MARCH 2001
4-H 42500
Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in coopera-
tion with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Glen Whipple, Director, Cooperative Extension Service,
University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming 82071.
Persons seeking admission, employment, or access to programs of the University of Wyoming shall
be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, age, political
belief, veteran status, sexual orientation, and marital or familial status. Persons with disabilities
who require alternative means for communication or program information (Braille, large print,
audiotape, etc.) should contact their local UW CES Office. To file a complaint, write the UW Em-
ployment Practices/Affirmative Action Office, University of Wyoming, P.O. Box 3434, Laramie,
Wyoming 82071-3434.
Graphic Designer: Tana Stith, College of Agriculture, Office of Communications and Technology
Prepared by:
Ronda Whitman, Albany County 4-H Leader
Appreciation is extended to Wilton Enterprises, Inc., whose publications have served as
reference in the preparation of this 4-H manual, and for samples of techniques illustrated.
When you bake and decorate a cake for a special
occasion, the smiling faces around the table will
be your greatest reward.
After a few lessons and a lot of practice you will
be able to decorate beautiful cakes for birthday
parties, anniversaries, and other special days.
You can practice on practice boards, waxed
paper, or freezer paper (waxed side up) taped to
cardboard—or even a cake pan turned upside
down. Once you decorate the practice surface,
scrape the icing off and use it over again.
Cake decorating recordsCake decorating records
Cake decorating recordsCake decorating records
Cake decorating records
Keeping records or descriptions of your decorated
cakes is important. Either take a picture or draw
a simple diagram of each cake you decorate, then
give a short explanation of what you did and
what you learned, even if you had problems.
Also, keep a record of expenses and compare the
amount to what it would have cost to buy a
decorated cake.
Cake decorating levelsCake decorating levels
Cake decorating levelsCake decorating levels
Cake decorating levels
The 4-H Cake Decorating Project offers four
levels. These levels are:
Level 1: Beginning cake decorating—let’s begin.
Level 2: Intermediate cake decorating—flat
surface flowers, roses, and layer cakes.
Level 3: Advanced cake decorating—stacked
cakes, side decorations, lily nail flowers, and
more flowers.
Level 4: Master cake decorating—design your
This cake decorating manual contains goals,
skills, and techniques for the project’s four levels.
Study these goals and establish your own goals
each year. Refer to the table of contents to find
information for each project level.
Place this manual in a loose-leaf binder. You may
want to keep your cake decorating records in the
same binder and add other information as you
Basic suppliesBasic supplies
Basic suppliesBasic supplies
Basic supplies
1. Straight-sided cake pan or pans, preferably 8
inches round, 3 inches tall.
2. Metal spatula with a rounded end (8 inches
or 11 inches, depending on your hand size).
3. Decorating bags, three types are available.
Featherweight® or plastic bag with or
without coupler. (The coupler allows the
decorator to change tips on the same
bag.) Beginners should start with three
10-inch Featherweight® bags.
Clear plastic disposable bags, usually
available in packages of 12 or 24.
Parchment or plastic-coated freezer paper.
4. Decorating tips (see your particular level for
specific tips needed).
5. Three types of food colorings
Paste color
Liquid coloring
Powdered coloring
6. Box for storing all supplies together. Mark all
supplies with your initials for easy identifica-
tion, and store tips separately as they can be
easily dented or bent. Tips can be marked
with an engraver or fingernail polish.
7. Folder to hold your manual, cake records,
and other paperwork.
8. Flat plate or cake board for displaying deco-
rated cake.
9. Revolving cake stand or turntable (optional).
4-H cake decorating4-H cake decorating
4-H cake decorating4-H cake decorating
4-H cake decorating
The Wyoming 4-H Cake Decorating project is
divided into four skill levels:
LEVEL 1: The Beginning Decorator
Members will learn to bake and frost single-layer
cakes and learn simple decorating procedures.
LEVEL 2: The Intermediate Decorator
Members will learn how to bake two-layer cakes
and make flat surface flowers, simple flower nail
flowers, roses, a variety of borders, and special
effects like Cornelli lace, lattice work, basket-
weave, and others.
LEVEL 3: The Advanced Decorator
Members will learn to bake stacked and tiered
cakes, master all flat surface flowers, and learn to
make flowers using the lily nail.
LEVEL 4: The Master Decorator
Members will design their own projects using the
skills learned from previous levels.
Skills, techniques, and goalsSkills, techniques, and goals
Skills, techniques, and goalsSkills, techniques, and goals
Skills, techniques, and goals
The skills and techniques learned in this project
are listed in the chart found on pages 3 to 8.
They are divided by subject with the skill level
listed down the left side of the chart. Your 4-H
leader and parents can help you identify the
skills you want to learn according to the level in
which you are enrolled. Then, as the year
progresses, you can check to see what you have
learned and what you still have to do. Refer to
pages 3 through 8 in this manual to see what will
be learned in each level.
You might like to try a technique above your skill
level, and you may have to repeat some methods.
However, you should master the minimum
number of required items in each decorating
level before moving on to the next level. Stay in a
level for more than one year if you have not
mastered the required skills.
Decorating Decorating
Decorating Decorating
kills and kills and
kills and kills and
kills and
Want to learn
Needs improvement
Average skill developed
Above average skill
Write year accomplished in small box. Notes or comments
Master all the items in your level before advancing to the next level.
1, 2 Bake and prepare level cake
1 Prepare single-layer cake (minimum 5)
1, 2 Prepare cut-up cake
1, 2 Prepare a cake in a shaped specialty pan
2 Prepare one- and two-layer cakes (minimum of 5)
2,3 Cut cakes for serving using different methods
3 Prepare a level, stacked cake
3 Prepare a level, tiered cake
Master all the items in your level before advancing to the next level.
1, 2 Achieve proper consistency of icing for frosting the cake
1, 2 Frost a smooth cake for decorating
2 Prepare a "filled" cake
Master all the items in your level before advancing to the next level.
Achieve the proper consistency for making the following:
1 Decorations of stars, flowers, leaves
1, 2 Borders
1, 2 Writing
2 Combination borders
2 Figure piping
2, 3 Side decorations
3Drop string work
2, 3 Flowers
2, 3 Figure piping
Want to learn
Needs improvement
Average skill developed
Above average skill
Want to learn
Needs improvement
Average skill developed
Above average skill
Want to learn
Needs improvement
Average skill developed
Above average skill
Want to learn
Needs improvement
Average skill developed
Above average skill
Want to learn
Needs improvement
Average skill developed
Above average skill
Level 1: Beginning cake decoratingLevel 1: Beginning cake decorating
Level 1: Beginning cake decoratingLevel 1: Beginning cake decorating
Level 1: Beginning cake decorating
Two drop flower tips (one large and one
small) - 224 or 107 and 131 or 193
3. Practice surface
4. Optional:
Special molds—sugar, candy, and gelatin
Shaped cake pans
1. Develop basic skills in cake decorating.
2. Combine color, design, and flavors in a
pleasing way.
1. Basic supplies listed for all units (Project
information, page 1).
2. Decorating tips—Four types are suggested;
however, you may select any that give the
desired results.
One plain round or writing tip - 3 or 4
One leaf tip - 67 or 352
Three star tips - 16, 18, 22, or 25, 27, and
31 or 35
Decorated cake using a minimum of four differ-
ent skills and techniques learned in this unit:
cake frosted smoothly, proper icing consistency
for decorations, borders, drop flowers, writing,
and leaves.
Additional exhibitsAdditional exhibits
Additional exhibitsAdditional exhibits
Additional exhibits
1. Decorated cake using either the stencil or
outline technique (one technique) with three
additional skills or techniques (for a total of
four skills and techniques) learned in this unit.
2. Cut-up cake (one technique) using a mini-
mum of three additional skills or techniques
(for a total of four skills and techniques)
learned in this unit.
3. Cake or exhibit using solid sugar molds (one
technique) and three additional skills or
techniques learned in this unit (for a total of
four skills and techniques).
4. Cake baked in shaped cake pan (one tech-
nique) and three additional skills or tech-
niques (for a total of four skills and tech-
niques) learned in this unit.
5. Educational display showing techniques
learned (posters, record books, etc.)
Judging standardsJudging standards
Judging standardsJudging standards
Judging standards
1. Each exhibit should show a minimum of four
different skills or techniques learned in this level.
2. Cakes should have uniform shape and thick-
ness and be level (except cut-up cakes and
cakes baked in special shaped pans).
3. Cake forms (Styrofoam™) are better for
exhibits than actual cakes.
(Note: State Fair exhibits are required to be
cake forms.)
4. Cakes should be placed on disposable cake
boards which may be covered with plastic or
paper doilies.
5. Cakes should be frosted neatly; however,
extremely smooth frosting is not necessary.
6. Design of decorations should be suitable for
the size and shape of the cake. A decorated
cake should show good use of color and a
pleasing combination of decorations.
Record booksRecord books
Record booksRecord books
Record books
1. A record book should be neat and contain the
following: beginning and ending inventory,
goals, one individual cake record for each
cake decorated during the project, leadership
activities, and a project story.
2. A record book should show that the member
has decorated a minimum of five cakes
during the project year.
3. Pictures or simple diagrams and explanations
may be used. Other cakes decorated while
taking this unit may be included.
Level 2: Intermediate cake decoratingLevel 2: Intermediate cake decorating
Level 2: Intermediate cake decoratingLevel 2: Intermediate cake decorating
Level 2: Intermediate cake decorating
Flat flower nail - 7
Basket weave tip - 47 or 48
3. Sugar molds for hollow sugar molding. For
example, Easter egg, ball, or bell.
4. Color Flow® icing mix.
5. Artificial cake form (may be used for exhibit)
can be purchased from a craft store or made
from Styrofoam™.
1. Develop intermediate skills in cake decorat-
2. Develop intermediate skills in combining
color, design, and flavors in a pleasing way.
1. Basic supplies listed for all units (page 1).
2. Decorating tips—four types are suggested.
You may already have some of these tips
from Unit 1.
Plain round or writing tips - 2, 4, 7
Leaf tips - 69, 75, 352
Star tips - 16, 18, 20, 22 or 25, 27, and 31,
or 35
Petal tips - 104, 150
Decorated cake using a minimum of five Level 2
techniques: cake frosted smoothly, proper icing
consistency for decorations, flowers, borders,
combination borders, or special effects.
Additional exhibitsAdditional exhibits
Additional exhibitsAdditional exhibits
Additional exhibits
1. Any other decorated cake using at least five
skills and techniques learned in this unit.
2. Cut-up cake (one technique) and at least four
additional skills and techniques learned in
this unit.
3. Any other decorated item using at least five
skills and techniques learned in this unit.
4. Decorated cake or other exhibit using figure
piping techniques (one technique) and four
additional skills and techniques learned in
this unit.
5. Educational display showing techniques
learned (posters, record books, etc.).
Judging standardsJudging standards
Judging standardsJudging standards
Judging standards
1. Exhibits in this unit should contain a mini-
mum of five Level 2 skills and techniques.
2. Artificial cake forms (Styrofoam™) are better
for exhibits than actual cakes. State Fair
exhibits require cake forms.
3. Cakes should be placed on disposable cake
boards which may be covered with paper or
plastic doilies.
4. Frosting should make a good base for deco-
rations. Colored frosting should be well
blended and free of discolorations.
5. Decorations should show a variety of tech-
niques (borders, side decorations, special
effects, etc.). They should be evenly spaced
and show even pressure.
6. Design should be suitable for the size and
shape of the cake. It should demonstrate
good use of color and a pleasing combination
of decorations.
Record booksRecord books
Record booksRecord books
Record books
1. Record books should be neat and complete
with the following information: beginning
and ending inventory, goals, one individual
cake record for each cake decorated during
the project, leadership activities, and a
project story.
2. Record books should show that a minimum
of five cakes have been decorated. Either
pictures or simple diagrams and explanations
may be used on the page provided. Other
cakes decorated while taking the unit may be
Level 3: Advanced cake decoratingLevel 3: Advanced cake decorating
Level 3: Advanced cake decoratingLevel 3: Advanced cake decorating
Level 3: Advanced cake decorating
6. Pillars, or columns, to fit separator plates.
Most plates take 4 pillars.
7. Dowel rods
8-inch diameter.
8. Tips:
Plain round or writing tips - 1, 2, 3, 5, 7,
and 9
Star tips - 14, 16, 18, 20, 54, 199, and 51
Petal tips - 102, 103, 104, 150, and 59
Variety tips - 88 and 127
Set of lily nails
9. Artificial cake forms (may be used for ex-
hibit). State Fair entries must be on artificial
cake forms.
1. Develop advanced skill in cake decorating
2. Combine color, design, and flavors in a
pleasing way
1. Basic supplies listed for all units (page 5).
2. Wedding cake pans in various sizes. The 3-
inch deep pans eliminate the need for layer-
ing cakes.
3. Two different sized pans for stacked cakes,
for example, 8-inch and 10-inch.
4. Three different sized pans for a stacked and
tiered wedding cake: 6-inch, 8-inch, and 12-inch.
5. Two separator plates for each layer. Plates
should be 2 inches larger than the tier that will
be placed on the plate, but both plates must
be the same size. For example, an 8-inch cake
will need two 10-inch separator plates.
Decorated stacked and/or tiered cake using a
minimum of four Level 3 skills and techniques.
Additional exhibitsAdditional exhibits
Additional exhibitsAdditional exhibits
Additional exhibits
1. Cut-up cake using at least four skills and
techniques learned in Level 3.
2. Any other decorated cake using at least four
skills and techniques learned Level 3.
3. Any other decorated item using at least four
skills and techniques learned in this unit.
4. Educational display showing skills and
techniques learned in this unit.
5. Record book.
Judging standardsJudging standards
Judging standardsJudging standards
Judging standards
1. Exhibited cakes should have a minimum of
four Level 3 skills and techniques.
2. Cakes or artificial cake forms may be used
(primary exhibit must be a tiered cake or a
stacked and tiered cake).
3. Additional exhibits are not required to be
tiered cakes.
4. Cakes should be placed on disposable, suit-
able cake plates.
5. Design and decorations should be suitable for
the size and shape of the cake and should
show good use of color and pleasing decora-
tion combinations.
6. Optional decorations: Lambeth method,
marzipan, gum paste, rolled or cooked
fondant, pulled sugar flowers, Australian net
nail decorations, molded chocolate, and
combinations or variations.
7. Special occasion ornaments may be used.
8. Techniques learned in previous units may
also be used.
Record booksRecord books
Record booksRecord books
Record books
1. Record books should be neat and complete
with the following information: beginning
and ending inventory, goals, leadership, one
individual cake record for each cake deco-
rated during the project, and project story.
Level 4: Master Level 4: Master
Level 4: Master Level 4: Master
Level 4: Master
ake ake
ake ake
2. Decorate a cake or cakes using your own
3. Experiment with scratch recipes and mixes
for both cakes and icing. Document.
4. Interview local home decorators about mar-
kets, pricing, and advertising, etc.
5. Contact (or start) a local cake decorator club
in your area.
6. Visit a professional decorator for ideas.
7. Teach a lower-level cake decorating project.
8. Expand cake decorating skills to decorating
food. Use ideas in professional books and
magazines and create your own.
9. Visit a food or restaurant show.
1. A brief, written description of your project
including your goals, plans, accomplish-
ments, and evaluation of results. You might
2. Record books should show that the member
has decorated at least one tiered cake. Pic-
tures or simple diagrams and simple explana-
tions may be used. All cakes decorated while
taking this unit may be included in the record
Determine the supplies you will need to accom-
plish your goals.
Investigate areas of personal interest in cake
Plan, develop, complete, and evaluate an ad-
vanced cake decorating project. Include goals,
objectives, activities, and an evaluation of your
1. Design various original patterns using the
techniques learned in Levels 1 through 3.
use pictures or records to provide evidence of
your accomplishments.
2. Decorated cake using more than five tech-
niques (original design).
Project planProject plan
Project planProject plan
Project plan
1. Goals and skills to be learned.
2. Resources that can be used, where infor-
mation or help can be located, how to deter-
mine what has been accomplished.
1. What was accomplished and learned.
2. How well goals were met.
3. The results of your project (may include a
decorated cake if that applied to your goals.)
Good citizens use their knowledge and skills to
make better lives for themselves, their families,
and their communities. Complete one or more
activities to help others.
Make a decorated cake for a neighbor.
Make a decorated cake or food item for a
nursing home or day care center.
Make a decorated cake for a local function or
Share a skill.
Help a 4-H leader or Extension educator at a
county event or at fair.
Look around and find some other way to
show your concern for others and help in
some way.
Leadership responsibilities should develop and
increase throughout your 4-H experiences. You
will expand your skills further as you select areas
where you feel less confident or less capable.
What kind of skills would help you the most?
Plan and organize an activity.
Teach or show others how to use a skill.
Assist a leader with a project lesson.
Plan leadership activities and follow through
with them.
Record booksRecord books
Record booksRecord books
Record books
The record book for Level 4 should include Page
1 of the Cake Decorating Record, a beginning and
ending inventory, the project story, the project
plan and evaluation, and leadership and citizen-
ship activities.
Baking the cakeBaking the cake
Baking the cakeBaking the cake
Baking the cake
Start with a good recipe or a good quality cake
mix. Be sure to adjust the recipe for Wyoming’s
high altitude unless you are already using a high
altitude recipe.
1. Use the correct pan size. Cakes baked in a
pan that is too large will become flat and dry.
Baking a cake in a pan that is too small
results in a peaked cake or the batter runs
over the pan. (The peak can be cut off, but
you may end up with an uneven top.) Use a
straight-sided pan. There are many good
baking finishes to choose from, including
non-stick, anodized aluminum, and insu-
lated. Just be sure to select a durable pan
that won’t warp, rust, or chip during re-
peated use. Shiny pans distribute heat more
evenly and give cakes a golden color. If you
use a glass pan, reduce the oven temperature
by 25 degrees.
2. Generously grease the inside of the cake pan
or pans with solid vegetable shortening. Use
a pastry brush or paper towel to spread the
shortening evenly on the bottom and sides,
making sure all inside surfaces are covered.
Then, shake flour in the pan to coat the sides
and bottom. (The flour helps the cake batter
climb the pan side and raise properly.) If you
prefer, grease the bottom of the pan and line
it with cut parchment paper. There is no need
to flour the parchment. Be sure to remove the
paper before the cake completely cools, so it
won’t stick to the cake.
Another simple and effective method to
prepare the pan is to use an aerosol spray
that has the grease and flour in the same
preparation. Follow label directions.
3. To help your cake remain level, fold a strip of
terry cloth so it is the same height as the pan
sides. Wet the terry cloth then wrap it around
the outside of the pan and pin it together
with straight or safety pins. Pour equal
amounts of batter into the pans and bake.
The terry cloth adds humidity to the oven,
which helps keep the cake level. It also keeps
the outer portion of the batter from baking
more rapidly than the center.
Note: You can purchase specifically designed
oven-safe bands to wrap around pans before
4. Bake the cake in the center of the oven
according to temperature and time directions
on the recipe or mix. To see if the cake is
done, lightly touch a finger to the cake’s
center. If it is done, it will spring back. Or,
stick a toothpick in the center, and if it comes
out clean the cake is done. If the cake is not
done, bake it for a few more minutes. The
cake should pull away from the edges of the
Cooling the cakeCooling the cake
Cooling the cakeCooling the cake
Cooling the cake
1. Take the cake from the oven and place it on
the cooling rack. If the cake is not level,
saturate a light-weight cotton tea towel (not
terry cloth) with water, wring it dry, and
press the cake’s top gently to form an even
top. Remove the towel immediately.
Cool the cake for 10 to 15 minutes on a
cooling rack. (Larger cakes, 14 inches in
diameter, may need to cool 15 to 20 min-
2. Gently loosen the sides of the cake by run-
ning a metal spatula or table knife around the
edges. Place the cooling rack on the cake’s
top and, while holding the rack and the pan,
turn both over. If the cake does not release
from the pan, return it to a warm oven (250°)
for approximately 5 minutes and repeat the
procedure. Cool completely at least one hour
on a cooling rack. (If cooled on a plate or
board, it will steam and make the bottom
surface soggy.) Larger cakes will break if not
turned right side up to cool.
Leveling the cakeLeveling the cake
Leveling the cakeLeveling the cake
Leveling the cake
1. If you did not level your cake with the damp
towel, you can level it by trimming off the
raised portions using a serrated knife or cake
leveler. Let the cake cool for at least 1 hour
(or chill in the refrigerator). Use a serrated
knife or cake leveling tool to trim off excess
cake. You may need to ask for help from an
2. Brush off loose crumbs. Freezing the cake
will make it easier to handle.
Now you are ready to ice the cake. The
bottom of the cake will be more level and
easier to frost.
For a single layer cake, place the top of
the cake down on the cake board and
frost the bottom.
For a two-layer cake, place one layer right
side up on the cake board. Put frosting on
the first layer. Place the second layer
upside down on the first so you are
frosting the bottom of the top layer.
When layering large cakes or tortes, use a
cake board as a large spatula and shimmy
the top layer off the board onto the top of
the bottom cake layer.
Planning the designPlanning the design
Planning the designPlanning the design
Planning the design
Before planning the cake’s design, look in maga-
zines and cake decorating books. A visit to your
local bakery might provide you with several
interesting ideas.
Designs should be:
1. Suitable for the cake’s shape:
Round or wedge-shaped design on a
round cake.
Straight or triangular design on a square
or rectangular cake.
2. In proportion to the size of the cake:
Large designs or groups of small designs
are best on a large cake.
Small designs are best on a small cake.
3. Seen well from the viewing area:
Some cakes are planned to be viewed
from one side only; others are the same
on all sides.
Bring out design details by using colors
that go well together:
In general, lighter colors are best for
backgrounds and deeper, brighter,
colors are best for decorations.
If colors are too dark or too pale, the
details of the design may be lost.
Balancing the designBalancing the design
Balancing the designBalancing the design
Balancing the design
1. You must mark the cake when you select a
design that is repeated or placed at equally
spaced intervals (such as scallop or lattice).
Decide whether you want to divide the cake
into four, six, eight, or more sections. Place a
small dot of the background icing at each “x”
to serve as a guide. Draw a design line with a
toothpick and check for accuracy before
going over it with icing.
2. Try this quick and easy way to divide a cake
into equally spaced sections:
Take a 2-inch wide length of paper (calcu-
lator tape works well) and place it around
the outside of your cake pan. Cut it to the
exact length.
Remove and fold the tape in half and
continue folding it in half until you have
as many sections as you need. Unfold and
place the tape around the top edge of the
cake and attach it with a toothpick or
large pin. Mark the cake at each fold.
Your cake is now marked for your design.
3. When doing latticework on the cake top, use
various sized pans or bowls as a guide.
(Round pans, margarine tubs, and plastic
storage containers work well for this.) Press
the desired size of container lightly on the
top of the cake. Then, place or pipe straight
or decorative lines in a contrasting color of
Assembling a tiered cakeAssembling a tiered cake
Assembling a tiered cakeAssembling a tiered cake
Assembling a tiered cake
1. Check to make sure the assembled cake will
fit through any door.
2. The base for your cake must be sturdy
enough to support the weight of the as-
sembled cake. How heavy is your cake? The
following cakes were made with Betty
Crocker Super Moist® yellow cake mix. They
were filled, frosted, and decorated with
buttercream icing. The weights and heights
are for two-layer round cakes.
3. Level and ice all tiers first. Each tier of your
cake must be on a cake circle or board cut to
fit. Smear a few strokes of icing on the boards
to secure the cake. Fill and ice the layers
before assembly.
4. Place the bottom tier on a sturdy base plate
or cake board cut 4 inches larger than the
tier’s diameter. Imprint an outline in the
center of this tier using a cake pan or cake
board circle 2 inches smaller in diameter than
the tier to be placed above it. Press the cake
board gently in the center of the lower tier;
remove the circle. Push a ¼-inch dowel rod
into the cake within the circular outline at
the cake’s lowest point. Push the rod all the
way into the cake so it touches the base.
Mark the dowel rod at the frosting line.
Gently pull the dowel out of the cake. Use
pruning sheers to cut the dowel rod. Mark
and cut six more dowels the same length as
the first. Push all seven rods into the cake
base within the circular outline and even
with the top of the cake. The dowels should
not stick out above the cake. Do not reposi-
tion the dowels after placing them in the
cake. Generally, the larger and more numer-
ous the upper tiers, the more dowels will be
needed. Very large cakes need ½-inch dowels
in the base tier.
5. If you plan to position a small cake on top of
a novelty cake, ice the small cake on a cake
board cut to fit. Dowel rods also may be
necessary to support the small cake. Note: Ice
all cakes on cut-to-fit boards when making
any tiered cake.
6. Sprinkle coconut lightly on the top of the
bottom tier within the imprinted circle. This
will keep the next tier from sticking to the
frosting and pulling it off when the cake is
cut and served.
7. Sharpen the end of another dowel rod with a
kitchen knife or pencil sharpener and push it
through both layers of the cake to the card-
board circle base. Hit the end of the rod
sharply with a tack hammer to drive the rod
through the cardboard to the bottom cake
tier. Clip the rod even with the top of the
second tier using pruning shears. This serves
to secure the tiers, keeping them in place for
8. When using separator plates and pillars, skip
a cake size for each separator set used. For
example, you can use a 14-inch base cake
with a 12-inch layer directly on top of the 14-
inch layer (with the cardboard circle and
dowel rods for support under the 12-inch
layer). Place the 10-inch separator plates and
pillars on top of the 12-inch layer. Skip the
10-inch cake and use an 8-inch cake on top of
the 10-inch separator plate. A 6-inch cake on
a cut-to-fit cardboard circle can be placed
directly on top of the 8-inch cake. A sharp-
ened dowel rod through both the 6-inch and
8-inch cakes will offer more stability.
9. Plastic pegs are needed in the separator
plates to prevent slipping. Insert the plastic
pegs into the cake to determine if the pegs
are too long and will need to be cut off. Mark
the peg at the cake’s lowest point. Use prun-
ing shears to cut all the pegs the same length.
Attach the pillars to the top of the separator
plate. Then, insert the pegs into the base of
the separator plate. With the pillars on top,
determine the proper alignment and push the
separator plate pegs into the tier top. The
cake plate must rest level on top of the cake.
If there is space between the cake separator
plate and the supporting tier, the cake will be
unstable and not travel well.
10. Place the top plate of the set on top of the
pillars. Position the top cake tier on the
separator plate. Remove this top tier and any
tiers separated by plates when transporting
the cake.
11. Separator plates should always be 2 inches
larger than the size of your cake pan to allow
room for borders and to give the cake a
balanced appearance. Therefore, if you are
planning to use an 8-inch cake on the separa-
tor plate, a 10-inch plate set should be used.
Always purchase two of the same size separa-
tor plates because they are used in sets. Each
set of plates should have four plastic pegs
with it for support.
Storing the cakeStoring the cake
Storing the cakeStoring the cake
Storing the cake
1. Sunlight will alter colors and cause the icing
to soften. Store your cake in a covered cake
box out of direct sunlight. Find a box that
will fit your cake without squashing the top
decorations. You can purchase special cake
boxes from a craft or cake supply store, or
ask your grocery store bakery for a box.
2. Humidity can soften royal and buttercream
icing. When the humidity gets high, prepare
your royal icing using only pure cane confec-
tioners’ sugar (not beet sugar or dextrose),
and add 1 teaspoon more of meringue pow-
der to the recipe. Buttercream icing can be
stabilized with 1 to 2 tablespoons of me-
ringue powder.
3. Cakes iced with buttercream icing can be
stored at room temperature, refrigerated for
two to three days, or frozen. Bright colors
might weep when thawed.
4. Cakes with thoroughly dried royal icing
decorations should be stored according to the
type of icing they are covered with. If you are
going to freeze the cake, wait and put the
royal icing decorations on after the cake has
5. Do not freeze cakes on separator plates as
plastic becomes brittle and may crack or
Transporting the cakeTransporting the cake
Transporting the cakeTransporting the cake
Transporting the cake
1. Place your cake in a clean sturdy box that fits
the cake board or plate. A box the size of the
cake board will keep the cake from shifting
and crushing the sides of the cake. Place the
box on carpet foam, a non-skid mat, or a
damp bath towel on the floor of the car. Do
not place it on the car seat. If the weather is
cool, the cake can be transported in the
2. To remove the cake, cut the side of the box
and slide the cake out.
3. Cakes on pillars should be disassembled
before transporting. Toppers, candles, and
ornaments should not be transported on the
cake, but added at the destination.
Cutting the cakeCutting the cake
Cutting the cakeCutting the cake
Cutting the cake
The first requirement for well-cut cakes is a thin,
pointed, very sharp knife. Serrated (saw-like
edge) or scalloped-edge knives are particularly
good for sponge cakes. Insert the point of the
knife into the cake and, keeping the point angled
down slightly, saw through the cake with a
gentle back and forth motion. Put very little
pressure on the knife; let the sharp edge do the
work. When you are cutting more than one cake
at a time, there is always at least one with icing
that sticks to the knife. Dip the cake knife in hot
water to take the “stick” out of the icing. Keep an
extra plate handy for cleaning frosting off the
knife as you go.
Suggested activitiesSuggested activities
Suggested activitiesSuggested activities
Suggested activities
1. Cut one or more of your decorated cakes and
evaluate the results on your record sheet.
2. Experiment with different ways to cut cakes.
Decide which ways would work for the cakes
you decorate. Consider cake shape, size,
decoration placement, and desired serving
3. Attend a wedding reception or other party
and observe how the cakes are cut. (Don’t
assume that they have been cut correctly!)
4. Experiment with different knives for cutting
your cakes.
5. Determine and practice the proper ways to
hold a knife when cutting a cake.
6. Try some of the following ways to cut a cake.
Round cakes
Rectangular cakes
Each ingredient plays an important role in creat-
ing perfect icing. Always choose the best ingredi-
ent for the job.
1. Confectioners’ sugar is a sweetener. Sifting
the sugar helps make the icing smoother.
When available, confectioners’ sugar made
from pure cane sugar should be used.
2. Binder, such as solid white vegetable short-
ening, butter, or cream cheese, is used in
buttercream icings to bind the icing together
and give it texture for frosting and decorating
the cake. Shortening will give the stiffest
consistency while cream cheese and marga-
rine create a softer and more flavorful icing.
3. Meringue powder is used instead of egg
whites in various icings. It enables you to re-
beat royal icing to restore stiffness. It also can
be used to help stabilize buttercream icing.
(See recipe for snow white buttercream
4. Liquid, such as water, fruit juice, milk,
cream, or light corn syrup is used to achieve
proper consistency.
5. Flavors or extracts are used to give icings
personal tastes. Special clear decorator
flavorings (vanilla, butter, almond, lemon)
will not change icing colors.
6. Salt adds flavor to buttercream icing.
Helpful hintsHelpful hints
Helpful hintsHelpful hints
Helpful hints
1. A 2-pound bag of confectioners’ (powdered)
sugar is equal to 9 cups.
2. Buttercream icing may be stored in the
freezer. When you are ready to use it, thaw
and beat it with an electric mixer.
3. Beginners need one and a half batches to
frost and decorate a cake.
4. To make clean up easier and quicker when
you are decorating with buttercream icing,
use a degreaser liquid soap to dissolve the
icing from the tools. It is especially important
to have grease-free utensils when using royal
or Color Flow® icings.
5. To remove air bubbles from the icing place
approximately 2 cups of icing on a sheet of
Plexiglas® (or a cardboard covered with
freezer paper, shiny side up). Blend the icing
with a spatula using a back and forth action
with the flat side of the spatula.
Smooth icing makes a cake look good. Icing also
adds flavor to the cake and keeps the cake moist
and fresh.
Proper consistency is the key to making decorat-
ing icing that will shape the petals of a flower,
show the details of a border, or cover the surface
of the cake. It is important that you use the
recommended icing consistency for each job.
Flowers usually require a stiff icing. Borders need
a medium-stiff consistency, and writing or leaves
need a slightly
thinned icing. If
the icing is too
stiff, add a few
drops of liquid. If
it is too thin, add
more powdered
Stiff icing holds a
¾-inch peak on
the spatula. Use
it for flowers
with upright
petals. (If the icing is not stiff enough, the petals
will droop.)
Medium icing is used for flowers with flat petals
and for borders. (When the icing is too stiff or
too thin, you can’t get the uniform designs that
characterize a perfect border.)
Thin icing is used for writing, stems, leaves, and
for frosting a cake.
Icing recipesIcing recipes
Icing recipesIcing recipes
Icing recipes
Buttercream icingButtercream icing
Buttercream icingButtercream icing
Buttercream icing
Buttercream icing tastes good and is creamy. It
can be made to any consistency—stiff, medium,
or thin. Buttercream is ideal for icing a cake and
for making borders and most flowers such as the
rose, drop flower, or sweet pea.
Buttercream recipe 1
1½ cups white all vegetable shortening
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons flavoring (clear or no color)
2 pounds confectioners’ sugar, sifted (pure
cane confectioners’ sugar if available)
¼ to ½ cup water or milk (use milk if you
are going to use lavender color)
Blend the shortening, salt, and flavorings. Add
the powdered sugar, then, add water slowly and
blend on medium speed until all the ingredients
are mixed well. Blend 1 to 2 minutes until all the
ingredients are creamy.
Note: Altering the sugar, shortening, and water
ratio too much will cause the icing to break down
and look greasy.
Add 3 to 4 tablespoons of light corn syrup per
recipe to thin for icing the cake.
Chocolate buttercream recipe 1
Add to buttercream icing 1:
¾ cup cocoa or three 1-ounce unsweetened
chocolate squares, melted
1 to 2 additional tablespoons milk
Mix until well blended.
Buttercream recipe 2
½ cup white vegetable shortening
½ cup butter or margarine, softened but not
1 pound confectioners’ sugar (about 4 cups)
2 tablespoons milk or water
½ teaspoon almond flavoring
Pinch of salt
Cream shortening, butter, and flavoring. Add
sugar and blend slowly. Add the remaining
ingredients. Beat on high speed 5 to 7 minutes.
Beat a double batch 7 to 12 minutes.
Chocolate buttercream 2
Add to buttercream recipe 2:
¼ to
cup cocoa powder
If the icing is too thin add more powdered sugar.
If the icing is too thick, add small amounts of
milk until the proper consistency is reached.
Snow white buttercream recipe
Snow white buttercream icing has an ideal
consistency for frosting cakes. It has a firm
quality, making it good for wedding cake decora-
tions and flat surface or flower nail flowers.
Flowers made with this icing may be air-dried.
These decorations have a pretty, translucent
quality. They taste good and do not require
refrigeration or freezing. Most decorations must
be air dried for 24 hours; however, apple blos-
soms, violets, and drop flowers may be handled
after 4 hours of air drying.
cup water
4 tablespoons meringue powder
12 cups sifted confectioners’sugar (approxi-
mately 3 pounds)
1¼ cups white vegetable shortening
¾ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon almond flavoring
½ teaspoon clear vanilla flavoring
¼ teaspoon butter flavoring
Combine the water and meringue powder. Whip
at high speed until peaks form. Add 4 cups of
sugar, 1 cup at a time, beating at low speed after
each addition. Add the shortening and the
remainder of the sugar alternately. Add the salt
and flavorings. Beat at low speed until smooth.
Note: Experiment with each of these recipes until
you decide which recipe works best for you.
Royal icingRoyal icing
Royal icingRoyal icing
Royal icing
Royal icing is an egg-white icing with a stiff
consistency. Any trace of shortening will break
this icing down into a thin, soupy mixture. Be
sure your utensils are completely greaseless.
Glass and metal containers are better than plastic
for royal icing. For that same reason, parchment,
freezer paper, or disposable plastic decorating
bags are more suitable than reusable plastic
decorating bags.
Royal icing dries very hard; therefore, use it
when decorating sugar eggs, making lily nail
flowers, and anytime you need to make decora-
tions in advance.
Royal icing
Single batch (yield 3 cups)
3 level tablespoons meringue powder
1 pound sifted confectioners’ sugar
5-6 tablespoons lukewarm water
Double Batch (yield approximately 6 cups)
6 level tablespoons meringue powder
2 pounds sifted confectioners’ sugar
10-12 tablespoons lukewarm water
Note: If using a hand-held mixer, make one single
batch at a time.
Combine all the ingredients. Mix 7 to 10 minutes at
low to medium speed until the icing loses its sheen.
To prevent drying, be sure to cover the bowl with a
damp cloth while working with the icing.
Store in an airtight container for up to two
weeks. To reuse, beat on low to restore the
original texture.
Royal egg white icing (yield: 2 ½ cups)
3 egg whites (room temperature)
1 pound sifted confectioners’ sugar
½ teaspoon cream of tartar
1 teaspoon flavoring
Combine all the ingredients. Beat the mixture
with an electric mixer for 7 to 10 minutes or until
it is very stiff. This is a hard drying icing so keep
it tightly covered. Use it immediately. Re-beating
will not restore the texture.
Use glass or metal bowls for mixing. Plastic
retains grease and causes the egg whites to break
down. Use parchment, freezer paper, or dispos-
able plastic decorating bags because plastic or
featherweight bags also retain grease.
Canned icingCanned icing
Canned icingCanned icing
Canned icing
Choose a ready-to-spread canned frosting. If you
wish to use it as a decorator icing, refrigerate it.
If the icing becomes too soft, place the decorat-
ing bag in the refrigerator until the icing is firm
enough for decorating. Each can yields about 1¾
cups of icing.
Packaged frosting mixesPackaged frosting mixes
Packaged frosting mixesPackaged frosting mixes
Packaged frosting mixes
You can use a packaged creamy vanilla frosting
mix as a decorator icing. Simply eliminate 4
teaspoons of water from the amount listed on the
package directions. Less water gives the icing a
texture similar to buttercream. One packaged mix
yields 1½ cups of icing. Do not refrigerate the
icing before decorating. The cake may be refrig-
erated after decorating.
Quick pour fondant recipeQuick pour fondant recipe
Quick pour fondant recipeQuick pour fondant recipe
Quick pour fondant recipe
6 cups confectioners’ sugar, sifted
½ cup water
2 tablespoons light corn syrup
1 teaspoon almond extract
paste icing colors
Place the sugar in a saucepan. Combine the
water and corn syrup. Add to the sugar and stir
mixture until well mixed. Place it over low heat.
Don’t allow the temperature of the fondant to
exceed 100°. Remove from heat, stir in the flavor
and paste color. Optional: Cakes may be covered
with a thin coating of buttercream icing or
apricot glaze before applying the fondant. Allow
the icing or glaze to set before covering it with
the fondant. To cover, place the cake or cookies
on a wire rack over a drip pan. Pour the fondant
into the center and work it out toward the edges.
Touch up bare spots with a spatula. Let set.
Excess fondant can be reheated.
Cooked rolled fondantCooked rolled fondant
Cooked rolled fondantCooked rolled fondant
Cooked rolled fondant
This icing is rolled out and used as a covering for
a pound cake or fruitcake, which is traditionally
first covered with a layer of marzipan to seal in
flavor and moistness. This technique is charac-
teristic of the Australian decorating methods.
Rolled fondant recipe
1 tablespoon unflavored gelatin
½ cup cold water
/3 cup light corn syrup
2 tablespoons bakers’ glycerin (Wilton’s
2 tablespoons solid vegetable shortening
2 pounds confectioners’ sugar
Prepare the cake by covering it with a crumb
coat of buttercream icing.
Combine the gelatin and cold water; let stand
until thick. Place the gelatin mixture in the top of
a double boiler and heat until dissolved. Add the
syrup and glycerin, mix well. Stir in the shorten-
ing and, just before it is completely melted,
remove it from the heat. Cool the mixture until it
is lukewarm.
Next, place 1 pound of confectioners’ sugar in a
bowl and make a well. Pour the lukewarm gelatin
mixture into the well and stir with a wooden
spoon, mixing in the sugar and adding more, a
little at a time, until it thins. Knead in the re-
maining sugar, icing color, and flavoring. Knead
it until the fondant is smooth, pliable, and does
not stick to your hands. If the fondant is too soft,
add more sugar; if it is too stiff, add more water
(a drop at a time). Rolled fondant should be firm
and dry to the touch.
Use the fondant immediately or store it in an
airtight container in the refrigerator. When you
are ready to use the fondant, bring it to room
temperature and knead it again until it is soft.
This recipe yields enough to cover a 10-inch by
3-inch high cake.
To roll the fondant, spray the work surface and a
rolling pin with vegetable oil cooking spray. Dust
both surfaces with a mixture of confectioners’
sugar and cornstarch. Roll out the fondant into a
circle twice the diameter of the cake you are
covering. If you are covering an 8-inch cake, your
circle needs to be 16 inches in diameter. As you
roll, lift and move the fondant often to prevent it
from sticking to the surface. Gently lift the fondant
over the rolling pin or slide it onto a cake circle
that has been dusted with confectioners’ sugar to
move it to the cake. Smooth it with the palm of
your hand or fondant smoother. Trim the bottom
edge with a sharp knife or pizza cutter.
Ready-to-use rolled fondant recipeReady-to-use rolled fondant recipe
Ready-to-use rolled fondant recipeReady-to-use rolled fondant recipe
Ready-to-use rolled fondant recipe
Ready-to-use white or chocolate rolled fondant is
available at cake supply stores. Just add coloring.
Frosting the cakeFrosting the cake
Frosting the cakeFrosting the cake
Frosting the cake
1. Bake the cake at least one day before you
plan to decorate. Cool the cake thoroughly
before frosting it. After the cake cools, wrap
it in heavy-duty foil or a plastic bag and
freeze it. Slightly thaw the cake before icing it
(unwrap it so the moisture can escape, or the
packaging will stick to the cake). The cake
will be fresh and easy to ice because it will
be firm.
2. When making a cut-up cake, cut the desired
shape while the cake is partially frozen. Then
quickly crumb coat the sides before the cake
completely thaws. This will keep the cut
sides of the cake from crumbling.
3. Level the cake by trimming the top with a
sharp serrated knife. This method of trim-
ming is easiest while the cake is still in the
4. Brush any loose crumbs from the cake’s
5. To keep the cake plate clean while frosting,
place four 3-inch strips of waxed paper under
the edges of the cake to form a square. The
waxed paper will slip out easily when the
cake is frosted. Be sure to remove the paper
before the bottom border is added.
6. When frosting a single-layer cake, place the
cake bottom side up. This will give the most
even surface with
the least crumbs.
7. When frosting two
or more layers, place
one cake on the cake
board, leveled side
up. Fit the bag with
a coupler (or use a
paper or parchment
bag with the tip cut
off). Fill the bag
with icing, and
make a dam by
squeezing out a
circle of icing about
¾-inch high on the
cake top.
8. Use a spatula to
spread icing, jam, pudding, or other filling in
the center of cake. Next, position the top
layer bottom side up.
9. Crumb coat the cake. Thin approximately 1½
cups of buttercream icing with milk or light
corn syrup (approximately 2 teaspoons per
cup) for easy spreading. The consistency is
correct when the icing spreads easily and the
spatula glides over the icing. Cover the entire
cake with a thin layer of icing so the cake
shows through. This will seal in the moisture
and crumbs. Let it dry completely.
10. Ice the top. With a large angled spatula, place
a large amount of frosting on the center of
the cake top. Spread the frosting across the
top, pushing the excess down over the edges
onto the sides.
11. Ice the sides. Cover the sides of the cake with
the excess frosting, using more if needed.
Smooth the side of the cake first, using the
edge of the large spatula. Hold the spatula
upright against the side of the cake, and
slowly spin the stand without lifting the
spatula from the cake’s surface. Return the
excess frosting to the bowl.
12. Smooth the top of the cake last using the
edge of the large spatula. Sweep the edge of
the spatula from the rim of the cake to its
center. Then, lift it off and remove the excess
Rotate the cake slightly and repeat the proce-
dure, starting from a new point on the rim
until you have covered the entire top surface.
Finally, smooth the center of the cake by
leveling the frosting with the edge of your
Alternate techniques for smoothingAlternate techniques for smoothing
Alternate techniques for smoothingAlternate techniques for smoothing
Alternate techniques for smoothing
Hot knife. Dip the spatula in hot water
(make sure all of the excess water is shaken
off the spatula) and glide it across the entire
surface using the same leveling procedure as
Spray bottle. Put plain water in a clean spray
bottle. Spray a light mist over the cake and
glide the edge of the spatula over the surface
from the rim of the cake to the center. Lift off
and remove any excess icing.
Parchment paper. Allow the cake to crust
over for at least 15 minutes. Lay parchment
paper on the iced top and gently smooth it
with the palm of your hand. The sides can be
smoothed in the same manner.
Paper towel. Textured icing can be created by
smoothing it with a clean cloth or a textured
paper towel.
Plastic wrap. On three-dimensional cakes
(ball, egg, doll, lamb, character cakes), let the
icing crust slightly (approximately 15 min-
utes). Gently smooth it using the plastic wrap
with the palm of your hand. Carefully remove
the wrap.
Decorating bagsDecorating bags
Decorating bagsDecorating bags
Decorating bags
1. Featherweight® bags are pliable, ready-made,
and ready-to-use. They may be used with or
without a coupler to hold your decorating tip.
The coupler allows you to change decorating
tips on the same bag. This saves time when
you want to use several different tips and the
same color icing.
a. To fit and fill the decorating bag with a
coupler, twist the ring off the threaded
coupler base and drop the base, narrow
end first, down into the end of the bag.
Push the coupler base as far down into
the bag as it will go. Mark the location of
the coupler’s bottom thread on the out-
side of the bag with a pencil.
b. Next, push the coupler out of the bag.
Cut off the tip of the decorating bag at the
pencil mark and put the coupler base
back in the bag so that two threads show
through the open tip of the bag. Slip the
tip onto the coupler base and screw the
coupler ring in place over the tip. When
you want to change tips, simply unscrew
the ring and replace.
c. With the coupler and tip in place, fill the
bag with decorator icing. Fold down the
open end of the bag to form a cuff ap-
proximately 2 inches wide. Hold the bag
beneath the cuff and use a spatula to
push your decorator icing down into the
bag. Remove icing from the spatula by
squeezing the bag with your thumb and
fingers against the spatula while pulling
the spatula out. Fill your decorating bag
only half full. You might think that a full
bag of icing will allow you to squeeze out
more decorations, but all you’ll get is
extra icing backing up and out of the bag
into your hands.
d. When the bag is ready, unfold the cuff
and twist the end of the bag closed. As
you decorate, continually twist the end of
the bag to force the icing down into the
decorating tip.
2. Parchment paper bags are made from parch-
ment paper triangles. Generally, you’ll use
parchment bags for royal icing or when small
amounts of icing are needed. A decorating
bag can also be made from readily available
freezer paper. These bags are messy to refill.
You may want to discard a bag when it’s
empty and start with a new parchment or
freezer paper bag after each use.
Make the bags from any size paper, depend-
ing on the amount of icing to be used. Deco-
rating parchment is already cut in triangles.
Freezer paper will need to be cut in triangle
shapes. Start with a piece of paper approxi-
mately 17 inches square. Fold it in half to
make a triangle and cut on the fold.
a. To construct the paper cone:
1) Mark the paper triangle points A, B,
and C to correspond with the dia-
gram. Lay the triangle flat with point
A facing you. Hold point C between
the right thumb and forefinger.
2) Roll corner A up and over to point B.
Hold points A and B together with the
left hand.
3) With the right hand, roll corner point
B up and wrap it around to meet the
back of points A and B to form a cone.
4) Adjust the outside seam where all
three triangle points form a W and the
tip of the cone is needle sharp. Staple
or tape the cone together to keep it
from slipping.
5) Cut ½ inch off the end of the cone
and use wide masking tape to secure
the tip on the cone.
c. To fill the bag, hold the base of the bag
and, with a spatula, push the icing down
into the bag. Pull the spatula out against
the side of the bag to remove all of the
icing, and repeat the procedure until the
bag is half full. Fold the outside edges of
the opening toward the center and fold
the end closed. Continue to fold down the
end of the bag to force the icing down
into the tip.
3. Hold the bag correctly.
a. Hold the bag near the top with the
twisted or folded end locked between
your thumb and fingers. Use the first two
fingers of the opposite hand to guide or
steady it.
b. There are times when a 45º angle is
recommended. Borders and writing
usually use a 45º angle.
c. Hold the bag straight up, with the tip
perpendicular to the surface. This is
referred to as a 90º angle. This is used for
stars, drop flowers, and rosettes.
4. Left-hand decorators should hold the decorat-
ing bag in their left hands and guide the
decorating tip with the fingers of their right
hands. A right-handed person will always
decorate from left to right, and a left-handed
person from right to left, except when writing
or printing.
Decorating tipsDecorating tips
Decorating tipsDecorating tips
Decorating tips
Learn to use professional decorating tips to make
special designs and decorations. Decorating tips
are identified by their number and the shape of
their opening. The shape of the opening distin-
guishes the tip family it belongs to.
Group 1: Round tips - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7,12, and
Round tips have plain, round openings corre-
sponding to their size. The higher the number,
the bigger the opening.
Printing and writing messages
Dots, balls, stems, vines, flower centers,
beads, bead hearts, and bead or dot flowers
Figure piping
String work such as lattice, drop strings, etc.
For specific instructions, look in the sections
of Borders and decorations, page 37, Flowers,
page 45, Lettering, page 61, and Special
effects, page 63
Group 2: Star tips (open stars) - 14, 16, 18,
19, 21, 32, 199, 4B and 2010
The star-shaped openings make the most
popular decorations such as stars, zigzags,
shells, rosettes, and more. The most often
used stars are numbers 13 through 22. For
deep ribbed decorations using the closed star
tips, try tips 24 through 33, 35, 133, and 54.
See Borders and decorations, page 38 for
specific instructions.
Group 3: Leaf tips - 65, 67, 68, 70, 73, 349,
352, and 366
The v-shaped openings give icing leaves
pointed tips. With any leaf tip you can make
plain, ruffled, or stand-up leaves. You also
can use leaf tips to make flowers and borders.
See Leaves and flowers, page 45 and Borders
and decorations, page 37 for specific instruc-
Group 4: Drop flower tips - 30, 106, 129,
136, 190, 224, 225, 131, 140, 109, 194, 2D, and
Most drop flower tips have a
small post centered in the
opening of the star. The
number of openings on the
end of the tip determines the
number of petals the flower will have. Drop
flower tips can make either plain or swirled
See Leaves and flowers, page 45
Group 5: Rose/ribbon (petal) tips - 101, 103,
104, 124, and 127
These tips have an opening that is wide at
one end, narrow at the other. This teardrop
shaped opening yields a variety of petals that
form flowers such as the rose, carnation,
daisy, pansy, and more. Rose tips also can
make ribbons, drapes and swags, bows, and
streamers. Plain rose tips include tips 102,
103, 104, 124, 125, and 126. Tip 127 will
make giant roses.
Curved rose tips that make instant-curled
petals are tip numbers 97, 116, 118, and 119.
Other curved petal tips include tip numbers
59s, 59, 60, 61, 121, 122, 123, 62, 64, and
Specific instructions for using petal tips are
found in Borders and decorations, page 41
and Leaves and flowers, page 45
Group 6: Basketweave tips - 44, 45, 46, 47,
48, 789, 1D and 2B
Basketweave tips may have two serrated
edges or one plain edge and one serrated
See page 42 for instructions on how to use
the basketweave tip.
Group 7: Other specialty tips
a. Multi-string tips - 41, 42, 43, 89, 233, 234,
and 134
b. Ruffle tips - 87, 88, 99, 100, 339, 340,
353, 401, 402, and 403
c. Specialty tips - 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 95,
96, 98, 105, 110, 136, 250, 252, and 347
Flower nailsFlower nails
Flower nailsFlower nails
Flower nails
a. Flat nail - variety of sizes for piping icing
flowers, including roses, daisies, pansies,
and violets. Basic flower nails are the
number 7 (1½ inch) and number 9 (1¼
b. Lily nail - for making cup flowers like
lilies, petunias, morning glories, and
Flower formersFlower formers
Flower formersFlower formers
Flower formers
Special tools to place your flowers on while they
dry to give them curved shapes. The formers
have curved convex or concave shapes. You can
achieve the same effect by laying your flower on
the curve of a mixing bowl or against a pan until
it dries.
Lettering setsLettering sets
Lettering setsLettering sets
Lettering sets
Plastic lettering guides. Press the message into
the cake and pipe over the letters.
As you become more experienced as a cake
decorator, you will want to experiment with
many of these tips and decorating tools.
Color is vital to your decorating because it adds
realism to flowers and personalizes special event
and holiday cakes. Choosing appropriate colors
for your cake will help you capture the mood you
want for the occasion. When planning your cake,
think about color. Gather inspiration from the
theme of your celebration. Look around, notice
everyday objects—from a garden in bloom to the
clothes people wear. Which colors appeal to you?
Use your favorite colors in your decorating and
don’t be afraid to try something different.
Kinds of food or cake coloringKinds of food or cake coloring
Kinds of food or cake coloringKinds of food or cake coloring
Kinds of food or cake coloring
There are three kinds of color bases used to tint
icing: liquid, paste, and powder.
1. Paste is preferred because it does not change
the consistency of the icing as liquid colors
do. Paste colors are concentrated, so a little
goes a long way. Use paste food colors when
you want the deepest, darkest colors.
2. Liquid food coloring is usually less expensive
and can be obtained in local grocery stores. It
does change the consistency of the icing, but
it can be used to achieve soft pastel shades.
3. Powdered food coloring distributes evenly,
does not alter the liquid in recipes, and does
not seem to bleed as badly as other types.
A starter kit of eight basic colors offers a good
selection of colors for most projects. If you don’t
have exactly the right color, you can achieve
almost any color by using the right combination
of icing colors in the right amounts. With proper
blending, you can duplicate team colors, party
decorations, and more. Use the guidelines in the
table below, but don’t be afraid to experiment.
How to tint icingHow to tint icing
How to tint icingHow to tint icing
How to tint icing
1. Add the color a little at a time until you get
the shade you want. Use a toothpick to add
and blend the paste color. Add liquid color
one drop at a time. Hint: Tint a small amount
of the icing first, then mix it in with the
remainder of the white icing. Colors intensify
or darken one to two hours after they are
2. Always mix enough of one shade for its total
use on the cake. It is almost impossible to get
exactly the same shade when mixing a
second time.
3. Icing mixed with lemon juice may cause the
colors to change shades, so experiment with
each icing recipe you use.
4. Always use milk instead of water when
mixing lavender icing to keep the color from
fading or turning blue.
5. When mixing red icing, you may want to add
extra extract or flavoring to the icing to cover
any taste caused by the color. You may need
to add extra powdered sugar if you use extra
flavoring. Use a small amount of lemon
yellow, golden yellow, or pink to help darken
red icing. It is better to use red as an accent
color rather than for large areas of the cake.
When you want to use red on large areas and
a deep red isn’t necessary, try watermelon-
colored icing. If you want a darker red, try
No-taste red.
Helpful hintsHelpful hints
Helpful hintsHelpful hints
Helpful hints
1. Always start with a clean toothpick. Just dip
it into the color, swirl it in the icing, and
blend it well with a spatula. Always use fresh
toothpicks when adding more color. You
want to avoid getting icing into your jar of
2. Royal icing requires more base color than
buttercream to achieve the same intensity.
3. If you are using dark brown or black, start
with chocolate icing. Add 6 tablespoons of
unsweetened cocoa powder or three 1-ounce
squares of melted unsweetened baking
chocolate and 1 tablespoon of milk to 1½
cups of white icing.
Special color effects—LevelSpecial color effects—Level
Special color effects—LevelSpecial color effects—Level
Special color effects—Level
2 and above2 and above
2 and above2 and above
2 and above
Striping gives multiple or deep color effects to
icing. To use striping, apply one or more colors to
the inside of the parchment or freezer paper bag.
Then fill the bag with white or pastel icing and,
as the icing is squeezed past the color, the
striped decoration
comes out.
1. When brush strip-
ing, apply one or
more stripes of full-
strength food
coloring to the
inside of the paper
decorating bag
(paste food coloring stains plastic bags). Fill
the bag with white or pastel icing and
squeeze out multi-colored borders, flowers, or
even figure-piped clowns. When making
stripes with several colors, be sure the brush
is cleaned each time.
2. To achieve deep
color effects, brush
the entire inside of
the parchment or
paper decorating
bag with any paste
food coloring. Fill
the bag with icing
in a medium shade
of the same color
and squeeze out
deep, dramatic decorations.
3. Spatula striping
produces two-tone
and realistic pastel
tones in flowers and
figure piping. Using
a small spatula,
start at the tip and
stripe the inside of
a decorating bag
with pastel icing.
Then fill the bag
with white icing or another shade the same
color as the striping. Squeeze out decorations
with soft contrasts.
Use the above color techniques when figure
piping for exciting results. Try to achieve natural
looking flower colors by using the spatula strip-
ing method. Roses look especially beautiful with
this effect.
Planning a designPlanning a design
Planning a designPlanning a design
Planning a design
1. Before you plan the design for your cake,
look in magazines and cake decorating
books, visit your local bakery, and collect
ideas you think would be interesting.
2. Check each design to be certain that:
The pattern is suitable for the cake’s shape.
A round or wedge-shaped design is
usually best on a round cake.
A straight or triangular design is usually
best on a square or rectangular cake.
The size of the design is in proportion to
the size of the cake.
Use a large design or groups of small
designs on a large cake.
Use small designs on a small cake.
The design can be seen well from the
viewing area. Some cakes are planned to
be viewed from one side only; others are
designed to be viewed from all sides.
The colors go well together and bring out
the details of the design.
In general, lighter colors are best for
backgrounds and deeper, brighter
colors are better for the decorations.
If the colors are too dark or too pale,
the details of the design may be lost.
Three essentials of cakeThree essentials of cake
Three essentials of cakeThree essentials of cake
Three essentials of cake
1. Icing consistency
Your decorations will not turn out if the
consistency of your icing is not right. Just
a few drops of liquid can make a great
deal of difference in your decorating
results. Many factors can affect your icing
consistency such as humidity, tempera-
ture, ingredients, and equipment.
If your icing is too thin, add a little more
confectioners’ sugar. If it is too thick, add
liquid a few drops at a time (light corn
syrup works well to thin icing). If you are
adding more than ½ cup confectioners’
sugar to thicken royal icing, also add 1 to 2
additional teaspoons of meringue powder.
2. Correct bag angle
Angle refers to the position of the bag
relative to the work surface. There are
two basic angle positions:
90º (straight up) for drop flowers,
dots, rosettes, cornelli lace, and sotas.
45º (halfway between vertical and
horizontal) for borders, writing, and
3. Pressure control
The size and uniformity of any icing
design will be determined by the amount
of pressure and steadiness used on the
bag. Some decorations will be made with
an even pressure. Others will be made by
varying the pressure from light to medium
or heavy. Your goal is to learn to apply
pressure so consistently that you can move
the bag in a free and easy glide while just
the right amount of icing flows through
the tip. Practice, practice, practice.
Light pressure
Borders and decorationsBorders and decorations
Borders and decorationsBorders and decorations
Borders and decorations
Hold the bag at a 90º angle with the tip almost
touching the surface. Squeeze the bag to form a
star, then stop the pressure, and pull the tip
away. Increase or decrease pressure to change
star size. When arranged side by side, stars can
cover an entire cake top. They also can be used
for borders around a cake’s edge.
Pull-out stars
Pull-out stars add even more dimension to your
cake. (These stars look like little pine trees.) Hold
the bag at a 90º angle on the top of the cake. As
you squeeze out the icing, pull the tip up and
away from the cake. When your mound is high
enough, stop the pressure and pull the tip away.
If using pull-out stars on a bottom border, hold
the bag at a 45º angle.
Balls or dots
Use a round tip. Hold the bag at a 90º angle with
the tip almost touching the surface. Squeeze out
a dot of icing and lift the tip slightly, keeping it in
the icing. Stop the pressure and pull the tip away.
Vary the pressure and use different size tips to
make different size dots and balls.
Note: These decorations should not be pointed.
Hold the bag at a 90º angle, squeeze
while moving your hand to the left,
up, and around in a circular motion.
Stop the pressure when you reach
the original starting position.
Star puffs
This design uses the same procedure as a rosette,
except it moves past the starting position. Hold
the bag at 90º angle with the tip
almost touching the surface.
Squeeze while moving your hand to
the left, up, and around in a circular
motion past the starting point,
continuing to squeeze into the
decoration’s center. Stop the pres-
sure and pull the tip away.
Hold the bag at a 45º angle to the surface, so
that the end of the bag points to the right and
your fingertips face you. Touch the tip to the
surface and, as you squeeze out the icing with a
steady, even pressure, move the tip up and down
as you move the bag to the right, forming a
zigzag line.
When making shells, hold the bag at a 45º angle
with the tip slightly touching the surface and the
end of the bag pointing toward you. Squeeze
with heavy pressure until the icing builds and
fans out into a full base. Then lift the tip slightly
and relax the pressure as you pull the tip down
and toward you to make a tail. Stop the pressure
completely and pull the tip away. When making
shells, always work toward your body, starting
each new shell slightly behind the previous
shell’s tail.
If you can pipe a shell, you can pipe a bead. Hold
the tip slightly above the surface at a 45º angle.
Squeeze while lifting the tip slightly so that the
icing fans out. Relax the pressure as you draw
the tip down and bring the bead to a point. To
make a bead border, start the end of the next
bead so that the fanned end covers the tail of the
preceding bead to form an even chain.
“C” motion
Hold the tip slightly above the surface at a 45º
angle. Squeeze out the icing and let it build
slightly at the top of the “C.” With even pressure,
curve the tip down and around to the right as if
you were writing a “C.” Start the next “C” at the
same height as the first, covering the tip of the
first “C” as you curve the tip down and to the
right. To end, stop the pressure and pull the tip
Combination bordersCombination borders
Combination bordersCombination borders
Combination borders
Rosettes and stars
Use open star tip 16 and pipe a horizontal row of
rosettes. Continue to use the open star tip 16, but
with a different icing color, and squeeze a single
star in the center of each rosette.
Leaf borders
Single leaves or groups of leaves can accent any
border. Plain or ruffled leaves joined together
also can make a border. Tuck the beginning of
each new leaf under the tip of the previous leaf.
Leaf and drop flower
Make a leaf border by squeezing individual
leaves, either plain or ruffled. Leave a small
space between each leaf and place a drop flower
in the space between the leaves.
Shell and flute
Use open star tip 21. Squeeze out a horizontal
row of shells around the cake, and make long
tails on the shells. Next, with petal tip 104 and
contrasting icing, place the wide end of the tip in
the space between each shell with the narrow
end of the tip pointing straight up. Without
moving the tip, squeeze, then stop the pressure
and lift the tip off for a fluted stand-up trim.
e” motion
Use a round or star tip. Hold the bag at a 45º
angle to the surface. As you squeeze out the
icing, move the tip down, up to the right, and
around as if writing the letter “e.” Use a steady,
even pressure as you repeat the procedure several
times. To end, stop the pressure and pull the tip
away. These continuous e-shaped loops work
best on a bottom border or as a western lariat. If
you have to stop to change positions, push in
your tip at the end of the “e” and continue
piping to keep a smooth look.
Zigzag puffs
Hold the bag at a 45º angle to the surface so the
tip points to the left and the bag’s end points to
the right and your fingertips face your body.
Touch the tip to the surface and begin to pipe
with a light pressure. Use heavier pressure
toward the center of the puff, then return gradu-
ally to a light pressure to form the tapered end.
To end each puff, stop the pressure and pull the
tip away. Repeat as you move in a straight line to
form a row of puffs.
Borders and decorationsBorders and decorations
Borders and decorationsBorders and decorations
Borders and decorations
Reverse shells
Icing consistency: Medium. Hold the bag at a 45º
angle with the tip lightly touching the surface.
Squeeze the bag to let the icing build up and fan
out as if you were making a regular shell, then
swing the tip around to the left in a curve while
relaxing the pressure to form the shell’s tail. Stop
the pressure and pull the tip away. Repeat the
procedure, only this time swing the tip around to
the right while forming the shell’s tail. Continue
this procedure in alternating directions for a
series of reverse shells. If you are making the
border on a round cake, turn the cake as you go
so that you are always working toward yourself.
Horizontal “C”
Hold the bag at a 90º angle to the surface and
make a horizontal C-motion shell, relaxing the
pressure to taper the tail. Make a reverse C-
motion shell, but before piping the tail, relax the
pressure and taper the tail to overlap the first C-
motion shell tail.
Zigzag garlands
These are usually used on the side of a cake.
Mark the cake with the desired width and depth
of the garlands. Hold the bag at a 45º angle in the
same manner as used in the basic zigzag design.
Touch the tip to the first mark and squeeze with
light, then heavy, pressure in a tight up and down
motion to form the curves of the garland as you
pipe toward the center. When you reach the
center, reverse the process using heavy, then
light, pressure toward the end. To end, stop the
pressure and pull the tip away. Practice for
rhythmic pressure control—light, heavy, light—
so the garlands are uniform.
Hold the bag at a 45º angle to the surface. As
you squeeze the bag with a steady, even pres-
sure, move the tip in a gentle sideways “S” curve.
Stop the pressure and pull the tip away. Now
tuck the tip under the bottom curve of the “S”
shape. Squeeze the bag with steady pressure as
you pull down, then lift the tip, moving up and
over the tail of the “S” as you continue to
squeeze and form a hook. Keep the spacing as
even as possible and the “S” curves uniform in
thickness, length, and overall size. Be sure to
tuck the tip into the bottom curve of the previous
“S” before you begin squeezing to insure the
clean, continuous look of a rope.
Ribbon drape
Hold the bag at a 45º angle with the tip lightly
touching the surface. Your fingertips wrapped
around the decorating bag should face you.
Touch the wide end of tip to the surface; angle
the narrow end of the tip out and about ¼ inch
away from the surface. As you squeeze, swing
the tip down and up to the right in an arc,
forming a draped ribbon.
Hold the tip at a 45º angle to the surface. Keep
the wide end of the tip lightly touching the
surface with the narrow end down and away
from the surface. Your fingertips wrapped around
the decorating bag should face you. Move your
wrist up to pull up the icing. Move your wrist
down to complete one curl of the ruffle. As you
squeeze out the icing and swing the tip down
and up to the right to form a curve, use a slight
up and down hand motion for a ruffled effect.
Repeat the procedure several times to form a
continuous row of ruffle.
Ruffle garland
Generally, garlands are used as a side decoration
on a cake. Mark the cake for the desired width
and depth of the garlands. Hold the bag with the
tip positioned as for ruffles, but angle the narrow
end about ¼ inch away from the surface. As you
squeeze, move your hand up and down slightly
to ruffle the icing. Continue moving your hand
up and down as you position the bag to form the
curve of the garland. For a stand-up ruffle, just
turn the tip so the narrow end is angled up and
away from the surface and the wide end is on the
Plume border
This is similar to the reverse shell except the tails
are longer. Use specialty tip 78 and squeeze as if
making a shell, then swing the tip to the right as
you relax the pressure and draw the shell to a
long point. Repeat this procedure, swinging the
tip to the left as you relax the pressure and draw
the shell to a point. The end of each point should
be covered with the beginning of the next shell.
Continue this procedure, alternating directions.
Combination bordersCombination borders
Combination bordersCombination borders
Combination borders
Puff and drop flower
Pipe a horizontal row of open star tip 22 shells.
Then, position drop flower tip 225 between each
pair of puffs.
Shell puff with ruffle
Use either open star tip 22 or closed star tip 31
for shells. Hold the tip at a 60º angle to the
surface and begin squeezing out the first shell.
When the shell is nice and full, raise the tip
slightly, ease off the pressure, pull down, then
stop all pressure completely. This stopping point,
called the tail, is where you form your second
shell. Repeat this procedure until finished. To
complete the border with a ruffle, use petal tip
103. With the tip’s wide end touching the tail of
a shell, squeeze out a rippled edging, easing the
pressure as you approach the tail of the next
shell. Repeat this procedure until you have edged
all the shells. For variation, try making the ruffle
at the top of the shell instead of the bottom.
Shell puff and zigzag scallops
Follow the procedure outlined for a shell puff
with ruffle. To finish the border, use closed star
tip 24 and add a small zigzag trim around each
shell puff.
Dot and heart
Mark the scallop design. Pipe two dots using
round tip 3. Make one heart using tip 4 and the
beading technique. Join the tails together to form
a point. Continue making three dots, one heart,
three dots, one heart, ending the scallop with
two dots. Add a heart to each scallop point using
round tip 3. Instead of making hearts with tip 4,
use specialty tip 252.
“S” scroll and drop flower
Use open star tip 364. Apply steady, even pres-
sure to make a horizontal row of large “S”
scrolls. Make tiny leaves using leaf tip 352 on top
of the beginning and end of each “S” scroll. Use
tip 225 and place a drop flower between each
pair of leaves.
Use basketweave specialty tip 47. Squeeze out a
vertical line on the side of the cake from top to
bottom. Starting
at the top, pipe a
row of ½-inch
horizontal stripes
using the same 47
tip. Stop each
stripe in line with
the one above it.
Spacing between
stripes should be
the same as the
width of the tip
opening. Pipe the
next vertical line
over the ends of
the horizontal
stripes. Start the next set of horizontal stripes by
burying the tip under the first vertical stripe.
Repeat the vertical lines then the horizontal lines
until you achieve a basketweave effect. Each new
set should fit between the previous set.
Basketweave variation
Practice with star tip 16 for vertical lines and
basketweave tip 47 for horizontal lines.
Use the smooth basketweave tip 44 for both
horizontal and vertical lines.
Use star tip 17 for both vertical and horizon-
tal lines.
Use round tip 7 or 9 to make vertical lines
and basketweave tip 47 or 48 to make hori-
zontal bars.
Borders and decorationsBorders and decorations
Borders and decorationsBorders and decorations
Borders and decorations
Shirred ribbon and shell
Use open star tip 14 or basketweave tip 46. Hold
the bag at a 45º angle and with steady, even
pressure make a narrow zigzag (shirred ribbon) all
around the cake. Use star tip 14 and contrasting
icing to pipe a tiny shell in the middle of the zigzag.
Shirred ribbon and ball fringe
Use open star tip 14 to make a shirred zigzag
ribbon. Then use round tip 2 and white icing to
pipe a bead or shell in the centers or a line of
sideways “S.”
Ribbon swag
Use the same tip position and basic procedure for
making a ribbon drape; however, as you finish
each ribbon’s curve, move the tip up and down
in three short strokes to form a swag.
Zigzag garland and ruffle
Use petal tip 103 with the wide end touching the
cake and narrow end facing out. Use a back and
forth motion to pipe a row of ruffle drapes. Now
with tip 15 and light-to-heavy pressure, squeeze
out a row of zigzag garlands that curve along top
edges of ruffle drapes.
Drop strings
Use round tip 2 or 3. Larger tips make the deco-
ration too bulky. Use buttercream icing thinned
with a few drops of white corn syrup. Royal icing
is also good for string work. The drop-string
technique is the basis for all other drop-string
work variations.
Mark 1½-inch intervals on the practice surface
with a pencil. Hold the bag at a 90º angle so that
the bag’s large end points just slightly to the
right. Touch the tip to the surface and squeeze,
holding the bag in place momentarily so that the
icing sticks. Pull the tip straight away from the
surface allowing the icing to drop into an arc.
Relax the pressure and touch the tip to the next
mark to end the string. The secret of making
drop strings is to let each string drop by itself
and not to drop your hand to form the curvature.
String lace
Mark the top edge of the cake every ½ inch all
the way around. With round tip 2, drop string
drape from mark to mark. To make the second
row, attach the string just above the center of
one of the string drapes in the first row. Let the
string drop and attach it again above the center
of the next drape. Repeat. Make the third row the
same as the second, working from the drape’s
center in the second row.
Bow-trimmed strings
Pipe a row of round tip 2 single-string drapes
around the top edge of the cake, making them 2
inches wide and 1½ inch deep. Approximately
¼ inch in from the ends of each drape, drop a
shorter drape. With the same tip, pipe a string
bow and streamers at each point where the
longest drapes join, letting bows cover the ends
of shorter drapes.
Triple-drop strings
Mark the cake’s top edge at 1-inch intervals. Pipe
round tip 3 triple-string drapes between alternate
marks. Always pipe the longest string first. Go
back to a skipped mark and attach another triple-
string drape to it until all the skipped marks have
been attached. Pipe a row of closed star tip 26
shells in a contrasting color around the cake top
to cover the string ends.
Zigzag garland, ruffle, and string
Pipe a row of petal tip 104 ruffle drapes. Add open
star tip 16 zigzag garlands atop the ruffle drapes.
Drape round or writing tip 3 string across the top
curve of the zigzag garlands, attaching the string
at the garland points. Finally, drape a second
string across the top curve of the ruffle drapes.
Crown border
Make a row of upright shells. Add round tip 3
string drapes in a deeper color to the point of the
alternate shells. Go back to a skipped shell and
attach the string drape to it and so on with each
skipped shell. With closed star tip 26, pipe a star
on each shell point.
Fleur-de-lis with strings
Begin by making a row of open star tip 19 fleur-
de-lis, jiggling your hand as the center shells puff
to ripple them. Add a string drape in a contrast-
ing color from base-to-base point of each fleur-
de-lis. Add a tiny round tip 2 bead of icing to
each base point to cover the string ends.
Swiss scallops
Mark the center of the cake’s side at 2-inch
intervals. First make an up-curved open star tip
14 zigzag garland from mark to mark, then a
down-curved garland. Let them dry. Over-pipe
these frames with round tip 2 string drapes. Pipe
e” motion edging around the frames. Pipe a tiny
round tip 1 row of white dots around the “e”
motion edging. Pipe a tiny leaf tip 65 green leaf
trio at each frame point. Position tip 225 drop
flowers on top of each leaf trio.
Flower and vine
Use round tip 4 to pipe on the long, curved stem.
Make up tiny half roses and buds in advance
with petal tip 102 and place in position, using
icing as glue. Make leaves with leaf tip 66 and
use the brush-striping method to achieve a
brown edging.
Variation: Use tiny drop flowers instead of half
roses and buds.
Lambeth or English method borders
Although elaborate in appearance, these are not
as impossible as they look. They’re simply layers
of symmetrical decorations that give a built-up
effect. This particular border consists of five sets
of drop strings—four of which have more than
one layer. To practice this border, use slightly
stiffened icing and round tips 3, 2, and 1.
First mark 2½-inch intervals around the top edge
of a loaf or angel food cake pan and a horizontal
guideline 2 inches from the pan’s top edge. Use
round tip 3 to drop 2-inch deep strings from
mark to mark. Next use round tip 3 to add a
second layer of 2-inch deep drop strings on top
of the first row. Continue to use round or writing
tip 3 and drop a second row of strings, each
approximately ¾ inch deep. Use round tip 2 to
add a third layer of drop strings to the first row, a
second layer to the second row, and to add a new
third row. Continue to use round tip 2 to add a
fourth layer of drop strings to the first row, a
third layer to the second row, a second layer to
the third row, and add a fourth row. Use round
tip 1 to add the fifth layer to the first row, a
fourth layer to the second row, a third layer to
the third row, a second layer to the fourth row,
and a final fifth row. Try a contrasting color for
the fifth step.
Variation: For step number two use open star tip
14 zigzags. Over-pipe with an open star tip 14
white drop string.
Note: This is a very precise technique. It would be
a good idea to practice several times before trying
this on a cake.
Plain or basic leaf
Buttercream icing should be
thinned slightly with corn
syrup. Hold the decorating bag
at a 45° angle to the surface so
that your fingertips face you.
Squeeze and hold the tip in
place to let the icing fan out
into a base, then relax and stop
pressure as you pull the tip
away, drawing the leaf to a
point. Three different leaves can be made with
this technique by using three different leaf tips:
basic leaf, tip 352; veined leaf, tip 67; large leaf,
tip 366 (use large coupler).
Stand-up leaf
Hold the bag at a 90°angle with
the tip lightly touching the
surface. Squeeze and hold the
tip in place to let the icing fan
out into a base, then pull the tip
straight up and away from the surface as you
relax and stop the pressure.
Ruffled leaf
Use the same procedure as for a
plain leaf, except when pulling
the tip away, move the tip back
and forth to give it a ruffled
effect as you bring the leaf to a
Holly—Method 1
Form clusters of three ruffled leaves. Add a
second row of leaves on top if desired. Add red
dots for berries (always in groups of three) with
round tip 3.
Holly—Method 2
Use thin royal icing, leaf tip 70, and a
flower nail 7 with a square of waxed
paper attached. Pipe a basic leaf by
holding the bag at 45° angle to the
surface with the wide opening
parallel to and lightly touching the
surface. While the icing is wet, pull
out tiny points around the edge with
a toothpick. Let the leaves dry on a
flower former or curved surface.
Violet leaf
Use medium consistency royal
icing. Using flower tip 104 and
flower nail 7, hold the wide end of
the tip lightly touching the nail.
Squeeze with medium pressure,
using a jiggling motion. Slide the
tip out about ¼ inch as you turn
the nail. Relax the pressure, move
back to the starting point. Stop the
pressure and pull away.
Drop flowersDrop flowers
Drop flowersDrop flowers
Drop flowers
Drop flowers are the easiest flowers for a begin-
ning decorator to make. They are made using a
drop flower tip and slightly stiff icing. Drop
flower tips look like “star” tips with a little post
in the opening.
One-squeeze star drop flowers
Hold the bag at a 90° angle to the surface with
the tip lightly touching the surface. Squeeze,
keeping the tip in the icing as the flower is
formed, then stop the pressure and pull the tip
away. Dot the flower’s center with a complimen-
tary color using round tip 3.
& 2 & 2
& 2 & 2
& 2
Swirl drop flowers
Hold the bag at a 90° angle to the
surface with the tip lightly touch-
ing the surface. Before squeezing,
turn your hand as far left as
possible; squeeze out the icing as
you turn your hand back to the
right. Stop the pressure and pull
the tip away from the practice sur-
face. Dot the flower’s center with a
complimentary color using round tip 3.
Other flowersOther flowers
Other flowersOther flowers
Other flowers
Free-hand flower
Using a star tip, hold the bag at a 90° angle to
the surface. Make flower petals by forming loops.
Make five or six petals and dot the flower’s
center with round tip 3.
Variety flower
Use round tip 4 or 5 and hold the bag at a
90°angle to the surface. Form the petals by
squeezing out 5 to 7 dots in a circle. Dot the
flower’s center using a contrasting icing color.
Place a green stem at the base of the flower with
round tip 2.
Flat surface flowersFlat surface flowers
Flat surface flowersFlat surface flowers
Flat surface flowers
Sweet pea
This is one of the fastest, easiest-to-make flowers
in the garden. Sweet peas work beautifully by
themselves or as part of a floral cascade. After
practice you will be able to pipe them directly on
your cake. Use stiff buttercream icing for the
petals and thin icing for the calyx. Practice with
flower tip 103 and round tip 3.
1. Make the center petal first. Hold the bag at a
45º angle to the surface, so the bag’s end
points toward you with the wide end of the
tip down and the narrow end straight up.
Squeeze the bag and lift the tip slightly off
the surface (about ¼ inch) as the icing
moves forward and curls. Continue to
squeeze without changing position. Relax the
pressure and return the tip to the surface.
Stop squeezing and pull the tip away.
2. To make side petals, touch the tip’s wide end
to the bottom left edge of the center petal;
then point the narrow end of the tip up and
out to the left. Squeeze, lift the tip slightly,
relax the pressure, lower the tip, stop the
pressure, and pull the tip away. Repeat the
procedure for the right petal, starting at the
bottom right edge of the center petal.
3. Add the calyx using round tip 3 and thin
icing. Hold the bag at a 45º angle to the
surface, so the bag’s end points toward you.
Insert the tip into the base of the sweet pea
and hold it in place as you squeeze to build
up a base. Relax the pressure as you draw the
tip down, narrowing the stem to a point.
Make this flower with stiff buttercream icing
using petal tip 104 and round tip 3 for the calyx.
You can pipe this flower on waxed paper on a
cookie sheet or directly on your cake after a little
1. Make the base petal first. Hold the bag at a
45º angle to the surface so that end of the
bag points over your right shoulder and your
fingertips face you. Touch the wide end of
petal tip 104 to the surface, point the narrow
end of the tip up and to the right. Squeeze,
move the tip along the surface away from you
in a straight line about ¼ inch long, hesitate,
then continue squeezing as the icing fans
out. Returning the tip to the original position
and halfway back, start to release the pres-
sure, move the tip to the starting point, and
pull the tip away.
2. To make the overlapping petal, hold the bag
in the same position as for the base petal.
The wide end of the tip should touch the
inside right edge of the base petal and the
narrow end of the tip should be slightly
above the base petal. Squeeze and hold the
tip in place as the icing catches the inside
edge of the base petal and rolls into an
interlocking bud. Stop the pressure and pull
the tip away.
3. Make the sepals and calyx using thin icing
and round tip 3. Hold the bag at a 45º angle
to the bud’s base with the end of the bag
pointing toward you. Touch the tip to the
bottom of the bud, squeeze, and pull the tip
up and away from the flower; relax the
pressure and draw the sepal to a point.
Repeat to make two more sepals. Add the
calyx by inserting tip 3 into the base of the
center sepal. Squeeze, letting the icing build
up. Slowly draw the tip toward you, relaxing
the pressure as you move away from the
sepal. Stop the pressure and pull away. You
may want to blend the calyx into the stem
using a dampened decorator’s brush.
Flower nail flowersFlower nail flowers
Flower nail flowersFlower nail flowers
Flower nail flowers
Half rose
Use petal tip 104 and round tip 3. Stiff buttercream
icing is needed for the petals and thin buttercream
icing is needed for the sepals and calyx.
1. Make a rosebud, omitting the sepals and
calyx. To make the left petal, hold the bag at
a 45º angle so that the bag’s end points to
the right and your fingertips gripping the bag
face you. Touch the wide end of petal tip 104
near the bottom left side of the bud. As you
squeeze, move the tip up, around to the right
and down, relaxing the pressure.
2. To make the right petal, hold the bag in the
opposite position as you did for the left petal.
Touch the tip’s wide end near the bottom
right side of the rosebud base. Squeeze and
move the tip up, around to the left, and down
to the bud’s center base. Stop the pressure,
pull the tip away.
3. Make the sepals and calyx using thin icing
and round tip 3. Follow the same procedure
as step 3 of the rosebud, starting at the
bottom center of the half rose. Add three
sepals first, then a calyx for a finished flower.
Lily of the valley
Use medium consistency buttercream icing.
Practice with tips 68, 2, 81, and 1. To create a
three dimensional leaf effect, angle the top edge
of the decorating tip about 45º. The greater the
angle, the more dimension your leaf will have.
Stems of the little bell-shaped flowers can be
piped on the broad leaf or may be piped sepa-
rately using the leaves to complement the flower
1. Make the leaf first using tip 68. Squeeze out
the icing, letting it build up slightly for a
broad width. Move upward, curve to the right
and gradually stop the pressure to bring the
leaf to a point.
2. Make the stems by adding a tip 2 stem along
the center of the leaf, moving off to an angle.
Pipe the short secondary stems outward from
the main stem.
& &
& &
3. Add the lily of the valley blossom using
specialty tip 81. Squeeze with light pressure
above the surface with the inner curve of the
tip facing you. Squeeze out a curve of icing
and continue squeezing until a tiny bell
shape is formed. Stop the pressure. Lightly
touch the tip to the surface; give one more
quick squeeze, stop, and lift away. Add two
tip 1 stamens to the center.
Bleeding heart flower
1. Pipe two round tip 5 pink
beads to form a heart shape.
2. Pipe an open star tip 13
white inverted bead from
the tip of the pink heart. Add two round tip 2
pink strings on each side of the white bead.
3. Add pink highlights with an art brush and
thinned pink food color paste.
4. To make a bud, pipe a pink upright bead using
round tip 5. To make a blossoming bud, pipe a
white bead to the tip, using round tip 3.
Half carnation
1. Use stiff icing to create the effect of broken
petal tips. Hold petal tip 104 or 150 at a 45º
angle with the wide end touching the surface
and the narrow end straight up. Start squeez-
ing and moving the tip straight up and down
in a jiggling motion. Stop squeezing and pull
2. Repeat this procedure to make a fan of petals.
Make five to seven equal-size petals.
3. Pipe a second row of shorter petals directly
over the first.
4. Continue this procedure for four or five more
rows. Make each row shorter and more
upright until a rounded half flower is com-
plete. Add a cone-shaped calyx and a thick
stem, using round tip 3.
Flower nail flowersFlower nail flowers
Flower nail flowersFlower nail flowers
Flower nail flowers
1. All flower nail flowers should be made in
advance so they are dry before positioning
them on the cake. Flowers made with royal
icing should dry overnight. Buttercream
flowers should be made from slightly stiff-
ened icing and will handle easily if dried for
a few hours.
2. To use the flower nail, hold the stem between
your left thumb and forefinger and slowly
turn it counter-clockwise, rotating the head.
As you rotate the head, move the tip in
various ways to form different flower petals.
The rhythmic turning of the flower nail as
you form a petal is the key to making flowers
on a nail.
3. Attach a 2-inch waxed paper square to the
center of the flower nail with a dot of icing
(or a dot of florist’s clay). After the flower is
finished, remove the waxed paper and the
flower. Attach another waxed paper square
and start again.
4. Flat petal flowers have more shape if dried on
a curved flower former. Flower formers can
be purchased or you can make one by cutting
a paper towel or toilet paper tube in half.
American beauty rose
The most popular icing
flower. This flower is
sturdy enough to use
immediately after making.
Icing: Stiff consistency
icing, either buttercream
or royal.
Tips: 104, 12. Flower nail: 7.
The base
1. Hold the decorating bag per-
pendicular to the flower nail
with round tip 12 touching the
center of the nail.
2. Squeeze with heavy pressure,
keeping the tip’s end in the
icing until you’ve made a full,
round cone-shaped base.
3. Start to lift the tip higher, gradually raise the
tip, and decrease the pressure as you raise
the tip up and away from the nailhead. The
rose base should be 1½ times as high as the
rose tip opening. If you are using a large rose
tip (104), the mound will need to be taller
than if you are using a small rose tip (102).
The bud
1. Use petal tip 104. Hold the flower nail in your
left hand and the bag at a 45º angle. The wide
end of the tip should touch the cone of the
icing base at, or slightly below the mid-point,
and the narrow end of the tip should point up
and be angled inward over the top of the base.
2. Now you must do three things at the same
time: squeeze the bag, move the tip, and
rotate the nail. As you start to squeeze, pull
the tip up and away from the top of the
dome, making a ribbon of icing.
3. Slowly turn the nail counter-clockwise
(clockwise for lefties) at the same time and
swing a band of icing around the dome,
ending as you overlap the bud’s starting
point. Now you have a finished center bud.
First row of three petals
1. Touch the wide end of petal tip 104 to the
midpoint of the bud base with the narrow
end of the tip straight up. Turn the nail
counter-clockwise and move the tip up and
back down to the midpoint of the bud base,
forming the first petal.
2. Start slightly behind the end of the first petal
and squeeze out a second petal the same as
the first.
3. Start slightly behind the end of the second
petal and squeeze out a third petal. End the
third petal at the starting point of the first
petal for a complete row of three petals.
Second row of five petals
1. Touch the wide end of petal tip 104 to a point
slightly below the center of a petal in the first
row. Angle the narrow end of the tip out
slightly more than you did for the top row of
petals. Squeeze the bag and turn the nail
counter-clockwise, move the tip up, then
down, to form the first petal.
2. Start slightly behind the first petal and make
a second petal. Position the petals in the
second row so they overlap the spaces in the
first row. Rotate the nail
turn for each
3. Continue this procedure until you’ve made
five petals. End the fifth petal on the starting
point of the first petal.
Third row of seven petals
1. Touch the wide end of petal tip 104 to a point
below the center of the petal in the second
row. Angle the narrow end of the tip out a
little more than the second row. Squeeze,
turn the nail and move the tip up, then
down, to form the first petal.
2. Start slightly behind the end of the first petal
and make the second petal, overlapping the
spaces between the petals in the second row.
Rotate the nail
turn for each petal. Continue
this procedure to make seven petals.
3. The seventh petal end should overlap the
starting point of the first petal. Carefully slip
the waxed paper square that holds your
finished rose off the nail to dry and make
another rose.
Note: If you are going to be using your roses on
your cake immediately, waxed paper squares are
not necessary. Remove the finished rose off the
nail with small scissors, slightly opened. Slide the
flower off the scissors and onto the cake using a
small spatula or table knife.
Roses: color variation
1. Striped cones (spatula striping) add interest-
ing color to roses and other flower-nail
2. Two-toned rose: Pipe the base, bud, and first
row of petals with the first color, then add the
remaining petals in a contrasting shade.
3. Three-toned rose: Pipe the base, bud, and
first row of petals in the first color, the sec-
ond row of petals in the second color, and the
third row of petals in the third color.
Wild rose
A round, flat flower about the size of your size 7
flower nail.
Icing: Medium consistency royal icing works
best. Stiff snow white buttercream icing stabi-
lized with meringue powder also can be used
(see Icing recipes, pages 26 through 28).
Tips: 103, 2. Flower nail: 7.
1. Hold petal tip 103 at a 45º angle to the nail
with the wide end touching the center of the
nail. The narrow end should be almost
parallel to the nail’s surface, about
above the surface. As you squeeze out the
first petal, turn the nail to the left
turn and
move the tip out to the edge of the nail and
back to the center. Relax the pressure as you
return the tip to the center of the nail, curv-
ing the tip slightly upward to create a cupped
shape. Stop squeezing as the wide end
touches the center of the nail and lift up.
2. Form a second petal in the same way, just to
the right of the first.
3. Make three more petals, always working to
the right of the previous petal.
4. Change to round tip 2 or 3 and hold the bag
perpendicular (straight up) to the flower’s
center, slightly above the flower. Squeeze out
six tiny dots at the center.
Apple blossom
This springtime flower (usually pink) is virtually
the same as the wild rose, but uses a smaller tip.
Pipe apple blossoms about the size of a penny
and dry them on flower formers or against the
side of a cookie sheet or cake pan. Practice with
tips 102 and 1.
1. Hold petal tip 102 with the wide end touching
the center of the nail. The narrow end should
be almost parallel to the nail’s surface, raised
inch above the nail surface. Starting
at the center of the flower nail, move your
hand out approximately ½ inch as you
squeeze, using light pressure. Turn the nail
very slightly and then return to the center.
2. Make four more identical petals. Do not
overlap them.
3. Add five tiny dots close together with tip 1
for the center. Hold the tip slightly above the
flower while piping the dots.
These tiny spring blossoms can be made in pink,
white, or blue. They are about half the size of a
dime. As with all icing flowers, be sure to make
more than you think you need—you don’t want
to run out of flowers if they break when you are
assembling your cake!
Icing: Medium consistency royal icing or stiff
consistency snow white buttercream icing.
Tip: 101. Flower nail: 9.
1. Use the apple blossom procedure with
smaller petal tip 101. The wide end of the tip
should be touching the center of the nail, the
narrow end pointing out and raised about
inch above the nail surface. Using light
pressure make five tiny petals about
in length.
2. Pipe a single dot in the flower center with
round tip 1. Hold the tip slightly above the
flower pipe center.
The key to forming the heart-shaped petals is
perfecting a “curve-dip-curve” motion as you
spin the flower nail.
Icing: Medium consistency royal icing or stiff
consistency snow white buttercream icing.
Tips: 103, 14, 1. Flower nail: 7.
1. Hold the wide end of the tip lightly touching
the center of the flower nail, the narrow end
pointing out and raised ¼ inch above the nail
surface. Squeeze the bag and move the tip
out ¼ inch using a “curve-dip-curve” motion
(move the tip out ¼ inch, then in
and back out) to form the first heart-shaped
petal while turning the nail in the opposite
direction. Relax the pressure as you return to
the starting point.
2. Repeat this procedure for the remaining four
3. Pipe a tip 14 center star. Add a tip 1 dot. Let
A bright red-orange flower with a green center
and a long black stamen.
1. Use petal tip 104 and the wild rose position to
pipe four wide ruffled petals that are pointed
at the base.
2. Pipe three center petals, turning the narrow
end of the tip straight up to make the icing
form a cup while you form the petals.
3. Add an open star tip 14 green center and
black artificial stamens.
The violet is an ideal filler flower. Use it to give
an abundant look to all kinds of floral cakes. It
looks beautiful in white and yellow, as well as
Icing: Medium consistency royal icing or stiff
consistency snow white buttercream icing.
Tips: 59s/59 or 101s, 1. Flower nail: 9.
1. Use the forget-me-not procedure but make
the petals different lengths. Use petal tip 59
and squeeze out a ¾-inch petal with the
wide end of the tip touching the nail center
and the narrow end pointed
inch away
from the surface. Squeeze the bag and turn
the nail
of a circle, relaxing the pressure as
you return to the starting point. Add two ¼-
inch base petals. Pipe two yellow dots at the
center using round tip 1.
Color options are abundant for this vibrant
flower. Look in the greenhouse or garden for all
the color possibilities. Petals can be dark blue,
purple, orange, red, or white, and highlighted
with a complementary color. Add multi-tones by
using a striped bag or by painting in colors at the
flower’s center or edge with a fine artist’s brush
dipped in a small amount of clear vanilla that
has been tinted with icing color.
Icing: Medium consistency royal icing or stiff
consistency snow white buttercream.
Tips: 104, 1. Flower nail: 7 or 9.
1. Use two bags, each fitted with petal tip 104.
Fill one bag with yellow icing, one with
violet. If you want multi-tone pansies, brush
stripe both with purple paste color from
bottom to top on the same side as the wide
end of the tip.
2. Using the wild rose position and yellow icing,
pipe two petals, one overlapping. Jiggle your
hand slightly for a ruffled effect.
3. Pipe two slightly smaller ruffled petals atop
the first two.
4. For the bottom petal, with the violet icing
pipe a larger ruffled petal the width of the
back petals, using a back and forth motion
for a ruffled effect.
5. Pipe a round tip 1 yellow string teardrop or
loop at the flower’s center.
A fall tradition, with a sunburst of sharply
defined petals. You’ll see them in rich, warm
autumn colors like rust, golden yellow, and terra
cotta, as well as pink and white.
Icing: Stiff royal icing or stiff snow white
Tips: 6, 79. Flower nail: 7.
1. Use very stiff icing for a broken petal effect.
Hold round tip 6 perpendicular to the nail as
you pipe a ¾-inch icing mound for the base.
2. Use tip 79 and hold the bag at a 45º angle to
the outer edge of the mound, with the half
moon tip opening pointing up. Squeeze a row
of ½-inch cupped base petals; pull up slightly
as you release the pressure to form the petals.
3. Add a second row of shorter petals between
those in the first row, lifting your hand to pull
up the tips.
4. Continue piping rows of petals, each row
shorter, more up-tilted than the last, so the
center petals stand nearly upright.
5. Finish with a cluster of round tip 1 dots at
the center.
Bachelor button
This sturdy handsome flower is an excellent
choice on men’s cakes and in summer floral
arrangements. Bachelor buttons look terrific in
blue, white, pink, or lavender.
Icing: Stiff royal or stiff snow white buttercream.
Tips: 1, 7, 16. Flower nail: 7.
1. Use the same general technique for this
flower as for a chrysanthemum.
2. Use round tip 7 to squeeze a ¾-inch diam-
eter icing mound for the base.
3. First pipe a cluster of short pointed dots at
the center of the mound. Then, with open
star tip 16, starting at the base and working
toward the center, pipe tiny one-squeeze star
petals around and around the base until it is
completely covered. Fill in with more petals
where needed.
A summer flower in a variety
of bright colors, using the
same basic techniques as the
chrysanthemum and bachelor
Icing: Stiff royal or stiff snow white buttercream.
Tips: 7 and leaf tip 75. Flower nail: 7.
1. Use the same general technique as for the
chrysanthemum and bachelor button.
2. Use round tip 7 to make a 1-inch diameter
flower base.
3. Pipe a first row of sharp, short petals all
around the outer edge using leaf tip 75.
4. Continue adding rows of petals. Each row
should be shorter and more upright, until the
petals stand almost straight up at the center.
Full carnation
Think of a carnation as row upon row of ruffles
piped over a center mound. It’s a welcome flower
in any season—try it with a striped bag (stripe
on narrow-tip side) for lovely color variations.
Icing: Use very stiff icing for a broken petal
effect, either stiff royal or stiff snow white
Tips: 12, 150 or 104. Flower nail: 7.
1. Use round tip 12. Hold the bag perpendicular
(straight up) to the nail. Pipe a ball on the
flower nail.
2. Using petal tip 150 or petal tip 104, pipe
several upstanding petals in the center of the
ball with a jiggling up and down motion,
then circle them with ruffled petals.
3. As you continue piping rows of petals to
cover, turn the narrow end of the tip farther
4. Pipe the last row of petals at the base of the
flower with the tip straight out.
A delicate, fragile flower, typically white with
yellow centers. Try these color combinations on
your daisies: yellow petals with yellow or blue
centers, violet or blue petals with yellow centers,
or peach petals with orange centers. Highlight
the centers with crushed cake sparkles or colored
cake sugars, which are extra fine. This clever
pollen effect makes your daisy look fresh picked!
Icing: Medium royal icing works best with this
fragile flower; however, you might experiment
with stiff snow white buttercream (if your
weather isn’t too hot and humid).
Tips: 103, 5. Flower nail: 7.
1. Attach a 1½-inch square of waxed paper to
flower nail 7. Pipe a small icing dot in the
nail center with tip 5 as a guide for the flower
2. For petals, hold the bag almost straight up
with the wide end of petal tip 103 lightly
touching the nail about ¼ inch away from
the center and the narrow end pointing out to
the outer edge. Squeeze the bag and move in
to meet the center dot. Ease off the pressure
as you move to the center to narrow the petal
slightly at the base.
3. Repeat for a circle of 12 identical petals.
4. Pipe a large round tip 5 yellow dot in the
flower’s center and press to flatten it. For a
pollen effect, dampen your finger, dip it in
crushed cake sparkles or tinted sugar, and
press it on the center.
5. Dry the flowers thoroughly before trying to
use them. Place some of the flowers on a
flower former or against the side of a cookie
sheet for curved shapes.
Brown-eyed Susan or sunflower
Similar to the daisy except with gold petals and a
brown center.
Icing: Medium royal icing or stiff snow white
Tips: 103, 7. Flower nail: 7.
1. Make 14 yellow-gold
petals with petal tip
103, using the same
method as the daisy.
2. After the flower dries
slightly, paint light
brown lines (paintbrush dipped in brown
food coloring and then in vanilla flavoring) in
the center of each flower.
3. Pipe a large rounded mound of dark brown
for the center with round tip 7. Do not
4. Create pollen on the brown with a dampened
finger dipped in brown colored cake sparkles
or tinted sugar.
A spring flower of either pale pink or white
heart-shaped petals with brown accents and
yellow centers. The key to forming the heart-
shaped petals is perfecting a “curve-dip-curve”
motion as you spin the flower nail.
Icing: Medium royal or stiff snow white
Tips: 103, 2. Flower nail: 7.
Other: Small paintbrush.
1. Use petal tip 103. Hold the bag at a 45º angle
to the flower nail with the wide end of the tip
touching the center and the narrow end
pointed out. Squeeze out the icing, moving
the tip out to the edge of the nail, back to the
center, out to the edge and back again,
forming a heart-shaped petal. (Use the
curve-dip-curve” technique used in the
primrose flower.) Increase the pressure as
you turn the nail and move the tip out to the
edge for a half petal that fans out slightly.
Move straight back to the center of the nail
and right out to the edge again for the second
half of the petal that fans out in the opposite
direction to form a single, heart-shaped petal.
2. Repeat this process for a total of four heart-
shaped petals. Then brush the edge of each
heart with green, followed by brown paste
3. Make the center using round tip 2 dots. Dry
in the flower former to allow the petals to
curve up.
A spring flower in yellow. Variations on this
flower are the narcissus and the jonquil.
Dry all the flowers on curved flower formers or
against a cookie sheet.
Icing: Medium consistency royal icing or stiff
consistency snow white buttercream.
Tips: 104, 3, 1. Flower nail: 7.
1. Hold the bag at a 45º angle, and use petal tip
104 with the wide end lightly touching the
nail center and the narrow end pointing out,
about ¼ inch above the nail surface. Squeeze
the bag, and as you turn the nail about
a turn, move the tip out about ½ inch and
back to the center of the nail to form a petal.
2. Make five more petals. Do not overlap.
3. Dip your fingers in cornstarch and pinch the
ends of the petals into points while the icing
is still wet.
4. For the center throat, hold the bag at a 90º
angle and pipe a spiral of tip 3 string circles.
Top with a tip 1 yellow zigzag.
A smaller flower than a
daffodil with white tip 103
petals, a yellow throat, and
red trim on top of the
Icing: Medium royal or
stiff snow white
Tips: 102, 1. Flower nail: 7.
1. Use the daffodil procedure, but with petal tip
102, and make five or six white petals.
2. Use round tip 1 for the coil center and tiny
red tip 1 for the zigzag ruffle.
Use the same techniques as the daffodil and
narcissus. It is smaller than the daffodil, with tip
103 yellow petals, and a yellow center. There is no
ruffle or trim on top of the yellow spiral center.
This winter flower can be
made in red, pink, or
white on a flat flower nail.
(A variation made with a
lily nail is on page 57.)
Icing: Stiff royal icing or
stiff snow white
Tips: 74, 2. Flower nail: 7.
1. Dot the center of the
flat flower nail as a
starting point for the petals. Touch leaf tip 74
to the nail center and pull it straight out to
the edge, making a 1
-inch long petal. Stop
the pressure and pull away to make the first
sharply pointed petal.
2. Pipe three more petals at right angles to each
other (making a “+” formation). Then pipe
four more petals between the first four for a
circle of eight petals in all.
3. Top with a second layer of five ¾-inch petals,
pulling each petal up and away at the tip.
4. Use green icing and round tip 1 to add the
center dots. Top with yellow dots. Paint red
paste color dots on the yellow.
Lily nail flowersLily nail flowers
Lily nail flowersLily nail flowers
Lily nail flowers
Use the bell-shaped lily nail to make bell-like
flowers or
flowers with
long uplifted
petals. Use
different sized
nails for small
and large
flowers. Nails
range from ½
to 2½ inches
in diameter and are available in one-piece and
two-piece styles. A hard-drying royal icing is best
for this technique because a softer icing will not
hold its shape. To keep the foil from moving in
the nail while you are making the flower, place a
dab of icing in the nail before adding the foil.
Place a square of foil on the bottom half of a
two-piece lily nail and press in with the top half.
This creates a perfectly shaped foil cup in which
to pipe your flower. When the flower is finished,
lift out on the foil cup to dry.
Easter lily
Looks best when the petals are very pointed. If
your petals split as you are piping, you can either
widen the tip slightly by inserting a thin spatula
into the opening or add a teaspoon of piping gel
to one cup of stiff royal icing.
Icing: Stiff royal icing.
Tips: Leaf tip 68 and star tip 14. Flower nail: 1
inch lily nail.
1. Use the 1
-inch lily nail and leaf tip 68.
Touch the center well of the nail with the tip
and squeeze, pulling the petal up and over
the cup’s edge. Decrease the pressure as you
reach the tip, then stop it completely before
you move away to draw the tip to a sharp
2. Pipe two more petals at right angles to the first.
3. Pipe three more petals in the spaces between
the first three.
4. Join the petals with a green star using open
star tip 14. Push a cluster of artificial stamens
in the center of the star. Note: Artificial
stamen are not to be eaten!
This is a smaller, slightly more shallow version of
the lily, done in the smaller 1¼-inch lily nail.
Bluebells may be piped in the traditional blue or
in white, pink, or yellow.
Icing: Stiff royal icing
Tips: 66, 2. Flower nail: l¼-inch lily nail
1. Use the same procedure as the Easter lily but
with the 1¼-inch nail and leaf tip 66.
2. Make three evenly spaced ¾-inch petals,
pulling only to the top of the nail. Add three
more petals in the open spaces.
3. Join the petals with the round tip 2 center dot
and push in 3 short artificial stamens.
This summer flower
comes in a variety of
warm colors - orange,
yellow, red.
Icing: Stiff royal or stiff
snow white buttercream.
Tips: 103, 6. Flower nail: 1
-inch lily nail.
1. Use a 1
-inch lily nail. Place the wide end of
petal tip 103 in the center well. Start with
light pressure, then pull the icing out long
enough for it to curl over the nail’s edge.
Turn the nail as you dip the bag four times
for a deeply ruffled petal. Return as closely as
possible to the starting point. Decrease the
pressure as you do this to make a narrow
petal base.
2. Make five petals in all, and keep them com-
pletely separated.
3. Brush a deeper shade of the paste color for
the veins onto the flower.
4. Pipe a round tip 6 dot in the center to join
the petals and push in an artificial stamen.
California poppy
1. Press the foil halfway into a 1¼-inch lily nail.
Touch the center well of the cup with the
wide end of petal tip 103. Squeeze and pull
the icing over the outer edge, then straight
across the edge, and back to the center for a
square, cupped petal. Smooth the center of
the petal with a damp art brush.
2. Repeat for four, completely separated petals.
3. Join with a round tip 3 dot and push in a
cluster of ½-inch artificial stamens.
This is a ruffled summer flower in any color. To
ensure the proper spacing of petals, try this trick:
pipe dots of icing with tip 103 on the top of the
lily nail, dividing it in fifths—visualize the points
of a star. Pipe each petal centered over its dot.
Icing: Stiff royal icing.
Tips: 103 and 16. Flower nail: 1
-inch lily nail.
1. Press the foil square into a 1
-inch two-piece
lily nail. Insert tip 103 into the cup, position-
ing the wide end of the tip down with the
narrow end slightly lifted. Squeeze inside the
nail and move up to the outer edge. Turn the
nail and jiggle the tip to form a ruffle, releas-
ing the pressure as you bring the tip back
down inside the nail to the starting point.
Stop squeezing, lift away.
2. Repeat to make four more petals.
3. Smooth the bases of the petals together at the
center of the flower with a dampened decora-
tor brush.
4. Using light pressure, pipe a tip 16 green star
in the center.
5. Insert five stamen in the center; sprinkle with
cake sparkles.
Morning Glory
When you are smoothing together the edges of
the inner cup and ruffled cup, use a brush; don’t
use too much water. Eliminate excess water by
touching the brush to your hand before applying
to the flower.
Icing: Stiff royal icing.
Tips: 104, 103, 2, 1. Flower nail: 1
-inch lily nail.
1. Line the 1
-inch lily nail with foil. Position
the wide end of the 104 tip down in the nail,
with both ends touching the nail. Using
white icing, pipe a shallow cup within the
nail. Pipe a second cup slightly above the
first. Smooth with a small damp brush.
2. Using tinted icing and tip 103, hold the bag
so the wide end touches the top of the nail.
Pipe a ruffled cup slightly above the white
inner cup, increasing the pressure in five
places to form points.
3. With a dampened decorator brush, blend the
tinted icing into the white center. Next, brush
the white icing up to form a star shape.
4. Using tip 1 and thinned white icing, pipe five
lines from the base of the flower to the edge.
5. Pipe a tip 2 center stamen using yellow icing.
This classic Christmas flower may be piped in
white, pink, or red. It’s one of the more shallow
flowers you will pipe in the lily nail. Don’t push
the foil more than halfway into the cup, or put a
small ball of foil under the foil that will make
your foil cup.
Icing: Stiff royal icing.
Tips: Leaf tip 352, 1. Flower nail: 1
-inch lily
1. Position the foil halfway in the 1
-inch lily
nail (use a small ball of foil under the cup if
needed). Insert tip 352 into the lily nail with
the pointed end touching the nail. Squeeze
hard and pipe a leaf-shaped petal just over
the edge of the foil cup. Relax the pressure,
stop, and pull away. Pipe two more petals,
dividing the nail into thirds.
2. Add three more petals in the open spaces.
3. Add six similar smaller leaf-shaped petals on
top and between the larger ones.
4. Add seven tip 2 yellow or green dots in the
circle for the center.
Floral sprays
Floral sprays can be almost any shape that fits
the size and shape of the cake. Flowers can be
drop, formed or variety, made on a flat surface,
or on a flower nail.
Look in cake decorating books for ideas and
suggestions for making floral sprays. Experiment
with various floral spray designs.
Vines for sprays
Thin buttercream icing slightly with white corn
syrup. Use writing tip 2 or 3. Position the bag at
a 45º angle. Hold the tip so it is lightly touching
the surface.
1. Touch the tip lightly to the surface and start
to squeeze, then lift it slightly above the
surface and draw out the stem.
2. Move the tip gently up and down to form
“hills and valleys.” To end the line, stop
squeezing and pull the tip along the surface.
3. Add secondary curved stems, starting at the
main stem and stopping the pressure while
pulling to a point.
Crescent spray
Begin in the center of the
cake. Pipe the main
stems from the center to
the right outer edge of
the cake top. Then pipe
stems from the center of the left outer edge of the
cake top. Add shorter stems randomly.
Rambling rose and wild
flower spray
Start at the center of the
cake and pipe the stem to
resemble a backward “S,”
placing it at the 12:00
position. Add others at 3:00, 6:00, and 9:00
positions. Add shorter stems between each main
Cascading spray
Pipe a main stem to
resemble an elongated
backward “S.” Add short
sweeping stems.
Vine spray
Pipe an even curving line
from left to right. Add
secondary stems approxi-
mately half as long as the
curves following the flow
of the curves. Pipe short
stems in the same direction to complete.
Corner spray
Begin at the corner and
pipe a stem upwards,
pipe a secondary stem
sweeping in the opposite
direction. Return to the
corner, and pipe a stem
across to the opposite side of the cake. Repeat
and pipe a secondary stem sweeping in the
opposite direction. Add shorter stems to balance
the spray.
“S” spray
Begin at the center of the
cake and pipe an upward
curve out to the left.
Return to the center and
pipe a downward curve
out to the right. Add secondary curves that are
half as long as the curve, following the flow of
the curve. Repeat with shorter stems.
Creating a spray
1. Decide what shape you want and determine
the focal point. Draw out the stems and
branches. Distribute them
equally to maintain
balance. Avoid crossed
stems, and remember
to keep the basic
shape of the spray in
mind at all times. You
can also draw the basic
design first with a toothpick and then trace
with icing.
2. Mound icing over the focal point. Now you
are ready to begin adding the flowers.
3. Begin by trimming
the ends of the
stems with
smaller, more
delicate flowers.
Mix colors to
maintain balance.
4. Graduate to larger flowers as you work
toward the main branches of the focal point
with the largest, most open flowers. You will
achieve the best color balance if these larger
flowers are the deepest, richest tones of the
5. When all the flowers are in place, add your
leaves. Distribute them evenly to maintain
the balance of the spray and to give a natural
Flowers on wire stem
1. On a 2-inch square of waxed paper, pipe a
small green icing mound with round tip 6.
2. Insert florist wire 4 to 6 inches long (depend-
ing on the size of the flower) into the mound
of icing and brush smooth with a small art
brush to blend the mound and the wire
3. Turn it over and push the bare end of the
wire into a Styrofoam® block to dry. When it
is dry, remove the waxed paper.
4. With round tip 6, pipe an icing dot on the
mound at the top of the wire.
5. Press a dried royal icing flower on the mound
so that the mound becomes the flower base.
Place the flower on the stem back into the
Styrofoam® block to dry.
Placing leaves on wire stems
1. On a square of waxed paper, pipe a small
green icing mound using round tip 6. This
will hold the wire steady.
2. Push a wire at least 5 inches long into the dot
while the icing is still wet. (Stemmed leaves
in various lengths give flowers a natural
3. Pipe a large leaf (with leaf tip 67) directly
over the wire end so the wire becomes the
leaf’s center vein. Let it dry, and remove the
waxed paper.
Making flower and leaf bouquets
1. To make a flower and leaf on a single stem,
hold the stemmed flower in your hand and
attach a ½-inch wide strip of green self-
sealing florist tape just below the flower base.
Wind it around the stem once. Place the
stemmed leaf next to the flower, positioning
it slightly lower, and wind the tape around
both stems to join.
2. Make several flower-and-leaf sets in different
lengths, then arrange them as a bouquet and
tie them together with ribbon.
Making curved petals, leaves, and trim
Give all your icing flower petals and leaves a
graceful, natural look by drying them on flower
formers. You can make your own flower formers
by cutting a cardboard paper towel tube in half.
While the freshly piped flower, leaf, or icing trim
is still on waxed paper, place it on the outside
surface of the paper tube to curve down or on
the inside surface to curve up.
Writing and printingWriting and printing
Writing and printingWriting and printing
Writing and printing
Nothing personalizes a cake more than a written
message. Printing or writing messages on a cake
is different from writing on paper because you
use your arm, not just your fingers, to form the
The icing should be thin for writing and printing.
Letters are combinations of straight and slanted
lines, circles, half-circles, and curves. Therefore,
it is important to practice these motions individu-
ally before combining them to form words.
Hold the decorating bag at a 45º angle to the
surface with the back of the bag to the right so
your fingertips face you. Touch the tip to the
surface and squeeze so that the icing sticks, then
lift the tip slightly and draw straight down to
form a line. Stop the pressure, and pull the tip
away. Then repeat this procedure.
As you practice, use your entire arm (not just
your fingers) to form the individual lines, letters,
and words. This arm movement is important for
achieving satisfactory results when printing or
writing messages on cakes. After you begin to
master the curves and swings of the letters, lift
up the tip slightly as you write. You’ll find you
have more control if you let the icing draw out
slightly over the surface.
If you have trouble keeping the letters in a
straight line, try drawing a guiding line in the
frosting with a toothpick. You also may use a
pattern for your lettering using a pattern press. If
using a pattern press, let the icing crust slightly,
then imprint the message.
Both printing and writing can be customized by
using different tips and additional techniques.
See illustrations.
Practice with Tip #3 with
message press
Practice with Tip #2 with
message press
Practice with Tip
#14 bouncing
Practice with Tip #45 flat
Practice with Tip #3 balls
Practice with Tip
Practice with Tip #101s
Practice with Tip #3
Practice with Tip
#2 with message
Stencil applicationStencil application
Stencil applicationStencil application
Stencil application
Stenciling with icing is most easily accomplished
using an angled spatula–it keeps your fingers out
of the icing. Apply one color at a time and spread
the icing completely over the area in the stencil
for the best coverage. Be careful not to rub the
icing back and forth too hard, it can cause the
cake icing to smear and lift.
1. Make a stencil from lightweight cardboard—
cereal and pizza boxes work well. Draw or
trace a simple pattern on the box. Carefully
cut out the pattern using a craft knife. (You
may want to have an adult help with this.)
Save the outer portion because this becomes
your stencil. You also can use stencils pur-
chased at craft stores.
2. Check to make sure the frosting on the cake
is dry before you start. Lay the stencil on the
frosted cake.
3. Use a large spatula with enough icing to
cover the cutout design. Carefully smooth the
icing on the cake. Start on one of the outer
edges and smooth to the other edge. Don’t
overwork this process, or you will pull icing
off the cake.
4. Gently lift the stencil straight up and off the
cake. A raised design will remain.
5. If the edges of the stenciled design are messy,
make a star border around the design using
open star tip 16.
Using a pattern
Make a pattern, such as a valentine, shamrock,
butterfly, jack-o-lantern, etc., from paper or
lightweight cardboard. Cut out the pattern.
1. Lay the pattern on a
completely dry frosted
2. Gently trace around
the pattern with a
3. Remove the pattern.
4. Fill in the pattern with
stars. Make sure the stars are formed properly
and are close together.
Transferring a paper pattern
Trace a simple pattern on tissue paper. Lay the
pattern on a frosted cake. Be certain the frosting
is dry. Secure the pattern to the cake with sharp
toothpicks or pins. Use a large needle or very
sharp toothpick to poke through the pattern into
the cake to make a dot-to-dot pattern to follow.
Remove the pattern and fill in as desired.
Outline and filling in
Outline contours and details of shaped cakes or
cover the marks transferred on your cake from a
1. Outline. Hold the decorating bag at a 45º
angle and touch writing tip 2 or 3 to the
surface. Raise the tip slightly and continue to
squeeze. The icing will flow out of the tip
while you direct it along the surface. To end
an outline, stop squeezing, touch the tip to
the surface, and pull away.
LEVEL 1 & 2LEVEL 1 & 2
LEVEL 1 & 2LEVEL 1 & 2
LEVEL 1 & 2
2. Fill in. With thinned icing, squeeze out tip 2
or 3 side-by-side icing strings to fill the area.
For larger areas, use tip 4 or 5. Immediately
smooth over the strings with a dampened
decorator’s brush, spatula, or finger dipped
in cornstarch.
3. Pipe in. Follow the same procedure as fill in,
but do not thin the icing. Squeeze with
heavier pressure, allowing the icing to build
up slightly. When necessary, shape with a
fingertip dipped in cornstarch.
Decorating combDecorating comb
Decorating combDecorating comb
Decorating comb
Combing is a fast way to cover a large area with
texture (for example, the sides of a cake). Spe-
cially designed cake combs have teeth of differ-
ent sizes that create ridges in the icing.
1. Use medium to thin buttercream icing. Cover
the cake with a slightly thicker coating of
icing so the comb’s ridges do not dig into the
cake. Comb immediately after icing the cake,
while icing is soft. Using a turntable helps to
keep the movement smooth.
2. Run the edge around your cake side to form
beautiful ridges. Keep the pressure even as
you move the comb around the cake.
Sugar moldingSugar molding
Sugar moldingSugar molding
Sugar molding
Basic recipe
2 cups granulated sugar
3 teaspoons water (if you are tinting the sugar,
add icing color to the water)
2 tablespoons confectioners’ sugar
Extra strength recipe
5 cups sugar
1 lightly stirred egg white
1. Mix by hand, for approximately 1 minute
using a fork or pastry blender. For larger
amounts, use an electric blender on slow
speed. If the sugar mixture begins to get
lumpy and dry out, use a blender. Cover the
sugar mixture with a damp cloth or keep it in
an airtight container.
2. Pack the sugar into molds, pressing with the
heel of your hand. Scrape off the excess with
a spatula. When making a large mold or more
than four of the same small mold, dust the
pattern with cornstarch to prevent sticking.
3. Unmold immediately. Place the cardboard on
the mold, turn it over, tap the bottom of the
mold, and lift the mold straight up and away
from the sugar.
4. For panorama eggs, make a small hole about
the size of a half dollar in the small end of
the egg’s top and bottom before drying.
Gently insert a piece of scrunched plastic
wrap in the openings to keep the sugar from
drying out too much.
5. Dry sugar molds at room temperature for 3 to
4 hours or place them on a cookie sheet in a
200º oven for 5 minutes.
6. At this point, solid molds can be used on
your cake.
7. When hollow molds are dry, turn the sugar
mold over and carefully hold it in the palm of
your hand. Do not
squeeze or move
the molded sugar
or it will crack.
Use a spoon to
mark a ¼-inch
shell on the inside
8. Gently scoop out
the remaining soft
sugar. Smooth the
inside edge with
your fingers.
9. Place the molded
sugar, round side
down, on a
cardboard circle to
dry for about 24
hours, or place it
on a cookie sheet
in a 200º oven for 20 minutes. Allow it to cool
to room temperature before you touch it.
Note: Many different containers may be used for
sugar molding. Try using small margarine tubs,
dessert dishes, and candy molds. The main
criterion is that the opening of the container is
larger than the base. Experiment with items you
have around the house.
Figure pipingFigure piping
Figure pipingFigure piping
Figure piping
Figure piping lets you create whimsical three-
dimensional figures and decorations with icing.
Unlike borders and flowers that require decora-
tors to perfect specific techniques, figure piping
leaves room to experiment and apply imagina-
tion. Since most of the figures you’ll be making
are caricatures, they do not have to be perfect.
Icing consistency, pressure control, and practice
are essential for successful figure piping. Stiff
icing is the key element to successful figure
piping. For softer figures that are more fun to eat,
use buttercream icing. With buttercream, you
can pipe figures directly on your cake. Royal
icing shapes dry very hard, so they can be
difficult to eat, but you can make them well in
advance. Pipe them ahead of time on waxed
paper, let them dry, then position the figures on a
cake or sugar mold. Use royal icing for decora-
tions to be used with sugar molds.
Remember to store pre-made royal icing decora-
tions in a cool, dry, dark place. Exposure to
bright sunlight or constant fluorescent lighting
can cause colors to fade. Buttercream figures may
be frozen.
Use two basic positions (upright and horizontal)
for figure piping. Once you’ve piped the basic
body or bottom portion of your figure, you can
add other elements directly onto that basic
Upright position.
Hold the tip at a 90º
angle with the end
of the tip slightly
above the surface.
Start squeezing,
applying a steady,
even pressure. As
the icing begins to build up, raise the tip with it,
but keep its end buried in the icing. To complete
your shape, stop squeezing as you bring the end
of the tip to the surface.
Horizontal position.
Hold the tip at a 45º
angle and lightly
touch the tip to
the surface.
Apply pressure
as you move the
tip to let the
shape build. It’s essential that the tip remain
buried in the icing as it is squeezed out. Stop
squeezing as you bring the end of the tip to the
Additional piping. Add other elements (like
arms, legs, heads, fruit stems, etc.) directly onto
either basic shape. Tuck the tip into the basic
figure, apply pressure, and move the tip to create
the shape you need. Stop squeezing and pull the
tip away.
Animals sitting
1. Basic upright torso: Use a
large round tip for the
torso: 12, 1A, or 2A. Use
heavy pressure, gradually
relaxing as you move up.
Stop the pressure com-
pletely and pull away.
2. Adding limbs: Use tip 10
to pull out arms and 12 for
legs. Add the head and
features for the animal
you are piping.
Teddy bear
1. Tips 1A, 2A, 5, 12, 10, and 2. Use brown and
black icing.
2. Pipe a tip 1A brown body,
a tip 2A head, a tip 5
muzzle, tip 12 legs, tip 10
arms, and tip 2 ears.
3. Add a tip 2 black dot and
string facial features and
1. Tips 2A, 2, 349, and 67. Use yellow, orange,
white, and black icing.
2. Pipe a tip 2A yellow body and head and tip 2
yellow cheeks.
3. Add tip 2 white dot
4. Pipe a tip 2 pull-out
orange beak and feet,
tip 349 stand-up top
feathers, and tip 67
string wings.
1. Tips 1A, 2A, 12,
104, 2, and 1. Use
pink or gray, black,
and white icing.
2. Pipe a pink or gray
body using body
tip 1A, pipe a tip
2A head and tip 12 legs and trunk.
3. Pipe tip 104 ruffled ears.
4. Add tip 2 white dot eyes with a smaller black
dot using tip 1.
5. Pull out white dot tusks and white string
features for toes.
1. Tips 12, 6, 4, and 3. Use
black, white, and
orange icing.
2. Pipe a tip 12 black body
and head. Add tip 6
black flippers.
3. Pipe a fill-in tip 4 white
stomach and face mask.
4. Pipe orange tip 3 feet and a pull-out dot beak.
Animals lying
1. Body: Use a large round tip for the body: 12,
1A or 2A. Use heavy pressure, gradually
relaxing as you move up. Stop the pressure
completely and pull away.
2. Head: Use a large round tip for the head, the
same size as for the body or smaller. Place
the tip at the top of the body and pipe a
smaller round ball.
1. Tips 2A, 12, 6, 8, 2,
and 81. Use pink and
black icing.
2. Pipe a tip 2A body, a
tip 12 head, a tip 6
snout, tip 8 legs, tip 2 dot eyes and curly
string tail, and tip 81 ears.
3. Use a toothpick to indent the snout for the
nostrils and mouth.
1. Use tips 2A, 12, 13,
5, 3, and 81. Use
white, black, and
pink icing.
2. Pipe a tip 2A white
body, a tip 12 black
or white head, tip 13
zigzag wool, tip 5 legs and muzzle, tip 81
ears, tip 3 black hooves, and tip 1 dot facial
Cute little chicks for hollow sugar molds
1. Use tips 6, 3, and 1. Use white or yellow and
orange icing.
2. Use tip 6, hold the bag at a 90º angle to the
surface, and use heavy pressure to pipe the
body. Ease the pressure as you taper to the
tail. Tuck tip 3 into the body and squeeze to
form the face.
3. At a 45º angle, tuck tip 3 into the body and
pipe the lower wing using the shell tech-
nique. Pipe another tip 3 wing on top of the
first one.
4. Add a tip 1 pull-out beak and dot eyes (flat-
ten the eyes with a fingertip dipped in corn-
Spooky spider
1. Use tips 2, 4, 10, and 233. Use black and
white icing.
2. Hold tip 10 upright and pipe a ball for the
3. Add a tip 4 ball head. Tuck tip 4 into the
body and pull out string legs and a tip 2
black outline mouth.
4. Cover the body with tip 233 pull-out hair.
5. Add tip 2 white dot eyes.
1. Tips 6 and 1. White and black icing.
2. Pipe a ball shape for the head and pull out
the body, tapering off the end as you gradu-
ally decrease the pressure.
3. Tuck the tip into the body and pull out the
4. Add tip 1 black dot facial features.
1. Tips 22, 103, 18, 12, and 2 (use multi-open-
ing grass tip 233 for hair if not using a pur-
chased head).
2. Use open star tip 22 or larger for the body.
Clowns can be a combination of bright
3. Apply heavy pressure to
squeeze out the body in a
short up-and-down motion
to form a ruffled body.
4. Add arms and legs using
open star tip 22 by tucking
the tip into the body base
and squeezing while moving
the tip out. Trim the figure
with ruffles using tip 103 or
open star tip 22. Pipe
slippers with a pull-out star
using tip 18. Pipe hands
with tip 5 using a mitten
shape or pull-out stars with
tip 18.
5. Pipe the head to the body
using a round tip 12. Add
the hair using either star tip
22 or multi-opening tip 233.
Add round tip 2 facial
6. Insert a small dowel rod in
the cake to help support the sitting body.
7. For extended arms and legs, insert a tooth-
pick or bamboo “shish-ka-bob” stick in the
appropriate length.
Note: Purchased clown heads also can be used
instead of piping the head and face.
Panorama Easter eggsPanorama Easter eggs
Panorama Easter eggsPanorama Easter eggs
Panorama Easter eggs
Use the sugar egg and small figure piped royal
icing critters (chicks, bunnies, ducks, nest with
eggs) to create panorama Easter eggs. Prepare the
royal icing critters and flowers in advance. They
will need to dry for several hours before they can
be removed from the waxed paper and placed in
the sugar egg.
1. Use royal icing and prepare the following
colors: green for grass, blue for a pond, two
or three colors for flowers and borders, white
for ducks and rabbits, yellow for chicks, and
brown for the bird’s nest and the lamb’s face.
2. You will need to make two or three small
ducks, chicks, rabbits, lambs, and bird’s
3. Make small drop flowers or simple flat flow-
ers (for example: forget-me-not, violet, apple
blossom) ahead of time and allow to dry
completely. Some may break, so make plenty!
4. Pipe a pond directly in the bottom of the egg
mold using blue icing. Completely cover the
bottom of the egg.
5. Make grass using multi-opening tip 234. Pipe
at least two rows of grass around the pond
from one edge of the opening to the other.
6. Gently place the little animals in the damp
icing in a pleasing arrangement. Keep in
mind where the window is. Check the place-
ment of the animals by laying the egg top in
place while you look through the window.
7. Use open star tip 14 to pipe a line of white
icing around the edge of the egg bottom. Use
enough icing to secure the top and bottom,
but be sure it does not ooze out on the inside
of the egg. Place the two halves together.
8. Cut a small circle of clear plastic wrap to fit
the opening.
9. Use round tip 3 to pipe a white line around
the window. Place plastic wrap over the
opening, and smooth any wrinkles.
10. Allow icing to dry before finishing the egg.
(Be sure to keep royal icing covered with a
damp towel while working).
11. Use a small star tip to pipe a zigzag or shell
border around the seam from opening to
opening. Use the main icing color for this
12. Use the same tip and color to pipe a border
around the window. Be sure to cover the
edges of the plastic wrap and hide the edges
of the egg where the two halves meet.
13. Decorate the egg’s top with an attractive
arrangement of the royal icing flowers you
made in advance. Use drop flowers, flower
nail flowers, leaves, and vines.
14. Allow the egg to dry for several hours. It will
become very hard and keep indefinitely. Do
not store in the refrigerator or freezer.
Note: If you like, you may purchase tiny animals
and flowers from a craft store to use inside the
egg; however, if you are using this for an exhibit
in Level 2, you will need to make sure you meet
the requirements for the unit.
This technique looks like needle stitching at its
finest. Cake embroidery is the art of decorating
the top and sides of a cake using a series of
curved lines.
1. Prepare a bag with tip 1.
2. Fill the bag half full with thin consistency
buttercream icing.
3. Hold the bag above the surface at a 90º
angle, squeeze to allow the icing to drop
randomly in a series of overlapping loops.
Cover the area edge-to-edge.
Cornelli laceCornelli lace
Cornelli laceCornelli lace
Cornelli lace
The precise, lacy design of this free-hand tech-
nique depends on continuous curving strings
that do not overlap or touch.
1. Use a toothpick to draw the design’s outline
on the cake’s top or sides.
2. Use thinned icing and round tip 1 or 2. Place
the decorating bag at a 90º angle with the tip
slightly above the surface so the icing at-
taches without scraping the cake with the tip
and without flattening the icing strings.
3. Beginning and ending at the edges, pipe a
continuous string of icing, curving it up,
down, and around until the area is covered.
Stop the pressure and pull the tip away. Make
sure the strings never touch or cross.
4. Cover the edges of the Cornelli with a string
or star tip border.
Lattice designsLattice designs
Lattice designsLattice designs
Lattice designs
Lattice can cover garland sections, imprinted
areas, or entire sides of the cake with spectacular
results. Vary your tip selections for different
looks–try round, star, or basketweave tips.
1. Use a toothpick to draw the design’s outline
on the cake’s top or sides. Cookie cutters or
pattern presses also may be used. Press the
design gently into the cake.
2. Use buttercream icing thinned with corn
syrup (1 teaspoon corn syrup to 1 cup icing).
Hold the bag at a 45º angle with the tip
slightly above the surface. Outline the shape
to be covered using tip 2.
3. Starting at the center of the outlined shape,
pipe tip 2 diagonal strings to the right and
attach them to the outline (not over the top
of the icing outline).
4. Drop more lines of string work diagonally in
the opposite direction on top of the first set of
diagonal strings. Start again at the center,
working first to one edge and then to the
other edge, to complete the design.
5. Cover lattice edges using either a string or a
star tip border.
Lattice variation
1. Use basketweave tip 47 and buttercream
icing. On the side of the cake, pipe a lattice
design going completely around the side of
the cake in
one direction.
2. Repeat piping
the lattice
design, cross-
ing over in the opposite direction.
3. Pipe a tip 5 string in between the lattice
Grass or furGrass or fur
Grass or furGrass or fur
Grass or fur
1. Use tip 233 or 234 and medium buttercream
2. Hold the bag at a 90º angle. Squeeze out the
icing, pulling the tip up and away from the
surface. When the icing strand is long
enough (about ½ inch), stop the pressure
and pull the tip away.
3. For a more natural look, sometimes pull the
tip slightly to the right or left, instead of
straight up.
4. Remember to keep the icing strand clusters
close together so the cake doesn’t show
1. Use tip 233 or 234 and medium buttercream
icing thinned with clear corn syrup.
2. Squeeze icing strands in lengths necessary to
cover the area. Touch the tip at the begin-
ning, lift it away from the cake, and pull
while continuing to squeeze until the hair is
as long as you want. Stop squeezing and pull
away. Continue the same process until the
area is covered.
1. Use tip 233 or 234 and medium buttercream
2. For the base of the haystack, use rounded
cupcakes with the wide end down. Ice the
cupcakes with the same color you are using
for the haystack.
3. Start the first row of hay (or straw) on the
side of the cupcake about ½ inch from the
bottom. Hold the bag at a 90º angle and
squeeze, pulling out and then down, to form
an icing strand about ½ inch long.
4. Start the next row about ½ inch above the
first and repeat the procedure, making sure to
cover the top of the first row with the bottom
of the second row.
5. Continue until the cupcake is completely
1. Use round tip 10 and specialty tip 79 with
stiff brown buttercream icing. Pinecones can
be piped on waxed paper, on a cookie sheet,
or directly on the cake.
2. Holding the bag at a 45º angle, pipe a hori-
zontal mound of icing the size you want your
pinecone to be with round tip 10. One end
needs to be slightly larger than the other.
3. Hold the tip at a 45º angle with the curve of
the tip up. Starting at the narrow end, pipe
tip 79 short petals in rows. Start each row
about ¼ inch from the bottom of the previ-
ous row. Overlap the bottom of each row
with the top of the next.
1. Use tip 16 or tip 75 and pointed ice cream
cones or plastic tree formers.
2. Use medium buttercream on ice cream cones
or stiff royal icing on tree formers. Color icing
3. Trim the ice cream cones in varying lengths.
Spread a very thin coat of icing over the ice
cream cone so the cone won’t show through.
Cover the plastic tree formers with waxed
paper and use royal icing.
4. Beginning at the bottom, pipe tip 16 pull-out
stars around the base while turning the cone.
Repeat, overlapping each successive row until
the cone is covered.
5. Pipe an upright pull-out star at the tree top.
Let it dry thoroughly.
Corn stalksCorn stalks
Corn stalksCorn stalks
Corn stalks
1. Use leaf tip 68.
2. Follow steps 2 and 3 for
trees, using pale
golden yellow or pale
buttercup yellow
3. From the bottom to
the top of the form,
pipe tip 68 side-by-side stripes and floppy
leaves for corn stalks.
4. Set aside to air dry for about 5 hours.
Wheat stalkWheat stalk
Wheat stalkWheat stalk
Wheat stalk
1. Insert a 6-inch length of florist wire into a
decorating bag filled with yellow royal icing.
Use round tip 4.
2. Squeeze and pull the wire out of the tip,
coating it with icing. Stick it in Styrofoam® to
3. Use round tip 1 to pipe yellow points around
two inches of coated wire. Start at the base of
the cluster, and pipe a pair of points on each
side of the wire. Pull them out at an angle
and slowly roll the wire between your fingers
as you move up to the top of the stalk.
Pine needles and catPine needles and cat
Pine needles and catPine needles and cat
Pine needles and cat
Use the same technique as for the wheat stalk
(brown or black icing for cat whiskers and green
icing for pine needles). Coat a 3-inch piece of
uncooked spaghetti. If using royal icing, dry it in
a Styrofoam® block or on waxed paper. If using
buttercream icing, push it directly into the cake.
Pictures using thinned icingPictures using thinned icing
Pictures using thinned icingPictures using thinned icing
Pictures using thinned icing
(Color Flow(Color Flow
(Color Flow(Color Flow
(Color Flow
This technique creates a glossy, smooth design
using both stiff and runny icing made with
powdered egg whites. Color Flow® is a magical
way to copy a picture or design in icing.
1. Choose a pattern, preferably one with a fairly
open design without too much detail.
2. Place the design on a smooth cake circle,
cake board, or cookie sheet. Cover the design
with waxed paper and smooth out all the
wrinkles. Tape it down securely.
3. Mix icing in a glass or stainless steel bowl.
Follow the directions on the Color Flow®
package. Set your mixer at a slow speed to
avoid whipping in air bubbles. Keep the icing
covered with a damp towel at all times to
prevent hardening. Color the icing to comple-
ment your design and use it full strength to
outline the design.
4. When softening the icing to fill in outlined
designs, place a portion of the icing in a glass
or stainless steel container and add a few
drops of water, stirring by hand (never beat),
until the icing flows properly. To test, spoon
out a small amount and let it drop back into
the bowl. When it takes a full count of 10 for
the icing to sink back into the mixture and
the outline ring to disappear, the icing is
ready. Always use parchment or freezer paper
bags for meringue-based icing. Grease causes
any egg white icing to break down.
5. Fill a decorating bag only half full of softened
icing or it might squeeze out the top and drip
on the design. For a larger area than one bag
will fill, have a second bag filled and ready.
Color Flow® icing crusts quickly and crust
marks show, so you must work quickly.
6. Use Color Flow® icing and round tip 2 or 3 to
outline the design. If you will be filling in
with a contrasting color, let the outline dry
thoroughly (an hour or two) so the softened
icing won’t feather. If filling in with the same
or similar color, proceed after a few minutes.
7. Fill a parchment bag only half full of softened
icing. Do not use a tip because it might break
the outline. Cut a small opening at the paper
cone’s tip. Begin filling in along the outlines
first, aiming the bag opening toward the
outline for a pillow effect. Work from the
outside in, top to bottom. Gently press out
the icing, letting it flow up to the outline
almost by itself. (Use a small artist’s brush to
help it along if necessary.) Fill in the section
immediately. Pop any air bubbles with a pin
while the icing is wet. Check for any low
spots and fill them in. Color Flow® should
dry with a slight pillow effect.
8. Make test puddles beside your design and let
them dry. Remove the puddles first and check
for dryness. Test puddles eliminate the
possibility of removing a Color Flow® piece
too soon and breaking it.
9. After you have filled in the complete design,
dry it thoroughly (48 hours at room tempera-
ture or two hours under a heat lamp at a
distance of two feet, then without a lamp for
12 hours). This gives the icing a high shine.
10. After your Color Flow® piece is dry, you may
want to add a message or trim to it. Use your
leftover Color Flow® icing (full strength) in a
parchment bag fitted with tip 2.
Australian net nailsAustralian net nails
Australian net nailsAustralian net nails
Australian net nails
Make lacy shapes using a variety of Australian
net nails.
1. Select a nail shape, and coat it with solid
vegetable shortening.
2. Use royal icing and round tip 2 to outline the
edge and the top ridge of the nail.
3. Use round tip 1 to
fill in outlined
areas with Cornelli
lace. Lace should
touch only the
outlines. The
design should
never overlap.
4. Put the lace-trimmed nail (suspended from a
rack) in a 200
oven for 10 seconds. Then
gently slip the lace off the nail onto a paper
towel. Let it dry thoroughly (approximately
20 to 30 minutes) before placing it on the
Royal icing laceRoyal icing lace
Royal icing laceRoyal icing lace
Royal icing lace
Icing: Medium royal icing.
Tips: Round tip 1. Other: Parchment or freezer
paper bags.
1. Trace the lace pattern on the parchment
paper, then tape it on the cake board. Cover
the pattern with waxed paper. Using tip 1 and
a parchment bag, squeeze, pull, and drop the
icing string to outline the pattern.
2. Pipe the center design, making sure the lines
touch to give the lace stability while remov-
ing them from the waxed paper.
3. Embellish as desired. Let dry for several
hours. Carefully slide the lace off the waxed
paper using a small angled spatula.
4. Make sure the
cake frosting is
completely dry
before attaching
the lace to the
cake. Place dots of
royal icing on the
cake to secure the
lace to the cake.
Modeling chocolateModeling chocolate
Modeling chocolateModeling chocolate
Modeling chocolate
14-ounce package of Chocolate Candy Melts®
(not chocolate chips)
½ cup light corn syrup
1. Melt Candy Melts® according to the package
directions. Add heated light corn syrup and
stir until thoroughly mixed. Turn the mixture
out on waxed paper and let it sit at room
temperature to dry. Wrap it well, and store it
at room temperature until needed. Candy
handles best if hardened overnight. When
ready to use, knead a small amount until it
reaches a workable consistency. This mixture
will keep for several weeks at room tempera-
ture in a well-sealed container.
2. The chocolate will be very hard at the start.
Knead one small portion at a time until it is
Modeling a roseModeling a rose
Modeling a roseModeling a rose
Modeling a rose
1. To make a rose, start
with the base. Shape a
¾-inch ball into a cone
approximately 1½
inches high.
2. Flatten a
-inch ball of
modeling chocolate into
a circular petal that’s
about ¼ inch thick on
one side and about the
diameter of a dime.
Make several petals this size.
3. Wrap the first petal around the point of the
cone to form a bud. Now press three more
petals around the base of the bud. Gently
pinch the edges of the petals. Make five more
petals using slightly larger balls of chocolate.
Flatten and then thin the edge with your
finger and cup the petals. Press the petals
below the first row of petals. Continue adding
petals, placing them in between and slightly
lower than the previous row. For a fuller
flower, continue adding petals in this manner.
4. Make several roses with different amounts of
petals for a variety of sizes.
Leaf modelingLeaf modeling
Leaf modelingLeaf modeling
Leaf modeling
1. Method 1: Roll a
-inch ball and model it
into a teardrop shape. Flatten it into a leaf
shape. Use a knife to score the veins. Press it
onto a rose cone base.
2. Method 2: On the back of a clean, thoroughly
dried, grape or rose leaf, paint on melted
Candy Melts® with a soft pastry or art brush.
Let it set and when it is completely dry,
carefully peel the leaf off the candy.
1 cup almond paste (8 ounce can)
2 egg whites, unbeaten
3 cups confectioners’ sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla or rum flavoring
1. Knead the almond paste in a bowl. Add the
egg whites and mix well. Continue kneading
as you add the sugar, one cup at a time, and
flavoring, until the marzipan feels like heavy
pie crust dough.
2. Marzipan will keep for months when refriger-
ated in a plastic bag inside a covered con-
tainer. Let marzipan stand at room tempera-
ture until soft enough to work. If it is still stiff
when you are ready to use it, soften it with
one or two drops of warmed corn syrup.
3. Add food color, one drop at a time, and
knead it until the right shade is achieved. To
make dark chocolate color and flavor, work
in powdered, unsweetened cocoa until it is as
dark as you wish. To make a deep golden
color and coffee flavor, use powdered instant
coffee. If these ingredients make the
marzipan dough too stiff, soften it with egg
white or an extract, such as almond, until the
desired shade is reached.
4. When you are making several different fruits,
divide the dough equally to keep all of the
pieces in proportion. To do this, dust the
table with confectioners’ sugar and roll the
mixture into a 12-inch by
-inch rope.
5. Cut and model all the similar pieces at once.
For example, cut 1-inch pieces for apples,
larger ones for pumpkins, smaller ones for
strawberries, etc. Roll them into ball shapes,
then model them between the heels of your
hands or roll them with your fingertips.
Glaze the marzipan by brushing on thinned,
heated corn syrup. Add texture to oranges and
lemons by rolling them over a grater. Make stems
from cloves. Roll strawberries in red-tinted
granulated sugar. The stem and leaf should be
made with marzipan.
Use your imagination for other variations and
Rolled fondant icingRolled fondant icing
Rolled fondant icingRolled fondant icing
Rolled fondant icing
Rolled fondant has a very smooth appearance
and a smooth rounded edge, usually with no
border at the top edge. Cover a cake with rolled
fondant icing using either cooked or ready-to-use
1. Prepare the cake by covering it with a crumb
coat of buttercream icing.
2. Before rolling out the fondant, knead it until
it is a workable consistency. If the fondant is
sticky, knead in a little confectioners’ sugar.
Lightly dust a smooth work surface and
rolling pin with confectioners’ sugar to
prevent sticking.
3. Measure the cake to determine what size
fondant you’ll need to cover the cake. Mea-
sure the opposite sides and top of the cake
across the center and add the measurements.
For example, an 8-inch two-layer cake, with
two sides of 4 inches, equals 16 inches. The
fondant would need to be rolled in a circle 16
inches in diameter to cover this cake. Roll the
fondant to ¼-inch thick with a rolling pin,
lifting and moving the pin as you roll. Add
more confectioners’ sugar if necessary. It is
extremely important to remember to lift the
rolling pin and move it several times to keep
the fondant from sticking to the rolling
surface or it will tear when you try to pick it
4. Gently lift the fondant over the rolling pin or
slide it onto a cardboard cake circle that has
been dusted with confectioners’ sugar. Lift
the circle and the fondant and position them
over the cake. Gently shake the circle to slide
the fondant off the board and into position
on the cake. (Take care not to tear the fon-
dant with your fingernails.)
5. Shape the fondant to the sides of the cake
with a smoothing tool. The warmth of your
hands can affect the fondant. Mark the
fondant at the base of the cake and trim off
any excess using a sharp knife or pizza
6. Smooth and shape the fondant on the cake
using a smoothing tool. Beginning in the
middle of the top of the cake, move the
smoother out and down the sides of the cake
to smooth and shape the fondant to the cake
and remove any air bubbles. If an air bubble
appears, pop it with a pin and smooth the
area again.
Fondant icing decorationsFondant icing decorations
Fondant icing decorationsFondant icing decorations
Fondant icing decorations
Fondant decorations can be made by molding the
fondant like Play-Doh®. Look through decorating
books for examples and experiment with differ-
ent tools to make ruffles, bows, braids, ropes,
flowers, and leaves.
Roll out the fondant to a thickness of about
inch to ¼ inch for most decorations.
1. Flowers can be shaped by making individual
petals and forming them around a base into a
rose (see Modeling chocolate, page 73).
2. Flower variations: Cut a small strip of fon-
dant about 2 inches by 5 inches. Begin rolling
the strip lightly from one end, gradually
loosening the roll as the flower gets larger.
Trim the flower so it is ¾ to 1 inch high.
3. Use small cookie cutters to cut leaf or flower
shapes, geometric shapes, or letters and place
them on the cake.
Gum pasteGum paste
Gum pasteGum paste
Gum paste
This pliable dough-like mixture molds into
beautiful flowers and figures. Purchase a gum
paste mix or find a recipe using Glucose and
Gum-Tex® Karaya. Leaf and petal cutters and
shaping tools are available for making these
unique and delicate decorations.
Adaptations of basic cakeAdaptations of basic cake
Adaptations of basic cakeAdaptations of basic cake
Adaptations of basic cake
decorating techniquesdecorating techniques
decorating techniquesdecorating techniques
decorating techniques
Petits fours
1. Bake petits fours in shaped pans, or cut a
regular-sized cake into smaller pieces before
2. Find recipes for the special petits fours
frosting. Frost the cakes, allow them to dry,
and then decorate them. Use some of the
same or smaller flowers, leaves, and borders
that you have been using on cakes.
Use the same decorating techniques, such as
flowers, leaves, etc., on cupcakes. Make flowers
and figure piping large enough to cover the top
of the cupcake.
Hors d’oeuvres and gelatin salads
Cream cheese or other softened cheeses are
similar to frosting in consistency. Make cheese
decorations on small sandwiches or on small
molded gelatin forms.
Pulled sugar flowers
Find directions for pulled sugar flowers and
decorations in advanced cake decorating or
culinary books. Experiment with the technique,
and if you are pleased with the results, use them
on one of your decorated cakes.