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Dawn M. Pinnock
Katrina Porter
Chief Human Capital Officer/
Deputy Commissioner
Human Capital - Bureau of Examinations
The David N. Dinkins Municipal Building
One Centre Street, New York, NY 10007
Special Circumstances Guide
This document has been created to be readable by screen readers and text-to-speech conversions.
Below are the instructions for submitting a request for Religious Observance; Special Testing
Accommodations; Special make-up Test due to Temporary Disability, Pregnancy-related, or
Childbirth-related Condition; Veteran or Disabled Veteran Credit; Parent or Sibling Legacy Credit, or
to notify DCAS of a change of Mailing Address, Email Address, and Telephone Number.
These instructions are provided to inform you of the timelines to notify DCAS and the type of
supporting documentation required to substantiate your requests.
Religious Observance:
Written requests for an alternate test date because of a religious observance must be received at
least 15 days before the first date testing is expected to begin. Accordingly, if you are unable to
attend on the first date testing is expected to begin as announced on the Notice of Examination
because of religious observance, you must notify DCAS of the potential conflict at least 15 days
before the first date testing is expected to begin. Please do not wait to submit your request for an
alternate test date until after you have received your Admission Notice indicating your assigned test
date. Requests received untimely may not be accepted or processed.
Your written request for Religious Observance must include the following 8 items:
Full Name
Last 4-digits of Social Security Number and/or OASys Profile ID number
Exam Title and Exam Number
Email Address
Daytime Telephone Number
Statement from you describing in detail the reason or event for requesting an alternate test
date for religious observance. For example: Sabbath, wedding, death in the family, specifying
your relationship to the deceased, etc.
Signature, and
Include a signed statement on letterhead from your Religious Leader certifying that your
religious observance prohibits you from taking the test on the date the testing is expected to
You may submit your written request for Religious Observance and supporting documentation to
DCAS as follows:
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By email: [email protected] using the subject line “Request for an Alt
Test” and scan and attach your written request and supporting documentation.
By fax: 212-313-3421. Include your written request and supporting documentation.
By mail: DCAS, Test Administration Unit, One Centre Street, 14th Floor, Room 1448, New
York, NY 10007. Include your written request and supporting documentation.
It is strongly recommended that if you decide to notify DCAS by mail that you maintain
proof of mailing.
Applicants will be notified of the decision of their request for special testing accommodations.
Applicants approved for special testing accommodations will be notified of the type of special testing
accommodations that DCAS will provide. The test date details (location, date, and time) will be
provided approximately two weeks before the test has been scheduled.
Special Testing Accommodations:
This section provides details for requesting special testing accommodations for any applicant who is
disabled or has medical conditions that requires special accommodation to take the examination.
Please note that individuals who use medical assistive devices that give notifications or alerts, or that
vibrate will need to request and accommodation prior to taking the test. The request must state the
type of medical assistive device and the reason that you need to use it during the test.
If you have a disability and/or medical condition which will interfere with your ability to take a test
without special testing accommodations or other assistance, you must submit a written request for
specific special testing accommodations by email, fax, mail (postmarked) no later than 30 days
before first date of testing. Please read the Notice of Examination for the first date testing is expected
to begin. Where appropriate and practicable, DCAS may provide an alternative form of
Your written request for Special Testing Accommodations must include the following 8 items:
1. Full Name
2. Last 4-digits of Social Security Number and/or OASys Profile ID number
3. Exam Title and Exam Number
4. Email Address
5. Daytime Telephone Number
6. Statement from you describing the specific nature of your disability and the type of special
testing accommodations or assistance you are seeking
7. Signature, and
8. Except for use of a medical assistive device, include a signed statement on letterhead from a
doctor or agency authorized for this purpose that corroborates your disability.
You may submit your written request for Special Testing Accommodations and supporting
documentation as follows:
By email: [email protected], using the subject line “Request for Special
Testing Accommodations, and scan and attach your written request and supporting
By fax: 212-313-3421. Include your written request and supporting documentation.
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By mail: DCAS, Test Administration Unit, One Centre Street, 14th Floor, Room 1448, New
York, NY 10007. Include your written request and supporting documentation.
It is strongly recommended that if you decide to notify DCAS by mail that you maintain
proof of mailing.
Applicants will be notified of the decision of their request for special testing accommodations.
Applicants approved for special testing accommodations will be notified of the type of special testing
accommodations that DCAS will provide. The test date details (location, date, and time) will be
provided approximately two weeks before the test has been scheduled.
Special Make-up Test:
This section provides details for requesting a special make-up test due to a temporary disability,
pregnancy-related or childbirth-related condition.
If you have a temporary disability, pregnancy-related, or childbirth-related condition which prevents
you from taking the exam on the date that it is scheduled, you may request a special make-up test by
submitting a written request either by email, fax, or mail (postmarked) no later than one week
following the close of the application period, or if the temporary disability, pregnancy-related, or
childbirth-related condition arises after that date, then within one week following the occurrence.
Your written request must include the following 8 items:
1. Full Name
2. Last 4-digits of Social Security Number and/or OASys Profile ID number
3. Exam Title and Exam Number
4. Email Address
5. Daytime Telephone Number
6. Statement from you requesting for a make-up test and the reason.
If applicable, you may also request special testing accommodations and include a
statement from you describing the specific nature of your disability and the type of
special testing accommodations or assistance you are seeking
7. Signature, and
8. Include medical documentation on letterhead signed by an appropriate, licensed doctor
specifying the following 4 items:
the nature of the condition; and
the duration of the condition; and
the functional limitations of the condition; and
why the condition will prevent or has prevented you from taking the test as scheduled.
Please note that if you are requesting special testing accommodation, your supporting
documentation must include a signed statement on letterhead from a doctor or agency
authorized for this purpose that corroborates your disability.
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You may submit your written request or a special make-up test and if applicable, special testing
accommodations and supporting documentation as follows:
By email: [email protected], using the subject line “Request for Special
Make-up Test” (& Special Accommodations, if applicable) and scan and attach your written
request and supporting documentation.
By fax: 212-313-3421. Include your written request and supporting documentation.
By mail: DCAS, Test Administration Unit, One Centre Street, 14th Floor, Room 1448, New
York, NY 10007. Include your written request and supporting documentation.
It is strongly recommended that if you decide to notify DCAS by mail that you maintain
proof of mailing.
Applicants will be notified of the decision of their request for a special make-up test and if applicable,
special testing accommodations. Applicants approved for a special make-up test will be notified of
their test date details (location, date, and time) approximately two weeks before the test has been
scheduled. Additionally, applicants approved for special testing accommodations will be notified of the
type of special testing accommodations that DCAS will provide.
Veteran or Disabled Veteran Credit:
For Veteran or Disabled Veteran Credit you must meet the following requirements by the date of
appointment or promotion:
Be a resident of New York State; and
Be a United States citizen, or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residency; and
Received an honorable discharge or release under honorable conditions from the Armed
Forces of the United States. The “Armed Forces of the United States” means the Army,
Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard, including all components thereof, and
the National Guard when in the service of the United States pursuant to call as provided
by Law; and
Have served on full-time active duty, other than active duty for training.
For Disabled Veteran Credit only: In addition to above, at the time the list is established,
you must have been found to have a service-connected disability, which has been rated
at least 10 percent by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (V.A.). If the V.A. has not
certified the disability as permanent, it must have been rated at least 10 percent by a
V.A. physician no more than one year prior to the date of filing your application or the
date of establishment of the eligible list.
Veteran Credit or Disabled Veteran Credit should be requested at the time of application but must be
requested before the date the eligible list is established. If a candidate requests Veteran Credit or
Disabled Veteran Credit after an application for an exam has been submitted, the candidate must
notify DCAS in writing. Claims for Veteran Credit or Disabled Veteran Credit cannot be submitted
once the eligible list is established. All claims for Veteran Credit or Disabled Veteran Credit will be
investigated and candidates will be required to present supporting documentation, such as discharge
papers, to verify their eligibility for the credit.
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Additional Information:
You may use Veteran or Disabled Veteran Credit only once after January 1, 1951, for
appointment or promotion from a City, State, or County civil service list from a jurisdiction
within the State of New York.
Veteran or Disabled Veteran credit will be added only to the final score of those candidates
who pass all parts of the examination.
The above is only a summary of necessary conditions. The complete provisions are contained
in statutory and decisional law.
Your written request for Veteran Credit or Disabled Veteran Credit must include the following 7 items:
1. Full Name
2. Last 4-digits of Social Security Number and/or OASys Profile ID number
3. Exam Title and Exam Number
4. Mailing Address
5. Daytime Telephone Number
6. Statement from you requesting to have Veteran Credit or Disabled Veteran Credit added to
your test score, and
7. Signature
You may submit your written request to claim Veteran Credit or Disabled Veteran Credit as follows:
By email: [email protected], using the subject line “Request for Veteran
Credit” or “Request for Disabled Veteran Credit” and submit your written request.
By fax 212-313-3436. Include your written request.
By mail: DCAS, List Management and Audit, One Centre Street, 21
Floor, Room 2150, New
York, NY 10007. Include your written request.
It is strongly recommended that if you decide to notify DCAS by mail that you maintain
proof of mailing.
Please note that including supporting documentation, such as your DD-214 is not required with your
request to receive this credit. You will be notified when to present your supporting documentation.
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Legacy Credit (Parent or Sibling):
Please note that this credit is for Open-Competitive Examinations Only
Ten points can be added to an open-competitive exam’s test score of a candidate who is the child
or sibling of:
an individual who served the City of New York as a Firefighter, Police Officer, Emergency
Medical Technician, or Paramedic and was killed in the line of duty; and or
an individual who served the City of New York as a Firefighter or Police Officer and died in the
performance of duty as a result of the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001 or as
the result of participation in the rescue effort that took place in response to the attack; and or
a FDNY EMS member in the service of the City of New York who died in the performance of
duty as the result of the World Trade Center attack on September 11, 2001 or as the result of
participation in the rescue efforts that took place in response to the attack.
A candidate can receive Legacy Credit for no more than one parent or one sibling. A candidate can,
however, receive Legacy Credit for both a parent and a sibling, in which case, the candidate may be
entitled to 20 points. Legacy Credit should be requested at the time of application but must be
requested before the date the eligible list is established. If a candidate requests Legacy Credit
after an application for an exam has been submitted, the candidate must notify DCAS in writing. All
claims for Parent Legacy Credit and Sibling Legacy Credit will be investigated and candidates will be
required to present to the hiring agency prior to appointment, supporting documentation verifying their
eligibility for the credits.
Additional Information:
You may use Legacy Credit only once for appointment from a City, State, or County open-
competitive civil service eligible list from a jurisdiction within the State of New York.
Legacy Credit will be added only to the final score of those candidates who pass all parts of
the open-competitive examination.
The above description of Legacy Credit is only a summary of necessary conditions. The
complete provisions are contained in the relevant statutory and decisional laws governing
Parent and Sibling Legacy Credit.
Your written request for Parent Legacy Credit, Sibling Legacy Credit, or both Parent and Sibling
Legacy Credit must include the following 7 items:
1. Full Name
2. Last 4-digits of Social Security Number and/or OASys Profile ID number
3. Exam Title and Exam Number
4. Mailing Address
5. Daytime Telephone Number
6. Statement from you requesting to receive Parent Legacy Credit or Sibling Legacy Credit, or
both Parent and Sibling Legacy Credit added to your test score, and
7. Signature
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You may submit your written request to claim Parent Legacy Credit, Sibling Legacy Credit, or both
Parent and Sibling Legacy Credit as follows:
By email: [email protected], using the subject line “Request for Legacy
Credit” and submit your written request.
By fax 212-313-3436. Include your written request.
By mail: DCAS, List Management and Audit, One Centre Street, 21
Floor, Room 2150, New
York, NY 10007. Include your written request.
It is strongly recommended that if you decide to notify DCAS by mail that you maintain
proof of mailing.
Change of Mailing Address, Email Address, or Telephone Number:
It is critical that you promptly notify DCAS of any change to your mailing address, email address and
phone number. If we do not have your correct mailing address, email address or phone number, you
will not receive information about your exams, consideration for appointment, and important
information that may require a response by a specified deadline.
If you need to update your Mailing Address, Email Address, or Telephone Number, follow the
instructions below:
City Employees: Update this information in NYCAPS Employee Self-Service (ESS) at
All Others: Update this information on your Profile page in the Online Application System
(OASys) by logging into your OASys account and navigating to your Dashboard, then your
Profile tab (at
Submit a written request that includes the following 7 items:
1. Full Name
2. Last 4-digits of Social Security Number and/or OASys Profile ID number
3. Exam Titles and Exam Numbers
4. Previous mailing address, email address, or telephone number
5. Current or new mailing address, email address, or telephone number
6. Signature, and
7. Include a copy of a valid photo ID such as NYS ID, IDNYC, Driver License, Passport, etc.
You may submit your written request to change your Mailing Address, Email Address, or Telephone
Number as follows:
By email: [email protected], using the subject line “Data Correction” and scan and attach
your written request and the copy of your valid photo ID.
By fax: 646-500-7190. Include your written request and copy of your valid photo ID.
By mail: DCAS, Applications Processing Unit, One Centre Street, 14
Floor, Room 1448, New
York, NY 10007. Include your written request and a copy of your valid photo ID.
It is strongly recommended that if you decide to notify DCAS by mail that you maintain
proof of mailing.
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Please Note:
Written requests received to change the Mailing Address, Email Address, or Telephone
Number without a copy of your valid photo ID will not be processed.
Once your requested Mailing Address, Email Address, and Telephone Number has been
changed, this results in a change for every eligible list on which your name appears.
Change of Name and or Social Security Number:
Use the Data Correction Form and follow all instructions for changing your name and or social
security number with DCAS. The following link will provide you with the DCAS Data Correction
Revised: October 2023