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Rudolph Giuliani and the Ethics of Bullshit Rudolph Giuliani and the Ethics of Bullshit
Bennett L. Gershman
Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University
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Bennett L. Gershman, Rudolph Giuliani and the Ethics of Bullshit, 57 Duq. L. Rev. 293 (2019),
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Rudolph Giuliani and the Ethics of Bullshit
Bennett L. Gershman
“Truth isn’t truth.”
– Rudolph Giuliani, NBC’s “Meet the Press,” August 19, 2018.
I. I
Lawyers are communicators. They communicate with clients,
courts, adversaries, juries, witnesses, and the public. Lawyers have
a special responsibility for the quality of justice. Their communica-
tions, therefore, are hedged by various ethical rules to ensure that
their statements are knowledgeable, truthful, respectful, and not
prejudicial to the administration of justice. But lawyers are not al-
ways knowledgeable of the facts. In fact, they sometimes behave
disrespectfully, and stray from the truth. False statements by law-
yers may be made unwittingly, sometimes intentionally, and some-
times with an indifference, even a contempt for the truth. Discourse
of the latter kind may be characterized as bullshit.
Bullshit is more prevalent in our culture than ever. Expanded
forms of electronic communication and the ability of everybody to
be an expert on almost everything probably accounts for so much
more bullshit. The proliferation of bullshit in our culture generally
is also reflected in an increase in bullshit by lawyers. Indeed, the
investigation of President Donald Trump by Special Counsel Robert
Mueller produced a dizzying array of unusual public statements by
his personal lawyer Rudolph Giuliani that may be regarded as bull-
Giuliani’s statements invite consideration of the following
questions: Do the rules of professional ethics cover attorney bull-
shit? If so, how much bullshit may a lawyer utter before crossing
an ethical line? Assuming the ethics rules apply, are professional
disciplinary bodies capable of exposing lawyer bullshit?
* Bennet L. Gershman is a Professor of Law at Elisabeth Haub Law School, Pace Uni-
1. H
ARRY G. FRANKFURT, ON BULLSHIT 33-34 (2005) (the “essence of bullshit” is “[a] lack
of connection to a concern with truth . . . [and] [an] indifference to how things really are.”).
2. See Addendum for a compilation of many of Giuliani’s notable statements.
294 Duquesne Law Review Vol. 57
First, I will explore the meaning of bullshit. The Merriam Web-
ster Dictionary defines bullshit as “to talk nonsense to especially
with the intention of deceiving or misleading.”
The Cambridge Dic-
tionary defines bullshit as “complete nonsense or something that is
not true,” including “cheating” and “trickery,” and “to try to per-
suade someone . . . by saying things that are not true.”
These def-
initions suggest that bullshit is not the telling of a lie, but some-
thing less than lying.
Bullshit in one sense involves a biased in-
terpretation of facts in order to persuade someone to support the
speaker’s position. Bullshit involves fakery and bluffing–claims of
excuse, mistake, and accident–in order to deceive and mislead.
The bullshitter has no regard for the truth or for facts. The bull-
shitter is indifferent to whether a statement is accurate or not. The
bullshitter’s purpose is to persuade someone in a manner that ap-
pears to be more morally acceptable than telling a lie. Thus, I am
not surprised at hearing one student tell another student: “Don’t lie
to the professor, just try to bullshit him.” The student is neither
indifferent to the truth nor indifferent to lying. She is simply trying
to avoid being caught telling a lie by crafting an excuse that is nei-
ther a lie nor the truth. The student is being insincere; the student
is a phony. But she has not told a lie.
Lawyers engage in bullshit. They say things that are nonsensi-
cal, misleading, and with indifference to the truth. Lawyers for the
big tobacco companies were likely engaged in bullshit when they
repeatedly argued that smoking does not cause cancer, belittled the
surgeon general’s report, and extolled the testimony of experts that
there is no link between smoking and cancer.
Prosecutors also en-
gage in bullshit when they remove minority jurors for nonsensical
Lawyers who make ridiculous arguments extolling the
virtues of their nefarious clients also may be engaging in bullshit.
tionary/bullshit (last visited Mar. 4, 2019).
4. Bullshit, C
english/bullshit?q=Bullshit (last visited Mar. 4, 2019).
5. F
RANKFURT, supra note 1, at 9.
6. D
7. B
348-50 (Lexis Law Publishing 3d ed. 2015) (noting that prosecutors may challenge jurors for
failing to make eye contact, appearing “uncooperative,” “sinister,” uptight, disinterested, “in-
attentive,” “a gut feeling,” “didn’t seem sincere,” “the way they answer questions,” and “a
8. For example, in a recent high profile criminal trial, the defendant was charged with
orchestrating a Ponzi scheme by duping investors into putting money into failing hedge
Summer 2019 Ethics of Bullshit 295
Initially, let me try to position Giuliani’s public statements
within an ethical framework relating to bullshit. As a general mat-
ter, a lawyer’s ethical responsibilities are quite different and more
profound than that of an ordinary citizen.
A lawyer must exem-
plify high standards of honesty,
A lawyer has a “special responsibility for the
quality of justice”
and a “duty to uphold legal process.”
As a pub-
lic citizen “a lawyer should further the public’s understanding of
and confidence in the rule of law and the justice system because
legal institutions in a constitutional democracy depend on popular
participation and support to maintain their authority.”
The American Bar Association Model Rules of Professional Con-
duct address public statements by lawyers in several places. For
example, Model Rule 3.3 addresses conduct by lawyers during ad-
judicative proceedings that undermine the integrity of the proceed-
Thus, a lawyer is forbidden to make knowingly false state-
ments to a tribunal,
and to offer evidence that the lawyer knows
is false.
Moreover, a lawyer is required to alert the tribunal if he
funds, misleading them about the miserable performance of those funds, and secretly siphon-
ing the cash into a new company. His lawyer’s defense, however, bordered on the ridiculous.
His lawyer argued that his client was not a Ponzi-schemer, but rather an “oddball genius”
who was trying to build a successful drug company to repay his hedge-fund investors. His
lawyer also argued that nobody who invested with him was defrauded or suffered any eco-
nomic harm, and that the investors got their money back and more. See Dan Mangan &
Rachel Pak, Martin Shkreli’s Lawyer Uses Potato Chips, Borscht Belt Jokes and Jibes of ‘Rich
People B.S.’ to Blast Criminal Case Against ‘Pharma Bro’, CNBC (July 27, 2017, 7:06 PM),
9. See e.g., M
ODEL RULES OF PROFL CONDUCT Preamble: A Lawyer’s Responsibilities
M. BAR ASSN 2018).
10. See generally id. at r.
11. Id. at r.
12. Id. at r. 1.1.
13. Id. at r. 8.4(b).
14. Id. at Preamble: A Lawyer’s Responsibilities.
15. Id.
16. Id.
17. Id. at r. 3.3.
18. See id. at r. 3.3(a)(1) (“A lawyer shall not knowingly . . . make a false statement of
fact or law to a tribunal.”).
19. Id. at r. 3.3(a)(3) (“A lawyer shall not knowingly . . . offer evidence that the lawyer
knows to be false.”).
296 Duquesne Law Review Vol. 57
or she knows that a person intends to engage in fraudulent con-
None of Giuliani’s statements were made during formal le-
gal proceedings and therefore this rule would not apply to him.
Model Rule 3.6 prohibits a lawyer from making public statements
which the lawyer knows or should know will materially prejudice a
legal proceeding.
There are presently several ongoing legal pro-
ceedings involving the Special Counsel’s investigation. Lawyers in-
volved in the investigation and representing clients connected to
the investigation, as is Giuliani, have to be extremely careful about
making public statements that could seriously prejudice any poten-
tial adjudicative proceeding.
Model Rule 4.1 deals with truthfulness by lawyers generally.
forbids a lawyer from knowingly making a material false statement
to any third person.
The commentary notes that misrepresenta-
tions, partially false statements, and omissions may constitute false
But the statement must refer to a material fact.
This rule might apply to some of Giuliani’s statements that may be
viewed as assertions of fact.
However, whether a statement does
make a factual assertion will depend on the circumstances.
Model Rule 8.4 addresses misconduct by lawyers.
According to
subsection (c) of this rule, it is professional misconduct for a lawyer
to “engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrep-
According to subsection (d) of this rule, it is profes-
sional misconduct for a lawyer to “engage in conduct that is preju-
dicial to the administration of justice.”
These provisions are ap-
plicable to a lawyer’s conduct that specifically relates to the lawyer’s
20. Id. at r. 3.3(b) (“A lawyer who represents a client in an adjudicative proceeding and
who knows that a person intends to engage, is engaging or has engaged in criminal or fraud-
ulent conduct related to the proceeding shall take reasonable remedial measures, including,
if necessary, disclosure to the tribunal.”).
21. Id. at r. 3.6(a) (“A lawyer who is participating or has participated in the investigation
or litigation of a matter shall not make an extrajudicial statement that the lawyer knows or
reasonably should know will be disseminated by means of public communication and will
have a substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing an adjudicative proceeding in the mat-
22. Id. at r. 4.1.
23. Id. at r. 4.1(a) (“In the course of representing a client a lawyer shall not knowingly .
. . make a false statement of material fact or law to a third person.”).
24. Id. at r. 4.1 cmt. 1.
25. Id. at r. 4.1(a).
26. Id. at r. 4.1 cmt. 2 (“This Rule refers to statements of fact.”).
27. Id. (“Whether a particular statement should be regarded as one of fact can depend on
the circumstances.”).
28. Id. at r. 8.4.
29. Id. at r. 8.4(c) (“It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to . . . engage in conduct
involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation.”).
30. Id. at r. 8.4(d) (“It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to . . . engage in conduct
that is prejudicial to the administration of justice.”).
Summer 2019 Ethics of Bullshit 297
practice of law. One type of conduct for which a lawyer would be
professionally answerable is dishonesty.
Giuliani’s public statements in representing President Trump
have attracted considerable attention. His principal task appears
to be less legal and more political, to push back on Mueller’s inves-
tigation and sow confusion. To some observers Giuliani has be-
haved like a fool. He has been described as “Trump’s clown,”
“fool for our time,”
a “big dumb idiot,”
and a
“bumbling idiot.”
Although his representation has been zealous,
Giuliani’s public statements reveal a deficient understanding of the
facts relating to his client’s legal case, a failure to appreciate the
significance of critical facts in order to render appropriate legal ad-
vice, and an inability to communicate effectively on behalf of his
client. In order to cover up his deficiencies, or to deliberately sow
confusion, Giuliani has resorted to bullshit.
In examining Giuliani’s statements, I will assume that one of the
elements of bullshit is a requirement that the speaker know that he
or she is saying something that may be perceived as false, deceptive,
confusing, misleading, or nonsensical. In considering Giuliani’s
statements, I recognize that if he really is a fool, this assumption
may be incorrect and may complicate my analysis. Many of Giuli-
ani’s statements, at least to a rational observer, are logically and
rhetorically incomprehensible. There are simply too many in-
stances in which Giuliani appears to contradict one statement with
31. Id. at r. 8.4 cmt. 2 (“dishonesty” is one of the “offenses that indicate lack of those
characteristics relevant to law practice”).
32. Jeffrey Toobin, How Rudy Giuliani Turned Into Trump’s Clown, N
10, 2018),
33. Dana Milbank, Rudy Giuliani Is the Fool for Our Time, W
ASH. POST (Dec. 19, 2018),
34. Rafi Schwartz, Rudy You Big Dumb Idiot, S
PLINTER (Dec. 19, 2018, 10:31 AM),
35. Rudy Giuliani’s Weird Faces of the Week,
DAILY BEAST (Aug. 2018), https://www.
36. Letters to the Editor, Giuliani May Be ‘Dopey,’ but He’s No Royal ‘Fool’, W
(Dec. 25, 2018),
37. Jared Yates Sexton, Is Rudy Giuliani Truly a Bumbling Idiot? Maybe–Or He’s an
Effective Agent of Chaos, S
ALON (Aug. 1, 2018, 5:40 PM),
298 Duquesne Law Review Vol. 57
claim that he never made a statement which he clearly
or made statements that are clearly untrue.
It is there-
fore uncertain whether Giuliani really knows or remembers any-
thing he once said, comprehends what he is presently saying, or
even cares about whether anything he says is true.
Salient features of bullshit include misstating, deceiving, misrep-
resenting, and misleading. What distinguishes bullshit from know-
ingly making false factual statements is the speaker’s indifference
to the truth and disregard whether his statement is factually cor-
rect. To constitute bullshit the speaker has no interest in the truth
or the ascertainment of the truth. So, for example, Giuliani may
not have been deliberately lying when he stated that no one signed
a letter of intent to build the Trump Tower in Moscow;
that he
never said there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and
38. See Chris Cillizza, Rudy Giuliani Just Totally Contradicted 18 Months of ‘No Collu-
sion’ Talk From Donald Trump, CNN P
OL. (Jan. 17, 2019, 2:20 PM),
39. See Allyson Chiu & Lindsey Bever, Rudy Giuliani: ‘I Never Said There Was No Col-
lusion’ Between Trump Campaign and Russia,
WASH. POST (Jan. 17, 2019),
40. See Elliot Williams, Trump and Giuliani’s Lies About the Mueller Investigation Aren’t
Believable. But They Are Important, NBC
(Sept. 1, 2018, 4:46 AM), https://www.
41. See Chris Cillizza, 21 Head-Scratching Lines from A(nother) Disastrous Rudy Giuli-
ani Interview, CNN (May 7, 2018, 11:58 AM),
giuliani-trump-abc/index.html. Although the dictionary definition of bullshit, noted above,
includes statements that are ridiculous and nonsensical, I will put aside from my analysis
some of Giuliani’s statements that are simply foolish. I include here, Giuliani’s response to
an interview question asking whether President Trump would sit down one-on-one with Spe-
cial Counsel Mueller. Giuliani’s response, “Over my dead body. But, you know, I could be
dead.” Gregg Re, Giuliani on Whether Trump Will Sit Down With Mueller: ‘Good luck—Over
My Dead Body’, F
OX NEWS (Dec. 16, 2018),
whether-trump-will-sit-down-with-mueller-good-luck-over-my-dead-body. Or his embar-
rassing comment that there were no terrorist attacks during Republican administrations,
only Democratic ones, somehow forgetting the 9/11 attacks during the administration of
George W. Bush. Linda Qiu, Aside From 9/11, Rudy Giuliani Is Wrong About No Terrorist
Attacks Before Obama, P
OLITIFACT (Aug. 16, 2016, 5:21 PM), https://www.politi-
wrong-about-no-terr/. Or his derogatory comments about Joe Biden. Quint Forgey, Giuliani
Calls Biden a ‘Mentally Deficient Idiot’, P
OLITICO (June 15, 2018, 1:42 PM), https://www.po-
42. See Aaron Rupar, Rudy Giuliani Lied About a Trump Tower Moscow Letter of Intent.
CNN Has Receipts, V
OX (Dec. 19, 2018 9:30 AM),
Summer 2019 Ethics of Bullshit 299
that Roger Stone never alerted Trump to WikiLeaks con-
cerning Hillary Clinton;
that paying Stormy Daniels was not a
and that the big October “surprise” that would turn the
election to Trump’s favor, had nothing to do with FBI director
James Comey’s announcement of a new email investigation of Hil-
lary Clinton.
Although these statements are false, it does not ap-
pear that making factually inaccurate statements was Giuliani’s
purpose or that he even cared whether his statements were factu-
ally accurate or not. Giuliani’s principal purpose in making these
statements was likely not to hide the truth but to obfuscate the
truth, to attack the conduct of Mueller’s investigation, and to pro-
tect his client’s reputation. These statements reflect not a conscious
design to lie but an indifference and even contempt for the truth, in
a word, to engage in bullshit.
In any event, there is an overlap between telling a lie and bull-
shit. Bullshit often includes telling lies, but bullshit appears more
benign than lying. Moreover, from a legal standpoint, a lie is more
objectionable than bullshit; it may be a crime. However, from an
ethical standpoint, bullshit by a lawyer may be more morally objec-
tionable than lying. A lie is a discrete event. A lie typically relates
to a particular occurrence. When Giuliani stated that he never
claimed that anybody in the Trump campaign had any dealings
with Russia, he lied.
He had in fact made that claim often. But
bullshit is much more “panoramic,” more comprehensive.
ani’s many statements attempting to distance and gloss over con-
43. See Aaron Blake, Rudy Giuliani Just Contradicted Nearly All the Trump Team’s Past
Collusion Denials, W
ASH. POST, (Jan. 17, 2019),
44. See Steve Benen, Rudy Giuliani Isn’t Doing His Client in the White House Any Fa-
vors, MSNBC (Dec. 17, 2018, 9:43 AM),
45. See Tim Hains, Rudy Giuliani: Paying Stormy Daniels Was Not a Crime, R
POL. (Dec. 16, 2018),
46. See Jim Dwyer, Giuliani Promised a Surprise Before the Election. Comey Delivered
One, N.Y. T
IMES (June 19, 2018),
47. Christal Hayes, Trump Attorney Rudy Giuliani: ‘I Never Said There Was No Collu-
sion Between the Campaign’ and Russia, USA
TODAY (Jan. 17, 2019, 10:34 AM),
48. See F
RANKFURT, supra note 1, at 51-52 (to invent a lie a speaker “must think he
knows what is true” whereas a person who undertakes bullshit “has much more freedom
[since] [h]is focus is panoramic rather than particular.”).
300 Duquesne Law Review Vol. 57
tacts between Trump and his campaign officials and Russian oper-
atives are contradictory, confusing, and deceptive. Giuliani may
have been bluffing, a key feature of bullshit.
In the same connection, a quintessential feature of bullshit, noted
above, is to make false or deceptive statements in order to sow con-
fusion, obscure the truth, or bluff through a difficult situation. It is
here as well that Giuliani is adept at engaging in bullshit. Imme-
diately after the BuzzFeed report that Trump directed his lawyer,
Michael Cohen, to lie to Congress about Trump’s plans to build a
skyscraper in Moscow and the quick correction by Special Counsel
Mueller as to the accuracy of that report, Giuliani made several con-
tradictory remarks that appeared to be made to distract from the
story, inject confusion as to the details of the plan, and possibly set
the stage for a defense.
Giuliani’s pre-textual defense of the Mus-
lim travel ban by claiming that it was not based on religion but on
national security was a deliberate misrepresentation, an obvious
attempt to provide an innocent spin to an amoral and unconstitu-
tional act.
Additionally, Giuliani’s contradictory statements
about the timing of Trump’s skyscraper deal with Russia demon-
strated not only Giuliani’s apparent ignorance of the facts, but his
apparent indifference to the facts, which is a hallmark of bullshit.
A lawyer who displays an indifference to the truth, as Giuliani
has shown, may be a more insidious threat to the rule of law and
the public’s confidence in the justice system than a lawyer who tells
a lie. Giuliani’s stunning pronouncement that “truth isn’t truth”
does far more to destroy the bedrock principle in any legal system,
namely, that truth matters, than a lawyer telling a lie.
the context, Giuliani’s statement is nonsensical, anarchic, and very
dangerous. Additionally, Giuliani’s effort to explain his statement
by trying to provide an excuse for Trump to refuse to be interviewed
by the Special Counsel’s office is perverse, and clearly bullshit.
49. See John Haltiwanger, Giuliani Alludes to ‘Tapes’ in a Perplexing Interview on
BuzzFeed News’ Report, Immediately Walks It Back, B
US. INSIDER (Jan. 22, 2019, 4:22 PM),
50. See Amy B. Wang, Trump Asked for a ‘Muslim ban,’ Giuliani Says–And Ordered a
Commission to Do It ‘Legally’, W
ASH. POST (Jan. 29, 2017), https://www.washingtonpost.
51. See Mark Mazzetti et al., Moscow Skyscraper Talks Continued Through ‘the Day I
Won,’ Trump Is Said to Acknowledge, N.Y.
TIMES (Jan. 20, 2019),
52. See Caroline Kenny, Rudy Giuliani Says ‘Truth Isn’t Truth, CNN
(Aug. 19, 2018,
4:50 PM),
Summer 2019 Ethics of Bullshit 301
Too, a lie can be corrected; bullshit is not susceptible of correction.
Bullshit embraces not facts but opinions, perceptions, and biases.
It fits neatly into the current mainstream view of alternative facts
and the inherent ambiguity of truth.
Since bullshit does not re-
quire knowledge of facts and knowingly making an assertion that
contradicts the facts, bullshit is much easier to create than a lie and
much easier to get away with. It allows a speaker to say anything
about any subject regardless of whether the speaker knows any-
thing about the subject. The statement is disconnected from the
facts and from reality. Understood in this sense, a statement by a
lawyer that demonstrates a failure to make a conscientious effort to
ascertain the truth has a much greater capacity to contaminate the
legal system and the public perception of lawyers.
Bullshit is propaganda. It involves disseminating ideas and im-
ages to the public to influence public opinion by the selection of cer-
tain information, deceptive portrayals of that information, and mis-
representation of reality. Bullshit ignores facts, reality, and truth.
It assumes that facts are fungible and truth is whatever the speaker
says is the truth. Since the speaker has no interest or belief in the
truth, and that facts and truth have no inherent value, then what-
ever the speaker says cannot be regarded as lying. Thus, “Big
Brother,” in George Orwell’s 1984,
was not lying about any partic-
ular facts; he was engaged in pervasive deceit and misinformation,
or in a word, bullshit.
V. A
Bullshit is ubiquitous in the current culture of chaos, tribalism,
and noise. Bullshit is counter-factual; it is the spinning of facts to
persuade. The most persuasive bullshit is carefully crafted by a
skilled communicator. That is why we call a person who excels at
bullshit a bullshit “artist.” The question this essay addresses is
whether an attorney– not a politician, pundit, or used car sales-
man–who is a skilled communicator subject to various ethics rules
that protect the public from false, deceptive, and misleading bull-
shit violates those rules when he engages in bullshit.
Is Rudolph Giuliani a bullshit artist? Or is he a fool? He has
zealously crafted a false and confusing narrative to protect his cli-
ent, the President of the United States. Many of his statements are
53. See David B. Feldman, Does Truth Still Exist, Or Are There Just Alternative Facts?,
SYCHOL. TODAY (Jan. 26, 2017),
54. G
EORGE ORWELL, 1984 (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 2017).
55. See generally M
302 Duquesne Law Review Vol. 57
simply untrue. However, even if they are untrue, his statements
reflect an ignorance of facts, a skewed appreciation of facts, and an
indifference to whether his statements are true.
Do Giuliani’s statements constitute bullshit? As I have construed
bullshit in this article, they do. Do his statements violate the ethics
rules? Do they impair the administration of justice to the extent
they undermine public confidence in the legal system and respect
for the conduct of lawyers? My purpose in this essay is not to an-
swer these questions, but to raise them for further discussion.
James Comey’s “Big Surprise”:
Three days before FBI director James Comey’s announcement
two weeks before the 2016 election that the FBI discovered a new
unexamined laptop in the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails,
Giuliani appeared on Fox morning news and stated: “We got a cou-
ple of surprises left . . . I think it’ll be enormously effective.”
days later Giuliani again appeared on Fox News and said he was
talking about “pretty big surprises.”
He also stated that “We’ve
got a couple of things up our sleeve that should turn this thing
As it turned out, the emails on the laptop were mean-
Giuliani stated that the surprise he was talking about
had nothing to do with the emails, but with a speech Trump was
going to give attacking Clinton.
However, on the day of Comey’s
announcement Giuliani was so pleased he blurted out a description
of his sources for inside information on the email case.
He claimed
that the F.B.I.’s original conclusion was “completely unjustified,
and almost a slap in the face of the F.B.I.’s integrity.”
said he knew that “from former agents” and “a few active agents
who obviously don’t want to identify themselves.”
Giuliani’s new
version was that his prediction was just speculation.
We knew
just by instinct . . . that the New York office was enraged.”
56. Dwyer, supra note 46.
57. Id.
58. Id.
59. Id.
60. Id.
61. Id.
62. Id.
63. Id.
64. Id.
65. Id.
Summer 2019 Ethics of Bullshit 303
Muslim Ban:
According to Giuliani, President Trump wanted a “Muslim ban”
and asked Giuliani to convene a commission to figure out “the right
way to do it legally.”
So, “instead of religion, [we focused on] dan-
ger–the areas of the world that create danger for us.”
“Which is a
factual basis, not a religious basis. Perfectly legal, perfectly sensi-
ble. And that’s what the ban is based on. It’s not based on religion.
It’s based on places where there are substantial evidence that peo-
ple are sending terrorists into our country.”
Roger Stone and WikiLeaks:
Giuliani’s exchange with journalist, George Stephenopoulos:
STEPHENOPOULOS: Did Roger Stone ever give the presi-
dent a heads-up on WikiLeaks’ leaks concerning Hillary
Clinton, the DNC?
GIULIANI: No, he didn’t.
GIULIANI: No. I don’t believe so. But again, if Roger Stone
gave anybody a heads-up about WikiLeaks’ leaks, that’s not
a crime.
Collusion With Russia:
On the issue of whether there was any collusion between Trump
or officials in his campaign and Russia, Giuliani stated that “I have
no knowledge of any collusion by any of the thousands of people who
worked on the campaign.”
Later, Giuliani stated: “I never said
there was no collusion between the campaign, or people in the cam-
Giuliani previously stated that “no one in ‘the upper levels
of the Trump campaign’ colluded with Russia, adding that he had
66. Wang, supra note 50.
67. Id.
68. Id.
69. Benen, supra note 44.
70. Philip Rucker, Giuliani Seeks to Clarify Comments on Trump Campaign and Russia,
Saying He Has ‘No Knowledge of Any Collusion’, W
ASH. POST (Jan. 17, 2019),
71. Holly Rosenkrantz, Giuliani: “I Never Said There Was No Collusion” Between Trump
Campaign and Russia, CBS (Jan. 17, 2019, 4:28 PM),
304 Duquesne Law Review Vol. 57
‘no reason to believe anybody else did’ either.”
According to Giu-
liani, “the only knowledge I have in this regard is the collusion of
the Clinton campaign with Russia, which has so far been ignored.”
Giuliani stated that “collusion is not a crime”
because the term
“collusion” appears nowhere in the federal criminal code.
According to Giuliani, “There is not a single bit of evidence the
president of the United States committed the only crime you can
commit here, conspired with the Russians to hack the DNC.”
According to Giuliani, “[c]ollusion is not a crime.”
“Hacking is
the crime. The president didn’t hack. He didn’t pay for the hack-
In any event, there was no collusion between the Trump cam-
paign and Russia. But even if meaningful information “comes from
a Russian, or a German, or an American, it doesn’t matter. And they
never used it, is the main thing. They never used it. They rejected
it. If there was collusion with the Russians, they would have used
Giuliani, asked about revelations that Paul Manafort, Trump’s
campaign chairman, shared Trump campaign polling data with a
Russian linked to the nation’s intelligence services, Giuliani replied
that it’s not collusion, because “polling data is given to everybody.”
In any event, Giuliani said, internal polling data “is cooked,” and
“the most inaccurate stuff.”
72. Kristen Welker & Allan Smith, In Sharp Reversal, Giuliani Now Claims: ‘I Never
Said There Was No Collusion Between the Campaign’ and Russia, NBC
(Jan. 17, 2019, 12:32
73. Eileen Sullivan & Maggie Haberman, Rudy Giuliani Backs Off Remarks on Potential
Collusion by Trump Aides, N.Y.
TIMES (Jan. 17, 2019),
74. Christina Zhao, Trump’s Lawyer Rudy Giuliani Claims ‘Collusion is Not a Crime’: ‘It
Was over with by the Time of the Election’, N
EWSWEEK (Dec. 16, 2018, 10:24 PM), https://
75. Blake, supra note 43.
76. Allyson Chiu & Lindsey Bever, Rudy Giuliani: ‘I Never Said There Was No Collusion’
Between Trump Campaign and Russia,
WASH. POST (Jan. 17, 2019), https://www.washing-
77. Zhao, supra note 74.
78. Blake, supra note 43.
79. Id.
80. Samuel Chamberlain, Giuliani Claims ‘I Never Said There Was No Collusion’ in
Trump Campaign, F
OX NEWS (Jan. 16, 2019),
81. Allan Smith, Giuliani Now Claims ‘I Never Said There Was No Collusion Between
the Campaign’ and Russia, E
URONEWS (Jan. 19, 2019),
Summer 2019 Ethics of Bullshit 305
Trump Tower Moscow Deal:
Giuliani stated that Trump was involved in discussions to build
a skyscraper in Moscow throughout the entire presidential cam-
paign. According to Giuliani, he quoted Trump that the Moscow
Tower discussions were “going on from the day I announced to the
day I won.”
Giuliani later corrected his statement to allow for the
possibility that the President and his lawyer Michael Cohen could
have discussed the project through the election. They were “fleeting
conversations,” according to Giuliani, but that there were no notes
or logs about the dates.
“We’re at Cohen’s mercy for the dates,”
Giuliani stated.
However, one day after making these statements
Giuliani backtracked, stating that his comments about the dates of
conversations about the Trump Tower were “hypothetical,” and “not
based on conversations I had with the President.”
When asked about whether President Trump signed a letter of
intent during the 2016 presidential campaign that laid the ground-
work to develop a Trump Tower, Giuliani claimed that the letter
had not been signed.
Then, after being shown the letter and that
Trump had indeed signed the letter, Giuliani stated: “I don’t think
I said nobody signed it.”
He added “of course” Trump signed it.
“How could you send it but nobody signed it?”
He claimed the
latter was meaningless because the project didn’t go anywhere. “It
means nothing but an expression of interest . . . .”
Trump Tower Meeting:
Giuliani stated that top Trump officials met at Trump Tower two
days before the well-publicized June 9th Trump Tower meeting in-
volving Donald Trump, Jr., Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, Rick
Gates and a Russian lawyer, to plan for the June 9th meeting, then,
four hours later, denied that the meeting ever took place, stating
that he was merely repeating a claim that multiple reporters had
82. Mazzetti et al., supra note 51.
83. Id.
84. Id.
85. Isaac Chotiner, Even If He Did Do It, It Wouldnt Be A Crime: Rudy Giuliani on
President Trump, N
EW YORKER (Jan. 21, 2019),
86. Justin Wise, Giuliani Says Trump Signing Letter of Intent for Moscow Tower is Mean-
ingless, H
ILL (Dec. 19, 2018, 7:18 AM),
87. Id.
88. Id.
89. Id.
306 Duquesne Law Review Vol. 57
been asking him about.
When he was questioned about his asser-
tion that President Trump did not know about the June 9th meet-
ing, Giuliani stated that “Nobody can be sure of anything.”
Michael Cohen Testimony:
After news reports stated that Trump had told his personal law-
yer Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about negotiations over the
Trump Tower, Giuliani derided the report as false.
“There are no
tapes, there are no texts, there is no corroboration that the presi-
dent told him to lie.”
Giuliani stated that “I have been through all
the tapes, I have been through all the texts, I have been through all
the e-mails, and I knew none existed.”
When asked what tapes he
had reviewed, Giuliani conceded that the original report mentioned
texts and emails, but not tapes.
“I shouldn’t have said tapes.”
Hush Money Payments:
After Trump denied having affairs with Stormy Daniels and Ka-
ren McDougall, then denied knowledge of hush money payoffs to
them, then denied any knowledge of the payoffs, Giuliani claimed
that the payoffs were simple, private transactions and that the
hush payments weren’t crimes.
Although made a few weeks be-
fore the election, Giuliani claimed that the sole purpose of the pay-
ments was to avoid embarrassment and had nothing to do with the
In the face of claims by Cohen, the prosecutors, a judge,
and the media company AMI that the payments were intended to
help Trump’s campaign, Giuliani stated that “I can produce an
enormous number of witnesses that say the president was very con-
cerned about how this was going to affect his children, his mar-
Moreover, Giuliani stated, “the amount of money is con-
sistent with harassment, not truth.”
He added: “When it’s true
and you have the kind of money the president had, it’s a $1 million
90. Rebecca Morin, ‘Never Happened’: Giuliani Walks Back Confusing Claim of Secret
Trump Tower Meeting, P
OLITICO (July 31, 2018, 6:26 AM),
91. Id.
92. Haltiwanger, supra note 49.
93. Chotiner, supra note 86.
94. Haltiwanger, supra note 49.
95. Id.
96. Id.
97. Hains, supra note 45.
98. Id.
99. Id.
100. Id.
Summer 2019 Ethics of Bullshit 307
settlement. When it’s not true, when it’s a harassment settlement
and it’s not true, you give them $130,000, $150,000. They went
away for so little money that it indicates their case was very, very
Interview With Mueller:
In discussing the circumstances under which Trump would sub-
mit to an interview with Special Counsel Mueller, Giuliani claimed
that Mueller is trying to trap Trump into committed perjury.
cording to Giuliani, “When you tell me . . . that [Trump] should tes-
tify because he’s going to tell the truth, and he shouldn’t worry, well
that’s so silly because it’s somebody’s version of the truth, not the
When the interviewer stated that “truth is truth,” Giuli-
ani responded, “No, it isn’t truth . . . . Truth isn’t truth.”
According to Giuliani, “Under those eight years, before Obama
came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist
attack in the United States.” Giuliani added, “They all started
when Clinton and Obama got into office.”
Charging Trump:
According to Giuliani, Trump could shoot former FBI director
James Comey in the oval office and not be indicted while still serv-
ing as President.
Jay Sekulow and John Dowd added that the
President has the constitutional authority to pardon even himself
for federal crimes.
101. Id.
102. Fredreka Schouten, ‘Truth isn’t Truth’: Trump Lawyer Rudy Giuliani Worries
Mueller Interview Could Lead to Perjury Charge, USA
TODAY (Aug. 19, 2018, 3:54 PM),
103. Id.
104. Id.
105. Giuliani Says There Were No ‘Radical Islamic’ Attacks in U.S. Before Obama, C
TRIB. (Aug. 15, 2016, 5:12 PM),
106. S.V. Date, Giuliani: Trump Could Have Shot Comey and Still Couldn’t Be Indicted
for It, H
UFFPOST (June 4, 2018),
107. Id.
308 Duquesne Law Review Vol. 57
Although federal prosecutors implicated President Trump in
campaign-related felonies, Giuliani claims it’s not a big deal.
“Nobody got killed, nobody got robbed . . . This was not a big crime
. . . . I think in two weeks they’ll start with parking tickets that
haven’t been paid.”
Joe Biden:
After calling Joe Biden “a moron,” and “a mentally deficient id-
iot,” Giuliani clarified his remarks that “I didn’t mean that. I meant
he’s dumb.”
“Every decision he’s made about foreign policy has
turned out to be wrong, you know.”
Giuliani continued: “He didn’t
want to go into Iraq when they took over Kuwait, that was wrong.
He did want to go into Iraq later and then he changed his mind then
he wanted to divide Iraq into three parts. His, it’s all coming about
because he’s a fun guy, but they only love him because he’s a Dem-
ocrat. If he were a Republican they would be going after him con-
108. Steve Benen, Giuliani Argues That Trump’s Alleged Crimes Were Not ‘Big’, MSNBC
(Dec. 14, 2018, 8:40 AM),
109. Id.
110. Veronica Stracqualursi, Rudy Giuliani Tries to Clarify His Remarks on Biden: ‘I
Meant He’s Dumb’, CNN P
OL. (June 16, 2018, 6:03 PM),
111. Id.
112. Id.