Command Line Processor (CHCCLP) (Version 10.2.1) 6
Getting started with the CHCCLP program 7
Supported operating systems 8
Running CHCCLP 9
Running the CHCCLP commands in interactive mode 10
To run the CHCCLP commands in interactive mode 11
Working with command results in interactive mode 12
Running the CHCCLP commands in batch mode 13
To run CHCCLP commands in batch mode 14
To run a script file with substitution variables 15
Working with command results in batch mode 16
Running the CHCCLP commands in embedded mode 17
To set up EmbeddedScript 18
Working with EmbeddedScript 19
Working with command results in embedded mode 22
Sample programs 25
Overriding the locale 28
Enabling verbose command output 29
Setting and working with context 30
CHCCLP Commands 32
Understanding command syntax 33
Environment commands 34
chcclp session set to cdc 35
clear context 36
exit 37
help 38
print 39
quit 40
save session 41
set debug 42
set variable 44
set verbose 45
show context 46
show session 47
show variables 48
show version 49
Access Server commands 50
connect server 51
disconnect server 52
modify server 53
show server 55
Datastore commands 56
connect datastore 57
define external target datastore 60
disconnect datastore 62
list database schemas 63
list database tables 64
list databases 65
list datastores 66
list datatypes 67
list encodings 68
list journal control fields 69
select datastore 70
show datastore 72
Tables commands 74
add replication table 75
list index columns 77
list replication tables 79
list table columns 81
list table indexes 83
readd replication table 85
remove replication table 87
Subscription commands 89
add subscription 90
delete subscription 93
describe subscription 94
export subscription 95
import subscription 97
list subscriptions 100
lock subscription 102
modify latency thresholds 103
modify subscription 105
modify subscription datastage properties 108
modify subscription user exit 111
promote subscription 113
select subscription 116
show latency thresholds 117
show subscription 118
show subscription datastage properties 120
show subscription user exit 121
unlock subscription 122
Table mapping commands 124
add rule set 125
add table mapping 128
delete rule set 134
delete table mapping 135
export rule set 136
export table mapping 138
flag refresh 139
list refresh order 141
list rule set tables 142
list rule sets 143
list table mappings 144
mark capture point 146
modify refresh order 148
modify rule set 150
modify table mapping 153
park table mapping 157
promote rule set 158
promote table mapping 160
reassign table mapping 163
select rule set 164
select table mapping 165
show rule set 167
show table mapping 169
Mapping details commands 171
add data translation 172
add derived column 173
clear user exit 176
delete data translation 177
delete derived column 178
filter source column 179
list column encodings 181
list column mappings 183
list source columns 185
map column 187
modify column encoding 190
modify data translation 192
modify derived column 193
modify operations 196
modify user exit cdll 204
modify user exit function 206
modify user exit javaclass 208
modify user exit storedproc 211
show data translation 213
show derived column 214
show operations 216
show user exit 218
unmap column 220
Replication commands 221
clear datastore events 222
clear subscription events 223
end replication 224
list datastore events 227
list subscription events 228
list subscription performance metrics 229
list table performance metrics 231
monitor replication 233
monitor subscription activity 234
monitor subscription busy tables 235
monitor subscription latency 236
monitor subscription performance 237
monitor subscription refresh 238
monitor table performance 239
show datastore event details 241
show subscription event details 242
start mirroring 243
start refresh 245
Access Manager commands 247
add access connection 248
add access datastore 250
add access user 251
change login password 253
close access user connections 254
delete access connection 255
delete access datastore 256
delete access user 257
list access datastores 258
list access users 259
modify access connection 260
modify access datastore 262
modify access user 264
show access connection 266
show access datastore 268
show access user 269
Support commands 271
run support assistant 272
Management Console Commands reference 273
Using commands in Management Console 274
Opening command environments 275
To issue commands in a Windows environment 276
To issue commands in a UNIX or Linux environment 277
To issue commands in a Telnet environment 278
Management Console commands 279
addTable - Add Table to Catalog 281
assignTable - Assign Source Table 282
connectAgent - Connect to Datastore 285
connectServer - Connect to Access Server 286
deAssignTable - Unassign Target Table 288
describe - Describe Selected Tables 289
disconnectAgent - Disconnect from Datastore 290
disconnectServer - Disconnect from Access Server 291
errorHandle - Define Error Handler 292
execute - Run Batch File 293
exit - Close Command Environment 294
getAgents - Get Accessible Datastores 295
getSubscriptionActivity - Get Subscription Activity 296
getSubscriptions - Get Subscriptions for Datastore 297
getSubscriptionStatus - Get Subscription Status 298
getSubscriptionTables - Get Subscription Tables 299
getTableStatus - Get Source Table Status 300
help - Display Command Help 301
reAddTable - Re-add Table in Catalog 302
removeTable - Remove Table from Catalog 303
setReplication - Set Replication Method 304
setTableStatus - Set Source Table Status 306
startRefresh - Start Refresh 307
startMirror - Start Mirroring 309
stopAll - Stop All Replication Activities 311
stopMirror - Stop Mirroring 312
stopRefresh - Stop Refresh 314
subscribeTable - Select Table to Subscription 316
unSubscribeTable - Deselect Table from Subscription 317
Scripting support 318
Creating a script file 319
Compiling a script file 321
To compile a script file (Windows) 322
To compile a script file (Linux or UNIX) 323
To compile a script file (Telnet) 324
Running a batch file 325
User roles and permissions 326
User roles 327
User permissions 328
Troubleshooting 332
Using the IBM Support Assistant (ISA DC) 333
To use ISA DC to collect data for a product problem (command line) 334
To use ISA DC to collect data for a product problem (GUI) 337
To use ISA DC to collect data for a question or an enhancement request (command line) 339
To use ISA DC to collect data for a question or an enhancement request (GUI) 341
Troubleshooting and contacting IBM Support 343
Getting started with the CHCCLP program
CHCCLP is the command line interface for IBM®InfoSphere® Change Data Capture
version 10.2 or later datastores. CHCCLP allows users to script InfoSphere CDC
functionality, such as connecting to datastores, creating subscriptions, mapping
tables, modifying mapping details, and controlling and monitoring replication.
The CHCCLP program can process the commands in one of three modes:
Interactive—Run CHCCLP commands one at a time from an interactive command
Batch—Assemble CHCCLP commands in a script file that is processed by a single
invocation of the program. Batch mode uses the same syntax as Interactive mode.
Embedded—Run CHCCLP commands through a Java™ programming interface.
Related concepts
Running the CHCCLP commands in interactive mode
Running the CHCCLP commands in batch mode
Running the CHCCLP commands in embedded mode
Getting started with the CHCCLP program
CHCCLP is the command line interface for IBM®InfoSphere® Change Data Capture
version 10.2 or later datastores. CHCCLP allows users to script InfoSphere CDC
functionality, such as connecting to datastores, creating subscriptions, mapping
tables, modifying mapping details, and controlling and monitoring replication.
The CHCCLP program can process the commands in one of three modes:
Interactive—Run CHCCLP commands one at a time from an interactive command
Batch—Assemble CHCCLP commands in a script file that is processed by a single
invocation of the program. Batch mode uses the same syntax as Interactive mode.
Embedded—Run CHCCLP commands through a Java™ programming interface.
Related concepts
Running the CHCCLP commands in interactive mode
Running the CHCCLP commands in batch mode
Running the CHCCLP commands in embedded mode
Supported operating systems
The CHCCLP program runs on Linux, UNIX, Windows, z/OS®, and UNIX System
Services (USS) on z/OS.
The CHCCLP commands generate replication definitions for all operating system
environments that are supported by InfoSphere® CDC: z/OS, Linux, UNIX, and
Windows. You must have connectivity to each server for which you are generating
replication definitions; that is, you must be able to issue a database connection
statement to each of the servers.
Note: Additional configuration steps are required to enable the CHCCLP to run
natively on z/OS or on USS.
Running CHCCLP
If you want to use the CHCCLP simplified command line tool on a server other than
the one on which Management Console or Access Server are currently installed and
running, you can install copies of Access Server on any server from which you want
to issue commands; the additional installations of Access Server do not need to be
running for you to use the CHCCLP tool.
Note: Your command prompt or terminal window might need to have its size
adjusted to larger than 80 characters in order to display command output without
Running CHCCLP on Windows
Open the Command Line Processor from the Windows Start menu. By default, the
Management Console installer creates the following Start menu shortcut: IBM®
InfoSphere® Change Data Capture/Management Console/Command Line
ProcessorThis method can only be used to launch CHCCLP in interactive mode.
The same shortcut is created by the Access Server installer.
Alternatively, open an operating system command prompt, change to the
installation folder for Management Console or Access Server, and in the bin folder,
issue the following command: chcclp
The CHCCLP command starts the CHCCLP program and changes the command
prompt to Repl >.
Running CHCCLP on Linux or UNIX
Open an operating system command prompt, change to the installation folder for
Access Server, and in the bin folder, issue the following command: ./chcclp
The CHCCLP command starts the CHCCLP program and changes the command
prompt to Repl >.
Running CHCCLP on z/OS
You can enable the CHCCLP command-line program to run on UNIX System
Services (USS) for z/OS®.
Install the IBM SDK for z/OS, Java™ Technology Edition, Version 6 on USS. You
can find the SDK at
Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the Java installation, and
CHC_HOME environment variable to point to the installation folder for CHCCLP:
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lpp/java/J6.0
export CHC_HOME=/usr/lpp/chc
Update the PATH environment variable to include CHCCLP:export
In the UNIX System Services prompt, issue the following command: chcclp
In this section, you will learn:
Running the CHCCLP commands in interactive mode
Running the CHCCLP commands in batch mode
Running the CHCCLP commands in embedded mode
Running the CHCCLP commands in interactive
You can run the CHCCLP commands in interactive mode from a command prompt.
See also:
To run the CHCCLP commands in interactive mode
Working with command results in interactive mode
Parent topic:Running CHCCLP
To run the CHCCLP commands in interactive mode
Launch CHCCLP on your operating system. The CHCCLP command starts the
CHCCLP program in interactive mode by default and changes the command
prompt to Repl >.
Issue any of the CHCCLP commands.
To exit the CHCCLP program, issue either of the following commands:quit;
Parent topic:Running the CHCCLP commands in interactive mode
Working with command results in interactive mode
In interactive mode, commands display their output in the prompt window. There are
six results for a command:
Success with no results—The command executes with no output and the
interactive prompt returns to Repl >. Most commands that add or modify
configuration use this method. For example, the command add subscription does
not display any output if the subscription was added successfully.
Success with a text value—The interactive prompt displays a formatted output
string for a command. Commands like show datastore event details use this
method. The command documentation identifies this result type as
Success with a list of values—The interactive prompt displays a list of strings.
The command help uses this output. The command documentation identifies this
result type as ResultStringList.
Success with a table of key pairs or value pairs—The interactive prompt
displays a table of key pairs or value pairs containing the output of the command.
Commands like show subscription use this method. The command documentation
identifies this result type as ResultStringKeyValues.
Success with a table of records—The interactive prompt displays a table of
results with column headers and a row for each record. Commands like list
subscriptions use this method. The command documentation identifies this result
type as ResultStringTable.
Failure—The command fails to execute and displays an error code and message.
Parent topic:Running the CHCCLP commands in interactive mode
Running the CHCCLP commands in batch mode
You can run the CHCCLP commands in batch mode by using an input file.
A CHCCLP input file is known as a script. A CHCCLP script contains the same
commands used in interactive mode. Each command ends with a semicolon (;). The
script can also contain comments. These lines start with a pound sign (#). The first
command, excluding comments, in a script must be “CHCCLP session set to cdc” in
order to identify the script for InfoSphere® CDC.
Commands are executed in sequence. If a command returns an error, batch
processing terminates.
See also:
To run CHCCLP commands in batch mode
To run a script file with substitution variables
Working with command results in batch mode
Parent topic:Running CHCCLP
To run CHCCLP commands in batch mode
Follow the instructions for your operating system to open a system command
prompt and locate the CHCCLP program.
Issue the following command: CHCCLP –f <file>
where <file> is the fully qualified file name.
Parent topic:Running the CHCCLP commands in batch mode
To run a script file with substitution variables
Create a script file containing a series of commands. For any parameter values
for which you want to provide input at execution time, define a variable name and
use %variableName% in place of the actual value. For example:
CHCCLP session set to cdc;
connect server
hostname %hostname% port %port%
username %username% password %password;
connect datastore name %source% context source;
connect datastore name %target% context target;
disconnect server;
Open an operating system command prompt and issue the following command,
providing variableName:value arguments for each substitution variable in the
script:CHCCLP –f script.txt hostname:myserver port:10101
username:user1 password:pass1 source:ds1 target:ds2
Parent topic:Running the CHCCLP commands in batch mode
Working with command results in batch mode
In batch mode, commands display their output in the prompt window. There are six
results for a command:
Success with no results—The command executes with no output and the
interactive prompt returns to Repl >. Most commands that add or modify
configuration use this method. For example, the command add subscription does
not display any output if the subscription was added successfully.
Success with a text value—The interactive prompt displays a formatted output
string for a command. Commands like show datastore event details use this
method. The command documentation identifies this result type as
Success with a list of values—The interactive prompt displays a list of strings.
The command help uses this output. The command documentation identifies this
result type as ResultStringList.
Success with a table of key pairs or value pairs—The interactive prompt
displays a table of key pairs or value pairs containing the output of the command.
Commands like show subscription use this method. The command documentation
identifies this result type as ResultStringKeyValues.
Success with a table of records—The interactive prompt displays a table of
results with column headers and a row for each record. Commands like list
subscriptions use this method. The command documentation identifies this result
type as ResultStringTable.
Failure—The command fails to execute and displays an error code and message.
Parent topic:Running the CHCCLP commands in batch mode
Running the CHCCLP commands in embedded
You can interact with the command line processor using EmbeddedScript in a
Java™ program. EmbeddedScript accepts the same commands as interactive or
batch mode and provides the ability to execute commands and retrieve results.
See also:
To set up EmbeddedScript
Working with EmbeddedScript
Working with command results in embedded mode
Sample programs
Parent topic:Running CHCCLP
Related concepts
Getting started with the CHCCLP program
To set up EmbeddedScript
Open your Java™ programming environment, create a new Java project, and add
the following library from an Access Server installation:<access server installation>
If you want to copy the CHCCLP.jar file into your Java programming environment,
rather than pointing to CHCCLP.jar in the Access Server installation, you must
copy all jar files from <access server installation>/lib.
Create a new class, and add the following import statement:import*;
Additional imports may be required depending on your code.
Parent topic:Running the CHCCLP commands in embedded mode
Working with EmbeddedScript
The EmbeddedScript class provides support for starting a scripting session,
executing scripting commands, retrieving results, and ending the session using the
Java™ programming language.
Modifier and Type / Method Description
void open() throws
s a connection to the command
line processor.
EmbeddedScript script = new
catch (EmbeddedScriptException e)
void execute() throws
xecutes a script command.
Statements do not need to be
terminated with semicolon (;)
when executing commands
using EmbeddedScript. If the
command succeeds, the results
can be accessed by calling
getResult(). If the command
fails, an exception is thrown.
EmbeddedScript script = new
script.execute(connect server username
user1 password pass1);
Result result = script.getResult();
catch (EmbeddedScriptException e)
int resultCode = e.getResultCode();
String message = e.getResultMessage();
void close()Closes from the
command line processor
session. Closing is required and
ensures that the command line
processor successfully
disconnects from datastores and
Access Server, if those
connections are not closed using
scripting commands.
EmbeddedScript script = new
catch (EmbeddedScriptException e)
Result getResult()Returns the last
result. Results can be printed to
the console using
t) or cast to a specific result
script.execute(list datastores);
Result result = script.getResult();
if (result instanceof
catch (EmbeddedScriptException e)
int getResultCode()Returns the
result code for statement
String getResultMessage()Returns
the last result message. The
message may be null if the
command executes successfully.
int getStatus()Returns the
status of the command as
EmbeddedScript.SUCCESS or
String getVerboseMessages()If
verbose is enabled, returns any
messages that have been
logged during command
execution. To enable verbose
mode, execute:
script.execute(set verbose);
The EmbeddedScriptException class provides access to the result error code and
result error message
Parent topic:Running the CHCCLP commands in embedded mode
Header Header
int getResultCode()Returns the
result code for statement
String getResultCodeAndMessage(
)Returns a formatted result code
and message.
String getResultMessage()Returns
the last result message. The
message may be null if the
command executes successfully.
Working with command results in embedded mode
The EmbeddedScript method getResult() returns the result of the last command
that was executed There are five types of Result supported by EmbeddedScript. In
order to cast a result to its specific type, check the result object to determine which
class it is, or call getType(). While the documentation indicates the type of result
returned for each command, it is recommended to confirm that the type is the
correct instance before using it.
Using instanceof to check the type:
script.execute(list subscriptions);
Result result = script.getResult();
if (result instanceof ResultStringTable)
Using getType() to check the type:
script.execute(list subscriptions);
Result result = script.getResult();
switch (result.getType())
case Result.TABLE:
The key methods for each of the result types are as follows:
ResultNull for commands with no output.
toString()Returns an empty string
ResultStringKeyValues for commands that return a collection of string-based
key-value pairs.
Returns an array containing the keys in the result.
Returns the column names for the result.
Returns the number of keys in the result.
getValue(String key)
Returns the value for a given key, or null if the key cannot be found.
Returns a formatted text representation of the result.
ResultStringList for commands that return a list of strings.
Returns the number of strings in the result.
getValueAt(int row) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
Returns the value for a row index. Row indexes start from zero.
Returns a formatted text representation of the result.
ResultStringTable for commands that return a table of records.
Returns the number of columns in the table.
getColumnAt(int column) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
Returns the name of a column for the column index. Column indexes start
from zero.
Returns the number of rows in the result.
getValueAt(int row, int column) throws
Returns the value for a row and column index. Row indexes start from zero.
Column indexes start from zero.
getValueAt(int row, String columnName) throws
Returns the value for a row and named column. Row indexes start from zero.
Returns null if no value is found.
int rowCount = result.getRowCount();
for (int row = 0; row < rowCount; row++)
String value = result.getValueAt(row, DATASTORE);
lookupRow(String lookupColumnName, String lookupValue)
Returns the row index where the named lookup column contains the given
lookup value.
int row = result.lookupRow(LASTNAME, SMITH);
String firstName = result.getValueAt(row, FIRSTNAME);
String middleName = result.getValueAt(row, MIDDLENAME);
lookupValue(String lookupColumnName, String
String keyValue)
Returns the string value in the named lookup column where the named key
column contains a key value.
String firstName = result.lookupValue(FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME,
String middleName = result.lookupValue(MIDDLENAME, LASTNAME,
Returns a formatted text representation of the result.
ResultValue for commands that return a string value.
Returns the value.
Returns a formatted text representation of the result.
The results for a command may contain elements that are translated. For example,
an application run in Japanese will display column names, keys, and possibly values
in Japanese. Applications written using EmbeddedScript must account for language
differences, if those applications are run in multiple languages.
Parent topic:Running the CHCCLP commands in embedded mode
Sample programs
The following example connects to Access Server and two datastores, creates a
subscription, maps a few tables, and starts replication.
import java.text.MessageFormat;
public class Sample1
public static void main(String[] args)
EmbeddedScript script = new EmbeddedScript();
script.execute(connect server username user1 password pass1);
script.execute(connect datastore name DS1 context source);
script.execute(connect datastore name DS2 context target);
script.execute(add subscription name SUB1);
String mapping = add table mapping
+ sourceSchema {0} sourceTable {1}
+ targetSchema {2} targetTable {3};
script.execute(MessageFormat.format(mapping, new Object[] {
script.execute(MessageFormat.format(mapping, new Object[] {
script.execute(MessageFormat.format(mapping, new Object[] {
script.execute(start mirroring);
script.execute(disconnect server);
catch (EmbeddedScriptException e)
The following example connects to Access Server and two datastores, gets the list
of subscriptions with monitor summary and starts any that are not currently
public class Sample2
public static void main(String[] args)
EmbeddedScript script = new EmbeddedScript();
script.execute(connect server username user1 password pass1);
script.execute(connect datastore name DS1 context source);
script.execute(connect datastore name DS2 context target);
script.execute(monitor replication);
Result result = script.getResult();
if (result.getType() == Result.TABLE)
ResultStringTable table = (ResultStringTable) result;
// Prints the table to the console window.
String subscription;
String state;
for (int row = 0, rows = table.getRowCount(); row < rows; row++)
subscription = table.getValueAt(row, SUBSCRIPTION);
state = table.getValueAt(row, STATE);
if (state.equals(Inactive))
System.out.println(Starting + subscription);
script.execute(start mirroring name + subscription);
script.execute(disconnect server);
catch (EmbeddedScriptException e)
Parent topic:Running the CHCCLP commands in embedded mode
Overriding the locale
You can override the locale for CHCCLP. The following list indicates the languages
that are supported by InfoSphere® CDC:
English (en)
Japanese (ja)
Korean (ko)
Simplified Chinese (zh_CN)
To change the locale, open an operating system command prompt and issue the
following command:
CHCCLP –L <locale>
where <locale> is the abbreviation for the supported language.
Enabling verbose command output
Verbose mode displays additional output for many commands. By default, verbose
mode is not enabled.
Execute either of the following commands to turn on verbose mode:
set verbose;
set debug verbose yes;
Execute the following command to turn off verbose mode:
set debug verbose no;
In verbose mode, commands that normally run as “Success with no results” display
a success code and message. Commands may additionally report progress as the
command executes.
Setting and working with context
The context defines the Access Server, source and target datastores, subscription
and table mapping that are currently active in the script. The context is similar to
selection in Management Console. For example, in order to view or modify column
mappings in Management Console, you must select a table mapping in the current
subscription. In scripting, you must set the context to a table mapping. Setting a
table mapping context requires a subscription to be the current context, and the
subscription context requires a source and target datastore context.
To view the current context, execute the show context command.
------------------ ----------------------------------
Access Server localhost@10101
Source Datastore DS1
Target Datastore DS2
Subscription SUB1
Table Mapping CDC.TABLE_1 - CDC.TABLE_1
Setting the Access Server context
When you connect to Access Server, the context is automatically set. Disconnecting
from Access Server clears all context settings. Setting the datastore
When you connect to a datastore, the context is automatically set to the source and
target, depending on the capabilities of the datastore. For example, connecting to a
DB2® datastore sets the source and target context to that datastore, because the
DB2 datastore can be used as a source and target in subscriptions. Connecting to
an InfoSphere® DataStage® datastore sets the target context, because the
InfoSphere DataStage datastore can only be used as a target.Specifying or
changing the context can be performed during connection or afterwards. You do not
have to disconnect and reconnect to change the context, and you can change the
context as often as you need.
To connect to a DB2 datastore and set it to source and target context, execute the
connect datastore command:
connect datastore name DB2DS;
If you now execute the add subscription command, the subscription will be created
with DS2DS datastore as the source and target datastores for the subscription. If
you want to create a subscription between two different datastores, you can either
connect to those datastores and identify your intention using the following
connect datastore DB2DS1 context source;
connect datastore DB2DS2 context target;
or you can connect to both datastores and specify the context after:
connect datastore DB2DS1;
connect datastore DB2DS2;
select datastore DB2DS1 context source;
select datastore DB2DS2 context target;
You can also execute the following, where the first connect statement will set the
context for the source and target to DB2DS1, and the second connect will override
the target context to DB2DS2:
connect datastore DB2DS1;
connect datastore DB2DS2 context target;
When you specify the context during connection, the context will only be set if the
connection succeeds. If you need to change the context after you have connected,
use the select datastore command. If the context is invalid for the datastore, an error
will be reported, but the datastore connection will not be closed. For example, if you
execute connect to an InfoSphere DataStage datastore with source context, the
connection will succeed, but the context switch to source will fail.
When you disconnect from a datastore, the source and target context (as
applicable) is cleared if that datastore was currently specified as the context.
Setting the subscription context
When you add a new subscription, its source and target datastores are controlled by
the current context and the new subscription is automatically set as the current
context. The subscription context can be changed at any time by executing the
select subscription command:select subscription name SUB1;
When you delete a subscription, the subscription context is cleared.
Setting the table mapping context
When you add a new table mapping, the table mapping is added to the subscription
that is the current context and the new table mapping is automatically set as the
current context. The table mapping context can be changed at any time by
executing the command:select table mapping…
The select table mapping command has various optional parameters to identify
which table mapping to select. You do not need to specify all parameters. The
command will succeed if a unique table mapping is identified, otherwise the
command will report an error. For example, to select a table mapping based on the
name of a source table, execute the following command:
select table mapping sourcetable TABLE1;
When you delete a table mapping, the table mapping context is cleared.
Related reference
disconnect server
connect datastore
add subscription
select subscription
select table mapping
CHCCLP Commands
This section discusses the commands available with InfoSphere® CDC. Using these
commands you can control replication, manage your tables for replication, monitor
replication, and perform various other tasks.
In this section, you will learn:
Understanding command syntax
Environment commands
Access Server commands
Datastore commands
Tables commands
Subscription commands
Table mapping commands
Mapping details commands
Replication commands
Access Manager commands
Support commands
Understanding command syntax
Command formats
For each command, the following items of information are provided:
Syntax and syntax diagram—Identifies the name of the command and lists the
command parameters.
Parameters—Describes each parameter in the command and identifies the values
that can be specified.
Result—Indicates the values that are returned by the command if it is successful.
This section also specifies the information that is displayed on the screen, if any,
as a result of executing the command.
Examples—Provides one or more examples of invoking the command.
Parameter formats
Note the following conventions in the definition of the command parameters:
Angle brackets ( < > ) indicate a variable value.
Square brackets ( [ ] ) indicate an optional parameter. If you omit the parameter,
InfoSphere® CDC will use a default value.
Using quotation marks in CHCCLP commands
Use double quotation marks around parameter values that contain special
characters or syntax keywords, or around empty strings.
The following text is an example of setting a description for a subscription with
add subscription name TEST description "A test subscription";
If the parameter value contains double quotation marks, use single quotation marks
around the value. Parameter values cannot contain a mixture of single and double
The following text is an example of setting descriptions that contain single or double
add subscription name TEST description 'A "test" subscription';
add subscription name TEST description "A 'test' subscription";
Parent topic:CHCCLP Commands
Environment commands
See also:
chcclp session set to cdc
clear context
save session
set debug
set variable
set verbose
show context
show session
show variables
show version
Parent topic:CHCCLP Commands
chcclp session set to cdc
Use this command to identify that the script executes InfoSphere® CDC commands.
This command must be the first statement in a script file. It is not required when
running commands in the interactive prompt.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} chcclp session set to cdc
chcclp session set to cdc;
None. Required role
Any Result
None. Sample
Identifies InfoSphere CDC scripts when executing from a script file.chcclp session set to
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
disconnect datastore;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Environment commands
clear context
Use this command to clear the datastore, subscription or table mapping context.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} clear contexttype datastoresubscriptiontableMapping
clear context [type <value>];
[type <value>]
Specifies which context to clear.Valid values:
datastore—Clears the current datastore context.
subscription—Clears the current subscriptoin context.
tableMapping—Clears the current tableMapping context.
Required role
Any Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1204. Sample
Clears the current datastore context.connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
show context;
clear context type datastore;
show context;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Environment commands
Use this command to exit the interactive prompt or script. Access Server and
datastores will be disconnected automatically.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} exit
None. Required role
Any Result
None. Sample
Exits the interactive prompt. Access Server will be automatically disconnected.
connect server username user1 password password1;
Quits the interactive prompt. The connection to Access Server is automatically
connect server username user1 password password1;
Parent topic:Environment commands
Use this command to display a list of available commands, a list of commands that
belong to a category or information about a specific command.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} help
help <value>;
Required role
Any Parameters
Specifies either the specific command or the category of commands for which
you want help displayed. Partial names will list all matching commands.
Required role
Any Result
The list of available commands or the help for a specified command. Sample
Provides a list of all available commands.
Provides information about the show datastore command.
help show datastore;
Lists the commands that contain the word column.
help column;
Parent topic:Environment commands
Use this command to print a message to the output.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} print"message"
print <message>;
Specifies the string value that you want printed to the output.
Required role
Any Result
A message printed to the command-line processor output window. Sample
Prints a message to the output window.print Connecting to Access Server...;
connect server username user1 password pass1;
Parent topic:Environment commands
Use this command to exit the interactive mode.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} quit
None. Required role
Any Result
None. Sample
Quits the interactive prompt. The connection to Access Server is automatically
disconnected.connect server username user1 password password1;
Exits the interactive prompt. The connection to Access Server is automatically
connect server username user1 password password1;
Parent topic:Environment commands
save session
Use this command to save the statements that were executed during the current
command line processor session to file.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} save sessionfilenamename
save session filename <name>;
filename <name>
Specifies the full path and name of the file where the statements will be saved.
Use double quotation marks to surround the filename when it contains spaces.
On Windows, use \\ for a single backslash.
Required role
Any Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1006. Sample
(Windows) Saves the statements executed during the session to file.connect server
username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
disconnect datastore;
disconnect server;
save session filename c:\\output\\script1.txt;
(Linux/UNIX) Saves the statements executed during the session to file.connect server
username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
disconnect datastore;
disconnect server;
save session filename //output//script1.txt;
Parent topic:Environment commands
set debug
Use this command to set the internal debug options for the scripting environment.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} set debugverbosefalse/notrue/yestrace_context_changesfalse/no
set debug [verbose <value>] [trace_context_changes <change>]
[trace_parse_exception <exception>] [trace_parse_results <result>]
[trace_execution_time <execution>];
[verbose <value>]
Turns on verbose output for script execution.Valid values:
true/yes—Enables verbose output. Either yes or true are valid values..
false/no—Does not enable verbose output. Either no or false are valid values.
Default value: false/no
[trace_context_changes <change>]
Traces context changes.Valid values:
true/yes—Enables tracing for context change. Either yes or true are valid
false/no—Does not enable tracing for context change. Either no or false are
valid values.
Default value: false/no
[trace_parse_exception <exception>]
Traces parser exceptions.Valid values:
true/yes—Enables tracing for parser exception. Either yes or true are valid
false/no—Does not enable tracing for parser exception. Either no or false are
valid values.
Default value: false/no
[trace_parse_results <result>]
Traces parse results.Valid values:
true/yes—Enables tracing for parse results. Either yes or true are valid
false/no—Does not enable tracing for parse results. Either no or false are
valid values.
Default value: false/no
[trace_execution_time <execution>]
Traces the start and end time for a command.Valid values:
true/yes—Enables tracing for execution time. Either yes or true are valid
false/no—Does not enable tracing for execution time. Either no or false are
valid values.
Required role
Any Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1002. Sample
Toggles verbose output on and off.set debug verbose true;
set debug verbose false;
Parent topic:Environment commands
set variable
Use this command to store a variable by name for use in the script. To use a
variable as a value parameter, use %name%. If a value already exists for the named
parameter, the set variable command will update it with the new value. To display all
variables in the current session, use the show variables command.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} set variablenamevariablevaluestore
set variable name <variable> value <store>;
name <variable>
Specifies the name of the variable.
value <store>
Specifies the value to store.
Required role
Any Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1003. Sample
Uses variable to provide the Access Server login credentials and to identify the
source and target datastores.set variable name username value user1;
set variable name password value pass1;
set variable name sourceds value DS1;
set variable name targetds value DS2:
connect server username %username% password %password%;
connect datastore name %sourceds% context source;
connect datastore name %targetds% context target;
disconnect datastore name %sourceds%;
disconnect datastore name %targetds%;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Environment commands
set verbose
Use this command to turn on verbose mode for script execution.Verbose mode can
also be turned on and off using the set debug command. When verbose mode is
turned on, commands may provide additional information about their progress and a
result message in the output window.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} set verbose
set verbose;
None. Required role
Any Result
This command returns a value of 0. When verbose mode is enabled, the command
prints success message CDC1004. Sample
Turns on verbose mode for commands.set verbose;
Parent topic:Environment commands
show context
Use this command to show the current context for the scripting environment.
Context settings are used by default when individual scripting commands do not
override them. For example, the source and target datastore context are used to
identify the datastores when creating a new subscription.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} show context
show context;
None. Required role
Any Result
A ResultStringTable containing the current context settings.CONTEXT CURRENT
------------------ ----------------------------------
Access Server localhost@10101
Source Datastore DS1
Target Datastore DS2
Subscription SUB1
Table Mapping CDC.TABLE_1 - CDC.TABLE_1
Displays the current context settings.connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
add subscription name SUB1;
show context;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Environment commands
show session
Use this command to view the set of commands that have been executed in the
scripting session.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} show session
show session;
None. Required role
Any Result
The set of commands that have been executed during the scripting session.
Displays the statements executed during the session to the output window.connect
server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
disconnect datastore;
disconnect server;
show session;
Parent topic:Environment commands
show variables
Use this command to view the current variables available for use as value
parameters using the syntax %name%.The command lists variables set as
command line arguments when running CHCCLP and variables set using the set
variable command.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} show variables
show variables;
None. Required role
Any Result
A ResultStringTable of the VARIABLE NAME and VALUE pairs. Sample
Shows the current variables.set variable name username value user1;
set variable name password value pass1;
set variable name sourceds value DS1;
set variable name targetds value DS2:
show variables;
Parent topic:Environment commands
show version
Use this command to display the command line processor name and version.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} show version
show version;
None. Required role
Any Result
Displays the version of the command line processor that is currently running.
show version;
Parent topic:Environment commands
Access Server commands
See also:
connect server
disconnect server
modify server
show server
Parent topic:CHCCLP Commands
connect server
Use this command to connect to an Access Server.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} connect serverhostnamehostportnumberusernamenamepasswordvalue
connect server [hostname <host>] [port <number>] username <name> password <value>;
[hostname <host>]
Specifies the hostname where Access Server is installed.Default value:
[port <number>]
Specifies the port number used to connect to Access Server.Default value:
username <name>
Specifies the username that will be used to log on to Access Server.
password <value>
Specifies the password for the username that will be used to log on to Access
Required role
Any Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1101. Sample
Connects and disconnects from Access Server.connect server
hostname mymachine port 10101
username user1 password password1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Access Server commands
disconnect server
Use this command to disconnect from an Access Server. Datastores will be
disconnected automatically.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} disconnect server
disconnect server;
None. Required role
Any Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1102. Sample
Disconnects from Access Server.connect server username user1 password password1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Access Server commands
modify server
Use this command to modify the attributes for Access Server.Using this command,
you can enable message tracing and logging. The options are automatically turned
off when you restart Access Server. Use show server to display the current options.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify servertracingfalse/notrue/yesloggingfalse/notrue/yes
modify server [tracing <trace>] [logging <log>];
[tracing <trace>]
Enables or disables Access Server message tracing.Valid values:
true/yes—Message tracing is enabled. Either yes or true are valid values..
false/no—Message tracing is disabled. Either no or false are valid values..
Default value: false/no
[logging <log>]
Enables or disables Access Server logging.Valid values:
true/yes—Logging is enabled. Either yes or true are valid values..
false/no—Logging is disabled. Either no or false are valid values..
Default value: false/no
Required role
Any Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1103. Sample
Turns on message tracing. Use run support assistant to collect the trace after
completing the task. connect server username user1 password password1;
modify server tracing true;
modify server tracing false;
run support assistant filename c:\output\;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Access Server commands
Related reference
show server
run support assistant
show server
Use this command to show the properties of the Access Server to which you are
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} show server
show server;
None. Required role
Any Result
A ResultStringKeyValues object containing the PROPERTY and VALUE attributes
of the server.PROPERTY VALUE
-------------------------- --------------------------
Version: 10.2
Hostname: localhost
Port: 10101
Username: user1
Message tracing: Off
Logging: Off
Connects to Access Server and shows its properties.connect server username user1 password
show server;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Access Server commands
Datastore commands
See also:
connect datastore
define external target datastore
disconnect datastore
list database schemas
list database tables
list databases
list datastores
list datatypes
list encodings
list journal control fields
select datastore
show datastore
Parent topic:CHCCLP Commands
connect datastore
Use this command to connect to a datastore and optionally indicate whether the
datastore will be used as a source or target for subsequent commands. If your
Access Server administrator has configured the datastore for multiuser mode, you
can only connect to the datastore once from Management Console, the command-
line interface, or API, using the same login credentials. Use the select datastore
command to change the context between source and target after you have
Syntax diagram
Syntax 1: Connects a datastore .arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; }
.arrowheadStartEnd, .arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black;
fill: black; } .arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} connect datastorenamedatastoreusernamenamepasswordvaluecontext
Syntax 2: Connects to a datastore with full login credentials. The syntax is
applicable when command line processor is running with an embedded Access
Server. Once a connection is established, subsequent connections to the same
hostname and port must use the same name within a CHCCLP session. .arrow,
.syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd, .arrowheadRepSep,
.arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; } .arrowheadSeq,
.arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice, .arrowheadStartRepGroup,
.arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke: none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none;
stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill: none; stroke: black; } text { fill:
#000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica;
font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width:
0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-style:italic;} connect datastorenamedatastore
Syntax 1: Connects a datastoreconnect datastore name <datastore> [username <name>] [password
[context <type>];
Syntax 2: Connects to a datastore with full login credentials. The syntax is
applicable when command line processor is running with an embedded Access
Server. Once a connection is established, subsequent connections to the same
hostname and port must use the same name within a CHCCLP session.connect
datastore name <datastore> username <name> password <value>
hosname <host> port <number> [multiuser <lock>][context <type>];
Syntax 1: Connects a datastore
name <datastore>
Specifies the name of the datastore that you want to connect to.
[username <name>]
Specifies the datastore login username. This value is required when datastore
connection credentials are not set in Access Manager.
[password <value>]
Specifies the datastore login password. This value is required when datastore
connection credentials are not set in Access Manager.
[context <type>]
Identifies that the datastore will be set to the source or target context. If the
context parameter is omitted, the datastore is set to both source and target,
depending on the capabilities of the datastore. The context parameter can be
changed at any point without requiring a new connection to the datastore.
Valid values:
source—Sets the datastore to be a source datastore.
target—Sets the datastore to be a target datastore.
Default value: source and target
Syntax 2: Connects to a datastore with full login credentials. The syntax is
applicable when command line processor is running with an embedded Access
Server. Once a connection is established, subsequent connections to the same
hostname and port must use the same name within a CHCCLP session.
name <datastore>
Specifies the name of the datastore that you want to connect to.
username <name>
Specifies the datastore login username.
password <value>
Specifies the datastore login password.
hostname <host>
Specify the host name where datastore is installed.
port <number>
Specifies the port number used to connect to datastore.Valid range: 1 to 65535
[multiuser <lock>]
Specifies that subscriptions must be locked before editing.Valid values:
true/yes—Specifies that subscriptions must be locked before editing.
false/no—Specifies that subscriptions do not have to be locked before editing.
Default value: source and target
[context <type>]
Identifies that the datastore will be set to the source or target context. If the
context parameter is omitted, the datastore is set to both source and target,
depending on the capabilities of the datastore. The context parameter can be
changed at any point without requiring a new connection to the datastore.
Valid values:
source—Sets the datastore to be a source datastore.
target—Sets the datastore to be a target datastore.
Default value: source and target
Required role
Any Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1201. Sample
Connects and disconnects from a datastore. The context will default to both source
and target.connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
disconnect datastore;
disconnect server;
Connects and disconnects from a datastore with login credentials, and specifies that
the datastore will be used as the source datastore for subsequent commands. To
view the current datastore context, use the "show context" command.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 username dsuser1 password dspass1 context source;
show context;
disconnect datastore name DS1;
disconnect server;
Connects and disconnects from a datastore with full login credentials, and specifies
that the datastore will be used as the source datastore for subsequent commands.
To view the current datastore context, use the "show context" command. The syntax
is applicable for datastore connection when the command line processor is running
with an embedded Access Server.
connect datastore name DS1 hostname ds1machine port 11211 username dbuser
password dbpass context source;
show context;
disconnect datastore context source;
Parent topic:Datastore commands
Related reference
select datastore
define external target datastore
Use this command to define an external target datastore for the session.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} define external target datastorenamedatastoredbPlatformDB2_iDB2_z
Java hostnamehostportnumberusernameuserpasswordvalue
define external target datastore name <datastore> dbPlatform <platform> hostname
<host> port <number> [username <user>] [password <value>];
name <datastore>
Specifies the name of the external datastore that you want to define.
dbPlatform <platform>
Specifies the operating system for the external target datastore to which you
want to connect.Valid values:
hostname <host>
Specifies the host name or the IP address of the external target datastore to
which you want to connect.
port <number>
Specifies the port number of the external target datastore to which you want to
[username <user>]
Specifies the name of the database user that owns the metadata.
[password <value>]
Specifies the password to access the metadata database.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1201. Sample
Defines an external datastore.connect server username user1 password password1;
define external target datastore name EXTDS1 dbPlatform Java hostname host1 port 11001 username dbuser1
password dbpassword1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Datastore commands
disconnect datastore
Use this command to disconnect from a datastore.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} disconnect datastorenamedatastore
disconnect datastore [name <datastore>];
[name <datastore>]
Specifies the name of the datastore that will be disconnected. If a value is not
specified, you will be disconnected from the datastore that is currently set to
source and target context.
Required role
Any Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1202. Sample
Connects and disconnects from the datastore currently set to source and target
context.connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
disconnect datastore;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Datastore commands
list database schemas
Use this command to list the database schemas.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list database schemasnamedatastoredatabasename
list database schemas [name <datastore>] [database <name>];
[name <datastore>]
Specifies the name of the datastore.If a name is not provided, the datastore that
is currently set to source and target context will be used.
[database <name>]
Specifies a filter for the name of the database when required by the datastore.
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringTable object containing the list of schemas. Sample
List the database schemas.connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
list database schemas;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Datastore commands
list database tables
Use this command to list the database tables of the specified schema.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list database tablesnamedatastoredatabasenameschemaschema
list database tables [name <datastore>] [database <name>] schema <schema>;
[name <datastore>]
Specifies the name of the datastore.If a name is not provided, the datastore that
is currently set to source and target context will be used.
[database <name>]
Specifies a filter for the name of the database when required by the datastore.
schema <schema>
Specifies a filter for the name of the schema.
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringTable object containing the list of tables for a schema. Sample
List database tables.connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
list database tables schema USER1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Datastore commands
list databases
Use this command to list the databases of the datastore.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list databasesnamedatastore
list databases [name <datastore>];
[name <datastore>]
Specifies the name of the datastore.If a name is not provided, the datastore that
is currently set to source and target context will be used.
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringTable object containing the list of databases. Sample
List the databases.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
list databases;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Datastore commands
list datastores
Use this command to list the datastores that are available to the user who
connected to Access Server.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list datastores
list datastores;
None. Required role
Any Result
A ResultStringTable object containing the list of datastores that the user can access.
Connects to Access Server and lists the datastores that the user has access to.
connect server username user1 password password1;
list datastores;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Datastore commands
list datatypes
Use this command to list the datatypes available with the datastore.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list datatypesnamedatastore
list datatypes [name <datastore>];
[name <datastore>]
Specifies the name of the datastore.If a name is not provided, the datastore that
is currently set to source context will be used.
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringTable object containing the list of datatypes available for the
datastore, indicating which can be used in derived columns. Sample
Lists the datatypes available with the datastore.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
list datatypes;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Datastore commands
list encodings
Use this command to list the character encodings supported by the datastore.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list encodingsnamedatastore
list encodings [name <datastore>];
[name <datastore>]
Specifies the name of the datastore.If a name is not provided, the datastore that
is currently set to source and target context will be used.
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringTable object containing the list of encoding available for the datastore.
Lists the character encodings supported by the datastore.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
list encodings;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Datastore commands
list journal control fields
Use this command to list the journal control fields.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list journal control fieldsnamedatastore
list journal control fields [name <datastore>];
[name <datastore>]
Specifies the name of the datastore.If a name is not provided, the datastore that
is currently set to source context will be used.
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringTable object containing the list of journal control fields for mapping
columns. Sample
Lists the journal control fields.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
list journal control fields;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Datastore commands
select datastore
Use this command to select the datastore to context. The datastore will be used for
subsequent commands. Set the name to to clear the current source and target
datastore context. The source and target datastore contexts must be specified in
order to create a subscription. Use the show context or list datastores commands to
view which datastores are the source and target.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} select datastorename""namecontextsourcetarget
select datastore name <name> [context <type>];
name <name>
Specifies the name of the datastore to be selected for use with subsequent
commands.Set the name to to clear the current source and target datastore
[context <type>]
Identifies that the datastore will be set to the source or target context. If the
context parameter is omitted, the datastore is set to both source and target,
depending on the capabilities of the datastore. The context can be changed at
any point without requiring a new connection to the datastore.
Valid values:
source—Sets the datastore to be a source datastore.
target—Sets the datastore to be a target datastore.
Default value: source and target
Required role
Any Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1203. Sample
Connects to two datastores, specifying the context during connection, and creates a
new subscription between them.connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
add subscription name SUB1;
disconnect datastore name DS1;
disconnect datastore name DS2;
disconnect server;
Connects to two datastores, sets one to the source and one to the target after
connection, and creates a new subscription between them.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
connect datastore name DS2;
select datastore name DS1 context source;
select datastore name DS2 context target;
add subscription name SUB1;
disconnect datastore name DS1;
disconnect datastore name DS2;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Datastore commands
Related reference
show context
list datastores
show datastore
Use this command to show the properties of a datastore.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} show datastorenamedatastore
show datastore [name <datastore>];
[name <datastore>]
Specifies the name of the datastore whose properties will be displayed.If a
name is not provided, the datastore that is currently set to source and target
context will be used.
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringKeyValue table containing the properties of the datastore.PROPERTY
-------------------------- ---------------------------
Name: DS1
Description: DB2 LUW on Windows VM
Host Name:
Port: 10005
Version: V10R2M0T0BCDC_WTPGMVMN_22
Platform: Java VM
Database: DB2 for LUW
Type: DUAL
Table Identification: Schema (owner), table name
Shows the properties of two datastore. The first show datastore will use the current
context to identify and display properties for DS2. The second show datastore
overrides the context and displays the properties for DS1.connect server username user1
password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
connect datastore name DS2;
show datastore;
show datastore name DS1;
disconnect datastore name DS1;
disconnect datastore name DS2;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Datastore commands
Tables commands
add replication table
list index columns
list replication tables
list table columns
list table indexes
readd replication table
remove replication table
Parent topic:CHCCLP Commands
add replication table
Use this command to add a table to the datastore for use as a source table for
replication in a subscription.Adding tables to the datastore is optional. They are
automatically added when the add table mapping command is executed.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} add replication tablenamedatastoredatabasenameschemaschematable
add replication table [name <datastore>] [database <name>] schema <schema>
table <table>;
[name <datastore>]
Specifies the name of the datastore.If a name is not provided, the datastore that
is currently set to source context will be used.
[database <name>]
Specifies the name of the database containing the table to be added.
schema <schema>
Specifies the name of the schema.
table <table>
Specifies the name of the table.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success messaged CDC1303. Sample
Makes two tables available for replication.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
add replication table schema USER1 table TABLE1;
add replication table schema USER1 table TABLE2;
list replication tables schema USER1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Tables commands
list index columns
Use this command to view the columns and their sorting orders of an index.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list index columns namedatastoredatabasenameschemaschematable
list index columns [name <datastore>] [database <name>] schema <schema>
table <table> index <index>;
[name <datastore>]
Specifies the name of the datastore.If a name is not provided, the datastore that
is currently set to source and target context will be used.
[database <name>]
Specifies the name of the database.
schema <schema>
Specifies the name of the schema.
table <table>
Specifies the name of the table.
index <index>
Specifies the full name of the index using the format schema.indexname.
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringTable containing the columns in the index.Columns in index
USER1.P_TABLE1 for table USER1.TABLE1.
---------------- ----------------
Lists the columns in the index. Use the list table indexes command to view the
available indexes.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
list table indexes schema USER1 table TABLE1;
list index columns schema USER1 table TABLE1 index USER1.P_TABLE1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Tables commands
list replication tables
Use this command to list the tables in your source datastore that are in subscriptions
or available for use as source tables in a subscription.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list replication tablesnamedatastoredatabasenameschemaschema
list replication tables [name <datastore>] [database <name>] [schema <schema>];
[name <datastore>]
Specifies the name of the datastore for which all tables will be listed. If a name
is not provided, the datastore that is currently set to source context will be used.
[database <name>]
Specifies a filter for the name of the database.If database is omitted, the
command lists all tables.
[schema <schema>]
Specifies a filter for the name of the schema. If schema is omitted, the
command lists all tables.
A ResultStringTable containing the tables in the datastore that have been made
available for replication.Replication tables for datastore DS1.
---------------- -------------------
Lists the tables available for replication in schema USER1.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
list replication tables schema USER1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Tables commands
list table columns
Use this command to display the structure of a database table.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list table columns name datastoredatabase databaseschema schema
table table
list table columns [name <datastore>] [database <database>] schema <schema>
table <table>;
[name <datastore>]
Specifies the name of the datastore.If a name is not provided, the datastore that
is currently set to source and target context will be used.
[database <database>]
Specifies the name of the database.
schema <schema>
Specifies the name of the schema.
table <table>
Specifies the name of the table.
A ResultStringTable containing the columns in the table.Columns for table
-------------- ----------- -------- ---------- -------- --------- ----------
ZIP VARCHAR2 10 10 0 No No
NAME VARCHAR2 30 30 0 No Yes
ADDR_LN1 VARCHAR2 30 30 0 No Yes
ADDR_LN2 VARCHAR2 30 30 0 No Yes
CITY VARCHAR2 25 25 0 No Yes
STATE CHAR 2 2 0 No Yes
PHONE CHAR 12 12 0 No Yes
FAX CHAR 12 12 0 No Yes
EMAIL VARCHAR2 40 40 0 No Yes
Lists the columns in a table.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
list table columns schema USER1 table TABLE1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Tables commands
list table indexes
Use this command to display the indexes available for a database table.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list table indexesnamedatastoredatabasedatabaseschemaschematable
list table indexes [name <datastore>] [database <database>] schema <schema>
table <table>;
[name <datastore>]
Specifies the name of the datastore.If a name is not provided, the datastore that
is currently set to source and target context will be used.
[database <database>]
Specifies the name of the database.
schema <schema>
Specifies the name of the schema.
table <table>;
Specifies the name of the table.
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringTable containing the indexes available for a table.Indexes for table
---------------- ---------------- ----------------
Lists the indexes for a table.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
list table indexes schema USER1 table TABLE1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Tables commands
readd replication table
Use this command to re-add a table to the datastore so that the datastore metadata
matches the database structure.After executing the readd replication table
command, any subscriptions containing the table must be described using the
describe subscription command. Any table mappings that use the table as a source
must be reassigned using the reassign table mapping command.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} readd replication tablenamedatastoredatabasenameschemaschema
readd replication table [name <datastore>] [database <name>] schema <schema>
table <table>;
[name <datastore>]
Specifies the name of the datastore.If a name is not provided, the datastore that
is currently set to source context will be used.
[database <name>]
Specifies the database for the table.
schema <schema>
Specifies the schema for the table.
table <table>
Specifies the name of the table.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1306. Sample
Updates the metadata definition of a database table.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
list table columns schema USER1 table TABLE1;
readd replication table schema USER1 table TABLE1;
list table columns schema USER1 table TABLE1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Tables commands
remove replication table
Use this command to remove a table from replication. A table cannot be removed if
it is currently used as a source table in a subscription.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} remove replication tablenamedatastoredatabasenameschemaschema
remove replication table [name <datastore>] [database <name>] schema <schema>
table <table>;
[name <datastore>]
Specifies the name of the datastore from which the table will be removed. If a
name is not provided, the datastore that is currently set to source context will be
[database <name>]
Specifies the name of the database.
schema <schema>
Specifies the name of the schema.
table <table>
Specifies the name of the table to be removed.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1307. Sample
Removes a table from replication.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
list table columns schema USER1 table TABLE1;
remove replication table schema USER1 table TABLE1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Tables commands
Subscription commands
add subscription
delete subscription
describe subscription
export subscription
import subscription
list subscriptions
lock subscription
modify latency thresholds
modify subscription
modify subscription datastage properties
modify subscription user exit
promote subscription
select subscription
show latency thresholds
show subscription
show subscription datastage properties
show subscription user exit
unlock subscription
Parent topic:CHCCLP Commands
add subscription
Use this command to create a new subscription and set it to the current context.The
source and target datastore contexts identify the datastores for the subscription. To
set the datastore context, use the select datastore command. To view the current
datastore context, use the show context command.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} add subscription namesubscriptiondescriptiondescriptionsourceidsource
add subscription name <subscription> [description <description>] [sourceid <source>]
[transferablework <transfer>] [tcphostname <host>] [firewallport <number>]
[persistency <state>] [mirrorContinueOnError <mirror>] [refreshContinueOnError
<refresh>] [relatedSubscriptions <value>] [engineCommunication <method>]
[maintainHistory <history>] [minimizeNetworkLoad <load>];
name <subscription>
Specifies the name of the new subscription.The subscription name must be
unique on the source datastore.
[description <description>]
Specifies the description of the subscription. Default value: empty string ().
[sourceid <source>]
Specifies the source identifier for the subscription on the target datastore.
The identifier must be unique on the target.
If no identifier is provided, the default value for the Source ID will be the first
eight characters of the subscription name.
[transferablework <transfer>]
Selects the datastore to handle transferable work. Valid values:
source—InfoSphere® CDC will attempt to perform the encoding conversion
workload on the server where your source datastore is installed.
target—InfoSphere CDC will attempt to perform the encoding conversion
workload on the server where your target datastore is installed.
Default value: target
[tcphostname <host>]
Specifies the TCP host name for the target datastore. If no TCP host name is
provided, the host name is set to auto-select based on the target datastore.
[firewallport <number>]
Specifies the firewall port number used to connect to the target datastore
through a firewall.
[persistency <state>]
Marks the subscription as persistent, if supported by the datastore. Valid
true/yes—Specifies that the subscription will be marked persistent. Either yes
or true are valid values.
false/no—Specifies that the subscription will not be marked persistent. Either
no or false are valid values.
Default value: false/no
[mirrorContinueOnError <mirror>]
Indicates if mirroring should continue on error, where supported by the
datastore. Valid values:
default—Specifies that mirroring will end based on the datastore settings.
end—Overrides the datastore settings and specifies that mirroring will end
after an apply error on the target database.
continue—Overrides the datastore settings and specifies that mirroring will
continue after an apply error on the target database.
Default value: default
[refreshContinueOnError <refresh>]
Indicates if refresh should continue on error, where supported by the datastore.
Valid values:
default—Specifies that refresh will end based on the datastore settings.
end—Overrides the datastore settings and specifies that a refresh will end
after an apply error on the target database.
continue—Overrides the datastore settings and specifies that a refresh will
continue after an apply error on the target database.
Default value: default
[relatedSubscriptions <value>]
Specifies the related subscriptions for recursion prevention. Use for none, * for
all, or a comma-delimited list of subscription source ids.
[engineCommunication <method>]
Specifies the communication protocol between engines, where supported.Valid
tcp—Specifies that TCP/IP will be the communication protocol used.
jms—Specifies that JMS will be the communication protocol used.
Default value: tcp
[maintainHistory <history>]
Specify whether the source datastore will replicate history tables or the target
database will maintain history, when system or bitemporal tables are supported
by the source and target datastores.Valid values:
source—Specifies that the source datastore will replicate history tables.
target—Specifies that the target datastore will maintain history.
Default value: target
[minimizeNetworkLoad <load>]
Specify whether to minimize the network load where possible, even if it may
result in increased replication latency. This option is only available when both
the source and target datastores support the functionality.Valid values:
true/yes—Specifies that LOB columns will only be sent when a change is
false/no—Specifies that LOB columns will be sent regardless of a change
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1301. Sample
Creates a new subscription.connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
add subscription name SUB1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Subscription commands
delete subscription
Use this command to delete a subscription.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} delete subscriptionnamesubscription
delete subscription [name <subscription>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1311. Sample
Deletes a subscription by name.connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
delete subscription name SUB1;
disconnect server;
Deletes a subscription based on the current context.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
delete subscription;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Subscription commands
describe subscription
Use this command to start the describe process to notify the target datastore about
changes to a subscription.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} describe subscriptionnamesubscription
describe subscription [name <subscription>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1304. Sample
Describes changes to a subscription to the target datastore.connect server username user1
password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
describe subscription name SUB1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Subscription commands
export subscription
Use this command to export a subscription definition into an XML file. The XML file
can be loaded using the import subscription command or using the import wizard in
Management Console. Export requires additional connections to the source and
target datastores and cannot run when multiuser configuration is enabled. Use
Management Console to export when multiuser configuration is in use.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} export subscriptionnamesubscriptionfilename file
export subscription [name <subscription>] [filename <file>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
[filename <file>]
Specifies the fully qualified output XML file name for the subscription export.
Use double quotation marks to surround the file name.
.xml will be appended to the file name, if it does not end with the XML
If a file name is not provided, the output file name will default to subscription's
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1326. Sample
Selects a subscription and exports it to file.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
export subscription filename c:\\files\\sub1.xml;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Subscription commands
import subscription
Use this command to import the subscription defined in the XML file to a new
subscription or to an existing subscription. The XML file can be created using the
export subscription command or using the export wizard in Management Console.
Import requires additional connections to the source and target datastores and
cannot run when multiuser configuration is enabled. Use Management Console to
import when multiuser configuration is in use.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} import subscriptionfilenamefiletypenewexistingReplaceAll
existingKeepExtranamesubscription sourceididentifiersourceDatastoresource
targetDatastoretargetoldSourceSchemaold sourcenewSourceSchemanew source
oldTargetSchemaold targetnewTargetSchemanew target
import subscription [filename <file>] [type <import>] [name <subscription>]
[sourceid <identifier>] [sourceDatastore <source>] [targetDatastore <target>];
[oldSourceSchema <old source>] [newSourceSchema <new source>] [oldTargetSchema
<old target>] [newTargetSchema <new target>];
[filename <file>]
Specifies the name of the XML file that contains the subscription definition to be
[type <import>]
Specify whether you want to import the subscription defined in the XML file to a
new subscription or to an existing subscription. If you are importing to an
existing subscription, you will need to specify whether to replace all mappings in
the existing subscription, or only replace the mappings from the imported
Valid values:
new—Specifies that you are importing to a new subscription.
existingReplaceAll—Specifies that you are importing to an existing
subscription and all mappings in the existing subscription will be replaced.
existingKeepExtra—Specifies that you are importing to an existing
subscription and that only the mappings from the imported subscription will be
replaced in the existing subscription.
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription to import. If a value is not specified, it will
default to the subscription name from the XML definition.
[sourceid <identifier>]
Specifies the source identifier for the new subscription on the target datastore.
The identifier must be unique on the target.
If no identifier is provided, the default value for the Source ID will be the first
eight characters of the subscription name.
[sourceDatastore <source>]
Specifies the name of the source datastore for the imported subscription. If a
value is not specified, it will default to the datastore that is currently set to
source context.
[targetDatastore <target>]
Specifies the name of the target datastore for the imported subscription. If a
value is not specified, it will default to the datastore that is currently set to target
[oldSourceSchema <old source>]
Specify the table owner in the original subscription on the old source datastore.
Use the format database.schema when required by the datastore. Only
schemas that are changing between the original and imported subscription
need to be specified. For each old source schema, you must provide the new
source schema.This parameter can be specified more than once.
[newSourceSchema <new source>]
Specify the table owner in the imported subscription on the new source
datastore. Use the format database.schema when required by the datastore.
Only schemas that are changing between the original and imported subscription
need to be specified. For each old source schema, you must provide the new
source schema.This parameter can be specified more than once.
[oldTargetSchema <old target>]
Specify the table owner in the original subscription on the old target datastore.
Use the format database.schema when required by the datastore. Only
schemas that are changing between the original and imported subscription
need to be specified. For each old target schema, you must provide the new
target schema.This parameter can be specified more than once.
[newTargetSchema <new target>]
Specify the table owner in the imported subscription on the new target
datastore. Use the format database.schema when required by the datastore.
Only schemas that are changing between the original and imported subscription
need to be specified. For each old target schema, you must provide the new
target schema.This parameter can be specified more than once.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1327. Sample
Imports a subscription saved in sub1.xml into a new subscription called SUB2.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
import subscription filename c:\\files\\sub1.xml type new name SUB2;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Subscription commands
list subscriptions
Use this command to list the subscriptions that are currently loaded.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list subscriptionsfilteralldatastorenamedatastore *
list subscriptions [filter <type>] [name <datastore>];
[filter <type>]
Specifies how the subscriptions will be selected. If a datastore filter is selected
and the name is not provided, the current context will be used. Valid values:
all—Specificies that all subscriptions will be selected.
datastore—Specifies that the subscriptions for a specified datastore will be
Default value: all
[name <datastore>]
Specifies the name of the datastore when the filter is set to datastore.
Required role
Any Result
A ResultStringTable object containing the list of subscriptions that are currently
loaded. Sample
Lists all of the subscriptions for the connected datastores.connect server username user1
password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
list subscriptions;
disconnect server;
Lists all of the subscriptions where datastore DS1 is either the source or target.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
list subscriptions filter datastore name DS1;
disconnect server;
Lists all of the subscriptions between source datastore DS1 and target datastore
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
connect datastore name DS2;
list subscriptions filter datastore;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Subscription commands
lock subscription
Use this command to lock a subscription for editing. Locking is only available when
the datastore is configured for multiuser mode in Access Manager. Use the show
subscription command to view whether the subscription is already locked and which
user locked it.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} lock subscriptionnamesubscription
lock subscription [name <subscription>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1322. Sample
Locks the selected subscription.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
lock subscription;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Subscription commands
modify latency thresholds
Use this command to modify the latency thresholds for a subscription.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify latency thresholdsnamesubscriptionenabledfalse/notrue/yes
modify latency thresholds [name <subscription>] enabled <value> [warning <time>]
[problem <minutes>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
enabled <value>
Enables latency thresholds. The problem and warning threshold parameters are
not required when you disable latency thresholds.Valid values:
true/yes—Enables latency thresholds. Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Disables latency thresholds. Either no or false are valid values.
[warning <time>]
Specifies the warning threshold in minutes. Use zero to set a problem threshold
and no warning threshold.
[problem <minutes>]
Specifies the problem threshold in minutes. This value must be greater than the
value set in the warning threshold.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1305. Sample
Specifies a problem threshold of 2 minutes and a warning threshold of 1 minute.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
modify latency thresholds enabled true problem 2 warning 1;
disconnect server;
Specifies a problem threshold of 5 minutes and no warning threshold.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
modify latency thresholds enabled true problem 5 warning 0;
disconnect server;
Disables latency thresholds.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
modify latency thresholds enabled false;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Subscription commands
modify subscription
Use this command to modify the properties of an existing subscription.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify subscription namesubscriptiondescriptiondescription
modify subscription name <subscription> [description <description>]
[transferablework <transfer>] [tcphostname <host>] [firewallport number]
[persistency <state>] [mirrorContinueOnError <mirror>] [refreshContinueOnError
<refresh>] [relatedSubscriptions <value>] [engineCommunication <method>]
[maintainHistory <history>] [minimizeNetworkLoad <load>];
name <subscription>
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
[description <description>]
Specifies the description of the subscription.
You can specify to clear the description.
[transferablework <transfer>]
Selects the datastore to handle transferable work. Valid values:
source—InfoSphere® CDC will attempt to perform the encoding conversion
workload on the server where your source datastore is installed.
target—InfoSphere CDC will attempt to perform the encoding conversion
workload on the server where your target datastore is installed.
[tcphostname <host>]
Specifies the TCP host name for the target datastore. If no TCP host name is
provided, the host is set to auto-select based on the target datastore.
[firewallport number]
Specifies the firewall port number used to connect to the target datastore.
[persistency <state>]
Marks the subscription as persistent, if supported by the datastore. Valid
true/yes—Marks the subscription as persistent. Either yes or true are valid
false/no—Does not mark the subscription as persistent. Either no or false are
valid values.
Default value: false/no
[mirrorContinueOnError <mirror>]
Indicates if mirroring of the subscription should continue when an error is
encountered, where supported by the datastore. Valid values:
default—Specifies that the datastore's setting is used.
end—Specifies that mirroring will end after an apply error on the target
continue—Specifies that mirroring will continue after an apply error on the
target database.
[refreshContinueOnError <refresh>]
Indicates if the refresh of the subscription should continue when an error is
encountered, where supported by the datastore. Valid values:
default—Specifies that the datastore's setting is used.
end—Specifies that a refresh will end after an apply error on the target
continue—Specifies that a refresh will continue after an apply error on the
target database.
[relatedSubscriptions <value>]
Specifies the related subscriptions for recursion prevention. Valid values:
Use an empty string () to indicate no related subscriptions
Use an asterisk (*) to indicate all subscriptions
Enter a comma-delimited list of subscription names
[engineCommunication <method>]
Specifies the communication protocol between engines, where supported.Valid
tcp—Specifies that TCP/IP will be the communication protocol used.
jms—Specifies that JMS will be the communication protocol used.
[maintainHistory <history>]
Specify whether the source datastore will replicate history tables or the target
database will maintain history, when system or bitemporal tables are supported
by the source and target datastores.Valid values:
source—Specifies that the source datastore will replicate history tables.
target—Specifies that the target datastore will maintain history.
[minimizeNetworkLoad <load>]
Specify whether to minimize the network load where possible, even if it may
result in increased replication latency. This option is only available when both
the source and target datastores support the functionality.Valid values:
true/yes—Specifies that LOB columns will only be sent when a change is
false/no—Specifies that LOB columns will be sent regardless of a change
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1302. Sample
Selects a subscription and modifies its error attributes.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
modify subscription mirrorContinueOnError end refreshContinueOnError end;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Subscription commands
modify subscription datastage properties
Use this command to modify the InfoSphere® DataStage® properties for a
Syntax diagram
Syntax 1 (Direct Connect)
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify subscription datastage propertiesnamesubscription
Syntax 2 (Flat File)
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify subscription datastage propertiesbatchSizeMaxRows100000
Syntax 1 (Direct Connect)
modify subscription datastage properties [name <subscription>] [batchSizeMaxRows
<rows>] [batchSizeTimeSeconds <time>] [clobTruncationSize <character>]
[blobTruncationSize <binary>] [projectName <project>] [jobName <job>] [connectionKey
<key>] [autoStartJob <start>];
Syntax 2 (Flat File)
modify subscription datastage properties [batchSizeMaxRows <rows>]
[batchSizeTimeSeconds <time>] [clobTruncationSize <character>]
[blobTruncationSize <binary>] [includeRecordCount <count>];
Syntax 1 (Direct Connect)
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
[batchSizeMaxRows <rows>]
Specifies the number of rows that can be changed before subscription data is
sent to InfoSphere DataStage.
[batchSizeTimeSeconds <time>]
Specifies the amount of elapsed time before subscription data is sent to
InfoSphere DataStage.
[clobTruncationSize <character>]
Specifies the truncation point for large character data (in characters).
[blobTruncationSize <binary>]
Specifies the truncation point for large binary data (in bytes).
[projectName <project>]
Specifies one part of a unique identifier for the job that is being sent to
InfoSphere DataStage using the direct connect option.
[jobName <job>]
Specifies another part of a unique identifier for the job that is being sent to
InfoSphere DataStage using the direct connect option.
[connectionKey <key>]
Identifies the connection key information used by InfoSphere DataStage to
authenticate the job sending data using the direct connect option.
[autoStartJob <start>]
Specifies that the job will auto-start. This parameter requires that InfoSphere
DataStage server and the InfoSphere CDC for InfoSphere DataStage server
are both installed on the same machine.Valid values:
true/yes—Enables auto-start for the job. Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Does not enable auto-start for the job. Either no or false are valid
Syntax 2 (Flat File)
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
[batchSizeMaxRows <rows>]
Specifies the number of rows that can be changed before subscription data is
sent to InfoSphere DataStage.
[batchSizeTimeSeconds <time>]
Specifies the amount of elapsed time before subscription data is sent to
InfoSphere DataStage.
[clobTruncationSize <character>]
Specifies the truncation point for large character data (in characters).
[blobTruncationSize <binary>]
Specifies the truncation point for large binary data (in bytes).
[includeRecordCount <count>]
Specifies that the record count will be included in the filename.Valid values:
true/yes—Specifies that the record count will be included in the file name.
Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Specifies that the record count will not be included in the file name.
Either no or false are valid values.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1302. Sample
Selects a subscription with InfoSphere DataStage Flat Files table mappings and
modifies the batch settings.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
modify subscription datastage properties
batchSizeMaxRows 1000 batchSizeTimeSeconds 60;
disconnect server;
Selects a subscription with InfoSphere DataStage Direct Connect table mappings
and modifies the project information.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
modify subscription datastage properties projectName MAIN jobName SUB1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Subscription commands
modify subscription user exit
Use this command to modify user exits for a subscription.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify subscription user exitnamesubscriptiontypejavaclassclassname""
modify subscription user exit [name <subscription>] [type <function>]
[classname <class>] [parameter <name>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
[type <function>]
Specifies the function type of the user exit.Valid value: javaclass
[classname <class>]
Specifies the name of the Java™ class user exit that implements the
SubscriptionUserExitIF interface. If a class name is not provided, the user exit
will be cleared.
[parameter <name>]
Specifies the parameters that are to be used with the user exit program.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1309. Sample
Selects a subscription and sets a user exit.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
modify subscription user exit classname CustomHandler;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Subscription commands
promote subscription
Use this command to promote the specified subscription to a new subscription or to
an existing one.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} promote subscription namesubscriptiontypenewexistingReplaceAll
targetDatastoretargetoldSourceSchemaold sourcenewSourceSchemanew source
oldTargetSchemaold targetnewTargetSchemanew target
promote subscription [name <subscription>] type <import> [promotionName <name>]
[sourceid <identifier>] [sourceDatastore <source>] [targetDatastore <target>]
[oldSourceSchema <old source>] [newSourceSchema <new source>] [oldTargetSchema
<old target>] [newTargetSchema <new target>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
type <import>
Specify whether you want to promote the subscription to a new subscription or
to an existing one. If promote into existing one, specifies to replace all
mappings in the existing subscription, or only replace mappings of the
subscription promoted from.Valid values:
new—Specifies that you are importing to a new subscription.
existingReplaceAll—Specifies that you are importing to an existing
subscription and all mappings in the existing subscription will be replaced.
existingKeepExtra—Specifies that you are importing to an existing
subscription and that only the mappings from the imported subscription will be
replaced in the existing subscription.
[promotionName <name>]
Specify the name of the subscription to promote into. If not specified, default to
the subscription name that promoted from.
[sourceid <identifier>]
Specifies the source identifier for the new subscription on the target datastore.
The identifier must be unique on the target.
If no identifier is provided, the default value for the Source ID will be the first
eight characters of the subscription name.
[sourceDatastore <source>]
Specifies the name of the source datastore for the imported subscription. If a
value is not specified, it will default to the datastore that is currently set to
source context.
[targetDatastore <target>]
Specifies the name of the target datastore for the imported subscription. If a
value is not specified, it will default to the datastore that is currently set to target
[oldSourceSchema <old source>]
Specify the table owner in the original subscription on the old source datastore.
Use the format database.schema when required by the datastore. Only
schemas that are changing between the original and promoted subscription
need to be specified. For each old source schema, you must provide the new
source schema.This parameter can be specified more than once.
[newSourceSchema <new source>]
Specify the table owner in the promotion subscription on the new source
datastore. Use the format database.schema when required by the datastore.
Only schemas that are changing between the original and promoted
subscription need to be specified. For each old source schema, you must
provide the new source schema.This parameter can be specified more than
[oldTargetSchema <old target>]
Specify the table owner in the original subscription on the old target datastore.
Use the format database.schema when required by the datastore. Only
schemas that are changing between the original and promoted subscription
need to be specified. For each old target schema, you must provide the new
target schema.This parameter can be specified more than once.
[newTargetSchema <new target>]
Specify the table owner in the promotion subscription on the new target
datastore. Use the format database.schema when required by the datastore.
Only schemas that are changing between the original and promoted
subscription need to be specified. For each old target schema, you must
provide the new target schema.This parameter can be specified more than
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1328. Sample
Promote a subscription SUB1 into a new subscription SUB2.connect server username user1
password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
promote subscription name SUB1 type new promotionName SUB2;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Subscription commands
select subscription
Use this command to select the subscription to context. The subscription will be
used for subsequent commands.Use the show context command or the list
subscriptions command to view which subscription is currently the context.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} select subscriptionnamesubscription
select subscription name <subscription>;
name <subscription>
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
Required role
Any Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1308. Sample
Selects a subscription and shows that it is the current context.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
show context;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Subscription commands
show latency thresholds
Use this command to display latency thresholds for a subscription.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} show latency thresholdsnamesubscription
show latency thresholds [name <subscription>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringKeyValues object which shows the warning and problem latency
threshold settings, when they are configured. Sample
Displays the latency threshold settings for a subscription.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
show latency thresholds name SUB1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Subscription commands
show subscription
Use this command to display the properties of a subscription.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} show subscriptionnamesubscription
show subscription [name <subscription>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringKeyValues object with the attributes of the subscription.PROPERTY
-------------------------- --------------------------
Name: SUB1
Source Datastore: DS1
Target Datastore: DS2
Source ID: SUB1
TCP Host:
Firewall Port:
Persistency: false
Transferable Work: target
Propagation Control:
Displays the properties of a subscription.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
show subscription;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Subscription commands
show subscription datastage properties
Use this command to view the InfoSphere® DataStage® properties for a
subscription with an InfoSphere DataStage target.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} show subscription datastage propertiesnamesubscription
show subscription datastage properties [name <subscription>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringKeyValues object with the InfoSphere DataStage attributes of the
subscription. Sample
Modifies the InfoSphere DataStage configuration properties for a subscription that
contains flat file or direct connect mappings and displays the new values.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
modify subscription datastage properties
batchSizeMaxRows 1000 batchSizeTimeSeconds 60;
show subscription datastage properties;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Subscription commands
show subscription user exit
Use this command to display the user exits for a subscription.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} show subscription user exitnamesubscription
show subscription user exit [name <subscription>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringKeyValues object with the user exit configuration for a subscription.
Modifies the user exit settings for a subscription and displays its new values.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
modify subscription user exit classname CustomHandler;
show subscription user exit;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Subscription commands
unlock subscription
Use this command to unlock a subscription.Locking is only available when the
datastore is configured for multiuser mode in Access Manager. Use the show
subscription command to view which user locked the subscription.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} unlock subscription namesubscriptioncommentvalue
unlock subscription [name <subscription>] [comment <value>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
[comment <value>]
Specifies an optional comment to record with the unlocking of the subscription.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1323. Sample
Locks a subscription for a configuration change and unlocks it when the change is
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
lock subscription;
map table sourceschema USER1 sourcetable MISC_SUPPLY targetschema USER1 targettable MISC_SUPPLY;
unlock subscription comment Mapped the MISC_SUPPLY table.;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Subscription commands
Table mapping commands
add rule set
add table mapping
delete rule set
delete table mapping
export rule set
export table mapping
flag refresh
list refresh order
list rule set tables
list rule sets
list table mappings
mark capture point
modify refresh order
modify rule set
modify table mapping
park table mapping
promote rule set
promote table mapping
reassign table mapping
select rule set
select table mapping
show rule set
show table mapping
Parent topic:CHCCLP Commands
add rule set
Use this command to define rules that identify which tables are in scope for
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} add rule setnamesubscriptionruleNamesetschemanamestructureOnly
add rule set [name <subscription>] ruleName <set> schema <name> [structureOnly
<data>] [includeAll <allow>] [includePattern <include>] [includeMatch <type>]
[excludePattern <exclude>] [excludeMatch <match>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the datastore
that is currently set to source and target context will be used.
ruleName <set>
Specifies the name of the rule set.Rule set names must be unique within a
schema <name>
Specifies the schema for the new rule set.
[structureOnly <data>]
Specifies whether to replicate only structural (DDL), not data (DML), changes
for the tables included in the rule.Valid values:
true/yes—Only structural (DDL) changes are replicated. Either yes or true are
valid values.
false/no—Both structural (DDL) and data (DML) changes are replicated.
Either no or false are valid values.
Default value: false/no
[includeAll <allow>]
Specifies whether to allow all tables to be considered for inclusion in the rule
set.Valid values:
true/yes—All tables are to be considered for inclusion in the rule set. Either
yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Not all tables are to be considered for inclusion in the rule set.
Either no or false are valid values.
Default value: false/no
[includePattern <include>]
Specifies the criteria by which tables will be judged for inclusion from the rule
set. Patterns are case-sensitive.This parameter can be specified more than
includeMatch <type>]
Specifies the pattern matching type used for table inclusion.This parameter can
be specified more than once.
Valid values:
[excludePattern <exclude>]
Specifies the criteria by which tables will be judged for exclusion in from the rule
set. Patterns are case-sensitive.This parameter can be specified more than
[excludeMatch <match>]
Specifies the pattern matching type used for table exclusion.This parameter can
be specified more than once.
Valid values:
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1701. Sample
SAMPLE 1: Creates a subscription and adds a rule set to include tables that starts
with A or B for the given schema and exclude tables that ends with C.connect server
username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
add subscription name SUB1;
add rule set ruleName RULE1 schema USER1 structureOnly false
includePattern A includeMatch startsWith
includePattern B includeMatch startsWith
excludePattern C excludeMatch endsWith;
list rule sets;
disconnect server;
SAMPLE 2: Creates a subscription and adds a rule set to include all tables for the
given schema and exclude table X and table Y.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
add subscription name SUB1;
add rule set ruleName RULE1 schema USER1 structureOnly false
includeAll yes
excludePattern X excludeMatch exact
excludePattern Y excludeMatch exact;
list rule sets;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
add table mapping
Use this command to map a source table to a target table and set the table mapping
to the current context.
Syntax diagram
Syntax 1: Maps a source table to a target table.
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} add table mappingnamesubscriptionsourceDatabasesource
Syntax 2: Maps a source table to an InfoSphere DataStage.
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} add table mappingnamesubscriptionsourceDatabasesource
Syntax 3: Adds a table to the datastore for use as a source table for replication in a
subscription. The syntax should be used when target datastore is external. .arrow,
.syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd, .arrowheadRepSep,
.arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; } .arrowheadSeq,
.arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice, .arrowheadStartRepGroup,
.arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke: none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none;
stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill: none; stroke: black; } text { fill:
#000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica;
font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width:
0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-style:italic;} add table mappingnamesubscription
Syntax 4: Maps a source table to a target table. The syntax should be used when
source datastore is unknown. .arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; }
.arrowheadStartEnd, .arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black;
fill: black; } .arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} add table mappingnamesubscriptionsourceDatabasedatabase
Syntax 1: Maps a source table to a target table.
add table mapping [name <subscription>] [sourceDatabase <source>] sourceSchema
<schema> sourceTable <table> [targetDatabase <target>] targetSchema <schema2>
targetTable <name> [targetIndexMode <mode>] [targetIndexName <index>]
[targetIndexColumns <column>] [type <type>] [method <method>] [preventRecursion
Syntax 2 - Maps a source table to an InfoSphere® DataStage® target.
add table mapping [name <subscription>] [sourceDatabase <source>] sourceSchema
<schema> sourceTable <table> [type <type>] [recordFormat <format>]
[directory <path>] [customFormatter <custom>];
Syntax 3 - Adds a table to the datastore for use as a source table for replication in a
subscription. The syntax should be used when target datastore is external.
add table mapping [name <subscription>] [sourceDatabase <database>]
sourceSchema <schema> sourceTable <table>;
Syntax 4: Maps a source table to a target table. The syntax should be used when
source datastore is unknown.add table mapping [name <subscription>] [sourceDatabase <database>]
<schema> sourceTable <table> [[targetDatabase <target>] targetSchema
<schema2> targetTable <name>] [targetIndexMode <mode>] [targetIndexName <index>]
[targetIndexColumns <column>] [type <type>];
Syntax 1: Maps a source table to a target table.
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
[sourceDatabase <source>]
Specifies the database for the source table.
sourceSchema <schema>
Specifies the schema for the source table.
sourceTable <table>
Specifies the name of the source table.
[targetDatabase <target>]
Specifies the database for the target table.
targetSchema <schema2>
Specifies the schema for the target table.
targetTable <name>
Specifies the name of the target table.
[targetIndexMode <mode>]
Specifies the mode used to locate a row in the target table.Valid values:
autoDetect—Specifies that an index will be selected automatically.
index—Specifies that an index will be used to identify a row in the target
allSearchable—Specifies that all target columns will be searched to identify
which columns are suitable to uniquely identify rows. The results of the search
are used to build a WHERE clause which uniquely identifies the row on the
target column to apply data.
columns—Specifies that a column will be used to identify a row in the target
Default value: default
[targetIndexName <index>]
Specifies the target index name when the targetIndexMode is set to index.
[targetIndexColumns <column>]
Specifies a comma-delimited list of columns used to identify a row when the
targetIndexMode is set to column.
[type <type>]
Specifies the table mapping type.Valid values:
standard—Specifies that the table will be mapped using standard replication.
adaptive—Specifies that the table will be mapped using Adaptive Apply.
summarization—Specifies that the table will be mapped to summarize data.
audit—Specifies that the table will be mapped using LiveAudit™
consolidationOneToOne—Specifies that the table will be mapped to
consolidate data (one-to-one)
consolidationOneToMany—Specifies that the table will be mapped to
consolidate data (one-to-many)
Default value: standard
[method <method>]
Specifies the replication method for the table mapping.
Valid values:
mirror—Immediately replicates changes made to the source table to the
target table or accumulate source table changes and replicate at a later time.
refresh—Replicates a snapshot of the source table to the target table.
Default value: mirror
[preventRecursion <value>]
Specifies whether to prevent from replicating changes back to the source
database when a subscription is configured for bidirectional replication.Valid
true/yes—Prevents recursion.
false/no—Does not prevent recursion.
Default value: false/no
Syntax 2 - InfoSphere DataStage target
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
[sourceDatabase <source>]
Specifies the database for the source table.
sourceSchema <schema>
Specifies the schema for the source table.
sourceTable <table>
Specifies the name of the source table.
[type <type>]
Specifies the table mapping type.Valid values:
directConnect—Specifies that the table will be mapped to InfoSphere
DataStage using Direct Connect.
flatFile—Specifies that the table will be mapped to InfoSphere DataStage
using Flat Files.
[recordFormat <format>]
Specifies the record format for InfoSphere DataStage mappings.Valid values:
singleRecord—Specifies that an update operation is sent as a single row.
multiRecord—Specifies that an update operation is sent as two rows.
Default value: singleRecord
[directory <path>]
Specifies the directory for files in a InfoSphere DataStage Flat File mapping.
Default value:
[customFormatter <custom>]
Specifies a custom formatter for InfoSphere DataStage flat file output.
Syntax 3: Adds a table to the datastore for use as a source table for replication in a
subscription. The syntax should be used when target datastore is external.
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
[sourceDatabase <source>]
Specifies the database for the source table.
sourceSchema <schema>
Specifies the schema for the source table.
sourceTable <table>
Specifies the name of the source table.
Syntax 4: Maps a source table to a target table. The syntax should be used when
source datastore is unknown.
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
[sourceDatabase <source>]
Specifies the database for the source table.
sourceSchema <schema>
Specifies the schema for the source table.
sourceTable <table>
Specifies the name of the source table.
[targetDatabase <target>]
Specifies the database for the target table.
targetSchema <schema2>
Specifies the schema for the target table.
targetTable <name>
Specifies the name of the target table.
[targetIndexMode <mode>]
Specifies the mode used to locate a row in the target table.Valid values:
autoDetect—Specifies that an index will be selected automatically.
index—Specifies that an index will be used to identify a row in the target
allSearchable—Specifies that all target columns will be searched to identify
which columns are suitable to uniquely identify rows. The results of the search
are used to build a WHERE clause which uniquely identifies the row on the
target column to apply data.
columns—Specifies that a column will be used to identify a row in the target
Default value: default
[targetIndexName <index>]
Specifies the target index name when the targetIndexMode is set to index.
[targetIndexColumns <column>]
Specifies a comma-delimited list of columns used to identify a row when the
targetIndexMode is set to column.
[type <type>]
Specifies the table mapping type.Valid values:
standard—Specifies that the table will be mapped using standard replication.
adaptive—Specifies that the table will be mapped using Adaptive Apply.
summarization—Specifies that the table will be mapped to summarize data.
audit—Specifies that the table will be mapped using LiveAudit
consolidationOneToOne—Specifies that the table will be mapped to
consolidate data (one-to-one)
consolidationOneToMany—Specifies that the table will be mapped to
consolidate data (one-to-many)
Default value: standard
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1402. Sample
Creates a subscription and maps two tables.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
add subscription name SUB1;
add table mapping
sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE1
targetSchema USER1 targetTable TABLE1;
add table mapping
sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE2
targetSchema USER1 targetTable TABLE2;
list table mappings;
disconnect server;
Selects the target index column when mapping a table.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB2;
add table mapping
sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable CUSTOMER
targetSchema USER1 targetTable CUSTOMER
targetIndexMode columns targetIndexColumns CUSTID;
show table mapping;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
delete rule set
Use this command to delete a rule set.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} delete rule setruleNamename
delete rule set [ruleName name];
[ruleName name]
Specifies the name of the rule set.If a name is not provided, the rule set that is
currently identified as the context will be used. To view the current context, use
the show context command.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1702. Sample
Sample 1: Deletes a rule set by name.connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
delete rule set ruleName rule1;
disconnect server;
Sample 2: Deletes a rule set based on the current context.connect server username user1
password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
selete rule set ruleName rule1;
delete rule set;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
delete table mapping
Use this command to delete a table mapping. The table mapping must be first
selected as the current context. Use the list table mappings command or the show
context command to view the current table mapping context.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} delete table mapping
delete table mapping;
None. Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1408. Sample
Selects a table mapping and deletes it.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE1;
list table mappings;
delete table mapping;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
export rule set
Use this command to export a definition of the rule set in context into an XML file.
The XML file can be loaded using the import subscription command or using the
import wizard in Management Console. Export requires additional connections to the
source and target datastores and cannot run when multiuser configuration is
enabled. Use Management Console to export when multiuser configuration is in use.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} export rule set ruleNamenamefilenamefile
export rule set [ruleName name] [filename file];
[ruleName name]
Specifies the name of the rule set. . If a name is not provided, the rule set that
is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the current context,
use the show context command.
[filename file]
Specifies the fully qualified output XML file name for the subscription export.
Use double quotes to surround the file name. .xml will be appended to the file
name, if it does not end with the XML extension. If file name is not provided,
the output file name will default to subscription's name.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1331. Sample
Selects a rule set and exports it to file.connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select rule set rulename RULE1;
export rule set filename c:\\files\\sub1.xml;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
export table mapping
Use this command to export a definition of the table mapping in context into an XML
file. The XML file can be loaded using the import subscription command or using the
import wizard in Management Console. Export requires additional connections to the
source and target datastores and cannot run when multiuser configuration is
enabled. Use Management Console to export when multiuser configuration is in use.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} export table mapping filenamename
export table mapping [filename name];
[filename name]
Specifies the fully qualified output XML file name for the subscription export.
Use double quotes to surround the file name. .xml will be appended to the file
name, if it does not end with the XML extension. If file name is not provided, the
output file name will default to subscription's name.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1330. Sample
Selects a table mapping and exports it to file.connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceTable TABLE_1;
export table mapping filename c:\\files\\sub1.xml;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
flag refresh
Use this command to flag a table in a subscription for refresh
Syntax diagram
Syntax 1: Flags a table for refresh .arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; }
.arrowheadStartEnd, .arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black;
fill: black; } .arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} flag refreshtypestandarddifferentialdifferentialWithLogdifferentialLogOnly
Syntax 2: Flags the specified rule table for refresh. .arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none;
stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd, .arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn
{ stroke: black; fill: black; } .arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice,
.arrowheadAfterChoice, .arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup,
.arrowheadRev { stroke: none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; }
rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill: none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-
opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style:
normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; }
text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-style:italic;} flag refreshschemaschematablename
Syntax 1: Flags a table for refreshflag refresh [type <refresh>] [enableSubset <flag>] [sourcesql
[targetsql <target>];
Syntax 2: Flags the specified rule table for refresh.flag refresh schema <schema> table <name>;
Syntax 1: Flags a table for refresh
[type <refresh>]
pecifies the type of refresh to be performed.Valid values:
standard—Specifies a standard refresh.
differential—Specifies a differential refresh, where supported by the
differentialWithLog—Specifies a differential refresh, where supported by the
datastore, and also creates a log table to track all changes during the refresh.
differentialLogOnly—–Creates and populates a log table to identify all
differences between the source and target tables, where supported by the
Default value: standard
[enableSubset <flag>]
Specifies that SQL WHERE clauses will be used to perform a row subset
refresh, where supported by the datastore.Valid values:
true/yes—Specifies that SQL WHERE clauses will be used. Either yes or true
are valid values.
false/no—Specifies that SQL WHERE clauses will not be used. Either no or
false are valid values.
Default value: false/no
[sourcesql <source>]
Specifies the SQL WHERE clause for the selected source table for a row
subset refresh.
[targetsql <target>]
Specifies the SQL WHERE clause for the selected target table for row subset
Syntax 2: Flags the specified rule table for refresh.
schema <schema>
Specifies the schema name of the table.
table <name>
Specifies the name of the table.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1404. Sample
Selects a table mapping and flags it for refresh.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE1;
flag refresh;
list table mappings;
disconnect server;
Flags a rule table for refresh.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
flag refresh schema USER1 table TABLE1;
list rule set tables;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
list refresh order
Use this command to list the refresh order for the source tables in a subscription.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list refresh ordernamesubscription
list refresh order [name <subscription>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringTable of tables in the subscription with their refresh group and
sequence number.
---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
Group 1 CDC.TABLE_2 1 0
Group 1 CDC.TABLE_4 1 1
Ungrouped CDC.TABLE_1 0 0
Ungrouped CDC.TABLE_3 0 0
Ungrouped CDC.TABLE_5 0 0
Lists the refresh order of the tables in a subscription.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
list refresh order;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
list rule set tables
Use this command to view a list of all tables that match the criteria for all rule sets
defined for this subscription.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list rule set tablesname subscription
list rule set tables [name subscription];
[name subscription]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringTable of tables that match the criteria for all rule sets defined for this
List all tables that match the criteria for all rule sets defined for this subscription.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
list rule set tables;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
list rule sets
Use this command to view a list of rule sets in the subscription.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list rule setsnamesubscription
list rule sets [name subscription];
[name subscription]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringTable of list of rule sets in the subscription.RULE SET NAME SCHEMA
 RULE1 USER1 * B Yes
 RULE1 USER1 * B Yes
Lists the rule sets in a subscription.connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
list rule sets name SUB1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
list table mappings
Use this command to list the table mappings in a subscription.Starting mirroring or
refresh can change the status of a table mapping. Use the reload parameter to
refresh the list of table mappings.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list table mappingsnamesubscriptionmethodmirrorrefreshstatusactive
list table mappings [name <subscription>] [method <type>] [status <state>]
[incompleteOnly <unmapped>] [reload <state>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
[method <type>]
Optionally filters table mapping by their replication method.Valid values:
mirror—Displays only the table mappings that have a replication method of
refresh—Displays only the table mappings that have a replication method of
[status <state>]
Optionally filters table mappings by their replication status.Valid values:
active—Displays only the table mappings that have a replication status of
refresh—Displays only the table mappings that have a replication status of
parked—Displays only the table mappings that have a replication status of
[incompleteOnly <unmapped>]
Optionally displays table mappings that are not mapped to a target.Valid
true/yes—Displays only the table mappings that are not mapped to a target.
Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Displays all table mappings, whether they are mapped to a target
or not. Either no or false are valid values.
Default value: false/no
[reload <state>]
Optionally reloads table mappings.Valid values:
true/yes—Reloads table mapping information from the datastores. Either yes
or true are valid values.
false/no—Returns existing table mapping definitions and only requests them
from the datastores when they haven't been previously loaded. Either no or
false are valid values.
Default value: false/no
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringTable of the table mappings for the subscription.Table mappings for
subscription SUB1.
-------------- -------------- -------------- -------- --------- ---------
CDC.TABLE_1 CDC.TABLE_1 Standard Mirror Refresh
CDC.TABLE_2 CDC.TABLE_2 Standard Mirror Refresh
CDC.TABLE_3 CDC.TABLE_3 Standard Mirror Refresh
CDC.TABLE_4 CDC.TABLE_4 Standard Mirror Refresh
CDC.TABLE_5 CDC.TABLE_6 Standard Mirror Refresh
Lists the table mappings in a subscription.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
list table mappings name SUB1;
disconnect server;
Lists tables flagged for refresh in the subscription.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
list table mappings name SUB1 status refresh;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
mark capture point
Use this command to set the bookmark to the head-of-log for a source table at the
point in time when the command was issued.
Marking the capture point sets all records in the table as having been processed and
prompts capture to begin mirroring with any new changes.
Syntax diagram
Syntax 1: Mark a capture pointNote: The table must be first selected as the current
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} mark capture point
Syntax 2: Mark a table capture point on the rule table before mirroring. .arrow,
.syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd, .arrowheadRepSep,
.arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; } .arrowheadSeq,
.arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice, .arrowheadStartRepGroup,
.arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke: none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none;
stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill: none; stroke: black; } text { fill:
#000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica;
font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width:
0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-style:italic;} mark capture pointschemaschema
Syntax 1: Mark a capture pointmark capture point;
Syntax 2: Mark a table capture point on the rule table before mirroring.mark capture point
schema schema table name;
Syntax 1: Mark a capture pointNone.
Syntax 2: Mark a table capture point on the rule table before mirroring.
schema schema
Specifies the name of the schema.
table name
Specifies the name of the table.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1403. Sample
Marks the capture point for a table in the selected subscription.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping
sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE_1
targetSchema USER1 targetTable TABLE_1;
mark capture point;
list table mappings;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
modify refresh order
Use this command to modify the refresh order for the source tables in a
subscription.Use the list refresh order command to view the current refresh order for
a subscription.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify refresh ordernamesubscriptiondatabase databaseschema
schematable tablegroup 0numbersequence 0sequence
modify refresh order [name <subscription>] [database <database>] schema <schema>
table <table> group <number> sequence <sequence>;
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
[database <database>]
Specifies the database for the source table.This parameter can be specified
more than once.
schema <schema>
Specifies the schema for the source table.
table <table>
Specifies the name of the source table.This parameter can be specified more
than once.
group <number>
Specifies the group number for the table. Use 0 for ungrouped tables, or values
greater than zero to specify a group number.This parameter can be specified
more than once.
Default value: 0
sequence <sequence>
Specifies the sequence number for the table within a group. Group 0 tables are
not sequenced and must use sequence number 0.This parameter can be
specified more than once.
Default value: 0
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1310. Sample
Selects two tables to be refreshed before all other tables in the subscription by
putting them in a group.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
modify refresh order
schema USER1 table TABLE_2 group 1 sequence 0
schema USER1 table TABLE_4 group 1 sequence 1;
list refresh order;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
modify rule set
Use this command to rename a rule set or modifies the properties of an existing rule
set. If you use this command to modify rule patterns, you should give the complete
criteria as the input parameters, since all existing patterns for both table inclusion
and exclusion will be overwritten.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify rule setruleNamesetnewNamenewschemanamestructureOnly
modify rule set [ruleName <set>] [newName <new>] [schema <name>] [structureOnly
<data>] [includeAll <allow>] [includePattern <include>] [includeMatch <type>]
[excludePattern <exclude>] [excludeMatch <match>];
[ruleName <set>]
Specifies the name of the rule set.Rule set names must be unique within a
[newName <new>]
Specifies the new name for the rule set. Rule set names must be unique within
a subscription.
[schema <name>]
Specifies the schema for the new rule set.
[structureOnly <data>]
Specifies whether to replicate only structural (DDL), not data (DML), changes
for the tables included in the rule.Valid values:
true/yes—Only structural (DDL) changes are replicated. Either yes or true are
valid values.
false/no—Both structural (DDL) and data (DML) changes are replicated.
Either no or false are valid values.
Default value: false/no
[includeAll <allow>]
Specifies whether to allow all tables to be considered for inclusion in the rule
set.Valid values:
true/yes—All tables are to be considered for inclusion in the rule set. Either
yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Not all tables are to be considered for inclusion in the rule set.
Either no or false are valid values.
Default value: false/no
[includePattern <include>]
Specifies the criteria by which tables will be judged for inclusion from the rule
set. Patterns are case-sensitive.This parameter can be specified more than
includeMatch <type>]
Specifies the pattern matching type used for table inclusion.This parameter can
be specified more than once.
Valid values:
[excludePattern <exclude>]
Specifies the criteria by which tables will be judged for exclusion in from the rule
set. Patterns are case-sensitive.This parameter can be specified more than
[excludeMatch <match>]
Specifies the pattern matching type used for table exclusion.This parameter can
be specified more than once.
Valid values:
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1703. Sample
Sample 1: Selects a rule set within a subscription, modifies the rule name and
schema for the rule set. connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select rule set ruleName RULE1;
modify rule set newName RULE2 schema USER2;
list rule sets;
disconnect server;
Sample 2: Modifies the table inclusion and exclusion criteria of the rule set.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
modify rule set ruleName RULE1
includeAll yes
excludePattern X excludeMatch exact
excludePattern Y excludeMatch exact;
list rule sets;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
modify table mapping
Use this command to change the replication method of a single table mapping. The
table mapping must be first selected as the current context.
Syntax diagram
Syntax 1: Replication Method
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify table mappingmethodmirrorrefreshpreventRecursion true/yes
Syntax 2: Target Index
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify table mappingmethodmirrorrefreshtargetIndexModeautoDetect
Syntax 3: Row Filtering
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify table mappingrowFilterfilterselecttrue/yesfalse/no
Syntax 4: Conflict Detection and Resolution
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify table mappingdetectionColumnslistresolutionMethodmethodvalue
Syntax 5: InfoSphere® DataStage® targets
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify table mappingrecordFormatsingleRecordmultiRecorddirectory
Syntax 1: Replication Method
modify table mapping method <type> [preventRecursion <recursion>];
Syntax 2: Target Index
modify table mapping [targetIndexMode <mode>] [targetIndexName <name>]
[targetIndexColumns <column>];
Syntax 3: Row Filtering
modify table mapping [rowFilter <filter>] [select <match>];
Syntax 4: Conflict Detection and Resolution
modify table mapping [detectionColumns <list>] [resolutionMethod <method>]
[value <comparison>];
Syntax 5 - InfoSphere DataStage targets
modify table mapping [recordFormat <format>] [directory <path>]
[customFormatter <custom>];
Syntax 1: Replication Method
method <type>
Specifies the replication method for the table mapping.Valid values:
mirror—Immediately replicates changes made to the source table to the
target table or accumulate source table changes and replicate at a later time.
refresh—Replicates a snapshot of the source table to the target table.
[preventRecursion <recursion>]
Specifies whether to prevent from replicating changes back to the source
database when a subscription is configured for bidirectional replication.Valid
true/yes—Specifies that recursion will be prevented. Either yes or true are
valid values.
false/no—Specifies that recursion will not be prevented. Either no or false are
valid values.
Syntax 2: Target Index
[targetIndexMode <mode>]
Specifies the mode used to locate a row in the target table.Valid values:
autoDetect—Specifies that an index will be selected automatically.
index—Specifies that an index will be used to identify a row in the target
allSearchable—Specifies that all target columns will be searched to identify
which columns are suitable to uniquely identify rows. The results of the search
are used to build a WHERE clause which uniquely identifies the row on the
target column to apply data.
columns—Specifies that a column will be used to identify a row in the target
[targetIndexName <name>]
Specifies the target index name when the target index mode is set to index.
[targetIndexColumns <column>]
Specifies a comma-delimited list of columns used to identify a row when the
targetIndexMode is set to column.
Syntax 3: Row Filtering
[rowFilter <filter>]
Specifies the row-filtering expression. Row filter will be cleared if expression is
set to empty string.
[select <match>]
Specifies whether the filter selects or omits rows that match the expression.
Valid values:
true/yes—Specifies that the filter selects rows that match the expression.
Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Specifies that the filter omits rows that match the expression.
Either no or false are valid values.
Syntax 4: Conflict Detection and Resolution
[detectionColumns <list>]
Specifies a comma-delimited list of columns used for conflict detection.
[resolutionMethod <method>]
Specifies the method used to resolve conflicts.Valid values:
none—Specifies that conflict detection resolution is not enabled.
sourceWins—Specifies that the source will win conflicts.
targetWins—Specifies that the target will win conflicts.
largestValueWins—Specifies that the largest value will win conflicts.
smallestValueWins—Specifies that the smallest value will win conflicts.
userExit—Specifies that conflicts will be resolved with a user exit.
[value <comparison>]
Specifies the comparison column name if conflict resolution method is
largestValueWins or smallestValueWins, or specifies the user exit name (with
path) if conflict resolution method is userExit.
Syntax 5 - InfoSphere DataStage targets
[recordFormat <format>]
Specifies the record format for InfoSphere DataStage mappings.Valid values:
singleRecord—Specifies that an update operation is sent as a single row.
multiRecord—Specifies that an update operation is sent as two rows.
Default value: singleRecord
[directory <path>]
Specifies the directory for files in a InfoSphere DataStage flat file mapping.
[customFormatter <custom>]
Specifies a custom formatter for InfoSphere DataStage flat file output.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1405. Sample
Specifies that the selected table will be set to refresh only and not be mirrored.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE_1;
modify table mapping method refresh;
show table mapping;
disconnect server;
Changes the detection of a row on the target table to use all searchable columns.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE_1;
modify table mapping targetIndexMode allSearchable;
show table mapping;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
park table mapping
Use this command to park a table from replication. The table mapping must be first
selected as the current context.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} park table mapping
park table mapping;
None. Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1406. Sample
Parks the selected table mapping.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping
sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE_1
targetSchema USER1 targetTable TABLE_1;
park table mapping;
list table mappings;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
promote rule set
Use this command to promote the specified rule set to a new subscription or to an
existing subscription. Promotion requires additional connections to the source and
target datastores and cannot run when multiuser configuration is enabled. Use
Management Console to promote when multiuser configuration is in use.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} promote rule set ruleNamesettypenewexistingReplaceAll
existingKeepExtrapromotionNamenamesourceid identifiersourceDatastoresource
targetDatastoretargetoldSourceSchemaoldnewSourceSchema new
promote rule set [ruleName <set>] type <type> [promotionName <name>] [sourceid
<identifier>] [sourceDatastore <source>] [targetDatastore <target>] [oldSourceSchema
<old>] [newSourceSchema <new>];
[ruleName <set>]
Specifies the name of the rule set.If a name is not provided, the rule set that is
currently identified as the context will be used. To view the current context, use
the show context command.
type <type>
Specify whether you want to promote the rule set to a new subscription or to an
existing one. Valid values:
new—Promotes the rule set into a new subscription.
existingReplaceAll—Promotes the rule set into an existing subscription and
replaces all of the mappings and rules sets.
existingKeepExtra—Promotes the rule set into an existing subscription and
replaces only the rule set that was promoted.
promotionName <name>]
Specify the name of the subscription into which the rule set will be promoted. If
no name is specified, the default value is the subscription name that the rule set
was promoted from.
[sourceid <identifier>]
Specifies the source identifier for the new subscription on the target datastore.
The identifier must be unique on the target.
If no identifier is provided, the default value for the Source ID will be the first
eight characters of the subscription name.
[sourceDatastore <source>]
Specifies the name of the source datastore for the promotion subscription. If a
value is not specified, it will default to the datastore that is currently set to
source context.
[targetDatastore <target>]
Specifies the name of the target datastore for the promotion subscription. If a
value is not specified, it will default to the datastore that is currently set to target
[oldSourceSchema <old>]
Specifies the name of the schema of the original datastore that contains the
original tables in the promoted rule set.
[newSourceSchema <new>]
Specifies the name of the schema of the new datastore that contains the new
tables to be included in the rule set.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1332. Sample
Selects a rule set and promotes it to a new subscription.connect server username user1
password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select rule set rulename RULE1;
promote rule set type new promotionname SUB2;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
promote table mapping
Promote the table mapping in context to a new subscription or to an existing
subscription. Promotion requires additional connections to the source and target
datastores and cannot run when multiuser configuration is enabled. Use
Management Console to promote when multiuser configuration is in use.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} promote table mapping typenewexistingReplaceAllexistingKeepExtra
promotionName subscriptionsourceid identifiersourceDatastoresource
targetDatastoretargetoldSourceSchemaold sourcenewSourceSchemanew source
oldTargetSchemaold targetnewTargetSchema new target
promote table mapping type <type>
promote table mapping type <promote> [promotionName <subscription>]
[sourceid <identifier>] [sourceDatastore <source>] [targetDatastore <target>];
[oldSourceSchema <old source>] [newSourceSchema <new source>] [oldTargetSchema
<old target>] [newTargetSchema <new target>];
[type <promote>]
Specify whether you want to promote the table mapping to a new subscription
or to an existing one. If you are promoting into an existing one, specifies
whether to replace all mappings in the existing subscription or only replace the
mapping that you are promoting.Valid values:
new—Specifies that you are promoting to a new subscription.
existingReplaceAll—Specifies that you are promoting to an existing
subscription and all mappings in the existing subscription will be replaced.
existingKeepExtra—Specifies that you are promoting to an existing
subscription and that only the mappings from the imported subscription will be
replaced in the existing subscription.
[promotionName <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription to promote into.If not specified, the name
will default to the name of the subscription that was promoted from.
[sourceid <identifier>]
Specifies the source identifier for the new subscription on the target datastore.
The identifier must be unique on the target.
If no identifier is provided, the default value for the Source ID will be the first
eight characters of the subscription name.
[sourceDatastore <source>]
Specifies the name of the source datastore for the promotion subscription. If a
value is not specified, it will default to the datastore that is currently set to
source context.
[targetDatastore <target>]
Specifies the name of the target datastore for the promotion subscription. If a
value is not specified, it will default to the datastore that is currently set to target
[oldSourceSchema <old source>]
Specifies the table owner in the original subscription on the old source
datastore. Use the format database.schema when required by the datastore.
Only schemas that are changing between the original and promoted
subscription need to be specified. For each old source schema, you must
provide the new source schema.This parameter can be specified more than
[newSourceSchema <new source>]
Specifies the table owner in the promotion subscription on the new source
datastore. Use the format database.schema when required by the datastore.
Only schemas that are changing between the original and promoted
subscription need to be specified. For each old source schema, you must
provide the new source schema.This parameter can be specified more than
[oldTargetSchema <old target>]
Specifies the table owner in the original subscription on the old target datastore.
Use the format database.schema when required by the datastore. Only
schemas that are changing between the original and promotion subscription
need to be specified. For each old target schema, you must provide the new
target schema.This parameter can be specified more than once.
[newTargetSchema <new target>]
Specifies the table owner in the promotion subscription on the new target
datastore. Use the format database.schema when required by the datastore.
Only schemas that are changing between the original and promotion
subscription need to be specified. For each old target schema, you must
provide the new target schema.This parameter can be specified more than
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1329. Sample
Selects a table mapping and promotes it to a new subscription.connect server username
user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceTable TABLE_1;
promote table mapping type new promotionname SUB2;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
reassign table mapping
Use this command to reassign the selected table. The table mapping must be first
selected as the current context. Reassign updates the target datastore’s metadata
for the table mapping.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} reassign table mapping
reassign table mapping;
None. Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1407. Sample
Reassigns the table mapping.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping
sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE_1
targetSchema USER1 targetTable TABLE_1;
reassign table mapping;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
select rule set
Use this command to set the rule set as active for subsequent commands. Rule sets
are identified by the name on the command. Use the show context command to
view the current rule set context.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} select rule setnamesubscriptionruleNameset
select rule set [name <subscription>] ruleName <set>;
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
ruleName <set>
Specifies the name of the rule set.Rule set names must be unique within a
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1423. Sample
Selects a rule set and shows that it is the current context.connect server username user1
password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select rule set ruleName rule1;
show context;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
select table mapping
Use this command to select a table mapping to context. The table mapping will be
used for subsequent commands. Table mappings are identified using the source
and target parameters provided with the command. An error will be reported if there
is not a unique match.
Use the show context command to view the current table mapping context.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} select table mappingnamesubscriptionsourceDatabasedatabase
select table mapping [name <subscription>] [sourceDatabase <database>]
[sourceSchema <schema>] [sourceTable <table>] [targetDatabase <database2>]
[targetSchema <schema2>] [targetTable <table2>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
[sourceDatabase <database>]
Specifies the database for the source table.
[sourceSchema <schema>]
Specifies the schema for the source table.
[sourceTable <table>]
Specifies the name of the source table.
[targetDatabase <database2>]
Specifies the database for the source table.
[targetSchema <schema2>]
Specifies the schema for the target table.
[targetTable <table2>]
Specifies the name of the target table.
Required role
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1401. Sample
Selects a table mapping by fully specifying the source and target tables.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping
sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE_1
targetSchema USER1 targetTable TABLE_1;
show context;
disconnect server;
Selects a table mapping by the source table name. If more than one table matches,
an error will be reported.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceTable TABLE_1;
show context;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
show rule set
Use this command to show the properties of a rule set. The rule set must be first
selected as the current context.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} show rule set ruleNameset
show rule set [ruleName <set>];
[ruleName <set>]
Specifies the name of the rule set.If a name is not provided, the rule set that is
currently identified as the context will be used. To view the current context, use
the show context command.
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringKeyValues object with the attributes of the rule set.PROPERTY
Rule Set Name RULE1
Schema USER1
Structural Changes Only Yes
Include Tables
B Exact Match
Exclude Tables
C Ends With
Shows the properties of a rule set.connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select rule set ruleName rule1;
show rule set;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
show table mapping
Use this command to show the properties of a table mapping. The table mapping
must be first selected as the current context.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} show table mapping
show table mapping;
None. Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringKeyValues object with the attributes of the table mapping.PROPERTY
----------------------------- -----------------------------
Source Table: CDC.TABLE_1
Target Table: CDC.TABLE_1
Mapping Type: Standard
Method: Mirror
Status: Refresh
Index Mode: Auto Detect
Row Subset Refresh:
Source WHERE clause:
Target WHERE clause:
Row-filtering Expression:
Select/Omit Rows:
Conflict Detection Columns:
Conflict Resolution Method: None
Value Comparison Column:
User Exit (with Path):
Shows the properties of a table mapping.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping
sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE_1
targetSchema USER1 targetTable TABLE_1;
show table mapping;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Table mapping commands
Mapping details commands
add data translation
add derived column
clear user exit
delete data translation
delete derived column
filter source column
list column encodings
list column mappings
list source columns
map column
modify column encoding
modify data translation
modify derived column
modify operations
modify user exit cdll
modify user exit function
modify user exit javaclass
modify user exit storedproc
show data translation
show derived column
show operations
show user exit
unmap column
Parent topic:CHCCLP Commands
add data translation
Use this command to add a data translation for the target column in the table
mapping that is the current context.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} add data translationtargetColumnnamebeforevalueaftertranslated
add data translation targetColumn <name> before <value> after <translated>;
targetColumn <name>
Specifies the name of the target column.
before <value>
Specifies the before value. Set this parameter to the string <NULL> to indicate
that you want to translate null to a specific value.
after <translated>
Specifies the after (translated) value. Set this parameter to the string <NULL>
to indicate that you want to translate a specific value to null.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1416. Sample
Translates state codes to full names.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable LOCATION;
add data translation targetColumn STATE before CA after California;
add data translation targetColumn STATE before NY after New York;
show data translation targetColumn STATE;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
add derived column
Use this command to add a derived column in the table mapping that is the current
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} add derived columnnamecolumndescription""descriptiondatatypetype
length0bytesscale0scalenullablefalse/notrue/yesdateTimeFormat NONEMDYDMY
YMDJULISOUSAEURJISHMSdateTimeSeparator spaceforwardSlashhyphenperiod
add derived column name <column> [description <description>] datatype <type>
[length <bytes>] [scale <scale>] [nullable <value>] [dateTimeFormat <format>]
[dateTimeSeparator <separator>][evaluate <frequency>] expression <name>;
name <column>
Specifies the name of the derived column.
[description <description>]
Specifies the description about the purpose of the derived column.Default
value: empty string ().
datatype <type>
Specifies the data type for the derived column.
[length <bytes>]
Specifies the length of the column in bytes.Default value: 0
[scale <scale>]
Specifies the scale of the numerical data type.Default value: 0
[nullable <value>]
Specifies if the column is nullable.Valid values:
true/yes—Enables the column as nullable. Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Does not enable the column as nullable. Either no or false are valid
Default value: false/no
[dateTimeFormat <frequency>]
Specifies the format of the date/time data type.Valid values:
MDY—Specifies the input format is mmddyy
DMY—Specifies the input format is ddmmyy
YMD—Specifies the input format is yymmdd
JUL—Specifies the input format is yyjjj, where jjj represent the sequence
number of a day in the calendar year. jjj must be between 1, which represents
January 1st, and 366, which represents December 31st in a leap year. For jjj
values less than 100, you must specify the leading zero or zeros. For
example, the Julian date for February 4th is 035, which represents the 35th
day of the year
ISO—Specifies the input format is the International Organization for
Standardization date format (CCYY/MM/DD HH.MM.SS).
USA—Specifies the input format is the United States date format
EUR—Specifies the input format is the European date format (DD/MM/CCYY
JIS—Specifies the input format is Japanese Industrial Standard
HMS—Specifies the input format is HH MM SS.
[dateTimeSeparator <separator>]
Specifies the character that will be used as a separator when formatting
date/time data types.Valid values:
space—Specifies that a space will be used as a separator.
forwardSlash—Specifies that a forward slash will be used as a separator.
hyphen—Specifies that a hyphen will be used as a separator.
period—Specifies that a period will be used as a separator.
comma—Specifies that a comma will be used as a separator.
colon—Specifies that a colon will be used as a separator.
[evaluate <frequency>]
Specifies the evaluation frequency you want for this derived column.Valid
after—Select this option when you want InfoSphere® CDC to evaluate the
expression in the derived column for the after image of the source table.
both—Select this option when you want InfoSphere CDC to evaluate the
expression in the derived column for both the before images and after images
of the source table.
Default value: after
expression <name>
Specifies the expression for the derived column.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1410. Sample
Adds a derived column that changes the PARTNAME value to upper case.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE_1;
add derived column name PART_NAME
datatype VARCHAR length 100
expression %UPPER(PARTNAME);
list source columns;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
clear user exit
Use this command to clear user exits for the table mapping.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} clear user exit
clear user exit;
None. Required role
System administrator
Selects table mapping and clears user exits.connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE_1 targetSchema USER1 targetTable TABLE_1;
clear user exit;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
delete data translation
Use this command to delete one or all data translation definition for the target
column in the table mapping that is the current context.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} delete data translationtargetColumnnamebeforevalue
delete data translation targetColumn <name> [before <value>];
targetColumn <name>
Specifies the name of the target column.
[before <value>]
Specifies the before value for the data translation to be deleted. If this value is
not provided, all data translations for the column will be deleted.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1417. Sample
Deletes a data translation for a column.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable PART_NUMBERS;
delete data translation targetColumn PART_CODE before A1;
show data translation targetColumn PART_CODE;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
delete derived column
Use this command to delete a derived column in the table mapping that is the
current context.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} delete derived columnname column
delete derived column name <column>;
name <column>
Specifies the name of the derived column.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1411. Sample
Deletes a derived column. The column must be unmapped before it can be deleted.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE_1;
unmap column targetColumn PART_NAME;
delete derived column PART_NAME;
list source columns;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
filter source column
Use this command to filter a source column for replication in the table mapping that
is the current context. This command can also be used to mark a source column as
a critical column.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} filter source column namecolumnreplicatetrue/yesfalse/nocriticaltrue/yes
filter source column name <column> replicate <filter> [critical <value>];
name <column>
Specifies the name of the source column.
replicate <filter>
Filters the column for replication.Valid values:
true/yes—Specifies that the column will be filtered. Either yes or true are valid
false/no—Specifies that the column will not be filtered. Either no or false are
valid values.
[critical <value>]
Marks the column as a critical column.Valid values:
true/yes—Specifies that the column will be marked as a critical column.
Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Specifies that the column will not be marked as a critical column.
Either no or false are valid values.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1413. Sample
Deselects a column from replication.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable EMPLOYEE;
list source columns;
filter source column name SALARY replicate no critical no;
list source columns;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
list column encodings
Use this command to list column MBCS encodings for a source or target table in the
table mapping that is the current context.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list column encodingstypesourcetarget
list column encodings [type <value>];
[type <value>]
Specifies whether to list column encodings for the source or target tableValid
source—Shows the column encodings for the source table.
target—Shows the column encodings for the target table.
Default: source
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringTable of the database and source encoding for the columns for a
source table in the table mapping.Column MBCS encoding conversion for source table CUSTOMER.
---------------- ------------------- -----------------
ZIP windows-1252 windows-1252
NAME windows-1252 windows-1252
ADDR_LN1 windows-1252 windows-1252
ADDR_LN2 windows-1252 windows-1252
CITY windows-1252 windows-1252
STATE windows-1252 windows-1252
PHONE windows-1252 windows-1252
FAX windows-1252 windows-1252
EMAIL windows-1252 windows-1252
Lists the database and actual encodings for the columns in the source and target
tables in a table mapping.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable CUSTOMER;
list column encodings type source;
list column encodings type target;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
list column mappings
Use this command to list the column mappings for the table mapping in the table
mapping that is the current context.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list column mappings showDataTypefalse/notrue/yes
list column mappings [showDataType <value>];
[showDataType <value>]
Enables the output to include column data types.Valid values:
true/yes—Includes column data type information in the output. Either yes or
true are valid values.
false/no—Does not include column data type information in the output. Either
no or false are valid values.
Default value: false/no
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringTable containing the column mappings for a table mapping.Column
mappings for table mapping USER1.CUSTOMER – USER1.CUSTOMER.
---------------- ---------------- ----------------
Lists the column mappings for the selected table mapping.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable CUSTOMER;
list column mappings;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
list source columns
Use this command to list column structures and column selections for the source
table of the table mapping that is the current context.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list source columns
list source columns;
None. Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringTable containing the columns for a source table in a table mapping.
Source columns for table USER1.CUSTOMER.
---------------- ---------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
Lists the source columns in the table and any derived columns that have been
added to it.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable CUSTOMER;
list source columns;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
map column
Use this command to map a source column, journal control field, or expression to a
target column in the table mapping that is the current context. For unmapped target
columns, the initial value can be set to a constant, blank, null, zero, database
default, or current date, depending on the column definition.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} map columntargetColumnnametypesourceColumnconstantexpression
map column targetColumn <name> [type <mapping>] value <value> [summarizationType
targetColumn <name>
Specifies the target column to map.
[type <mapping>]
Specifies the type of the column mapping.Valid values:
sourceColumn—Maps a source column to a target column.
constant—Populates the target column with a constant value.
expression—Maps an expression to a target column.
journal—Maps a journal control field to a target column.
initialValue—Populates the target column with an initial value.
accumulation—Ensures that numeric changes applied to the target column
are directly proportional to changes applied to the corresponding source
deduction—Ensures that numeric changes applied to the target columns are
inversely proportional to changes applied to mapped source columns.
Default value: sourceColumn
value <value>
Specifies the following information based on the value assigned in the type
If sourceColumn was assigned, <value> must be the source column name.
If constant was assigned, <value> must be the constant value.
If journal was assigned, <value> must be the journal control field name.
If expression was assigned, <value> must be the derived expression.
If initialValue was assigned, <value> must one of the following expected
values: blank, zero, null, databaseDefault, currentDate
If accumulation was assigned, <value> must be the accumulation source
column name or expression for a summarization mapping.
If deduction was assigned, <value> must be the deduction source column
name or expression for a summarization mapping.
[summarizationType <type>]
Specifies the type of the value parameter. This parameter is only applicable
when the type parameter has been set to accumulation or deduction.
Valid values:
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1409. Sample
Maps column names between source and target tables containing slightly different
column names. When tables are mapped, the datastore will automatically map
columns with identical names and compatible data types.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable CUSTOMER;
map column targetColumn CUSTOMER_NO value CUSTNO;
map column targetColumn CUSTOMER_NAME value NAME;
map column targetColumn PHONE type expression
list column mappings;
disconnect server;
Maps a target column to a journal control field.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable CUSTOMER;
map column targetColumn MODUSER type journal value &USER;
list column mappings; disconnect server;
Sets an initial value for a target column.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable PRODUCTS;
map column targetColumn PRCODE type initialValue value zero;
list column mappings;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
modify column encoding
Use this command to modify column encodings for a source or target column in the
table mapping that is the current context.
Syntax diagrams
Syntax 1: .arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify column encodingsourceColumnnametypedefaultbinaryspecify
Syntax 2:
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify column encodingtargetColumnnametypedefaultbinaryspecify
Syntax 1:modify column encoding [sourceColumn <name>] type <override> [value <value>];
Syntax 2:
modify column encoding [targetColumn <name>] type <override> [value <value>];
Syntax 1:
[sourceColumn <name>]
Specifies the name of the source column.
type <override>
Specifies the MBCS encoding conversion action.Valid values:
default—Uses the database default encoding.
binary—Replicates data with no changes to the encoding.
specify—Allows you to specify an IANA encoding.
[value <value>]
Specifies the IANA name of the character encoding that is to be used when the
specify value is assigned in the type parameter.
Syntax 2:
[targetColumn <name>]
Specifies the name of the target column.
type <override>
Specifies the MBCS encoding conversion action.Valid values:
default—Uses the database default encoding.
binary—Replicates data with no changes to the encoding.
specify—Allows you to specify an IANA encoding.
[value <value>]
Specifies the IANA name of the character encoding that is to be used when the
specify value is assigned in the type parameter.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1414. Sample
Overrides the database encoding for a column and identifies that the data is binary.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable CUSTOMER;
modify column encoding sourceColumn FLAG type binary;
list column encodings type source;
disconnect server;
Overrides the database encoding for a column and identifies that is stores UTF-8
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable CUSTOMER;
modify column encoding targetColumn DESCRIPTION type specify value UTF-8;
list column encodings type target;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
modify data translation
Use this command to modify a data translation definition for the target column in the
table mapping that is the current context.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify data translationtargetColumnnamebeforetranslationaftervalue
modify data translation targetColumn <name> before <translation> after <value>;
targetColumn <name>
Specifies the name of the target column.
before <translation>
Specifies the before value for the data translation to be modified.
after <value>
Specifies the after (translated) value to be set. Set this parameter to the string
<NULL> to indicate that you want to translate a specific value to null.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1418. Sample
Modifies the data translation for a column.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable PART_NUMBERS;
modify data translation targetColumn PART_CODE before A1 after 0000A1;
show data translation targetColumn PART_CODE;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
modify derived column
Use this command to modify a derived column in the table mapping that is the
current context.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify derived columnname columndescriptionpurposedatatypetype
lengthbytesscalescalenullabletrue/yesfalse/nodateTimeFormat NONEMDYDMY
YMDJULISOUSAEURJISHMSdateTimeSeparator spaceforwardSlashhyphenperiod
modify derived column name <column> [description <purpose>] [datatype <type>]
[length <bytes>] [scale <scale>] [nullable <value>] [dateTimeFormat <format>]
[dateTimeSeparator <separator>][evaluate <frequency>] [expression <expression>];
name <column>
Specifies the name of the derived column.
[description <purpose>]
Specifies the description about the purpose of the derived column.You can
specify to clear the description.
[datatype <type>]
Specifies the data type for the derived column.
[length <bytes>]
Specifies the length of the column in bytes.
[scale <scale>]
Specifies the scale of the numerical data type.
[nullable <value>]
Specifies if the column is nullable.Valid values:
true/yes—Specifies that the column is nullable. Either yes or true are valid
false/no—Specifies that the column is not nullable. Either no or false are valid
[dateTimeFormat <frequency>]
Specifies the format of the date/time data type.Valid values:
MDY—Specifies the input format is mmddyy
DMY—Specifies the input format is ddmmyy
YMD—Specifies the input format is yymmdd
JUL—Specifies the input format is yyjjj, where jjj represent the sequence
number of a day in the calendar year. jjj must be between 1, which represents
January 1st, and 366, which represents December 31st in a leap year. For jjj
values less than 100, you must specify the leading zero or zeros. For
example, the Julian date for February 4th is 035, which represents the 35th
day of the year
ISO—Specifies the input format is the International Organization for
Standardization date format (CCYY/MM/DD HH.MM.SS).
USA—Specifies the input format is the United States date format
EUR—Specifies the input format is the European date format (DD/MM/CCYY
JIS—Specifies the input format is Japanese Industrial Standard
HMS—Specifies the input format is HH MM SS.
[dateTimeSeparator <separator>]
Specifies the character that will be used as a separator when formatting
date/time data types.Valid values:
space—Specifies that a space will be used as a separator.
forwardSlash—Specifies that a forward slash will be used as a separator.
hyphen—Specifies that a hyphen will be used as a separator.
period—Specifies that a period will be used as a separator.
comma—Specifies that a comma will be used as a separator.
colon—Specifies that a colon will be used as a separator.
[evaluate <frequency>]
Specifies the evaluation frequency you want for this derived column.Valid
after—Select this option when you want InfoSphere® CDC to evaluate the
expression of the source derived column for only the after image of an update
both—Select this option when you want InfoSphere CDC to evaluate the
expression of the source derived column for both the before and after images
of an update operation.
[expression <expression>]
Specifies the expression for the derived column.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1412. Sample
Changes the expression for a derived column.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE_1;
modify derived column PART_NAME
expression '%UPPER(%CONCAT(PARTNO, -, PARTNAME))';
show derived column name PART_NAME;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
modify operations
Use this command to modify the row or table-level operations that will be applied on
the target for a table mapping. The table mapping must first be selected as the
current context.
Syntax diagram
Syntax 1 (Modifies row or table-level operations for Standard table mapping type)
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify operationsonInsertinsertRowdoNotInsertonUpdateupdateRow
Syntax 2 (Modifies row or table-level operations for Adaptive Apply table mapping
type) .arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify operationsonInsertupdateOrInsertRowdoNotInsertonUpdate
Syntax 3 (Modifies row or table-level operations for Audit table mapping type)
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify operationsonInsertdoNotInsertauditonUpdatedoNotUpdate
Syntax 4 (Modifies row or table-level operations for Summarization table mapping
type) .arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify operationsonInsertupdateOrInsertRowonUpdate
Syntax 5 (Modifies row or table-level operations for Consolidation One-to-One table
mapping type) .arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify operationsonInsertupdateOrInsertRowonUpdate
Syntax 6 (Modifies row or table-level operations for Consolidation One-to-Many
table mapping type) .arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; }
.arrowheadStartEnd, .arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black;
fill: black; } .arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify operationsonInsertdoNotInsertupdateAllonUpdateupdateAll
Syntax 1 (Modifies row or table-level operations for Standard table mapping type)
modify operations [onInsert <insert>] [onUpdate <update>] [onDelete <delete>]
[onClear <clear>] [expression <clause>] [sqlAfterRefresh <refresh>]
[sqlAfterTruncate <truncate>];
Syntax 2 (Modifies row or table-level operations for Adaptive Apply table mapping
type)modify operations [onInsert <insert>] [onUpdate <update>] [onDelete <delete>]
[onClear <clear>] [expression <clause>] [logChangedOnInsert <message_insert>]
[logChangedOnUpdate <message_update>] [logChangedOnDelete <message_delete>]
[sqlAfterRefresh <refresh>] [sqlAfterTruncate <truncate>];
Syntax 3 (Modifies row or table-level operations for Audit table mapping type)modify
operations [onInsert <insert>] [onUpdate <update>] [onDelete <delete>]
[onClear <clear>] [sqlAfterRefresh <refresh>] [sqlAfterTruncate <truncate>];
Syntax 4 (Modifies row or table-level operations for Summarization table mapping
type)modify operations [onInsert <insert>] [onUpdate <update>] [onDelete <delete>]
[onClear <clear>] [expression <clause>] [sqlAfterRefresh <refresh>]
[sqlAfterTruncate <truncate>];
Syntax 5 (Modifies row or table-level operations for Consolidation One-to-One table
mapping type)modify operations [onInsert <insert>] [onUpdate <update>] [onDelete <delete>]
[onClear <clear>] [expression <clause>] [sqlAfterRefresh <refresh>]
[sqlAfterTruncate <truncate>];
Syntax 6 (Modifies row or table-level operations for Consolidation One-to-Many
table mapping type)modify operations [onInsert <insert>] [onUpdate <update>] [onDelete <delete>]
[onClear <clear>] [expression <clause>] [sqlAfterRefresh <refresh>]
[sqlAfterTruncate <truncate>];
Syntax 1 (Modifies row or table-level operations for Standard table mapping type)
[onInsert <insert>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a row is
inserted in the source table.Valid values:
insertRow—Inserts the row in the target table.
doNotInsert—Does not insert the row in the target table.
[onUpdate <update>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a row is
updated in the source table.Valid values:
updateRow—Updates the row on the target table.
doNotUpdate—Does not update the row on the target table.
[onDelete <delete>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a row is
deleted in the source table.Valid values:
deleteRow—Deletes the row on the target table.
doNotDelete—Does not delete the row on the target table.
[onClear <clear>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a table-
level clear or refresh has been performed on source.Valid values:
deleteAll—Deletes all rows in the target table in response to a table-level
clear or refresh operation.
deleteSelected—Deletes selected rows in the target table in response to a
table-level clear or refresh operation.
doNotDelete—Prevents from applying a delete to a mapped target table.
[expression <clause>]
The SQL WHERE clause for deleting the selected rows. InfoSphere® CDC only
deletes or truncates the rows for which the condition is true.
[sqlAfterRefresh <refresh>]
Specifies an additional SQL statement that execute after applying a table
refresh operation to the target table.
[sqlAfterTruncate <truncate>]
Specifies an additional SQL statement that execute after applying a table
truncate/clear operation to the target table.
Syntax 2 (Modifies row or table-level operations for Adaptive Apply table mapping
[onInsert <insert>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a row is
inserted in the source table.Valid values:
updateOrInsertRow—Updates or inserts the row on the target table.
doNotInsert—Does not insert the row in the target table.
[onUpdate <update>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a row is
updated in the source table.Valid values:
updateOrInsertRow—Updates or inserts the row on the target table.
doNotUpdate—Does not update the row on the target table.
[onDelete <delete>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a row is
deleted in the source table.Valid values:
deleteRowIfExists—Deletes the row, if it exists, on the target table.
doNotUpdate—Does not update the row, if it exists, on the target table.
[onClear <clear>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a table-
level clear or refresh has been performed on source.Valid values:
deleteAll—Deletes all rows in the target table in response to a table-level
clear or refresh operation.
deleteSelected—Deletes selected rows in the target table in response to a
table-level clear or refresh operation
doNotDelete—Prevents InfoSphere CDC from applying a delete to a mapped
target table
[expression <clause>]
The SQL WHERE clause for deleting the selected rows. InfoSphere CDC only
deletes or truncates the rows for which the condition is true.
[logChangedOnInsert <message_insert>]
Generates a log message when there is an insert on the source.Valid values:
true/yes—Generates a log message when there is an insert on the source.
Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no——Does not generate a log message when there is an insert on the
source. Either no or false are valid values.
[logChangedOnUpdate <message_update>]
Generates a log message when there is an update on the source.Valid values:
true/yes—Generates a log message when there is an update on the source.
Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no——Does not generate a log message when there is an update on
the source. Either no or false are valid values.
[logChangedOnDelete <message_delete>]
Generates a log message when there is a delete on the source.Valid values:
true/yes—Generates a log message when there is a delete on the source.
Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no——Does not generate a log message when there is a delete on the
source. Either no or false are valid values.
[sqlAfterRefresh <refresh>]
Specifies an additional SQL statement that execute after applying a table
refresh operation to the target table.
[sqlAfterTruncate <truncate>]
Specifies an additional SQL statement that execute after applying a table
truncate/clear operation to the target table.
Syntax 3 (Modifies row or table-level operations for Audit table mapping type)
[onInsert <insert>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a row is
inserted in the source table.Valid values:
doNotInsert—Does not insert the row in the target table.
audit—Audits the operations applied to the target table when row inserted on
the source.
[onUpdate <update>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a row is
updated in the source table.Valid values:
doNotUpdate—Does not update the row on the target table.
auditAfter—Specifies that the target table only audits the after image when
there is a change to a row in the source table
auditBeforeAfter—Specifies that the target table audits the before and after
images when there is a change to a row in the source table
[onDelete <delete>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a row is
deleted in the source table.Valid values:
doNotUpdate—Does not update the row on the target table.
audit—Audits the operations applied to the target table when row deleted on
the source.
[onClear <clear>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a table-
level clear or refresh has been performed on source.Valid values:
doNotDelete—Prevents InfoSphere CDC from applying a delete to a mapped
target table.
audit—Audits the operations applied to the target table in response to a table-
level clear or refresh operation.
[sqlAfterRefresh <refresh>]
Specifies an additional SQL statement that execute after applying a table
refresh operation to the target table.
[sqlAfterTruncate <truncate>]
Specifies an additional SQL statement that execute after applying a table
truncate/clear operation to the target table.
Syntax 4 (Modifies row or table-level operations for Summarization table mapping
[onInsert <insert>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a row is
inserted in the source table.Valid values:
updateOrInsertRow—Updates or inserts the row on the target table.
[onUpdate <update>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a row is
updated in the source table.Valid values:
updateOrInsertRow—Updates or inserts the row on the target table.
[onDelete <delete>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a row is
deleted in the source table.Valid values:
updateOrInsertRow—Updates or inserts the row on the target table.
[onClear <clear>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a table-
level clear or refresh has been performed on source.Valid values:
deleteAll—Deletes all rows in the target table in response to a table-level
clear or refresh operation.
deleteSelected—Deletes selected rows in the target table in response to a
table-level clear or refresh operation.
doNotDelete—Prevents InfoSphere CDC from applying a delete to a mapped
target table.
[expression <clause>]
The SQL WHERE clause for deleting the selected rows. InfoSphere CDC only
deletes or truncates the rows for which the condition is true.
[sqlAfterRefresh <refresh>]
Specifies an additional SQL statement that execute after applying a table
refresh operation to the target table.
[sqlAfterTruncate <truncate>]
Specifies an additional SQL statement that execute after applying a table
truncate/clear operation to the target table.
Syntax 5 (Modifies row or table-level operations for Consolidation One-to-One table
mapping type)
[onInsert <insert>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a row is
inserted in the source table.Valid values:
updateOrInsertRow—Updates or inserts the row on the target table.
[onUpdate <update>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a row
updated in the source table.Valid values:
updateOrInsertRow—Updates or inserts the row on the target table.
[onDelete <delete>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a row
deleted in the source table.Valid values:
doNotDelete—Does not delete the row on the target table.
[onClear <clear>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a table-
level clear or refresh has been performed on source.Valid values:
deleteAll—Deletes all rows in the target table in response to a table-level
clear or refresh operation.
deleteSelected—Deletes selected rows in the target table in response to a
table-level clear or refresh operation.
doNotDelete—Prevents InfoSphere CDC from applying a delete to a mapped
target table.
[expression <clause>]
The SQL WHERE clause for deleting the selected rows. InfoSphere CDC only
deletes or truncates the rows for which the condition is true.
[sqlAfterRefresh <refresh>]
Specifies an additional SQL statement that execute after applying a table
refresh operation to the target table.
[sqlAfterTruncate <truncate>]
Specifies an additional SQL statement that execute after applying a table
truncate/clear operation to the target table.
Syntax 6 (Modifies row or table-level operations for Consolidation One-to-Many
table mapping type)
[onInsert <insert>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a row is
inserted in the source table.Valid values:
doNotInsert—Does not insert the row in the target table.
[onUpdate <update>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a row is
updated in the source table.Valid values:
[onDelete <delete>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a row is
deleted in the source table.Valid values:
doNotDelete—Does not delete the row on the target table.
[onClear <clear>]
Specifies an operation which will be applied to the target table when a table-
level clear or refresh has been performed on source.Valid values:
deleteAll—Deletes all rows in the target table in response to a table-level
clear or refresh operation.
deleteSelected—Deletes selected rows in the target table in response to a
table-level clear or refresh operation.
doNotDelete—Prevents InfoSphere CDC from applying a delete to a mapped
target table.
[expression <clause>]
The SQL WHERE clause for deleting the selected rows. InfoSphere CDC only
deletes or truncates the rows for which the condition is true.
[sqlAfterRefresh <refresh>]
Specifies an additional SQL statement that execute after applying a table
refresh operation to the target table.
[sqlAfterTruncate <truncate>]
Specifies an additional SQL statement that execute after applying a table
truncate/clear operation to the target table.
Required role
System administrator
Selects table mapping and specifies the operations that will be applied to the target
table in response to a row-level operations on the source.connect server username user1
password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE_1;
modify operations onInsert insertRow onUpdate doNotUpdate onDelete doNotDelete;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
modify user exit cdll
Use this command to modify C/C++ DLL user exits for the table mapping.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify user exit cdlldllnamenamebeforeInsertbefore_insertafterInsert
modify user exit cdll [dllname <name>] [beforeInsert <before_insert>] [afterInsert
<after_insert>] [beforeUpdate <before_update>] [afterUpdate <after_update>]
[beforeDelete <before_delete>] [afterDelete <after_delete>] [beforeRefresh
<before_refresh>] [afterRefresh <after_refresh>] [beforeTruncate <before_truncate>]
[afterTruncate <after_truncate>];
[dllname <name>]
Specifies the DLL name.
[beforeInsert <before_insert>]
Specifies the name of the function which will be called before replicating an
insert operation.
[afterInsert <after_insert>]
Specifies the name of the function which will be called after replicating an insert
[beforeUpdate <before_update>]
Specifies the name of the function which will be called before replicating an
update operation.
[afterUpdate <after_update>]
Specifies the name of the function which will be called after replicating an
update operation.
[beforeDelete <before_delete>]
Specifies the name of the function which will be called before replicating a
delete operation.
[afterDelete <after_delete>]
Specifies the name of the function which will be called after replicating a delete
[beforeRefresh <before_refresh>]
Specifies the name of the function which will be called before replicating a
refresh operation.
[afterRefresh <after_refresh>]
Specifies the name of the function which will be called after replicating a refresh
[beforeTruncate <before_truncate>]
Specifies the name of the function which will be called before replicating a
truncate operation.
[afterTruncate <after_truncate>]
Specifies the name of the function which will be called after replicating a
truncate operation.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1420. Sample
Selects table mapping and sets C/C++ DLL user exit.connect server username user1 password
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE_1 targetSchema USER1
targetTable TABLE_1;
modify user exit cdll dllname userExitDllName beforeInsert function1 afterDelete
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
modify user exit function
Use this command to modify Standard Function user exit for the table mapping.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify user exit functionbeforeInsertbefore_insertafterInsertafter_insert
modify user exit function [beforeInsert <before_insert>] [afterInsert
<after_insert>] [beforeUpdate <before_update>] [afterUpdate <after_update>]
[beforeDelete <before_delete>] [afterDelete <after_delete>] [beforeRefresh
<before_refresh>] [afterRefresh <after_refresh>] [beforeTruncate <before_truncate>]
[afterTruncate <after_truncate>];
[beforeInsert <before_insert>]
Specifies the name of the program which will be called before replicating an
insert operation.
[afterInsert <after_insert>]
Specifies the name of the program which will be called after replicating an insert
[beforeUpdate <before_update>]
Specifies the name of the program which will be called before replicating an
update operation.
[afterUpdate <after_update>]
Specifies the name of the program which will be called after replicating an
update operation.
[beforeDelete <before_delete>]
Specifies the name of the program which will be called before replicating a
delete operation.
[afterDelete <after_delete>]
Specifies the name of the program which will be called after replicating a delete
[beforeRefresh <before_refresh>]
Specifies the name of the program which will be called before replicating a
refresh operation.
[afterRefresh <after_refresh>]
Specifies the name of the program which will be called after replicating a
refresh operation.
[beforeTruncate <before_truncate>]
Specifies the name of the program which will be called before replicating a
truncate operation.
[afterTruncate <after_truncate>]
Specifies the name of the program which will be called after replicating a
truncate operation.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1420. Sample
Selects table mapping and sets Standard Function user exit.connect server username user1
password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE_1 targetSchema USER1 targetTable TABLE_1;
modify user exit function beforeInsert function1 afterDelete function2;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
modify user exit javaclass
Use this command to modify Java Class user exits for the table mapping.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify user exit javaclassclassnamenameparameterparameter
modify user exit javaclass [classname <name>] [parameter <parameter>] [beforeInsert
<before_insert>] [afterInsert <after_insert>] [beforeUpdate <before_update>]
[afterUpdate <after_update>] [beforeDelete <before_delete>] [afterDelete
<after_delete>] [beforeRefresh <before_refresh>] [afterRefresh <after_refresh>]
[beforeTruncate <before_truncate>] [afterTruncate <after_truncate>];
[classname <name>]
Specifies the name of the Java class that implements the UserExitIF interface.
[parameter <parameter>]
Specifies the parameters that are to be used with the user exit program.
[beforeInsert <before_insert>]
Specifies if user exit will run before replicating an insert operation.Valid values:
true/yes—Specifies that the user exit will run before replicating an insert
operation. Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Specifies that the user exit will not run before replicating an insert
operation. Either no or false are valid values.
[afterInsert <after_insert>]
Specifies if user exit will run after replicating an insert operation.Valid values:
true/yes—Specifies that the user exit will run after replicating an insert
operation. Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Specifies that the user exit will not run after replicating an insert
operation. Either no or false are valid values.
[beforeUpdate <before_update>]
Specifies if user exit will run before replicating an update operation.Valid
true/yes—Specifies that the user exit will run before replicating an update
operation. Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Specifies that the user exit will not run before replicating an update
operation. Either no or false are valid values.
[afterUpdate <after_update>]
Specifies if user exit will run after replicating an update operation.Valid values:
true/yes—Specifies that the user exit will run after replicating an update
operation. Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Specifies that the user exit will not run after replicating an update
operation. Either no or false are valid values.
[beforeDelete <before_delete>]
Specifies if user exit will run before replicating a delete operation.Valid values:
true/yes—Specifies that the user exit will run before replicating a delete
operation. Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Specifies that the user exit will not run before replicating a delete
operation. Either no or false are valid values.
[afterDelete <after_delete>]
Specifies if user exit will run after replicating a delete operation.Valid values:
true/yes—Specifies that the user exit will run after replicating a delete
operation. Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Specifies that the user exit will not run after replicating a delete
operation. Either no or false are valid values.
[beforeRefresh <before_refresh>]
Specifies if user exit will run before replicating a refresh operation.Valid values:
true/yes—Specifies that the user exit will run before replicating a refresh
operation. Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Specifies that the user exit will not run before replicating a refresh
operation. Either no or false are valid values.
[afterRefresh <after_refresh>]
Specifies if user exit will run after replicating a refresh operation.Valid values:
true/yes—Specifies that the user exit will run after replicating a refresh
operation. Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Specifies that the user exit will not run after replicating a refresh
operation. Either no or false are valid values.
[beforeTruncate <before_truncate>]
Specifies if user exit will run before replicating a truncate operation.Valid
true/yes—Specifies that the user exit will run before replicating a truncate
operation. Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Specifies that the user exit will not run before replicating a truncate
operation. Either no or false are valid values.
[afterTruncate <after_truncate>]
Specifies if user exit will run after replicating a truncate operation.Valid values:
true/yes—Specifies that the user exit will run after replicating a truncate
operation. Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Specifies that the user exit will not run after replicating a truncate
operation. Either no or false are valid values.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1420. Sample
Selects table mapping and sets Java Class user exit.connect server username user1 password
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE_1 targetSchema USER1 targetTable TABLE_1;
modify user exit javaclass classname CustomHandlerClass parameter 100 beforeInsert yes afterDelete yes;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
modify user exit storedproc
Use this command to modify Stored Procedure user exits for the table mapping.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify user exit storedprocschemanamebeforeInsertbefore_insert
modify user exit storedproc [schema <name>][beforeInsert <before_insert>]
[afterInsert <after_insert>] [beforeUpdate <before_update>] [afterUpdate
<after_update>] [beforeDelete <before_delete>] [afterDelete <after_delete>]
[beforeRefresh <before_refresh>] [afterRefresh <after_refresh>] [beforeTruncate
<before_truncate>] [afterTruncate <after_truncate>];
[schema <name>]
Specifies the schema name.
[beforeInsert <before_insert>]
Specifies the name of the stored procedure, which runs before replicating an
insert operation.
[afterInsert <after_insert>]
Specifies the name of the stored procedure, which runs after replicating an
insert operation.
[beforeUpdate <before_update>]
Specifies the name of the stored procedure, which runs before replicating an
update operation.
[afterUpdate <after_update>]
Specifies the name of the stored procedure, which runs after replicating an
update operation.
[beforeDelete <before_delete>]
Specifies the name of the stored procedure, which runs before replicating a
delete operation.
[afterDelete <after_delete>]
Specifies the name of the stored procedure, which runs after replicating a
delete operation.
[beforeRefresh <before_refresh>]
Specifies the name of the stored procedure, which runs before replicating a
refresh operation.
[afterRefresh <after_refresh>]
Specifies the name of the stored procedure, which runs after replicating a
refresh operation.
[beforeTruncate <before_truncate>]
Specifies the name of the stored procedure, which runs before replicating a
truncate operation.
[afterTruncate <after_truncate>]
Specifies the name of the stored procedure, which runs after replicating a
truncate operation.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1420. Sample
Selects table mapping and sets Stored Procedure user exit.
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
show data translation
Use this command to display the data translation settings for a target column.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} show data translationtargetColumnname
show data translation targetColumn <name>;
targetColumn <name>
Specifies the name of the target column.
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringTable containing the before and after value translations for a column.
Data translation for target column STATE.
---------------- ----------------
CA California
NY New York
Shows the data translations for a column.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable LOCATION;
show data translation targetColumn STATE;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
show derived column
Use this command to display the properties of a derived column in the table
mapping that is the current context.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} show derived columnnamecolumn
show derived column name <column>;
name <column>
Specifies the name of the derived column.
Required role
System administrator
A ResultStringKeyValues object containing the properties of the derived column.
-------------------------- --------------------------
Data Type: VARCHAR
Length: 100
Scale: 0
Nullable: false
Evaluation Frequency: after
Expression: %UPPER(PARTNAME)
Shows the properties of a derived column.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE_1;
add derived column PART_NAME datatype
VARCHAR length 100 expression %UPPER(PARTNAME);
show derived column name PART_NAME;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
show operations
Use this command to view the row and table-level operations that will be applied on
the target for a table mapping. The table mapping must be first selected as the
current context.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} show operations
show operations;
None. Required role
System administrator
A ResultResultList object containing ResultStringValue object containing description
and ResultStringKeyValues object containing the row and table-level operations.Row
and table-level operations for table mapping DB2ADMIN.TABLE_1.
----------------------------- --------------------------
On Insert: Insert Row
On Update: Do Not Update
On Delete: Do Not Delete
On Clear/Truncate: Delete Selected Rows
Delete selected rows where: ZIP='12345'
SQL After Truncate:
SQL After Refresh:
Selects a table mapping and shows row and table-level operations.connect server
username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE_1 targetSchema USER1 targetTable TABLE_1;
show operations;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
show user exit
Use this command to view user exits for the table mapping.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} show user exit
show user exit;
None. Result
The ResultResultList object containing ResultStringValue object containing
description, ResultStringKeyValues object containing user exit type and parameters
(if applicable), and ResultStringTable object containing settings for user exit
operations.User exit for table mapping DB2ADMIN.TABLE_1 - DB2ADMIN.TARGET_TABLE_1
User Exit Type: Java Class
Class Name: UserExitClassName
Parameter: 200
---------------- ---------------- ----------------
Insert Yes No
Update No Yes
Delete No No
Refresh No No
Truncate No No
Required role
System administrator
Shows the user exit settings for a table mapping.connect server username user1 password
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable TABLE_1 targetSchema USER1 targetTable TABLE_1;
show user exit;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
unmap column
Use this command to unmap a target column in the table mapping that is the current
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} unmap columntargetColumnname
unmap column targetColumn <name>;
targetColumn <name>
Specifies the target column to unmap.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1415. Sample
Unmaps a target column and displays the current column mappings.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceSchema USER1 sourceTable CUSTOMER;
unmap column targetColumn REWARDCODE;
list column mappings;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Mapping details commands
Replication commands
clear datastore events
clear subscription events
end replication
list datastore events
list subscription events
list subscription performance metrics
list table performance metrics
monitor replication
monitor subscription activity
monitor subscription busy tables
monitor subscription latency
monitor subscription performance
monitor subscription refresh
monitor table performance
show datastore event details
show subscription event details
start mirroring
start refresh
Parent topic:CHCCLP Commands
clear datastore events
Use this command to clear the events logged for a datastore.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} clear datastore eventsnamedatastoretypesourcetargetboth
clear datastore events [name <datastore>] type <value>;
[name <datastore>]
Specifies the name of the datastore for which events will be cleared.If a name
is not provided, the datastore that is currently set to source and target context
will be used.
type <value>
Specifies whether to clear events from the source, events from the target, or
both sets of events.Valid values:
source—Clears events from the source only.
target—Clears events from the target only.
both—Clears events from both the source and target.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1320. Sample
Connects to a datastore and clears the source and target events logged at the
datastore level.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
clear datastore events type both;
disconnect datastore name DS1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Replication commands
clear subscription events
Use this command to clear the events logged for a subscription.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} clear subscription eventsnamesubscriptiontypesourcetargetboth
clear subscription events [name <subscription>] type <value>;
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription for which events will be cleared. If a
name is not provided, the subscription that is currently identified as the context
will be used. To view the current context, use the show context command.
type <value>
Specifies whether to clear events from the source, events from the target, or
both sets of events.Valid values:
source—Clears events from the source only.
target—Clears events from the target only.
both—Clears events from both the source and target.
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1321. Sample
Selects a subscription and clears the source events.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
clear subscription events type source;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Replication commands
end replication
Use this command to end replication for a subscription.The table mapping context is
cleared after executing this command if the context is currently set to this
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} end replicationnamesubscriptionmethodnormalimmediateabort
end replication [name <subscription>] [method <stop>] [endType <type>]
[endValue <value>] [wait <seconds>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
[method <stop>]
Specifies the method to stop replication.Valid values:
normal—InfoSphere® CDC completes in progress work and then ends
replication. If a refresh is in progress, normal will complete the refresh for the
current table before replication ends.
immediate—InfoSphere CDC stops all in progress work and then ends
replication. Starting replication after using this option can be slower than using
the normal option. If a refresh is in progress, the refresh for the current table
will be interrupted and then replication will end.You should ensure that all
dependent source database logs are available before ending replication using
the Immediate option. InfoSphere CDC may need to reprocess all the
dependent source logs when you restart the subscription. If InfoSphere CDC
is currently processing a long running transaction when you end replication
with Immediate, InfoSphere CDC may have to resume replication from the
earliest open transaction in the database logs.
Attention: Use this option if business reasons require replication to end faster
than normal at the expense of a slower start when you resume replication on
the subscription.
abort—InfoSphere CDC stops all in progress work and then ends replication
rapidly. Starting replication after using this option can be much slower than the
normal option. A refresh in progress will be interrupted and the target will stop
processing any data that has not been committed before replication ends.You
should ensure that all dependent source database logs are available before
ending replication using the abort option. InfoSphere CDC may need to
reprocess all the dependent source logs when you restart the subscription. If
InfoSphere CDC is currently processing a long running transaction when you
end replication with abort, InfoSphere CDC may have to resume replication
from the earliest open transaction in the database logs.
Attention: Use this option if your business reasons require a rapid end to
replication and you are willing to tolerate a much slower start when you
resume replication on the subscription. A sudden business requirement for an
unplanned shut down of your source system may require this option for ending
scheduledEnd—This option will process all committed database changes in
the source database and then end replication at the indicated point with the
normal option. This option is not available if all the tables in a subscription are
currently refreshing.
Default value: normal
[endType <type>]
Identifies the scheduled end type when the method value is scheduledEnd.
Valid values:
now—End replication at the current source system time in your source
database log.
logPosition—End replication with the normal option at the specified log
position. InfoSphere CDC displays the format of the log position for the source
datastore. This option is only available for supported source datastores.
localTime—End replication with the normal option at the specified log date
and time. InfoSphere CDC displays the UTC offset (in minutes) of the source
Default value: now
[endValue <value>]
When the endType value is logPosition, this value specifies a log position for
the end value. When the endType value is localTime, this value specifies the
exact date and time in the source engine's time zone using the
yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS format.
[wait <seconds>]
Specifies how long to wait (in seconds) for replication to stop. Use -1 to wait
indefinitely, 0 for no wait, or the maximum number of seconds to wait before
continuing with script execution.Default value: 0
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1314. Sample
Selects a subscription and ends replication using normal shut down.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
end replication;
disconnect server;
Selects a subscription and schedules it to end replicating.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
end replication method scheduledEnd endType now;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Replication commands
list datastore events
Use this command to list the events for a datastore.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list datastore eventsnamedatastoretypesourcetargetcount500number
list datastore events [name <datastore>] type <retrieve> [count <number>];
[name <datastore>]
Specifies the name of the datastore for which events will be displayed.If a
name is not provided, the datastore that is currently set to source and target
context will be used.
type <retrieve>
Specifies whether to retrieve events from the source or from the target.Valid
source—Clears events from the source only.
target—Clears events from the target only.
[count <number>]
Specifies the number of events to retrieve.Valid range: 1 to 10000
Default value: 500
Required role
Any Result
A ResultStringTable of datastore events. Each event is identified by a row number
that can be used to fetch more details using the show datastore event details
command. Sample
Lists 500 source events from a datastore.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
list datastore events type source count 500;
disconnect datastore name DS1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Replication commands
list subscription events
Use this command to list the events for a subscription.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list subscription eventsnamesubscriptiontypesourcetargetcount500
list subscription events [name <subscription>] type <retrieve> [count <number>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
type <retrieve>
Specifies whether to retrieve events from the source or from the target.Valid
source—Clears events from the source only.
target—Clears events from the target only.
[count <number>]
Specifies the number of events to retrieve.Valid range: 1 to 10000
Default value: 500
Required role
Any Result
A ResultStringTable of subscription events. Each event is identified by a row
number that can be used to fetch more details using the show subscription event
details command. Sample
Selects a subscription and lists 500 source and target subscription events.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
list subscription events name SUB1 type source count 500;
list subscription events name SUB1 type target count 500;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Replication commands
list subscription performance metrics
Use this command to view a list of the available performance metrics of the
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list subscription performance metricsnamesubscription
list subscription performance metrics [name <subscription>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
Required role
Any Result
The ResultStringTable object containing list of available performance metrics for a
--------------------------------------------------- ------
Datastore - DatastoreName
Time check missed count 1001
Free memory - bytes 1002
Maximum memory - bytes 1003
Total memory - bytes 1004
Garbage collections - count 1005
Garbage collection CPU time - milliseconds 1006
Global memory manager - bytes 1007
Network errors - count 2401
Select a subscription and lists its available performance metrics.connect server username
user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
list subscription performance metrics;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Replication commands
list table performance metrics
Use this command to view a list of the available table level performance metrics of
the subscription.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list table performance metricsnamesubscription
list table performance metrics [name <subscription>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
Required role
Any Result
The ResultStringTable object containing the list of the available table level
performance metrics.METRIC ID
---------------------------------------------------- ------
Source Engine
Source engine bytes processed 1601
Source pre-filter inserts 1602
Source pre-filter updates 1603
Source pre-filter deletes 1604
Target Apply
Target database bytes processed 1701
Target apply inserts - count 1702
Target apply updates - count 1703
Target apply deletes - count 1704
Target apply slow database operations - count 1705
Selects a subscription and lists its available table level performance metrics.connect
server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
list table performance metrics;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Replication commands
monitor replication
Use this command to monitor replication state and latency of subscriptions
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} monitor replicationfilterallcontextdatastoresubscriptionnamesubscription
monitor replication [filter <value>] [name <subscription>];
[filter <value>]
Specifies how the subscriptions to monitor will be selected. If a datastore or
subscription filter is selected and the name is not provided, the current context
will be used.Valid values:
all—Requests monitoring information for all available subscriptions
datastore—Filters the subscriptions by datastore.
subscription—Filters the subscriptions by name.
Default value: all
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the datastore or subscription based on the filter
parameter. If a subscription name is provided, the subscription must match the
current source and target datastores in context
Required role
Any Result
A ResultStringTable containing the current replication state, scheduled end setting
(when applicable), and current latency for the filtered set of subscriptions Sample
Polls the datastore for its current replication state, scheduled end setting (when
applicable), and current latency threshold for each subscription.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1;
monitor replication;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Replication commands
monitor subscription activity
Use this command to monitor subscription activity statistics.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} monitor subscription activitynamesubscription
monitor subscription activity [name <subscription>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
Required role
Any Result
A ResultStringTable containing the source and target byte and operational counts
for the subscription. Sample
Polls the activity (byte and operation counts) for a subscription and displays the
source and target values.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
monitor subscription activity;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Replication commands
monitor subscription busy tables
Use this command to monitor the busy tables in a subscription. The subscription
must be actively mirroring in order to capture busy table information.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} monitor subscription busy tablesnamesubscription
monitor subscription busy tables [name <subscription>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
Required role
Any Result
A ResultStringTable containing the busiest tables in the subscription. For each table,
the number of bytes, and relative percentage of activity is presented. Sample
Polls the subscription for the list of busiest tables.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
monitor subscription busy tables;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Replication commands
monitor subscription latency
Use this command to monitor subscription latency statistics.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} monitor subscription latencynamesubscription
monitor subscription latency [name <subscription>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
Required role
Any Result
A ResultStringTable containing the latency threshold and current latency value for
the subscription. Sample
Polls latency information for the subscription and displays the current value.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
monitor subscription latency;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Replication commands
monitor subscription performance
Use this command to monitor subscription performance statistics.
Syntax diagram
Syntax 1 (Monitors table performance statistics for the table mapping selected as
the current context) .arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; }
.arrowheadStartEnd, .arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black;
fill: black; } .arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} monitor subscription performancenamesubscriptionmetricIDslist
S Syntax
monitor subscription performance [name <subscription>] metricIDs <list>;
name <subscription>
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
metricIDs <list>
Specifies a comma-delimited list of statistic metric IDs used to monitor the
performance of the subscription.
Required role
Any Result
The ResultStringTable object containing performance statistics for a subscription.
Polls the performance statistics (byte and operation counts) for a subscription and
displays the source and target values.connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
list subscription performance statistics;
monitor subscription performance metricIDs 1301,101,102,202,207,208,209,2305;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Replication commands
monitor subscription refresh
Use this command to monitor the refresh status of the tables in a subscription.If the
subscription is currently being refreshed, the result is a table of statistics for each
table flagged for refresh. If the subscription is not actively refreshing tables, the
result is the last known refresh statistics, if any are available.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} monitor subscription refreshnamesubscription
monitor subscription refresh [name <subscription>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
Required role
Any Result
A ResultStringTable containing the list of tables currently being refreshed, or the list
of tables in the last performed refresh. For each table, the statistics include the
number of rows read from the source and the number applied on the target.
Polls the subscription for the statistics of the tables currently being refreshed.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
monitor subscription refresh;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Replication commands
monitor table performance
Use this command to monitor table performance statistics for a table mapping
selected as the current context or a rule table selected for the subscription.
Syntax diagram
Syntax 1 (Monitors table performance statistics for the table mapping selected as
the current context) .arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; }
.arrowheadStartEnd, .arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black;
fill: black; } .arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} monitor table performancemetricIDslist
Syntax 2 (Monitors table performance statistics for a rule table that specified by
schema and name) .arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; }
.arrowheadStartEnd, .arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black;
fill: black; } .arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} monitor table performanceschemaschematablenamemetricIDslist
Syntax 1 (Monitors table performance statistics for the table mapping selected as
the current context)monitor table performance metricIDs <list>;
Syntax 2 (Monitors table performance statistics for a rule table that specified by
schema and name)monitor table performance schema <schema> table <name> metricIDs <list>;
Syntax 1 (Monitors table performance statistics for the table mapping selected as
the current context)
metricIDs <list>
Specifies a comma-delimited list of statistic metric IDs used to monitor the
performance of the source and target tables of the table mapping.
Syntax 2 (Monitors table performance statistics for a rule table that specified by
schema and name)
schema <schema>
Specifies the schema name of the table.
table <name>
Specifies the name of the table.
metricIDs <list>
Specifies a comma-delimited list of statistic metric IDs used to monitor the
performance of the source and target tables of the table mapping.
Required role
Any Result
The ResultStringTable object containing performance statistics for a table.
Sample 1: Polls the performance statistics (byte and operation counts) for a table
mapping and displays the source and target values.connect server username user1 password
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
select table mapping sourceTable TABLE_1;
list table performance statistics;
monitor table performance metricIDs 1601,1602,1603,1604;
disconnect server;
Sample 2: Polls the performance statistics (byte and operation counts) for a rule
table and displays the source and target values.connect server username user1 password
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
list rule set tables;
list table performance statistics;
monitor table performance schema USER1 table TABLE1 statisticIDs 1601,1602,1603,1604;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Replication commands
show datastore event details
Use this command to view the details of a datastore event. The list datastore events
command must be called before running this command.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} show datastore event detailsrownumber
show datastore event details row <number>;
row <number>
Specifies the row number from the previous list datastore events result.
Required role
Any Result
A ResultStringValue containing the details of the event. Sample
Lists the events for a datastore and displays details about the first one.connect server
username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name datastore1;
list datastore events context source;
show datastore event details row 1;
disconnect datastore;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Replication commands
Related reference
list datastore events
show subscription event details
Use this command to view the details of a subscription event. The list subscription
events command must be called before running this command.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} show subscription event detailsrownumber
show subscription event details row <number>;
row <number>
Specifies the row number from the previous list subscription events result.
Required role
Any Result
A ResultStringValue containing the details of the event. Sample
Lists the events for a subscription and displays details about the first one.connect server
username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name datastore1;
select subscription name SUB1;
list subscriptions events context source;
show subscription event details row 1;
disconnect datastore;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Replication commands
Related reference
list subscription events
start mirroring
Use this command to start mirroring a subscription.The table mapping context is
cleared after executing this command if the context is currently set to this
subscription. If the start mirroring command is executed with no wait and the list
table mappings command is immediately executed, use the reload option to update
the table statuses.
Use the list table mappings command to view the list of tables that are currently
marked for mirroring.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} start mirroringnamesubscription methodcontinuousscheduledEnd
start mirroring [name <subscription>] [method <mirror>] [endType <type>]
[endValue <value>] [wait <seconds>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
[method <mirror>]
Specifies the method of mirroring to be used.Valid values:
continuous—Replicates changes to the target on a continuous basis.
scheduledEnd—Replicates changes to the target until to a user-specified
point in the source database log and then ends replication.
Default value: continuous
[endType <type>]
Identifies the scheduled end type when the method parameter is set to
scheduledEnd.Valid values:
now—Specifies that replication will stop when the current time is reached in
the source database log.
logPosition—Specifies that replication will stop when replication reaches a
user-specified log position in the source database log.
localTime—Specifies that replication will stop at a user-specified data and
time in the source database log.
Default value: now
[endValue <value>]
When the endType parameter is set to logPosition, this value specifies a log
position for the end value. When the endType parameter is set to localTime,
this value specifies the exact date and time in the source engine's time zone
using yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS.
[wait <seconds>]
Specifies how long to wait (in seconds) for mirroring to start. Use -1 to wait
indefinitely, 0 for no wait, or the maximum number of seconds to wait before
continuing with script execution.Default value: 0
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1312. Sample
Selects a subscription and starts mirroring.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
start mirroring;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Replication commands
start refresh
Use this command to start refreshing a subscription.The table mapping context is
cleared after executing this command if the context is currently set to this
subscription. If the start refresh command is executed with no wait and the list table
mappings command is immediately executed, use the reload option to update the
table statuses.
Use the list table mappings command to view the list of tables that are currently
flagged for refresh.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} start refreshnamesubscription wait0seconds
start refresh [name <subscription>] [wait <seconds>];
[name <subscription>]
Specifies the name of the subscription.If a name is not provided, the
subscription that is currently identified as the context will be used. To view the
current context, use the show context command.
[wait <seconds>]
Specifies how long to wait (in seconds) for refresh to start. Use -1 to wait
indefinitely, 0 for no wait, or the maximum number of seconds to wait before
continuing with script execution.Default value: 0
Required role
System administrator
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1313. Sample
Selects a subscription and starts refresh.
connect server username user1 password password1;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
start refresh;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Replication commands
Access Manager commands
See also:
add access connection
add access datastore
add access user
change login password
close access user connections
delete access connection
delete access datastore
delete access user
list access datastores
list access users
modify access connection
modify access datastore
modify access user
show access connection
show access datastore
show access user
Parent topic:CHCCLP Commands
add access connection
Use this command to add a new connection between a datastore and user in
Access Server.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} add access connectionusernameuserdatastorenamedbUserdatabase
dbPassword passwordalwaysPromptfalse/notrue/yesshowParameterValuesfalse/no
add access connection username user datastore name dbUser database dbPassword
password [alwaysPrompt prompt] [showParameterValues show] [writeProtectParameters
write] [saveParameters save];
username user
Specifies the name of the user.
datastore name
Specifies the name of the datastore.
dbUser database
Specifies the database user name.
dbPassword password
Specifies the database password
[alwaysPrompt prompt]
Specifies whether the user should be prompted for login credentials.Valid
true/yes—Prompts user for login credentials. Either yes or true are valid
false/no—Does not prompt user for login credentials. Either no or false are
valid values.
Default value: false/no
[showParameterValues show]
Specifies whether parameter values are displayed at login.Valid values:
true/yes—Displays parameter values at login. Either yes or true are valid
false/no—Does not display parameter values at login. Either no or false are
valid values.
Default value: false/no
[writeProtectParameters write]
Specifies that parameters are write-protected.Valid values:
true/yes—Write-protects parameters. Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Does not write-protect parameters. Either no or false are valid
Default value: false/no
[saveParameters save]
Specifies that parameters can be saved.Valid values:
true/yes—Allows parameters to be saved. Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Does not allow parameters to be saved. Either no or false are valid
Default value: false/no
Required role
Access Manager Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1611. Sample
Adds a new datastore connection to a user.connect server username user1 password password1;
add access user name USER1;
add access connection username USER1 datastore DS1 dbUser DBUSER dbPassword mypassword;
list access datastores username USER1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Access Manager commands
add access datastore
Use this command to add a new datastore to Access Server.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} add access datastorenamedatastoredescriptiondescriptionhostname
add access datastore name <datastore> [description <description>] hostname <name>
port <number> [multiuser <lock>];
name <datastore>
Specifies the name of the datastore.
[description <description>]
Specifies a description of the datastore.Default value: empty string ().
hostname <name>
Specifies the host name where the datastore is installed.
port <number>
Specifies the port number used to connect to datastore.
[multiuser <lock>]
Specifies that subscriptions must be locked before editing.Valid values:
true/yes—Requires that subscriptions must be locked before being edited.
Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Does not require that subscriptions be locked before being edited.
Either no or false are valid values.
Default value: false/no
Required role
Access Manager Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1609. Sample
Adds a new datastore to Access Server.connect server username user1 password password1;
add access datastore name DS1 hostname port 11111;
show access datastore name DS1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Access Manager commands
add access user
Use this command to add a new user to Access Server.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} add access usernameuserfullnamenamedescription""description
add access user name <user> [fullname <name>] [description <description>] [password
<login>] [role <level>] [manager <manager>] [changePassword <change>]
[passwordExpires <expire>];
name <user>
Specifies the name of the user.
[fullname <name>]
Specifies the full name for the user.Default value: empty string ().
[description <description>]
Specifies a description for the user.Default value: empty string ().
[password <login>]
Specifies a login password for the user.Default value: empty string ().
[role <level>]
Specifies a role for the user.Valid values:
monitor—Specifies that a user assigned to this role is a Monitor and only has
access to the Monitoring perspective in Management Console.
operator—Specifies that a user assigned to this role is an Operator and only
has access to the Monitoring perspective in Management Console.
admin—Specifies that a user assigned to this role is an Administrator and can
perform all available operations in Management Console, but cannot modify
system parameters. Users assigned to this role can access both the
Monitoring and Configuration perspectives
sysadmin—Specifies that a user assigned to this role is a System
Administrator and can perform all available operations in Management
Console. Only users that require full operational access to the Monitoring and
Configuration perspectives should be assigned to this role. System
Administrators can also modify system parameters to calibrate their replication
Default value: sysadmin
[manager <manager>]
Specifies whether the user is a datastore and user account manager. Only
system administrators can be managers.Valid values:
true/yes—Specifies that the user is a datastore and user account manager.
Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Specifies that the user is not a datastore and user account
manager. Either no or false are valid values.
Default value: false/no
[changePassword <change>]
Specifies whether the user is required to change their password when they next
log in.Valid values:
true/yes—Requires users to change their password at next login. Either yes
or true are valid values.
false/no—Does not require users to change their password at next login.
Either no or false are valid values.
Default value: false/no
[passwordExpires <expire>]
Specifies whether the password expires according to Access Server policy.
Valid values:
true/yes—Overrides any existing password expiry policies. Either yes or true
are valid values.
false/no—Specifies that passwords will expire. Either no or false are valid
Default value: false/no
Required role
Access Manager Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1607. Sample
Adds a new user to Access Server.connect server username user1 password password1;
add access user name USER1 manager yes changepassword yes;
show access user name USER1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Access Manager commands
change login password
Use this command to update the Access Server login password for a user.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} change login passwordnameuseroldPasswordoldnewPasswordnew
change login password [name user] oldPassword old newPassword new;
[name user]
Specifies the name of the user.
If the name parameter is not provided, the password is updated for the user
currently logged in.
oldPassword old
Specifies the old password.
newPassword new
Specifies the new password.
Required role
Any Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1613. Sample
Changes the login password for a user.connect server username user1 password password1;
change login password oldPassword password11 newPassword password22;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Access Manager commands
close access user connections
Use this command to terminate open Access Server connections for a user.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} close access user connectionsnameuser
close access user connections name <user>;
name <user>
Specifies the name of the user.
Required role
Access Manager Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1618. Sample
Parent topic:Access Manager commands
delete access connection
Use this command to delete a connection between a datastore and user in Access
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} delete access connectionusernameuserdatastorename
delete access connection username user datastore name;
username user
Specifies the name of the user.
datastore name
Specifies the name of the datastore.
Required role
Access Manager Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1612. Sample
Removes a datastore connection from a user in Access Server.connect server username
user1 password password1;
delete access connection username USER1 datastore DS1;
list access datastores username USER1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Access Manager commands
delete access datastore
Use this command to delete a datastore in Access Server.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} delete access datastorenamedatastore
delete access datastore name datastore;
name datastore
Specifies the name of the datastore.
Required role
Access Manager Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1610. Sample
Removes a datastore from Access Server.connect server username user1 password password1;
delete access datastore name DS1;
list access datastores;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Access Manager commands
delete access user
Use this command to delete a user in Access Server.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} delete access usernameuser
delete access user name user;
name user
Specifies the name of the user.
Required role
Access Manager Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1608. Sample
Deletes a user from Access Server.connect server username user1 password password1;
delete access user name USER1;
list access users;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Access Manager commands
list access datastores
Use this command to list the datastores in Access Server.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list access datastoresusernamename
list access datastores [username name];
[username name]
Specifies a filter that displays datastores associated with the user.
When the username parameter is omitted, all datastores are listed.
Required role
Access Manager Result
The ResultStringTable object containing list of datastores. Sample
Sample 1: Lists the datastores in Access Server.connect server username user1 password
list access datastores;
disconnect server;
Sample 2: Lists the datastores for a specific user in Access Server.connect server
username user1 password password1;
list access datastores name USER1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Access Manager commands
list access users
Use this command to view the users configured in Access Server.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} list access usersdatastorename
list access users [datastore name];
[datastore name]
Specifies a filter that displays users associated with the datastore. When the
datastore parameter is omitted, all users are listed.
Required role
Access Manager Result
The ResultStringTable object containing list of access users. Sample
Sample 1: Lists the users in Access Server.connect server username user1 password password1;
list access users;
disconnect server;
Sample 2: Lists the users with connection to a specific datastore in Access Server.
connect server username user1 password password1;
list access users datastore DS1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Access Manager commands
modify access connection
Use this command to modify a connection between a datastore and user in Access
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify access connectionusernameuserdatastorenamedbUserdatabase
dbPassword passwordalwaysPromptfalse/notrue/yesshowParameterValuesfalse/no
modify access connection username user datastore name [dbUser database]
[dbPassword password] [alwaysPrompt prompt] [showParameterValues show]
[writeProtectParameters write] [saveParameters save];
username user
Specifies the name of the user.
datastore name
Specifies the name of the datastore.
[dbUser database]
Specifies the database user name.
[dbPassword password]
Specifies the database password
[alwaysPrompt prompt]
Specifies whether the user should be prompted for login credentials.Valid
true/yes—Prompts user for login credentials. Either yes or true are valid
false/no—Does not prompt user for login credentials. Either no or false are
valid values.
Default value: false/no
[showParameterValues show]
Specifies whether parameter values are displayed at login.Valid values:
true/yes—Displays parameter values at login. Either yes or true are valid
false/no—Does not display parameter values at login. Either no or false are
valid values.
Default value: false/no
[writeProtectParameters write]
Specifies that parameters are write-protected.Valid values:
true/yes—Write-protects parameters. Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Does not write-protect parameters. Either no or false are valid
Default value: false/no
[saveParameters save]
Specifies that parameters can be saved.Valid values:
true/yes—Allows parameters to be saved. Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Does not allow parameters to be saved. Either no or false are valid
Default value: true/yes
Required role
Access Manager Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1617. Sample
Modifies the connection settings to a datastore for a user.connect server username user1
password password1;
modify access connection username USER1 datastore DS1 dbUser DBUSER dbPassword password12;
list access datastores username USER1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Access Manager commands
modify access datastore
Use this command to modify a datastore inAccess Server
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify access datastorenamedatastoredescriptiondescriptionhostname
modify access datastore name <datastore> [description <description>] [hostname
<name>] [port <number>] [multiuser <lock>];
name <datastore>
Specifies the name of the datastore.
[description <description>]
Specifies a description of the datastore.Default value: empty string ().
[hostname <name>]
Specifies the host name where the datastore is installed.
[port <number>]
Specifies the port number used to connect to datastore.
[multiuser <lock>]
Specifies that subscriptions must be locked before editing.Valid values:
true/yes—Requires that subscriptions must be locked before being edited.
Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Does not require that subscriptions be locked before being edited.
Either no or false are valid values.
Default value: false/no
Required role
Access Manager Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1616. Sample
Modifies the properties of a datastore in Access Server.connect server username user1
password password1;
modify access datastore name DS1 hostname port 22222;
show access datastore name DS1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Access Manager commands
modify access user
Use this command to modify a user to Access Server.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} modify access usernameuserfullnamenamedescription""description
modify access user <user> [fullname <name>] [description <description>] [password
<login>] [role <level>] [manager <manager>] [changePassword <change>]
[passwordExpires <expire>];
name <user>
Specifies the name of the user.
[fullname <name>]
Specifies the full name for the user.Default value: empty string ().
[description <description>]
Specifies a description for the user.Default value: empty string ().
[password <login>]
Specifies a login password for the user.Default value: empty string ().
[role <level>]
Specifies a role for the user.Valid values:
monitor—Specifies that a user assigned to this role is a Monitor and only has
access to the Monitoring perspective in Management Console.
operator—Specifies that a user assigned to this role is an Operator and only
has access to the Monitoring perspective in Management Console.
admin—Specifies that a user assigned to this role is an Administrator and can
perform all available operations in Management Console, but cannot modify
system parameters. Users assigned to this role can access both the
Monitoring and Configuration perspectives
sysadmin—Specifies that a user assigned to this role is a System
Administrator and can perform all available operations in Management
Console. Only users that require full operational access to the Monitoring and
Configuration perspectives should be assigned to this role. System
Administrators can also modify system parameters to calibrate their replication
Default value: sysadmin
[manager <manager>]
Specifies whether the user is a datastore and user account manager. Only
system administrators can be managers.Valid values:
true/yes—Specifies that the user is a datastore and user account manager.
Either yes or true are valid values.
false/no—Specifies that the user is not a datastore and user account
manager. Either no or false are valid values.
Default value: false/no
[changePassword <change>]
Specifies whether the user is required to change their password when they next
log in.Valid values:
true/yes—Requires users to change their password at next login. Either yes
or true are valid values.
false/no—Does not require users to change their password at next login.
Either no or false are valid values.
Default value: false/no
[passwordExpires <expire>]
Specifies whether the password expires according to Access Server policy.
Valid values:
true/yes—Overrides any existing password expiry policies. Either yes or true
are valid values.
false/no—Specifies that passwords will expire. Either no or false are valid
Default value: false/no
Required role
Access Manager Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1615. Sample
Sample 1: Modifies the properties of a user in Access Server.connect server username user1
password password1;
modify access user name USER1 changepassword yes;
show access user name USER1;
disconnect server;
Sample 2: Resets a disabled and locked account.connect server username user1 password
modify access user name USER1 disabled no locked no;
show access user name USER1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Access Manager commands
show access connection
Use this command to view the properties of a connection between a user and
datastore in Access Server.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} show access connectionusernameuserdatastorename
show access connection username user datastore name;
username user
Specifies the name of the user.
datastore name
Specifies the name of the datastore.
Required role
Access Manager Result
The ResultStringKeyValues object containing properties of the access connection.
------------------------------------ --------------------------
Datastore: DatastoreName
User: username
Database Login: dbLogin
Database Password: ********
Always Show Connection Dialog: No
Show Parameter Values: No
Write-Protect Parameters: No
Allow Connection Parameter Saving: Yes
Shows the connection information for a user to a datastore in Access Server.connect
server username user1 password password1;
show access connection username USER1 datastore DS1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Access Manager commands
show access datastore
Use this command to view the properties of a datastore in Access Server.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} show access datastorenamedatastore
show access datastore name datastore;
name datastore
Specifies the name of the datastore.
Required role
Access Manager Result
The ResultStringKeyValues object containing properties of the access datastore.
-------------------------- --------------------------
Name: DataStoreName
Description: Created - May 9, 11:14am
Host Name: hostName
Port: 10901
Version: V10R2M0T0BCDC_WTPGMVMN_25
Platform: Java VM
Database: JDBC
Type: Dual
Multiuser: No
Shows the properties of a datastore in Access Server.connect server username user1 password
show access datastore name DS1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Access Manager commands
show access user
Use this command to view the properties of a user in Access Server.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} show access usernameuser
show access user name user;
name user
Specifies the name of the user.
Required role
Access Manager Result
The ResultStringKeyValues object containing properties of the access user.PROPERTY
-------------------------- --------------------------
Name: userName
Full Name:
Role: System Administrator
Manager: Yes
Account Disabled: No
Account Locked: No
Password Change: No
Password Expires: Yes
Shows the properties of a user in Access Server.connect server username user1 password
show access user name USER1;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Access Manager commands
Support commands
See also:
run support assistant
Parent topic:CHCCLP Commands
run support assistant
Use this command to run the InfoSphere® CDC Support Assistant to gather
scripting environment and Access Server traces and logs.
Syntax diagram
.arrow, .syntaxarrow { fill: none; stroke: black; } .arrowheadStartEnd,
.arrowheadRepSep, .arrowheadRepSepReturn { stroke: black; fill: black; }
.arrowheadSeq, .arrowheadStartChoice, .arrowheadAfterChoice,
.arrowheadStartRepGroup, .arrowheadEndRepGroup, .arrowheadRev { stroke:
none; fill: none; } rect { fill: none; stroke: none; } rect.fragref,rect.syntaxfragref { fill:
none; stroke: black; } text { fill: #000000; fill-opacity: 1; font-family: IBM Plex
Sans,Arial Unicode MS,Arial,Helvetica; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-
size: 8pt; stroke: #000000; stroke-width: 0.1; } text.var, text.syntaxvar {font-
style:italic;} run support assistantfilenamename
run support assistant filename <name>;
filename <name>
Specifies the fully qualified output zip filename for the Support Assistant
collection.Use double quotation marks to surround the filename. .zip will be
appended to the filename, if it does not end with the zip extension.
Required role
Any Result
This command returns a value of 0 if the command was successful and a negative
value if the command fails. When verbose mode is enabled, the command prints
success message CDC1005. Sample
Performs operations while Access Server tracing is enabled and runs support
assistant to collect the traces.
connect server username user1 password password1;
modify server tracing yes;
connect datastore name DS1 context source;
connect datastore name DS2 context target;
select subscription name SUB1;
modify server tracing no;
run support assistant filename c:\\output\\;
disconnect server;
Parent topic:Support commands
Management Console Commands reference
Note: The CHCCLP feature is intended to replace the existing command line
functionality, which is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. New
scripting activities should use CHCCLP rather than the Management Console
Commands when possible.
This section describes the Management Console interactive command prompt
environment that you can use on a client workstation to configure and initiate
transformational replication between source and target datastores. Commands are
submitted through a command prompt in Windows or UNIX, or a Telnet
Although Management Console provides the full range of support, commands can
be used when your replication configuration is relatively simple to manage.
Commands can be issued interactively or included in script files. This guide also
describes how script files are created and compiled into a batch file. You can then
run the batch file to perform a sequence of commands. Depending on individual
preferences, the interactive command prompt environment may be chosen instead
of the application.
In this section, you will learn:
Using commands in Management Console
Management Console commands
Scripting support
User roles and permissions
Using commands in Management Console
As an alternative to defining a replication configuration through the Management
Console application, Management Console commands can be used to perform
administrative and operational functions. Although InfoSphere® CDC also supports
some of these commands, command syntax is not consistent across all InfoSphere
CDC product offerings. In addition, InfoSphere CDC commands must be issued
locally on source or target systems that may be geographically dispersed. By
comparison, Management Console commands can be applied to a specified
datastore. All commands can be interactively submitted on a workstation at the
command prompt in Windows and UNIX, or in a Telnet environment.
In this section, you will learn:
Opening command environments
Parent topic:Management Console Commands reference
Related concepts
Opening command environments
Opening command environments
To interactively submit Management Console commands, you must open an
interactive environment where these commands are recognized. This section
explains how to open a Windows, UNIX, or Telnet environment on a workstation
where Management Console (Windows) or Access Server (UNIX) has been
See also:
To issue commands in a Windows environment
To issue commands in a UNIX or Linux environment
To issue commands in a Telnet environment
Parent topic:Using commands in Management Console
To issue commands in a Windows environment
Open a command prompt window.
Navigate to the root of the Management Console installation directory.
Issue the following command:online.bat
You can now invoke Management Console commands at the prompt.
Parent topic:Opening command environments
Related reference
exit - Close Command Environment
To issue commands in a UNIX or Linux
Log on to the UNIX or Linux system where Access Server is installed.
Navigate to the following directory:/<Access_Server_Installation_Directory>/bin
Issue the following command:./online
You can now invoke Management Console commands at the prompt.
Parent topic:Opening command environments
Related reference
exit - Close Command Environment
To issue commands in a Telnet environment
Perform the following instructions for the operating system where you want to
issue the commands:Windows:
Open a command prompt and navigate to the Management Console installation
directory and then issue the following command:
online.bat -t <port>
where <port> is an available port number on the local workstation that will be
used by the Telnet command environment.
UNIX and Linux:
Navigate to the following directory:
Issue the following command:
./online -t <port>
where <port> is an available port number on the local workstation that will be
used by the Telnet command environment.
Open Telnet and specify the host name and port of the local workstation that you
reserved in the previous step:open 1012
You can now invoke Management Console commands at the prompt.
Parent topic:Opening command environments
Related reference
exit - Close Command Environment
Management Console commands
You should note the following conventions in the definition of the command
Angle brackets < > indicate mandatory parameters.
Square brackets [ ] show optional arguments. You can select any or none of the
parameters, depending on requirements.
A vertical bar | separates items in a list of parameters or options when the choices
are limited only to the parameters and options listed. When the vertical bar
appears in a list enclosed by SQUARE BRACKETS, the choices are limited to the
items in the list, but the user still has the option not to use any parameters or
Ellipsis ... mean that a parameter or option can be repeated more than once.
Further considerations:
Command names are case-sensitive, and must be entered as documented in this
appendix. Command parameters (for instance, datastore names, table names, and
so on) may be case-sensitive on certain platforms. In the examples, command
parameters are expressed in uppercase characters.
All command invocations must end with a semicolon before pressing the Enter key.
For commands with no parameters, you must specify an empty parameter list after
the command name (in other words, () ).
For optional command parameters ( [ ] ), default values are used if these
parameters are omitted in an invocation.
Special values must be specified in lowercase characters.
In each interactive command prompt environment, the connectServer command
must be issued before invoking any of the other Management Console commands
(except help - Display Command Help) documented in the following sections.
Conversely, no Management Console commands can be issued in the command
environment after invoking disconnectServer - Disconnect from Access Server.
Command syntax is verified, and syntax errors that are detected are reported after
command invocation. Specific names (such as datastore names, subscription
names, and so on) identified in a command invocation are not verified.
In this section, you will learn:
addTable - Add Table to Catalog
assignTable - Assign Source Table
connectAgent - Connect to Datastore
connectServer - Connect to Access Server
deAssignTable - Unassign Target Table
describe - Describe Selected Tables
disconnectAgent - Disconnect from Datastore
disconnectServer - Disconnect from Access Server
errorHandle - Define Error Handler
execute - Run Batch File
exit - Close Command Environment
getAgents - Get Accessible Datastores
getSubscriptionActivity - Get Subscription Activity
getSubscriptions - Get Subscriptions for Datastore
getSubscriptionStatus - Get Subscription Status
getSubscriptionTables - Get Subscription Tables
getTableStatus - Get Source Table Status
help - Display Command Help
reAddTable - Re-add Table in Catalog
removeTable - Remove Table from Catalog
setReplication - Set Replication Method
setTableStatus - Set Source Table Status
startRefresh - Start Refresh
startMirror - Start Mirroring
stopAll - Stop All Replication Activities
stopMirror - Stop Mirroring
stopRefresh - Stop Refresh
subscribeTable - Select Table to Subscription
unSubscribeTable - Deselect Table from Subscription
Parent topic:Management Console Commands reference
Related reference
help - Display Command Help
disconnectServer - Disconnect from Access Server
addTable - Add Table to Catalog
This command adds a table to the source tables available for replication for the
specified datastore.
Adding a source table to the tables available for replication is discussed in more
detail in the Management Console documentation.
The name of the datastore that will have a source table added to its catalog.
The datastore that you specify must be either a dual or source datastore. For
more information about datastores, see your Management Console
Depending on the type of datastore, the owner of the source table or the library
where the source table is located.
The name of the source table that will be added to the catalog.
None. Example
addTable(ORAPUBS, GSMITH, EMP);The source table named EMP owned by
GSMITH will be added to the catalog for the datastore ORAPUBS.
SALES); The source table named SALES (in the database MASTDB) owned by
BMOORE will be added to the catalog for the datastore PRODPUBS.
addTable(HQAGENT, CUSTLIB, CUSTOMER); The source table named
CUSTOMER located in library CUSTLIB will be added to the catalog for the
datastore HQAGENT.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
assignTable - Assign Source Table
This command assigns a source table that has been described (by the describe
command) to the specified target table.
For general information about table assignments and mapping tables, see the
Management Console documentation.
assignTable(<agent>,<publisherid>, <pubpath>, <pubtable>, <subdb>, <subpath>,
<subtable>, <submember>, <indexlib>, [, index | , noindex]);
The name of the datastore that will have a source table assigned to a described
target table.
The datastore that you specify must be either a dual or target datastore. For
more information about datastores, see the Management Console
The identifier for the source server.
This identifier is specified when creating a new subscription through
Management Console.
Depending on the type of datastore, the owner of the source table or the library
where the source table is located.
The name of the source table that you want to assign to the target table.
The name of the database that contains the target table.
If a database name is not required, set this parameter to the special value of
Depending on the type of datastore, the owner of the target table or the library
where the target table is located.
The name of the target table that you want to assign to the target table.
Indicates how members in source and target tables are assigned.
If you specify the name of a member in the target table, all members in the
source table will be merged into a single member in the multi-member target
Alternatively, this parameter can be set to one of the following special values:
member—Corresponding members in the source and target tables will be
assigned. This value should be specified if the multi-member target table has
the same member structure as the multi-member source table.
only—Merges all members in the source table to the single-member target
*null—Indicates that this parameter is not applicable.
The library containing the unique index for the target table.
If this parameter is not applicable, set it to the special value of *null.
The name of the unique index for the target table.
If this parameter is not applicable, set it to the special value of *null.
Indicates the operation performed by the command when a unique index for the
target table is not specified.
This parameter is applicable only when the index parameter is omitted (the
name of a unique index or *null is not specified) in a command invocation. In
this case, it provides confirmation whether or not to proceed with the table
For example, under Live Audit replication, a unique index is not required for the
target table. By specifying the appropriate value for this parameter, you can
confirm that the assignment must still be performed.
You can specify one of the following special values:
y—Confirms the table assignment with the specified parameters.
n—Rejects the table assignment with the specified parameters. Instead, the
deAssignTable command is performed using some of the parameters that
have been specified.
If this parameter is omitted, the default setting is n.
None. Example
GSMITH, EMP, *null, GSMITH, DESTEMP, *null, *null, *null);The
source table EMP owned by GSMITH will be assigned to the target table DESTEMP
also owned by GSMITH.
The assignment is performed without a unique index for the target table DESTEMP.
*null, *null); The source table CUST owned by BJONES will be assigned to
the target table DESTCUST (also owned by BJONES) that is located in the
database DESTDB.
The assignment is performed without a unique index for the target table
*null, DESTLIB, CUST, MEMBER, DESTLIB, CUSTIX);The multi-member
source table CUSTOMER located in the library CUSTLIB will be assigned to the
multi-member target table CUST located in the library DESTLIB.
Corresponding members in the source and target tables will be assigned.
The unique index CUSTIX for the target table is located in the library DESTLIB.
assignTable(REGION1, PUB, SALESDB, SALES, *null,
DESTDB, DESTSALES, *null, *null, y);The source table SALES located in
the library SALESDB will be assigned to the target table DESTSALES located in the
library DESTDB.
The assignment is performed without a unique index for the target table
Parent topic:Management Console commands
Related reference
deAssignTable - Unassign Target Table
connectAgent - Connect to Datastore
This command establishes a connection to the specified datastore that has been
defined in the Access Manager perspective and can be accessed by the
Management Console user identified in the connectServer command.
Successfully issuing this command allows you to use other commands where the
datastore name has to be identified.
To list the datastores that can be specified in this command, use getAgents
Establishing a connection to a datastore through the Management Console is
discussed in more detail in the Management Console documentation.
The name of the datastore to which you will connect.
None. Example
connectAgent(ORAPUBS);A connection to the datastore named ORAPUBS will
be established.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
Related reference
connectServer - Connect to Access Server
getAgents - Get Accessible Datastores
connectServer - Connect to Access Server
This command establishes a connection to Access Server running on the specified
server and listening for TCP/IP communications on the specified port number.
This command must be issued before other supported Management Console
commands (except the help - command) can be invoked.
From a single command prompt environment, only one connection to an Access
Server can be maintained at the same time. You must use the disconnectServer
command to end the connection to the Access Server. However, if you have more
than one command environment active at the same time, simultaneous connections
to different Access Servers is possible (one connection per command environment).
Note: If you have connected to an Access Server through Management Console,
you must still issue this command and identify the same Access Server. In other
words, a connection established to an Access Server through Management Console
is not recognized in a command environment.
Establishing a connection to an Access Server through Management Console is
discussed in more detail in Management Console documentation.
connectServer(<user>, <password>, <host>, <port>);
A Management Console user defined in Access Server.
The password associated with the Management Console user specified through
the first parameter (user).
If no password is associated with the Management Console user, specify two
double quotation marks () for this parameter.Note: If this command is included
in a script file, the specified password will be encrypted after the script file has
been successfully compiled into a batch file that can be executed.
The host name of the server where Access Server is running.
If Access Server is running on the local system, set this parameter to localhost.
The port number that will be used to establish a connection to Access Server.
None. Example
HOST1, 10101);The Management Console user GSMITH with the password
APPLEJUICE will establish a connection to Access Server running on the server
HOST1, and listening for TCP/IP communications on port number 10101.
connectServer(EAHIGGINS, , LOCALHOST, 4545);The Management
Console user EAHIGGINS will establish a connection to Access Server running on
the local system, and listening for TCP/IP communications on port number 4545.
No password is associated with the user EAHIGGINS.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
Related concepts
Scripting support
Compiling a script file
Related reference
connectAgent - Connect to Datastore
help - Display Command Help
disconnectServer - Disconnect from Access Server
execute - Run Batch File
disconnectAgent - Disconnect from Datastore
getAgents - Get Accessible Datastores
deAssignTable - Unassign Target Table
This command unassigns the specified source table from the currently assigned
target table.
deAssignTable(<agent>, <publisherid>, <path>, <table>);
The name of the datastore that will have a target table unassigned from the
specified source table.
The datastore that you specify must be either a dual or target datastore. For
more information about datastores, see Management Console documentation.
The identifier for the source server.
This identifier is specified when creating a new subscription through
Management Console.
Depending on the type of datastore, the owner of the source table or the library
where the source table is located.
The name of the source table that you want to unassign from the target table.
None. Example
GSMITH, EMP);The source table EMP owned by GSMITH will be deassigned from
the target table that was assigned to it.
PRODPUB, MASTDB.BMOORE, SALES);The source table SALES (in the database
MASTDB) owned by BMOORE will be deassigned from the target table that was
assigned to it.
HQSYS, CUSTLIB, CUSTOMER);The multi-member source table CUSTOMER
located in the library CUSTLIB will be deassigned from the multi-member target
table that was assigned to it.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
describe - Describe Selected Tables
This command sends descriptions of all source tables selected to the specified
Source table descriptions have to be sent to the target environment after a change
has been made to the table definition within Management Console or before
replicating table data for the first time. For example, if you change column selections
for a source table, the table definition is updated to reflect these changes. Before
data from this table can be replicated, a new description of the source table has to
be sent to the subscription environment to update the current table definition.
The subscription that you reference in this command must have been defined
through Management Console, as there is no command available in the API to
create a new subscription.
describe(<agent>, <subscription>);
The name of the datastore that will have descriptions of source tables selected
to one of its subscriptions sent by this command.
The datastore that you specify must be either a dual or source datastore. For
more information about datastores, see Managing datastores.
The name of the subscription that will have descriptions of its selected source
tables sent by this command.
None. Example
describe(ORAPUBS, NTORASUB);Descriptions of source tables selected to the
NTORASUB subscription will be sent to the target environment.
BRANCHSYS);Descriptions of source tables selected to the BRANCHSYS
subscription will be sent to the target environment.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
disconnectAgent - Disconnect from Datastore
This command ends the connection to the specified datastore that has been defined
in Access Manager and can be accessed by the Management Console user
identified in connectServer - Connect to Access Server.
To list the datastores that can be specified in this command, use getAgents - Get
Accessible Datastores.
Ending a connection to a datastore through Management Console is discussed in
more detail in the Management Console documentation.
The name of the datastore that will be disconnected.
None. Example
disconnectAgent(ORAPUBS);The connection to the datastore named
ORAPUBS will be ended.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
Related reference
connectServer - Connect to Access Server
getAgents - Get Accessible Datastores
disconnectServer - Disconnect from Access Server
This command ends the connection to the Access Server established through
connectServer - Connect to Access Server.
After successfully issuing this command, you cannot invoke other Management
Console commands (except the help - Display Command Help) in the same
command environment.
Since a connection to only one Access Server can be maintained in each command
environment, this command does not require any parameters.
Note: Existing connections to datastores established through the connectAgent
command are automatically ended when disconnecting from Access Server. This is
equivalent to issuing disconnectAgent - Disconnect from Datastore for each
connected datastore.
None. Result
None. Example
disconnectServer();The current connection to the Access Server will be
Existing connections to datastores established in the command environment will
also be ended.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
Related reference
connectServer - Connect to Access Server
disconnectAgent - Disconnect from Datastore
errorHandle - Define Error Handler
This command determines whether batch file processing should stop or continue
upon encountering an error.
This command is primarily intended for use in a script file that includes one or more
execute commands. An invocation applies to all subsequent execute commands
prior to the next use of this command.
Indicates whether batch file processing should stop or continue when an error is
This is an optional parameter. You can specify one of the following special
continue—batch file processing initiated by execute commands will continue
when an error is encountered.
stop—batch file processing initiated by execute commands will stop when an
error is encountered.
If this parameter is omitted, the default setting is stop.
None. Example
errorHandle();Batch file processing will stop when an error is encountered.
errorHandle(continue);Batch file processing will continue when an error is
Parent topic:Management Console commands
execute - Run Batch File
This command runs the specified batch file that was produced as a result of
compiling a script file.
If you include this command in a script file, it should not reference the batch file in
which it is contained, as this would lead to recursive executions without termination.
The name of the existing batch file that you want to run.
If you specify the name of the batch file without providing the full path, the
batch file must be located in the same folder where the online.bat file
None. Example
execute(EA.BAT);The batch file ea.bat located in the same folder where the
online.bat file resides, and a sequence of Management Console commands will
be performed.
execute(C:\EA\BATCH\SUBSCRIBE.TXT); The batch file subscribe.txt will
run, and a sequence of Management Console commands will be performed.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
Related concepts
Scripting support
exit - Close Command Environment
This command closes the command environment where this command was issued.
This command ensures that connections established to Access Server and
datastores are completely disconnected before closing the command environment.
If this command is encountered in a script file, batch processing stops and all
subsequent commands in the script file are not performed.
None. Result
None. Example
exit();The command environment where this command was issued will be
Parent topic:Management Console commands
Related concepts
Opening command environments
getAgents - Get Accessible Datastores
This command lists the datastores that have been defined in Access Manager and
can be accessed by the Management Console user identified in connectServer -
Connect to Access Server.
Use this command to identify the datastores that you can reference in other
commands that require a datastore name to be specified.
None. Result
This command returns the names of datastores that can be accessed and
referenced in other commands.
getAgents();The datastores that can be accessed and referenced in other
commands will be listed.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
Related reference
connectServer - Connect to Access Server
getSubscriptionActivity - Get Subscription Activity
This command returns replication activity information for one or more subscriptions.
The subscription that you may reference in this command must have been defined
through Management Console, as there is no command to create a new
Displaying replication activity information through Management Console is
discussed in more detail in Management Console documentation.
getSubscriptionActivity(<agent> [, subscription]);
The name of the datastore that will have replication activity information for one
or more of its subscriptions returned by this command.
The datastore that you specify must be either a dual or source datastore. For
more information about datastores, see Management Console documentation.
The name of the subscription that will have replication activity information
returned by this command.
This is an optional parameter. If it is omitted, information will be returned about
all subscriptions defined for the specified datastore.
This command returns a state that identifies the current replication activity for each
getSubscriptionActivity(ORAPUBS);Replication activity information about
all subscriptions defined for the datastore ORAPUBS will be retrieved and displayed.
BRANCHSYS);Replication activity information about the subscription BRANCHSYS
defined for the datastore HQAGENT will be retrieved and displayed.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
getSubscriptions - Get Subscriptions for Datastore
This command lists the subscriptions that have been defined for the specified
Use this command to identify the subscriptions that you can reference in other
commands that require a subscription name to be specified.
The name of the datastore for which you want to list existing subscriptions.
This command returns the names of subscriptions defined for the specified
getSubscriptions(ORAPUBS);The subscriptions defined for the datastore
ORAPUBS will be listed.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
getSubscriptionStatus - Get Subscription Status
This command returns replication status information for one or more subscriptions.
The subscription that you may reference in this command must have been defined
through Management Console, as there is no Management Console command to
create a new subscription.
Displaying replication status information through Management Console is discussed
in more detail in the Management Console documentation.
getSubscriptionStatus(<agent> [, subscription]);
The name of the datastore that will have replication status information for one
or more of its subscriptions returned by this command.
The datastore that you specify must be either a dual or source datastore. For
more information about datastores, see the Management Console
The name of the subscription that will have its replication status returned by this
This is an optional parameter. If it is omitted, information will be returned about
all subscriptions defined for the specified datastore.
This command returns a state that identifies the current replication status for each
getSubscriptionStatus(ORAPUBS);Replication status information about all
subscriptions defined for the datastore ORAPUBS will be retrieved and displayed.
getSubscriptionStatus(HQAGENT, BRANCHSYS);Replication status
information about the subscription BRANCHSYS defined for the datastore HQAGENT
will be retrieved and displayed.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
getSubscriptionTables - Get Subscription Tables
This command lists the source tables that are currently selected to the specified
Use this command to identify the source tables that you can reference in other
commands that require a source table name to be specified.
getSubscriptionTables(<agent>, <subscription> [, path]);
The name of the datastore for which you want to list selected source tables.
The datastore that you specify must be either a dual or source datastore.
The name of the subscription for which you want to list selected source tables.
Depending on the type of datastore, the owner of the source tables or the
library where the source tables are located.
This parameter is optional. If it is omitted, all source tables selected to the
specified subscription are listed.
This command returns the names of source tables selected to the specified
getSubscriptionTables(ORAPUBS, NTORASUB);All source tables selected to
the subscription NTORASUB will be listed.
BRANCHSYS, EAHIGGINS);Source tables owned by EAHIGGINS that are
selected to the subscription BRANCHSYS will be listed.
PRODSUB, MASTDB.BMOORE);Source tables (in the database MASTDB) owned by
BMOORE that are selected to the subscription PRODSUB will be listed.
BRANCHSYS, CUSTLIB);Source tables located in library CUSTLIB that are
selected to the subscription BRANCHSYS will be listed.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
getTableStatus - Get Source Table Status
This command retrieves the status of a source table selected to the specified
The status of a source table can be displayed in Management Console, and is
discussed in more detail in Management Console documentation.
getTableStatus(<agent>, <subscription>, <path>, <v>);
The name of the datastore that has the source table currently selected to the
specified subscription.
The source that you specify must be either a dual or source datastore.
The name of the subscription to which the source table is selected.
Depending on the type of datastore, the owner of the source table or the library
where the source table is located.
The name of the source table that will have its status returned by this
This command returns either idle, refresh, or active.
EMP);The current status of the source table named EMP owned by GSMITH that is
currently selected to the subscription NTORASUB will be returned.
PRODSUB, MASTDB.BMOORE, SALES); The current status of the source table
named SALES (in the database MASTDB) owned by BMOORE that is currently
selected to the subscription PRODSUB will be returned.
BRANCHSYS, CUSTLIB, CUSTOMER);The current status of the source table
named CUSTOMER located in library CUSTLIB that is currently selected to the
subscription BRANCHSYS will be returned.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
help - Display Command Help
This command displays help information about the specified command.
This command can be issued before or after establishing a connection to Access
The name of the command for which you want to display help information.
This parameter is optional. If it is omitted, a list of Management Console
commands is displayed without help information.
Command names are case-sensitive, and must be entered as documented.
This command lists the Management Console commands (if no parameter is
specified) or displays help information for the specified command.
help();All Management Console commands will be listed.
help(connectAgent); Help information for the connectAgent command will be
Parent topic:Management Console commands
reAddTable - Re-add Table in Catalog
This command changes the metadata definition of an existing table in the catalog.
You must issue this command if you have physically changed the table in some way
in the database. For example, adding a new column or modifying a column name
are changes that affect the physical table. This command ensures that the table
definition within Management Console is updated accordingly.
Note: Mirroring of the named table to all subscriptions must be stopped before the
table can be successfully re-added.
Re-adding a catalog table through Management Console is discussed in more detail
in the Management Console documentation.
reAddTable(<agent>, <path>, <table>);
The name of the datastore that will have a table re-added to its catalog.
The datastore that you specify must be either a dual or source datastore.
Depending on the type of datastore, the owner of the catalog table or the library
where the catalog table is located.
The name of the table that will be re-added in the catalog.
None. Example
EMP);The table named EMP owned by GSMITH will be re-added in the catalog for
the datastore ORAPUBS.
MASTDB.BMOORE, SALES); The table named SALES (in the database MASTDB)
owned by BMOORE will be re-added in the catalog for the datastore PRODPUBS.
CUSTLIB, CUSTOMER);The table named CUSTOMER located in library CUSTLIB
will be re-added in the catalog for the datastore HQAGENT.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
removeTable - Remove Table from Catalog
This command removes a table from the catalog for the specified datastore.
removeTable(<agent>, <path>, <table> [, endjrn]);
The name of the datastore that will have a table removed from its catalog.
The datastore that you specify must be either a dual or source datastore.
Depending on the type of datastore, the owner of the catalog table or the library
where the catalog table is located.
The name of the table that will be removed from the catalog.
Indicates whether active journaling of the specified table will be stopped.
Set this parameter to Y to stop active journaling of the table or N to continue
active journaling of the table.
This parameter is optional and only applies to DB2® for i tables.
None. Example
removeTable(ORAPUBS, GSMITH,
EMP);The table named EMP owned by GSMITH will be removed from the catalog for
the datastore ORAPUBS.
MASTDB.BMOORE, SALES); The table named SALES (in the database MASTDB)
owned by BMOORE will be removed from the catalog for the datastore PRODPUBS.
removeTable(HQAGENT, CUSTLIB, CUSTOMER, Y);The table named
CUSTOMER located in library CUSTLIB will be removed from the catalog for the
datastore HQAGENT.
Active journaling of the table will be stopped.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
setReplication - Set Replication Method
This command sets the method that you want to use to replicate the specified
source table.
For platforms that support table updates by unique key or relative record number
(RRN), this command also allows you to set the method of applying replicated
updates to the subscription table.
The subscription that you reference in this command must have been defined
through Management Console, as there is no command to create a new
Setting the replication or update methods for a source table through Management
Console is discussed in more detail in Management Console documentation.
setReplication(<agent>, <subscription>, <path>, <table>, <jrnpath>, <jrnname>,
<repmethod> [, updmethod]);
The name of the datastore that will have the replication or update methods for a
selected source table changed by this command.
The datastores that you specify must be either a dual or source datastore. For
more information about datastores, see the Management Console
The name of the subscription to which the source table is selected.
Depending on the type of datastore, the owner of the source table or the library
where the source table is located.
The name of the source table that will have its replication or update methods
changed by this command.
Depending on the type of datastore, the owner of the journal or the library
where the journal is located.
This parameter only applies to datastores that allow you to specify the journal
where source table updates are maintained, and when the selected replication
method is mirror.
Set this parameter to "" in order to specify the journal owner or location
identified through a recognized InfoSphere® CDC system parameter.
The name of the journal where source table updates are maintained.
This parameter only applies to datastores that allow you to specify the journal
where source table updates are maintained, and when the selected replication
method is mirror.
Set this parameter to "" in order to specify the journal name identified through a
recognized InfoSphere CDC system parameter
This parameter must be set to refresh or mirror. For descriptions of these
replication methods, see the Management Console documentation.
The method that you want to use to replicate the specified source table.
The method that you want to use to apply replicated updates to the subscription
This is an optional parameter that can be specified when working with platforms
that support updates either by unique key or relative record number (RRN).
When specified, this parameter must be set to key or rrn. The default setting
is key. For descriptions of these update methods, see the Management
Console documentation.Note: You cannot specify an update method without
also specifying a replication method.
None. Example
setReplication(ORAPUBS, NTORASUB,
GSMITH, EMP, GSMITH, EMPJRN, mirror);The replication method for the
source table named EMP owned by GSMITH that is currently selected to the
subscription NTORASUB will be set to mirror.
The journal named EMPJRN owned by GSMITH is used for source table updates.
refresh); The replication method for the source table named SALES (in the
database MASTDB) owned by BMOORE that is currently selected to the
subscription PRODSUB will be set to refresh.
The journal named SALESJRN (in the database MASTDB) owned by BMOORE is
used for source table updates.
BRANCHSYS, CUSTLIB, CUSTOMER, refresh, rrn);The replication method
for the source table named CUSTOMER located in library CUSTLIB that is currently
selected to the subscription BRANCHSYS will be set to refresh.
The update method for this table will be set to rrn.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
setTableStatus - Set Source Table Status
This command sets the status of a source table selected to the specified
The subscription that you reference in this command must have been defined
through Management Console, as there is no command to create a new
Setting the status of a source table through Management Console is discussed in
more detail in Management Console documentation.
setTableStatus(<agent>, <subscription>, <path>, <table>, <status>,);
The name of the datastore that will have a selected source table set to a
recognized state.
The datastore that you specify must be either a dual or source datastore. For
more information about datastores, see the Management Console
The name of the subscription to which the source table is selected.
Depending on the type of datastore, the owner of the source table or the library
where the source table is located.
The name of the source table that will be set to a recognized state.
The state that will be assigned to the source table specified in the command.
This parameter must be set to either idle, refresh, or active. For definitions of
these states, see the Management Console documentation.
None. Example
GSMITH, EMP, idle);The source table named EMP owned by GSMITH that is
currently selected to the subscription NTORASUB will be set to an idle state.
MASTDB.BMOORE, SALES, refresh); The source table named SALES (in the
database MASTDB) owned by BMOORE that is currently selected to the
subscription PRODSUB will be set to a refresh state.
BRANCHSYS, CUSTLIB, CUSTOMER, active);The source table named
CUSTOMER located in library CUSTLIB that is currently selected to the subscription
BRANCHSYS will be set to an active state.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
startRefresh - Start Refresh
This command starts refresh activities for one or all subscriptions defined for a
Refresh activities can be started for all selected source tables or just those tables
that have a status of REFRESH.
The subscriptions that you reference in this command must have been defined
through Management Console, as there is no command to create new subscriptions.
Starting refresh activities through Management Console is discussed in more detail
in Management Console documentation.
startRefresh(<agent>, <subscription> [, tabrfsh]);
The name of the datastore that will have refresh activities started by this
The datastore that you specify must be either a dual or source datastore. For
more information about datastores, see the Management Console
The subscriptions that will have refresh activities started by this command.
You can specify a subscription name or the special value of *all to reference
all subscriptions defined for the specified datastore.
Indicates whether all or certain selected tables are included in refresh activities.
This is an optional parameter. You can specify one of the following special
flagged—selected source tables that have a status of refresh are included in
refresh activities.
*all—all selected source tables are included in refresh activities regardless of
table status.
If this parameter is omitted, the default setting is flagged.
Note: Depending on the value of the second parameter (subscription), this
parameter applies to either a single subscription or all subscriptions.
None. Example
startRefresh(ORAPUBS, NTORASUB);Refresh activities are started for source
tables that have a status of REFRESH and are selected to the NTORASUB
*all, flagged); Refresh activities are started for source tables that have a
table status of REFRESH and are selected to any subscription defined for the
ORAPUBS datastore.
BRANCHSYS, *all);Refresh activities are started for all source tables selected to
the BRANCHSYS subscription.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
Related reference
setTableStatus - Set Source Table Status
startMirror - Start Mirroring
This command starts mirroring activities for one or all subscriptions defined for a
Continuous or net change mirroring can be chosen when this command is invoked.
If continuous mirroring is selected, any updates to a source table are propagated in
real time to the subscription database. With continuous mirroring, the subscription
database is always consistent with the source database. This approach is
appropriate for implementations where changes must be accessible virtually
immediately on the subscription database. Net change mirroring is used when you
want to accumulate source table changes and transfer them periodically. After the
transfer is complete, all mirroring activity ends. This approach should be adopted if it
is important that transfers occur during off-peak periods or if instantaneous updates
are not necessary.
The subscriptions that you reference in this command must have been defined
through Management Console, as there is no command to create new subscriptions.
Starting mirroring activities through Management Console is discussed in more
detail in theManagement Console documentation.
startMirror(<agent>, <subscription> [, mode]);
The name of the datastore that will have mirroring activities started by this
The datastore that you specify must be either a dual or source datastore. For
more information about datastores, see the Management Console
The subscriptions that will have mirroring activities started by this command.
You can specify a subscription name or the special value of *all to reference
all subscriptions defined for the specified datastore.
Indicates whether continuous or net change mirroring is used when this
command is invoked.
This is an optional parameter. You can specify one of the following special
continuous—source table updates are mirrored to the subscription database in
net—accumulated table updates are mirrored to the subscription database
when this command is invoked.
If this parameter is omitted, the default setting is continuous.
Note: Depending on the value of the second parameter (subscription), this
parameter applies to either a single subscription or all subscriptions.
None. Example
startMirror(ORAPUBS, NTORASUB);Continuous mirroring is started for source
tables that are selected to the NTORASUB subscription.
startMirror(ORAPUBS, *all, net); Net change mirroring is started for
source tables that are selected to any subscription defined for the ORAPUBS
BRANCHSYS, continuous);Continuous mirroring is started for source tables that
are selected to the BRANCHSYS subscription.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
stopAll - Stop All Replication Activities
This command stops all active replication activities involving the specified datastore.
This command immediately stops all replication activities. Replication is not stopped
in a controlled manner to allow current operations to complete. Therefore, you
should only use this command in extreme circumstances where it is necessary to
stop all replication activities at the time the command is issued.
Note: This command does not end the established connection to the specified
Stopping all replication activities through Management Console is discussed in more
detail in the Management Console documentation.
The name of the datastore that will have all active replication activities stopped
by this command.
The datastore that you specify must be either a dual or source datastore.
None. Example
stopAll(ORAPUBS);All active replication activities associated with the datastore
ORAPUBS will be stopped.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
stopMirror - Stop Mirroring
This command stops mirroring activities for one or all subscriptions defined for a
Mirroring activities can be stopped immediately or in a controlled manner. A
controlled stop will shut down mirroring activities cleanly. This is the normal way to
end mirroring. Mirroring will end after the operation has completed. An immediate
stop will shut down mirroring activities as quickly as possible, and should only be
used in extreme circumstances. No attempt is made to shut down mirroring activities
cleanly. Therefore, ensure that the current record is applied on the subscription
database, and clean up system resources such as database connections, shared
memory, and user queues.
The subscriptions that you reference in this command must have been defined
through Management Console, as there is no command to create new subscriptions.
Stopping mirroring activities through Management Console is discussed in more
detail in theManagement Console documentation.
stopMirror(<agent>, <subscription> [, mode]);
The name of the datastore that will have mirroring activities started by this
The datastore that you specify must be either a dual or source datastore. For
more information about datastores, see the Management Console
The subscriptions that will have mirroring activities stopped by this command.
You can specify a subscription name or the special value of *all to reference all
subscriptions defined for the specified datastore.
Indicates whether mirroring activities are stopped immediately or in a controlled
This is an optional parameter. You can specify one of the following special
immediate—mirroring is immediately stopped.
controlled—mirroring is stopped in a controlled manner.
If this parameter is omitted, the default setting is controlled.
Most of the time you should specify controlled. Specify immediate only if you
have attempted to stop a mirroring in a controlled manner, but the datastore
replication engine is not responding.
Depending on the value of the second parameter (subscription), this parameter
applies to either a single subscription or all subscriptions.
None. Example
stopMirror(ORAPUBS, NTORASUB);Mirroring is stopped in a controlled manner
for source tables selected to the NTORASUB subscription.
stopMirror(ORAPUBS, *all, immediate); Mirroring is immediately stopped
for source tables that are selected to any subscription defined for the datastore
BRANCHSYS, controlled);Mirroring is stopped in a controlled manner for all
source tables selected to the BRANCHSYS subscription.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
stopRefresh - Stop Refresh
This command stops refresh activities for one or all subscriptions defined for a
Refresh activities can be stopped immediately or in a controlled manner. A
controlled stop will shut down refresh activities properly. This is the normal way to
end a refresh. A refresh will end after the operation has completed. An immediate
stop will shut down refresh activities as quickly as possible, and should only be used
in extreme circumstances. No attempt is made to shut down a refresh operation
properly. Therefore, ensure that the current record is applied on the subscription
database, and clean up system resources such as database connections, shared
memory, and user queues.
The subscriptions that you reference in this command must have been defined
through the Management Console application, as there is no command to create
new subscriptions.
Stopping refresh activities through Management Console is discussed in more detail
in theManagement Console documentation.
stopRefresh(<agent>, <subscription> [, mode]);
The name of the datastore that will have refresh activities stopped by this
The datastore that you specify must be either a dual or source datastore. For
more information about datastores, see the Management Console
The subscriptions that will have refresh activities stopped by this command.
You can specify a subscription name or the special value of *all to reference all
subscriptions defined for the specified datastore.
Indicates whether refresh activities are stopped immediately or in a controlled
This is an optional parameter. You can specify one of the following special
immediate—refresh operation is immediately stopped.
controlled—refresh operation is stopped in a controlled manner.
If this parameter is omitted, the default setting is controlled.
Most of the time you should specify controlled. Specify immediate only if you
have attempted to stop a refresh operation in a controlled manner, but the
datastore replication engine is not responding.
Depending on the value of the second parameter (subscription), this parameter
applies to either a single subscription or all subscriptions.
None. Example
stopRefresh(ORAPUBS, NTORASUB);Refresh activities are stopped in a
controlled manner for source tables selected to the NTORASUB subscription.
stopRefresh(ORAPUBS, *all,
immediate); Refresh activities are immediately stopped for source tables that are
selected to any subscription defined for the datastore ORAPUBS.
controlled);Refresh activities are stopped in a controlled manner for all source
tables selected to the BRANCHSYS subscription.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
subscribeTable - Select Table to Subscription
This command selects a table in the catalog to the specified subscription.
The subscription that you reference in this command must have been defined
through Management Console, as there is no command to create a new
subscribeTable(<agent>, <subscription>, <path>, <table>);
The name of the datastore that will have a table in its catalog selected to the
specified subscription.
The datastore that you specify must be either a dual or source datastore.
The name of the subscription to which the table in the catalog will be selected.
Depending on the type of datastore, the owner of the catalog table or the library
where the catalog table is located.
The name of the table in the catalog that will be selected to the specified
None. Example
subscribeTable(ORAPUBS, NTORASUB,
GSMITH, EMP);The catalog table named EMP owned by GSMITH will be selected
to the subscription NTORASUB.
PRODSUB, MASTDB.BMOORE, SALES); The catalog table named SALES (in the
database MASTDB) owned by BMOORE will be selected to the subscription
subscribeTable(HQAGENT, BRANCHSYS,
CUSTLIB, CUSTOMER);The catalog table named CUSTOMER located in library
CUSTLIB will be selected to the subscription BRANCHSYS.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
unSubscribeTable - Deselect Table from
This command deselects a source table from the specified subscription.
The subscription that you reference in this command must have been defined
through Management Console, as there is no command to create a new
unSubscribeTable(<agent>, <subscription>, <path>, <table>);
The name of the datastore that will have a source table deselected from one of
its subscriptions.
The datastore that you specify must be either a dual or source datastore.
The name of the subscription from which the source table will be deselected.
Depending on the type of datastore, the owner of the source table or the library
where the source table is located.
The name of the source table that will be deselected from the specified
None. Example
unSubscribeTable(ORAPUBS, NTORASUB,
GSMITH, EMP);The source table named EMP owned by GSMITH will be
deselected from the subscription NTORASUB.
PRODSUB, MASTDB.BMOORE, SALES); The source table named SALES (in the
database MASTDB) owned by BMOORE will be deselected from the subscription
located in library CUSTLIB will be deselected from the subscription BRANCHSYS.
Parent topic:Management Console commands
Scripting support
A script file contains a sequence of Management Console commands that is
compiled to support batch file processing. A script file cannot include logic
statements (for example, conditional branching and looping), and so the sequence
of commands that is performed is the same each time its corresponding batch file is
Running a sequence of Management Console commands in batch mode is
accomplished by performing the following steps:
Creating a Script File.
Compiling a Script File.
Running a Batch File.
In this section, you will learn:
Creating a script file
Compiling a script file
Running a batch file
Parent topic:Management Console Commands reference
Creating a script file
There are no restrictions on the name, extension, or location of the script file.
Although a simple text editor like Notepad will typically be used to create a script file,
any plain text editor can be used to create script files.
Script files must contain a strict sequence of Management Console commands.
Logic statements are not supported in script files. Each command in a script file
must end with a semicolon (;).
In addition to Management Console commands, you can include comments. In
script files, a comment line starts with two consecutive forward slash characters (//)
and continues to the end of the line. A comment line or block is not terminated by a
recognized character or character sequence.
When compiling a script file, comments are ignored.
All Management Console commands that you can interactively submit may be
included in a script file. However, you should avoid including an execute command
that references the script file in which the command is contained. This results in
recursive batch file executions without termination.
In addition, you should only include commands that you can perform based on your
current role.
Sample Script File
The following sample script file can be modified for your working environment:
// This script file starts replication for tables that have been
// selected to a subscription, successfully described, and assigned
// to subscription tables.
// Connect to Access Server.
// Connect to datastore.
// In the event that replication is in progress, stop all replication
// activities.
// Perform an initial refresh.
startRefresh(HQAGENT, BRANCHSYS, *all);
// Start mirroring.
startMirror(HQAGENT, BRANCHSYS, continuous);
// If an error is encountered during a batch file run, continue
// processing.
// Run a batch file that displays subscription activity and status
// information.
// Disconnect from datastore.
// Disconnect from Access Server.
After creating a script file, it must be compiled.
Parent topic:Scripting support
Related concepts
Compiling a script file
Management Console commands
User roles and permissions
Compiling a script file
After creating a script file, it must be compiled to produce a batch file. This step
verifies command syntax, but does not verify specific names (such as datastore
names, subscription names, and so on) identified in a command invocation. If the
script file contains connectServer - Connect to Access Server, compiling also
encrypts the Management Console user password in the batch file. This prevents
the password from being seen by other users. When the batch file is executed, the
encrypted password is internally decrypted before connectServer - Connect to
Access Server is invoked.
If the script file you are compiling contains execute - Run Batch File commands, you
must individually compile each script file (in no specific order) identified in the
execute - Run Batch File commands. Compiling the script file containing the
execute - Run Batch File commands does not automatically compile nested script
After compiling a script file, do not modify the generated batch file that you will run. If
you edit the batch file after compilation, you will not be able to run this file.
Note: Script files must be compiled outside an interactive command environment.
See also:
To compile a script file (Windows)
To compile a script file (Linux or UNIX)
To compile a script file (Telnet)
Parent topic:Scripting support
Related concepts
Creating a script file
Running a batch file
Related reference
connectServer - Connect to Access Server
execute - Run Batch File
To compile a script file (Windows)
About this task
Perform the following steps based on the operating system running on the
workstation where Management Console has been installed. Procedure
Open a command prompt window.
Change the current directory to the location where Management Console was
installed.Tip: To avoid having to specify long path names when compiling script
files, create and compile your script files in the Management Console installation
directory. However, do not overwrite any of the existing installation files in this
Issue the following command:online.bat -c <scriptfile><outputfile>
where <scriptfile> is the full path name of the script file that you want to compile,
and <outputfile> is the full path name of the output file that is produced as a result
of compiling the script file.
online.bat -c c:\scripts\script1.txt c:\scripts\script1c.txt
Parent topic:Compiling a script file
To compile a script file (Linux or UNIX)
About this task
Perform the following steps based on the operating system running on the
workstation where Access Server has been installed. Procedure
Open a command prompt window
Change the current directory to the location where Access Server was installed.
Issue the following command: bin/online -c <scriptfile><outputfile>
where <scriptfile> is the full path name of the script file that you want to compile,
and <outputfile> is the full path name of the output file that is produced as a result
of compiling the script file.
bin/online -c script1 script1c
Parent topic:Compiling a script file
To compile a script file (Telnet)
About this task
Perform the following steps based on the operating system running on the
workstation where Management Console has been installed. Procedure
Perform the steps under Windows outside of the Telnet command environment
that you may have opened to submit commands interactively. If necessary, use
exit - Close Command Environment to end the command environment.
If the compile is successful, the specified batch file will be created. This is the file
that you will run.
Parent topic:Compiling a script file
Related concepts
Opening command environments
Running a batch file
Related tasks
To compile a script file (Windows)
Related reference
exit - Close Command Environment
Running a batch file
After successfully compiling a script file, you can now run the compiled script file that
was produced as a result of the compilation. You can use execute - Run Batch File,
or the online program to run the compiled script file.
execute Command
This command can be submitted in an interactive command environment or included
in a script file.
online.bat/dtsconsole Programs
Outside an interactive command environment, you can run a compiled script file by
using the online.bat or online program. This option allows you to use a system
scheduler to run the batch file at specific times. The command to run the online.bat
or online program can be specified in the scheduler to run the named batch file in an
unattended mode.
Note: The procedure described in this section assumes that you have just
completed the steps in Compiling a Script File.
Perform the following step based on the operating system running on the
workstation where Management Console or Access Server has been installed:
Issue the following command:
online.bat -b <scriptfile>
where<scriptfile> is the full path name of the script file that was produced as a
result of compiling the script file.
online.bat -b c:\scripts\script1c
Linux or UNIX
Issue the following command:
bin/online -b <scriptfile>
where <scriptfile> is the full path name of the script file that was produced as a
result of compiling the script file.
bin/online.bat -b script1c
Perform the steps under Windows.
Parent topic:Scripting support
Related concepts
Compiling a script file
Opening command environments
Creating a script file
Related reference
execute - Run Batch File
User roles and permissions
This section identifies and briefly describes the four user roles. It then lists the user
permissions for each command or action.
In this section, you will learn:
User roles
User permissions
Parent topic:Management Console Commands reference
User roles
A Management Console user belongs to one of the following four roles:
TS System administrator—The user can view, configure, and initiate replication.
TS Administrator—The user can view, configure, and initiate replication, but
cannot change InfoSphere® CDC system parameters.
TS Operator—The user can view and initiate replication.
TS Monitor—The user can only view replication.
For more information about user roles, see your Management Console
To determine the role to which a user is currently assigned, see the getRole
method in the UserProfile interface. For more information, see InfoSphere CDC
API reference - Javadocs.
Parent topic:User roles and permissions
User permissions
This section identifies those methods in the Management Console API that are only
accessible by specific user roles. The remainder of the methods in the API do not
require a specific user role. For more information, see User roles.
Note: The permissions for each method apply to a Management Console user
connected to an Access Server. The User property specified when invoking the
connect method in the DataSource interface determines the user that will be
affected by the specified permissions. For more information on this method and
interface, see InfoSphere® CDC API reference - Javadocs.
The following table uses these conventions for user permissions.
Unlimited—The user has permission to invoke the method.
No permission—The user does not have permission to invoke the method. If the
user attempts to invoke restricted methods will result in the ApiException
exception being thrown. In cases where a method is out of scope (such as a
method that is equivalent to an Access Manager function) or called automatically
for all user roles, this symbol will also indicate that a method is not applicable at
the user level.
Table 1. Permissions for methods
Method TS System
TS Operator TS Monitor
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
addTable -
Add Table to
Unlimited Unlimited No
- Assign
Unlimited Unlimited No
nt - Connect
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
er - Connect
to Access
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
ble - De-
Unlimited Unlimited No
describe -
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited No
gent -
Unlimited Unlimited No
erver -
from Access
Unlimited Unlimited No
- Define
Unlimited Unlimited No
execute -
Run Batch
Unlimited Unlimited No
exit - Close
Unlimited Unlimited No
getAgents -
Unlimited Unlimited No
ionActivity -
Unlimited Unlimited No
ions - Get
s for
Unlimited Unlimited No
ionStatus -
Unlimited Unlimited No
ionTables -
Unlimited Unlimited No
us - Get
Table Status
Unlimited Unlimited No
help -
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
- Re-add
Table in
Unlimited Unlimited No
e - Remove
Table from
Unlimited Unlimited No
on - Set
Unlimited Unlimited No
us - Set
Table Status
Unlimited Unlimited No
- Start
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited No
startMirror -
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited No
stopAll -
Stop All
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited No
stopMirror -
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited No
- Stop
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited No
ble - Select
Table to
Unlimited Unlimited No
Table - De-
select Table
Unlimited Unlimited No
Compiling a
Script File
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
Parent topic:User roles and permissions
Running a
Batch File
Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
If you encounter issues while running InfoSphere® CDC, you have a number of
options for tracking and troubleshooting issues to help with problem resolution.
There are three methods that you can use in InfoSphere CDC for tracking and
troubleshooting issues:
Data Collection with the IBM® Support Assistant (ISA DC)
Management Console Support Assistant
The dmsupportinfo command, which is executed on the replication engine
If you are trying to troubleshoot issues with InfoSphere CDC version 10.2 or later on
Linux, UNIX and Windows operating systems, you should use the ISA DC tool
unless otherwise instructed by IBM Technical Support.
In this section, you will learn:
Using the IBM Support Assistant (ISA DC)
Troubleshooting and contacting IBM Support
Using the IBM Support Assistant (ISA DC)
You can use the IBM® Support Assistant Data Collection tool (ISA DC) to collect
InfoSphere® CDC data to provide to IBM Technical Support to assist you in
troubleshooting issues with InfoSphere CDC, to request a product enhancement or
to ask a question about InfoSphere CDC.
ISA DC can be used with InfoSphere CDC replication engines that are version 10.2
or later, except InfoSphere CDC for z/OS®.
The ISA DC tool is included in the InfoSphere CDC installation process, and does
not require configuration. The executable files are located in the isa folder in the
InfoSphere CDC directory. Simply run the isadc.bat, or index.html file, as
appropriate, to launch the tool.
Prerequisites and considerations for using ISA DC
The following prerequisite must be satisfied on the machine on which ISA DC will be
run, in order to successfully use the tool:
IBM JRE/JDK version 1.6 or later
The following issues should be taken into consideration before you attempt to use
ISA DC cannot be run remotely. It must be run on the machine where the instance
is configured.
ISA DC cannot be used to collect data from InfoSphere CDC for z/OS.
If InfoSphere CDC is installed but you have not configured an instance or are
unable to configure an instance, ISA DC can still be used to collect minimal data to
assist IBM Technical Support in resolving the issue.
See also:
To use ISA DC to collect data for a product problem (command line)
To use ISA DC to collect data for a product problem (GUI)
To use ISA DC to collect data for a question or an enhancement request
(command line)
To use ISA DC to collect data for a question or an enhancement request
Parent topic:Troubleshooting
To use ISA DC to collect data for a product problem
(command line)
Launch the IBM® Support Assistant.Run the isadc.bat or file, located in
the isa\isadc folder in the root directory of the InfoSphere® CDC instance.
Enter 1 to accept the license agreement and press Enter.After the license
agreement has been accepted, it will not be shown again.
Provide a file name and press Enter.The name provided will be given to the .zip
file containing the data collection results.
If you do not want to assign a name to the data collection results, press Enter
and a default name will be used.
Enter 1 to confirm your chosen file name and press Enter to continue.
Enter 1 to run the InfoSphere Change Data CaptureSupport Assistant Data
Collector and press Enter.The Welcome page is displayed.
Read the Welcome page information and enter 1 to proceed. Press Enter.
Enter 1 to collect data for a product problem and press Enter.
Enter 1 to process your input and continue collecting data. Press Enter.If you
want to cancel the collection, enter 2 and press Enter.
If you want to go back and change your input for the previous step, enter 3 and
press Enter.
Select the name of the InfoSphere CDC instance for which data will be collected.
If you have multiple instances of InfoSphere CDC configured, you will be asked
to select which instance for which you want to collect. Enter the corresponding
number for the instance name and press Enter.
If you have a single InfoSphere CDC instance configured, it will be selected
automatically and this step will be skipped.
Even if you do not have an instance configured, ISA DC will still collect what
data is available. If no instance is configured, you can skip to Step 14.
Enter 1 to process your input and continue collecting data. Press Enter.If you
want to cancel the collection, enter 2 and press Enter.
If you want to go back and change your input for the previous step, enter 3 and
press Enter.
If your selected instance is not running, you will be alerted by ISA DC. As only
minimal data is available if the instance is stopped, it is preferable that the
instance be running during data collection.Try to start your instance. When the
instance is running, enter 1 and press Enter.
If you cannot start your instance and want to continue the data collection
process, enter 2 and press Enter.
Enter 1 to process your input and continue collecting data. Press Enter.If you
want to cancel the collection, enter 2 and press Enter.
If you want to go back and change your input for the previous step, enter 3 and
press Enter.
If the instance is running, you will be asked for information regarding when the
problem occurred.
Enter the date and time when you think the problem began and press Enter.
This information must be entered in the following format: yyyy-mm-dd
Enter 1 to process your input and continue collecting data. Press Enter.If you
want to cancel the collection, enter 2 and press Enter.
If you want to go back and change your input for the previous step, enter 3
and press Enter.
Determine the period of time for which the data will be collected and press
Enter.The amount specified will be applied as a before value and an after
value to the date and time specified previously. For example, if you select 1
Day as the time period, data will be collect for 24 hours before the specified
date and time and for the 24 hours after the specified date and time.
Enter 1 to process your input and continue collecting data. Press Enter.If you
want to cancel the collection, enter 2 and press Enter.
If you want to go back and change your input for the previous step, enter 3
and press Enter.
Select the method to transfer the data collection archive file and press Enter.
Choose one of the following options:
Send using secure transfer to IBM Support (HTTPS)—Sends the .zip file to
IBM Support using a secure protocol.
Send using FTP to IBM Support (unencrypted)—Sends the .zip file to IBM
Support using an unencrypted protocol.
Send using FTP to another location (unencrypted)—Sends the .zip file to a
recipient of your choice, using an unencrypted protocol.
End the collection without sending—Ends the data collection and creates
the .zip file, but does not transfer it.
Enter 1 to process your input and continue collecting data. Press Enter.If you
want to cancel the collection, enter 2 and press Enter.
If you want to go back and change your input for the previous step, enter 3 and
press Enter.
If you chose to end the collection without sending the output, ISA DC will notify
your when the .zip file has been successfully created. Enter 1 and press Enter to
exit the application.
If you chose to transfer the file using HTTPS, follow these steps:
If you want to receive a confirmation email when the upload was successful,
enter an email address and press Enter. If you do not want to receive
confirmation, press Enter to continue.
Enter 1 to process your input and continue collecting data. Press Enter.If you
want to cancel the collection, enter 2 and press Enter.
If you want to go back and change your input for the previous step, enter 3
and press Enter.
Enter the PMR number that was given to you by IBM Technical Support and
press Enter. Ensure that the PMR number follows the required naming
convention of PMRNumber.BranchNumber.CountryCode. If an unknown
PMR number is entered, you will be asked to correct the PMR number and
re-send the data.
Enter 1 to process your input and continue collecting data. Press Enter.If you
want to cancel the collection, enter 2 and press Enter.
If you want to go back and change your input for the previous step, enter 3
and press Enter.
If you chose to transfer the file to IBM Technical Support using unencrypted
FTP, follow these steps:
Enter the PMR number that was given to you by IBM Technical Support and
press Enter. Ensure that the PMR number follows the required naming
convention of PMRNumber.BranchNumber.CountryCode. If an unknown PMR
number is entered, you will be asked to correct the PMR number and re-send
the data.
Enter 1 to process your input and continue collecting data. Press Enter.If you
want to cancel the collection, enter 2 and press Enter.
If you want to go back and change your input for the previous step, enter 3
and press Enter.
If you chose to transfer the file using unencrypted FTP, follow these steps:
Enter the FTP host name and press Enter.
Enter the user name and press Enter.
Enter the password for the user name and press Enter.
Enter the path for the directory on the FTP server and press Enter.
Enter 1 to process your input and continue collecting data. Press Enter.If you
want to cancel the collection, enter 2 and press Enter.
If you want to go back and change your input for the previous step, enter 3
and press Enter.
When you receive notice that the operation has completed successfully, enter 1
and press Enter to exit the application.
Parent topic:Using the IBM Support Assistant (ISA DC)
To use ISA DC to collect data for a product problem
Launch the IBM® Support Assistant.Run the index.html file, located in the
isa\isadc folder in the root directory of the InfoSphere® CDC instance.
Read the license agreement and click OK to accept it.After the license
agreement has been accepted, it will not be shown again.
Click Start.The Welcome screen opens.
Click OK.
Select A product problem from the drop down box.
Click OK.
Select the name of an InfoSphere CDC instance from the drop down list and
click OK.If you have multiple instances of InfoSphere CDC configured, you will
be asked to select which instance for which you want to collect.
If you have a single InfoSphere CDC instance configured, it will be selected
automatically and this step will be skipped.
If your selected instance is not running, you will be alerted by ISA DC. As only
minimal data is available if the instance is stopped, it is preferable that the
instance be running during data collection.Try to start your instance. When the
instance is running, select Yes, I have started the instance from the drop down
box and click OK.
If you cannot start your instance and want to continue the data collection
process, select No, continue with minimal data collection from the drop down
box and click OK.
If the instance is running, you will be asked for information regarding when the
problem occurred. Enter the date and time when you think the problem began
and click OK.This information must be entered in the following format: yyyy-mm-
dd hh:mm:ss.
Determine the period of time for which the data will be collected and click OK.
Choose one of the following values:
6 hours
12 hours
1 Day
2 Days
7 Days
The amount specified will be applied as a before value and an after value to the
date and time specified previously. For example, if you select 1 Day as the time
period, data will be collect for 24 hours before the specified date and time and
for the 24 hours after the specified date and time.
If you chose to end the collection without sending the output, select Do not
transfer data to IBM. ISA DC will notify you when the .zip file has been
successfully created.
If you want to transfer the data to IBM using a secure transfer (HTTPS), select
the Transfer to IBM option.
Choose the HTTPS transfer type option.
Enter the PMR number that was given to you by IBM Technical Support.
Ensure that the PMR number follows the required naming convention of
PMRNumber.BranchNumber.CountryCode. If an unknown PMR number is
entered, you will be asked to correct the PMR number and re-send the data.
Enter your email address.
Click Transfer.
If you want to transfer the data to IBM using unencrypted FTP, select the
Transfer to IBM option.
Choose the FTP transfer type option.
Enter the PMR number that was given to you by IBM Technical Support.
Ensure that the PMR number follows the required naming convention of
PMRNumber.BranchNumber.CountryCode. If an unknown PMR number is
entered, you will be asked to correct the PMR number and re-send the data.
Click Transfer.
If you choose to send the data to a location other than IBM using unencrypted
FTP, click Transfer to another server via FTP
Enter the email address or IP address of the recipient in the Hotmail/IP
Address field.
Enter the user name.
Enter the password.
Enter the path for the directory on the FTP server.
Click Transfer.
When you receive notice that the operation has completed successfully, click
Browse directory if you want to see the file you created or click Start New
Collection to collect more data.To exit the application, close your browser tab or
Parent topic:Using the IBM Support Assistant (ISA DC)
To use ISA DC to collect data for a question or an
enhancement request (command line)
Launch the IBM® Support Assistant.Run the isadc.bat or file, located in
the isa\isadc folder in the root directory of the InfoSphere® CDC instance.
Enter 1 to accept the license agreement and press Enter.After the license
agreement has been accepted, it will not be shown again.
Provide a file name and press Enter.The name provided will be given to the .zip
file containing the data collection results.
If you do not want to assign a name to the data collection results, press Enter
and a default name will be used.
Enter 1 to confirm your chosen file name and press Enter to continue.
Enter 1 to run the InfoSphere Change Data CaptureSupport Assistant Data
Collector and press Enter.The Welcome page is displayed.
Read the Welcome page information and enter 1 to proceed. Press Enter.
Enter 2 to collect data for a question or an enhancement request and press
Enter 1 to process your input and continue collecting data. Press Enter.If you
want to cancel the collection, enter 2 and press Enter.
If you want to go back and change your input for the previous step, enter 3 and
press Enter.
Select the method to transfer the data collection archive file and press Enter.
Choose one of the following options:
Send using secure transfer to IBM Support (HTTPS)—Sends the .zip file to
IBM Support using a secure protocol.
Send using FTP to IBM Support (unencrypted)—Sends the .zip file to IBM
Support using an unencrypted protocol.
Send using FTP to another location (unencrypted)—Sends the .zip file to a
recipient of your choice, using an unencrypted protocol.
End the collection without sending—Ends the data collection and creates
the .zip file, but does not transfer it.
Enter 1 to process your input and continue collecting data. Press Enter.If you
want to cancel the collection, enter 2 and press Enter.
If you want to go back and change your input for the previous step, enter 3 and
press Enter.
If you chose to end the collection without sending the output, ISA DC will notify
your when the .zip file has been successfully created. Enter 1 and press Enter to
exit the application.
If you chose to transfer the file using HTTPS, follow these steps:
If you want to receive a confirmation email when the upload was successful,
enter an email address and press Enter. If you do not want to receive
confirmation, press Enter to continue.
Enter 1 to process your input and continue collecting data. Press Enter.If you
want to cancel the collection, enter 2 and press Enter.
If you want to go back and change your input for the previous step, enter 3
and press Enter.
Enter the PMR number that was given to you by IBM Technical Support and
press Enter. Ensure that the PMR number follows the required naming
convention of PMRNumber.BranchNumber.CountryCode. If an unknown
PMR number is entered, you will be asked to correct the PMR number and
re-send the data.
Enter 1 to process your input and continue collecting data. Press Enter.If you
want to cancel the collection, enter 2 and press Enter.
If you want to go back and change your input for the previous step, enter 3
and press Enter.
If you chose to transfer the file to IBM Technical Support using unencrypted
FTP, follow these steps:
Enter the PMR number that was given to you by IBM Technical Support and
press Enter. Ensure that the PMR number follows the required naming
convention of PMRNumber.BranchNumber.CountryCode. If an unknown PMR
number is entered, you will be asked to correct the PMR number and re-send
the data.
Enter 1 to process your input and continue collecting data. Press Enter.If you
want to cancel the collection, enter 2 and press Enter.
If you want to go back and change your input for the previous step, enter 3
and press Enter.
If you chose to transfer the file using unencrypted FTP, follow these steps:
Enter the FTP host name and press Enter.
Enter the user name and press Enter.
Enter the password for the user name and press Enter.
Enter the path for the directory on the FTP server and press Enter.
Enter 1 to process your input and continue collecting data. Press Enter.If you
want to cancel the collection, enter 2 and press Enter.
If you want to go back and change your input for the previous step, enter 3
and press Enter.
When you receive notice that the operation has completed successfully, enter 1
and press Enter to exit the application.
Parent topic:Using the IBM Support Assistant (ISA DC)
To use ISA DC to collect data for a question or an
enhancement request (GUI)
Launch the IBM® Support Assistant.Run the index.html file, located in the
isa\isadc folder in the root directory of the InfoSphere® CDC instance.
Read the license agreement and click OK to accept it.After the license
agreement has been accepted, it will not be shown again.
Click Start.The Welcome screen opens.
Click OK.
Select A question or enhancement request from the drop down box.
Click OK.
If you chose to end the collection without sending the output, select Do not
transfer data to IBM. ISA DC will notify you when the .zip file has been
successfully created.
If you want to transfer the data to IBM using a secure transfer (HTTPS), select
the Transfer to IBM option.
Choose the HTTPS transfer type option.
Enter the PMR number that was given to you by IBM Technical Support.
Ensure that the PMR number follows the required naming convention of
PMRNumber.BranchNumber.CountryCode. If an unknown PMR number is
entered, you will be asked to correct the PMR number and re-send the data.
Enter your email address.
Click Transfer.
If you want to transfer the data to IBM using unencrypted FTP, select the
Transfer to IBM option.
Choose the FTP transfer type option.
Enter the PMR number that was given to you by IBM Technical Support.
Ensure that the PMR number follows the required naming convention of
PMRNumber.BranchNumber.CountryCode. If an unknown PMR number is
entered, you will be asked to correct the PMR number and re-send the data.
Click Transfer.
If you choose to send the data to a location other than IBM using unencrypted
FTP, click Transfer to another server via FTP
Enter the email address or IP address of the recipient in the Hotmail/IP
Address field.
Enter the user name.
Enter the password.
Enter the path for the directory on the FTP server.
Click Transfer.
When you receive notice that the operation has completed successfully, click
Browse directory if you want to see the file you created or click Start New
Collection to collect more data.To exit the application, close your browser tab or
Parent topic:Using the IBM Support Assistant (ISA DC)
Troubleshooting and contacting IBM Support
The following support page contains the latest troubleshooting information and
details on how to open a service request with IBM® Support:
For contact information in your region:
Parent topic:Troubleshooting