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What these forms do
This set of forms will help you respond to a Petition for Custody and Parenting Time, and Child
Support. Before you fill out your Response, review what the other parent has asked for in the
Petition and think about how you want to handle the issues.
Symbols used
in this form:
Important Note
STOP! You may not be able to use this form
Caution! You may need a lawyer
Timing requirement
If Both Parents Already Agree
If you agree with all of the terms in the Petition you may not need to file a Response. You
can sign a stipulated Judgment.
If you do not respond and do not sign a stipulated judgment, the Petitioner can ask the
court for an Order of Default. Judgment will then be entered based on the terms in the
Petition and without input from you.
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Table of Contents
ENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................... 3
TEP 1: FILING YOUR RESPONSE ................................................................................................. 5
Filling out the Forms ...................................................................................................................... 5
Custody and Parenting Time (Visitation) ....................................................................................... 5
Calculating Child Support ............................................................................................................... 6
Payment of Child Support ............................................................................................................... 6
Health Insurance .............................................................................................................................7
Cash Medical Support ......................................................................................................................7
Service ………….. ............................................................................................................................ 8
TEP 2: TEMPORARY ORDERS .....................................................................................................10
Domestic Violence ...........................................................................................................................10
TEP 3: RESOLVING YOUR CASE ................................................................................................. 11
By Agreement ................................................................................................................................. 11
By Default . ..................................................................................................................................... 11
By Trial …… .................................................................................................................................... 12
HE JUDGMENT ............................................................................................................................ 13
Appendix A Custody and Parenting Plans .................................................................................. 15
Appendix B - Support for a Child Attending School...................................................................... 17
Appendix C - Statutory Restraining Order .................................................................................... 18
Important Contact Information
Oregon Judicial Department
Oregon State Bar Lawyer Referral Service
Phone: 503.684.3763 or toll-free in Oregon at 800.452.7636
If you are deployed or about to be deployed, contact the Oregon State Bar Military
Assistance Panel (
) for information about
special rights and rules that may apply to you.
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Petition and Judgment - This kind of case starts with a “petition.” The Petition
tells the court what the petitioner wants. It ends with a “judgment,” which is the
court’s final decision. The General Judgment is the document that finalizes your
case and contains your rights and responsibilities. The terms of the judgment are
effective once the court enters the judgment. (See “The Judgment” section for more
information and details about the terms of your judgment)
Contact Information - Keep the court and all other parties informed of your
current address. You don’t have to use your home address. You may use any
contact address where you regularly check in, as long as it is in the same state as
your home. The court will assume that you receive all notices and documents sent to
that address. It is YOUR responsibility to let the court and other parties
know if you move or want to get mail at a different address.
Parentage Parentage (who the parents of the minor children are) must be legally
established before you can use these forms if you want the court to order custody,
parenting time, or child support for minor children.
Parentage is established if both biological parents sign and file a birth
certificate or Voluntary Acknowledgment of Paternity (a statement that
says who the parents are) with the State Registrar of Vital Statistics. This
is usually signed in the hospital when the child is born.
Parentage can also be established through the Oregon Child Support
Program or through the courts before you file these forms. Contact the
Oregon Child Support Program (
) or a
Parentage is presumed if you and the other parent were married at the time of
the child’s birth or if the child was born within 300 days after the marriage
ended. This presumption can be rebutted (challenged).
Co-Parenting Education - Many courts require that parents of minor children go
to a court-approved co-parenting class. Some courts will not allow you to finalize
your case until you have completed the class and filed a certificate of completion
with the court. Contact the court to see if you have to sign up or if the court will send
you information after you file.
Statutory Restraining Order - Both you and Petitioner must obey a restraining
order preventing either of you from making changes to insurance policies without
the agreement of the other party if those policies are for the benefit of the children.
The order is effective on both you and Petitioner once you have been served with the
Petition. (See Appendix C
for the text of the Order) If you violate the order, you may
be held in contempt of court and subject to penalties. You may request a hearing if
you object to any of the terms in the Statutory Restraining Order. You must fill out
and file a Request for Hearing re: Statutory Restraining Order form.
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Notice about these instructions and forms
These instructions are not a complete statement of the law. They cover basic
procedures for simple cases involving custody, parenting time, and child support.
If you have complicated issues or questions about the law, talk to a lawyer.
All of the necessary forms should be online. If you cannot find a form, ask your
local court.
Each court has local rules, programs, and procedures that may not be explained
in these instructions. Refer to the Supplementary Local Rules for your county.
These rules are available online or at your local court or law library. Forms and
information about your local court are on the Oregon Judicial Department
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You have 30 days following the date you were served with the Petition to file a
written Response with the court clerk and pay the filing fee. See page 9 for fee
Counterclaims - In the Response, you can say that you disagree with certain
things that the Petitioner has asked for. You can also ask for things that you want
the court to order that were not included in the Petition. These are called
Filling out the Forms
You are the “Respondent” on ALL forms throughout this case, and
the other parent is the “Petitioner.”
o Use full names (first, middle or middle initial, last) and print names
the same way on all forms first, middle, last.
Do not put Social Security numbers on your Response. Social
Security numbers must be given to the court but kept confidential from the
public and the other parent. Use the “Confidential Information Form” (CIF)
to protect your identifying information.
o You must also send a “Notice of Filing of Confidential Information
Form to the petitioner. You can serve this with your other
documents. See below for information about service.
Custody and Parenting Time (Visitation)
Read ORS 107.137
to see what a court will consider when awarding custody. The
most important factor is always the best interest and welfare of the child.
Custody and Parenting Time
Joint and Sole Custody are legal terms that generally refer to the right to make
certain decisions about the child. How much time each parent has with each child
(“parenting time”) is controlled by the parenting plan. The court can only award
joint custody if both parents agree to all of the terms. In most cases, both parents
will have equal rights to information about the child regardless of the type of
custody ordered. Both parents will have time with the child unless the court
orders otherwise.
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Parenting Plans
A parenting plan is required for all cases involving a minor child. The plan sets
out the schedule and may include rules for each parent’s time with the child
(formerly called “visitation”). If you and Petitioner don’t agree on a parenting
plan, the judge will order one. Check your local court’s family law website for
sample plans your court may have.
See Appendix A
for more information and resources about custody
and parenting time.
Note: If Petitioner has marked the box titled “Parental Authority under
107.154” you should read that law closely. If the court awards sole custody to one
parent, the other parent has certain rights regarding information about the child.
If this box is checked, the petitioner is asking the court to suspend those rights.
Talk to a lawyer if this is an issue in your case.
Moving The Judgment will prohibit either parent from
moving more than 60 miles farther away from the other parent without giving
written notice to the court and the other parent. Check the Petition to see if the
petitioner asked for a waiver of this requirement.
You can ask the judge to waive this rule by checking the appropriate box on the
Response and explaining why you should not have to give notice of a move.
NOTE: If the petitioner has asked that child support be payable as of the date of
service, you are not required to begin making payments until ordered by the
Calculating Child Support
In most cases, the court will order child support if no child support order already
exists. Go to
for worksheets and an
interactive program to calculate support. Click on this link:
Worksheets must be submitted to the court before a judgment can be entered.
You can submit them with your Response.
NOTE: If you request a child support amount that is different from what the
calculator or worksheet says, you must explain why and how you reached that
amount. If not, your case may be delayed until you explain the difference.
Payment of Child Support
Support is usually withheld from the payor’s (the person who has to pay)
paycheck. The court may allow an exception to the income withholding
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requirement if you qualify under ORS 25.396 and if you request an exception in
the Response. If the court grants an exception to income withholding, payment
can be made by direct deposit to the receiver’s bank account. If you are paying
child support directly to the other parent, you should keep proof of every
payment, including a receipt if you pay cash.
Child support is NOT taxable as income or deductible to either party.
Note: support is available to adult children who attend school at least half time.
See Appendix B
for more information.
Health Insurance
Your judgment must address health insurance for any minor child involved in
your case. Health insurance coverage may be provided through an employer or
directly from an insurance carrier, or from a public option such as the Oregon
Health Plan, which you have to apply to the state for.
Cash Medical Support
In addition to child support, the court may order “Cash Medical Support.” Cash
Medical Support is to help pay for health insurance and out-of-pocket medical
If health insurance is not available, the court must order Cash Medical Support
unless the judge finds reasons not to. In some situations the judge cannot order
Cash Medical Support.
Go to
for additional
information about insurance
You may need to complete a Uniform Support Declaration (USD) if you and
Petitioner do not agree on an amount for spousal/partner support. If you need to
submit a USD, you can file it with your Response. You must file it within 30 days
after serving the Response on the petitioner.
Tips for filling out the USD:
If you are requesting child support for the amount that the Child Support
Guidelines recommend, fill out only the Declaration and attach the
documents it asks for.
o If you are requesting a different amount of child support than the
Guidelines recommend, fill out both the Declaration
Use your actual, present expenses. Estimates are fine as long as they are
realistic and you have no way of confirming the amount.
o Some items may not apply to you mark those spaces “N/A” (Not
Applicable), but complete every item that does apply.
o If your amounts are unusual or likely to change soon, include a brief
explanation of why (if you are temporarily living with a relative, or if
one party moved out and is no longer contributing to shared
expenses). Include an estimate of what you believe your expenses will
be after the situation changes.
If you have an expense that is not listed, add it, along with a brief explanation.
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If you anticipate any major changes (a child entering or leaving school, a
layoff, a car payment or mortgage being paid off), note these as well. Do NOT
include fears or possibilities only things you know or reasonably expect will
If one of your children has a serious medical problem, note it and include a
reasonably accurate estimate of the treatment cost.
Household items means things like paper towels, cleaning supplies, ligh
ulbs, storage containers.
If you are attending school, include your tuition payments, supplies and
books, and any other necessary school-related costs.
The Uniform Support Declaration is Form 8.010.5 and can be found here: in the Family Law
Miscellaneous category.
Certificate of Mailing the Uniform Support Declaration includes a
Certificate of Mailing at the bottom of the form. Once the USD is completed,
copy the entire form and all attachments and mail them to the petitioner. THEN
fill out the Certificate of Mailing and file the original with the court. Keep a copy
of all documents for your own records.
Life Insurance: The court can order a party to carry life insurance if that party
is ordered to pay child support. Life insurance in connection with a support
obligation is for the benefit of the child.
Have your documents reviewed
You may have your documents reviewed by a lawyer or a court facilitator before
you file. Call your court or go to
to see if your court has a
facilitator available. Court facilitators are free. For information about how to find
a lawyer, call the Oregon State Bar at the number on
Page 2. If you are low-
income, you may get your documents reviewed for a smaller fee through the
Oregon State Bar’s Modest Means program, or call your local Legal Aid office.
Make two copies of all of your completed forms. One for your records and one for
If Petitioner does not have a lawyer, mail a copy to Petitioner’s address.
If Petitioner is represented by a lawyer, you must instead mail the copy to
the lawyer.
MAIL the petitioner’s copy to the petitioner or the petitioner’s lawyer by US
mail. THEN fill out the Certificate of Mailing at the bottom of the Response.
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File the forms and pay fees
File the original forms listed below with the court clerk. You will have to pay the
filing fees when you file your papers. Go to for the filing
Response (with Certificate of Mailing completed)
Confidential Information Form
Notice of Filing of Confidential Information Form
If you are low income, you may ask the court to defer or waive your filing fee.
You must complete an Application and Declaration for Deferral or
Waiver of Fees and an Order Regarding Deferral or Waiver of Fees
and file them with your papers if you cannot pay the fees. If the fee is waived,
you don’t have to pay it now. However, the judge may reconsider waived and
deferred fees at the end of the case.
Contact Information - Keep the court and all other parties informed of your
current address. You don’t have to use your home address. You may use any
contact address where you regularly check in, as long as it is in the same state as
your home. The court will assume that you receive all notices and documents sent to
that address. It is YOUR responsibility to let the court and other parties
know if you move or want to get mail at a different address.
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You can ask the court to make temporary orders. Temporary orders are effective as soon as a
judge signs the order. They last until a judge changes the terms, signs the General Judgment, or
dismisses the case. For example, either party may request an order for child support or an order
about temporary use of property. To make these requests, you must file a “motion” (request)
asking the court to do what you want. You may need a lawyer to file these requests.
NOTE: The General Judgment may affect earlier temporary orders done by Limited
Judgment. Talk to a lawyer if you have questions.
One type of temporary order is called a Status Quo Order. This order prevents either parent
from changing the children’s usual schedule, interfering with parenting time by the other
parent, or changing where the children live. This does not change custody or say who can make
major decisions for the children. “Normal schedule” means the children’s schedule for the three
months before the request for a Status Quo Order is filed.
Go to
for the forms to request temporary orders. The forms may not
cover all temporary orders you need. Talk to a lawyer for more information. If the petitioner has
already filed for or been granted temporary orders, you can request a hearing to challenge or
change the orders.
Domestic Violence
All courts have restraining order forms for cases involving domestic violence. A judge will
usually hear your request within a day or two of filing. Check with your local court for filing
times and procedures.
Refer to for Family Abuse Prevention Act (FAPA) forms and
Forms for other types of protective order are available at
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There are three ways your case can be resolved: by agreement between the
parties, by default if you don’t respond, or by a judge in a hearing.
By Agreement
It is always better to resolve issues yourselves, since you know what’s important
to you. Once the case goes to a judge, it is out of your control. If you can’t resolve
the issues on your own, or if it is not safe for you to talk to Petitioner, the court
may provide options to help you, including mediation and arbitration. For
information about arbitration, see “By Trial” section below.
Mediation: A mediator is a person trained to help people resolve
disagreements. Mediation is confidential. You may ask to meet with the mediator
alone if you are uncomfortable meeting with the other party for any reason.
Check with your local court clerk to see if there is a fee for this service. Mediators
are not judges they cannot impose their decisions on you. Their job is to help
you reach an agreement. This may be your last chance to retain control over the
outcome of the case. Agreements incorporated into a Judgment are fully
enforceable (see below).
Some courts may require that you mediate before you have a hearing.
Check your court’s Supplemental Local Rules for more information.
If mediation has not yet been ordered in your case and you would like to
request it, you may file a Request for Mediation form. If your court requires
mediation, you may request that the court waive mediation if you have a good
reason by filing a Motion and Declaration for Waiver of Mediation. Talk
to your court if you have safety concerns.
If you and Petitioner have agreed to all of the issues, one of you must fill out and
Declaration in Support of Judgment
General Judgment of Custody and Parenting Time and Child
Note: The Judgment must be signed by both parties before being
submitted to the court.
By Default
If you do not respond to the Petition in writing within 30 days of receiving it, the
petitioner can get Order of Default. This means that all of the requests in the
Petition will be ordered as part of a Judgment without input from you.
If you are on active duty in the military, you may be protected from default
judgments by the federal Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) (50 U.S.C. §
3901). The rules about whether you can be protected are very technical and
complex. DO NOT rely on your enlistment status to protect you.
Speak to a legal
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advisor or call the state bar association (page 2) if you have concerns or
o If you choose to waive your rights so that Petitioner can get a default
judgment, file a waiver of right to stay of proceedings. The courts do not
provide a form for this.
By Trial
If you filed a response and are unable to agree on the terms of a judgment, your
case may go to trial
Informal Domestic Relations Trials (IDRTs) are available in all courts if both
parties agree. See UTCR 8.120 for more information. Each court handles IDRTs
differently. Contact your court for more information.
Conferences with the Judge
Many courts will schedule a “status,” “pretrial,” or “settlement” conference before
a case goes to trial. These meetings usually take place with a judge with both
parties present, along with their lawyers (if any). You must attend any
conferences that are scheduled unless you have received permission from the
judge not to attend. At the conference, the judge may talk to you about how your
case is going to be handled, consider requests for temporary orders, or set future
court dates.
Many courts require that you mediate before you can get a trial. See the BY
AGREEMENT section above.
NOTE: You must give the other party an opportunity to review the judgment
before you submit it to the court. See UTCR 5.100
for information.
You can represent yourself at trial. Some courts provide information about
representing yourself on their websites. Go to
to find
your court’s website.
The State Family Law Advisory Committee has written a guide that may help you
prepare for trial. This guide is NOT a substitute for legal advice! The rules of
court can be technical and complex. You may damage your case if you are not
properly informed. If your case goes to trial, you are strongly advised to talk to a
lawyer. To read the guide, go to:
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Regardless of how you resolve your case, a General Judgment of Custody and Parenting
Time and Child Support must be signed by a judge. One of you may be ordered to fill out the
judgment form and give it to the court to be signed.
Even if you submitted Child Support Worksheets with your Response, you MUST
attach worksheets to your Judgment if you are responsible for submitting the
Judgment form to the court, regardless of how you resolve your case.
The judgment finalizes your case and contains all of the issues decided in the mediation, trial, or
by agreement.
NOTE: The General Judgment may affect earlier temporary orders done by Limited
Judgment. Talk to a lawyer if you have questions.
If you are responsible for preparing the Judgment, the information should be exactly the same
as what was decided in mediation, arbitration, hearing, trial, or through your agreement. All
parties must review the Judgment before you submit it to the court. You must send the
Judgment along with the Notice of Proposed Judgment or Order to the petitioner and any adult
children who have not filed a waiver of appearance in the case.
Other parties can object to the Judgment. If that happens, you need to discuss the objections
and attempt to resolve them before you submit the Judgment to the court. If you are not able to
resolve the objections, the objecting parties can either send you a written statement explaining
their objections, or they can submit their objections directly to the court. You must complete the
Certificate of Readiness section of the Judgment to tell the judge whether there are outstanding
objections. See UTCR 5.100(1) for more information about notice and objections.
If the petitioner is responsible for preparing the judgment, they must send the proposed
Judgment to you before submitting it to the court. Then you can review it and object to it within
7 days of the date it was sent to you. You need to try to resolve your objections with the
petitioner. If you are not able to resolve your objections after reasonable efforts, you can either
send a written explanation of your objections to the petitioner or directly to the court. You must
notify the petitioner of your intentions so that they can advise the judge that there are
outstanding issues. The judge may make a decision after reviewing the documents, or the court
may contact you with further information.
Make a copy for yourself and one for Petitioner. File the original with the court.
Your case is finished as of the date the judge signs the Judgment. NOTE: the terms of your
judgment are not enforceable until the court enters the judgment. You will know that the court
has entered your judgment when you receive a Notice of Entry of Judgment.
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NOTE: Every document you file must have a mailing address or contact address
where you will receive documents related to this case. You do NOT need to use
your home address. You are responsible for checking your contact address. Notify
the court and the other party in writing if your contact address changes.
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Appendix ACustody and Parenting Plans
Joint Custody and Sole Custody
A parenting plan is where you provide a plan for when each parent will actually be with the
child (parenting time). Parenting time is separate from custody. For example, you can have joint
custody with one parent having the child 75% of the time, and you can have sole custody with
50-50 parenting time. See below for more information.
Child support is separate from custody. Either parent can be ordered to pay child support
regardless of who has custody or what kind of custody is ordered.
Sole Custody
If sole custody is ordered, the other parent will almost always have some parenting time with the
child. The non-custodial parent has equal rights to the child’s school records and medical
records, and to authorize emergency medical, dental, psychological, or other health care if the
other parent is not available, unless the court orders otherwise.
Joint Custody
Joint custody does not mean that every day-to-day activity has to be agreed to, but major
decisions must be discussed by the parties.
A joint custody order can also specify certain decisions that can be made by one parent or the
other. For example, Mother may be allowed to make decisions about religious training, or
Father can made decisions about medical care.
A joint custody order might specify that one parent’s home is the child’s primary residence, but
it’s not required.
Parenting Time & Parenting Plans
Parenting time is what some people call ‘visitation’ it is the time a child spends with each
parent. Parenting time is detailed in a “parenting plan,” which is usually focused on the parent
What does “Custody” mean?
Custody refers to decision-making about a child. Decisions may include the child’s
residence, health care, education, religion, and other big issues.
Joint custody means that the parents have agreed to decide major decisions in the
child’s life together. Joint custody can also occur when parents agree about how to
split up major decisions about a child. The court can order joint custody only if both
parents agree to all of the terms, including the parenting plan.
Sole custody means that one parent can make decisions alone. These are legal terms
and don’t impact how much time each parent has with the child.
Regardless of the custody order, both parents will usually have time with the child (parenting
time) and the right to certain information. Both parents have the right to review school
records and medical records, and to authorize emergency medical, dental, psychological, or
other health care if the other parent is not available, unless the court orders otherwise.
Read ORS 107.137
to see what a court will consider when awarding custody. The most
important factor is always the best interest and welfare of the child.
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who does not have sole or primary residential custody. Parenting plans can include specific
times for contact. For example, Mother can call on Fridays between 7pm and 10pm.”
Once the court enters a judgment with parenting time included, that time is enforceable like any
other court order. Parents can file for an expedited (faster) hearing if the other is not following
the parenting time in the judgment.
A parenting plan is required for all cases involving a minor child. The plan sets out
the schedule and rules for each parent’s time with each child. A parenting plan should be written
in the space provided in your Petition or attached to it as a separate form.
A parenting plan can be as general or as specific as you need it to be. The judge will expect to see
some information about the days and times when children will be picked up and dropped off,
and some plan for weekends, holidays, and school breaks. Consider whether you have children
with different needs. Children at different ages may need different parenting plans. If you have a
child with a medical issue, you may want to consider how the plan will impact care.
BE AWARE that if you do not include enough information in your plan and the other parent
does not respond, you may have to serve the other parent with corrected paperwork before you
can get a Judgment.
The parenting plan may include safety provisions for the child if problems like domestic
violence, drug or alcohol abuse, or child abuse are involved in your case.
Oregon has a Basic Parenting Plan Guide for Parents. This guide has information about
how to develop a plan, information about alternative schedules, and stages of your children’s
growth that should be considered when creating a plan. A sample parenting plan is included in
the guide. The guide can be downloaded at
. There is also a
Safety Focused Parenting Plan Guide on this website. This can help you develop a parenting
plan if you have safety concerns for your children. Many local courts also have standard plans in
their Supplemental Local Rules. Check your local court’s website. You can use these plans whole
or as a guide to develop your own.
A mediator can help you create a parenting plan. A mediator is a neutral person trained to help
you come to your own agreement and cannot make decisions for you. Information about
mediation and parenting plans may be available through your court’s parent education program,
the court facilitator, or your local law library. Your local court may also have a mediation
program for parents. Some courts require you to try mediation before your hearing.
Custody/Parenting Time Evaluation - If parents can’t agree on a parenting plan, the court
may order the parents to hire a custody or parenting time evaluator. Either or both parents may
be ordered to pay for the evaluator.
If you and Petitioner don’t agree on a parenting plan before trial, the judge will order one.
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Appendix B - Support for a Child Attending School
If an adult child is attending school at least half-time according to the school’s standards, that
child is considered a “Child Attending School.” A Child Attending School may be entitled to child
support until he or she turns 21. “Child Attending School” is defined at ORS 107.108
and does
not include children who are married.
IMPORTANT! After an order is made for support of a child attending school, the
child must remain enrolled at least half-time AND make sufficient academic
progress according to the school to qualify as a child attending school and
continue to receive support.
NOTE: you can ask the court to extend child support for minor children to cover them when
they qualify as Children Attending School. If a child does not immediately enter higher
education after high school or drops out of high school, child support will end.
If you have an order that says support continues if the child becomes a Child Attending School,
the child must notify the payor before the child turns 18 that he or she will be attending school,
which school, and when the child expects to graduate or stop taking classes. Support generally
continues during summers if the child has properly notified the other parent that the child
intends to return to school.
The child must also provide consent to the school to release certain information to any parent
paying child support. The requirements are at ORS107.108
Paying Support for a Child Attending School
Support for an adult child is normally paid directly to the child, whether by the payor directly or
by the Division of Child Support. If you have good cause why the child should not receive
payment, you must explain that in your Petition.
There is NO parenting plan or parenting time credit for a Child Attending School who has
graduated from high school.
For more information, go to:
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Appendix C - Statutory Restraining Order
[Attach to Summons per ORS 109.103(5)]
Under ORS 109.103(5) and UTCR 8.080, neither Petitioner nor Respondent may:
Insurance Policies
(1) Cancel, modify, terminate, or allow to lapse for nonpayment of premiums, any policy of
health insurance that one party maintains to provide coverage for the other party or a minor
child of the parties, or any life insurance policy that names either of the parties or a minor child
of the parties as a beneficiary.
Insurance Beneficiaries
(2) Change beneficiaries or covered parties under any policy of health insurance that one party
maintains to provide coverage for a minor child of the parties, or any life insurance policy.
The above provisions are in effect immediately upon service of the Petition and Summons on the
respondent. They remain in effect until a final judgment is issued, until the petition is dismissed,
or until further order of the court.
Either Petitioner or Respondent may request a hearing to modify or revoke one or more terms of
this restraining order by filing with the court the Request for Hearing re: Statutory Restraining
Order form available at
Response Custody/Parenting Time/Support
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Case No: __________________
and counterclaims
Claim is not subject to mandatory arbitration
Unmarried children 18, 19, or 20 years old (per ORS 107.108) (full names)
I need an interpreter: Spanish Russian other: _____________________
1. I, Respondent, appear and oppose the Petition. List sections opposed and reasons:
Section Number Explain
Additional page attached titled “Section 1”
2. I make the following counterclaims:
(see Instructions for information about counterclaims including retirement benefits and support
for a child, spouse, or partner)
Additional page attached titled “Section 2
3. I should be allowed to move more than 60 miles farther away from Petitioner without
written notice to Petitioner or the court (explain):
Additional page attached titled “Section 3
Response Custody/Parenting Time/Support
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(Aug 2019)
4. Child Support Offsets
Social Security or apportioned veteran’s benefits are paid to (or on behalf of) some or
all of the children named in the Petition as a result of my disability or retirement and I request
that child support be reduced dollar-for-dollar. The amounts per child are included in the
attached Uniform Support Declaration.
Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance under 38 USC chapter 35 is paid
to (or on behalf of) some or all of the children named in the Petition as a result of my disability
or retirement, and child support must be reduced dollar-for-dollar. The amounts per child are
included in the attached Uniform Support Declaration.
5. (Optional) Exception to Income Withholding of Child Support: I understand that
payments will be made by income withholding unless an exception applies
I request an exception to the income withholding requirement of ORS 25.378 so that
payment can be made another way because good cause exists
Petitioner and Respondent have agreed in writing to the following alternative
payment method:
Other exception under ORS 25.396 (explain):
6. Information Required by the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and
Enforcement Act (UCCJEA)
List the places where the minor children of the parties have lived in the last five years and the
names of the people they lived with at that time
County, State
Name of
Contact Address of
Additional page attached titledSection 6”
I have not participated in any litigation concerning custody, visitation, parenting time or
placement of the children in this or any other state.
Or I have participated in the following litigation:
Name of Court State Case No. Date Result
Additional page attached titledSection 6”
Response Custody/Parenting Time/Support
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(Aug 2019)
I do not know of any other domestic violence, custody, parenting time, or placement
proceeding involving the children, or of any other court case which could affect this case,
pending in any state
(identify court, case number and kind of proceeding)
I do not know any person other than Petitioner who has physical custody of the children or
who claims to have custody, visitation, or parenting time rights
(list name and address)
I hereby declare that the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge
and belief. I understand they are made for use as evidence in court and I am
subject to penalty for perjury.
Date Respondent (signature)
Respondent Name
Contact Address City, State, Zip Contact Phone
Certificate of Mailing
I certify that on (date): I placed a true and complete copy of this
Response in the United States mail to Petitioner at (petitioner’s address):
Date Respondent (signature)
Respondent Name
Confidential Information Form
Page 1 of 1 (Apr 2019)
Case No: ______________________
Amended CIF
UTCR 2.130
Unmarried children age 18, 19, or 20 years old (per ORS 107.108)
Submitted by: Petitioner Respondent other:
Information about (name):
(first, middle, last) Petitioner Respondent other:
Date of Birth:
Social Security Number:
Driver License (Number and State):
Former Legal Names:
Employer’s Name, Address, and Phone:
Minor children of the parties:
Date of Birth:
Social Security Number:
Additional page attached
The names of parties and children, and children’s ages are not confidential. This form can only be viewed by the
party who files it unless the court orders otherwise.
Confidential Information Form
Page 1 of 1 (Apr 2019)
Case No: ______________________
Amended CIF
UTCR 2.130
Unmarried children age 18, 19, or 20 years old (per ORS 107.108)
Submitted by: Petitioner Respondent other:
Information about (name):
(first, middle, last) Petitioner Respondent other:
Date of Birth:
Social Security Number:
Driver License (Number and State):
Former Legal Names:
Employer’s Name, Address, and Phone:
Minor children of the parties:
Date of Birth:
Social Security Number:
Additional page attached
The names of parties and children, and children’s ages are not confidential. This form can only be viewed by the
party who files it unless the court orders otherwise.
Notice of CIF Filing
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(Apr 2019)
Case No: ______________________
Amended CIF
Unmarried children 18, 19, or 20 years old (per ORS 107.108) (full names)
I filed Confidential Information Forms with the court about the following parties to this case as
required by Uniform Trial Court Rule (UTCR) 2.130 (Use first, middle, last names below):
1) My Name:
Petitioner Respondent Other:__________________
Containing (check all that apply):
Social Security Number (SSN) Date of Birth (DOB) children’s SSN children’s DOB
employer’s name, address, and phone number driver license number
former legal names
2) Name:
Petitioner Respondent Other:__________________
Containing (check all that apply):
SSN DOB children’s SSN children’s DOB employer’s name, address, and phone
driver license number former legal names
3) Name:
Petitioner Respondent Other:__________________
Containing (check all that apply):
SSN DOB children’s SSN children’s DOB employer’s name, address, and phone
driver license number former legal names
4) Name:
Petitioner Respondent Other:__________________
Containing (check all that apply):
SSN DOB children’s SSN children’s DOB employer’s name, address, and phone
driver license number former legal names
Date Signature
Name (printed)
Contact Address City, State, ZIP Contact Phone