Screen Producers Australia
Application for Authorisation
Appendix B 2.1
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
Agreement between
Screen Producers
Australia and
Australian Writer’s
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
Terms of use
This Agreement and attached standard contracts are the intellectual
property of Screen Producers Australia and the MEAA. Only Producer
members of Screen Producers Australia are licensed to use this
Agreement to contract crew in accordance with the terms and conditions
set forth in this Agreement.
You may not sell, copy, exchange, transfer, publish, distribute or assign
this Agreement or any part thereof, nor transfer or sub-licence your rights
under this licence, to any third party.
If you are not a Producer member of Screen Producers Australia you can
use this agreement by:
- Joining Screen Producers Australia or - purchasing a temporary
For details go to:
If you use this agreement without being a Screen Producers Australia
member you are in breach of the Screen Producers Australia and MEAAs
intellectual property and either party may take action to protect its rights.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
This Agreement shall be known as the Actors Feature Film Collective Agreement, 2012
Clause Subject Matter
17 Absence from duty
8 Adjustment of rates of pay and allowances
16 Annual Leave
46 Anti-Discrimination
2 Arrangement
9A Artists to carry out duties within limits of skill etc.,
38 Auditions - screen tests - interviews
19 Cancellation and postponement
34 Climatic Allowance
25 Credits
42 Dancers
6 Definitions
48 Discussions During the Term of the Agreement
5 Duration and locality
45 Enterprise Flexibility Arrangements
27 Facilities
4A Favoured Nations
10 Hours of Work
3 Industry - scope
22 Insurance compensation
7 Interpretation
23 Late arrivals
15 Lay Days
39 Loading for rights
14 Meal breaks and rest periods
32 No commercial tie-ups may be required
49 No extra claims
21 No hazardous/dangerous performance
18 Notice of Call times
41 Nudity/Sex simulated scenes
11 Overtime and penalty rates
4 Parties bound
39B Payment by MEAA of Residuals to Performers
28 Payment of wages
31 Preference of Employment
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
43 Publicity/promotion
37 Rates are minimum rates
33 Rates of pay
36 Rehearsals and other special calls
39C Reporting and Payment Procedure
39A Residuals Fees
30 Right of entry
39D Sale of the Film
12 Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays
47 Smoking
44 Storage of personal effects
40 Superannuation
24 Termination of Engagement/Employment
9 Terms of engagement
29 Time and wages record
1 Title
13 Travelling, accommodation, transport
26 Wardrobe, make-up
20 Work in one production only
35 Work in other countries
Schedule A
Standard Contracts of Engagement / Employment
Schedule B
Settlement Procedure
Appendix 1 Signatories
(a) Subject to Clause 48, this Agreement relates to the minimum fees, salary, wages,
expenses, overtime and any other remuneration to be paid to, and the conditions of
engagement of Artists engaged by the Producer to work (Rehearsal, Performance
and all other work) in or incidental to the production of any Film.
(b) This Agreement applies only to those productions which are produced with a genuine
intention of a primary theatrical release.
(a) This Agreement shall be binding upon SPAA, IPI Inc, SPAA Members and IPI Inc
Members from time to time who are Producers and MEAA and its members from
time to time who are Artists, and on Artists who are not members of MEAA but who
have signed a contract in accordance with Schedule A.
(b) The Producer undertakes that this Agreement will apply to any separate associated
or affiliated company set up by the Producer for the purposes of producing feature
films and employing performers. The Producer undertakes to take any practical
steps necessary to ensure that this occurs.
(a) Subject to Clause 4A(b), in the event that MEAA enters into an agreement in relation
to a Film with a Producer who is not a SPAA Member or an IPI Inc Member on terms
that are more favourable to the Producer than the terms provided herein, MEAA will
disclose to SPAA and IPI Inc the terms of such agreement and MEAA will give SPAA
and IPI Inc. the opportunity to agree to all the terms of such agreement. If such
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
agreement is agreed by both SPAA and IPI Inc, then such agreement shall replace
this Agreement.
(b) Clause 4A(a) does not apply to any Film described in Clause 48(a)(i) and (ii).
(a) This Agreement shall come into operation from the beginning of the first complete
pay period commencing on or after January 1, 2012 and shall remain in force until 31
December 2014 and thereafter shall continue in operation until such time as it is
varied or replaced by agreement of the parties or until such time as it is terminated
by SPAA giving MEAA not less than 12 weeks notice in writing that this Agreement
is to terminate, or by MEAA giving SPAA not less than 12 weeks notice in writing that
this Agreement is to terminate.
(b) This Agreement shall apply in all states of Australia and its Territories.
"Ancillary Rights" means the right to exploit the copyright of the Film by the
owner of that copyright for any or all purposes (excluding
Theatrical Rights and by means of Free Television and Pay
Television) including but not limited to usage in ships at sea,
aircraft, buses, or hotels and for usage on home video, foreign
pay television, closed circuit television, video cassettes, video
cartridges, video discs, linear webcasting, wire transmissions
(i) a service (including a teletext service) that provides no
more than data, or no more than text (with or without
associated images); or
(ii) a service that makes programs available on demand on
a point to point basis, including a dial up service,
(iii) any other form of mechanical and/or electronic
reproduction now known or hereafter devised.
"Artist" means each and all of those persons engaged by the
Producer to take part audibly and/or visually in the production
of the Film including Performers, Doubles, Extras, Stand-Ins
and Stunt Double.
“Australian Ancillary Rights”
means the exercise of Ancillary Rights in the territory of
Australia and “Australian Ancillary Market” shall have a
corresponding meaning.
"Australian Creative Control"
means that creative decisions relating to (but not limited to)
story line, casting, direction and other aspects of production
are made by resident Australian managerial personnel and
companies. For the purpose of this definition, key creative
decisions do not include the exercise of Customary Rights of
Approval. In addition, the nationality of the director will be
relevant only if that person is given creative control by
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
“Australian Film” means a feature film subject to Australian Creative Control
where creative decisions relating to (but not limited to) story
line, casting, direction and other aspects of production and
financial decisions in respect of the Film are made by resident
Australian managerial personnel and companies. For the
purposes of this definition, references to “creative decisions”
do not include the exercise of Customary Rights of Approval.
“Australian Pay Television Rights”
means the exercise of the Pay Television Rights in the
territory of Australia and “Australian Pay Television Market”
shall have a corresponding meaning.
"Basic Negotiated Fee" and “BNF”
means the minimum weekly, daily or hourly rate for a
Performer set out in Clause 33 plus the Performer's additional
margin for skill. The Basic Negotiated Fee will be the rate
upon which all non-Performance work, ie. Rehearsals,
wardrobe calls, publicity appearances etc. shall be based.
"Call" means an instruction after engagement by the Producer to the Artist to report for
work at a definite time and date for a definite period for the
purpose of rehearsing for and/or performing in the Film
covered by this Agreement or for any purpose connected
"Composite Fee" means the minimum weekly, daily or hourly rate for a
Performer which comprises the Basic Negotiated Fee on to
which has been added the appropriate loadings, if any, as set
out in Clause 33 and Clause 39.
“Co-Production” means a film in respect of which key creative decisions
relating to the story line, casting, direction and other aspects
of production etc., and financial decisions are shared by
Australians and overseas managerial personnel or
"Crowd" has the same meaning as “Extra”.
"Customary Rights of Approval"
means where a Producer submits to an Offshore source of
financing (by way of investment, negative pick-up, presale or
other advance distribution agreement) the following elements
for approval:
(i) Major Cast;
(ii) Heads of Department;
(iii) Final shooting script;
(iv) Production budget and production plans;
(v) Director’s cut;
(vi) Final cut.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(A) It is understood that "Customary Rights of Approval" as
defined generally operate in circumstances where
overseas finance is being sought.
(B) "Customary Rights of Approval" as defined also
operate in respect of Categories "A", "B" and "C".
“DoA” means the Federal Department of the Arts (DoA) or such
other government department exercising jurisdiction over the
matters contained in the DoA Guidelines from time to time.
“DoA Guidelines” means the guidelines issued by DoA from time to time
regarding the entry of foreign artists into Australia for the
purposes of employment in film and television productions.
"Double" means an Artist who takes the place of another Artist but who
does not speak dialogue used in the Film and is not
photographed in a manner which enables recognition but
excludes a Stunt Double.
"Dubbing" means the post-production process of recording over the
original production recording of the whole or part of a
Performer’s voice for the purpose of recording an accent or
dialect or language different from the accent or dialect or
language used by the Performer in the original production
"Engagement" means the aggregate number of Calls required of any Artist
to complete a Performance.
"Extra" means an Artist who is part of a crowd, mob, ensemble or
atmospheric scene and who appears only incidentally or in
backgrounds, and who does not speak dialogue except in the
mass, and who is, in accordance with industry practice, not
featured, provided that the Producer may for the purpose of
authenticity invite members of the public in civilian dress to
join in a scene and such member of the public shall not be
regarded as an Artist and shall not otherwise be covered by
this Agreement.
“Film” means a Category A, B or C feature film as defined in Clause
33B and which is made wholly or largely in Australia.
“Film’s Net Profits” means the proceeds from the exploitation of the Film in all
media throughout the world (net of third party distribution and
marketing commissions and expenses and net of GST)
available for distribution to the investors and the Producer
(including any co-producer and assignee) following
recoupment by the investors of their respective investments
(and interest and premium if applicable) and following
repayment of any bona fide deferments approved by the
investors in the Film and following repayment of any amounts
due to any completion guarantor and, where applicable, as
otherwise specified in the principal production and investment
agreement for the Film within generally accepted industry
standards. The definition of Film’s Net Profits” shall be
favoured nations with all other parties entitled to a share of
the Film’s Net Profits.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
“Free Television” means broadcasting the Film free of charge to the general
public and includes associated community antenna reception.
“Free Television Rights” means exploitation of the Film by means of Free Television.
“FW Act” means the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth).
“FWA” means Fair Work Australia.
“IPI Inc” means the Independent Producers Initiative Inc.
"IPI Inc Members" means those persons who are members of IPI Inc at any time
during the term of this Agreement, and who presently
comprise the persons described as "IPI Inc Members" in
Appendix 1.
"Juvenile" means an Artist who is less than 16 years of age.
“NES” means the National Employment Standards as contained in sections 59 to 131 of
the FW Act.
"Making-Of Film" means any documentary or promotional film about the making
of the Film of less than or equal to sixty (60) minutes duration
and includes any so-called “behind-the-scenes”
documentaries or promotional film but does not include the
trailer for the Film.
"MEAA" means the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance.
“Offshore” means outside the territory of Australia.
"One-off productions" means tele-plays, feature films, telemovies, mini-series, docu-
dramas and dramatised and scripted corporate video/training
films of more than 20 minutes duration that are fully scripted
and professionally produced.
“Pay Television” means broadcasting the Film by means of a service that:
(i) provides films and programs that, when considered in
the context of the service being provided, appear to be
intended to appeal to the general public;
(ii) are made available to the general public but only on
payment of subscription fees (whether periodical or
“Pay Television Rights” means exploitation of the Film by means of Pay Television.
"Performance" means the work done by an Artist in the Film.
"Performer" means an Artist other than each of the Artists within the
following categories: "Crowd", "Double", "Extra", "Stand-In",
"Supernumerary" and "Walk-on Extra".
"Performer Class 1" means an Artist who takes part in a performance and/or is
engaged to take part in a rehearsal for a performance who is
required to speak more than two lines of dialogue and who
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
has the necessary skills to the required standard to effectively
audition, prepare, rehearse and perform the role required.
Indicative Tasks:
take direction with minimum instructions;
integrate rapid instructions in an instant performance;
present character effectively and instantaneously.
analyse character in terms of script and scene
find appropriate emotions to express script
interpret demands of production.
integrate skills to production and character
take direction and interpret instructions and display
necessary flexibility, versatility and adaptability;
communicate effectively and develop professional
working relationships with the Director, other
Performers and production staff.
achieve the quality of performance to the required
standard and be able to repeat performances to that
maintain the emotional, physical and vocal continuity
required for the performance;
perform convincingly under diverse and adverse
physical and mental conditions.
"Performer Class 2" means an Artist who takes part in a performance and/or is
engaged to take part in a rehearsal for a performance, who is
required to speak more than two lines of dialogue and:
(i) possesses the skills of a Performer Class 1; and
(ii) has worked professionally for a minimum as five (5)
years as a performer; and
(iii) has gained one hundred and fifty (150) points under the
Experienced Point Structure as set out below:
Points are awarded on the basis of the length of the engagement and the area of the
industry in which the engagement took place. The following table sets out how points
are awarded:
1 Serials (as per definition in
Actors Television Programs
13 weeks and
2 points
per week
more than 13
1 point per
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
2 Series (as per definition in
Actors Television Programs
(also includes sit-coms and
sketch comedies)
13 weeks and
3 points
per week
more than 13
2 points
per week
3 One-off productions: (as
eg. Film, Telemovie. Mini-
Series, Docu-dramas,
Dramatised corporate
videos (more than 20 mins)
4 points
per week
4 Theatre 13 weeks and
3 points
per week
more than 13
2 points
per week
Notes: Professional Experience
(1) Professional experience is to be calculated from the date of the
performer’s first professional engagement.
(2) Where the performer has completed a relevant undergraduate
degree or diploma at NIDA, VCA, WAAPA or equivalent tertiary
institution, which is ranked by the Register of Australian Tertiary
Education at level four or higher, the five (5) years experience
requirement will be reduced to three (3) years.
(3) Where the performer has undertaken an appropriate amount of
relevant training at a private or public institution and/or through
private tuition, the five (5) year requirement 1 will be reduced to
four (4) years. Examples of institutions offering “relevant training”
would include the Australian Theatre for Young People, St
Martins and the Actors' Centre.
(4) Where a dispute arises as to whether a particular training course
can be considered ‘appropriate’ or whether the training offered
by the institution is relevant, the matter may be referred to the
‘Performer Classification Committee’ to consist of equal numbers
of representative(s) of MEAA on the one hand and of SPAA/ IPI
Inc (jointly) on the other and an independent chair agreed to by
the parties.
Single Days
(5) Single days are to allocated points on a pro-rata basis. For
example, a performer will earn .8 point for a single day
engagement on a Film - (Category 3 production).
(6) However where the performer is engaged for a single day or
day/s in a significant role and/or concentrated performance, s/he
may negotiate with the Producer of that production for the work
to be credited a greater number of points.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
Limit on One-off Productions
(7) No more than 50% of points may be achieved on any single one-
off production (Category 3 production).
Limit on Points from Theatre - Category 4 productions
(8) A performer must earn a minimum of 30% of their points from
work in productions from Category 1, 2 and 3.
(9) Where the performer has a minimum of 10 years experience in
the industry as a performer the provisions of Clause (8) do not
Eligible Productions
(10) Points are only awarded for work on fully professional
(11) Points are only available to persons engaged as performers, and
not for engagements as Extras, Walk-On Extras or Stand-Ins.
(12) Commercials, documentaries, non-dramatic corporate videos
and other productions are ineligible productions for the purpose
of the 150 point score.
(13) Dramatised corporate videos of at least 20 minutes in length,
scripted and professionally produced will count as eligible
productions and are to be categorised as a Category 3
(14) At the introduction of the Performer Class 2 point classification
system, a committee consisting of equal numbers of Producers
jointly nominated by SPAA/IPI Inc on the one hand and
individuals nominated by MEAA on the other (collectively “the
Industry Committee”) shall be formed to nominate those
performers who will be classified immediately as ‘Performer
Class 2’ and those who will not be required to verify their
experience as provided for in Clause (16) below.
(15) Where a performer has not been classified as Performer Class 2
by the Industry Committee, s/he shall provide the Producer with
information verifying his/her status when claiming to be a
Performer Class 2.
(16) To verify his/her status as a Performer Class 2 a performer shall
provide the Producer with either:
(i) A Statutory Declaration
The statutory declaration shall include:
· Artist’s name
· Agent (where applicable)
· Contact details
· Names of eligible productions in which employed as a
· Name of producer for each production
· Length of Artist’s engagement for each production
· Attributed points gained through the engagement.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(ii) A Log Book
The log book shall set out the information contained in sub-
clause (i) above and shall be signed by each producer
verifying that the engagement has been completed.
(17) Any Producer may request additional information including
extracts from relevant contracts.
(18) Once a performer has been classified as a ‘Performer Class 2’
by either the Producer as per Clause (16) or by the Industry
Committee as per Clause (14), that performer shall remain a
‘Performer Class 2’ for the duration of his/her career.
(19) Where a Producer and a Performer cannot agree on whether the
Performer should be classified as a Performer Class 2' they may
refer the matter to an Independent Arbitrator to be nominated by
Changing Status
(20) Category 3 Productions (one-off productions)
Where in the course of an engagement in a Category 3
production, the performer achieves the necessary points to
graduate to the Performer Class 2 classification, the performer
will continue to be classified as Performer Class 1 for that
engagement until its completion.
(21) Category 1 and 2 Productions (on-going productions - series or
Where in the course of an engagement in excess of thirteen (13)
weeks duration in a Category 1 or 2 production, the performer
achieves the necessary points to graduate to the Performer
Class 2 classification, the performer will graduate to the
Performer Class 2 classification after the completion of the
thirteen (13) week block in which the 150 points were achieved.
"Pick-Up Point" means the studio of the Producer, or where production is not
based in a studio, the production office, provided that such
studio is within a radius of thirty-two kilometres of the GPO of
the capital city or regional town in which the Performer
resides. Should the studio or production office be located in
excess of the said distance of thirty-two kilometres then the
pick-up point shall be within thirty two kilometres of the said
GPO from which point the Producer shall be required to
provide transport to and from the place of work. Provided that
the pick-up point shall be reasonably convenient to the
nearest means of public transport.
In the case of interstate or country Artists, the pick-up point
shall be the transport terminal at which the Artist arrives or the
place of overnight accommodation should the Artist have to
stay overnight, provided that the Producer and MEAA may
agree to a pick-up point beyond thirty-two kilometres.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
"Place of Accommodation"
means the place where an Artist temporarily resides overnight
when s/he has travelled away from his/her place of residence
in the course of his/her employment.
"Place of Residence" means the address at which the Artist usually resides.
"Post Synchronisation" means the post-production process of recording over the
original production recording of the whole or part of a
Performer’s voice for the purpose of amendment or correction
(including, but not limited to, amending dialogue and
increasing the clarity or audio-quality of the Performer’s voice)
but does not include Dubbing.
"Producer" means an individual or legal entity that produces a Film.
“Producer’s Share of Film’s Net Profits”
means the balance of Film’s Net Profits after deduction of any
share payable to any bona fide arms length provider of
development assistance and any investor, lender or
distributor of the Film. The definition of Producer’s Share of
Film’s Net Profits” shall be favoured nations with all other
parties entitled to a share in the Producer’s Share of Film’s
Net Profits.
"Rehearsal" means the work done by an Artist in preparation for his/her
Performance in the presence of and under the direction of the
"Reporting Period" means the six monthly periods ending on the 30th June and
31st December in each calendar year.
"Residual Fee" means any monies due and payable to MEAA under Clauses
39A.1 to 39A.3 (inclusive) and clause 39F in respect of the
exercise of the rights described under those Clauses.
"Semi-Nude" means where the Artist's genitalia, buttocks and/or breasts (in
the case of female Artists) are uncovered.
"SPAA" means the Screen Producers Association of Australia.
"SPAA Members" means those persons who are members of SPAA at any time
during the term of this Agreement, and who presently
comprise the persons described as "SPAA Members" in
Appendix 1.
"Stand-In" means an Artist who replaces another Artist for the purpose
only of Rehearsal and/or technical set-ups such as lighting,
camera angles etc.
“Stunt Double” means an Artist who takes the place of another Artist for
safety reasons or to perform or to engage in hazardous
"Supernumerary" has the same meaning as “Extra”.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
"Theatrical Rights" means the right to rent, lease, license, exhibit, distribute and
otherwise deal in and with respect to the Film on any gauge
released for public exhibition.
"US Major" means any US major as that term is commonly understood
within the US film industry from time to time (including their
subsidiaries), presently comprising 20
Century Fox,
Universal Pictures, Disney / Buena Vista, MGM/UA, Sony
Pictures, Warner Bros, Paramount Pictures and DreamWorks
and their subsidiaries (including Fox Searchlight and Focus).
"US Mini-Major" means any US mini-major as that term is commonly
understood within the US film industry from time to time
(including their subsidiaries), presently comprising New Line,
Miramax Film Corporation, Intermedia and Lions Gate.
"US Network" means any or all of stations known and recognised as the
N.B.C, A.B.C., Fox or C.B.S. Networks or any other entity
which qualifies as a “network under the rules of the US
Federal Communications Commission and a telecast on a
U.S Network shall be telecast over the full facilities of one of
these Networks.
"US Studio" means any US Major and any US Mini-Major.
"Walk on Extra" shall have the same meaning as “Extra”.
In the interpretation of this Agreement unless the context requires otherwise:
(a) words importing the masculine gender shall be deemed to include the feminine and
the singular to include the plural and vice-versa unless there is something repugnant
or inconsistent with such interpretation;
(b) clause headings will be disregarded;
(c) where a word or phrase is given a defined meaning, its other grammatical forms have
a corresponding meaning;
(d) the word ‘person’ includes a natural person, the estate of a natural person, a
company, a government, statutory or other authority, an association or joint venture
(incorporated or unincorporated), a partnership and a trust;
(e) a reference to any person or to any party includes that person’s or party’s executors,
administrators, successors or permitted assigns;
(f) references to any ‘party,’ ‘clause’, ‘schedule’ or ‘annexure’ are references to a party,
clause, schedule or annexure of or to this Agreement and a reference to this
Agreement includes any and all schedules and annexures;
(g) the word ‘includes’ in any form is not a word of limitation.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(a) The rates of pay for Performers set out in this Agreement shall be increased by the
following percentages over the term of this Agreement in accordance with the tables
set out in this Agreement:
(1) from 1 January 2012 30 June 2013: 10.5% increase (on the rates of pay
applicable during the period from 1 January 2009 until 31 December 2011
under the Actors Feature Film Agreement 2003). This wage increase will be
payable in the following increments:
(a) from 1 January 2012 to 30 June 2012: 3% increase;
(b) from 1 July 2012 to 31 December 2012: 3.5% increase; and
(c) from 1 January 2013 to 30 June 2013: 4% increase.
(2) from 1 July 2013 to 31 December 2014: 7% increase (on the rates of pay
applicable during the period 1 January 2013 to 30 June 2013). This wage
increase will be payable in the following increments:
(a) from 1 July 2013 – 31 December 2013: 3.5% increase; and
(b) from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014: 3.5% increase.
(b) The rates of pay for Double, Stand in’s and Extras set out in this Agreement shall be
increased by the following percentages over the term of this Agreement in
accordance with the tables set out in this Agreement:
(1) from 1 January 2012 30 June 2013: 9% increase (on the rates of pay
applicable during the period from 1 January 2009 until 31 December 2011
under the Actors Feature Film Agreement 2003). This wage increase will be
payable in the following increments:
(a) from 1 January 2012 to 30 June 2012: 3% increase;
(b) from 1 July 2012 to 31 December 2012: 3% increase; and
(c) from 1 January 2013 to 30 June 2013: 3% increase.
(2) from 1 July 2013 to 31 December 2014: 6% increase (on the rates of pay
applicable during the period 1 January 2013 to 30 June 2013). This wage
increase will be payable in the following increments:
(a) from 1 July 2013 – 31 December 2013: 3% increase; and
(b) from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2014: 3% increase.
(b) Where an increase under Clause 33 becomes payable (“the Agreement increase”)
during the period of an Artist’s engagement the following shall apply:
(1) Where an Artist is engaged on the minimum Agreement rate the Artist’s BNF
will be adjusted in line with the Agreement increase.
(2) Where the Artist is paid a margin for skill, the Agreement increase will be paid
and will not be absorbed into any margin for skill unless:
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(i) an Artist is engaged on a program by means of a continuous contract;
(ii) the Artist’s BNF for each period of engagement of up to 12 months is
increased from the previous period of engagement (on that Film) by a
percentage equal to or greater than any Agreement increase in
percentage terms that may occur during that period of engagement;
and, in that case any Agreement rate increase may be absorbed into the
Artist’s margin for skill.
Increases payable under Clauses 8(b)(1) and (2) above will be payable from the date
of the Agreement increase but nothing precludes a Producer from paying the
Agreement increase to an Artist before the date required under the Agreement.
Where an increase is payable under Clause 8(b)(2)(ii) the increase will be calculated
as follows: the Agreement increase will be applied to the Agreement rate, the margin
of skill will remain unchanged and the Artist’s BNF will be adjusted accordingly.
(c) The allowances provided for in this Agreement will be increased in line with
movements in the consumer price sub-index group with which they have moved prior
to the introduction of this Agreement at the end of each financial year which
increases will be effective on and from 1 August the following financial year.
(a) The terms of engagement of a Performer shall be specified by the Producer when
the engagement is made, confirmed in writing in the terms of Schedule A to this
Agreement and forwarded to the Performer or his/her agent where possible at least
48 hours (excluding weekends) before filming commences.
Provided that when an engagement is made at a time which does not allow written
confirmation to be forwarded as herein before specified, it shall be given to the
Performer where practicable prior to the actual commencement of the engagement.
Provided further that, in the case of a Performer being required by the Producer to
travel to an engagement, the Performer shall, where practicable, be provided with
the said written confirmation prior to commencing such travel.
(b) The terms of engagement between the Producer and any member of MEAA or other
person engaged by the Producer visually to appear in and/or speak dialogue in or
for the Film shall be on terms which are monetarily not less than the monetary
amounts hereinafter set out in this Agreement and that the conditions of engagement
of each Artist shall never be more onerous than the terms hereinafter set out in this
Agreement. The Producer agrees that all of the terms of this Agreement shall apply
to all persons engaged for Performance (either visual or oral or both) in the Film
irrespective of the weekly or daily salary, wage or fee paid to such person whatsoever
to appear in the Film on monetary terms less that those set out herein or on any
conditions other than those conditions set out herein. Provided that it is distinctly
agreed that all of the monetary terms set out herein are minimum terms and all of
the hours set out herein are maximum ordinary hours and that the number of days
work per week set out herein is the maximum number of ordinary working days per
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
As a result of the operation of this Agreement and contracts of engagement entered into in
the industry by Artists covered by the Agreement, a Producer may direct an Artist to carry
out such duties as are within the limits of the Artist's skill, competence and training.
(a) The ordinary hours of work shall be based on eight hours per day exclusive of a meal break
to be worked continuously between the hours of 6.30am and 11.00pm on five days of the
week Monday to Saturday.
(b) If employed by the week, a normal week will consist of 40 hours (made up of 38
ordinary hours and 2 hours scheduled overtime), exclusive of meal breaks. If an Artist
is of the view that the 2 hours of scheduled overtime are unreasonable the Artist may
refuse to work the additional hours and the Artists weekly rate set out in clause 33
will be reduced by 2/40ths.
(c) All meal breaks other than tea breaks shall be in the Artist's time. Tea breaks shall
be counted as time worked.
(d) Travelling time both ways between the pick-up point and the place of work shall be
counted as time worked except in the following circumstances:
(i) where the Artist is on a bona fide location and the Artist has elected to stay at
a place of accommodation further from the place of work than where the
majority of cast are staying in which case the travel time for that Artist will be
deemed to be the time taken to and from the place of accommodation where
the majority of cast are staying to and from the place of work;
(ii) where on a bona fide location the cast are provided with a standard of
accommodation which is superior to the accommodation which is available
closer to the place of work (which is of a minimum standard as referred to in
Clause 13(d)(i)) and MEAA agrees, the travel time for the Artist will be deemed
to be the time taken to and from the closer accommodation;
(iii) Interstate Artists
(A) where the Artist has been engaged from interstate 50% of the travel
time to or from the place of accommodation to or from the studio or
production office (provided the studio is within a 20 km radius of the
GPO or production office) will be counted as time worked;
(B) where the Artist has been engaged from interstate the first 15 minutes
of the time taken to travel to and from his/her place of accommodation
to or from location will not be counted as time worked.
(a) The Artist shall work such overtime as the Producer may reasonably require. For
the purposes of calculating overtime payments, each day's overtime shall stand
(b) All time worked in excess of eight hours per day on Monday to Friday shall be paid
for at the rate of time and a half for the first three hours and double time thereafter.
(c) For half-daily engagements time worked in excess of four hours shall be paid for at
time and a half for the first three hours and double time thereafter.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(d) Overtime and penalty rates as applying to Clauses 11 and 12 shall be based on the
Artist's Composite Fee except where the Artist’s BNF is in excess of eight times the
minimum relevant rate provided by this Agreement, in which case for the purposes
of calculating overtime only (not including prebought overtime), the Artist’s
Composite Fee will be calculated as though the BNF were eight times the minimum
relevant Agreement rate.
assuming: Performer Class 2
Category A Film
1 July 2012
Agreement Rate $950 .73
110% of rights purchased
BNF is 10 times Agreement Rate (ie. $9,507.30)
Actual fee Deemed fee
BNF $9,507.30 $7,605.84
110% $10,458.03 $8,366.42
Composite Fee $19,965.33 $15,972.26
Base rate $499.13 / hour $399.31 / hour
For the purposes of calculating overtime for this Performer an hourly base rate of
$399.31 / hour would be used on which time and a half and double time payments
would be calculated.
Overtime shall not be paid twice for the same time worked and such time shall be
paid for to the nearest half hour.
(e) For all work performed between 11.00pm and 6.30am a penalty rate of 25% shall be
paid for each hour so worked. Provided that where the work is performed between
midnight Friday and 6.30am Saturday, or between 8.00pm and 12 midnight
Saturday, the penalty shall be 50%.
(f) A break of ten clear hours shall be allowed between the cessation of work on one
day and the commencement of work on the succeeding day provided that in the
event of an emergency work may be performed with the consent of the Artist within
a period of ten clear hours of the cessation of work in which case the Artist shall be
paid double time for the whole of the period worked until the Artist commences the
full ten hours break. The Producer shall notify MEAA in writing of any incidence of
breaks shorter than ten hours.
(a) Saturdays and Sundays
(i) All ordinary hours worked on a Saturday shall be paid for at time and a quarter.
(ii) Overtime worked on a Saturday which is continuous with ordinary hours on
such day shall be paid for at the rate of time and three quarters for the first
three hours and double time thereafter.
(iii) Overtime worked on a Saturday which does not follow the working of ordinary
hours shall be paid for at the rate of time and a half for the first three hours
and double time thereafter.
(b) All work done on Sundays shall be paid for at double time.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(c) Public Holidays
(i) All Artists will be entitled to the following public holidays observed in the State,
territory or locality where work is being performed without loss of pay:
New Years Day
Australia Day
Good Friday
Easter Saturday
Easter Monday
Anzac Day
Birthday of the Sovereign
Eight Hour Day/Labour Day
Christmas Day
Boxing Day.
(ii) In addition, in any calendar year an Artist working on a Film will be entitled to
a maximum one (or in the case of the ACT two) public holidays from the
following list if these occur in the place where the Artist is working on that Film
without loss of pay:
Melbourne Cup Day (Vic)
Royal National Show Day (Qld)
Adelaide Cup Day (SA)
Foundation Day (WA)
Canberra Day (ACT)
Trades and Labor Council Picnic Day (ACT)
Picnic Day (NT).
(iii) In addition all Artists will be entitled to all regional public holidays gazetted for
observance in the state, territory or locality of the production office without loss
of pay.
(iv) (A) By Agreement between a majority of Artists and the Producer, or where
no Artists have yet been engaged, between MEAA and the Producer, a
public holiday may be moved to another agreed day on which the
Artist/s had been scheduled to work ordinary hours. Where this occurs
all work on the public holiday will be paid at ordinary rates of pay.
The general conditions upon which consideration of the moving of a
public holiday will be given is where the Artists will receive the benefit
of an extended period free of work.
(B) However, in relation to major public holidays listed below these will not
be moved:
New Years Day
Good Friday
Easter Saturday
Christmas Day
Boxing Day.
(v) Except in relation to substituted public holidays per Clause 12(c)(iv)(A) if the
Producer does require an Artist engaged to work on any of the public holidays
referred to in this clause to which the Artist is entitled the Producer will pay the
Artist for all hours so worked at the rate of double time and a half.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(a) Artists when travelling shall, where available, be provided with first class tickets for
train (including sleeping accommodation), ship or in the case of aircraft with an
economy class ticket to their destination or if to location then to the terminal nearest
to the location or location accommodation. If travelling during normal meal time and
a meal is not provided, allowances shall be paid as set out in Clause 13(e).
(b) The Producer shall not require an Artist to undertake an assignment if it necessitates
his/her travelling by any conveyance to which such Artist has reasonable objection.
(c) All air travel shall be made by a regular passenger carrying airline or when same is
not available then by passenger carrying charter flight.
(d) (i) An Artist required to stay overnight from his/her place of residence shall be
provided when available with modern motel type accommodation with bath or
shower room and toilet facilities therein, and where possible, unshared. In
addition, for every such day spent away overnight from his/her place of
residence s/he shall be provided with satisfactory meals or paid allowances
for breakfast, lunch and dinner where appropriate as detailed in Appendix 2 of
this Agreement.
(ii) Where it is impossible for the Producer to obtain such accommodation the
Artist shall be paid the following allowances per day:
(1) Where accommodation is provided at the standard of a private home,
homestead, or hotel with shared facilities or where unshared
accommodation is not provided as detailed in Appendix 2 of this
(2) Where accommodation is provided at the standard of air-conditioned
caravans or air-conditioned and sewered mining camps as detailed in
Appendix 2 of this Agreement.
(3) Where accommodation is provided at the standard of shearers' quarters,
rough mining camps, or by camping as detailed in Appendix 2 of this
For the purpose of this paragraph it will be deemed impossible for a Producer
to obtain accommodation of the type referred to in paragraph (i) where it is
necessary for the Artist to spend more than one and one half hours travelling
from the location to the nearest accommodation.
(e) An Artist when travelling during meal periods shall either be provided with a
satisfactory meal or paid allowances for breakfast, lunch and dinner in lieu
thereof as detailed in Appendix 2 of this Agreement.
(f) (i) An Artist required to travel interstate and to commence work before 9.00am
on the first day of engagement shall be provided with overnight
accommodation for the preceding night and if required to continue working
after 7.00pm on the final day of engagement shall be provided with overnight
accommodation for that night, if so desired by him/her, or in any event, if return
transport is then not available to the Artist's place of residence.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(ii) An Artist not required to travel interstate but required to travel more than eighty
kilometres from his/her place of residence and to commence work before
9.00am on the first day of engagement shall be provided with overnight
accommodation for the preceding night, if so desired by him/her, and if
required to continue working after 6.00pm on the final day of engagement shall
be provided with overnight accommodation for that night, if so desired by
him/her (or in the case of daylight saving 7.00pm).
(g) If an Artist is required to travel to or from an engagement on any day on which s/he
is not being paid for work s/he shall travel at a time which as far as possible shall be
at a time to suit his/her convenience and be paid at the hourly equivalent of the
relevant daily Agreement rate specified in Clause 33C with a minimum of 4 hours
payment (meal breaks excluded).
(h) An Artist shall be provided with transport between the pick-up point and place of work
if s/he so requires.
(i) An Artist required to carry any baggage of not less than eight kilograms or which
cannot be conveniently carried by him/her by hand to a location or studio or pick-up
point shall be provided with taxi or private automobile transport to and from his/her
place of residence.
(j) An Artist required to stay away overnight from his/her place of residence shall be
provided with transport or paid the cost of same both ways between all town or city
transport terminals, places of work and places of overnight accommodation.
(k) An Artist not required to stay away overnight from his/her place of residence shall be
provided with taxi or private automobile transport either way as relevant between
his/her place of residence and the place of work or paid the cost of the same in any
of the following circumstances:
(i) When the Artist's work commences before 7.00am or finishes after 7.00pm
(8.00pm daylight saving) except -
(1) where the Artist has his/her own means of transport, and
(2) in the case of any Extra, unless there is no reasonable public transport
available or where the location is isolated.
(ii) When an Artist commences or finishes work at a time when the normal means
of regular transport is not available within thirty minutes of the Artist's
commencing or finishing time.
(iii) If an Artist is provided transport to or from his/her place of work in
accordance with clause 13(k)(i) then the Producer will make every
endeavour to provide the Artist with taxi or private automobile transport to an
Artist’s place of residence at the conclusion of the Artist’s paid time for the
(l) If a Producer agrees an Artist may arrange to make his/her own way to the place of
work at his/her own expense if it is more convenient for him/her to do so.
(m) Where an Artist agrees at the request of the Producer to use his/her own motor
vehicle or motor cycle, the Artist shall be paid the following allowance:
(i) Motor Car: as detailed in Appendix 2 of this Agreement.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(ii) Motor Cycle: as detailed in Appendix 2 of this Agreement.
For the purpose of calculating payments under this provision, it shall be deemed that
the Artist travelled from the pick-up point to the place of work and return.
(n) Where the Performer is less than 16 years of age the Producer shall provide the
Performer with suitable transport either way between his/her place of residence and
the place of work.
(o) Where a Producer is required to provide transport for an Artist under this Agreement,
where possible the Producer shall advise the Artist in advance of such arrangements.
(a) If duty commences before 5.00 a.m. the Producer shall allow a half hour break
between the hours of 6.30a.m. and 8.00a.m. This break shall be considered as time
on duty and breakfast shall be provided by the Producer or the breakfast allowance
as detailed in Appendix 2 of this Agreement shall be paid. Where the Producer
provides a catered breakfast to Artists whose duty does not commence before 5.00
am, a half hour break shall be allowed for breakfast of which 15 minutes shall be
paid time on duty.
(b) The Producer shall provide meals upon location as required, or shall pay an
allowance to each Artist the lunch allowance as detailed in Appendix 2 of this
Agreement in respect of the first meal break after breakfast and the dinner
allowance as detailed in Appendix 2 of this Agreement for subsequent meal breaks.
(c) Except as provided for in Clause 14(a), meal breaks shall be not less than half an
hour and not more than one hour. Meal breaks shall not be considered as time on
duty, other than as provided for by this Clause.
(d) Meal breaks shall commence not later than 5 hours from the start of the work
session or the end of the last meal break, whichever is the later.
(e) Artists shall be entitled to paid rest periods of ten minutes during the morning and
afternoon of each day, which shall be taken at times agreed between the Producer
and the Artist(s) so as not to interfere with the production, but generally after two
hours work and before the completion of three hours work. Where a catered
breakfast is provided to an Artist who commences work after 5:00 am, the Artist
shall not be entitled to a morning rest period.
(f) If a meal break is not allowed as provided for in this Clause 14, a delayed meal
break (“DMB”) penalty shall be paid at the rate of single time additional for all time
worked from the time the meal break became due until the actual meal break
commences. Payments for DMB penalties shall be calculated to the nearest 15
(g) A DMB penalty shall not be payable after 5 hours work where it is not reasonably
practicable for all Artists to take a meal break (e.g. when finishing a scene, or
because of time constraints on a particular location) and the Producer and the
individual Artist(s) affected agree, or where the Producer and the majority of
affected Artists agree provided that at the time the Producer seeks the agreement
of the individual Artist or the majority of the affected Artists the Producer will indicate
the reason for the extension and the likely delay before the break will be taken. In
these circumstances the meal break must be taken after 6 hours from the start of
the work session or end of the last meal break, whichever is the later, or a DMB
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
penalty will apply.
(h) A DMB penalty shall not be payable in circumstances where the Producer provides
a catered rest period of not less than 20 minutes between the first and second meal
break, and the Artist works more than five but not more than six hours between
those meal breaks. Such a catered rest period shall be regarded for all purposes
as paid time on duty. In these circumstances the Meal Break must be taken at the
6 hour point or a DMB penalty will apply.
(i) Notwithstanding the above where any Artist is required to work beyond the time of
their second meal break such meal shall be provided by the Producer or the
appropriate allowance shall be paid to the Artist by the Producer.
(j) When overtime duty is performed beyond 12.00 midnight a supper break of half an
hour must be allowed and taken as time on duty. The Producer must provide supper
or reimburse the Artist at the rate of the supper allowance as detailed in Appendix
2 of this Agreement.
If an Artist is required to stay away overnight from his/her residence but is not required to
work (not being his/her usual day/s off) s/he shall receive his/her BNF for each day, unless
such Artist is engaged on a weekly basis.
(a) All Artists other than casual employees will be entitled to annual leave in
accordance with Division 5 of the National Employment Standards (NES),
reproduced in Appendix 2 of this Agreement, under the Fair Work Act 2009
(b) Due to the unique nature of film production, MEAA acknowledges that it is
reasonable that annual leave not be taken during the course of production,
unless (a) in exceptional circumstances and provided that the Producer has
granted prior approval, or if required by law; and (b) the Producer may direct
the Artist to take any accrued annual leave.
(c) On termination of the engagement, the Producer will make a payment of
accrued but untaken annual leave calculated on the following basis 1/12th of a
figure which is calculated as follows:
(i) divide the weekly Composite Fee by 40 (or in the case of daily
engagement, divide by 8) to ascertain the hourly rate;
(ii) multiply the resultant figure by the total number of hours including
overtime, if any, worked (or previously contracted for, whichever is the
greater) in the engagement.
Casual hire
(d) An Artist that is a casual employee is not entitled to annual leave.
(e) However, the Producer has nonetheless agreed that the Producer shall pay a
casual hire Artist, in addition to all other payments provided for by this
Agreement, a sum equal to 1/12
of a figure that is calculated as follows:
(i) divide the weekly Composite Fee by 40 (or in the case of daily
engagement, divide by 8) to ascertain the hourly rate;
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(ii) multiply the resultant figure by the total number of hours including
overtime, if any, worked (or previously contracted for, whichever is the
greater) in the engagement.
(a) An Artist engaged by the week who is absent from duty will not be entitled to be
paid for that absence, provided that this provision will not apply if the:
(i) Artist is entitled to paid leave under the NES in accordance with
Divisions 4 and 6 of the National Employment Standards (NES); or
(ii) unless he/she notifies the Producer within twenty-four hours of the
commencement of such absence that the absence was reasonable
because of either:
(1) illness of the Artist due neither to his/her own default nor to
accident arising otherwise than out of and in the course of
his/her engagement; or
(2) bodily injury to the Artist caused by accident arising out of and
in the course of his/her engagement.
(b) Personal/carer's leave, compassionate leave, and parental leave are provided
for in the NES (See Appendix 3 and 4).
(c) Before the Producer grants paid or unpaid personal/carer's leave or
compassionate leave, the Artist must provide the Producer with the appropriate
notice and satisfactory evidence (which may include a medical certificate or
statutory declaration) in compliance with the NES.
(d) The Artist must notify the Producer if they will be absent as soon as practicable. If the
Producer requires that Artist to notify a particular officer or employee of their absence, the Artist
must comply with that requirement.
An Artist shall be notified at the end of each day's work of the commencement time for the
next day's work and where possible not less than ten hours notice of starting time must be
given to the Artist.
(a) A Call may be postponed without payment to the Artist provided that not less than
seven days notice has been given to the Artist prior to the time of the original Call.
Should less than seven days but four days or more notice of such alteration be given,
the Artist shall be paid 16 2/3% of the Basic Negotiated Fee calculated on a daily
basis for such altered Call. Should less than four days but more than two days notice
of such alteration be given, the Artist shall be paid 25% of the Basic Negotiated Fee
calculated on a daily basis for such altered Call. Should less than forty-eight hours
notice of such alteration be given, the Artist shall be paid 33 1/3% of the Basic
Negotiated Fee calculated on a daily basis for such altered Call.
(b) Where an Artist has been booked and no work is performed on that day due to
weather conditions s/he shall be paid 50% of the Basic Negotiated Fee calculated
on a daily basis for such day if s/he has not been required to attend the place of work
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
or 75% of the Basic Negotiated Fee if s/he has been required to attend the place of
(c) Calls substituted for the postponed Call shall be paid for at the same Composite Fee
as for the original Call.
(d) If a Call is cancelled by the Producer or if the Artist is unavailable on the date to
which a Call has been postponed then in lieu of any payment for postponement the
Artist shall be paid his/her Composite Fee for the Call.
(a) Subject to Clause 20(b), all work performed for the Producer in the production of a Film
shall only be used as part of the Film for which the Artist was originally engaged. No footage
featuring the Performance of the Artist may be used in any other production without the
written permission of the Artist. Such written permission shall not be unreasonably
(b) The Artist and MEAA acknowledges that Producers may use any of the footage from
the Film or still photographs as is necessary to promote and/or advertise the Film in
any media including the production of trailers, Making-Of Films, printed material etc.
(c) If the Producer seeks the written approval of the Artist to use footage featuring the
Performance of the Artist in any other production or to edit or otherwise join that
footage with segments from another program, the Producer will negotiate appropriate
consideration for the Artist having regard to the following which the Producer must
specify in writing:
(i) the other production or program in which the footage will be used and the
nature of that new program;
(ii) the maximum duration of the footage featuring the Performance of the Artist to
be used;
(iii) the means including the rights required from the Artist and the media by which
the footage will be exploited by means of the other production or program;
(iv) the territories in which the other production or program will be exploited;
(v) the way in which the footage will be used.
(d) The Producer may not seek the Artist’s consent for use of the results of the Artist’s
work in so-called “blooper” or “outtake” programs as a condition of engagement.
(e) The Producer may not include so-called “behind-the-scenes” footage of the Artist in
any Making-Of Film without the Artist’s knowledge and written approval.
(f) The Producer may negotiate with the Performer at the point of engagement to appear
in photography for one Making-Of Film provided that the Producer shall pay the
Residual Fees payable under Clause 39A.3. The Producer may use clips from the
Film and still photographs in such Making-Of Film without further payment and
without necessity to seek the further consent of the Performer(s) involved. Such
Making-Of Film may not be combined to make "specials" or other program content.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(g) Except as provided in Clause 39A.3 but subject to Clause 20(f), a Performer shall not
be entitled to any additional payment for work performed on any Making-Of Film
where such work is performed:
(i) during the production of the Film; and
(ii) within the Performer's normal working hours during the term of the Performer’s
The Producer may not require the Artist to render any services whatsoever of a hazardous
or dangerous nature which involves the Artist in any degree of risk or to carry out any stunt
herein unless such special services are specially referred to and detailed in the Artist's
written engagement. Provided that the Artist may refuse to carry out any work not specified
in the written engagement which could reasonably be construed as being dangerous,
hazardous and of risk to life or limb or health or as a stunt.
(a) The Producer shall insure Artists in accordance with requirements of the relevant
Workers Compensation Act relating to the areas of Australia in which they are
required to perform.
(b) Where at the request of a Producer an Artist provides personal property for purposes
in connection with the engagement, the Producer shall indemnify the Artist for any
loss, theft or damage of that property provided the Artist has, prior to the day of
commencement of a Performance, specified to the Producer the value of the item
and provided that the loss, theft or damage is not the fault of the Artist.
(a) If an Artist is late for a Call or delays Rehearsal or Performance without reasonable
excuse the Producer may refer the matter to the Ethics Committee of the Council of
Management of MEAA.
(b) The Producer shall not be obliged to pay the Artist for the period of time where the
Artist has not been present without reasonable cause.
(a) The Artist shall perform in good faith and to the best of his/her ability all of the
services to be rendered by him/her for which s/he is engaged and as required by the
Producer and s/he shall comply with all of the Producer's reasonable directions and
(b) A Producer may terminate the engagement of an Artist without notice for negligence
or misconduct, or may deduct payment for any day or part thereof where an Artist
cannot be usefully engaged because of any strike, ban on work, or any other
stoppage or interference with work beyond the control of the Producer.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
All Artists playing speaking parts of two or more lines in the Film shall receive a cast credit.
Such credit shall be visual, legible and shall provide character identification. Where,
subject to the consent of MEAA, the services of an overseas Artist have been engaged
then equal billing (in size, position in relation to the title, advertising and promotional
material etc.) shall be given to an equal number of Australian Artists. Provided that equal
billing may be varied by consent between Producer and MEAA.
(a) All properties, wigs, footwear and articles of clothing not possessed by the Artist and
any article of clothing or footwear peculiar to any trade, calling, occupation or sport
shall be provided by the Producer.
(b) Should the Producer desire the Artist to wear footwear and/or civilian dress of a type
which is customarily worn by civilians of the present day in Australia the Artist may
provide such wardrobe etc., if it is already in his/her possession. In the event that
such wardrobe etc., is not in the Artist's possession, it shall be provided by the
(c) All wardrobes etc., supplied by either the Producer or Artist shall be maintained in a
satisfactory and hygienic condition by the Producer. Any damage to wardrobe etc.,
supplied by an Artist shall be the responsibility of the Producer who shall fully
compensate the Artist for such damage.
(d) The Producer may elect, as an alternative to his/her obligation pursuant to Clause
26(c), to pay the following allowance:
(i) in the case of a Performer who provides his/her own:
(1) formal wear wardrobe (including any special 'character' costume), the
amount as detailed in Appendix 2 of this Agreement per outfit for each
week or part of a week the Performer provides the outfit, such amount to
be inclusive of any rental fee; and
(2) other wardrobe, the amount as detailed in Appendix 2 of this Agreement
per outfit for each week or part of a week the Performer provides the
outfit, and
(ii) in the case of an Artist (except a Performer) who provides his/her own formal
wear wardrobe (including any special 'character' costume), the amount as
detailed in Appendix 2 of this Agreement per outfit per week or part of a week
the Artist provides the outfit, such amount to be inclusive of any rental fee.
For the purpose of this Clause 26(d), "week" means a period of 7 consecutive days
calculated from the first day on which an Artist provides his/her own outfit under
Clauses 26(d)(i) and (ii).
(e) Where an Artist is Called by the Producer for the purpose of a wardrobe Call, s/he
shall be paid per hour at the rate set out below, with a minimum Call of two and one
half hours unless the Artist is already being paid for such time. If an Artist is required
to stay away overnight from his/her residence and is called on a day s/he is not
required to work (not being his/her usual day/s off) s/he shall receive his/her BNF for
the day.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
From 1 January 2009 $32.59
From 1 January 2010 $33.57
From 1 January 2011 $34.71
From 1 January 2012 $36.01
From 1 January 2013 $37.27
From 1 January 2014 $38.53
(f) All make-up shall be supplied by the Producer.
(g) Time taken for the application of make-up shall count as time worked but removal of
make-up shall be in the Artist's own time except where the time taken to remove full
body make-up, special effects make-up and prosthetics exceeds 10 minutes, when
the actual time taken to remove such make-up, up to a maximum of 30 minutes, shall
count as time worked. Provided that where the Producer and an Artist agree that
there are bona fide and special circumstances requiring more than 30 minutes in the
removal of such make-up, the time actually taken in such removal shall be counted
as time worked.
(a) Studio
At any place of work that can reasonably be regarded as studio work the Producer
shall provide adequate clean, well lit and well ventilated change rooms and separate
rooms and facilities for the sexes, mirrors, proper seating, clean towels and soap,
and where necessary, showering conveniences and hot and cold water.
(b) On location
On location work the Producer shall, except in exceptional circumstances (eg. when
filming at sea), provide adequate shelter from inclement weather, adequate shelter
from the sun, change rooms or private enclosed change space, washing
conveniences, towels, soaps, hygienic toilet conveniences, and adequate seating on
and off set. The Producer shall provide an enclosed area (eg. room, marquee, tent
or other suitable facility) for the Performers' use in accordance with industry practice.
(a) Except as otherwise provided all amounts due to an Artist in respect of work carried
out during the seven consecutive days ending midnight on Saturday (or during such
other regular seven day period substituted therefore) shall be paid to the Artist within
the succeeding seven days.
(b) Meal money and payment in lieu of accommodation shall be paid to an Artist on a
day-to-day basis. Payment for travel reimbursement to which the Artist is entitled
shall where practicable be paid to an Artist on a day-to-day basis.
(c) A personal statement of earnings showing separately all amounts payable under this
Agreement, deductions etc., shall be included with each Artist's pay.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(a) The Producer shall keep a record from which can be readily ascertained the name
of each Artist, the hours and times worked each day and the payments made in
respect to such work.
(b) The time and wages record shall be open for inspection to an accredited MEAA
representative during the usual office hours at the Producer's office or other
convenient place. Provided that an inspection shall not be demanded unless MEAA
suspects that a breach of this Agreement has been committed.
(c) The representative making such inspection shall be entitled to take a copy of entries
in the time and wages record relating to the suspected breach of this Agreement.
Subject to the provisions of Chapter 3, Part 3-4 of the FW Act a duly accredited
representative of MEAA shall have the right to enter any place of Rehearsal and/or
Performance to interview Artists. The MEAA representative shall not interfere with or delay
any Rehearsal or Performance.
(a) Except as provided for in Clause 20, an Artist’s name or image shall not be used in
commercial tie-ups` between the Film and commercial goods or services or in
connection with commercial advertising without his/her written consent.
(b) If any consent of the type described in Clause 32(a) above is sought of the Artist,
the Producer must specify the following in writing;
(i) a description of the commercial goods;
(ii) the brand name, if applicable, which will be associated with the commercial
goods and commercial advertising;
(iii) a description of the commercial advertising including the number of
advertisement, media associated with the advertisements, length or size of
advertisements if applicable, and placement of advertisements;
(iv) dates for which and locations at which the Artist will be required to attend for
the purpose of the creation of the commercial advertising;
(v) territories in which the Commercial Tie up with commercial goods and
commercial advertising will be exploited;
(vi) the manner in which the Artist’s name and or image will be used with respect
to the commercial goods and commercial advertising;
(vii) the duration for which the Artist’s name and or image will be used with
respect to the commercial goods and commercial advertising.
(c) If one or more of the items in (b) above is/are not known at the time the Artist’s
consent is sought any provisional consent obtained will be subject to the Producer
seeking the consent of the Performer to those unknown items at a later time and to
(d) below.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(d) Subject to agreement on the items set out in (b) the parties will negotiate on the
appropriate remuneration or other consideration to be made to the Artist which will
be negotiated having regard to those issues set out in (b) and the standing of the
The Artist's rate of pay shall be determined in the following manner:
A. Process of Categorisation
(a) The Producer shall, prior to engaging members of MEAA, supply a Statutory
Declaration stating the following:
Production Credits:
(i) (1) A list of persons and/or companies and their residential status
who will be granted credits such as, but not limited to, producer,
executive producer, associate producer, executive in charge of
production, production supervisor, production manager,
production associate.
(2) A list of persons and/or companies and their residential status
who will be granted presentation credits, such as but not limited
"A............................................................... production".
"A............................................................. presentation".
".............................. presents a .......................................
............................. production".
"........................ presents a film by ......................……".
"Production in Association with .................."
provided that this requirement does not apply to a distributor's
normal distribution or release credits.
(ii) Completion guarantee: The nature of persons or company and their
residential status, providing (where applicable), the completion guarantee.
(iii) Overseas actors: The name and country of origin of all actors not residing in
Australia and who receive billing other than rolling billing at the conclusion of
the Film.
(b) The parties to this Agreement will comply with the DoA Guidelines.
(c) The Producer and MEAA may, by mutual consent, designate a specific category to
the Film, notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 33B.
B. Category Definitions
Films shall be categorised as follows:
Category A: means an Australian Film (subject to customary right of approval)
and an all Australian cast.
Category B: means a Category A film but with one or more overseas Artists.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
Category C: means a bona fide Co-Production between an Australian
production company and an Offshore production company.
C. Minimum Rates:
(a) The minimum rates set out hereunder shall be paid by the Producer to the
(A) Engaged By The Week
Minimum Agreement
(i) Performer Class 2 919.48
(ii) Performer Class 1 849.18
(iii) Double 666.61
(iv) Stand-In 666.61
(B) Engaged by the Day
Minimum Agreement
(i) Performer Class 2 257.46
(ii) Performer Class 1 237.77
(iii) Double 166.66
(iv) Stand-In 166.66
(v) Extra 170.30
(C) Engaged by the hour (with a minimum Call of 4 hours)
Minimum Agreement
(i) Performer not required to speak
more than two lines of dialogue
(ii) Extra 25.54
(A) Engaged By The Week
Minimum Agreement
(i) Performer Class 2 950.73
(ii) Performer Class 1 878.04
(iii) Double 686.02
(iv) Stand-In 686.02
(B) Engaged by the Day
Minimum Agreement
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(i) Performer Class 2 266.21
(ii) Performer Class 1 245.84
(iii) Double 171.52
(iv) Stand-In 171.52
(v) Extra 175.26
(C) Engaged by the hour (with a minimum Call of 4 hours)
Minimum Agreement
(i) Performer not required to speak
more than two lines of dialogue
(ii) Extra 26.29
(A) Engaged By The Week
Minimum Agreement
(i) Performer Class 2 986.43
(ii) Performer Class 1 911.02
(iii) Double 705.44
(iv) Stand-In 705.44
(B) Engaged by the Day
Minimum Agreement
(i) Performer Class 2 276.21
(ii) Performer Class 1 255.08
(iii) Double 176.37
(iv) Stand-In 176.37
(v) Extra 180.22
(C) Engaged by the hour (with a minimum Call of 4 hours)
Minimum Agreement
(i) Performer not required to speak
more than two lines of dialogue
(ii) Extra 27.03
(A) Engaged By The Week
Minimum Agreement
(i) Performer Class 2 1020.96
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(ii) Performer Class 1 942.90
(iii) Double 726.60
(iv) Stand-In 726.60
(B) Engaged by the Day
Minimum Agreement
(i) Performer Class 2 285.87
(ii) Performer Class 1 264.01
(iii) Double 181.66
(iv) Stand-In 181.66
(v) Extra 185.63
(C) Engaged by the hour (with a minimum Call of 4 hours)
Minimum Agreement
(i) Performer not required to speak
more than two lines of dialogue
(ii) Extra 27.84
(A) Engaged By The Week
Minimum Agreement
(i) Performer Class 2 1055.48
(ii) Performer Class 1 974.79
(iii) Double 747.76
(iv) Stand-In 747.76
(B) Engaged by the Day
Minimum Agreement
(i) Performer Class 2 295.54
(ii) Performer Class 1 272.93
(iii) Double 186.96
(iv) Stand-In 186.96
(v) Extra 191.03
(C) Engaged by the hour (with a minimum Call of 4 hours)
Minimum Agreement
(i) Performer not required to speak
more than two lines of dialogue
(ii) Extra 29.51
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(b) Grandfathered Films:
Films already financed prior to the signing of this agreement and in
production before 2013 will be excluded from the wage increases applicable
as at January 1, 2012.
(c) Category B
(i) Excepting in relation to Extras and Stand-Ins and subject to Clause
33C(c)(ii), 25% additional to the rates set out in Clauses 33C(a)(1) to
(6), plus 12.5% for each additional imported Artist after the first. Where
there is a requirement for an imported Artist in excess of the first four
(4) imported Artists due to exceptional circumstances (eg a New
Guinean role or for continuity reasons) then no additional loading will
be payable in respect of this imported Artist.
(ii) If each of sub-paragraphs (A), (B), (C) and (D) (below) apply:
(A) the imported Artist is required on the basis of ethnicity required
by the role;
(B) the role is for a person from a non-English speaking
background; and
(C) (AA) the imported Artist is a citizen of the country that
dictates the ethnic specificity of the role (by way of
example only, if the role calls for a Japanese or a
Chilean, then the imported Artist must be a citizen of
Japan or Chile respectively); or
(BB) (a) MEAA has granted to the Producer a written
exemption to the requirement that the imported
Artist be a citizen of the country that dictates the
ethnic specificity of the role (which exemption
will be discretionary, but in any event, only on
the basis that the Artist is of the specified
ethnicity and that both sub-sub paragraph (b)
(below) and sub-paragraph (D) (below) apply);
(b) the imported Artist is not a ‘marquee’ performer
(as that term is commonly understood within the
Australian film industry); and
(D) following the completion of a comprehensive Australia wide
casting exercise undertaken in accordance with the DoA
Guidelines, a suitable Australian Artist could not be identified,
then the additional loading of 25% or 12.5% (as the case may be)
described in Clause 33C(c)(i) applying in relation to such imported Artist
will not apply,
(d) Category C
Except in relation to Extras and Stand-Ins and except as provided in Clause
33C(e), 75% additional to the rates set out in Clauses 33C(a)(1) to (6) here of
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
plus 12.5% for each additional imported Artist after the first and up to and
including five imported Artists and thereafter the loading will be 5% for each
additional overseas Artist up to a maximum of ten imported Artists;
References in this clause to a number of overseas Artists are not to be taken
as having an effect on the provisions of the DoA Guidelines.
(e) A Performer engaged in a Category C Film who speaks no more than two
lines and in any case not more than 25 words shall be paid a Category C
loading of 25% of that Performer's Basic Negotiated Fee for the Film.
(f) Arbitration
If the Producer and MEAA do not agree on the category to be applied to a
Film, both parties shall promptly appoint a person to determine the category
by arbitration. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on both
parties and any costs payable to the arbitrator and any costs related to the
arbitration such as hire of venue, transcript or reporter's fees shall be shared
equally by the parties.
The following shall be regarded as factors which may be relevant in making a
determination as to whether a production is a Category C production.
(i) Joint ownership of the copyright in the original works involved in the
completed production;
(ii) Joint ownership of the copyright in the completed production;
(iii) Shared production/executive producer/ producer credits;
(iv) Shared creative control;
(v) Shared responsibility for any legal action that may arise from the
exhibition or other exploitation of the production, eg. defamation,
(vi) Shared income (excluding normal distribution commissions) derived
from, or sharing of territories for, the exploitation of the production.
It is agreed that other factors may also be relevant in particular cases.
D. General
The following conditions shall be applicable to Categories A, B and C:
(a) (a Juvenile is an Artist who is less than sixteen years of age) -
Juveniles shall be paid not less than 50% of the applicable rate of pay set out
in this clause.
(b) (i) A Performer Post-Synchronising his/her own voice, unless such work is
carried out during the period of his/her engagement, shall be paid at the
hourly equivalent of the Composite Fee, with a minimum Call of two and
one half hours.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(ii) If Post-Synchronisation is required after the completion of the
Performer’s engagement the Producer will contact the original Performer
or his or her agent with reasonable notice of this requirement. The
Producer and the Performer will seek to negotiate a mutually agreed time
bearing in mind the other commitments of the Performer and the needs
of the production. If the Performer is not available to perform the Post-
Synchronisation on reasonable notice and within a reasonable timeframe
the Producer may arrange for the Post-Synchronisation to be undertaken
by another Performer.
(iii) A Performer Post-Synchronising or Dubbing another Performer’s voice
shall be paid per hour 6.3% of the Performer’s weekly Agreement rate
plus applicable loadings, Residual Fees and Performer’s Net Profit
Entitlement in accordance with Clauses 39 and 39A with a minimum Call
of two and one half hours.
(iv) The voice of a Performer (excluding Juvenile Performers) shall not be
Dubbed in the English language without the written consent of such
Performer or of MEAA, which consent shall not be unreasonably
withheld. Such consent may not be sought as a condition of engagement
unless the written consent of MEAA has been obtained prior to the
engagement of the Performer(s), except where that Performer is a
puppeteer or animation voice Performer. The Producer shall have the
right to Dub any Artist’s voice in a foreign language.
(c) Wild lines (dialogue) recorded on location, in studio premises or location hotel
room on completion of a day's shooting but not recorded to pictures, are to be
regarded as shooting time or an extension thereof.
If an Artist is required by the Producer to carry out work whatsoever in: North Queensland,
Western Queensland, Western NSW, Central Australia, Northern Territory, Eastern or
Northern Zones of Western Australia, Western or Northern Zones of South Australia or in
Papua New Guinea, the Artist shall be paid at a daily or weekly rate of pay for his ordinary
hours of work a sum which is 10% in excess of the Basic Negotiated Fee or the rates set
out in this Agreement, for all such work, whichever is the greater.
If an Artist is required by the Producer to carry out work anywhere in the world outside the
territorial boundaries of the Commonwealth of Australia or its dependencies (excluding
Antarctica), mandated territories or protectorates, the Artist shall be paid at a daily or weekly
rate of pay for his ordinary hours of work a sum which is not less than a sum which is 10%
in excess of the ordinary daily or weekly Basic Negotiated Fee set out in this Agreement
for all such overseas work.
If an Artist is Called by the Producer for the purpose of Rehearsal or other special Calls,
unless such work is carried out during the period of engagement the Artist shall be paid at
the hourly equivalent of the weekly Basic Negotiated Fee where the Artist is engaged by
the week, or the daily Basic Negotiated Fee where the Artist is engaged by the day with a
minimum payment of two and a half hours.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
It shall be allowable for an Artist to negotiate for and receive fees in excess of the rates
herein set out. A fee may be negotiated to include payment for a specified number of hours
of overtime (whether worked or not) calculated on the Composite Fee, provided that –
(a) The details thereof are set out in writing (signed by or on behalf of the Producer and
the Artist) prior to the commencement of the engagement; and
(b) The amount of such negotiated fee shall not be less than the aggregate of all
applicable rates set out in this Agreement.
(a) No audition or screen test shall be held in public. The only persons allowed to be
present during an audition or screen test shall be the Producer and/or members of
the Producer's production staff.
(b) No recording of an audition or screen test shall be used in any manner whatsoever
other than for private viewing by the Producer and/or persons nominated by the
Producer and such recording may only be retained by the Producer solely for
reference purposes.
(c) Artists shall be given the specific times of attendance required for an audition, screen
test or interview. Wherever possible a script shall be provided to the Artist at least
twenty-four hours prior to a screen test.
(d) Minimum rates of pay for audition and/or screen tests (other than an initial audition
and/or screen test) shall be paid per hour or part thereof with a minimum payment of
one hour at the rate set out below. For the purpose of calculating payment under this
provision the Artist will be deemed to have commenced the audition or screen test at
the time of the Artist's Call or the Artist's arrival time whichever is the later.
From 1 January 2009 $32.59
From 1 January 2010 $33.57
From 1 January 2011 $34.71
From 1 January 2012 $36.01
From 1 January 2013 $37.27
From 1 January 2014 $38.53
(e) The Artists shall not be required to perform a sex simulated scene in any audition or
screen test.
(f) The Artist shall not be required to appear nude or semi nude in the first audition or
screen test.
(g) Where the Producer requires the Artist to appear nude or Semi-Nude in an audition
s/he must:
(i) provide the Artist with a script 24 hours in advance of the auditioning;
(ii) advise MEAA of the scheduled audition at least 48 hours in advance and, if
requested, provide MEAA with a copy of the script.
(h) Where the Artist is required to appear nude or Semi-Nude in an audition, the Artist
may nominate an individual to be present throughout the audition.
(i) Where the Artist is required to appear nude or Semi-Nude in an audition it
shall not be recorded.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
The payment as specified in Clause 33 shall entitle the Producer to Australian Theatrical
Rights. The Producer may acquire from a Performer additional rights upon payment of the
additional percentages of the Basic Negotiated Fee as set out below:
(a) (i) Australian Free Television Rights
four (4) Free Television
screenings in any one television area
in Australia over 5 years 20%
five (5) Free Television screenings in any
one television area in Australia over 5 years 25%
(ii) World Television Rights outside Australia
(excluding any screening on a US Network)
Worldwide Free Television Rights and
Pay Television Rights (excluding any
screening on a US Network) outside
Australia 25%
(iii) World Theatrical Rights 25%
(iv) Worldwide Ancillary Rights excluding Australia 20%
(v) Australian Ancillary Rights and
Australian Pay Television Rights 20%
(b) The percentage set out in Clause 39(a) above will apply if the Producer acquires any
or all of the rights at the time of production. If any rights not taken up by the Producer
at the time of production are required subsequently, the applicable percentage will
be paid to MEAA within ninety (90) days of the earlier of:
(i) the exercise of the additional rights; or
(ii) the receipt by the Producer of the proceeds from the sale or licence of those
rights by the Producer
39A.1 Australian Free Television – Re-Runs
(a) With respect to each screening of the Film on Free Television in any television area
in Australia after the earlier of the screenings acquired pursuant to Clause 39(a)(i)
being used or the expiration of five (5) year period described in Clause 39(a)(i), the
Producer shall pay to MEAA a deferred compensation, for distribution to the
Performers appearing in the Film in accordance with Clause 39B, equal to 15% of
the gross sale price or licence fee paid by the television station for such screening of
the Film (converted to money terms where "other consideration" is paid or given) (the
Australian Free Television Residual Fee”) payable within thirty (30) days of the
receipt by the Producer of the proceeds from the sale or licence of those rights.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(b) If the Producer is not paid by the television station or the Relevant Free Television
Licensee in accordance with the contract between the Producer and the television
station or Relevant Free Television Licensee by the date that such payments become
due and payable, the Producer will use best endevours to recover the amounts due
from the sale or licence of the Australian Free Television rights and must notify the
MEAA of the breach of contract by the television station or the Relevant Free
Television Licensee no later than fourteen (14) days of the amounts under the
contract becoming due and payable.
(c) If the foregoing gross sale price or licence fee is paid in instalments, then the
Producer shall pay to MEAA 15% of each such instalment.
(d) The Producer will ensure that its contract in respect of any screening of the Film on
Free Television in Australia for which Australian Free Television Residual Fees are
payable with the television station referred to in clause 39A.1(a), or with the distributor
entitled to licence the relevant rights to such television station, as the case may be
(the “Relevant Free Television Licensee”), includes provisions requiring the
television station or the Relevant Free Television Licensee to pay the Australian Free
Television Residual Fee directly to the Producer without diversion or deduction of any
39A.2 US Network Exhibition
(a) With respect to the first and each subsequent screening of the Film on US Network
television, the Producer shall pay to MEAA a deferred compensation, for distribution
to the Performers appearing in the Film in accordance with Clause 39B, equal to 3.6%
of the gross sale price or licence fee paid by the US Network for the screening of the
Film on US Network television (converted to money terms where "other
consideration" is paid or given) (the “US Network Residual Fee”) payable within
thirty (30) days of the receipt by the Producer of the proceeds from the sale or licence
of those rights.
(b) If the foregoing gross sale price or licence fee is paid in instalments, then the
Producer shall pay to MEAA 3.6% of each such instalment.
(c) Subject to payment by the Producer to MEAA of the Residual Fees payable in
accordance with Clause 39A.2(a), the Producer shall be entitled to screen (or
authorise others to screen) the Film on US Network television.
(d) The Producer will ensure that its contract in respect of the right to screen the Film on
US Network television with the US Network referred to in clause 39A.2(a), or with the
distributor entitled to licence the relevant rights to such US Network, as the case may
be (the “Relevant US Network Television Licensee”), includes provisions
requiring the US Network or the Relevant US Network Television Licensee to pay the
US Network Residual Fee directly to the Producer without diversion or deduction of
any kind.
39A.3 Making-Of Film
(a) With respect to the exploitation of any Making-Of Film, the Producer shall pay to
MEAA a deferred compensation, for distribution to the Performers appearing in the
Making-Of Film in accordance with Clause 39B, equal to 15% of the gross sale price
or licence fee paid in connection with the exploitation of the Making-Of Film
(converted to money terms where "other consideration" is paid or given) (the
“Making-Of Film Residual Fee”) payable within thirty (30) days of the receipt by the
Producer of the proceeds from the exploitation of the Making-Of Film.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(b) If the foregoing gross sale price or licence fee is paid in instalments, then the
Producer shall pay to MEAA 15% of each such instalment.
(c) For the avoidance of doubt, no Making-Of Film Residual Fees shall be payable under
this clause for the inclusion of the Making-Of Film as a bonus feature on the DVD
release of the Film.
(e) The Producer will ensure that its contract in respect of the right to exploit the Making-
Of Film with the licensee of the right to exploit the Making-Of Film referred to in clause
39A.3(a), or with the distributor entitled to licence the relevant rights to such licensee,
as the case may be (the “Relevant Making-Of Licensee”), includes provisions
requiring the person exploiting the Making-Of Film or the Relevant Making-Of
Licensee to pay the Making-Of Film Residual Fee to the Producer without diversion
or deduction of any kind.
39A.4 Producer’s Share of Film’s Net Profits
(a) The Producer shall also pay to MEAA a deferred compensation on an ongoing basis,
for distribution to the Performers appearing in the Film in accordance with Clause
39B, sums from time to time equal to 10% of 100% of the Producer’s Share of Film’s
Net Profits (“Performer’s Net Profit Entitlement”) payable at the same time as either
the Producer (or the collection agent) accounts to the investors in the Film, but in any
event no later than ninety (90) days after receipt by the Producer.
(b) The Producer shall supply to MEAA, at the same time it is required to deliver the
report described in Clause 39B.2, copies of the definitions of “Film’s Net Profits” and
the “Producer’s Share of Film’s Net Profits” as set out in the principal production and
investment agreement for the Film and confirm in writing that such definition is on a
favoured nations with all other parties entitled to a share of the Film’s Net Profits and
a share in the Producer’s Share of Film’s Net Profits (as the case may be).
(c) If MEAA contends that the definition of “Film’s Net Profits” or the “Producer’s Share
of Film’s Net Profits” as set out in the principal production and investment agreement
for the Film is not within generally accepted industry standards, such claim shall be
determined by arbitration.
(d) If a Performer separately negotiates with the Producer a share of Film’s Net Profits
or a share of Producer’s Share of Film’s Net Profits (“Additional Profit Entitlement”),
the Additional Profit Entitlement payable by the Producer to the Performer shall be
deemed reduced by the amount of the Performer’s share of the Producer’s Share of
Film’s Net Profits payable to MEAA by the Producer pursuant to Clause 39A.4. The
Producer and MEAA will co-operate in order to calculate the reduction applicable to
the Additional Profit Entitlement to the Performer.
(e) In the event that a film is in profit and the Producer has made payments to the
MEAA in accordance with clause 39F, the Producer and the MEAA
will have good faith discussion regarding a reduction in the Performers
Producer’s Share of Film’s Net Profit entitlement to adress any overlap between
Producers Share of Films Net Profits and North American Residual payments. In
the event that the Producer and the MEAA are unable to agree on the formula for
an appropriate reduction of the Producer’s Share of Net Profit entitlement then the
matter shall be determined by arbitration in accordance with the procedure set out
in Clause 50 and Schedule B of this Agreement.
39A.5 Gross Sales Price or License Fee
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
The term ‘gross sales price or license fee’ in clauses 39A.1, 39A.2 and 39A.3 shall not
(a) sums realised or held by way of deposits or security, until and unless earned, other
than such sums as are not-returnable; or
(b) sums required to be paid or withheld as good and services taxes, value added taxes
and other taxes, in the nature of turnover taxes, sales taxes or similar taxes based
on the actual source receipts of such motion pictures or on any monies to be remitted
to or by the distributor (excluding income tax, franchise tax, or excess profit tax or
similar tax payable on the party’s net income or for the privilege of doing business).
39A.6 Failure to Pay Residual Fees
If any Relevant Free Television Licensee, Relevant US Network Television Licensee,
other Relevant North American Distributor orRelevant Making-Of Licensee fails to pay the
applicable Residual Fee in breach of its contract with the Producer (or the Producer’s
agent or licensee), then:
(a) the Producer shall use all reasonable endeavours to enforce its rights under such
contract or otherwise in respect of such breach.;
(b) the Producer shall promptly notify MEAA in writing upon the Producer becoming
aware of any potential or any actual breach and all steps taken by the Producer
under Clause 39A.6(a).
39B.1 MEAA shall distribute the Residual Fees and the Performer’s Net Profit Entitlement it
receives to the Performers appearing in the Film or, in relation to the Residual Fees payable
under Clause 39A.3, the Making-Of Film as follows:
Units will be assigned to each Performer entitled to participate on the following basis:
1. Time units
With respect to each Performer, units for Time Worked, as defined, shall be
computed as follows:
Each day = 1/5th unit
Each week = 1 unit.
No more than 5 time units may be credited to any Performer.
2. Salary units
With respect to each Performer, units for Total Compensation received from the Film
shall be credited as follows:
(a) Day Performer: each multiple of daily scale = 1/5th unit.
A fraction of daily scale, when more than one half, shall be credited as another
1/5th unit.
(b) All other Performers:
each multiple of weekly scale = 1 unit.
A fraction of a multiple, when more than one half of weekly scale, shall be
credited as another weekly unit.
(c) No more than 10 salary units may be credited to any Performer.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
3. Computation
Each Performer shall be credited with the sum of time and salary units as computed
above, and each Performer will receive that rateable proportion of the monies, as
the Performer's number of units, bears to the total number of units for the entire cast.
39B.2 Within 6 weeks following the end of production of the Film, the Producer shall furnish to
MEAA a report which details:
(a) a complete list of all Performers engaged on the Film (including all foreign
(b) MEAA/JUST numbers for all Australian cast;
(c) the number of days/weeks each cast member worked (including overtime and
other Calls defined as Time Worked);
(d) the Total Compensation for each cast member;
(e) the daily/weekly BNF for each cast member.
The Producer will thereafter furnish a revised or final list where necessary.
39B.3 In this Agreement the following terms have the following meanings:
(a) "Time Worked" means the total time worked or contracted for, whichever is the
greater and includes (without otherwise limiting this clause):
* Rehearsals;
* travel (up to 8 hours per day);
* fittings prior to first Call;
* lay days;
* pick-ups, re-takes and Post-Synchronisation;
* overtime;
* pre-production stills and pre-recordings; and
* make-up, hairdressing and wardrobe.
(b) "Total Compensation" means the total salary received by a Performer including
personal loading, overtime, all penalties and premiums and annual leave, but
excluding superannuation.
39C.1 The Producer will deliver to MEAA:
(a) at the same time it is required to pay the Residual Fees, a statement of account
showing the gross sale price, licence fee and other monies paid in connection with
the exercise of the rights described in Clauses 39A.1 39A.3 (inclusive) and 39F
(whether or not such rights are distributed direct by the Producer or by a third party
distributor appointed by the Producer); and
(b) at the same time it is required to pay the Performer’s Net Profit Entitlement, a
statement of account showing gross receipts received by the Producer (or the
collections agent) and all deductions from such gross receipts in calculating the
Producer’s Share of Film’s Net Profits.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
39C.2 The Producer shall keep at its principal office accurate and complete books of account
relating to:
(a) the gross sale price, licence fee and other monies paid in connection with the exercise
of the rights described in Clauses 39A.1 39A.3 (inclusive) and 39F and of the
transactions relevant to the calculation of the Residual Fees (including any
distributor’s statements delivered to the Producer); and
(b) gross receipts received by the Producer and of the transactions relevant to the
calculation of the Producer’s Share of Film’s Net Profits;
39C.3 MEAA (or its nominee) at its own expense and on reasonable notice will be entitled to
inspect and audit the Producer’s books and records referred to in Clause 39C.2 not more
than once each year. Where such inspection or audit discloses errors of account in the
Producer’s favour exceeding $5,000 or 10% of the amount due to MEAA under the relevant
statement (whichever is higher), the costs of the inspection or audit will be reimbursed by
the Producer.
39C.4 All Residual Fees and the Performer’s Net Profit Entitlement shall be forwarded at the
time payable to MEAA in one lump sum in Australian dollars.
39C.5 Any underpayment of the Residual Fees or the Performer’s Net Profit Entitlement shall be
paid immediately by the Producer and any overpayment may be deducted from future
payments. The Producer shall clearly note on the next statement any reduction for a
previous overpayment.
39C.6 The Producer acknowledges that MEAA may request that television stations and, if the
Producer is a member of Screenrights, Screenrights make available to MEAA any
information necessary to verify the screenings of the Film on Free Television in Australia.
The Producer irrevocably authorises MEAA to obtain such information from television
stations and, if the Producer is a member of Screenrights, Screenrights and the Producer
agrees to confirm this authorisation in writing to the television station and Screenrights (as
the case may be), upon request by MEAA.
39C.7 Where the Producer receives payment for the exercise of the rights described in Clause
39A.1 – 39A.3 (inclusive) and 39F, the Residual Fees shall be payable whether or not the
Film or the Making-Of Film (as the case may be) are in fact commercially released.
39D.1 If the Producer or its heirs, successors or assigns proposes to sell, assign, or otherwise
dispose of the Film, or any rights thereto (“Proposed Sale”), the Producer shall not be
relieved of any of its obligations under this Agreement, unless the third party to whom the
property or rights the subject of the Proposed Sale will be sold, assigned or otherwise
disposed of (“the Purchaser”) enters into a novation agreement with the Producer and
MEAA (acting on its own behalf and as agent for all Artists) under which the Purchaser
assumes and agrees to discharge in full all of the Producer’s obligations to MEAA and all
Artists under this Agreement (including under the contracts entered into by the Artists and,
if applicable, their Lenders in accordance with schedule A) in relation to the property or
rights the subject of the Proposed Sale.
39D.2 It is understood by this provision that the parties hereto shall not use any leasing or other
device with a Purchaser to evade their obligations under this Agreement. If, under a
Proposed Sale, the Producer intends to assign to the Purchaser any of the Producer’s
rights or obligations under this Agreement, then the Producer shall give notice of the
existence of this Agreement and this Clause 39D to any Purchaser, including notice of the
obligations of the Producer under this Agreement or any part thereof.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
39D.3 Despite anything to the contrary in this Clause 39D, MEAA has the right to require a review
of the application of this Clause 39D in relation to any Producer(s) if MEAA is of the opinion
that such Producer(s) are abusing this provision in relation to evading their obligations
under this Agreement, and in such event (and without being in breach of confidence) MEAA
may refer the matter (including the name of such Producer(s) and the name of the
applicable Film(s)) to SPAA and IPI Inc. for their attention and action.
39D.4 Despite the terms of any Novation Agreement:
(a) the Producer remains fully responsible for the performance of its obligations to
MEAA and all Artists under this Agreement (including under the contracts entered
into by the Artists and, if applicable, their Lenders in accordance with Schedule
A) in relation to the Film (other than the obligations assumed by the Purchaser
under the Novation Agreement);
(b) SPAA, IPI Inc, SPAA Members and IPI Inc Members remain fully responsible for
the performance of their respective obligations to MEAA and all Artists under this
Agreement (other than the obligations of the Producer assumed by the Purchaser
under the Novation Agreement).
39D.5 Despite anything to the contrary in this clause 39D, this Clause 39D does not apply to a
Proposed Sale by the Producer to the investors in the Film in the normal course of financing
the Film where such Proposed Sale is a precondition to the investors’ investment in the
The Producer will obtain an International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN) for the film
prior to the film being commercially released and will provide the ISAN to the MEAA upon
(a) The Producer shall pay to MEAA a royalty (the “North American Residual Fee”),
for distribution to the Performers appearing in the Film in accordance with Clause
39B, equal to 3.6% of Distributor’s Gross Receipts from the exploitation of the
following rights in North America (that is, the United States and Canada): Free
Television Rights (excluding any screening on a US Network), Pay Television
Rights and Ancillary Rights excluding Distributor’s Gross Receipts earned in
respect of the first four (4) years of initial exploitation of the Film in North America
(the “Initial Four Year Period”)
PROVIDED THAT where there are different distributors appointed for Canada
and the United States and these distributors are not related or affiliated then:
the Initial Four Year Period for Canada shall commence on the date of initial
exploitation in Canada and the Initial Four Year Period shall for the United
States shall commence on the date of initial exploitation in the United States.
(b) Distributor’s Gross Receipts” shall mean all monies derived in any
manner whatsoever from distribution of the Film, including through the sale,
license, or other like means of distribution of the Film received by the distributor
of the Film or any sub-distributor, and shall be calculated before or
simultaneously with any other gross participants from first dollar, without
deductions of expenses of any kind.
Despite the foregoing, if the Producer is the distributor of the Home Video
Distribution rights or the distributor is owned by or affiliated with the Producer,
the "Distributor's Gross Receipts" derived from Home Video Distribution of the
Film shall be 20% of the wholesale receipts derived by the Distributor in North
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
In such cases, if the distributor is also the retailer, a reasonable allocation of
retail gross receipts shall be made as between thedistributor (as distributor) and
the distributor (as retailer), and 20% of the former only shall be deemed to be
"Distributor's GrossReceipts".
The reasonableness of such allocation shall be subject to arbitration in
accordance with Clause 50 and Schedule B of this Agreement, and insuch
arbitration generally prevailing trade practices in the home video industry with
respect to dealings between non-related companies shall be relevant evidence.
A distribution advance or guarantee (i.e., a payment by a distributor or
subdistributor against the possibility of earning future income) shall not be
included in Distributor’s Gross Receipts for the purpose of triggering the
payment of residual fees to Performers; however, neither the Producer nor a
distributor shall be entitled to deduct the amount of the distribution advance or
guarantee from the Distributor’s Gross Receipts for the purpose of calculating
residual payments due. Accordingly, residual payments may be due despite the
distributor not having recouped the distribution advance or guarantee as at the
end of the Initial Four Year Period. For the avoidance of doubt, this provision
applies to Distributor’s Gross Receipts attributable to Home Video Distribution.
In the case of an outright sale of the applicable rights or a sale during the Initial
Four Year Period with a licence period that extends beyond the Initial Four Year
Period, the Producer shall allocate a fair and reasonable portion of the sale
price/licence fee as the amount attributable as Distributor’s Gross Receipts for
exploitation of the Film beyond the Initial Four Year Period. The Producer shall
promptly notify MEAA in writing of its proposed allocation and determination. If
MEAA contends that the amount so allocated is not fair and reasonable, such
claim shall be determined by arbitration in accordance with Appendix 3.
Despite the foregoing, Distributor’s Gross Receipts shall not include sums
required to be paid or withheld as goods and services taxes, value added taxes
and other taxes, in the nature of turnover taxes, sales taxes or similar taxes
based on the actual source receipts of such motion pictures or on any monies
to be remitted to or by the distributor (excluding income tax, franchise tax, or
excess profit tax or similar tax payable on the party’s net income or for the
privilege of doing business).
(c) "Home Video Distribution" shall mean the sale or rental of an audio-visual device,
including, without limitation, cassette, cartridge, phonogram or other similar
audio-visual device now known or hereafter devised, containing a theatrical
motion picture (recorded on film, disc, tapes or other material) and designed for
replay in the home (or other private place of the individual consumer) through a
television receiver or comparable device. “Home Video Distribution” does not
include electronic sell-though or streaming or other form of delivery where the
consumer does not purchase or rent the Film as embodied on a physical device
such as a cassette or DVD (but for the avoidance of doubt, revenue from
electronic sell-through etc shall form part of Distributor’s Gross Receipts.
(d) The Producer will ensure that all licensees, distributors, sales agents and
parties entering into agreements with the Producer to exploit the film are made
aware of their obligations for the payment of rights and residuals due to
performers under this Agreement.
39G. Distributor’s Assumption Agreement
(a) Without limitation to clauses 39A.2(a), 39A.2(d), 39A.3(a) ,30A.3(c) and 39F(a)
the Producer must use best endeavours to procure that the distributor(s)
controlling the US Network Television Rights, North American Free Television
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
Rights (other than US Network), North American Pay Television Rights and/or
North American Ancillary Rights referred to in clause 39A.2 and 39A.3 (“Relevant
North American Distributor”) enters into a Distributor Assumption Agreement in
the form of Appendix 4, pursuant to which the Relevant North American
Distributor agrees to assume the obligations of the Producer to pay US Network
Residual Fees and/or the North American Residual Fees (as applicable).
(b) Where the Producer appoints a sales agent, whose appointment includes the
territory or the US alone or North America, the Producer shall use best
endeavours to ensure that the sales agent requires the Relevant North American
Distributor to enter into a Distributor Assumption Agreement.
(c) In the event that the Producer or the appointed sales agent is unable to procure
agreement from the distributor(s) to enter into a Distributors Assumption
Agreement, the Producer will promptly notify the MEAA as soon as it becomes
aware and in any event prior to distribution of the Film and arrange a time to meet
with the MEAA to discuss a way forward for arrangements for the payment of US
Network Residual Fees and/or the North American Residual Fees.
(a) In addition to all other payments provided for by this Agreement, the Producer shall
make a superannuation contribution pursuant to the Superannuation Guarantee
Legislation to the Media Super or such other fund as nominated by the Artist on
behalf of the Artist, at the rate of 10% on the following:
(i) the Artist’s Composite Fee; and
(ii) all regular contracted overtime (whether or not worked) noted at Clause 3 of
the Performer's Standard Contract (Schedule "A")
paid to the Artist for the duration of the engagement provided that if the total
of (i) and (ii) above exceeds $240,000 paid by the Producer to the Artist in any
one financial year the Producer will not be obliged to pay a superannuation
contribution on the component of the Artist’s payment in excess of $240,000
in that financial year.
(b) Juvenile Artists shall not be entitled to the benefits of this clause unless:
(i) The Juvenile is engaged on a 12 week contract or longer; or
(ii) The Juvenile has been employed in the Entertainment Industry for a minimum
of six professional engagements; or
(iii) The Juvenile has previously been employed in the entertainment industry for
a minimum of 30 days.
(c) The Producer shall make contributions to any Artist over the age of 70, who would
not otherwise have received a contribution as a consequence of section 27(1)(a) of
the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992. Therefore the provision
of section 27(1)(a) of the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 will
not apply to this agreement. In the event that a Producer is not able to make
contributions to a superannuation fund on the Artists behalf the Producer will make
a payment, equal to the required superannuation contribution identified in clause
40(a), directly to the Artist and will identify the payment on the Artists statement of
earnings as a “superannuation payment.”
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(a) (i) The Producer or his/her representative may not direct the Artist to appear nude,
Semi-Nude or in sex simulated scenes except where such request has been
previously discussed with the Artist and expressly stated in the Artist's contract
or the separate written consent of the Artist has been obtained.
(ii) A Performer’s consent to appear nude, Semi-Nude or in a sex simulated scene
may only be sought by the Producer where the Producer has specified the
following in writing:
(A) The scene where the nudity will be required;
(B) The extent of the nudity involved;
(C) The type of physical contact (if any) required in the scene;
(D) The nature of the wardrobe involved (if any) (see through clothes etc.).
And any other relevant information requested by the Artist pertaining to the
scene which may reasonably be expected to give full, true and complete
disclosure and informed consent.
(b) Subject to Clause 41(c), the Producer may, for publicity purposes, use stills or
footage of the Artist appearing in scenes referred to in Clause 41(a) provided that
the Artist's written consent to such usage has been obtained.
(c) No still photographs will be taken during the Rehearsal or filming of scenes where
the Artist is required to appear nude, Semi-Nude or in sex simulated scenes. A
special still photographic session may be conducted immediately prior to or after the
filming of such scenes, provided that the Artist's consent is obtained pursuant to
Clause 41(b) and the Artist is clearly advised prior to and at the time of the stills
session that such session is to take place. The Artist is to be given the right of
approval in respect of selection of such publicity stills and shall not withhold approval
beyond any conditions upon which consent may have been provided pursuant to
Clause 41(b).
(d) The Artist may nominate an individual to be present during the filming or Rehearsal
of nude or sex simulated scenes.
(e) A Stand-In or Double cannot be used in a scene where the Stand-In or Double is
required to appear nude, Semi-Nude or in sex simulated scenes, unless the express
written consent of the original Artist is obtained.
(f) (i) The Producer shall ensure during Rehearsal or filming of sex simulated
scenes or scenes where the Artist appears nude that the set (or place of
Rehearsal) will be closed to all but essential production personnel.
(ii) Where the Artist is directed to appear Semi-Nude (but not in a sex simulated
scene) the Artist may request that the set or place of Rehearsal be closed as
provided in sub-paragraph (f)(i).
(g) The Producer shall ensure to the best of his/her ability that all outtakes of the Film
featuring the Artist in scenes referred to in Clause 41(a) are destroyed. This shall
not apply to outtakes held for alternative versions of the Film necessitated by
overseas distribution requirements. In the event however that outtakes are retained
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
as provided for in this provision such outtakes are also to be destroyed when no
longer required.
(a) All footwear for dancers, where such footwear is provided by the Producer, shall be
appropriate to the work, clean, properly fitted, braced and rubbered.
(b) The Producer shall ensure that an adequate warm-up space is provided to permit all
dancers to "warm-up" thirty minutes prior to the commencement of work. Such warm-
up time shall count as time worked.
(c) A rest break of no less than ten (10) minutes per hour shall be granted during all
Rehearsal/filming periods.
(d) The Producer shall ensure to the best of his/her ability that all surfaces on which the
dancers are required to perform or rehearse are safe including that they are:
(i) resilient and
(ii) clean and free of wax, nails etc.
(e) This clause applies only in circumstances where professional dancers are engaged
to perform choreographed or unchoreographed dance (eg. rap, freestyle) to a level
normally expected of a professional dancer.
(a) The Artist shall carry out such publicity and/or promotion work for the Film outside
the Artist's normal working hours as may be reasonable.
(b) The Producer may require the Artist to be available for publicity and/or promotion
work within the Artist's normal working hours.
(c) Where the Artist is required to make him/herself available for publicity and/or
promotion work outside his/her normal working hours s/he shall be paid at the rate
of the BNF with a minimum Call of two and one half hours.
(d) In carrying out any publicity and/or promotion work pursuant to this clause, an Artist
shall, where relevant, be entitled to the provisions of this Agreement in respect of
travelling, accommodation and expenses except that:
(i) an Artist shall be provided with transport or paid the cost of same both ways:
(1) between the Artist's place of residence and the place of publicity and/or
promotion work, or
(2) where the Artist is required to travel by air to the place of publicity and/or
promotion work, between the Artist’s place of residence and the airport
terminal where the Artist’s travel commences and between the airport
terminal where the Artist’s air travel concludes and the place of publicity
and/or promotion work; and
(ii) an Artist shall be provided with air travel of a class stipulated in the Artist's
engagement/employment contract or in the absence of any such stipulation,
pursuant to Clause 13(a);
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(iii) except to the extent specific publicity and promotion obligations are contracted
at point of engagement, where the Artist is required to travel interstate or
similar distance outside contracted hours payment for hours worked will be
calculated from the scheduled departure time of the plane (or other transport)
in the home state of the Performer to the actual return time of the plane (or
other transport) in the home state of the Performer.
(e) Prior to the Artist's departure s/he shall be provided with an itinerary outlining the
places where s/he will be required to attend and the duties required of the Artist in
carrying out such publicity and/or promotion work (eg. interviews, performance etc.).
(a) The Producer shall make available a securable facility (eg. a trunk, large box or
locker) for the storage of the personal effects of all Performers.
(b) The Producer shall nominate one or more persons to be responsible for locking and
unlocking the facility for the purpose of storing personal effects therein.
(c) Neither the Producer nor any person responsible for unlocking/locking the facility
shall be held responsible or liable for the safekeeping of the personal effects stored
within the facility referred to in this clause.
(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this enterprise agreement, the Producer and
an individual Artist may agree to vary the application of certain terms of this
enterprise agreement to meet the genuine individual needs of the Producer and the
individual Artist. The terms the Producer and the individual Artist may agree to vary
the application of are those concerning:
(i) arrangements for the taking of meal and other work breaks.
(b) The Producer and the individual Artist must have genuinely made the agreement
without coercion or duress.
(c) The agreement between the Producer and the individual Artist must:
(i) be confined to a variation in the application of one or more of the terms
listed in clause 14; and
(ii) result in the Artist being better off overall than the Artist would have
been if no individual flexibility agreement had been agreed to.
(d) The agreement between the Producer and the individual Artist must also:
(i) be in writing in a form agreed between the Producer and the MEAA,
name the parties to the agreement and be signed by the Producer and
the individual Artist and, if the Artist is under 18 years of age, the Artists
parent or guardian;
(ii) state each term of this enterprise agreement that the Producer and the
individual Artist have agreed to vary;
(iii) detail how the application of each term has been varied by agreement
between the Producer and the individual Artist;
(iv) detail the monetary value of each term that has been varied by
agreement between the Producer and the individual Artist;
(v) detail how the agreement results in the individual Artist being better off
overall in relation to the individual Artist’s terms and conditions of
employment; and
(vi) state the date the agreement commences to operate.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(e) The Producer must give the individual Artist a copy of the agreement and keep the
agreement as a time and wages record.
(f) Except as provided in clause 45(d)(i) the agreement must not require the approval
or consent of a person other than the Producer and the individual Artist.
(g) A Producer seeking to enter into an agreement must provide a written proposal to
the Artist. Where the Artist’s understanding of written English is limited the
employer must take measures, including translation into an appropriate language,
to ensure the Artist understands the proposal.
(h) The agreement may be terminated:
(a) by the Producer or the individual Artist giving four weeks’ notice of
termination, in writing, to the other party and the agreement ceasing to operate
at the end of the notice period; or
(b) at any time, by written agreement between the Producer and the individual
(i) The right to make an agreement pursuant to this clause is in addition to, and is not
intended to otherwise affect, any provision for an agreement between an Producer
and an individual Artist contained in any other term of this enterprise agreement.
(j) Any such agreement may not be made a requirement by an Producer of any
prospective Artist gaining employment.
46.1 It is the intention of the respondents to this Agreement to achieve the principal object
in section 771 of Division 2 of the Fair Work Act 2009 through respecting and valuing
diversity of the workforce by helping to prevent and eliminate discrimination on the
basis of race, colour, sex, sexual preference, age, physical or mental disability,
marital status, family responsibilities, pregnancy, religion, political opinion, national
extraction or social origin, having consideration for the inherent requirements of a
role or production.
46.2 Accordingly, in fulfilling their obligations under the disputes avoidance and settling
clause, the respondents must make every endeavour to ensure that neither the
Agreement provisions nor their operation are directly or indirectly discriminatory in
their effects.
46.3 Nothing in this clause is to be taken to affect:
46.3.1 any different treatment (or treatment having different effects) which is
specifically exempted under the Commonwealth anti-discrimination
46.3.2 junior rates of pay;
46.3.3 an Artist, a Producer or MEAA, pursuing matters of discrimination in any
state or federal jurisdiction, including by application to the Human Rights
and Equal Opportunity Commission; or
46.3.4 the exemptions in sections 170CK(3) and (4) of the Act.
(a) SPAA, IPI and the MEAA recognise the need for expanding the participation of
performers from ethnic minorities (for example Indigenous Australians and Asian-
Australians), women performers and performers with disability in their artistic
process. Towards that end the Producer confirms its commitment to non-
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
discrimination and a flexible, imaginative casting policy, known hereafter as diverse
(b) Diverse casting shall be defined, for the purposes of this Agreement, as the casting
of ethnic minority performers, women performers and performers with disability in
roles where race, ethnicity, gender or the presence or absence of a disability is not
(c) SPAA and IPI members will attach a statement of this diverse casting policy to their
contracts with directors and casting consultants.
(d) SPAA, IPI and the MEAA agree to collaborate in the presentation of a
“diverse casting one day workshop” to be held in Melbourne and
Sydney. The parties will make equal financial and non-financial contributions to the
workshop. The diverse casting workshop will be designed to promote diversity in
casting policies and behaviour and will be open to identified performers, casting
agents, writers, directors, producers, and distributors.
(a) The Producer or his/her representative may not direct the Artist to smoke or appear
to be smoking except where such a request has been previously discussed with the
Artist and expressly stated in the Artist’s contract or the separate written consent of
the Artist has been obtained, and the Producer may not, for publicity purposes use
stills of the Artist appearing in such scenes.
(b) A Performers consent to smoke in a scene may only be sought by the Producer where
the Producer has specified the following in writing:
(i) The scene where smoking will be required; and
(ii) The extent of the smoking involved.
And any other relevant information requested by the Artist pertaining to the scene
which may reasonably be expected to give full, true and complete disclosure and
informed consent.
(a) Despite anything in this Agreement to the contrary but subject to Clauses 48(b) and
48(c), the parties have agreed to exclude a Film from the operation of Clauses
39(a)(ii) - (v) (inclusive) and 39A.4 if the Film:
(i) is funded wholly or principally by a US Studio; or
(ii) is subject to Australian Creative Control but with a budgeted cost equal to or in
excess of $AUD22.5 million.
(b) Notwithstanding sub-clause 48(a), it is understood between the parties that the
quantum of the loadings for rights under clauses 39(a) (ii) - (v) is not to be
renegotiated but rather, the extent of the rights acquired pursuant to those clauses
for the payments made;
(c) The parties have agreed to negotiate relevant changes to Clauses 39(a)(ii) - (v)
(inclusive) and 39A.4 to accommodate Films covered by Clause 48(a) above as early
as possible but in any event prior to the production of each such Film.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
MEAA undertakes that it will make no further claims for the term of this Agreement except
as set out in Clause 48 above and in relation to the negotiation of an Agreement to replace
this Agreement which negotiations will commence no earlier than 1 July 2009.
(a) The parties to this Agreement are committed to promoting good industrial relations
based upon goodwill, consultation and discussion.
(b) Stages 1 to 5 of this procedure shall be observed by the artist(s)/MEAA and the
producer/parties to resolve any grievance, claim or dispute other than a safety
dispute which arises at the workplace in respect of a local matter, the resolution of
which is not likely to have a repercussive impact at any other location in the industry.
(c) Stages 4 and 5 of this procedure shall be observed by the union and the parties to
this Agreement to resolve any grievance, claim or dispute other than a grievance,
claim or dispute referred to in paragraph (b) hereof or a safety dispute.
(d) During the progress of discussions pursuant to Stages 1 to 5 of this procedure, no
stoppage of work or any other form of limitation of work shall be applied by either the
producer or the artist(s).
(e) In the event of a grievance, claim or dispute arising which involves the working of
overtime in accordance with the Agreement by any artist(s), the dispute settling
procedure set out herein shall be observed. During the progress of discussions
pursuant to Stages 1 to 5 of this procedure, work shall continue in the normal manner
and overtime shall be worked as instructed by the producer in accordance with the
(f) Subject to (c) hereof, nothing contained herein shall preclude the producer and/or
producer organisation and the union from entering into direct negotiations on any
Stage 1 The grievance, claim or dispute shall be discussed between the artist(s)
concerned and his/her/their immediate supervisor(s). A MEAA representative
may be requested to join the discussion.
Stage 2 If not resolved, the grievance, claim or dispute shall be discussed between an
accredited MEAA representative and a delegated officer of the producer.
Stage 3 If agreement has been reached the grievance, claim or dispute shall be
discussed between the accredited MEAA representative (or his/her nominee)
and the producer (or his/her nominee).
Stage 4 If the grievance, claim or dispute is still not resolved it shall be discussed
between the MEAA and the producer organisation.
Stage 5 If the matter remains unresolved and it is a matter arising under this
Agreement or the NES, then a party to the dispute may refer the matter to Fair
Work Australia.
Stage 6 Fair Work Australia may deal with the dispute in 2 stages:
(a) Fair Work Australia will first attempt to resolve the dispute as it considers
appropriate, including by mediation, conciliation, expressing an opinion or
making a recommendation; and
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(b) If Fair Work Australia is unable to resolve the dispute at the first stage,
Fair Work Australia may then:
(i) arbitrate the dispute; and
(ii) make a determination that is binding on the parties.
Stage 7: If Fair Work Australia will not arbitrate the dispute in accordance with 6(b) the
parties will refer the matter to an independent arbitrator in accordance with
Appendix 3 to this Agreement.
(a) This term applies if:
(i) the Producer has made a definite decision to introduce a major change to
production, program, organisation, structure, or technology in relation to its
enterprise; and
(ii) the change is likely to have a significant effect on Artists of the enterprise.
(b) The Producer must notify the relevant Artists and the MEAA of the decision to
introduce the major change.
(c) The relevant Artists may appoint a representative for the purposes of the
procedures in this term.
(d) If:
(i) a relevant Artist appoints, or relevant Artists appoint, a representative for the
purposes of consultation; and
(ii) the Artist or Artists advise the Producer of the identity of the representative;
the Producer must recognise the representative.
(e) As soon as practicable after making its decision, the Producer must:
(i) discuss with the relevant Artists:
A. the introduction of the change; and
B. the effect the change is likely to have on the Artists; and
C. measures the Producer is taking to avert or mitigate the
adverse effect of the change on the Artists; and
(ii) for the purposes of the discussion — provide, in writing, to the relevant
A. all relevant information about the change including the nature
of the change proposed; and
B. information about the expected effects of the change on the
Artists; and
C. any other matters likely to affect the Artists.
(f) However, the Producer is not required to disclose confidential or commercially
sensitive information to the relevant Artists.
(g) The Producer must give prompt and genuine consideration to matters raised about
the major change by the relevant Artists.
(h) If a term in this Agreement provides for a major change to production, program,
organisation, structure or technology in relation to the enterprise of the Producer,
the requirements set out in sub-clauses (b), (c) and (e) are taken not to apply.
(i) In this term, a major change is likely to have a significant effect on Artists if it
results in:
(i) the termination of the employment of Artists; or
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
(ii) major change to the composition, operation or size of the Producer’s
workforce or to the skills required of Artists; or
(iii) the elimination or diminution of job opportunities (including opportunities for
promotion or tenure); or
(iv) the alteration of hours of work; or
(v) the need to retrain Artists; or
(vi) the need to relocate Artists to another workplace; or
(vii) the restructuring of jobs.
(j) In this term, relevant Artists means the Artists who may be affected by the major
(k) It is not intended that this clause apply to the alterations to production schedules
that ordinarily or conventionally occur in the course of the production of a Film.
The Actors’ Feature Film Agreement Standard Contract and The Actors’ Feature Film
Agreement Standard Lenders Contract is Schedule A of the Agreement. The Actors’
Feature Film Standard Lender’s Contract is to be used where the Performer uses a
company and is engaged as such. The Lender is the Performer’s company.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
ADDRESS (Production Office
This AGREEMENT dated 200_ is between the abovementioned production
company of the one part ("the Producer") and the above-mentioned Artist of the other part (“the Artist”) in respect of
the above-mentioned production ("the Film").
A. THIS AGREEMENT incorporates and includes all of the terms and conditions of The Actors Feature Film
Collective Agreement 2012 (as amended) (“AFFCA”) between the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
(“MEAA”), the Screen Producers Association of Australia (“SPAA”) and the Independent Producers Initiative Inc
(“IPI Inc”) as if those terms were written herein. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms of this
Contract and the terms of AFFCA, the terms of AFFCA shall prevail.
B. THE PRODUCER has agreed to engage the Artist to perform the part of . for the
C. RIGHTS: The Artist acknowledges that for the total fees set out hereunder the Producer, for the percentage
designated, has acquired the following rights:
and initial
rights not
Australian Free Television Rights
4 runs over 5 years
or 5 runs over 5 years
or 25%
Australian Ancillary Rights and Australian Pay
Television Rights
World TV Rights excluding US Network* 25%
World Theatrical Rights* 25%
World Ancillary Rights excluding Australia* 20%
and these rights are hereby assigned.
*Note: World TV Rights excluding US Network, World Theatrical Rights and World Ancillary Rights excluding
Australia are limited to a period of 4 years in North America. Thereafter North American Residuals are payable in
accordance with clause 39A.3 of the AFFCA.
Subject to payment by the Producer to MEAA of the Residual Fees payable in accordance with Clause 39A.2(a)
of AFFCA, the Producer shall be entitled to screen (or authorise others to screen) the Film on US Network
The Producer shall pay to MEAA sums from time to time equal to 10% of 100% of the Producer’s Share of Film’s
Net Profits and the Residual Fees in accordance with clause 39A of AFFCA.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
D. CONSENT: The Producer shall have the right to photograph, record and/or otherwise produce, reproduce,
transmit, exhibit, distribute and publicise in connection with the Film any and all of the acts, poses, plays and
appearances of any and all kinds of the Artist appearing in the Film containing such acts, poses, plays and
The Producer shall likewise have the right to use and give publicity to the Artist's name and likeness, photographic
and otherwise, and to recordings and reproductions of the Artist's voice and all instrumental, musical and other
sound effects produced by the Artist in the Film in order that it may be publicised or advertised.
Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the Artist from being entitled to receive moneys from any recognised
collecting society charged with the collection and payment of secondary royalties pursuant to collective
agreements negotiated by such collection societies under the laws of any jurisdiction (‘Collection Society Income’),
but this shall not constitute an admission or acknowledgment that the Producer is obliged to make any payment
of Collection Society Income to any collecting society or the Artist.
In the event of a proposed sale of the Film or any rights thereto by the Producer, the MEAA is authorised to act
as agent for the Artist in the making of any Novation Agreement in accordance with clause 39D.1 of the AFFCA,
and the rights and obligations of the Producer, the Artist and the Purchaser shall be subject to the terms of any
Novation Agreement thereby made.
The Artist consents to the Producer providing his/her personal details to the MEAA for the purposes of
administration and processing of payment of Residuals Fees by the MEAA.
The Artist is engaged by the week on the following basis for..................................days over.........................weeks
to commence from ......................................... and terminate on ............................ with a maximum of
....................... days and not more than .......................................hours per week to be worked in not more than
............................. hours per day. Weeks worked in excess of .................................. will be paid for at
The Artist is engaged by the day on the following basis for ........................................ days on the following dates
with not more than ...................................... hours per day.
Artist's Basic Negotiated Fee $..................... Artist's Basic Negotiated Fee $....................
Film Category Loading $..................... Film Category Loading $.....................
Loading for Rights (………%) $...................... Loading for Rights (………%) $.....................
[Category ……..] [Category ……..]
COMPOSITE FEE $...................... COMPOSITE FEE $......................
Overtime up to ......... hours $........................ Overtime up to .......... hours $......................
TOTAL WEEKLY FEE $____________ TOTAL DAILY FEE $___________
Annual Leave Provision $....................... Annual Leave Provision $......................
N.B. 1. Payment of annual leave shall be calculated on the Artist's contracted or actual overtime worked - whichever is the
greater. See clause 16 of AFFCA.The Artist acknowledges and agrees that due to the unique nature of film
production and operational requirements of the Producer, it is not reasonably practicable for the Artist to take annual
leave during the course of an engagement. The Artist agrees that a payment in lieu of accrued but untaken leave
will be paid at the end of an Artist’s engagement.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
2. Post Synchronisation shall be paid at the hourly equivalent of the Artist's Composite Fee with a minimum payment
of 2.5hrs.
3. Rehearsals shall be paid at the Artist's Basic Negotiated Fee. See clause 36 of AFCFA.
Should the Artist be required to work additional days, days up to and including ..........................................shall
be payable at a fee of $.......................... per day. Should the Artist be required to work additional days numbering
more than ............................... and up to and including ......................................... the weekly rate of
$......................................... will be payable.
5. METHOD OF PAYMENT: The Artist hereby acknowledges that the aforementioned Agent (if any) is authorised
to collect and receive all sums of money payable to the Artist provided that the Artist may require payments to
be made directly to the Artist upon written notification to the Producer. Receipt of such moneys by the said
Agent or Artist shall be a good and valid discharge all such moneys owed.
6. SPECIAL STIPULATIONS: Specify requirements (for example nudity, haircuts, Making-Of Film(s) etc.)
7. CREDIT: The name under which the Artist is to receive a credit (if applicable) shall be
(Please print clearly)
Additional Billing Requirements:
8. SUPERANNUATION: The Producer shall contribute to JUST Super or the Superannuation fund of the Artist’s
choice in accordance with clause 40 of AFFCA.
9. MEAA MEMBERSHIP: The Artist warrants that the Artist is / is not a financial member of MEAA prior to
commencement of engagement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have affixed their signature on the day and year first hereby written.
........................................................................ ..................................................................………
(signature) (signature)
(print name and title of person signing on behalf of the
Witnessed by: Witnessed by:
................................................................................ ................................................................................
(signature) (signature)
................................................................................. ................................................................................
(print name) (print name)
N.B Unless the Agent produces proof of a Power of Attorney, this contract must be signed by the Artist.
(For information only I certify that I am of ................................................ nationality.)
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
ADDRESS (Production Office)
This AGREEMENT dated .................................................... 200_ is between the abovementioned production
company of the first part ("the Producer"), the abovementioned Lending company of the second part ("the Lender")
and the abovementioned Artist of the third part ("the Artist") in respect of the above-mentioned production ("the Film").
A. THIS AGREEMENT incorporates and includes all of the terms and conditions of The Actors Feature Film
Collective Agreement 2012 (as amended) (“AFFCA”) between the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
(“MEAA”), the Screen Producers Association of Australia (“SPAA”) and the Independent Producers Initiative Inc
(“IPI Inc”) as if those terms were written herein. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms of this
Contract and the terms of AFFCA, the terms of AFFCA shall prevail.
B. THE PRODUCER has agreed with the Lender to engage the Artist and the Artist has agreed to perform the part
of ................................. ................................................................................................... for the Film.
C. RIGHTS: The Lender and the Artist acknowledge that for the total fees payable to the Lender set out hereunder
the Producer, for the percentage designated, has acquired the following rights:
(delete and
initial those
rights not
Australian Free Television Rights
4 runs over 5 years
or 5 runs over 5 years
or 25%
Australian Ancillary Rights and Australian Pay
Television Rights
World TV Rights excluding US Network* 25%
World Theatrical Rights* 25%
World Ancillary Rights excluding Australia* 20%
and these rights are hereby assigned.
*Note: World TV Rights excluding US Network, World Theatrical Rights and World Ancillary Rights excluding
Australia are limited to a period of 4 years in North America. Thereafter North American Residuals are payable in
accordance with clause 39A.3 of the AFFCA.
Subject to payment by the Producer to MEAA of the Residual Fees payable in accordance with Clause 39A.2(a)
of AFFCA, the Producer shall be entitled to screen (or authorise others to screen) the Film on US Network
The Producer shall pay to MEAA sums from time to time equal to 10% of 100% of the Producer’s Share of Film’s
Net Profits and the Residual Fees in accordance with clause 39A of AFFCA.
D. CONSENT: The Producer shall have the right to photograph, record and/or otherwise produce, reproduce,
transmit, exhibit, distribute and publicise in connection with the Film any and all of the acts, poses, plays and
appearances of any and all kinds of the Artist appearing in the Film containing such acts, poses, plays and
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
The Producer shall likewise have the right to use and give publicity to the Artist's name and likeness,
photographic and otherwise, and to recordings and reproductions of the Artist's voice and all instrumental,
musical and other sound effects produced by the Artist in the said Film in order that it may be publicised or
Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the Artist from being entitled to receive moneys from any recognised
collecting society charged with the collection and payment of secondary royalties pursuant to collective
agreements negotiated by such collection societies under the laws of any jurisdiction (‘Collection Society
Income’), but this shall not constitute an admission or acknowledgment that the Producer is obliged to make any
payment of Collection Society Income to any collecting society, the Lender or the Artist.
In the event of a proposed sale of the Film or any rights thereto by the Producer, the MEAA is authorised to act
as agent for the Artist and the Lender in the making of any Novation Agreement in accordance with clause 39D.1
of the AFFA, and the rights and obligations of the Producer, the Artist, the Lender and the Purchaser shall be
subject to the terms of any Novation Agreement thereby made.
The Artist consents to the Producer providing his/her personal details to the MEAA for the purposes of
administration and processing of payment of Residuals Fees by the MEAA.
The Artist is engaged by the week on the following basis for .................... days over .................... weeks to
commence from .......................................... and terminate on ............................ with a maximum of
....................... days and not more than ....................................... hours per week to be worked in not more than
........................... hours per day. Weeks worked in excess of .................................. will be paid for at
The Artist is engaged by the day on the following basis for........................................ days on the following dates
with not more than......................................hours per day.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
Artist's Basic Negotiated Fee $...................... Artist's Basic Negotiated Fee $....................
Film Category Loading $...................... Film Category Loading $.....................
Loading for Rights (................%) $...................... Loading for Rights (...................%) $.....................
[Category ……..] [Category ……..]
COMPOSITE FEE $...................... COMPOSITE FEE $......................
Overtime up to ......... hours $........................ Overtime up to .......... hours $......................
Payment Payment
(in lieu of annual leave – 8.33%) $........................ (in lieu of annual leave – 8.33%) $........................
TOTAL WEEKLY FEE $____________ TOTAL DAILY FEE $____________
N.B. 1. Post Synchronisation shall be paid at the hourly equivalent of the Artist's Composite Fee with a minimum
payment of 2.5hrs.
2. Rehearsals shall be paid at the Artist's Basic Negotiated Fee. See clause 36 of AFFCA.
3. The Producer shall pay to the Lender, in addition to the Total Weekly Fee or Total Daily Fee (as the case
may be), an amount equal to 10 % of the Total Weekly Fee or Total Daily Fee (as the case may be).
Should the Artist be required to work additional days, days up to and including ......................................shall be
payable at a fee of $.......................... per day. Should the Artist be required to work additional days numbering
more than ................................... and up to and including ................................... the weekly rate of
$......................................... will be payable.
5. METHOD OF PAYMENT: The Artist and the Lender hereby acknowledges that the aforementioned Agent (if
any) is authorised to collect and receive all sums of money payable to the Artist and the Lender provided that
the Artist and the Lender may require payments to be made directly to the Lender or the Artist upon written
notification to the Producer. Receipt of such moneys by the said Agent shall be a good and valid discharge all
such moneys owed.
6. SERVICE AGREEMENT: The Artist is and will be throughout this agreement under a contract of service to the
Lender which shall not be varied during the course of this agreement without the prior consent of the Producer.
7. SPECIAL STIPULATIONS: Specify requirements (for example nudity, haircuts, Making-Of Film(s) etc.)
8. CREDIT: The name under which the Artist is to receive a credit (if applicable) shall be
(Please print clearly)
Additional Billing Requirements:
9. MEAA MEMBERSHIP: The Artist warrants that the Artist is / is not a financial member of MEAA prior to
commencement of engagement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have affixed their signature on the day and year first hereby written.
............................................................................. ...........................................................................
(signature) (signature)
ARTIST................................................................. ...........................................................................
(print name and title of person signing for the Producer)
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
Witnessed by: Witnessed by:
............................................................................... ...........................................................................
(signature) (signature)
............................................................................... ...........................................................................
(print name) (print name)
NB Unless the Agent produces proof of a Power of Attorney, this contract must be signed by the Artist.
(For information only I certify that I am of ........................................................ nationality.)
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
for and on behalf of the MEDIA ENTERTAINMENT & ARTS ALLIANCE
for and on behalf of the Production Company
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
The following allowances are adjusted each year by applying the June quarter CPI increase
for the previous 12 months to the rate for the previous year, with the new rate to be effective
from August 1 each year.
Clause Purpose 1/8/11-30/7/12 1/7/12-30/7/13
13(d),(e). 14(a)
Breakfast 15.10
13(d),(e). 14(b)
Lunch 17.10
13(d),(e). 14(b)
Dinner 26.10
13(d),(e). 14(j)
Supper 17.10
Private home 10.20
Caravan 20.80
Shearers' quarters 41.40
13 (m)
Car 0.89
13 (m)
Motor bike 0.42
Formal Wear 50.10
Other Wardrobe 29.90
Special Character 50.10
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
1. The parties shall in good faith agree upon the person to act as arbitrator. Subject to
availability, the arbitrator appointed shall have experience in matters involving the
entertainment industry. The parties are unable to agree on the name of arbitrator or
that person is unavailable and the parties cannot agree on a replacement within ten
(10) business days of the request to agree by the party requesting the arbitration
(“Requesting Party) to the responding party (“Responding Party”) then the
Requesting Party shall ask the President of the Law Society of NSW to nominate an
arbitrator who is suitable and available to arbitrate. Neither party may challenge the
jurisdiction or authority of the person agreed or nominated under this clause (“the
2. The arbitration will be conducted in Sydney (or in such other place as the parties to
the dispute may agree) in accordance with the Australian Commercial Disputes
Centre Rules for Domestic Arbitration which are operating at the time the dispute is
referred to arbitration by the Arbitrator. To the extent permitted at law, the parties
waive the right to seek punitive damages and the Arbitrator shall have no authority to
award such damages. The Arbitrator will provide a detailed written statement of
decision, which will be part of the arbitration award and admissible in any judicial
proceeding to confirm, correct or vacate the award. If either party refuses to perform
any or all of its obligations under the final arbitration award (following appeal, if
applicable), then the other party may enforce the final award in any court of
competent jurisdiction in New South Wales. The party seeking enforcement shall be
entitled to recover all costs, fees and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, incurred in
enforcing the award, to be paid by the party against whom enforcement is ordered.
Screen Producers Association of Australia and Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Acotrs Feature Film Collective Agreement
In consideration of the execution of a Distribution Agreement between
_________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “Producer”) and
____________________________________ (hereinafter referred to as “Distributor”),
Distributor agrees that the motion picture more specifically described in the attached
scheduled (hereinafter referred to as “Film”) is subject to the Actors Feature Film Collective
Agreement 2012 (hereinafter referred to as “AFFCA”), and particularly to the provisions
thereof providing for the payment of US Network runs and other residual payments in respect
of North America, and Distributor hereby agrees, expressly for the benefit of the Media
Entertainment & Arts Alliance (hereinafter referred to as “the MEAA”) as representative of the
performers whose services are included in the Film, to pay all additional residual payments
required thereby, arising out of the distribution of the Film by or on behalf of Distributor,
including where the Film is:
[Amend as (i) broadcast on a US Network;
(ii) exploited by means of Free Television Rights (excluding any
screening on a US Network), Pay Television Rights and
Ancillary Rights (excluding Distributor’s Gross Receipts
earned in respect of the first four (4) years of initial
exploitation of the Film in North America)
It is expressly understood that the right of Distributor to license the Film in respect of the
above specified rights shall be subject to and conditioned upon the prompt payment of any
and all such additional compensation in accordance with the provisions of the AFFCA.
The Distributor shall give the MEAA prompt written notice of the date on which each such
Film is first telecast in the United States on a US Network and for the second run and
thereafter for each subsequent run.
Distributor agrees to keep (as applicable to the rights licensed by the Distributor):
(i) complete records showing all cities in the United States in which the Film has been
telecast on a US Network and the number of such telecasts in each such city, the
television stations on which telecast, and the dates thereof; and
(ii) complete records showing the calculation of “distributor’s gross receipts” for the Film
to the extent that such records are pertinent to the computation of payments due
under the AFFCA. The MEAA shall have the right, at all reasonable times, to inspect
any and all such records. The Distributor shall furnish reports to the MEAA showing
“distributor’s gross receipts” derived from the Film on an annual basis.
Distributor agrees to cooperate in responding to reasonable requests from the MEAA as to
whether the Film is currently being exploited in any market in North America that gives rise to
residual payments for performers. An inadvertent failure to comply with any of the notice or
reporting provisions hereof shall not constitute a default by Distributor hereunder, provided
said failure is cured promptly after written notice thereof from the MEAA.