Guide to Understanding
Real Estate Assessment Values
Property Tax Section
May 2015
[A brief overview of the real estate valuation processes typically used in local real estate assessment
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Often misunderstood, this Guide has been developed to help Virginia real property owners and
taxpayers better understand the real estate valuation processes typically used in local real estate
assessment offices.
In days past the Commonwealth relied upon its citizens to estimate real estate assessment values.
This system worked well enough when real estate markets were relatively static and where
properties were generally similar in nature.
Recent decades have witnessed rapid changes in real estate markets, both in terms of activity and
complexity. Additionally, the growth of local government and a rise in local funding needs have
focused the public's attention on property tax to an extent heretofore unknown. The time-
honored system of assessments made by lay citizens has proved to be unworkable and very likely
to produce inaccurate and inequitable assessments.
In order to satisfy Virginia's constitutional mandate requiring fair market value assessments,
localities have found it beneficial to employ professional appraisers/assessors either to assume
legal responsibility for conducting reassessments or to act as technical assistants.
Assessors and their appraisal staff are expected to be knowledgeable in assessment methodology
and process, to be knowledgeable of applicable Virginia and local laws, to approach their duties
with an open mind, and exercise impartial judgment in the development of assessment values.
Since 1976, the Department of Taxation has offered basic and advanced courses for improving
appraisal knowledge and job skills.
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A proper understanding and application of the term assessment is fundamental to understanding
real estate assessments. Defined in the Virginia Tax Administrative Code, Code Section
"Assessment" means a determination as to the proper rate of tax, the measure to which the tax
rate is applied, and ultimately the amount of tax, including additional or omitted tax, that is due.
An assessment shall include a written assessment made pursuant to notice by the assessing
official or a self-assessment made by a taxpayer upon the filing of a return. Its use can apply to
an individual property, or to all properties in a grouping.
The definition encompasses several components:
The rate at which property will be taxed (the tax rate)
The measure, or value of property to be taxed (the assessment or assessed value)
The total amount of the tax on property that will be billed (the tax levy)
Some may refer to only one of these components when using the term, which can lead to
confusion. To avoid any confusion, one must be aware of and consider all three components of
the definition during assessment discussions.
However, for the purpose of this Guide, the term assessment” is synonymous with “assessment
value” or “assessed value, being those values that best assure a total real estate tax levy that is
equitably borne by the property owners of a locality.
Constitutional and Statutory Mandate
The Constitution of Virginia, in Article X, mandates that all property shall be taxed, and further
stipulates that all taxes shall be uniform upon the same class of subjects within the territorial
limits of the authority levying the tax. Other provisions of Article X require that all assessments
of real estate shall be at fair market value with the exception of those assessments of certain real
estate devoted to agricultural, horticultural, forest and open space uses, which may be granted
preferential assessments. In addition, Article X segregates real estate as subject to local taxation
only, with the provision that real estate shall be assessed in such manner and at such times as the
General Assembly may prescribe by general law.
The statutes controlling real estate assessments and reassessments are located in Chapter 32, of
Title 58.1, of the Code of Virginia. Generally, these statutes are numerous and beyond the scope
of this discussion. However, an understanding of some statutes may be helpful.
Virginia law requires periodic reassessments of real estate in every taxing jurisdiction. Some
jurisdictions reassess annually, however, by law six years is the most time allowed between
reassessments for counties; four years for cities. Population thresholds may require more
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frequent reassessments, and the local governing body may determine the need to reassess more
Local governing bodies are not permitted to reap revenue windfalls due to an increase in
assessed values (see § 58.1-3321, Code of Virginia). Subsequent to a reassessment, the local
governing body must reduce the levy by lowering the tax rate as to produce no more than 101
percent of the revenue generated in the previous year. If a higher rate is necessary, the governing
body must advertise the increase and conduct a public hearing on the matter. This safeguard has
been put into law since the responsibility for increasing local government revenues should be properly
borne by the governing body and not by the assessing officer. This limitation applies only to total
revenues; the actual tax bill of an individual property owner may increase at a greater rate.
Following general reassessment, the tax rate approved by the local governing body is applied to
the new values. The assessments are not responsible for increases or decreases in the real estate
tax levy. The local governing body has the sole responsibility for determining the real estate tax
levy by setting the tax rate in accordance with the budgetary needs of the locality.
The assessed values established during a general reassessment are applicable until another
general reassessment occurs. Examples of permitted changes are those caused by factual or
clerical errors, rezoning, subdivision of land, and construction or destruction of buildings.
New land parcels or new buildings created between reassessment cycles shall be assessed
uniformly with the assessments made on similar property during the most recent general
The Code of Virginia requires that the tax is levied at 100% of appraised value. Prior to 1977, the
tax levy for most localities was based on a fraction of the appraised value. The fraction varied
from one locality to the next and from one general reassessment to the next. This system masked
inequalities and made it difficult to compute the true tax rate or to compare the assessed value for
one property with the assessed value of a similar property. In 1975, the General Assembly
amended Section 58.1-3201 of the Code of Virginia to require that local tax levies effective in
1977 or after is based on 100% of appraised value.
In accordance with Virginia law, real estate reassessments are overseen by the Commissioner of
the Revenue, by a Board of Assessors, or by a Professional Assessor, who is someone appointed
by the local governing body, and who is either an employee meeting the qualifications prescribed
by the Department of Taxation or an independent contractor holding valid certification issued by
the Department. That person or body is recognized, for the purposes of this Guide, as the
Assessing Officer.
Fiscal Well Being of the Locality
A significant portion of local government revenue is derived from real estate assessments. With
local support, tax rates can be adjusted to meet changing revenue needs. The fiscal health, the
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services provided, and the level of confidence in local government all rely in part on accurate
real estate assessment valuations. Improper assessment practices can result in inequitable
assessment values and/or outdated values.
The ability of local governments to utilize bond financing is limited to a percent of debt to total
assessed real estate value. In addition, bond ratings may be based on the total assessed value of
the real estate of the locality.
Real estate values typically reflect public expenditures for services and capital improvements. As
a measure of the wealth of a locality, it is possible for a higher total assessed value to result in a
higher bond rating and a lower interest rate.
Real estate values play an important role in the distribution of state aid to elementary and
secondary education. This aid is distributed by a formula that factors both need and the local tax
effort to ensure that all localities are able to finance the major costs of the Standard of Quality in
the State. The estimated true value of all taxable real estate in each locality, the 100% fair market
value estimate, is a key component in the formula for aid distribution.
It should be recognized that the fiscal well being of a locality is only truly maximized when
assessed values are equitable and represent fair market values.
Fair Market Value
Code of Virginia, § 58.1-3280. Assessment of values
Every assessor or appraiser so designated under this chapter shall, as soon as practicable after
being so designated, proceed to ascertain and assess the fair market value of all lands and lots
assessable by them, with the improvements and buildings thereon. They shall make a physical
examination thereof if required by the taxpayer and in all other cases where they deem it
Fair Market Value is the term used in the Constitution of Virginia, the Code of Virginia, and
Virginia courts when addressing the assessment value of property. Virginia does not have a
statutory definition for fair market value. Instead, having evolved from its application in a series
of court cases over a number of years, fair market value is generally accepted to mean:
“The fair market value of property is the price which it will bring when it is offered for sale by
one who desires, but is not obliged, to sell it, and bought by one who is under no necessity of
having it”,
(See Tuckahoe Women's Club v. City of Richmond, 119 Va. 734, 101 S.E.2 d571 (1958))
The Assessing Officer develops estimates of fair market value that are the basis for assessment
equalization. Though not defined in Virginia law, fair market value is commonly viewed by the
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assessment community as the equitable market value of property, that is, Equity plus Market
Value equals Fair Market Value.
Price, Cost, and Value
The concepts of price, cost, and value should not be confused.
Price is the amount actually paid for a property in a particular transaction. Price is a historical
fact; it is not a prospective concept. The price paid is the amount a particular buyer has agreed to
pay and a particular seller has agreed to accept under the conditions surrounding their
Cost refers to production, not exchange. It is the expenditure required to produce property, such
as the cost of constructing a building. Cost can be a historical amount, a current amount, or a
prospective amount.
The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal defines value in a general sense as "the monetary worth
of a property, good, or service to buyers and sellers at a given time." In contrast to price, the
concept of value has a prospective aspect, in that the value at a given time reflects an anticipation
of benefits to be received in the future.
Market Value vs. Market Price
Market Value is an appraisal term that applies to a hypothetical concept, not an established fact.
Definitions of market value are recognized by different organizations, and can vary somewhat.
Most definitions include components for an estimated probable selling price, at a particular point
in time; assume a sale that occurs between informed parties acting for their own best interests,
and without duress. Other definition components may include:
Allowing adequate time to sell the property;
Proper exposure to the open market;
An “arm’s-length” transaction, i.e., one not involving love and affection or other non-
monetary consideration;
A sale transacted on typical terms with regard to financing and conditions of sale;
A value that reflects the property’s highest and best use
Market Price, on the other hand, is a fact. It is the actual number of dollars for which a property
has sold. The two terms do not mean nor do they necessarily represent the same thing. Because a
property sold at a particular price, does not mean that the sale price is its market value. The data
from a number of qualified sales are analyzed, together with other market value indicators, for an
estimate of market value, which may be more or less than a recent market price.
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The Assessing Officer is not expected to predict the actual selling price of specific properties.
Market value is the estimated probable selling price of a property at a particular point in time.
Simply stated, it can be viewed as the point around which market prices will tend to cluster.
Equalization and the Assessment Process
The primary goal of a reassessment is to establish property values that best assure a real estate
tax levy that is equitably borne by the property owners of the locality. In doing so, the Assessing
Officer must strive for an overall assessment level of 100% of fair market value.
For unique properties, an individual appraisal of a property may be performed. However, fair and
equitable assessments require utilizing accepted mass appraisal standards and techniques that are
applied uniformly, and are in accordance with state statutes and local ordinances. The
Commonwealth of Virginia recognizes and accepts procedures, rules, and standards as
prescribed by nationally recognized professional appraisal organizations such as the International
Association of Assessing Officers (IAAO).
Complete and Accurate Records
The assessment process begins with and relies on a complete and accurate file of all properties
within a jurisdiction, a Property Record File. This means that records have been created for each
parcel. Ideally, the records contain current, complete, and accurate descriptive information about
the land and the improvements to each parcel. This includes, among other things, data
concerning ownership, parcel location, physical characteristics, and use. If the property is
improved, the Assessing Officer must record all improvements; ascertain age, size, condition,
type, quality of construction, and other relevant characteristics. The Assessing Officer must work
with the best available data at any given point in the assessment cycle.
Though striving for the ideal, it must be understood that in many localities there is rarely the
opportunity to inspect the interiors of all properties being valued during the assessment cycle,
that data collected is subject to change without notice, and that file data can soon become
Mass Appraisal, Classification and Stratification
There are differences between the appraisal of a single property and mass appraisal used for real
estate assessments. When estimating value, the fee appraiser is typically limiting his analysis and
conclusion to a single property, or single type of property. Most property owners experience this
process when a fee or single property appraisal is made for their property, often in conjunction
with financing or refinancing.
When estimating the value of all properties within the jurisdictional boundaries of a locality, the
Assessing Officer develops value estimates for groups of similar properties utilizing mass
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appraisal techniques, which typically include the collection and statistical analysis of large
amounts of data. One technique employed is the classification and stratification of the properties.
In accordance with the Code of Virginia 58.1-208) and for assessment purposes, all real
property is classified. The classification identifies a group of similar properties as a property
type. The Department of Taxation has established seven broad classes of real estate for use by
Assessing Officers in Virginia.
Department of Taxation Property Class Codes
Class Name
Single-Family Urban
Single-Family Suburban
Multi-Family Residential
Commercial and Industrial
Agricultural or Undeveloped - 20 to 100 acres
Agricultural or Undeveloped - over 100 acres
Tax Exempt
Assessing Officers may subdivide the seven classes, as deemed necessary, for more specific and
accurate appraisal. Once classified, the properties within a classification are then stratified. A
class of properties may be stratified according to its characteristics, and the relationship of those
characteristics to market value. A property may be classified as 01 Single-Family Urban. It is
recognized that not all 01 Single-Family Urban properties will have the same characteristics.
The Assessing Officer may use a Construction ranking or grade, for example, Poor through
Excellent, A through E, or 1 through 5, to identify different strata within a classification, and
then will relate each stratum to a value level. With all properties in the jurisdiction properly
classified, and stratified, the Assessing Officer will collect and analyze market value indicators.
Market Value Indicators
Various forms of data that will provide market value indicators must be assembled in order to
develop reliable estimates of value. This includes data pertaining to local economic conditions,
planning and zoning regulations, and neighborhood boundaries. Additionally, current
construction cost data, income and expense data for rental properties, and recent qualified real
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estate sales must also be compiled. Sources of this information include public records, real estate
and construction professionals, property owners and physical inspections.
With the collection of market value indicators, the Assessing Officer can begin the process of
analysis, applying sound judgment, together with the best practices of the assessment field in
order to develop reliable estimates of market value.
Approaches to Value, Analysis, Modeling, and Model Calibration
The appraisal profession generally relies on three traditional approaches to an estimate of value.
These are the cost, sales comparison, and income capitalization approaches. All are based on
accepted economic principles.
Cost Approach: most suitable for new, unique, or special purpose properties, and is the cost to
construct a reproduction or suitable replacement of the improvements, less the accrued
depreciation, added to the value of the land to provide a total estimated value for the property.
The applicable economic principle is substitution; i.e., a prudent purchaser would not pay more
for a property than the cost of building a reproduction, replacement or suitable substitute for it.
Sales Comparison Approach: most suitable when there are sufficient sales. The sale prices are
analyzed, and adjustments are made to reflect any differences between the properties sold and
the property being valued. Again, the principle is that of substitution, i.e., a prudent buyer would
not pay more for a property than the price to purchase a similar property.
Income Capitalization Approach: is most suitable for commercial and multifamily income
producing properties. Rental income and operating expenses are analyzed and calculations made
for an estimate of what a property can earn for its owner. The net income to the owner is then
capitalized into an estimate of value. The economic principle governing this concept is
anticipation, that is, value equals the present worth of the future net benefits of ownership.
In the appraisal process, one approach may be more applicable to one property classification than
to another. When reconciling the various approaches an appraiser may select, or accord more
weight to the approach that is most applicable to the property type being valued.
Assessing Officers utilize verified market value indicators, statistical analysis, traditional
approaches to value, and property classifications and characteristics to construct Valuation
Models for various property classes and stratum. Although Models can vary and are generally
more complex, the example below illustrates a stratification level, and the Base Value for those
properties sharing the characteristics identified.
Valuation models provide a uniform basis for developing equitable assessment values, and can
be calibrated to reflect changing market conditions. Modeling also allows for adjustments to be
made for differences among the various properties within property classification strata. In our
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example, which would be developed from an analysis of market value indicators, a base Model
value of $100 per square foot of gross building area is estimated.
Assessment Model
Class Description Strata
01 Single-Family Urban Average 15 years 1500 3 1.5 $100/SF
Adjustments and Market Value Estimates
Analysis is also performed to develop value estimates for adjustments that may be applied to the
base values. Characteristics such as a garage or extra bathrooms would likely result in added
value or positive adjustments to the base value. Characteristics such as fewer bedrooms or an
irregular shaped lot may result in reduced value or negative adjustments to the base value. Some
characteristics, such as a significant size or age variation, may result in a positive or negative
adjustment. With the application of the adjustments to the base value, the assessment values for
individual properties can be estimated.
Adjustment Grid: 01- Single-Family Urban
Strata SF
# 1 01
(two full
(size of
# 2 01
(two full
# 3 01
(two full
(size of
(age of
25 yrs)
We see from our illustration above that even though multiple properties can be in the same
stratum of a specific classification, their values can, and often do differ. What is important is
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that properties were properly described, classified, stratified, and the values were developed in a
uniform and equitable manner.
In recent years, more and more localities are relying on computerized assessment systems.
Property data is updated, stored, statistical computations are performed, and calibrations are
made to Valuation Models based on current market information. When managed properly by
knowledgeable appraisal professionals, the computer-based assessment system will perform
calculations that result in uniform and equitable fair market value assessments.
Indexing or Trending
There may be times when data is not available in sufficient quantity or quality for some property
groups, be it a geographical area or a property type. This can occur in localities having short
reassessment cycles, a variety of property types, and/or a number of unique properties. In order
to establish overall equity in the locality, Assessing Officers may rely on indexing, or trending
values based on changes in broader segments of the local market. The Assessing Officer will
attempt to relate value changes in property groups similar to the group lacking sufficient data.
For example, the Assessing Officer finds that there is insufficient data to develop new values for
Property Group-A. However, for Property Group-B, which has similar characteristics to Group-
A and sufficient data for traditional valuation methods, it is determined that values have dropped
3%. In the absence of other reliable data, the Assessing Officer would have a supportable basis
for value adjustments to Property Group-A based on overall changes in the similar Property
Consistent, Supportable and Explainable
There are various acceptable techniques for developing assessment values. Practice of the
appraisal profession with any degree of confidence requires experience and study (which the
appraiser should continue throughout his career). The indispensable ingredient is good, impartial
judgment. The goal of the Assessing Officer is the unbiased development of fair and equitable
assessment values. What is required of any Assessing Officer is that assessment values be
consistent, supportable, explainable, and of course, reliable. Assistance with particular valuation
questions is available from the local professional staff or from the Department of Taxation
Property Tax Section.