Secure Email
User Guide
HSBC SecureMail User Guide for Desktop and Laptop Computers
Secure email at HSBC 2
About SecureMail 2
Receiving a secure email sent by SecureMail 3
Opening a secure email sent by SecureMail 4
Resetting your SecureMail password 8
Using SecureMail to reply to messages 9
Using SecureMail to compose messages 12
Glossary 15
Support 15
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Secure email at HSBC
At HSBC we are committed to upholding the strictest security on the information that we communicate with you.
That’s why we have made it our policy to encrypt and secure all emails when they contain information that could
pose a risk to you or HSBC if intercepted by someone else.
As part of this commitment, we have introduced an email encryption service, called SecureMail, which operates
separately to our Internet Banking Service.
About SecureMail
SecureMail is provided by Voltage Security Inc., (, who are a recognized enterprise security
company, covering a range of sensitive data users including banking, insurance, and national governmental
departments. SecureMail is an email encryption solution that can be used with any email application. SecureMail
is compatible with desktop computers, laptops and netbooks.
The first time you receive a message this way, you will need to set up a SecureMail account before accessing
your message. Setting up an account is easy and does not require any financial or personal information to be
entered other than your name and a password of your choice.
This user guide provides step by step instructions for opening and replying to your message sent by your HSBC
Relationship Manager or HSBC representative via SecureMail.
Disclaimer: By using SecureMail, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and understand our Privacy Policy.
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Receiving a secure email sent by SecureMail
When your HSBC Relationship Manager or HSBC representative sends you a message encrypted by
SecureMail, you will receive a message in your email inbox.
The email will come from your HSBC Relationship Manager or HSBC representative’s HSBC email address and
will contain an HTML attachment, along with instructions to access your message.
Note: some email anti-spam filters may block encrypted attachments and you may need to amend the
settings to permit such emails.
Security Tip:
Always check the sender’s email address before opening any emails. If you do not recognise the sender, do
not open the email.
Figure 1: Email from your HSBC Relationship Manager or HSBC representative with instructions to access your secure
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Opening a secure email sent by SecureMail
1. Open the attachment called message_zdm.html
The attachment will be located at the header or the footer of the email depending on your mail reader.
Note: Some mail readers display attachments in a preview window. The preview of the attachment will not
work in the same way that the attachment works when opened. Therefore it is important that the attachment
is opened in order to continue.
Figure 2: message_zdm.html attachment
When opened, the attachment will open in a web browser window where you will see the SecureMail screen.
2. Click the and Read Message button
If you have never used this solution before, you will be directed to the SecureMail account set up screen. If you
already have an account, please proceed to the ‘Sign into SecureMail’ section on page 8.
Figure 3: Welcome to SecureMail screen with the Read Message button
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3. Setup your SecureMail account
Create your login credentials by completing the required fields and then click Continue.
Your password must be at least 8 characters long and must be a combination of letters and numbers.
Security Tip
In the interest of security, your password should be different to the ones you use for accessing online
financial account information or other email accounts.
Please note that HSBC will never ask you to enter your financial account or personal details such as your
date of birth in the HSBC SecureMail account set up process or any other part of the SecureMail solution.
Figure 4: Set up your SecureMail account screen
You will then be informed your SecureMail account details have been submitted successfully.
4. Return to your email inbox
Once you have successfully submitted your login details, return to your email inbox. You will receive a
SecureMail Verification email.
Figure 5: SecureMail Verification email sent to your email inbox from HSBC SecureMail
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5. Open the SecureMail Verification email and Activate Account
Open the verification email and click the link within to activate your SecureMail account.
Once the account is activated your message will be displayed in your web browser window.
Figure 6: SecureMail Verification email with account activation link
6. Read message
Your message will be displayed in your web browser window. In addition, you will also receive an account
confirmation email in your inbox.
Figure 7: Read your secure message on the Read Message screen
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You can print a received message by clicking on the Print Icon.
You will also be able to cut and paste information from the email into a file in your computer or you can download
any attachments to your computer. If you do this, please take care of the information since it will no longer be
protected by SecureMail encryption.
Note: If you delete the email sent by HSBC which contains the message_zdm.html attachment, you will not
be able to view your secure message again at a later date unless you have saved any attachments within the
secure message to your computer.
Sign into SecureMail
To sign into SecureMail, you will first need to follow steps 1 and 2 on page 4. If you already have an account you
will be directed to the SecureMail sign in screen shown in Figure 8 below.
If you are a first time user, please follow previous steps 1-5 to access your message)
1. Enter sign in details
On the SecureMail sign in screen, please check or complete the following fields:
Email: this field should be pre-populated with your email address. Check that it is correct. Password: Enter the
password you created when setting up your SecureMail password. See highlighted area 1 on Figure 8 below.
2. Click the Sign In button
Click the Sign in button to proceed to your message. See highlighted area 2 on Figure 8 below.
As long as you keep the email sent by HSBC with the message_zdm.html attachment, you will be able to sign
into SecureMail and view the encrypted message again at a later date.
Figure 8: SecureMail sign in screen
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Resetting your SecureMail password
If you cannot remember your password or would like to reset your password, click on the Forgot password and
reset password link under the ‘Password’ input field on the sign in screen. See Figure 9 below.
You will get a message in your email inbox with a link to reset your password and re-activate your account.
Figure 9: Reset Password screen
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Using SecureMail to reply to messages
SecureMail lets you reply to the sender of the email message or to the sender and all copy parties.
Figure 10: SecureMail Reply or Reply to All screen
For security reasons, you will not be able to forward your email or add or delete any email addresses in your
Remember not to include any confidential information in the email Subject line to keep your message secure.
To Reply to Sender
When your secure message is displayed, you will see a Reply button. Click the Reply button to reply to the
sender of the original email. This will open a new window where you can write your reply. See Figure 11 below.
To Reply to All
If you want to reply to all copy parties, click Reply to All. This will open a new window where you can write your
Just like a normal email account, you will see a screen where you can compose your reply message. You will
also be able to view the email history which you can select and delete if you wish to.
Note: Any attachments sent by the originator of the email will automatically be removed on the reply
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Figure 11: SecureMail Reply or Reply to All screen
A. Rich Text Editor
When replying to an email you can format your message by using the Rich Text Editor. The editor lets you
change the font, the font colour and more.
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B. Attaching Documents
To attach a document the recipient can click the Choose File link located next to the ‘Attach’ field. Search for
your document using the file browser and click Open to attach. You can remove attachments by clicking the
Remove link which is displayed next to each file you have attached.
C. To Request a Receipt or Receive a Copy of your Email
To receive a notification that your email has been delivered, select the ‘Request Receipt’ checkbox located at the
bottom of your message screen. Once the recipient has opened your mail, you will be sent a return receipt in
your SecureMail inbox informing you that the email was successfully delivered.
To receive a copy of your reply, click on the ’Copy Me’ checkbox option.
D. Sending the reply
When you are ready to send your reply, click the Send Secure button. A secure message will be sent to the
Note: the above sub-sections A-D also apply to the next section.
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Using SecureMail to compose messages
Having received an email and registered for SecureMail, you can opt to compose a new message when signing
out of the system.
Figure 12: SecureMail sign in screen
To compose a new secure message, log in via the ‘Sign-In’ page to create your new message. The Compose
new secure message window will displayed where you can compose your message, add the recipient(s) e-mail
address(es) and a subject. See Figure 13.
New emails can only be sent to HSBC representatives who are enabled to use SecureMail.
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Figure 13: SecureMail to Compose messages
Once the message is complete, click the ‘Send Secure’ button. A notification will be displayed once the secure
message is sent successfully.
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Figure 14: Successfully Sent a secure Message
From this screen you can either send another Secure Message or Sign Out.
About TLS | Transport Layer Security (TLS)
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Email Domain
Email Domain is the part that follows the @ sign in an email address
Email Server
An email server processes inbound emails in some way (eg filter spam) before it is delivered to the recipients
email inbox.
Encryption is the process of transforming data so it's unreadable to anyone except the party that is authorised to
receive it.
Forced TLS – Transport Layer Security
Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a user transparent way of encrypting the transmission of electronic mail from
one organisation to another over the Internet. TLS is a security protocol that is based on the Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL) 3.0 protocol developed by Netscape. Forced TLS is a configuration that has to be set on the sender
and recipient’s Internet email gateways in order for the email to be transported securely.
Secure email
Secure email is an email that has been encrypted so that it can be sent securely over the internet.
A server is computer system or device that manages network resources. Often servers act as storage devices for
SSL – Secure Socket Layer
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) provides enhanced security for internet communications. It uses encryption (see
above) to ensure the confidentiality of sensitive information – such as credit card numbers, account balances and
other financial and personal data – which is sent between a web browser and a web server (see above).
Web Browser
A web browser is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources on the
Please refer to your HSBC Relationship Manager or HSBC Representative who will assist you or will progress
your query.
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Issued by HSBC Holdings plc
We are a principal member of the HSBC Group, one of the
world’s largest banking and financial services organisations
with around 8,000 offices in 87 countries and territories.
Published by Group Information Security Risk,
HSBC Holdings plc,
8 Canada Square, London, United Kingdom E14 5HQ
© HSBC Holdings plc 2011
All rights reserved