Address Phone: 555-555-5555
City, Province, Country
BSc Biology Major
Environmental Studies Minor, 4th year
University of Victoria, Victoria BC Canada
Interpersonal Skills
Friendly, creative, dependable, and eager to learn more.
Passionate, enthusiastic and outgoing about the outdoors, science, and environmental conservation.
Organized, knowledgeable, resourceful, and a strong work ethic.
Practical management experience and able to work collectively with others.
Able to work well independently.
Biology Skills
Experience in scientic writing, principles of the scientic method, and application of experimental tech-
niques to solve specic problems.
Upholds a vast knowledge of the ecological roles and history of local marine and terrestrial species, speci-
cally in the CDF and CWH biogeoclimatic (BEC) zones.
Can distinguish certain species native to coastal British Columbia, such as the dierent species of salmon,
groundsh, trees, wildowers and much more through visualization.
Experienced using standard laboratory equipment and skills such as accurate use of measurements, compil-
ing data with computer applications, and collecting eld samples.
Outdoor Knowledge and Experience
Experienced in the outdoors. Able to predict, plan and pack accordingly for extended trips, navigate safely
in varying terrain and weather conditions.
Maintains an excellent understanding of British Columbia’s diverse ecosystems and geography along with
pressing environmental issues and concerns.
Able to camp, cook, observe environment, and drive safely with a valid class 5 drivers license.
Practices safety with his bronze cross, bronze medallion lifesaving certicates.
Cultural Restoration Volunteer
First Nations - City, Province, Country
September 20XX–Present
Constructed and cemented interpretive signage
Handled various power tools such as a chain saw to cut bench slabs.
Informed the public about the project. Identied, selected and propagated native plants.
Worked with various volunteers and First Nations, attended cultural ceremony with respect and gratitude.
Assessed and planned signage placement parameters within the project site.
June 20XX–Present
Student Name
Landscaping company – City, Province, Country
Participated in invasive species quarantine precautions. Maintained plant beds, lawns, and gardens.
Prioritized safety, used proper safety protection and handled tools with precaution, kept customers and
worksites safe.
Garden tool and machinery husbandry, such as: fueling and cleaning lawn mowers.
Dealt with customer questions and concerns at job sites.
Marketing Manager and Technician
Window cleaning company – City, Province, Country
May 20XX–July 20XX
Directed and managed employees to eectively and eciently market job sites.
Evaluated safety of job site, taking precautions such as ladder placement.
Performed estimates and organized customer bookings.
Resort Supervisor
Beach Resort - City, Province, Country
April 20XX–July 20XX
Educated customers on proper boating skills and knowledge, enforced beach rules and safety, as well as
dealing with liability contracts.
Handled Hypochlorite for water treatment, gathered and delivered water samples to lab
Maintained COVID-19 disinfection, beach, beach utilities, and handled renovations.
Handled sales, money, and inventory.
Work Experience (WEX) Volunteer
Public Aquarium - City, Province, Country
July 20XX–Present
Educated grades 2-11 in wet labs about the local marine vertebrates and invertebrates (species classica-
tion, scientic facts, relevant knowledge…etc.)
Conducted animal husbandry in aquatic facilities.
Worked cooperatively and eectively with others.
Wireless Installation Company - City, Province, Country
October 20XX–December 20XX
Navigated and commuted to job sites through area via boat.
Assisted with customer installations, o-grid repeater site installations.
Transported material to rugged terrain and operated a chainsaw to remove trees.
Photography for company website.
Farm Labor
Farm - City, Province, Country
Maintained, organized, and harvested crops and garden as well as animal husbandry.
Safely operated farm equipment and machinery in varying weather conditions.
Renovated buildings and built farm structures.
Some interests include, surng, hiking, photography, snowboarding, shing, kayaking, canoeing, boating,
carpentry, art, biology, citizen science, plant propagation, gardening, and environmental conservation.
Passionate about conserving and studying the west coast, particularly the marine species of the Salish Sea
July 20XX –Present
July 20XX–September 20XX
Salmon Hatchery Volunteer
Nature Society - Victoria, BC
Conducted animal husbandry to salmon fry. Assessed river and watershed conditions.
Collected brood stock in variable weather and river conditions.
September 20XX–June 20XX