VMware Tanzu Greenplum
Command Center v6.1
VMware Tanzu Greenplum Command Center 6.1
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VMware Tanzu Greenplum Command Center v6.1 Documentation
VMware, Inc
Pivotal Greenplum Command Center 6.1.0 Documentation 11
Pivotal Greenplum® Command Center 6.1.0 Release Notes 13
About This Release 13
Supported Platforms 13
Enhancements and Changes in Greenplum Command Center 6.1 13
Command Center Installation Changes 13
New and Changed Features 14
Resolved Issues 15
Known Issues 15
Command Center Installer Truncates pg_hba.conf LDAP Entries 15
Calculated Root Table Size Inaccurate for Some Partitioned Tables 15
Sorting Tables by Size on Partition List Page is Slow 16
About Pivotal Greenplum Command Center 17
Greenplum Command Center Features 17
Greenplum Command Center Architecture 17
Greenplum Command Center Web Server and Web Application 18
Greenplum Database Performance Monitoring Database 19
Real-Time Query Metrics Collection 19
Command Center Workload Management 20
Installing Greenplum Command Center 21
Installing Pivotal Greenplum Command Center 21
Prerequisites 21
Selecting and Preparing an Installation Directory for Command Center 22
Install the Greenplum Command Center Software 22
Interactive Installation 23
Install With a Configuration File 25
Non-Interactive Installation with Defaults 26
Upgrade 26
Upgrade the Metrics Collector Extension 27
Prepare the Standby Master Host 28
Next Steps 29
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Securing the gpmon Database User 29
Authentication for the gpmon Role 29
Setting the gpmon Password 30
Authenticating gpmon with Kerberos 30
Setting the Greenplum Command Center Environment 31
Upgrading Greenplum Command Center 31
Uninstalling Greenplum Command Center 32
Administering the Command Center Web Server 34
Starting and Stopping the Web Server 34
Configuring the Command Center Web Server 35
Restarting Command Center After Master Failure 35
Viewing and Maintaining Web Server Log Files 36
Administering Command Center Agents 37
About the gpperfmon Data Collection Agents 37
Configuring gpmon Role Logging Options 37
Adding and Removing Hosts 38
Administering the gpperfmon Database 39
Connecting to the gpperfmon Database 39
Backing Up and Restoring the gpperfmon Database 39
Maintaining the Historical Data Tables 39
Settings 40
History settings 40
Administering Log Files and Work Files 42
webserver.log 42
agent.log 42
gpccws.log 42
cli.log 42
Command Center Work Files 42
gpcc 44
Actions 44
Options 45
Description 45
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Examples 45
gpmetrics Schema Reference 46
Alert Tables 46
gpcc_alert_rule Table 46
gpcc_alert_log Table 47
Example Query 48
Greenplum Database Metrics History Tables 48
gpcc_database_history 48
gpcc_disk_history 48
gpcc_pg_log_history 49
gpcc_plannode_history 50
gpcc_queries_history 51
gpcc_system_history 53
gpcc_table_info 54
gpcc_table_info_history 55
Configuration Files Reference 57
Command Center Console Parameters 57
gpmetrics Configuration File Reference 59
Metrics Collector Server Configuration Parameters 59
Securing Greenplum Command Center 61
SSL/TLS Encryption 61
Authentication Options 61
Authorization 62
Managing Greenplum Command Center Authentication 63
Viewing the Host-Based Authentication File 64
Editing the Host-Based Authentication File 64
Loading a Previous Version of the Host-Based Authentication File 65
Managing Greenplum Command Center Permissions 65
Viewing User Permissions 66
Changing User Permission Levels 66
Enabling or Disabling Guest Access to Query Monitor 67
Enabling Authentication with Kerberos 67
Before You Begin 68
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Add Command Center Principals to the KDC Database 68
Adding Kerberos Principals 69
Set Up Keytab Files 69
Command Center Running on the Greenplum Master Host 69
Command Center Running on the Standby Master 70
Update the Greenplum Database pg_hba.conf File 71
Enable Kerberos for Command Center 72
Authenticating With Kerberos on the Client Workstation 72
Monitoring the Greenplum Database System 73
Dashboard 73
System Information 73
Segment Health 74
Database State 74
Segment Status 74
Disk Usage Summary 75
Queries 75
CPU 75
Memory 75
Alerts 75
Greenplum Database Cluster State 75
System Information 76
Segment Health 76
Database State 76
Segment Status 77
Disk Usage Summary 77
Queries 77
CPU 77
Memory 78
Alerts 78
Segment Status 78
Segment Summary 78
Segment Health 79
Preferred Roles 80
Segment Table 80
Cluster Metrics 81
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Host Metrics 82
About Skew Calculations 83
Storage Status 83
Disk Usage Summary 83
GP Segments Usage History 84
GP Masters Usage History 84
Monitoring and Managing Greenplum Database Queries 85
Query Monitor 85
Query Metrics 86
Using the Query Monitor Controls 87
Query Details 87
Query Execution Metrics 88
Query Text and Execution Plan 90
Query Text 90
Query Plan and Progress 90
Textual Plan 91
History 92
Query Metrics 94
Query History Details 95
Query History Metrics 96
Query Text and Execution Plan 97
Query Text 97
Query Plan and Progress 97
Textual Plan 98
Alerts 100
Configuring Alert Rules 100
Configuring Alert Email 102
Configuring email With Command Center 102
Configuring email for Greenplum Database 103
Creating a Send Alert Script 104
Managing Greenplum Database Workloads 106
About Greenplum Command Center Workload Management 106
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About Query Assignment Rules 107
Workload Management 107
Defining Resource Groups and Resource Attributes 107
Assigning Roles to Resource Groups 109
Defining Workload Management Rules 109
Defining and Setting Query Tags 110
Importing Resource Queues to Resource Groups 111
Step One: Enable Resource Groups in Greenplum Database 111
Step Two: Preview and Configure Resource Group Imports 111
Step Three: Enable Command Center Workload Management 113
Accessing the Workload Configuration Programmatically 113
Workload Management Rules JSON Format 114
version pair 114
assignmentRules array 114
gpmetrics.get_workload_config() 115
Example 115
gpmetrics.set_workload_config() 116
Example 116
Troubleshooting Enabling Resource Groups 116
Greenplum Database Table Browser 120
Table List 121
Table Details 122
Details Section 122
Usage Section 123
Recent Queries Section 123
Table Contents Section 124
Query Monitor Help Topics 125
CPU 125
CPU Skew 125
What is CPU Skew? 125
Data Skew 126
Computational Skew 126
Locks 126
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Memory 128
Resource Group Memory Configuration Parameters 128
Greenplum Database Memory Configuration Parameters 129
Query Plan Execution 129
Slices and Gangs 130
Operators 130
Scan Operators 130
Join Operators 132
Sort and Aggregate Operators 132
Motion Operators 132
DML Operators 132
Spill Files 132
Investigating Spill File Usage 133
Eliminating or Reducing Spill Files 133
Limiting Spill Files with Server Configuration Parameters 133
Alert Help Topics 135
Segment failure 135
What is this alert? 135
What to do 135
Average memory (segment hosts) exceeds [%] for [min] 136
What is this alert? 136
What to do? 136
Memory (master) exceeds [%] for [min] 136
What is this alert? 136
What to do 136
Total disk space exceeds [%] 137
What is this alert? 137
What to do 137
Query is blocked for [min] 137
What is this alert? 137
Alert details 137
What to do 137
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Number of connections exceeds [n] 138
What is this alert? 138
What to do 138
Look for idle or stale connections and terminate them 138
CPU (master) exceeds [%] for [min] 138
What is this alert? 138
What to do 139
See also 139
Out of memory error 139
What is this alert? 139
What to do 139
Query runtime exceeds [min] 140
What is this alert? 140
Alert details 140
What to do 140
Average CPU (segment hosts) exceeds [%] for [min] 140
What is this alert? 140
What to do 140
Spill files for a query exceeds [GB] 140
What is this alert? 141
What to do 141
For more information 141
FATAL happened on master 141
What is this alert? 141
What to do? 142
PANIC happened on master 142
What is this alert? 142
What to do 142
VMware Tanzu Greenplum Command Center v6.1 Documentation
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Pivotal Greenplum Command Center 6.1.0
Greenplum Command Center 6.1.0 Release Notes
About Greenplum Command Center
Installing Greenplum Command Center
Setting the Greenplum Command Center Environment
Administering the Command Center Web Server
Administering Command Center Agents
Administering the gpperfmon Database
Administering the gpmetrics Query History
gpcc Command Reference
Configuration File Reference
Securing Greenplum Command Center
Using Greenplum Command Center
Monitoring the Greenplum Database System
Overall Cluster State
Segment Status
Cluster Metrics
Host Metrics
Storage Status
Monitoring and Managing Greenplum Database Queries
Query Monitor
Query Details
Query History
Managing Alerts
Managing Workloads
About Workloads
Managing Workloads with Command Center
VMware Tanzu Greenplum Command Center v6.1 Documentation
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Troubleshooting Command Center Workload Management
Table Browser
Command Center Help Topics
CPU Skew
Query Optimization
Spill Files
VMware Tanzu Greenplum Command Center v6.1 Documentation
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Pivotal Greenplum® Command Center 6.1.0
Release Notes
Updated 2019-12-13
About This Release
This document contains release information about Pivotal Greenplum Command Center 6.1.
Greenplum Command Center 6.1 provides management and monitoring functionality for Pivotal
Greenplum Database 6.
See Enhancements and Changes in Greenplum Command Center 6.1 for information about new
features and changes in this Command Center release.
Supported Platforms
Greenplum Command Center 6.1.0 is compatible with the following platforms.
Pivotal Greenplum Database 6.x.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x
and 7.x
CentOS 6.x
and 7.x
SUSE Enterprise Linux 12
Ubuntu 18.04
See Pivotal Greenplum Command Center Supported Platforms for the most current compatibility
Enhancements and Changes in Greenplum Command Center
Command Center Installation Changes
The Command Center release download file names have changed to include the Greenplum
Database major version, for example greenplum-cc-web-6.1.0-gp6-rhel7-x86_64.zip.
The Command Center installer checks that the metrics collector extension running in the
Greenplumn Database system is the correct version for the Command Center version you
are installing. If a new metrics collector extension is needed, the installer instructs you to
install the correct version using the gppkg utility.
The Command Center installer creates four entries in the pg_hba.conf authentication file for
VMware Tanzu Greenplum Command Center v6.1 Documentation
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the gpmon role if there are no existing gpmon entries.
local gpperfmon gpmon md5
host all gpmon md5
host all gpmon ::1/128 md5
host all gpmon samenet md5
The samenet entry is new in this release, and the installer will add it to the pg_hba.conf file
even when there are existing entries for the gpmon role.
Note that the Table Browser feature requires all in the database field of the host entries so
that gpmon can retrieve table information from each database.
If you use an authentication method other than md5 for the gpmon user, such as LDAP or
Kerberos, edit the pg_hba.conf file to enable connections from all hosts and access to all
New and Changed Features
A new Table Browser is added to allow administrators to see information about tables in
Greenplum Databases. Tables displayed can be filtered by database, schema, owner, and
size. The Command Center interface provides details about tables, including table storage
types, distribution policies, partitions, sizes, and last access times. It lists recent queries that
have accessed the table, with links into the Command Center query history. Notably, the
Table Browser displays only metadata for tables; it does not provide access to data stored in
Note: When you first start Command Center after installing this version, Command Center
loads data into the new gpmetrics.gpcc_table_info table in the gpperfmon database. For
databases with large numbers of tables, the initial load could take five minutes or longer.
Table data will not be available in the Table Browser until it has been loaded.
The table browser uses two new tables in the gpmetrics schema: gpcc_table_info and
gpcc_table_info_history. See gpmetrics Schema Reference for information about the
contents of these tables.
The Command Center web server (gpccws) memory consumption is much improved
compared to earlier Command Center versions.
On the History page, the count of running queries at any point on the Queries graph now
includes queries that started and finished in the interval since the previous metrics sample. A
new queries_finished column is added to the gpmetrics.gpcc_database_history table to
record this count.
The metrics collector extension adds a new gpcc.enable_query_profiling server
configuration parameter that can be enabled to help with performance troubleshooting.
When off, the default, the metrics collector does not collect queries executed by the gpmon
user in the gpperfmon database or plan node history for queries that run in less than ten
seconds (or min_query_time, if greater than ten seconds). If you enable
gpcc.enable_query_profiling in a session the metrics collector collects those queries. This
parameter is available when the MetricsCollector-6.1.0 gppkg or above is installed in
Greenplum Database 6.x.
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Each night, Command Center archives files in the $GPCC_HOME/ccdata directory that are more
than two weeks old. The files in this directory include saved query text files (q*.txt), plan
node files (gpccexec*.txt), and table size and statistics information files (gpcc_size_info.dat
and gpcc_stat_info.dat). Archive files have names in the format
archive_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.tar.gz, where the dates are the beginning and end dates of
the week included in the archive. The archived files are no longer needed by Command
Center but may be useful for troubleshooting; you can remove them manually if you do not
want to save them.
Resolved Issues
When a Command Center user signs out of Command Center, the Welcome page is
displayed, but the message “Checking DB status…” is displayed for several seconds before
the login form is presented. This is fixed. If there are no errors the login form is now
displayed immediately.
The rightmost edge of system metrics graphs could drop to zero if the metrics data for that
period was not yet available to display. This is fixed by cutting the time axis on the right edge
of metrics graphs to the last period with available data. As a result of this fix, the time period
displayed at the right edge of a graph can be slightly earlier than the last sync time displayed
at the top of the page.
Users with self-only permissions could see other users’ query history. In Command Center
6.1 users with self-only permission have no access to the query history page, so they cannot
see their own or others’ query history. Self-only users will be allowed access to their own
query history in a future Command Center release.
The Command Center Storage Status page did not display tablespaces with locations other
than pg_default or pg_global. This is fixed. Expanding a hostname now shows each
tablespace location. Hovering over the tablespace location displays a pop-up with a list of the
data directories at that location. Data directories may not be displayed until Command Center
has refreshed the Storage Status page, which occurs every four hours.
The send_alert.sh script in the $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpmetrics directory had a bug that
caused some values to be incorrectly expanded when substituted into the template. This is
fixed by replacing all occurrences of $ARGUMENT with ${ARGUMENT} in the script. You can
implement the same fix if you have created a custom send_alert.sh script.
Known Issues
The following are known issues in the current Greenplum Command Center release.
Command Center Installer Truncates pg_hba.conf LDAP Entries
When the Command Center gpccinstall installer updates the pg_hba.conf file it truncates LDAP
information on entries that use the ldap authentication method. The truncated information must be
reinserted manually after the Command Center installation is complete. This issue exists in Command
Center versions 4.7 through 4.9, 6.0, and 6.1.
Calculated Root Table Size Inaccurate for Some Partitioned Tables
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When viewing the Table Browser view, the calculated size for a partitioned table is incorrect if some
child partitions are in different schemas than the root table.
Sorting Tables by Size on Partition List Page is Slow
If there are a large number of tables in a schema in a database, sorting the partition table list by size
can take a long time to display.
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About Pivotal Greenplum Command Center
Pivotal Greenplum Command Center is a management tool for the Pivotal Greenplum Database Big
Data Platform. This topic introduces key concepts about Greenplum Command Center and its
Greenplum Command Center Features
Greenplum Command Center monitors system performance metrics, analyzes cluster health, and
enables database administrators to perform management tasks in a Greenplum Database
Greenplum Command Center provides a browser-native HTML5 graphical console for viewing
Greenplum Database system metrics and performing certain database administrative tasks. The
Command Center application provides the following functionality:
Interactive overview of realtime system metrics. Drill down to see details for individual cluster
hosts and segments.
Detailed realtime statistics for the cluster and by server.
Query Monitor view lists queries executing, waiting to execute, and blocked by locks held by
other queries.
Query Detail view shows query metrics, query text, and the execution plan for the query.
Workload Management view allows administrators to:
Create and manage workloads to manage concurrency and allocate CPU and
memory resources.
Change default resource groups for Greenplum Database roles.
Create assignment rules to assign transactions to resource groups.
Four permission levels allow users to view or cancel their own or others’ queries, and to view
or manage administrative information.
Cluster Metrics view shows synchronized charts of historical system metrics.
History view lists completed queries and system metrics plotted over a selected time period.
Permissions view to see or manage Command Center permission levels.
Authentication view to see or edit the pg_hba.conf host-based authentication configuration
Segment Status view with summaries and details by segment.
Storage Status view with summaries and details by segment data directory.
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Greenplum Command Center Architecture
The following figure illustrates the Greenplum Command Center architecture.
Greenplum Command Center Web Server and Web Application
The Greenplum Command Center web server and backend application can run on the master or
standby master host—the master host is recommended. The web server, gpccws, is a custom HTTP
server designed for Command Center. The web application is an HTML5 and Go language
The Command Center web server authenticates users with the Greenplum Database authentication
system. Administrators can edit the Greenplum Database host-based authentication file,
pg_hba.conf, in the Command Center Console. Command Center can also be configured to
authenticate users in a Kerberos environment.
Command Center defines four user authorization levels to manage users’ access to the Query
Monitor, and to administrative information and operations. User authorization is managed in the
Administrative area of the Command Center user interface.
Greenplum Command Center displays information derived from several sources:
Greenplum Database performance monitoring database (gpperfmon)
Operating system process accounting
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Greenplum Database system catalog tables
Real-time query metrics collection extension
Workload management extension
Greenplum Database is instrumented to enable capturing performance metrics and tracking query
execution. The performance monitoring database and the query metrics collection extension deploy
agents—processes running on each host to collect metrics. The gpperfmon agents forward collected
data to an agent on the Greenplum Database master. The real-time query metrics agents submit
collected data directly to the Command Center rpc port. The agents also collect data from the host
operating system so that query performance can be correlated with CPU and memory utilization and
disk space can be monitored in Command Center.
Greenplum Database Performance Monitoring Database
The gpperfmon performance monitoring database stores current and historical query status and
system information collected from agents running on the master and segment hosts. Greenplum
Command Center uses gpperfmon for historical data only; it uses the real-time query metrics to
monitor active and queued queries. Greenplum Database sends UDP packets at various points
during query execution. The gpsmon process on each segment host collects the data. Periodically,
every 15 seconds by default, a gpmmon agent on the master host signals the gpsmon process to
forward the collected data. The agent on the master host receives the data and adds it to the
gpperfmon database.
The Command Center database consists of three sets of tables:
tables store data on current system metrics such as active queries
tables store data on historical metrics
tables are for data in transition. Tail tables are for internal use only and should not be
queried by users.
The now and tail data are stored as text files on the master host file system, and the Command
Center database accesses them via external tables. The history tables are regular database tables
stored within the gpperfmon database.
You can run SQL queries on the data stored in the gpperfmon database. Greenplum Command
Center runs queries on the database for information presented in the Command Center Console.
Greenplum Database Reference Guide
contains references for the tables in the gpperfmon
Greenplum Database provides a management utility, gpperfmon_install, to create the gpperfmon
database and enable the gpperfmon agents on the master and segment hosts. Creating the
gpperfmon database is a prerequisite for installing Greenplum Command Center. See the
Greenplum Database Utility Guide
for details of running the gpperfmon_install management utility.
Real-Time Query Metrics Collection
The data collected by real-time query metrics collection is more detailed and more current than
statistics recorded in the gpperfmon database. Command Center users can observe queries as they
execute and, with sufficient permissions, cancel problem queries to allow other queries to complete.
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The Greenplum Database query metrics extension and the metrics collection agent work together to
collect real-time metrics and update the Command Center application.
Greenplum Database calls the query metrics extension when a query is first submitted, when a
query’s status changes, and when a node in the query execution plan initializes, starts, or finishes.
The query metrics extension sends metrics to the metrics collection agent running on each segment
host. The extension also collects information about the locks queries hold so that you can see which
queries hold locks that block other queries. The agent posts the metrics to the Greenplum Command
Center rpc port.
The metrics_collection extension is included with Pivotal Greenplum Database. The extension is
enabled by setting the gp_enable_query_metrics server configuration parameter to on and restarting
the Greenplum Database cluster. The metrics collection agent is installed on each host when you
install Greenplum Command Center. The Command Center application monitors the agent and
restarts it if needed.
Command Center Workload Management
Workloads set concurrency, memory, and CPU resource limits for database transactions they
manage. A Greenplum Command Center workload corresponds to a Greenplum Database resource
group, but adds additional capabilities that are not available with resource groups.
Command Center allows administrators greater flexibility in assigning transactions to workloads.
Every Greenplum Database role is assigned to a single resource group and, by default, transactions
are managed by the role’s resource group. With Command Center workload management,
administrators can define criteria to assign transactions to workloads based on attributes other than
the role submitting the transaction. Currently, assignment criteria can evaluate query tags and roles
in combination with query tags.
query tag
is a key-value pair defined in the gpcc.query_tags parameter of a database session. The
parameter has the format <tag1>=<value1>;<tag2>=<value2>, where tags and values are user-
defined values. For example, if you want to run ETL operations in a workload named “etl”, you could
define a tag named “xact-type” and set it to “etl”: xact-type=etl. The gpcc.query_tags parameter
can be set as a connection parameter on Greenplum Database clients that allow it, or with a SET
command inside the session after the connection has been established, for example SET
The gp_wlm extension in Pivotal Greenplum Database provides support for Command Center
workloads. Initially, Greenplum Database uses resource queues to manage resources. Using
Command Center workloads requires enabling resource groups in Greenplum Database. Resource
groups are based on the Linux control groups (cgroups) service, which must first be enabled in the
operating system.
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Installing Greenplum Command Center
Perform these tasks to install Greenplum Command Center on your Greeplum Database system:
Installing Greenplum Command Center
Securing the gpmon Database User
Setting the Command Center Environment
Additional topics:
Upgrading Greenplum Command Center
Uninstalling Greenplum Command Center
Installing Pivotal Greenplum Command Center
The Pivotal Greenplum Command Center installation utility installs the Command Center files on all
hosts in the Greenplum Database cluster.
Run the Greenplum Command Center installer on the Greenplum Database master host. The
installer installs the Command Center software on every host in your Greenplum Database cluster. It
retrieves the list of hosts in your Greenplum Database cluster from the gp_segment_configuration
system table.
After you have run the installer you can start Greenplum Command Center on the master host
(recommended) or on the standby master host.
Before installing Greenplum Command Center, ensure the following requirements are met:
Greenplum Database must be installed and running. See the Pivotal Greenplum Command
Center release notes for compatible Greenplum Database versions.
The Greenplum Database MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY environment variable must be set.
The directory where Greenplum Command Center will be installed, /usr/local/ by default,
must be writable by the gpadmin user on all Greenplum Database hosts. See Selecting and
Preparing an Installation Directory for Command Center.
Port 28080 (default) must be open to TCP connections from Web clients to the HTTP server
on the master and standby master hosts. Greenplum Command Center web browser clients
connect to this port to access the Command Center Console. Browser connections use
HTTP/HTTPS and WebSocket (WS)/Secure WebSocket (WSS) protocols. A different port
number can be specified when Command Center is installed. To access the Command
Center web server through a proxy, the proxy must have WebSocket suport.
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Port 8899 must be open on all hosts in the Greenplum Database cluster for TCP
connections. This is an RPC port, used by the metrics collection agents on the segment hosts
to send metrics to the backend.
Command Center requires the Apache Portable Runtime Utility library. The library is no
longer included in the Greenplum Database lib directory, but it is installed as a dependency if
you install the Greenplum Database distribution with yum or apt. Run the command yum
install apr-util or apt install libapr1 if you need to install the apr-util library.
If you want Command Center server to support SSL/TLS encryption for browser
connections, you need a combined SSL certificate file containing the server certificate and
private key. See SSL/TLS Encryption for more information.
Selecting and Preparing an Installation Directory for
Command Center
The Command Center installation directory (default /usr/local) must exist and be writable on every
host in the Greenplum Database cluster by the gpadmin user. The Command Center installer creates
a directory named greenplum-cc-web-<version> in the installation directory on every host. When
Command Center installation is complete the greenplum-cc-web-<version> directory and all of its
contents must be owned by the gpadmin user.
In a standard Linux system, the /usr/local directory is owned by root and is only writable by root. If
you choose the default installation directory or another directory where gpadmin does not have write
permission, you must make the directory writable by gpadmin on each host in the cluster.
You can use the gpssh utility to set permissions on all segment hosts at once if the gpadmin role has
sudo access. For example:
$ source /usr/local/greenplum-db-<version>/greenplum_path.sh
$ gpssh -f <hostfile> 'sudo chmod 777 /usr/local'
After the Command Center installation is complete, you can restore the previous permissions on the
installation directory.
See the
Pivotal Greenplum Database Installation Guide
for information about setting up passwordless
Install the Greenplum Command Center Software
Run the Greenplum Command Center installer on the Greenplum Database master host as the
gpadmin user. The installer copies the software to all other hosts in the cluster.
1. Download the Greenplum Command Center distribution file for your Greenplum Database
version from Pivotal Network and copy it to the gpadmin user’s home directory on the
master host.
2. Extract the installer from the zip file.
$ unzip greenplum-cc-web-gp6-<version>-<platform>.zip
Extracting the installer creates a greenplum-cc-web-<version> directory containing the
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gpccinstall-<version> installation utility.
There are four ways to run the Greenplum Command Center installer:
Interactive – the installer prompts you for the installation parameters.
Scripted – you run the installer with a configuration file containing installation parameters.
Upgrade – the installer uses the installation parameters from the current Command Center
Auto – the installer uses default installation parameters.
Interactive Installation
1. Source the greenplum_path.sh script in the Greenplum Database installation directory to
ensure the GPHOME environment variable is set.
$ source /usr/local/greenplum-db/greenplum_path.sh
2. Run the Greenplum Command Center installer.
$ cd greenplum-cc-web-<version>
$ ./gpccinstall-<version>
You can add the following options to the gpccinstall command-line.
The -W option instructs the installer to prompt for the gpmon database user’s
If the gpmon user does not yet exist, the installer creates it using the
password you enter at the prompt. The password is not saved anywhere, so
be sure to remember the password you enter.
If the gpmon user already exists, the installer uses the password you enter at
the prompt for the gpmon user. It ignores any password set in the
PGPASSWORD environment variable, or in the .pgpass file in the gpadmin user’s
home directory (or in the file specified in the PGPASSFILE environment
If the gpmon user already exists, but you do not specify the -W option, the
installer uses the password set in the PGPASSWORD environment variable or in
the .pgpass file.
If the gpmon user does not yet exist and you do not specify -W (or if you
specify the -W option but enter no password at the prompt) the installer
creates the gpmon user with a default password. See the .pgpass file to find
the password.
The -ssh_path option allows you to specify the full path to a custom SSH program. If
you do not supply this option, the installer uses the ssh command on the path.
Example: bash $ ./gpccinstall-<version> --ssh_path /usr/local/bin/ssh -W
The -krbenable option includes prompts to configure Command Center Kerberos
authentication. The Kerberos prompts are omitted from the installation dialog by
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3. Read through the license agreement and enter y to accept.
4. Where would you like to install Greenplum Command Center? (Default=/usr/local)
Press Enter to accept the default or enter the desired path. The directory must exist on all
hosts in the Greenplum Database cluster and must be writable by the gpadmin user.
5. What would you like to name this installation of Greenplum Command Center?
Enter a name to display on Command Center web pages to identify this Greenplum
Command Center installation.
6. What port would you like the gpcc webserver to use? (Default=28080)
The default Command Center listen port is 28080. Press Enter to accept the default or enter
another port number.
7. (Optional). These prompts appear only if you specify -krbenable on the gpccinstall
command line.
Enter webserver name for this instance: (Default=<gpcc-host>)
The Kerberos keytab file must contain a principal for the Command Center web server. The
web server principal name has the the format HTTP/<gpcc-host>@<realm>, where <gpcc-
host> is the host name clients use in URLs when connecting to the Command Center web
Enter the name of the Kerberos service: (Default=postgres)
The default Kerberos service name for Greenplum Database is postgres.
Choose Kerberos mode (1.normal/2.strict/3.gpmon_only): (Default=1)
Greenplum Command Center supports three different Kerberos authentication schemes.
1 - normal mode (default) – The Command Center Kerberos keytab file contains the
Command Center principal and may contain principals for Command Center users. If the
principal in the client’s connection request is in the Command Center’s keytab file, Command
Center uses the client’s principal for database connections. Otherwise, Command Center
uses the gpmon user for database connections.
2 - strict mode – Command Center has a Kerberos keytab file containing the Command
Center service principal and a principal for every Command Center user. If the principal in
the client’s connection request is in the keytab file, the web server grants the client access
and the web server connects to Greenplum Database using the client’s principal name. If the
principal is not in the keytab file, the connection request fails.
3 - gpmon_only mode – Command Center uses the gpmon database role for all Greenplum
Database connections. No client principals are needed in the Command Center’s keytab file.
Enter path to the keytab file
Enter the path to the keytab file containing the Kerberos principal for the Command Center
web server and, optionally, Command Center user principals.
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What is the URL of the Command Center web server?
The Kerberos keytab file must contain a principal for the Command Center web server. The
principal name is in the format HTTP/<gpcc-host>@<realm>, where <gpcc-host> is the host
name clients use in URLs when connecting to the Command Center web server.
8. Would you like to enable SSL?
Enter y if you want to enable SSL/TLS (HTTPS) encryption for client connections to the
Command Center web server. The installation utility prompts for the location of the combined
SSL certificate file.
Enter the full path of the certificate file, including file name
Enter the path to the combined SSL certificate file installed on the Command Center host.
This file contains a certificate and a private key for the web server. The file must be readable
by the gpadmin user. See SSL/TLS Encryption for information about creating this file and
installing it on your server.
9. Choose a display language (Default=English)
1. English
2. Chinese
3. Korean
4. Russian
5. Japanese
Enter a number to choose a language for the Command Center user interface.
The installer saves a log of the installation session in the current directory in a file named
Install With a Configuration File
You can provide a configuration file to the Greenplum Command Center installer to perform a non-
interactive Command Center installation. Note that you must still view and accept the license
$ cd greenplum-cc-web-<version>
$ ./gpccinstall-<version> -c <config-file>
The following table contains the names of the parameters corresponding to the interactive installation
prompts and their default values. Define parameters in a configuration file for any parameters that
have no default value or to override default values.
Installer Prompt Default Parameter
Where would you like to install Greenplum Command Center? /usr/local path
What would you like to name this installation of Greenplum Command Center? gpcc display_name
What port would you like the gpcc webserver to use? 28080 web_port
| Would you like to enable Kerberos? | false | enable_kerberos | | Choose Kerberos mode
(1.normal/2.strict/3.gpmon_only): | 1 | krb_mode | | Please provide the path to the keytab file: | |
keytab | | What is the name of the GPDB Kerberos service? | postgres | krb_service_name | | What
VMware Tanzu Greenplum Command Center v6.1 Documentation
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is the URL of the Command Center web server? | gpcc | webserver_url | | Would you like to enable
SSL? | false | enable_ssl | | Please provide the file path for the SSL certificate: |
/etc/ssl/certs/cert.pem | ssl_cert_file | | Please choose a display language
(1.English2.Chinese/3.Korean/4.Russian/5.Japanese) | 1 | language |
If the enable_kerberos parameter is true, the keytab, webserver_url, krb_mode, and
krb_service_name parameters must also be set.
If the enable_ssl parameter is true, the ssl_cert_file parameter is required.
The following installation configuration file example sets all parameters to their default values.
path = /usr/local
# Set the display_name param to the string to display in the GPCC UI.
# The default is "gpcc"
# display_name = gpcc
master_port = 5432
web_port = 28080
rpc_port = 8899
enable_ssl = false
# Uncomment and set the ssl_cert_file if you set enable_ssl to true.
# ssl_cert_file = /etc/certs/mycert
enable_kerberos = false
# Uncomment and set the following parameters if you set enable_kerberos to true.
# webserver_url = <webserver_service_url>
# krb_mode = 1
# keytab = <path_to_keytab>
# krb_service_name = postgres
# User interface language: 1=English, 2=Chinese, 3=Korean, 4=Russian, 5=Japanese
language = 1
Non-Interactive Installation with Defaults
The non-interative installation is useful when installing Command Center in a cloud environment.
1. Source the greenplum_path.sh script in the Greenplum Database installation directory to
ensure the GPHOME environment variable is set.
$ source /usr/local/greenplum-db/greenplum_path.sh
2. Run the Greenplum Command Center installer with the -auto option.
$ cd greenplum-cc-web-<version>
$ ./gpccinstall-<version> -auto
Running gpccinstall with the -u option installs a Greenplum Command Center release using the
configuration parameters from the current Command Center installation. You can install a new
Command Center release, or reinstall the current release. This option is useful after you have added
new hosts to the Greenplum Database cluster or replaced failed hosts.
The configuration parameters are read from the $GPCC_HOME/conf/app.conf file.
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1. Source the greenplum_path.sh script in the Greenplum Database installation directory to
ensure the GPHOME environment variable is set.
$ source /usr/local/greenplum-db/greenplum_path.sh
2. Source the gpcc_path.sh script in the Greenplum Command Center installation directory.
$ source /usr/local/greenplum-cc-web-<version>/gpcc_path.sh
3. Run the Greenplum Command Center installer with the -u option.
$ cd greenplum-cc-web-<version>
$ ./gpccinstall-<version> -u
Upgrade the Metrics Collector Extension
If you are installing Command Center into a Greenplum Database version released before the
Command Center version you are installing, the installer prompts you to upgrade the
metrics_collector extension. It writes a README file, upgrade-extension.txt, in the new
Command Center installation directory with steps to install the new extension. To access new
Command Center features you must remove the current metrics_collector extension, install the
new extension, and restart Greenplum Database.
Note: You can use Command Center with the existing metrics_collector extension until you are
able to install the new extension and restart Greenplum Database. Some new Command Center
features may not be available until you install the new metrics_collector extension. If you are
reinstalling this Command Center version and have already upgraded the metrics_collector
extension, you can ignore the prompt.
Follow these steps to upgrade the metrics_collector extension.
1. Source the gpcc_path.sh script in the Command Center installation directory.
$ source /usr/local/greenplum-cc-web-<version>/gpcc_path.sh
2. Change to the Command Center installation directory.
3. Stop Command Center if it is running.
$ gpcc stop
4. Drop the current metrics_collector extension in the gpperfmon database.
$ psql gpperfmon -c 'DROP EXTENSION IF EXISTS metrics_collector'
5. Remove the old MetricsCollector gppkg.
List all installed packages. For example:
$ gppkg -q --all
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If a MetricsCollector package is listed, uninstall it with the gppkg -r command.
$ gppkg -r MetricsCollector-<gpcc_version>_gp_<gpdb_version>
6. Install the new MetricsCollector package for your platform. The packages are in the
$GPCC_HOME/gppkg directory. Example:
$ ls gppkg
$ gppkg -i gppkg/MetricsCollector-6.1.0_gp_6.1.0-rhel7-x86_64.gppkg
7. Restart Greenplum Database.
$ gpstop -ar
8. Start Greenplum Command Center.
$ gpcc start
Prepare the Standby Master Host
After the Command Center software is installed, you start the Command Center web server and
backend on the master host or the standby master host. Running Command Center on the master
host is recommended, but preparing the standby host ensures the standby can run Command
Center if the master fails.
1. Copy the .pgpass file from the master host to the standby master host. Run these commands
from the master:
$ ssh gpadmin@<standby_host>
$ scp gpadmin@<master_host>:~/.pgpass ~
$ chmod 600 ~/.pgpass
NOTE There are two alternative methods you can use to supply the gpmon user’s password
so that you do not have to put the .pgpass file on the host. Command Center only requires
the gpmon password when you run gpcc start, gpcc stop, or gpcc status.
1. Set the PGPASSWORD environment variable before you run gpcc commands. Example:
$ PGPASSWORD=changeme gpcc status
2. Add the -W option to gpcc commands to have the command prompt you for the
password. Example:
$ gpcc start -W
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2. If the Greenplum Command Center web server is to support TLS/SSL, a server certificate
.pem file must be obtained and installed on the standby host in a location readable by the
gpadmin user. The default path is /etc/ssl/certs/cert.pem.
3. If Greenplum Command Center is to support Kerberos authentication, Greenplum Database
must have Kerberos authentication set up and the required principals and keytabs must be
installed on the standby host. See Enabling Authentication with Kerberos for Kerberos setup
instructions. You can install Command Center without Kerberos authentication initially and
then enable Kerberos later by running the gpcc krbenable command.
Next Steps
Securing the gpmon Database User
Setting the Greenplum Command Center Environment
Starting and Stopping Greenplum Command Center
Connecting to Greenplum Command Center
Securing the gpmon Database User
The Greenplum Database gpmon role is a superuser role used to manage the gpperfmon database
and to retrieve other information from Greenplum databases used in the Command Center interface.
The Command Center installer creates the gpperfmon database and the gpmon database role if they
do not already exist.
Authentication for the gpmon Role
If the $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/pg_hba.conf authentication file contains no entries for the gpmon
role, the installer adds these entries:
local gpperfmon gpmon md5
host all gpmon md5
host all gpmon ::1/128 md5
host all gpmon samenet md5
If the pg_hba.conf file already has one or more gpmon entries, the installer will add the samenet
entry if it is not already present. If samenet does not work with your network configuration, you must
manually edit the pg_hba.conf file to allow gpmon access from all hosts in the cluster.
The Command Center Table Browser requires the all entry in the database field to allow gpmon to
retrieve table metadata and statistics from each database.
If you use a method other than md5 to authenticate the gpmon role, such as LDAP or Kerberos, edit
the pg_hba.conf file manually to enable gpmon connections from all hosts and access to all
If any of these entries are missing from pg_hba.conf Command Center may fail to start, or some
features may not work properly.
Administrators can view and update the pg_hba.conf file in Command Center on the Admin>
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Authentication page. If you update the pg_hba.conf outside of Command Center, be sure to use the
gpstop -u command to have Greenplum Database reload the file.
$ gpstop -u
Setting the gpmon Password
If you run the gpccinstall command with the -W option, it prompts you to enter a password for the
gpmon role. If you do not supply the -W option, gpccinstall uses a default password. It adds the
password to the .pgpass file in the gpadmin user’s home directory. The entry in the .pgpass file is
similar to the following:
See The Password File in the PostgreSQL documentation for details about the .pgpass file.
The .pgpass file is required on the Greenplum Database master host to start the gpperfmon data
collection agents. If you run Greenplum Command Center on the standby master host, you can copy
the .pgpass file to that host, or you can run the Command Center gpcc management utility with the -
W option to request password entry each time you start or stop Command Center or request status.
To change the gpmon password, follow these steps:
1. Log in to Greenplum Database as a superuser and change the gpmon password with the
ALTER ROLE command:
2. On the Greenplum master host, update the password in the .pgpass file in the gpadmin
home directory (~/.pgpass). Replace the existing password in the line or lines for gpmon with
the new password.
3. Ensure that the .pgpass file is owned by gpadmin and RW-accessible by gpadmin only.
$ chown gpadmin:gpadmin ~/.pgpass
$ chmod 600 ~/.pgpass
4. Restart Greenplum Command Center with the gpcc utility.
$ gpcc stop
$ gpcc start
Be sure to also update the .pgpass file on the standby master host.
Authenticating gpmon with Kerberos
If you authenticate Greenplum Database and Command Center users with Kerberos, you can also
authenticate the gpmon user with Kerberos.
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To prepare for installing Command Center with Kerberos authentication, follow these steps:
1. Create the gpperfmon database using the Greenplum Database gpperfmon-install
management utility.
2. On the KDC, create a keytab file containing the Kerberos principal for the gpmon user, just
as you would for any Kerberos-authenticated client. Install the file on the Greenplum master
and standby hosts.
3. Update the entries for gpmon in the $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/pg_hba.conf file to use the
gss authentication method.
host all gpmon gss include_realm=0 krb_realm=GPDB.EXAMPLE.COM
Note that local entries in pg_hba.conf cannot be authenticated with Kerberos. If there is a
local entry for the gpmon user, it will use the .pgpass file to authenticate with the database.
See The pg_hba.conf file in the PostgreSQL documentation for complete pg_hba.conf file
4. Log in to the master host as gpadmin and authenticate the gpmon user.
$ kinit gpmon
5. Install Greenplum Command Center to set up the Kerberos-enabled Command Center.
Setting the Greenplum Command Center Environment
To enable the gpadmin user to execute Command Center utilities such as gpcc at the command line,
source the gpcc_path.sh file in the Greenplum Command Center installation directory. For example:
$ source /usr/local/greenplum-cc-web-<version>/gpcc_path.sh
The gpcc_path.sh script sets the GPCC_HOME environment variable to the Command Center installation
directory and adds the $GPCC_HOME/bin directory to the path.
To automatically source the gpcc_path.sh each time you log in, add the above source command to
your start-up script, for example ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile.
Upgrading Greenplum Command Center
To upgrade Greenplum Command Center, you install the new Command Center software release,
stop the old version, and start the new version. You can then remove the older Command Center
release from your Greenplum Database hosts.
Upgrading From Greenplum Command Center 3.x to 4.x
The Greenplum Command Center architecture changed between Command Center 3.x and 4.x.
With Command Center 3.x, you installed the Greenplum Command Center software one time on the
Command Center host. You then created a Command Center instance for each Greenplum
Database cluster you monitored with Command Center.
Command Center 4.x does not have instances; you install the Command Center software on the
master or standby master of the Greenplum Database cluster you want to monitor with Command
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Center. The installer copies the software to every host in the Greenplum Database cluster. To
monitor additional Greenplum Database clusters you must install the Command Center software
again, on a different master or standby host. Monitoring multiple Greenplum Database clusters
running on the same hardware cluster is not supported.
To upgrade to a new release of Greenplum Command Center 4.x:
1. Download and install the new Command Center release by following the instructions in
Installing Greenplum Command Center.
2. Stop the current Command Center release.
Command Center 3.x:
$ gpcmdr --stop <instance_name>
Command Center 4.x:
$ gpcc stop
3. Source the gpcc_path.sh script in the new Command Center installation directory.
$ source /usr/local/greenplum-cc-web-<version>/gpcc_path.sh
Note: Also update the source command in your shell start-up script, for example
~/.bashrc.sh or ~/.bash_profile.sh.
4. Start the new Command Center release.
$ gpcc start
5. Uninstall the older Command Center release. See “Uninstalling Greenplum Command
Center” in the Greenplum Command Center documentation for the release you are
Uninstalling Greenplum Command Center
To uninstall Greenplum Command Center, you must stop both the Command Center Console and
disable the data collection agents. Optionally, you may also remove any data associated with
Greenplum Command Center by removing your Command Center Console installation and the
gpperfmon database.
1. Stop Command Center Console if it is currently running. For example:
$ gpcc --stop
2. Remove the Command Center installation directory from all hosts. For example:
$ rm -rf /usr/local/greenplum-cc-web-version
3. Disable the data collection agents.
1. Log in to the master host as the Greenplum administrative user (gpadmin):
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$ su - gpadmin
2. Disable the data colleciton agents by setting the gp_enable_gpperfmon server
configuration parameter off:
$ gpconfig -c gp_enable_gpperfmon -v off
3. Remove or comment out the gpmon entries in pg_hba.conf. For example:
#local gpperfmon gpmon md5
#host gpperfmon gpmon md5
4. Drop the Command Center superuser role from the database. For example:
$ psql template1 -c 'DROP ROLE gpmon;'
5. Restart Greenplum Database:
$ gpstop -r
6. Clean up any uncommitted Command Center data and log files that reside on the
master file system:
$ rm -rf $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpperfmon/data/*
$ rm -rf $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpperfmon/logs/*
7. If you do not want to keep your historical Command Center data, drop the
gpperfmon database:
$ dropdb gpperfmon
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Administering the Command Center Web
The gpccws web server binary and web application files are installed in the bin directory of your
Greenplum Command Center installation.
Starting and Stopping the Web Server
Starting the Command Center Web Server runs the gpccws web server, starts the metrics collection
agents on the segment servers, and starts a listener on the Command Center rpc port.
You can run the gpcc command as the gpadmin user on the master host (recommended) or on the
standby host. Starting Command Center on the standby host is not recommended because it can
cause heavy network traffic between the Command Center agent on the master host and the
backend on the standby host.
To ensure the gpcc command is on your path, source the gpcc_path.sh file in the Command Center
installation directory or add it to the startup script for your command shell. See Setting the
Greenplum Command Center Environment for instructions. The MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY
environment variable must be set to the location of the Greenplum Database master data directory.
The gpcc command uses the gpmon role to connect to Greenplum Database. It looks for the gpmon
password in the PGPASSWORD environment variable or in the .pgpass file in the gpadmin user’s home
directory. You can instead append the -W flag to the gpcc commands below to have gpcc prompt you
to enter the password.
To start Greenplum Command Center
Log on to the master host or the standby host.
To log on to the standby from the master host:
$ ssh <standby-host>
Source the Command Center environmental script.
$ source /usr/local/greenplum-cc-<version>/gpcc_path.sh
Start the Command Center web server and the metrics collection agents.
$ gpcc start
Starting the gpcc agents and webserver…
2019/05/07 01:51:03 Agent successfully started on 5/5 hosts
2019/05/07 01:51:03 View Greenplum Command Center at http://mdw:28090
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To stop Greenplum Command Center
$ gpcc stop
2019/05/07 01:51:55 GPCC webserver and metrics collection agents have been stopped. Us
e gpcc start to start them again
To check the Greenplum Command Center status
$ gpcc status
2019/05/07 01:50:13 GPCC webserver: running
2019/05/07 01:50:14 GPCC agents: 5/5 agents running
See the gpcc reference page for full syntax for the gpcc command.
Configuring the Command Center Web Server
The web server configuration file is stored in $GPCC_HOME/conf/app.conf. The parameters in this
configuration file are set when you install Greenplum Command Center. The installer copies the
Command Center installation directory, including this configuration file, to every Greenplum
Database host.
See the
Web Server Parameters
section of Configuration File Reference for a description of the
parameters in this file.
You can see a summary of the current configuration using the gpcc --settings command.
$ gpcc --settings
Install path: /usr/local
Display Name: gpcc
GPCC port: 28080
Kerberos: enabled
Kerberos webserver name: mdw
Kerberos gpdb name: gpadmin
Kerberos mode: gpmon_only
Kerberos path: /home/gpadmin/gpcc-kerberos.keytab
SSL: disabled
If you modify the file on one host you should copy it to every other host. Be sure to restart the web
server after you change the configuration. Rather than modifying the configuration directly, you can
just stop Command Center and re-run the gpccinstall-<version> installation command. This
ensures the configuration is consistent on all hosts.
You can use the gpcc krbenable command to add Kerberos authentication to the Command Center
configuration. See Enabling Authentication with Kerberos for details about setting up Kerberos on
the Command Center host. The gpcc krbenable command prompts for the Kerberos principal
names and artifacts and updates the configuration.
The gpcc krbdisable command removes Kerberos parameters from the Command Center
Restarting Command Center After Master Failure
The Greenplum Database standby master is a
standby—if the primary master fails, the
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administrator must activate the standby master by running the gpactivatestandby management
After Greenplum Database has restarted on the standby master, you can start Command Center on
the standby master.
Follow these steps to activate Greenplum Command Center on the standby master host.
1. On the standby master, edit the app.conf file in the $GPCC_HOME directory.
- Change the `master_host` and `master_port` parameters to the standby master host na
me and port number.
- Change the `httpport` and `httpsport` parameters to the Command Center web server p
ort number.
1. Edit the pg_hba.conf file on the standby master to allow the gpmon user to access all
databases and then run gpstop -u on the standby host to reload the configuration files.
2. Copy the $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpmetrics directory from the old master host to the
standby master host.
3. Copy the ~gpadmin/.pgpass file from the master to the standby master and make sure the
port number is correct in the entry for the gpmon user.
4. Restart Command Center on the standby master.
$ source <command-center-install-dir>/gpcc_path.sh
$ gpcc start
If you perform the initial four steps ahead of time and keep the standby master configuration files up
to date when configurations change on the primary master, you can just restart Command Center on
the standby master host after Greenplum Database has restarted on the standby master.
Viewing and Maintaining Web Server Log Files
Web server access and error log messages are written to $GPCC_HOME/logs/gpccws.log.
If you experience errors viewing the Greenplum Command Center Console, refer to this file for
more information.
To prevent the web server log from growing to excessive size, you can set up log file rotation using
logrotate or cronolog.
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Administering Command Center Agents
The Command Center metrics collection agent, ccagent, runs on segment hosts and receives real-
time metrics emitted by the metrics collection database extension. Each segment host has one
ccagent process. The metrics collection extension connects to ccagent using Unix Domain Sockets
(UDS) to transfer metrics from Greenplum Database. Starting Greenplum Command Center with the
gpcc start command starts the Command Center agent on each segment host. Stopping Command
Center with gpcc stop ends these processes. The Command Center backend monitors these agents
and restarts them when necessary.
This topic describes basic agent administration tasks, including enabling agents after adding hosts to
the cluster and viewing the agent log files.
About the gpperfmon Data Collection Agents
The Greenplum Database gpperfmon_install utility enables the gpmmon and gpsmon data collection
agents. Greenplum Command Center no longer requires the history data these agents collect. You
can run the gpperfmon data collection agents and the Command Center metrics collection agents in
parallel, but unless you need the data the gpperfmon agents collect for some other purpose, you
can improve the Greenplum Database system performance by disabling the gpperfmon agents.
To see if the gpperfmon agents are enabled, check the gp_enable_gpperfmon server parameter with
the following command.
$ gpconfig -s gp_enable_gpperfmon
If the gp_enable_gpperfmon parameter is on, disable the agents by setting the parameter to off and
restarting Greenplum Database.
$ gpconfig -c gp_enable_perform -v off
$ gpstop -ar
For more information about the gpperfmon data collection agents see gpperfmon_install in the
Greenplum Database Utility Reference
Configuring gpmon Role Logging Options
The metrics collection agent ccagent runs queries on Greenplum Database on behalf of Command
Center to perform activities such as retrieving information to display in the Command Center UI,
saving state in the gpperfmon and postgres databases, inserting alert event records, and harvesting
query history for the gpmetrics history tables. The agent runs these queries using the gpmon
database role.
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If you do not want all of this query activity to be logged in the pg_log log file, you can set logging
options for the gpmon role using the ALTER ROLE command. For example, these commands set the
gpmon role to log only DDL statements (CREATE, ALTER, DROP) and to log only fatal and panic errors.
ALTER ROLE gpmon SET log_statement TO DDL;
ALTER ROLE gpmon SET log_min_messages to FATAL;
See the log_statement and log_min_messages server configuration parameters in the Greenplum
Database documentation for logging options.
Adding and Removing Hosts
When you add or replace Greenplum Database hosts, you must reinstall the Greenplum Command
Center software to ensure the software is installed on the new hosts. It is not necessary to uninstall
Command Center before reinstalling.
See Managing Log Files and Data Files for information about managing Command Center agent log
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Administering the gpperfmon Database
Data collected by gpmmon and gpsmon agents is stored in a dedicated database called gpperfmon.
This database requires the typical database maintenance tasks, such as clean up of old historical data
and periodic ANALYZE.
See the gpperfmon Database Reference section for a reference of the tables and views in the
gpperfmon database.
Connecting to the gpperfmon Database
Database administrators can connect directly to the gpperfmon database using any Greenplum
Database-compatible client program (such as psql). For example:
$ psql -d gpperfmon -h master_host -p 5432 -U gpadmin
Backing Up and Restoring the gpperfmon Database
The history tables of the gpperfmon database can be backed up and restored using the Greenplum
Database backup and restore utilities. See the
Greenplum Database Utility Guide
for more
Maintaining the Historical Data Tables
All of the *_history tables stored in the gpperfmon database are partitioned into monthly partitions.
A January 2010 partition is created at installation time as a template partition. It can be deleted once
some current partitions are created. The Command Center agents automatically create new
partitions in two month increments as needed. Administrators must periodically drop partitions for
the months that are no longer needed in order to maintain the size of the database.
See the
Greenplum Database Administrator Guide
for more information on dropping partitions of a
partitioned table.
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The Admin> Settings view enables Command Center administrators to configure settings for
Command Center features.
History settings
Turn on Enable GPCC history data collection to save query history, host metrics, and disk usage
metrics to tables in the gpperfmon database gmetrics schema. This option defaults to on for a
Greenplum Database 6 installation, but the Greenplum Database metrics collector extension is
inactive until Command Center is started.
Enter a number of seconds to set the minimum runtime for a query to be saved in history. The
default is to save all queries. Set this threshold to prevent Command Center from filling history with
trivial queries.
When you enable GPCC history data collection:
Command Center saves query and metrics history in the gpmetrics schema tables in the
gpperfmon database. Only queries that execute for at least the number of seconds you
specify are saved. Query plan node history is only saved for queries that run for at least 10
seconds, or the number of seconds you specify, if greater than 10.
See gpmetrics Schema Reference for information about the gpmetrics history tables.
When you disable GPCC history data collection:
Command Center query history views use history data collected by the Greenplum Database
gpperfmon agents.
For best performance, set Enable GPCC history data collection to on and disable gpperfmon data
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collection. To disable the gpperfmon agents, set the Greenplum Database gp_enable_gpperfmon
configuration parameter to off and restart Greenplum Database:
$ gpconfig -c gp_enable_gpperfmon -v 'off'
$ gpstop -ar
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Administering Log Files and Work Files
The Command Center components—the backend server, agents, HTTP server, and the gpcc
command-line utility—write messages to log files in the $GPCC_HOME/logs directory.
Log files rotate once per day or whenever the component starts or restarts. The current log file is
saved to a file with a timestamp in its name and a new log file is started.
The log files can be useful for monitoring and troubleshooting, but you can delete them when you
determine they are no longer useful. Remove older log files regularly to conserve disk space.
You can use a utility such as the Linux logrotate utility to manage archived log and data files.
The Command Center backend web server writes to the webserver.log log file on the Command
Center host in the $GPCC_HOME/logs directory on the host running Command Center. This is usually
the master host, but could also be the standby master host. Messages in this log file describe start-up
events, rpc request/response events with agents running on the Greenplum Database segment
hosts, and data loading from external tables to the gpmetrics tables in the gpperfmon database.
A Command Center agent running on each Greenplum Database host (including the segment and
master hosts) logs messages to the agent.log log file in the $GPCC_HOME/logs directory of the host
machine. Agents log messages about connections to the Command Center rpc server, periodic data
collection events, and metrics transmissions to the rpc port on the backend.
The Command Center HTTP server writes messages to the gpccws.log file on the Command Center
host in the $GPCC_HOME/logs directory. The messages in this log file include server start up messages
and Websocket connection events with Command Center clients.
The gpcc command-line utility writes messages to the cli.log file in the $GPCC_HOME/logs directory.
Whenever the gpcc utility executes, it writes its output to the log file as well as the standard output.
The log file is useful for auditing Command Center start and stop events. The cli.log file is not
rotated and continues to grow until you archive or delete it manually.
Command Center Work Files
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Command Center saves temporary data into files in the $GPCC_HOME/ccdata directory. These files
include saved query text files (q*.txt), plan node files (gpccexec*.txt), and table size and statistics
information files (gpcc_size_info.dat and gpcc_stat_info.dat). Each night, Command Center
archives files in the $GPCC_HOME/ccdata directory that are more than two weeks old. The archive files
have names in the format archive_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD.tar.gz, where the dates are the beginning
and end dates of the week included in the archive. The archived files are no longer needed by
Command Center but may be useful for troubleshooting; you can remove them manually if you do
not want to save them.
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Manages the Greenplum Command Center web service and metrics collection agents.
gpcc <action> [-W]
gpcc [--version | -v ]
gpcc [--help | -h]
gpcc [--settings]
Starts the Command Center web service and metrics collection agents. Add the -W flag to
force a prompt for the gpmon user password.
Stops the Command Center web service and metrics collection agents. Add the -W flag to
force a prompt for the gpmon user password.
Displays the status, either Running or Stopped, of the web server and metrics collection agents.
Add the -W flag to force a prompt for the gpmon user password.
Enables Kerberos authentication for Command Center.
Use the gpcc krbenable command to set up Kerberos authentication for Command Center
users if Command Center was initially installed without enabling Kerberos. When you run gpcc
krbenable, gpcc prompts for:
the web server name
the name of the Greenplum Database Kerberos service
the Command Center Kerberos authentication mode
the path to the keytab file on the Command Center host.
Before you run gpcc krbenable, see Enabling Authentication with Kerberos to check
prerequisites and for help preparing the Command Center host to allow Kerberos
Disables Kerberos authentication for Command Center.
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Displays syntax and help text for the gpcc command.
Displays the current values of the Command Center configuration parameters. See Command
Center Console Parameters for a list of the configuration parameters.
--version or -v
Displays the Greenplum Command Center version.
-W <password>
The optional -W option specifies the password for the gpmon user. The gpcc command
normally gets the password from the $PGPASSWD environment variable or the .pgpass file in the
gpadmin user’s home directory. If the password is not available with either of these methods,
the -W option must be included to specify the password whenever you run gpcc.
The Greenplum Database MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY environment variable must be set when you run
the gpcc command. This environment variable is usually set in the gpadmin user’s shell initialization
script (/home/gpadmin/.bashrc, for example). If MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY is not set when you run gpcc
start, gpcc prints an error message and exists.
Once started, the Command Center backend monitors the metrics agents with a heartbeat. If a failed
agent is detected, the backend spawns a new agent process.
Start Command Center and the metrics agents, prompting for the gpmon password.
$ gpcc start -W
Password for GPDB user gpmon:
Starting the gpcc agents and webserver…
2018/03/22 17:51:51 Agent successfully started on 7/8 hosts
2018/03/22 17:51:51 View Greenplum Command Center at http://smdw:28080
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gpmetrics Schema Reference
Greenplum Command Center creates the gpmetrics schema in the Greenplum Database gpperfmon
to save alert rules and logs, and historical metrics collected by the Greenplum Database metrics
collection system. The gpperfmon schema contains the following tables:
gpcc_alert_rule — saves alert rules configured on the Command Center Admin> Alerts
gpcc_alert_log — records an event when an alert rule is triggered.
gpcc_database_history — saves summary query activity information.
gpcc_disk_history — saves disk usage statistics for each Greenplum Database host file
gpcc_pg_log_history — saves history from the Greenplum Database pg_log log file.
gpcc_plannode_history — saves plan node execution statistics for completed queries.
gpcc_queries_history — saves execution metrics for completed Greenplum Database
gpcc_system_history — saves system metrics sampled from Greenplum Database segments
gpcc_table_info — saves current statistics and size information for tables.
gpcc_table_info_history — saves daily statistics and size information for tables.
If you set the schema search path to include the gpmetrics schema, you do not have to qualify table
names with the gpmetrics schema name. To set the default search path for the gpperfmon database
enter this SQL command.
=# ALTER DATABASE gpperfmon SET search_path TO public,gpmetrics;
You must exit the current session and start a new session for the new search path to take effect.
Alert Tables
Command Center uses the gpcc_alert_rule and gpcc_alert_log tables to store the alert rules you
set up in the user interface and to log messages when the alert rules are triggered.
gpcc_alert_rule Table
The gpcc_alert_rule table records the alert rules configured in the Command Center user interface.
It has the columns shown in the following table.
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Column Type Description
rule_id integer Unique id for the rule.
rule_type integer Reserved for future use.
rule_description character varying(512) Text of the rule.
rule_config json JSON string containing parameters for user-specified values.
ctime timestamp(0) without time zone Time the rule was created.
etime timestamp(0) without time zone Time the rule became inactive, or null if rule is active.
The gpcc_alert_rule table keeps a history of alert rule configurations. When a rule becomes active,
a new row is inserted and the ctime timestamp column is set to the current time; the etime
timestamp is null, indicating that the rule is still active. When a rule is either disabled or superceded
by a new rule, the etime timestamp column is set to the current time. Thus, the set of currently
active rules is all rows where the etime column is null. A row that has timestamps in both ctime and
etime columns is an historical record of the period of time during which the rule was active.
The rule_id column, a unique integer, is the distribution key for the table and is used to identify a
single alert rule configuration. This column can be joined with the rule_id column in the
gpcc_alert_log table to identify the rule that triggered each recorded alert event.
The rule_description column contains a string that describes the event that matches the rule. It is
the text displayed in the Command Center UI for the rule, with user-specified values inserted.
The rule_config column contains a JSON string with parameters for the values entered for each of
the rule’s fields in the Command Center UI.
gpcc_alert_log Table
The gpcc_alert_log table has the columns shown in the following table.
Column Type Description
id integer Unique ID for the alert.
rule_id integer The ID of the rule that triggered this alert.
transaction_time timestamp(0) without time zone Time the alert was raised.
content json Contains parameters specifying values that triggered the alert.
The gpcc_alert_log table is an append-only, column-oriented table, partitioned by month on the
transaction_time column. Command Center creates new partitions as needed an removes partitions
over 12 months old.
A row is added to the gpcc_alert_log table whenever an alert rule is matched.
The id column, a unique integer, is the distribution key for the table.
The transaction_time column is set to the current time when a row is created.
The rule_id column can be joined with the rule_id column in the gpcc_alert_rule table to access
details of the rule that triggered the alert.
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The content column contains a JSON string with parameters specifying details about the event that
triggered the alert. The JSON parameters vary with the type of the alert.
Example Query
This query lists the ten most recent alerts, including the configuration of the rule that triggered each
gpperfmon=# SELECT l.transaction_time, l.rule_id, r.rule_description, l.content
FROM gpmetrics.gpcc_alert_log AS l, gpmetrics.gpcc_alert_rule AS r
WHERE l.rule_id = r.rule_id AND r.etime is NULL
ORDER BY l.transaction_time
Greenplum Database Metrics History Tables
The gpmetrics query history saves information collected by the Greenplum Database metrics
collection system and forwarded to Greenplum Command Center.
The distribution key for each table is a ctime timestamp column, which is the time when the row is
added to the datbase. The tables are partitioned by year and month. Greenplum Command Center
creates new partitions automatically as needed.
The history tables use append-optimized, column-oriented storage.
Command Center only saves queries with runtimes greater than the value of the min_query_time
configuration parameter, found in the $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpmetrics/gpcc.conf configuration
file on the host executing Command Center. The default, 0, saves all queries in the history table.
This parameter can be configured on the Command Center Admin> Settings page.
The gpcc_database_history table saves summary query activity metrics collected by the Greenplum
Database metrics collector. This data can be used to review the Greenplum Database query load
over time.
Column Type Description
ctime timestamp(0) without time
Time the record was created.
queries_total integer Total number of queries running and queued to run.
queries_running integer Number of queries currently running.
queries_queued integer Number of queries queued, but not yet running.
queries_blocked integer The number of queries started, but blocked by other transactions.
queries_finished integer The number of queries that completed since the previous sampling
The gpcc_disk_history table saves historical disk usage statistics for each Greenplum Database
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segment host file system.
Column Type Description
ctime timestamp(0) without time zone Time the row was created.
hostname character varying(64) Name of the segment host.
filesystem text Path to the segment’s data directory.
total_bytes bigint Total size of the file system storage in bytes.
bytes_used bigint Number of storage bytes in
bytes_available bigint Number of storage bytes available.
The gpcc_pg_log_history table stores pg_log errors and warnings from the Greenplum Server log
Column Type Description
logtime timestamp without time zone Timestamp for this log.
loguser text Name of the role executing the query.
logdatabase text The database accessed.
logpid text Process id.
logthread text Thread number.
loghost text Host name or IP address of the host.
logport text Port number.
logsessiontime timestamp without time zone Session timestamp.
logtransaction integer Transaction id.
logsession text Session id.
logcmdcount text Command count.
logsegment text Segment number.
logslice text Slice number.
logdistxact text Distributed transation id.
loglocalxact text Location transacton id.
logsubxact text Subtransaction id.
logseverity text Log severity.
logstate text SQL State code associated with this log message.
logmessage text Log or error message text.
logdetail text Detail message text associated with an error message.
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Column Type Description
loghint text Hint message text associated with an error message.
logquery text Internally-generated query text.
logquerypos integer Index into the internally-generated query text.
logcontext text Context in which this message gets generated.
logdebug text Query string with full detail for debugging.
logcursorpos integer Cursor index into the query string.
logfunction text Function in which this message is generated.
logfile text Log file in which this message is generated.
logline integer Line in the log file in which this message is generated.
logstack text Full text of the stack trace associated with this message.
The gpcc_plannode_history table saves detailed metrics for each operation (node) in a completed
query plan. Each row contains metrics for one operation that executed on one Greenplum Database
segment. This information allows reconstructing the plan and execution metrics for a completed
Plan node history is only saved for queries that execute for 10 seconds or more. The
Column Type Description
ctime timestamp(0) without
time zone
Time the row was created.
tmid integer A time identifier for the query. All records associated with a query will
have the same tmid.
ssid integer Session id for the database connection. All records associated with the
query will have the same ssid.
ccnt integer Command number within the session. All records associated with the
query will have the same ccnt.
segid integer Id (dbid) of the segment for this plan node.
procid integer The postgres process ID for this plan node.
sliceid integer Id of the slice the operation belongs to. Operations that belong to the
same slice execute in parallel.
nodeid integer The query plan node ID for this operation.
parent_nodeid integer The parent query plan node ID from the query plan.
node_type character varying(64) Name of the operation type.
tinit timestamp(6) without
time zone
Time the operation was initialized.
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Column Type Description
tstart timestamp(6) without
time zone
Time the operation started.
tfinish timestamp(6) without
time zone
Time the operation finished.
status character varying(16) Status of the operation: initialize, executing, or finished.
planrows double precision The number of output rows estimated for the operation.
planwidth integer Width of output rows estimated for the operation.
start_cost double precision Number of page reads expected to produce first output row.
total_cost double precision Number of page reads expected to produce all output rows.
tuple_count bigint
ntuples bigint
nloops bigint
first_tuple timestamp(6) without
time zone
Time the operation produced the first output row.
rel_oid oid Object ID of the output rows produced by the operation.
relation_name character varying(64) Name of the table this operation processed, if any.
index_name character varying(64) Name of the index used by this operation, if any.
alias_name character varying(64) Alias for the relation decarled in the SQL command.
node_seq integer
condition text Condition expression used for a filter or join operation.
The gpcc_queries_history table saves metrics for completed queries.
Column Type Description
ctime timestamp(0)
without time
Time the row was created.
tmid integer A time identifier for the query. All records associated with the query will have
the same tmid.
ssid integer Session id for the database connection. All records associated with the query
will have the same ssid.
ccnt integer Command number within this session. All records associated with the query
will have the same ccnt.
username character
Role name that issued the query.
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Column Type Description
db character
Name of the database queried.
cost double
Estimated cost to execute query, computed by the legacy planner or
tsubmit timestamp(6)
without time
Time the query was submitted.
tstart timestamp(6)
without time
Time the query was started.
tfinish timestamp(6)
without time
Time the query finished.
status character
Status of the query – abort, error, or done.
rows_out bigint Number of rows returned by the query.
error_msg text Error message, if the query failed.
plan_gen character
PLANNER if query plan was generated by the legacy planner; OPTIMIZER if the
plan was generated by GPORCA, the Pivotal query optimizer.
query_hash character
Hash code generated from the text of the query.
query_text text Complete text of the query. Some queries may be reformatted before storing
in the history database.
application_name character
Name of the client application that established the database connection.
rsqname character
If the gp_resource_manager configuration parameter is queue, the name of the
resource queue managing the query.
rsgname character
If the gp_resource_manager configuration parameter is group, the name of the
resource group managing the query.
cpu_master bigint Total CPU usage for this query on the Greenplum Database master instance.
cpu_segs bigint Total CPU usage for this query across all segments, measured in milliseconds.
This is the sum of the CPU usage values taken from all active primary
segments in the database array.
cpu_master_percent double
Average CPU percent usage on the master host during execution of this
cpu_segs_percent double
Average CPU percent usage on the segment hosts during the execution of
this query.
skew_cpu double
Displays the amount of processing skew in the system for this query.
Processing/CPU skew occurs when one segment performs a
disproportionate amount of processing for a query. The skew is calculated
from total CPU seconds used on all segments during the execution of the
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Column Type Description
skew_rows double
Displays the amount of row skew in the system. Row skew occurs when one
segment produces a disproportionate number of rows for a query.
memory bigint Total size of memory, in bytes, used by all segments to execute this query.
disk_read_bytes bigint Number of bytes read from disk.
disk_write_bytes bigint Number of bytes written to disk.
spill_size bigint Total size of spill files used by all segments to execute this query.
rqpriority character
Priority setting for the resource queue managing this query. Blank if resource
group management is enabled.
The gpcc_system_history table saves historical system metrics for each Greenplum Database host,
including the master, standby master, and segment hosts. The metrics include information about
memory, CPU, disk, and network utilitization.
Column Type Description
ctime timestamp(0) without
time zone
Time the row was created.
hostname character varying(64) Segment or master hostname associated with these system metrics.
mem_total bigint Total system memory in Bytes for this host.
mem_used bigint System memory used, in Bytes, for this host.
mem_actual_used bigint Actual memory used, in Bytes, for this host (not including the memory
reserved for cache and buffers).
mem_actual_free bigint Free actual memory, in Bytes, for this host (not including the memory
reserved for cache and buffers).
swap_total bigint Total swap space in Bytes for this host.
swap_used bigint Swap space used, in Bytes, for this host.
swap_page_in bigint Number of swap pages in.
swap_page_out bigint Number of swap pages out.
cpu_user double precision Percentage of time CPU processes execute in user mode.
cpu_sys double precision Percentage of time CPU processes execute in system (kernel) mode.
cpu_idle double precision Percentage idle CPU.
load0 double precision CPU one-minute load average.
load1 double precision CPU five-minute load average.
load2 double precision CPU fifteen-minute load average.
quantum integer Interval between metrics collections.
disk_ro_rate bigint Disk read operations per second.
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Column Type Description
disk_wo_rate bigint Disk write operations per second.
disk_rb_rate bigint Bytes per second for disk read operations.
disk_wb_rate bigint Bytes per second for disk write operations.
net_rp_rate bigint Packets per second on the system network for read operations.
net_wp_rate bigint Packets per second on the system network for write operations.
net_rb_rate bigint Bytes per second on the system network for read operations.
net_wb_rate bigint Bytes per second on the system network for write operations.
The gpcc_table_info table stores a current snapshot of statistics for tables. There is one row for
each table.
Column Type Description
dbid oid Object ID of the database.
relid oid Object ID of the table.
seq_scan bigint Number of sequential scans initiated on this table.
idx_scan bigint Number of index scans initiated on this table.
n_tup_ins bigint Number of rows inserted.
n_tup_del bigint Number of rows deleted.
n_tup_upd bigint Number of rows updated (includes hot updated rows).
n_tup_hot_upd bigint Number of rows HOT updated (no separate index update required).
last_seq_scan timestamp
with time
Time of the last sequential scan on this table. An ANALYZE on a table can cause a
sequential scan and update the count in the seq_scan column. However, the time
of that scan is not saved in this column.
last_idx_scan timestamp
with time
Time of the last index scan on this table.
last_ins timestamp
with time
Time of the last insert on this table.
last_del timestamp
with time
Time of the last delete on this table.
last_upd timestamp
with time
Time of the last update on this table.
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Column Type Description
last_analyze timestamp
with time
Time of the last analyze on this table.
last_vacuum timestamp
with time
Time of the last vacuum of this table (excludes vacuum full).
last_vacuum_full timestamp
with time
Time of the last vacuum full of this table.
size bigint Combined size of all of this table’s files.
row_cnt bigint Number of rows in the table.
schema text Name of the schema this table belongs to.
children integer Number of partitions, including middle-level and child partitions.
table_name text Name of the table.
owner text Name of the database role that owns this table.
relstorage character(1) Storage mode of this table. a=append-optimized, c=column-oriented, h = heap, v
= virtual, x= external table.
The gpcc_table_info_history table stores a daily snapshot of statistics about tables. Command
Center saves statistics from the gpcc_table_info table just before midnight each night. There is one
row for each table per day.
Column Type Description
ctime timestamp(0)
without time zone
Time the record was created.
dbid oid Object ID of the database.
relid oid Object ID of the table.
seq_scan bigint Number of sequential scans initiated on this table.
idx_scan bigint Number of index scans initiated on this table.
n_tup_ins bigint Number of rows inserted.
n_tup_del bigint Number of rows deleted.
n_tup_upd bigint Number of rows updated (includes hot updated rows).
n_tup_hot_upd bigint Number of rows HOT updated (no separate index update required).
last_seq_scan timestamp with time
Time of the last sequential scan on this table.
last_idx_scan timestamp with time
Time of the last index scan on this table.
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Column Type Description
last_ins timestamp with time
Time of the last insert on this table.
last_del timestamp with time
Time of the last delete on this table.
last_upd timestamp with time
Time of the last update on this table.
last_analyze timestamp with time
Time of the last analyze on this table.
last_vacuum timestamp with time
Time of the last vacuum of this table (excludes vacuum full).
last_vacuum_full timestamp with time
Time of the last vacuum full of this table.
size bigint Combined size of all of this table’s files.
row_cnt bigint Number of rows in the table.
schema text Name of the schema this table belongs to.
children integer Number of partitions, including middle-level and child partitions.
table_name text Name of the table.
owner text Name of the database role that owns this table.
relstorage character(1) Storage mode of this table. a=append-optimized, c=column-oriented, h
= heap, v = virtual, x= external table.
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Configuration Files Reference
Configuration parameters for Greenplum Command Center are saved in the following locations.
Command Center Console Parameters - This file stores configuration parameters for the
Command Center web application and web server.
gpmetrics Configuration File - This file stores configuration parameters for Command Center
interface options and alert emails.
Command Center Setup Configuration File - Used as input to the Command Center installer,
this file customizes a non-interactive Command Center installation. See Install With a
Configuration File for information about this file.
Metrics Collector Server Configuration Parameters - The metrics collector extension declares
custom server configuration variables that configure query metrics collection in Greenplum
Database. See Metrics Collector Configuration Parameters for information about these
Configuration parameters for the optional Greenplum Database gpperfmon service and collection
agents are stored in the following locations.
Greenplum Command Center gperfmon service agents, gpmmon and gpsmon - Parameters that
configure the gpperfmon gpmmon and gpsmon agents are in the
$MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpperfmon/conf/gpperfmon.conf file, on the Greenplum Database
master host.
Greenplum Database configuration file - Server configuration parameters in the Greenplum
Database postgresql.conf file configure the gpperfmon query history collection system.
See The gpperfmon Database in the
Greenplum Database Reference Guide
for information about
the parameters in these configuration files.
Command Center Console Parameters
The Command Center Console configuration file is on the Command Center host at
After editing this file, reload the configuration by restarting the Command Center Console.
$ gpcc --start
appname = gpccws
The web server binary file. Do not change.
listentcp4 = [true | false]
When true, the address type is tcp4. The default is true.
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runmode = [prod | dev | test]
The application mode, which can be dev, prod or test. The default, prod, is the recommended
setting. In dev and test modes Command Center prints more verbose log messages. These
are different logs than the logs affected by the log_level parameter.
session = [true | false]
Use sessions to manage user experience. The default is true. Sessions are stored in memory.
enablexsrf = [true | false]
Enable CSRF protection.
xsrfexpire = <seconds>
CSRF expire time. The default is 2592000 seconds.
xsrfkey = <token_string>
The CSRF token.
rendertype = json
The render type of web server. Do not change.
printallsqls = [true | false]
Print all backend gpperfmon SQL to the web server console. The default is false.
master_port = <port>
The Greenplum Database master port. The default is 5432.
The level of messages to log: Debug, Info, or Error. The default is Info. The values are not
path = /usr/local
Path to the directory where Greenplum Command Center is installed.
display_name = <display_name>
The display name for the console.
enable_kerberos = [true | false]
True if Kerberos authentication is enabled for Command Center. The default is false.
enable_history = [true | false]
True if history data collection is enabled for Command Center. The default is true. This
parameter is managed in Command Center by setting Enable GPCC history data collection
on or off on the Admin> Settingsi page.
HTTPSCertFile = </path/to/cert.pem>
HTTPSKeyFile = </path/to/cert.pem>
Set both of these properties to the full path to a .pem file containing the certificate and private
key for the Command Center web server.
EnableHTTPS = [true | false]
Enable listening on the secure SSL port. True if SSL is enabled. Only one of EnableHTTPS or
EnableHTTP can be true.
EnableHTTP = [true | false]
Enable listening on the HTTP port. True if SSL is not enabled. Only one of EnableHTTP or
EnableHTTPS can be true.
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httpsport = <port>
The web server port when EnableHTTPS is true. The default is 28080.
httpport = <port>
The web server port when EnableHTTP is true. The default is 28080.
rpcport = <port>
The port on which the Command Center backend receives data from metrics collector agents.
The default is 8899.
master_host = <hostname>
The Greenplum Database host name. The default is localhost.
stats_check_interval = <seconds>
How often the statistics in the Command Center Table Browser are refreshed. The default is
300. New tables and changed values such as file size and last access time may not be seen
until stats_check_interval seconds have elapsed.
gpmetrics Configuration File Reference
Greenplum Command Center uses the gpcc.conf configuration file to save configuration information
entered in the Command Center user interface. You should not normally edit the gpcc.conf file
directly. Instead, modify configuration information in the Command Center user interface.
The gpcc.conf file is created in the $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpmetrics/ directory on the
Greenplum Database master or standby host where you start Command Center. The file is an INI-
format configuration file, containing properties defined as key = value entries, one property per line.
Property Description
allow_anonymous If true, Command Center users can access the Query Monitor view without
logging into Command Center. You can change this setting on the Command
Center Admin> Permissions page.
resource_queue_import_status Command Center uses this property to determine whether to offer to import
Greenplum Database resource queues to resource groups when you access the
Admin> Workload Mgmt view. The default is false.
emailFrom The email address to set on the “From:” line of alert emails. The default is noreply-
Note: Set the email and smtp properties on the Command Center Admin> Alerts
emailTo A comma-separated list of email addresses to send alert emails.
smtpUsername The account name to use when authenticating with the SMTP server.
smtpServer The address and port of the SMTP server to use for alert emails.
smtpPassword The password used to authenticate the SMTP user with the SMTP server, base 64-
Metrics Collector Server Configuration Parameters
The metrics collector extension in Greenplum Database defines custom server configuration
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parameters to configure metrics collection options. If the metrics collector extension is installed and
the value of the shared_preload_libraries configuration parameter includes metrics_collector
when Greenplum Database starts, these parameters can be viewed and set using the Greenplum
Database gpconfig utility.
Enables collection of query metrics in Greenplum Database. When on, the metrics collector
sends query metrics to the Greenplum Command Center agent.
Type: boolean
Default: on
When off the metrics collector does not collect queries executed by the gpmon user in the
gpperfmon database or plan node history for queries that run in less than ten seconds (or
min_query_time, if it is set and greater than 10 seconds). If enabled in a session, the metrics
collector collects those queries in the session.
NOTE: Enabling this parameter in Greenplum Database 6.3.0, 6.4.0, or 6.5.0 could cause
Greenplum Database to crash. The recommended workaround is to install Greenplum
Command Center 6.2.0 and to upgrade the metrics collector extension using the gppkg
package included with Command Center 6.2.0.
Type: boolean
Default: off
The port number to send query metrics. The metrics collector sends query metrics to the
Greenplum Command Center agent process on this port.
Type: integer
Default: 9898
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Securing Greenplum Command Center
Greenplum Command Center Console can be secured by encrypting network traffic between the
web server and users’ browsers, authenticating Command Center users, and managing users’
permissions to access Command Center features.
SSL/TLS Encryption
Greenplum Command Center supports SSL/TLS encryption to secure connections between
browsers and the Command Center web server. Command Center supports TLS 1.2 protocol and
higher. When enabled, Command Center uses the Secure WebSockets API, enabling long-lived,
full-duplex connections, in addition to encryption.
To enable SSL/TLS encryption, you need a combined certificate/key file for the Command Center
web server in place when you install Command Center. The file contains a private key and a server
You can request a key pair and certificate from your organization’s internal certificate authority or
from an external certificate authority. You can also create a self-signed certificate with a
cryptography suite such as OpenSSL. If you create a self-signed certificate, however, clients will
have to override a security warning when they first connect to the Command Center web server.
To create the combined certificate/key file, create a text file, for example server.pem, and copy the
entire body of private key and certificate into it. Make sure to include the beginning and end tags:
< private key >
< certificate >
You can concatenate additional certificates to the end of the file if a certificate chain is required to
authenticate the server certificate.
Place the file on the server where Command Center will execute, for example in the /etc/ssl/certs
directory of the Greenplum Database master host. When you install Command Center the installer
prompts you to enter the full path to this file. See Command Center Console Parameters for details.
Authentication Options
Users logging in to Greenplum Command Center are authenticated with the Greenplum Database
host-based authentication system. Users can enter credentials as a user name and password or, if
Kerberos authentication is configured, by authenticating with Kerberos on their workstation before
browsing to the Command Center web server.
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Note: Greenplum Command Center does not accept logins from the gpadmin user, or from users
configured with trust authentication in the pg_hba.conf file.
Database users must first be added to the Greenplum Database by using commands such as CREATE
ROLE or CREATE USER. The LOGIN privilege is required. This example creates a login user with an
encrypted password:
The pg_hba.conf configuration file determines how authentication will proceed. This file contains a
list of entries that are compared to attributes of the user’s connection request, including the type of
connection, network location of the originating host, database name, and login user name. When a
match is found, the authentication method specified in the entry is applied.
The pg_hba.conf file can be viewed by Operators and edited by Admins in the Command Center
console on the Admin>Authentication page.
The md5 and password authentication methods authenticate the user name and password with the
Greenplum Database pg_roles system table. The md5 method requires the password to be MD5-
encoded when sent over the network, so it is preferred over the password method, which sends the
password in clear text.
The ldap authentication method authenticates the user name and password with an LDAP server.
The LDAP server and parameters are specified in the options field of the pg_hba.conf entry. See the
PostgreSQL LDAP authentication documentation for the format of the LDAP options.
The gss authentication method is used for Kerberos authentication. To use Kerberos with Command
Center, Kerberos authentication must be enabled for the Greenplum Database system and
Command Center must also be configured. Users authenticate with the Kerberos KDC on their
workstations (using kinit, for example) before connecting to the Command Center web server. The
role name in Command Center is the user’s Kerberos principal name.
For details about setting up Kerberos authentication, see Enabling Kerberos Authentication with
Greenplum Command Center.
See the PostgreSQL Authentication methods documentation for additional details of the
authentication options.
Note: The functionality described in this section has not been fully implemented in Greenplum
Command Center 4.0.0. Only Admin and Self Only permission levels are available.
Command Center manages permission levels using Greenplum Database roles and groups. The
Basic, Operator Basic, and Operator permission levels correspond to the gpcc_basic,
gpcc_operator_basic, and gpcc_operator group roles in the database. The Admin permission level
is conferred to roles that have the SUPERUSER privilege. A user who has not been added to any of the
groups and does not have SUPERUSER privilege has the most restrictive permission level, Self Only.
Greenplum Database superusers can manage permission levels on the Command Center
Admin>Permissions page. Superusers can also directly assign users roles in the database by using
the ALTER USER, ALTER GROUP, and related commands to add or remove users from groups and add
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or remove the SUPERUSER privilege. If a role is configured for more than one permission level,
Command Center uses the highest permission level.
Command Center users have the following capabilities, according to their permission levels:
Self Only
Users can view metrics and view and cancel their own queries.
Any Greenplum Database user successfully authenticated through the Greenplum Database
authentication system can access Greenplum Command Center with Self Only permission.
Higher permission levels are required to view and cancel other’s queries and to access the
System and Admin Control Center screens.
Allows users to view metrics, view all queries, and cancel their own queries.
Users with Basic permission are members of the Greenplum Database gpcc_basic group.
Operator Basic
Allows users to view metrics, view their own and others’ queries, cancel their own queries,
and view the System and Admin screens.
Users with Operator Read-only permission are members of the Greenplum Database
gpcc_operator_basic group.
Allows users to view their own and others’ queries, cancel their own and other’s queries, and
view the System and Admin screens.
Users with Operator permission are members of the Greenplum Database gpcc_operator
Allows users access to all views and capabilities in the Command Center.
Greenplum Database users with the SUPERUSER privilege in Greenplum Database have
Superuser permissions in Command Center.
Managing Greenplum Command Center Authentication
The Admin> Authentication screen allows users with Operator Basic, Operator, and Admin
permission to view the Greenplum Database host-based authentication file, pg_hba.conf.
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Users with Admin permission can add, remove, change, and move entries in the file. The Command
Center UI validates entries to ensure correct syntax. Previous versions of the file are archived so that
you can restore an earlier version or audit changes.
See Authentication Options for an overview of user authentication options for Greenplum Database
and Greenplum Command Server.
See Configuring Client Authentication in the
Greenplum Database Administrator Guide
for a detailed
description of the contents of the pg_hba.conf file.
Viewing the Host-Based Authentication File
Choose Admin>Authentication to display the content of the Greenplum Database pg_hba.conf file.
The pg_hba.conf file contains a list of entries that specify the characteristics of database connection
requests and authentication methods. When Greenplum Database receives a connection request
from a client, it compares the request to each entry in the pg_hba.conf entry in turn until a match is
found. The request is authenticated using the specified authentication method and, if successful, the
connection is accepted.
Editing the Host-Based Authentication File
Command Center users with the
permission can edit the pg_hba.conf file. Note that any
changes you make are lost if you move to another screen before you save them.
To change an existing entry, click anywhere on the entry. Edit the fields and click Save to
save your changes, or Cancel to revert changes.
To move an entry up or down in the list, click on the symbol, drag the line to the desired
location, and release.
To add a new entry to the end of the file, click Add New Entry at the bottom of the screen.
Edit the fields and click Save to save your changes, or Cancel to abandon the new entry.
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To add a new entry after an existing entry, highlight the existing entry and click . Edit the
fields and click Save to save your changes, or Cancel to abandon the new entry.
To copy an entry, select the entry and click . A copy of the selected entry is added below
the selected entry and displayed for editing. Edit the fields and click Save to save your
changes, or Cancel to abandon the copy.
To add a comment to the file, add an entry by clicking Add New Entry
and then
choose # from the Type list.
To toggle an entry between active and inactive, select the line and click the active/inactive
toggle control to the right. This action adds or removes a comment character (#) at the
beginning of the entry.
To remove an entry, highlight the line and click . The entry is displayed with strikethrough
text. You can restore the entry by highlighting it and clicking undelete. The entry is
permanently removed when you click Save config and update GPDB.
To finish editing, click Save config and update GPDB. Then click Save and Update to save
your changes or click Cancel to return with your edits intact.
When you select Save and Update, the pg_hba.conf file is saved and refreshed in Greenplum
Database. Note that existing client connections are unaffected.
Loading a Previous Version of the Host-Based Authentication
When you save a new version of the pg_hba.conf file, a copy is saved in the Greenplum Database
$MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/pg_hba_archive directory as pg_hba.conf-<timestamp>.
To view an archived version of the pg_hba.conf file, click Load versions… and click the timestamp
for the version to display.
To revert to a previous version of the file, load the previous version and then click Save config and
update GPDB. The configuration is refreshed in Greenplum Database and saved as a new version in
the archive directory.
Managing Greenplum Command Center Permissions
The Permissions Levels for GPCC Access screen allows users with Operator Basic, Operator, or
Admin permission to view Command Center user permissions for Greenplum Database users. Users
with Admin permission can set permissions for any user.
Users with Operator Basic, Operator, and Admin permission can also see if the Guest Access to
Query Monitor feature is enabled or disabled, and Admin users can toggle this feature on and off.
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Viewing User Permissions
Initially, all Greenplum Database login users are included in the list of roles with their current
permission levels.
To filter by role name, enter all or part of the user’s database role name in the
Role Name
field. The filter performs a simple substring search and displays users with matching role
names. Click the Role Name label to reverse the search order.
To filter for users with a specific permission level, choose the permission level from the
Permission Level list.
Role Name and Permission Level filters can be used together.
To reset the filters, remove all text from the
Role Name
field and choose Filter by… from the
Permission Level list.
Changing User Permission Levels
Users with Admin permission can change permission levels.
1. Use the Role Name and Permission Level filters to display the roles you want to change.
2. Check the box next to a role name to select the user, or check the box in the heading to
select all displayed users.
3. Select the new permissions level for each user from the list in the Permission Level column,
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or select a new permission level for all selected users from the Change Selected to… list.
Enabling or Disabling Guest Access to Query Monitor
When enabled, the Guest Access to Query Monitor feature allows anyone with access to the
Greenplum Command Center web server to click View Query Monitor on the Command Center
sign-in screen and see the Query Monitor page without logging in. These anonymous users cannot
cancel queries and cannot access any other Command Center features.
When this feature is off, the View Query Monitor link does not appear on the sign-in screen and
anonymous users cannot see the Query Monitor page.
Command Center users with Admin permission can toggle the feature on an off with a mouse click.
Users with Operator or Operator Basic permission see a message reporting if the feature is on or off.
Enabling Authentication with Kerberos
If you have enabled Kerberos authentication for Greenplum Database, you can set up Greenplum
Command Center to accept connections from Kerberos-authenticated users.
Greenplum Database and Command Center include support for the Generic Security Service
Applications Program Interface (GSS-API) standard. A related standard, Simple and Protected GSS-
API Negotiation Mechanism (SPNEGO), describes the protocol GSS-API clients and servers use to
agree on the method of authentication.
With a SPNEGO-compliant web application such as Command Center, the client and server agree
on the authentication method on the client’s initial HTTP request. If Kerberos authentication is not
supported on both ends of the connection the server falls back to basic authentication, and displays a
login form requesting a user name and password. If a user has authenticated on the workstation with
Kerberos and has a valid ticket granting ticket, the web browser offers the user’s credential to the
Command Center web server. A Kerberos-enabled Command Center web server is configured to
handle the authenticated user’s connection request in one of three modes, called strict, normal, or
Command Center has a Kerberos keytab file containing the Command Center service principal
and a principal for every Command Center user. If the principal in the client’s connection
request is in the keytab file, the web server grants the client access and the web server
connects to Greenplum Database using the client’s principal name. If the principal is not in the
keytab file, the connection request fails.
The Command Center Kerberos keytab file contains the Command Center principal and may
contain principals for Command Center users. If the principal in the client’s connection request
is in Command Center’s keytab file, it uses the client’s principal for database connections.
Otherwise, Command Center uses the gpmon user for database connections.
Command Center uses the gpmon database role for all Greenplum Database connections. No
client principals are required in the Command Center’s keytab file. This option can be used,
for example, if Command Center users authenticate with Active Directory and you do not want
to maintain client principals in the keytab file.
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If you have set up Kerberos authentication for Greenplum Database, most of the configuration
required to enable Command Center Kerberos authentication has been done. The Command Center
Kerberos configuration builds upon the Greenplum Database Kerberos setup.
Kerberos authentication can be enabled by responding to prompts when you install Command
Center, or you can use the gpcc --krbenable command to enable Kerberos after Command Center
has been installed.
Before You Begin
Kerberos authentication must be enabled for Greenplum Database. See Using Kerberos
Authentication for instructions. Make sure the following prerequisites are met before you continue:
The krb5-workstation package and associated libraries (libkrb5*) must be installed on the
Greenplum master host and each client workstation.
The date and time on the Greenplum master host and all client workstations must be
synchronized with the KDC.
The krb5.conf configuration file must be the same on the KDC host, the Greenplum
Database master host, and client workstations.
The KDC database must have a service principal for Greenplum Database. The default
service name for Greenplum Database is postgres/<master-host>@<realm>. You can choose
a service name other than postgres, but it must match the value of the krb_srvname
parameter in the $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/postgresql.conf file.
A keytab file with the Greenplum Database principal must be installed on the Greenplum
master host and identified by the krb_server_keyfile parameter in the
$MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/postgresql.conf file.
Each client workstation can have a keytab file containing their Kerberos principal,
Add Command Center Principals to the KDC Database
Before you configure Command Center for Kerberos authentication, you must create the required
Kerberos principals. All of the principals used with Command Center are created in the Greenplum
Database Kerberos realm. Command Center users can use the same Kerberos principal to
authenticate with Command Center and Greenplum Database.
Command Center Service Principal
A service principal is needed for the Command Center web server. This principal has the
format HTTP/<host>@<realm>. For example, if users access Command Center at the URL
http://mdw.example.com:28080, the <host> part of the service key is mdw.example.com and the
<realm> part is the Greenplum Database Kerberos realm, for example GPDB.KRB.
Note that Kerberos authentication only works if Command Center users enter the host in the
same format specified in the Kerberos service principal. If the principal specifies the FQDN, for
example, using the host’s IP address in the browser URL will not work; the web server will fall
back to basic authentication.
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Greenplum Database gpmon User
Command Center uses the gpmon Greenplum role to access the gpperfmon database, which
contains data presented in the Command Center UI.
You can choose to authenticate the gpmon user with Kerberos or with basic authentication. To
use Kerberos, you must create a principal for the gpmon user.
If you choose to use basic authentication you do not need a Kerberos principal for the gpmon
user. The gpmon user will authenticate with Greenplum Database using the password saved in
the .pgpass file in the gpadmin user’s home directory on the host running Command Center.
If you run Command Center on a host other than the Greenplum Database master host, you
must copy the .pgpass file from the master host to the Command Center host. See Changing
the gpmon Password for instructions to manage the gpmon password.
Command Center Users
Add Kerberos principals for any Command Center users who do not already have principals in
the KDC for Greenplum Database.
Adding Kerberos Principals
To add the required principals, perform the following steps as root on the KDC server.
1. Add a principal for the Command Center web service. Be sure to specify the <gpcc-host> in
the same format that users should enter the host in their browsers.
# kadmin.local -q "addprinc -randkey HTTP/<gpcc-host>@<realm>"
2. If you want the gpmon database user to use Kerberos authentication, add a gpmon principal.
# kadmin.local -q "addprinc gpmon@<realm>"
3. Add principals for any new Command Center users.
# kadmin.local -q "addprinc cc_user1@<realm>"
Repeat for each new Command Center user.
Set Up Keytab Files
After you have created all of the Kerberos principals needed, you create and distribute keytab files.
Keytab files contain Kerberos principals and encrypted keys based on the principals’ Kerberos
passwords. Keytab files are needed for the Greenplum Database master and standby hosts and the
Command Center host.
You can also create a keytab file for each Greenplum Database or Command Center user containing
just the user’s principal. This keytab file is installed on the user’s workstation to enable the user to
authenticate to Kerberos. Note that all keytab files must contain the most recent versions of the
principals’ keys.
Command Center Running on the Greenplum Master Host
If the Greenplum Command Center web server is running on the Greenplum Database master host,
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Command Center can share the Greenplum Database keytab file. You need to create a keytab file
that contains the following principals:
Service key for the postgres process on the Greenplum Database master host, for example
Service key created for Command Center in the previous section, for example
A principal for every Kerberos-authenticated Greenplum Database or Command Center
All service keys and principals should be in the Greenplum Database realm.
To create a keytab file for Greenplum Database and Command Center, perform the following steps
as root on the KDC server.
1. Create a keytab file containing the Greeplum Database service key, the command center
service key, and all database and Command Center users.
kadmin.local -q "ktadd -k gpdb-kerberos.keytab postgres/[email protected]
You can enter one or more principals with each ktadd command. You can specify a wildcard
using the -glob option. For example this command adds all principals in the GPDB.KRB realm,
including service principals and admin users.
kadmin.local -q "ktadd -k gpdb-kerberos.keytab -glob *@GPDB.KRB"
2. Copy the keytab you created to the Greenplum Database master host, replacing the old
keytab file. The location of the file is given by the krb_server_keyfile parameter in the
$MASTER_DATA_FILE/postgresql.conf file. Set the permissions on the file so that it can be
read only by the gpadmin user.
3. Update any entries required for new Greenplum Database principals in the pg_hba.conf file
and pg_ident.conf files. See Update the Greenplum Database pg_hba.conf File for details.
Command Center Running on the Standby Master
If the Command Center web server is on a different host than the Greenplum Database master, you
need separate keytab files for Greenplum Database and Command Center. The keytab file for
Greenplum Database may not require any updates, but you will need to create a keytab file for
Command Center.
The Greenplum Database keytab file must contain the Greenplum Database service key and
all principals for users with database access.
The Command Center keytab file contains the Command Center service key and principals
for users that have Command Center access. Users with Command Center access must also
have Greenplum Database access, so user principals in the Command Center keytab file
must also be in the Greenplum Database keytab file.
Update the Greenplum Database keytab if you created new database roles and principals for
Command Center. For example, if you want to use Kerberos authentication for the gpmon user, you
must create a principal and add it to both the Greenplum Database and Command Center keytab
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To create the keytab file for Command Center, perform the following steps as root on the KDC host.
1. Create a keytab file and add the Command Center service key.
kadmin.local -q "ktadd -k gpcc-kerberos.keytab HTTP/[email protected]"
2. If you want to authenticate the gpmon user with Kerberos, add the gpmon principal.
kadmin.local -q "ktadd -k gpcc-kerberos.keytab [email protected]"
3. Add principals for all Command Center users:
kadmin.local -q "ktadd -k gpcc-kerberos.keytab [email protected] cc_user2@GPDB.
You can enter one or more principals with each ktadd command.
4. Enter quit to exit kadmin.local.
5. Copy the keytab you created to the the host running Command Center, for example:
$ scp gpcc-kerberos.keytab gpadmin@<host-name>:/home/gpadmin
6. Update any entries required for new principals in the pg_hba.conf file and pg_ident.conf
files on the Greenplum master. See Update the Greenplum Database pg_hba.conf File.
Update the Greenplum Database pg_hba.conf File
The Greenplum Database $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/pg_hba.conf configuration file determines which
authentication methods to use to allow database access.
If you created new Command Center users, you may need to add an entry to allow access via
Command Center. The entry for an individual user has this format:
host database <user-name> <gpcc CIDR> gss [options]
Authentication for the gpmon user needs to be set up in the pg_hba.conf file in one of the following
Basic authentication
The /home/gpadmin/.pgpass file contains the password for gpmon to use. See Changing the
gpmon Password for details. An entry in the pg_hba.conf file specifies the md5 authentication
method for gpmon:
local all gpmon md5
Trust authentication
On the Greenplum Database master host only, the gpmon user can access databases without
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local all gpmon trust
The /home/gpadmin/.pgpass file is not needed.
Kerberos authentication
A Kerberos principal has been created for the gpmon user and added to the Greenplum
Database and Command Center keytab files.
host all gpmon <gpcc CIDR> gss [options]
Remove any existing reject rules for gpmon:
host all gpmon <auth-method> reject
See Using Kerberos Authentication for more information about the pg_hba.conf file.
Enable Kerberos for Command Center
Set up Command Center to use the Command Center keytab file you created.
If you are adding Kerberos authentication to an existing Command Center, use the gpcc command.
For example:
$ gpcc --krbenable
Enter the Command Center host name and path to the keytab file at the prompts. See the gpcc
Reference for more information.
Authenticating With Kerberos on the Client Workstation
To use Kerberos Command Center authentication, the user must have authenticated with Kerberos
using the kinit command-line tool.
The user then accesses the Command Center web server with a URL containing the host name in
the format specified in the Command Center service principal and the port number, for example
The user’s web browser must be configured to use the SPNEGO protocol so that it offers the user’s
Kerberos principal to the web browser. The method for configuring web browsers varies with
different browsers and operating systems. Search online to find instructions to enable SPNEGO with
your browser and OS.
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Monitoring the Greenplum Database System
Cluster State
Segment Status
Cluster Metrics
Host Metrics
Storage Status
The Dashboard displays when you first sign in to Pivotal Greenplum Command Center. The
Dashboard provides a quick view of the current system status, Segment Health, Queries, CPU,
Memory, and Disk usage.
Clicking on a panel provides more detailed information about the metric. The Alerts panel shows the
most recent messages from the Greenplum Database log file. Some information is available only to
Command Center users with Admin or Operator permission level.
System Information
The following system information is displayed at the top of the page.
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The elapsed time since the Greenplum Database system was last started.
GPDB Version
The version of the Greenplum Database software the monitored cluster is running.
GPCC Version
The version of the Greenplum Command Center software.
The number of active Greenplum Database sessions (client connections).
The display name for this Greenplum Command Center.
Last Sync
Date and time the data was last synchronized. The Command Center user interface updates
views with live data every 15 seconds.
Segment Health
The Segment Health section of the Dashboard provides a quick overview of the status of the
database system and segments this Command Center monitors.
Database State
Database State is the current state of the Greenplum Database system. Following are some possible
database states:
Normal: The database is functioning with no major errors or performance issues.
Segment(s) Down: The database is in change-tracking mode or resync mode. Overall
performance and system reliability is greatly reduced. See the
Pivotal Greenplum Database
System Administrator Guide
for information about resolving this condition.
Standby Down: The master standby instance cannot be reached.
Standby Not Syncing: The master standby instance is not synchronizing with the master
Database Unreachable: The Greenplum Performance Monitor agent cannot connect to the
database. The database is likely down. See the
Pivotal Greenplum Database System
Administrator Guide
for troubleshooting information.
Unbalanced: Some segments are not running in their preferred roles. That is, primaries are
running as mirrors and mirrors are running as primaries, resulting in unbalanced processing.
Resyncing: The database is performing a recovery or rebalance operation.
An error message or state other than the above may be an indication of a network connectivity
problem, or of another undetected problem in the Greenplum Database system. Run the `gpstate`
utility on the master host to determine if there are issues to troubleshoot in the Greenplum Database
Segment Status
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The bar graph in the Segment Status section shows the up or down status of all database segments
in your Pivotal Greenplum Database system. A color indicator and associated number indicate the
number of database segments that are currently in that particular state. Segments can have the
following states:
Up (Green)
Down (Red)
Clicking the Segment Status panel displays the Segment Status Command Center page.
Disk Usage Summary
This chart displays total disk usage and disk available for the Greenplum master host and segment
hosts at the last synchronization. Hover over the chart to see the amount of disk used, free, and total.
This graph displays a summary view of active and queued queries for the last 60 minutes. Click on
the colored dot next to the Running or Queued label to toggle the line on or off. At least one line
must be visible at all times. Hover over the graph to display the number of queries for each visible
line at that point in time.
This graph displays average CPU usage across the entire cluster, for the last 60 minutes. The graph
displays separate lines for system processes and user processes. The user CPU usage includes the
Greenplum database master, standby, and segment processes. Click on the colored dot next to the
System or User label to toggle that line on or off. At least one line must be visible at all times.
Hovering the cursor over a line in the graph displays a small window with the percentage of CPU
used at that point in time for the visible lines and the total if both the system and user lines are
This graph displays the average percent of memory used across the entire cluster over the last 60
minutes. Hover over the line to display the percent of memory used at that point in time.
Admin and Operator permission levels only
The Alerts panel displays recent messages from the Greenplum Database pg_log log file. The panel
is updated at each synchronization. Filter the messages by severity level using the controls at the top
right of the panel.
Greenplum Database Cluster State
The Greenplum Command Center Dashboard provides a quick view of the current system status,
Segment Health, Queries, CPU, Memory, and Disk usage. Clicking on a panel provides more
VMware Tanzu Greenplum Command Center v6.1 Documentation
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detailed information about that metric. The Alerts panel shows the most recent messages from the
Greenplum Database log file. Some information is available only to Command Center users with
Admin or Operator permission level.
System Information
The following system information is displayed at the top of the page.
The elapsed time since the Greenplum Database system was last started.
GPDB Version
The version of the Greenplum Database software the monitored cluster is running.
GPCC Version
The version of the Greenplum Command Center software.
The number of active Greenplum Database sessions (client connections).
The display name for this Greenplum Command Center.
Last Sync
Date and time the data was last synchronized. The Command Center user interface updates
views with live data every 15 seconds.
Segment Health
The Segment Health section of the Dashboard provides a quick overview of the status of the
database system and segments this Command Center monitors.
Database State
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Database State is the current state of the Greenplum Database system. The state can be one of the
Normal: The database is functioning with no major errors or performance issues.
Segment(s) Down: The database is in change-tracking mode or resync mode. Overall
performance and system reliability is greatly reduced. See the
Pivotal Greenplum Database
System Administrator Guide
for information about resolving this condition.
Database Unreachable: The Greenplum Performance Monitor agent cannot connect to the
database. The database is likely down. See the
Pivotal Greenplum Database System
Administrator Guide
for troubleshooting information.
Unbalanced: Some segments are not running in their preferred roles. That is, primaries are
running as mirrors and mirrors are running as primaries, resulting in unbalanced processing.
Resyncing: The database is performing a recovery or rebalance operation.
Segment Status
The bar graph in the Segment Status section shows the up or down status of all database segments
in your Pivotal Greenplum Database system. A color indicator and associated number indicate the
number of database segments that are currently in that particular state. Segments can have the
following states:
Up (Green)
Down (Red)
Clicking the Segment Status panel displays the Segment Status Command Center page.
Disk Usage Summary
This chart displays total disk usage and disk available for the Greenplum master host and segment
hosts at the last synchronization. Hover over the chart to see the amount of disk used, free, and total.
This graph displays a summary view of active and queued queries for the last 60 minutes. Click on
the colored dot next to the Running or Queued label to toggle the line on or off. At least one line
must be visible at all times. Hover over the graph to display the number of queries for each visible
line at that point in time.
This graph displays average CPU usage across the entire cluster, for the last 60 minutes. The graph
displays separate lines for system processes and user processes. The user CPU usage includes the
Greenplum database master, standby, and segment processes. Click on the colored dot next to the
System or User label to toggle that line on or off. At least one line must be visible at all times.
Hovering the cursor over a line in the graph displays a small window with the percentage of CPU
used at that point in time for the visible lines and the total if both the system and user lines are
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This graph displays the average percent of memory used across the entire cluster over the last 60
minutes. Hover over the line to display the percent of memory used at that point in time.
Admin and Operator permission levels only
The Alerts panel displays recent messages from the Greenplum Database pg_log log file. The panel
is updated at each synchronization. Filter the messages by severity level using the controls at the top
right of the panel.
Segment Status
The Segment Status page provides a health overview for the Greenplum Database segments and
details for each primary and mirror segment.
Segment Summary
Greenplum Database is most efficient when all segments are operating in their preferred roles. The
Segment Summary panel tells you the overall segment status and if any mirrors are acting as
The Segment Summary panel provides the following information:
Database State
The database state can be one of the following:
Normal: The database is functioning with no major errors or performance issues.
Segment(s) Down: The database is in change-tracking mode or resync mode. Overall
performance and system reliability is greatly reduced. See the
Pivotal Greenplum
VMware Tanzu Greenplum Command Center v6.1 Documentation
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Database System Administrator Guide
for information about resolving this condition.
Database Unreachable: The Greenplum Performance Monitor agent cannot connect
to the database. The database is likely down. See the
Pivotal Greenplum Database
System Administrator Guide
for troubleshooting information.
Unbalanced: Some segments are not running in their preferred roles. That is,
primaries are running as mirrors and mirrors are running as primaries, resulting in
unbalanced processing.
Resyncing: The database is performing a recoverty or rebalance operation.
Mirrors Acting as Primary
The number of mirror segments acting as primary segments.
Recommended Actions
Suggests actions to perform to restore the cluster to balance. These include:
Recover and Rebalance
These actions are executed from the command line using the gprecoverseg Greenplum
management utility. See gprecoverseg in the
Pivotal Greenplum Database Utility Reference
more information.
Total Segments
The total number of primary and mirror segments in the Greenplum cluster.
Segment Hosts
The total number of segment hosts in the Greenplum cluster.
Segment Health
The Segment Health panel contains charts for Greenplum Database segments’ status, replication
mode, and preferred roles.
Numbers of segments that are down and up.
Replication Mode
A chart that shows the number of segments in each of the possible replication modes.
Not Syncing: The primary segment and mirror segment are active and all changes to
the primary segment have been copied to the mirror using a file block replication
Change Tracking: If a primary segment is unable to copy changes to its mirror
segment using the file replication process, it logs the unsent changes locally so they
can be replicated when the mirror again becomes available. This can happen if a
mirror segment goes down or if a primary segment goes down and its mirror segment
automatically assumes the primary role.
Resyncing: When a down segment is brought back up, administrators initiate a
recovery process to return it to operation. The recovery process synchronizes the
segment with the active primary and copies the changes missed while the segment
was down.
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Synced: Once all mirrors and their primaries are synchronized, the system state
becomes synchronized.
Preferred Roles
The red portion of the Preferred Role chart shows the numbers of segments that not operating in
their preferred primary or mirror roles. If the chart is not solid green, the performance of the
Greenplum cluster is not optimal.
Primary and mirror segments are distributed evenly among the segment hosts to ensure that each
host performs an equivalent share of the work and primary segments and their mirror segments
reside on different segment hosts. When a primary segment goes down, its mirror on another host
in the cluster automatically assumes the primary role, increasing the number of primary segments
running on that host. This uneven distribution of the workload will affect query performance until the
down segment is restored and the segments are returned to their original, preferred, roles.
Segment Table
The table at the bottom of the Segment Status page contains a detailed row for every primary and
mirror segment in the Greenplum Cluster. The table has the following columns for each segment:
The name of the segment host where the segment is running.
The network interface on the segment host for the segment.
The port number assigned to the segment.
The unique identifier for the segment instance.
The content identifier for the segment, from 0 to the number of segments minus 1. A primary
segment and its mirror have the same ContentID. The master and standby master, which have
ContentID −1, are excluded from the table.
“UP” if the segment is running, “DOWN” if the segment has failed or is unreachable.
The segment’s current role, either “primary” or “mirror”.
Preferred Role
The segment’s intended role, either “primary” or “mirror”.
Replication Mode
The replication status for the segment. See Segment Health for possible values.
Last Event|[Total]
The date and time of last segment health-related activity. Click to display a list of recent
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Cluster Metrics
The Cluster Metrics page shows consolidated statistics for all segment hosts in the Greenplum
cluster. Master and standby master hosts are excluded from the metrics.
Use the Show/hide Charts control to choose which charts to display.
Choose the time period to display using the control in the top right corner of the screen: 1 hour, 4
hours, 1 day, or 3 days. The right side of the chart corresponds to the Last Sync time shown in the
top right of the page.
Hover over any of the charts to see values for that point in time in pop-up boxes. The charts are
synchronized so that hovering over any chart shows the same point in time in all charts.
The master and standby master hosts are excluded from the metrics.
When the metric is an average of values collected from all segment hosts, the host with the
highest value is identified in the pop-up box.
Solid lines trace the average value for all segment hosts. The stacked graphs represent the
highest values for the metric at each point in time.
The current value of a metric is shown in the upper right corner of its chart.
The page has charts for the following metrics:
The number of queries running and the number of queries queued to run.
The percentage CPU used by system processes and the percentage CPU used by user
processes. The chart represents the total of system and user CPU usage across the hosts. The
system and user average CPU values that are shown in the pop-up box are not seperately
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represented on the chart.
Percentage of memory in use.
Memory is calculated as follows:
Total = MemTotal
Free = MemFree + Buffers + Cached
Used = MemTotal - Free
Disk I/O
Disk read and write rates in megabytes per second.
Network I/O read and write rates in megabytes per second. Network metrics include traffic
over all NICs (network interface cards), including internal interconnect and administrative
System load average for 1-minute, 5-minute, and 15-minute periods.
Percentage of swap space used.
Host Metrics
The Host Metrics page displays a table of the hosts in the cluster with statistics collected at the most
recent quantum interval.
At the top, Last Sync displays the time the statistics were last updated.
Click a column header to sort the table by that column. Click again to toggle between ascending and
descending sort. Master and standby hosts are not included in the sort and are always displayed
following the sorted list of segment hosts.
For each server, the following columns are displayed:
The hostname name of the server.
CPU Total/Sys/User (%)
The total percentage of CPU in use is displayed next to a graph illustrating the CPU used for
system and user processes. Hover over the table cell to show the percentages used for
system and user processes and the percentage CPU idle.
Memory In Use (%)
The percentage of host memory in use is displayed next to a graph illustrating the memory in
use and available. Hover over the table cell to see memory used and available in gigabytes.
Memory is calculated as follows:
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Total = MemTotal
Free = MemFree + Buffers + Cached
Used = Total - Free
Disk R (MB/s) | Skew
Disk read rate in megabytes per second is displayed next to a graph of calculated disk read
skew. Hover over the table cell to see a Low/Medium/High rating for disk skew.
Disk W (MB/s) | Skew
Disk write rate in megabytes per second is displayed next to a graph of calculated disk write
skew. Hover over the table cell to see a Low/Medium/High rating for disk write skew.
Net R (MB/s) | Skew
Network read rate in megabytes per second is displayed next to a graph of calculated network
read skew. Hover over the table cell to see a Low/Medium/High rating for network read skew.
Net W (MB/s) | Skew
Network write rate in megabytes per second is displayed next to a graph of calculated network
write skew. Hover over the table cell to see a Low/Medium/High rating for network write
About Skew Calculations
Disk and Network skew ratings are calculated as each server’s standard deviation from the mean
calculated from all segment hosts.
Value is within 1 standard deviation from the mean. (Note: if the variance of the set is less than
3, skew is considered low regardless of deviation from mean.)
Value is between 1 and 2 standard deviations from the mean.
Very High
Value is greater than 3 standard deviations from the mean.
Storage Status
The Storage Status page shows current historical disk usage for Greenplum master and segment
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Disk Usage Summary
You can see current disk space in use, space free, and total space in the Disk Usage Summary
panel. Disk space metrics for the segment hosts (GP Segments) and the master (GP Masters) are
shown in separate bar charts.
The GP Segments bar chart shows combined disk space for all segments.
The GP Masters bar chart shows combined disk space for master and standby master.
Click either of the summary charts to see details by host: space used, free, and total in gigabytes and
as a percentage of the total.
Click a host name to display a list of directories on the host file system where partitions containing
one or more Greenplum Database data directories are mounted. Hover over the directory name to
see a list of the Greenplum data directories the partition contains.
GP Segments Usage History
The GP Segments Usage History panel presents a chart of percentage of disk space in use for the
time period set by the control in the panel header.
Hover over the chart to see the percentage disk in use by all Greenplum Database segments at any
given point in time.
GP Masters Usage History
The GP Masters Usage History panel presents a chart of percentage of disk space in use by the
master and standby masters for the time period set by the control in the panel header.
Hover over the chart to see the percentage disk in use at any given point in time.
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Monitoring and Managing Greenplum
Database Queries
Query Monitor
Query Details
Query History
Query Monitor
The Query Monitor view allows you to view information for all Greenplum Database server queries,
including details about queries running, queued to run, and blocked by other queries. Users with
Admin or Operator permission can see and cancel all users’ queries.
If a Command Center administrator has enabled Query Monitor Guest Access, anyone able to access
the Command Center web server can view the system status and query list on this page without
signing in to Command Center. Anonymous users, however, cannot cancel queries or access any
other Command Center features.
With the information available in this view, Greenplum Database administrators can easily:
Understand how the system is being used — both in real-time and trending over time.
Identify and diagnose problem queries while they are running, detect skew, find runaway
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queries, and so on.
Review and balance the query load on the system by better optimizing and scheduling the
query load.
Cancel queries that disrupt system performance.
The Query Monitor does not display queries executed by the gpmon user in the gpperfmon database.
Query Metrics
The Query Monitor table displays the following columns for queries.
Query ID
An identification string for the query. If the column is blank, no query ID has been assigned
yet. In the Console, this looks like “1295397846-56415-2”. Command Center generates this ID
by combining the query record’s tmid, ssid, and ccnt fields.
tmid is a time identifier for the query.
ssid is the session id.
ccnt is the number of the command within the session.
The status of the query. This can be one of the following:
Queued: the query has not yet started to execute
Running: execution has started, but is not yet complete
Blocked: the query is waiting for one or more other queries to release locks
Done: completed successfully
Cancelling: cancel request sent, cancel pending
Cancelled: terminated, no longer running
Idle Transaction: the transaction is open, but idle, for example, waiting while a user in
an interactive session enters a statement
The Greenplum Database role that submitted the query.
The name of the database that was queried.
The resource group or resource queue that is managing the query.
The time the query was submitted to the query planner.
Queued Time
The amount of time the query has been (or was) in queue awaiting execution.
Run Time
The amount of time since query execution began.
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Spill Files
The total size of spill files created for the query. Greenplum Database creates spill files when
there is insufficient memory to to execute the query in memory. See Managing Spill Files
Generated by Queries for information about spill files.
Blocked by
Shows the number of locks blocking the query. Hover over the column to display details of the
locks. The tip shows the type of each lock, the ID of the transaction or query that holds the
lock, the Greenplum Database role holding the lock, and the amount of time the query has
been blocked.
Using the Query Monitor Controls
Click a column heading to sort the rows on that column in ascending or descending order.
Click the checkbox at the left of a row to choose a query to cancel or export. Click the
checkbox in the heading row to choose all queries.
Click Cancel Query to cancel selected queries. A pop-up box prompts you to enter a reason.
You can enter a message of up to 128 characters to display with the error message that is
received by users whose queries are cancelled.
Click Export to download a comma-separated values (CSV) text file containing rows for the
selected queries. When no queries are selected, all rows are exported. The default file name
is spreadsheet.csv.
Click any query ID to see the Query Details, including metrics, the text of the query, and the
query plan.
Query Details
The Query Details view displays query metrics, the text of the query, and the query plan and
progress for a single query selected from the Query Monitor view.
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Query Execution Metrics
The Query ID, execution status, and run time of the query are displayed at the top.
The following metrics are displayed for the query.
The Greenplum Database role that submitted the query.
The name of the database that was queried.
The name of the resource group or resource queue that is managing the query.
The name of the query planner used for this query, GPORCA or Legacy.
The time the query was submitted to the query planner.
Queued Time
The amount of time the query has been (or was) in queue awaiting execution.
Run Time
The amount of time since query execution began.
Est. Progress
An estimate of the percentage of the query execution completed. The estimate is calculated
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from row count and cost estimates generated by either the GPORCA or legacy planner for the
particular query and the available statistics. The estimate does not account for the many other
factors that can affect query execution so it should not be seen as a reliable predictor of query
completion time.
The progress for each plan node is calculated as the ratio of actual rows produced to the
planner’s estimate of the total number of rows the node will produce:
The overall progress for the query is estimated using the calculated node progress and the
planner’s cost estimates:
If the estimate is greater than 100% and the query has not yet completed, 99.9% completion is
reported. 100% is reported if the formula produces an estimated percentage greater than
CPU Master
Current CPU percent on the Greenplum Database master host for this query.
CPU Segments
(Active queries only.) Current CPU percent average for all segment processes executing this
query. The percentages for all processes running on each segment are averaged, and then
the average of all those values is calculated to render this metric. Current CPU percent
average is always zero in historical and tail data. The master and standby master are excluded
from the calculation.
CPU Time
Total CPU time consumed by all processes on all segments executing this query.
CPU Skew
The amount of CPU skew. CPU skew occurs when query executor processes for one segment
use a disproportionate amount of CPU compared to processes for other segments executing
the query. This value is calculated as
1 − (average_segment_CPU / maximum_segment_CPU)
Memory consumed by all segment processes executing the query.
Spill Files
The total size of spill files created for the query. Greenplum Database creates spill files when
there is insufficient memory to execute the query in memory. See Managing Spill Files
Generated by Queries for information about spill files.
Disk R
The current average disk read rate for all segment hosts.
Disk W
The current average disk write rate for all segment hosts.
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Locks and Blocks
Contains two lists of locks currently blocking transactions. Click a list to expand and view the
A list of locks held by this query, including the type of each lock and the queries
blocked by that lock.
A list of queries that hold locks that block this query and the lock type.
Query Text and Execution Plan
The query text and the query’s plan and execution progress are shown in the lower panels of the
Query Details view. The text of the query is displayed in the left panel, and the plan and progress is
displayed in the right panel.
Query Text
The Query Text panel displays the text of the query as it was submitted to Greenplum Database.
Command Center can display up to 100K characters. If you click COPY, up to 100K characters of the
query text are copied to the clipboard.
If the query text is longer than 100K characters, a message is displayed with a link you can use to
download the full text of the query. The name of the text file is the ID of the query with a .txt
extension. The file is available to download for 24 hours after the query completes, or until the query
has been saved to history, once history collection is enabled.
Query Plan and Progress
The Plan & Progress tab in the lower right panel is a graphical representation of the query plan with
animation and real-time metrics to show execution progress. Each box in the tree represents a step
in the query execution plan. The boxes are labeled with the operation they represent and have a
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CPU usage metric. Query execution begins at the bottom of the tree and ends at the top.
Before a step begins to execute, the box has a solid white fill. When the step becomes active, the
box is animated with a green and white fill to indicate that the operator is working. When the step
has completed, the box has a solid green fill.
Query execution plans are executed in “slices,” portions of the query plan that segments can work
on independently in parallel. The plan is sliced wherever a data motion operator occurs. The time
displayed in the upper right corner of each box is the amount of CPU time used for all steps in the
slice to which the step belongs. The visual query plan does not illustrate slices, but you can find
information about slices in the textual plan.
If you click a step, the box expands to show additional details.
The expanded plan box contains the following metrics.
The type of operator. When the operator is a table scan, the name of the scanned table is
included. See Query Plan Execution for descriptions of the operators.
Information related to the current operation, such as the hash key, merge key, join condition,
or filter condition.
Row Skew - the amount of row skew for the current operator, a value from 0% to 100%. Row
skew occurs when some segments process more rows than other segments. The percentage
is calculated as (1 − (average_segment_rows / maximum_segment_rows)) * 100.
Estimated Completion - the current percentage of actual rows to estimated rows for this plan
step. The percentage can exceed 100% if the operation produces more rows than the
optimizer’s estimate. The percentage changes to “Completed” when the operation
Actual Rows - The current number of rows produced by this step. Note that for nested join
operators, the Actual Rows is estimated since the actual row counts are not available while
the join is executing.
Estimated Rows - The estimated number of rows the operator will produce.
Textual Plan
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Select the Textual Plan tab and click RUN EXPLAIN to generate the text representation of the
explain plan.
The RUN EXPLAIN button is dimmed if Command Center is unable to generate the explain plan.
Command Center is unable to generate the explain plan if the size of the query text is greater than
100K characters or if the query text contains multiple statements.
The textual plan is the output of the Greenplum Database EXPLAIN command for the query. The
query plan steps are labeled with arrows (->) and the structure of the query plan tree is indicated
with indentation.
The Optimizer status: line at the bottom of the textual plan reports whether the explain plan was
generated using the GPORCA optimizer (PQO) or the legacy query optimizer.
For help reading the textual explain plan see the EXPLAIN command in the
Greenplum Database
Reference Guide
and Query Profiling in the
Greenplum Database Administrator Guide
. See Query
Execution for descriptions of the query operators.
The History page allows you to display system metrics and queries executed during a specified time
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On the Admin> Settings page you can enable saving the real-time metrics collected by the
Greenplum Database metrics collector extension to history in the gpmetrics schema of the
gpperfmon database. When you enable collecting this history, the Command Center History, Query
Monitor, and Query Detail views all use data derived from the same data collection method.
If you disable GPCC query history collection on the Admin> Settings page, the history views display
data collected and saved in the gpperfmon database by the gpmmon and gpsmon agents. That data is
not derived from the real-time metrics displayed on the Query Monitor and Query Detail view.
Variations should be expected due to the different data collection methods.
Set the time period to display by entering dates and times in the From and To date and time fields.
You can enter dates by typing them into the date field or by choosing from the pop-up calendar.
Enter 24-hour times in HH:MM format.
In the Filter Queries By section you can restrict queries that display in the query table at the bottom
of the page.
Database - Choose only queries that ran in a specified database.
User - Choose only queried executed by a specified user.
Status - Choose queries that completed with the specified status: Done, Cancelled, or Error.
Res Queue or Res Group - Choose queries executed by a specified resource queue or
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resource group.
Priority - Choose queries that executed with a relative CPU priority: min, low, medium, high,
or max. This option is only available when Greenplum Database is using resource queue-
based resource management.
Has CPU Skew - Choose queries that completed with CPU skew greater than zero.
Has Spill - Choose queries that generated spill files.
Click Search to display results that match your choices.
Hover over a timeline to see the metrics at that point in time for all unhidden charts.
You can click and drag on a chart to zoom in on a time range. Click Search to update the query list
and charts to the selected range.
Scroll charts left or right by hovering over the edge of the chart and clicking an arrow. Click ‹ or › to
move in half steps. Click « or » to move in full steps.
Charts of the following metrics are available. Show or hide them at any time with the checklist at the
upper right of the view.
The number of queries running, the number of queries queued to run, and the number of
queries blocked. The count of queries running includes queries executing at the time the
sample was taken and queries that started and finished during the interval since the previous
The percentage of CPU used by system processes and the percentage of CPU used by user
Percentage of memory in use.
Disk I/O
Disk read and write rates in megabytes per second.
Network I/O read and write rates in megabytes per second. Network metrics include traffic
over all NICs (network interface cards), including internal interconnect and administrative
System load average for 1-minute, 5-minute, and 15-minute periods.
Percentage of swap space used.
Query Metrics
The Query table displays queries that were active during the specified time period, including queries
that started before or finished after the specified time. However, queries that are still active are not
included in the table; these queries can be viewed on the Query Monitor page.
The query table has the following columns:
Query ID
An identification string for the query. In the Console, this looks like “1295397846-56415-2”.
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The final status of the query. This can be one of the following:
The Greenplum Database user who submitted the query.
The name of the database that was queried.
The time the query was submitted to the query planner.
Queued Time
The time the query waited before it was executed. In addition to time in the queue, this
includes other time such as time in the optimizer.
Run Time
The amount of time the query required to produce a result.
The time the query completed or was cancelled.
CPU Skew
The amount of CPU skew. CPU skew occurs when query executor processes for one segment
use a disproportionate amount of CPU compared to processes for other segments executing
the query. This value is the coefficient of variation for the CPU used by processes running this
query on each segment, multiplied by 100. For example, a value of .95 is shown as 95.
Spill Files
The total size of spill files created for the query. Greenplum Database creates spill files when
there is insufficient memory to execute the query in memory. See Managing Spill Files
Generated by Queries for information about spill files.
Res Group or Res Queue
The name of the resource group or resource queue for the query.
(Res Queue only) A query executes with the CPU priority assigned to its resource queue.
For more information about Resource Queues, Resource Groups, and Query Plans, refer to
Greenplum Database Administrator Guide
Query History Details
The Query History Details view displays query metrics, the text of the query, and the query plan and
execution statistics for a single query selected from the Query History view.
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Query History Metrics
The Query ID, execution status, and run time of the query are displayed at the top.
The following metrics are displayed for the query.
The Greenplum Database role that submitted the query.
The name of the database that was queried.
Res Group / Res Queue
The name of the resource group or resource queue that is managing the query.
The name of the query planner used for this query, GPORCA or Legacy.
The time the query was submitted to the query planner.
Queued Time
The time the query waited before it was executed. In addition to time in the queue, this
includes other time such as time in the optimizer.
Run Time
The amount of time the query executed.
CPU Master
The CPU percent on the Greenplum Database master host for this query.
CPU Segments
CPU percent average for all segment processes executing this query. The percentages for all
processes running on each segment are averaged, and then the average of all those values is
calculated to render this metric. The master and standby master are excluded from the
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CPU Time
Total CPU time consumed by all processes on all segments executing this query.
CPU Skew
The amount of CPU skew. CPU skew occurs when query executor processes for one segment
use a disproportionate amount of CPU compared to processes for other segments executing
the query. This value is calculated as
1 − (average_segment_CPU / maximum_segment_CPU)
Memory consumed by all segment processes executing the query.
Spill Files
The total size of spill files created for the query. Greenplum Database creates spill files when
there is insufficient memory to execute the query in memory. See Managing Spill Files
Generated by Queries for information about spill files.
Disk R
The average disk read rate for all segment hosts.
Disk W
The average disk write rate for all segment hosts.
Locks and Blocks
Contains lists of queries blocked by locks this query holds, and queries held by other
transactions that block this transaction. Click a list to expand and view the contents.
Query Text and Execution Plan
The query text and the query’s plan and execution progress are shown in the lower panels of the
Query Details view. The text of the query is displayed in the left panel, and the plan and progress is
displayed in the right panel. The plan is available only for queries that ran for at least ten seconds.
Query Text
The Query Text panel displays the text of the query as it was submitted to Greenplum Database.
Command Center can display up to 100K characters. If you click COPY, up to 100K characters of the
query text are copied to the clipboard.
If the query text is longer than 100K characters, a message is displayed with a link you can use to
download the full text of the query. The name of the text file is the ID of the query with a .txt
extension. The file is available to download for 24 hours.
Query Plan and Progress
The Plan & Progress tab in the lower right panel is a graphical representation of the query plan with
metrics to show the planned and actual query execution. Each box in the tree represents a step in
the query execution plan. The boxes are labeled with the operation they represent. Query execution
begins at the bottom of the tree and ends at the top.
Query execution plans are executed in “slices,” portions of the query plan that segments can work
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on independently in parallel. The plan is sliced wherever a data motion operator occurs. The time
displayed in the upper right corner of each box is the amount of CPU time used for all steps in the
slice to which the step belongs. The visual query plan does not illustrate slices, but you can find
information about slices in the textual plan.
If you click a step, the box expands to show additional details.
The expanded plan box contains the following metrics.
The type of operator. When the operator is a table scan, the name of the scanned table is
included. See Query Plan Execution for descriptions of the operators.
Information related to the current operation, such as the hash key, merge key, join condition,
or filter condition.
Row Skew - the amount of row skew for the current operator, a value from 0% to 100%. Row
skew occurs when some segments process more rows than other segments. The percentage
is calculated as (1 − (average_segment_rows / maximum_segment_rows)) * 100.
Estimation Accuracy - a percentage calculated from the estimated rows the node would
produce and the actual rows the node produced when the query executed. The percentage
is calculated as min(estimated_rows, actual_rows) / max(estimated_rows, actual_rows)
* 100
Actual Rows - The number of rows produced by this step.
Estimated Rows - The estimated number of rows the operator will produce.
Textual Plan
Select the Textual Plan tab and click RUN EXPLAIN to generate the text representation of the
explain plan. The EXPLAIN command is run against the current state of the database, so the plan
generated may differ from the the plan used when the query executed.
The RUN EXPLAIN button is dimmed if Command Center is unable to generate the explain plan.
Command Center is unable to generate the explain plan if the size of the query text is greater than
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100K characters or if the query text contains multiple statements.
The textual plan is the output of the Greenplum Database EXPLAIN command for the query. The
query plan steps are labeled with arrows (->) and the structure of the query plan tree is indicated
with indentation.
The Optimizer status: line at the bottom of the textual plan reports whether the explain plan was
generated using the GPORCA optimizer (PQO) or the legacy query optimizer.
For help reading the textual explain plan see the EXPLAIN command in the
Greenplum Database
Reference Guide
and Query Profiling in the
Greenplum Database Administrator Guide
. See Query
Execution for descriptions of the query operators.
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On the Admin> Alerts page, an administrator can set up alert rules to detect and respond to events
occurring in the Greenplum Database system and in currently executing database queries. When a
rule is matched, Command Center logs a record.
You can set up email alerts by configuring an SMTP server in Greenplum Database or in Command
Center. Additionally, you can create a send_alert.sh shell script to forward alerts to other
destinations, such as an SMS gateway or a Slack channel. If the script is present, Command Center
runs it whenever an alert is raised.
Command Center creates the gpmetrics schema in the gpperfmon database to store both rules and
log records. See gpmetrics Schema Reference for information about the gpcc_alert_rule and
gpcc_alert_log tables in the gpmetrics schema.
This topic contains the following subtopics:
Configuring Alert Rules
Configuring Alert Email
Creating a Send Alert Script
Configuring Alert Rules
Click EDIT to manage alert event rules. To enable an alert rule, enter any data required in the fields
and check the box. Uncheck the box to disable the rule. Click SAVE when you have finished making
changes to the alert configuration.
Database Connectivity Failure
An alert is raised when either of these conditions is detected:
Command Center is running on the master host, the master host is up, but the
database is down or cannot be reached.
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Command Center is running on the standby master host, the standby master host is
up, but the master host is down or cannot be reached, or the database is down or
cannot be reached.
Command Center checks three times before raising the alert. If the host where
Command Center should be running is down, no alert is raised.
Segment failure
An alert is raised when one or more failed segments are detected. After the alert email is
raised, Command Center will raise the alert every 30 minutes until the segments are
Average memory (segment hosts) exceeds [%] for [N] min
An alert is raised when the average memory for all segment hosts exceeds the specified
percentage for the specified number of minutes. Command Center samples all segment hosts
every 15 seconds and calculates the mean of the samples. Only memory in use is considered;
memory for buffers and cache is not included.
Memory (master) exceeds [%] for [N] min
An alert is raised when the percent of memory used on the master host exceeds the specified
percentage for the specified number of minutes. Command Center samples memory usage
on the master host every 15 seconds and calculates the mean of the samples. Only memory in
use is considered; memory for buffers and cache is not included.
Total disk space exceeds [%] full
An alert is raised when the total of disk space in use for all segment hosts exceeds the
specified percentage. Command Center gathers the
available disk space
total disk space
from each segment host in the Greenplum Database cluster. The
percent of total disk space in
is calculated by the following formula:
100 - sum(<available disk space>) / sum(<total disk space>) * 100
A disk space alert is raised no more than once every 24 hours.
Number of connections exceeds [N]
An alert is raised when the total number of database connections exceeds the number
specified. The number of connections is checked every 30 seconds. After an alert is raised,
the metrics collector checks the number of connections every 30 minutes until the number of
connections drops below the threshold, and then it resumes checking every 30 seconds.
Average CPU (segment hosts) exceeds [%] for [N] min
An alert is raised when the average percent of CPU used for all segment hosts exceeds the
specified percentage for the specified number of minutes. Command Center samples all
segment hosts every 15 seconds and calculates the mean of the samples.
CPU (master) exceeds [%] for [N] min
An alert is raised when the CPU usage on the master host exceeds the specified percentage
for the specified number of minutes. Command Center samples CPU usage on the master
host every 15 seconds and calculates the mean of the samples.
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Out of memory errors
An alert is raised when an executing query fails with an out of memory (OOM) error. Note that
no alert is raised if there is insufficient memory to start the query.
Spill files for a query exceeds [GB]
An alert is raised when the total disk space consumed by a running query’s spill files exceeds
the specified number of gigabytes. An alert is raised only once per query.
Query runtime exceeds [N] min
An alert is raised when a query runtime exceeds the number of minutes specified. This alert is
raised just once for a query.
Query is blocked for [N] min
An alert is raised if a query remains in a blocked state for longer than the specified number of
minutes. If an alert is raised, and then the query unblocks, runs, and blocks again for the
specified time, an additional alert is raised. Blocked time excludes the time a query is queued
before it runs. It is possible for a “Query runtime exceeds [N] min” rule to also trigger while a
query is blocked.
PANIC happened on Master host
An alert is raised when messages with PANIC severity are detected at the master host. An
PANIC error causes all database sessions to abort.
FATAL happened on Master host
An alert is raised when messages with FATAL severity are detected at the master host. A
FATAL error causes the current session to abort. To reduce noise, fatal messages logged due
to password authentication errors do not raise alerts.
Configuring Alert Email
Command Center requires an SMTP server to send alert emails.
Command Center first attempts an encrypted TLS connection and then falls back to an unencrypted
connection if TLS is not supported. The SMTP server must support one of the following
authentication methods: NONE, PLAIN, LOGIN, or CRAM-MD5. Command Center will use the most
secure of these methods the SMTP server allows.
Configuring email With Command Center
Click EDIT in the Manage email configuration panel.
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The alert email configuration is set with the following Greenplum Database server configuration
SMTP Server address
The name or IP address of the SMTP server and the SMTP port number. The port number is
typically 587 for connections with TLS encryption or 465 without encryption. Example:
The username of the account to authenticate with the SMTP server. This is an optional field,
only required if the SMTP server requires a username for authentication. Example: gpcc-
The password for the SMTP username. For security, the password is masked. This field is
optional, only needed if the SMTP server requires a username and password for
Send emails to
To add an address to the list, enter the address and press Enter. To remove an email address,
click the X on the address.
The email address to use for the From: address in the alert email. Example: do-not-
[email protected]. If you leave this field blank, Command Center uses the default value,
When you click SAVE, Command Center sends a test email to the addresses in the Send emails to
field. The email contains a list of the currently configured alert rules. If there is an error in the SMTP
server or username/password configuration and the email cannot be sent, Command Center displays
an error message.
Configuring email for Greenplum Database
The following server configuration parameters are used to configure SMTP email for Greenplum
The SMTP server and port. Example: smtp.example.com:465
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The name of a user to authenticate with the SMTP service. Example: gpcc-
The password for the SMTP user.
The email address to set as the email sender. Example: [email protected]
A semicolon-separated list of email addresses to receive alert messages. Example gpcc-
Command Center uses the gp_email_smtp_server, gp_email_smtp_userid, and
gp_email_smtp_password parameters if they are set. It ignores the remaining parameters.
You can check the current value of a configuration parameter by running the gpconfig -s command
on the master host, for example:
$ gpconfig -s gp_email_smtp_server
Use the gpconfig -c option to set the values of server configuration parameters, for example:
$ gpconfig -c gp_email_smtp_server -v "smtp.example.com:465"
$ gpconfig -c gp_email_smtp_userid -v "[email protected]"
$ gpconfig -c gp_email_smtp_password -v "changeme"
$ gpconfig -c gp_email_from -v "[email protected]"
$ gpconfig -c gp_email_to -v "[email protected];[email protected]"
Run gpstop -u to reload the configuration files after changing these configuration parameters.
Creating a Send Alert Script
The send alert script is a shell script that you can use to send Command Center alerts to destinations
such as SMS gateways, pagers, team collaboration tools like Slack, chat servers, archive files,
alternative email servers, and so on. You can use the send alert script in addition to sending email
from Command Center, or as an alternative to sending alert emails from Command Center.
Command Center looks for the script $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpmetrics/send_alert.sh on the
host where Command Center is running—either the master host or standby host. If the file exists and
is executable by the gpadmin user, Command Center executes the script. The following variables are
set on the command line when the script runs.
Variable Description
LINK URL of the Greenplum Command Center web server.
QUERYID ID of the query, if the alert was triggered by a query.
SERVERNAME Name of the Greenplum Command Center server.
QUERYTEXT The text of the query, if the alert was triggered by a query.
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Variable Description
ACTIVERULENAME Current text the of rule, with user-specified values included.
LOGID Value of this alert’s id column in the gpmetrics.gpcc_alert_log table.
RULEDESCRIPTION Text of the rule, including user-specified values, at the time the alert was raised.
ALERTDATE Date the alert was raised.
ALERTTIME Time the alert was raised.
SUBJECT Subject line for email.
An example script that you can customize is provided at $GPCC_HOME/alert-
email/send_alert.sh.sample. The example formats the alert as HTML email text and pipes it
through the Linux mail command.
To set up a send alert script:
1. Copy the $GPCC_HOME/alert-email/send_alert.sh.sample file to
2. Customize the script with code to format and deliver the alert to your desired destination.
3. Run gpcc start to restart Command Center and enable the script.
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Managing Greenplum Database Workloads
About Workloads
Managing Greenplum Database Resource Groups
Importing Resource Queues to Resource Groups
Accessing the Workload Management Configuration Programmatically
Troubleshooting Enabling Resource Groups
About Greenplum Command Center Workload Management
Greenplum Database segment hosts have a set amount of memory, CPU, I/O, and network
resources. If these resources start to run short due to heavy database load, queries can fail or the
entire database system can become unacceptably slow. For this reason, it is important to manage
database requests to prevent resource depletion.
Greenplum Database has two resource management systems:
resource queues
. Command Center workload management is based on resource groups, the resource
management system introduced in Greenplum Database version 5. Resource groups require
enabling Linux control groups (cgroups), so Greenplum Database initially is set to perform resource
management using resource queues.
When Command Center starts, it checks the resource management system enabled in your
Greenplum Database system. If you have not yet enabled resource groups in your Greenplum
Database system, the Command Center workload management view displays a message
encouraging you to enable resource groups, including a link to documentation with the procedure
for completing the task. When you start Command Center after enabling resource groups, click the
ENABLE WORKLOADS button. Command Center presents a view to help you set the intial resource
group configuration by importing your existing resource queues to resource groups.
See Using Resource Groups in the
Greenplum Database Administrator Guide
for a full description of
resource management features available with resource groups and instructions to enable resource
groups in Greenplum Database.
On the Command Center Admin> Workload Mgmt view, you can perform the following tasks:
Create new resource groups in Greenplum Database
Delete existing resource groups
Change the number of concurrent transactions each resource group allows
Change the percentages of available system CPU and memory each resource group
Change Greenplum Database roles’ default resource groups
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Write query assignment rules to override a user’s default resource group when a transaction
For more information about Linux cgroups and Greenplum Database resource groups see Using
Resource Groups in the
Greenplum Database Administrator Guide
About Query Assignment Rules
Greenplum Database defers to the metrics collector database extension to assign transactions to
resource groups. Command Center users with Admin permission level can create assignment rules
in Command Center to assign transactions to resource groups.
When a transaction begins, Greenplum Database calls the metrics collector extension to determine
the resource group. The extension evaluates the assignment rules and, if a matching rule is found,
returns that rule’s resource group. If no assignment rule matches, Greenplum Database falls back to
the default behavior, assigning the transaction to the resource group specified for the current user in
the pg_authid system table.
Assignment rules can redirect a transaction to a resource group based on query tags or a
combination of query tags and the Greenplum Database role executing the transaction.
A query tag is a user-defined
pair that you can set in a Greenplum Database session
when resource group-based workload management is enabled. Query tags are defined by setting
the gpcc.query_tags parameter on the connect string when requesting a database connection or in
the session with SET gpcc.query_tags TO '<query-tags>'. Multiple query tags can be set by
separating them with a semicolon. Query tags are set before a transaction begins and cannot be
changed inside of a transaction.
See Workload Management for details about creating assignment rules and for examples that use
query tags.
Workload Management
Defining Resource Groups and Resource Attributes
Command Center allows you to view resource groups that have been created in Greenplum
Database, to add or delete resource groups, and to edit the resource group attributes Concurrency,
CPU %, and Memory %.
resource group attributes, use the ALTER RESOURCE GROUP SQL command.
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1. Click EDIT to open the Resource Group editor.
2. To delete a resource group, select the resource group, and click the minus sign that appears
at the right.
You cannot delete the default_group or admin_group resource groups. You cannot delete a
resource group that is assigned to any Greenplum Database role.
3. To add a resource group, click ADD RESOURCE GROUP and enter a name for the resource
group in the Name column. Resource group names must be unique and are case-sensitive.
4. Adjust the values of the Concurrency, CPU %, and Memory % resource group attributes.
The maximum number of concurrent transactions, including active and idle
transactions, that are permitted in the resource group. Concurrency sets the
CONCURRENCY attribute of the resource group. The total of the Concurrency columns
cannot exceed the value of the Greenplum Database max_connections master server
configuration parameter.
The percentage of CPU resources available to this resource group. The percentage is
the portion of the total CPU percentage allocated for all resource groups (reserved
CPUs excluded), which is set with the gp_resource_group_cpu_limit server
configuration parameter. CPU % sets the CPU_RATE_LIMIT attribute of the resource
Memory %
The percentage of memory resources available to this resource group. The
percentage is the portion of the total memory allocated for all resource groups, which
is set with the gp_resource_group_memory_limit Greenplum Database configuration
parameter. Changing the Memory % value sets the MEMORY_LIMIT attribute of the
resource group.
Min memory per query
The minimum amount of memory allocated to a query. This column is recalculated as
you adjust Concurrency and Memory % settings. The value is the resource group’s
total share of system memory, less the resource group’s shared memory pool (20% by
default), divided by the value in the Concurrency column. The percentage of memory
allocated to the shared memory pool can be changed by setting the
MEMORY_SHARED_QUOTA attribute of the resource group using the ALTER RESOURCE
GROUP SQL command. Each query managed by the resource queue is allocated this
amount of memory. If a query needs more memory, it is allocated from the resource
group shared memory pool and the global shared memory pool, if available.
The totals of the CPU % and Memory % columns must not exceed 100%. You should not
allow the total of the CPU % column to exceed 90%, because this could cause resource-
intensive queries to consume nearly all CPU, starving other Greenplum Database processes.
If the total of the Memory % column is less than 100%, the unreserved memory is part of the
resource group shared global memory pool. See “Global Shared Memory” in Using Resource
Groups in the
Greenplum Database Administrator Guide
for information about the global
resource group shared memory pool.
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5. Click Apply to save your changes or click Cancel to abandon your changes.
Assigning Roles to Resource Groups
Every Greenplum Database role is assigned to a single resource group in the pg_roles system table.
Transactions executed by a role are managed by its assigned resource group, unless you create an
assignment rule to override the default.
You can view the current resource group assignments for all roles and change a role’s resource
group by adding it to a different resource group.
To move a role to a different resource group:
1. Enter all or part of the role name in the add role field beneath the new resource group.
2. Choose the role from the list that is displayed and press Enter.
The change is immediately applied to the Greenplum Database pg_roles system table.
Defining Workload Management Rules
Query assignment rules allow you assign transactions to a resource group based on user-defined
query tags and, optionally, the current role in the database session. When no rule matches, the
transaction is assigned to the role’s default resource group. See About Assignment Rules for more
information about assignment rules.
See Accessing the Workload Configuration Programmatically for information about retrieving and
setting rules programmatically with database functions.
1. Click EDIT to open the Workload Management Rules editor.
2. To delete a rule, select the rule and click the minus sign that appears at the right.
3. To add an assignment rule, click ADD ASSIGNMENT RULE and fill in the fields.
Query Tags
The first field is a list of query tags to match against the gpcc.query_tags parameter in
the Greenplum Database session. A query tag is a user-defined
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Separate multiple query tags with semicolons. See Defining and Setting Query Tags
for more information about query tags.
(Optional) If you enter a role name in this field, the rule matches only if both the query
tags and role match the tags and current role in the database session.
Resource Group
Choose a resource group from the list.
Change the order of the assignment rules by dragging a rule’s handle (at the left) up
or down. Assignment rules are evaluated from top to bottom. Greenplum Database
applies the first rule that matches.
Use the Active/Inactive toggle to make a rule active or inactive.
4. Click APPLY to save your changes.
Defining and Setting Query Tags
A query tag is a user-defined
pair, set in the Greenplum Database
gpcc.query_tags parameter in the Greenplum Database session. The gpcc.query_tags parameter is
defined when the gp_wlm database extension is enabled in the postgres database. If you try to set
query tags when the gp_wlm extension is not enabled, you get an unrecognized configuration
parameter error. To see if the extension is enabled, run the following command.
$ psql postgres -c "\dx"
List of installed extensions
Name | Version | Schema | Description
gp_wlm | 0.1 | gpcc | Greenplum Workload Manager Extension
(1 row)
When you submit a transaction and the gp_wlm extension is enabled, Greenplum Database calls the
gp_wlm extension to determine the resource group for the transaction. The extension evaluates the
current role and query tags set in the session against the rules you have defined in Command
Center. If there is a match, the extension returns the rule’s resource group. If there is no match,
Greenplum Database assigns the transaction to the role’s default resource group.
The following command, executed in the Greenplum Database session, sets the appName and
appUser query tags to “tableau” and “bi_sales”, respectively.
=# SET gpcc.query_tags TO 'appName=tableau;appUser=bi_sales';
To match a rule, all tags in the rule’s query tag field must be present in the gpcc.query_tags
parameter in the database session. The order of the tags is not significant, and the gpcc.query_tags
parameter can have a superset of the tags defined in the queryTags value.
If you set the gpcc.query_tags parameter inside of a transaction, you must commit the transaction
before the new query tags are used to evaluate assignment rules.
You can set the value of the gpcc.query_tags parameter using the SET command, as in the example
above, or as a connection parameter with database clients that support it, such as psql. Following are
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two examples that show how to specify query tags on the psql command line.
$ PGOPTIONS="-c gpcc.query_tags='appName=tableau;appUser=bi_sales'" psql
$ psql postgresql://mdw:5432/postgres?options="-c gpcc.query_tags%3D'appName%3Dtableau
In the second example, it is necessary to code the equals signs as %3D to prevent psql from
interpreting the query tags as command-line arguments.
Importing Resource Queues to Resource Groups
Greenplum Command Center workload management works with resource groups, the new
Greenplum Database resource management system. The default resource management system for
Greenplum Database is resource queues. To use the Command Center workload management
features, you must first enable resource groups in Greenplum Database.
Command Center can assist you in enabling resource groups and in importing existing resource
queues to resource groups.
Step One: Enable Resource Groups in Greenplum Database
If your Greenplum Database system is still configured to use resource queues, the Command Center
Admin> Workload Mgmt view describes the benefits of resource groups and workload
management with Command Center and provides a link to the Greenplum Database documentation
to help you enable resource groups.
Click VIEW RESOURCE GROUP SET UP GUIDE for instructions to enable resource groups in your
Greenplum Database system.
Step Two: Preview and Configure Resource Group Imports
After you have enabled resource groups and restarted Greenplum Database, restart Command
Center (gpcc start), log in, and choose Admin> Workload Mgmt.
The workload management view now displays a preview of resource groups converted from your
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existing resource queues. You can use this one-time view to convert your Greenplum Database
resource queues to resource groups.
The resource group list includes the required admin_group and default_group resource groups, and
a row for each of your existing resource queues.
Roles are assigned to the resource group matching the resource queue to which they are assigned.
Click the Preview roles link to see the role assignments.
If you want to set up resource groups later, you can click SKIP IMPORT. Only the default_group and
admin_group resource groups are created. Roles with the superuser attribute are assigned to the
admin_group resource group; roles without superuser privilege are assigned to the default_group
resource group.
If you want Command Center to import resource queues to resource groups, you must complete the
resource allocation fields for all resource groups.
Set the Concurrency, CPU %, and Memory % resource group attributes to allocate Greenplum
Database resources to the resource queues. The Concurrency fields must each contain a positive
integer. The CPU % and Memory % fields must each contain positive integers between 1 and 99 and
the totals for the CPU % and Memory % columns must not exceed 100%. See Defining Resource
Groups and Resource Attributes for help determining the values to enter.
The IMPORT RESOURCE GROUPS button is disabled until you have entered valid values in the
allocation fields for every resource group.
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When you are ready to import the resource groups, click IMPORT RESOURCE GROUPS to create
the resource groups.
Step Three: Enable Command Center Workload
After you import (or skip importing) resource queues to resource groups, you can enable Command
Center workload management.
Click ENABLE WORKLOAD MANAGEMENT to enable workload management in Greenplum
Command Center. Greenplum Command Center creates the gp_wlm extension, the
gpcc.workload_config table, and the associated user-defined functions in Greenplum Database.
You are now able to use the Command Center Workload Management interface to add, remove,
and configure resource groups; change role assignments; and define workload management rules.
See Workload Management for help using the Command Center Workload Management view.
Accessing the Workload Configuration Programmatically
The Greenplum Database workload management extension gp_wlm creates a table in the gpperfmon
database to store the workload management rules, and user-defined functions to get or set the
workload management rules.
The gpmetrics.workload_config table stores the workload management rules as a JSON value. You
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can use the gpmetrics.get_workload_config() and gpmetrics.set_workload_config() functions to
read and write this JSON value.
This topic is a reference for the workload management configuration JSON document and the get
and set functions.
Warning! The gpmetrics.workload_config table should only be accessed by using the
gpmetrics.get_workload_config() and gpmetrics.set_workload_config() functions or the
Command Center user interface. Do not drop the table while the workload management extension is
The gpmetrics.set_workload_config() function requires valid JSON syntax, but does not validate
the workload management rules. You must ensure that the JSON value contains a version variable
and correctly specified assignment rules.
Workload Management Rules JSON Format
This section describes the JSON object that stores the resource group assignment rules. The object
has two members:
a version key/value pair
an assignmentRules array containing one element for each assignment rule
version pair
The version value is an integer. It is reserved for future use. It can be set to 1.
assignmentRules array
The assignmentRules array has one element for each assignment rule. Each element maps
the rule to a resource group in Greenplum Database and defines the conditions that assign a
transaction to that resource group.
Greenplum Command Center evaluates each rule in the assignmentRules array from top to
bottom and stops at the first match, so the order is important.
The elements in the assignmentRules array can have the following key/value pairs.
The name of the Greenplum Database resource group. The resource group must already exist
or have been created in Greenplum Database with the CREATE RESOURCE GROUP SQL
The name of a Greenplum Database role to match against the current role identifier in the
Greenplum Database session. The current role is initially the database role that authenticated
with the Greenplum Database system to begin the session. A user with sufficient privileges can
change the current role in the database session using the SET ROLE SQL command.
If no role is specified in the assignment rule and the query tags match, the transaction is
assigned to the specified resource group. If the roleName value is present, however, the
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current database user must match the specified role.
A list of query tags to match against the gpcc.query_tags parameter in the Greenplum
Database session. A query tag is a user-defined <name>=<value> pair. Separate multiple
query tags with semicolons. For example, the following statement, executed in the Greenplum
Database session, sets the appName and appUser query tags to “tableau” and “bi_sales”,
=# SET gpcc.query_tags TO 'appName=tableau;appUser=bi_sales';
To match, all tags in the assignment rule’s queryTags value must be present in the
gpcc.query_tags parameter in the database session. The order of the tags is not significant,
and the gpcc.query_tags parameter can be a superset of the tags defined in the queryTags
If the queryTags value is empty, or the parameter omitted, the rule will match every session
for the roleName database role.
If you set the gpcc.query_tags parameter inside of a transaction, you must commit the
transaction before the new query tags are used to evaluate assignment rules.
The gpcc.query_tags parameter can be specified using the SET command, as above, or as a
connection parameter with database clients that support it, such as psql. Here are two
examples that show how to specify query tags on the psql command line:
$ PGOPTIONS="-c gpcc.query_tags='appName=tableau;appUser=bi_sales'" psql
$ psql postgresql://mdw:5432/postgres?options="-c gpcc.query_tags%3D'appName%3Dta
In the second example, it is necessary to code the equals signs as %3D to prevent psql from
interpreting the query tags as command-line arguments.
If set to true, the assignment rule is ignored when Command Center evaluates rules to assign
transactions to workloads. This parameter is optional and its default value is "false".
Retrieves the current workload assignment rules as a JSON value.
gpperfmon=# SELECT gpmetrics.get_workload_config();
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(1 row)
Sets the workload assignment rules. The argument is a valid JSON value containing the assignment
rules. See JSON Parameters for descriptions of the parameters.
The gpmetrics.set_workload_config() function accepts any valid JSON value. You must ensure
that the value contains a version element and a properly specified assignment rules parameter.
If you call gpmetrics.set_workload_config() within a transaction, you must commit the transaction
before the workload managment extension applies the new rules.
postgres=# SELECT gpmetrics.set_workload_config(
{ "version": 1,
"resourceGroupName": "default_group",
"roleName": "gpadmin",
"queryTags": "appName=tableau;appUser=bi_sales"
"resourceGroupName": "admin_group",
"roleName": "gpadmin",
"queryTags": "appName=tableau;appUser=bi_acct",
"disabled": true
(1 row)
Troubleshooting Enabling Resource Groups
If you experience problems enabling resource groups in Greenplum Command Center, review the
following list to ensure prerequisites are met and all of the dependencies are properly configured.
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Red Hat 6.x and 7.x and CentOS 6.x and 7.x are currently supported.
You must be running Greenplum Database version 5.7.0 or later.
Configure the Linux cgroups kernel feature on your hosts by following the instructions at
“Prerequisite” in Using Resource Groups.
Make sure the /etc/cgconfig.d/gpdb.conf file contains the objects perm, cpu, and cpuacct.
If the document is incorrect and the gp_resource_manager configuration parameter is set to
"group", Greenplum Database can hang at startup.
group gpdb {
perm {
task {
uid = gpadmin;
gid = gpadmin;
admin {
uid = gpadmin;
gid = gpadmin;
cpu {
cpuacct {
On Red Hat 7, make sure you run cgconfigparser -L /etc/cgconfig.d to parse changes to
the /etc/cgconfig.d/gpdb.conf file. This command must also be set up to run at boot time.
Set the Greenplum Database gp_resource_manager server configuration parameter to
"group" and restart Greenplum Database.
$ gpconfig -c gp_resource_manager -v "group"
$ gpstop -ar
Verify by showing the value of the parameter:
$ gpconfig -s gp_resource_manager
Values on all segments are consistent
GUC : gp_resource_manager
Master value: group
Segment value: group
After installing a Pivotal Greenplum Database distribution, the shared_preload_libraries
configuration parameter contains the metrics collector shared library. Make sure this library is
still present:
$ gpconfig -s shared_preload_libraries
Values on all segments are consistent
GUC : shared_preload_libraries
Master value: metrics_collector
Segment value: metrics_collector
Check that the shared library exists at $GPHOME/lib/postgresql/metrics_collector.so. If the
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library does not exist, make sure you have installed the Pivotal Greenplum Database
distribution. This extension is not available in the Greenplum Database Open Source version.
If the shared library file exists in the $GPHOME/lib/postgresql directory, but not in the
shared_preload_libraries parameter, add it with the gpconfig command:
$ gpconfig -c shared_preload_libraries -v 'metrics_collector'
Note that adding metrics_collector to the shared_preload_libraries parameter does not
enable the metrics_collector or gp_wlm extensions, but is a prerequisite for enabling them.
The gpmon user must be able to connect to databases from the Command Center host.
Make sure to add a host entry like the following in the $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/pg_hba.conf
host all gpmon <IP_of_host>/32 md5
Check whether the gp_wlm extension is installed. The extension is added when you click
Enable Workloads in the Greenplum Command Center Admin> Workload Mgmt view.
$ psql gpperfmon
gpperfmon=# \dx
List of installed extensions
Name | Version | Schema | Description
gp_wlm | 0.1 | gpmetrics | Greenplum Workload Manager Extensio
metrics_collector | 1.0 | gpmetrics | Greenplum Metrics Collector Extensi
plpgsql | 1.0 | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
(3 rows)
Make sure the gpmetrics.workload_config table and functions are present in the gpperfmon
gpperfmon=# \d gpmetrics.workload_config
Table "gpmetrics.workload_config"
Column | Type | Modifiers
dist_col | integer |
config | json |
Distributed by: (dist_col)
gpperfmon=# \df gpmetrics.*
List of functions
Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data
types | Type
gpmetrics | get_workload_config | json |
| normal
gpmetrics | metrics_collector_start_worker | void |
| normal
gpmetrics | set_workload_config | boolean | wlm_json_confi
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g json | normal
(3 rows)
If the gpmetrics.workload_config table or the functions are not present, dropping and
recreating the gp_wlm extension will create them. Note that any assignment rules saved in
the gpmetrics.workload_config table will have to be recreated in Command Center.
$ psql gpperfmon
gpperfmon=# DROP EXTENSION gp_wlm;
gpperfmon=# CREATE EXTENSION gp_wlm;
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Greenplum Database Table Browser
Command Center users with Administrative permission can view details about the tables in a
Greenplum database.
1. Select Table Browser to view the Command Center Table Browser.
2. On the Table Browser view, choose a database and then use the filters to select the tables
you want to browse. All filter criteria except Database are optional.
Choose the name of the database to browse.
Enter a role name to select only tables owned by the role.
Enter the name of a schema to select only the tables that belong to that schema. The
default is to select tables in all schemas except pg_catalog, pg_toast, pg_bitmapindex,
pg_aoseg, information_schema, or gp_toolkit. To see tables in one of these schemas,
enter the schema name in this field.
Choose a (less than or equal) or (greater than or equal) operator, enter a number,
and choose the size unit (KB, MB, GB, TB) to select tables by size.
3. Click SEARCH to display tables matching the criteria you have entered.
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Table Browser statistics are updated every 300 seconds by default. Activity that occurs between
updates is not displayed in the Table Browser view until Command Center updates the table statistics
at the end of the sampling interval. This means that, for example, it can take up to five minutes for a
new table to appear in the Table Browser. The times displayed for Last Analyzed, Last Vacuumed,
and Last Accessed are the time that Command Center updates the table statistics after the event has
been detected, not the actual time of the event. The actual event could have occurred at any point
in the previous five minutes (or in the time period specified by stats_check_interval, if you have
modified the parameter).
You can change the sampling interval by setting the stats_check_interval parameter in the
$GPCC_HOME/conf/app.conf configuration file. Restart Command Center after updating the
configuration file. See Command Center Console Parameters for more information about the
app.conf file.
Table List
The Table Browser table list displays these columns:
Name of the schema the table belongs to.
Relation Name
Name of the table.
Total number of leaf partitions. If the table has no partitions, this column contains 0.
Combined size of the table’s files on all segments.
Database role name of the table owner.
Est. Rows
Estimated number of rows in the table. For external tables this column contains 0.
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Last Analyzed
Time the table was last analyzed. The actual event occurred at some point during the
preceding sampling interval.
Last Vacuumed
Time the table was last vacuumed. (Does not include AUTOVACUUM.) The actual event occurred
at some point during the preceding sampling interval.
Last Accessed
Time the table was last accessed. (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or TRUNCATE operations.)
The actual event occurred at some point during the preceding sampling interval.
Storage type for the table: Heap, AO, AO/CO, or External.
Table Details
Click the name of a table in the Relation Name column to view details for that table.
The Table Detail view displays this information:
Details Section
Name of the table.
Name of the database.
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Name of the schema the table belongs to.
Table Space
Name of the tablespace where the table’s files reside.
Database role name of the table owner.
Distributed By
Distribution policy for the table. This can be a list of the distribution key columns (key1, key2,
key3, ...), Randomly, or Replicated.
Number of user columns in the table. System columns are not included in the count.
Number of partitions the table has, including middle-level and leaf partitions. Click Show to list
up to 100 partitions. The list includes the partition’s name, table size, partition criteria, storage
type, and compression parameters. Middle-level partitions are displayed with a different
background color.
Storage type for the table: Heap, AO, AO/CO, or External.
Compression Type
For append-optimized tables, the type of compression used for the table: ZLIB, ZSTD, QUICKLZ,
Compression Level
For append-optimized tables, the level of compression. For ZLIB, the level is 1 (fastest
compression) to 9 (highest compression ratio). For ZSTD, the level is 1 (fastest compression) to
19 (highest compression ratio). For QUICKLZ, the level is 1. For RLE_TYPE the compression level
is 1 (fastest compression) to 4 (highest compression ratio).
Size, in bytes, for each block in the table: 8k, 16K, 1M, or 2M.
Usage Section
Last Analyzed
Time the table was last analyzed.
Last Vacuumed
Time the table was last vacuumed. (Does not include AUTOVACUUM.)
Last Accessed
Time the table was last accessed. (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or TRUNCATE operations.)
Est. Rows
Estimated number of rows in the table.
Recent Queries Section
This section lists the five most recent queries in the query history to access the table. The list is
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limited to queries that executed in the last 30 days and that ran for ten seconds or more.
Click a Query ID to view the Query History Details for the query.
Table Contents Section
A list of the table’s columns, types, constraints, and compression types.
Name of the column.
Data type of the column.
Constraints defined for the column.
Storage type for the column. Plain is for fixed-length values such as integer and is inline,
uncompressed. Main is for inline, compressible data. Toast is for data that exceeds the size of
a data block and is stored in chunks in a separate table associated with the user table.
Extended is for external, compressed data. Extended is the default for most data types that
support non-plain storage.
Compression Type
The type of compression used for the column: none, ZLIB, ZSTD, QUICKLZ, RLE_TYPE.
Compression Level
The level of compression. For ZLIB, the level is 1 (fastest compression) to 9 (highest
compression ratio). For QUICKLZ, the level is 1. For ZSTD, the level is 1 (fastest compression) to
19 (highest compression ratio). For RLE_TYPE the compression level is 1 (fastest compression) to
4 (highest compression ratio).
Size, in bytes, for each storage block.
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Query Monitor Help Topics
CPU Skew
Query Optimization
Spill Files
The CPU percent metric is the average current CPU percentage for all backend processes
executing this query. The percentages for all processes running a query on each segment are
averaged, and then the average of all those values is calculated to render this metric.
You can manage the percentage of CPU that queries can consume by creating workloads and
specifying the maximum percent of CPU each workload can consume. That percentage is further
divided among the segments running on each host and then among the concurrent queries the
workload can execute.
CPU allocated to idle workloads is reallocated to active queries and reclaimed when the idle
workload becomes active again. This means that the CPU percent value for a query can exceed
limits defined for workloads and can increase and decrease as other queries start or finish.
Memory and disk I/O resources are more likely causes for degraded query performance than lack of
CPU cycles. The ways to reduce CPU contention mirror the solutions for insufficient memory:
Reduce concurrency of workloads to make more CPU available to each query.
Reduce the number of workloads and reallocate CPU to the remaining workloads.
If CPU is not constrained and the size of spill files for some queries is very large, make sure that the
gp_workfile_compression server configuration parameter is set to on. Compressing spill files reduces
disk I/O, but uses CPU cyles to compress and decompress the data.
See Using Resource Groups for more about managing performance with resource groups.
If your Greenplum Database system is configured to manage resources with resource queues, see
Using Resource Queues.
CPU Skew
What is CPU Skew?
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CPU skew occurs when the work to execute a query is not distributed evenly among the segments.
The CPU metric is the average of the CPU percentages used by each process executing the query.
The CPU skew metric is a variance statistic based on the difference between the average and each
segment’s current CPU metric. The smaller the CPU skew, the more equally the work is distributed.
The CPU skew metric varies between 0.0 (no skew) and 1.0. The lower the skew metric the more
fully the database cluster’s resources are utilized.
CPU skew is usually related to the volume of data processed by the segments while executing the
query execution plan. There are two types of skew you should investigate: data skew and
computational skew.
Data Skew
A high CPU skew may be an indication of data skew, where tables used by the query are distributed
unevenly, so that some segments have more data to process than their peers. You can check for
data skew in a table by running a query like this one:
=# SELECT gp_segment_id, COUNT(*) FROM <table-name> GROUP BY gp_segment_id;
The row count should be approximately equal for each segment. If the rows are distributed
unevenly, check the distribution key for the table. A good distribution key is a column or list of
columns with unique or nearly unique values, such as the table’s primary key. Setting the distribution
policy to DISTRIBUTED RANDOMLY also ensures a well-distributed table, but precludes taking advantage
of performance-enhancing strategies such as co-location for tables with equivalent primary keys.
Computational Skew
High CPU skew can be the result of computational skew, which occurs during query execution.
Some of the operations in the query plan can cause some segments to do more work than others.
For example, joins, sorts, or aggregations on columns with low cardinality or unevenly distributed
values can contribute to CPU skew by causing some segments to process many more tuples than
See Distribution and Skew in the
Greenplum Database Administrator Guide
and Tuning SQL Queries
in the
Greenplum Database Best Practices
guide for more help finding the causes of skew.
Greenplum Command Center displays the locks currently held by queries and queries blocked by
A block occurs when one query needs to acquire a lock that conflicts with a lock held by another
query. If a query is blocked for a long period of time, you can investigate the blocking query and, if
necessary, cancel one of the queries.
Locks can be acquired using the LOCK TABLE SQL statement. Some SQL commands acquire locks
automatically. Following are descriptions of the lock modes, the Greenplum Database commands
that acquire them, and which lock modes conflict with them.
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Acquired by SELECT and ANALYZE commands.
Conflicts with ACCESS EXCLUSIVE locks.
In general, any query that only reads a table and does not modify it acquires this lock mode.
Acquired by SELECT FOR SHARE command.
Conflicts with EXCLUSIVE and ACCESS EXCLUSIVE locks.
A ROW SHARE lock is placed on the specified table and an ACCESS SHARE lock on any
other tables referenced in the query.
Acquired by INSERT and COPY commands.
A ROW EXCLUSIVE lock is placed on the specified table and ACCESS SHARE locks are
placed on any other referenced tables.
Acquired by VACUUM and VACUUM FULL.
SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE protects a table against concurrent schema changes and VACUUM
Acquired by CREATE INDEX.
Protects a table against concurrent data changes.
This lock mode is not automatically acquired by any Greenplum Database command.
Acquired by UPDATE, SELECT FOR UPDATE, and DELETE commands in Greenplum Database.
allows only concurrent ACCESS SHARE locks - a table can be read by another transaction
while this lock is held. This is more restrictive locking than in regular PostgreSQL.
commands. Default lock mode for LOCK TABLE statements that do not specify a lock mode.
Also briefly acquired by VACUUM (without FULL) on append-optimized tables during processing.
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Conflicts with all locks.
This lock mode guarantees that the holder is the only transaction accessing the table in any
For more on locks in Greenplum Database queries, see the LOCK command Reference. See also
Tuning SQL Queries.
The Greenplum Command Center Query Monitor reports the current total memory consumed by all
processes executing a query. When there is insufficient memory available for a query to complete,
the query has an error status in the query monitor and an out of memory error is logged.
If you have enabled resource groups in Greenplum Database, you can manage the amount of
memory available to queries by tuning resource group parameters, and by setting Greenplum
Database configuration parameters that affect resource group memory.
For a detailed description of resource group memory management, see Using Resource
Groups in the
Greenplum Database Administrator Guide
If you are using resource queues, see Memory and Resource Management with Resource
Queues and Using Resource Queues for ways to troubleshoot memory problems with
resource queues.
See Tuning SQL Queries for help with query optimization.
The following summary describes the resource group parameters and related Greenplum Database
server configuration parameters that determine the amount of memory available to database queries
and how configuration choices affect concurrency, spill file usage, and query performance.
Resource Group Memory Configuration Parameters
A resource group has parameters CONCURRENCY, MEMORY_LIMIT, MEMORY_SHARED_QUOTA, and
MEMORY_SPILL_RATIO, which determine how much memory is allocated to execute a query. The
CPU_LIMIT parameter has no effect on memory allocation. See the CREATE RESOURCE GROUP SQL
reference for command syntax and information about these parameters.
This parameter sets the amount of memory the resource group manages as a percentage of
the memory available to resource groups. The sum of all resource groups’ MEMORY_LIMITs
must not exceed 100. If the sum of all resource groups’ MEMORY_LIMITs is less than 100, the
remaining, unallocated memory is
global resource group shared memory
, available to queries
from all resource groups on a first-come, first-served basis.
A resource group divides the memory it manages into a fixed portion and a shared portion,
resource group shared memory
. This parameter specifies the percentage of a resource
group’s memory that is shared. The default is 20 and the value can range from 0 to 100.
This parameter limits the number of concurrent transactions a resource group allows. The
fixed portion of the memory the resource group manages is divided equally among
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CONCURRENCY transaction slots. Every transaction starts with this fixed portion of memory and, if
needed, Greenplum Database uses additional memory from the resource group shared
memory and global resource group shared memory.
This parameter sets a limit for the amount of memory a query can use before it spills to disk.
The parameter value is expressed as a percentage of the fixed memory allocation. The default
is 20 and the value can range from 0 to 100. A higher value uses more memory, but can
improve query performance. A transaction can override this value by setting the
memory_spill_ratio configuration parameter in the session.
When a query executes, Greenplum Database allocates memory to it from the fixed portion of the
resource group’s memory. If the query needs more memory and the resource group has available
shared memory, Greenplum Database allocates additional memory. If insufficient shared memory is
available, Greenplum Database allocates additional memory from global shared memory, if available.
If the required memory is not available the transaction fails.
Greenplum Database Memory Configuration Parameters
The following Greenplum Database configuration parameters affect resource group memory
allocation and concurrency.
This Greenplum Database server configuration parameter sets the percentage of each host’s
system memory to be managed by resource groups. The default is 0.7 (70%). This memory is
divided equally among the primary segments on each host, and further divided among
resource groups with the MEMORY_LIMIT resource group parameter. Any memory not allocated
to resource groups becomes global shared memory available to queries from all resource
groups. See gp_resource_group_memory_limit for a complete reference for this parameter.
This parameter determines how Greenplum Database allocates memory to query operators.
The default value, eager_free, re-allocates memory from completed operators to operators
later in the query plan. The alternative value for this parameter, auto, allocates a fixed amount
of memory to operators that are not memory-intensive and the rest to the memory-intensive
operators. The default value is usually the optimal setting. See gp_resgroup_memory_policy for
a complete reference for this parameter.
A transaction can override the resource group’s MEMORY_SPILL_RATIO value by setting the
memory_spill_ratio configuration parameter in the session. The value is a percentage of the
fixed memory allocation for transactions in the resource group, expressed as an integer from
0 to 100. The performance of queries with low memory requirements can be improved by
setting the memory_spill_ratio parameter in the session to a low setting, for example 0 to 2.
See memory_spill_ratio for more information about this parameter.
Query Plan Execution
The Greenplum Database legacy and GPORCA query optimizers generate execution plans that
produce the results requested by the query. A plan is a sequence of operators, such as table scans,
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joins, sorts, aggregates, and data motions.
When you select a query on the Command Center Query Monitor view, a Query Details view
presents a graphical representation of the execution plan.
You can switch between the graphical and texual representations of the query execution plan by
selecting the Plan & Progress tab or the Texual Plan tab. In the textual format, each plan node is
flagged with an arrow (->). In the graphical view, the nodes are represented by boxes that fill as the
plan executes.
A query execution plan executes from the bottom up. Each node in the plan performs an operation
and passes results up to the next node in the plan.
The Optimizer status: line on the Textual Plan tab reports whether the explain plan was generated
using the GPORCA optimizer or the legacy query optimizer.
Slices and Gangs
Segments can work on portions of a query in parallel, each segment executing operators
independently on their local data. When the plan requires exchanging data between segments, a
data motion operator coordinates the data transfer between segments. The plan is divided into
“slices” where these data motions occur.
A data motion node in a textual query plan identifies the slice and the number of segments
participating in the motion.
-> Broadcast Motion 4:4 (slice2; segments: 4) (cost=0.00..867.15 rows=10000 width=3
In a broadcast motion, each segment broadcasts all of its rows for a table over the network so that
every segment has a complete copy of the table. In this example, the broadcast motion marks the
completion of slice2 with four segments sending and four segments receiving.
Each segment has one or more backend processes working on a slice. Backend processes working
on the same slice are called a “gang”.
Operators are processes that take as input database tables or the output from other operators, and
perform some action to produce a transformed output.
Scan Operators
Init plan
A query that runs before the main query is optimized to find the partitions to scan.
Sequential scan
The optimizer may choose a sequential table scan if there is no index on the condition column
or if most rows are expected to satisify the condition. Because each segment scans an equal
portion of the data in parallel with other segments, a table scan in Greenplum Database is very
efficient. A query on a partitioned table may be able to eliminate partitions to make the scan
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even faster.
Append-only scan
Scans rows in a row-oriented, append-optimized table.
Append-only columnar scan
Scans rows in a column-oriented, append-optimized table.
Dynamic table scan
Scans selected partitions in a partitioned table.
Function scan
A Function Scan node selects the partitions to scan. The function can be one of the following:
gp_partition_expansion - chooses all nodes
gp_partition_selection - chooses a partition with an equality expression
gp_partition_inversion - chooses partitions with a range expression
Index scan
Scans a B-tree index on a table to find rows. The rows are then retrieved from disk.
Bitmap index scan
A Bitmap Index Scan is an index scan optimized by storing rows in a bitmap instead of
retrieving them from the table immediately. When the scan is complete, rows in the bitmap
are retrieved with a Bitmap Heap Scan operation.
BitmapAnd and BitmapOr
Generates a new bitmap by running logical AND or OR on multiple bitmaps.
Bitmap heap scan
Retrieves rows from heap storage using a bitmap generated by a Bitmap index scan or
BitmapAnd or BitmapOr operation.
Nested loop with inner sequential scan join
For each row in the first table, the operator tests every row in the second table with a
sequential scan.
One table must be broadcast so that every segment can compare all rows of one table with
the rows it has from the other table. This is expensive and is best used only for small tables.
Nested loop with inner index scan
For each row in the first table, the operator searches an index on the second table.
One table must be broadcast so that every segment can compare all rows of one table with
the rows it has from the other table.
Concatenates data sets. For example, combines rows scanned from multiple partitions.
Selects rows using a WHERE clause.
Limits the number of rows returned.
Saves results from a subselect so that it is not necessary to process the inner table for every
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row in the outer table.
Join Operators
Hash join
Creates a hash table on the join key of the smaller table. Scans the larger table and looks up
matching rows in the hash table. Hash join is very fast. The hash table is held in memory, so a
hash join can use a lot of memory, depending on the size of the smaller table.
Sort merge join
The tables to be joined are sorted on the join attribute and then scanned in parallel to find the
matching values. This is a good join method for tables that are too large to use a hash join.
Product join
Joins every qualifying row in the first table with every qualifying row in the second table. This
type of join can be very expensive if spill files must be used.
Sort and Aggregate Operators
Sorts rows to prepare for operations such as an aggregation or merge join.
Group by
Groups rows by one or more columns.
Group / hash aggregate
Aggregates rows using a hash.
Motion Operators
Broadcast motion
Every segment sends its own local data to all other segment instances so that every segment
instance has a complete local copy of the table.
Redistribution motion
Sends data from one table to another segment so that matching rows are located together,
enabling a local join.
Gather motion
All segments send rows to the master where they are gathered into a single result set.
DML Operators
Performs constraints checking.
Used for update operations.
Spill Files
Greenplum Command Center reports the total size for all spill files created for a query.
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Greenplum Database creates spill files, also called workfiles, to save intermediate results when there
is insufficient memory to execute a query in memory. Disk I/O is much slower than memory access,
so a query that creates spill files will take longer to complete.
Investigating Spill File Usage
The gp_toolkit schema contains views you can use to see details about spill file usage for current
queries. You can see the number and sizes of spill files created for each operator in a query
execution plan, and totals by query and segment. This is useful information to detect data skew and
to help tune queries.
See the gp_toolkit Administrative Schema reference for descriptions of these views.
Eliminating or Reducing Spill Files
You can work to eliminate spill files by increasing the amount of memory available to the query or by
optimizing the query to use the memory available more efficiently.
You may be able to revise the query to prevent spilling by eliminating or postponing memory-
intensive operators.
Following are some ways to increase memory available to queries when resource group resource
management is enabled in Greenplum Database.
Decrease the resource group’s concurrency so that each query’s share of memory
Increase the resource group’s MEMORY_SHARED_QUOTA parameter to increase the amount of
resource group shared memory.
Decrease the percentage of memory allocated to all resource groups to increase the amount
of global shared memory.
When resource queue resource management is active, Greenplum Database can detect and
terminate “runaway” queries that consume a high percentage of available memory. You can prevent
runaway queries by limiting the number of spill files created or the total size of spill files created. See
the gp_workfile_limit* configuration parameters below for more information.
If you cannot prevent queries from spilling, it is important to ensure that the number of spill files
created is minimized and that problems such as CPU or data skew are found and corrected. Skew
can create excessive numbers of spill files on one or more segments.
To minimize disk usage and I/O when spill files are created, make sure the gp_workfile_compresson
configuration parameter is set toon. When enabled, Greenplum Database uses Zstandard
compression for spill files.
Limiting Spill Files with Server Configuration Parameters
Greenplum Database by default limits the number of spill files allowed per query for each segment to
100,000. You can raise or lower this limit, and you can also limit the number of spill files for all
queries on a segment, and limit the disk space consumed by spill files per query and per segment.
Use the following Greenplum Database server configuration parameters to manage spill files.
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Sets the maximum number of spill files allowed per query per segment. Default is 100,000.
Sets the maximum disk size an individual query is allowed to use for spill files at each segment.
The default value is 0, which means no limit is enforced.
Sets the maximum total disk size that all running queries are allowed to use for creating spill
files at each segment. The default value is 0, which means a limit is not enforced.
Specifies the compression algorithm to use for spill files when a hash aggregation or hash join
operation spills to disk during query processing. The default is 'none'. Set to 'zlib' to enable
compression. Using compression reduces the number of I/O operations at the expense of
increased CPU.
See also Managing Spill Files Generated by Queries.
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Alert Help Topics
Database connectivity failure
Segment failure
Average memory (segment hosts) exceeds [%] for [min]
Memory (master) exceeds [%] for [N] minutes
Total disk space exceeds [%] full
Query is blocked for [N] minutes
Number of connections exceeds [N]
Average CPU (master) exceeds [%] for [N] min
Out of memory errors
Query runtime exceeds [N] minutes
Average CPU (segment hosts) exceeds [%] for [N] minutes
Spill files for a query exceeds [GB]
PANIC happened on master
FATAL happened on master
Segment failure
What is this alert?
Command Center checks the status of the Greenplum Database segments every 30 seconds and
raises an alert if any segments are down or running in their non-preferred roles. This alert will be
raised hourly until an administrator has recovered the failed segments.
With segment mirroring enabled, Greenplum Database can tolerate a primary or mirror segment
failure as long as there is a working instance for every segment in the cluster. If both the primary and
mirror instances fail for any single segment, Greenplum Database cannot run queries. For this
reason, it is important to recover the failed segment instance to protect from loss of service.
Segment instances have a “preferred role,” either primary or mirror. When all segment instances are
in their preferred roles, each segment host has the same number of primary and mirror segments. If
a primary instance fails, its mirror instance assumes the primary role and the distribution of primary
segments is no longer balanced. This can slow down query processing because a host with more
primary segments than others can take longer to complete queries.
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What to do
Restore the failed segments and return the segments to their preferred roles so that the cluster is in
See Recovering From Segment Failures for steps to recover Greenplum Database segments.
Average memory (segment hosts) exceeds [%] for [min]
What is this alert?
This alert warns of high memory consumption on the Greenplum Database segment hosts for an
extended period.
Every 15 seconds, the Greenplum Database metrics collector extension samples the memory in use
on each segment host. Memory used for kernel cache and buffers is excluded. The average for all
segments is calculated. If the average percentage remains above the threshold that is set for the
alert for the number of minutes specified, an alert is issued.
If memory consumption is increasing over time, queries could start to faile with out of memory
What to do?
Check the Query Monitor to see if there is unusually heavy query activity.
Look for active queries that perform hash joins or sorts on a large number of tuples. If possible,
optimize the queries to eliminate rows earlier so that these memory-intensive operations process a
fewer number of tuples.
Adjust resource queues or resource groups to limit the number of concurrent transactions.
Use the ps command to identify non-database processes consuming excessive memory. Kill
unnecessary processes or move them to another server.
Memory (master) exceeds [%] for [min]
What is this alert?
When the master host memory usage is higher than the specified percentage for more than the
specified number of minutes, Command Center raises an alert.
Command Center samples the memory in use on the master host every fifteen seconds. Memory
used for kernel buffers and cache is excluded from the calculation. An alert is raised if the samples
collected during the number of minutes specified are all higher than the specified percentage.
What to do
Use the ps command to identify non-database processes consuming excessive memory and stop
them or relocate them to other servers.
If Command Center is running on the master host, restart it on the standby master host.
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Total disk space exceeds [%]
What is this alert?
This alert is raised when the percentage of segment host disk space in use exceeds the percentage
specified in the alert rule. The master disk space is not included in the calculation. The alert is raised
once a day until the percentage drops below the percentage in the alert rule.
What to do
This alert warns you so that you can add disk storage or free up storage in order to prevent a
catastrophic disk full error that could interrupt Greenplum Database service.
Here are some suggestions for freeing space on Greenplum Database hosts.
Archive and remove backup files
Archive and drop older partitions
Rotate OS and database log files
Drop unneeded external tables and their data files
Vaccuum database tables and catalog tables
Query is blocked for [min]
What is this alert?
If a query that has started to execute is blocked by another query for the specified number of
minutes, Command Center raises an alert.
Queries that are queued, but have not yet started, do not trigger this alert.
Alert details
The alert contains the Query ID, database name and user, and run-time details.
8 -11-02T16:10:04+08:00”,“StartTime”:“2018-11-02T16:10:04+08:00”,“QueryText”:“”}
Need alert type specific JSON example to write this out
What to do
1. Use the Query Monitor to locate the blocked query and the query that blocks it.
2. Determine whether the blocking query is executing properly:
- Is the query also blocked?
- Is the query blocking a large number of other queries?
- Is the query creating excessive spill files?
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- Is the query running in the correct resource group or resource queue?
- Is the query running longer than usual?
- Does the query have excessive data or CPU skew?
1. Determine whether you should allow the query to complete, or cancel the query so that the
blocked queries can resume.
Number of connections exceeds [n]
What is this alert?
This alert is raised when the number of concurrent connections at the Greenplum Database master
instance exceeds a specified number. The number specified should be set lower than the
max_connections server configuration parameter so that when you receive the alert you can act
before Greenplum Database begins to reject client connection requests. For example, if
max_connections for the master is set to 100, you could set an alert to 80.
What to do
Look for idle or stale connections and terminate them
Users can connect to Greenplum Database using a client such as psql, execute queries and remain
connected, but inactive, leaving the connection in an idle state. Greenplum Database eventually
releases resources used by idle connections, but once the maximum number of allowed connections
has been reached, new connection requests are denied.
Use the pg_stat_activity system view to find idle connections.
SELECT datname, procpid, sess_id, usename, current_query from pg_stat_activity;
Use the pg_cancel_backend(<PID>) function to cancel idle connections.
how long
a connection has been idle is not possible with just the information in the
Greenplum Database 5.x system tables. You can, however, see this information by creating the
session_level_memory_consumption view in the database. Follow the instructions at Viewing Session
Memory Usage Information to create this view in each database.
After you install the session_level_memory_consumption view, a query like the following shows the
idle connections with the length of time they have been idle.
SELECT a.datname, application_name, a.usename, a.sess_id, procpid,
now()-idle_start AS time_idle
FROM pg_stat_activity a, session_state.session_level_memory_consumption b
WHERE a.sess_id = b.sess_id AND b.idle_start < now();
ORDER BY time_idle DESC;
CPU (master) exceeds [%] for [min]
What is this alert?
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The metrics collector extension checks CPU utilization on the master host every 15 seconds. If the
percentage of CPU in use is higher than the percentage specified in the alert rule for the number of
minutes specified in the rule, Command Center raises an alert.
The Greenplum Database master uses the greatest amount of CPU at the start of a query, while
planning the query, and at the end of the query, while gathering results from the segments. For a
large result set it is normal to see a spike in the query’s CPU usage on the master during the gather
operation. With many queries running concurrently, the CPU spikes should even out.
What to do
Begin by viewing the Command Center Query Monitor and Query Details views to see if there are
one or more very large queries nearing completion, or if the high usage can be explained by
unusual workloads or heavy query activity.
If the query monitor offers no explanation for high CPU usage, you should investigate master host
processes using Linux utilities such as ps and top to identify processes consuming the CPU. If the
process ID of an errant process is a postgres process, you can query the pg_stat_activity system
table to find the query and, if needed, use the pg_terminate_backend() function to terminate the
See also
Investigating a Performance Problem
Out of memory error
What is this alert?
If a query requests additional memory and is denied, the query fails with an out of memory error and
an alert is raised.
What to do
Greenplum Database has two ways to manage memory resources: resource queues and resource
groups. Resource queues deal primarily with fixed quantities of memory, where resource groups
deal with portions—percentages—of available memory.
If you use resource groups to manage memory, you can use the Admin> Workload Mgmt view to
adjust them so that more memory is available to queries that are failing due to out of memory errors.
If you use resource queues, you use the CREATE RESOURCE QUEUE and ALTER RESOURCE QUEUE SQL
commands to configure them.
There are many factors to consider when allocating memory for queries, including configuring the
operating system, allocating a share of memory to Greenplum Database, and configuring a set of
resource queues or resource groups to share the memory available to Greenplum Database.
For complete information about how Greenplum Database manages memory and how to configure
it, see:
Using Resource Groups
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Using Resource Queues
Query runtime exceeds [min]
What is this alert?
An alert is raised if the total runtime for a query is greater than the specified number of minutes. The
alert is raised once per query.
Run time is calculated from the time the query begins to execute. The time the query was queued is
Alert details
query ID
database name
user name
time the query was submitted
time the query started
What to do
Use the Query Monitor to check the execution status of the query.
If the query is blocked, investigate the queries that hold the locks.
Average CPU (segment hosts) exceeds [%] for [min]
What is this alert?
Command Center samples CPU usage on all segment hosts every 15 seconds and calculates the
average CPU usage for the cluster. An alert is raised if the average CPU usage is greater than the
specified percentage for longer than the specified number of minutes.
What to do
Use the Command Center Query Monitor to identify currently running individual queries with high
CPU usage.
Use the Command Center History view to see CPU load during the period prior to the alert and
identify completed queries using too much CPU.
Check CPU usage using operating system utilities such as ps and top to identify any operating
system processes that are consuming excessive CPU, for example backup, restore, or ETL
Spill files for a query exceeds [GB]
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What is this alert?
Command Center raises an alert if the combined size of spill files for any query exceeds the specified
number of gigabytes. This alert is raised just once per query.
Greenplum Database creates spill files to temporarily store data on disk when the data exceeds the
amount of memory allocated to the operation. Because memory I/O is much faster than disk I/O, a
query that creates spill files takes longer to complete than it would if there was sufficient memory
available to avoid creating spill files.
What to do
Use the Command Center Query Monitor to view the plan for the query identified in the alert.
If possible, revise the query so that more rows are eliminated earlier in the plan, eliminating or
reducing the size of spill files.
Consider reconfiguring the resource queue or resource group that manages the query to make
more memory available to the query. If you use resource groups to manage resources, you can use
the Command Center Admin> Workload Mgmt view to modify resource allocations.
For more information
Managing Spill Files Generated by Queries
Using Resource Queues for information about configuring Greenplum Database resource
Using Resource Groups for information about configuring resource groups
FATAL happened on master
What is this alert?
When a message with severity FATAL is written to the Greenplum Database log on the master host,
Command Center raises an alert.
A message with severity level FATAL indicates an error occurred that caused the current session to
fail. Fatal errors can be caused by user error, such as misspelling a database name, or by system
error, such as an out of memory error, failure to access a resource, or network failure.
Here are some examples that could result in FATAL messages:
A user or application attempts to connect to a database that does not exist.
The master host is unable to create a connection to a segment host.
A memory allocation request is refused due to low memory.
A user or administrator cancels a command.
To avoid excessive alert emails, Command Center does not raise alerts for fatal password
authentication errors.
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What to do?
The message text often provides the information needed to determine the cause and remedy for the
Recurring errors without an evident cause require investigation to find the problem.
Here are some questions to consider.
Does the Command Center Dashboard indicate a normal Database State? Also check the Dashboard
for low disk space, unusually high CPU or Memory usage, and a large number of blocked queries.
Problems indicated on the Dashboard can help identify the source of problems.
Does the error occur only when the Greenplum Database system is under heavy load? Some system
resources can be depleted under heavy load and may require reconfiguration. For example:
The SSH service on segment hosts may limit the number of active connections.
Out of memory errors could require more conservative settings for system memory
parameters or tuning resource groups to limit the number of concurrent queries or the
amount of memory allocated to queries.
Does the message occur with a specific query, UDF, or application? Check the Greenplum Database
log files and application log files for messages that help to identify the location and cause of the
If the error continues and you cannot find the cause, create a ticket with Pivotal Support. Support
may ask you to provide log files, core files, configuration files, schemas, and system information so
that they can help you to resolve the problem.
PANIC happened on master
What is this alert?
When a message with severity level PANIC is written to the Greenplum Database log on the master
host, Command Center raises an alert.
A PANIC message reports a critical error that requires immediate attention. A panic occurs when the
system encounters an unexpected state or an error condition that could not be handled in the
software. All currently executing jobs in the cluster are cancelled when a PANIC occurs.
Some examples of conditions that could cause a PANIC are:
Unable to access critical files
Full disk or memory buffer
Unexpected data values, such as badly formatted transaction IDs
Seg faults or null pointer references
What to do
Contact Pivotal Support for help before you attempt to troubleshoot the problem. Continuing after a
PANIC could lead to data loss and may make it more difficult to diagnose the problem and recover
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your system.
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