Guidelines for Food
For ready-to-eat food in
general and specific food items
August 2014 (Revised)
Guidelines for Food
For ready-to-eat food in
general and specific food items
Microbiological Guidelines for Food
(For ready-to-eat food in general and specific food items)
August 2014
Centre for Food Safety
This set of Guidelines is published by
the Centre for Food Safety, Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.
The technical content has been developed
in consultation with
the Expert Committee on Food Safety
of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.
Risk Assessment Section
Centre for Food Safety
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
43/F, Queensway Government Offices,
66 Queensway, Hong Kong.
Tel: (852) 2867 5699 Fax: (852) 2893 3547
Email: enquiries@fehd.gov.hk
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Microbiological Guidelines for Food
As part of the Government’s ongoing efforts to enhance food safety for the
protection of public health and consumer interest, the Administration conducts
review on microbiological standards and guidelines for food and amends them
where necessary by taking international/ national standards and guidelines as
well as local situation into consideration.
In light of changing needs and expert views, the Microbiological
Guidelines for Ready-to-eat Food (the Guidelines) established in 2002 were
amended under the advice of the Expert Panel on Microbiological Safety of
Food in 2007. Subsequently in 2009, supplementary information to the
Guidelines regarding the microbiological criteria for bottled waters and edible
ice and the revised microbiological criteria for non-bottled drinks were
established under the advice of an Ad Hoc Working Group on Microbiological
Safety of Food formed under the Expert Committee on Food Safety (Expert
Committee) in 2008.
In order to keep the local microbiological guidelines abreast of the
international development and advancement of food science and technology,
the Ad Hoc Working Group on Microbiological Safety of Food 2011 (Working
Group) was formed under the Expert Committee to provide professional
recommendation based on the latest situation.
Apart from textual amendments, major revisions on the following aspects
were recommended by the Working Group - (1) modifying the existing
microbiological criteria as well as establishing additional microbiological
criteria with reference to international/ national standards and guidelines, (2)
incorporating microbiological criteria stipulated in the supplementary
information to the Guidelines, (3) revising the classification and nomenclature
of microbiological quality and (4) putting in additional information on common
foodborne pathogens in Appendix I for reference. The trade was consulted on
the proposed amendments and the Guidelines were endorsed by the Expert
Committee. Since the revised Guidelines would include microbiological
criteria for both ready-to-eat and non-ready-to-eat food e.g. powdered infant
formula, the title of the Guidelines is also changed to “Microbiological
Guidelines for Food”.
The revised Guidelines supersede those previously issued and serve to
facilitate enforcement in monitoring and controlling of microbiological quality
of food as well as facilitating the trade in devising measures to improve food
Centre for Food Safety
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
August 2014
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Ad Hoc Working Group on Microbiological Safety of Food 2011
The Expert Committee on Food Safety (Expert Committee), set up
under the Centre for Food Safety, is responsible for advising the Director of
Food and Environmental Hygiene in the formulation of food safety measures,
review of food safety standards in light of international practices, trends and
developments, as well as risk communication strategies. In 2011, the Expert
Committee endorsed to set up the Ad Hoc Working Group on Microbiological
Safety of Food 2011 (Working Group) to provide advice on the review of
“Microbiological Guidelines for Ready-to-eat Food” (the Guidelines) in Hong
The Working Group consists of academics, professionals,
representatives from Government Departments and members of the Expert
Committee. The Working Group is chaired by Consultant (Community
Medicine) (Risk Assessment and Communication) with secretariat support
provided by Risk Assessment Section of the Centre for Food Safety. Officials
from the Department of Health and Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation
Department provide advice on issues fall under their purviews.
The non-official members are as follows:
Members of Expert Committee on Food Safety (2010-2012)
Dr CHUA Sin-bin Principal Consultant,
Agrifood Technologies Pte Ltd., Singapore
Dr Matthew NG
Consultant Physician,
Department of Medicine,
Tung Wah Hospital
Experts from Overseas and Mainland
Dr Duncan CRAIG
Manager/Principal Microbiologist,
Risk Assessment – Microbiology Section,
Food Standards Australia New Zealand
Prof. LIU Xiu-mei
Scientist and Professor,
National Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety,
Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Local Experts
Dr CHEN Sheng Assistant Professor,
Department of Applied Biology & Chemical Technology,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Dr HO Pak-leung Associate Professor,
Department of Microbiology,
The University of Hong Kong
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Prof. Margaret IP Professor,
Department of Microbiology,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Dr NG Tak-keung Consultant Microbiologist,
Department of Pathology,
Princess Margaret Hospital
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Introduction to Microbiological Guidelines for Food 1-2
Chapter I Microbiological Criteria for Ready-to-eat
Food in General - Aerobic Colony Count
(ACC) and Hygiene Indicator Organisms
Chapter II Microbiological Criteria for Ready-to-eat
Food in General - Specific Foodborne
Chapter III Microbiological Criteria for Specific Food
References 22
Appendix I Common Foodborne Pathogens 23-34
Appendix II Guidance Notes on Sampling Plan for
Microbiological Analysis
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Introduction to Microbiological Guidelines for Food
- Recommendations for Food Safety Monitoring in Hong Kong-
Food safety control aims to safeguard public health and provide
assurance on food safety. To this end, microbiological analyses are useful
ways to assess the safety and quality of food involved. This set of Guidelines
presents the recommended microbiological criteria for (1) ready-to-eat food in
general and (2) specific food items.
Purpose of the Guidelines
2. In the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the legal powers
and instruments for the enforcement of microbiological safety of food are
provided for in the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance, Chapter
132 (the Ordinance). Section 54 of the Ordinance stipulates that it is an
offence to sell food that is unfit for human consumption. General protection
for purchasers of food is provided in Section 52 of the Ordinance when a
person may be guilty for selling to the prejudice of a purchaser any food which
is not of the nature, substance or quality demanded by the purchaser. Legal
microbiological standards for some specified foods are stipulated in its
subsidiary legislations.
3. Microbiological Guidelines are criteria indicating the microbiological
condition of the food items when there are no established microbiological
standards. They also supplement any existing legislative microbiological
standards so as to reflect the safety and hygienic quality of the food. The
purpose of this set of Guidelines is to provide assistance to officers in the
interpretation of microbiological analyses of foods and give recommendations
on the appropriate follow-up action to monitor and control food safety. It also
serves to facilitate the trade in devising measures to improve their food safety
Use of the Guidelines
4. The microbiological criteria for (i) ready-to-eat food in general
Aerobic colony count (ACC) and Hygiene indicator organisms, (ii) ready-to-eat
food in general specific foodborne pathogens and (iii) specific food items are
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listed in Chapters I to III respectively.
5. Microbiological methods are appended to some microbiological
criteria which are given in the relevant Codex standards and code of hygienic
practices. Other equivalent methods that have been validated to provide
appropriate sensitivity, reproducibility, reliability etc. could be employed.
Preference should be given to methods which have been validated for the
commodity concerned especially in relation to reference methods elaborated by
international organisations. This is also applicable to other microbiological
criteria in this set of Guidelines, which have no microbiological method
6. Additional information on the Common Foodborne Pathogens
(Appendix I) and the Guidance Notes on Sampling Plan for Microbiological
Analysis (Appendix II) are supplemented to this set of Guidelines for reference.
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Chapter I. Microbiological Criteria for Ready-to-eat Food in General
- Aerobic Colony Count (ACC) and Hygiene Indicator Organisms
Microbiological criteria in Chapters I and II
are intended for
assessing the microbiological quality of ready-to-eat food in general. These
criteria are based on the local “Microbiological Guidelines for Ready-to-eat
Food (May 2007 Revised)” and are revised with reference to the Guidelines
for Assessing the Microbiological Safety of Ready-to-Eat Foods Placed on the
published by the Health Protection Agency in the United Kingdom in
November 2009 and the advice from the Ad Hoc Working Group on
Microbiological Safety of Food 2011 after taking local situation into
2. The criteria stated in Chapters I and II apply to ready-to-eat food in
general. “Ready-to-eat food” means food intended by the producer or the
manufacturer for direct human consumption without the need for cooking or
other processing effective to eliminate or reduce to an acceptable level the
microorganisms of concern.
3. However, some microbiological criteria set out in Chapter III apply to
certain food items which may not be ready-to-eat. Chapters I, II and III
should be read together for the microbiological criteria of specified food. For
example, for live or raw bivalve molluscs intended for direct consumption, the
relevant Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. criteria are stipulated in Chapter
III. As regards other microbiological criteria, they are set out in Chapters I
and II.
Components of Microbiological Criteria for Ready-to-eat Food in General
4. The microbiological limits for ready-to-eat food in general consist of
three components:
Aerobic colony count (ACC);
Hygiene indicator organisms – E. coli and Enterobacteriaceae;
Specific foodborne pathogens – ten specific bacterial pathogens.
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5. The microbiological criteria for ACC and hygiene indicator organisms
are covered in this Chapter while those for specific foodborne pathogens are
included in Chapter II.
Classification of Microbiological Quality
6. The microbiological assessment of ready-to-eat food on the above
three components will lead to the classification of microbiological quality into
one of the following three classes
(a) Satisfactory: test results indicating good microbiological quality.
(b) Borderline: test results that are not unsatisfactory but are also not
satisfactory, are on the upper limit of acceptability and which indicate the
potential for development of public health problems and of unacceptable
(c) Unsatisfactory: For ACC, test results which indicate investigating
reasons for high count may be considered. For hygiene indicator
organisms, test results that require remedial action. For pathogens, test
results at levels which indicate a product that is potentially injurious to
health and/or unfit for human consumption and require immediate
remedial action.
7. Suggested actions to be taken by officers for each class i.e.
satisfactory, borderline and unsatisfactory in response to the results of ACC,
hygiene indicator organisms and specific foodborne pathogens in ready-to-eat
food in general are summarised in Table 1.1.
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Table 1.1 Summary on suggested actions (not exclusive) to be taken
by officers for each class in response to the results of ACC, hygiene
indicator organisms and specific foodborne pathogens in ready-to-eat
food in general
ACC Hygiene indicator
Specific foodborne
(NB: Perform risk
assessment before any
further action)
No action required.
Consider the source
of the food
(producer/ retailer
etc.) and the stage of
shelf life before
determining action.
If other samples
from the same
source are also of
borderline quality,
further investigation
may be appropriate.
Parties concerned (e.g.
vendors) should be
advised to review
cooking and all hygiene
procedures including
cleaning. Consider
taking investigative
food samples. Action
should be proportional
to the levels detected.
Risk will increase
proportional to the levels
detected. Parties
concerned (e.g. vendors)
should be advised to
investigate and find out
the causes and to adopt
measures to improve the
situation. Consider
taking investigative food
investigating reasons
for high count.
Parties concerned (e.g.
vendors) should be
advised to review
cooking and all hygiene
procedures including
cleaning. Take
investigative food
Immediate investigation;
Parties concerned (e.g.
vendors) should be
instructed to stop sale of
food item in question,
investigate immediately
and find out the causes
and to adopt measures to
improve the situation.
Take investigative food
samples. In addition,
warning letters, source
tracing and other
enforcement actions
should be considered.
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Aerobic Colony Count (ACC)
“Aerobic colony count (ACC)”, also known as the total viable count
or standard plate count, is the total number of bacteria able to grow in an
aerobic environment in moderate temperature. It is an indicator of quality, not
safety, and cannot directly contribute towards a safety assessment of
ready-to-eat food. In addition, ACCs can provide useful information about
the general quality and remaining shelf life of the food in question, and thus
highlight potential problems of storage and handling since production; however
they are not deemed a priority in a risk based analysis.
2. In general, immediate action in response to high ACCs is not usually
warranted except for shelf-stable canned or bottled food products immediately
after opening (Food Category 1, Table 1.2). The ACC level in ready-to-eat
foods will depend initially on the type and duration of processing that the food
has received during production. Thereafter the level will depend on how it is
handled and stored.
3. Guidance on the interpretation of results for ACC levels in various
ready-to-eat foods is provided in Table 1.2.
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Table 1.2 Guidance on the interpretation of results for ACC levels [30°C/48 hours] in various ready-to-eat foods
Food Category
Examples Result (colony-forming unit (cfu)/g)
1. Ambient stable canned, bottled,
and pouched foods immediately
after removal from container
Canned products such as tuna, salmon, corned beef, soups, stews, desserts
and fruit; ultra-high-temperature (UHT) products <10 N/A Note
2. Foods cooked immediately prior to
sale or consumption
Takeaway food, burgers, kebabs, sausages, pizza , ready meals (cook/chill
and cook/freeze) after regeneration, dim sum, rice, noodles
3. Cooked foods chilled but with
minimum handling prior to sale or
consumption; canned pasteurised foods
requiring refrigeration
Whole pies, sausage rolls, samosas, flans, quiches, chicken portions;
canned ham requiring refrigeration, pasteurised foods including fruit juice
and soups; desserts
4. Bakery and confectionery products
without dairy cream, powdered foods
Cakes without dairy cream, soup powders, milk powder, powdered dairy
products, other reconstituted powdered foods ready to eat after
reconstitution or warming
5. Cooked foods chilled but with some
handling prior to sale or consumption
Sliced meats, cut pies, pâté, sandwiches without salad, hot smoked fish
(mackerel, etc.), molluscs, crustaceans and other shellfish out of shell,
non-prepackaged cold beverages with solid ingredients but without dairy
components (iced green tea with red bean, etc.)
6. Non-fermented dairy products and
dairy desserts, mayonnaise and
mayonnaise based dressings, cooked
Most butter, fresh cheese (mascarpone, paneer), trifle with dairy cream,
satay, cakes with dairy cream, non-prepackaged cold beverages with solid
ingredients and dairy components (iced milk tea with pearl tapioca, etc.)
7. Food mixed with dressings, dips,
Coleslaw, dips, taramasalata, houmous
8. Extended shelf life food products
requiring refrigeration
Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) or vacuum packed products, e.g.
meat, fish, fruit and vegetables
8 d
9. Raw ready-to-eat meat and fish, cold
smoked fish
Sushi, sashimi, smoked salmon, gravalax
10. Preserved food products – pickled,
marinated or salted
Pickled or salted fish, cooked shellfish in vinegar, vegetables in vinegar or
oil, herbs, spices
11. Dried foods Fruits, berries, vine fruits, nuts, sunflower seeds, herbs, spices, dried fish N/A N/A N/A
12. Fresh fruit and vegetables, products
containing raw vegetables
Whole fruit, pre-prepared fruit salads, vegetable crudités, salads,
sandwiches with salad, mixed commodity salads containing raw
vegetables, non-prepackaged cold beverages with solid and fresh fruit
ingredients (chilled fresh mango juice with pomelo and sago, etc.)
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Food Category
Examples Result (colony-forming unit (cfu)/g)
13. Fermented, cured and dried meats,
fermented vegetables, ripened cheeses
Continental sausages/salamis, jerky, sauerkraut, olives, bean curd,
cheddar, stilton, brie, fermented milk drinks and butter, yoghurt, etc
14. Cooked meat products that may be
displayed for sale
at ambient temperature
for a limited period of time e.g. siu-mei
and lo-mei
Chinese poached chickens, roasted ducks and roasted pork
N/A denotes “Not applicable”
a. For food items that are not included in these food categories, their ACC level should be interpreted taking into account the raw ingredients used, and the
nature and degree of processing before sale.
b. Most products are normally sterile when sampled from the container but if they are consumed after subsequent further preparation then assess them as
Category 5.
c. These products are ‘Unsatisfactory’ if spore forming anaerobes are present but these require special tests for detection and enumeration. Spore forming
aerobes are also usually absent in foods that have been cooked in their container but low levels may occur in canned fish products.
d. Check for signs of spoilage. Lactic acid bacteria can grow well at refrigeration temperatures and do not grow well aerobically. Spoilage will eventually
occur at a level of around 10
cfu/g due to the production of lactic acid. If the predominant organisms are Gram-negative bacteria, spoilage is likely to be
noticeable at 10
to 10
cfu/g, e.g. taints, discolouration, and slime produced by pseudomonads, slime produced by other Gram-negative bacteria.
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Hygiene Indicator Organisms
“Hygiene indicator organisms” refers to the selected surrogate
markers. The main objective of using bacteria as indicators is to reflect the
hygienic quality of food.
2. E. coli is a commonly used faecal indicator organism. Its presence
in food generally indicates direct or indirect faecal contamination.
Substantial number of E. coli in food suggests a general lack of cleanliness in
handling and improper storage.
3. Enterobacteriaceae is a large group of biochemically and genetically
related bacteria used to assess the general hygiene status of a food product.
Their presence in heat treated food indicates inadequate cooking or
post-processing contamination. In addition, some members of
Enterobacteriaceae can contribute to the formation of histamine
(scombrotoxin) in foods such as scombroid fish and occasionally some
cheeses if these are not processed properly and/or stored at an adequate
refrigeration temperature.
4. Guidance on the interpretation of results for hygiene indicator
organisms in ready-to-eat food in general is provided in Table 1.3.
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Table 1.3 Guidance on the interpretation of results for hygiene indicator organisms in ready-to-eat food in general
Hygiene indicator organism
Result (colony-forming unit (cfu)/g)
Satisfactory Borderline Unsatisfactory
- <10
> 10
Escherichia coli
<20 20 - <10
> 10
To be implemented when the testing capacity for this criterion is ready.
a. The criterion listed for Enterobacteriaceae applies to heat treated food, fishes, and cheeses (excluding cheeses ripened using a culture of Hafnia alvei or
Proteus vulgaris). It does not apply to fresh fruit and vegetables or food that contains fresh fruit and vegetables as ingredients e.g. sandwiches with
salad, because these food types can contain high levels of Enterobacteriaceae as part of their normal micro-flora.
b. Criterion does not apply to cheeses made from raw milk.
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Specific Foodborne Pathogens
Examination for foodborne pathogens (bacteria that may cause food
poisoning) in ready-to-eat food contributes to food safety.
2. The symptoms of food poisoning vary from nausea and vomiting (e.g.
caused by Staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin), through diarrhoea and
dehydration (e.g. caused by Salmonella spp. and Campylobacter spp.) to
severe conditions such as septicaemia, meningitis, paralysis and death (e.g.
caused by invasive Listeria monocytogenes and in the rare cases of botulism
caused by Clostridium botulinum toxin). The infective doses of different
foodborne pathogens vary from less than ten to more than 10
General information on the common foodborne pathogens included in this set
of guidelines is provided in Appendix I.
3. Guidance on the interpretation of results for specific foodborne
pathogens in ready-to-eat food in general is provided in Table 2.1.
Chapter II. Microbiological Criteria for Ready-to-eat Food in General
Specific Foodborne Pathogens
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Table 2.1 Guidance on the interpretation of results for specific foodborne pathogens in ready-to-eat food in general
Result (colony-forming unit (cfu)/g unless otherwise specified)
Satisfactory Borderline
potentially injurious to health and/or
unfit for human consumption
Campylobacter spp. (thermotolerant) n.d. in 25g N/A Detected in 25g
Escherichia coli O157 (and
other Shiga
toxin-producing E. coli (STEC))
n.d. in 25g N/A Detected in 25g
Salmonella spp. n.d. in 25g N/A Detected in 25g
Vibrio cholerae (O1 and O139) n.d. in 25g N/A Detected in 25g
Shigella spp.
n.d. in 25g N/A Detected in 25g
Listeria monocytogenes
For refrigerated food
(excluding frozen
food) or food intended for infants
n.d. in 25g
N/A Detected in 25g
For other ready-to-eat food < 10
10 - < 100
> 100
Vibrio parahaemolyticus < 20 20 - < 10
> 10
Staphylococcus aureus and other
coagulase-positive staphylococci
< 20 20 - <10
> 10
Clostridium perfringens < 10 10 - <10
> 10
Bacillus cereus < 10
- < 10
> 10
n.d. = not detected; N/A = not applicable
To be implemented when the testing capacity for this criterion is ready.
a. Shigella spp. would be tested in the cases of food poisoning investigation or food complaint if the organism is implicated but not recommended for routine
b. This criterion applies to all refrigerated food (excluding frozen food) unless there is scientific evidence supporting that the food concerned does not
support the growth of Listeria monocytogenes under refrigeration. Reference can be made to the Codex Guidelines on the Application of General
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Principles of Food Hygiene to the Control of Listeria monocytogenes in Food (CAC/GL 61-2007).
c. ISO 11290-1:1996/Amd 1:2004. Other methods that provide equivalent sensitivity, reproducibility, and reliability can be employed if they have been
appropriately validated.
d. ISO 11290-2:1998/Amd 1:2004. Other methods that provide equivalent sensitivity, reproducibility, and reliability can be employed if they have been
appropriately validated.
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Chapter III. Microbiological Criteria for Specific Food Items
This chapter contains microbiological criteria for specific food items,
including ready-to-eat food.
2. The microbiological criteria for bottled waters, edible ice and
non-bottled drinks included in the Supplementary Information to
Microbiological Guidelines for Ready-to-eat Food (February 2009) were
established and adopted by an Ad Hoc Working Group on Microbiological
Safety of Food formed under the Expert Committee on Food Safety in 2008.
These criteria are incorporated in this chapter while the microbiological
criteria for natural mineral waters are revised in accordance with the latest
version of the Codex Code of Hygienic Practice for Collecting, Processing
and Marketing of Natural Mineral Waters (CAC/RCP 33-1985, revised 2011).
On the other hand, with consideration of local situation and expert opinion,
the microbiological criteria for powdered formulae for infants and young
children, treated, ready-to-eat spices as well as live or raw bivalve molluscs
intended for direct consumption are adopted with reference to the respective
Codex Code of Hygienic Practices and standard i.e. Code of Hygienic Practice
for Powdered Formulae for Infants and Young Children (CAC/RCP 66-2008,
revised 2009), Code of Hygienic Practice for Spices and Dried Aromatic
Plants (CAC/RCP 42-1995), Standard for Live and Raw Bivalve Molluscs
(CODEX STAN 292-2008, amendment 2013) and Code of Practice for Fish
and Fishery Products (CAC/RCP 52-2003, amendment 2013).
3. Some food items that are included in Chapter III (such as bottled
waters, edible ice, non-bottled drinks, ready-to-eat spices and live or raw
bivalve molluscs intended for direct consumption) also belong to ready-to-eat
food. Hence, the microbiological criteria stipulated in Chapters I and II are
applicable to these ready-to-eat food as well except for criteria that are laid
down in this chapter.
4. “Natural mineral water” is clearly distinguishable from ordinary
drinking water. The former is characterised by its content of certain mineral
salts, trace elements or other constituents. Natural mineral water is collected
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directly from natural or drilled sources from underground water in which the
original microbiological purity and chemical components are guaranteed. It
is also packaged close to the point of emergence of the source under hygienic
condition and not subjected to any treatment other than those permitted.
5. “Non-bottled drinks” are classified as restricted food specified in
Schedule 2 to the Food Business Regulation (Cap. 132X). Save with the
permission of the Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene, no person
shall sell non-bottled drinks. In this connection, a restricted food permit or a
relevant permission on a food business licence is required for selling
non-bottled drinks. Permittees / Licensees shall take all necessary steps to
ensure that the non-bottled drinks are free from contamination. In order to
monitor the hygiene condition under which the non-bottled drinks are
prepared, there is a licensing condition on bacteriological standards for
non-bottled drinks imposed on the concerned restricted food permits and food
business licences.
6. “Infant formula” means a breast milk substitute specially
manufactured to satisfy, by itself, the nutritional requirements of infants
during the first months of life up to the introduction of appropriate
complementary feeding.
7. “Follow-up formula” means a food intended for use as a liquid part
of the weaning diet for the infant from the 6
month on and for young
8. “Spices” include dried aromatic plants, relate to natural dried
components or mixtures thereof, used in foods for flavouring, seasoning and
imparting aroma. The term applies equally to spices in the whole, broken or
ground form.
9. “Live bivalve molluscs (intended for direct consumption)” are
products that are alive immediately prior to direct consumption. Presentation
includes the shell.
10. “Raw bivalve molluscs (intended for direct consumption)” are
products that were alive immediately prior to the commencement of
processing for direct consumption. They have been shucked and/or frozen
and/or processed to reduce or limit target organisms while essentially retaining
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the sensory characteristics of live bivalve molluscs. Raw bivalve molluscs
are marketed in a frozen or chilled state.
Some Specific Microbiological Parameters Included in Chapter III
11. Coliform bacteria can originate from faecal contamination or from
the environment. Coliform bacteria are normally not present in natural
mineral water sources. They are considered as an indicator of contamination
of the water at source or during the packaging process.
In addition, coliform
bacteria should be absent immediately after disinfection, and the presence of
these organisms in water indicates inadequate treatment.
12. Enterococci are a sub-group of faecal streptococci. Compared to E.
coli and coliforms, they tend to survive longer in the water environment and
are therefore used as an additional indicator of faecal contamination.
13. The spores of spore-forming sulphite-reducing anaerobes are very
resistant towards various kinds of environmental stresses. These bacteria can
originate from faecal contamination and due to the length of their survival in
unfavourable environments, they are usually used as an indicator of faecal
14. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a common environmental
microorganism and can be found in faeces, soil, water and sewage. It can
multiply in water environments and also on the surface of suitable organic
materials in contact with water. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is not a normal
component of the natural flora of natural mineral waters. Its presence is
considered as an indicator of contamination of the water at source or during
the packaging process.
15. Enterobacter sakazakii (Cronobacter spp.) is a pathogen that
generally causes disease only in people with weakened immune systems.
The bacterium can cause invasive infections (e.g. sepsis or meningitis) in
infant. Neonates (≤ 28 days old) and infants less than 2 months of age, in
particular those that are pre-term, low-birth-weight (<2.5 kg) and
immunocompromised, are at greatest risk. Powdered infant formulae were
established as the source of E. sakazakii (Cronobacter spp.).
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Interpretation of Microbiological Results
16. Any food samples failing any of the microbiological criteria
stipulated in this chapter will be considered as “Unsatisfactory: Potentially
injurious to health and/or unfit for human consumption”. In other words, the
affected products should be prevented from being released for human
consumption. In such cases, appropriate actions (not exclusive) should be
taken i.e. immediate investigation; parties concerned (e.g. vendors) should be
instructed to stop sale of food item in question, investigate immediately and
find out the causes and to adopt measures to improve the situation. Take
investigative samples. In addition, warning letters, source tracing and other
enforcement actions should be considered.
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Microbiological Criteria for Bottled Waters
Table 3.1 Microbiological criteria for natural mineral waters
Parameters n c m Method*
coli 5 0 n.d. in 250ml
ISO 9308-1
Coliform bacteria 5 0 n.d. in 250ml
ISO 9308-1
Enterococci 5 0 n.d. in 250ml
ISO 7899-2
Spore-forming sulphite-
reducing anaerobes
5 0 n.d. in 50ml ISO 6461-2
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
5 0 n.d. in 250ml
ISO 16266:2006
Where ‘n’ = number of samples that must conform to the criteria; ‘c’ = the maximum allowable
number of defective sample units in a 2-class plan; ‘m= a microbiological limit which, in a 2-class
plan separates good quality from defective quality.
* Other methods that provide equivalent sensitivity, reproducibility, and reliability can be employed if
they have been appropriately validated.
n.d. = not detected
Table 3.2 Microbiological criteria for bottled/packaged drinking waters
(other than natural mineral waters)
Parameters Limits
coli n.d. in 100ml
Coliform bacteria n.d. in 100ml
Pseudomonas aeruginosa n.d. in 250ml
n.d. = not detected
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2. Microbiological Criteria for Edible Ice
Table 3.3 Microbiological criteria for ice from ice manufacturing plants
and packaged ice from retail outlets
Parameters Limits
ACC [37°C/48 hours]
<500 cfu/ml
coli n.d. in 100ml
Coliform bacteria n.d. in 100ml
cfu = colony-forming unit
n.d. = not detected
Table 3.4 Microbiological criteria for loose ice from retail outlets
Parameters Limits
ACC [37°C/48 hours]
<1,000 cfu/ml
coli n.d. in 100ml
Coliform bacteria <100 cfu/100ml
cfu = colony-forming unit
n.d. = not detected
3. Microbiological Criteria for Non-bottled Drinks
These criteria are included in the licensing condition for non-bottled
Table 3.5 Microbiological criteria for non-bottled drinks
<100 cfu/ml
Salmonella spp. n.d. in 25ml
Staphylococcus aureus <100 cfu/ml
Clostridium perfringens
<100 cfu/ml
cfu = colony-forming unit
n.d. = not detected
- 20 -
4. Microbiological Criteria for Powdered Formulae for Infants and
Young Children
These products are to be distinguished from ready-to-feed liquid
formulae. Ready-to-feed liquid formulae for infants and young
children shall be a commercially sterile product.
Table 3.6 Microbiological criteria for powdered infant formulae and
formulae for special medical purposes† and human milk fortifiers
Microorganisms n c m Method*
Enterobacter sakazakii
(Cronobacter spp.)
30 0 n.d. in 10g
Salmonella spp. 60 0 n.d. in 25g
ISO 6579
This category includes formula for special medical purposes intended for infants as the sole source
of nutrition and formula for special medical purposes for infants, intended to partially replace or
supplement breast-milk or infant formula.
Where ‘n’ = number of samples that must conform to the criteria; ‘c’ = the maximum allowable
number of defective sample units in a 2-class plan; ‘m= a microbiological limit which, in a 2-class
plan separates good quality from defective quality.
* Other methods that provide equivalent sensitivity, reproducibility, and reliability can be employed if
they have been appropriately validated.
n.d. = not detected
Table 3.7 Microbiological criterion for powdered follow-up formulae
and formulae for special medical purposes for young children
Microorganisms n c m Method*
Salmonella spp. 60 0 n.d. in 25g ISO 6579
Where ‘n’ = number of samples that must conform to the criteria; ‘c’ = the maximum allowable
number of defective sample units in a 2-class plan; ‘m= a microbiological limit which, in a 2-class
plan separates good quality from defective quality.
* Other methods that provide equivalent sensitivity, reproducibility, and reliability can be employed if
they have been appropriately validated.
n.d. = not detected
- 21 -
5. Microbiological Criterion for Treated, Ready-to-eat Spices
Table 3.8 Microbiological criterion for treated, ready-to-eat spices
Microorganisms n c m
Salmonella spp. 10 0 n.d. in 25g
Where ‘n’ = number of samples that must conform to the criteria; ‘c’ = the maximum allowable
number of defective sample units in a 2-class plan; ‘m= a microbiological limit which, in a 2-class
plan separates good quality from defective quality.
n.d. = not detected
6. Microbiological criteria for live or raw bivalve molluscs
intended for direct consumption
These criteria do not apply to scallops when the final product is the
adductor muscle only.
Table 3.9 E. coli criterion for live or raw bivalve molluscs
c m M Method*
E. coli 5
1 230 MPN/100g
700 MPN/100g
ISO 16649-3
Where ‘n’= the number of sample units; ‘c’= the number of sample units that may exceed the limit ‘m’,
and ‘M’ is the limit which no sample unit may exceed.
* Other methods that provide equivalent sensitivity, reproducibility, and reliability can be employed if
they have been appropriately validated.
MPN = most probable number
Table 3.10 Salmonella spp. criterion† for live or raw bivalve molluscs
Microorganisms n c m
Salmonella spp. 5 0 n.d. in 25g
This criterion will not be included in routine surveillance unless for products with considerable
manual handling.
Where ‘n’ = number of samples that must conform to the criteria; ‘c’ = the maximum allowable
number of defective sample units in a 2-class plan; ‘m= a microbiological limit which, in a 2-class
plan separates good quality from defective quality.
n.d. = not detected
- 22 -
1. Health Protection Agency, 2009. Guidelines for Assessing the
Microbiological Safety of Ready-to-Eat Foods Placed on the Market.
(Accessed 4 March 2014).
2. Codex, 2011. Code of Hygienic Practice for Collecting, Processing and
Marketing of Natural Mineral Waters (CAC/RCP 33-1985, revised 2011).
(Accessed 4 March 2014).
3. Codex, 2009. Code of Hygienic Practice for Powdered Formulae for
Infants and Young Children (CAC/RCP 66 - 2008, revised 2009).
(Accessed 4 March 2014).
4. Codex, 1995. Code of Hygienic Practice for Spices and Dried Aromatic
Plants (CAC/RCP 42-1995).
(Accessed 4 March 2014).
5. Codex, 2013. Standard for Live and Raw Bivalve Molluscs (CODEX
STAN 292-2008, amendment 2013).
(Accessed 4 March 2014).
6. Codex, 2013. Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products
(CAC/RCP 52-2003, amendment 2013).
(Accessed 4 March 2014).
7. Codex, 2011. Codex Standard for Natural Mineral Waters (CODEX
STAN 108-1981, revised 2011).
(Accessed 4 March 2014).
- 23 -
Appendix I: Common Foodborne Pathogens
This appendix provides general information on the common foodborne pathogens
included in this set of guidelines for reference.
Table A1 Summary on common foodborne pathogens included in this set of guidelines -
infective dose, incubation period and associated foods
Infective dose* Incubation
Associated foods**
Bacillus cereus
Greater than 10
organisms per gram
in food is indicative of a potential
human health hazard
the number of
organisms most often associated with
human illness is 10
to 10
; however,
the pathogenicity arises from
preformed toxin
heat stable
toxin in
Usually 1 –
6 hours
Meat, stews, gravies and
improperly refrigerated
cooked and fried rice
Usually 10 –
16 hours
About 10
organisms in general;
however, in trials, as few as 500
organisms led to disease in some
Usually 2 –
5 days
(C. jejuni)
Raw and undercooked
Greater than 10
organisms or
greater than 10
spores per gram of
food; toxin production in the
digestive tract is associated with
Range from
6-24 hours;
10-12 hours
Meat, poultry and
Escherichia coli
O157 (and other
toxin-producing E.
coli (STEC))
As low as 10 organisms (E. coli
Range from
2 – 10 days;
usually 3 - 4
Raw or undercooked
ground meat products,
fruits and vegetables
Undetermined; less than 10
organisms may cause disease in
susceptible individuals
Range from
3 – 70 days;
3 weeks on
Ready-to-eat food with
long shelf lives under
refrigeration e.g. soft
cheese and cold cuts
Salmonella spp. Typhoid fever: less than 10
Range from
7 – 21days
Food, water or
beverages contaminated
with faeces and urine of
infected people e.g.
shellfish (particularly
oysters), raw fruits and
vegetables and
unpasteurised milk and
dairy products
Nontyphoidal Salmonellosis: As few Range from Inadequately cooked
- 24 -
Infective dose* Incubation
Associated foods**
as 1 organism 6 – 72
12 – 36
meat and poultry
products; contaminated
raw eggs, egg products,
fruits and vegetables;
and unpasteurised dairy
Shigella spp. As few as 10 organisms Usually 1 –
3 days, but
can be up to
7 days
Contaminated raw food
e.g. salads and
Less than 1
g preformed heat stable
toxin ; greater than 10
organisms per
gram in food is needed to produce
this toxin level
Range from
30 minutes
to 8 hours;
usually 2 – 4
Any food contaminated
by food handlers with
skin infection or nasal
carriers, especially those
food involving manual
handling and no
reheating afterwards e.g.
sandwiches, cakes and
Risk assessment states that the
median infective dose is 10
organisms; however, evidence from
an outbreak suggests an infectious
dose >1,000-fold less than that
Usually 12 –
24 hours
Seafood, salted food e.g.
salted vegetables and
smoked knuckles or
other food
cross-contaminated by
Vibrio cholerae About 10
organisms Range from
a few hours
to 5 days,
usually 2 – 3
Contaminated fish and
* Adapted from the U.S. FDA Bad Bug Book, Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural
Toxins Handbook, 2
edition. (Accessed 4 March 2014).
** Adapted from (1) Diagnosis and Management of Foodborne Illnesses – A Primer for Physicians and
Other Health Care Professionals: Foodborne Illnesses Table: Bacterial Agents. AMA/CDC/FDA/US
Department of Agriculture, February 2004. and (2) Communicable Diseases of Centre for Health
Protection. (Accessed 4 March 2014).
Bacillus cereus
2. Bacillus cereus is a spore-forming bacterium ubiquitous in the environment. It
is readily isolated from soil, cereal crops and vegetables etc. It has been reported that soil
can contain approximately 1,000 to 100,000 spores per gram.
Hence, it is not uncommon
to find this bacterium in food, especially in raw agricultural products such as raw fruit and
vegetables, raw herbs. These foods usually contain less than 100 spores per gram, but
higher amount may be found in some herbs and spices.
3. B. cereus can form spores which are able to resist heat and survive the cooking
temperature. It can either grow in the presence or absence of oxygen. The optimal
growth temperature for B. cereus is around 30°C to 37°C.
At temperature below 10°C, B.
- 25 -
cereus is unable to grow and produce toxin that causes vomiting.
Therefore, controlling
storage temperature of food is important to prevent foodborne disease caused by this
4. There are two types of food poisoning caused by different toxins produced by B.
cereus. Emetic (cause vomiting) intoxication is caused by a heat-stable toxin (which can
resist 126°C for 90 minutes) preformed in food.
Symptoms including nausea and vomiting
occur in the first few hours after ingestion of incriminated food, followed by diarrhoea in
some cases. Another type of poisoning is diarrhoeal, which is characterised by watery
diarrhoea associated with abdominal pain. This type resembles the illness caused by
Clostridium perfringens in which the toxins are produced in the intestine by ingested spores
or vegetative cells. The illnesses of these two types of food poisoning are generally mild
and persist no longer than 24 hours.
Campylobacter spp.
5. Campylobacter spp. contain different species and subspecies, of which the most
frequently reported in human disease is C. jejuni, and less commonly C. coli.
These and
the other campylobacters are widely distributed in most warm-blooded animals such as
poultry, cattle, pigs, sheep and dogs.
C. jejuni has a very varied reservoir but is
predominantly associated with poultry. C. coli is predominantly found in pigs.
6. Many disease-causing Campylobacter spp. can tolerate higher growth
temperature. C. jejuni and C. coli are distinguished from most other Campylobacter spp.
by their high optimum growth temperature (42°C).
On the other hand, most
Campylobacter spp. prefer a micro-aerobic atmosphere (containing 3-10% oxygen) for
7. The most common symptoms of Campylobacter infection include diarrhoea,
which may be watery or sticky and can contain blood, abdominal pain, fever, headache,
nausea, and/or vomiting.
Food poisoning caused by C. jejuni generally lasts for 2-10
Clostridium perfringens
8. C. perfringens is widely distributed in the environment and frequently found in
intestines of both humans and animals, hence is likely to be present in foods of animal origin
and vegetables exposed to soil, dust or faecal material. The organism is not uncommonly
- 26 -
found in food, particularly gravies.
9. The organism is a spore-forming bacterium, which is able to form heat resistant
spores under unfavourable condition, e.g. limited nutrient availability. Although the
bacterium is an anaerobe, which grows in the absence of oxygen, it can tolerate low oxygen
level for some time. The organism is characterised by their high optimum growth
temperature at 43°C, but unable to grow at temperature lower than 10°C. Some strains can
grow very fast with a doubling time of less than ten minutes.
10. Heat of cooking can activate the germination of C. perfringens spores which
survive in anaerobic conditions like inside internal cavities, rolls of meat, stuffed poultry, or
gravies. The organism can then multiply in the area where oxygen level is low; cooling of
food at ambient temperature for a long period allows rapid multiplication of the bacterium.
Intake of the food containing large number of the organisms allows sufficient amount to
survive the passage through stomach, which subsequently form spores accompanied with
toxin in the intestine.
Hence, foods prepared in bulk, especially cooked meat and poultry
dishes, and stored at ambient temperatures with a long cooling period after cooking are at
high risk.
11. C. perfringens poisoning is usually characterised by sudden onset of abdominal
pain followed by diarrhoea and nausea.
The illness is usually over within 24 hours but
less severe symptoms may persist in some individuals for 1 or 2 weeks. A few deaths have
been reported as a result of dehydration and other complications.
Escherichia coli O157 (and other Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC))
12. Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) is a group of E. coli that produces one or
more verocytotoxins (VT), also known as Shiga-like toxins. This group of bacteria is also
called Verocytotoxin-producing E. coli (VTEC).
STEC is transmitted to humans
primarily through consumption of contaminated foods, such as raw or uncooked ground
meat products, contaminated fruits and vegetables and direct contact with animals and their
environment. Direct person-to-person transmission through the oral-faecal route can also
13. E. coli O157:H7 is the predominant serotype in a pathogenic subset of STEC,
designated enterohaemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC). The designation is based on their capacity
to cause attaching and effacing lesions in epithelial cells of intestine, and their ability to
cause haemorrhagic colitis (bloody diarrhoea) and a life-threatening complication
- 27 -
haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS) in humans.
Other non-O157 serogroups, including
O26, O91, O103, O104, O111, O113, O117, O118, O121, O128 and O145, have been
associated with occasional outbreaks of human disease, and others may be associated with
sporadic cases.
14. The illness caused by STEC infection usually present with diarrhoea, often
bloody diarrhoea, abdominal cramps and vomiting. In serious cases, the infection may lead
to HUS which is a type of kidney failure. Symptoms of HUS vary, depending on the
patient's health and the extent of the infection. People of any age can become infected.
Very young children and the elderly are more likely to develop severe illness, but even
healthy older children and young adults can become seriously ill.
15. In general, the non-O157 serogroup is less likely to cause severe illness than E.
coli O157:H7; however, some non-O157 STEC serogroups can cause the most severe
manifestations of STEC illness.
Listeria monocytogenes
16. Listeria monocytogenes is universally found in the environment, particularly in
soil, vegetation, animal feed, and in human and animal faeces. Such bacterium can survive
and multiply at temperature as low as 0°C, but can be easily destroyed under normal cooking
temperature. Conditions with pH that ranges from 4.4-9.4 and water activity that equals or
is greater than 0.92 may support the growth of L. monocytogenes.
However, a
combination of factors (pH, water activity) can also control the growth of L. monocytogenes
in foods.
Consuming Listeria contaminated food may lead to the development of a
disease called listeriosis.
17. Ready-to-eat foods with long shelf lives under refrigeration such as soft cheeses
and ready-to-eat poultry and meat pose the greatest risk as L. monocytogenes may grow to
significant numbers at refrigeration temperatures when given sufficient time.
the growth of L. monocytogenes is not supported under freezing condition.
18. Foodborne listeriosis is a relatively rare but serious disease with high fatality rates
Listeria predominantly affects foetuses and newborns, elderly and
immunocompromised individuals such as patients with AIDS, diabetes mellitus or cancer.
A person with listeriosis usually presents with fever, headache and sometimes
gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Asymptomatic
infection probably occurs in most people. However, serious infections of L. monocytogenes
- 28 -
are manifested by meningitis and septicaemia.
Even though symptoms may be relatively
mild in mothers, the passage of L. monocytogenes through the placenta may cause
miscarriage or stillbirth or her newborn resulting in septicaemia and meningitis.
Salmonella spp.
19. Salmonellae are bacteria found in the intestinal tract of man and animals. More
than 2,500 serotypes of salmonellae have been identified and Salmonella Enteritidis,
followed by Salmonella Typhimurium, are the most commonly isolated serotypes in Hong
20. Food may be contaminated by salmonellae in animal faeces and
cross-contamination may occur during further processing and preparation. Salmonellae
may survive in the environment and equipment of food-processing facilities. Salmonellae
reside in the intestinal tract and are shed in the faeces of infected animals and humans as
well. Many foods, particularly those of animal origin and those subject to sewage pollution,
have been identified as vehicles for transmitting these pathogens.
21. Poultry and poultry products are commonly linked to Salmonella and the
bacterium can also be found in eggs. Eggs may be contaminated via two different routes:
vertical transmission through the ovary or transovarian or horizontal transmission through
the shell or trans-shell.
Through vertical transmission, bacteria are introduced from
infected reproductive tissues to eggs prior to shell formation. Horizontal transmission
usually occurs from faecal contamination on the egg shell as the eggs are released via the
cloaca, where the excretion of faeces also takes place. It also includes contamination
through environmental vectors, such as farmers, pets and rodents. Under appropriate
conditions, bacteria on the shell can move across shell into the egg content.
Enteric fever (also known as typhoid fever) is an illness caused by S. Typhi
and S. Paratyphi type A, B and C.
Symptoms of typhoid fever include high fever,
diarrhoea or constipation, headache and sometimes a rash.
It can be complicated by
intestinal bleeding and perforation, impaired consciousness and even death if untreated.
On the other hand, symptoms of nontyphoidal salmonellosis, which is caused by
serotypes other than S. Typhi and S. Paratyphi, include nausea, vomiting, abdominal
cramps, diarrhoea, fever, headache.
Shigella spp.
23. Shigella bacteria are found naturally in the intestinal tracts of humans and other
- 29 -
primates. People who eat food or drink water contaminated by Shigella can become ill
with bacillary dysentery (shigellosis). In addition, the bacteria may spread from person to
person by physical contact. Contamination through food handler is one of the major
sources, and food can also become contaminated by flies carrying sewage or faeces.
24. Severity of illnesses varies with the host and the type of Shigella. The illness is
characterised by sudden onset of fever, diarrhoea with abdominal cramps and nausea or
vomiting. The stool may contain blood and mucus (dysentery). Mild and asymptomatic
illness can occur. Complications include toxic dilation of large intestine and acute kidney
disease. Shigella dysenteriae type 1 is of particular concern in developing countries, where
it spreads in epidemics and is often associated with serious disease and complications. The
case–fatality rates have been as high as 20% among hospitalised cases.
Locally, the most
common species isolated from patients is S. sonnei.
Staphylococcus aureus
25. Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium which is commonly present in human nasal
passage, throat, hair and skin without causing any discomfort. It has the ability to produce
several enterotoxins that are responsible for food poisoning. The temperature range for the
bacterium to form toxin is from 10 to 45°C and optimal at around 35 to 40°C. Hence,
normal refrigeration temperature can restrict the formation of toxin. On the other hand, S.
aureus is a salt-tolerant microorganism and grows at a water activity as low as 0.85 which
corresponds to a salt content around 25% w/w. Hence, it may grow better than the other
bacteria in salt-containing products or products with low water activities.
26. Even though most cases of infection are caused by S. aureus, other
coagulase-positive Staphylococcus species, such as S. intermedius can also produce
enterotoxins that cause food poisoning.
The bacterium can be destroyed by normal
cooking procedures or pasteurisation, while the toxins produced are more resistant to heat;
they may survive in food causing food poisoning.
27. The most common way of contamination of food is by contact with food
handlers’ hands, especially in the cases where the food is handled subsequent to cooking.
Prolonged storage without refrigeration allows the bacteria to grow and form toxins. Since
the toxins are heat stable, the incriminated food may also cause food poisoning even if it is
further heat treated.
28. The main symptoms of Staphylococcus aureus poisoning are nausea, vomiting,
- 30 -
retching, abdominal cramping and prostration, often accompanied by diarrhoea and
sometimes fever. In severe cases, patients may present with headache, muscle cramping,
severe fluid and electrolytes loss with weakness and low blood pressure or shock. Patients
usually recover within two days, but can take longer in severe cases that may require
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
29. Vibrio parahaemolyticus, similar to other Vibrio spp., occurs naturally in marine,
coastal, and estuarine (brackish) environments. The bacterium is characterised by its rapid
growth under favourable conditions.
30. Raw, partially treated, and recontaminated seafood products have been associated
with the foodborne illnesses caused by V. parahaemolyticus. These seafood or seafood
products include crayfish, lobster, shrimp, fish-balls, boiled surf clams, fried mackerel,
mussel, tuna, seafood salad, raw oysters and clams.
31. In addition, seafood products without proper storage during summer months are
of higher risk. A correlation exists between the probability of infection and warmer months
of the year.
Contaminated V. parahaemolyticus will multiply on seafood products without
proper refrigeration, which increases the possibility of infection.
32. Symptoms of V. parahaemolyticus infections include diarrhoea, abdominal
cramps, nausea, vomiting, fever and bloody diarrhoea. Most cases are self-limiting,
however, severe cases requiring hospitalisation have been reported.
Vibrio cholerae
33. V. cholerae, unlike most other Vibrio spp, can survive in freshwater environment.
It is indigenous to fresh and brackish water environments worldwide.
Among more than
200 O serogroups of V. cholerae, strains belonging to O1 and O139 serotypes generally
possess the ctx gene and produce cholera toxin (CT) and are responsible for epidemic
cholera. Ingested bacteria can attach to the small intestine and produce CT which results in
the watery diarrhoea associated with cholera. Epidemic cholera is confined mainly to
developing countries with warm climates. Some strains belonging to the O serogroups
other than O1 and O139 (referred as non-O1/non-O139) can cause foodborne diarrhoea that
is milder than cholera.
- 31 -
34. Cholera is exclusively a human disease, in which contamination by faeces from
infected individual is a major cause of infection in cholera epidemics. Contamination of
food production environments (including aquaculture ponds) by faeces can indirectly
introduce the bacterium into foods. Seafood, including bivalve molluscs, crustaceans, and
finfish, are most often incriminated in foodborne cholera cases in many countries.
35. Common symptoms of cholera may vary from a mild, watery diarrhoea to an
acute diarrhoea, with characteristic rice water stools. Other symptoms include vomiting
and dehydration; after severe fluid and electrolyte loss, death may occur.
For further information:-
World Health Organization (WHO): Risk Assessments of Pathogens.
http://www.who.int/foodsafety/micro/jemra/assessment/en/index.html (Accessed 4 March
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA): Bad Bug Book. Foodborne Pathogenic
Microorganisms and Natural Toxins Handbook. 2
bornePathogensNaturalToxins/BadBugBook/UCM297627.pdf (Accessed 4 March 2014).
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ): Agents of Foodborne Illness. 2
(Accessed 4 March 2014).
New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA): Pathogen Data Sheets.
(Accessed 4 March 2014).
Centre for Health Protection (CHP): Communicable diseases.
http://www.chp.gov.hk/en/health_topics/9/24.html (Accessed 4 March 2014).
- 32 -
References to Appendix I
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), 2005. Opinion of the Scientific Panel on
Biological Hazards on Bacillus cereus and other Bacillus spp. in Foodstuffs. The EFSA
Journal 175,1-48.
http://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/efsajournal/doc/175.pdf (Accessed 4 March 2014).
U.S. FDA, 2012. Bad Bug Book. Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms and Natural
Toxins Handbook. 2
rnePathogensNaturalToxins/BadBugBook/UCM297627.pdf (Accessed 4 March 2014).
American Public Health Association (APHA) and World Health Organization (WHO),
2004. Foodborne Intoxications: III Bacillus cereus Food Intoxication. p. 216 217. In
Control of Communicable Disease Manual. 18
Edition. Edited by D. L. Heymann.
American Pubic Health Association. U.S.
Allos B. M. and M.J. Blaser, 2010. Campylobacter jejuni and Related Species. p.
2793-2802. In GL Mandell, JE Bennett, R Dolin (eds.) Principles and Practices of
Infectious Diseases. 7
Edition. Chapter 216. Volume 2. Philadelphia, PA.
WHO. Campylobacter. Fact sheet N°255.
http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs255/en/ (Accessed 4 March 2014).
APHA and WHO, 2004. Campylobacter enteritis. p. 81 84. In Control of
Communicable Disease Manual. 18
Edition. Edited by D. L. Heymann. American Pubic
Health Association. U.S.
WHO/ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (FAO), 2009.
Microbiological Risk Assessment Series No. 12: Risk Assessment of Campylobacter spp. in
Broiler Chickens – Technical Report. .
http://www.who.int/foodsafety/publications/micro/MRA12_En.pdf (Accessed 4 March
NZFSA, 2010. Pathogen Data Sheets: Clostridium perfringens.
df (Accessed 4 March 2014).
APHA and WHO, 2004. Clostridium perfringens Food Intoxication. p. 214 216. In
Control of Communicable Disease Manual. 18
Edition. Edited by D. L. Heymann.
American Pubic Health Association. U.S.
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). What are Shiga
toxin-producing E. coli?
http://www.cdc.gov/ecoli/general/index.html#what_shiga (Accessed 4 March 2014).
World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), 2010. Chapter 2.9.11.
Verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli. In Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for
Terrestrial Animals 2010.
f (Accessed 4 March 2014).
WHO/ FAO, 2004. Microbiological Risk Assessment Series 5: Risk assessment of
- 33 -
Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat foods. – Technical Report.
ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/010/y5394e/y5394e.pdf (Accessed 4 March 2014).
Codex, 2009. Guidelines on the Application of General Principles of Food Hygiene to
the Control of Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-to-Eat Foods (CAC/GL 61 2007, revised
http://www.codexalimentarius.net/download/standards/10740/CXG_061e.pdf (Accessed 4
March 2014).
RJ Gilbert, J de Louvois, T Donovan, C Little, K Nye, CD Ribeiro, J Richards, D Roberts
and FJ Bolton. Guidelines for the Microbiological Quality of Some Ready-to-eat Foods
Sampled at the Point of Sale. Communicable Disease and Public Health 2000; 3: 163-7.
http://www.hpa.org.uk/web/HPAwebFile/HPAweb_C/1194947422163 (Accessed 4 March
WHO, 2008. Food Safety and Nutrition During Pregnancy and Infant Feeding.
INFOSAN Information Note No. 3/2008. .
(Accessed 4 March 2014).
APHA and WHO, 2004. Listeriosis. p. 309 – 312. In Control of Communicable
Disease Manual. 18
Edition. Edited by D. L. Heymann. American Pubic Health
Association. U.S.
NZFSA, 2001. Pathogen Data Sheets: Listeria monocytogenes.
pdf (Accessed 4 March 2014).
International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF), 1996.
Salmonellae. p. 217-264. In: Micro-organisms in Foods 5: Characteristics of Microbial
Pathogens. London: Chapman & Hall.
Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food, 2001. Second Report on
Salmonella in Eggs. London: The Stationery Office.
EFSA, 2005. Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Biological Hazards on the Request
from the Commission Related to the Microbiological Risks on Washing of Table Eggs. The
EFSA Journal 269, 1-39.
http://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/efsajournal/doc/269.pdf (Accessed 4 March 2014).
Public Health Agency of Canada. Salmonella enterica spp.
http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/lab-bio/res/psds-ftss/salmonella-ent-eng.php (Accessed 4 March
APHA and WHO, 2004. Shigellosis. p. 487 491. In Control of Communicable
Disease Manual. 18
Edition. Edited by D. L. Heymann. American Pubic Health
Association. U.S.
Doris Choi, 2013. Review of bacillary dysentery in Hong Kong, 2003-2012.
Communicable Disease Watch. Volume 10 Number 1 Weeks 52-1.
http://www.chp.gov.hk/files/pdf/cdw_compendium_2013.pdf (Accessed 4 March 2014).
NZFSA, 2001. Pathogen Data Sheets: Staphylococcus aureus.
- 34 -
df (Accessed 4 March 2014).
Health Protection Agency, 2009. Guidelines for Assessing the Microbiological Safety of
Ready-to-eat Foods. London: Health Protection Agency.
http://www.hpa.org.uk/web/HPAwebFile/HPAweb_C/1259151921557 (Accessed 4 March
APHA and WHO, 2004. Staphylococcal food intoxication. p. 212–214. In Control
of Communicable Disease Manual. 18
Edition. Edited by D. L. Heymann. American
Pubic Health Association. U.S.
Codex, 2010. Guidelines on the Application of General Principles of Food Hygiene to
the Control of Pathogenic Vibrio Species in Seafood (CAC/GL 73-2010).
http://www.codexalimentarius.net/download/standards/11565/CXG_73e.pdf (Accessed 4
March 2014).
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Appendix II: Guidance Notes on Sampling Plan
for Microbiological Analysis
Sampling plan
Sampling plan is a systematic way to assess the
microbiological quality of food lots. A lot” refers to a batch of
products manufactured under the same conditions at the same time.
During sampling, the samples should be taken from the lot
independently and randomly.
In developing a sampling plan, a number of factors should be
taken into consideration including properties of food, production
processes, storage conditions of the final products, associated risks,
targeted consumers and practical limitations. Each food product
should be considered individually.
A comprehensive sampling plan includes the following
(a) The microbe or group of microbes of concern or interest;
(b) Number of samples to be tested (n);
(c) Testing method(s);
(d) Microbiological limit(s), m & M
Acceptable (≤ m)
Marginally acceptable (> m and ≤M)
Unacceptable (> M);
(e) Number of samples which fall into each category of
microbiological limit (i.e. acceptable / marginally acceptable
/ unacceptable).
Types of sampling plan
Two types of sampling plans are commonly used in food
microbiology, namely, the two-class attributes plan and the
three-class attributes plan.
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Two-class attributes plan:
Under this plan, sample(s) is (are) taken from the lot and tested.
As only one microbiological limit “m is involved in this plan,
therefore two classes of attributes, m & > m, could be identified.
The maximum allowable number of sample(s) that yielded
unsatisfactory test results is represented by “c”. The lot will be
accepted or rejected as illustrated in the following diagram:
Three-class attributes plan:
For a three-class attributes plan, two microbiological limits, m
& M, are set. The microbiological limit “m” commonly reflects
the upper limit of a good manufacturing practice (GMP). The
criterion “M” marks the limit beyond which the level of
contamination is hazardous or unacceptable. The lot will be
accepted or rejected as shown in the following diagram:
Reject lot
Accept lot
All samples are < m
> c of n samples are > m
< c of n samples are > m
n samples from the
lot are tested
Reject lot
Accept lot
n samples from
the lot are tested
All samples are < m
< c of n samples are
within > m and < M
> c of n samples are
within > m and <M
Any sample is > M
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Choice of sampling plan
In general, a two-class attributes plan is preferred when the
organism of concern is not permitted in food sample. If the
number of microbes in a unit-volume is allowable, a three-class
attributes plan is usually adopted. The following decision tree
shows how to choose an appropriate sampling plan for a specific
Measured by
presence or
absence (+/-) tests
c > 0 c = 0
2-class attributes plan
Organism in concern
Measured by count or
concentration test
3-class attributes plan
Accept presence of
this organism in
- 38 -
To enhance food safety and improve food quality, more
stringent microbiological limits (by decreasing values of m and/or
M) should be adopted. By changing the value(s) of c and/or n, the
stringency of sampling plan can also be adjusted.
International development of sampling plan
In 1981, the Codex Alimentarius Commission adopted the
generic approach on sampling plan developed by the International
Committee of Microbiological Specification for Foods (ICMSF).
The ICMSF’s sampling plan is recommended and used by the
international bodies, food authorities in some countries and some
international food manufacturers.
For details of the principle and application of ICMSF’s
sampling plan, please refer to the ICMSF publications -
Microorganisms in Foods 2, Sampling for Microbiological Analysis:
Principles and Specific Applications (2
edition; 1986) and
Microorganisms in Foods 7: Microbiological Testing in Food
Safety Management (2002).
Remarks: Food samples are regularly taken by the Centre for
Food Safety (CFS) for microbiological analysis. The presence
of microorganisms found in any of the food samples taken is not
allowed to exceed the microbiological limits as prescribed in the
legislation nor should it exceed the microbiological guideline
levels as adopted by CFS. The food trade may adopt a suitable
sampling plan as discussed in the
Guidance Notes on Sampling
Plan for Microbiological Analysis
to monitor the safety and
quality of their food products.
Guidelines for Food
For ready-to-eat food in
general and specific food items
August 2014 (Revised)
Guidelines for Food
For ready-to-eat food in
general and specific food items