No.16 HYDERABAD, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1997.
[G.O.Ms.No. 58, Social Welfare (J), 12
May, 1997.]
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 20 of the Andhra
Pradesh (Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes) Regulation of
Issue of Community Certificates Act, 1993 (Act 16 of 1993), the Governor of Andhra
Pradesh hereby appoints 16-5-1997 as the date on which the provisions of the Andhra
Pradesh Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes Issue of
Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificates Rules, 1997, shall come into force in all
the areas of the State of Andhra Pradesh.
Short title and commencement of
These rules may be called the (Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes & Backward
Classes) Issue of Community, Nativity and
Date of Birth Certificates Rules, 1997.
In these rules, unless the context otherwise
(a) "Form" means a form appended to these
(b) 'Act' means the Andhra Pradesh
(Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes &
Backward Classes) Regulation of Issue
of Community Certificates Act, 1993.
(Act No. 16 of 1993).
(c) "Competent Authority" means the
authority specified under column (2) of
Annexure-I appended to these rules, for
issue of certificates to the communities
specified in column (1) within the
territorial jurisdiction as specified in
column (3) thereof.
(d) "Traditional Habitat" of a tribe means the
area in which a tribe or part or group of
that tribe is found inhabiting traditionally,
on the date of notification of that tribe or
part or group of that tribe as a Scheduled
Tribe for the first time in the State of
Andhra Pradesh.
3.Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificates:
The form for issue of Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificates is as specified in
Form III appended to these Rules.
4. Procedure for Application:
(a) Every applicant/parent/guardian who belongs to a Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe,
Backward Class, desirous of declaring his social status as that of a Scheduled Caste,
Scheduled Tribe or a Backward Class, shall submit an application in the prescribed
Form I/II to the Competent Authority, well in advance i.e., six months, as far as
possible particularly when seeking admission to the educational institutions or
appointment to a post.
(b) If the applicant is a minor, the parent/guardian shall submit the application form as
mentioned in clause (a) above.
5. Procedure for verification
(a) On receipt of the application, the Competent Authority or any officer authorised by him
in this regard shall ensure that the applicant has furnished complete information in all
the columns of Form I/II and, shall then give the acknowledgement slip as appended
to form I/II, in token of having received the application. The Competent Authority shall
then verify the information/documents/evidence furnished by the
applicant/parent/guardian in Form I/II. If the Competent Authority is satisfied with the
correctness of the information/documents/evidence furnished by the
applicant/parent/guardian, he shall issue the Community, Nativity and Date of Birth
Certificates in Form III within 30 (thirty) days of the receipt of the application in Form
I/II. The Competent Authority shall specify in Form III the sub-caste of the SC
claimant and the sub-tribe/sub-group of the ST claimant as listed out in Annexure-I
appended to these Rules.
(b) If the Competent Authority feels that further enquiry is necessary, he shall then
examine the school records, birth registration certificate, if any, and also examine the
parent/guardian or applicant, in relation to his/her/their community. He may examine
any other person who has the knowledge of the social status of the
applicant/parent/guardian, as the case may be. He shall take into account, in the
case of Scheduled Tribes, their anthropological and ethnological traits, deity, rituals,
customs, mode of marriage, death ceremonies/method of burial of dead bodies etc.,
before issuing the Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificates. The Competent
Authority shall have power to call for further information and/or collect such
evidence/document and also conduct such enquiry as specified in Form-IV, if deemed
necessary. Notice in Form IV should be issued to the parent/guardian, in case the
applicant is a minor to appear before the Competent Authority.
(c) The notice as specified in Form IV should give clear 15 (fifteen) days, from the date of
the receipt of the notice by the parent/applicant/guardian, to attend the enquiry. In no
case, not more than 30 (thirty) days from the date of the receipt of the notice, should
be allowed.
(d) Where the person on whom a notice in Form IV is served by the Competent Authority
fails to respond on the date mentioned therein, the Competent Authority may reject or
confirm the claim of the person based on the document/evidence available with the
competent Authority (furnished while applying in Form I/II). He may also take into
account any other material/evidence/documents gathered by him in that particular
case. The Competent Authority shall cause enquiry, following due process of law, to
verify the genuineness or otherwise of the information/evidence/documents furnished
or recorded, from such persons as called for in the enquiry specified in Form IV. He
may also cause to collect any other documentary or related evidence about the
genuineness or otherwise of the information furnished by the persons called for in the
(e) The Competent Authority should give reasonable opportunity to the
applicant/parent/guardian to produce evidence in support of their claim. A public notice
by the beat of the drum or any other convenient mode may be published in the village
or locality to which the applicant/parent/guardian belongs. If any person or association
opposes such a claim, opportunity to produce the evidence in person before the
Competent Authority may be given to him or her. After giving such an opportunity to
that person or association the Competent Authority may make such enquiry as it
deems expedient and consider claims of the applicant/guardian/parent vis-a vis the
objections raised by his/her/their opponent.
(f) The Competent authority shall requisition the services of Mandal Revenue Inspector,
Village Development Officer, Village Administrative Officer or such other persons
as deemed necessary, to assist him in the enquiry to verify the veracity or
otherwise of the community claims made by the applicant/parent/guardian.
However the responsibility for issue or rejection of the claim shall rest on the
Competent Authority only.
(g) In respect of the tribal communities who are not "traditional inhabitants" of the area
of territorial jurisdiction of the "Competent Authority" as specified in column 3 of
Annexure-I appended to these Rules, the Competent authority shall make a
reference to the District Tribal Welfare Officer concerned to provide such
professional assistant as available with him or with the Tribal Cultural Research
Institute, Hyderabad, to confirm or reject the claim of the applicant.
(h) The Competent Authority shall confirm or reject the claim for the Community,
Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate, after conducting the enquiry as mentioned in
the paras above, within a period not exceeding 60 (sixty) days from the date of
receipt of the application by him in Form I/II.
(i) The Competent Authority, in the cases of doubtful claims, shall refer the matter to
the Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee formed at the District level under Rule 8
i.e. Joint Collector of the District, for the recommendations of the Committee, with
regard to the issue of the Community, nativity and Date of Birth Certificate as
applied for by the applicants. On receipt of the recommendations of the Scrutiny
Committee, the Competent Authority shall accordingly confirm or reject the claims
of the applicants.
6. Burden of proof:
It is the responsibility of the applicant to produce necessary evidence/documents while
applying in Form I/II to the Competent Authority and also as called for by the Competent
Authority/Scrutiny and Review Committee at the State level/District Collector/Scrutiny
committees at the District level/Government, from time to time, while enquiring into the
claims for the issue of Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate.
7. Scrutiny and Review Committee (State level):
A Scrutiny and Review Committee shall be constituted at the State Level with the
following officers:
(a) (1) Principal Secretary to Government, -- Chairman
Social Welfare Department
(2) Commissioner, Social Welfare -- Member
(3) Commissioner, Tribal Welfare -- Member
(4) Commissioner, Welfare of Backward Classes -- Member
(5) Inspector General of Police, C.B.C.I.D -- Member
(P.C.R. & Vigilance Cell).
(6) Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary/ -- Member (Convenor)
Deputy Secretary to Government,
Social Welfare Department
(b) This Scrutiny and Review Committee shall meet once in three months or as often,
depending on the necessity.
(c) Presence of three members will form the required quorum for the meeting of the
(d) This Committee shall review and monitor the functioning of the Scrutiny Committees at
the District level constituted under Rule 8. It shall render necessary advice to the
Government on various policy decisions to be taken for streamlining the procedure or
on any other issues related to the issuing of Community Certificates as per Act.
(e) The Committee may also render necessary guidance and advice to the Government
on cases referred to it, where divergent and conflicting enquiry reports are received by
the Government, in respect of the community claims.
8. SCRUTINY COMMITTEE (District level):
(a) In every District, a Scrutiny Committee shall be constituted with the following
(1) Joint Collector -- Chairman
(2) District Revenue Officer -- Member (Convener)
(3) Deputy Director, Social Welfare -- Member
Deputy Director (Tribal Welfare)/ -- Member
District Tribal Welfare Officer
Deputy Director -- member
(Backward Classes Welfare)/ District
Backward Classes Welfare Officer
(4) Officer of the Research organisation -- Member
in the Commissionerate of SW/TW
nominated by the concerned Heads
of the Departments.
(5) Officer representing the PCR/Vigilance -- Member
Cell in the District
(b) The Scrutiny committee shall meet at least once in a month or as often, depending
on the cases referred to it.
(c) Presence of three members will form the required quorum for the meetings of the
(d) (1) The Scrutiny Committee, on receipt of the cases referred to it by the
Competent Authority under Rule 5(i), shall conduct enquiry regarding the doubtful
claims, by giving notice in Form V to the applicant, within the period specified in
the notice. This period should not be less than 15 (fifteen) days from the date of
service of the notice on the applicant and in no case, on request, more than 30
(thirty) days should be allowed. This notice shall be served on the applicant
through the Competent Authority who referred the case to the Committee.
(2) The notice referred to in Form-V shall be served on the parent/guardian in case
the applicant is a minor.
(3) Where the person on whom a notice in Form-V is served by the Scrutiny
Committee fails to respond on the date mentioned in the notice, the Scrutiny
Committee may finalise its recommendations based on the
material/documents/evidence made available to the Committee by the Competent
(4) The Scrutiny Committee shall cause enquiry, following the due process of law,
to verify the genuineness or otherwise of the information furnished or recorded
from such persons as called in the enquiry as per Form V. It shall also cause to
collect documentary evidence or any other related evidence about the correctness
or otherwise of the information furnished or objections raised by any person during
the enquiry.
(5) The Scrutiny committee shall examine the school records, birth registration
certificates, if any, furnished by the persons during the enquiry. It may also
examine any other person who may have knowledge of the community of the
applicant. With reference to the claims of Scheduled Tribes, it may examine the
anthropological and ethnological traits, deity, rituals, customs, mode of marriage,
death ceremonies/method of burial of dead bodies etc., of that particular tribe, to
finalise its recommendations to the Competent Authority.
(6) The Scrutiny Committee should give reasonable opportunity to the applicant to
produce evidence in support of their claim. A public notice by the beat of drum or
any other convenient mode may be published in the village or locality of the
applicant and if any person or association opposes such a claim, opportunity to
produce evidence in person before the Committee may be given to him or her.
After giving such an opportunity to that person, the Committee may make such
enquiry as it deems expedient and finalise its recommendations, with brief reasons
in support thereof, to the Competent Authority.
(7) The Scrutiny Committee shall examine the report of enquiry conducted by the
Revenue Department furnished to it by the Competent Authority. It may also
obtain expert opinion from the Commissionerate of Social Welfare/Tribal Welfare
through the officers of the Research organisations of these Commissionerate who
are the members of the Scrutiny committee, if deemed necessary. These enquiry
reports may be compared and then recommendations of the Scrutiny committee
may be finalised as to whether the community claim of that applicant is found to be
false or genuine.
(e) The Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee i.e., Joint Collector of the District, shall
send the recommendations of the Committee to the Competent Authority stating
clearly whether the community claim of the person in question or his or her
children, is genuine or false with reasons thereof, within 45 days from the date of
the receipt of the case referred to it by the Competent Authority.
9. Fraudulent claims:
1. Where the District Collector receives a written complaint from any person or has
otherwise reason to believe that a person not belonging to a Scheduled Caste or
Scheduled Tribe or Backward Class has obtained a false Community, Nativity and
Date of Birth Certificate to the effect that either himself/herself or his/her children
belong to such a Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Backward Class, the District
Collector shall refer the case to the Chairman, Scrutiny Committee i.e. Joint Collector
of the District (formed under rule-8), to enquire into such cases and send its findings to
the District Collector.
2. The Scrutiny Committee on receipt of such cases referred to it by the District Collector
shall follow the procedure as listed in Rule-8(d), (1) to (7) except that it shall serve the
notice in Form VI on the person involved in the case.
3. The Scrutiny Committee shall in such cases cause enquiry by the Protection of Civil
Rights/Vigilance Cell also i.e. through the officer representing the Protection of Civil
Rights/Vigilance Cell as the member of the Committee. The Protection of Civil
Rights/Vigilance Cell should investigate the social status claimed by the person by
sending the Inspector of Police to the local place of residence of that person and
where he/she usually resides or in case of migration, to the town or city from which
he/she originally hailed from. The Inspector should personally verify and collect all the
facts about the community claim of the person or the guardian or the parent, as the
case may be.
4. Where the person on whom a notice served in Form-VI fails to respond to the notice
within the period specified in the notice, the Scrutiny Committee may finalise its
findings based on the material made available by the District Collector i.e. enquiry
report of the Revenue Department, enquiry report of the Protection of Civil
Rights/Vigilance Cell and the reports of the expert/officer of the Research
Organisation of the Commissionerate of Social Welfare/Tribal Welfare.
5. The Scrutiny Committee shall compare the enquiry reports of the Revenue
Department furnished by the District Collector, the reports of the Protection of Civil
Rights/Vigilance Cell and the reports of the expert or officer of the Research
Organisation of the Commissionerate of Social Welfare/Tribal Welfare and then
finalise its findings whether the Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate given
to the person or his/her children is genuine or otherwise.
6. The Scrutiny Committee shall furnish its findings to the District Collector within 60
days from the date of the receipt of the reference from the District Collector.
7. The District Collector shall then decide whether the certificate holder is genuine or
fraudulent and in case of his having obtained a Community, Nativity and Date of Birth
Certificate fraudulently, the District Collector shall pass an order canceling the
certificate issued, within one month from the date of receipt of the findings of the
Scrutiny Committee and shall issue notification to that effect, to be published in the
District Gazette. The District Collector shall also take necessary steps to initiate
action against the Competent Authority who issued the Community, Nativity and Date
of Birth Certificate to the wrong person, besides taking other action as specified in
Rule 15. He shall communicate the cancellation of the certificate to the educational
institution/employer/appointing authority as the case may be forthwith.
8. In respect of the Bariki SC Community, such written complaints if received by the
Collector shall be referred by him to the Government, for necessary enquiry and final
action to cancel the certificate, since the District Collector is the Competent Authority
to issue the Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate for this community.
9. The Collector or Government, either suo-moto, or on a written complaint by any
person, or on request by an employer/educational institution/appointing authority, shall
enquire into the correctness of any Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate
already issued and if it is found that the certificate is obtained fraudulently, then the
District Collector or the Government, as the case may be, shall cancel the certificate
as per section 5 of the Act.
10. Appeals:
An appeal shall lie to the District Collector within thirty (30) days from the date of
receipt of rejection orders on the application for Community, Nativity and Date of
Birth Certificate passed by the Competent Authority. The appellate authority shall
examine the grounds on which the appeal is filed and also receive or call for
further evidence/documents, if considered necessary, and pass such orders as the
appellate authority considers fit and proper in the matter. In case of Bariki caste,
the appeal shall lie to the Government against the orders of the District Collector.
11. Review:
(1) The Government may, on an application filed by any person aggrieved by an order
passed by the District Collector under sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Act, within 30
(thirty) days of receipt of that order, review such orders if it was passed by the District
Collector under any mistake, whether of fact or law or in ignorance of any material
(2) Pending disposal of an appeal under rule 10 or a review under rule 11(1) above, it
shall be competent for the Government to stay the operation of the order against
which an appeal or review, as the case may be, is filed.
12. Revision:
(1) The Government either suo-moto, or on an application filed by any person aggrieved
by the orders issued by the authority authorised under these rules, shall entertain such
application as a revision petition, within sixty (60) days of the communication of the
order passed under these Rules and pass appropriate orders in accordance with the
provisions contained in section 8 of the Act, 16 of 1993.
13. Bar of Jurisdiction of Civil Courts:-
No civil court shall have jurisdiction in respect of any order passed by any officer or
authority under the Act and no stay or injunction shall be granted by a court, in respect of
any action taken or to be taken by such officer or authority under the Act, in pursuance of
any power conferred by or under the Act, as provided in section 17 of the Act.
14. Exercising of Powers of Civil Courts:-
The Competent Authority/ the Appellate Authority/the Scrutiny and Review Committee
at the State level/Scrutiny Committees at the District level/Government shall exercise
the powers of Civil Courts under the code of Civil procedure, 1908 in summoning the
witnesses as defined in section (9) of the Act in addition to
(a) Receiving evidence on affidavit;
(b) Summoning and examining any person or documents;
(c) Making local enquiry and inspections.
15. Action on false certificates: (penalties)
(a) Any person, who obtains a false Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate as
belonging to a community to which he does not in fact belong, shall be dealt with as
per the provisions under section 10,11,12 of the Act.
(b) Action under sub-rule (a) above against a person shall be referred to the court of
competent jurisdiction and will be initiated by the District Collector under whose
jurisdiction the person obtained the false Community, Nativity and date of Birth
(c) The District Collector shall initiate action under section 13 of the Act against an officer
who issued the false Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate to any person
contrary to the provisions of the Act.
16. Validity of Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate:
The Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate, issued by the Competent
Authority in accordance with these provisions, shall be a permanent one.
17. Procedure for issuing of duplicate Community, Nativity and Date of Birth
When the holder of the Community Certificate loses the certificate, he/she shall
immediately report this to the Competent Authority. He/She shall submit an
application to the Competent Authority, furnishing the particulars of the original
Community Certificate held by him/her. On receipt of such application, the Competent
Authority shall verify his records and issue duplicate Community, Nativity and Date of
Birth Certificates within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of the application by him/her.
An affidavit on Rs.10/- stamp paper stating the circumstances in which he/she lost the
original certificate must be filed along with the application for the issue of the duplicate
18. Complaints:
Whenever complaints are received regarding the community claim of any
employee/prospective employee/student claiming to belong to a Scheduled
Caste/Scheduled Tribe or Backward Class, the appointing
authority/employer/educational institution must refer the case only to the District
Collector of the District from where the Competent Authority had issued the certificate.
The District Collector shall in turn get it verified by the Scrutiny Committee constituted
at the district level as per Rule-8. The District Collector would inform the final action to
the appointing authority/employer/educational institution within a period of 90 (ninety)
days, from the date of the receipt of the complaint by him/her from the appointing
authority/employer/educational institution.
19. Provisional admission/appointment:
If the last date for admission to an educational institution/appointment to an office/post
is getting expired, and there is delay in finalising the enquiry and issuing of
Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate by the Competent Authority, then the
competent authority may inform the Principal of that educational institution/appointing
authority/employer or such other authority competent in this behalf, to admit/appoint
the candidate, on the basis of the declaration given by the candidate/parent/guardian
before the competent authority, while applying in form I/II as per Rule-5, for the
issuance of the Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate. Such admission or
appointment shall only be provisional and valid for three months form the date of the
communication by the competent authority to the Principal/employer/appointing
authority as the case may be, and shall cease to be valid after the issuance of the
Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate by the competent authority, based on
the conclusion of the enquiry.
20. Repeal:
All the executive instructions, Government orders, Government memoranda issued
and are in force before the commencement of these Rules, shall stand annulled,
without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under those Government
orders/Memoranda or executive instructions.
21. Savings:
The Community Certificate issued by the competent authority prior to the
commencement of these Rules should be treated as valid certificate.
Principal Secretary to Government.
Government hereby notify that the authorities mentioned below in column (2) of the table
within their territorial jurisdiction as "Competent Authorities" for issue of Community,
Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate declaring the persons as belonging either to
Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe as per notification of the Government of India and to
Backward Classes in accordance with the notification of the Government of Andhra
Pradesh, issued from time to time.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Specified Community Competent Authorities Jurisdiction
1. BC Group: - A/B/C/D. All All M.R.Os in the State within the
communities referred by the Govt., not below the rank of a territorial
of Andhra Pradesh belonging to Dy. Tahsildar. jurisdiction of
Backward Class A/B/C/D Groups. a Mandal
2. Scheduled Caste All M.R.Os In the State within the
1. Adi Andhra not below the rank of territorial
2. Adi Dravida Dy. Tahasildar. , jurisdiction
3. Arundhatiya of a Mandal.
4. Dom, Dombara, Paidi, Pano
7.Mala Dasari
8. Mala Dasu
9. Mala Sale, Netkani
10. Manne
11. Panchama, pariah
12. Relli
3. Scheduled Caste: All Revenue Officials Territorial
1. Anamuk not below the rank of a jurisdiction of .
2 Aray Mala R.D.O/Sub-Collector/ or of a Revenue
3. Arwa Mala Asst Collector in the Division held
4. Bavuri State by RDO /
5 Beda jangam, Budaga Jangain Sub-Collector/
6 Bindla Assistant
7.Byagara Collector
8 Chachati
9. Chalavadi
10. Chamiar,Mochi, Muchi.
11. Chambhar
12. Chandala
13. Dakkal, Dokkalwar
14. Dandasi
15. Dhor
16. Ellamalawar, Yellammalawandlu
17. Ghasi, Haddi, Relli Chachandi
18. Godagali
19. Godari
20. Gosangi
21. Holeya.
22.Holeya Dasari.
23 Jaggali
24. Jambuvulu.
25. Kolupulvandlu
26. Madasi Kuruva, Madari Kuruva..
27. Madiga Dasu, Mashteen.
28. Mahar.
29. Mala Hannai
30 Mala Jangam
31. Mala Masti
32. Mala Sanyasi
33. Mang
34. Mang Garodi
35. Mashti
36. Matangi
37 Mehtar
38. Mitha Ayyalvar.
39. Mundala
40. Paky, Moti, Thoti
41 Pambada, Pambanda
42 Pamidi
43. Samagara
44. Samban
45 Sapru .
46 Sindhollu, Chindollu.
4. Scheduled Caste Bariki District Collector: With in the
territorial Jurisdiction of
a District.
Scheduled Tribe Community
1. Andh All M.R.Os in the With in the
2. Bagata state not below the territorial
3. Bhil rank of jurisdiction of a
4. Chenchu, Chenchwar Dy.Tahsildar. Mandal.
6.Gond, Naikpod, Rajgond
7. Jatapus
8. Kattunayakan
9.Kalam, Mannervarlu
10. Kondhs, Kodi, Kodhu, Desaya
Kondhs, Dongria Kondhs,
Kuttiya Kondhs, Tikiria Kondhs ,
Yenity Kondhs.
11. Koya; Goud, Rajah, Rasha Koya,
Lingadhari Koya (ordinary)
Kottu Koya, Bhine Koya,
Rajkoya .
12. Malis (excluding Adilabad,
Hyderabad, Karimnagar, Medak
Kharnmam, Mahabubnagar,
Nalgon~ Nizamabad and
Warangal Districts)
13. Mukha Dhora,Nooka Dhora
14. Pardhan
15. Porja, Parangiperja
16. Rona, Rena
17. Savaras, Kapu Savaras,
Maliya Savaras, Khutto Savaras,
18 Sugalis,Lambadis
19. Kulia
20. Yenadis
21. Yerukulas
Scheduled Tribe Community
1. Konda Kapus All Revenue Territorial
2. Konda reddis Officers not below jurisdiction of a
3. Hill Reddis the rank of a Revenue division
4. Goudu (in the Agency tracts), R.D.O/Sub- held by RDO/Sub-
5. Kammara Collector or Asst. Collector /
6. Kotia, Bentho Oriya, Bartika, Collector in the Assistant Collector
Dhulia, Dulia Holva,Paiko,Putiya, State.
Sanrona, Sidhopaiko
7. Reddi Dhoras
8. Konda Dhoras
9. Thoti(in Adilabad,
Hyderabad, Karimnagar, Medak
Khammarn, Mahabubnagar, .
Nalgonda, Nizamabad and
Warangal Districts")
10. Nayaks (in the Agency Tracts)
11. Valmiki (in the Agency tracts)
12. Manna Dhora
Details of Forms:
Form I : Application for issue of Community, Nativity and Date of Birth
Certificate for Scheduled Tribes
Form lI : Application for issue of Community, Nativity and Date of Birth
Certificate to Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes.
Form IIl : Form for Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate.
Form IV : Notices to the applicant for verification issued by the Competent
Form V : Notices to the applicant for verification issued by the District Level
Scrutiny Committee (Doubtful claims)
Form VI : Notices to the applicant for verification issued by the District Level
Scrutiny Committee (Fraudulent claims)
Form of Application for issue of Community, Nativity and
Date of Birth Certificate relating to Scheduled Tribe
under Section 3 (1) and 3 (2) of the Act 16 of 1993
(Information to be furnished by the applicant himself supported by the documentary evidence)
The MandaI Revenue Officer /
Revenue Divisional Officer /
Sub-Collector! Asst. Collector
--------------------------------- MandaI/ Division.
I am in need of a Scheduled Tribe community certificate for me / for my son/
daughter for which the details are given below:
1. Name of the applicant in full (in block letters) ::
2. Sex of the applicant ::
3 a) Father's name ::
b) Mother's name
4 Present postal address ::
5 Place of permanent residence of the certificate ::
seeker / his father / paternal grand father, as on the
date of the first notification declaring the
community as a Scheduled Tribe, to which the
certificate seeker claims to belong.
6. Age, date of birth and place of birth (If date is not ::
known approximate year of birth).
7 Place of ordinary residence (documents relating ::
to house/land or other immovable property or
birth registration certificate or ration card or
school records may be furnished)
8 If the applicant has been issued a community ::
certificate in the past by any authority, a copy of .
such certificate should be furnished
9 Community for which certificate is claimed ::
(Including sub-tribe or sub-group)
10 a) Community of the father
(Including sub-tribe or sub group)
b) Community of the mother
(Including sub-tribe or sub group)
11 Whether the applicant is
a) a natural born son or daughter ofhis/her parents.
b) adopted son/daughter of his/her parents
l/We declare that the information furnished by me/us in the application is true and correct,
and the documents appended thereto are genuine and the contents of the documents are
true and correct and that if these are found to be untrue and incorrect, I/We will be liable
for prosecution for furnishing false and incorrect information documents under Section 10
of the Act No.16 of 1993.
STATION: Signature of the applicant
DATED: Signature of the Parent/Guardian
Received an application for issue of Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificates
relating to Scheduled Tribe in Form I, from________________________ (name of the
parent / guardian) belonging
__________________Mandal,________________ District on_____________________ .(
Signature of the Officer authorised
Name of the Office by the Competent
Date: (Name in capital
and designation. (affix
SECTION 3 (1) OF ACT 16 OF 1993
(Information to be furnished by the applicant himself supported by documentary evidence)
The Mandal RevenueOfficerl
Revenue Divisional Officerl
Sub-Collector! AssistantCollector I
District Collector
I am in need of a Scheduled Caste / Backward Class community certificate for
me / for my son / daughter for which the details are given below:
1 Name of the applicant in full (in block letters)
2 Sex of the applicant
3 a) Father's name
b) Mother's name
4 Present postal address
5 Permanent place of residence
6 Age,date of birth and place of birth ( If date is not
known, approximate year of birth:)
7 Place of ordinary residence (documents relating
to house/land or other immovable property or
birth registration certificate or ration card or
school records may be furnished)
8 If the applicant has been issued a community
certificate in the past by any authority, a copy of
such certificate should be furnished
9 Community for which certificate is claimed
(including the sub-caste)
10 a) Caste (including sub-caste) of the father
b) Caste (including sub-caste) of the mother
11 Religion professed by the applicant
12 a) Religion professed by the father of the applicant
b) Religion professed by the mother of the applicant
13 Whether the applicant is
a) A natural born son or daughter of his/her parents
b) Adopted son/daughter of his/her parents
I/We declare that the information furnished by me/us in the application is true and
correct, and the documents appended thereto are genuine and the contents of the
documents are true and correct and that if these are found to be untrue and incorrect,
I/We will be liable for prosecution for furnishing false and incorrect information/ documents
under Section 10 of the Act No.16 of 1993.
STATION: Signature of the applicant
DATED: Signature of the Parent/Guardian
Received an application for issue of Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate
relating to Scheduled Caste / Backward Class in Form II from--------------------------------------
------- ( name of the applicant / parent / guardian) belonging to ------------------------------------
----------------village/town ------------------------------mandaI,-----------------------------District on---
---------------------------- ( date.)
Signature of the Officer authorised
Name of the Office by the Competent
Date: (Name in capital
and designation.(affix
Serial No.
S.C District Code:
S. T Emblem Mandal Code:
B.C. Village Code:
Certificate No:
I) This is to certify that Sri/SmtIKum _________________________________Son /
daughter of Sri--------------------------------------------------------------------of-----------------------------
-- Village /Town ------------------------------------MandaI--------------------------------------------
District------------------------------------------ of the State of Andhra Pradesh belongs to ----------
-------------- Community which is recognised as S.C/S. T ./B.C under:
The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950
The Constitution (Schedule Tribes) Order, 1950.
G.O.Ms.No.1793, Education, dated 25-9-1970 as amended from time to time
(BCs) S.Cs., S.Ts. list (Modification) Order, 1956, S.Cs and S.T.s. (Amendment) Act,
2) It is certified that Sri/Smt./Kum_________________________________ is a
native of __________________________________________Village/Town
_____________________________District of Andhra Pradesh.
3) It is certified that the place of birth of
________________________________Village/T own_________________________
________________________District of Andhra Pradesh.
4) It is certified that the date of birth of Sri/Smt./ Kum_________________________
is Day_________________Month________________ Year_____________(in words) as
per the declaration given by his/ her father/mother/ guardian and as entered in the school
records where he/she studied.
Name in Capital Letters:
(Seal) Designation:
Explanatory Note:: While mentioning the community, the Competent Authority must
mention the sub-caste (in case of Scheduled Castes) and sub-tribe
or sub-group (in case of Scheduled Tribes) as listed out in the
S.Cs., and S. Ts., (Amendment) Act, 1976.
____________________________________District, whereas an application has been
made by_______________________________ (name of the certificate seeker) S/o, D/o,
W/O________________________________________(Name of the father/husband) for
the issue of Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate under Section 3(1)/ Sec.3(2)
of the AP (Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and BCs) Regulation of Issue of
Community , Certificates Act, 1993. Notice is hereby given that an enquiry will be made
about the community claim of the above mentioned applicant by the undersigned
at___________________ (time) on__________ (date) of____________ (month)
19_________ (year) at ________________ (place). He/She shall appear without fail at
the said place on the said date and said time to substantiate his or her community claim,
with oral and documentary evidence, failing which the Competent Authority will confirm or
reject the community claim of the applicant based on the documents/evidence furnished
by the applicant in Form I/II to the Competent Authority and the material/evidence
gathered by the Competent Authority in this case. He/She may bring his/her parents to
assist him/her in the enquiry.
Place: Signature and designation of
Competent Authority.
Date: (seal)
_____________District, Whereas a reference has been received by the Scrutiny
Committee from the Competent Authority (specify the authority) regarding doubts about
your community claim that you belong to SC/ST/BC community. The Committee now
therefore directs you to attend the enquiry regarding your community claim on
__________ (date) at_______________ (time) at_____________ (place) without fail. You
are required to furnish all the documentary evidence in support of your community claim
on the said date failing which the Scrutiny Committee will finalise its recommendations
based on the material/documents/evidence made available to the Committee by the
Competent Authority. You may bring your parents/guardian to assist you in the enquiry.
Date: Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee
(Joint Collector)
strict, Whereas a complaint has been received by this office alleging that you have
obtained ST/SC/BC Community, Nativity and Date of Birth Certificate from (specify the
authority who issued it) fraudulently, and whereas I have reason to believe that you
obtained S. T. /S.C. /B.C. certificate for yourself/for your son/daughter fraudulently even
though in reality you do not belong to any Scheduled Tribe/SC/BC. Now therefore, you are
hereby directed to attend enquiry regarding your community claim on ______________
(date) at______________ (time) at _____________ (place) 'without fail. You are required
to furnish all the documentary evidence in support of your community claim on the said
date failing which the Scrutiny Committee will finalise its recommendations based on the
material/documents/evidence made available to the Committee by the District Collector.
You may bring your parents/guardian to assist you in the enquiry.
Place: Chairman of tile Scrutiny Committee
(Joint Collector)
Principal Secretary to Government.