
Protocol connections.
(WL #14828)
Connector/NET now supports an authentication method that is based on the Fast Identity Online
(FIDO) standard. This new authentication method permits MySQL users to establish connections to a
server by interacting with a device locally, rather than by providing a password (see Connector/NET
Authentication). (WL #14871)
Bugs Fixed
The MySqlDataReader.GetFieldValue<T> method returned an exception for calls attempting to
retrieve the value of a BINARY column. (Bug #33781449, Bug #106244)
The exception type that was returned by MySqlConnection.Open if the call failed was changed from
MySqlException to AggregateException in the Connector/NET 8.0.28 release. This fix restores the
exception to the original type (MySqlException). (Bug #33781445, Bug #106242)
When calling the GetSchema("Procedure Parameters") method of a MySqlConnection
object, the returned table included column names without any rows representing the collection. (Bug
#33674814, Bug #105181)
When comparing a date-time LINQ expression against a database date field, Connector/NET returned
an invalid operation exception due to unavailable classes that are required for an application to filter
using EF Core. (Bug #32965150, Bug #103436)
If a SELECT statement was formatted with new lines or tabs, then the related characters (\n and \t)
were ignored during the query analysis and Connector/NET returned a syntax error. (Bug #21971751,
Bug #78760)
A primary key having a column or columns of type unsigned BIGINT (unsigned 64-bit integer) was not
supported when the table was used with the MySqlCommandBuilder class to generate single-table
commands. (Bug #105768, Bug #33650097)
Although the MySqlCommand.Clone method returned a copy of the current command, the contents of
the MySqlCommand.Attributes collection (MySqlAttributeCollection object) were not copied
to the cloned command. (Bug #105730, Bug #33613687)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.28 (2022-01-18, General Availability)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Deprecation and Removal Notes
The TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 connection protocols were previously deprecated in Connector/NET 8.0.26 and
support for them is removed starting with this release. Connections can be made using the more-secure
TLSv1.2 and TLSv1.3 protocols. (WL #14811)
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Connector/NET now supports .NET 6 and continues to support a range of frameworks (see Connector/
NET Versions). (WL #14734)
Connector/NET now fully supports EF Core 6.0 for applications that target .NET 6 exclusively.
Applications that target .NET Framework (or any .NET Standard version) cannot use this feature. (WL
.NET applications now can establish connections using multifactor authentication, such that up to three
passwords can be specified at connect time. The new Password1, Password2, and Password3
connection options are available for specifying the first, second, and third multifactor authentication
passwords, respectively. Password1 is a synonym for the existing Password option. (WL #14653)
Bugs Fixed
An insert query could emit a malformed communication packet error. To prevent the error, Connector/
NET now omits unnecessary parameters when handling query attributes. (Bug #33380176)
A multihost connection attempt could fail with the first host, emit an error message, and then succeed
with the next host. This fix omits the initial error message to streamline the connection behavior. (Bug
Connector/NET did not support the utf8mb3 character set, which could cause compatibility issues with
other software components. (Bug #105516, Bug #33556024)
When reading zero time values from TIME NOT NULL columns, the data reader could return a NULL
value instead of zero, causing subsequent GetTimeSpan() calls to fail. Now, if Connector/NET
encounters NULL when reading the column value, it resets the value to zero time ('00:00:00'). (Bug
#105209, Bug #33470147)
Microseconds specified in a time-span value were calculated incorrectly for prepared statements. (Bug
#103801, Bug #32933120)
Connector/NET now uses the C# language’s implicit conversion to an enumeration when it creates a
parameter with a value equal to zero. (Bug #101253, Bug #32050204)
References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #25573071.
Attempts to execute the GetStream method of the MySqlDataReader class returned only exceptions.
Now, the GetStream(int i) method implementation returns the expected result for BINARY and
GUID type columns. (Bug #93374, Bug #28980953)
The calculation used to determine the length of connection attribute values could produce the wrong
format in MySQL login packets. (Bug #92789, Bug #28824591)
A complete IConvertible implementation for the MySqlDateTime class was missing from the .NET
provider. (Bug #82661, Bug #24495619)
Default values being used could cause type inconsistencies when Connector/NET created a parameter.
This fix modifies the MySqlParameter constructor to set DbType and MySqlDbType as strings. (Bug
#81586, Bug #23343947)
Batch inserts that exceeded the max_allowed_packet value were not processed and skipping the
insert attempt did not emit an error. (Bug #80693, Bug #22913833)
A call to MySqlConnection::GetSchema("IndexColumns") unexpectedly retrieved a NULL value
and emitted an error when the database included a full-text index. (Bug #75301, Bug #20266825)
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
When Connector/NET cloned a parameter, the SourceColumnNullMapping property was copied with
the wrong value. (Bug #74533, Bug #20056757)
When performing a batched insert using MySqlDataAdapter, the
MySqlCommand.GetCommandTextForBatching() method queried @@sql_mode for each insert.
This fix eliminates the redundant actions and modifies the behavior to use the sql_mode property, which
is obtained at the beginning of the connection. (Bug #71626, Bug #20328929)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.27 (2021-10-19, General Availability)
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Functionality Added or Changed
Previously, Connector/NET implemented the authentication_kerberos_client plugin to support
Kerberos authentication for classic MySQL protocol connections made by applications running on Linux.
Support is now extended to Windows using the Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) for classic
MySQL protocol connections (see Connector/NET Authentication). (WL #14654)
Connector/NET now supports Oracle Cloud Infrastructure pluggable authentication for classic MySQL
protocol connections. The exchange of a signed token between the authentication_oci plugin
and the client-side plugin enables .NET applications to access MySQL Database Services within a
specific tenancy in a secure way without using a password. This feature is restricted to applications that
target .NET Standard 2.0 (.NET Framework 4.5.x implementations are not supported).
For more information about Oracle Cloud Infrastructure authentication, see Connector/NET
Authentication. (WL #14708)
Bugs Fixed
Connections made to MySQL 5.6 using sockets and the default SSL mode (Preferred) failed instead
of providing an unsecured connection. (Bug #33191344)
Transactions started by the SHOW COLLATION statement on all MySQL 8.0 server versions were not
closed when the autocommit system variable was set to zero. The ongoing transaction generated an
error. (Bug #33123597)
Attempts to call a fully qualified procedure using the schema.procedure syntax with single quotation
marks around the schema name, procedure name, or both produced an exception. (Bug #33097912)
When querying a CHAR(36) column, reading a non-NULL value could emit an error if MySqlCommand
was part of the prepared statement. (Bug #32938630, Bug #103390)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.26 (2021-07-20, General Availability)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Deprecation and Removal Notes
The TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 connection protocols now are deprecated and support for them is subject to
removal in a future version of Connector/NET. (WL #14554)
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
The authentication_ldap_sasl_client plugin using GSSAPI/Kerberos is disabled for .NET
applications running on Windows. (Bug #32867404)
Connector/NET now supports Entity Framework Core (EF Core) 6.0 Preview, which targets .NET 5 at
the time of this release. EF Core 6.0 does not target any .NET Standard version. EF Core 6.0 will not run
on .NET Framework. (WL #14578)
Applications that use Connector/NET now can define query attribute metadata on a per-query basis,
without the use of workarounds such as specially formatted comments included in query strings. This
capability is implemented using the Attributes property of the MySqlCommand class:
myCommand.Attributes.SetAttribute("queryAttribute", "value of the query attribute");
myCommand.Attributes.SetAttribute("queryAttribute2", DateTime.Now);
For more information, see Using MySqlCommand. (WL #14209)
Connector/NET now implements the authentication_kerberos_client plugin to support Kerberos
authentication for classic MySQL protocol connections made by applications running on Linux (see
Connector/NET Authentication). (WL #14429)
A new connection-string option named DefaultAuthenticationPlugin enables an application to
specify a valid authentication plugin to use instead of the server-side default authentication plugin (see
Options for Classic MySQL Protocol Only). This option applies to classic MySQL protocol connections
Bugs Fixed
An error was returned during a connection attempt using either the named pipe or shared memory
protocol to a MySQL server properly configured to accept these connections. (Bug #32853205)
The ReplaceOne and AddOrRplaceOne methods in the MySqlX.XDevAPI namespace ignored the
_id parameter within each implementation. This fix now validates _id values and raises an error when
a collection’s ID and document parameters are mismatched. (Bug #32763765)
A data table declared using valid database.table syntax within an Entity Framework model could
have extra database names in the generated query (for example, database.database.table). (Bug
#32358174, Bug #101236)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.25 (2021-05-11, General Availability)
This release contains no functional changes and is published to align the version number with the MySQL
Server 8.0.25 release.
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.24 (2021-04-20, General Availability)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Deprecation and Removal Notes
The IgnorePrepare connection-string option was deprecated in the Connector/NET 8.0.23 release
and removed in the Connector/NET 8.0.24 release.
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
The removed option instructed Connector/NET to ignore all calls to MySqlCommand.Prepare() that
were made using the classic MySQL protocol. (Bug #31872906)
Functionality Added or Changed
Improved server disconnection handling of an X Protocol connection now creates a log entry and returns
an error message, as needed, after Connector/NET receives a connection-close notice from the server.
Connector/NET detects three new types of warning notices.
Connection idle notice. This notice applies to a server connection that remains idle for longer than
the relevant timeout setting. Connector/NET closes the connection when it receives the notice in an
active session or while a new session is being created. An attempt to use the invalid session returns the
Connection closed. Reason: connection idle too long” error message.
Server shutdown notice. If a connection-close notice is received in a session as a result of a server
shutdown, Connector/NET terminates the session with the "Connection closed. Reason: server
shutdown" error message. All other sessions that are connected to the same endpoint are removed
from the pool, if connection pooling is used.
Connection killed notice. If the connection being killed from another client session, Connector/
NET closes the connection when it receives the notice in an active session or while a new session is
being created. An attempt to use the invalid session returns the “Connection closed. Reason:
connection killed by a different session” error message.
(WL #14208)
If a classic MySQL protocol connection experiences a server timeout, Connector/NET now reports more
precise disconnection information to affected .NET applications when the server provides improved error
messages. (WL #14393)
Previously, Connector/NET added client support for the MySQL Enterprise Edition SASL LDAP
authentication plugin with SCRAM-SHA-1 and SCRAM-SHA-256 as authentication methods. Connector/
NET now also supports GSSAPI/Kerberos as an alternative authentication method for classic MySQL
protocol connections. SASL-based LDAP authentication does not apply to .NET applications running
macOS. (WL #14210)
The SSH Tunneling (port forwarding) feature, which was added to support MySQL products in
making secure connections on Windows, is no longer needed by other products. Now, using an
alternative such as Oracle Cloud Infrastructure or SSH.NET to create a tunnel is preferred. The related
connection options (SshHostName, SshKeyFile, SshPassPhrase, SshPassword, SshPort, and
SshUserName) are no longer valid when making Connector/NET connections, starting with this release.
(WL #14562)
Bugs Fixed
Pound symbols in JSON columns were interpreted improperly when using accent-sensitive collation.
(Bug #32429236)
Several data types could not be mapped by running Scaffold-DbContext on valid MySQL tables.
This fix upgrades Microsoft Entity Framework libraries to the latest and also adds all previously excluded
mappings to the EFCore and EFCore5 projects. (Bug #32424742, Bug #102381)
Constructing a regular expression for each read diminished the performance of Connector/NET. This fix
limits the construction to one instance, which now is reused. (Bug #32386454, Bug #101714)
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Incomplete GUID mapping in the Entity Framework Core implementation caused an error when the
Contains method was used to filter records. (Bug #32173133, Bug #93398)
Additional error codes now prevent unexpected exceptions after a query. Thanks to Stanislav Revin for
the patch. (Bug #32150115, Bug #101592)
An exception was thrown if any CHAR(36) columns containing a NULL value were referenced in a query.
New validation now checks for NULL values when the MySqlDbType member is Guid. (Bug #32049837,
Bug #101252)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.23 (2021-01-18, General Availability)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Deprecation and Removal Notes
The IgnorePrepare connection-string option was deprecated in the Connector/NET 8.0.23 release
and removed in the Connector/NET 8.0.24 release.
The removed option instructed Connector/NET to ignore all calls to MySqlCommand.Prepare() that
were made using the classic MySQL protocol. (Bug #31872906)
The following synonyms for the Server connection string option were deprecated in Connector/NET
8.0.22 and removed in 8.0.23: address, addr, and network address. (Bug #31248601)
Functionality Added or Changed
Connector/NET updates to SSH ciphers and algorithms are:
Encryptions: aes192-cbc, aes256-cbc (deprecated); 3des-cbc, blowfish-cbc, twofish-cbc,
twofish128-cbc, twofish192-cbc, twofish256-cbc (invalid)
Host Key Algorithms: ssh-rsa (deprecated); sh-dss (invalid)
Key Exchange Algorithms: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1 (invalid)
Keyed Hash Message Authentication Codes: hmac-ripemd160, [email protected],
hmac-sha1-96 (invalid)
(Bug #31917057)
ASP.NET applications using the MySQL provider model (MySql.Web) can now target .NET Framework
4.8. (Bug #31799902)
Previously, Connector/NET added client support for the MySQL Enterprise Edition SASL LDAP
authentication plugin with SCRAM-SHA-1 as an authentication method. Connector/NET now also
supports SCRAM-SHA-256 as an alternative authentication method for classic MySQL protocol
connections. SCRAM-SHA-256 is similar to SCRAM-SHA-1 but is more secure. SASL-based LDAP
authentication does not apply to .NET applications running macOS. (WL #14255)
With the availability of Entity Framework Core 5.0 in addition to Entity Framework Core 3.1, Connector/
NET now provides two distinct EF Core NuGet packages. The split enables the connector to support
both feature sets as they diverge. Initially, Connector/NET supports a partial EF Core 5.0 feature set
(equivalent to EF Core 3.1) in this release. For more information, see Entity Framework Core Support.
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Breaking change: all namespaces are renamed to
New EF Core package naming for Connector/NET 8.0.23:
(WL #14214)
Bugs Fixed
If a prepared statement had no parameters, Connector/NET included in the COM_STMT_EXECUTE packet
structure a byte corresponding to new-params-bound-flag instead of sending the byte only when the
number of parameters was greater than zero. (Bug #32208427)
Incomplete validation limited the expected range of values that a stored procedure with a parameter of
type Boolean could assign using the MySqlParameter.MySqlDbType property. (Bug #32066024,
Bug #101302)
Stronger validation was applied to information contained in the certificate store for connections made
using SslMode. (Bug #31954655)
A connection timeout was added to prevent the MySqlConnection.Open method from waiting
indefinitely for a response after MySQL Router restarted unexpectedly. (Bug #31945397, Bug #100692)
A cast made with the wrong data type during a valid EF Core operation returned an exception. (Bug
#31860492, Bug #100773)
Connector/NET used the value of -1 internally to ensure that a parameter without an index was added
to the end of the parameter list. However, if an index with an actual value of -1 was passed in, the
collection was interpreted as having no index and the argument did not generate an out-of-range
exception. (Bug #31754599, Bug #100522)
Without validation, an underlying 64-bit enumeration value passed in as a MySQL command parameter
defaulted to type Int32 and produced an overflow exception. (Bug #25467610, Bug #84701)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.22 (2020-10-19, General Availability)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Deprecation and Removal Notes
The following synonyms for the Server connection string option were deprecated in Connector/NET
8.0.22 and removed in 8.0.23: address, addr, and network address. (Bug #31248601)
Functionality Added or Changed
Revisions to the MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore namespace reduced the number of public
classes. (Bug #31353208)
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Previously, the client-side mysql_clear_password authentication plugin was not supported. Now,
it is permitted to send passwords without hashing or encryption by using mysql_clear_password
on the client side together with any server-side plugin that needs a clear text password, such as for
LDAP pluggable authentication. Connector/NET returns an error if the mysql_clear_password
plugin is requested, but the connection is neither encrypted nor using Unix domain sockets. For usage
information, see Client-Side Cleartext Pluggable Authentication. (Bug #30340510, WL #14002)
For enhanced security of the existing AllowLoadLocalInfile connection string option, a single folder
that is safe to upload files from now can be specified with the new AllowLoadLocalInfileInPath
option (see Options for Classic MySQL Protocol Only). (WL #14093)
Connector/NET now supports Entity Framework 6.4, which extends the compatibility of the provider to
include the Linux and macOS platforms when used with the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) .NET
implementation (see Entity Framework 6 Support). Connector/NET continues to support the .NET
Framework implementation of Entity Framework. (WL #14076)
Connections made using the MySQL Enterprise Edition SASL LDAP authentication plugin now are
supported on Windows and Linux, but not on macOS. Connector/NET implements the SCRAM-SHA-1
authentication method of the SASL authentication protocol. (WL #14116)
The new compression-algorithms connection option sets the order by which supported algorithms
are negotiated and selected to send compressed data over X Protocol connections (see Options for X
Protocol Only). (WL #14001)
In addition to providing continued support for .NET Core and .NET Framework, Connector/NET now
includes support for the new .NET 5.0 framework. Compatibility testing was performed with the preview
versions of .NET 5.0 and Visual Studio to encourage the efforts of early adopters. Among other
capabilities, .NET 5.0 offers uniform runtime behaviors and developer experiences by taking the best
of .NET Core, .NET Framework, Xamarin, and Mono. (WL #14044)
Bugs Fixed
Procedure names were malformed before being sent to the server when the database name was not
specified in the connection string. (Bug #31669587, Bug #100306)
Microseconds were deserialized incorrectly when MySqlCommand.Prepare() was called for a
statement that selects a TIME(n) column, resulting in a loss of trailing zeros in the returned result.
Now, the MySqlTime class calculates ticks, rather than converting the microseconds to a string. (Bug
#31623730, Bug #100218)
MySqlConnection.GetSchema("Procedures") returned the literal string System.Byte[] as the
value of the ROUTINE_DEFINITION column, rather than the actual routine definition. (Bug #31622907,
Bug #100208)
Valid query parameters of type DateTime were misinterpreted as a string values. (Bug #31598178, Bug
A mismatch of data types between the parameter of a stored procedure and the corresponding
MySqlParameter when the Prepare() method was called did not generate an exception. (Bug
#31458774, Bug #99793)
An SQL syntax error was reported on valid code for creating a dynamic dropdown list from data in an
ASP.NET Core application. (Bug #31337609, Bug #99523)
Entity Framework code-first migration omitted the schema attribute that was assigned to an entity,
although the automatic migration appeared to generate a table with the proper schema value at first.
Subsequent queries using the schema name returned errors. (Bug #31323788, Bug #94343)
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
The mapping from the TINYINT and BIT data types to BOOLEAN was not performed as expected when
scaffolding was used. (Bug #31304070, Bug #99419)
The Entity Framework Core migration script replaced NULL with NOT NULL on a column in the migrated
table when the MaxLength attribute of the property for it was changed in the model. (Bug #31070175,
Bug #96913)
The Ubiety.Dns.Core.dll binary included with the MySQL.Data NuGet package was built in debug
mode, which prevented the publishing of applications to Microsoft Store. (Bug #31061034, Bug #98955)
An application using Entity Framework code-first migration without the default system decimal separator,
the period character (.), could not generate a new database. Now, setting the system decimal separator
to a different character is permitted. (Bug #30965702, Bug #94358)
Every column of type CHAR(36) was interpreted as a GUID, which could cause the first query made
by a restarted application using the MySQL.Data package to return an exception. This fix introduces a
dedicated format (8-4-4-4-12) to interpret the column type properly. (Bug #29963760, Bug #93399)
Connector/NET code did not read from the MySql.Data.Properties.ReservedWords.txt
assembly resource consistently and could return an incomplete set of reserved keywords. (Bug
#27536342, Bug #89639)
No error occurred when MySqlCommand.CommandTimeout was set to a negative number, however,
subsequently setting it to a positive number returned an exception. (Bug #26574860, Bug #87316)
The TcpClient implementation limited some of the connection options when an external wrapper from
a Windows Forms application made the connection. This fix enables the related external destructor to be
called without returning an error. (Bug #26427802, Bug #82810)
An exception was returned in debug mode after a command was canceled within a connection that was
not null when CancelQuery was called. Thanks to Denis Yarkovoy for the improved validation patch.
(Bug #26362494, Bug #86836)
The DbContext.Database.Migrate() method did not succeed because the
__efmigrationshistory table was not found. This fix modifies the method that validates the
existence of the table. (Bug #25901276, Bug #85902)
When a parameter value of zero was passed to the MySqlParameter constructor, Connector/NET
used the MySqlDbType enumeration by default for type mapping and changed the value to NULL. This
fix maps the default type to int32. (Bug #25573071, Bug #85027)
Entity Framework code-first migration excluded the length specifier in the resulting binary columns. (Bug
#23171349, Bug #81179)
Create Table statements generated with Entity Framework were missing some of the semicolons,
which caused MySQL Server to return errors. (Bug #22669961, Bug #80159)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.21 (2020-07-13, General Availability)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Bugs Fixed
Deprecation and Removal Notes
The following ciphers and algorithms are deprecated for SSH connections made using Connector/NET:
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Key Exchange Algorithms
Keyed Hash Message Authentication Codes
(Bug #31030347)
Bugs Fixed
Connector/NET returned an error when the name of a database or stored procedure contained one or
more period characters. Now, names with this format can be used when the name is enclosed properly
between grave accent (`) symbols; for example, `db_1.2.3.45678`. (Bug #31237338, Bug #99371)
An error was generated when the database name within a connection string that was passed to MySQL
5.6 or MySQL 5.7 did not match the casing used to search a related stored procedure. (Bug #31173265)
In Connector/NET 8.0.19, calling new MySqlConnection(null) returned
NullReferenceException, rather than returning an object with a ConnectionString property
equal to String.Empty as the previous versions of Connector/NET did. This fix restores the earlier
behavior. (Bug #30791289, Bug #98322)
An expected empty result set generated by executing MySQLDataReader for a stored procedure
instead returned a data table containing the @_cnet_param_value column. This fix eliminates
an internal error that affected the result set and now GetSchemaTable() returns a null value as
expected. (Bug #30444429, Bug #97300)
The BLOB type was inferred internally when a value or object of type MySqlGeometry was used in
different situations, which caused to server to return either zero matching rows or an exception. (Bug
#30169716, Bug #96499, Bug #30169715, Bug #96498)
Attempts to execute a function or stored procedure returned a null exception unexpectedly
when the caller was not the creator of the routine. This fix introduces a mechanism to manage
null values for these cases, permits the granting of privilege to SHOW_ROUTINE, and revises
SqlNullValueException to identify when a user account lacks adequate permission to access a
routine. (Bug #30029732, Bug #96143)
Columns of type BIGINT in a table that was loaded using MySqlDataReader did not include the
UNSIGNED flag, even though UNSIGNED was specified in the CREATE TABLE statement. An exception
was generated if the value of such a column exceeded 2147483647. (Bug #29802379, Bug #95382)
The microseconds value in the return results was set to zero consistently when
SqlCommand.Prepare() was called for a SELECT statement with a TIME(n) column. This fix revises
the way the value is produced to ensure accurate results. (Bug #28393733, Bug #91770)
The isolation level set for a transaction did not revert to using the session value after the transaction
finished. (Bug #26035791, Bug #86263)
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
A valid call made to the MySqlSimpleRoleProvider.AddUsersToRoles method failed to execute
because it violated the foreign key constraint. This fix removes an error from the code that gets the role
ID. Thanks to Stein Setvik for the patch. (Bug #25046352, Bug #83657)
The absence of a target schema in the generated WHERE clause of a query produced during an Entity
Framework migration caused an error when the identical table was present in multiple databases. This
fix adds the table_schema column to the generated SQL query. (Bug #23291095, Bug #72424)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.20 (2020-04-27, General Availability)
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Functionality Added or Changed
Connector/NET now supports Entity Framework Core 3.1.1 on all platforms with NET Standard 2.0
support. Microsoft Entity Framework Core 3.1.1 is not compatible with the previous versions of EF Core
and those previous versions (2.1, 2.0, 1.1) are not supported by this release of Connector/NET (see
Entity Framework Core Support).
In addition, the MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore.Design NuGet package is deprecated and the
functionality provided by that package now is merged with the MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore
package. (WL #13793)
Connector/NET now provides compression of X Protocol payload data, which can be configured using
the new Compression connection option. The option is set to preferred mode by default to compress
the payload data if the MySQL server instance also supports compression. For a description of each
option value, see Options for X Protocol Only. (WL #12980)
Document Store: Connector/NET now provides JSON schema validation for a collection to enforce a
certain structure that documents must adhere to before they are permitted to be inserted or updated.
Schema validation is performed by the server, which returns an error message if a document in a
collection does not match the schema definition or if the server does not support validation.
The existing Schema.CreateCollection method now is overloaded and can be used to
pass a CreateCollectionOptions object with a schema definition to a MySQL server.
The ReuseExistingObject parameter of the original method is set as an option within
CreateCollectionOptions when using the new overloaded method. The level of enforcement (off
or strict, strict by default) and schema definition are specified using the validation option, for
var collOptions = CreateCollectionOptions() {
reuseExistingObject = false,
validation = Validation() {
level = ValidationLevel.Strict,
schema = "{\"id\": \"\","
+ "\"$schema\": \"\","
+ " \"description\": \"A geographical coordinate\","
+ " \"type\": \"object\","
+ " \"properties\": {"
+ " \"latitude\": {"
+ " \"type\": \"number\""
+ " },"
+ " \"longitude\": {"
+ " \"type\": \"number\""
+ " }"
+ " },"
+ " \"required\": [\"latitude\", \"longitude\"]"
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
+ " }"
var coll = schema.CreateCollection("longlang", collOptions);
In addition, a new method permits the schema validation of an existing collection to be reset. The
Schema.ModifyCollection method passes a ModifyCollectionOptions object to the server.
The validation collection option must include either a modified level value or schema value (or
both), for example:
var collOptions = ModifyCollectionOptions() {
validation = Validation() {
level = ValidationLevel.Off
var coll = schema.ModifyCollection("longlang", collOptions);
The ReuseExistingObject option is not supported for modifications and returns an error message if it
is used. (WL #13007)
Bugs Fixed
A connection made to a named server with multiple DNS entries pointing to different IP addresses for the
same server generated an exception. Now, only the first element is returned when multiple elements are
found. (Bug #30970949, Bug #97448)
The MySQL.Data NuGet package for Connector/NET 8.0.19 included an unsigned version of
Ubiety.Dns.Core.dll, which produced an exception when loaded. (Bug #30798305, Bug #98204)
Scaffolding a MySQL database with EF Core 3.0 was not implemented by Connector/NET and the
connector returned an exception in response to its use. Support for EF Core 3.1.1 in this release adds
scaffolding capabilities. (Bug #30677382, Bug #98011)
The get_info method was not included in any of the Entity Framework Core versions (1.1, 2.0, and
2.1) that Connector/NET supported. Connector/NET now supports EF Core 3.1.1 and implements the
method. (Bug #30347893, Bug #96990)
The MySqlDbType.JSON type when used as a parameter in a prepared statement produced code
errors. Connector/NET now interprets MySqlDbType.JSON as MySqlDbType.VarChar. No code
changes are required to specify a JSON column. (Bug #29959124, Bug #95984)
Blank spaces mixed with values in the IN() list of a SELECT statement generated an error. (Bug
An attempt to read the record of a model class defined to correspond to a MySQL table with a property
of type bool? (nullable Boolean), using the EF Core database context, returned an error message. (Bug
#29833103, Bug #93028)
Access to the MySqlDataReader object was restricted when the parent MySqlCommand object was
closed. This fix modifies MySqlCommand.Dispose() to no longer call the ResetReader method. (Bug
#27441433, Bug #89159)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.19 (2020-01-13, General Availability)
Functionality Added or Changed
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Bugs Fixed
Functionality Added or Changed
Connector/NET supports TLS protocol versions TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, and TLSv1.3. A new
connection-string option, tlsversion, permits the restriction of a connection to a single version or to
a list with any combination of the four supported TLS versions (see Options for Both Classic MySQL
Protocol and X Protocol).
Known issue: Both .NET Core 3.0 (cross platform) and .NET Framework 4.8 (windows only) added
support for TLSv1.3. Be sure to confirm that the platform operating system running your application also
supports TLSv1.3 before using it exclusively for connections. (Bug #30225427, WL #12748)
Support for DNS Service (SRV) records now provides an alternative to specifying individual hosts
in the connection string. Instead, a single DNS domain can map to multiple targets (servers) using
SRV address records. Each SRV record includes the host name, port, priority, and weight. For .NET
applications using X Protocol, a new URI scheme of mysqlx+srv:// enables connections to share the
query load when a single DNS domain is mapped to multiple servers (see Connections Using DNS SRV
Similarly, the new dns-srv connection-string option also enables DNS SRV lookups for connections
using either the classic MySQL protocol or X Protocol. The DNS SRV feature is disabled by default. For
usage information, see Options for Both Classic MySQL Protocol and X Protocol.
Known Issue: The MySql.Data.dll package from the NuGet gallery is missing libraries needed
by .NET Framework projects (.NET Core projects are not affected). To enable this feature, download
the no-install version of MySQL Connector/NET (mysql-connector-net-8.0.19.msi) from https:// and then add v4.5.2\MySql.Data.dll as a reference to
your project. No other references are required if all items remain in the same location. (WL #13368)
When creating a new connection using classic MySQL protocol, multiple hosts can be tried until a
successful connection is established. A list of hosts can be given in a connection string, with or without
// Example with priority
// Example without priority and with multiple ports
If the priority is not included, or if multiple hosts have the same priority, Connector/NET selects a host at
random. The same random selection behavior also applies to connections made using X Protocol, which
previously selected hosts sequentially when no priority was specified. (WL #13304)
Bugs Fixed
Clone connections did not process all connection settings as expected. (Bug #30502718)
Connector/NET files displayed an unlikely date after the NuGet package containing them was installed in
a project. (Bug #30471336, Bug #97390)
The inclusion of the System.Resources.Extensions dependency was transient and now is removed
from the MySql.Data NuGet package. (Bug #30421657, Bug #97218)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.18 (2019-10-14, General Availability)
Functionality Added or Changed
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Bugs Fixed
Functionality Added or Changed
Connector/NET now supports IPV6 connections made using the classic MySQL protocol when the
operating system on the server host also supports IPV6. (Bug #29682333)
Support for .NET Core 3.0 was added. (WL #13114)
In tandem with Microsoft, Connector/NET ends support for .NET Core 1.0 and 1.1 (and also for Entity
Framework Core 1.1, which depends on .NET Core 1.1). (WL #13387)
Previously, if the server restricted a classic Connector/NET session to sandbox mode and the password
on the account expired, the session continued to permit the use of SET statements. Now, SET
statements in sandbox mode with an expired password are prohibited and will return an error message
if used. The one exception is SET PASSWORD, which is still permitted (see Server Handling of Expired
Passwords). (WL #13305)
Bugs Fixed
The Renci.SshNet.dll deployment was problematic for Connector/NET 8.0.17 MSI installations.
Some applications, such as Microsoft Excel, were unable to read MySQL data as a result. This fix
removes unnecessary dependencies on the DLL and also ensures that the MSI installation deploys the
correct Renci.SshNet.dll to the GAC. (Bug #30215984, Bug #96614)
Connector/NET returned an inaccurate value for the YEAR type when a prepared command was used.
(Bug #28383721, Bug #91751)
Entity Framework Core: A syntax error was generated during an operation attempting to rename a table
that was previously migrated from code. Now, the primary key constraint for an existing table can be
dropped without errors when the follow-on migration operation is performed. (Bug #28107555, Bug
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.17 (2019-07-22, General Availability)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Document Store: The Where() method is deprecated (Obsolete attribute applied) and will return a
warning when called in the following method constructs: Find().Where(), Modify().Where(), and
Remove().Where(). (WL #12983)
Functionality Added or Changed
Connector/NET supports SSL PEM certificate versions 1, 2, and 3 to enable use with the full range of
applications that generate certificates. (Bug #29756058)
Support was added for .NET Core 2.2, which is a cross-platform version of .NET for building applications
that run on Linux, macOS and Windows (see Connector/NET Versions). (WL #12337)
New and files now accompany MySQL Connector/NET code for
compatibility with Git. Distribution packages (NuGet, MSI, ZIP) continue to include the original README
file, but do not include the new files. (WL #12970)
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Connector/NET now supports the new utf8mb4_0900_bin collation added for the utf8mb4 Unicode
character set in MySQL 8.0.17. For more information about this collation, see Unicode Character Sets.
(WL #13099)
Document Store: Connector/NET now supports the OVERLAPS and NOT OVERLAPS operators for
expressions on JSON arrays or objects:
expr OVERLAPS expr
expr NOT OVERLAPS expr
Suppose that a collection has these contents:
"_id": "1",
"list": [1, 4]
}, {
"_id": "2",
"list": [4, 7]
This operation:
var res = collection.Find("[1, 2, 3] OVERLAPS $.list").Fields("_id").Execute();
Should return:
[{ "_id": "1" }]
This operation:
var res = collection.Find("$.list OVERLAPS [4]").Fields("_id").Execute();
Should return:
[{ "_id": "1" }, { "_id": "2" }]
An error occurs if an application uses either operator and the server does not support it. (WL #12749)
Document Store: For index specifications passed to the Collection.CreateIndex() method,
Connector/NET now supports indexing array fields. For example, consider a collection with this array:
Session session = MySQLX.GetSession(connString);
Schema schema = session.GetSchema(schemaName);
Collection coll = schema.CreateCollection(collectionName);
var docs = new[]
new { _id = 1, name = "John Smith", emails = [ "[email protected]", "[email protected]", "[email protected]" ] }
A single index field description can contain a new member name array that takes a Boolean value. If
set to true, the field is assumed to contain arrays of elements of the given type. In addition, the set of
possible index field data types (used as values of member type in index field descriptions) is extended
with type CHAR(N), where the length N is mandatory. For example, to create the emails_idx index with
an array field:
"{\"fields\": [{\"field\": $.emails,
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
\"array\": true }]}"
To find an element of the array:
.Find(":mail IN $.emails")
.Bind("mail", "[email protected]")
(WL #12176)
New support for SSH tunneling enables Connector/NET to create secure connections to a remote
MySQL server using TCP/IP over SSH. With SSH server authorization, an application can establish a
connection from behind a firewall when the MySQL Server port is blocked. The new connection-string
options (and equivalent class properties) for SSH tunneling are supported by both the classic MySQL
protocol and X Protocol connections. (WL #12747)
Bugs Fixed
The BouncyCastle assembly was loaded into memory whenever a connection attempt was made using
any SSL mode type, except None. Now the assembly loads only when the SSL mode type is VerifyCA
or VerifyFull, or when PEM certificates are used. (Bug #29611216)
Document Store: The MySqlConnection.GetSchema() method sometimes returned columns in an
unexpected order when used with the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS table. This fix ensures that
returned columns now correspond to the ordinal position only. (Bug #29536344)
The InvariantCulture property was missing from some data types, which created issues during
platform migration operations. Thanks to Effy Teva for the patch. (Bug #29262195, Bug #94045)
Connector/NET connections executed SHOW VARIABLES unnecessarily. (Bug #28928543, Bug #93202)
Connector/NET access to MySQL stopped working after the computer hosting the server was started
and continued to operate uninterrupted for a defined period of time. (Bug #26930306, Bug #75604)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.16 (2019-04-25, General Availability)
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Functionality Added or Changed
Document Store: Support was added for the -> operator to be used with JSON document paths in
relational statements. For example:
table.Select().Where("additionalinfo->$.hobbies = 'Reading'");
(Bug #29347028)
Document Store: The performance for statements that are executed repeatedly (two or more times) is
improved by using server-side prepared statements for the second and subsequent executions. This
happens internally; applications need take no action and API behavior should be the same as previously.
For statements that change, repreparation occurs as needed. Providing different data values or different
OFFSET or LIMIT clause values does not count as a change. Instead, the new values are passed to a
new invocation of the previously prepared statement. (WL #12174)
Document Store: Connector/NET now supports the ability to send connection attributes (key-value pairs
that application programs can pass to the server at connect time). Connector/NET defines a default set
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
of attributes, which can be disabled or enabled. In addition, applications can specify attributes to be
passed together with the default attributes. The default behavior is to send the default attribute set.
The aggregate size of connection attribute data sent by a client is limited by the value of the
performance_schema_session_connect_attrs_size server variable. The total size of the
data package should be less than the value of the server variable. For X Protocol applications, specify
connection attributes as a connection-attributes parameter in a connection string. For usage
information, see Options for X Protocol Only.
For general information about connection attributes, see Performance Schema Connection Attribute
Tables. (WL #12514)
Document Store: Connector/NET now has improved support for resetting sessions in connection
pools. Returning a session to the pool drops session-related objects such as temporary tables, session
variables, and transactions, but the connection remains open and authenticated so that reauthentication
is not required when the session is reused. (WL #12515)
Connector/NET applications now can use certificates in PEM format to validate SSL connections in
addition to the native PFX format (see Tutorial: Configuring SSL with Connector/NET). PEM support
applies to both classic MySQL protocol and X Protocol connections. (WL #12494)
Bugs Fixed
Document Store: All methods able to execute a statement were unable to execute the same statement
a second time. Now, the values and binding parameters remain available after the method is executed
and string parameters are no longer converted to numbers. Both changes enable a follow-on execution
to reuse the previous parameters. (Bug #29249857, Bug #29304767)
An exception was generated when the MySqlDbType enumeration was given an explicit value and then
passed as a parameter to the MySqlCommand.Prepare method. (Bug #28834253, Bug #92912)
Validation was added to ensure that when a column is of type TIME and the value is 00:00:00, it takes
the value instead of setting NULL. (Bug #28383726, Bug #91752)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.15 (2019-02-01, General Availability)
Bugs Fixed
The client library has been modified to initialize the MySqlBulkLoader class with the local-infile
capability disabled by default (see Using the BulkLoader Class). (Bug #29259767)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.14 (2019-01-21, General Availability)
Deprecation and Removal Notes
Functionality Added or Changed
Deprecation and Removal Notes
The following obsolete (deprecated) members of Connector/NET 8.0 API classes were removed:
Collection.Remove(Object) method
Collection.Remove(DbDoc) method
FindStatement.Limit(Int64, Int64) method
MySqlParameterCollection.Add(String, Object) method
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
TableSelectStatement.Limit(Int64, Int64) method
BaseResult.WarningCount property
MySqlBaseConnectionStringBuilder.Auth property
Result.RecordsAffected property
SqlResult.AutoIncrementValue property
SqlResult.RecordsAffected property
(WL #12031)
Functionality Added or Changed
The internal method called by the MySqlX.XDevAPI.Relational.Table.Count,
MySqlX.XDevAPI.Collection.Count, and MySqlX.XDevAPI.Collection<T>.Count methods
were moved to a standardized location within the library. (WL #12518)
The auth connection option (along with aliases authentication and authentication mode) was
removed from the MySqlBaseConnectionStringBuilder class. This option now is available for X
Protocol connections only. (WL #12031)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.13 (2018-10-22, General Availability)
Important Changes
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Important Changes
The default value for the SslMode connection option now differs based on the protocol used to make the
connection. The Preferred mode has been reintroduced in this release (see Options for Both Classic
MySQL Protocol and X Protocol). To summarize the default Sslmode values in the Connector/NET 8.0
(and 7.0) release series:
Connector/NET 8.0.13: Preferred mode is the default for classic MySQL protocol connections only.
Required mode is the default for X Protocol connections only (Preferred mode is not available for
use with X Protocol).
Connector/NET 8.0.8 to 8.0.12: Preferred mode is not supported for any connections. Required
mode is the default for both classic MySQL protocol and X Protocol connections.
Connector/NET 7.0.0 to 7.0.7: Preferred mode is the default for both classic MySQL protocol and X
Protocol connections. (Bug #28687769)
Functionality Added or Changed
Document Store: An incremental improvement was made to the performance of session creation with a
connection string. (Bug #28343655)
Support for EF Core 2.1 was added to Connector/NET 8.0.13 and support for EF Core 2.0 was
discontinued in the same connector version. Other versions of Connector/NET continue to support EF
Core 2.0 (see Entity Framework Core Support). (WL #12182)
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
The ConnectionTimeout connection option and property were reimplemented as the Connect-
Timeout option (and the ConnectTimeout property) for X Protocol operations. Some aspects of the
timeout behavior were changed (see Options for X Protocol Only).
The new ConnectTimeout property was added to the
MySqlX.XDevAPI.MySqlXConnectionStringBuilder class and the existing
ConnectionTimeout property was removed.
No modifications were made to the existing implementation of the ConnectionTimeout option (or
property) for classic MySQL operations. (WL #12177)
Connector/NET now provides connection pooling for applications using the X Protocol. The
implementation includes the new static MySQLX.GetClient method that takes two parameters:
connectionData (connection string or URI) and connectionOptions (JSON-formatted string or
anonymous object containing the pooling options). Method overloading enables the following type
MySQLX.GetClient(Object, Object)
MySQLX.GetClient(Object, String)
MySQLX.GetClient(String, Object)
MySQLX.GetClient(String, String)
GetClient returns the new Client object, which retrieves an existing and currently unused network
connection from the pool, resets it, and uses it. Closing a session marks the underlying connection as
unused and returns it to the pool. Connection options are configured as follows:
// Connection options of type String
Client client = MySQLX.GetClient(ConnectionData, "{ \"pooling\": { \"maxSize\": 5, \"queueTimeout\": 5000 } }");
// Connection options of type Object (anonymous object)
Client client = MySQLX.GetClient(ConnectionData, new { pooling = new { maxSize = 5, queueTimeout = 5000 } });
The new keyword must be used twice when the connection options are configured using an anonymous
object. Connection options are: enabled, maxSize, maxIdleTime, and queueTimeout. For more
information, see Connection and Session Concepts. (WL #11841)
Bugs Fixed
The CreateCommandBuilder and CreateDataAdapter methods were added to
MySqlClientFactory class. Thanks to Cédric Luthi for the patch. (Bug #28560189, Bug #92206)
Document Store: Connector-side validation performed when the Collection.CreateIndex method
was called duplicated some of the checks already made by the server. The connector now only validates
that the indexDefinition value passed to the method is a valid JSON document with the correct
structure. (Bug #28343828)
EF Core: An invalid syntax error was generated when a new property (defined as numeric, has a default
value, and is not a primary key) was added to an entity that already contained a primary-key column with
the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute. This fix validates that the entity property (column) is a primary key first
before adding the attribute. (Bug #28293927)
Connector/NET returned the wrong time zone when the TIMESTAMP column was read from a MySQL
table. (Bug #28156187)
Document Store: A mixed alphanumeric value such as "1address" when used with the Set and Unset
methods caused the operations to throw an exception. This fix resolves the way mixed values are
converted into tokens to generate only one token as an identifier. (Bug #28094094)
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
EF Core: The implementation of some methods required to scaffold an existing database were
incomplete. (Bug #27898343, Bug #90368)
Attempts to create a new foreign key from within an application resulted in an exception when the key
was generated by a server in the MySQL 8.0 release series. (Bug #27715069)
A variable of type POINT when used properly within an application targeting MySQL 8.0 generated an
SQL syntax error. (Bug #27715007)
The implementation of DbProviderFactory prevented an application from connecting to MySQL
in a generic way. Now, invoking the CreateDataAdapter method returns a valid adapter instead of
returning the null value. (Bug #27292344, Bug #88660)
The case-sensitive lookup of field ordinals was initialized using case-insensitive comparison logic. This
fix removes the original case-sensitive lookup. (Bug #27285641, Bug #88950)
The MySql.Data.Types.MySqlGeometry constructor called with an array of bytes representing an
empty geometry collection generated an ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception, rather than
creating the type as expected. Thanks to Peet Whittaker for the patch. (Bug #26421346, Bug #86974)
Slow connections made to MySQL were improved by reducing the frequency and scope of operating
system details required by the server to establish and maintain a connection. (Bug #22580399, Bug
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.12 (2018-07-27, General Availability)
Known Limitation of This Release
To create a model in Entity Framework (EF) Core v2.0 with scaffolding or migration in this release, use the
following alternative procedure:
1. Downgrade to EF Core 1.0 or 1.1 in your project, install the
MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore.Design NuGet package, and then create your model using
the scaffolding or migration command.
2. With the model created, revert back to EF Core 2.0 in your project, update the
MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore NuGet package, and then remove the package
MySql.Data.EntityFrameworkCore.Design from your project.
We are sorry for this temporary inconvenience.
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Functionality Added or Changed
Optimistic locking for database-generated fields was improved with the inclusion of the
[ConcurrencyCheck, DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Computed)]
attribute. Thanks to Tony Ohagan for the patch. (Bug #28095165, Bug #91064)
Members of several classes in the MySqlX namespace were added, modified, or removed.
MySqlX.XDevAPI.Collection and MySqlX.XDevAPI.Collection<T> classes:
Remove(Object) method was marked Obsolete.
Remove(DbDoc) method was marked Obsolete.
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
CreateIndex() method was modified to be a direct-execute method (no longer requires
.Execute() to execute).
MySqlX.XDevAPI.Common.Result class:
RecordsAffected property (now obsolete) was replaced with AffectedItemsCount.
WarningCount property (now obsolete) was replaced with WarningsCount.
MySqlX.XDevAPI.CRUD.FindStatement class:
GroupBy() method was added.
Having() method was added.
Limit(Int64, Int64) method was marked Obsolete.
Offset() method was added.
Sort() method was added.
OrderBy() method was removed.
MySqlX.XDevAPI.CRUD.ModifyStatement class:
ArrayInsert method was added.
ArrayAppend method was added.
Unset() method was modified to accept an array of document paths.
MySqlX.XDevAPI.CRUD.RemoveStatement class:
Sort() method was added.
OrderBy() method was removed.
MySqlX.XDevAPI.Relational.RowResult class:
ColumnCount property was added.
ColumnNames property was added.
MySqlX.XDevAPI.Relational.SqlResult class:
AutoIncrementValue property was marked Obsolete.
MySqlX.XDevAPI.Relational.TableSelectStatement class:
Limit(Int64, Int64) method was marked Obsolete.
Offset() method was added.
MySqlX.XDevAPI.Session class:
Commit() method was changed to be a direct-execute method and now it returns void.
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Rollback() method was changed to be a direct-execute method and now it returns void.
Uri property was added.
DefaultSchema property was added.
(Bug #27732098, Bug #27732175, Bug #27732235, WL #11843)
The MySqlX.XDevAPI.MySqlXConnectionStringBuilder class was added to provide connection-
string options that apply exclusively to X Protocol connections. In addition, the Auth, SslCa, and
SslCrl properties in the MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnectionStringBuilder class
were marked Obsolete. (WL #11846)
Bugs Fixed
Document Store: Decimal numbers passed to the DbDoc class were not parsed properly when the
values included a decimal separator other than a period (.) character. (Bug #28112229)
Document Store: The list of members shown with IntelliSense did not match the members provided in
the reference documentation. (Bug #27918879, Bug #90615)
The Entity Framework Core implementation did not render accented characters correctly on bases with
different UTF-8 encoding. Thanks to Kleber kleberksms for the patch. (Bug #27818822, Bug #90316)
The TreatTinyAsBoolean connection option was ignored when the MySqlCommand.Prepare()
method was called. (Bug #27113566, Bug #88472)
All columns of type TINYINT(1) stopped returning the expected Boolean value after the connector
encountered a NULL value in any column of this type. Thanks to David Warner for the patch. (Bug
#22101727, Bug #78917)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.11 (2018-04-19, General Availability)
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Functionality Added or Changed
Document Store: Connector/NET now supports the NOWAIT and SKIP_LOCKED locking options
introduced in the MySQL 8.0 release series (see SELECT Statement). The following changes were
made to the Connector/NET API:
The LockContention enumeration (with values Default=0, NoWait=1 and SkipLocked=2) was
added. The Default enumeration member represents the previous behavior of waiting for the row
locks to be released.
The existing LockShared() and LockExclusive() method signatures
were modified to include the new LockContention parameter. Both methods
are members of the MySqlX.XDevAPI.CRUD.FindStatement and
MySqlX.XDevAPI.Relational.TableSelectStatement classes.
Usage examples:
// Default behavior – waits for the row locks to release
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
// New – fails if the rows are locked
// New – succeeds excluding the locked rows from the result
(WL #11307)
Document Store: Previously, when documents without an _id attribute were added to a collection,
Connector/NET automatically generated IDs for them. Now the server generates the _id attribute,
unless a document already contains one. The generated IDs resulting from a document-add operation
can be obtained using the new Result.GeneratedIds property, which returns a list.
This capability requires a MySQL 8.0 GA server. If the server does not support document ID generation,
the document-add operation returns an error indicating that document IDs were missing.
Incompatibility: The GeneratedIds property replaces the DocumentId and DocumentIds properties,
which are now removed. (WL #11421)
Document Store: Support for the SHA256_MEMORY authentication mechanism was added to enable
non-PLAIN insecure connections (without SSL) for user accounts with caching_sha2_password, which is
the default authentication plugin introduced in the MySQL 8.0 release series. The changes related to this
support include:
New synonyms for the auth connection string option: authentication and authentication
mode (see Options for X Protocol Only).
A new authentication mode for the MySqlAuthenticationMode enumeration: SHA256_MEMORY. In
addition, the Default member now has a new synonym: Auto=0.
A new class:
(WL #11624)
Support was added for the new caching_sha2_password padding mechanism introduced in the
MySQL 8.0 release series. The new padding mechanism is enabled when all of the following conditions
The user account is set with the caching_sha2_password authentication plugin.
SSL is disabled explicitly (SslMode=none).
The AllowPublicKeyRetrieval connection option is enabled
When enabled, the new padding mechanism is used to encode the password during RSA key
encryption, which applies the correct padding to match the server. (WL #11618)
Bugs Fixed
Attempting to open the MySQL Web Configuration Tool, with Connector/NET and MySQL for Visual
Studio prerequisites installed properly, displayed an error message instead of opening the tool. (Bug
#27457398, Bug #88544)
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Connector/NET could not be installed with NuGet packages from Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. (Bug
#27251839, Bug #88838)
When a decimal column was defined with a scale of zero, such as DECIMAL(8, 0), the value of the
NumericPrecision field returned by the MySqlDataReader.GetSchemaTable method was lower
by one. For example, it returned 7 instead of 8 as expected. (Bug #26954812, Bug #88058)
The data table returned by the MySqlDataReader.GetSchemaTable method had an inaccurate value
of zero assigned to the ColumnSize field for LONGTEXT and LONGBLOB data types, and also indicated
that the IsLong field value was false when it should have returned true. (Bug #26876592, Bug
The MySqlDataReader.GetSchemaTable method returned different column-size values when used
with different character sets. (Bug #26876582, Bug #87868)
Support for making a secure connection to a server configured to use TLSv1.2 was limited by external
factors. (Bug #25689154)
Connection strings that included TLS/SSL connection parameters in URI type-string format generated an
exception instead of making a connection with the X Protocol. (Bug #24510329)
Attempting to generate an Entity Framework model from a MySQL 5.7 database using either EF5 or
EF6 produced an exception that prevented the operation from generating the expected model. (Bug
#22173048, Bug #79163)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.10 (2018-01-30, Release Candidate)
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Functionality Added or Changed
The .NET Core 2.0 implementation now supports the following connection-string options: AutoEnlist,
InteractiveSession, Logging, Replication, and UseUsageAdvisor. (Bug #27297337)
Document Store: In the process of refining the definition of the MySqlX namespace to cover the most
relevant usage scenarios, the following API components have been removed from the implementation
for MySQL Connector/NET:
API components that support session configurations
The MySqlX.XDevAPI.Config namespace and all members of the namespace.
API components that support views
CreateView(), DropView(), and ModifyView() methods from the MySqlX.XDevAPI.Schema
ViewAlgorithm, ViewSqlSecurityEnum, and ViewCheckOptionEnum enumerations from the
MySqlX.DataAccess namespace.
The Table.IsView property remains available for query operations.
(WL #11306, WL #11362)
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Support for .NET Core 2.0 and .NET Standard 2.0 has been added (.NET Core 1.1 support continues).
With .NET Core 2.0, most of the common ADO.NET classes are available for use, such as:
System.Data.DataTable, System.Data.DataColumn, and System.Data.DataRow
(WL #11394)
Support for Entity Framework Core 2.0 has been added (Entity Framework 1.1 support continues).
Currently, the MySQL Connector/NET implementation excludes the following 2.0 features:
Modeling: table splitting, owned types, model-level query filters, database scalar function mapping,
self-contained type configuration for code first.
High performance: DbContext pooling and explicitly compiled queries.
Change tracking: attach can track a graph of new and existing entities.
Query: improved LINQ translation, group-join improvements, string interpolation in FromSql and
ExecuteSqlCommand, new EF.Functions.Like().
Database management: pluralization hook for DbContext scaffolding.
Others: only one provider per model, consolidated logging and diagnostics.
(WL #11395)
Document Store: MySQL Connector/NET now supports setting and releasing named transaction
savepoints, which can be assigned a name explicitly or by default using the savepoint_(uuid)
format. In addition, a transaction can be rolled back to a named savepoint.
New methods were added to the MySqlX.XDevAPI.BaseSession class to implement corresponding
SQL statements using the X Protocol:
SetSavepoint() and SetSavepoint(name) correspond to the SAVEPOINT statement.
ReleaseSavepoint() corresponds to the RELEASE SAVEPOINT statement.
RollbackTo() corresponds to the ROLLBACK TO statement.
All errors generated by MySQL when one of the new methods is called will be returned by MySQL
Connector/NET. (WL #11135)
Document Store: The MySqlX.XDevAPI.CRUD.ModifyStatement.Patch method was added to
enable the inclusion of JSON-like objects within Collection.Modify() operations that describe the
changes to apply to all documents matching the condition. (WL #11133)
Support for the caching_sha2_password authentication plugin through the classic MySQL protocol
was added. Support through the X Protocol is limited to secure connections only (sslmode=required).
Caching SHA-2 pluggable authentication offers faster authentication than basic SHA-256 authentication.
A new and related connection option, AllowPublicKeyRetrieval, was also added. (WL #11081)
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Document Store: The MySqlX.XDevAPI.Collection.CreateIndex method implementation was
modified to enable the inclusion of a JSON document that defines the index to be created. Index-
definition details can include the fields affected, data types, and so on. (WL #11131)
Bugs Fixed
Document Store: When the PLAIN authentication option was used to make a secure connection, the
database name was excluded from the authenticating data and the database value was not set. PLAIN
authentication is the default option for connections made with TLS or Unix Sockets. (Bug #27098974,
Bug #88427)
Boolean values within a JSON document were improperly stored as strings. (Bug #26837112)
Invoking the MySql.Web.Security.MySqlWebSecurity.CreateUserAndAccount method with
valid arguments, including additionalUserAttributes as an object with key/value pairs, returned
an out-of-range exception. Thanks to Stein Setvik for contributing to the fix. (Bug #25046364)
When a valid document was passed to the SetValue method as a DbDoc object, the content within the
document was removed. (Bug #24397888)
The default character set and encoding were not set properly when making a connection to MySQL 5.6
and 5.7 servers configured to use the utf8 character set. (Bug #23257011)
After an index was created in MySQL 5.7.12 or higher, an exception prevented the inclusion of additional
objects. (Bug #23016623)
SSL connections made to a single MySQL instance could not be disconnected and created repeatedly
without restarting the client application to clear the half-open sockets. (Bug #20393654, Bug #75022)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.9 (2017-09-28, Development Milestone)
Functionality Added or Changed
Bugs Fixed
Functionality Added or Changed
For accuracy, the following Entity Framework 6 items were renamed:
NuGet package – MySql.Data.EntityFramework (was MySql.Data.Entity)
Namespace – MySql.Data.EntityFramework (was MySql.Data.Entity)
Assembly – MySql.Data.EntityFramework.dll (was MySql.Data.Entity.EF6.dll)
(Bug #26396260)
Document Store: The SessionConfigManager.Update method was removed and the
SessionConfigManager.Save method now always overwrites the data with the given key. For
"{ \"uri\": \"mysqlx://myuser@localhost/mysess\", \"appdata\": { \"biz\": \"quux\" } }"
"{ \"uri\": \"mysqlx://test@localhost/mysess\", \"appdata\": { \"tar\": \"zzzz\" } }"
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
The mysess.uri and mysess.appdata values set by the first statement are replaced with the new
values set by the second statement. (Bug #25829054, Bug #25860579, WL #10954)
MySQL Connector/NET now supports MySQL servers configured to use utf8mb4 as the default
character set. (WL #10562)
The following methods are available for use with EF Core in asynchronous command and connection
(WL #10615)
Document Store: The following methods execute directly, whereas each method previously required
.execute() as the final item in the method chain:
In addition, the methods now succeed even if the objects to be dropped do not exist. (WL #10563)
The AutoEnlist and IncludeSecurityAsserts connection-string options are not appropriate for
use by applications that target .NET Core and now return an error when used. (WL #10564)
EF Core: Support for explicit loading was added. Explicit loading is an object-relational mapper (O/RM)
pattern introduced in EF Core 1.1.0, which enables .NET developers to explicitly load related data from
the database at a later time. (WL #9768)
The following connection-string options are not currently supported for use by applications that
target .NET Core and now return an error when used:
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
(WL #11052)
Document Store: To provide safe transactional document and row updates, the following new methods
were added:
The LockShared() and LockExclusive() methods can be called any number of times with either
the Collection.Find() or Table.Select() method chains and in any combination. If multiple
calls to the methods are made, only the final method is invoked. For additional information about the two
types of locking, see Shared and Exclusive Locks. (WL #10948)
Document Store: When creating a new session, multiple hosts can be tried until a successful connection
is established. A list of hosts can be given in a connection string or as session creation options, with or
without priorities.
var mySession = MySQLX.GetSession(
"mysqlx://dbuser:password@[" +
"(address=localhost:33060, priority=90)," +
"(address=, priority=100)," +
"(address=[2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348]:33060, priority=30)" +
var mySession = MySQLX.GetSession(
"user=dbuser;" +
"password=dbpassword;" +
"server=" +
"(address=, priority=90)," +
"(, priority=100)," +
"(address=localhost, priority=30);" +
(WL #10998)
Document Store: The IN and NOT IN operators have been updated to expand the range of operands
that can be evaluated by the Find(), Modify(), and Remove() methods for collections and
the Select(), Update(), and Delete() methods for tables. This update provides support for
expressions using the following syntax:
compExpr ["NOT"] "IN" compExpr
The previous syntax used with IN and NOT IN operators is still valid and it takes precedence over the
new syntax when both are present. (WL #10947)
Document Store: Several new direct-execution methods were added to the Collection class that
operate at a single document level, unlike the other CRUD methods that operate on all documents
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
that match a filter. The new methods are: ReplaceOne(), AddOrReplaceOne(), GetOne(), and
RemoveOne(). (WL #10949)
Support for connections using Unix domain socket files was extended to include MySQL servers
deployed on Linux hosts.
X Protocol connection example:
Classic MySQL protocol connection example:
(WL #10201, WL #10613)
Connections to the MySQL server now can be made using accounts that authenticate with the
sha256_password plugin. For more information, see SHA-256 Pluggable Authentication.
In addition, a new connection option was added to extend authentication support for connections made
using the X Protocol with either basic or URI connection strings and as an anonymous type. The auth
connection option enables the MYSQL41, PLAIN, or EXTERNAL authentication mechanism if supported
by the server. For a description of the auth option, see Options for X Protocol Only. (WL #10595)
Bugs Fixed
Assemblies within NuGet packages were not fully signed. (Bug #26739307)
EF Core: Some methods in the DbContext class were not supported for use with asynchronous
operations. (Bug #26448321, Bug #84814)
Document Store: Priority assignment when connecting to the server in client-side failover situations was
not supported in earlier versions of the connector by design. Priority-based failover is now available.
(Bug #26198794)
EF Core: When attempting to commit a transaction in which the FirstOrDefaultAsync method was
called, the connector returned System.InvalidOperationException: Connection must be
valid and open to commit transaction instead of committing the transaction. (Bug #26026972,
Bug #86199)
Document Store: Passing in a value of 0 or lower to the Limit method now produces a more relevant
error message indicating that the argument is out of range. (Bug #24384660)
Document Store: Passing in the NULL value as a parameter to the DbDoc.SetValue method resulted
in an exception. This fix ensures that NULL is accepted for this method. (Bug #23542093)
Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.8 (2017-07-10, Development Milestone)
MySQL Connectors and other MySQL client tools and applications now synchronize the first digit of their
version number with the (highest) MySQL server version they support. For example, MySQL Connector/
NET 8.0.12 would be designed to support all features of MySQL server version 8 (or lower). This change
makes it easy and intuitive to decide which client version to use for which server version.
MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.8 is the first release to use the new numbering. It is the successor to MySQL
Connector/NET 7.0.7.
Functionality Added or Changed
MySQL Connector/NET Release Notes
Bugs Fixed
Functionality Added or Changed
Document Store: The format of document ID values generated when adding documents to a collection
has changed. It is still a string of 32 hexadecimal digits based on UUID, but the order of digits was
changed to match the requirement of a stable ID prefix. (WL #10202)
All connections created using MySQL Connector/NET now are encrypted by default. Also, the Ssl-
Enable connection option has been replaced by Ssl-Mode. Permitted Ssl-Mode values are None,
Required (the default), VerifyCA, and VerifyFull.
With this change, a non-SSL enabled server now requires the Ssl-Mode option be set to None explicitly
in the connection string or the connection will fail. (WL #10559)
Document Store: It is no longer permitted to pass an empty search condition, such as the NULL value or
an empty string, to the Collection.Modify and Collection.Remove methods. (WL #10739)
Document Store: The NodeSession class has been renamed to Session and the
MySQLX.GetNodeSession method has been renamed to MySQLX.GetSession. Also, the XSession
class has been removed. (WL #10561)
Document Store: When creating a new connection, multiple hosts now can be specified as part of the
connection string, which will try each host until a successful connection is established or all elements
from the host list have been tried. The following connection-string formats are supported:
var mySession = MySQLX.GetSession(
"mysqlx://dbuser:password@[" +
"localhost:33060," +
"," +
"[2001:db8:85a3:8d3:1319:8a2e:370:7348]:33060" +
var mySession = MySQLX.GetSession(
"user=dbuser;" +
"password=dbpassword;" +
"server=" +
"," +
"," +
"localhost;" +
(WL #9980)
Bugs Fixed
EF Core: The Database First feature did not support the following data types: BINARY, VARBINARY,
EF Core: Database First support produced an error when the existing MySQL database included one or
more views. (Bug #25493086)
EF Core: Using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema.TableAttribute to
initialize a new class instance that specified the name of an existing MySQL table produced incorrect
mappings of table and column names. (Bug #25394223, Bug #84423)