Student Guide
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Special recognition to the NAF leadership team of
Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Miami Lakes Educational Center (MLEC)
for contributing to NAF’s Capstone Project Student Guide
by sharing their successful Capstone Project protocols and forms.
Lourdes Diaz
Marlon Vernon
NAF Academy Leader
Academy of Information Technology (AOIT)
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Table of Contents
Letter of Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 4
Capstone Project Overview ..................................................................................................................... 5
Purpose ............................................................................................................................................. 5
Primary Components .......................................................................................................................... 5
Requirement Checklist for Capstone Project Components ......................................................................... 6
Capstone Project Calendar ...................................................................................................................... 7
Capstone Project Proposal ...................................................................................................................... 8
Teacher Scoring Rubric & Approval: Capstone Project Proposal ................................................................. 9
Parent Approval: Research Topic, Product, & Requirements .................................................................... 10
Professionalism & Ethics Guidelines ....................................................................................................... 11
Capstone Project Rubric ....................................................................................................................... 13
Rubric Domains ................................................................................................................................ 13
Scoring Guidelines ............................................................................................................................... 15
Scoring a Capstone Project ................................................................................................................ 15
Performance Levels: Descriptions ...................................................................................................... 16
Scored Capstone Project Sample ....................................................................................................... 17
Capstone Project Rubric Tool ............................................................................................................. 18
Career-Themed Mentor ........................................................................................................................ 20
Locating a Mentor ............................................................................................................................. 20
Student-Mentee Contract ...................................................................................................................... 21
Student-Mentee Expectations & Behaviors ............................................................................................. 21
Mentor Agreement Contract .................................................................................................................. 22
Mentor/Mentee Contact Log ................................................................................................................. 23
Mentor: Thank You Letter ..................................................................................................................... 24
Research Paper Guidelines ................................................................................................................... 25
Capstone Product ................................................................................................................................. 26
Product Self-Reflection Questionnaire .................................................................................................... 27
Mentor: Product Validation Form ........................................................................................................... 29
Portfolio Guidelines .............................................................................................................................. 30
Portfolio Contents ............................................................................................................................. 30
Portfolio Requirements Checklist ........................................................................................................ 31
Presentation Guide ............................................................................................................................... 32
Organizing The Presentation ................................................................................................................. 34
Presentation Evaluation Rubric .............................................................................................................. 35
Letter to Judges Template .................................................................................................................... 38
NAF’s College & Career Readiness Skills ................................................................................................ 39
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Letter of Introduction
Dear NAF Academy Student,
Capstone Project
is an approved performance-based assessment that meets the requirement for
NAFTrack Certification.
This project is a culminating academic assignment and assessment of all the skills you learned during your
NAF academy experience. It focuses on solving real-world problems related to your academy's theme or
career cluster.
Completing a capstone project is an exhilarating and rewarding experience that allows you to apply your
college and career readiness skills and career expertise. Most importantly, the capstone project lets you
participate in an in-depth exploration of an authentic career topic or issue based on your interest.
Capstone Project Student Guide
provides valuable information and resources to assist you through
the project's various components. Select an exciting and challenging real-world issue in your career field
and follow the guide with fidelity to accomplish a fulfilling learning experience.
Enjoy this capstone project experience, and best of luck!
NAF Academy Teacher
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Capstone Project Overview
Capstone Project
is your opportunity to demonstrate your career knowledge and showcase your college
and career readiness skills. The project focuses on addressing and solving real-world problems related to
your career field and challenges you to be future-ready. This capstone project must integrate all your
knowledge and concepts from your academy experiences and skills such as self-awareness, critical thinking,
problem-solving, communication, collaboration, research, time management, organization, and presenting.
NAFTrack Certification requires the successful completion of a performance-based assessment like this
capstone project.
Primary Components
A capstone project has four primary components, and the assessment of each component is separate.
Research your choice of real-world issues directly related to your career field and select
topics based on your interests.
Secure mentor and academy teacher support to guide you through the research and
project design.
Check with your teacher for the designated style requirements - APA or MLA format.
Plan research that requires no travel if you do not drive or have access to
Consider research involving the purchase of expensive equipment only if you can solicit
a company or mentor to sponsor your research.
Create a product that is a tangle object - performance, design, demonstration, or
documented-community service.
Ensure your research paper has a direct relationship with your designated product.
Select a topic and a product that are affordable and within your financial budget.
Note - The final grade recognizes inventiveness and application of the product, not the
cost to build it. The research or product has no required expenditure.
Create an ePortfolio - a digital collection of documents and artifacts that showcase your
accomplishments as you work through the capstone project.
Document your progress and communication with support team members.
Develop portfolio sections that typically include: Project proposal, academic work
samples, assessments and checkpoints, and personal information or experiences.
Present a 10-15-minute public exhibition to peers, parents, school faculty,
administration, and advisory board/community members.
Showcase your career theme knowledge and expertise and highlight the career skills
and competencies you achieved during the capstone experience.
Phases of
Note: Each component receives individual grades.
Review component grades as a percentage of the final capstone project grade:
Research Paper___%
Examine the
Capstone Project Rubric
to review performance level expectations.
Study the Presentation Evaluation Rubric (p. 34) to assess the required competencies.
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Requirement Checklist for Capstone Project Components
Use the Capstone Project Requirements Checklist to monitor the completion of project requirements.
Requirements for Capstone Project Components
(p. 25)
Minimum of 5-7 typed, double-spaced pages
Font: 12-point, Courier New or Times New Roman, and 1-inch margins
APA or MLA style requirements as designated by the teacher
Minimum of ___ references & sources (personal interviews recognized as a source)
Reference page
Substantiate claims and facts with references and quotations
No Plagiarism: Paper assigned a zero if plagiarism detected
Submitted on or before the deadline
Final paper: 2 copies - 1 for submission & 1 for portfolio
(pp. 26-29)
Related to documented research
Tangible artifact, performance, skill-based demonstration, or service-oriented
A solution to current issue & beyond the current level of your expertise
Created by student &
by mentor or parents/guardians
Minimum of 10 contact hours with a mentor
Contact log with mentor's signature for each session
(pp. 30-31)
Cover page
Table of contents
Letter to the judges
Resumes & certificates
Research paper final copy
Presentation PowerPoint - product showcase
Capstone Project Proposal
Mentor Information Form
Mentor/Mentee Contact Logs
Mentor Final Verification of Product Form
Mentor Evaluation Form
Mentor Thank-you Letter
Journal Reflections
Product Self-evaluation
Professionalism and Ethics Guidelines
Teacher Approval: Research Topic and Product
Parent Approval: Research Topic, Product, and Requirements
Miscellaneous: Pictures of teacher/mentor, awards, letters, plans, evaluations forms
(pp. 32-38)
Length: 10-15 minutes
Notecards with talking points
Delivery practice with an audience at home and school
Dress: business attire
Visuals: poster, outline, photo collage, PowerPoint, or tangible product
Portfolio presentation for judges' review
Evaluation of delivery and content
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Capstone Project Calendar
Use the Capstone Project Calendar to ensure that you meet all deadlines for each phase of the project.
Strategic Actions & Required Documents/Forms
Review of
Capstone Project Student Guide
Sept - April
Classwork - research paper, product design, & ePortfolio based on teacher schedule
Sept __
Review & study
Capstone Project Rubric
(pp. 18-19)
Oct __
Review & study How to Write a Research Paper: Student Guide & Research PowerPoint
Oct __
Teacher – Pre-approval of initial ideas for the research topic and product concept
Oct __
Begin drafting -
Capstone Project Proposal
(pp. 8-10)
Nov __
Teacher Approval & Scoring Rubric: Research & Product Approval
(p. 9)
Nov __
Progress Check - Capstone Project Proposal
Dec __
Submit Capstone Project Proposal
Jan __
Teacher – Returns Approved/Rejected Capstone Project Proposal
Jan __
Submit - Signed
Parent Approval: Research Topic, Product, & Requirements
(p. 10)
Jan __
Submit - Signed
Professionalism & Ethics Guidelines
(pp. 11-12)
Jan __
Recruit & engage a mentor to support research and product design
Feb __
Submit -
Mentor Information
(p. 20) & Signed
Mentor Agreement Contract
(p. 22)
Feb __
Submit - Signed
Student-Mentee Contract
(p. 21)
Feb __
Teacher - Verification of mentor
Feb __
Submit - Thesis statement & evidence of research articles and notes
Mar __
Submit - Research paper outline
Mar __
Submit First draft of research paper
Mar __
Submit - Second draft of research paper
Apr __
Submit - First draft of PowerPoint presentation for research & product design
Apr __
End of mentor/mentee contact
Apr __
Submit -
Mentor/Mentee Contact Log
(p. 23) with a minimum of 10-contact hours
Apr __
Teacher - Email verification of mentee/mentor contact hours
Apr __
Submit Final research paper
Apr __
Submit - ePortfolio for initial review
May __
Submit -
Mentor: Thank You Letter
(p. 24)
May __
Submit -
Product Self-Reflection Questionnaire
(p. 27)
May __
Submit -
Mentor: Product Validation Form
(p. 29)
May __
Submit - Final draft of ePortfolio and product design
May __
Submit - PowerPoint presentation for final review
May __
Review & study
Presentation Evaluation Rubric
(pp. 35-37)
May __
Presentation & judging of Capstone Project
May __
Final Submissions: Research Paper, ePortfolio, PowerPoint Presentation, & Artifacts
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Capstone Project Proposal
A capstone project proposal is a 1-2-page, typed overview that describes your intentions to conduct
research on a real-world topic related to your career field and your considerations for designing an
associated product.
Content of Proposal
Use the following questions and prompts to develop your proposal essay for the research topic and product.
Attach the
Teacher Approval: Capstone Project Proposal
(p. 9)
to your proposal for an evaluation to
approve your request. You must receive a formal acceptance and approval before beginning your formal
research and product design. Use the following prompts to complete the proposal:
1. Describe your academy career theme.
2. Explain your future career interests in this field. If none, what are your career goals for the future?
3. Do you have postsecondary plans to further your development in your future career field?
Purpose & Rationale
4. Write an expository thesis statement related to your research topic, including a real-world issue
from your career field with a possible solution.
5. Explain why this issue challenges you and why it is crucial to research this topic.
6. Have you conducted any work in this proposed area of research?
7. Describe the features of the product, performance, demonstration, or service that complements
your research.
8. How is the product directly related to the topic of the research paper?
9. What is the anticipated cost of the product?
Relevance & Creativity
10. What are the possible implications for using your research and product in your career field?
11. How do your product and solution benefit your designated industry or field?
12. How would you continue to extend the research and improve the design of the product?
13. Where or how do you find a mentor? Identify the type of expertise needed to assist you in the
design of your product?
14. Describe how you plan to conduct yourself throughout the project after reviewing the
Project Professionalism & Ethics Guidelines
(p. 11).
15. What types of assistance do you need to complete the project? Consider situations or issues with
finances, time management for meeting deadlines, and difficulties with research, writing, and
designing the product.
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Teacher Scoring Rubric & Approval: Capstone Project Proposal
Student Name: __________________________________ Academy: __________________________
Research Topic: ______________________________________________________________________
Product: _____________________________________________________________________________
Capstone Project Proposal: Scoring Guide
Proposal Declarations
10 Points
Academy career theme
Future career interest in the field. If none, career goals for the future
Postsecondary plans for further development in a future career field
& Rationale
10 Points
Expository thesis statement related to the research topic
Real-world issue
Possible solution related to the career field
Interest in issue
Importance of researching the topic
Previous experience or knowledge in the field of study
30 Points
Features of product that complement the research
The direct relationship of product to the research topic
The anticipated cost of designing the product
& Creativity
30 Points
Implications for using research and product in the career field
Product and solution benefits to designated industry or field
Extensions of the research and improvements of product design
Finding a mentor and type of mentor expertise
10 Points
Review of Capstone Project Professionalism & Ethics Guidelines
Professional conduct throughout the project
Outreach for assistance with the project
Situations or issues for consideration
10 Points
Statement of purpose/focus organization
Development & elaboration of evidence
Standard conventions plus the use of technical language and vocabulary
Total Points
Teacher Approval: Capstone Project Proposal
__________ Research Topic:
__________ Research Topic:
__________ Product Proposal:
__________ Product Proposal:
Reason for rejection and requirement to resubmit proposal:
Teacher Signature: ______________________________ Date: ________________
Student Statement
I attest that the information in my Capstone Project Proposal is true and accurate.
Student Signature: _____________________________ Date: ________________
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Parent Approval: Research Topic, Product, & Requirements
I am the parent/guardian of _____________________________________________, in the Academy
of __________________. I am aware that the capstone project is a performance-based assessment
that is a requirement for NAFTrack Certification, and it makes up _____% of the academy course
The final capstone project grade breakdown includes the following:
Research Paper = ______%
Product = ______%
Portfolio = ______%
Presentation = ______%
I acknowledge that any academic dishonesty, such as falsification or plagiarism results in a failing final
grade (F) on the research paper or other project components. Also, my student cannot continue with the
completion of the additional parts of the project.
Statements of Approval:
Research Paper:
My student selected the following research topic:
: My student decided on the creation of the following:
Project Cost:
My student anticipates that the approximate cost of completing this capstone
project is $_____________, and I approve of this expense.
I acknowledge that my student had full autonomy in choosing the research topic and selecting a
related product to meet the capstone project's requirements. Also, the topic and product are outside
of my student's recent experiences and level of expertise.
I am aware that I take full responsibility for the capstone project's costs and any consequences resulting
from this topic and product choice.
Capstone Project
Parent Approval & Acknowledgement: Research Topic, Product, & Requirements
My student and I have reviewed and fully acknowledge all the Capstone Project requirements.
__________________________________________________ ________________
Parent/Guardian Signature
Cell/Home #: ________________________ Work #: __________________________
Email Address: __________________________________________ (please print clearly)
___________________________________________________ ________________
Student Signature
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Professionalism & Ethics Guidelines
Falsification, Plagiarism, & Meeting Timelines
Student Name: ________________________ Academy: ________________________________
Your NAF academy experience prepares you to be future-ready for college and career. A vital part of this
preparation is your professionalism and ethical behavior, such as academic honesty. Therefore, there are
high expectations for you to represent yourself and your family and academy with integrity and
demonstrate the highest moral character levels during the completion of the capstone project.
One of NAF's college and career readiness competencies is professionalism and ethics that involve
showcasing the following skills and behaviors:
Professionalism requires that you:
Demonstrate acceptable appearance and dress for presentations and visits to job sites.
Display a positive demeanor and be respectful in interactions with mentors, teachers, and peers.
Be accountable for time management, appropriate communication, and project deadlines.
Be reliable and competent.
Ethical behavior requires that you:
Demonstrate integrity by being honest, fair, equitable, and dignified.
Exhibit an appreciation of ethical and legal matters related to the retrieval and use of
communications media from information technologies.
Be accountable for the following behaviors and actions:
o Netiquette
Practicing acceptable methods of communicating on the Internet through emails and
social media
o Plagiarism
Copying directly from a source without quoting or providing a citation to recognize the
source of information and acknowledge the author/s
Using research information or materials without proper documentation on the citation
Representing someone's work or product as your design
Allowing a peer to present your work as their work
o Falsification and Misrepresentation
Forging the signatures of parent/guardian, mentor, or teacher on documents
Paying or allowing someone to write the paper or create the product
Engaging a family member as the subject for interviews or as a mentor
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Meeting Timelines
The completion of a capstone project develops an essential college and career readiness skill of
. The
Capstone Project Calendar
(p. 7) provides a timeline for submitting required documents
and completing critical strategic actions. The calendar of due dates chunks the capstone project into smaller
segments to facilitate time management. You must adhere to
due dates to avoid consequences and
penalties for late assignments.
complete each component as assigned and meet the designated deadlines listed in the Capstone
Project Calendar.
Finish each assignment on time before you can move on to the next required
Consequences for failure to meet the capstone project deadlines:
A penalty of ____ points (or ____%) for each day late up to ____ days.
After the ____ day, the final grade on the designated component is an F.
Submit all component assignments and materials even if the work is more than three days late to
continue with the other project components.
For a late assignment, you must submit a written appeal if you have a genuine reason that deserves
consideration for dismissing the designated consequences.
Important Reminder:
Failure to complete the research paper and any demonstration of unethical behavior, such as
mispresentation or plagiarism,
means that you are not eligible to continue with the other compents of the
capstone project. The capstone project grade is an F.
Capstone Project
Acknowledgement of the Professionalism & Ethics Guidelines
Signatures below confirm receipt of the Professionalism & Ethics Guidelines
I reviewed and fully acknowledge the
Professionalism & Ethics Guidelines
. I accept all the related
consequences for failure to meet the Capstone Project requirements and deadlines, and I promise to
perform with the highest standards of academic honest and integrity.
Student Signature _____________________________________________ Date: __________
I reviewed and fully understand my student’s responsibilities during the completion of the Capstone
Project. I acknowledge the related consequences for failure to meet the Capstone Project requirements
and deadlines.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________________ Date: __________
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Capstone Project Rubric
Capstone Project Rubric
(pp. 18-19) assesses the skills and content learned in the NAFTrack Certified
Program of Study. The capstone project is a performance-based assessment that serves to evaluate your
achievement of the necessary college and career readiness skills required for a successful transition to
postsecondary education and future careers. You work under NAF academy teachers' guidance and
collaborate with community members, business representatives, and other school-based personnel.
Teachers use the
Capstone Project Rubric
to assess your achievement of the following domains: Content
Knowledge and Skills, Self-Awareness and Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and College and
Career Readiness.
Rubric Domains
Evidence of your performance determines the extent to which you participated in the development and
completion of the capstone project. Turn in all required assignments completed throughout the capstone
project, and you must:
Submit work samples from the planning, implementation, and production stages as well as the
final product.
Complete the project reflections and explain your contributions to the overall product.
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Description of Rubric Domains
Content Knowledge & Skills
Evidence of understanding the ideas, concepts, and skills covered in targeted learning objectives:
Apply concepts in a logical and meaningful context to grasp the career-themed content knowledge
and related skills.
Demonstrate critical thinking skills by reimagining and creating original ideas to solve real-world
issues related to the career theme.
Locate, comprehend, and critically evaluate information and data from a variety of sources.
Submit reflections to identify the project's primary concepts and substantiate the proper
application of the ideas.
Self-Awareness & Critical Thinking
Evidence of work samples or reflections that demonstrate how to:
Consider all possible solutions to a problem through online and field research.
Make decisions after detailed examination and evaluation of hard evidence.
Analyze how different parts of a project interact to influence the resulting product.
Ask appropriate questions, and be willing to take new steps.
Work independently and be resourceful, flexible, and adaptable.
Be aware of abilities and performance and identify strengths and limitations of the project in the
Provide recommendations to improve project quality.
Evidence of the ability to communicate with the workgroup and support team:
Use persuasive verbal, non-verbal, and written communication.
Exhibit open-minded and active listening.
Demonstrate the effective use of social media and digital technologies for communication.
Evidence of capacity to collaborate:
Work successfully and respectfully with diverse individuals.
Share accountability for group work and recognize the contributions of team members.
Capable of compromise and demonstrate flexibility while working with team members.
Use social networks and networking tools to support collaboration.
College & Career Readiness
Evidence of college and career readiness:
Be aware of
NAF's College and Career Readiness (CCR) Skills
Appendix A (p. 40-41)
Use CCR Skills as a self-evaluation tool to complete a holistic determination of readiness.
Reflect on the college and career readiness continuum to measure your overall advancement
throughout the academy and the capstone project experiences.
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Scoring Guidelines
Capstone Project Rubric
(pp. 18-19) is the primary tool for scoring the capstone project's total
experience, including the final research paper, product, reflections, and public presentations. The following
considerations apply during the scoring of the capstone project.
Research paper includes purpose and focus, organization, development of details,
supporting evidence, and technical language and vocabulary.
Work Quality
Project work samples must reflect the standard of work that students would perform in
professional settings.
Groups are permissible during the completion of the capstone project.
Students working on the same project may submit similar work.
Student work awarded an independent score versus a group score.
Individual submissions highlight each student’s skills, abilities, responsibilities, plus
independent reflections.
Students in workgroups must all participate in a public exhibition.
Scoring a Capstone Project
Capstone Project Rubric
(pp. 18-19) guides the scoring of the project. It is paramount that you review
Capstone Project Rubric
at the beginning phase of project planning. Throughout the other phases of the
project, you must use the rubric as a self-reflection tool to assess and identify areas of strength and
opportunities for improvement.
The final assessment focuses on scoring the five domains' performance levels: Content Knowledge and
Skills, Self-Awareness and Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and College and Career
Readiness. The collaborative work, the final product, and the reflections are all considered when scoring
your capstone project.
Resources & Tips: Scoring of a Capstone Project
Strategic Actions Tips
Capstone Project Overview
(pp. 5-7)
Review the guidelines to become familiar with all components of the
Final Evaluation
Establish the overall quality of your work by evaluating all four
components of the project: research paper, product, a portfolio with
reflections, and presentation.
Performance Levels
(p. 16)
Review the descriptions of the performance expectations for each
performance level.
Scored Capstone Project
(p. 17)
Examine the sample of a scored capstone project.
Scoring Sheet
Use the scoring sheet to self-assess and estimate your overall score.
(pp. 40-41)
Survey the competencies to become familiar with the behaviors and
skills required for college and career readiness.
Capstone Project Rubric
(pp. 18-19)
Use the rubric for self-reflection and check off the competencies and
skills achieved to establish performance levels.
Inadequate Performance
Assigned zero (0) points when the project submission is incomplete.
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Performance Levels: Descriptions
A five-point scale from 0-4 establishes your performance level for each domain. Performance levels
correlate with the following descriptions of expected student behaviors.
Description of Student Behaviors
Displays an advanced level of understanding of the ideas and concepts learned throughout the
program of study aligned to the career cluster.
Indicates an excellent ability to apply the concepts and ideas learned to solve a real-world
problem related to the career cluster.
Displays an exceptional capacity to reflect on the quality of the capstone project.
Exhibits leadership skills and takes total responsibility for learning.
Provides active and consistent contributions throughout all stages of the project.
Shows minimal or no content, grammar, or presentation errors in the project work samples or
Exceeds all expectations for the completion of the project.
Shows an overall understanding of the concepts and ideas learned throughout the program of
study aligned to the career cluster.
Indicates an acceptable ability to apply the concepts and ideas learned to solve a real-world
problem related to the career cluster.
Displays an overall capacity to reflect on the quality of the capstone project.
Assumes overall responsibility for own learning.
Provides ongoing contributions throughout all stages of the project.
Shows a few grammatical or presentation errors in project work or reflections.
Meets most expectations for the completion of the project.
Shows a limited understanding of the concepts and ideas learned throughout the program of study
aligned to the career cluster.
Demonstrates a limited ability to apply the concepts and ideas learned to solve a real-world
problem related to the career cluster.
Displays difficulty in identifying the strengths and limitations of the capstone project.
Takes limited responsibility for own learning and must be nudged to contribute during all stages of
the project.
Shows significant content, grammar, or presentation errors in project work or reflections.
Does not meet the expectations for the completion of the project.
Shows a minimal understanding of the concepts and ideas learned throughout the program of
study aligned to the career cluster.
Demonstrates minimal competency for applying the concepts and ideas learned to solve a real-
world problem related to the career cluster.
Shows no ability to identify the strengths and limitations of the capstone project.
Shows a disregard for responsibility for own learning even after discussions of the issues.
Demonstrates minimal or no contribution throughout all stages of the project.
Displays significant content, grammatical, or presentation errors in project work or reflections.
Is significantly below the expectations for the completion of the project.
Demonstrates the lack of submission of sufficient numbers of required work samples throughout
the planning, implementation, production stages, and the final product.
Does not provide enough documentation or reflections to evaluate contributions to the group
throughout all the project stages.
Offers insufficient evidence or documents for the scoring of a capstone project.
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Scored Capstone Project Sample
Example: Scored Capstone Project
Course: Principles of Hospitality and Tourism
Student Name: ______________________________________
Overall Score:
Exceptional Performance
The student does not need to receive a score of 4 in all domains.
Exemplar: 4 Points
Capstone Project:
Business proposal
for a high school
vacation package
Components of Business Plan
Unique meal plan and vacation package
Reflections on the capstone project experience and product
Market analysis based on interviews with peers
Presentation to peers, faculty, and local business owners
Domains of
Description of Student's Performance
Demonstrates a depth of understanding of the concepts and
skills learned in the course.
Displays creativity and originality in addressing tourism's
environmental effects, current food and beverage business
trends, and travelers' entertainment choices.
Application of
Knowledge &
Demonstrates an overall ability to apply the concepts and skills
in a logical and meaningful context.
Submits a business proposal that contains all the necessary
Submits a generic meal plan that does not include an itemized
Provides a final vacation package with a promotional brochure
and itinerary containing minor grammatical and punctuation
Self-Awareness &
Critical Thinking
Submits reflections with evidence of thorough research
and analysis of options.
Shows awareness of the strengths and limitations of the
Provides suggestions for improvement in group
performance and the quality of the project.
Shares accountability for group work and recognizes the
contributions of team members.
Uses social networks and networking to support group
Uses persuasive verbal, non-verbal, and written
Exhibits active listening with an open mind.
College & Career
Demonstrates competency on most of NAF's College and
Career Readiness Skills.
Overall Score
The overall quality of the submitted work and presentation
exceeds the expectations for
completing the capstone project.
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Capstone Project Rubric Tool
Capstone Project Rubric
Performance Levels
& Skills
Demonstrates an
understanding of the
main ideas, concepts,
and skills covered in all
targeted learning
objectives with only
minor errors in the
breadth, depth, and
interpretation accuracy.
Demonstrates an
excellent ability to apply
the knowledge and
skills covered in all
targeted learning
objectives with only
minor errors in applying
knowledge and skills.
Demonstrates an
overall understanding
of the main ideas,
concepts, and skills
covered in the targeted
learning objectives with
some gaps in the
breadth, depth, and
interpretation accuracy.
Demonstrates an
overall ability to apply
the knowledge and
skills covered in the
targeted learning
objectives, with some
skills and knowledge
lacking and used in
incomplete ways.
Demonstrates a limited
understanding of main
ideas, concepts, and
skills covered in the
targeted learning
objectives with
substantial gaps in the
breadth, depth, and
interpretation accuracy.
Demonstrates a limited
ability to apply the
knowledge and skills
covered in the targeted
learning objectives,
with most of the skills
and knowledge lacking
and used in incomplete
or inappropriate ways.
Demonstrates a minimal
understanding of main
ideas, concepts, and
skills covered in the
targeted learning
objectives, displaying an
invalid or incomplete
representation of facts.
Demonstrates minimal
application of knowledge
and skills covered in the
targeted learning
objectives, lacked
competence regarding
most or all skills and
applied knowledge and
used them in incomplete
or inappropriate ways.
Submits an insufficient
number of required
documents to evaluate
the understanding of
main ideas, concepts,
and skills covered in
the targeted learning
Submits an insufficient
number of required
documents to evaluate
the ability to apply the
knowledge and skills
covered in the targeted
learning objectives.
Awareness &
Demonstrates an
exceptional ability to
reflect on self as a
learner and the project's
quality concerning
targeted learning
objectives by providing
explicit and accurate
statements of the
strengths and limitations
of work samples and the
final project.
Demonstrates an overall
ability to reflect on self
as a learner and the
project's quality
concerning targeted
learning objectives by
providing a global
summary of work
samples' strengths and
limitations and the final
Demonstrates a limited
ability to reflect on self
as a learner and the
project's quality
concerning targeted
learning objectives by
providing incomplete
statements regarding
the strengths and
limitations of project
assignments and the
final product.
Demonstrates a slight or
no ability to reflect on
self as a learner and the
project's quality
concerning targeted
learning objectives by
providing inaccurate or
no examples of the
strengths and limitations
of work samples and the
final product.
Submits an insufficient
number of required
reflection sheets to
evaluate the project's
quality concerning
targeted learning
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Capstone Project Rubric
Performance Levels
4 3 2 1 0
Uses persuasive verbal,
non-verbal, and written
Exhibits open-minded
and active listening
while interacting with a
team of peers and
support colleagues.
Demonstrates the
effective and regular use
of social media, digital
technologies, and
communication tools.
Articulates and
presents ideas and
information effectively
both in verbal and
written forms.
Listens to overall
concepts and observes
non-verbal cues during
team interactions.
appropriate use of social
media, digital
technologies, and
communication tools.
Shows a limited grasp
of the use of verbal
and written
Listens to general
instructions and may
interact with the team.
Demonstrates some use
of social media, digital
technologies, and
communication tools.
Demonstrates minimal
or no ability to
communicate verbally
or in a written format.
Displays a short
attention span and
limited listening skills
while working with a
Demonstrates a
minimal use of social
media, digital
technologies, and
communication tools.
Demonstrates no ability to
communicate in a written or
verbal fashion.
Does not listen or interact
with the team.
Demonstrates no use of
social media, digital
technologies, and
communication tools.
Works successfully and
respectfully with diverse
individuals while sharing
accountability for group
work and recognizes
team members'
Uses various social
networks and
networking tools to
engage the group in
activities and ensure
meeting timelines
throughout the project.
Builds effective
collaborative working
relationships with the
group while
contributing to team
Uses some social
networks and
networking tools to
engage the group and
support teamwork in
various project
Demonstrates some
collaboration with a
team with limited
contributions to the
group work on the
Uses social networks and
networking tools to
support collaboration in
only some components
of the project.
Demonstrates minimal
or no contributions to
the group work on the
Uses social networks
and networking tools
only in responding to
group outreach.
Demonstrates withdrawal
from the group and refuses
to contribute to the team
Does not use social
networks and networking
tools during the project.
College & Career
Demonstrates a high
level of competency on
all of NAF's College and
Career Readiness Skills.
competency on most
of NAF's College and
Career Readiness
Demonstrates some
competency on NAF's
College and Career
Readiness Skills.
Shows a limited level of
competency on NAF's
College and Career
Readiness Skills.
Reveals a lack of
competency on most of
NAF's College and Career
Readiness Skills.
Overall Rating
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Career-Themed Mentor
The capstone project requires that you secure a mentor, an expert, or a professional in your career field to
guide you through your capstone project experience. Your mentor must be someone outside of your family
and school and is an adult over the age of 18-years old.
Locating a Mentor
The responsibility of locating a mentor may seem like such a daunting task but consider contacting the
following sources to begin your search for a suitable mentor:
Source Categories
Sources with Community Contacts
Family & Friends
Parents/friends/associates of peers
Employers/co-workers/friends/associates of parents or family members
Professional organizations: ex. Financial, Engineering, & Health Associations
Service organizations: Rotary & Lions Clubs
Human resources (HR) departments of major companies of your career field
Chambers of Commerce
Educational Institutions
Local colleges & universities: HR, professors, & graduate scholars
School district trades/specialized departments, personnel from other schools
Religious Organizations
Pastor/priest/rabbi/members of any religious group
Appeal through the organization's newsletters or weekly services
Online Research &
Locate credible/legitimate companies/businesses in the career field
Your family, friends, or acquaintances can initiate contact with their recommended business or mentor. For
your initial outreach to potential mentors, use the information in this student guide for preparing capstone
project talking points, and include the mentor requirements, especially time commitments. Consider
developing the following:
Elevator speech for introductory phone calls or meetings
Introductory email or letter to solicit assistance from professionals in your career field
Capstone Project: Required Mentor Information
Student Name: ___________________________ Academy: __________________________
Mentor Name: ______________________________________________________________
Business Name: ______________________________________________________________
Title/Position: ______________________________________________________________
Expertise: _______________________________________________________________
Business Address: ____________________________________________________________
Contact Information: Office: ____________________________________________
Cell: ____________________________________________
Email: ____________________________________________
Best method/time(s) for contact: ____________________________________________
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Student-Mentee Contract
Student Name: ________________________________ Academy: ______________________________
A capstone project requires the support of a mentor who is a professional in your career field with the
expertise to guide you through the capstone project. Contact with professionals outside of the school
provides opportunities for new perspectives regarding industry standards and practices, current
innovations, and knowledge about real-world issues in the career field. You can practice demonstrating
NAFs College & Career Readiness Competencies
(pp. 40-41) with your mentor.
Student-Mentee Expectations & Behaviors
Expectations & Behaviors
Work successfully and respectfully with diverse individuals.
Share accountability for group work and recognize the contributions of team
Be capable of compromise and demonstrate flexibility while working with
supervisors, clients, and team members
Be attentive during mentoring sessions and display professionalism and respectful
behavior when receiving your mentor’s feedback and comments.
Use social networks and networking tools to support collaboration with the
Participate in group discussions by making eye contact in live sessions and
keeping the camera on for virtual sessions.
Exhibit open-minded and active listening.
Use persuasive verbal, non-verbal, and written communication.
Demonstrate the effective use of social media, communication tools, and digital
technologies for communication with teachers, mentors, and classmates.
Prepare for mentor sessions by reviewing and becoming familiar with session
discussion topics and completing all related assignments.
Ask appropriate questions and willing to adjust and change direction.
Work independently, be resourceful, flexible, and adapt to a variable mentor
Be aware of one’s abilities and performance.
Be accountable for time management, appropriate communication, meeting
schedules, and project deadlines.
Show integrity by being honest, fair, equitable, and dignified.
Seek a mentor’s guidance regarding professional values in the career field.
Student Signature: ________________________________ Date: ___________________
Parent Signature: _________________________________ Date: ___________________
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Mentor Agreement Contract
Mentor Expectations:
Assist mentees with professional and educational development.
Provide advice and guidance throughout the various phases of the capstone project experience.
Stay engaged with the mentee from January May with a minimum of 10-contact hours.
o Mentor Information Form
o Mentor Agreement Contract
o Final Capstone Product Validation Form
Mentor/Mentee Contact Log
Mentor Service Agreement:
I agree to serve as a Capstone Project Mentor to ___________________________________________.
I will provide guidance and assist with his/her capstone project research, product
design, and final
capstone project presentation from January - May (___year).
_______________________________ __________________________
Mentor Signature
Parent Approval of Mentor
Parent Acknowledgement:
I acknowledge that ________________________________________ is serving as a Capstone Project
Mentor for my daughter/son: ________________________________________.
I grant my permission for him/her to meet virtually or in person for a minimum of 10 hours. I am aware
that these meetings will be scheduled at mutually agreeable times and take place virtually or
at_____________________________________ (location).
____________________________________________ _______________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Mentor/Mentee Contact Log
Student Name: ______________________ Academy Teacher: _______________________
Project: ____________________________ Mentor Name: ___________________________
Ex. 1:00 1:30 pm
Topic/s of Discussion &
Itemize Details
Total Contact Hours
Mentor Name: ____________________________ Signature: _______________________
Phone #: ___________________________ Email: _________________________________
Student Signature: ___________________________________________________________
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Mentor: Thank You Letter
Your mentor spends at least 10 hours helping you through your capstone product development; so, you
must express your appreciation for the mentorship. A personalized letter is the appropriate professional
expression of your gratitude. Include a copy of the thank-you letter in your portfolio. Use the Thank You
Letter Template to complete your letter and review the article:
General Thank You Letter Samples and
Writing Tips.
Thank You Letter Template
Jane Capstone
345 Project Street, Future City, FL. 33216
Email: jcapston[email protected]
· Cell: 333.888.2222
Mr. Support Mentor,
Name of Company
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Dear Mr. Mentor,
Paragraph 1
Describe your appreciation for the specific actions/services/help that you
received from your mentor.
Express your thanks directly in everyday language.
Begin with:
o I want to express my appreciation for . . .
I am thankful for . . .
Paragraph 2
Be honest and insightful in your reflections/comments.
Include a couple of sentences to describe the quality and type of help, such
o You were caring/patient/helpful when . . .
o Your skill/expertise made . . . mention project issues or advances
o You were always available to . . . with research/project . . .
You offered explanations/critiques (describe) to . . .
Paragraph 3
Express your final thoughts of gratitude by explaining how the mentor
changed/made a difference in your capstone project progress, academic
performance, research, and design process.
Mention your improvement in industry skills/language or workplace
competencies (Review
NAF’s College and Career Readiness Skills
- pp. 40-41)
Request for the continuation of the mentor/mentee relationship if desired.
Paragraph 4
Close with a word or phrase
With gratitude.
Type your name and place your signature above your name.
Jane Capstone
Jane Capstone
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Research Paper Guidelines
A research paper requires a thesis statement, an outline, research notes, a rough draft, and a final
draft. Review the recommendations and resources for writing a persuasive research paper.
Resources: Use How to Write a Research Paper: Student Guide and Research PowerPoint
to guide
you through the process of writing a research paper.
Research your choice of real-world issues related to the career field or cluster.
Select the research topic/concept based on your interests.
Choose a subject in which you have little or no expertise so that the research is beyond
your current knowledge level.
Receive approval from your teacher for the research topic/concept.
Secure a mentor who is preferably an expert or a professional in your career field.
Collaborate with your mentor throughout the research and development of the paper.
Solicit ongoing critique and evaluations from your teacher and mentor.
Meet all deadlines for the research paper.
Research Topic Selection
Selecting a research topic is a process. As you begin choosing a research topic, use good judgment so that
your research problem receives approval from parents/guardians, teachers, and mentors. Your public
exhibition or presentation must also be appropriate for your peers, school faculty, a community review
board, and presentation judges. Select a topic that is a challenging, real-world issue that can add value to
your field of study, build your professional profile, and one that you are proud to share with others. Review
the recommendations to guide you through the selection process.
Select a research topic of high interest in a field that you are not an expert.
Pick topics/concepts that are both creative and intellectually challenging with
potentially real-world applications and further development opportunities.
Choose a topic that has available references and sources of research information.
Active Research
Generates many other new ideas for investigation and consideration.
Narrow Research
Begin to refine and focus on the topic after reviewing several references to
manage your research scope.
Conduct primary research to show originality and intellectual maturity.
Data Collection
Reflect on topics that allow the collection of
data through personal
interviews and surveys.
data through scientific experiments or collection of data.
Consider a field of study that promotes creating a product, developing a skill,
producing a performance, or offering a service.
Selection Process
Start with the end in mind by first reflecting on your product and then find
supporting research to develop the designated product.
Involve your mentor and academy teacher in your choice of research topics.
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Capstone Product
For the capstone product, you apply the research concepts to solve a practical, real-world problem by
creating a product that could advance effective practices in your career field.
Recommended product design steps are:
Create a product that is a tangle artifact such as a performance, design, demonstration, or
documented-community service.
Ensure a direct relationship between the product and your research concepts and thesis statement.
Choose a product that fits your financial budget -
there is no required expenditure.
Collaborate for a minimum of 10-contact hours with a mentor.
Log contact hours for each mentee/mentor session.
Mentee/Mentor collaboration includes:
Begin working with mentors once the teacher approves the product to allow maximum time to
acquire the required 10-contact hours.
Analyze the research topic and thesis statement for practicability and industry need.
Tackle the design process by completing diligent research, ask appropriate questions, and accept
and implement critiques/corrections and suggestions/recommendations for product improvements.
Remind your mentor of the
Mentor: Product Evaluation Form
(p. 29) and due dates.
Ensure receipt of the
Mentor: Product Evaluation Form
(p. 29) required for the final project grade
via email to your teacher by the stipulated deadline.
Research Topic Requirement: Both the research and the product must be a learning stretch for you by
providing new experiences outside your current expertise level. Review the sample research topics with
related products:
Research Paper Topics
Possible Products
Health Science COVID-19
Design school protocols for traffic patterns and
lunch/classroom schedules or furniture arrangements to
prevent the spread of COVID.
Web Design for Recruiting NAF academy
Design a website for your high school or teacher.
Information TechnologyInternet Safety
Design an app/game to teach elementary students how to
be safe on the Internet.
Requirements for Product Component
Related to documented research
Tangible artifact, performance, skill-based demonstration, or service-oriented
A solution to current issue & beyond the current level of your expertise
Created by student &
by mentor or parents/guardians
Minimum of 10 contact hours with a mentor
Complete contact log with mentor's signature for each session
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Product Self-Reflection Questionnaire
Student Name: _________________________________ Date: ________________
Teacher: __________________ Research Topic: _______________________________
Use the following prompts to complete a product evaluation. Type your assessment and submit with your
final product.
1. Describe the product in detail.
2. What was the time required to design and complete the product? __________________
3. What was the start date? _____________ What was the completion date? ______________
4. Describe the types of materials used to build the product.
5. What was the cost to build your product? ___________
6. List the names of the people who provided help on the product and identify the assistance provided.
7. Describe three significant insights or moments that you experienced while creating the product.
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
8. Identify significant issues during the project design and build and explain the solutions.
9. Did your product meet your original expectations? If not, why?
10. Describe product enhancements that could improve the quality of your product?
11. What are the essential or new skills and competencies that you acquired during the production phase?
12. What did you learn about yourself?
13. Describe in detail your endeavors to design and create the highest quality product.
14. Assign an academic letter grade for your product. _____________
15. Explain this grade in at least 50-words.
Student Statement:
On my honor and to the best of my knowledge, all the information provided in the self-reflection is
accurate and true.
Student Signature: _______________________________ Date: ____________________
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Mentor: Product Validation Form
Student Name: ______________________ Academy Teacher: _______________________
Project: ___________________________ Mentor Name: ___________________________
Student: The Product Validation Form must accompany the submission of the final product.
Mentor: Complete the Product Validation Form by confirming the following items with comments.
Product Validation
Confirmation & Comments
Product Completion Time
Total Number of Hours: ___________
Project Inspections
(during design & build)
Fill in Yes/No for the execution of project inspection during the project:
Initiation: ____________
Planning: ____________
Build: ____________
Final: _____________
(during project scope)
Summarize Mentee's
Professionalism &
___________________________________ ______________________________________
Mentor Name Mentor Signature
___________________________________ ______________________________________
Title/Occupation Email Address
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Portfolio Guidelines
Create an ePortfolio or digital collection of documents and artifacts that showcase your ongoing progress as
you work through the capstone project. Also, an ePortfolio provides a record of your progress and
communication with support team members. Capture other aspects of your NAF experience, such as job
shadows and internships. Sections of the ePortfolio may vary, but typically, the sections include:
Project proposal
includes the details of the research topics, a project outline, and the research
references and sources.
focus on work samples that benchmark the significant milestones of the project.
include the checkpoints throughout the project to evaluate your progress, including
self-reflection notes, graded assignments, and feedback given by teachers or mentors.
provides information to highlight your unique features and talents, including photographs,
videos, certificates of accomplishment, and other significant items related to the project.
Portfolio Contents
The recommended steps are:
Select a dynamic web service for your ePortfolio. GoogleDocs
allows individuals to create and
publish a presentation portfolio that allows interactivity.
Collect photographs, certificates, contact logs, journal entries, emails or letters, and other articles.
Provide a record of your progress and communication with support team members and mentors.
Update the ePortfolio regularly for progress checks.
Pay attention to the visual presentation and include all required portfolio documentation.
Eligible for portfolio grade after meeting all other capstone project requirements.
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Portfolio Requirements Checklist
The ePortfolio is a journal that captures the milestones of your capstone project experience. The
Project Calendar
(p. 7) establishes the completion timeline for each capstone project component.
As you
complete each required form or component, file the documents in the recommended order in the ePortfolio.
Portfolio Requirements Checklist
Pre-requisites for Final Portfolio Grade:
Submission of final research paper
Completion of product
Fulfillment of mentor requirements
Mentor Information Form (p. 20)
Mentor Contact Logs (p. 23)
Mentor Product Validation Form (p. 29)
Thank-you Letter (p. 24)
Presentation of capstone project
Creation of ePortfolio
1. Create ePortfolio sections use cover pages for
2. Express yourself by being creative as you
assemble your ePortfolio.
3. Include all documents listed in
Requirements Checklist
(p. 31)
4. Prepare an ePortfolio personalized with
photographs/videos and graphics.
Portfolio Required Items
Cover: capstone project title, student, academy, teacher, period, & date
Table of Contents
Judges’ Letter
Resumes & Certificates
Research Paper final copy
Presentation PowerPoint - product showcase
Capstone Project Proposal
Mentor Information Form
Mentor Contact Logs
Mentor Final Verification of Product Form
Mentor Thank You Letter
Journal Reflections
Product Self-Reflection Questionnaire
Professionalism and Ethics Guidelines
Teacher Approval: Capstone Project Proposal
Parent Approval: Research Topic, Product, & Requirements
Personalized/Miscellaneous Entries:
Evaluation forms
Journal notes/outlines
Project/product plans
Support team list
Job shadow/Internship
Stages: Product development
Teachers & support team
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Presentation Guide
The capstone project presentation highlights the program's culmination of study experiences aligned with
the academy career theme. You participate in a showcase to present your capstone project to parents,
peers, school faculty, administration, advisory board, and community members.
Resource: Review and study How to Create an Effective Presentation PowerPoint
Preparing for the Presentation
The recommended considerations are:
Ensure completion of the research paper, product, and ePortfolio by the designated deadlines to be
eligible to present your capstone project.
Prepare for a 10-15-minute public exhibition.
Expect clarifying questions from a panel of judges from the related career or industry.
Review the Presentation Guide (pp. 32-37) and
Capstone Project Rubric
(p. 18-19) to prepare to
demonstrate the competencies assessed in the rubric domains.
Focus on three primary areas during the presentation:
o Visual representation
o Content and talking points
o Delivery and appearance
Presentation Preparation
Focus Area
Visual Representation
Help the audience to follow a logical sequence of the content presentation.
Focus on engagement with clarity and substance versus a flashy show that
can be distracting.
Use technology PowerPoint, Google Slides, and video as visual aids.
Review How to Create an Effective Presentation PowerPoint
Consider live demonstrations of skill or showcase the capstone product.
Use photographs of authentic situations in the career field or profession or
persons in their natural work environment.
Content & Talking
Create an outline of the primary stages of the capstone project.
Present the thesis statement for the research paper and explain the
relevance and importance of the topic.
Address the topic by pointing out the unusual and intriguing facts to engage
your audience.
Share the process of creating the capstone product and include the
challenges, triumphs, and other achievements.
Explain all technical or significant terms that may confuse the audience.
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Presentaton Preparation
Focus Area
Use notecards as a guide but do not read from the cards.
Use the visual outline to proceed through the presentation and point to
corresponding diagrams and facts as you speak.
Walk around within the defined stage area to engage the audience and point
to essential items on the presentation screen.
Use your hands to gesture for emphasis.
Modulate your voice and repeat crucial information to highlight essential
points to focus the audience's attention.
Make eye contact with all the judges and the audience.
Be poised and well-groomed.
Dress to impress and wear business attire.
Remove distracting jewelry unless they are an integral part of your
Be aware that some mannerisms are distracting to the audience.
Questions Posed by Judges
Anticipate clarifying questions from the panel of judges after your presentation. Consider the following:
Types of Questions
General Questions
Why did you select this topic for your research?
What did you hope to achieve by researching this topic?
What significant insight did you learn from your research?
How does your product contribute to solving the research problem/issue?
What was your
in creating this product?
What was your mentor’s role during the design/build of the product? Describe
your experience and process for developing the capstone product.
What challenges did you face in completing your capstone project?
What were the benefits that you resulted from designing/building this project?
What costs did you encounter?
What equipment did you need to build the product?
Discuss the product benefits and features that can contribute to advancements in
your career field.
How can you improve your product? Discuss the additional research required or
future applications.
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Organizing The Presentation
Present a 10-15-minute speech to engage a panel of judges and dress in appropriate business attire to
emulate a real-world business meeting.
Planning the Presentation
Organize your presentation by developing a presentation outline that focuses on the primary research
concepts and the process of designing and building the capstone product.
Outline the presentation's main points on notecards and practice referring to them only to maintain a logical
sequence. Practice the presentation in front of a mirror and time your presentation's length to ensure that
you address all vital points. Practice! Practice! Practice! It is crucial to make regular eye contact with all
judges and speak slowly and clearly. Study and memorize your talking points so that you do not have to
read the notecards.
Toastmasters Recommendations for Presentation
Start with a Formula
Other Opening Techniques
1. Tell them what you’re going to tell them.
1. State importance of the topic
2. Tell them.
2. Startle the audience
3. Tell them what you've told them.
3. Arouse suspense/curiosity
Basic Speech Outline
4. Tell a story
1. The Introduction
5. Ask a rhetorical question
2. The Body
6. Begin with a quotation
a. Main ideas or points
7. Reference the occasion
b. Supporting Material
Successful Speech Conclusions
3. The Conclusion
1. Achieve closure
Begin in the Middle
2. Summarize main points
1. List key points
3. Make an impact
2. Arrange them in order
4. Use only 5-10% of the speech time
3. Expand those points
Some Closing Techniques
4. Develop an introduction
1. Use a quotation
5. Develop a close
2. Tell a story
Successful Speech Openings
3. Call for action
1. Get attention
4. Ask a rhetorical question
2. Introduce the topic
5. Refer to the beginning
3. Establish rapport
6. Repeat main points
4. Use only 5-10% of the speech time
Source: Toastmasters International Better Speaker Series
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Presentation Evaluation Rubric
Student Name: ________________________Topic: _______________________
Judge: __________________________Start Time: ________ End Time: ________
Capstone Project Presentation Evaluation Rubric
Section 1: CONTENT (30 pts.)
SCORE: High Low
Has interesting attention getter
States or implies the purpose of the
Body of Speech
Introduction & conclusion
Accurate and appropriate details
support the main ideas and points.
Project’s relationship to the career field
Demonstrates expertise in the research
Logical idea flow
Evidence of preparation
Summarize major concepts
Tied ideas together
Convincing closure statements
TOTAL POINTS – Section 1
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Capstone Project Presentation Evaluation Rubric
SCORE: High Low
Evidence of practice
Creative, original & effective
Appropriate word choice & grammar
Body Language & Eye Contact
Engage judges & audience
Proper posture & gestures
Speaking: Voice & Language
Volume, rate, & vitality
Enunciation & clarity
Professional Appearance
Neatly groomed & professional dress
Audio/Visual Component
Product/model demonstration
Enhance presentation beyond speech
PowerPoint, video, show board
Time Management
Completed in the allotted timeframe
TOTAL POINTS – Section 2
Capstone Project Presentation Evaluation Rubric
SCORE: High Low
Impromptu Skills
How frequently, confidently, and quickly
the student answers questions
Quality of Student Responses
Meets presentation/industry standards,
Responds accurately and appropriately
TOTAL POINTS – Section 3
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Capstone Project Presentation Evaluation Rubric
Section 4: PORTFOLIO (20 pts.)
SCORE: High Low
Complete sections
o Project Proposal
o Academic
o Assessments
o Personal
Captures important milestones
Substantial documentation
Appeal/attractive presentation
Meets professional & industry standards
TOTAL POINTS – Section 4
Capstone Project Presentation Evaluation Rubric
TOTAL POINTS Section 1-4
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Letter to Judges Template
A letter to your panel of judges is one of the first entries of your capstone project portfolio. Use the Letter
to Judges Template to write the letter after completing your product.
Sample Template for a 1-Page Letter
John Capstone
345 Project Street, Future City, FL. 33216
Email: jcapston[email protected]
· Cell: 607.564.6789
Dear Judging Panel,
Paragraph 1
Introduce yourself by describing your background, identity, interest, or talent
related to career theme.
Briefly outline the thesis statement/research and describe the capstone
Paragraph 2
Explain the reasons for choosing your research topic.
Describe how you selected your product.
Paragraph 3
Share the most challenging issue during the project and discuss the
assistance provided by the mentors/teachers.
Explain the impact of the challenge, setback, or failure.
Describe the lessons learned.
Paragraph 4
Conclusion & Salutation
Summarize the new knowledge and skills that you gained.
Give a piece of advice for completing the capstone project.
Thank the judges for reviewing your ePortfolio and evaluating your
John Capstone
John Capstone
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Appendix A
NAF’s College & Career Readiness Skills
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)
Capstone Project Student Guide (Dec 2020)