JavaScript 2: Get Element By Id (part 1)
For this tutorial, you can either use the html and js you created for the random number tutorial or you can start a new
html and js page.
document.getElementById() .................................................................................................................................................. 1
.src ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Your Turn: ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Part 1: (5) ........................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Part 2: (6) Image as Button ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Part 3: (8)Random Pic ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Passing the ID in as a parameter ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Your Turn: ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Part 1: (5)Image id as a parameter: ................................................................................................................................ 4
Part 2 (6): Multiple Images ............................................................................................................................................. 4
So far the programming tools we’ve learned are:
Alert box
If conditions
Else if and else with the if condition
Random numbers
These are all useful, but they dont let us dynamically change the elements on your web page. For instance, what if I
wanted to click on a word and have the web pages picture change to one representing that word (i.e., I clicked on an
elephant and a pic of an elephant appears on the web page, along with a paragraph about elephants)? What if I wanted
to be able to make an image smaller or larger by clicking on a button? What if I was low vision and wanted to make the
font size larger on my web page?
All these can be done in a number of ways. Were going to start by learning about how to use:
getElementById only lets you change elements in your html code that have an id. Luckily you can go in and give any
element an id. Since every id in your web page must be unique, this only allows us to change one thing at a time.
Lets start by using it to change an image on your web page.
Example: if you have an image on your web page, it might look like this in the html code:
<img src = "Images/penguin.jpg" width = 220 height = 220 alt = "a cute baby penguin" >
You can add an id to the image (e.g.,)
<img src = "Images/penguin.jpg" width = 220 height = 220 alt = "a cute baby penguin" id = "pic1">
NOTE that I set width and height without saying: style = “…”. I did this to make using document.getElementById easier for
this tutorial. This way of setting the width and the height is the old-fashioned way, but it works. Because we’re just using
document.getElementById for the first time, setting and changing the width and the height are easier and more straight-
forward when using the old-fashioned way of setting the width and the height.
Then in the html page, have a button that calls a function that changes the image, or something like this:
<input type = "button" value = "Click to change" onClick = "changeSrc()">
Now, lets create the function that changes the pic. In your javascript, create a function.
Inside the function, add a document.getElementById. To identify the image uniquely, Id say the following:
and to change the pic that shows up, I want to change the src
Note that in your html code, the img src=penguin.jpg is what sets the image you see on the web page to be the penguin.jpg
pic. So to change the pic, I must change what the src is set to.
So if I wanted to change the pic to a wombat, Id have inside my function,
document.getElementById("pic1").src = "Images/wombat2.png"
So my entire function looks like:
function changeSrc() {
alert("Changing pic")
document.getElementById("pic1").src = "Images/wombat2.png"
You can try the above:
In your html function:
Step 1: Add an image to your html page. Save the web page and load it. Make sure the image shows up.
Step 2: Give the image a unique id. It can be anything, as long as nothing else on your web page has that id (and it can only be 1
word no spaces or special characters)
Step 3: Underneath, add a button that calls a function that changes the image when it is clicked on.
Now in your javaScript file:
Step 4: Create a function. Make sure the function has the exact same name as the html button calls.
Step 5: Inside the function, include an alert box that alerts the user that the pic is being changed.
Step 6: Now add the document.getElementById. Make sure you have the id that you gave to the image between the
parentheses, and make sure youre changing the .src to another image
Step 7: Save this file. Test Everything and make sure everything works.
If its not working:
Make sure that the id you gave to the image is the id between the parentheses for document.getElementById
Make sure the id is in quotes in between the parentheses in document.getElementById(“pic1”)
Make sure you did not capitalize ID, just the I (which is not an l as in llama but an I as in Iguana)
Make sure you did not copy from this document and thus have funky quotes that MS Word creates
Make sure your html and your js files are linked
(I am trying very hard to go back and change the I in Id to be Times New Roman so you can see the difference between a capital
I and a small case letter l, but I may miss one here and there. Theyre EYES, not ELLS!)
Your Turn:
Part 1: (5) Get the above function working
Part 2: (6) Image as Button
Instead of a separate button, you can add the onClick command directly inside the img html tag, e.g.,
<img src=”bla.jpg” width = 300 height = 200 alt = “blab la bla” id = “mybla” onClick = “thefunc()”>
Try It
Add a new image to your web page. Give it a different unique id.
Download an alternate picture. I went with a snail pic and an explosion pic, but you can go with whatever you like.
Now add another function to your .js code. The function should change the .src to the explosion pic.
Now modify the image in your html code so that when you click on the image, the function you just wrote is called.
Save all and test by loading into the browser. When you click on the image, it should change to your second pic.
Part 3: (8)Random Pic
For this in your html add another image. Give it a unique id. Make the image call a new function when the image is clicked on.
Download 3 more images
In your javaScript, create another function with the same name as the function youre calling with the image you just added.
Inside the function, generate a random number between 0 and 3 (not including 3). Make sure youve got a variable to the left
of the random number generator.
Below that, use an if condition to change the src to the first image you downloaded if the random number variable holds 0, the
second if the random number variable holds 1, and the third if the random number holds 2.
Passing the ID in as a parameter
When you call a function, youve passed in words (strings) and numbers so far. You can also pass an id into a functions
parameter when you call the function. So, for instance if you have the following image code:
<img src=”bla.jpg” width = 300 height = 200 alt = “blab la bla” id = “mybla” onClick = “thefunc()”>
Right now when you call the function thefunc(), you are passing nothing in, so the function in your javascript file should not
have a parameter.
However, you can add a parameter. You can place the id of the image between the parentheses in the onClick as follows:
<img src=”bla.jpg” width = 300 height = 200 alt = “blab la bla” id = “mybla” onClick = “thefunc(mybla’)”>
And then in your javaScript, make sure the function has a parameter as follows:
function thefunc(idpar) {
document.getElementById(idpar).src = " bang.png"
So now when you click on the image, youre passing in the images id into the parameter, and then the parameter, which holds
the id is what goes between the parentheses for the document.getElementById().
And now, when you click on the image, that images id goes into the parameter, and inside the function it is used in
document.getElementById, and the document.getElementById is changing the src of the image with the id passed in to be
Your Turn:
Part 1: (5)Image id as a parameter:
In your html, add an image, and give the image an id. Make it so that,when the image is clicked on, a function is called. Make it
be called with the id of the image (make sure that you put single quotes around the id when it is in between the parentheses
when you call the function)
Now in your javascript create a function. Make sure the functions name is the same as the function called by the image above.
The function should have a parameter.
Inside the function, use document.getElementById and the input parameter holding the id of the image above to change the src
of the image to a different image
Save both files, test and make sure it works.
If it doesnt:
Make sure the id of the image and the id you pass into the function are exactly the same.
Make sure there are single quotes around the id when you call the function with onClick
Make sure that you do not put quotes around the parameter when you’re using it inside the paretheses in
Part 2 (6): Multiple Images
To your html file, add 3 more images, each with its own unique id. Make each of the images call the function you wrote for Part
1, right above, when clicked on, and make sure each image passes in its unique id when it calls the function.
Now save and test your code. When you click on any of the above 4 images (1 from part 1 and 3 from part 2), the images src
should change to the image you set it to in the function