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Office of the New York State
Attorney General
Barbara D. Underwood
Attorney General
September 18, 2018
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The New York State Ofce of the Attorney General (the “OAG”) launched the Virtual
Markets Integrity Initiative to protect and inform New York residents who trade in virtual
or “crypto” currency. As a medium of exchange, an investment product, a technology, and
an emerging economic sector, virtual currency is complex and evolving rapidly. The OAG’s
Initiative, however, proceeds from a fundamental principle: consumers and investors deserve to
understand how their nancial service providers operate, protect customer funds, and ensure the
integrity of transactions.
VIrtual currency tradIng Platforms
Public interest in virtual currency – bitcoin, ether, and other digital units used to store
or exchange value – has increased signicantly. The best-known virtual currency, bitcoin, was
created less than a decade ago and is now valued at over $100 billion.
Another virtual currency,
ether, went from an abstract concept described in a “white paper” to a tradeable asset valued
at over $20 billion in less than ve years. There are currently more than 1,800 different virtual
currencies exchanged around the world, with more released each month. No longer the exclusive
province of tech-savvy hobbyists and traders, virtual currency now appeals to Wall Street rms
and “mom-and-pop” retail investors.
To access the virtual currency marketplace, investors rely on virtual asset trading
platforms, often referred to as “exchanges.” These online platforms match buyers and sellers
of virtual currency, performing functions similar to traditional stock exchanges, private trading
venues, and broker-dealers. But unlike those traditional players, virtual asset trading platforms
now in operation have not registered under state or federal securities or commodities laws. Nor
have they implemented common standards for security, internal controls, market surveillance
protocols, disclosures, or other investor and consumer protections.
Accordingly, customers of virtual asset trading platforms face signicant risks. In recent
years, hackers have inltrated trading platforms and stolen billions of dollars’ worth of virtual
currency, leaving customers with little or no recourse. Delays and outages on trading platforms
are common, leaving customers unable to withdraw funds and susceptible to signicant losses
given volatile prices. Public reports also have linked certain trading platforms to deceptive and
predatory practices, market manipulation, and insider abuses.
Trading platforms vary in how they have responded to these risks. Some have taken
signicant, concrete steps to improve the safety, reliability, and transparency of their operations.
Others have not. Meanwhile, customers have had limited access to the information needed to
assess the security and fundamental fairness of platforms, or to comparison shop among them.
All descriptions of the size and scope of the virtual currency market or the capitalization of any particular currency are current
as of September 2018, and are denominated in U.S. dollars.
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the VIrtual markets IntegrIty InItIatIVe
The OAG enforces laws that protect investors and consumers from unfair and deceptive
practices and that safeguard the fairness and integrity of the nancial markets. To that end, in
April 2018, the OAG commenced the Virtual Markets Integrity Initiative (the “Initiative”), a
fact-nding inquiry into the policies and practices of virtual asset trading platforms. The OAG
sent letters and questionnaires to thirteen major trading platforms. A sample letter follows this
Report as Appendix A. The questionnaire (Appendix B) sought details on the platforms’ trading
operations, as well as information about how the platforms protect customer assets. The OAG’s
questions also reected areas of special concern for everyday retail customers, such as site
outages, fees, and the effects of automated or “bot” trading.
The OAG sought voluntary participation, expecting that platforms would embrace
the opportunity to provide the public with much-needed clarity regarding basic practices and
functionality. Most did. Nine of the thirteen platforms participated in the Initiative: Bitnex
(operated by iFinex Inc.), bitFlyer USA, Inc., Bitstamp, Ltd.,
Bittrex, Inc., Coinbase, Inc.,
Gemini Trust Company, itBit (operated by Paxos Trust Company), Poloniex (owned by Circle
Internet Financial Limited), and Tidex (operated by Elite Way Developments LLP). The OAG
separately invited HBUS – a platform that calls itself the U.S. “strategic partner” of Huobi Inc.
– to respond, as the platform opened for trading in July 2018. HBUS elected to do so, and its
responses are included in this Report. The information provided by these platforms forms the
basis of this Report. Four platforms – Binance Limited, (operated by Gate Technology
Incorporated), Huobi Global Limited, and Kraken (operated by Payward, Inc.) – claimed they
do not allow trading from New York and declined to participate. The OAG investigated whether
those platforms accepted trades from within New York State. Based on this investigation, the
OAG referred Binance,, and Kraken to the Department of Financial Services for potential
violation of New York’s virtual currency regulations.
After compiling and analyzing responses, and comparing them to the platforms’ public
disclosures, the OAG gave platforms the opportunity to conrm the information they provided.
Nine did.
Bitstamp, Ltd. incorporated a Delaware-based entity, Bitstamp USA, Inc., for the U.S. market, which is expected to be
operational in the future. Bitstamp, Ltd. is the entity currently accepting transactions from U.S. customers.
Tidex posted partial responses to the questionnaire online and did not provide the OAG with contact information to permit
follow-up on the information set forth therein. Nor did Tidex respond to repeated later requests for conrmation submitted to
publicly identied email addresses.
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the VIrtual markets IntegrIty rePort
The Virtual Markets Integrity Report (the “Report”) addresses areas of particular concern
to the transparency, fairness, and security of virtual asset trading platforms, and highlights key
policies and practices of the responding platforms. The Report includes the following sections:
sectIon I: JurIsdIctIon, accePtance of currencIes, and fees. This section
discusses how customers sign up with trading platforms, the access controls
in place at the platforms, their acceptance of at currency (i.e., traditional,
government-issued currency), and their fee structures.
sectIon II: tradIng PolIcIes and market faIrness. This section addresses the
trading rules in place at the trading platforms and the fairness for retail investors,
and includes discussion of order types, the availability of credit (margin trading),
policies on automated or algorithmic trading, and measures taken (if any) to
address market manipulation and other abusive trading practices.
sectIon III: managIng conflIcts of Interest. This section addresses potential
conicts that may arise between the interests of virtual asset trading platforms,
their employees, and their customers.
sectIon IV: securIty, Insurance, and ProtectIng consumer funds. This
section covers the use of independent auditing by the trading platforms, their
independent security testing, and their safeguarding of customer funds through
insurance and other means.
sectIon V: access to customer funds, susPensIons, and outages. This section
discusses select issues concerning customer transactions and withdrawals, policies
for suspending trading activity, including customer notication in the event of
outages or scheduled maintenance.
Each section presents the responses of participating platforms to specic, targeted
questions on topics relevant to retail customers. Examples include:
(1) Does the platform conduct independent testing to ensure adequate IT security
against threats, including hackers?
(2) Does the platform allow professional traders to use automated or algorithmic
(3) Does the platform trade against its own customers on its venue?
(4) Does the platform carry insurance that would cover virtual currency losses in
the event of theft or hacking?
(5) Does the platform compile, disclose, and explain site outages or trading
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lImItatIons of thIs rePort
This Report does not address whether virtual currency represents a sound investment
decision. Unlike traditional stocks and commodities, virtual currency is neither tied to a tangible
asset nor to the performance of a particular company. The primary driver of a virtual currency’s
value appears instead to be the willingness of people to use or trade it. This has led some
observers to question whether virtual currency has any underlying value at all, and to liken the
intense interest in virtual currency to past speculative investment bubbles. The OAG’s Report
does not evaluate that issue; rather, the objective of this Report is to provide information on
virtual asset trading platforms to customers who have used, or are considering using, those
platforms to transact in virtual currency.
This Report reects the information voluntarily provided by platforms. Although
platforms were asked to conrm the information they provided, the OAG cannot assure the
accuracy of their responses. Further, while the OAG endeavored to include trading platforms
that are widely used in New York, the United States, and abroad, in order to provide a snapshot
of the industry, their policies and procedures are not necessarily representative of all trading
platforms. Seven of the ten participating platforms—(i) bitFlyer USA; (ii) Bitstamp; (iii) Bittrex;
(iv) Coinbase; (v) Gemini; (iii); (vi) itBit; and (vii) Poloniex (Circle)—sought approval, directly
or through a subsidiary, from the New York State Department of Financial Services (“DFS”) to
operate a virtual currency business in New York. Pursuant to DFS requirements, licensed virtual
currency rms must maintain policies and practices designed to, among other things, protect
deposited funds, prevent money laundering and illegal activity, and respond to other risks. Given
those requirements, and ongoing supervision and monitoring by DFS, the customer protections in
place at platforms subject to the BitLicense regime are likely to be better than those prevailing at
other platforms.
Finally, the virtual asset industry is rapidly evolving. Trading platforms are constantly
rening and changing their operations, and may elect to reform policies based on market
conditions, regulatory requirements, or the ndings of government agencies, including those
contained in this Report. Since the OAG began its Initiative, certain platforms have revised or
improved various policies of interest. The information in the Report is current as of September
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key fIndIngs on the state of the VIrtual markets
The Initiative revealed that virtual asset trading platforms vary signicantly in their
comprehensiveness in responding to the risks facing the virtual markets and fullling their
responsibilities to customers. The Initiative also revealed three broad areas of concern for the
virtual markets as a whole:
1. the VarIous BusIness lInes and oPeratIonal roles of tradIng Platforms
create PotentIal conflIcts of Interest. Virtual asset trading platforms often
engage in several lines of business that would be restricted or carefully monitored in
a traditional trading environment. Platforms often serve (i) as venues of exchange,
operating the platform on which buyers and sellers trade virtual and at currencies;
(ii) in a role akin to a traditional broker-dealer, representing traders and executing
trades on their behalf; (iii) as money-transmitters, transferring virtual and at
currency and converting it from one form to another; (iv) as proprietary traders,
buying and selling virtual currency for their own accounts, often on their own
platforms; (v) as owners of large virtual currency holdings; and, in some cases,
(vi) as issuers of a virtual currency listed on their own and other platforms, with a
direct stake in its performance. Additionally, platform employees – who may have
access to information about customer orders, new currency listings, and other non-
public information – often hold virtual currency and trade on their own or competing
platforms. Each role has a markedly different set of incentives, introducing substantial
potential for conicts between the interests of the platform, platform insiders, and
platform customers.
2. tradIng Platforms haVe yet to ImPlement serIous efforts to ImPede aBusIVe
tradIng actIVIty. Though some virtual currency platforms have taken steps to
police the fairness of their platforms and safeguard the integrity of their exchange,
others have not. Platforms lack robust real-time and historical market surveillance
capabilities, like those found in traditional trading venues, to identify and stop
suspicious trading patterns. There is no mechanism for analyzing suspicious trading
strategies across multiple platforms. Few platforms seriously restrict or even monitor
the operation of “bots” or automated algorithmic trading on their venues. Indeed,
certain trading platforms deny any responsibility for stopping traders from articially
affecting prices. Those factors, coupled with the concentration of virtual currency in
the hands of a relatively small number of major traders, leave the platforms highly
susceptible to abuse. Only a small number of platforms have taken meaningful steps
to lessen those risks.
3. ProtectIons for customer funds are often lImIted or Illusory. Generally
accepted methods for auditing virtual assets do not exist, and trading platforms lack
a consistent and transparent approach to independently auditing the virtual currency
purportedly in their possession; several do not claim to do any independent auditing
of their virtual currency holdings at all. That makes it difcult or impossible to
conrm whether platforms are responsibly holding their customers’ virtual assets
as claimed. Customers are highly exposed in the event of a hack or unauthorized
withdrawal. While domestic or foreign deposit insurance may compensate customers
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for certain losses of stolen or misappropriated at currency, no similar compensation
is available for virtual currency losses. There are serious questions about the scope
and sufciency of the commercial insurance that certain platforms purport to carry to
cover virtual asset losses. Other platforms do not insure against virtual asset losses at
* * *
By highlighting these weaknesses, as well as other considerations important to
consumers, the OAG hopes to educate customers, and to encourage the virtual asset marketplace
to adopt policies that ensure the integrity of transactions. As the sector matures, the OAG
expects responsible trading platforms – in coordination with consumer advocates, regulators,
and law enforcement – to expand the transparency, security, fairness, and accountability of their
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I. JurIsdIctIon, accePtance of currencIes, and fees
It is difcult for ordinary customers to nd and compare certain basic – but important
– features of virtual asset trading platforms. In order to assist customers in making educated
choices, the OAG requested certain basic information from participating platforms, including:
• Where, geographically, a platform is incorporated and headquartered;
• The jurisdictions from which customers are authorized to trade;
• Measures taken to limit access to authorized customers;
• Acceptance of traditional at currency, such as Euros and U.S. dollars; and
• Fees associated with maintaining an account and trading.
These basic topics are important for customers to understand. First, while several virtual
asset trading platforms are located or otherwise licensed to operate in New York, or elsewhere
in the United States, others are located in the United Kingdom, Tawain, or other offshore
jurisdictions like the Cayman Islands. In the past, some platforms have moved their operations
with little or no warning. For legal and other reasons, many platforms purport not to accept
customers from particular geographic locations; indeed, certain platforms claim not to accept
customers from anywhere in the United States, or from particular U.S. states.
Second, each platform chooses for itself which virtual currencies to list for trading.
Certain trading platforms allow customers to deposit U.S. dollars, Euros, or other at currency
and convert that money into virtual currency. Platforms without banking relationships only
facilitate transactions exclusively involving virtual assets. Some platforms limit trading to a few,
better-known virtual currencies such as bitcoin or ether; others facilitate the trading of dozens or
even hundreds of different virtual currencies, sometimes including virtual currencies they issue
Third, virtual asset trading platforms differ in how they assess fees on customers. As a
general matter, trading platforms charge customers on a per-transaction basis, with the amount
charged related to the amount of virtual or at currency exchanged in a given transaction.
Importantly, though, the platforms reported an array of approaches for assessing fees, to whom,
and in what amount. Platforms also typically assess deposit and withdrawal fees when customers
transfer at currency into and out of their accounts.
For instance, the Gemini platform allows customers to trade in bitcoin, ether, and Zcash; the trading venue operated by Coinbase
(recently re-branded as “Coinbase Pro”) allows customers to trade in bitcoin, ether, Ethereum Classic, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin.
e Bittrex platform, on the other hand, allows customers to trade dozens of virtual currencies, with names like “ZenCash,” “Storj,
“Lunyr,” “BitCrystals,” and others.
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a. JurIsdIctIons and authorIzed use
Given the volatility of the virtual markets, the short track record of trading platforms,
and well-publicized problems in the industry, customers should consider where their platform
operator is located. The jurisdiction where a platform is incorporated or headquartered may
dictate whether and how the customer can seek compensation or other legal recourse in the event
his or her data is breached, customer funds are stolen, or a platform becomes insolvent.
The platforms that refused to respond to OAG’s Initiative – Binance,, Huobi, and
Kraken – are located in other countries or, in the case of Kraken, headquartered in California.
Binance reportedly moved its operations to Malta, after initially locating in Tawain and then
Japan. Huobi is reportedly based in Singapore. The location of the operator of – which
transacts tens of millions of dollars’ worth of virtual currency per day – is unclear from public
sources. The company, however, represented in writing to the OAG that the platform is based
primarily in China.
Customers must also understand the jurisdictions from which their virtual asset trading
platforms purport to prohibit trading, and other restrictions on trading in the platform’s terms of
service. Several states, including New York, require companies that run a virtual asset trading
platform to obtain approval to operate (and submit to oversight) or to adhere to other rules
concerning how they administer their platforms. Moreover, a platform may elect to establish
additional trading restrictions in its terms of service. Customers may nd ways to circumvent
Bank of England Prudential Conduct Authority, “Dear CEO Letter: Existing or Planned Exposure to Crypto-assets,” (June 28,
2018), available atles/prudential-regulation/letter/2018/existing-or-planned-
exposure-to-crypto-assets.pdf?la=en&hash=21DA12EE4697E4BDF0D6D4E9BFF0DDBEE07FFD36 (“Crypto-assets also raise
concerns related to misconduct and market integrity – many appear vulnerable to fraud and manipulation, as well as money-
laundering and terrorist nancing risks.”).
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the restrictions that a platform uses to block such trading. Such customers, however, could nd
themselves without recourse in the event of a dispute with the platform, or loss of funds due to
fraud, theft, or insolvency.
B. VerIfyIng and monItorIng authorIzed access
Most virtual asset trading platforms purport to allow only customers from authorized
jurisdictions to access their venues, and to exclude customers who violate their policies,
including those related to market manipulation and money laundering. Trading platforms without
an effective system for verifying and monitoring the identity and location of customers cannot
block unauthorized access or ensure the fairness and integrity of their marketplace. Customers
should be wary of platforms that allow new customers to on-board without adequate safeguards.
Platforms that have implemented a Know Your Customer (“KYC”) program will engage
in various measures to conrm a new customers identity before permitting certain types of
trading. The OAG nonetheless found that virtual asset trading platforms differ signicantly in
how they conrm identity and enforce their site access policies. Most participating platforms
require customers to submit a range of personal identifying information and government-issued
identication before allowing new customers to trade. Bitnex and Tidex do not, requiring
little more than an email address to begin trading virtual currencies. The graphic below reects
the requirements for all customers; platforms may elect to require additional on-boarding
information from certain customers based on their risk prole and other factors.
On-boarding” is the process of creating and verifying an account to execute trades on a platform.
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Online businesses commonly employ several other methods to control access. One
common security measure is to monitor IP addresses. An IP address acts as a unique identier
assigned to a computer connected to the Internet, allowing a website operator to monitor the
computers that connect to its site. Among other uses, monitoring IP addresses allows a website
operator to determine the approximate geographic location of users and track suspicious behavior
coming from a particular computer connection. To evade such monitoring, users can attempt to
mask their IP addresses using a virtual private network (“VPN”).
By routing computer activity
through a third-party network, VPNs can obfuscate the location of a log-in. For IP monitoring
to be effective, then, platforms must take reasonable steps to unmask or block customers that
attempt to access their site via known VPN connections. While most participating platforms
reported that they monitor access by IP address, only Bitstamp and Poloniex (Circle) purported
to limit VPN access. That raises questions about the ability of the other trading platforms to
restrict access to authorized users only.
c. accePtance of fIat currency
To obtain virtual currency initially, retail customers must typically nd a virtual asset
trading platform that accepts at currency. Not all do. Most trading platforms lack a relationship
with a bank and allow only trades involving two virtual currencies (e.g. purchasing bitcoin
with ether). To trade on those platforms, customers must rst obtain virtual currency elsewhere
and transfer it onto the platform. In addition to the convenience associated with accepting at
currency, traditional banks in the United States and overseas are subject to substantial oversight,
VPNs have many useful and legitimate applications, including as a way to oer increased security when accessing the Internet
via a public Wi-Fi network (for instance, in an airport or café).
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monitoring, and insurance. The existence of a formal banking relationship therefore offers
customers with a useful indicator for evaluating the platform as a business concern. As reected
on the chart below, seven participating platforms accept at currency.
d. fees and fee dIsclosure
In any trading environment, fees are an important consideration for customers and
directly affect trading performance. High or unexpected fees can turn prots into losses.
Customers should understand what actions will trigger fees, the size of those fees, and whether
any “hidden” or non-obvious charges may be associated with trading activity.
Fee transparency
is especially important in a complex electronic trading environment like virtual currency, where
different fees can apply based on the price of the asset bought or sold, the volume of trades
executed by the customer, the order type chosen, or the timing of an order submission. Fee
structures may also advantage certain types of traders.
Five participating platforms – bitFlyer USA, Bitstamp, Bittrex, HBUS, and Tidex –
purport to charge the same trading fees to all customers with the same trading volume. Bitnex,
Coinbase, itBit, and Poloniex (Circle) employ a so-called “maker-taker” fee model.
employs a hybrid fee structure, offering the same trading fees for low-volume customers, but
is fundamental principle applies to every nancial transaction and asset purchase. OAG Report on Mutual Fund Fees and
Active Share, April 2018, available atles/ny_ag_report_on_mutual_fund_fees_and_active_share.
pdf (nding that “individual investors do not have access to certain information that would allow them to assess whether the fees
they are paying are acceptable” given the services being oered by certain actively managed mutual funds).
See Securities and Exchange Commission Market Structure Advisory Committee Memorandum, “Maker-Taker Fees on Equities
Exchanges,” October 20, 2015, available at
pdf (describing, among other things, the historical development of “maker-taker” pricing in the equities markets).
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applying maker-taker pricing to high-volume traders. Although HBUS’s fee schedule lists
separate fees for makers and takers, it currently charges the same rates to both.
“Maker-taker” is a fee model that charges lower or no fees to customers who “make”
liquidity (i.e., whose orders exist on the order book prior to a trade), whereas customers
who “take” liquidity by lling an already-existing order are charged more.
As discussed in further detail in Section II, “maker-taker” fee models favor professional
traders over retail customers, and may create incentives that distort the market.
Importantly, while Bittrex is the only participating platform not to offer volume discounts
to high-volume customers, bitFlyer USA, Bitstamp, Gemini, HBUS, and itBit disclosed to the
OAG that certain traders may receive different, and presumably preferential, pricing according to
the terms of condential bilateral agreements, the details of which are not disclosed in public fee
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Virtual asset trading platforms also charge other fees, including deposit and withdrawal
fees for at or virtual currency, and other services. Customers should review and understand the
complete fee schedule provided by a platform before they trade.
By raising the costs of moving funds onto, and off of, individual platforms, those fees
may serve as a disincentive for customers to switch platforms (or exit virtual assets entirely) in
response to shifting market conditions. Certain platforms, notably Bittrex and Gemini, purport to
charge no withdrawal or deposit fees for most customers.
Customers should understand that the four trading platforms that refused to partici-
pate in the OAG’s Initiative may not make their full schedule of fees available publicly,
and that certain customers may receive preferential rates. Further, customers should be
aware that those venues may not disclose certain fees in advance, and customers could
nd that transacting on those venues is more expensive than anticipated.
Certain “network transfer fees” may apply, which are fees that are built into the programming of certain virtual currencies.
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II. tradIng PolIcIes and market faIrness
Virtual asset trading platforms have positioned themselves as comparable to traditional
stock trading venues. But trading on virtual currency platforms differs in fundamental ways from
trading on a regulated stock trading venues. Customers should be aware of the differences.
Understanding the general structure of the traditional securities marketplace is helpful
for understanding how virtual asset trading platforms are different, and why that matters to
customers. The traditional “public” stock exchanges (e.g., the New York Stock Exchange or
Nasdaq) must submit information regarding virtually all important aspects of their operations
to the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) for review prior to implementation.
Similarly, alternative trading systems (“ATS”) – of which there are several dozen in the
United States – are private stock trading venues operated by a broker-dealer. ATSs are subject
to extensive disclosure obligations regarding their ownership, operation, and rules. Those
disclosures are designed to allow traders to understand the material aspects of how the ATSs
As an additional safeguard, everyday investors access traditional stock trading venues
through a registered broker-dealer (or via personal investment advisor) whose business it is to
understand the often-complicated nature of trading in order to effectively act on behalf of their
In contrast, virtual asset trading platforms are not currently registered as trading venues
under federal securities laws. Further, customers access virtual asset trading platforms directly,
submitting orders themselves. Trading platforms claim that the ability to freely access their
venues benets customers. This freedom, however, requires everyday customers to understand
not only how each trading platform operates as a venue of exchange (and to understand the
differences among platforms), but also to make judgments about how to monitor quickly-moving
prices, select appropriate order types, place trades, and accurately monitor performance, without
guidance from a professional with knowledge and experience.
Securities and Exchange Commission, “Statement on Potentially Unlawful Online Platforms for Trading Digital Assets,” (Mar. 7,
2018), available at
trading (“e SEC sta has concerns that many online trading platforms appear to investors as SEC-registered and regulated
marketplaces when they are not. Many platforms refer to themselves as ‘exchanges,’ which can give the misimpression to investors
that they are regulated or meet the regulatory standards of a national securities exchange.”).
Securities and Exchange Commission, “e Laws at Govern the Securities Industry,available at
answers/about-lawsshtml.html#secexact1934 (“e exchanges . . . are identied as self-regulatory organizations (SRO). SROs must
create rules that allow for disciplining members for improper conduct and for establishing measures to ensure market integrity
and investor protection. SRO proposed rules are subject to SEC review and published to solicit public comment. While many SRO
proposed rules are eective upon ling, some are subject to SEC approval before they can go into eect.”).
Securities and Exchange Commission, “Alternative Trading System (‘ATS’) List,available at
atslist.htm (“An ATS is a trading system that meets the denition of ‘exchange’ under federal securities laws but is not required
to register as a national securities exchange . . . To comply with Regulation ATS, an ATS must, among other things, register as a
broker-dealer and le an initial operation report with the Commission on Form ATS before commencing operations. ereaer,
an ATS must le amendments to Form ATS to provide notice of any changes to its operations.”). Recently, the SEC adopted new
rules to enhance the transparency and oversight of ATSs. Securities and Exchange Commission, “SEC Adopts Rules to Enhance
Transparency and Oversight of Alternative Trading Systems,” (July 18, 2018), available at
For a thorough description of the laws and rules governing the activities of broker-dealers and other related topics, see New
York State Oce of the Attorney General, “Brokers, Dealers, Salespersons,available at
brokers-dealers-salespersons; see also Securities and Exchange Commission, “Guide to Broker-Dealer Registration,” (April 2008),
available at
Page 15
Several prominent virtual asset trading platforms have also developed products and
services that appeal to, and advantage, sophisticated professional electronic traders, increasing
risks for retail traders. For instance, some platforms offer high-speed direct market data feeds to
professional traders, and permit traders to “co-locate” or “cross-connect” their trading computers
to the platform’s servers, accessible through electronic “FIX protocol” messaging systems.
Platforms also offer the previously discussed “maker-taker” pricing models. Those products
and services are designed to allow professional traders to leverage data and speed to power
sophisticated automated trading strategies – strategies that can negatively affect the trading
performance of everyday, non-automated customers.
To assist customers in understanding these issues, the OAG asked trading platforms to
provide information on several key topics:
• Special features provided to professional traders, including specialized order
types, direct data feeds, co-location, “maker-taker” pricing, etc.;
• Policies, if any, regarding platform access by automated trading algorithms;
• Policies regarding potential abusive trading practices; and
• Margin trading.
a. sPecIal features to Preference ProfessIonal traders
The modern electronic stock trading environment is replete with features that provide
professional traders with an extremely fast, data-rich view of the markets, and the means with
which to accomplish their specialized strategies. Sophisticated traders also take advantage of
the fee structures of many stock trading venues, some of which were discussed above, that are
designed to encourage certain types of sophisticated, professional trading activity.
Complex order types are another way professional traders may have a comparative
advantage over other platform customers. Like trading other asset classes, trading virtual
currency is more complicated than just choosing to “buy” or “sell.” Trading platforms offer a
variety of different order types, allowing customers who understand how those order types work
to tailor their trading strategy. Choosing the right order type has a signicant effect on whether,
and at what price, an order will execute.
For example, some trading platforms offer order types
“FIX” stands for “Financial Information eXchange.” FIX protocol is an electronic messaging protocol used by the nancial
services industry, allowing parties to an electronic trade to automatically pass along information about orders and executions.
See Securities and Exchange Commission, Release No. 34-82873 (March 14, 2018), available at
proposed/2018/34-82873.pdf (proposing pilot study on transaction fee pricing models; “In recent years, a variety of concerns have been
expressed about the maker-taker fee model, in particular the rebates they pay to attract orders. For example, some have questioned
whether the prevailing fee structure has created a conict of interest for broker-dealers, who must pursue the best execution of their
customers’ orders while facing potentially conicting economic incentives to avoid fees or earn rebates—both of which typically are not
passed through the broker-dealer to its customers—from the trading centers to which they direct those orders for execution.”).
For more information on automated trading strategies, see FINRA, “Getting Up to Speed on High-Frequency Trading,” (Nov.
25, 2015), available at http://www.
ere are a number of useful and informative resources available describing how dierent order types work. See, e.g., Securities
and Exchange Commission, “Investor Bulletin: Understanding Order Types,” (July 12, 2017), available at
oiea/investor-alerts-and-bulletins/ib_ordertypes; Vanguard, “Order Types and How ey Work,available at https://investor.
Page 16
like the so-called “Fill-or-Kill,” in which the order is canceled in its entirety if it does not execute
immediately and in full; “Immediate-or-Cancel,” in which all or a part of an order must execute
immediately and any remaining unlled portions of the order are canceled; or “Post-Only,” (also
known as “Maker-or-Cancel”), in which the order only posts to the order book if it would not ll
an already-posted order. Some platforms, such as Bitnex, offer an order type called “hidden,” in
which the “hidden” order does not appear on the publicly visible order book.
Offering special order types does not necessarily benet retail customers given the
difculty of learning and deploying the more complex options. In fact, many order types are only
useful to professional, automated traders using sophisticated algorithmic strategies, where orders
can be submitted and cancelled automatically, in response to market signals not visible (or even
available) to regular traders. To give customers a better sense of the order types available, the
OAG asked the trading platforms to describe the order types they offer.
Customers should be aware that the platforms that refused to participate in the OAG’s
Initiative (Binance,, Huobi, and Kraken) may not disclose all order types offered
to certain traders, some of which could preference those traders at the expense of others,
and that the trading performance of other customers on those venues could be negatively
affected as a result.
Another feature that tends to favor sophisticated, high-volume traders is the ability to “co-
locate” or “cross-connect” their trading computers directly with the platform’s computers in a data
center. This gives sophisticated trading operations a faster view of the platform order book than is
available to retail customers.
The only participating platform to disclose a co-location option to date
Additionally, several rms are reported to have begun oering data analytics about the virtual currency marketplace, allowing
Page 17
is Gemini. As the virtual currency sector matures, however, more platforms may make co-location or
cross-connection available to professional traders. Alongside so-called “maker-taker” pricing models
and volume pricing discounts that create incentives for professional traders to direct their orders to
that platform (See Section I, “Fees and Fee Disclosure”), those features can distort the overall trading
environment, to the detriment of retail customers.
B. PolIcIes regardIng automated tradIng
Certain abusive trading practices can be accomplished using computer-automated or
“bot” trading strategies. For example, the submission of multiple, illusory orders to a trading
platform could be used to articially move the price of a particular asset, or to negatively impact
the speed or responsiveness of the platform. Automated trading activities could also allow
a single trader or group of traders to command multiple accounts simultaneously to obscure
coordinated trading, in order to manipulate prices.
To better understand these sorts of risks, the OAG asked platforms whether automated
trading is permitted, and what – if any – policies or procedures are in place concerning automated
trading strategies. Participating platforms uniformly reported that they permit automated trading.
Most reported to the OAG that their platform can be accessed via an application programming
interface (an “API”), which allows traders to automatically send and receive trading information,
and which automated trading algorithms use to participate on the platform. Of particular concern,
however, several platforms reported that they had no formal policies governing automated
trading. Some claimed that automated trading behavior is “monitored,” without providing detail.
Other platforms claimed to have implemented strategies to limit “message rates” submitted to the
exchange (high message rates are often a marker of an abusive trading strategy), or to suspend or
block traders that submitted an excessive number of small orders in a given timeframe (another
potential marker of an abusive or fraudulent trading strategy).
professional traders even more data-rich sources of information to enhance their ability to trade virtual currencies. See, e.g.,
Coindesk, “Nasdaq Said to Be Building Tool to Predict Crypto Price Movements,” (Sept. 11, 2018), available at https://www.; omson Reuters, “omson Reuters
Expands Sentiment Data to Track Top 100 Cryptocurrencies,” (June 13, 2018), available at
press-releases/2018/june/thomson-reuters-expands-sentiment-data-to-track-top-100-cryptocurrencies.html; Coindesk, “NYSE
Parent Company Launches Cryptocurrency Data Feed,”(Jan. 18, 2018), available at
Certain platforms reported that this sort of “messaging limit” was a feature of their API (programmed to only accept a certain
number of incoming messages from a given user over a particular time frame); others reported that they actively monitored for
excessive messages from users, which could be a sign of abusive or manipulative trading behavior.
Page 18
Customers should be aware that the platforms that refused to participate in the OAG’s Initiative
may not restrict the access and use of potentially abusive automated trading strategies. This could
adversely affect customers’ trading performance, including the prices at which virtual or at currency
exchanges take place, and it calls into question the fairness of the platform to retail customers.
c. PolIcIes to PreVent market manIPulatIon and aBusIVe tradIng
The steps a virtual asset trading platform takes to monitor and stop manipulative or
abusive trading activity on the venue matters for its customers and the integrity of the virtual
market as a whole. Because the prices of virtual assets move in concert across different venues,
manipulative activity on one venue affects prices and liquidity on other venues. When any venue
tolerates manipulative or abusive conduct, the integrity of the entire market is at risk. The New
York Department of Financial Services has directed virtual currency entities operating in New
York to adopt measures to identify and investigate fraud and market manipulation – an important
element in ensuring the integrity of trading.
The OAG asked trading platforms to describe what, if any, policies were in place to
dene, detect, prevent, or penalize suspicious trading activity or market manipulation, and to
provide a description of trading behavior that the platform believes constitutes manipulative or
abusive activity. While participating platforms expressed their commitment to combatting market
manipulation, only a few reported having a formal policy in place, dening the types of conduct
the platform believes to be manipulative or abusive, and outlining how such trading behavior is
to be detected and penalized.
New York Department of Financial Services, “Guidance on Prevention of Market Manipulation and Other Wrongful Activity,
(Feb. 7, 2018), available at
Platforms uniformly prohibit market manipulation in their standard terms of service; the OAG sought information as to formal
policies and procedures employed by the platforms.
Page 19
Each participating platform maintains a policy prohibiting a single user from opening
multiple accounts, a restriction which several platforms claimed helps prevent manipulative
conduct (like fraudulent wash sales).
However, a prohibition against multiple accounts is only
effective if a platform can actually detect customers attempting to open multiple accounts. That
requires robust on-boarding procedures, including multiple forms of identication verication,
and other countermeasures (several of which are discussed in Section IB, “Verifying and
Monitoring Authorized Access”). Where a platform – for example, Bitnex – neither requires
documentation to execute a virtual currency trade nor takes active measures to block access
via VPN, there is reason to question the effectiveness of that platform’s efforts to address
manipulative or abusive trading activity.
The industry has yet to implement serious market surveillance capacities, akin to those
of traditional trading venues, to detect and punish suspicious trading activity. A platform cannot
take action to protect customers from market manipulation and other abuses if it is not aware of
those practices in the rst place. Several platforms also told the OAG that it was impossible to
effectively surveil for manipulative activity taking place on more than one platform, and so any
one trading platform is necessarily limited in the steps it can take to police abusive activity. Some
platforms do appear to be taking steps to improve surveillance. Gemini previously disclosed a
partnership with traditional stock exchange Nasdaq to use more sophisticated market surveillance
tools. At least one other platform disclosed to the OAG that it was in the process of contracting
for a similar service.
Fraudulent “wash sales” occur when a trader (or traders acting in concert) buy and sell the same asset repeatedly, in order to
create the false appearance of market activity in order to move prices.
Page 20
The OAG could not review the practices and procedures of non-participating platforms
(Binance,, Huobi, and Kraken) concerning manipulative or abusive trading.
However, the Kraken platform’s public response is alarming. In announcing the com-
pany’s decision not to participate in the Initiative, Kraken declared that market manip-
ulation “doesn’t matter to most crypto traders,” even while admitting that “scams are
rampant” in the industry.
d. margIn tradIng
Margin trading accounts allow customers to borrow funds to trade an asset. Margin
trading increases risk, exposing traders to much higher losses when a virtual asset investment
declines in value. In traditional markets, margin trading is subject to signicant regulation
and oversight, meant to ensure that investors understand the heightened risks, and to establish
appropriate credit risk procedures and limits.
A trading environment where prices are volatile and subject to sharp, unpredictable
declinesmagnies the inherent risks of margin trading.
Only two participating platforms –
Bitnex and Poloniex (Circle) – currently support margin trading.
Customers trading on margin
should recognize that the volatility of the virtual currency market can cause outsize losses very
quickly. This risk is exacerbated during platform suspensions or outages, during which leveraged
positions may be “locked in” for an extended period of time.
See Securities and Exchange Commission, “Margin: Borrowing Money to Pay for Stocks,” (Apr. 17, 2009), available at https://
BIS Annual Economic Report 2018, available at (“cryptocurrencies’ valuations
are extremely volatile”); Financial Conduct Authority, “Dear CEO Letter: Cryptoassets and Financial Crime,” (June 11, 2018),
available atnancial-crime.pdf (describing
the use of virtual assets as “high-risk speculative investments”); Oce of the Director of National Intelligence, “Risks and
Vulnerabilities of Virtual Currency Cryptocurrency as a Payment Method,” (2017), available atles/PE/
Documents/9---2017-AEP_Risks-and-Vulnerabilities-of-Virtual-Currency.pdf (noting volatility of cryptocurrencies as deterrent to
adoption as a payment method, and other risks). Further, if a platform itself serves as creditor (i.e., the platform loans the money),
the platform itself, as a business, is exposed to risk from price volatility.
Publicly available information indicates that each of the non-participating platforms – Binance,, Huobi, and Kraken –
supports margin trading.
Page 21
III. managIng conflIcts of Interest
One of the challenges faced by investors trading in traditional securities markets is
navigating the complex tangle of relationships and incentives that have arisen in the modern
market structure. For several years, the OAG has investigated conicts of interest in the
securities markets, uncovering the systemic failures of large broker-dealers to appropriately
manage these conicts, at the expense of their traditional retail and institutional clients.
In non-
securities contexts, the OAG has taken action against online businesses who failed to implement
appropriate internal procedures governing whether and how employees could access and exploit
sensitive user data.
Managing conicts of interest is a serious and growing issue in the virtual marketplace. A
review of publicly available information, as well as information provided by trading platforms,
e OAG Press Release (Mar. 22, 2016), available at
million-settlement-bank-america-merrill-lynch-over (announcing $42 million settlement by Bank of America Merrill Lynch
to resolve OAG investigation into falsied electronic trade conrmations for orders routed to high-speed “electronic liquidity
providers,” and other fraudulent conduct); OAG Press Release (Feb. 1, 2016), available at
schneiderman-announces-landmark-resolutions-barclays-and-credit-suisse-fraudulent (announcing combined $154.3 million
dollar settlements by Barclays and Credit Suisse to resolve OAG and SEC investigations into false statements and omissions made
in connection with the marketing of their respective dark pools and other high-speed electronic equities trading services); OAG
Press Release (Dec. 16, 2016), available at
37-million-penalty-fraudulent-order (announcing combined $37 million settlement by Deutsche Bank to resolve OAG and SEC
investigation into false statements and omissions made in connection with the marketing of Deutsche Banks electronic equities
order routing services).
e OAG Press Release (Oct. 25, 2016), available at
settlement-draftkings-and-fanduel (announcing $12 million settlement by daily fantasy sports companies to resolve investigation
into false and deceptive practices, illegal operation in New York).
Page 22
suggests several areas of concern. First, there is little information about why trading platforms
list a given virtual currency on their venue, and whether payments to the platform (in cash or
virtual currency) drive listings. Second, the owners and investors in several trading platforms are
themselves large holders of virtual assets traded on their venue, with an attendant interest that the
prices of those assets continue to rise. Third, trading platform employees are often themselves
investors in virtual assets, and trade on their own platform against customers, potentially using
non-public information to inform their trades. Fourth, apart from individual employee trading,
several trading platforms themselves trade on their own venue in a proprietary capacity.
Those practices put the interests of customers in tension with the interests of platforms
and their employees. In order to protect themselves, customers should seek out platforms that
pay careful attention to these issues and use appropriate means to ensure that all traders on the
platform are being treated equally and fairly. At the industry level, appropriate management
of conicts of interest is critical if virtual assets are to be integrated into the commercial and
nancial markets.
The OAG’s Initiative sought information about several important issues that directly
concern the fairness and transparency of trading platforms, and potential conicts of interest,
• Standards applied when considering whether to list a virtual assets;
• Compensation received for listing virtual assets;
• Policies and procedures regarding platform employee trading s;
• Proprietary company trading on the venue.
a. standards and consIderatIon receIVed for lIstIng a VIrtual asset
Some platforms limit the number of virtual assets they list – for instance, offering trading
only in bitcoin – while other platforms list dozens of virtual assets, offering hundreds of potential
pairings to trade.
As of today, there are no regulatory or even generally accepted prudential
standards for determining whether a particular virtual asset can or should be listed on a trading
This is in stark contrast to the public stock exchanges, which publish their listing
Accordingly, the OAG asked platforms to provide information regarding how they
evaluated virtual assets for listing on their venue – in other words, what, if any, criteria do platforms
use in evaluating whether a given virtual currency will be listed for trading? Across the board,
the OAG found that platforms’ determinations of whether to list a given virtual asset were largely
subjective. No platform articulated a consistent methodology used to determine whether and why
Unlike traditional stock trading venues, where each stock is denominated in, and ultimately exchangeable for, dollars, some
virtual asset trading platforms do not oer the ability to trade virtual currencies for at currency. Trades are made available in
pairs,” meaning that one virtual currency is available to be traded in exchange for another virtual currency – for instance, ether-
to-bitcoin, ether-to-litecoin, etc.
See New York Stock Exchange Listed Company Manual, available at; Nasdaq
Continued Listing Guide, available at; IEX Listing Guide, available at
Page 23
it would list a given virtual asset. Some objective factors did appear to be considered by many.
For instance, platforms often look at the total value or “market capitalization” of a virtual asset,
or its average daily trading volume. But the OAG found there is no rhyme or reason to how those
objective factors are applied, and there is certainly no consistent application across platforms.
Notably, since the announcement of the OAG’s Initiative in April 2018, at least one
trading platform – Circle, the operator of Poloniex – publicly announced an “Asset Framework”
that sets forth various factors the company will consider when deciding whether to list virtual
Transparency like that is helpful. Customers should know what standards a platform
uses to evaluate the virtual assets they list, and should have some assurance that assets traded on
the venue conform to those standards. Platforms that have not disclosed their listing standards
publicly should consider doing so.
Another important issue for consumers is whether a virtual asset trading platform has
accepted compensation for listing a virtual currency. Unlike traditional stock exchanges, which
publish listing fees, virtual asset trading platforms generally do not disclose the compensation,
if any, received for listing a particular virtual currency. This compensation can come in the form
of virtual currency, including a share of the new listing, at currency, or other inducements.
Disclosure of payments or other compensation would allow customers to consider a platform’s
incentives in offering or promoting a virtual currency. Accordingly, the OAG asked virtual asset
trading platforms to disclose whether they sought or received compensation for listing a virtual
currency, and if so, to describe the circumstances.
Only one of the participating platforms
reported receiving compensation for listing a virtual currency over the last two years: HBUS,
which charges a fee tied to the market capitalization of the virtual asset.
For non-participating platforms (Binance,, Huobi, and Kraken), customers
should be aware that those platforms may have received compensation for listing
virtual currencies on their platform. Customers should evaluate whether that affects
their decision to trade virtual currencies on those platforms. One recent report, for
example, asserted that Binance had sought millions of dollars in bitcoins in exchange
for listing a new token.
B. restrIctIons on emPloyee tradIng
Another feature that distinguishes virtual currency trading markets from traditional
securities or commodities markets is that the owners and employees of virtual asset trading
platforms can trade directly on their own platforms. This stands in contrast to traditional
securities markets, where employees do not trade directly on their venue (access to which
In other words, no platform reported having set thresholds that must be reached for an asset to become eligible for listing. For
instance, there is no dened level of trading volume or “market capitalization” that has to be reached before an asset becomes
eligible to trade.
Circle Asset Framework, available at
e OAG sought this information in the context of a broader request for an explanation of revenues received by the trading
platforms over the past two years. Accordingly, responses about compensation received for listing were limited to consideration
received over the past two years. Certain platforms did report receiving an “administrative fee” to address compliance issues, a
practice those platforms stated has since been discontinued.
Page 24
requires a registered broker-dealer subject to a host of federal or state regulations, as well as the
membership requirements of the exchange or subscriber rules of the ATS).
Trading by platform employees poses a conict of interest. That conict can be managed
if the platform adopts, and its employees adhere to, policies and procedures prohibiting
employees from trading on the basis of information that gives them an advantage over customers
– for instance, access to non-public news (like the impending listing of a new virtual currency on
the platform), information about the status of the platform order book, or information about its
customers’ identities.
Overall, the OAG’s Initiative found a range of different policies at the participating
platforms as to whether and how platform owners or employees are permitted to trade on their
platform or on other platforms. One platform, HBUS, reported that its employees may not trade
on its platform. Other platforms reported to the OAG that while employees could trade on their
venue, employees had no informational or other advantage over other traders (for instance,
access to non-public order book data). The OAG found that the measures taken to monitor or
prevent employee trading differed. Some platforms require employees, or a subset of employees
with access to sensitive data (for instance, those with knowledge of forthcoming listings), to
be pre-cleared before transacting, while others limited employees’ ability to trade on outside
platforms, because the platform’s ability to monitor activity on a third-party platform is difcult
or impossible. Two trading platforms – Gemini and Bittrex – require regular disclosures from
each employee concerning their trading history and current virtual asset holdings. Bittrex goes
further, by restricting employee trading to a two-day window each quarter. Bitnex, itBit, and
Tidex did not provide any restrictions on employee trading.
Customers should be aware the platforms that refused to participate in the OAG’s
Initiative might not limit the access of employees or other insiders to non-public or
otherwise sensitive information, or monitor employees trading to ensure that other
customers are not being placed at a disadvantage.
c. ProPrIetary tradIng By Platform oPerators
In addition to permitting employees to trade for their own personal accounts, several
platforms reported that they engage in proprietary trading on their own venue. In other words,
customers who submit an order to buy or sell a virtual asset could have their order lled not by
another customer, but by a “trading desk” run by the platform itself, trading on behalf of the
platform for its own account.
There are reasons why a trading platform (or its afliate) might trade on its own venue.
Exchanges also require certain information from members prior to allowing access to the venue, none of which is required by
virtual asset trading platforms. See, e.g., IEX “Exchange Membership and Connectivity,available at
membership/ (requiring Membership Application, User Agreement, Clearing Letter of Guarantee, Form BD, Form U-4, audited
nancial statements, FOCUS Reports, organizational documents such LLC agreement, and other materials).
itBit reported that it would restrict employee trading in connection with the listing of a new virtual asset on its venue. However,
as of September 2018 itBit has only listed one virtual currency: bitcoin.
Page 25
First, a platform might engage in trading in order to make a prot, much like any other trader.
Second, a trading platform might act as a “market maker,” submitting both buy and sell orders
for the same assets in order to promote liquidity – in other words, in order to increase the
chances that a customers order will execute if another willing buyer or seller does not exist
at that moment in time. Those trading objectives are not necessarily exclusive, and indeed can
be accomplished by a sophisticated trader at the same time. Such activity is common in the
traditional securities marketplace, particularly in broker-operated alternative trading systems
(ATSs), but it requires signicant commitment to customer protections and transparency to
remain in compliance with applicable laws.
Trading platforms that engage in proprietary trading on their own venues uniformly told
the OAG that their trading desks had no informational or other trading advantage over customers.
The OAG found that signicant variation exists in the amount of trading activity
attributable to those platform operators. Circle reported that it accounted for less than one percent
of the executed volume on its platform Poloniex during the most recent time period reviewed.
BitFlyer USA indicated that its own activity accounted for approximately ten percent of the
executed volume on its platform. Another, Coinbase, disclosed that almost twenty percent of
executed volume on its platform was attributable to its own trading.
Such high levels of proprietary trading raise serious questions about the risks customers
face on those platforms. As a general principle, when a signicant percentage of the volume
in one or more assets on a venue is attributable to one source, customers face the risk that the
availability of liquidity in those assets could change, without notice and at any time, including
when liquidity is needed most – namely, in times of market volatility or rapid price movement.
That certain platforms themselves account for such high levels of activity on their own venues
Page 26
also calls into question whether the natural market for virtual currencies on those platforms is as
robust as customers might believe it to be.
For those platforms that refused to participate in the OAG’s Initiative (as well as itBit,
which declined to provide any information regarding whether and, to what extent, it traded on its
own venue), customers should be aware that a platform could be trading for its own account on
its own venue, on an undisclosed basis. Further, those platform operators may have informational
and other advantages over traders on their platform. Additionally, customers should be aware that
their platform operator might account for a signicant percentage of the liquidity on the venue,
including a signicant percentage of the traded volume of any particular virtual currency.
IV. securIty, Insurance, and other means of ProtectIng consumer funds
Customers are rightly concerned about theft, hacking, and fraud. Traditional at currency
can be physically guarded and recovered if lost. Fraudulent credit card transactions can be
reversed. Unauthorized account activity can be halted and remediated through well-understood
default rules and systems. Traditional securities are rarely, if ever, stolen. However, given the
nature of virtual currency, once an account is accessed or a “private key” is exposed or taken,
whether from a platform or an individual user, it is difcult if not impossible to recover the
virtual funds.
And unlike robbing a bank or stealing a physical wallet, theft of a virtual asset
can be accomplished by someone sitting at a computer in a jurisdiction far removed from
effective law enforcement.
The vulnerability of virtual assets stored on trading platforms is
highlighted by several recent high-prole incidents.
In order to more fully understand these issues, the OAG asked virtual asset trading
platforms to provide information on several topics, including:
• Security precautions and testing for safeguarding at and virtual currency in the
custody of platforms;
• Insurance in place to protect against risks to customer funds;
A “private key” is a bit of code (typically a long sequence of numbers and letters), which allows the holder of the key to control
the virtual currency associated with it. Anyone who gains access to a private key can use it to transfer the virtual currency, which
then becomes dicult to recover. For a thorough discussion of the technology underpinning virtual currencies and other “crypto
business applications, see World Bank Fintech Note No.1, “Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and Blockchain,” (December
2017), available at
See, e.g., International Monetary Fund Sta Discussion Note, “Virtual Currencies and Beyond: Initial Considerations,” (January
2016), available at (discussing risks related to the irreversibility of
[virtual currency] transactions”).
Several of the trading platforms asked to participate in this Initiative have suered signicant incidents resulting in the reported
loss of client funds. See, e.g., Hacked Bitcoin Exchange Bitnex Will Reduce Balances by 36% to Distribute Losses Amongst All
Users,” Techcrunch, (Aug. 8, 2016), available atnex-will-reduce-
balances-by-36-to-distribute-losses-amongst-all-users/; Coindesk, “Details of $5 Million Bitstamp Hack Revealed,” (Jul. 1, 2015),
available atrmed-report-5-million-bitstamp-bitcoin-exchange/; Forbes, “Crypto Market Drops
Amid Rumors of Binance Hack, (Mar. 7, 2018), available at
drops-amid-rumors-of-binance-hack/#a08b8494d000; Coindesk, “Poloniex Loses 12.3% of its Bitcoins in Latest Bitcoin Exchange
Hack,” (Mar. 5, 2014), available at
Page 27
• Audits.
Many platforms expressed reasonable concern to the OAG about publicly detailing
their internal processes for securing customer funds. While recognizing that certain aspects of
platform operations are indeed sensitive, customers reasonably expect a baseline understanding
of what platforms are doing to protect against risks before they trade.
Customers should note that New York’s Department of Financial Services administers
regulations regarding the operation of virtual currency businesses in New York. Those regulations
impose various obligations on platforms with respect to customer funds, including capital
requirements, surety bonds or trust accounts, holding requirements, and other measures. Platforms
licensed in New York are not permitted to encumber virtual assets held on behalf of customers.
a. safeguardIng VIrtual and fIat currency
Few issues are of greater importance to customers of virtual asset trading platforms than
the security of the funds entrusted to them. Sophisticated criminals attempt to inltrate these
platforms constantly, and have reportedly stolen billions of dollars’ worth of virtual currency.
Once an unauthorized third party gains access to a customer account, those funds can be quickly
transferred beyond the reach of law enforcement.
There are several well-understood security practices of interest to customers about which
the OAG sought more information.
First, the OAG asked platforms whether they required default two-factor authentication
of customers. Two-factor authentication is a data security measure that requires a user to input
both a password and an additional piece of information in order to log in to an account. The
additional piece of information is often a code sent to a phone, or a random number generated
by an app or a token. Two-factor authentication helps protect an account even if a password is
compromised. While all participating platforms reported to offer two-factor authentication for
customers in certain circumstances, the better practice is to require two-factor identication by
default. Default two-factor authentication is the approach taken by all participating platforms
except Bitnex and Tidex. Bittrex and Bitnex offer an additional option for customers:
customers can “whitelist” known IP addresses, and bar access to their account from any other IP
address not on the list.
Second, most participating platforms purport to keep a high percentage of the virtual
currency in their possession in so-called “cold storage.” Cold storage is a security practice
wherein the private keys to virtual currency are kept off the internet and thus not susceptible to
hacking – in contrast to so-called “hot storage,” where keys are stored on a networked device.
Tidex provided no meaningful response.
29 N.Y.C.R.R. § 200.9(c). e BitLicense regulations can be view in full at
“Whitelisting” is a practice whereby only known and veried IP addresses may be used to access a customer’s account.
Attempted account activity by an unknown IP address is blocked.
Notably, however, it is not possible for customers to verify whether a trading platform is in fact keeping virtual assets in
Page 28
Third, data security cannot be evaluated unless it is put to the test by sophisticated third-
parties. Among other things, “penetration testing” can identify security holes in a platform’s
information technology and data security infrastructure before a hacker does. Most participating
platforms reported to the OAG that they hired independent security consultants to conduct
penetration testing and shore up their systems against intrusions. Two participating platforms –
Bitnex and Tidex – did not.
B. Insurance
Insurance exists to manage risk. When ordinary New Yorkers engage in certain activities
– driving a car, buying a home, opening an ice-cream shop – they are required to carry insurance
to mitigate the risk that they, or someone else, will be harmed as a result of that activity. To
operate a business of any magnitude, various risks to employees, customers, clients, and others
must be insured against. Responsible businesses of all kinds carry insurance.
The use and extent of insurance in connection with the business of holding, exchanging,
or transacting in virtual currencies is not well understood. Certain trading platforms, including
bitFlyer, the parent company of bitFlyer USA, have been outspoken about their involvement
in developing insurance products meant to protect against risks to customer transactions.
Coinbase also disclosed to the OAG that it carries insurance to protect against risks to the virtual
currency in its custody. However, industry standards have not yet developed around what assets
should be insured, against what risk, and at what price.
One platform operator expressed to
the OAG its opinion that currently available insurance policies concerning virtual currencies do
not adequately address issues specic to the storage of virtual assets, including the heightened
risk from hacking, and so are inadequate to fully protect customers. itBit refused to provide any
information regarding whether carried insurance covering losses of at or virtual currency.
In light of the uncertain landscape concerning whether, and how, virtual currencies are
insured, customers should demand more information from their trading platforms about how risks
to virtual or at currency are insured against. For those trading platforms that did not participate
in the OAG’s Initiative, as well as itBit, which refused to respond, customers should be aware that
those platforms may or may not be insured against the loss of virtual or at currency.
c. audIts
As a general matter, responsible businesses regularly employ third-parties to review
their operations. Audits and other independent reviews provide an added measure of assurance
that those aspects of the business under review are proceeding in accordance with meaningful
standards. Responsible businesses in any industry should welcome independent third-party
review of their operations.
suciently secure storage, therefore increasing the importance of robust independent auditing, as discussed in this Report.
See Nikkei Asian Review, “Japans bitcoin startups to oer insurance for retailers,” (June 30, 2017), available at https://asia.nikkei.
See Insurance Journal, “Insurers Begin to Oer Cryptocurrency e Cover, Tackling Risks of Growing Sector,” (Feb. 2, 2018),
available at
Page 29
The need for independent third-party review is especially acute in the virtual currency
markets: the core technology upon which virtual currency is built, and the various applications
built on that technology, are new and unproven. Extensive personal customer data is collected
and shared, funds (virtual and at) are held and exchanged constantly, trading rules and practices
are being updated and rened, and insurance or similar safeguards are not universally available
or sufciently robust. Indeed, at the most basic level, many of the companies that hold a
signicant position in the virtual currency space are new, with unproven track records. The need
for independent verication of core policies and procedures is acute.
The OAG asked trading platforms to disclose information regarding audits or other
third-party reviews of their policies, procedures, or operations, in order to better understand
whether these companies are, at even a basic level, subjecting their operations to oversight and
scrutiny. To date, relevant authorities (such as the Financial Accounting Standards Board in the
United States) have not developed generally accepted accounting standards for virtual currency.
A number of platforms – Bittrex, bitFlyer USA, Bitstamp, Coinbase, Gemini, itBit, and Poloniex
(Circle) – reported that they have retained outside rms to conduct audits of their virtual
currency holdings using the approaches currently available.
As a general matter, however, the lack of common auditing standards is troubling, given
the amounts of customer money (at and virtual) held by these platforms, the known data
security risks, and increasing integration of virtual currency into other sectors of the nancial
For platforms that declined to participate in the OAG’s Initiative, customers should
understand that the business operations of those platforms (including but not limited to
nancial condition, data security, employee access to trading data, and other issues) may
or may not have been reviewed and/or veried.
V. access to customer funds, susPensIons, and outages
The inability of customers to access their at and virtual currency is of acute concern
to the public. Platforms often fail to detail their procedures for transferring virtual currency
from customer accounts to private wallets, or for processing at currency withdrawals, or to
accomplish those procedures efciently. This has prompted widespread customer complaints.
Compounding these concerns is the reported vulnerability of platforms to being taken ofine
by bad actors.
Trading suspensions and outages are regular occurrences, and customers have
been locked out of their accounts and unable to trade. Platforms have exacerbated the problem
by not adequately notifying customers of the source or expected duration of outages, properly
publicizing what happens to pending orders when trading resumes, or responding to complaints
e regulations promulgated by the New York Department of Financial Services require, among other things, virtual asset
trading platforms to undergo reviews and furnish audited nancial statements, and to maintain certain books and records.
Platforms regularly face distributed denial of service (“DDoS”) attacks, where the objective is to crash the platforms website. At
least three participating platforms (Bitnex, Poloniex (Circle), and Bittrex), for example, reported facing DDoS attacks in mid-to-
late 2017.
Page 30
through customer service channels.
Given the continuous, global nature of virtual asset trading, reasonable customers expect
their trading platforms to operate seamlessly and predictably. Reliability is especially important
at moments of high volume, when market prices change rapidly. Customers also rightly expect to
be able reach a platform’s customer service representatives. Fast growth in a platform’s customer
base does not excuse a trading platform’s responsibility to ensure that it can handle inevitable
problems experienced by customers.
Any electronic trading venue may experience interruptions from time to time. But virtual
currency trading platforms holding themselves out as akin to traditional venues of exchange
should afford comparable reliability and customer service.
To educate customers about how trading platforms address suspensions of service –
including scheduled maintenance, unexpected platform outages, and temporary suspensions of
trading – the OAG asked platforms to provide information about the following topics:
• Policies or procedures for suspending trading or delaying pending trades, and the
handling of open orders during and immediately following a suspension and/or
platform outage; and
• Whether and how the platform alerts customers of trading suspensions, outages,
or delays; and
• Whether customers can withdraw or transfer virtual or at currency during a
suspension or outage.
The OAG also asked platforms to disclose the dates and causes of previous outages, whether
customers have access to a log of historical suspensions/outages, and the causes of those incidents.
a. susPensIons/outages; user notIfIcatIon and transfer of assets
durIng outages
The OAG asked trading platforms to describe their policies and procedures for suspending
trading or delaying pending trades, and to describe what happens to open orders and currency
withdrawals during a trading suspension or platform outage. The OAG also reviewed information
regarding whether and how customers are notied of trading suspensions, outages or delays. This is
important information for customers, who should understand the circumstances under which their
funds (virtual or at) could be temporarily unavailable to them for withdrawal or trading.
Platforms differed in how pending trades and currency withdrawals are treated during
a trading suspension or outage. Depending upon the reason for the suspension or outage, some
platforms cancel pending trades; other do not. On most platforms, customers are not able to
withdraw at or virtual currency during a suspension or outage, although one platform, bitFlyer
USA, noted that customers can withdraw at and virtual currency during its daily scheduled
See, e.g.,, Cryptocurrency exchanges Coinbase, Bitnex down,” (Dec. 12, 2017) available at https://www.reuters.
Page 31
maintenance. Given these differences, customers should familiarize themselves with how their
trading platform handles open orders during a suspension or outage, and should be sure to
understand whether their at or virtual currency can be transferred or withdrawn during those
times. By and large, however, customers should assume that during periods of suspension or
outages, they will not have the ability to trade or withdraw their at or virtual assets.
Customers should also be aware that the platforms that refused to participate in the
OAG’s Initiative may not have adequate policies and procedures in place governing
trading suspensions, outages, or scheduled maintenance, and that customers’ virtual or
at currencies may become unavailable for transfer or withdrawal, without notice.
B. dIsclosure of hIstorIcal outages
Given the general inability of customers to trade and/or withdraw at and virtual currency
during a trading suspension or platform outage, full disclosure of past outages or suspensions,
and the reasons for those events, is important to allow customers to evaluate the stability and
reliability of a platform, and assess its commitment to transparency. Customers also expect an
easy way to understand when any scheduled maintenance will be performed, and platforms
should make customers familiar with the extent to which scheduled downtime will impact their
ability to trade or withdraw funds.
The OAG asked platforms to provide information about previous outages, including
the causes of the incidents, and asked whether that information is made available to customers.
While almost every responding platform indicated that it noties customers in the event
of a trading suspension or outage (save for Bitnex, which declined to answer), only four
participating platforms (Coinbase, Gemini, Bitnex, and Poloniex) publish a history of prior
outages. The others (including Bittrex, Tidex, and itBit) do not. At time of publication, HBUS
has only recently opened its platform and has yet to experience an outage. Doing so is important
for customers in evaluating the historical stability, reliability, and transparency of a venue.
Page 32
conclusIon: QuestIons customers should ask a Platform
This Report set out to provide customers with easily-accessible information about virtual
asset trading platforms, and to arm customers with the basic questions they should expect every
platform to answer:
1. What security measures are in place to stop hackers from unlawfully accessing
the platform or particular customer accounts?
2. What insurance or other policies are in place to make customers whole in
event of a theft of virtual or at currency?
3. What guardrails or other policies does the platform maintain to ensure fairness
for retail investors in trading against professionals?
4. What controls does the platform maintain to keep unauthorized or abusive
traders off the venue?
5. What policies are in place to prevent the company and its employees from
exploiting non-public information to benet themselves at the expense of
6. How does the platform notify customers of a site outage or suspension, the
terms under which trading will resume, and how customers can access funds
during an outage?
7. What steps does the platform take to promote transparency and to subject its
security, its virtual and at accounts, and its controls to independent auditing
or verication?
8. Is the platform subject to, and registered under, banking regulations or a
similar regime – for instance, the New York BitLicense regulations?
This Report does not address all considerations relevant to virtual asset trading platforms
or their risks. Nor could it – whether and where customers should trade virtual currencies
depends upon the needs and experience of the individual customer. As a general matter, though,
customers would do well to avoid platforms that cannot satisfactorily answer the questions posed
in this Report.
The OAG remains vigilant when it comes to protecting New York customers from fraud
and abusive business practices. The emergent virtual currency marketplace is no different. One
of the most important ways the OAG learns about nancial abuses is from members of the public
who have seen, or been a victim of, fraudulent or abusive conduct. If you have experienced
problems with a virtual asset trading platform, or want to report other suspected illegal conduct,
please contact the OAG. Complaint forms are available at
* * *
The Virtual Markets Integrity Report was prepared by Senior Advisor and Special Counsel to the
Attorney General Simon Brandler, Senior Enforcement Counsel John Castiglione and Assistant
Attorney General Brian Whitehurst of the Investor Protection Bureau, and Assistant Attorney
General Joseph Mueller of the Consumer Frauds & Protection Bureau, and overseen by Investor
Protection Bureau Chief Cynthia Hanawalt and Chief of Staff Brian Mahanna. The Investor
Protection Bureau and Consumer Frauds & Protection Bureau are part of the Economic Justice
Division, which is led by Executive Deputy Attorney General Manisha M. Sheth. The OAG IT
and Web Team provided valuable assistance in designing and formatting the interactive and static
versions of this report.
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Ofce of the New York State Attorney General | | 1-800-771-7755