Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1
Purpose of this policy ......................................................................................... 1
Policy statement .................................................................................................2
Policy governance ...............................................................................................2
Policy principles ..................................................................................................3
Dening zones for outdoor dining and trading ........................................... 4
Application of policy ..........................................................................................5
Eligible locations ................................................................................................ 6
Permitted uses, fees and renewal ..................................................................10
Design, operation, maintenance, and compliance ..................................... 13
Encroachment into the pedestrian zone ...................................................... 15
Outdoor dining/trading within the nature strip /
back-of-kerb zone (footpath) .........................................................................16
Outdoor dining/trading within on street parking,
laneway and roads (Parklets) ......................................................................... 17
Clearance and access – all zones.................................................................... 18
Attachment 1: Other relevant legislation ..................................................... 21
Attachment 2: Other relevant Council policies .......................................... 22
Attachment 3: Darebin retail centres .......................................................... 23
Attachment 4: Denitions .............................................................................. 25
Outdoor dining plays an
important role in activating
public space for commercial
benet to local business and
in return they help foster
vibrant public spaces, streets
and local activity centres for
the local community to enjoy.
As our city continues to densify, these
spaces become our everyday outdoor
meeting spaces for social gatherings, help
to create a sense of identity and place,
and make our centres more interesting
Darebin encourages local businesses to
help activate our city with outdoor dining
and footpath trading on footpaths,
nature-strips and road-spaces, ensuring
that its done in a balanced way, with
safety and accessibility at the forefront.
The purpose of the Darebin
Outdoor Dining and Trading Policy
(the Policy) is to:
Ensure that the objectives of Council’s
LocalLaws No 1 are achieved in administering
this Policy.
Give effect to the relevant provisions of the
legislation outlined in Attachment 1 and the
applicable parts of other Council policies
inAttachment 2.
Provide clear and simple guidance to assist
businesses with their applications to establish
new or extend existing outdoor dining and
trading areas.
Provide Council with a clear decision-making
framework for the evaluation of applications
and the enforcement of Outdoor Dining and
Footpath Trading permits.
Provide a framework for Council’s guiding
principles on activating public footpaths
and roadways for commercial purposes
and for the broader community benet
while maintaining a balance between the
safe passage for pedestrians and vehicles
throughthese shared spaces.
Support trialling short term commercial use
of on-street parking bays or road space,
which could inform longer-term public
space priorities, projects, and investment
Outdoor Dining and Trading Draft Policy 2024
The Policy will ensure that
Outdoor Dining and Trading
inDarebin will:
Enhance the safety and vibrancy of
the publicrealm and encourage more
pedestrians and visitors to the areas,
beneting the broader business precinct.
Encourage more foot trafc and
ongoing support for local businesses
Spread activation onto the street
encouraging people to pause, sit, linger,
engage and gather along the street edge,
blending public space with the private
realmin commercial centres.
Be designed in a way that reects local
place and identity, minimises street clutter,
creates a safe environment for all users and
providesdignied access for all members
ofthe community to use and enjoy.
Be implemented ensuring a good balance
between the public and privatisation of
publicspace is achieved.
Facilitate partnerships with local businesses
to help activate our retail precincts.
Council’s Business Development
Unit are the custodians of this
Policy, holding responsibility for
the implementation, education,
and monitoring.
Council’s Local Laws unit are responsible for
ensuring compliance of this policy in accordance
with Darebin Local Laws.
This Policy is to be formally reviewed every
5years. Council may, at its discretion, review
Darebin City Council
The following principles have
beendeveloped to provide
guidance for successful
Outdoor Dining and Footpath
Trading applications. All permit
applications should respond
tothefollowing principles:
Safe and Welcoming
Outdoor dining and trade proposals must
be designed with safety in mind. Darebin’s
streets are to remain welcoming and accessible
for users of all abilities, without obstacles or
hazards for walkers and wheelers. Safety and
perception of safety is essential for a successful
and enjoyable public realm. Outdoor dining
and trading areas must be and feel safe to use
Applicants must consider the safety of all
publicrealm users and how they will use,
perceive, interact with, and be impacted by
outdoor dining and footpath trading. This
includes the arrangement, design and location
of street and business furniture, structural
integrity of proposed furniture. services
and equipment, opportunities for passive
surveillance, access and conicts between
pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles.
Equitable and Accessible
Outdoor dining and trade proposals facilitate
safe, functional, active, and inclusive public
streets and spaces.
Applications must meet the access needs of
all public space users and modes of transport
to ensure their passage is convenient, safe,
equitable and efcient. All proposals can be
accessed, used, and enjoyed by people of all
ages and abilities. They also prioritise access
for active modes of transport like walking and
cycling overmotorvehicles.
Attractive and Enjoyable
The design and appearance of outdoor dining
and trade should positively contribute to the
public realm experience and entice people to
uses these spaces.
Proposals should consider and respond
appropriately to the surrounding context
and preferred character of the area through
considered use of material, colour, planting
and furniture selection. Outdoor dining should
be considered as part of the street design and
incorporate and enhance existing features
suchas trees and verandas.
Outdoor dining approaches and furniture
should be of high quality and design and make
a positive contribution to the street experience.
Interesting and innovative approaches which
are built for purpose are encouraged. Proposals
which are well designed and maintained are
essential in providing comfortable spaces
for people to enjoy, sit and linger without
Resilient, Sustainable
Furniture and materials used for outdoor dining
and trade should be robust, weather resistant
and easy to maintain, aligning with the Design
The use of locally sourced materials which aligns
with Councils Environmental Sustainable Design
(ESD) principles is strongly recommended.
Businesses need to ensure outdoor trading
spaces are maintained regularly, with furniture
to be stored inside building when the business is
not operating.
Outdoor Dining and Trading Draft Policy 2024
The publicly owned areas in
front of shops and businesses
are commonly referred to as
Footpaths’ and ‘Nature Strips’, and
these abut publicly owned roads.
There are many competing demands for
these public areas which often contain trees
and landscaping, artwork, street furniture
(bins, water fountains, benches, etc.), public
infrastructure (bus stops, power and lighting
poles, inspection pits, etc.) in addition to
being spaces that provide access to shops,
businesses and homes. All of these services
and infrastructure may prohibit or limit
opportunitiesfor outdoor dining and trading.
While outdoor dining and trading will help
activate and positively contribute to the
vibrancy and activation of our retail centres
and support local businesses, these benets
need to be balanced against the need to
maintain clear and unobstructed access for
pedestrians walking along the footpath, as well
as pedestrian access from parked vehicles to
the footpatharea.
The footpath can be dened by four zones
thatgovern its use, and can be identied as:
Pedestrian Zone.
Nature Strip or Back-of-Kerb Zones
Kerbside Zone.
Parking Spaces or Road Space.
Parklet Trading Scenarios
Dening Zones for Outdoor Dining and Trading
Darebin City Council
As required under the Darebin
General Local Law No. 1 a permit
is required for the following:
A temporary advertising sign up to 1.5square
metres in size on a road or Councilland.
Undertaking a commercial use or activity
ona road or Council land to:
a. provide outdoor dining areas where
suchause is not regulated by the
PlanningScheme; or
b. sell goods or services, display goods for
sale or hold occasional sales of goods.
This Policy applies to businesses and community
non-for prot groups who wish to use publicly
owned footpaths, nature strips, road reserve,
on-street parking, and laneways for commercial
purposes, as well as the erection of the following
temporary or xed infrastructure:
Furniture (chairs and tables).
Outdoor heaters.
Temporary signage
(A-Frames and pointer boards).
Outdoor structures
(i.e., pergolas, overhead structures).
Outdoor displays.
Planter boxes.
Power, lighting and speakers.
Café screens.
Windproof ashtrays.
Blinds, weather blind anchors and awnings.
Parklet infrastructure.
Outdoor Dining and Trading Draft Policy 2024
This Policy distinguishes between the following
classes of applications:
Temporary advertising signs, including
Temporary display of goods including
displaycases and clothing racks.
Temporary outdoor dining generally within
the Nature Strip and/or Back-of-Kerb Zone
Temporary outdoor dining within a Parking
Space, Road Zone or Laneway (Parklets).
Temporary and Fixed Café Screens.
Temporary and Fixed (in ground) Umbrellas.
Under the Tobacco Act 1987, smoking is banned
in outdoor dining areas from 1 August 2017.
ThisPolicy reinforces this legislation.
The following criteria will be applied to
theassessment of applications for outdoor
dining and trading in the footpath and
associated public areas. Each element
ofthis policy contains:
Objectives: An objective describes
thedesired outcome to be achieved.
Standards: A standard contains the
requirements to meet the objective.
- A standard should normally be met.
However, if Council is satised that
an application for an alternative
design solution meets the objective,
the alternative design solution may
be considered.
Decision guidelines:The decision
guidelines set out the matters that
Council will consider before deciding
ifan application meets the objectives.
The easiest and quickest path to approval
for outdoor dining and trading is compliance
with the dened Standards. Alternative
approaches are possible but require assessment
Outdoor dining and trade have
many potential benets for local
retail areas – for both businesses
and residents.
This includes enhancing perceptions and feelings
of safety, increasing the vibrancy, attractiveness
and excitement of retail areas, providing
more entertainment and social interaction
opportunities for residents and encouraging
more visitors and economic activity.
But these benets need to be balanced
against the other community demands and
expectations, including amenity impacts in
residential areas, trafc impacts and access to
parking and the need to ensure the continuing
orderly operation of retail areas.
Proposed outdoor dining and trading proposals
should achieve the following objectives through
their location in appropriate areas and sites:
To enhance the vibrancy, attractiveness,
and excitement of retail areas through
To protect the amenity of residential
areas from encroachment from
To enable a direct extension of trade from
anexisting ground oor business into the
public realm adjoining the business.
To ensure the views of adjoining ground
oorbusinesses are considered in the
assessment of outdoor dining and trade
applications located in front of their premises.
To provide exibility to consider alternative
uses of the public realm outside of normal
operating hours.
To protect the function of State Arterial
roads and the operation of the tram and
To minimise potential impacts to on-street
parking and to ensure an appropriate balance
of outcomes within each activity centre.
Darebin City Council
All applications for outdoor dining and/or
trade must meet the following standards,
unless Council is satised that an alternative
design solution/approach can meet the
Outdoor dining and trade within the public
realm will only be supported for businesses
that are operating on the street level of an
abutting/adjacent premise.
Applications for
Outdoor Dining on
Footpaths, Parklets and Road Space
beconsidered in the following locations:
- All Major and Neighbourhood retail
centres and commercial areas of the
municipality, as dened by commercial
zones and similar zones that enable
arange of commercial activities in the
Darebin Planning Scheme. (Refer to
Attachment 3 for a map of all retail
centres in Darebin).
- Some residential zoned areas adjoining/
adjacent larger commercial areas (subject
to assessment.
Applications for
Parklets are prohibited
inthefollowing locations:
- Within 10m from an intersection
(measured from the building line).
- Within 20m of a signalised intersection
onthe approach side.
- Within 20m from a tram stop ag (sign)
onthe approach side.
- Within 20m of the departure side of
a signalised intersection, applications
will be considered on a case-by-case
basis. Due to safety reasons and vehicle
access requirements, locations with the
followingelements are not suitable.
- In dedicated car-spaces for delivery/
loading, essential and emergency
vehicleaccess and parking.
- In clearway zones.
- In accessible and car share* parking spaces.
*Carshare spaces may be considered on a case-
by-case basis. Any relocation costs of the car
share space will be at the applicant’s expense.
To minimise potential impacts to the
availability of on-street parking, an ideal
minimum- maximum number of Parklets
has been calculated for the Reservoir,
Northcote Central and Faireld commercial
. Thefollowing upper limits have been
calculated with reference to:
- The total number of available on-street
and off-street carparks servicing each
- Public transport connections.
- Footpath widths.
- Safe and protected bike infrastructure.
Reservoir –
Edwardes Street
Reservoir –
zoned land in
Station Street,
Wingrove Street
and Railway
Despite the above limits, balancing the
need for on-street parking, economic and
social impacts will need to be considered
No maximum limits apply to retail centres
outside above table, but rather decisions
will be made on a centre-by-centre basis,
balancing the need for on-street parking
against the benets arising from outdoor
dining. This will include major retail centres
such as Thornbury Village, Preston Central
and Westgarth as clearways are in place
for these centres, reducing the centre’s
capacityto house Parklets.
Outdoor Dining and Trading Draft Policy 2024
Notication Requirements
Outdoor dining and trade applications should
be fully contained within the public realm area
that directly aligns with the shopfront of the
applying for the permit. For these
- Notication to adjoining or nearby
property owners/occupiers is required.
Consent from adjoining businesses
will not be sought through this
- They will remain subject to a positive
assessment against the criteria within
Applications can be made to
occupy unused
footpath space and/or car spaces in front
of immediately neighbouring properties
Forthese applications:
- Council will give written notice to the
owners and occupiers of the adjoining
property of the proposed application.
Thisapplies to neighbouring premises
on street level only, not residents or
businesses located directly or indirectly
above the business in question.
- Notied parties will have a minimum two
(2) week period to make a submission
before a Council decision is made.
- Council will consider any submissions/
concerns received as part of its
assessment of the application for a permit.
- The applicant will pay an additional fee
to cover the cost of notication and
assessment of submissions.
- They will remain subject to a positive
assessment against the criteria within
An application can be made to
occupy a laneway or road for outdoor dining
and/or trade
. For these applications:
Council will give written notice to the owners
and occupiers of the adjoining property of
the proposed application. This applies to
neighbouring residents or businesses directly
impact by the road closure and will be
determine by ofcers.
Council will give written notice to Department
of Planning and Transport and any relevant
public transport service providers.
Notied parties will have a minimum two (2)
week period to make a submission before a
Council decision is made.
Council will consider any submissions/
concerns received as part of its assessment
of the application for a permit.
The applicant will pay an additional fee to
cover the cost of notication and assessment
of submissions.
They will remain subject to a positive
assessment against the criteria within
Decision Guidelines
In making a decision on an application,
Councilwill consider (as appropriate):
The orderly planning of the area.
Local context and amenity.
Urban design outcome and overall
contribution to the street.
Trafc and safety impacts, including the
outcomes of a Road Safety Audit if required.
The adequacy of loading and unloading
facilities and any associated amenity,
trafcow and road safety impacts.
For applications in
residential zoned areas
adjoining/adjacent larger commercial areas
the protection of residential amenity is of
high importance. In determining whether
to allow outdoor dining and trade, the
followingwill be considered:
- The primary, overall balance of land
use in the immediate area (i.e., does the
area have a mix of uses, or is it primarily
- The extent of any negative externalities
and impacts likely to be generated by
theproposed activity.
Parklet applications in all retail centres.
- Views of the Transport unit on the
proposed location to understand its impact
on safety and transport considerations.
- Views of the Councils Drainage Engineer
for proposals in areas subject to ooding.
- Locations where major streetscape works
are scheduled.
- View of Department of Transport
andYarra Trams where appropriate.
Darebin City Council
In determining how many Parklets will be
allowed in all centres consideration will be
given to the following:
- The total number of available on-street and
off-street carparks servicing each centre.
- Public transport connections.
- Footpath widths.
- Safe and protected bike infrastructure.
- Whether the number of existing Parklets
has caused negative impacts on the
operation of the local retail centre.
- The turnover of carparking in the centre,
(occupancy rates).
- Business mix of the local centre (consider the
percentage of hospitality vs non-hospitality).
- Ability to share Parklets between
businesses (e.g. day and night businesses).
For applications to
occupy unused
footpath space and/or car spaces in front
of immediately neighbouring properties
the following matters will be considered
(inaddition to rest of this policy):
- The views of the adjoining parties as
expressed in any submission received.
- The nature and operating requirements
ofthe neighbouring business/property.
- The extent of the encroachment
into the public realm in-front of the
- The proposed operating hours of the
proposed outdoor dining and/or trade,
as compared to operating hours of the
neighbouring business/property.
- Any potential impact on trade or operation
of the adjoining business/property.
- Any other matters deemed relevant
For Applications which seek to temporarily
occupy a laneway or
road the following
matters will be considered (in addition to
restof this policy):
- Impact of the proposal of the local
movement network.
- The ndings of a Trafc Management
Planand Trafc Study to be submitted
bythe applicant.
- View of Department of Planning and
Transport and any public transport
provider. The views of the adjoining parties
as expressed in any submission received.
Outdoor Dining and Trading Draft Policy 2024
Outdoor dining and trade are the
temporary uses of public space
and are not intended to privatise
the public realm. It enables
businesses and community
groups who wish to use publicly
owned footpaths, nature strips,
road reserve, on-street parking
and roadspace to do so for
commercial or public benet.
Anyproposal which fully encloses
outdoor dining or creates visual
and physical privatisation of the
public realm will generally not
Operators and customers can make use of these
public spaces but do not have exclusive rights
over the occupancy of the area. Outdoor dining
is supplementary to the business’ internal trade
and seating. Businesses should not be reliant
on outdoor dining. Additional infrastructure to
support outdoor dining should be temporary, so
that the area can be reinstated as public space
in both appearance and function.
Permits are issued with the intent of balancing
the needs of all users of the public realm in
retail areas. While outdoor dining and trade
has broader benets to the general public,
they also generate nancial benets for private
individuals. To this end, fees for permits and
renewal seek to cover the cost of administration
of this policy and realise a reasonable return
to the citizens of Darebin through the use of
The assessment of applications for permits
foroutdoor dining and/or trade should achieve
the following objectives:
To enable the temporary occupation of
publicly owned land for private commercial
activities and community uses via a local
To distinguish between initial ‘establishment
permits, and renewal permits.
To provide longer term certainty for some
forms of outdoor dining and trade in
recognition of the increased investment
associated with their establishment.
To recoup the costs of implementing this
policy to minimise the nancial impact on
Darebin ratepayers.
To ensure that some of the nancial benets
accruing to private businesses from the
commercial occupation of public land is
returned to the Darebin community.
To apply a fee structure based on a xed
percentage of commercial rents for different
commercial areas.
To provide a differential fee structure to
encourage the proliferation of outdoor dining
in lower order activity and retail centres.
All applications for outdoor dining and/or trade
must meet the following standards, unless
Council is satised that an alternative design
solution/approach can meet the objectives of
this policy:
The following types of permits are available
for the following durations:
- Annual permits, issued for up to
Permits for Parklets may be issued for:
- Seasonal permits, issued for up to 6
months (between 1 November – 30 April)
- A period up to 2 years.
Applications for permits must be
accompanied by the following applicable
prescribed fees:
- A at annual fee for the erection
ofsignage (A-frames and similar)
- A at annual fee for the display of a goods
calculated by reference to the method and
area of display.
Darebin City Council
- A at fee for the assessment of new
applications for outdoor dining and
- An annual fee for outdoor dining.
- The rst-year value of a two-year permit
for a parklet, with a subsequent payment
for the remaining value 12 months later.
- An upfront transfer of ownership fee.
- Notication of Application to adjoining
The calculation and updating of fees will
be undertaken annually as part of Council’s
budget process.
Fees and Charges
Fees and Charges will be determined by Council
at the start of each nancial year in accordance
with the published Fees and Charges schedule.
Fees will be calculated as follows:
Outdoor dining on footpaths will be
calculated on a square metre rate at
the following percentages for different
- a rate of 30 % of the annual average
retailrents for the centre.
Outdoor dining on nature strips and in
road spaces (Parklets)
will be calculated
on a square metre rate at the following
percentages for different business precincts:
- a rate of 50% of the annual average
retailrents in Primary areas.
- a rate of 40% of the annual average
retailrents in Secondary area.
- a rate of 20% of the annual average retail
rents in Revitalisation areas (or a standard
applicable rate as calculated by Council).
Remove fees and charges for individual
items proposed in the outdoor trading area.
Thisdoes not apply for businesses who wish
to only display an ‘A-Frame’ sign or Display
Additional fees for xed structures will be
calculated as follows:
- A per linear metre for xed café screens,
plus an upfront footpath reinstatement
- A per item fee for inground umbrellas, plus
an upfront footpath reinstatement fee.
Footpath reinstatement fees will be determined
at the start of each nancial year as part of
Councils annual Fees and Charges, and will
becharged at the following rate:
Fixed café screens will be charged at 25%
the ‘Footpath Replacement ‘rate, plus an
inspection fee charge.
In-ground umbrellas will be charged at 100%
of the ‘Footpath Replacement rate’ rate, plus
an inspection fee charge.
Applicable permit fees are paid annually by
the permit holder and are non-refundable.
Permits may be renewed the following
periods, following which a new application
and assessment will need to be made
(andsubject to an assessment fee):
- Signage permits; display racks/cases,
and outdoor dining permits (excluding
Parklets): initial permit + 2 renewals
(foratotal of 3 years). (TBC)
- Parklets: initial permit + 1 renewal
(foratotal of 4 years). (TBC)
Permit renewals may not be granted if:
- Non -payment of fees.
- Businesses breaches conditions of permit.
- For parklet applications, Council
streetscape works are scheduled in area.
- For parklets applications, there is a waiting
list of parklet requests in your precinct.
- There have been recorded incidents
of non-compliance or enforcement
Permit holders will be notied at the end of
the permit period on how to renew each year.
Permit renewal requests will require a site
inspection and rectication of any permit
Permit renewal notices will be issued to
permit holders before end of July each year.
Permit renewals will only be issued upon
receipt of all required information, including
current Public Liability Insurance and any
applicable fees.
If a permit is not renewed before expiry,
anew application will be required.
Permit fees are not refundable should
the business no longer wishes to proceed
Permit holders can apply to amend the
outdoor dining and footpath trading permit
at any time. An amendment fee is payable
forofcer assessment and liaison.
Outdoor Dining and Trading Draft Policy 2024
Permit transfer
A permit applies only to the premises for
which it is issued and is not transferable
from one premises to another on the
sale or transfer of ownership. There is no
legal attachment to the sale or transfer
ofownership of a business.
To ensure a permit remains valid, the new
proprietor must apply to transfer the
ownership of the existing permit within
28days and ensure that the current permit
complies with the Outdoor Dining and
Footpath Trading Guidelines.
Council reserves the right to reassess
and amend permit conditions to ensure
compliance with the Outdoor Dining and
Footpath Trading Guidelines.
It is the responsibility of the existing
proprietor to include the balance of
any remaining permit fees in the sale of
An upfront transfer of ownership fee is
required for ofcer assessment and liaison.
Decision Guidelines
In making a decision on an application,
Councilwill consider (as appropriate):
Providing a 50% discount on parklet fees
for the rst year, in any retail area where
aparklet has yet to be established.
Providing discounts in fees in locations
affected by major works (ie Rail or Tram
upgrades) in the immediate area to
assistthrough a period of interrupted
trade.Discounts would be applied on
acase-by-case basis.
For the purposes of the calculation of fees,
the following retail areas are categorised
All other
To be
determined by
Council at the
start of each
nancial year
Refer to Attachment 3 for a map of all retail
centres in Darebin.
Darebin City Council
Darebins streets and retail areas
are high quality public spaces,
providing opportunities for rest
and shade and are layered with
playful and quirky streetscape
furniture and public art reecting
of the local place and community
supporting them.
Outdoor dining is intended to be outdoors and
should look and feel as such. Environmental and
weather conditions should be accommodated
without the addition of infrastructure that
encloses the space. Outdoor dining and trade has
the potential to create risks to the public through
trips and falls. These need to be managed by
applicants through the careful siting of displays
and furniture, through considered design of any
structures (such as parklet platforms), signage
and regular maintenance, and inspection. Despite
these measures, accidents can continue to
happen and for this reason it is mandatory that
activities in the public realm are insured.
The following objectives should be achieved for
proposed outdoor dining and trading proposals:
To have safety and accessible at the core
ofall design proposals.
To minimise street clutter and an
To require structures and spaces to be
designed in a high quality and ‘playful’
waythat reects local place and identity.
To clearly establish a range of safety and
compliance expectations for proponents.
To require applicants to hold public
To provide a standard ‘off-the-shelf’ set of
engineering designs for Parklets structures.
To ensure sustainability measures are
considered in the design of all outdoor
diningand footpath trading proposals.
All applications for outdoor dining and/or trade
must meet the following standards, unless Council
is satised that an alternative design solution/
approach can meet the above objectives:
Outdoor dining and trade applications cannot
not operate before 7am and after 10pm,
in accordance with the EPA regulations.
Allfurniture should be removed and stored
by the permit holder within their premises
during these hours.
Business operators must ensure all relevant
legislation, permits, licences, leases, local laws
are always complied with, including obtaining
planning and building permits where necessary.
All approved permit holders must have Public
Liability Insurance to the minimum amount
required by Council and indemnify the Darebin
City Council from any claim or demand arising
from, or in relation to any act, omission,
damage, loss, charge, liability, outgoing,
payment, expense or cost. The permit holder
is responsible for managing risks associated
with the activity at its permitted location/site.
Permit holders must operate with caution
orcancel activities due to:
- Extreme weather.
- Safety concerns.
- Identied risks.
- Unsafe practices.
Permit holders are required to adhere to the
conditions outlined in the approved permit.
If there is a failure to comply with these
conditions, the Council reserves the right to
undertake necessary actions without prior
notice, with the associated expenses being
borne by the permit holder.
Permit holders will be responsible for addressing
any identied potential risks, hazards, or
incidents related to the asset or infrastructure
put in place under the approved permit.
The permit holder should ensure that the
installed asset/infrastructure is maintained to
the satisfaction of the Council. Defects/risks
associated with installed asset/infrastructure will
be reported to the permit holder with a request
to rectify the defect/risk. The Council retains
the authority to take appropriate measures
tomitigate the identied risks if required.
Building approval (where appropriate) and
Engineering certication for the parklet
structure and xed café screens are provided.
Outdoor Dining and Trading Draft Policy 2024
Permit Compliance
All permit holders must comply with Council’s
Local Law and the Outdoor Dining and
Parklet Guidelines.
Council must investigate any complaints
received. These are investigated by the
Local Laws unit and any identied matters
addressed with the permit holder.
Council reserves the right to amend or cancel
a Business Parklet permit in accordance with
the Local Law.
Once a permit has expired or cancelled, all
third-party assets must be removed within
seven days by the permit holder.
If Council proposes to amend or cancel a
permit the permit holder would have an
opportunity to make a submission to the
Permit Appeals Process on whether the
amendment/cancellation should occur.
Local Laws authorised ofcers may issue:
- A written or verbal warning on behalf of
Council to a business or Business Parklet
permit holder who is breaching permit
conditions or operating without a permit.
- A Notice to Comply if the warning has
been ignored.
- A Penalty Infringement notice.
A Penalty Infringement Notice will result in
the cancellation of the permit and restrict
eligibility to obtain another permit for a
minimum of twelve (12) months from the
datethe permit is cancelled.
Permit Appeals Process
A permit applicant seeking a review of an
ofcer decision must provide a submission
within 28 days of the date a decision,
including all information to be taken into
consideration. Submissions must be emailed
to business@darebin.vic.gov.au
A decision review will be considered by the
Outdoor Dining Permit Panel, consisting of
three senior Council ofcers, using this Policy
and the Design Guidelines and any other
matter deemed relevant.
The permit applicant will be notied of the
outcome of the decision review within a
14day period.
Decision Guidelines
In making a decision on an application,
Councilwill consider (as appropriate):
The degree to which any furniture or
structures negatively impacts programmed
maintenance and street cleansing.
Whether the proposed parklet utilises the
standard engineering design endorsed by
theDarebin City Council.
The degree to which the proposed outdoor
dining structure (parklet) complies with the
Darebin Parklet Guidelines.
For applications where Local Law ofcer
have issue warnings, consideration will be
given to:
- Conditions of the permit.
- Local Law 1, this Policy and Design
- Safety, accessibility, and obstruction
of the Pedestrian Zone.
For applications being reviewed in the
Permit Appeals Process’ , application of this
Policy, Design guidelines and other relevant
information provided by the applicant will
Darebin City Council
The primary purpose of the
pedestrian zone is to provide an
unobstructed pedestrian footpath
corridor not less than 1.8 metres in
width and measured between the
property line and nearest object
such as table or chairs within the
trading zone. It is to ensure that
a continuous and accessible path
of travel, no furniture, signage or
displays of goods are permitted
within the pedestrian zone at
This requires consideration of Disability
Discrimination Act (DDA) requirements to
ensure people of all abilities enjoy equal access
to Darebin’s retail areas.
In general, the Pedestrian Zone extends a
minimum of 1.8m from the property boundary
to the potential Trading Zone. Council will
consider a reduction of the footpath width
to 1.5m where a narrow footpaths exist
(as identied in Appendix 3) following a
case-by-case assessment.
The following objectives should be achieved for
proposed outdoor dining and trading proposals
within the pedestrian zone:
To balance the use of footpath space.
To create a safe environment for all users.
To minimises street clutter.
For streets greater than 3.5m in width,
aminimum width of 1.8m is achieved for
thepedestrian zone.
For streets narrower than 3.5m in width,
aminimum 1.5m is achieved for the
pedestrian zone.
Decision Guidelines
DDA access requirements are met.
Clearances from existing streetscape
infrastructure is met.
Continuous and accessible path of travel is
maintained in the pedestrian zone at all times.
Outdoor Dining and Trading Draft Policy 2024
The primary purpose of the
Footpath and Nature Strips
are toprovide clear pedestrian
accessand house public
amenitiesand infrastructure
including street furniture, street
trees, landscaping, infrastructure
The Kerb Zone is the area between the face of
the kerb and the Trading Zone. It is in place to
provide clearance for parked vehicles allowing
passengers to alight without obstruction.
The Trading Zone on the footpath includes
the remaining area of the footpath between
the Pedestrian Zone and the Kerb Zone. It is
the only section of the footpath which may be
used for commercial activity in accordance
The following objectives should be achieved
forproposed outdoor dining in Nature Strip
andFootpath spaces:
To support outdoor dining and trade in
Darebin’s retail centres.
To provide safe and accessible streets.
To provide accessible outdoor dining
spacesin footpath and natures tips.
To provide high quality design that positively
contributes to the local character.
To help activate streets and the perception
To ensure that public amenities such as
bins and seats are provided within the retail
centres, servicing the broader community.
For ALL outdoor dining and trade
applications on existing footpaths
andnature strips.
- All Clearances from streetscape
infrastructure are satised as outlined
insection 14.
- Existing street trees are to be retained
- Clear and accessible pedestrian paths
oftravel are retained to a width of 1.8m
outdoor dining and trade applications
which seek to expand into nature strips,
- DDA compliant surface is proposed for
thesubject area, whilst still meeting
Council ESD principles.
- Applications which seek to convert nature
strip to outdoor dining space, replaces the
access zone’ with a 500mm landscape/
vegetated buffer to the road and/or plant
a new street tree. This is a mandatory
requirement for large corner sites, with
nooverhead restrictions.
- All existing street trees are protected
witha 1m offset in place from all
- Road Safety Audit is undertaken for
applications to repurpose nature strips
foroutdoor dining.
- Applications which seek to remove nature
strip are located in locations where future
streetscape improvements are planned
- Clear and accessible pedestrian paths
oftravel are retained to a width of 1.8m
onthe adjacent footpath
- Accessible paths of travel are provided
within the proposed space.
Darebin City Council
Decision Guidelines
Application for outdoor dining and trade
applications on existing footpaths
- DDA access requirements are met.
- Clearances from existing streetscape
infrastructure is met.
- Continuous and accessible path of travel
is maintained in the pedestrian zone at
- The proposal is a high-quality design,
responding to local place.
Applications to
expand commercial activity
into nature strips
will be considered on a
case-by-case basis due to the complexity
ofcity streets, speed limits, trafc
conditions, accessibility and associated
Consideration will be given to any adopted
streetscape masterplans or improvement
plans for the retail area, or proposed street
tree planting (aligning with the Darebin
Urban Forest Strategy) where applications to
expand commercial activity into nature strips.
Works may be required to be undertaken
atthe expense of the businesses to ensure a
safe and accessible Trading Zone is achieved
(ie providing a DDA compliant surface).
Council expects the remediation of the site
back to its original condition if outdoor
trading is discontinued (unless a nominated
project in a Master plan).
If Council works are scheduled in the area.
The views of Councils Parks and Tree
Results of a Dial Before You Dig submitted
bythe applicant.
The Trading Zone may occupy
the on-street parking in-front of
a business, laneway and roads
and is commonly referred to as
Parklets’. Council will support
applications for Parklets where
itis safe to doso.
The following objectives should be achieved for
proposed outdoor dining in Parking Space and
Road Space:
To support repurposing of on-street parking
for outdoor dining in activity centres
To provide accessible outdoor dining spaces
in Parklets.
To increase ‘greening’ of retail centres.
To provide high quality design that positively
contributes to the local character.
To help activate streets and the perception
To test public appetite for permanent
streetscape improvements.
Outdoor Dining and Trading Draft Policy 2024
For applications with Darebin’s Major
ActivityCentre, the parklet quotas are met.
The Outdoor Dining and Trade Design
Guidelines – which focus on section 2 in
relation to Parklets.
For applications on key Tram Corridors,
compliance with the Yarra Trams Parklet
For application on State Arterial Road,
compliance with Department of Transport
and Planning (DTP) Parklet guidelines.
Decision Guidelines
Applications must consider the safety of
allpublic realm users and how they will use,
perceive, interact with and be impacted
by Parklet. This includes the arrangement,
design and location of street and business
furniture, structural integrity of proposed
furniture. services and equipment,
opportunities for passive surveillance,
accessand conicts between pedestrians,
cyclists and vehicles.
The recommendations of a Road Safety
Auditsubmitted by the applicant.
Advice from Councils drainage Engineer
should the parklet be in an area subject
Advice from DTP or Yarra Trams, should the
parklet be located on a State arterial road
ortram corridor.
Consideration will be given to any adopted
streetscape masterplans or improvement
plans for the retail area, or proposed street
tree planting (aligning with the Darebin
Urban Forest Strategy) where applications
to expand commercial activity into laneways
and local roads.
Darebin Council is committed to
providing street furniture that is
accessible, safe and comfortable.
The provision of public seating gives people the
opportunity to rest and take time out. Public
seating also provides a place for people to
pause along busy walking routes and creates
informal meeting places.
Well maintained public places improve
the perception of how safe a place is and
support the public’s desire to occupy and use
Footpath trading must not compromise the
ability for the general public to access street
furniture or public infrastructure.
The following objectives should be achieved for
proposed outdoor dining and trading proposals
in all four trading zones:
To facilitate pedestrian access to the kerb
and road from the footpath and entries to
shops/ businesses.
To ensure access to street furniture and
to ensure it can continue to be used and
To minimise street clutter.
To create a safe environment for all users
andavoid the creation of trip hazards.
To provide dignied access for all members
of the community to public areas in
To balance the benets of outdoor dining
and trading against the needs of different
communities for safe, dignied access to
commercial areas and civic infrastructure.
Darebin City Council
The following setbacks from public infrastructure should be achieved.
Setback of footpath trading items from public
infrastructure including:
Public seating.
Bike hoops.
Fire hydrants.
Waynding signage / centre signage.
Bus stop shelters.*
Post box.
Setback from the public infrastructure:
Service pits (underground infrastructure).
Street trees and tree pit edge.
Planters installed by Council.
Electricity boxes.
Electricity poles (500mm).
Street light poles.
Trafc signage poles (electronic signs)
– doesn’t not apply to static signs
(notincluding council carparking).
Setback from Disability Parking Bay 1,600mm
Setback of Trading Zone from Bus Stops Prohibited in the area from the bus ag to 9metres
on the approach to the bus ag/totem
Setback of Trading Zone from Tram Stops
Prohibited in the area from the tram ag to 20 metres
onthe approach to the tram ag/totem*
Setback of Trading Zone from Loading Zones 0.6m*
No permanent or temporary café screenspermitted
Setback of Trading Zone from Taxi Ranks Prohibited in the area from the taxi totem/ag to
6metres on the approach to the taxi totem/ag*
Required Clearances for properties adjacent
tointersections and crossovers (may affect
2-3properties near an intersection)
To be assessed by Council’s Transport
Public Transport Super stops and kerb outstands To be assessed by Council’s Transport Management
andPlanning ofcers
Setback of Trading Zone from adjoining property
boundary (referred to as ‘Access Section)
Setback of Trading Zone from Roadway (where
trading zone is located in the road space)
Outdoor Dining and Trading Draft Policy 2024
Outdoor dining and footpath trading
applications on footpaths exceed 10m
in length, clearance breaks of 1500mm
The following clearances between dining/
trading areas is required to prevent a
continuous line of outdoor cafés:
- Fixed furniture clearances – Glass
screens are considered xed furniture.
A900mm clearance is required between
neighbouring outdoor café boundaries,
where furniture such as screens are xed
in place. A minimum of 450mm clearance
is required from the boundary of each
outdoor café giving atotal of 900mm.
- Non-xed furniture clearances
A500mm clearance is required between
neighbouring outdoor cafés, where
furniture such as screens are not xed in
place. A minimum of 250mm clearance
is required from the boundary of each
outdoor café giving a total of 500mm.
Businesses may apply to have Council
infrastructure (seats, bins and bike hoops
only) removed, relocated, or modied
to assist applications in meeting the
requirements of this Policy.
Decision Guidelines
In making a decision on an application,
Councilwill consider (as appropriate):
Safe access is retained within the
Contribution to visual clutter on the street.
The degree to which proposed activities
posea trip hazard or impede the safe ow
and movement of pedestrian trafc.
The removal, relocation or modication
ofCouncil infrastructure (seats, bins and
bikehoops only) will be considered on a
case-by-case basis subject to the applicant:
- Identifying opportunities to provide
an appropriate alternative location/s
for existing street furniture to maintain
streetscape amenity and align
with the benchmarks in Councils
- The degree to which the removal,
relocation or modication results in an
equal, if not a better outcome for the
- Any removal, relocation or modication
ofCouncil infrastructure will be at the
costof the applicant.
- Should a new location be found,
approval in writing from the landowner
and business owner must form part of
- Where the infrastructure does not belong
to Council, the business owner should
contact the relevant infrastructure
manager / Service Authority to discuss
their application.
Darebin City Council
In granting an Outdoor Dining and Footpath Trading Permit,
Councilwillalso adhere to the following legislation:
Commonwealth Disability
DiscriminationAct 1992
All outdoor dining arrangements must be accessible
and DDA compliant.
Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 If alcohol is to be consumed within a tenancy
including within a Footpath Area.
Tobacco Act 1987 All outdoor dining areas which serve food are
tobesmoke free.
Planning and Environment Act 1987 If alcohol is to be consumed within a tenancy
including within a Footpath Area or if buildings
orworks to the retail premises are proposed.
Council’s local laws
Food Act 1984 Permits for Outdoor Dining are available to a
registered food and drink business with a compliant
working kitchen or food preparation area under
theFood Act 1984.
Building Act Building permits for awing extensions.
Road Management Act 2004
Local Government Act 2020
This legislation denes public road status and is
relevant to the general rights of the public for use
and access, which is on a non-exclusive basis; any
permissions to individuals for use must be subject
topublic rights.
Health and Wellbeing Plan 2017-2021
Outdoor Dining and Trading Draft Policy 2024
The following City of Darebin documents are relevant to this Policy:
Darebin Local Law 1
Transport Strategy 2017-2027
Walking Strategy 2018-2028
Draft Parking Permit Policy
Breathing Space – Darebin’s Open Space Strategy
Towards Equality: Equity, Inclusion and Human Rights Framework 2019-2029
Access and Inclusion Plan 2021-2026
Road Management Act 2004 
Darebin Economic Land Use Strategy
Darebin City Council
Note: Primary centres include centres classied as Principal, Major or Primary
Neighbourhood Retail Centres in Darebin’s Economic Land Uses Strategy 2014.
Outdoor Dining and Trading Draft Policy 2024
Primary Centres
Secondary Centres
Preston Central Plenty Road/Tyler Street
Northcote Central Gertz Ave
Reservoir – Edwardes Street Hughes Parade/McFadzean Ave
Reservoir – Broadway Massey Ave
Westgarth Village Gellibrand Crescent
Thornbury Village Banff St/Invermay Street
South Preston Broadhurst Ave/McFadzean Ave
Faireld Village Strathmerton St/Orrong Ave
Boldrewood Parade/McMahon Road
Link Street/Dunne Street
Boldrewood Parade/Yarra Avenue
Elizabeth Street/McNamara Street
Carson Street
Spring Street
Crevelli Street
Albert Street/Eneld Avenue
Bell Street/Gilbert Road
St Georges Road/Normanby Avenue
Victoria Road/Gooch Street
Darebin Road/Victoria Road
Station Street/Darebin Road
Victoria Road/Clifton Street
Victoria Road/South Crescent
Johnson Street
Regent Village
Rossmoyne Village
St Georges Road
Alphington Village
Darebin City Council
Parklet Re-purposed on-street parking spaces designed to
extendpublic space to provide an additional place for
outdoor dining, congregation, accessible public seating,
street greening and additional pedestrian space.
Footpath Includes a footpath, mall, square, court or other public
placespecied to be a footpath in a subordinate local law.
Footpath Trading The use of footpath for commercial activities.
Footpath Width The distance from the face of the kerb to the outside edge
ofthe property line.
Kerbside Zone The area between the kerb and the outer edge of the
Pedestrian Zone The area between the property line and the inner edge
ofthe Trading Zone.
Outdoor Dining Outdoor dining provided on Council owned or managed land.
On-street Parking Zone Designated parking bays located on public road reserve
thatmay be occupied by a vehicle for a specied period.
Permit in relation to a use or activity, means a written permit issued
under this Local Law which authorises that use or activity.
Outdoor Dining and Trading Draft Policy 2024
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