Applying to physician assistant programs is an extremely competitive process. Many students
apply more than once before securing an acceptance; therefore, please do not be discouraged if
you are unsuccessful the first time. Before beginning the reapplication process, please review the
advice summarized below, from a panel of physician assistant program admission directors. Please
note that the information shared in this document is general advice; subsequently, students will
need to verify individual program application requirements and deadlines prior to reapplying.
Students are also encouraged to check the programs frequently asked questions for
information regarding ideal characteristics that programs value in applicants. Typically,
descriptive information on accepted students will be displayed as well. It is also important to
ensure your interests and dedication to the profession shines through in every aspect of your
1) Review of Application
o Thoroughly review and reflect on your previous application and interview to determine if
there are specific areas that need improvement. We recommend meeting with a Pre-
Health Advisor to help craft your reapplication. If you are not currently affiliated with an
institution or do not have a Pre-Health Advisor at your institution, you can find an advisor
hrough the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions at https://
2) GPA
o Take upper-level science courses to demonstrate the strength of your scientific
background and your readiness for graduate level work
o Consider obtaining a Master of Medical Sciences degree
3) Professional Memberships
o Consider joining AAPA and state/regional PA associations
4) S
tandardized Examinations
o Consider retaking required or recommended standardized tests to improve scores
5) Personal Statement
o Do no
t submit the same personal statement upon reapplying in subsequent years
o Rewrite y
our personal statement to address academic weaknesses
Do not try to hide or omit areas of weakness. Rather, explain what you have
learned from the experience, how you have grown, and how you can use that to
elp you succeed in the PA program.
o A
ddress how you have improved your application from the previous cycle
s can include both professional and personal growth/improvement
o Share life experiences and background information that sets you apart from other
Reflect on how these experiences have affected your undergraduate/graduate
periences and helped to shape who you are today
. First-generation scholar, veteran, single mother, full-time employment,
student athlete, e
6) Patient Care/Healthcare Experiences
o Increase your number of clinical hours
o Differentiate between clinical hours obtained through healthcare related experiences and
patient care experiences
o Diversify your clinical experience
Ex. MA, scribe, CNA, PCT, EMT, etc
Created by the PAEA Admissions Steering Committe. Do not Reproduce without the permission of PAEA.
7) Reference Letters
o Letters of reference should be obtained from clinicians
PA / MD / DO
o Letters should be personal and specific to you, including your personal
accomplishments, goals, and potential
o Family members or friends of the family should not submit a LOR
8) Interview
o Practice, practice, practice
o Develop an elevator speech to include who you are, why you chose the PA
profession, and why you chose that particular program
o Research the program’s history, mission, vision, goals, and outcomes
o Create insightful questions to share during the faculty meeting (not generic
questions obtained from online resources)
9) Shadowing
o Students are encouraged to shadow upper-level clinicians
PA / MD / DO / NP
o Diversify your shadowing experiences
o Keep in mind that these experiences should help students understand the role of a PA
10) Other Activities to Include
o Volunteer or community service
o Mission trips
o Leadership roles
o Research experience
11) Submission of Application
o Submit application well before the published deadline
o Reference application deadlines for each school to ensure you are aware of the dates
o Reference secondary application requirements for each school to ensure you have
completed all requirements
Created by the PAEA Admissions Steeting Committe. Do not Reproduce without the permission of PAEA