This syllabus is to be used as a guideline only. The information provided is a summary of topics to be
covered in the class. Information contained in this document may be subject to change.
Course Title: Co-Design and Modelling for Advanced Semiconductor Packaging
Why take this course?
Chip-Package-System co-design supported by Electronic Design Automation (EDA) and
multi-physics modelling (electrical, thermal, and mechanical) are key underpinning
technologies for advanced semiconductor packaging. The semiconductor industry worldwide
is relying on these software tools to develop advanced semiconductor packaged products for
both microelectronics and power electronics packages in markets such as consumer
electronics, transport, aerospace, datacentres, IoT, AI, Industry, and renewable energy. This
is evidenced by the recent Chips Acts in the US, Europe, India and around the world, where
industry requires employees with the digital skills in co-design supported by EDA and multi-
physics modelling and simulation. This is a hands-on course that contains both theory and
use of design, modelling, and simulation tools.
Course Objectives/Learning Outcomes
Students will master the co-design concepts of advanced semiconductor packaging
including integrated design flows for chip, package, and systems
Students will gain knowledge of the design process for advanced semiconductor
packages and systems.
Students will gain knowledge of how to use multi-physics modelling tools to model and
simulate electrical, thermal, and mechanical behaviour of advanced semiconductor
packages and systems.
Students will gain knowledge of how to optimise a package assembly through the use of
simulation tools.
Course Number: EEE598
Course Term: Fall 2023
Course Instructor Professor Chris Bailey
School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering
Arizona State University
Email: christopher[email protected]
Office Hours Chris Bailey TBC. I am also available by appointment, please email
me to set up an appointment in advance.
Software Usage: COMSOL and/or Ansys, Solidworks will be the primary software tools
used in the course.
Prerequisites: Students should have a basic understanding of electric circuits;
electrical, thermal, and mechanical properties of materials; theory of
elasticity and general mechanics as taught in undergraduate
engineering programs. Experience with ANSYS or COMSOL or
Solidworks is desirable, but not required as these will be introduced in
the course.
Textbook and Reading Material
Textbooks: Textbooks are not required to complete the course as all material
required for assessments will be provided in the course. Those
wishing to review books in the field may find the following useful. (1)
Fundamentals of Electronics System Design, Lienig and Bruemmer,
Pub Sringer 2017; (2) Modelling, Analysis, Design, and Tests for
Electronic Packaging beyond Moore, Zhang et-al, Pub Elsevier, 2020
Other Material (1) IEEE Heterogeneous Integration Roadmap
(2) IEEE Electronics Packaging Society (https://eps.ieee.org/)
Course Topics and Schedule (Tentative, Subject to Change)
Evaluation Policies
Homework and/or Quizzes (40%)
Project (20%)
Exams (40%)
Project will consist of groups of 3 or 4. Individual projects will be assigned where needed.
Examples of projects could include:
1) Design flows for chip-package interactions
2) Thermal management at system level
3) Application of Finite Element Method for solder interconnect failures
4) Application of Design tools for floorplaning and routing
5) Modelling tools as used in industry for packaging performance
6) Application of Modelling for Signal Integrity and EMI in 3D packaging
7) Electrothermal Modelling for Wafer Level Packaging
Introduction to Advanced Semiconductor Packaging
Introduction to Advanced Semiconductor Packaging
Design Techniques and Tools
Design Techniques and Tools
Finite Element Method and Software
Finite Element Method and Software
Electromagnetic Modelling and Simulation
Electromagnetic Modelling and Simulation
Electromagnetic Modelling and Simulation
Thermal Modelling and Simulation for thermal management
Thermal Modelling and Simulation for thermal management
Thermal Modelling and Simulation for thermal management
Thermo-Mechanical Modelling and Simulation for reliability
Thermo-Mechanical Modelling and Simulation for reliability
Thermo-Mechanical Modelling and Simulation for reliability
Students are asked to select and submit their project title by 3
Thursday of the course.
Project approval will be given by 4
Thursday of the course. You should work as a cross
disciplinary team if possible. Group project memo/paper (750 1000 words) and software
files to be submitted. An in-class poster presentation will be given on the last week of the
Grading policy
The course uses the standard ASU grading scheme:
97 and above
Below 60
Course Policies
Use of cell phones and laptops (for any function) will not be permitted during the exams.
During exams in class, all backpacks must be placed in the front of the room. All cell
phones must be in the backpack or if you do not have a backpack, the cell phone must be
face down, powered off, on the table in front of you. Any violation of this policy will
result in a zero on the exam. All exams are closed book, closed notes exams unless
otherwise specified. The exams will include formula sheets provided by the instructor (if
necessary). Cheating will not be tolerated and will be dealt with according.
Mid-term exam will take place during Week 8 (TBC). Final Exam will take place at end of the
ccursel. Date to be confirmed.
Assignments will be posted, received and returned on Canvas. Late homework will not be
graded. The homework submitted online must fulfill the following requirements:
Write your assignment clearly, use a black or blue ink pen, no pencil.
Write your assignment on plain white paper, leave a 1 inch margin.
Write your name, student ID, and the assignment number clearly on the first page of
the document. Number each page.
Check the readability of your document before uploading it.
Upload the assignment as one multi-page PDF file.
Notify the instructor BEFORE an assessment is due if an urgent situation arises and the
assignment absolutely cannot be submitted on time. Published assignment due dates
(Arizona Mountain Standard time) are firm. There will be a 10% per day deduction for late
assignments. Please follow the appropriate University policies to request an
accommodation for religious observances/practices that are in accord with ACD 30404
(https://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/acd/acd304-04.html) , “Accommodation for
Religious Practices”, for University-sanctioned events/activities that are in accord with ACD
30402 (https://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/acd/acd304-02.html) , “Missed
Classes Due to University-Sanctioned Activities”, or for military line-of-duty activities that are
in accord with ACD 30411 (https://www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/acd/acd304-11.html) ,
“Missed Class Due to Military Line-of-Duty Activities,” and SSM 201–18, “Accommodating
Active Duty Military”
Submitting Assessments
All assessments, unless otherwise announced, MUST be submitted to the designated area
of Canvas. Do not submit an assessment via email unless you have received
prior authorization to do so from the instructor.
Drop and Add Dates/Withdrawals
Consult with your academic advisor to add or drop this course. If you are considering a
withdrawal, review the following ASU policies: Withdrawal from Classes, and
Medical/Compassionate Withdrawal.
Grade Appeals
Grade disputes must first be addressed by discussing the situation with the instructor. If the
dispute is not resolved with the instructor, the student may appeal to the department chair
per the University Policy for Student Appeal Procedures on Grades.
Incomplete Grades
A grade of “incomplete” (“I”) is given by the instructor only when a student doing acceptable
work is unable to complete a course because of illness or other conditions beyond the
student’s control. It is used only under extreme extenuating circumstances with the
expectation that the student will make up missed work in a matter of weeks.
Syllabus Disclaimer
The syllabus is a statement of intent and serves as an implicit agreement between the
instructor and the student. Every effort will be made to avoid changing the course schedule
but the possibility exists that unforeseen events will make syllabus changes necessary.
Remember to check your ASU email and the course site often.
Academic Integrity
Students in this class must adhere to ASU’s academic integrity policy, which can be found at
https://prov-ost.asu.edu/academic-integrity/policy). Students are responsible for reviewing
this policy and understanding each of the areas in which academic dishonesty can occur. In
addition, all engineering students are expected to adhere to both the ASU Academic Integrity
Honor Code and the Fulton Schools of Engineering Honor Code. All academic integrity
violations will be reported to the Fulton Schools of Engineering Academic Integrity Office
(AIO). The AIO maintains record of all violations and has access to academic integrity
violations committed in all other ASU college/schools.
Disability Accommodations
Suitable accommodations will be made for students having disabilities. Students needing
accommodations must register with the ASU Disabilities Resource Center and provide
documentation of that registration to the instructor. Students should communicate the need
for an accommodation in sufficient time for it to be properly arranged. See ACD 304-08
Classroom and Testing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities.
Policy Against Threatening Behavior
Students, faculty, staff, and other individuals do not have an unqualified right of access to
university grounds, property, or services. Interfering with the peaceful conduct of university-
related business or activities or remaining on campus grounds after a request to leave may
be considered a crime. All incidents and allegations of violent or threatening conduct by an
ASU student (whether on- or off-campus) must be reported to the ASU Police Department
(ASU PD) and the Office of the Dean of Students/ For more information please visit
https://eoss.asu.edu/dos/srr/PoliciesAndProcedures and
Reporting Title IX Violations
Title IX is a federal law that provides that no person be excluded on the basis of sex from
participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education
program or activity. Both Title IX and university policy make clear that sexual violence and
harassment based on sex is prohibited. An individual who believes they have been
subjected to sexual violence or harassed on the basis of sex can seek support, including
counseling and academic support, from the university. If you or someone you know
has been harassed on the basis of sex or sexually assaulted, you can find information and
resources at https://sexualviolenceprevention.asu.edu/faqs.
Harassment and Sexual Discrimination
Arizona State University is committed to providing an environment free of discrimination,
harassment, or retaliation for the entire university community, including all students, faculty
members, staff employees, and guests. ASU expressly prohibits discrimination, harassment,
and retaliation by employees, students, contractors, or agents of the university based on any
protected status: race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status,
sexual orientation, gender identity, and genetic information. Title IX is a federal law that
provides that no person be excluded on the basis of sex from participation in,
be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or
activity. Both Title IX and university policy make clear that sexual violence and harassment
based on sex is prohibited. An individual who believes they have been subjected to sexual
violence or harassed on the basis of sex can seek support, including counselling and
academic support, from the university. If you or someone you know has been harassed on
the basis of sex or sexually assaulted, you can find information and resources at
Mandated sexual harassment reporter: As a mandated reporter, I am obligated to report any
information I become aware of regarding alleged acts of sexual discrimination, including
sexual violence and dating violence. ASU Counselling Services,
https://eoss.asu.edu/counseling, is available if you wish to discuss any
concerns confidentially and privately.
Copyrighted Materials
All course content and materials, including lectures, are copyrighted materials and students
may not share outside the class, upload to online websites not approved by the instructor,
sell, or distribute course content or notes taken during the conduct of the course (see ACD
304–06, “Commercial Note Taking Services” and ABOR Policy 5-308 F.14 for more
information). You must refrain from uploading to any course shell, discussion board, or
website used by the course instructor or other course forum, material that is not the student's
original work, unless the students first comply with all applicable copyright laws; faculty
members reserve the right to delete materials on the grounds of suspected copyright