Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus cereus biovar anthracis
American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
Revised August 2017
For last revision, see website below
ASM Subject Matter Experts:
James W. Snyder, Ph.D. Steven D. Mahlen, Ph.D.
University of Louisville Affiliated Laboratory, Inc.
Louisville, KY Bangor, ME
ASM Sentinel Level Laboratory Protocol Working Group APHL Advisory Committee
Vickie Baselski, Ph.D.
University of Tennessee at
Memphis, TN
David Craft, Ph.D.
Penn State Milton S. Hershey
Medical Center
Hershey, PA
Peter H. Gilligan, Ph.D.
University of North
Carolina Hospitals/
Clinical Microbiology and
Immunology Labs
Chapel Hill, NC
Larry Gray, Ph.D.
TriHealth Laboratories and
University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine
Cincinnati, OH
Major Todd Kijek, Ph.D.
US Army Medical Research
Institute for Infectious Diseases
Ft. Detrick, MD
Michael J. Loeffelholz, Ph.D.
Department of Pathology
Univ. Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, TX
Judith C. Lovchik, Ph.D.
Indiana State Department of
Health Laboratories
Indianapolis, IN
Scott W. Riddell, Ph.D.
Department of Pathology
SUNY Upstate Medical
Syracuse, NY
Barbara Robinson-Dunn, Ph.D.
Department of Clinical
Beaumont Health System
Royal Oak, MI
Michael A. Saubolle, Ph.D.
Banner Health System
Phoenix, AZ
Susan L. Shiflett
Michigan Department of
Community Health
Lansing, MI
Alice Weissfeld, Ph.D.
Microbiology Specialists Inc.
Houston, TX
David Welch, Ph.D.
Medical Microbiology
Dallas, TX
Mary K. York, Ph.D.
MKY Microbiology
Walnut Creek, CA
Coordinating Editor:
Steven D. Mahlen, Ph.D.
Affiliated Laboratory, Inc.
Bangor, ME
Administrative Support
Kimberly E. Walker, Ph.D.
American Society for
Patricia Blevins, MPH
San Antonio Metro Health
District Laboratory
Erin Bowles
Wisconsin State Laboratory of
Christopher Chadwick, MS
Association of Public Health
Mary DeMartino, BS,
State Hygienic
Laboratory at the
University of Iowa
Harvey Holmes, PhD
Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention
Kara MacKeil
Association of Public
Health Laboratories
Chris Mangal, MPH
Association of Public
Health Laboratories
Amanda Moore, BS
South Carolina Department of
Health and Environmental
James Rudrik, PhD,
Michigan Department of
Community Health
Maureen Sullivan, MPH
Minnesota Department
of Health
A. Introduction
Bacillus anthracis, the agent of anthrax, is a zoonotic disease that is transmissible
to humans through consumption or handling of contaminated products, is an
aerobic, spore-forming, nonmotile, large Gram-positive bacterium (4). Bacillus
cereus biovar anthracis strains were identified in the early 2000’s in Cameroon
(strains CA) and Côte d’Ivoire (strains CI) (1,17). These strains were recovered
from gorillas and chimpanzees with anthrax-like disease. The organism has since
been recovered from an elephant and goats in other countries of Africa (1). B.
cereus biovar anthracis CA strains are non-hemolytic, motile, and resistant to
penicillin G, while B. cereus biovar anthracis CI strains are non-hemolytic,
motile, and sensitive to pencillin G (17); some B. cereus biovar anthracis strains
may exhibit weak beta-hemolysis upon extended incubation (48 h) and may be
more hemolytic when incubated in CO
at 48 h (see Table 1). B. anthracis and B.
cereus biovar anthracis strains are classified as Tier I, Category A agents because
of their suitability for use as biothreat agents in an attack or commission of a
biocrime. At this time no human infections caused by B. cereus biovar anthracis
have been described. This procedure describes steps to recognize, presumptively
identify, and rule out these organisms from clinical specimens in Sentinel Clinical
Laboratories. Such laboratories are defined as those who are certified to perform
high complexity testing under the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment
of 1988 (CLIA’88) by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for
the applicable Microbiology specialty. Laboratory in-house testing includes
Gram stains, and at least one of the following: lower respiratory tract, wound, or
blood cultures.
Sentinel clinical laboratories are not required to register with the Select Agent
Program to conduct diagnostic testing for Select Agents, both Tier I and non-Tier
1. Testing for Select Agents may be performed by laboratories as long as the
laboratory follows the policies listed in the reporting section of this document
when a Select Agent cannot be ruled out. Consult with your designated LRN
Reference Laboratory or refer to the CDC Division of Select Agents and Toxins
website at for questions.
NOTE: To rule out B. anthracis and B. cereus biovar anthracis requires a
combination of morphological assessment including Gram stain characteristics,
and three simple, conventional tests. Automated systems and manual multi-test
kit identification methods have no place in the identification of this organism due
to the danger of misidentification and its close relationship to other species within
the Bacillus genera.
Table 1. Comparison of B. anthracis, B. cereus, and B. cereus biovar anthracis
characteristics (adapted from reference 17)
B. cereus
B. cereus biovar
anthracis CI
B. cereus biovar
anthracis CA
Penicillin G
Absent in
1: CI = Côte d’Ivoire strains, from chimpanzees
2: CA = Cameroon strains, from gorillas/chimpanzees
3: Hemolysis: + = beta hemolytic on sheep blood agar; - = non-hemolytic
4: Motility: + = motile; - = non-motile. +/- = B. cereus biovar anthracis strains are usually motile,
including those recovered from gorillas, chimpanzees, and elephants; B. cereus biovar anthracis
goat strains from Democratic Republic of the Congo were non-motile (3).
5: Gamma phage susceptibility: + = susceptible; - = resistant.
6: S= susceptible; R = resistant
B. Geographic distribution
Anthrax is endemic in southern Europe, parts of Africa, Australia, Asia, and
North and South America. Its persists in arid deserts of the Middle East, Asia,
Africa, Australia and South America with the majority of cases reported from
Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, and Sudan. Although relatively rare in the United States,
over 500 cases in Texas were reported in White Tailed Deer since 2006. Cases
have also been reported in livestock in South Dakota, Nebraska, Arkansas,
Mississippi, Louisiana, and California.
Currently, B. cereus biovar anthracis strains have only been found in certain
African countries, including Cameroon and Côte d’Ivoire. These strains are
known to cause an anthrax-like disease in gorillas and chimpanzees, and have
been isolated from other animals, including elephants and goats. B. cereus biovar
anthracis strains are genetically similar to B. anthracis and produce all of the
primary B. anthracis virulence factors, thus, they are now considered to be select
agents in the United States.
The use of B. anthracis as a bioterrorism agent to inflict disease and death
following contact with or inhalation of spores has dominated recorded history for
centuries (6, 19). Primarily used by many countries, including the United States,
for military purposes in the conduct of biowarfare, it gained notoriety in the
commission of biocrimes, determined to be hoaxes, throughout the 1990s.
Although the LRN was created in late 1999, its role and responsibilities in
preparing for, and responding to bioterrorism increased dramatically during and
after the 2001 outbreak. The lessons learned from this national event
demonstrated the serious need for training Sentinel Level Clinical Laboratories
and preparing them to play a key role in the LRN.
Three naturally occurring cases of anthrax have been reported within the past five
years, one case respectively of gastrointestinal, cutaneous, and inhalational (20,
22, 23). These incidences are examples in which Sentinel Level Clinical
Laboratories will be challenged by ensuring that all suspicious Bacillus spp., have
been ruled out based on the use of the LRN designated tests and algorithm for B.
anthracis and B. cereus biovar anthracis discussed in this protocol.
C. Diseases and Clinical Presentation
Anthrax is a zoonotic disease that occurs most frequently in herbivorous animals
(e.g., cattle, sheep, and goats), which acquire endospores from contaminated soil.
Human disease is less common and results from contact with infected animals or
with commercial products derived from them, such as wool and hides. Infection
can occur in one of three forms:
1. Cutaneous, responsible for >95% of naturally occurring cases, is initiated when
the bacterium or spores enter the skin through cuts or abrasions, such as when
handling contaminated hides, wool, leather, or hair products (especially goat
hair) from infected animals (2, 14, 22). Skin infection begins as a raised itchy
bump or papule that resembles an insect bite. Within 1 to 2 days, the bump
develops into a fluid-filled vesicle, which ruptures to form a painless ulcer
(eschar), usually 1 to 3 cm in diameter with a characteristic black necrotic area
in the center. Pronounced edema if often associated with lesions to the releases
of edema toxin, a major virulent factor produced by the organism. Lymph
glands in the adjacent area may also swell. Approximately 20% of untreated
cases of cutaneous anthrax result in death either because the infection becomes
systemic or because respiratory distress caused by edema in the cervical and
upper thoracic regions. Deaths are rare following appropriate antimicrobial
therapy, with lesions becoming sterile within 24 h and resolving several weeks
later. There are a few case reports of transmission by insect bites, presumably
after the insect fed on an infected carcass (24).
2. Gastrointestinal anthrax may occur 1 to 7 days following consumption of
contaminated undercooked meat from infected animals and is characterized by
acute inflammation of the intestinal tract. Initial signs of nausea, loss of
appetite, vomiting, and fever are followed by abdominal pain, vomiting of
blood, and severe bloody diarrhea. If not treated, the mortality rate ranges from
25 to 60%. Pharyngeal lesions may also occur from ingestion of contaminated
food (20).
3. Inhalational anthrax results from the inhalation of B. anthracis spores and can
occur following an intentional aerosol release as was evident in the 2001
anthrax biocrime. Depending on the quantity of aerosolized spores, the
incubation period ranges from 1 to 6 days. Aerosolization of anthrax spores is
regarded as the most likely method to be used in a bioterrorism or biocrime
event (5, 9, 10, 15). Though the minimum infectious inhaled dose has not been
specifically determined, the U. S. Department of Defense (DoD) estimates that
the 50% lethal dose for humans is between 8,000 and 10,000 spores (8).
Following inhalation, the spores enter pulmonary macrorophages and are
carried to the mediastinal lymph nodes. Germination and vegetative growth
result in the production of an antiphagocytic capsule and a toxin comprised of
three proteins, edema factor, lethal factor, and protective antigen, which play
major roles in the virulence and resultant infectious and clinical manifestation
(7). Disease onset is gradual and nonspecific. Fever, malaise, and fatigue may
be present initially (prodromal stage) and be accompanied by a nonproductive
cough and chest discomfort. These initial symptoms are often followed by a
short period of severe respiratory distress with labored breathing (dyspnea),
perfuse sweating (diaphoresis), high-pitched whistling respiration (stridor), and
cyanosis (bluish skin color). Fatal sepsis with generalized hemorrhage, massive
hemorrhagic mediastinitis, and necrosis ensue. Shock and death usually occur
within 24 – 36 h following the onset of respiratory distress, and in later stages if
therapy is not initiated within 48 h following the onset of symptoms, with
mortality reaching 95 – 100% (4, 7, 15, 27). Physical findings are usually
nonspecific. The chest X-ray is often pathognomic (disease-specific), revealing
a widened mediastinum (not always present) with pleural effusions with
infiltrates commonly absent. A single case of inhalational anthrax should alert
all healthcare workers to the possibility of a bioterrorism or biothreat event (5).
Person-to-person transmission of inhalational anthrax has not been confirmed
(3, 9).
A clinically compatible illness with one of the following:
Culture and identification of B. anthracis from clinical specimens by the
Demonstration of B. anthracis antigens in tissues by
immunohistochemical staining using both B. anthracis cell wall and
capsule monoclonal antibodies
Evidence of a four-fold rise in antibodies to protective antigen between
acute and convalescent sera or a four-fold change in antibodies to
protective antigen in paired convalescent sera using CDC quantitative
anti-PA immunoglobulin G (IgG) ELISA testing
Documented anthrax environmental exposure and evidence of B. anthracis
DNA (e.g., by LRN-validated polymerase chain reaction) in clinical
specimens collected from a normally sterile site (e.g., blood or CSF) or
lesion of other affected tissue (skin, pulmonary, reticuloendothelia, or
A. According to the 5
Edition of the BMBL, unless you are working with high
concentrations of this organism or performing procedures that produce aerosols,
B. anthracis can be handled using BSL-2 practices (25). Do not process
nonclinical (environmental or animal) specimens in hospital or commercial
reference laboratories; restrict processing to human clinical specimens only.
Nonclinical specimens should be directed to the designated LRN Reference
B. All patient specimens can be handled using BSL-2 practices. BSL-3 precautions,
wearing gloves and gown and working in a certified Class II biosafety cabinet
(BSC) are recommended when performing activities having a high potential for
aerosol production. Subcultures should be performed in a BSC and plates should
be taped/shrink sealed, and incubated in 5 – 10% CO
. All additional testing
should be performed only in the BSC while wearing gloves to prevent acquiring
infection through the skin.
C. Decontamination of laboratory surfaces is easily accomplished using a fresh
solution of 10% bleach. In addition, pipettes, needles, plastic loops, and
microscopic slides should be soaked in 10% bleach or 10 – 30% formalin for 24
h before being autoclaved. Phenolics are not sporocidal at the usual working
dilutions (12, 25).
1. Media
a. Standard liquid blood culturing system with manual or instrument
b. BAP
d. MAC (or EMB)
e. Semi-solid motility medium
2. Reagents
a. Appropriate disinfectant such as 10% bleach
b. Gram stain reagents
c. Catalase (3% hydrogen peroxide)
3. Equipment and supplies
a. Biosafety cabinet
b. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE; gloves, solid front gown)
c. 35 - 37° C incubator (ambient air, 5 – 10% CO
d. Light microscope with 100x objective and 10x eyepiece
e. Microscope slides and cover slips
f. Pipettes, inoculating loops
g. Blood culture instrument (optional)
NOTE: Refer to General Introduction and Recommendations section for a listing of
biochemical test and associate procedures.
Perform quality control of media and reagents according to package inserts, most
recent CLSI document M22, and CLIA standards, using positive and negative
controls. Do not use B. anthracis or B. cereus biovar anthracis as a control organism
due to its infectious nature. Examine culture plates for contamination, poor
hemolysis, cracks, and drying. Quality control of biochemical tests using a positive
and negative reacting organism should generally be performed on each lot of reagent.
For frequency of quality control, refer to manufacturer guidelines and state and
federal regulation. Refer to biochemical test section (located in the General
Introduction and Recommendations Section) of procedures and quality control
organisms for each test.
References (9, 13, 16, 18, 26)
* additional specimens that may be requested by your designated LRN Reference Laboratory are: plasma, pleural fluid, serum
A. Rejection of specimens
1. Use established laboratory criteria for rejection of specimens
A. Collection and Transport of Clinical Specimens for Laboratory Rule-Out Testing*
Vesicular (early) stage
Eschar (late) stage
Unroof vesicle and aspirate fluid or collect with two sterile swabs
Insert swab (dacron) beneath the edge of the eschar, rotate swab or
obtain an aspirate
Transport specimens at room temperature
Stool (> 5 grams…pecan size), collect and transport in a leak proof
sealed container
Collect blood (late stage of infection) directly into an appropriate
blood culture bottle (aerobic and anaerobic)
Transport specimens and bottles at room temperature
Blood: collect directly into an appropriate blood culture bottle (aerobic
and anaerobic)
Cerebral Spinal Fluid only if signs of meningitis occur
Transport specimens and bottles at room temperature
Tissue pieces should be collected and kept moist
Transport in sterile container at room temperature within 1 hour of
2. Environmental or non-clinical specimens are not to be processed by Sentinel
Laboratories; contact your designated LRN Reference Laboratory directly.
A. Cutaneous
1. Plate cutaneous, tissue, and stool specimens onto BAP and MAC (or EMB).
With the exception of stool specimens, prepare smears for Gram stain.
B. Respiratory
1. Plate respiratory specimens onto BAP, CHOC, and MAC (or EMB). Prepare
smear for Gram stain.
C. Blood
1. Aseptically inoculate liquid blood culture bottles with appropriate blood volume
per manufacturer’s instructions.
D. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
1. Prepare a cytospin smear for Gram stain
2. Centrifuge CSF specimens at 1,500 x g for 15 min using a clinical centrifuge
equipped with appropriate biocontainment tube holders. Open the
biocontainment tube holders only in a BSC. Plate the resultant sediment onto
BAP and CHOC; aspirate the remaining sediment and inoculate TSB or
A. Incubate all plated specimens, except MAC (or EMB), at 35 to 37°C in 5-10% CO
MAC (or EMB) is incubated in ambient air at 35 to 37°C.
B. Examine all cultures within 18-24 h of incubation. Growth of B. anthracis or B.
cereus biovar anthracis may be observed as early as 8 h following incubation. This
can be helpful when looking for B. anthracis or B. cereus biovar anthracis from
mixed cultures (sputum, stool).
If your laboratory uses matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-
TOF) mass spectrometry for bacterial identification and if the manufacturer provides your
facility with an alternate tube extraction method, it is recommended that the resulting
extract be filtered using a 0.2 µ (or less) filter. This additional step is recommended to
reduce the risk of laboratory contamination with viable bacteria and spores.
Using automated systems, including MALDI-TOF technology, may result in exposure to
dangerous pathogens, and could result in erroneous identification, Ex: Bacillus anthracis
misidentified as B. cereus; Yersinia pestis misidentified as Y. pseudotuberculosis.
The rule out or referral of B. anthracis or B. cereus biovar anthracis is accomplished by
following the algorithm below and the associated tests.
A. Gram stain suspicious colonies from agar plates and blood cultures in a BSC. B.
anthracis and B. cereus biovar anthracis are large (1 to 1.5 by 3 to 5um) Gram-
positive rods. Vegetative cells seen on Gram-stained smears of clinical specimens
often occur in short chains of two to four cells that are encapsulated. Gram stains
from colonies grown on BAP appear as long chains of nonencapsulated Gram-
positive bacilli. Endospores are not commonly seen in direct smears of clinical
specimens. If present, the spores are oval and located centrally or subterminally and
do not cause swelling of the vegetative cell (see Fig 1).
Fig. 1. Gram stain of blood culture containing B. anthracis
Photo courtesy of Dr. James Rudrick, Michigan Department of Community Health
B. Both B. anthracis and B. cereus biovar anthracis grow well on BAP and CHOC, but
not on MAC (or EMB). Colonies are round with irregular edges, flat or slightly
convex with a ground glass appearance. There are often “comma-shaped” projections
from the edge of the colony, producing the “Medusa head” shape. The colonies are
nonhemolytic on BAP and have a tenacious consistency that when teased with a loop,
the growth will stand up like beaten egg whites. Some B. cereus biovar anthracis
strains may exhibit weak hemolysis upon extended incubation (48 h), particularly
when incubated in CO
Fig. 2. Colonies of B. anthracis on Blood Agar
Photo courtesy of APHL
C. Perform all testing in a BSC. Refer to the Biochemical Test Procedures listed in the
Introduction and General Recommendations Section.
1. Catalase – should be positive
2. Motility in semi-solid medium– B. anthracis is usually negative; B. cereus
biovar anthracis strains are usually motile (Table 1).
NOTE: Performing a catalase test is potentially hazardous due to the potential for the creation of
an aerosol thus it is recommended to perform this test in a BSC. It is recommended to perform
motility in semi-solid medium instead of a wet mount since results are less subjective in semi-
solid medium.
D. Presumptive identification of B. anthracis and B. cereus biovar anthracis (see flow
chart below)
NOTE: Confirmatory identification is made by an LRN Reference Laboratory; refer to
1. Direct Gram stain: large, Gram-positive rods; Spores are not normally
observed in smears from clinical specimens.
2. Colonies on BAP are nonhemolytic, project a ground glass appearance, and
may have “Medusa head” characteristics. If endospores are present, they are
oval-shaped and located either centrally or subterminally.
Bacillus anthracis and B. cereus biovar anthracis Identification Flowchart
Note: Biochemical test procedures and quality control instructions can be found at the end of the
General Recommendation and Biochemical Testing Procedures document.
Major Characteristics of Bacillus anthracis and B. cereus biovar anthracis
Gram Stain Morphology: Large, Gram-positive rods.
Spores may be found in cultures grown in 5% CO
but not usually in clinical samples
Colony Morphology: Ground glass appearance, non-pigmented, gamma hemolytic (no
hemolysis) on BAP (some strains of B. cereus biovar anthracis may be weakly hemolytic
after 48 h of incubation)
No growth on MAC (or EMB)
Catalase positive?
Bacillus anthracis and B.
cereus biovar anthracis are
ruled out. Continue with
routine identification.
Bacillus anthracis/B. cereus biovar anthracis not
ruled out.
Call the LRN Reference Level Laboratory and send
suspected agent.
Report: Possible Bacillus anthracis or B. cereus biovar
anthracis submitted to LRN Reference Level
Laboratory for confirmatory testing.
Gamma hemolytic (no hemolysis)
A. B. anthracis or B. cereus biovar anthracis is suspected and cannot be ruled out if the
isolate fulfills the following characteristics:
Direct Gram staining reveals large Gram-positive rods
Grows on BAP as non-pigmented, odorless, white colonies having a ground glass
appearance with edges that are slightly undulate (“Medusa heads”; comma-
Does not grow on MAC (or EMB)
Nonhemolytic on BAP
Catalase – positive
Motility B. anthracis strains are nonmotile, B. cereus biovar anthracis strains
are motile
B. Notification and submission of cultures if B. anthracis or B. cereus biovar anthracis
cannot be ruled out based on the above characteristics.
1. Generate a report to the attending physician that B. anthracis or B.
cereus biovar anthracis cannot be ruled out and the isolate has been
referred to your designated LRN Reference Laboratory for confirmatory
2. Do not attempt full identification and susceptibility testing in the
Sentinel Level Clinical Laboratory.
3. Immediately notify your designated LRN Reference Laboratory who
will provide the referring laboratory with guidance and
recommendations for retaining the specimen or isolate and submission
for confirmatory identification.
4. Preserve original specimens pursuant to a criminal investigation and
transfer to your designated LRN Reference Laboratory in accordance
with state and local requirements. In particular, the appropriate material,
including blood culture bottles, tubes, plates, and clinical specimens
(e.g., aspirates, biopsies, sputum specimens) should be documented and
either submitted to the LRN Reference Laboratory or retained until the
Reference Laboratory confirms the identification.
5. Do not ship specimens or cultures to the LRN Reference Laboratory
without prior arrangements.
6. Notify other public health authorities (e.g., state public health
department Epidemiologist/Health Officer) as required by local and state
communicable disease reporting requirements. The state public health
laboratory/department will notify law enforcement officials (state and
federal), such as the local FBI, as appropriate.
7. Within the hospital setting, immediately notify the infection control
preventionist(s) and/or infectious disease service so that the patient can
be treated appropriately, infectious precautions can be taken, and a
further investigation of the patient’s history can be made (10).
8. Consult with the LRN Reference Laboratory regarding additional
clinical specimens that may be submitted for testing.
9. Initiate documentation showing the specimen identification control,
notification and transfer to your designated LRN Reference Laboratory,
and documentation of all plates and tube cultures which will need to be
destroyed or transferred once identification has been completed.
C. Sentinel Level Clinical Laboratories should consult with their designated LRN Reference
Laboratory prior to or concurrent with testing if B. anthracis or B. cereus biovar
anthracis is requested by the physician or a bioterrorist event is suspected. Obtain
guidance from the state public health laboratory as appropriate (e.g., requests from local
law enforcement or other local government officials). The FBI and state public health
laboratory/state public health department will coordinate the transfer of
isolates/specimens to a higher level LRN laboratory as appropriate.
D. If B. anthracis or B. cereus biovar anthracis is ruled out, proceed with efforts to identify
using established criteria.
E. If other cases are suspected or there is a laboratory exposure, collect appropriate samples
and submit them to your designated LRN Reference Laboratory for additional testing.
X. Select Agent reporting and compliance
1. Reporting of all identified Select Agents is still required, even though Sentinel
laboratories are not required to register under the Select Agent Rule.
2. The laboratory must complete Form 2 within one week (7 days) following
notification of the confirmed identification. For further guidance and access to
the necessary forms, consult with your designated LRN Reference Laboratory or
refer to the CDC Division of Select Agents and Toxins website at
3. Reporting all identified Select Agents is required by completing Form 4 A within
7 days of confirmed identification. If the isolate is from a Proficiency test sample,
Form 4 B is to be completed within 90 days of receipt of the sample.
4. Your designated LRN Reference Laboratory will advise you with completion of
required forms (e.g., Forms 2, 3, and 4). Always refer to
for the latest guidance and versions of these forms.
A. Antimicrobial Susceptibility
1. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of B. anthracis or B. cereus biovar
anthracis is neither needed nor appropriate for Sentinel Level Laboratories
to perform. Interpretive breakpoints have not been established by the
2. Quinolones (e.g. ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin), doxycline, and penicillin are
currently the only FDA-approved antibiotics for the treatment of anthrax
(2, Center for Biosecurity of UPMC,
3. Post-exposure prophylaxis for personnel (adults and children), including
laboratory personnel suspected of exposure to B. anthracis or B. cereus
biovar anthracis spores includes ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin (adults) or
doxycline. Once started, antibiotic therapy should be continued for 60
days post-exposure (
B. Select Agent Reporting and Compliance
1. Reporting of all identified Select Agents is still required, even if a
laboratory has not been previously registered.
2. If the organism is transferred following presumptive identification, the
laboratory must complete Form 2. For further guidance and access to the
necessary forms, consult with your designated LRN Reference Laboratory
or refer to the CDC Division of Select Agents and Toxins website:
3. Reporting all identified Select Agents is required by completing Form 4A
within 7 days of confirmatory identification. If the isolate is from a
Proficiency Test Sample, Form 4B is to be completed within 90 days of
receipt of the sample.
4. Your designated LRN Reference Laboratory will advise you with
completion of required forms (e.g. Forms 2, 3, and 4). Always refer to
for the latest guidance and versions of these forms.
C. Destruction
1. Once the identification of the isolate has been confirmed, the Sentinel
Clinical Laboratory Select Agent Regulations require that the residual
specimen and cultures of the isolate be destroyed or transferred to an
approved Select Agent entity within 7 days of notification of a confirmed
identification. Your designated LRN Reference Laboratory must advise
you on destruction or transfer of isolates.
2. Generally, all plates, tubes, and clinical material that contain the organism
should be autoclaved, incinerated on-site or submitted to the designated
LRN Reference Laboratory for disposal.
3. Alternatively, contaminated items should be soaked in 10% bleach or 10%
formalin for 24h.
D. Packing and Shipping
1. Refer to the ASM Packing and Shipping Guidelines
2. All materials sent to your designated LRN Reference Laboratory must be
shipped in compliance with IATA and DOT regulations.
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3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 1998. Bioterrorism alleging use of
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Rep. 48:69-74.
4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2000. Use of anthrax vaccine in the
United States. MMWR Morb. Mortal. Wkly. Rep. 49 (RR-15): 1-20.
5. Chin, J. 2000. Anthrax. In Control of Communicable Diseases Manua, 17
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