Enterprise PKI Automation
Enterprises Need an
Authentication Solution
to Address Increasingly
Complex Requirements
Enterprise authentication needs are
becoming increasingly complex.
Applications and data running across
multiple cloud environments, a distributed
workforce, and innovative connected devices
are all intersecting in ways that demand a
strong digital identity approach to protect
against constantly evolving threats.
Enterprises rely on PKI certicates as the
gold standard for ensuring identity and
as a foundational part of a Zero Trust,
passwordless architecture for users, devices,
servers and application identities.
While there is no stronger, easier to use
authentication and encryption solution
than the digital identity provided by PKI, the
challenge for busy IT teams is that manually
deploying and managing certicates is time-
consuming and can create unnecessary
service outages. Whether an enterprise
deploys a single SSL certicate for a web
server or manages millions of certicates
across all its networked device and user
identities, the end-to-end process of certicate
issuance, conguration, and deployment
can take hours per certicate. Manually
managing certicates also puts enterprises at
signicant risk of certicates being forgotten
until expiration and of exposure to gaps in
ownership, resulting in sudden outages of
critical business systems.
Enterprise PKI Automation
The Financial Cost of Manual Certicate
As already-complex environments expand to include mobile devices, cloud infrastructure,
DevOps, Internet of Things, and more, the nancial cost to effectively manage PKI certicates
has increased dramatically.
The most effective security investment is security that is both easily deployed and easily
used by employees. But security solutions like passwords often burden individual users with
remembering, updating, and managing their own security. And IT teams are inundated with time-
consuming password reset requests, and training employees not to surrender their passwords
to sophisticated phishing schemes. As an example, if the employees cannot encrypt/decrypt on
their mobile device, they will simply bypass using email encryption.
Additionally, your customers as well as internal users rely on critical business systems to be
always on. Expired certicates have already led to numerous high-prole website and services
outages. resulting in billions of dollars in lost revenue, contract penalties, and lawsuits as well as
the signicant loss of brand reputation.
Insucient certicate management can also put enterprises in jeopardy of noncompliance with
regulatory mandates. To guard against information theft, regulations such as HIPAA/HITECH,
GDPR, and the U.S. federal government acquisition rules (DFARS) require data encryption to
mitigate or minimize the consequences of a breach or accidental disclosure. Not meeting
compliance requirements can result in substantial nes. Further, GDPR mandates that nes are
not only based on the scale of an individual breach, but also on the level of negligence. So putting
strong protection on your systems and devices not only helps reduce the risk of a breach itself
but helps reduce the amount of the ne should a breach occur.
Enterprise PKI Automation
Administration Costs Add up Quickly
Certicate management may be perceived as a
simple, day-to-day task for an IT or web administrator,
but ensuring certicates are valid one at a time
is costly. Using manual processes to discover,
install, monitor, and renew all the PKI certicates in
an organization is labor-intensive and technically
For example, even a minimal manual SSL certicate
installation with a single web domain involves
multiple steps and can easily add up to over $50 per
web server. Figure 1 breaks down each step a web
administrator is required to perform to correctly install
a single SSL certicate. For an organization with 2,000
web servers, it would require one person working full
time to just replace certicates before they expire.
Minutes to Hours
< 2 Minutes - Look up of server address & credentials.
Minutes to Hours - Read documentation, type appropriate
commands. Web admin forums are lled with Q&A and
troubleshooting, suggesting that many have problems with
this step.
Up to 5 to 10 Minutes - Read documentation, type
appropriate commands.
<2 Minutes - Look up of server le location, type
appropriate commands.
Minutes to Hours - Read documentation, type appropriate
commands, save le. Web admin forums are lled with
Q&A and troubleshooting, suggesting that many have
problems with this step.
<1 Minute
Minutes to Hours - If no error messages then testing will
be quick. Responding to error messages will require re-
modifying the web server conguration le.
Selection/Purchase of SSL Certicates
SSH Login to the web server
Enter a set of commands to achieve domain control
validation (for new domains)
Request issuance of the certicate and download
Copy the certicate les to the appropriate server le
location (varies based on web server)
Modify the web server conguration le to enable the
web server to utilize the SSL certicate and publish
Refresh//Restart the web server in order to recognize
the conguration
All of the above steps must be done precisely. Otherwise,
human time and effort is wasted, and critical business
systems will be taken out of service.
Enterprise PKI Automation
Figure 1 – Steps Required to Manually Install SSL Certicates
Cryptographic Evolution Creates New Enterprise
Security Challenges
Now enterprises face another new security
threat as cryptography evolves. Within a
few short years, quantum computing will
render the current RSA and ECC encryption
algorithms that our digital systems depend
on worthless. While NIST and Certicate
Authorities like Sectigos Quantum Labs are
developing quantum-safe X.509 certicates
that use encryption algorithms to withstand
quantum computing, it is clear that
enterprises will have to adopt entirely new
families of cryptography with unprecedented
For a company that has 10,000 certicates
manually installed across users, servers,
devices, and applications, it would take up
to ve people one year to nd and replace
all the certicates. Before they are done, the
bad guy will exploit the weak cryptography
to impersonate the rightful owner or decrypt
sensitive information.
Enterprise PKI Automation
Speed up deployment of certicates
while eliminating costs and errors
Managing certicates numbering in the
hundreds, thousands, or even millions
Updating cryptographic strength and
revoking and replacing at-risk certicates
with quantum safe certicates very quickly
in response to new or changing threats
Viewing certicate status with a single pane
of glass across all users, devices, servers
and applications
The Modern Enterprise Needs Automated Solutions
With the pitfalls and nancial ramications inherent
in managing PKI certicates manually, the return
on investment for automated certicate lifecycle
management is clear. IT professionals must rethink
their certicate lifecycle management strategy.
Particularly as enterprises go to market more quickly
with new services enabled by DevOps, organizations
need an automated solution that ensures certicates
are correctly congured and implemented without
human intervention. This automation not only
eliminates service outages but allows IT departments
to control operational costs and launch services to
market faster.
Recently, PKI has evolved to become even more
versatile. Interoperability, high uptime, and governance
are still key benets. But today’s PKI solutions are also
functionally capable of improving administration and
certicate lifecycle management through:
Enterprise PKI Automation
Save Time and Maintain
Control With Sectigo PKI
Given the disparate systems, applications,
and devices that use digital certicates, IT
teams often manage distinct automation
services from many different vendors, with
different user interfaces, and quality of
support. A single certicate management
dashboard that automates discovery,
deployment, and lifecycle management
across all use cases and vendor platforms
creates the eciency that automation
promises. And IT teams still maintain control
of conguration denitions and rules so that
automation steps are performed correctly.
Sectigo provides certicate automation
solutions that allow enterprises to be agile
and ecient, and maintain control of all the
certicates in their environment. Sectigo
supports automated installation, revocation,
and renewal of SSL/TLS and non-SSL
certicates via industry standard protocols,
APIs, and third-party integrations.
Moreover, with Sectigo, you will never run
into a certicate volume cap, as you might
with open source alternatives. Sectigos
automation solutions enable your security
team to easily enforce cryptographic
security policy; protect communications;
prevent data loss via unauthorized access;
and future-proof systems, applications, and
devices across the enterprise.
Enterprise PKI Automation
For SSL/TLS certicates, Sectigo provides
automated certicated management through:
Support for Automated Certicate
Management Environment (ACME) protocol:
Sectigo Certicate Manager supports the
protocol ACME, allowing you to automate
certicate issuance, installation, and revocation
for a wide range of web servers and load
balancers. The ACME protocol requires very
little time for IT teams to congure and execute
their certicate management automation,
making it an increasingly adopted component
of enterprise security.
Automating Management of SSL/TLS Certicates
Sectigo supports DV, OV, EV and
private SSL certicate types via
ACME and provides full control to
IT administrators. Sectigo provides
the ACME server and works with
ACME-compliant clients, including
Certbot by the Electronic Frontier
Foundation (of which Sectigo is
a sponsor). See Figure 2 for how
certicate authentication works
using ACME.
Client collocated
with the web server
or load balancer
Enterprise PKI Automation
Figure 2 – Authentication process using ACME protocol
How the ACME Protocol Works for
Automated PKI Certicate Management
REST API: In some instances, companies prefer
to integrate applications with Sectigo using
Sectigos REST API. While this requires additional
development on the application side, it allows you
to leverage certicate management and customize
your workow.
Additionally, through the REST API, Sectigo has
direct integrations with all leading containerization
and automation tools environments, such as
Docker, Chef, Ansible, Salt Stack, Terraform,
Puppet, and Jenkins. We also include mechanisms
to incorporate PKI into the continuous integration
and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline,
orchestration frameworks such as Kubernetes, and
third-party key vaults such as HashiCorp’s Vault.
A customer premise automated install agent:
Using Sectigos Network Agent, you can automate
certicate management for a variety of systems,
including Apache, Tomcat, IIS and F5 web servers.
The customer premises Network Agent
is integrated with Sectigo Certicate Manager
to schedule issuance, installation, and renewal
of certicates.
Integration with Third Party Vendors: Sectigo
directly integrates with leading third party
vendors to help customers achieve full certicate
automation using popular technologies already
in place in IT environments, like F5’s Big-IP
load balancer, Citrix’s ADC application delivery
controller, and ServiceNow’s IT workow platform.
See Figure 3 for a list of currently supported
platforms and technologies.
Automating Management of SSL/TLS Certicates
Enterprise PKI Automation
Apache HTTP Server Yes Yes Available
Apache Tomcat Yes Yes Available
IIS Yes Yes Available
NGINX Yes Available
Other Certbot
supported web
Yes Available
F5 Yes Yes Available Yes
Citrix ADC (formerly
Yes Available Yes
ServiceNow Available Yes
Ansible Available
AWS ELB Yes Available
Chef Available
Docker Available
HashiCorp Vault Available
Jenkins Available
Kubernetes Yes Available
Puppet Available
SaltStack Available
Terraform Available
Web Server
Load Balancer
IT Service Management
DevOps Tools
Web Server/Network Gear/DevOps Tools Customer Choice
Figure 3 – Currently supported automation solutions for SSL/TLS certicates
Enterprise PKI Automation
Automating Non-SSL
Certicate Installation
Many systems, applications, and devices utilize
non-SSL certicates, an example being identity
certicates for mobile devices. For non-SSL
Certicate Installation, Sectigo provides:
Enrollment over Secure Transport (EST)
protocol: Sectigo supports the EST protocol,
which is used for managing networking gear
from many vendors. In fact, a number of vendors
have EST support already built in. EST is also
popular in Internet of Things (IoT) environments
given the eciency of the protocol and support
of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) keys.
Sectigo offers a commercial EST client and
supports the several open source EST clients
available as well.
Simple Certicate Enrollment Protocol
(SCEP): SCEP has been around for nearly two
decades and has gained signicant traction
with businesses. As the SCEP protocol has no
licensing fees and requires very little time for IT
teams to congure and execute, it has become
an almost ubiquitous component of enterprise
security. Mobile Device Management (MDM)
systems like Microsoft Intune and AirWatch use
SCEP for PKI certicate enrollment. This allows
mobile devices to replace the Wi-Fi password
and authenticate for VPN. Most networking gear,
including routers, load balancers, Wi-Fi hubs,
VPN devices, and rewalls, also support the
SCEP protocol for certicate enrollment.
Enterprise PKI Automation
In the Sectigo environment, SCEP can be used
to enroll certicates in Linux, MacOS, and other
operation systems.
Microsoft Agent: A Sectigo Proxy Server can sit
between the Microsoft Desktop and the Active
Directory Certicate Service. It intercepts certicate
requests made over the Windows Client Certicate
Enrollment Protocol (WCCE) and automatically
provides the certicate to the desktop without any
employee intervention.
Sectigo Mobile Certicate Manager (MCM):
Sectigo MCM issues and manages certicates and
keys across iOS, Chrome OS and Android mobile
devices with little or no user intervention. It supports
all certicate types and is interoperable with all
leading devices, operating systems, and enrollment
protocols. Sectigo uses an MDM built into our
Certicate Manager or a self-service web portal
approach, depending on customer requirements.
Enterprise PKI Automation
Figure 4 – SCM uses SCEP to pass certicates to the MDM which installs them into the mobile device
SCEP Protocol
Using Microsoft’s Active Directory Certicate
Service (ADCS), IT administrators can instruct
all desktops and servers to automatically enroll
and renew certicates issued by active directory
certicate services. But this automation only
applies to applications using a Windows operating
system. Today’s enterprises have devices that do
not utilize Microsoft operating systems, meaning
the administrator and employee share the burden
of manually renewing and installing certicates
for any non-Microsoft applications or devices. For
these certicates, administrators often employ an
error-prone method using spreadsheets to manually
track when certicates were issued, where they were
installed, their cryptographic strength, when they
expire, and who is responsible for them.
Automating the Installation of Certicates Issued by ADCS
Sectigo offers these options:
Continue to utilize ADCS as your Root CA, establish Sectigo as the CA which issues
certicates and automatically installs the certicates into the device or application. The
enterprise does not need to embed the root CA again.
Continue to utilize ADCS as the CA which issues the certicates. Sectigo certicate
manager will discover the ADCS issued certicates, report on certicate attributes/
ownership, and send notications prior to expiry.
Replace both the ADCS root and issuing CA with the Sectigo CA. This eliminates the cost
of operating ADCS, while fully automating certicate issuance and installation.
Enterprise PKI Automation
ADCS cannot automatically install certicates
for many common enterprise use cases,
• Web servers
Apple, Android, Chromebook mobile devices,
without a mobile management system
• Azure key vault
People or device identities not in the Microsoft
Active Directory
• Load balancers
• Networking gear
• Code signing
• DevOps containers
Authentication of server administrators
using SSH
Publicly trusted Secure/Multipurpose Internet
Mail Extensions (S/MIME)
Document signing trusted by Adobe Reader,
Adobe Sign
• Internet of Things devices
Ability to provision the same encryption key
history to all devices owned by the same user
Sectigo Certicate Manager augments ADCS
by automating the installation of certicates,
removing the need for costly, error prone manual
management. Certicate Manager ensures the
enterprise certicates are properly managed
and won’t unexpectedly expire.
Enterprise PKI Automation
With Sectigos core philosophy around interoperability and the use of open standards such as ACME, SCEP,
and EST as our foundation, you can rest assured you will have a wide degree of choice and control over your
PKI solution. And if anything should go wrong, you have a single, 24/7 point of contact.
Ease of Use
Unlike other companies, Sectigo is laser-focused on digital identity, both as a public CA and as a leading
provider of private PKI. By taking advantage of our certicate deployment automation and single pane of
glass management/reporting technologies to centralize and simplify the tedious tasks associated with
certicate lifecycle management, you will be able to free your team to focus on higher value tasks.
Under the Sectigo licensing model, we do not charge per issuance, but rather per usage. Certicates that are no
longer in use (e.g., when someone leaves your company) can be transferred.
Sectigo is the world’s leading commercial CA, and we are constantly investing in new technologies and solutions.
When you partner with us, you can rest assured your enterprise will remain at the leading edge of cryptography as
your needs change and grow. Our automated technologies will ensure cryptographic agility to adjust for advances
in computing and cryptographic techniques that require updates to your hashing and encryption algorithms.
Peace of Mind
All of this leads to greater peace of mind. Sectigo is WebTrust and SOC 3 compliant, and our connections with the
CA/Browser Forum and select government entities help ensure we receive early alerts on PKI security concerns. In
addition, our open source approach helps reduce security vulnerabilities. With Sectigo’s size, scale, leadership, and
continued investment in PKI, there is no better partner to secure the foundation of your digital infrastructure.
With Sectigo, you get greater:
Sectigo is a cybersecurity technology leader providing digital identity solutions, including TLS/SSL certicates, web security, DevOps, IoT, and enterprise-
grade PKI management. As the world’s largest commercial Certicate Authority, with more than 700,000 customers worldwide and 20 years of experience
delivering online trust solutions, Sectigo provides proven public and private trust solutions for securing web servers, digital identities, connected devices, and
applications. Recognized for its award-winning innovations and best-in-class global customer support, Sectigo delivers the technologies required to secure the
digital landscapes of today, as well as tomorrow.
For more information, visit www.sectigo.com and follow @SectigoHQ
Enterprise PKI Automation
© 2021 Sectigo. All rights reserved
Conclusion: Gain Peace of Mind by Automating PKI
with Sectigo
PKI is the best technology for eliminating passwords and ensuring only authorized devices and
users access enterprise systems.
Sectigo pioneered SSL and related technologies and is now a world leader in PKI. Sectigo continues
to invest in new technologies, standards, and solutions to remain at the leading edge of security, and
protect your business from digital threats.