Date: November 1, 2023
To: Northwestern University (NU) Chairs, Chiefs, Center and Institute Directors, Training Grant
Directors, and Faculty
From: Leena Sharma, MD, Chang-Lee Professor of Medicine and Preventive Medicine, NU Feinberg
School of Medicine, Director, NUCATS Mentored Research Career Development Program
Betina Yanez, PhD, Associate Professor of Medical Social Sciences NU Feinberg School of Medicine,
Associate Director, NUCATS Mentored Research Career Development Program
Richard T. D’Aquila, MD, Associate Vice President of Research, Senior Associate Dean for Clinical and
Translational Research, Howard Taylor Ricketts, MD, Professor of Medicine, NU Feinberg School of
Medicine, Director, NUCATS
Re: Request for Applications, NUCATS Mentored Research Career Development
Program in Clinical and Translational Science (K12, formerly KL2)
Northwestern University Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (NUCATS) is pleased to announce
a Request for Applications for the Mentored Career Development Program in Clinical and Translational
Science (K12, formerly KL2). (Contingent on funding by NIH/NCATS of the NUCATS UM1 and K12
applications submitted September 15, 2023)
We are committed to supporting individuals early in their career trajectory and to creating and nurturing
a diverse and inclusive community. It is our mission to value the whole Scholar past, present, and
future. Scholars from diverse backgrounds and life experiences are strongly encouraged to apply.
Key dates and deadlines:
K12 Information Sessions:
o Wednesday, November 8, 2023 from 12:00 pm 1:00 pm. If you wish to attend, please
register for this session here
o Thursday, November 16, 2023 from 12:00 pm 1:00 pm. If you wish to attend, please
register for this session here
Letter of Intent Due: February 1, 2024
o If you miss the letter of intent due date, please contact Morgan Barrowman at
as soon as possible in order for your application
to proceed to review.
Applications Due: March 1, 2024
Funds Available: September 1, 2024 (Contingent on funding by NIH/NCATS of the
NUCATS UM1 and K12 applications submitted September 15, 2023)
Please refer to the RFA beginning on the next page or the
NUCATS Mentored Research Career
Development Program website for a program description, eligibility, and application instructions.
Mentored Research Career Development Award
Program Information and Proposal Instructions for 2023-2024
Table of Contents
I. Introduction
.......................................................................................................................... 3
II. Overview .............................................................................................................................. 3
III. Eligibility ............................................................................................................................... 3
IV. Provisions of the Award ........................................................................................................ 4
V. Reporting & Evaluation Requirements .................................................................................. 5
VI. Selection Criteria .................................................................................................................. 6
VII. Proposal Instructions Overview ............................................................................................ 6
VIII. Detailed Proposal Instructions ............................................................................................. 7
IX. Important Dates .................................................................................................................... 9
X. Contacts for Application Support .......................................................................................... 9
XI. Useful Links ........................................................................................................................ 10
XII. Appendices
XIII. Appendix 1 Reviewer Criteria
I. Introduction
The Mentored Research Career Development Program in Clinical and Translational Science
is an important focus of NUCATS.
The overarching goal of this program is to train and nurture diverse clinical and translational
scientists to be resilient leaders of high-functioning, interdisciplinary teams, leaders who are well
positioned to tackle translational roadblocks and procure external funding, and who employ
implementation science principles and partner with affected/interested groups and end-users.
In order to accomplish this objective, the program provides robust mentoring teams to assess the
educational needs of individual K12 Scholars and provide optimal, personalized training and career
development resources. The program supports Scholars across disparate areas of expertise and
II. Overview
The NUCATS Mentored Research Career Development Program accepts applications from early-
stage faculty members who are pursuing a clinical or translational research career and wish to
receive additional mentored research experience. The award is open to individuals with doctoral
level degrees, including but not limited to PhD, MD, or DO degrees, who seek to pursue additional
training in clinical and translational research or science. Scholars are accepted from a wide array of
specialties, departments, schools, and partner institutions across Northwestern University.
The program provides support for up to two years and submitted applications should cover a
training period of two years. The two-year training must include both mentored research and plans
for other research career development activities. During the period of the award, individuals who
are funded by this mechanism will receive assistance in applying for other research career
development awards or other independent grants. It is expected that appointed Scholars will have
made significant progress toward the submission of an individual K award application or an R01 or
equivalent grant by the end of the first year of K12 funding.
Early-career investigators in the program (Scholars) will participate in an integrated didactic and
mentored research program overseen by the Executive Leadership Committee (ELC)
. The ELC
includes members from diverse backgrounds and with varied expertise. Activities of the ELC
include support for development and monitoring of each Scholar’s Individual Career Advancement
Plan and the identification of novel opportunities and approaches to career development,
personalized to each Scholar. The ELC includes several experienced investigators and mentors
and is chaired by Drs. Leena Sharma and Betina Yanez.
III. Eligibility
Northwestern University, NUCATS, and the NUCATS Mentored Research Career Development
Program are committed to supporting individuals early in their career trajectory and to creating,
sustaining, and nurturing a diverse and inclusive campus community. Scholars from diverse
backgrounds and life experiences bring different perspectives, creativity, and individual enterprise
to address complex scientific problems. Individuals belonging to groups that have been traditionally
underrepresented in biomedical, clinical, behavioral, and social sciences (e.g., certain racial, ethnic,
and gender minorities and individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds and individuals with
disabilities) are strongly encouraged to apply to this program, in accordance with NIH Notice NOT-
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
Include a clinical or translational project that involves human participants, human
specimens, or human data, with the ultimate goal of improving the health of individuals or
the public.
o Among lab-based scientists, applicants who seek a career path of translational work
involving humans are particularly encouraged.
Hold a research or health-professional doctoral degree or its equivalent, including but not
limited to MD, DO, and PhD. Candidates from Northwestern University, including those from
outside the Feinberg School of Medicine, are encouraged to apply.
Have a full-time faculty appointment at the time of being awarded; this must be documented
in the letter of support from the Department Chair.
At the time of the application, be either a postdoctoral fellow, Instructor, or in the first five
years of their first faculty appointment as Assistant Professor or Research Assistant
Professor. Individuals who at the time of the application have been Assistant
Professors/Research Assistant Professors for more than 5 years and those who are
Associate Professors or Research Associate Professors are not eligible to apply.
Be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
Commit 75% effort to the K12 program (or as low as 50% for surgeons or other procedure
intensive specialists requiring 50% direct patient care time to maintain skills. Please inquire
for additional information.)
Have mentors with sufficient independent research support to cover the costs of the
proposed research project in excess of the allowable costs. The use of mentoring teams
including co-mentors to achieve the goals of the program is strongly encouraged.
Not be, or have been, a PI on an NIH R01-funded project or a project leader on a funded
sub-project of a program project (P01) or center (P50) grant.
Not be or have been a PI on a PHS or non-PHS peer-reviewed research grant that is over
$100,000 direct costs per year.
Former or current PIs of NIH Small Grants (R03), Exploratory/Developmental Grants (R21),
or SBIR/STTR (R43, R44) grants are eligible.
To be eligible to submit an application in 2024, applicants may not submit an application for
an individual PHS mentored career development (K) award (e.g., K01, K07, K08, K22, K23,
or any other individual K mechanism) for the February 12, 2024 or March 12, 2024 NIH
At the time of their appointments, Scholars must not have pending (or awarded) an
application for any other PHS mentored career development (K) award (e.g., K01, K07, K08,
K22, K23, or any other individual K mechanism) that duplicates any of the provisions of the
K component.
Appointed Scholars are encouraged, and will be strongly mentored, to apply for individual
mentored career development (K) awards (e.g. K01, K07, K08, K22, K23) and/or
independent research awards (R01, R21); if successful, Scholars may be required to reduce
effort on the mentored career award to a minimum of six-person months and hold
concurrent support from their mentored career award and a competing PHS research grant
on which they are the PD/PI or component lead. Another option may be to terminate the
mentored award appointment depending on Program requirements (See NOT-OD-08-065
IV. Provisions of the Award
The NUCATS Mentored Career Development award provides a number of tangible resources to
support the career development of early-stage faculty who are fully committed to a career in clinical
or translational research. Some of these provisions include:
% Effort: The K12 protects 75% of a Scholar’s full-time professional effort for training and
clinical or translational research activities. This is based on the entire amount of time worked
in a typical week. The remaining 25% effort can be divided among other clinical,
administrative, and teaching responsibilities.
Salary & Fringe: Sources of salary + fringe support for the 75% effort include funds of up to
$120,000 per year. The Department must cover the difference, if any, between the available
$120,000 and 75% of the Scholar’s salary & fringe. Please refer to Section XI
for additional
information about NIH policy on receiving concurrent support.
Other Direct Costs: The budget should include funds to support Scholar research projects
and career development activities. Up to $35,000 per year is available to cover the following
expenses: (a) tuition and fees related to career development; (b) research expenses such
as supplies, equipment, and technical personnel to supplement those provided by the
mentor; (c) up to $2,500 for Scholar travel to scientific meetings and research training
workshops, and (d) statistical services. These funds may not be used to provide additional
Scholar salary support. Mentor support may include up to $10,000 per year for associated
laboratory or other research-related expenses. Salary support for mentors is not an
allowable budget item.
Tuition: Funds may be applied to support coursework in the Master of Science in
Clinical Investigation (MSCI) program or other associated Feinberg School of
Medicine graduate programs. Scholars will be encouraged to participate in courses
to supplement their current knowledge and expertise in clinical and translational
research as part of their Individual Career Advancement Plan process and in
consultation with their mentoring teams and the ELC.
Travel: Up to $2,500 per year is provided to Scholars to attend the Association of
Clinical and Translational Science (ACTS) Conference held in Washington, D.C., or
an alternative conference. Travel costs will include Scholar registration, airfare, hotel,
and associated transportation (to and from airport, tolls, parking), meals, and
incidentals. Domestic travel to additional conferences beyond what is supported by
the $2,500 may be budgeted within the research and development support (see
Other Direct Costs, above). Foreign travel may not be charged on this award.
Research Design Analysis Methods Program (RAMP) Mentor Support: One or two
RAMP mentors are assigned to each Scholar to provide individualized, hands-on, and
educational mentorship throughout the two-year award in areas including biostatistics,
epidemiology, bioinformatics, qualitative research methods, and/or health services research.
RAMP mentor selection is personalized, according to the Scholar’s needs. RAMP mentor
effort is provided by the program and does not need to be accounted for in the individual
budget of each Scholar.
Commitment by Scholar’s Department: The Department agrees to release the funded
Scholar for the following activities, which are included in the Scholar’s 75% (or as low as
50% for procedure intensive specialists) effort:
Orientation Bootcamp at the beginning of the Scholar’s appointment period
Periodic progress meetings
Monthly peer-mentoring seminar series, Succeeding with Your K Award, held the
third Monday of each month from 12 1:30 PM CST
Monthly RAMP mentor meetings
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training in cases where the RCR
requirement has not already been met
V. Reporting and Evaluation
Reporting Requirements: Scholars and their mentors are required to provide semi-
annual updates on the Scholar’s research and career development progress as well as
complete annual reports for the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR)
submitted to NCATS. Scholars also agree to complete annual RPPR requests for 15
years after completion of their award period.
Linking and Citing the K12 Award: Scholars must link their publications to their award
in PubMed and cite the award on their publications. Instructions will be provided upon
appointment to the award.
Human Subjects and Live Vertebrate Animals Approval: The program is required to
comply with the NCATS policy regarding research involving human subjects and live
vertebrate animals. Scholar projects involving human subjects or live vertebrate animals
are required to secure approval from NCATS before funds can be released and project
work can begin. Please refer to Section XI
for guidance on the approval process.
i. Materials are NOT required for the application, but Finalists will be sent detailed
instructions and are encouraged to begin preparing at that stage.
ii. Scholars selected for the award must submit a modification to the IRB/IACUC to
have the grant # added. To avoid delays due to lack of IRB/IACUC approvals,
Scholars are encouraged to begin the process to secure approvals as soon as
possible upon notification as Finalist.
iii. Please be aware that the NCATS prior approval process takes a minimum of 30
days once a request is submitted to NCATS.
iv. Research funds cannot be released until NCATS approval has been
obtained. Scholars are able to receive salary support.
VI. Selection Criteria
The evaluation of each application will be holistic, considering everything the applicant brings.
The following criteria will be scored, using the 9-point NIH scoring system. Please refer to the
evaluation criteria below and take into account how these criteria are assessed by reviewers (See
) while preparing the proposal:
Career Development Plan; Career Goals & Objectives; [Mentor(s)] Plan to Provide
Research Plan
Mentor(s), Co-mentor(s), Consultant(s), Collaborator(s)
Institutional Commitment to the Candidate and Environment
VII. Proposal Instructions Overview
Feinberg School of Medicine and other Northwestern University investigators should work
with their Department or Division Research Administrator to submit this internal award. This
submission does not need to go through the Office for Sponsored Research.
Lurie Children’s investigators should work with the Office of Sponsored Programs to submit their
application. Investigators must complete internal routing and address budget questions to the Lurie
Office of Sponsored Programs (staff listing).
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab investigators should work with the SRAlab Office of Research
Administration (ORA) to submit their application. Investigators must complete internal routing and
address budget questions to their assigned research administrator in ORA.
Elements of the application process include:
Letter of Intent, Due Thursday, February 1, 2024, by 11:59 PM completed through
REDCap form
o The K12 Applicant & Proposal Information Form serves as the letter of intent
o Requires data on the applicant (Department, primary mentor, etc.) as well as a
project summary/abstract
Full Application, Due Friday, March 1, 2024, by 11:59 PM - completed in
Competitions. (Note: Applicants should log in using NU NetID) Full applications must
1. First page of the PHS398 Grant Application
2. Biosketches
a. Applicant Biosketch
b. Primary Mentor(s) Biosketches
3. Proposal9 total pages
a. Candidate's Background1 page
b. Career Goals and Objectives1 page
c. Career Development Plan/Career Goals & Objectives/ Mentor(s) Plan to
Provide Mentoring2 pages
d. Specific Aims 1 page
e. Research Strategy4 pages
4. Letters of Support
a. Joint letter from Department Chair & Division Chief (Required)
b. Primary mentor (Required)
c. Co-mentors (Required), consultants (as appropriate), and contributors (as
5. Budget & Budget Justification outlining the use of award funds for a period of two
Updates to the Letter of Intent, Due Friday, March 1, 2024, by 11:59 PM
o If any information in your letter of intent changes between February 1 and March 1,
you must update your letter of intent information by the full application deadline. If
you need to make revisions, please contact [email protected]
for the code to access your LOI
VIII. Detailed Proposal Instructions
Feinberg School of Medicine and other Northwestern University investigators should work
with their Department or Division Research Administrator to submit this internal award. This
submission does not need to go through the Office for Sponsored Research.
Lurie Children’s investigators should work with the Office of Sponsored Programs to submit their
application. Investigators must complete internal routing and address budget questions to the Lurie
Office of Sponsored Programs (staff listing).
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab investigator should work with the SRAlab Office of Research
Administration (ORA) to submit their application. Investigators must complete internal routing and
address budget questions to their assigned research administrator in ORA.
hursday, February 1, 2024Letter of Intent Due (By 11:59 pm)
o Complete the NUCATS Mentored Career Develop Program Applicant & Proposal
Information Form (serves as the letter of intent). This form will capture applicant data
and proposal information including the project summary/abstract.
Applicants may return to this form and save it to complete or adjust their
responses at any time until March 1, 2024.
Use this link for guidance on NIH project summary/abstracts. Please note,
you are not submitting a project narrative and you should only refer to the
project summary/abstract information.
f any information in this form changes (e.g., mentoring team) between the
Letter of Intent due date (February 1) and the Full Application due date
(March 1), you must update the information in this form.
Friday, March 1, 2024Full Application Due (By 11:59 pm)
o Applications are completed through NU Competitions.
NU Competitions is a platform that allows you to log in with your
Northwestern NetID.
Technical support for submissions in NU Competitions can be reached at:
o The Full Application consists of the following sections:
Project Title
Application Document (combined .pdf document uploaded to the
application). Must include:
First Page of PHS398
o #2 RFA Number is not needed. Title is: NUCATS Mentored
Career Development Award
o #12 & #13 Applications are NOT routed through OSR, but
you can list Jason Hawkins, Sponsored Research Officer as
the official to be notified regardless of the institution with which
you are affiliated (Northwestern University, Lurie, SRAlab, etc.)
Applicant’s Biosketch
Proposal9 pages total
o Candidates Background1 page
In addition to your research background, please
include any other aspects of your background and lived
experiences that have influenced your career
o Career Goals and Objectives1 page
o Career Development Plan2 pages
o Specific Aims 1 page
o Research Strategy4 pages
In addition to proposed strategy/design, methodology,
and analyses, include plans for the inclusion of
individuals on the basis of sex, race, and ethnicity
Include information on any stakeholder and community
engagement. While this is not a review criterion,
community engagement is supported by the award. For
information on community-engaged research and
resources, please visit the
Center for Community
Health website.
References do not count toward page limitations.
Primary Mentor Biosketch
Letters of Support: Letters should document the strengths and
attributes of the applicant, the role of the mentor in the career
development of the Scholar, and how the work proposed fits into the
overall program funded by the mentor.
o Department Chair & Division Chief (Required. If you have a
Division Chief, this can be a shared letter.)
o Primary Mentor (Required. If your primary mentor also serves
as your Department Chair or Division Chief, they may submit
one letter that clearly outlines the distinct roles they will serve
and the type of support they will provide within each role.)
Primary Mentor Letter should include the following sections:
Candidate’s Potential
Information on mentor’s research qualifications and
previous mentoring experience
Plan for candidate’s training and research career
Nature of mentoring and commitment to the
candidate’s development
Source of anticipated support for the candidate’s
research project
Anticipated breakdown of professional responsibilities
during the award period
Metrics determining successful progress
Plan for progression from the mentored stage to
independent research investigator status
o Co-Mentors (Required), Consultants (as appropriate), and
Contributors (as appropriate).
Read the Budget Justification Information for instructions on
completing the Budget & Budget Justification.
Complete the Budget Template (.docx file). -
o .Xls will ultimately be submitted upon receiving the award, but
the current platform for submitting proposals does not allow
this format. We request a .docx rather than a .pdf to make it
easier to help you with edits later on.
Upload the completed budget in NU Competitions
Budget Justification
Complete the Budget Justification Template (.docx file).
Upload the completed Budget Justification in NU Competitions.
o Update KL2 Applicant & Proposal Information before final proposal
Applicants should review the information submitted in the NUCATS Mentored
Career Development Award Applicant & Proposal Information form and make
updates as needed.
Submit final version by 11:59 pm on Friday, March 1, 2024.
IX. Important Dates
Request for Applications released November 1, 2023
Information Session #1 November 8, 2023
Information Session #2 November 16, 2023
Letter of Intent Due February 1, 2024
Full Application Due March 1, 2024
Review Panel Convenes Early April 2024
Interviews Finalists & Mentors Mid April Late April 2024
o Finalists identified by the Review Panel will participate in an interview with selected
ELC members. Finalists will respond to a series of questions concerning their past,
present, and future research and life experiences to assist reviewers in obtaining a
comprehensive view of the candidate.
Notification of Decisions Early May 2024
Award Begins (Contingent on funding of the September 1, 2024
NUCATS UM1 and K12 applications submitted
September 15, 2023)
KL2 Orientation Bootcamp June 2024
X. Contacts for Application Support
Support with Preparing and Submitting your Application
o Feinberg School of Medicine and other Northwestern University investigators
should work with their Department or Division Research Administrator to submit this
internal award. This submission does not need to go through the Office for
Sponsored Research.
o Lurie Children’s investigators should work with the Office of Sponsored
Programs to submit their application. Investigators must complete internal routing
and address budget questions to the Lurie Office of Sponsored Programs (staff
o Shirley Ryan Ability Lab investigator should work with the SRAlab Office of
Research Administration (ORA) to submit their application. Investigators must
complete internal routing and address budget questions to their assigned research
administrator in ORA.
Qualification/Eligibility Questions
o Leena Sharma, MD, Program Director, L-[email protected]
o Betina Yanez, PhD, Associate Program Director, [email protected]
KL2 Application Process questions:
o Morgan Barrowman, CECD Senior Project Coordinator,
NU Competitions: Technical Support: [email protected]
XI. Useful Links
Notice of NIH’S Interest in Diversity, NOT-OD-20-031:
NIH Policy regarding Human subjects and/or Vertebrate Animals research prior approval:
NIH Policy concerning concurrent support from a KL2 Award and a Research Grant:
NIH Biosketch Format: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms/biosketch.htm
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS): https://ncats.nih.gov/
Northwestern University Institutional Review Board: https://irb.northwestern.edu/
NUCATS Website: https://www.nucats.northwestern.edu/
NUCATS Mentored Career Development Award Website:
Current KL2 Scholars:
Previous KL2 Scholars:
NUCATS Center for Community Health: https://www.feinberg.northwestern.edu/sites/cch/
Letter of Intent link (Applicant & Proposal Information):
Budget & Budget Justification & Information: Budget Justification Information
Budget Template: - K12_Budget_Template.xlsx
Budget Justification template: Budget_Justification_Template.docx
Application Frequently Asked Questions:
FAQ_NUCATS Mentored Career Development
Award Application_2023.pdf
Lurie Children’s Hospital Office of Sponsored Program:
XII. Appendix 1 - Reviewer Criteria
Each application will be reviewed by three reviewers to score the following categories:
Scored Review Criteria
Reviewers will consider each of the five review criteria below in the determination of the candidate’s
qualifications, scientific and technical merit of the proposed research, career development plan,
mentor’s qualifications and mentoring plan, environment and institutional commitment to the candidate,
and give a separate score for each.
1. Candidate:
Does the candidate have the potential to develop as an independent and productive
researcher? Are the candidate's prior training and research experience appropriate for this
award? Is the candidate’s academic, clinical (if relevant), and research record of high quality?
How have lived experiences and disadvantages affected what the candidate has been able to
accomplish? Is there evidence of the candidate’s commitment to meeting the program objectives
to become an independent investigator?
2. Career Development Plan/Career Goals & Objectives: What is the likelihood that the plan
will contribute substantially to the scientific development of the candidate and to lead to scientific
independence? Are the candidate's prior training and research experience appropriate for this
award? Are the content, scope, phasing, and duration of the career development plan appropriate
when considered in the context of prior training/research experience and the stated training and
research objectives for achieving research independence? Are there adequate plans for
monitoring and evaluating the candidate’s research and career development progress? What
impact will the KL2 program have on the candidate’s future trajectory?
3. Research Plan: Are the proposed research question, design, and methodology of significant
scientific and technical merit? Is the prior research that serves as the key support for the
proposed project rigorous?
Has the candidate presented strategies to ensure a robust and
unbiased approach, as appropriate for the work proposed? Is the research plan relevant to the
candidate’s research career objectives? Is the research plan appropriate to the stage of research
development and as a vehicle for developing the research skills described in the career
development plan?
4. Mentor(s), Co-Mentor(s), Consultant(s), Collaborator(s): Are the qualifications of the
mentor(s) in the area of the proposed research appropriate? Does the mentor(s) adequately
address the candidate’s potential and his/her strengths and areas needing improvement? Is there
adequate description of the quality and extent of the mentor’s proposed role in providing guidance
and advice to the candidate? Is the mentor’s description of the elements of the research career
development activities, including formal course work adequate? Is there evidence of the mentor’s,
consultant’s, and/or collaborator’s previous experience in fostering the development of
independent investigators? Is there evidence of the mentor's current research productivity and
peer-reviewed support? Is active/pending support for the proposed research project appropriate
and adequate? Are there adequate plans for monitoring and evaluating the career development
ogress toward independence?
5. Environment and Institutional Commitment to the Candidate: Is there clear commitment of
the sponsoring institution to ensure that the required minimum of the candidate’s effort (75%) will be
devoted directly to the research and career development activities described in the application,
with the remaining percent effort being devoted to an appropriate balance of research, teaching,
administrative, and clinical responsibilities? Is the institutional commitment to the career
development of the candidate appropriately strong? Are the research facilities, resources and
training opportunities, including faculty capable of productive collaboration with the candidate
adequate and appropriate? Is the environment for scientific and professional development of the
candidate of high
Is there assurance that the institution intends the candidate to be an
integral part of its research program as independent investigator?
Overall Impact
Reviewers will provide an overall impact score to reflect their assessment of the likelihood that the
proposed career development and research plan will enhance the candidate’s potential for a
productive, independent scientific research career in a health-related field, taking into in consideration
of the following five scored review criteria. An application does not need to be strong in all categories to
have a major impact. In assigning an overall impact score, reviewers will consider lived experiences
that have influenced career development of the candidate.