Please read all instruction before submit online application.
1. Fees paid under MMP Act, 1961Clause 24 shall not be refunded.
2. Registration fess Rs. 15000/-.Date;10/06/2016
3. Please submit an affidavit on stamp paper of Rs.100/-
(The affidavit 1&2 matter is provided in download option on home page).
4. After successfully payment send your application form along with following
documents to MCIM Office.
a. Application Form
b. Payment Slip
c. University Degree Certificate
d. Board Cancellation Of Registration Letter provided by your state.
e. College internship certificate.
f. Bonafide & Character / TC / Leaving certificate.
g. Every Year Mark sheets.
h. SSC Board Certificate.(Date of Birth)
i. SSC Mark sheets.
j. HSC Board Certificate.
k. HSC Mark Sheets.
l. Maharashtra State Address proof ( Driving License/Electricity Bill/Ration
Card/Election Voter ID)
m. Photo ID proof (College ID / PAN card/Voter ID/Driving License)
5. You need to submit one Xerox copies of each of the above mentioned originals
countersigned by your College Principal where you have received your medical
6. Please mentions your Maharashtra state address when fill application form.
7. MCIM Council send verification letter to your university / board / police / SSC
/HSC after received your application form. You have to submit University
Verification fees &Board Cancellation of Verification fees fees at your board /
Police / SSC /HSC after 15 days or you can enquiry at respective board.
You can check your application status on website in [check application
status] or you can also check verification letter status send to your
Specimen of Affidavit(On Stamp paper of Rs.100/-)
I, Shri/Smt ............................................................................ age ..................Years do
hereby state and declare on solemn affirmation as under :-
I am registered Medical practitioner of .................................... state bearing
registration No ............. date ........................ B.A.M.S./B.U.M.S. Degree
............. This registration has been granted by State Council on the basis of my.............
obtained from .......................................... College. The training of said Qualification was
undergone by me for the period from ......... to.............Internship from ............. to ............. I
was staying at -----------------------------------------------------------------------
My date of Birth I ......................... All these supporting documents were
already furnished to the Registrar M.C. I..M. Mumbai along with my application.
I further declare that I have now migrated to Maharashtra State and I am residing at
..................................................... I will practice only in Maharashtra State.
In this context I affirm that I am not suppressing any of the material facts in my
declaration herein above mentioned, and they are true and genuine. I declare that I have not
involved in any of the professional misconduct. In case of any of my declaration and claim
(herein above mentioned) is found to be untrue or false, beside other consequences and
events of my registration with M.C.I.M. Mumbai would be liable for cancellation of my
registration certificates by the Maharashtra Council of Indian Medicine as per provisions of
Maharashtra Medical Practitioners Act 1961 and the Register is not responsible for
(Your registration is ready. Please fill and submit the following certificate as per C.C.I.M.
letter No.7-29/2007-Regn./38/A.T./9545, No.7-29/2007- Reg.(38th) at on Rs.100/- stamp
paper and send it as early as possible and collect your registration certificate of
Maharashtra. You can submit your cancellation letter afterwards within 15 days from the
receipt of registration certificate)
I, __________________________________________, certify that I am residing in
Maharashtra State and wish to practice my medical profession in the same state. I have
taken my BAMS/BUMS degree in state of __________________on ____________.
As per Central Council of Indian Medicine rules I have to practice in only one state
and get myself registered in the state council, to avoid the delicacy of registration and
streamline the registration. I depose on oath that I am not registered in any other registration
Board/ Council.
Solemnly affirmed at ____________ on this __________day of __________ Explained and
Identified by me
Before me
Signature of the Court With Seal