December 2015
Issue No. 98
Transforming Lives through Quality Education
Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
33 Graduation,December4,2015
Graduation Statistics
Doctorates 14
Masters 114
Bachelors 4247
Diplomas 502
Total 4,877
utgoing Egerton University
Vice-Chancellor, Prof.
James K. Tuitoek, became
the first ever retiring VC in Kenya to
deliver a valedictory lecture. He
addressed a packed Kilimo Hall at
Njoro Campus on 9 November 2015
on the topic “The Road Trodden and
the Road Ahead: My Credo in
Egerton's Eternal Journey.”
This was a first in university manage-
ment in Kenya though it was not the
first trend setter from Egerton Univer-
sity. Prof. Tuitoek was the first VC in
K e n y a t o b e
i ns t a l l e d i n t o
office in an open
i n a u g u r a t i o n
c e r e m o n y i n
2 0 0 6 , d u r i n g
which he deliv-
ered a speech
entitled “Becom-
i n g E g e r t o n
University: The
Eternal Journey.”
T h i s h a s n o w
been embraced
by other universi-
ties in Kenya.
P r o f . T u i t o e k
hopes that his valedic-
tory lecture will set
the pace for all other retiring VCs in
Kenya and across the region. In the
valedictory lecture, the VC reflected
on his key achievements in office
both as Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(Administration and Finance) and
Vice-Chancellor. He is set to hand
over to Vice-Chancellor designate
Prof. Rose Mwonya on 13 January
2016. Prof. Mwonya is currently the
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic
Prof. Tuitoek joined Egerton Univer-
sity in 1989 as a lecturer in the
Department of Animal Science. In
1997, he was elected the Dean of the
Faculty of Agriculture. He was
appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(A& F) in 2001 where he served until
2006 when he became VC. He has
successfully worked under six
Chairmen of Council.
As VC, Prof. Tuitoek oversaw the
development and implementation of
the 2005-2015 Strategic Plan. On
assuming office, he embarked on
“clearing the bushes” that comprised
the many challenges the University
faced at the time. These challenges
included pending debts, human
resource issues, long-running court
cases, a poor credit rating, water
Vice-Chancellor Bids University Farewell in Unique Valedictory Lecture
shortage, student unrests, many
stalled projects and staff attitude
“Today, many of these 'bushes' have
been successfully cleared. With the
help of the government, and through
prudent financial management, the
University debt was brought down
from Kshs.1,105,000,000 in 2001 to
a surplus of over Kshs.300,000,000
in 2005,” says Prof. Tuitoek. This
saw a huge drop in court cases due to
Prof. Tuitoek receives a gift from the Division of
Administration and Finance after delivering his Valedictory Lecture
Turn to page 2
Prof. Shem Wandiga
Transforming Lives through Quality Education
Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
33 Graduation,December4,2015
t gives me great pleasure to preside
r d
o v e r t h i s 3 3 G r a d u a t i o n
Ceremony of Egerton University. This
Graduation Ceremony marks yet
another milestone in the history and
development of our institution. We
are forever moving forward, as can be
seen in the growing number of
graduands each year and in the
exciting new topics of theses and
dissertations produced in the
I wish to congratulate all of you
graduands for having completed your
studies successfully. This is an
achievement in many ways in terms
of intelligence, dedication, hard work
and perseverance. As a University we
have a reason to celebrate you for all
these good qualities.
However, yours is not only an
individual achievement, but also a
collective one. It involves the mastery
of subject matter and pedagogical
skills of your lecturers, the competent
services of the administrative and
sup p o r t s t a f f , a s w el l a s t h e
selflessness and constant care of your
parents and guardians. We celebrate
them all.
We at Egerton are committed to our
motto of transforming lives through
quality education. We constantly
take stock of our programmes and
make sure that they are aligned to the
market needs and thus enable our
graduates to address the existing
challenges in the practical world.
We hav e n o d o u b t t h a t o u r
graduands will uphold this motto
and make it the purpose of their lives
to make a positive impact in the lives
of the people of this country and the
I would like to wish you, graduands,
all the best in your life endeavours.
Merry Christmas and a prosperous
New Year 2016!
Thank you and God bless you all!
pending debts owed to suppliers and
other service providers. The Univer-
sity now enjoys a healthy credit
rating. Consequently, a number of
stalled projects have been completed.
These include the chemistry lab, the
physical science lab, the Faculty of
Arts and Social Sciences (FASS)
Complex, the dining hall, the New
Education Complex, the new student
hostels and the Utafiti/ARC building.
The VC explains: “The University has
successfully addressed the problem of
water shortage. One dam with a
capacity of 54 million litres was
completed in October 2009, while
two others with a capacity of 100
million and 660 million litres were
completed in 2013 and 2014 respec-
tively. This means the University will
not experience water shortages for at
least the next 15 years.”
Cases of election-related student
unrest have also reduced significantly
following the decentralisation of
electoral polling centres to faculties.
To address the hazards associated
with cooking in rooms, the Univer-
sity built kitchenettes in 2009 which
are now used by students for their
cooking. As a result, cooking in
student hostels has stopped.
Other projects accomplished under
Prof. Tuitoek include the acquisition
of land and construction of the
Faculty of Health Sciences in Nakuru
Town, modernisation of the Univer-
sity fleet, and building of the
Anatomy Complex. In addition, the
University has made key milestones
towar ds improvi ng efficienc y
through the institutionalisation of
performance contracting, restructur-
ing of Finance and Audit sections,
attainment of ISO certification (9001
and 22000), and automation(SAGE
and ARMS). Thirty-two new policies
have been developed and approved
by Council.
Under Prof. Tuitoek, student enrol-
ment has grown from 5,000 in 2006
to over 25,000 in 2015. However,
the University has successfully
resisted the urge to expand haphaz-
ardly to various towns in Kenya so as
not to compromise on the quality of
programmes. Instead, the University
has introduced the E-Learning mode
Continued from page 1
Turn to page 3
Transforming Lives through Quality Education
Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
33 Graduation,December4,2015
n behalf o f t he Eg erton
OUniversity Council, I would
like to extend a warm welcome to all
the graduands in this 33 Graduation
Ceremony. I wish to take this
opportunity to congratulate them for
the hard work and persistence that
they put into their studies while here
at Egerton. I would also like to thank
the parents, guardians and sponsors
of the graduands, who also proudly
share in this momentous occasion.
Today we are releasing the graduands
to join other citizens in building this
great nation. As observers will notice,
the number of our graduates has been
increasing steadily every year. We
intend to keep moving in that
direction as we forge ahead with our
fellow citizens and community of
nations in our collective effort to uplift
the welfare of humanity.
As a University, we not only feel
proud of you, but we also are happy
t h a t w e h a v e p r e p a r e d y o u
adequately for the se rv ic e o f
humanity. As you go out, may you
make a difference in your respective
fields. We are confident that as we
release you into the job market we
have equipped you with a holistic
education and that you will be able to
utilise that education to achieve to
thevery best of your potential. We
hope that, wherever you will be, you
will always remember to be our
ambassadors to the outside world.
I would like to thank the University
Management Board, the Senate, and
the academic and support staff for the
exemplary work that they have done
in enabling the University to offer
quality and relevant education to our
students and ensuring that we
continue to contribute our fair share
to the development of humanity in
To the graduands, I wish you
fulfilling careers in your respective
areas. Have a Merry Christmas and a
Happy and Prosperous 2016!
God bless you all!
Dr Reardon Olubayo
Chairman of Council
of study to reach more students
virtually. According to Prof. Tuitoek,
the E-Learning has been identified as
one of the key opportunities for the
University going forward.
Apart from the main campus in
Njoro, Egerton University has
campuses in Nakuru, Nairobi and
Baringo. The former campuses of
Kisii, Laikipia and Chuka have been
successfully nurtured to autonomous
universities. Prof. Tuitoek has also
overseen the introduction of new
academic programmes and the
expansion of teaching and learning
Key innovations have also been
realised in the University through
research over the period. New seed
varieties for beans, sorghum and
finger millet developed at Egerton
have been very successful among
farmers who have tried them.
Through the Community Attachment
Programme, students at the Univer-
sity are now helping rural farmers to
turn around their subsistence farming
activities into profitable commercial
ventures. In addition, a number of
key collaborations were signed. For
instance the Seeds of Gold initiative
with the Nation Media Group is a
major undertaking where the Univer-
sity is able to use its pool of resources
to reach out to the Kenyan farmers
and support agribusiness through the
Saturday Nation and NTV.
However, Prof. Tuitoek knows that
there are still some tasks on the road
ahead. “Not all the bushes have been
cleared due to resource constraints,”
he admits. These include completion
of some stalled projects, completion
of automation of university systems,
improvement of teaching facilities,
rehabilitation of the University gate
and internal roads, and investment in
new capital projects like a modern
library and Engineering Complex,
and consolidation of Nakuru Town
Campus College (NTCC). “I trust that
the incoming Management will clear
these bushes,” he says.
On her part, the incoming Vice-
Chancellor, Prof. Mwonya, says she
will follow in the footsteps of Prof.
Tuitoek and will consult widely with
the four former Vice-Chancellors of
Egerton University, all of whom, she
notes, still have the interests of the
institution at heart. Prof Mwonya, will
become the fifth VC and the first
woman VC at Egerton University.
Continued from page 2
Transforming Lives through Quality Education
Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
33 Graduation,December4,2015
I am happy to welcome you to this
r d
33 Graduation Ceremony of
Egerton University. Indeed this is a
great day for you graduands as you
reap the fruits of your hard work and
the sacrifice that you made. As a
family of Egerton University, we join
y o u i n y o u r c e l e b r a t i o n .
As we mark this milestone I would
like to sincerely thank the committed
team of professors, lecturers and staff,
w h o h a v e i n d i v i d u a l l y a n d
collectively worked tirelessly to
ensure that you completed your
studies. In so doing, they made this
occasion a success.
This is a historic Graduation not just
for the University but for me as well.
The group we are graduating today is
the largest to ever graduate in a single
Gr ad uatio n Cere mony a t this
University. Personally, this is a
special moment because this is the
last such ceremony in my capacity as
the Vice-Chancellor of this great
Prof. James K Tuitoek
Unive rsity. My tim e as Vice -
Chancellor has been very fulfilling
because of the support I received
from the graduands today and the
e n t i r e E g e r t o n U n i v e r s i t y
community. Thank you so much.
Let me also take this opportunity to
congratulate the incoming Vice-
Chancellor, Prof. Rose Mwonya, an
alumnus of Egerton University, on
her appointment. I would be happy if
a few years from today, one or more
of you graduands will also rise to
head Egerton University.
As I conclude, I urge you not to let this
be the end of seeking knowledge. As
a University we are ready to receive
you back to advance your studies.
Finally, I would like to wish all of you
a Merry Christmas and a Happy and
Prosperous New Year, 2016.
Thank you and God bless you.
Prof. J Gowland Mwangi
Prof. James K Tuitoek
Prof. Lenah Nakhone-Wati
Principal, Nakuru Town
Campus College
Prof. Rose Mwonya
Prof. Njenga Munene
Moses Ouma
Finance &
Accounts Controller
Prof. S F Owido
Registrar (AA)
Dr T K Serrem
Registrar (Admin)
Prof. Alfred Kibor
Director (R&E)
Janegrace Kinyanjui
University Librarian
Chief Officers of the University
Transforming Lives through Quality Education
Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
33 Graduation,December4,2015
Message from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs)
Prof. Rose Mwonya
wish to congratulate this year's
graduates for their determination
and diligence, which has made
them realise their dreams. I also thank
their parents, guardians and all other
stakeholders for the sacrifice and
effort they have put into enabling
t h e m t o e a r n t h i s l i f e t i m e
It is our institutional commitment to
offer our students excellence in
higher education, one that is firmly
grounded in our Core Values of
passion for excellence, devotion to
du t y, i n tegr ity, tran spar ency ,
accountability, social fairness, team-
work and professionalism. I am
convinced that today's graduates will
engage in activities geared towards
building the nation and serving
humanity to the best of their ability.
By successfully completing your
academic programmes you have
demonstrated the commitment,
knowledge, skills and talents you will
need in order to succeed in your
chosen careers. Around the globe,
great universities are sustained by the
generous contributions of their
alumni. I request you to join our
Alumni Association and support us in
building this great University.
The Division continues to focus on its
core mandate of offering quality
university education. Egerton
University has competitive and
flexible programmes at diploma,
undergraduate and postgraduate
levels offered in nine faculties,
namely the Faculty of Agriculture,
the Faculty of Education and
Community Development, the
Faculty of Science, the Faculty of
C o m m e r c e , t h e F a c u l t y o f
E n v i r o n m e n t a n d R e s o u r c e s
Development, the Faculty of Health
Sciences, the Faculty of Engineering
and Technology, the Faculty of Arts
and Social Sciences, and the Faculty
of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery.
As a university, we welcome all
prospective students to study with
To those who are graduating today,
keep raising your bar, and when you
get too comfortable, move on to
another, higher wisdom. Remember
that the doors are open at Egerton
University for your further studies;
our primary responsibility is to
transform lives through quality
Graduates, this country is in need of
you if you can dare dream. There are
problems that need to be solved,
injustices that need to be corrected,
and the future, with all its promises,
is at hand. The days of guaranteed
e m p l oy m e n t ar e l ong g o ne .
Universities the world over exist to
provide solutions to the everyday
problems afflicting humanity.
I wish you successful careers. Thank
Message from the Director
Prof. Abdi Y Guliye
he Directorate of Quality
A s s u r a n c e ( D Q A ) w a s
e s t a b l i s h e d a t E g e r t o n
University in June 2005 following
recommendations by a Senate
Committee that was set up to review
the academic standards at Egerton, in
light of the University's expansion.
At the time, there was growing public
concern on the quality of education
due to the rapid increase in the
number of universities and the un-
matched growth of infrastructure and
other related resources. The DQA,
t h e r e f o r e , h a s t h e p r i m a r y
res p o nsib i l i ty of m a intai n i ng
standards and enhancing the quality
of Egerton's entire academic and
research provision so as to safeguard
the integrity of the academic awards
of the University. The University has
since mainstreamed academic
quality assurance in its policies and
The University's DQA is guided by a
Bo ard of Q ual ity Ass ura nce ,
comprising Registrar (Academic
Affairs) Director (Graduate School),
Director (Board of Undergraduate
Studies), Dean of Students and
representative of Faculties and
Institutes. The Directorate works
c l o s e l y w i t h D e p u t y V i c e -
Chancellors, Deans, Directors,
Chairs of Departments and Faculty
Quality Assurance Committees.
oday, Egerton University marks
a grand graduation event, one
that serves as a special rite of
passage to the next phase of life and
into the global alumni community. It
is my great pleasure to congratulate
all graduands on this auspicious 33
Graduation Ceremony.
The Faculty of Agriculture (FOA) is
proud to be associated with today's
graduands and her ever-growing
alumni base. This is derived mainly
fro m th e un endin g qu est and
commitment to the provision of
qu ali ty hig her ed ucati on and
scientific endeavours. We are
co n v i n c e d t h a t t h e h a n d s - on
o r i e n t a t i o n o f o u r a c a d e mi c
programmes and research exposure
provide sufficient grounding to
measure up to the expectations in the
labour market.
In an effort to ensure that FOA
remains competitive in the job
market, new initiatives are being
pursued aimed at providing cutting
edge curricula that equip learners
with unrivalled quality education. In
particular, FOA has embarked on
building targeted public-private
partnerships that focus on the creation
of a specialty-guided centre of
excellence in agriculture and the
i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f s t u d e n t
attachments/internships modelled in
a manner that places the farmer or
farmer groups at the centre. We
believe this will enrich our curricula
and enable our graduands to walk tall
in society with courage and proudly
market Egerton University as a
premier agricultural institution in
There is a global shift towards the
adaptation and adoption of climate-
smart agricultural and ecosystem-
b a s e d s t r a t e g i e s i n f r a g i l e
environments for food, nutrition and
income security. This calls for
deliberate institutional commitment
to invest in high value agricultural
ente rp ri se s wit h potenti al for
development of value added products
a n d c r e a t i on o f em p lo y me n t
The recently concluded “Extensive
Livestock Expo” in Nairobi provided a
perfect forum for sharing models for
the development and promotion of
the livestock value chain in the sub-
s e c t o r . E g e rt o n U n iv e rs it y i s
committed to using the Alumni forum
as a pool of community of practice
(COP) to share its knowledge base
and experience. This is augmented by
the strengthening of technology and
k n o w l e d g e t r a n s f e r t h r o u g h
deliberate outreach initiatives such as
the Seeds of Gold magazine and the
Seeds of Gold NTV Series, both of
which are joint ventures between
Egerton University and the Nation
Media Group.
Over the past decade, Egerton
University has remained committed
to the attainment of her Vision of
being a “World Class University for
the Advancement of Humanity.” The
University continues to provide
requisite leadership in agricultural
training, research, innovation and
agri-business. To this end, the
University has continued to generate
and disseminate new agricultural
technologies and products which
i n c l ud e d e ve lo p m e nt o f n e w
improved crop varieties (beans,
chickpea, finger millet and sorghum)
suited for the arid and semi-arid lands
in Kenya, animal breeds (indigenous
chicken and dairy goats), enriched
animal feeds produced courtesy of a
feed processing unit, a mobile
sorghum sheller and a variety of value-
added products (yoghurt, honey,
cassava, and sorghum-based baked
products), among other exploits.
To improve on the efficacy of
technology development and transfer,
the University, through FOA, has
embarked on innovative engagements
w i t h N a t i o n a l a n d C o u n t y
governments. For example, Egerton
University and Homa Bay County
recently penned a memorandum of
understanding (MoU) for realisation of
Godmwanda Agro-Tourism Park, an
innovation in terrestrial ecology
encompassing agriculture, forestry,
wildlife and tourism. The innovation,
designated SAGLA (Sisal, Acacia,
Grass and Livestock Agro-Tourism),
intends to exploit a canopy layout for
the purpose of mitigating climate
change, conserving indigenous wild
resources and increased forest cover.
Given this rich exposure at Egerton
University, all FOA Alumni are better
equipped to change the face of
agriculture and allied systems in
Once again, may I congratulate all our
FOA graduands for their hard work
and achievements in respective fields
of study. We wish you well in your
next phase in life and would like to
remind you that your destiny is purely
in your hands. God bless you all.
Transforming Lives through Quality Education
Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
33 Graduation,December4,2015
Prof. Joshua Ondura Ogendo
Message from the Dean
Transforming Lives through Quality Education
Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
33 Graduation,December4,2015
n behalf of the Faculty of
Environment and Resources
Devel opmen t (FER D) I
would like to congratulate the
graduands for their achievement
during the 33 Graduation Ceremony
at Egerton University.
FERD is a multi-disciplinary, dynamic,
client and research-oriented facility,
dedicated to training human capacity
and conducting research in all aspects
of natural resource, environmental
management and socio-economic
The Faculty offers strong teaching,
research and outreach programmes
leading to Certificate, Diploma,
Bachelor of Science, Master of
Science and Doctor of Philosophy
de g r ees in N a tur a l Re s our c es
Management, Environmental Science,
Geography and Ecotourism and
Hospitality Management.
The programmes in the Faculty
emphasise “hands-on” experience to
Message from the Dean
Dr Gilbert O Obwoyere
equip students with practical research
skills for mitigating and/or solving
both local and global environmental
problems. Several new programmes
have been proposed in order to meet
the needs and challenges of the
society and job market.
For over 15 years now FERD has
consistently dedicated itself to the
conservation and protection of the
environment in the Greater Rift Valley
region. Our motivation is that we
have the responsibility and ability to
take the lead as stewards of the Earth
in moving towards a sustainable and
restorative society that respects
health, wholeness, balance and
d i v e r si ty . W e e n co ur ag e o u r
graduands to carry this message
wherever they will go.
Prof. Kibet Ngetich
gerton's Department of Economics
hosted an international refresher
course on Addressing Gender and
Food Security in Local Food Markets and
Value Chains” from 16 – 27 November
2015 at the ARC Hotel. The participants
were drawn from Indonesia, Tanzania,
Ethiopia, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, Kenya,
Ghana, Uganda and Sudan. It was
s p o n s o r e d by t h e C e n t r e f o r
Development Innovation (Stichting CDI),
Wageningen University of Research
(WUR), The Netherlands. The course was
d e s ig n e d fo r p ro fe s s i o n al s o f
go ve r n m e n t d e p a r t m e n t s, n o n -
go ver nme nta l an d ci vil so c ie t y
organisations, business associations,
development agencies, universities and
colleges, and for other professionals
working in the domain of market-driven
The aim of the course was to contribute
to gender friendly, food secure local
market-economic development in Sub-
Saharan Africa through policy and
programme development that supports
market participation, boost effective
demand and accommodate institutional
The two leading frameworks of analysis
that are relevant in this context are the
Value Chain Analysis (VCA) framework
and the Su st ainable Livelihood
Approach (SLA). Principles underlying
the two frameworks offer potential for
gender balanced, food secure, pro-poor
a n d i n c l u s i v e p r o d u c t - m a r k e t
combinations. This was the integrating
theme of the course. The innovative
Chain-Wide Learning methodology was
applied in the course to aid the
participatory value chain analysis and
action planning process that runs through
the course.
The course addressed three interrelated
questions: How can small-holders and
small/m ed iu m ente rp ri se s mo re
efficiently engage in food market
development? And how can effective
demand for nutritious, acceptable and
affordable food products be increased
for all strata of consumers? How can this
be achieved with increased gender
balance and household equity? A
modular approach was followed (a
module developed for each question), in
which concepts and relevant frameworks
of analysis were presented and
n behalf of the Faculty of Arts
and Social Sciences, I wish to
congratulate the December
2015 graduands for completing their
studies successfully. Their triumph is the
outcome of hard work by both the
students and staff of the Faculty. The
fact that some graduands have landed
on good jobs even before they
graduate is an indication of the
competitiveness of Egerton University
graduates in the labour market. We
wish those who are yet to get a job the
best of luck. It is our hope that
graduands will utilise their wealth of
skills and expertise inculcated in them
during their training at Egerton to make
valuable contributions to nation-
Message from the Dean
Transforming Lives through Quality Education
Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
33 Graduation,December4,2015
et me take this opportunity, on
behalf of the Faculty of Education
and Community Studies (FEDCOS),
to congratulate the 33 Graduation
Ceremony graduands for successfully
completing their training in the various
disciplines. You have worked hard and
you have put in a lot of commitment to
your studies. The achievement you are
celebrating today has not only been a
long journey but one that required great
Prof. Micah Chepchieng
Message from the Dean
sacrifice and tireless efforts. I believe the
University has equipped you with
requisite skills and knowledge that
enables you to work effectively and
innovatively both in the government and
private sectors.
FEDCOS has continued to live to its vision
of being a center of excellence in
education and community development.
It has continued to generate and
disseminate relevant quality knowledge
in education, extension and community
de ve lopm e nt t h roug h res e arc h ,
conferences, seminars and workshops. In
this regard, the Faculty, in collaboration
with the Rift Valley Reading Association,
held its First International Conference in
October 2015. The theme of the
conference was “Literacy Empowerment
Beyond 2015.” The Conference was
opened by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(Academic Affairs), Prof. Rose Mwonya,
and closed by the Hon. Dr. Joyce Laboso,
Deputy Speaker of the National
Assembly. Dr. Laboso also presented a
paper on literacy empowerment.
The conference attracted participants
from various institutions of learning, both
p u b l i c a n d p r i va t e, a n d n o n -
governmental organisations within and
outside Kenya. Some twenty five papers
were presented which were in line with
t h e va r i o u s su b - t h eme s o f t h e
conference. There were also six keynote
addresses from local and international
scholars in literacy studies. The theme of
the conference was informed by the fact
that to overcome poverty, serious
investments must be made into literacy,
and literacy must be further extended
into education and lifelong learning.
Poverty reduction is only possible when
literacy is enhanced.
he Faculty of Commerce was
established in the year 2000 in
the then Kisii Campus of Egerton
University. In 2001, it was moved to
Nakuru Town Campus as one of the
pioneer programmes in the Campus. The
Faculty houses the Department of
Business Administration and the
Department of Accounting, Finance and
Management Science.
In its endeavour to enhance academic
quality and be the centre of excellence
in business programmes, the Faculty has
embarked on vigorous and mandatory
academic counselling for the weaker
students (those who fail between 4-6
units), which has helped minimise cases
of discontinuation of students on
academic grounds. On placement, the
Faculty has been organising public
lectures which are facilitated by
potential employers and professionals.
The Faculty academic staff have been
participating in various e-learning
trainings and workshops organised by
the University from time to time, in line
with our efforts to embrace and
integrate technology. Most of the
academic staff have been participating
in evaluation of e-learning programmes
in conjunction with the E-Learning
The Faculty has also recently reshuffled
its senior staff to enhance service
delivery. Dr. Fredrick Mukoma Kalui is
the new Chairman of the Department of
Accounting, Finance and Management
Science while Mr. Kefah Basweti is the
Faculty Coordinator in Nairobi City
Campus. Two new lecturers have also
been employed in the Faculty.
The Faculty has been enjoying an
academic relationship with China from
which some Faculty staff have received
full scholarship to study for Doctorate
programmes in relevant fields. One of
the earliest beneficiaries of this
p ro g r a m m e, D r. S i m o n K i b e t
Kipchumba, successfully completed his
Ph.D. in Management from Nanjing
Agricultural University.
The Faculty wishes to take this
opportunity to sincerely congratulate
the graduating class in this 33
congregation for their tireless efforts
and hard work throughout their
r e s p e c t i v e p ro g r a m m e s . T h i s
Graduation Ceremony marks a new
beginning in their lives as they enter the
competitive job market. As a Faculty we
are confident that the graduands are
ready and able to respond to various
needs of the employers and the society.
May God bless you in your future
Dr D O Auka
Message from the Dean
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33 Graduation,December4,2015
s the fourth Dean of the
Faculty of Health Sciences, it
is my pleasure and honour to
congratulate all the graduating
students. As you celebrate this day,
may you experience all of the pride
and joy that graduation brings!
I thank all the parents/guardians for
the support they accorded the
students during their time in the
University. Through their financial
and moral support, the students were
facilitated to pursue their studies with
minimal interruptions.
This day would not have been
successful without the hard work of
my very supportive staff under the
leadership of the former Dean, Dr.
Pamela Tsimbiri, who have helped
mould these students and impacted
skills that will help shape their
To all graduands in the medical
programmes, today you take a big
step into power. Congratulations on
your achievement! When you put on
your white coat or uniform, my dear
colleagues, you become doctors,
clinical officers and nurses. In return
for your years of learning and your
dedication to a life of service and
your willingness to take an oath to
that duty, society will give you access
and rights that it gives to no else.
Society will permit you to use drugs
and instruments that can do good as
well as great harm. All that matters is
the person, individual or patient and
you have the magical opportunity to
As Hippocrates stated, “Wherever
the art of medicine is loved, there is
also love of humanity.” As you step
out into practice, never stop
l e a r n i n g , n e v e r s t o p a s k i n g
questions; and never forget that
medicine is an art as well as a science
practised by doctors and researchers
who bring to the bedside and to the
bench – not only technology and
training, but also their humanity,
care and concern.
Finally, I wish to leave you with the
following quote from Dr. Donal M.
Bermick of Yale University: “Those
who suffer need you to be something
more than a doctor; they need you to
be a healer. And, to become a healer
you must do something even more
difficult than putting your white coat
off. You must recover, embrace and
treasure the memory of your shared,
frail humanity of the dignity in each
and every soul.”
uring the Nakuru Regional
ASK Show held in August
2015, Egerton received a
trophy for exhibiting the third best
community health project.
The credit goes to the Department of
Community Health, who undertook
a community health project in
Kericho and Nakuru counties
covering a range of activities.
The activities include defaulter
tracing of drug interrupters, contact
tracing of index cases and nutritional
education to households and
community health volunteers in the
two counties.
The project is funded by the Global
Fund Project through AMREF Kenya
in collaboration
w i t h E g e r t o n
U n i v e r s i t y ' s
R e s e a r c h a n d
E x t e n s i o n
D i v i s i o n . T h e
p r o j e c t t e a m
i n c l u d e s D r .
R i c h a r d K . A .
Sang, who is the
team leader, Mr.
Ronald Omenge,
who is the Project
T e c h n i c a l
Officer, and two
c o m m u n i t y
health volunteers,
w h o a r e a l s o
beneficiaries of
the project.
Message from the Dean
Dr S O Obure
Faculty of Health Sciences (Nakuru)
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Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
33 Graduation,December4,2015
salute all graduands on this
auspicious occasion. Graduation
is a celebration of years of hard
work towards your dream. Today this
dream is starting to take shape as you
assume a new status and we call you
graduates of Egerton University.
I would like to thank the academic
staff in the Faculty who have worked
so diligently to empower you with
t h e a p p r o p r i a t e s k i l l s a n d
competences to enable you to
respond to challenges out there. The
challenges you will undoubtedly
encounter should never be seen as
ins u r m o u n t a b l e . R a t he r t h a n
avoiding these challenges, I urge you
to draw on the many skills you have
acquired during your stay with us to
face them head on. I trust you are
now more than ready to take your
rightful places in the development of
our nation. We encourage you to go
o u t t h e r e a n d p a r t i c i p a t e
productively in making science
relevant to humanity.
I pay special tribute to the Faculty of
Science graduands. As a Faculty, we
are committed to providing current
c u r r i c u l a w h i c h s a t i s f y o u r
institutional Vision and the future of
our nation. The Faculty is also
committed, through its research and
development activities, to the
creation of knowledge, finding
solutions to problems and the
transformation of intellectual capital
into wealth creation. We will always
endeavour to produce graduates,
who will go out into the society with
ambition and to deploy themselves
rather than depend solely on being
As part of ongoing commitment to
ensure that our curricula remain
relevant and current, we have
in tr odu ce d a numb er of ne w
programmes over the last few years.
These include the BSc. in Actuarial
Science and BSc. in Statistics. We
have also gone global! Over the past
years we have also introduced a joint
Master's degree programme in
L i m n o l o g y a n d W e t l a n d
Management together with two
partner institutions in Austria and the
Netherlands. So far the, programme
has attracted participants from
sixteen nationalities since its
inception. We are in the process of
revising our curriculum and plans
are underway to introduce other new
market-driven programmes.
Our expanding pool of alumni has
excelled out there. This year Ms.
Hope Mwanake, an alumnus, was
honoured to be a vision speaker at
t h e W o r l d W a t e r W e e k i n
Stockholm. Ms. Mwanake co-
founded the company “Trace Kenya”
upon completing her Bachelor's
Degree in Aquatic Sciences with
honours from Egerton University.
She is also a beneficiary of the Young
African Leaders Initiative (YALI). In
2015, Computer Science student
Mr. E r i c K i m a t h i Mw o b o b i a ,
excelled at the Nakuru Agricultural
Society of Kenya (ASK) Show
through a demonstration of an
automated toilet facility.
As I conclude, I would like to refer to
the wise words of Albert Einstein,
that "learning is not a product of
schooling but the lifelong attempt to
acquire it.” As you leave Egerton
University, I encourage you to
engage in lifelong learning as this is
the only way to succeed in the
dynamic, globalised environment in
which we now live and work. I am
glad that some of you have chosen to
stay with us and pursue postgraduate
studies. To those who intend to
come back and pursue a career in
academia, the Faculty warmly
welcomes you.
On behalf of the Faculty staff, I wish
t o e x t e n d o u r h e a r t f e l t
congratulations to you and wish you
well in all your future endeavours.
Prof. Julius Kipkemboi
Message from the Dean
Egerton University science students in a practical class
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33 Graduation,December4,2015
he International Joint Master's Degree
i n L i m n o l o g y a n d We t l a n d
Management (LWM) Programme was
launched in November 2012. Headed at
Egerton by Prof. Nzula Kitaka, it is now in its
third successive year. Twenty eight young
scientists from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania,
Ethiopia, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh,
Nigeria, Colombia, Germany and Austria
have been trained. Eighteen participants
have already graduated with Master's
degree at a record time of 18 months.
Currently, 10 are undertaking their
research, whereby four are based at
Egerton and are expected to graduate in
June 2016. Six others will graduate in the
partner Institutes: BOKU, Austria, and
UNESCO-IHE, The Netherlands.
Egerton University teaches four modules
which have become popularly recognised
and on high demand by students and staff of
various lake commissions (e.g. Lake Chad
and Lake Kivu), water companies and
European universities. The modules include:
Lake Ecology, Ecology of Streams & Rivers,
Wetlands for Water Quality & Fisheries,
and Aquaculture. The modules' contents are
delivered through lectures, presentations,
fieldwork (hands-on approac h) and
laboratory work. The participants are
assessed through assignment, scientific
report, participation, oral presentation and
written examination.
Water professionals from around the world
have had an input in the programme by
availing their knowledge to the young
scientists and moulding them into water
managers, consultants, wetland experts,
water quality experts, ecologists and
lecturers. Those who teach in the programme
come from universities, research institutions,
gover nment-lead agencies, private
companies and NGOs from Kenya, Uganda,
Tanzania, Ethiopia, Sierra Leone, Italy and
Austria. Various commissions, water
companies, research institutions, and
universities have sent their employees to
Egerton University to benefit from the short
courses offered as part of the LWM
modules. The trainees/participants have
been awarded postgraduate certificates
after successfully studying and passing
exams for the modules. For the last two
years the programme has attracted a
number of students from BOKU University,
Austria, studying for Master's in Applied
Limnology. The marks obtained at Egerton
University became part of their academic
performance leading to their degree
The programme makes use of modern
for water
studies and
t w o
fu r n i sh e d
labs in the
t o f
S c i e n c e s.
T h e
f a c i l i t i e s
h a ve n o t
o n l y
helped the
al Master's
s t u d e n t s
but also local MSc. students in Limnology,
E n v i ro n m e n t a l S c i e n c e, a n d C i v i l
Engineering, as well as BSc. Applied
Aquatic Sciences students. The quality of
research in the programme has greatly
improved over the years as a result of the
use of modern fieldwork equipment,
modern scientific tec hniques, current
standard operating procedures, new
library books, up-to-date lectures and
regular curriculum review by professionals
from the three partner institutions with an
external assessor from other universities
globally, the latest review having been
done in October 2015. The LWM Resource
Centre, equipped with desktop computers
connected to a fairly fast internet and
printing facilities, is within reach for both
international and local postgraduate
students at any time of the day or night.
Students also have unlimited access to the
LWM Library.
Steady Progress with Limnology and Wetland Management Programme
gerton University's Prof. Josphat
Matasyoh has been appointed as
the Alexander von Humboldt (AvH)
Foundation Ambassador Scientist in
Kenya with effect from December 2015.
His appointment will run for a term of
three years which will be subject to
renewal. An accomplished scholar in
Organic Chemistry, Prof. Matasyoh will
be among 52 Ambassador Scientists in
40 countries around the world.
The AvH Foundation's Ambassador
Scientists disseminate information about
Germany as a research location to
universities and research institutions,
focusing particularly on the Foundation's
s p o n s o r s h i p p r o g r a m m e s a n d
international network. They work for the
Foundation in an honorary capacity as
al u mn i , h ost s o r re viewe rs. T h e
Ambassador Scientists advise the
Humboldt Foundation and other German
f u n d in g o r g a n i sa ti o n s o n l oc al
programme promotion and networking.
They are points of contact for Humboldt
alumni and Humboldt associations.
P r o f. M a t a s y o h ' s f i r s t t a s k a s
Ambassador Scientist will be to organise
a Humboldt Kolleg” Conference in
2016, which will be fully funded by the
AvH Foundation. The Conference will
seek to strengthen the Association of
Humboldt Fellows in Kenya, publicise AvH
programmes among potential applicants
University Researcher Appointed Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Ambassador Scientist in Kenya
and Humboldtians, strengthen research
collaborations among scientists, establish
networks and linkages among North-
South and South-South scientists, and
support the United Nations Sustainable
Development Goals (SDG's) through
collaborative research.
T h e A v H
F o u n d a t i o n
p r o m o t e s
a c a d e m i c
c o o p e r a t i o n
between excellent
s c i e n t i s t s a n d
s c h o l a r s f r o m
a b r o a d a n d
M Sc. Limnology students sample drifts in River Njoro
Prof. Josphat Matasyoh
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Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
33 Graduation,December4,2015
he pioneer batch of 21students the
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine
(BVM) programme reported in
September 2015 at Egerton University,
Njoro campus. The Faculty was given the
go-ahead to launch the programme by
the regulator, Kenya Veterinary Board,
following successful inspection in
December 2013. Egerton becomes the
second university in Kenya, after the
U n i ve r s i t y o f N a i r o b i , t o t r a i n
veterinarians and the 47 veterinary
school in Africa. The University Senate
approved creation of the Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine and Surgery in
T h e B V M i s d e s i g n e d t o t r a i n
veterinarians with adequate theoretical,
practical, and technological knowledge
and skills in the prevention, diagnosis,
treatment of diseases, disorder and
injury in animals. The duration of the
programme is five years. The scope of
veterinary medicine is wide, covering all
animal species, both domesticated and
wild, with a wide range of conditions
which can affect different species. Aside
from diagnosing and treating sick and
injured animals, veterinarians prevent
the transmission of animal diseases to
people, and advise owners on the proper
care of animals. Veterinarians work to
e n s u r e a s a f e fo od s u p pl y by
maintaining the health of agricultural
animals and by inspecting food
processing industries. Veterinarians are
also involved in the preservation of
On behalf of the Faculty, I would like to
take this opportunity to wish all the
graduands success in their future
Message from the Dean
Message from the Director
Prof. Nancy Mungai
raduation is here again and we
celebrate the achievements of
the graduating students on this
33 Graduation Ceremony. It is an
important milestone in academic life both
for the graduands and the University as it
sums up the efforts of each candidate for
the number of years they have invested in
As a Directorate, we are proud to be
associated with the graduands today,
especially those who are qualifying for
their undergraduate studies. The Board
of Undergraduate Studies and Field
Attachment Programmes (BUGS/FAP) is
responsible for the review of, and
recommendation to the Senate on, the
quality of undergraduate Degree and
Diploma curricula.
The Board also coordinates and
facilitates field/industrial attachment
(FA) and teaching practice (TP). As such,
BUGS interacts with undergraduate
students long before they set into class, as
the students select their programmes of
Prof. Inyagwa C. Muleke
Egerton University has a Memorandum
of Understanding with AgroStudies The
International Centre for Agricultural
Studies in Israel. This is an organisation
providing advanced studies and training
in various agricultural areas to foreign
students coming from various countries.
Throughout the studies, participants are
exposed to various agricultural modern
standards, methods and technologies in
accordance to the syllabus. The first
group of 13 Diploma students was in
Israel from September 2014 and
completed in September 2015. The
second group of 25 BSc. Students is
currently undertaking the programme in
Israel. We are optimistic that this
programme will be a success and that it
will open greater opportunities for
Egerton University students.
ollowing the successful completion
of an 11- mon th a ttac hment
programme in Israel, BUGS held a
post-attachment workshop for the 13
students who participated in the
programme. The workshop was held on
13 October 2015 at the ARC Hotel with
the aim of receiving feedback from these
students. The students were attached to
various farms in Israel during the period.
This was the first group of students from
Egerton University to benefit from the
programme since the University signed an
MOU with the International Centre for
Agricultural Studies in Israel. The
workshop organised by BUGS Directorate
was attended by the DVC (AA), Prof. Rose
Mwonya, and the Dean, FEDCOS, Prof.
Micah Chepchieng, among others. Prof.
Mwonya lauded the programme for
exposing students to the outside world,
remarking that farm attachment was
useful in inculcating hands-on skills in the
The intensive programme involves five
days of working on the farm and one day
for attending classes every week. The
students were paid for the work done and
used this money to pay tuition fee for the
courses they took. They were grateful to
Egerton University for giving them a
chance to be attached in Israel. This has
equipped them with great knowledge
and experience in modern agricultural
technology. The students have developed
a greenhouse project which they hope will
be implemented at Egerton University.
T h e y h a v e a l s o m a d e u s e f u l
recommendations drawn from their
experience in Israel which the University is
33 Graduation,December4,2015
Transforming Lives through Quality Education
Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
he Directorate of Examinations
and Timetabling operates
directly under the Division of
Academic Affairs and works closely
with the Registrar (Academic Affairs)
and Deans of Faculties in fulfilling its
mandate in Egerton University. It is
charged with the responsibility of
ensuring that teaching and learning
takes place in a smooth and orderly way
and that these two activities are
conducted in a conducive environment.
The Directorate is also tasked with the
re s po n sib ili t y o f ens u ri n g t h at
examinations in all the four Campuses
of the University are processed and
administered in a way that is credible
and that inspires confidence in the
process of producing good quality
graduates. Proper coordination in the
processing and administration of
examinations is crucial given that
Egerton University conducts what is
essentially a centralised system in the
processing of examinations. The
Directorate is also charged with the
responsibility of preparing the annual
University Academic Calendar for
approval by the Senate.
On behalf the Directorate, I wish to
express our most sincere gratitude to
the outgoing Vice-Chancellor, Prof.
James K. Tuitoek, for the support he has
given us. I also wish the incoming Vice-
Chancellor, Prof. Rose Mwonya, all the
best as she assumes office in January
For the graduands who are graduating
today, I can only say the sky is the limit
as you prepare to enter the vibrant job
market to serve mankind in your
various capacities. I wish to take this
opportunity to wish you all the best in
your future endeavours.
Message from the Director
Dr P K Migwi
ay I take this opportunity,
on behalf of the Institute of
Wo m e n, Ge n d er a n d
Development Studies (IWGDS), to
congratulate all our graduands on
this great day. Completing your
studies is no mean achievement on
your part, and it is a culmination of
many years of hard work, sacrifice,
sheer tenacity, discipline and focus.
So you all need to pat yourself on the
back and enjoy this moment because
you made it!
As an Institute, we are committed to
living up to our vision of becoming a
world class gender-based institution
in research, training, consultancy,
Dr Damaris Parsitau
Message from the Director
advocacy and outreach for the
advancement of humanity. In line
with our vision and mission, we are
equally committed to eradicating all
obstacles to women's access to
education, training, learning and
employment opportunities through
researching and acknowledging the
needs of both women and men in
order to achieve substantive gender
Justice Anthony Ndung’u with (left to right) Josephine Kulea, Dr Damaris Parsitau
and Prof. Rose Mwonya at the 2015 Annual Gender Awareness Day
Transforming Lives through Quality Education
Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
33 Graduation,December4,2015
he IWGDS continues to pursue its
commitment to the principle of
equal opportunities by investing in
women, youth and Persons Living with
Disabilities (PLWDs). In line with this, the
IWGDS, in collaboration with the San
Francisco-based Global Women
Leadership Network (GWLN) and the
Women Leaders for the World (WLW)
Programme, has scaled up its training by
l a u n c h i n g t h e W o m e n a n d
Transformational Leaders (WTL) and the
Youth and Transformational Leadership
Development (YOTLED) Programme. The
launching was a colourful event held at
the Main Campus Graduation Square
during the annual Gender Awareness
Day on 17 October 2015. Present at the
event was the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(Academic Affairs), Prof. Rose Mwonya,
Deans, Directors, CODs and HODs,
members of staff, students, and mem-
bers of the neighbouring community. The
Chief Guest was Justice Anthony
Ndung'u, who represented the Chief
Justice, Dr. Willy Mutunga, and read a
speech on his behalf. In his broadly
conceived presentation, he illuminated
many legal aspects related to women's
full participation in the life of society.
Other speakers were Njoki Nathani
Wane, Professor of Social Justice
Education at the Ontario Institute of
Social Education, University of Toronto,
Canada, Dr. Godwin Murunga, Senior
Research Fellow in the Institute for
Development Studies, University of
Nairobi, Ms. Josephine Kulea, Founder
and Executive Director, Samburu Girls
Foundation, and Hon. Dr. Esther Keino,
the Executive Director of a Kericho-
based NGO taking care of orphans.
These new programmes are part of the
Institute's response to the need for skills
and competences development in
transformational leadership for the
women and youth in Kenya. Speaking
d u r i n g t h e
launch of the
p ro g r a mm e s ,
t h e D i re ct or,
IWGD S, sai d
that it makes
sense to invest in
w o m e n a n d
youth because
th ey a re th e
architects and
the nerve centre
for sustainable
development. In
h e r w o r d s :
E v e r y w h e r e
a r o u n d t h e
world, women
a r e m a k i n g
t r e m e n d o u s
impacts in their
communities. As a woman, I know that
girls and women are at the heart of
sustainable development and it is time
we helped them do more. Yet many times
women and girls are treated as second-
class citizens, many still held back by
harmful cultural traditions. This is just
The WTL Programme is unique in its
promise to equip participants with the
support and the development they need
to implement visionary projects, with the
goal of achieving gender equity in their
communities and beyond.
The aim of the Institute is to create a
centre of excellence in transformational
leadership in East Africa and beyond as
well as provide a space to raise, nurture
and mentor transformative leadership
competences of upcoming as well as
existing leaders, especially women and
youth, in politics, public life, business and
entrepreneurship, corporate gover-
nance and management, governance
and public policy, peace-building and
conflict reconstruction, agriculture and
food security, agribusiness, environmen-
tal sustainability and livelihoods, and
mentorship in science and technology.
More importantly, students of Egerton
University and beyond can be endowed
with soft skills and competences,
leadership and managerial skills to
increase their employability in an
increasingly competitive job market,
thereby giving them an edge above the
rest in the market place. The centre is
also envisioned to drive accelerated,
equitable and sustainable development
within an environment of increasing
challenges and complexities influenced
by both local and global realities and
Josephine Kulea, Founding and Executive Director, Samburu Girls
Foundation, at the unveiling of YOTLED programme
he IWGDS offers fresh and
revamped training on Gender
Ma ins tre ami ng; Gen der &
Disability Mainstreaming; Gender &
Budgeting Mainstreaming; Women
& Y o u t h E c o n o m i c G r o w t h
Opportunities; Gender, HIV/AIDS &
Reproductive Health; Gender-Based
V i o l e n c e ; a n d M e n t o r s h i p f o r
Vulnerable Youth.
The Institute also offers short (two-week)
certificate courses on Gender, Poverty &
Development; and Gender, Peace &
Security. In the last year alone, we have
t r a i n e d E U S e c r e t a r i e s a n d
Administrative Assistants as well as
Wo m e n I n v e s t m e n t G ro u p s o n
Leadership and Management; Gender
M a i n s t r e a m i n g ; G e n d e r B l i n d
B u d g e t i n g , E c o n o m i c G r o w t h
Oppor tunities & Table Banking;
Investment & Entrepreneurship; and
Transformational Leadership.
Transforming Lives through Quality Education
Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
33 Graduation,December4,2015
33 Graduation,December4,2015
ongratulations on successfully
completing your programme of
Graduation is a significant step in your
education. It is a dream achieved. The
Principal and the entire Nakuru Town
Campus College community wishes you
the very best on this auspicious occasion.
I encourage you to make the most of your
Egerton University qualification through
your contribution to your individual
profession, your community and the
entire nation. Be proud of what you have
worked to achieve and remember those
who have supported you along the way.
These include your parents/guardians,
lecturers, or spouses, who have made a
lot of sacrifices to ensure that you
achieve your dream today.
I must hasten to congratulate the
members of academic and support staff
of the University, who have worked
tirelessly with these graduands to
complete their studies and to make this
occasion a success. There have been
challenges, but you have ensured that
the graduands are ready today to take
their rightful place in Kenya and the
world. You provided the knowledge and
skills that they require, and you
empowered them to play their part in
creating a better future, not only for
themselves and their families but also for
their communities and the country at
A Graduation Ceremony is the beginning
of another journey. There is need for you
to focus on how you will build from the
present to move into the future. It is
important to have strategies on how to
address the challenges of the next phase
of life so that it does not become an
Message from the Principal
enduring nightmare. You are exiting the
University when the economy of our
country is not performing as well as we
would like. This should not discourage
you, but inspire you to be innovative and
create jobs for yourself and others.
Support each other to move on to make a
better Kenya and a better world.
I would like to take this opportunity to
extend special congratulations to the
graduands from the Nakuru Town
Campus College (NTCC). This campus
was established in 2001 with the purpose
of providing alternative educational
opportunities through the privately
sponsored programmes. It started by
offering the Bachelor of Commerce
degree, which was followed by the
Communication and Media Studies
degree not long afterwards. It has now
expanded to the extent that it has three
fully fledged Faculties: the Faculty of
Commerce, the Faculty of Health
Sciences and the Faculty of Law. The
campus also offers programmes from six
more Faculties based at the main campus
at Njoro. In total, the NTCC offers 5
diploma programmes, 22 undergraduate
programmes and 7 pos t gr ad ua t e
programmes. Currently the campus has
a total student population of 3,423 and
this includes 147 Master's degree
students. We are optimistic that we may
launch the long-awaited Law programme
in January 2016.
Besides academic matters, the campus
students also participate in extra-
curricula activities. For example, in
August 2015, the campus successfully
participated in a Music Festival in
Kisumu and scooped a trophy. They also
performed very well in the cross-country
marathon, winning a trophy. As a
demonstration of good leadership skills
and maturity, the campus students once
again successfully participated in
peaceful and democratic elections on 30
October 2015. We wish to thank the
student fraternity and participating
officials of Nakuru Town Campus
College for a job well done.
In conclusion, I wish each one of you
every success as you enter the next
exciting stage of your life and career, and
I very much hope that you will remain
connected to Egerton University. I know
that I will hear great things about you as
you put your expertise to work. Let us
have updates about where you are
working, and when you change jobs. We
are keen to have a full picture of the range
of positions taken up by our graduates.
Let me take this opportunity to wish you
all a Merry Christmas and a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.
Prof. Lenah Nakhone-Wati
The Egerton University Council and the Management Board
wish all staff and students
Happy New Year 2016
and a
a Merry Christmas
and commend them for their good work!
Transforming Lives through Quality Education
Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
33 Graduation,December4,2015
wish to extend my congratulations
to the graduands from the Nairobi
City Campus on this auspicious
r d
occasion of the 33 Graduation
Ceremony of Egerton University. Today,
we present 300 graduands who are the
fourth cohort of graduates from the
Campus since its inception in 2011. In
this regard, I wish to sincerely thank the
staff and students for the hard work and
commitment to teaching and learning
that has enabled timely completion of
programmes by our students.
gerton University's Baringo
Campus came to life on 8 April
2 0 1 4 i n K a b a r n e t , t h e
headquarters of Baringo County. The
Campus is located 140 kms from
Nakuru Town, in Kabarnet Central
Business District, 1 km along the
Kabarnet-Kabartonjo road. It stands
opposite the Kabarnet Hotel.
The choice of Kabarnet Town for
Egerton's newest campus was based on
Message from the Director
Message from the Director
Prof. Fugich Wako
Prof. Moses Limo
To the graduands, I urge you to be our
ambassadors wherever you will be. The
education you received at Egerton
University should not be taken for
granted. It will contribute immensely to
y o u r p r o m o t i o n a n d c a r e e r
advancement and afford you the
opportunity to be among the very best
to compete for any opportunity. Please
encourage yo ur friends to t ake
advantage of this opportunity and enrol
for their studies at Egerton University.
Nairobi City Campus offers Bachelor's
degrees in Commerce, Criminology and
Security Studies, Education, Gender
Studies, Economics and Statistics; and
M a s t e r ' s d e g r e e s i n B u s i n e s s
Management, Sociology, and Security
Studies, among other programmes.
Recently we ushered in the third student
government after a peaceful democratic
election conducted on 30 October
2015. The new student leaders are:
Chairman Vitalis Ojiambo, Vice-
Chairperson Wangui M. Wanjiku,
Director Finance Lydia Mandila,
Secretary General Francis W.
Nyangweso, Director Academics
M e s h a c k M w a n z i a , D i r e c t o r
Entertainment Hasan Aden Illmoge,
Director Security, Catering and
Accommodation Benard Mwiti
Mukembu, Director Health – Kivuti W.
Nyakio and Director Special Needs
Fatunzalia Odda. I wish to congratulate
the newly elected student leaders and
t h e i r o u t g o i n g c o l l e a g u e s f o r
demonstrating maturity and a sense of
responsibility during and after that
important exercise.
Once again congratulation to our
graduands and Happy New Year 2016!
the growing demand for university
education among mid-career persons
working in the County headquarters and
other qualified candidates from the
environs. Kabarnet town is also centrally
situated in Baringo County and easy to
reach by persons from neighbouring
c o u n t i e s . T h e s e i n c l u d e :
Elgeyo/Marakwet, West Pokot, Uasin
Gishu, Kericho and Nandi to the west;
Turkana and Samburu to the North;
Laikipia to the East; and Nakuru.
The Campus admitted its first batch of
students in June 2014 in various
programmes with flexible study options
ranging from full-time, evening,
weekend, as well as school-based. The
Campus will strive to produce highly
skilled graduates able to meet local and
national socio-economic targets. To
achieve this, the Campus has already put
in place a good infrastructure and
provided resources that include a
library and a computer laboratory.
Through Kenya Library and Information
Services Consortium (KLISC), the
University Library has subscribed to a
rich collection of electronic information
resources comprising over 44,975 e-
journal titles and 89,209 e-books.
These resources are all accessible to
Baringo Campus students.
The Campus has been participating in
community and publicity activities in
Baringo County, among them school
v i s i t s , A S K S h o w s , B a r i n g o
Entrepreneurship and Exhibition
Symposium (BEES), Baringo Business
and Education Exhibition (BABEX),
tree planting and cleaning exercises.
The Campus in certainly on the rise!
Transforming Lives through Quality Education
Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
rrespective of our station in life and
the tags labeling us as administra-
tors, lecturers, support staff or
students, Egertonians' prime motiva-
tion has been, is, and should continue
to be, the Pursuit of Excellence in
Service Delivery. As current members
or alumni of this great University, we
should always aspire to identify
targets of opportunities to serve and
create a positive impact among our
Our focus should be to achieve
sustainable development that ensures
inclusive and equitable education and
promotes lifelong learning for all by
2030 while improving family mem-
bers' employability, livelihood and
household income. The leadership we
offer should be both dynamic and
inspiring and should take Kenya's
social and economic development
forward within immensely turbulent
and constantly changing circum-
We should think strategically with the
full knowledge of community aspira-
tions, needs, priorities, constraints and
opportunities. Our clients need good
education, well-paying jobs, afford-
able and nutritious food that is safe to
eat and of high quality, improved
infrastructure for transport, communi-
cation and higher incomes. They also
need lasting peace and security as
well as family cohesiveness, happiness
and stability.
According to a wise saying, an old
person can see farther sitting down
than a young person standing.
Therefore, using the cumulative
knowledge and wisdom of our older
colleagues, we can face tomorrow with
accurate predictability. But to be
successful in realising our development
objectives we should, at all costs, avoid
the temptation of the short-sightedness
of youth, which might blur our vision
and make it harder for us to see easily
the potential sadness, sorrow and
grief of being compromised to do
what is unlawful, unethical or harmful
to society.
Wherever you are, wherever you go
and whatever you do in the line of
duty, endeavour to be a positive role
model and a good influence to society.
Aspire to be well-known for being
articulate and successful in problem-
solving. Since there is a limit to an
individual's effort, always embrace
and cherish the team spirit in the
knowledge and belief that you can
succeed beyond all expectations if you
do not care who gets the credit.
Prof. J Gowland Mwangi
Message from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Extension)
His Excellency President Uhuru Kenyatta presents a trophy to
Prof. Rodah Birech, Egerton’s University Industry Liaison Officer, during the 2015
Nairobi International Trade Fair
The Division of Research and Extension Spreads Its Services Countrywide
he Division of Researc h and
Extension has maintained its
tradition of pursuing excellence in
implementing its mandate on research,
extension and consultancy as well as
documentating and disseminating
research findings. The Division plays a
c e n tr a l r o l e i n t he U ni ve r si t y ' s
determination to deliver on its Strategic
Goals (SGs), particularly SG1, which calls
for quality higher education and training
in the University; SG2, which seeks to
increase research, consultancy and
community outreach within the University;
SG3, which aspires to enhance the
University's physical infrastructure and ICT
capacity; SG4,
w h i c h
endeavours to
increase linkages
a n d
colla bo ration s
b e t w e e n t h e
University and
other institutions;
and SG5, which
underscores the
need on the part
of the University
t o e n h a n c e
governance and
r e s o u r c e
In partnership
w i t h f u n d i n g
a g e n c i e s, t h e
U n i v e r s i t y i s
i n v e s t i n g
resources in research with high impact on
society. Examples include sustainable
integrated environmental management in
Mau-Mara-Serengeti ecosystem, culturing
polyc haete wo rm s as alter native
sustainable baits and feed for marine
fishing aquaculture and as part of the
ongoing efforts to improve the quality of
human milk. In addition, the University is
entering into solar energy research and
generation, for which a concept and
business plan have been developed to
share with interested partners from USA
and Europe. Some donors have shown
interest in supporting upgrading of the
biotechnology lab to a state-of-the-art
facility for advanced biomedical
Our researchers, in partnership with the
Kenya Organic Agriculture Network and
Control Union, are in the process of
developing a curriculum for training
auditors who inspect and certify organic
agriculture standards as well as a national
database on best organic agriculture
practices in Kenya. This interactive national
database, which has been established and
is being updated and expanded, is hosted
on the Egerton University website.
33 Graduation,December4,2015
Transforming Lives through Quality Education
Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
33 Graduation,December4,2015
The University has partnered with the
Nation Media Group to empower farming
communities with knowledge and skills
through the weekly Seeds of Gold
magazine in the Saturday Nation and
through the Seeds of Gold NTV Series that
is aired every Wednesday at 10.00 pm
and repeated on Saturdays at 4.00 pm
or 6.00 pm. The TV series airs agribusiness
practices directly from diverse farms
where Egerton University Professors and
other specialists from the industry
diagnose and provide practical solutions
on agribusiness challenges. This year, the
Un ive rs it y ex te ns io n o ut re ac h is
empowering farmers in Lare area of
Nakuru County to apply and benefit from
clean milk production and women groups
in Homa Bay County to gain and apply
agronomic, post harvest handling and
entrepreneurial skills and to produce
indigenous vegetables on commercially
rewarding ventures. Gilgil Sub-County
Hospital is, for instance, benefiting from
extension outreach in which Egerton is
promoting adoption and dissemination of
kitchen gardening skills and Agro-science
products for improved health, nutrition
and food security.
The University participated in shows
organised by the Agricultural Society of
Kenya, the most recent being:
1. Nakuru National Agricultural Society
of Kenya Show (30 June to 4 July,
2. Nairobi International Trade Fair
(28 September to 4 October 2015).
3. Kabarnet Agricultural Society of
Kenya Show (15 to 17 October
In these shows, the University advertised
the available academic programmes in
regular, school-based and e-learning
modes offered at Njoro, Nakuru Town
Campus College, Nairobi City Campus
and Baringo Campus. Innovations and
new products were showcased by various
academic departments, Agro-Science
Park, Knitting and Tailoring Unit, Seeds of
Gold print & NTV series, INCIP Project,
publications, partnership initiatives,
community service and corporate social
responsibility initiatives. Some of the
products showcased include aquaculture
unit with fingerlings, food and ornamental
fish; dairy products and food processing;
health and nutrition; electrical devices; a
food processing machine; clothing and
interior design products; Egerton seed
varieties; Egerton honey; ICT applications
in Agriculture as well as water and
sanitation innovations. Tatton Agricultural
Park excelled in Toggenburg dairy goat
an d Gu r ney da i r y c a t tl e, whi l e
Ngongogeri farm always won the best
positions in Fresian cows, and in
Corriadale and Fleece sheep.
The University participates in Ecological
Organic Agriculture (EOA) Training,
research and documentation. Egerton is
part of an Africa-led initiative (2014
2018) that seeks to mainstream EOA into
the African development agenda, as
commissioned by the African Union
Commission and implemented by the
BioVision Africa Trust. EOA promotes food
production in an ecologically friendly
manner and directly addresses five
targets of the United Nations Resolutions
termed Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) 2030 (Goals 2, 6, 12, 13 and 15),
dealing with food security, nutrition,
sustainable agriculture, sustainable
management of water; sustainable
consumption and production patterns,
climate change, ecosystem protection,
reversing land degradation and halting
biodiversity loss.
In the EOA programme, Egerton leads the
“Research, Training and Extension” Pillar.
During its first year of engagement in
EOA, Egerton, in partnership with Kenya
Organic Agriculture Network and Control
Union, prepared a draft curriculum to
train EOA stakeholders along the value
chain, including auditors of various
Sustainable Agriculture Standards. It
documented EOA research in Kenyan
academic and research institutions as well
as best practices available in the private
sector and farming communities. A
searchable national database is being
hosted on the Egerton University website
an d c an be e a si ly ac c es sed by
stakeholders from any point anywhere in
the world.
With respect to University Industry Liaison,
E g e r t o n U n i v e r s i t y i s s e e k i n g
collaborations with communities, NGOs,
national and county governments,
research institutions, and seeking more
partnerships with the private sector. In this
context, the Division has initiated
discussions with Keroche Foundation, Bidco
Oil Refineries, UNGA Farm Care Limited
and FMD East Africa. These partnerships
seek to create opportunities for student
attachments, internships, joint research for
both students and staff, and to make our
graduates more competitive in the labour
The University also seeks to innovatively
influence human development through
generation, acquisition, preservation and
dissemination of knowledge and skills in
agriculture and natural resources, guided
by its Core Values. The University will host
the 2017 World Ploughing Contest in its
large scale mixed farm, Ngongogeri.
Prof. J. Gowland Mwangi the Deputy
Vice-Chancellor (R&E) and Mr. Camillus
Ahuya, Managing Director, Egerton
University Investment Company, together
with other members of the National
Secretariat organising the event,
attended this year's Contest in Denmark
where they briefed the World Council
members on preparations being done in
Kenya. The purpose of their trip was to
familiarise themselves with the rules,
procedures and requirements of the
World Ploughing Contest and to learn
how best to organise the event.
Other initiatives being implemented in
relation to conservation of our natural
r e s o u r c e h e r i t a g e i n c l u d e t h e
development of a Nature Park to host
crocodiles, tortoise, lizards and snakes at
the Chemeron Dry-land Research,
Training and Ecotourism Center in Baringo
County. The necessary authorisation by
the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) is
being processed. Another initiative
includes conservation of Njoro River by
propagating bamboo species which will
be used for research, training of students
and farmers, and income generation. The
University is offering technical support to
en abl e cou nt i es de vel o p to uri st
attractions and has entered into
partnership with the Homa Bay County
Government to lead in transforming
God-Mwanda Hill into a tourist attraction
Our Agro-Based Science Park continues to
release new seed varieties for farming
com m un it ies. T he bean var ietie s
(Chelalang, Tasha, Ciankui and Chickpeas)
have been released to Faida, Leldet and
Premier Seed Companies to bulk and
produce certified bean seed for farmers.
Other new releases are hybrid sorghum
seed variety for malting and beer
production and hybrid sorghum for
baking. Two other finger millet varieties
are currently undergoing registration.
The Agro-Based Science Park is in the
process of producing fish fingerling in its
hatchery, fish ponds and water dam within
the University land. Other products from
Agro-Based Science Park are poultry,
livestock Sorghum Sheller, butternut
processing machine, indigenous mushroom
spawn and honey, which can be obtained
from the University.
Transforming Lives through Quality Education
Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
33 Graduation,December4,2015
n 10 November 2015, in
collaboration with Michigan
State University and with the
support of the USAID Mission in
Kenya, Tegemeo carried out research
on the implications of various
challenges affecting the agriculture
sector and shared the findings with
policy makers and other stakeholders
in a two-day conference held in
Nairobi. The theme of the
C o n f e r e n c e w a s
“Transforming Smallholder
Agriculture in Kenya in the
Context of Climate Change,
Devolution and Increasing
Land Constraints. Key
discussion points were
organized around a number
of sub-themes, including
l a n d a c c e s s , c l i m a t e
variability and change,
input intensification and
s u b s i d y a g r i c u l t u r a l
i n f o r m a t i o n s y s t e m s ,
d e v o l u t i o n a n d
The Director of the Institute, Dr. Mary
Mathenge, notes that the objective of
the Conference was to create an
interface between policy makers,
r e s e a r c h e r s a n d o t h e r s e c t o r
stakeholders to share research findings
and facilitate dialogue on the way
forward in transforming smallholder
It is estimated that while about 80% of
farmers in the country are smallholder
farmers they account for a significantly
low pro po rt ion of ag ri cultura l
production. The issue of how to
improve smallholder production is a
pertinent question for the government,
development partners, research
institutions, civil society organizations
and the farmers themselves. Hence the
reason why the Tegemeo Institute
organised the two-day workshop was
because of the need to share findings
which will improve smallholder
agriculture in Kenya and to ensure that
agricultural policies will serve to
improve the productivity and efficiency
of smallholder farmers.
Th e C o nf e ren c e dre w
together participants from
t h e p u b l i c s e c t o r ,
s p ec i f i c a l l y f r o m t he
Ministry of Agriculture,
Livestock and Fisheries;
s e m i - a u t o n o m o u s
government agencies in the
agricultural sector; county
governments; private sector
organizations; civil society
o r g a n i z a t i o n s ;
development agencies;
universities and research
i n s t i t u t e s ; a n d
rep res entative s of the
farming industry. Prof. Rose
Mwonya, the incoming
Vice-Chancellor of Egerton University,
officially opened the conference, while
Prof. James K. Tuitoek, the outgoing
Vice-Chancellor, closed it.
h e C r o p M a n a g e m e n t
Research Training (CMRT)
has in the past year organised
a number of short-term training
sessions to various clients as well as
a s s i s t e d s o m e U n i v e r s i t y
departments and organisations
conduct training and conferences.
Notable among these are: the
international short course on the
safety and use of agro-products
sponsored by the Ministry of
Education of the Peoples Republic of
China (which has become an annual
CMRT Project Offers Customised Training
course); the series trainings on
research proposal writing and
presentation skills offered to KALRO
scientists; the series short course on
environmental impact assessment;
the short course on geographic
information systems; and the short
course on innovative approaches for
safe food production in emerging
The CMRT Project also partnered
with Amiran Ltd to train final year
Hor t i c u l ture s t u d e n ts on t h e
provision of professional greenhouse
management and consultancy
services. This activity emanated from
a request by former students who are
part of the Amiran Management to
engage with Horticulture students at
Egerton University. As a result of the
partnership, Amiran Ltd has engaged
a number of the graduates as
m a n ag e m en t t ra in e e s i n t he
company. Students who participated
in this activity helped coin the slogan
“Farming is Cool,” which is being
used by Amiran to interest youth in
Tegemeo Institute Director, Dr. Mary Mathenge, with other
participants at the Conference
Transforming Lives through Quality Education
Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
33 Graduation,December4,2015
Prof. C M M'Erimba
Message from the Director
n behalf of the staff of the
Directorate of Institutional
Advancement (DIA) and
myself, let me take this opportunity to
congratulate all Egerton University
graduands who have successfully
completed their programmes and are
being conferred with various degrees
and diplomas today.
It has taken you a great sacrifice and
determination as well as the hand of
God to reach where you are. That is
why the Egerton University family is
joining you to congratulate you and
your families on the achievement.
As a matter of procedure and pay
back to your University, you are
expected to join the Egerton
University Alumni Association
( E U A A ) . I t i s t h r o u g h t h i s
organisation that you are able to
network with your cohort that is
graduating today and previous
students of Egerton University.
Membership of EUAA is the gateway
for Egerton Alumni involvement at
the University. It is a commitment
that members make to support the
University and each other.
The Association aggressively works
towards increasing the number of
Alumni life members and offers
valuable benefits and services to
attract and retain Alumni as members.
For more information please visit our
office at Egerton University Main
DIA was created in 2009 and was
mandated to organise support for
University activities from Donors,
Philanthropic Foundations, Friends,
Corporations, Government Policy
Makers, Alumni, Media and Council
Members. Through the DIA, the
University's Resource Mobilisation
Strategy was developed. The two
main goals of the strategy are to
mobilise resources for advancing
i n f r a s t r u c t u r e , a c a d e m i c
programmes, research and outreach,
and to ensure effective and efficient
utilisation of mobilised resources.
he Division of Administration
and Finance would like to take
this early opportunity to
congratulate the December 2015
graduands upon the completion of
their programmes. This marks the end
of the initial stage of the formal
schooling and the opening of
opportunities to join the labour
market. It is therefore important that
you remember what you have learnt
and see its utility in new life
Egerton University is very strong in
practical education, and it is our
hope that you find many lessons,
formal and informal, that you learnt
of great use in your life. Youth is
about the ability to take risks. You
can swim in unexplored waters, and
it is our hope that you become great
entre preneur s, acade micians ,
researchers and a source of hope for
the majority of Kenyans.
Live wholesome lives so that no part
of your life is neglected, may it be
spiritual, physical or material. Never
lose your faith because men and
women of faith do great things. We
encourage you to retain the indelible
lessons of God's goodness and
power that have allowed your
parents, guardians and lecturers to
see you through school. We wish you
success in life.
The Division will continue to
prudently manage financial and
physical resources for the welfare of
the students. We encourage all of us
to be good stewards of resources that
are at our disposal for the betterment
of humanity.
It is our hope that the whole of
Physical Science will be completed
by May 2016 and that it will also
improve on available space for
learning and office. We encourage
the graduates to support Egerton
U n i v e r s i t y t h r o u g h p o s i t i v e
affirmation where possible.
Prof. Njenga Munene
Message from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration & Finance)
Transforming Lives through Quality Education
Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
33 Graduation,December4,2015
Disability Mainstreaming Updates
o our graduands of today,
congratulations on this great
achievement. I understand
that graduation day can be rather full
of images and pictures rather
jumbled together, all of which make
up your life up to this point.
There are the images of your
formative years with your family.
Then there are the pictures of your
activities as a student, the wonderful
excitement of today's Graduation
Ceremony and, finally, pictures of
your future, which remain rather
vague, given that none of us knows
what the future holds.
Today you have the feel good factor
that comes from knowing that you
have done your best. You have
achieved and qualified. You didn't
do it alone, of course. All along the
way you received the unwavering
support of your families and the
encouragement and guidance of
Moses Ouma
Finance & Accounts Controller
Message from the Financial & Accounts Controller
your lecturers, as well as the services
of other University Departments.
One of these departments is the
Finance and Accounts Department.
It is my hope that you enjoyed your
stay at this great university and that
you endured the pain of paying for
your education. I say endured
because, as economists say, all
economic resources are scarce but
human wants are unlimited.
You could have chosen to apply your
financial resources to your other
unlimited needs. But you chose to
pay for your education, hopefully on
time, which did not always seem
interesting. Congratulations.
T h e F i n a n c e a n d A c c o u n t s
Department renders support services
to virtually all University processes,
activities and departments whenever
financial resources are required. And
they are always required. One of our
sad duties as a department is to
enforce t he Un iv ersity's fees
payment policy.
This duty puts us, from time to time,
on a collision course with students -
and it probably put us on a collision
course with you in particular. We beg
for your understanding. As you now
enter the job market some of these
things will become much clearer. All
the same it is our genuine belief that
you got value for your money.
The Department of Finance and
Accounts has endeavoured to
undertake continual improvement in
line with the ethos of the ISO
standards that the whole University
has embraced. The automation of
some of the processes has reduced
students' frustrations in a big way.
For example, we are now able to
update the student portals with fees
deposits within 24 hours and are
hoping to make this real-time within
the 2015/2016 financial year.
Furthermore, some of the processes
embedded in the ARMS system, such
as the online viewing of students'
balances and fees structures, among
others, have made life much easier for
students and reduced both the
number of enquiries and complaints
to the Department. We hope to make
even more improvements on the
system, being well aware that quality
has no finish line and that the room
for improvement never gets full.
As you join the labour market,
remember the words of Michael
Uslan: You must have a high
threshold for frustration…you must
knock on doors until your knuckles
bleed. Doors will be slammed on
your face. You must pick yourself up,
dust yourself off, and knock again. It's
the only way to achieve your goals in
Judy Njoroge
Braille Transcriber
n 2015, Egerton University
employed a Braille Transcriber,
Judy Njoroge, who is based in the
Disability Resource Centre in Njoro
Campus. Students and staff can now
have materials transcribed with
relative ease and speed, as opposed
to what used to be the case in the
On 11 October 2015, a team of
students with disability accompanied
staff members from the Disability
Resource Centre to Nairobi for a
blind walk organized by the Kenya
Society for the Blind (KSB).
The aim of the walk was to raise
awareness of the white cane. The
Guest of Honour was the Chief
Justice, Dr. Willy Mutunga, who was
hosted by the KSB Director, Juliana
Transforming Lives through Quality Education
Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
33 Graduation,December4,2015
Message from the Director
s we come togethe r to
celebrate the 33 Graduation
Ceremony and honour the
graduands on this special occasion of
educational transition, I wish to take
this opportunity to congratulate you
on behalf of the entire Directorate for
ear 2015 Graduands!
I wish to take this opportunity to
congratulate you for the wonderful
work that has led you to this
auspicious day, during which you
are being awarded with Diploma and
Degree certificates. Your hard work
has opened for you new frontiers in
your professional and academic
aspirations. The Vision and Mission
of Egerton Un iv er si ty sh ould
continue to propel you towards
your hard work and commitment to
your studies. My advice to you as you
prepare to embark on the next path of
life is that you should always plan for
all the activities you would like to
carry out in the future. A plan will
give you direction to the cause of
action to take in future.
The Directorate of Planning and
Development was founded in April
2009. The Directorate's primary
o b j e c t i v e i s t o c a t a l y z e t h e
transformation of Egerton University
to be among the leading universities
in the world. The University, in its
2009-2015 first Strategic Plan, set
itself an ambitious agenda for
realizing its Vision of being a world
class University for the advancement
of humanity.
The Directorate facilitates the proper
utilization of human and non-human
resources by cascading the current
Strategic Plan (2013-2018) and
C i t i z e n S e r v i c e C h a r t e r s t o
University U ni ts through the
Performance Contracting system.
The Directorate also monitors and
evaluates the University Strategic
Plan and the Operational Plan.
Prof. Bernard N Githua
Message from the Director
being world class professionals and
The Directorate of University
Welfare Services continues to
enhance quality services to students
and the University fraternity in order
to create a conducive learning and
l i v i n g e n v i r o n m e n t . I n
Accommodation, seven modern
hostels have been completed,
n a m e l y L a k e T u r k a n a , L a k e
Naivasha, Lake Elementaita, Lake
Bogoria, Lake Victoria, River Tana
and Mau Hills. The completion of
these hostels has increased the bed
capacity for our students by 1,600.
The Directorate is also taking care of
disability mainstreaming by creating
a conducive environm en t f or
learning and mobility of our students
and staff with special needs. We are
now in possession of a Braille
transcriber to assist students with
v i s u a l d i s a b i l i t y t o c o n v e r t
documents for lecturers. In addition,
we have a new vehicle to assist
students with disabilities to move
around the University with ease.
In Catering, the department has
started a restaurant (Mara Restaurant)
at the former guest wing to cater for
visitors' meals at affordable rates. This
is a very new concept in the catering
s e r v ice s , w he reb y g ro ups o r
individuals can order customized
menus in addition to the regular
menus provided at the catering
We would like to extend our
welcome to the entire University
Community to enjoy the increased
quality of our services.
I wish all graduands successful career
lives and look forward to partnering
with them as we aspire to serve
God bless you all!
Prof. Fr. Stephen Mbugua
Transforming Lives through Quality Education
Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
33 Graduation,December4,2015
Agro-Based Science Park
Prof. Paul Kiprotich Kimurto
Department of Agricultural Economics and
Agribusiness Management
Head of Department
Prof. George Owuor
Teacher Education Programme
Dr. David Kuria Wamukuru
Department of Electrical and Control
Head of Department
Dr. Franklin Muriuki Manene
Dr. Samson Orondo Obure
Heads of Departments
Department of Human Pathology
Dr. Steven Karanja Muthui
Department of Internal Medicine
Dr. Duncan Mung'athia Killingo
Department of Reproductive Health
Dr. Amos Magembe Otara
Department of Medical Physiology
Dr. Jacob Wekesa Masika
List of Staff Reviewed/ Appointed from July to November 2015
he Transport Department
wishes to congratulate the
g r a d u a n d s d u r i n g t h i s
r d
auspicious 33 Graduation at
Egerton University. We are proud to
have contributed to your studies at
the University through the academic
As you prepare to take the next step
in life that will be full of challenges
and growth opportunities, I would
like to advise you to apply the
specific skills that you've acquired
from your respective courses. Do
not wait for formal employment;
instead, start something on your
As fresh graduates, you can also take
advantage of the Youth Fund and the
Uwezo Fund that have been made
avai la ble to you t hr ough the
Government. Don't go it all alone;
m a i n t a i n n e t w o r k s a n d t h e
friendships that you've developed.
As the Transport Department, our
mandate is to provide transport for
official university functions and
activities. We have seven buses and
three mini-buses that have been fully
utilized by staff and students.
In October 2015, we unveiled a
vehicle specifically to be used by
persons with disabilities. The
vehicle, a Maruti, will be used by
students as they move within the
campus. Previously we were utilizing
a three-wheeled motorized vehicle,
popularly known as “tuk tuk,” but
due to increasing demand the new
vehicle was procured.
Once again, congratulation to the
graduands and when you see
Egerton University vehicles out
there, please say a “hello”!
Message from the Transport Officer
Department of Veterinary Clinical Studies
Senior Technologist I Grade 11
Anne Mwihaki Kimari
Technologist I Grade 7
Philip K. Rono
Department of Veterinary Anatomy and
Chief Technologist Grade 12
Samuel M. Kimani
Senior Library Assistant III Grade 8
Pauline Jepkorir Tuitoek
Assistant Librarian I Grade 12
Felicitas Ciabere Ratanya
Assistant Librarian I Grade 12
Anne N. Tenya
Estates Manager Grade 13
Edwin K. Kaburu
Deputy Chief Procurement Officer Grade 14
Dan Victor Ojwando
Communications & Marketing Manager
Grade 12
Prof. Julius Kipkemboi
Heads of Department
Department of Physics
Dr. Ronald Kiprono Rop
Department of Computer Science
Dr. Phoebe Nasimiyu Fedha
Department of Commerce Campus
Kefa Aboko Basweti
Department of Industrial and Energy
Lecturer Grade 12
David Sonoiya Ndugi
Department of Natural Resources
Lecturer Grade 12
John K.Tangus
Department of Dairy, Food Science and
Technologist I Grade 8
Vitalis Kiprop Kutto
Egerton Newslink is published by the Department of Communication and Marketing in the Directorate of Institutional Advancement. Items for publication can be sent to:
The Editor, Egerton Newslink, or handed in at the Directorate of Institutional Advancement.
Editorial Team: Agnes Mwangi, Prof. Emilia Ilieva, Dr Joseph Walunywa, Hillary Chakava Reporters: Newslink Team Design & Layout: Stephen Thuku & Roselyne Wamalwa
Transforming Lives through Quality Education
Egerton University is ISO 9001:2008 Certified
33 Graduation,December4,2015
t gives me great pleasure to join the
Egerton University Community in
congratulating all of you during this
graduation season. May you have the
best in your future endeavours! The rich
diversity of programmes and courses
that you have encountered in this
University have and will continue to
contribute in one way or the other to your
quality of life and professionalism. I
hope the knowledge, skills and attitudes
you have acquired will go a long way in
making you a well-grounded and
productive member of the society.
January 29, 2015 marks an important
date in the calendar of Egerton
University because this is the day e-
learning was launched in our institution.
As we mark almost one year into this
novel mode of teaching and learning, the
number of students is steadily increasing.
Having started off with about 30
students enrolled in four programmes, the
current number stands at 90 students
enrolled in seven programmes. E-
learning is part of the legacy of the
outgoing Vice-Chancellor, Prof. James K.
Tuitoek, and the University Management
Board. It is a vehicle that will firmly place
the University at the forefront of
Among our current e-learning students
are those working in various sectors, such
as the police, the military, banks,
government ministries and agencies, and
educational institutions. Some of our e-
learning students are those who would
otherwise not find time to attend full-time
cl as ses e ith er be ca use of t he ir
commitments or remote locations. For
example, we have students in the
Daadab refugee camp and security
officers on an operation in Boni Forest,
Lamu. The teaching is conducted in a
blended mode where students are first
oriented to the e-learning system in a
face-to-face session (in Njoro and
Nairobi campuses at the moment) and
online sessions where they access
learning content and learning support
v i a t h e e - l e a r n i n g p l a t f o r m ,
http://elearning.egerton.ac.ke. Our e-
learning exams are not online; therefore,
students return back to their preferred
examination centres to write their exams.
As the student numbers grow we shall
establish other e-learning centres in
Eldoret, Mombasa, Kisumu, and Meru,
among others.
Prof. Johnson Changeiywo
Message from the Director
Students Excel in Championships
gerton University's basketball,
rug b y a nd s o c c e r te a m s
registered impressive results in
various inter-university competitions
held in 2015.
T h e m e n ' s b a s k e t b a l l t e a m ,
christened “The Assassins,” defeated
the University of Eldoret team to
emerge the champions during the
Kenya University Sports Association
(KUSA) mid-season basketball
championship held at the Moi
University West Campus, Eldoret, in
October 2015.
The ladies' team, better known as the
“Kytes,” finished third overall after
losing narrowly to Maseno University
in the Semi-finals.
The Egerton rugby team, the “Wasps,”
gave a good account of themselves
during the Kings of Rugby finals held
at the Kenya Rugby Football Union
grounds. The “Wasps” trounced Jomo
Kenyatta University of Agriculture and
Technology 14-0 to qualify for the
semi-finals. The team lost the
s e m i - f i n a l s n a r r o w l y t o
eventual tournament winners
United States International
The University's soccer team,
pop u l a r l y kno w n a s th e
“Jaguars,” retained the KUSA
R i f t C o n f e r e n c e S o c c e r
Championship held at Egerton
University Njoro Campus on
14-15 November 2015. The
“Jaguars” beat Masaai Mara
University 1-0 in the semi-finals
before trouncing Moi West 4-1 in the
The teams hope to continue their
domination during the KUSA national
games to be held at Jaramogi Oginga
Odinga University of Science and
University students in a past cross-country championship