Comodo Certification
Practice Statement
Comodo CA, Ltd.
Version 4.0
Effective: 1 July 2012
3rd Floor, Office Village, Exchange Quay, Trafford Road,
Salford, Manchester, M5 3EQ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 161 874 7070
Fax: +44 (0) 161 877 1767
Table of Contents
Revision History ................................................................................................................. 7
Terms and Acronyms Used in the CPS............................................................................... 7
Acronyms........................................................................................................................ 7
Terms .............................................................................................................................. 7
1 General............................................................................................................................. 9
1.1 Comodo..................................................................................................................... 9
1.1.1 CA/Browser Forum Requirements .................................................................... 9
1.2 Comodo CPS............................................................................................................. 9
1.3 CPS Suitability, Amendments and Publication ...................................................... 10
1.4 Other Practice Statements & Agreements............................................................... 10
1.5 Liability of Comodo................................................................................................ 11
1.6 Compliance with applicable standards.................................................................... 11
1.7 Digital Certificate Policy Overview........................................................................ 11
1.8 Comodo PKI Hierarchy .......................................................................................... 11
1.8.1 Trial and Short Term Certificates .................................................................... 12
1.8.2 1-5 year certificates (InstantSSL and EnterpriseSSL) ..................................... 12
1.8.3 PositiveSSL Certificates .................................................................................. 13
1.8.4 OptimumSSL Certificates................................................................................ 14
1.8.5 Comodo SGC / Platinum SGC / Multi-Domain certificates............................ 14
1.8.6 Legacy certificates (Premium and Platinum)................................................... 15
1.8.7 Code Signing / Time Stamping certificates..................................................... 15
1.8.8 Content Verification Certificates..................................................................... 15
1.8.9 Secure Email and Custom Client certificates................................................... 16
1.8.10 Comodo TF certificates.................................................................................. 16
1.8.11 Corporate Secure email.................................................................................. 16
1.8.12 Essential SSL Certificates.............................................................................. 17
1.8.13 Intel Pro SSL Certificates .............................................................................. 17
1.8.14 IGTF Certificates........................................................................................... 17
1.8.15 ComodoSSL Certificates ............................................................................... 18
1.8.16 Comodo Unified Communication Certificates .............................................. 18
1.8.17 Dual Use Certificates..................................................................................... 19
1.8.18 Educational Certificates................................................................................. 19
1.9 Comodo Certification Authority............................................................................. 19
1.10 Comodo Registration Authorities......................................................................... 20
1.10.1 Reseller Partners ............................................................................................ 20
1.10.2 Web Host Reseller Partners........................................................................... 20
1.10.3 EPKI Manager Account Holders ................................................................... 21
1.10.4 Powered SSL Partners.................................................................................... 21
1.11 Subscribers............................................................................................................ 21
1.12 Relying Parties...................................................................................................... 22
1.13 Comodo Time-Stamping Authority ..................................................................... 22
2 Technology .................................................................................................................... 23
2.1 Comodo CA Infrastructure ..................................................................................... 23
2.1.1 Root CA Signing Key Protection & Recovery................................................ 23
2.1.2 CA Root Signing Key Generation Process...................................................... 25
2.1.3 CA Root Signing Key Archival....................................................................... 26
2.1.4 Procedures employed for CA Root Signing Key Changeover......................... 26
2.1.5 CA Root Public Key Delivery to Subscribers.................................................. 26
2.1.6 Physical CA Operations................................................................................... 26
2.2 Digital Certificate Management.............................................................................. 27
2.3 Comodo Directories, Repository and Certificate Revocation Lists........................ 27
2.4 Types of Comodo Certificates................................................................................ 28
2.4.1 Comodo SSL Secure Server Certificates......................................................... 28
2.4.2 Comodo SSL Client / Secure Email Certificates............................................. 38
2.4.3 Software Publishing Certificates...................................................................... 40
2.4.4 Content Verification Certificates..................................................................... 40
2.5 Extensions and Naming .......................................................................................... 41
2.5.1 Digital Certificate Extensions.......................................................................... 41
2.5.2 Incorporation by Reference for Extensions and Enhanced Naming................ 42
2.6 Subscriber Private Key Generation Process ........................................................... 42
2.7 Subscriber Private Key Protection and Backup...................................................... 42
2.8 Subscriber Public Key Delivery to Comodo........................................................... 43
2.9 Delivery of Issued Subscriber Certificate to Subscriber......................................... 43
2.9.1 Secure Server Certificate: InstantSSL product type ........................................ 44
2.9.2 Secure Server Certificates................................................................................ 44
2.9.3 Content Verification Certificates..................................................................... 44
2.9.4 Code Signing Certificates................................................................................ 44
2.9.5 Comodo TF Certificates................................................................................... 44
2.9.6 Secure Email Certificate: Personal Secure Email and Corporate Secure Email
Certificates................................................................................................................ 44
2.9.7 Comodo Dual Use Certificates ........................................................................ 44
2.10 Delivery of Issued Subscriber Certificate to Web Host Reseller Partner............. 45
2.11 Delivery of Issued Subscriber Certificate to EPKI Manager Account Holder..... 45
2.12 Comodo Certificates Profile ................................................................................. 45
2.12.1 Key Usage extension field............................................................................. 45
2.12.2 Extension Criticality Field............................................................................. 46
2.12.3 Basic Constraints Extension .......................................................................... 46
2.12.4 Certificate Policy (CP)................................................................................... 46
2.13 Comodo Certificate Revocation List Profile......................................................... 59
3 Organization................................................................................................................... 60
3.1 Conformance to this CPS........................................................................................ 60
3.2 Termination of CA Operations ............................................................................... 60
3.3 Form of Records ..................................................................................................... 60
3.4 Records Retention Period ....................................................................................... 61
3.5 Logs for Core Functions ......................................................................................... 61
3.5.1 CA & Certificate Lifecycle Management........................................................ 61
3.5.2 Security Related Events................................................................................... 61
3.5.3 Certificate Application Information................................................................. 62
3.6 Business Continuity Plans and Disaster Recovery ................................................. 62
3.7 Availability of Revocation Data ............................................................................. 62
3.8 Publication of Critical Information......................................................................... 63
3.9 Confidential Information ........................................................................................ 63
3.9.1 Types of Information deemed as Confidential................................................. 63
3.9.2 Types of Information not deemed as Confidential .......................................... 63
3.9.3 Access to Confidential Information................................................................. 63
3.9.4 Release of Confidential Information................................................................ 64
3.10 Personnel Management and Practices................................................................... 64
3.10.1 Trusted roles................................................................................................... 64
3.10.2 Personnel controls.......................................................................................... 64
3.11 Privacy Policy....................................................................................................... 64
3.12 Publication of information.................................................................................... 64
4 Practices and Procedures................................................................................................ 66
4.1 Certificate Application Requirements..................................................................... 66
4.1.1 Web Host Reseller Partner Certificate Applications ....................................... 67
4.1.2 EPKI Manager Account Holder Certificate Applications ............................... 67
4.1.3 Methods of application .................................................................................... 67
4.2 Application Validation............................................................................................ 67
4.2.1 Secure Server Certificates Validation Process................................................. 67
4.2.2 PositiveSSL / PositiveSSL Wildcard / PositiveSSL Trial / OptimumSSL /
OptimumSSL Wildcard / Comodo Multi-Domain / Instant DV SSL / Instant DV
SSL Wildcard / Instant DV SSL Trial / Intel Pro SSL / Unified Communications /
ComodoSSL.............................................................................................................. 68
4.2.3 InstantSSL / Trial SSL / Content Verification Certificates ............................. 69
4.2.4 InstantSSL / ProSSL / PremiumSSL / PremiumSSL Wildcard / EliteSSL
/GoldSSL / PlatinumSSL / PlatinumSSL Wildcard / PremiumSSL Legacy /
PremiumSSL Legacy Wildcard / PlatinumSSL Legacy / PlatinumSSL Legacy
Wildcard / PlatinumSSL SGC Legacy / PlatinumSSL SGC Legacy Wildcard /
Comodo SGC SSL / Comodo SGC SSL Wildcard / Educational Certificate / IGTF
Certificate ................................................................................................................. 69
4.2.5 Intranet SSL..................................................................................................... 69
4.2.6 Personal Secure Email Certificate ................................................................... 70
4.2.7 Corporate Secure Email Certificate ................................................................. 70
4.2.8 Code Signing Certificate / Time Stamping Certificate.................................... 70
4.2.9 Comodo TF...................................................................................................... 70
4.2.10 [Reserved]...................................................................................................... 70
4.2.11 Custom Client Certificates............................................................................. 71
4.2.12 Comodo Dual Use Certificates ...................................................................... 71
4.3 Validation Information for Certificate Applications............................................... 71
4.3.1 Application Information for Organizational Applicants.................................. 71
4.3.2 Supporting Documentation for Organizational Applicants ............................. 72
4.3.3 Application Information for Individual Applicants......................................... 72
4.3.4 Supporting Documentation for Individual Applicants..................................... 72
4.4 Validation Requirements for Certificate Applications ........................................... 73
4.4.1 Third-Party Confirmation of Business Entity Information.............................. 73
4.4.2 Serial Number Assignment.............................................................................. 73
4.5 Time to Confirm Submitted Data ........................................................................... 73
4.6 Approval and Rejection of Certificate Applications............................................... 74
4.7 Certificate Issuance and Subscriber Consent.......................................................... 74
4.8 Certificate Validity.................................................................................................. 74
4.9 Certificate Acceptance by Subscribers ................................................................... 74
4.10 Verification of Digital Signatures......................................................................... 74
4.11 Reliance on Digital Signatures.............................................................................. 74
4.12 Certificate Suspension .......................................................................................... 75
4.13 Certificate Revocation .......................................................................................... 75
4.13.1 Request for Revocation.................................................................................. 75
4.13.2 Effect of Revocation...................................................................................... 76
4.14 Renewal................................................................................................................. 76
4.15 Notice Prior to Expiration..................................................................................... 76
5 Legal Conditions of Issuance......................................................................................... 77
5.1 Comodo Representations........................................................................................ 77
5.2 Information Incorporated by Reference into a Comodo Digital Certificate........... 77
5.3 Displaying Liability Limitations, and Warranty Disclaimers................................. 77
5.4 Publication of Certificate Revocation Data ............................................................ 77
5.5 Duty to Monitor the Accuracy of Submitted Information...................................... 77
5.6 Publication of Information...................................................................................... 77
5.7 Interference with Comodo Implementation............................................................ 78
5.8 Standards................................................................................................................. 78
5.9 Comodo Partnerships Limitations........................................................................... 78
5.10 Comodo Limitation of Liability for a Comodo Partner........................................ 78
5.11 Choice of Cryptographic Methods........................................................................ 78
5.12 Reliance on Unverified Digital Signatures........................................................... 78
5.13 Rejected Certificate Applications......................................................................... 79
5.14 Refusal to Issue a Certificate ................................................................................ 79
5.15 Subscriber Obligations.......................................................................................... 79
5.16 Representations by Subscriber upon Acceptance ................................................. 80
5.17 Indemnity by Subscriber....................................................................................... 80
5.18 Obligations of Comodo Registration Authorities................................................. 81
5.19 Obligations of a Relying Party.............................................................................. 81
5.20 Legality of Information......................................................................................... 81
5.21 Subscriber Liability to Relying Parties................................................................. 81
5.22 Duty to Monitor Agents........................................................................................ 81
5.23 Use of Agents........................................................................................................ 82
5.24 Conditions of usage of the Comodo Repository and Web site............................. 82
5.25 Accuracy of Information....................................................................................... 82
5.26 Obligations of Comodo......................................................................................... 82
5.27 Fitness for a Particular Purpose ............................................................................ 83
5.28 Other Warranties................................................................................................... 83
5.29 Non-Verified Subscriber Information................................................................... 83
5.30 Exclusion of Certain Elements of Damages ......................................................... 83
5.31 Certificate Insurance Plan..................................................................................... 84
5.32 Financial Limitations on Certificate Usage .......................................................... 85
5.33 Damage and Loss Limitations .............................................................................. 86
5.34 Conflict of Rules................................................................................................... 86
5.35 Comodo Intellectual Property Rights.................................................................... 86
5.36 Infringement and Other Damaging Material......................................................... 86
5.37 Ownership............................................................................................................. 86
5.38 Governing Law ..................................................................................................... 87
5.39 Jurisdiction............................................................................................................ 87
5.40 Dispute Resolution................................................................................................ 87
5.41 Successors and Assigns......................................................................................... 87
5.42 Severability........................................................................................................... 87
5.43 Interpretation......................................................................................................... 88
5.44 No Waiver............................................................................................................. 88
5.45 Notice.................................................................................................................... 88
5.46 Fees....................................................................................................................... 88
5.47 Comodo Reissue Policy........................................................................................ 89
5.48 Comodo Refund Policy......................................................................................... 89
6 General Issuance Procedure........................................................................................... 90
6.1 General - Comodo................................................................................................... 90
6.2 Certificates issued to Individuals and Organizations.............................................. 90
6.3 Content.................................................................................................................... 90
6.3.1 Secure Server Certificates................................................................................ 90
6.3.2 Secure Email Certificates................................................................................. 91
6.4 Time to Confirm Submitted Data ........................................................................... 91
6.5 Issuing Procedure.................................................................................................... 91
Document Control............................................................................................................. 92
Revision History
Version Author Description of Change Date Approved
4.0 Legal 1. Integrate CPS v. 3.0 Addendums
2. Add Revision History Section
3. Format
4. Add Table of Contents Section
5. Add CA/Browser Requirements
1 July 2012
Terms and Acronyms Used in the CPS
CA Certificate Authority
CPS Certification Practice Statement
CRL Certificate Revocation List
CSR Certificate Signing Request
CVC Content Verification Certificate
EPKI Enterprise Public Key Infrastructure Manager
FTP File Transfer Protocol
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
ITU International Telecommunication Union
ITU-T ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector
MDC Multiple Domain Certificate
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
PKIX Public Key Infrastructure (based on X.509 Digital Certificates)
PKCS Public Key Cryptography Standard
RA Registration Authority
SGC Server Gated Cryptography
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
TLS Transaction Layer Security
URL Uniform Resource Locator
X.509 The ITU-T standard for Certificates and their corresponding authentication framework
Applicant: The Applicant is an entity applying for a Certificate.
Subscriber: The Subscriber is an entity that has been issued a certificate.
Relying Party: The Relying Party is an entity that relies upon the information
contained within the Certificate.
Subscriber Agreement: The Subscriber Agreement is an agreement that must be read
and accepted by an Applicant before applying for a Certificate.
The Subscriber Agreement is specific to the Digital Certificate
product type as presented during the product online order
process and is available for reference at
Relying Party Agreement: The Relying Party Agreement is an agreement that must be
read and accepted by a Relying Party prior to validating,
relying on or using a Certificate and is available for reference
Certificate Policy: The Certificate Policy is a statement of the issuer that
corresponds to the prescribed usage of a digital certificate
within an issuance context.
1 General
This document is the Comodo Certification Practice Statement (CPS) and outlines the legal,
commercial and technical principles and practices that Comodo employ in providing certification
services that include, but are not limited to, approving, issuing, using and managing of Digital
Certificates and in maintaining a X.509 Certificate based public key infrastructure (PKIX) in
accordance with the Certificate Policies determined by Comodo. It also defines the underlying
certification processes for Subscribers and describes Comodo’s repository operations. The CPS
is also a means of notification of roles and responsibilities for parties involved in Certificate based
practices within the Comodo PKI.
1.1 Comodo
Comodo is a Certification Authority (CA) that issues high quality and highly trusted digital
certificates to entities including private and public companies and individuals in accordance with
this CPS. In its role as a CA, Comodo performs functions associated with public key operations
that include receiving requests, issuing, revoking and renewing a digital certificate and the
maintenance, issuance and publication of Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) for users within the
Comodo PKI. In delivering its PKI services Comodo complies in all material respects with high-
level international standards including those on Qualified Certificates pursuant to the European
Directive 99/93 and the relevant law on electronic signatures and all other relevant legislation and
Comodo extends, under agreement, membership of its PKI to approved third parties known as
Registration Authorities. The international network of Comodo RAs share Comodo’s policies,
practices, and CA infrastructure to issue Comodo digital certificates, or if appropriate, private
labeled digital certificates.
1.1.1 CA/Browser Forum Requirements
Comodo conforms to the current version of the Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and
Management of Publicly-Trusted Certificates published at
. In the event
CA / Browser Forum Baseline Requirements, v. 1.0 8 of any inconsistency between this
document and those Requirements, those Requirements take precedence over this document.
1.2 Comodo CPS
The Comodo CPS is a public statement of the practices of Comodo and the conditions of
issuance, revocation and renewal of a certificate issued under Comodo’s own hierarchy. Pursuant
to the division of the tasks of a CA, this CPS is largely divided in the following sections: Technical,
Organizational, Practices and Legal.
The Comodo Certificate Policy Authority maintains this CPS, related agreements and Certificate
policies referenced within this document. The Certificate Policy Authority may be contacted at the
below address:
Certificate Policy Authority
3rd Floor, Office Village, Exchange Quay, Trafford Road
Salford, Manchester, M5 3EQ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 161 874 7070
Fax: +44 (0) 161 877 1767
Attention: Legal Practices
This CPS, related agreements and Certificate policies referenced within this document are
available online at
1.3 CPS Suitability, Amendments and Publication
The Comodo Certificate Policy Authority is responsible for determining the suitability of certificate
policies illustrated within the CPS. The Authority is also responsible for determining the suitability
of proposed changes to the CPS prior to the publication of an amended edition.
Upon the Certificate Policy Authority accepting such changes deemed by the CA’s Policy
Authority to have significant impact on the users of this CPS an updated edition of the CPS will be
published at the Comodo repository (available at
), with seven
(7) days notice given of upcoming changes and suitable incremental version numbering used to
identify new editions.
Revisions not denoted “significant” are those deemed by the CA’s Policy Authority to have
minimal or no impact on subscribers and relying parties using certificates and CRLs issued by
CA. Such revisions may be made without notice to users of the CPS and without changing the
version number of this CPS.
Controls are in place to reasonably ensure that the Comodo CPS is not amended and published
without the prior authorization of the Certificate Policy Authority.
1.4 Other Practice Statements & Agreements
The CPS is only one of a set of documents relevant to the provision of Certification Services by
Comodo and that the list of documents contained in this clause are other documents that this
CPS will from time to time mention, although this is not an exhaustive list. The document name,
location of and status, whether public or private, are detailed below. The Comodo Repository can
be found at
Document Status Location
Comodo Certification Practice Statement Public Comodo Repository
Digital Certificate Terms and Conditions of
Public Comodo Repository
SSL Relying Party Agreement Public Comodo Repository
SSL Relying Party Warranty Public Comodo Repository
Secure Server Subscriber Agreement Public Comodo Repository
Secure Email Certificate Subscriber
Public Comodo Repository
Content Verification Certificate Subscriber
Public Comodo Repository
Comodo TF Subscriber Agreement Public Comodo Repository
Multi Domain Certificate (MDC) Subscriber
Public Comodo Repository
Code Signing Certificate Subscriber Public Comodo Repository
TrustLogo Subscriber Agreement Public Comodo Repository
IdAuthority Express Credentials Subscriber
Public Comodo Repository
Enterprise Public Key Infrastructure
Manager Agreement
Confidential Presented to partners accordingly
Enterprise Public Key Infrastructure
Manager Guide
Confidential Presented to partners accordingly
Powered SSL Partner Agreement Confidential Presented to partners accordingly
Powered SSL Partner Guide Confidential Presented to partners accordingly
Web Host Reseller Agreement Confidential Presented to partners accordingly
Web Host Reseller Guide Public
Web Host Reseller Validation Guidelines Public
Reseller Agreement Confidential Presented to partners accordingly
Reseller Guide Confidential Presented to partners accordingly
Comodo Dual Use Certificate Subscriber
Public Comodo Repository
1.5 Liability of Comodo
For legal liability of Comodo under the provisions made in this CPS, please refer to Section 5.
1.6 Compliance with applicable standards
The practices specified in this CPS have been designed to meet or exceed the requirements of
generally accepted and developing industry standards including the AICPA/CICA WebTrust
Program for Certification Authorities, ANS X9.79:2001 PKI Practices and Policy Framework, and
other industry standards related to the operation of CAs.
A regular audit is performed by an independent external auditor to assess Comodo’s compliancy
with the AICPA/CICA WebTrust program for Certification Authorities. Topics covered by the
annual audit include but are not limited to the following:
• CA business practices disclosure
• Service integrity
• CA environmental controls
1.7 Digital Certificate Policy Overview
A digital certificate is formatted data that cryptographically binds an identified subscriber with a
public key. A digital certificate allows an entity taking part in an electronic transaction to prove its
identity to other participants in such transaction. Digital certificates are used in commercial
environments as a digital equivalent of an identification card.
1.8 Comodo PKI Hierarchy
Comodo uses the Entrust ( - AICPA/CICA WebTrust Program for Certification
Authorities approved security provider), BeTrusted (
Program for Certification Authorities approved security provider), UTN-USERFIRST-Hardware
and AddTrust External CA Root for its Root CA Certificates. This allows Comodo to issue highly
trusted digital certificates by inheriting the trust level associated with the Entrust root certificate
(named “EntrustRoot”), BeTrusted root certificate (named “GTE CyberTrust Root”), the UTN root
certificate (named “UTN-USERFIRST-Hardware”) and the AddTrust root certificate (named
“AddTrust External CA Root”). The ability to issue trusted certificates from three different roots
provides Comodo with additional flexibility and trust. The following high-level representation of
the Comodo PKI is used to illustrate the hierarchy utilized.
1.8.1 Trial and Short Term Certificates
UTN/AddTrust certificates – InstantSSL and EnterpriseSSL CA
Visible on IE compatible browsers:
UTN-USERFIRST-Hardware (serial number = 44 be 0c 8b 50 00 24 b4 11 d3 36 2a fe 65 0a fd,
expiry = 09 July 2019 19:19:22)
End Entity SSL/End Entity Secure Email (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up
to 10 year(s) from issuance)
Cross signed and therefore visible on Netscape compatible browsers as follows
AddTrust External CA Root (serial number = 01, expiry = 30/05/2020 10:48:38)
UTN-USERFirst-Hardware (serial number = 48 4b ac f1 aa c7 d7 13 43 d1 a2 74 35 49 97
25, expiry = 30 May 2020 11:48:38)
End Entity SSL/End Entity Secure Email (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up
to 10 year(s) from issuance)
1.8.2 1-5 year certificates (InstantSSL and EnterpriseSSL)
Entrust Certificates Secure Server Certification Authority (serial number = 37 4a d2 43, expiry = 25 MAY
Entrust Comodo Intermediate - TBA (serial number = TBA, expiry = TBA)
End Entity SSL/End Entity Secure Email (serial number = x, expiry = 1, 2 or 3 years
from issuance)
GTE Certificates
GTE CyberTrust Root (serial number = 01A5, expiry = 14 August 2018)
Comodo Class 3 Security Services CA (serial number = 0200 029A, expiry = 27 August
End Entity SSL/End Entity Secure Email (serial number = x, expiry = 1, 2 or 3 years
from issuance)
UTN/AddTrust certificates – InstantSSL and EnterpriseSSL CA
Visible on IE compatible browsers as follows:
UTN-USERFIRST-Hardware (serial number = 44 be 0c 8b 50 00 24 b4 11 d3 36 2a fe 65 0a fd,
expiry = 09 July 2019 19:19:22)
End Entity SSL/End Entity Secure Email (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up
to 10 year(s) from issuance)
Cross signed and therefore visible on Netscape compatible browsers as follows:
AddTrust External CA Root (serial number = 01, expiry = 30/05/2020 10:48:38)
UTN-USERFirst-Hardware (serial number = 48 4b ac f1 aa c7 d7 13 43 d1 a2 74 35 49 97
25, expiry = 30 May 2020 11:48:38)
End Entity SSL/End Entity Secure Email (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to
10 year(s) from issuance)
Comodo Certification Authority Certificates
Visible on IE compatible browsers as follows:
COMODO Certification Authority (serial number = 4e 81 2d 8a 82 65 e0 0b 02 ee 3e 35 02 46 e5
3d, expiry = 31 Dec ember 2029 23:59:59
COMODO High Assurance Secure Server CA (serial number = 08 0a 57 82 2c c6f5 e1 4f 19
b7 09 55 c8 03 42, expiry = 31 December 2029 23:59:59)
End Entity SSL Certificate (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to 5 year(s) from
Cross signed and therefore visible on Netscape compatible browsers as follows:
AddTrust External CA Root (serial number = 01, expiry = 30/05/2020 10:48:38)
COMODO Certification Authority (serial number = 4e 81 2d 8a 82 65 e0 0b 02 ee 3e 35 02
46 e5 3d, expiry = 31 Dec ember 2029 23:59:59
COMODO High Assurance Secure Server CA (serial number = 08 0a 57 82 2c c6f5 e1
4f 19 b7 09 55 c8 03 42, expiry = 31 December 2029 23:59:59)
End Entity SSL Certificate (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to 5 year(s)
from issuance)
1.8.3 PositiveSSL Certificates
Visible on IE compatible browsers as follows:
AddTrust External CA Root (serial number = 01, expiry = 30 May 2020)
PositiveSSL CA 2 (serial number = 07 6f 12 46 81 45 9c 28 d5 48 d6 97 c4 0e 00 1b,
expiry = 30-May-2020)
End Entity SSL/End Entity Secure Email (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to
10 year(s) from issuance)
Cross signed and therefore visible on Netscape compatible browsers as follows:
UTN – DATACorp SGC (serial number = 44 be 0c 8b 50 00 21 b4 11 d3 2a 68 06 a9 ad 69,
expiry = 24 June 2019)
AddTrust External CA Root (serial number = 7e d1 a9 ab be e3 6f 46 cd 6b 4e 29 34 90 56
f3, expiry = 24 June 2019)
PositiveSSL CA 2 (serial number = 07 6f 12 46 81 45 9c 28 d5 48 d6 97 c4 0e 00 1b,,
expiry = 30-May-2020)
End Entity SSL/End Entity Secure Email (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or
up to 63 month(s) from issuance)
1.8.4 OptimumSSL Certificates
Visible on IE compatible browsers as follows:
UTN-USERFIRST-Hardware (serial number = 44 be 0c 8b 50 00 24 b4 11 d3 36 2a fe 65 0a fd,
expiry = 09 July 2019 19:19:22)
OptimumSSL CA (serial number = TBA, expiry = TBA)
End Entity SSL (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to 10 year(s) from
Cross signed and therefore visible on Netscape compatible browsers as follows:
AddTrust External CA Root (serial number = 01, expiry = 30/05/2020 10:48:38)
UTN-USERFirst-Hardware (serial number = 48 4b ac f1 aa c7 d7 13 43 d1 a2 74 35 49 97
25, expiry = 30 May 2020 11:48:38)
OptimumSSL CA (serial number = TBA, expiry = TBA)
End Entity SSL (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to 10 year(s) from
1.8.5 Comodo SGC / Platinum SGC / Multi-Domain certificates
UTN Certificates
Visible on IE compatible browsers as follows:
UTN - DATACorp SGC (serial number = 44 be 0c 8b 50 00 21 b4 11 d3 2a 68 06 a9 ad 69, expiry
= 24 June 2019 20:06:40)
End Entity SSL (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to 10 year(s) from issuance)
Cross signed and therefore visible on Netscape compatible browsers as follows:
AddTrust External CA Root (serial number = 01, expiry = 30/05/2020 10:48:38)
UTN - DATACorp SGC (serial number = 53 7b 76 56 4f 29 7f 14 dc 69 43 e9 22 ad 2c 79,
expiry = 30 May 2020 11:48:38)
End Entity SSL (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to 10 year(s) from
Comodo Certification Authority Certificates
Visible on IE compatible browsers as follows:
UTN - DATACorp SGC (serial number = 44 be 0c 8b 50 00 21 b4 11 d3 2a 68 06 a9 ad 69, expiry
= 24 June 2019 20:06:40)
COMODO Certification Authority (serial number = 4e 81 2d 8a 82 65 e0 0b 02 ee 3e 35 02
46 e5 3d, expiry = 31 Dec ember 2029 23:59:59
COMODO High Assurance Secure Server CA (serial number = 08 0a 57 82 2c c6f5 e1
4f 19 b7 09 55 c8 03 42, expiry = 31 December 2029 23:59:59)
End Entity SSL Certificate (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to 5 year(s)
from issuance)
Cross signed and therefore visible on Netscape compatible browsers as follows:
AddTrust External CA Root (serial number = 01, expiry = 30/05/2020 10:48:38)
UTN - DATACorp SGC (serial number = 53 7b 76 56 4f 29 7f 14 dc 69 43 e9 22 ad 2c 79,
expiry = 30 May 2020 11:48:38)
COMODO Certification Authority (serial number = 4e 81 2d 8a 82 65 e0 0b 02 ee 3e 35
02 46 e5 3d, expiry = 31 Dec ember 2029 23:59:59
COMODO High Assurance Secure Server CA (serial number = 08 0a 57 82 2c c6f5
e1 4f 19 b7 09 55 c8 03 42, expiry = 31 December 2029 23:59:59)
End Entity SSL Certificate (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to 5
year(s) from issuance)
1.8.6 Legacy certificates (Premium and Platinum)
Entrust Certificates Secure Server Certification Authority (serial number = 37 4a d2 43, expiry = 25 MAY
Entrust Comodo Intermediate - TBA (serial number = TBA, expiry = TBA)
End Entity SSL/End Entity Secure Email (serial number = x, expiry = 1-10 years
from issuance
GTE Certificates
GTE CyberTrust Root (serial number = 01A5, expiry = 14 August 2018)
Comodo Class 3 Security Services CA (serial number = 0200 029A, expiry = 27 August
End Entity SSL/End Entity Secure Email (serial number = x, expiry = 1-5 years from
1.8.7 Code Signing / Time Stamping certificates
UTN-USERFirst-Object (serial number = 44 be 0c 8b 50 00 24 b4 11 d3 36 2d e0 b3 5f 1b, expiry
= 09 July 2019 19:40:36)
End Entity (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to 10 year(s) from issuance)
1.8.8 Content Verification Certificates
Content Verification Authority (serial number = 00 e1 c4 70 13 1e e0 70 f1 c0 fe 0d fc 1e 7e d6
7b, expiry = 01 April 2030 00:59:59)
Comodo Content Verification Services (serial number = 00 e2 ed f2 a4 f6 ef fd ff b6 87 39 fe
b4 41 50 29, expiry = 01 Apr 2015 00:59:59)
End Entity (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to 10 year(s) from issuance)
1.8.9 Secure Email and Custom Client certificates
Visible on IE compatible browsers as follows:
UTN-USERFirst-Client Authentication and Email (serial number = 44 be 0c 8b 50 00 24 b4 11 d3
36 25 25 67 c9 89, expiry = 09 July 2019 18:36:58)
End Entity (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to 10 year(s) from issuance)
Cross signed and therefore visible on Netscape compatible browsers as follows:
AddTrust External CA Root (serial number = 01, expiry = 30/05/2020 10:48:38)
UTN-USERFirst-Client Authentication and Email (serial number = 27 f4 ea 11 f4 7a 86 c4 6e
9d bb 6e a9 17 07 07, expiry = 30 May 2020 11:48:38)
End Entity (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to 10 year(s) from issuance)
1.8.10 Comodo TF certificates
UTN-USERFirst-Client Authentication and Email (serial number = 44 be 0c 8b 50 00 24 b4 11 d3
36 25 25 67 c9 89, expiry = 09 July 2019 18:36:58)
End Entity (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to 10 year(s) from issuance)
1.8.11 Corporate Secure email
Entrust Certificates Secure Server Certification Authority (serial number = 37 4a d2 43, expiry = 25 MAY
Entrust Comodo Intermediate - TBA (serial number = TBA, expiry = TBA)
End Entity (serial number = x, expiry = 1, 2 or 3 years from
GTE Certificates
GTE CyberTrust Root (serial number = 01A5, expiry = 14 August 2018)
Comodo Class 3 Security Services CA (serial number = 0200 029A, expiry = 27 August
End Entity (serial number = x, expiry = 1, 2 or 3 years from issuance)
UTN/AddTrust Certificates
Visible on IE compatible browsers as follows:
UTN-USERFirst-Client Authentication and Email (serial number = 44 be 0c 8b 50 00 24 b4 11 d3
36 25 25 67 c9 89, expiry = 09 July 2019 18:36:58)
End Entity (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to 10 year(s) from issuance)
Cross signed and therefore visible on Netscape compatible browsers as follows:
AddTrust External CA Root (serial number = 01, expiry = 30/05/2020 10:48:38)
UTN-USERFirst-Client Authentication and Email (serial number = 27 f4 ea 11 f4 7a 86
c4 6e 9d bb 6e a9 17 07 07, expiry = 30 May 2020 11:48:38)
End Entity (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to 10 year(s) from issuance)
1.8.12 Essential SSL Certificates
Visible on IE compatible browsers as follows:
UTN-USERFIRST-Hardware (serial number = 44 be 0c 8b 50 00 24 b4 11 d3 36 2a fe 65 0a fd,
expiry = 09 July 2019 19:19:22)
Essential SSL CA (serial number = TBA, expiry = TBA)
End Entity SSL/End Entity Secure Email (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to 3
year(s) from issuance)
Cross signed and therefore visible on Netscape compatible browsers as follows:
AddTrust External CA Root (serial number = 01, expiry = 30/05/2020 10:48:38)
UTN-USERFirst-Hardware (serial number = 48 4b ac f1 aa c7 d7 13 43 d1 a2 74 35 49 97
25, expiry = 30 May 2020 11:48:38)
Essential SSL CA (serial number = TBA, expiry = TBA)
End Entity SSL/End Entity Secure Email (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or
up to 3 year(s) from issuance)
1.8.13 Intel Pro SSL Certificates
Visible on IE compatible browsers as follows: Secure Server CA (serial number = 42 86 f2 3d, expiry = 19 October 2012)
AAA Certificate Services (serial number = 01 d1 eb 23 a4 6d 17 d6 8f d9 25 64 c2 f1 f1
60 17 64 d8 e3 49, expiry = 01 January 2029)
End Entity SSL (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to 5 year(s) from
1.8.14 IGTF Certificates
UTN-USERFIRST-Hardware (serial number = 44 be 0c 8b 50 00 24 b4 11 d3 36 2a fe 65 0a fd,
expiry = 09 July 2019 19:19:22)
End Entity SSL/End Entity Secure Email (serial number = x, expiry = 1-13 months from
Cross signed and therefore visible on Netscape compatible browsers as follows:
AddTrust External CA Root (serial number = 01, expiry = 30/05/2020 10:48:38)
UTN-USERFirst-Hardware (serial number = 48 4b ac f1 aa c7 d7 13 43 d1 a2 74 35 49 97
25, expiry = 30 May 2020 11:48:38)
End Entity SSL/End Entity Secure Email (serial number = x, expiry = 1-131 months from
1.8.15 ComodoSSL Certificates
Visible on current browsers (including IE, FireFox, Chrome, Opera) as follows:
AddTrust External CA Root (serial number = 01, expiry = 30 May 2020 10:48:38 UTC)
COMODO SSL CA (serial number = 6e ba f0 8f 79 83 fa 9d e1 b2 6f 96 fc 6e 98 bf, expiry =
30 May 2020 10:48:38 UTC)
End Entity SSL (serial number = x, expiry = from 1 month up to 60 months from
Cross-signed and therefore visible on some other browsers and platforms as follows:
UTN - DATACorp SGC (serial number = 44 be 0c 8b 50 00 21 b4 11 d3 2a 68 06 a9 ad 69, expiry
= 24 June 2019 19:06:30 UTC)
AddTrust External CA Root (serial number = 7e d1 a9 ab be e3 6f 46 cd 6b 4e 29 34 90 56
f3, expiry = 24 June 2019 19:06:30 UTC)
COMODO SSL CA (serial number = 6e ba f0 8f 79 83 fa 9d e1 b2 6f 96 fc 6e 98 bf,
expiry = 30 May 2020 10:48:38 UTC)
End Entity SSL (serial number = x, expiry = from 1 month up to 60 months
from issuance)
1.8.16 Comodo Unified Communication Certificates
Visible on IE compatible browsers as follows:
UTN - DATACorp SGC (serial number = 44 be 0c 8b 50 00 21 b4 11 d3 2a 68 06 a9 ad 69, expiry
= 24 June 2019 20:06:40)
End Entity SSL (serial number = x, expiry = 1-3 3 year(s) from issuance)
Cross signed and therefore visible on Netscape compatible browsers as follows:
AddTrust External CA Root (serial number = 01, expiry = 30/05/2020 10:48:38)
UTN - DATACorp SGC (serial number = 53 7b 76 56 4f 29 7f 14 dc 69 43 e9 22 ad 2c 79,
expiry = 30 May 2020 11:48:38)
End Entity SSL (serial number = x, expiry = 1- 3 year(s) from issuance)] Secure Server CA (serial number = 42 86 f2 3d, expiry = 19 October 2012)
AAA Certificate Services (serial number =e3 9f e0 6c 48 80 d3 8c b0 c5 2a a1 ef b0 6e ee ff
f7 01 dd, expiry = 19 October 2012)
End Entity SSL (serial number = x, expiry = 1 year to 5 years from issuance)
1.8.17 Dual Use Certificates
UTN-USERFirst-Client Authentication and Email (serial number = 44 be 0c 8b 50 00 24 b4 11 d3
36 25 25 67 c9 89, expiry = 09 July 2019 18:36:58
End Entity (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to 10 year(s) from issuance)
1.8.18 Educational Certificates
Visible on IE compatible browsers as follows:
UTN-USERFIRST-Hardware (serial number = 44 be 0c 8b 50 00 24 b4 11 d3 36 2a fe 65 0a fd,
expiry = 09 July 2019 19:19:22)
End Entity SSL/End Entity Secure Email (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to 10
year(s) from issuance)
Cross signed and therefore visible on Netscape compatible browsers as follows:
AddTrust External CA Root (serial number = 01, expiry = 30/05/2020 10:48:38)
UTN-USERFirst-Hardware (serial number = 48 4b ac f1 aa c7 d7 13 43 d1 a2 74 35 49 97
25, expiry = 30 May 2020 11:48:38)
End Entity SSL/End Entity Secure Email (serial number = x, expiry = 1 month or up to 10
year(s) from issuance)
1.9 Comodo Certification Authority
In its role as a Certification Authority (CA) Comodo provides certificate services within the
Comodo PKI. The Comodo CA will:
• Conform its operations to the CPS (or other CA business practices disclosure), as the
same may from time to time be modified by amendments published in the Comodo
repository (
• Issue and publish certificates in a timely manner in accordance with the issuance times
set out in this CPS.
• Upon receipt of a valid request to revoke the certificate from a person authorized to
request revocation using the revocation methods detailed in this CPS, revoke a
certificate issued for use within the Comodo PKI.
• Publish CRLs on a regular basis, in accordance with the applicable Certificate Policy
and with provisions described in this CPS.
• Distribute issued certificates in accordance with the methods detailed in this CPS.
• Update CRLs in a timely manner as detailed in this CPS.
• Notify subscribers via email of the imminent expiry of their Comodo issued certificate
(for a period disclosed in this CPS).
1.10 Comodo Registration Authorities
Comodo has established the necessary secure infrastructure to fully manage the lifecycle of
digital certificates within its PKI. Through a network of Registration Authorities (RA), Comodo also
makes its certification authority services available to its subscribers. Comodo RAs:
• Accept, evaluate, approve or reject the registration of certificate applications.
• Verify the accuracy and authenticity of the information provided by the subscriber at the
time of application as specified in the Comodo validation guidelines documentation.
• Use official, notarized or otherwise indicated document to evaluate a subscriber
• Verify the accuracy and authenticity of the information provided by the subscriber at the
time of reissue or renewal as specified in the Comodo validation guidelines
A Comodo RA acts locally within their own context of geographical or business partnerships on
approval and authorization by Comodo in accordance with Comodo practices and procedures.
Comodo extends the use of Registration Authorities for its Web Host Reseller, Enterprise Public
Key Infrastructure (EPKI) Manager and Powered SSL programs. Upon successful approval to join
the respective programs the Web Host Reseller Subscriber, EPKI Manager Subscriber or
Powered SSL Subscriber are permitted to act as an RA on behalf of Comodo. RAs are restricted
to operating within the set validation guidelines published by Comodo to the RA upon joining the
programs. Certificates issued through an RA contain an amended Certificate Profile within an
issued certificate to represent the involvement of the RA in the issuance process to the Relying
1.10.1 Reseller Partners
Comodo operates a Reseller Partner network that allows authorized partners to integrate
Comodo digital certificates into their own product portfolios. Reseller Partners are responsible for
referring digital certificate customers to Comodo, who maintain full control over the certificate
lifecycle process, including application, issuance, renewal and revocation. Due to the nature of
the Reseller program, the Reseller must authorize a pending customer order made through its
Reseller account prior to Comodo instigating the validation of such certificate orders. All Reseller
Partners are required to provide proof of organizational status (refer to section 4.3 for examples
of documentation required) and must enter into a Comodo Reseller Partner agreement prior to
being provided with Reseller Partner facilities.
1.10.2 Web Host Reseller Partners
The Web Host Reseller Partner program allows organizations providing hosting facilities to
manage the certificate lifecycle on behalf of their hosted customers. Such Partners are permitted
to apply for Secure Server Certificates on behalf of their hosted customers.
Through a “front-end” referred to as the “Management Area”, the Web Host Reseller Partner has
access to the RA functionality including but not limited to the issuance of Secure Server
Certificates. The Web Host Reseller adheres to the validation processes detailed in the validation
guidelines available at The Web Host
Reseller Partner is obliged to conduct validation in accordance with the validation guidelines prior
to issuing a certificate. The Web Host Reseller Partner is obliged to conduct validation in
accordance with the validation guidelines and agrees via an online process (checking the “I have
sufficiently validated this application” checkbox when applying for a Certificate) that sufficient
validation has taken place prior to issuing a certificate.
All Web Host Reseller Partners are required to provide proof of organizational status (refer to
section 4.3 for examples of documentation required) and must enter into a Comodo Web Host
Reseller Partner agreement prior to being provided with Web Host Reseller Partner facilities.
1.10.3 EPKI Manager Account Holders
Comodo EPKI Manager is a fully outsourced enterprise public key infrastructure service that
allows authorized EPKI Manager account holders to control the entire certificate lifecycle process,
including application, issuance, renewal and revocation, for certificates designated to company
servers, intranets, extranets, partners, employees and hardware devices.
Through a “front-end” referred to as the “Management Area”, the EPKI Manager Account Holder
has access to the RA functionality including but not limited to the issuance of Secure Server
Certificates and Corporate Secure Email Certificates.
The EPKI Manager Account Holder is obliged to issue certificates only to legitimate company
resources, including domain names (servers), intranets, extranets, partners, employees and
hardware devices.
1.10.4 Powered SSL Partners
Comodo operates the Powered SSL service that includes an international network of approved
organizations sharing the Comodo practices and policies and using a suitable brand name to
issue privately labeled Secure Server Certificates to individuals and companies. Comodo controls
all aspects of the certificate lifecycle, including but not limited to the validation, issuance, renewal
and revocation of Powered SSL certificates, however issued certificates contain an amended
certificate profile to reflect the Powered SSL status to relying parties (ultimately customers).
Through a “front-end” referred to as the “Management Area”, the Powered SSL Partner has
access to the RA functionality used by a Web Host Reseller or the standard account
management facilities used by a Reseller. When assuming the role of a Web Host Reseller the
Powered SSL partner adheres to the validation processes detailed in the validation guidelines
documentation presented by Comodo as part of the agreement. The Powered SSL Partner is
obliged to conduct validation in accordance with the validation guidelines and agrees via an
online process (checking the “I have sufficiently validated this application” checkbox when
applying for a Certificate) that sufficient validation has taken place prior to issuing a certificate. At
the same time, the Powered SSL Partner may outsource all RA functionality to Comodo.
All Powered SSL Partners are required to provide proof of organizational status (refer to section
4.3.2 for examples of documentation required) and must enter into a Comodo Powered SSL
Partner agreement prior to being provided with Powered SSL Partner facilities.
1.11 Subscribers
Subscribers of Comodo services are individuals or companies that use PKI in relation with
Comodo supported transactions and communications. Subscribers are parties that are identified
in a certificate and hold the private key corresponding to the public key listed in the certificate.
Prior to verification of identity and issuance of a certificate, a subscriber is an applicant for the
services of Comodo.
1.12 Relying Parties
Relying parties use PKI services in relation with various Comodo certificates for their intended
purposes and may reasonably rely on such certificates and/or digital signatures verifiable with
reference to a public key listed in a subscriber certificate. Because not all Comodo certificate
products are intended to be used in an e-commerce transaction or environment, parties who rely
on certificates not intended for e-commerce do not qualify as a relying party. Please refer to
Section 2.4 to determine whether a particular product is intended for use in e-commerce
To verify the validity of a digital certificate they receive, relying parties must refer to the Certificate
Revocation List (CRL) or OCSP response prior to relying on information featured in a certificate to
ensure that Comodo has not revoked the certificate. The CRL location is detailed within the
certificate. OCSP responses are sent through the OCSP responder.
1.13 Comodo Time-Stamping Authority
Comodo operates a trusted Time-Stamping Authority (TSA). The Comodo TSA provides an
Authenticode time-stamping service which is intended only for use in signing software when used
in conjunction with a Comodo Code-signing certificate. No warranty is offered and no liability will
be accepted for any use of the Comodo TSA which is made other than signing software in
conjunction with a Comodo Code-signing certificate.
The Comodo Authenticode time-stamping service is available at the URL
2 Technology
This section addresses certain technological aspects of the Comodo infrastructure and PKI
2.1 Comodo CA Infrastructure
The Comodo CA Infrastructure uses trustworthy systems to provide certificate services. A
trustworthy system is computer hardware, software and procedures that provide an acceptable
resilience against security risks, provide a reasonable level of availability, reliability and correct
operation, and enforce a security policy.
2.1.1 Root CA Signing Key Protection & Recovery
The Comodo CA certificates are shown below in Table 2.1.1. Protection of the CA Root signing
key pairs is ensured with the use of IBM 4578 cryptographic coprocessor devices, which are
certified to FIPS 140-1 Level 4, for key generation, storage and use. The CA Root signing key
pairs are 2048 bit and were generated within the IBM 4578 device.
For CA Root key recovery purposes, the Root CA signing keys are encrypted and stored within a
secure environment. The decryption key is split across
m removable media and requires n of m
to reconstruct the decryption key. Custodians in the form of two or more authorized Comodo
officers are required to physically retrieve the removable media from the distributed physically
secure locations.
Where CA Root signing keys are backed up to another cryptographic hardware security module,
such keys are transferred between devices in encrypted format only.
Table. 2.1.1
2 Class 1 Public Primary
Self signed root certificate for
Class1 intermediates
20 years 2048
3 Class 2 Public Primary
Self signed root certificate for
Class2 intermediates (not
commercially active)
20 years 2048
4 Class 3 Public Primary
Self signed root certificate for
Class3 intermediates
20 years 2048
5 Class 4 Public Primary
Self signed root certificate for
Class4 intermediates (not
commercially active)
20 years 2048
6 Comodo Class 1 TTB
Intermediate CA
Intermediate certificate for
IdAuthority Website Certificates
10 years 2048
7 Comodo Class 3
TTB/Verification Engine
Intermediate CA
Intermediate certificate for
IdAuthority Premium, Card
Payment, & Verification Engine
10 years 2048
8 Comodo Class 1
Individual Subscriber CA
– Persona Not Validated
Intermediate certificate for Class 1
email certificates
10 years 2048
9 Comodo Class 3 Secure
Server CA
Intermediate certificate for SSL
certificates (not commercially active)
10 years 2048
10 Comodo Class 3
Software Developer CA
Intermediate certificate for code
signing certificates (not
10 years 2048
commercially active)
11 ‘Global Sign’ Class 3
Security Services CA
Intermediate certificate for SSL
To 28-jan-2014 2048
11 ‘BeTrusted’ Signed
Class 3 Security
Services CA (2018)
Intermediate certificate for code
To 27 August
11 ‘BeTrusted’ Signed
Class 3 Security
Services CA (2006)
Intermediate certificate for SSL
certificates, Class 1 & 3 email
To 23-feb-2006 2048
12 Comodo Certified
Delivery Plug-in CA
Intermediate certificate for “Certified
Delivery Plug-in” certificates (not
commercially active)
10 years 2048
13 Comodo Certified
Delivery Manager CA
Intermediate certificate for “Certified
Delivery Manager” certificates (not
commercially active)
10 years 2048
14 Comodo Certified
Delivery Authority CA
Intermediate certificate for “certified
delivery authority” certificates (not
commercially active)
10 years 2048
15 Comodo Licensing CA Self signed root certificate for
Comodo Licence Certificates
20 years 2048
16 AAA Certificate Services AAA Certificate Services 31-Dec-2028 2048
Secure Certificate
Services Secure Certificate Services 31-Dec-2028
Trusted Certificate
Services Trusted Certificate Services 31-Dec-2028
19 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 11-Nov-2024 1024
20 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 11-Nov-2021 2048
22 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 28-May-2008 2048
22 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 15-Jun-2012 2048
23 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 27-Aug-2012 2048
24 Comodo Time Stamping CA 14-Jul-2014 2048
25 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 14-Jul-2008 2048
25 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 13-Oct-2011 2048
26 Comodo Code Signing CA 15-Jul-2004 2048
27 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 30-Sep-2011 2048
28 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 08-Feb-2012 2048
29 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 01-Jun-2012 2048
Authentication and
Authentication and Email 09-Jul-2019 2048
31 UTN - DATACorp SGC UTN - DATACorp SGC 24-Jun-2019 2048
Hardware UTN-USERFirst-Hardware 09-Jul-2019 2048
33 UTN-USERFirst-Object UTN-USERFirst-Object 09-Jul-2019 2048
Content Verification
Authority Content Verification Authority 31-Mar-2030 2048
Comodo Content
Verification Services
Comodo Content Verification
Services 31-Mar-2015 2048
36 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 31-Mar-2015 2048
AddTrust Class 1 CA
Root AddTrust Class 1 CA Root 30-May-2020 2048
37 AddTrust/UTN Client CA AddTrust/UTN Client CA 09-Jul-2019 2048
AddTrust External CA
Root AddTrust External CA Root 30-May-2020 2048
38 AddTrust/UTN SGC CA AddTrust/UTN SGC CA 24-Jun-2019 2048
AddTrust/UTN Server
CA AddTrust/UTN Server CA 09-Jul-2019 2048
AddTrust Public CA
Root AddTrust Public CA Root 30-May-2020 2048
40 AddTrust Qualified CA AddTrust Qualified CA Root 30-May-2020 2048
AddTrust/UTN Object
CA AddTrust/UTN Object CA 09-Jul-2019 2048
41 Custom CA Covered by alternative 12-May-2012 2048
41 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 30 June 2012 2048
42 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 12 May 2012 2048
42 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 30 June 2012 2048
43 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 12 May 2012 2048
43 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 30 June 2012 2048
44 LiteSSL CA LiteSSL Certificates 30 May 2020 2048
45 LiteSSL High Assurance
LiteSSL High Assurance Certificates 09 July 2019 2048
46 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 09 July 2019 2048
47 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 09 July 2019 2048
48 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 09 July 2019 2048
49 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 09 July 2019 2048
50 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 09 July 2019 2048
51 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 09 July 2019 2048
52 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 24 June 2019 2048
53 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 24 June 2019 2048
54 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 09 July 2019 2048
55 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 09 July 2019 2048
56 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 09 July 2019 2048
57 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 09 July 2019 2048
58 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 09 July 2019 2048
59 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 09 July 2019 2048
61 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 30 May 2020 2048
62 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 30 May 2020 2048
66 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 30 May 2020 2048
67 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 30 May 2020 2048
68 Custom CA Covered by alternative CPS 30 May 2020 2048
79 PositiveSSL CA PositiveSSL Certificates 30 May 2020 2048
80 OptimumSSL CA OptimumSSL Certificates 30 May 2020 2048
90 Comodo Certification
High Assurance SSL Certificates 31 Dec 2029 2048
153 Comodo High
Assurance Secure
Server CA
Intermediate for High Assurance
SSL Certificates
31 Dec 2029 2048
Entrust ensures the protection of its CA Root signing key pair in accordance with its AICPA/CICA
WebTrust program compliant infrastructure and CPS. Details of Entrust’s WebTrust compliancy
are available at its official website (
BeTrusted ensures the protection of its CA Root signing key pair in accordance with its
AICPA/CICA WebTrust program compliant infrastructure and CPS. Details of BeTrusted’s
WebTrust compliancy are available at its official website (
In a similar manner, Comodo protects its UTN and AddTrust CA Root key pairs in accordance
with its AICPA/CICA WebTrust program compliant infrastructure and CPS. Details of Comodo’s
WebTrust compliancy are available at its official website (
2.1.2 CA Root Signing Key Generation Process
Comodo securely generates and protects its own private key(s), using a trustworthy system (IBM
4758 accredited to FIPS PUB 140-1 level 4), and takes necessary precautions to prevent the
compromise or unauthorized usage of it.
The Comodo CA Root key was generated in accordance with the guidelines detailed in the Root
Key Generation Ceremony Reference. The activities undergone and the personnel involved in the
Root Key Generation Ceremony are recorded for audit purposes. Subsequent Root Key
Generation Ceremonies are to follow the documented reference guide also.
2.1.3 CA Root Signing Key Archival
When any CA Root Signing Key pair expires, they will be archived for at least 7 years. The keys
will be archived in a secure cryptographic hardware module, as per their secure storage prior to
expiration, as detailed in section 2.1.1 of this CPS.
2.1.4 Procedures employed for CA Root Signing Key Changeover
The lifetime of our CA keys is set out in Table 2.1.1. Towards the end of each private key’s
lifetime, a new CA signing key pair is commissioned and all subsequently issued certificates and
CRLs are signed with the new private signing key. Both keys may be concurrently active. The
corresponding new CA public key certificate is provided to subscribers and relying parties through
the delivery methods detailed in section 2.1.5 of this CPS.
2.1.5 CA Root Public Key Delivery to Subscribers
Comodo makes all its CA Root Certificates available in online repositories at
The EntrustRoot certificate is present in Internet Explorer 5.00 and above, Netscape 4.5 and
above, Mozilla, FireFox, Konqueror 2.2.1, Camino 1.0, Sun Java J2SE 1.42 and Opera 5.0 and
above and is made available to relying parties through these browsers and clients.
The GTE CyberTrust Root certificate is present in Internet Explorer 5.00 and above, Netscape 4.x
and above and Opera 5.0 and above and is made available to relying parties through these
The UTN USERFirst Hardware certificate is present in Explorer 5.01 and above, Netscape 8.1
and above, Opera 8.0 and above, Mozilla 1.76 and above, Konqueror 3.5.2 and above, Safari 1.2
and above, FireFox 1.02 and above, Camino and SeaMonkey and is made available through
these browsers.
The AddTrust External CA Root certificate is present in Netscape 4.x and above, Opera 8.00 and
above, Mozilla .06 and above, Konqueror, Safari 1.0 and above, Camino and SeaMonkey and is
made available to relying parties through these browsers.
Comodo provides the full certificate chain (see section 1.8 of this CPS) to the Subscriber upon
issuance and delivery of the Subscriber certificate.
2.1.6 Physical CA Operations Comodo
Access to the secure part of Comodo facilities is limited using physical access control and is only
accessible to appropriately authorized individuals (referred to hereon as Trusted Personnel). Card
access systems are in place to control, monitor and log access to all areas of the facility. Access
to the Comodo CA physical machinery within the secure facility is protected with locked cabinets
and logical access control. Comodo has made reasonable efforts to ensure its secure facilities
are protected from:
• Fire and smoke damage (fire protection is made in compliance with local fire
• Flood and water damage.
Comodo secure facilities have a primary and secondary power supply and ensure continuous,
uninterrupted access to electric power. Heating / air ventilation systems are used to prevent
overheating and to maintain a suitable humidity level.
Comodo asserts that it makes every reasonable effort to detect and prevent material breaches,
loss, damage or compromise of assets and interruption to business activities.
2.2 Digital Certificate Management
Comodo certificate management refers to functions that include but are not limited to the
• Verification of the identity of an applicant of a certificate.
• Authorizing the issuance of certificates.
• Issuance of certificates.
• Revocation of certificates.
• Listing of certificates.
• Distributing certificates.
• Publishing certificates.
• Storing certificates.
• Storing private keys.
• Escrowing private keys.
• Generating, issuing, decommissioning, and destruction of key pairs.
• Retrieving certificates in accordance with their particular intended use.
• Verification of the domain of an applicant of a certificate.
Comodo conducts the overall certification management within the Comodo PKI; either directly or
through a Comodo approved RA. Comodo is not involved in functions associated with the
generation, issuance, decommissioning or destruction of a Subscriber key pair.
2.3 Comodo Directories, Repository and Certificate Revocation
Comodo manages and makes publicly available directories of revoked certificates using
Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs). All CRLs issued by Comodo are X.509v2 CRLs, in particular
as profiled in RFC3280. Users and relying parties are strongly urged to consult the directories of
revoked certificates at all times prior to relying on information featured in a certificate. Comodo
updates and publishes a new CRL every 24 hours or more frequently under special
circumstances. The CRL for end entity certificates can be accessed via the following URLs:
28 3.crl
Comodo operates an OCSP service at Comodo’s OCSP responder
conforms to RFC 2560. Revocation information is made immediately available through the OCSP
services. The OCSP responder and responses are available 24x7.
Revoked intermediate and higher level certificates are published in the CRL accessed via:
Comodo also publishes a repository of legal notices regarding its PKI services, including this
CPS, agreements and notices, references within this CPS as well as any other information it
considers essential to its services. The Comodo legal repository may be accessed at
2.4 Types of Comodo Certificates
Comodo currently offers a portfolio of digital certificates and related products that can be used in
a way that addresses the needs of users for secure personal and business communications,
including but not limited to secure email, protection of online transactions and identification of
persons, whether legal or physical, or devices on a network or within a community.
Comodo may update or extend its list of products, including the types of certificates it issues, as it
sees fit. The publication or updating of the list of Comodo products creates no claims by any third
party. Upon the inclusion of a new certificate product in the Comodo hierarchy, an amended
version of this CPS will be made public on the official Comodo websites at least seven (7) days
prior to the offering such new product.
Suspended or revoked certificates are appropriately referenced in CRLs and published in
Comodo directories. Comodo does not perform escrow of subscriber private keys. As detailed in
this CPS, Comodo offers a range of distinct certificate types. The different certificate types have
differing intended usages and differing policies. Pricing and subscriber fees for the certificates are
made available on the relevant official Comodo websites. The maximum warranty associated
with each certificate is set forth in detail in section 5.31.
As the suggested usage for a digital certificate differs on a per application basis, Subscribers are
urged to appropriately study their requirements for their specific application before applying for a
specific certificate.
2.4.1 Comodo SSL Secure Server Certificates
Comodo makes available Secure Server Certificates that in combination with a Secure Socket
Layer (SSL) web server attest the public server's identity, providing full authentication and
enabling secure communication with customers and business partners. Comodo Secure Server
Certificates are offered in the variants listed below.
a) PositiveSSL Certificate
PositiveSSL Certificates are low assurance level Secure Server Certificates from
In accordance with section 4.2.2 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, PositiveSSL
Certificates receive limited validation by Comodo. Comodo at its discretion may
establish domain control by utilizing third party domain name registrars and
directories, by verifying control of the domain by practical demonstration of the
control of the domain, by implementing further validation processes including out of
bands validation of the applicant’s submitted information, or by relying on the
accuracy of the applicant’s application and the representations made in the
subscriber agreement.
PositiveSSL certificates carry a warranty of $10,000 against certificate mis-issuance.
Subscriber fees for a PositiveSSL Certificate are available from the official Positive
SSL website.
PositiveSSL certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo Website,
Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI Manager.
b) PositiveSSL Wildcard Certificate
PositiveSSL Wildcard certificates are low assurance Secure Server Certificates from
In accordance with section 4.2.2 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, PositiveSSL
Wildcard Certificates receive limited validation by Comodo. Comodo, at its
discretion may establish domain control by utilizing third party domain name
registrars and directories by verifying control of the domain by practical
demonstration of the control of the domain, by implementing further validation
processes including out of bands validation of the applicant’s submitted information,
or by relying on the accuracy of the applicant’s application and the representations
made in the subscriber agreement.
PositiveSSL Wildcard certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo
Website, Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI
c) PositiveSSL Trial Certificate
PositiveSSL Trial Certificates are Secure Server Certificates designed to help
customers use SSL in a test environment prior to the roll out of a full PositiveSSL
solution. PositiveSSL Trial Certificates may be used in an external environment and
ultimately may contain information relied upon by the relying party. PositiveSSL Trial
Certificates are not intended for e-commerce use, but are for test use only and do not
carry a warranty. There is no charge for a PositiveSSL Trial Certificate.
All PositiveSSL Trial Certificates are validated prior to issuance in accordance with
section 4.2.2 of this CPS.
PositiveSSL Trial certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo
Website, Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI
d) OptimumSSL Certificate
OptimumSSL Certificates are low assurance level Secure Server Certificates from
Comodo ideal for mail servers and server to server communications. They are not
intended to be used for websites conducting e-commerce or transferring data of
In accordance with section 4.2.2 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, OptimumSSL
Certificates receive limited validation by Comodo. Comodo, at its discretion may
establish domain control by utilizing third party domain name registrars and
directories, by verifying control of the domain by practical demonstration of the
control of the domain, by implementing further validation processes including out of
bands validation of the applicant’s submitted information, or by relying on the
accuracy of the applicant’s application and the representations made in the
subscriber agreement.
Due to the increased validation speed and the nature of how Comodo intends
OptimumSSL certificates to be used, the certificates carry no warranty.
OptimumSSL certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo
Website, Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI
e) OptimumSSL Wildcard Certificate
OptimumSSL Wildcard certificates are low assurance Secure Server Certificates from
Comodo ideal for mail servers and server to server communications. They are not
intended to be used for websites conducting e-commerce or transferring data of
Due to the increased validation speed, the lack of robust validation, and the nature of
how OptimumSSL intends OptimumSSL Wildcard Certificates to be used, the
certificates carry no warranty.
In accordance with section 4.2.2 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, OptimumSSL
Wildcard Certificates receive limited validation by Comodo. Comodo, at its discretion
may establish domain control by utilizing third party domain name registrars and
directories by verifying control of the domain by practical demonstration of the control
of the domain, by implementing further validation processes including out of bands
validation of the applicant’s submitted information, or by relying on the accuracy of
the applicant’s application and the representations made in the subscriber
OptimumSSL Wildcard certificates are available from the following channels:
Comodo Website, Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and
EPKI Manager.
f) Comodo Intranet SSL Certificate
Intranet SSL Certificates are Secure Server Certificates designed to be used
exclusively on internal networks. Their usage is restricted to private IP addresses or
full server names only. As Intranet SSL Certificates are not used commercially, the
relying party does not require Comodo, the trusted third party, to provide a warranty
against mis-issuance.
In accordance with section 4.2.5 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, the Intranet SSL
Certificate is for use only within a closed network and Comodo does not exercise
validation in the issuance of an Intranet SSL Certificate. There is no warranty
attached to an Intranet SSL Certificate.
Intranet SSL certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo Website,
Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI Manager.
g) Comodo Trial SSL Certificate
Trial SSL Certificates are Secure Server Certificates designed to help customers use
SSL in a test environment prior to the roll out of a full SSL solution. Trial SSL
Certificates may be used in an external environment and ultimately may contain
information relied upon by the relying party. Trial SSL Certificates are not intended
for e-commerce use, but are for test use only and do not carry a warranty. There is
no charge for a Trial SSL Certificate.
All Trial SSL Certificates are validated prior to issuance in accordance with section
4.2.3 of this CPS.
TrialSSL certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo Website,
Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI Manager.
h) Comodo InstantSSL Certificate
InstantSSL Certificates are the entry level Secure Server Certificate from Comodo.
Their intended usage is for websites conducting e-commerce or transferring data of
low value and for within internal networks.
In accordance with section 4.2.3 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, InstantSSL
Certificates utilize Comodo’s IdAuthority to assist with application validation in order
to provide increased speed of issuance. IdAuthority contains records of over 5 million
unique legal entities sourced from a combination of publicly available resources.
Where possible, the directory will be used to confirm the identity of a certificate
applicant. If the directory cannot be used to sufficiently validate a certificate applicant,
further validation processes will be used. These may include an out of bands
validation of the applicant’s submitted information.
InstantSSL certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo Website,
Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI Manager.
i) Comodo InstantSSL Pro Certificate
ProSSL Certificates are the midlevel Secure Server Certificates from Comodo. Their
intended usage is for websites conducting e-commerce or transferring data and
within internal networks.
In accordance with section, 4.2.4 (Validation Practices) of this CPS ProSSL
Certificates may also utilize Comodo’s IdAuthority to assist as part of the certificate
application. All ProSSL Certificate applications include an out of bands validation of
the applicant’s submitted information.
ProSSL certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo Website,
Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI Manager.
j) Comodo PremiumSSL Certificate
PremiumSSL Certificates are the professional level Secure Server Certificates from
Comodo. Their intended usage is for websites conducting high value e-commerce or
transferring data and within internal networks.
In accordance with section 4.2.4 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, PremiumSSL
Certificates may also utilize Comodo’s IdAuthority to assist as part of the certificate
application. All PremiumSSL Certificate applications include an out of bands
validation of the applicant’s submitted information.
PremiumSSL certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo Website,
Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI Manager.
k) Comodo PremiumSSL Wildcard Certificate
PremiumSSL Wildcard Certificates are professional level Secure Server Certificates
used to secure multiple sub-domains with a single PremiumSSL Certificate. Their
intended use is for websites conducting high value e-commerce or transferring data
and within internal networks.
In accordance with section 4.2.4 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, PremiumSSL
Wildcard Certificates may also utilize Comodo’s IdAuthority to assist as part of the
certificate application. All PremiumSSL Wildcard Certificate applications include an
out of bands validation of the applicant’s submitted information.
PremiumSSL certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo Website,
Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI Manager.
l) Comodo SGC SSL Certificate
Comodo SGC SSL Certificates are professional level Server Gated Cryptography
(SGC) enabled certificates designed to upgrade the encryption capabilities of older
browsers from 40-bit encryption into full 128/256 bit encryption. Their intended usage
is for websites conducting high value e-commerce or transferring data and within
internal networks.
In accordance with section, 4.2.4 (Validation Practices) of this CPS Comodo SGC
SSL Certificates may also utilize Comodo’s IdAuthority to assist as part of the
certificate application. All Comodo SGC SSL Certificate applications include an out of
bands validation of the applicant’s submitted information.
Comodo SGC SSL certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo
Website, Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI
m) Comodo SGC SSL Wildcard Certificate
Comodo SGC SSL Wildcard Certificates are professional level Server Gated
Cryptography (SGC) enabled certificates designed to upgrade the encryption
capabilities of older browsers from 40-bit encryption into full 128/256 bit encryption
and used to secure multiple sub-domains with a single Comodo SGC SSL Certificate.
Their intended use is for websites conducting high value e-commerce or transferring
data and within internal networks.
In accordance with section 4.2.4 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, Comodo SGC
SSL Wildcard Certificates may also utilize Comodo’s IdAuthority to assist as part of
the certificate application. All PremiumSSL Wildcard Certificate applications include
an out of bands validation of the applicant’s submitted information.
Comodo SGC SSL Wildcard Certificates are available from the following channels:
Comodo Website, Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and
EPKI Manager.
n) Comodo PremiumSSL Legacy Certificate
PremiumSSL Legacy Certificates are professional level Secure Server Certificates
from Comodo. Their intended usage is for websites conducting high value e-
commerce or transferring data and within internal networks.
In accordance with section 4.2.4 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, PremiumSSL
Legacy Certificates may also utilize Comodo’s IdAuthority to assist as part of the
certificate application. All PremiumSSL Legacy Certificate applications include an out
of bands validation of the applicant’s submitted information.
PremiumSSL Legacy certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo
Website, Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI
o) Comodo PremiumSSL Legacy Wildcard Certificate
PremiumSSL Legacy Wildcard Certificates are professional level Secure Server
Certificates used to secure multiple sub-domains with a single PremiumSSL Legacy
Certificate. Their intended use is for websites conducting high value e-commerce or
transferring data and within internal networks.
In accordance with section 4.2.4 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, PremiumSSL
Legacy Wildcard Certificates may also utilize Comodo’s IdAuthority to assist as part
of the certificate application. All PremiumSSL Legacy Wildcard Certificate
applications include an out of bands validation of the applicant’s submitted
PremiumSSL Legacy Wildcard Certificates are available from the following channels:
Comodo Website, Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and
EPKI Manager.
p) Elite SSL Certificate
Elite SSL Certificates are the entry level Enterprise Secure Server Certificate from
Comodo. Their intended usage is for websites conducting e-commerce or transferring
data of lower value and for within internal networks.
In accordance with section 4.2.1 and 4.2.4 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, Elite
SSL Certificates may also utilize Comodo’s IdAuthority to assist as part of the
certificate application. Where possible, the directory will be used to confirm the
identity of a certificate applicant. If the directory cannot be used to sufficiently
validate a certificate applicant, further validation processes will be used. These may
include an out of bands validation of the applicant’s submitted information.
EliteSSL certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo Website,
Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI Manager.
q) Gold SSL Certificate
Gold SSL Certificates are the midlevel Enterprise Secure Server Certificates from
Comodo. Their intended usage is for websites conducting e-commerce or transferring
data and within internal networks.
In accordance with section, 4.2.4 (Validation Practices) of this CPS Gold SSL
Certificates may also utilize Comodo’s IdAuthority to assist as part of the certificate
application. All Gold SSL Certificate applications include an out of bands validation of
the applicant’s submitted information.
GoldSSL certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo Website,
Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI Manager.
r) Platinum SSL Certificate
Platinum SSL Certificates are the professional level Enterprise Secure Server
Certificates from Comodo. Their intended usage is for websites conducting high
value e-commerce or transferring data and within internal networks.
In accordance with section 4.2.4 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, Platinum SSL
Certificates may also utilize Comodo’s IdAuthority to assist as part of the certificate
application. All Platinum SSL Certificate applications include an out of bands
validation of the applicant’s submitted information
PlatinumSSL certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo Website,
Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI Manager.
s) Platinum SSL Wildcard Certificate
Platinum SSL Wildcard Certificates are professional level Enterprise Secure Server
Certificates used to secure multiple sub-domains with a single Platinum SSL
Certificate. Their intended use is for websites conducting high value e-commerce or
transferring data and within internal networks.
In accordance with section 4.2.4 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, Platinum SSL
Wildcard Certificates may also utilize Comodo’s IdAuthority to assist as part of the
certificate application. All Platinum SSL Wildcard Certificate applications include an
out of bands validation of the applicant’s submitted information.
PlatinumSSL Wildcard certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo
Website, Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI
t) PlatinumSSL SGC Certificate
PlatinumSSL SGC Certificates are professional level Enterprise Secure Server
Certificates. They are Server Gated Cryptography (SGC) enabled to upgrade the
encryption capabilities of older browsers from 40-bit encryption into full 128/256 bit
encryption. Their intended usage is for websites conducting high value e-commerce
or transferring data and within internal networks.
In accordance with section, 4.2.4 (Validation Practices) of this CPS PlatinumSSL
SGC Certificates may also utilize Comodo’s IdAuthority to assist as part of the
certificate application. All PlatinumSSL SGC Certificate applications include an out of
bands validation of the applicant’s submitted information.
PlatinumSSL SGC certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo
Website, Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI
u) PlatinumSSL SGC Wildcard Certificate
PlatinumSSL SGC Wildcard Certificates are professional level Enterprise Secure
Server Certificates used to secure multiple sub-domains with a single PlatinumSSL
SGC Wildcard Certificate. They are Server Gated Cryptography (SGC) enabled to
upgrade the encryption capabilities of older browsers from 40-bit encryption into full
128/256 bit encryption. Their intended usage is for websites conducting high value
e-commerce or transferring data and within internal networks.
In accordance with section, 4.2.4 (Validation Practices) of this CPS PlatinumSSL
SGC Wildcard Certificates may also utilize Comodo’s IdAuthority to assist as part of
the certificate application. All PlatinumSSL SGC Wildcard Certificate applications
include an out of bands validation of the applicant’s submitted information.
PlatinumSSL SGC Wildcard certificates are available from the following channels:
Comodo Website, Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and
EPKI Manager.
v) PlatinumSSL Legacy Certificate
Platinum SSL Legacy Certificates are professional level Enterprise Secure Server
Certificates from Comodo. Their intended usage is for websites conducting high
value e-commerce or transferring data and within internal networks.
In accordance with section 4.2.4 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, Platinum SSL
Legacy Certificates may also utilize Comodo’s IdAuthority to assist as part of the
certificate application. All Platinum SSL Legacy Certificate applications include an out
of bands validation of the applicant’s submitted information
PlatinumSSL Legacy certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo
Website, Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI
w) PlatinumSSL Legacy Wildcard Certificate
Platinum SSL Legacy Wildcard Certificates are professional level Enterprise Secure
Server Certificates used to secure multiple sub-domains with a single Platinum SSL
Legacy Certificate. Their intended use is for websites conducting high value e-
commerce or transferring data and within internal networks.
In accordance with section 4.2.4 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, Platinum SSL
Legacy Wildcard Certificates may also utilize Comodo’s IdAuthority to assist as part
of the certificate application. All Platinum SSL Legacy Wildcard Certificate
applications include an out of bands validation of the applicant’s submitted
PlatinumSSL Legacy Wildcard certificates are available from the following channels:
Comodo Website, Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and
EPKI Manager.
x) PositiveSSL Multi-Domain SSL Certificate
Multi Domain Certificates (MDCs) are Secure Server Certificates issued by Comodo
as a means of validation of domain control for the domains jointly hosted on a single
server and named within the MDC.
As MDCs are not intended for e-commerce use, and due to the increased validation
speed and the nature of how Comodo intends MDCs to be used, the certificates carry
no warranty.
In accordance with section 4.2.2 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, MDCs utilize third
party domain name registrars and directories to assist with application validation in
order to provide increased speed of issuance. Where possible, the third parties will
be used to confirm the right to use the domain name used in the application. If the
directory cannot be used to sufficiently validate a certificate applicant’s domain
control, further validation processes may be used. These may include an out of
bands validation of the applicant’s submitted information.
MDCs are available from the following channels: Comodo Website, Reseller Network,
Web Host Network, and EPKI Manager.
y) Essential SSL Certificate
Essential SSL Certificates are low assurance level Secure Server Certificates from
Comodo ideal for mail servers and server to server communications. They are not
intended to be used for websites conducting e-commerce or transferring data of
In accordance with section 4.2.2 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, Essential SSL
Certificates receive limited validation by Comodo. Comodo, at its discretion may
establish domain control by utilizing third party domain name registrars and
directories, by verifying control of the domain by practical demonstration of the
control of the domain, by implementing further validation processes including out of
bands validation of the applicant’s submitted information, or by relying on the
accuracy of the applicant’s application and the representations made in the
subscriber agreement.
Due to the increased validation speed, the lack of robust validation, and the nature of
how Comodo intends Essential SSL Certificates to be used, the certificates carry no
Essential SSL Certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo
Website, Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI
z) Essential SSL Wildcard Certificates
Essential SSL Wildcard certificates are low assurance Secure Server Certificates
from Comodo ideal for mail servers and server to server communications. They are
not intended to be used for websites conducting e-commerce or transferring data of
Due to the increased validation speed, the lack of robust validation, and the nature of
how Comodo intends Essential SSL Wildcard Certificates to be used, the certificates
carry no warranty.
In accordance with section 4.2.2 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, Essential SSL
Wildcard Certificates receive limited validation by Comodo. Comodo, at its discretion
may establish domain control by utilizing third party domain name registrars and
directories, by verifying control of the domain by practical demonstration of the
control of the domain, by implementing further validation processes including out of
bands validation of the applicant’s submitted information, or by relying on the
accuracy of the applicant’s application and the representations made in the
subscriber agreement.
Essential SSL Wildcard certificates are available from the following channels:
Comodo Website, Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and
EPKI Manager.
aa) Essential SSL Trial Certificate
Essential SSL Trial Certificates are Secure Server Certificates designed to help
customers use SSL in a test environment prior to the roll out of a full Essential SSL
solution. Essential SSL Trial Certificates may be used in an external environment and
ultimately may contain information relied upon by the relying party. Essential SSL
Trial Certificates are not intended for e-commerce use, but are for test use only and
do not carry a warranty. There is no charge for an Essential SSL Trial Certificate.
All Essential SSL Trial Certificates are validated prior to issuance in accordance with
section 4.2.2 of this CPS.
Essential SSL Trial certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo
Website, Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI
bb) Comodo Unified Communications Certificate
Comodo’s Unified Communications Certificates (UCCs) are Microsoft-approved SSL
certificates specifically designed for use with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, Office
Communications Server 2007 and Microsoft Live Communications Server. UCCs
enable secure client access from the Internet and support the Domain Security
feature SAN attribute required by Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 whereby multiple
FQDNS may be added to each certificate. Each certificate is fully validated (domain
name and business entity).
In accordance with section 4.2.2 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, UCCs utilize third
party domain name registrars and directories to assist with application validation in
order to provide increased speed of issuance. Where possible, the third parties will
be used to confirm the right to use the domain name used in the application. If the
directory cannot be used to sufficiently validate a certificate applicant’s domain
control, further validation processes may be used. These may include an out of
bands validation of the applicant’s submitted information.
Comodo UCCs are available from the following channels: Comodo Website, Reseller
Network, Web Host Network, and EPKI Manager.
cc) Intel Pro SSL Certificate
Intel Pro SSL certificates are specifically designed for use with Intel® vPro™
processor technology-based PCs and Intel® Centrino Pro processor technology-
based notebooks. Intel Pro Series SSL Certificates provide authentication and
encryption for the remote configuration of Intel® vPro™ processor technology based
PCs and Intel® Centrino Pro processor technology based notebooks. Each certificate
contains a unique value in EKU field (2.16.840.1.113741.1.2.3) and is fully validated
(domain name and business entity), providing a high level of trust and authentication.
In accordance with section 4.2.2 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, Intel Pro SSL
Certificates utilize third party domain name registrars and directories to assist with
application validation in order to provide increased speed of issuance. Where
possible, the third parties will be used to confirm the right to use the domain name
used in the application. If the directory cannot be used to sufficiently validate a
certificate applicant’s domain control, further validation processes may be used.
These may include an out of bands validation of the applicant’s submitted
Intel Pro SSL Certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo
Website, Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI
dd) ComodoSSL Certificates
In accordance with section 4.2.2 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, ComodoSSL
Certificates utilize third party domain name registrars and directories to assist with
application validation in order to provide increased speed of issuance. Where
possible, the third parties will be used to confirm the right to use the domain name
used in the application. If the directory cannot be used to sufficiently validate a
certificate applicant’s domain control, further validation processes may be used.
These may include an out of band validation of the applicant’s submitted information.
ComodoSSL certificates are available from the following channels: Comodo Website,
Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI Manager.
ee) Educational Certificates and IGTF Certificates
Comodo Educational and IGTF Certificates are designed for distribution by Comodo’s
partners to educational, research, and non-profit entities to use to conduct non-credit
card transactions with their website.
2.4.2 Comodo SSL Client / Secure Email Certificates
Comodo makes available Secure Email Certificates that in combination with an S/MIME
compliant email application allow subscribers to digitally sign email for relying parties, or relying
parties to encrypt email for the subscriber. Pricing for the certificates is made available on the
relevant official Comodo websites. From time to time Comodo reserves the right to make
available promotional offers that may affect the standard price card.
a) Personal Secure Email Certificate
Personal Secure Email Certificates are issued to natural persons only and may not
be used by an individual as a means of representation for a specific company.
In accordance with section 4.2.6 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, and using an
email ownership validation check, Comodo asserts that the subscriber owns, or has
direct access to, the email address stated within the Personal Secure Email
However, as verification of the subscriber does not take place the identity of the
subscriber cannot be warranted.
b) Corporate Secure Email Certificate
Corporate Secure Email Certificates are issued to natural persons only and may be
used by an individual as a means of representation for a company named within the
Corporate Secure Email Certificates are available to holders of a Comodo EPKI
Manager account. The EPKI Manager account may be used to apply for Comodo
certificates (SSL and Secure Email) and will contain the corporate details (name,
address, country) of the account holding company. EPKI Manager authorized
administrators may log into the EPKI Manager online account and apply for
Corporate Secure Email Certificates for employees or authorized representatives of
the company only.
In accordance with section 4.2.7 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, Comodo
validates the right of the company to use the domain name specified within the
Corporate Secure Email Certificate. The company must attest to the identity of the
individual named within the application prior to the issuance of the Corporate Secure
Email Certificate.
c) Comodo TF Certificates
Comodo TF Certificates are Custom Client certificates issued to customers of large
merchants providing online services, including but not limited to banks and financial
services. Comodo TF Certificates, in conjunction with the Comodo TF Authentication
Solution, allow for two-factor authentication of a Client’s right to access a service
provider’s online services.
In accordance with section 4.2.9 (Validation Practices), validation procedures of
applicants for Comodo TF Certificates are performed by approved organizations
using the customer’s existing online account username and password.
d) Custom Client Certificates
Custom Client Certificates are versatile client certificates that may be used for
authentication, encryption, digital signing of documents, and other purposes. The
fields in these certificates are customizable to allow their use in a wide range of
applications requiring client authentication.
The flexibility of the subject fields of these certificates lends them particularly to
backward compatibility with legacy applications requiring a fixed format as well as to
new applications with unusual requirements.
These certificates are issued to both individuals and corporations. Depending on the
purpose of the certificate, Custom Client Certificates may be persona non-validated,
validated by domain name, or validated as to the organizational entity receiving the
Custom Client Certificates issued through a Comodo partner may have validation
requirements set by the Comodo partner. Anyone wanting to use or rely on a Custom
Client Certificate from a Comodo partner should contact the Comodo partner first to
obtain all of the important validation information about the certificate’s issuance. .
e) Comodo Dual Use Certificates
Comodo Dual Use Certificates are high assurance certificates used as email and
identification certificates that are issued through the Certificate Manager software to
the end users of the Certificate Manager subscriber. These certificates are used for
secure remote access to the subscriber’s computer networks by its employees,
agents, and contractors as well as providing these individuals with secure email
In accordance with section 4.2.12 (Validation Practices), validation procedures of
applicants for Comodo Dual Use Certificates are by having the Certificate Applicant
appear before an agent of the CA, RA, or before a notary public or other official with
comparable authority within the Applicant’s jurisdiction.
2.4.3 Software Publishing Certificates
a) Code Signing Certificate
Code Signing Certificates are designed for commercial software developers to
provide assurance regarding the developer’s identity, and are designed to represent
the level of assurance provided today by retail channels for software. With a Code
Signing Certificate, a digital signature can be appended to the executable code itself,
thus providing assurance to recipients that the code or software does indeed come
from the signer of the software.
In accordance with section 4.2.1 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, Comodo will take
measures to confirm the identity of a Code Signing Certificate applicant. All Code
Signing Certificate applications include an out of bands validation of the applicant’s
submitted information.
b) Time Stamping Certificate
Time Stamping Certificates are designed to ensure that the code-signing took place
at a specific point in time, specifically during the period for which the Code Signing
Certificate was valid, thus extending the validity of the code past its certificate
expiration date.
In accordance with section 4.2.1 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, Comodo will take
measures to confirm the identity of a Code Signing Certificate applicant. All Code
Signing Certificate applications include an out of bands validation of the applicant’s
submitted information.
2.4.4 Content Verification Certificates
a) Content Verification Certificate
Content Verification Certificates (CVCs) are digital certificates that protect "web page
content” such as graphics, logos and login boxes so that, in conjunction with
Comodo’s VerificationEngine, an Internet user can verify the website’s identity. The
content requiring protection is digitally bound within an X.509 compliant certificate
also holding location information.
In accordance with section 4.2.3 (Validation Practices) of this CPS, Comodo will take
measures to confirm the identity of a Content Verification Certificate applicant.
Content Verification Certificates may also utilize Comodo’s IdAuthority to assist as
part of the certificate application. All Content Verification Certificate applications
include an out of bands validation of the applicant’s submitted information.
b) Payment Credential CVC (1 logo) / Payment Credential CVC (3 logos)
Payment Credential CVCs, for either 1 logo or 3 logos, in conjunction with Comodo’s
VerificationEngine, provide assurance to website visitors that the website vendor is
authorized to accept online payments via the credit card issuer whose logo is
protected by the Payment Credential CVC.
These CVCs are only issued to subscribers after confirmation that the website
merchant is approved by the card issuer to accept payment by that credit card.
c) Payment Credential CVC (Wildcard)
Payment Credential Wildcard CVCs, in conjunction with Comodo’s
VerificationEngine, provide assurance to website visitors that the website vendor is
authorized to accept online payments via the credit card issuer whose logo is
protected by the Payment Credential CVC on multiple subdomains.
These CVCs are only issued to subscribers after confirmation that the website
merchant is approved by the card issuer to accept payment by that credit card.
Payment Credential Wildcard CVC are available from the following channels:
Comodo Website, Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and
EPKI Manager.
d) Trial Payment Credential CVC
Trial Payment Credential CVCs are designed to help customers use SSL in a test
environment prior to the roll out of a Payment Credential CVC. Trial Payment
Credential CVCs may be used in an external environment and ultimately may contain
information relied upon by the relying party. Trial Payment Credential CVCs are not
intended for e-commerce use, but are for test use only and do not carry a warranty.
All Trial Payment Credential CVCs are validated to confirm that the website merchant
is approved by the card issuer to accept payment by that credit card.
Trial Payment Credential CVCs are available from the following channels: Comodo
Website, Reseller Network, Web Host Network, PoweredSSL Network, and EPKI
2.5 Extensions and Naming
2.5.1 Digital Certificate Extensions
Comodo uses the standard X.509, version 3 to construct digital certificates for use within the
Comodo PKI. X.509v3 allows a CA to add certain certificate extensions to the basic certificate
structure. Comodo uses a number of certificate extensions for the purposes intended by X.509v3
as per Amendment 1 to ISO/IEC 9594-8, 1995. X.509v3 is the standard of the International
Telecommunications Union for digital certificates.
2.5.2 Incorporation by Reference for Extensions and Enhanced Naming
Enhanced naming is the usage of an extended organization field in an X.509v3 certificate.
Information contained in the organizational unit field is also included in the Certificate Policy
extension that Comodo may use.
2.6 Subscriber Private Key Generation Process
The Subscriber is solely responsible for the generation of the private key used in the certificate
request. However, for certain products, Comodo does not provide the option of key generation,
escrow, recovery, and backup facilities for private keys. Keys generated by Comodo are
generated during the order process for the certificate. Where keys are backed-up or escrowed,
the keys are generated on Comodo’s servers and then delivered to the subscriber over an
encrypted communication. At the request of certain qualifying subscribers, Comodo will escrow
the private keys it generates by encrypting the private key and storing it on a Comodo server.
Subscriber is solely responsible for the generation of an RSA key pair appropriate to the
certificate type being applied for. During application, the Subscriber will be required to submit a
public key and other personal / corporate details in the form of a Certificate Signing Request
Secure Server Certificate requests are generated using the key generation facilities available in
the Subscriber’s webserver software.
Client Certificate requests are generated using the FIPS 140-1 Level 1 cryptographic service
provider module software present in popular browsers.
Code Signing Certificate and Time Stamping Certificate requests are generated using the FIPS
140-1 Level 1 cryptographic service provider module software present in Microsoft Internet
Comodo TF Certificate requests are generated using the FIPS 140-1 Level 1 cryptographic
service provider module software present in popular browsers. In cases when the customer’s
browser is incapable of generating the private key, the Comodo TF software generates the
private key on behalf of the customer and delivers the private key and certificate to the customer.
Comodo Dual Use Certificate requests are generated by Comodo on the Comodo Servers. The
Comodo Certificate Manager software generates the private key on behalf of the end user and
delivers the private key and certificate to the end user.
The private key of key-pairs generated by Comodo through its Comodo TF software are not held
by Comodo after being transferred to the customer. All such keys are securely deleted after being
transferred to the subscriber. Logical and physical controls prevent access to private key’s
generated by subscribers. All keys sent to subscribers are protected during delivery using an
authenticated and secure connection to Comodo’s servers.
2.7 Subscriber Private Key Protection and Backup
Generally, the Subscriber is solely responsible for protection of their private keys. However,
Comodo offers certain subscribers the optional feature of having Comodo back up the private
keys Comodo generates on their behalf. Comodo protects these keys by having an agent or
agents of the Certificate Manager Subscriber (typically, the employer of the individual receiving
the client certificate) encrypt a PKCS#12 format that contains the keys before they are stored on
a secure server. Keys stored by Comodo can only be decrypted using the keys held by the
selected agents of the Certificate Manager Subscriber. Encrypted keys are sent via a secure
connection and decrypted by the agent of the Certificate Manager Subscriber on their own
Escrowed private key can only be recovered after Comodo confirms the authority of the party
requesting the private key. Private keys may only recovered for lawful and legitimate purposes.
Comodo recommends to its Certificate Manager subscribers that they notify their customers and
subscribers that their private keys are escrowed, that they protect escrowed keys from
unauthorized disclosure, and that they do not disclose or allow to be disclosed any escrowed
keys or escrowed-key related information to a third party unless required by law. Certificate
Manager Users are required to revoke the certificate associated with an escrowed private key
prior to retrieving the escrowed key from Comodo.
Escrowed Private Keys are kept for three years after the corresponding certificate’s expiry prior to
their destruction. Private Keys are destroyed by deleting the key from the storage material
immediately, and from all related back up material within a further 12 month period.
Comodo strongly urges Subscribers to use a password or equivalent authentication method to
prevent unauthorized access and usage of the Subscriber private key.
2.8 Subscriber Public Key Delivery to Comodo
Secure Server Certificate requests are generated using the Subscriber’s webserver software and
the request is submitted to Comodo in the form of a PKCS #10 Certificate Signing Request
(CSR). Submission is made electronically via the Comodo website or through a Comodo
approved RA.
Secure Email Certificate requests are generated using the Subscriber’s cryptographic service
provider software present in the Subscriber’s browser and submitted to Comodo in the form of a
PKCS#10 Certificate Signing Request (CSR). The Subscriber’s browser generally makes
submission automatically.
CVC requests are generated through a sales representative over the phone or online from
Code Signing Certificate and Time Stamping Certificate requests are generated using the
Subscriber’s cryptographic service provider software present in the Subscriber’s browser and
submitted automatically to Comodo in the form of a PKCS#10 Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
The private key may either be allowed to remain in the cryptographic service provider, or may be
exported to the subscriber’s hard drive.
Comodo TF Certificate requests are generated and submitted to Comodo using Comodo’s TF
Server software.
2.9 Delivery of Issued Subscriber Certificate to Subscriber
Delivery of Subscriber certificates to the associated Subscriber is dependent on the certificate
product type:
2.9.1 Secure Server Certificate: InstantSSL product type
If the Comodo operated IdAuthority database holds sufficient validation information, an automatic
validation of the InstantSSL certificate application may take place. In the event of such an
automated validation the InstantSSL certificate is delivered to commonly used generic email
addresses ordinarily belonging to authorized personnel at the domain name used in the
application, such as webmaster@... admin@... postmaster@... Confirmation of the certificate
delivery location is provided to the administrator contact provided during the application process.
2.9.2 Secure Server Certificates
Secure server certificates are delivered via email to the Subscriber using the administrator
contact email address provided during the application process.
2.9.3 Content Verification Certificates
Content Verification Certificates are delivered to the Subscriber via e-mail, or they are stored via
Comodo's database servers.
2.9.4 Code Signing Certificates
Code Signing Certificates are delivered via email to the Subscriber using the administrator
contact email address provided during the application process.
2.9.5 Comodo TF Certificates
Comodo TF Certificates are downloaded by the subscriber customers automatically from the
Comodo TF Server Software.
2.9.6 Secure Email Certificate: Personal Secure Email and Corporate
Secure Email Certificates
Upon issuance of a Personal Secure Email Certificate or Corporate Secure Email Certificate, the
Subscriber is emailed a collection link using the email provided during the application. The
Subscriber must visit the collection link using the same computer from which the original
certificate request was made. The Subscriber’s cryptographic service provider software is initiated
to ensure the Subscriber holds the private key corresponding to the public key submitted during
application. Pending a successful challenge, the issued certificate is installed automatically onto
the Subscriber’s computer.
2.9.7 Comodo Dual Use Certificates
Comodo Dual Use Certificates are downloaded by the subscribers from the Comodo Certificate
Manager Software.
2.10 Delivery of Issued Subscriber Certificate to Web Host
Reseller Partner
Issued Subscriber Secure Server Certificates applied for through a Web Host Reseller Partner on
behalf of the Subscriber are emailed to the administrator contact of the Web Host Reseller
Partner account. For Web Host Reseller Partners using the “auto-apply” interface, Web Host
Resellers have the added option of collecting an issued certificate from a Web Host Reseller
account specific URL.
2.11 Delivery of Issued Subscriber Certificate to EPKI Manager
Account Holder
Issued Subscriber Secure Server Certificates applied for through an EPKI Manager Account are
emailed to the administrator contact of the account.
2.12 Comodo Certificates Profile
A Certificate profile contains fields as specified below:
2.12.1 Key Usage extension field
Comodo certificates are general purpose and may be used without restriction on geographical
area or industry. In order to use and rely on a Comodo certificate the relying party must use
X.509v3 compliant software. Comodo certificates include key usage extension fields to specify
the purposes for which the certificate may be used and to technically limit the functionality of the
certificate when used with X.509v3 compliant software. Reliance on key usage extension fields is
dependent on correct software implementations of the X.509v3 standard and is outside of the
control of Comodo.
The possible key purposes identified by the X.509v3 standard are the following:
a) Digital signature, for verifying digital signatures that have purposes other
than those identified in b), f) or g), that is, for entity authentication and data
origin authentication with integrity
b) Non-repudiation, for verifying digital signatures used in providing a
nonrepudiation service which protects against the signing entity falsely
denying some action (excluding certificate or CRL signing, as in f) or g)
c) Key encipherment, for enciphering keys or other security information, e.g. for
key transport
d) Data encipherment, for enciphering user data, but not keys or other security
information as in c) above
e) Key agreement, for use as a public key agreement key
f) Key certificate signing, for verifying a CA’s signature on certificates, used in
CA certificates only
g) CRL signing, for verifying a CA’s signature on CRLs
h) Encipher only, public key agreement key for use only in enciphering data
when used with key agreement
i) Decipher only, public key agreement key for use only in deciphering data
when used with key agreement
2.12.2 Extension Criticality Field
The Extension Criticality field denotes two separate uses for the Key Usage field. If the extension
is noted as critical, then the key in the certificate is only to be applied to the stated uses. To use
the key for another purpose in this case would break the issuer’s policy. If the extension is not
noted as critical, the Key Usage field is simply there as an aid to help applications find the proper
key for a particular use.
2.12.3 Basic Constraints Extension
The Basic Constraints extension specifies whether the subject of the certificate may act as a CA
or only as an end-entity. Reliance on basic constraints extension field is dependent on correct
software implementations of the X.509v3 standard and is outside of the control of Comodo.
2.12.4 Certificate Policy (CP)
Certificate Policy (CP) is a statement of the issuer that corresponds to the prescribed usage of a
digital certificate within an issuance context. A policy identifier is a number unique within a
specific domain that allows for the unambiguous identification of a policy, including a certificate
Specific Comodo certificate profiles are as per the tables below:
Comodo Secure Server Certificates
InstantSSL /
InstantSSL Pro
InstantSSL Wildcard /
PremiumSSL / PremiumSSL Wildcard / EliteSSL / GoldSSL / PlatinumSSL / PlatinumSSL Wildcard /
PremiumSSL Legacy / PremiumSSL Legacy Wildcard / PlatinumSSL Legacy / PlatinumSSL Legacy
Wildcard / PlatinumSSL SGC Legacy / PlatinumSSL SGC Legacy Wildcard / Comodo SGC SSL /
Comodo SGC SSL Wildcard / Trial SSL / Intranet SSL / Other SSL Certificates
e Algorithm
Issuer (option 1)
(not for any SGC type)
CN Comodo Class 3 Security Services CA
OU (c) 2002 Comodo Limited
OU Terms and Conditions of use:
OU Comodo Trust Network
O Comodo Limited
Issuer (option 2)
(not for any SGC type)
L Salt Lake City
Issuer (option 3
for SGC types only.
L Salt Lake City
Issuer (option 4)
(not for any SGC type)
CN Comodo Class 3 Security Services CA
OU (c) 2006 Comodo CA Limited
OU Terms and Conditions of use:
OU Comodo Trust Network
O Comodo CA Limited
Issuer (option 5)
CN Comodo High Assurance Secure Server CA
OU © 2008 Comodo CA Limited
OU Terms and Conditions of use:
OU Comodo Trust Network
1 - 5 Years
CN Common Name
OU InstantSSL / ProSSL/PremiumSSL / PremiumSSL
Wildcard / EliteSSL /GoldSSL / PlatinumSSL /
PlatinumSSL Wildcard / PremiumSSL Legacy /
PremiumSSL Legacy Wildcard / PlatinumSSL Legacy /
PlatinumSSL Legacy Wildcard / PlatinumSSL SGC
Legacy / PlatinumSSL SGC Legacy Wildcard / Comodo
SGC SSL / Comodo SGC SSL Wildcard / Other SSL
Certificate name /
Powered SSL product name
OU (0 or 1
Hosted by [Web Host Reseller Subscriber Name]
Issued through [EPKI Manager Subscriber Name]
Provided by [Powered SSL Subscriber Name]
OU (for
Intranet SSL
OU (for Trial
SSL only)
O Organization
OU Organization Unit
L Locality
S State
PostalCode Zip or Postal Code
C Country
Authority Key Identifier
KeyID only is specified.
Key Usage (NonCritical)
Digital Signature, Key Encipherment(A0)
Extended Key Usage
Server Authentication (
Client Authentication (
(Additional usages for SGC
types only)
Microsoft SGC (
Netscape SGC (2.16.840.1.113730.4.1)
Netscape Certificate Type
SSL Client Authentication, SSL Server Authentication(c0)
Basic Constraint
Subject Type = End Entity
Path Length Constraint = None
Certificate Policies
[1] Certificate Policy:
PolicyIdentifier =
[1,1]Policy Qualifier Info:
Policy Qualifier Id = CPS
CRL Distribution Poli
[1]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
URL=<Primary CDP URL>
[2]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name: URL=<Secondary CDP URL>
(only when the Issuing CA is
“Comodo Class 3 Security
Services CA”)
[3]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
Name=<CRL Request Email Address>
Authority Information Access
(omitted when Issuing CA is
“Comodo Class 3 Security
Services CA”)
[1]Authority Info Access
Access Method=Certification Authority Issuer (
Alternative Name:
URL=<Primary AIA URL>
[2]Authority Info Access
Access Method=Certification Authority Issuer (
Alternative Name:
URL=<Secondary AIA URL>
Thumbprint Algorithm
Comodo Secure Server Certificate
Secure Email Certificate (Free Version) / Secure Email
Certificate (Corporate Version) / Custom Client Certificates / Comodo TF / Dual Use Certificates
Signature Algorithm
Issuer (option 1)
CN Comodo Class 3 Security Services CA
OU (c) 2002 Comodo CA Limited
OU Terms and Conditions of use:
OU Comodo Trust Network
O Comodo Limited
Issuer (option 2)
CN UTN-USERFirst-Client Authentication and Email
L Salt Lake City
Issuer (option 3)
CN Comodo Class 3 Security Services CA
OU (c) 2006 Comodo CA Limited
OU Terms and Conditions of use:
OU Comodo Trust Network
O Comodo CA Limited
1 year / 2 year / 3 year
Subject (for Free version)
E Email address
CN Common Name (name of subscriber)
OU (c)2003 Comodo Limited
OU Terms and Conditions of use:
Subject (for Corporate
E Email address
CN Common Name (name of subscriber)
OU Corporate Secure Email
OU (0 or 1
Hosted by [Web Host Reseller Subscriber Name]
Issued through [EPKI Manager Subscriber Name]
Provided by [Powered SSL Subscriber Name]
O Organization
OU Organization Unit
L Locality
S State
PostalCode Zip or Postal Code
C Country
Subject (for Custom Client
and Comodo TF version)
All fields are customizable on a per-certificate basis.
Authority Key Identifier
KeyID only is specified.
Key Usage
(Free Version Only)
Secure Email (
Receive Certified Delivery Email (Discontinued)
Key Usage
(Corporate Client versions)
Secure Email (
Client Authentication (
Extended Key Usage
(NonCritical) (Custom Client
serverAuth (
clientAuth (
codeSigning (
emailProtection (
ipsecEndSystem (
ipsecTunnel (
ipsecUser (
Key Usage (NonCritical)
(Custom Client Certificates)
Netscape Certificate Type
(Corporate Version Only)
SSL Client Authentication, SMIME (a0)
Netscape Certificate Type
(Free and Custom Client
Basic Constraint
Subject Type = End Entity
Path Length Constraint = None
Certificate Policies
[1] Certificate Policy:
PolicyIdentifier =
[1,1]Policy Qualifier Info:
Policy Qualifier Id = CPS
CRL Distribution Policies
[1]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
URL=<Primary CDP URL>
[2]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name: URL=<Secondary CDP URL>
(Only for certificates issued
by “Comodo Class 3 Security
Services CA”)
[3]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
Name=<CRL Request Email Address>
Authority Information Access
(omitted when Issuing CA is
“Comodo Class 3 Security
Services CA”)
[1]Authority Info Access
Access Method=Certification Authority Issuer (
Alternative Name:
URL=<Primary AIA URL>
[2]Authority Info Access
Access Method=Certification Authority Issuer (
Alternative Name:
URL=<Secondary AIA URL>
Subject Alternate Name
(omitted from Custom Client
RFC822 Name = email address
Thumbprint Algorithm
PositiveSSL Secure Server Certificate
PositiveSSL / PositiveSSL Wildcard
Signature Algorithm
CN PositiveSSL CA
O Comodo CA Limited
L Salford
S Greater Manchester
1 Year / 2 Year / 3 Year / 4 Year / 5 Year / 6 Year / 7 Year / 8 Year / 9 Year / 10
CN <domain name>
OU PositiveSSL
OU Domain Control Validated
Authority Key Identifier
KeyID only.
Key Usage (NonCritical)
Digital Signature , Key Encipherment(A0)
Netscape Certificate
SSL Client Authentication, SSL Server Authentication (c0)
Basic Constraint
Subject Type=End Entity
Path Length Constraint=None
Certificate Policies
[1]Certificate Policy:
Policy Identifier=
[1,1]Policy Qualifier Info:
Policy Qualifier Id=CPS
CRL Distribution
[1]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
URL=<Primary CDP URL>
[2]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
URL=<Secondary CDP URL>
Authority Information
[1]Authority Info Access
Access Method=Certification Authority Issuer (
Alternative Name:
URL=<Primary AIA URL>
[2]Authority Info Access
Access Method=Certification Authority Issuer (
Alternative Name:
URL=<Secondary AIA URL>
Thumbprint Alg
PositiveSSL Secure Server Certificate
OptimumSSL / OptimumSSL Wildcard
Signature Algorithm
CN OptimumSSL CA
O Comodo CA Limited
L Salford
S Greater Manchester
1 Year / 2 Year / 3 Year / 4 Year / 5 Year / 6 Year / 7 Year / 8 Year / 9 Year / 10
CN <domain name>
OU OptimumSSL
OU Domain Control Validated
Authority Key Identifier
KeyID only.
Key Usage (NonCritical)
Digital Signature , Key Encipherment(A0)
Netscape Certificat
SSL Client Authentication, SSL Server Authentication (c0)
Basic Constraint
Subject Type=End Entity
Path Length Constraint=None
Certificate Policies
[1]Certificate Policy:
Policy Identifier=
[1,1]Policy Qualifier Info:
Policy Qualifier Id=CPS
CRL Distribution
[1]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
URL=<Primary CDP URL>
[2]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
URL=<Secondary CDP URL>
Authority Information
[1]Authority Info Access
Access Method=Certification Authority Issuer (
Alternative Name:
URL=<Primary AIA URL>
[2]Authority Info Access
Access Method=Certification Authority Issuer (
Alternative Name:
URL=<Secondary AIA URL>
Thumbprint Algorithm
Comodo MDC
Signature Algorit
(Option 1)
L Salt Lake City
Issuer (Option 2)
CN Comodo High Assurance Secure Server CA
OU © 2008 Comodo CA Limited
OU Terms and Conditions of Use:
OU Comodo Trust Network
O Comodo CA Limited
1 Year / 2 Year / 3 Year
CN Common Name [Name Windows displays as “Issued To” –
Typically Entity Name like O field]
OU Hosted by [Web Host Reseller Subscriber Name]
Issued through [EPKI Manager Subscriber Name]
Provided by [Powered SSL Subscriber Name]
O Organisation
OU Organisation Unit
L Locality
S Street
C Country
CN Domain Name 1
CN Domain Name 2
CN Domain Name 3 (etc. to Domain Name 100)
CN Common Name [Name Windows displays as “Issued To” –
Typically Entity Name like O field]
Enhanced Key Usage
Server Authentication (
Client Authentication (
Microsoft SGC (
Netscape SGC (2.16.840.1.113730.4.1)
Key Usage (NonCritical)
Digital Signature , Key Encipherment(A0)
Netscape Certificate Type
SSL Client Authentication, SSL Server
Basic Constraint
Subject Type=End Entity
Path Length Constraint=None
Certificate Policies
[1]Certificate Policy:
Policy Identifier=
[1,1]Policy Qualifier Info:
Policy Qualifier Id=CPS
CRL Distribution Points
[1]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
URL= <Primary CDP URL>
[2]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
URL=<Secondary CDP URL>
Authority Information
Access (non-critical)
[1]Authority Info Access
Access Method=Certification Authority Issuer (
Alternative Name:
URL=<Primary AIA URL>
[2]Authority Info Access
Access Method=Certification Authority Issuer (
Alternative Name:
URL=<Secondary AIA URL>
Subject Alternate Name
DNS Name=Domain Name 1
DNS Name=Domain Name 2
DNS Name=Domain Name 3
….up to
DNS Name=Domain Name 100
Thumbprint Algorithm
Code Signing Certificate
Signature Algorithm
CN UTN-USERFirst-Object
L Salt Lake City
1 Year / 2 Year / 3 Year
CN Common Name (name of subscriber)
O Organization
OU Organization Unit
L Locality
S State
PostalCode Zip or Postal Code
C Country
Authority Key Identi
KeyID only.
Key Usage (NonCritical)
Digital Signature , Key Encipherment(A0)
Netscape Certificate
Signature (10)
Extended Key Usage
Code Signing (
Basic Constraint
Subject Type=End Entity
Path Length Constraint=None
cate Policies
[1]Certificate Policy:
Policy Identifier=
[1,1]Policy Qualifier Info:
Policy Qualifier Id=CPS
CRL Distribution
[1]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
URL=<Primary CDP URL>
Subject Alternative
RFC822 Name = <Email Address>
Thumbprint Algorithm
Signature Algorithm
Sha1 / RSA
CN Comodo Content Verification Services
O Comodo CA Limited
L Salford
S Greater Manchester
30 days / 1 Year
Authority Key Identifier
KeyID only.
Key Usage (Critical)
Digital Signature
Netscape Certificate
Signature (10)
Extended Key Usage
Basic Constraint
Subject Type=End Entity
Path Length Constraint=None
Certificate Policies
[1]Certificate Policy:
Policy Identifier=
[1,1]Policy Qualifier Info:
Policy Qualifier Id=CPS
CRL Distribution
[1]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
URL=<Primary CDP URL>
Subject Alternative
RFC822 Name = <Email Address>
Thumbprint Algorithm
Essential SSL Secure Server Certificate
Essential SSL / Essential SSL Wildcard / Essential SSL
Signature Alg
Sha1 / RSA
CN Essential SSL
O Comodo CA Limited
L Salford
S Greater Manchester
1 Year / 2 Year / 3 year
CN <domain name>
OU Essential SSL
OU Domain Control Validated
Authority Key Identifier
Key ID only.
Key Usage
Digital Signature , Key Encipherment (A0)
Netscape Certificate
SSL Client Authentication, SSL Server Authentication (c0)
Basic Constraint
Subject Type=End Entity
Path Length Constraint=None
Certificate Policies
[1]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
URL=<Primary CDP URL>
[2]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
URL=<Secondary CDP URL>
Authority Information
[1]Authority Info Access
Access Method=Certification Authority Issuer (
Alternative Name:
URL=<Primary AIA URL>
[2]Authority Info Access
Access Method=Certification Authority Issuer (
Alternative Name:
URL=<Secondary AIA URL>
Unified Communications Certificate
Serial Number
Serial Number of Certificate
Signature Algorithm
(option 1)
CN Essential SSL
O Comodo CA Limited
L Salford
S Greater Manchester
(option 2)
L Salt Lake City
1 Year, 2 Years, or 3 Years
CN <domain name>
OU Comodo Unified Communications
O <organization name>
Street <organization address>
L <organization city/locality>
S <organization state>
PostalCode <organization postal code>
C <organization country code>
Public Key
<Public Key of Certificate>
Authority Key Identifier
KeyID only.
Subject Key Identified
Subject Key ID
Enhanced Key Usage
Server Authentication (
Client Authentication (
Certificate Policies
[1]Certificate Policy:
Policy Identifier=
[1,1]Policy Qualifier Info:
Policy Qualifier Id=CPS
CRL Distribution
[1]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
URL=<primary CRL URL>
[2]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
URL=<secondary CRL URL>
Authority Information
[1]Authority Info Access
Access Method = On-line Certificate Status Protocol (
Alternative Name:
Subject Alternative
DNS Name = <domain name> (up to 100 DNS listings>
Key Usage (NonCritical)
Digital Signature , Key Encipherment (a0)
Thumbprint Algorithm
Intel Pro SSL
Signature Algorithm
CN Intel Pro SSL
O Comodo CA Limited
L Salford
S Greater Manchester
1 -5 Years
CN <domain name>
OU Instant DV SSL
OU Domain Control Validated
Authority Key Identifier
KeyID only.
Key Usage (NonCritical)
Digital Signature , Key Encipherment(A0)
Netscape Certificate
SSL Client Authentication, SSL Server Authentication (c0)
Basic Constraint
Subject Type=End Entity
Path Length Constraint=None
Certificate Policies
[1]Certificate Policy:
Policy Identifier=
[1,1]Policy Qualifier Info:
Policy Qualifier Id=CPS
CRL Distribution
[1]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
URL=<Primary CDP URL>
[2]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
URL=<Secondary CDP URL>
Authority Information
[1]Authority Info Access
Access Method=Certification Authority Issuer (
Alternative Name:
URL=<Primary AIA URL>
[2]Authority Info Access
Access Method=Certification Authority Issuer (
Alternative Name:
URL=<Secondary AIA URL>
Thumbprint Algorithm
Educational Certificates
Signature Algorithm
Issuer (Option 1)
L Salt Lake City
Issuer (Option 2)
L Salt Lake City
1 Year / 2 Year / 3 Year / 4 Year / 5 Year
CN Common Name
OU Educational Certificate
O Organization
OU Organization Unit (optional)
L Locality (optional)
Street Street (optional)
S State (optional)
Zip or Postal Code (optional)
C Country
Authority Key Identifier
KeyID only is specified.
Key Usage (NonCritical)
Digital Signature , Key Encipherment(A0)
Extended Key Usage
Server Authentication (
Client Authentication (
Netscape Certificate Type
SSL Client Authentication, SSL Server Authentication(c0)
Basic Constraint
Subject Type=End Entity
Path Length Constraint=None
Certificate Policies
[1] Certificate Policy:
PolicyIdentifier =
[1,1]Policy Qualifier Info:
Policy Qualifier Id = CPS
Subject Alternative Name
Up to 100 Domain Names
Authority Information
1]Authority Info Access
Access Method = id-ad-caIssuers (
URL=<Primary AIA URL>
[2]Authority Info Access
Access Method = id-ad-ocsp (
CRL Distribution Policies
[1]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
URL=<Primary CDP URL>
[2]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
URL=<Secondary CDP URL>
Thumbprint Algorithm
Signature Algorithm
Issuer (Option 1)
L Salt Lake City
Issuer (Option 2)
L Salt Lake City
13 Months
DC Type of Authenticating Organization
DC Name of Authenticating Organization
DC Unit of Authenticating Organization
CN Common Name
OU IGTF Certificate
O Organization
L Locality (optional)
Street Street (optional)
S State (optional)
Zip or Postal Code (optional)
C Country
Authority Key Identifier
KeyID only is specified.
Key Usage (NonCritical)
Digital Signature, Key Encipherment(A0)
Extended Key Usage
Server Authentication (
Client Authentication (
Netscape Certificate Type
SSL Client Authentication, SSL Server Authentication(c0)
Basic Constraint
Subject Type = End Entity
Path Length Constraint = None
Certificate Policies
[1] Certificate Policy:
PolicyIdentifier =
[1,1]Policy Qualifier Info:
Policy Qualifier Id = CPS
[2} Certificate Policy:
Subject Alternative Name
Up to 100 Domain Names
Authority Information
1]Authority Info Access
Access Method = id-ad-caIssuers (
URL=<Primary AIA URL>
[2]Authority Info Access
Access Method = id-ad-ocsp (
CRL Distribution Policies
[1]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
URL=<Primary CDP URL>
[2]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
URL=<Secondary CDP URL>
Thumbprint Algorithm
ComodoSSL Certificates
Signature Algorithm
Issuer (Option 1)
L Salford
S Greater Manchester
1 month thru 60 months
CN Common Name (domain name)
OU Domain Control Validated
Authority Key Identifier
KeyID only is specified.
Key Usage (Critical)
Digital Signature, Key Encipherment(A0)
Extended Key Usage
Server Authentication (
Client Authentication (
Basic Constraint
Subject Type = End Entity
Path Length Constraint = None
Certificate Policies
[1] Certificate Policy:
PolicyIdentifier =
[1,1]Policy Qualifier Info:
Policy Qualifier Id = CPS
Subject Alternative Name
Up to 200 Domain Names
Authority Information
1]Authority Info Access
Access Method = id-ad-caIssuers (
Alternative Name:
[2]Authority Info Access
Access Method = id-ad-ocsp (
CRL Distribution Policies
[1]CRL Distribution Point
Distribution Point Name:
Full Name:
Thumbprint Algorithm
2.13 Comodo Certificate Revocation List Profile
The profile of the Comodo Certificate Revocation List is as per the table below:
[Version 1]
Issuer Name
CountryName = [Root Certificate Country Name],
OrganizationName=[Root Certificate Organization],
CommonName=[Root Certificate Common Name]
[UTF8String encoding]
This Update
[Date of Issuance]
Next Update
[Date of Issuance + 24 hours]
Revoked Certificates
CRL Entries
Certificate Serial Number [Certificate Serial Number]
Date and Time of Revocation [Date and Time of Revocation]
3 Organization
Comodo operates within the United Kingdom and the United States, with separate operations,
research & development and server operation sites. All sites operate under a security policy
designed to, within reason, detect, deter and prevent unauthorized logical or physical access to
CA related facilities. This section of the CPS outlines the security policy, physical and logical
access control mechanisms, service levels and personnel policy in use to provide trustworthy and
reliable CA operations.
3.1 Conformance to this CPS
Comodo conforms to this CPS and other obligations it undertakes through adjacent contracts
when it provides its services.
3.2 Termination of CA Operations
In case of termination of CA operations for any reason whatsoever, Comodo will provide timely
notice and transfer of responsibilities to succeeding entities, maintenance of records, and
remedies. Before terminating its own CA activities, Comodo will take the following steps, where
• Providing subscribers of valid certificates with ninety (90) days’ notice of its intention
to cease acting as a CA.
• Revoking all certificates that are still un-revoked or un-expired at the end of the ninety
(90) day notice period without seeking subscriber’s consent.
• Giving timely notice of revocation to each affected subscriber.
• Making reasonable arrangements to preserve its records according to this CPS.
• Reserving its right to provide succession arrangements for the re-issuance of
certificates by a successor CA that has all relevant permissions to do so and complies
with all necessary rules, while its operation is at least as secure as Comodo’s.
The requirements of this article may be varied by contract, to the extent that such modifications
affect only the contracting parties.
3.3 Form of Records
Comodo retains records in electronic or in paper-based format for a period detailed in section 3.4
of this CPS. Comodo may require subscribers to submit appropriate documentation in support of
a certificate application.
Comodo Registration Authorities are required to submit appropriate documentation as detailed in
the Reseller Partner agreements, Web Host Reseller Partner agreements, EPKI Manager
Account Holder agreement, Powered SSL Partner agreement, and prior to being validated and
successfully accepted as an approved Comodo Registration Authority. In their role as a Comodo
Registration Authority, RAs may require documentation from subscribers to support certificate
applications. In such circumstances, RAs are obliged to retain such records in line with the
practices of record retention and protection as used by Comodo and as stated in this CPS.
3.4 Records Retention Period
Comodo retains the records of Comodo digital certificates and the associated documentation for
a term of than 7 years, or as necessary to comply with applicable laws. The retention term begins
on the date of expiration or revocation. Copies of certificates are held, regardless of their status
(such as expired or revoked). Such records may be retained in electronic, in paper-based format
or any other format that Comodo may see fit.
Such records are archived at a secure off-site location and are maintained in a form that prevents
unauthorized modification, substitution or destruction.
3.5 Logs for Core Functions
For audit purposes, Comodo maintains electronic or manual logs of the following events for core
functions. All logs are backed up on removable media and the media held at a secure off-site
location on a daily basis. These media are only removed by Comodo staff on a visit to the data
centre, and when not in the data centre are held either in a safe in a locked office within the
development site, or off-site in a secure storage facility.
An audit log is maintained of each movement of the removable media. Logs are archived by the
system administrator on a weekly basis and event journals reviewed on a weekly basis by CA
management. Both current and archived logs are maintained in a form that prevents unauthorized
modification, substitution or destruction. When the removable media reaches the end of its life it
is wiped by a third party secure data destruction facility and the certificates of destruction are
All logs include the following elements:
• Date and time of entry
• Serial or sequence number of entry
• Method of entry
• Source of entry
• Identity of entity making log entry
3.5.1 CA & Certificate Lifecycle Management
• CA Root signing key functions, including key generation, backup, recovery and
• Subscriber certificate life cycle management, including successful and unsuccessful
certificate applications, certificate issuances, certificate re-issuances and certificate
• Subscriber certificate revocation requests, including revocation reason
• Subscriber changes of affiliation that would invalidate the validity of an existing
• Certificate Revocation List updates, generations and issuances
• Custody of keys and of devices and media holding keys
• Compromise of a private key
3.5.2 Security Related Events
• System downtime, software crashes and hardware failures
• CA system actions performed by Comodo personnel, including software updates,
hardware replacements and upgrades
• Cryptographic hardware security module events, such as usage, de-installation,
service or repair and retirement
• Successful and unsuccessful Comodo PKI access attempts
• Secure CA facility visitor entry and exit
3.5.3 Certificate Application Information
• The documentation and other related information presented by the applicant as part
of the application validation process
• Storage locations, whether physical or electronic, of presented documents
3.6 Business Continuity Plans and Disaster Recovery
To maintain the integrity of its services Comodo implements, documents and periodically tests
appropriate contingency and disaster recovery plans and procedures. Such plans are revised and
updated as may be required at least once a year.
• Comodo operates a fully redundant CA system. The backup CA is readily
available in the event that the primary CA should cease operation. All of our
critical computer equipment is housed in a co-location facility run by a
commercial data-centre, and all of the critical computer equipment is duplicated
within the facility. Incoming power and connectivity feeds are duplicated. The
duplicate equipment is ready to take over the role of providing the
implementation of the CA, and allows us to specify a maximum system outage
time (in case of critical systems failure) of 1 hour.
• Backup of critical CA software is performed weekly and is stored offsite.
• Backup of critical business information is performed daily and is stored offsite.
• Comodo operations are distributed across several sites worldwide. All sites
offer facilities to manage the lifecycle of a certificate, including but not limited to
the application, issuance, revocation and renewal of such certificates.
As well as a fully redundant CA system, Comodo maintains provisions for the activation of a
backup CA and a secondary site should the primary site suffer a total loss of systems. This
disaster recovery plan states that Comodo will endeavor to minimize interruptions to its CA
3.7 Availability of Revocation Data
Comodo publishes Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) to allow relying parties to verify a digital
signature made using a Comodo issued digital certificate. Each CRL contains entries for all
revoked un-expired certificates issued and is valid for 24 hours. Comodo issues a new CRL every
24 hours and includes a monotonically increasing sequence number for each CRL issued. Under
special circumstances, Comodo may publish new CRLs prior to the expiry of the current CRL. All
expired CRLs are archived (as described in section 3.4 of this CPS) for a period of 7 years or
longer if applicable. For Code Signing Certificates revoked due to key compromise or that have
been issued to unauthorized persons, Comodo will maintain certificate information on CRLs for at
least 20 years.
Comodo also publishes certificate status information using Online Certificate Status Protocol
(OCSP). Comodo’s OCSP responders are capable of providing a ‘good’ or ‘revoked’ status for all
certificates issued under the terms of this CPS. In the case of Code Signing Certificates only, the
OCSP responders will continue to give a ‘good’ status for unrevoked certificates even after their
expiry – for at least 20 years from issuance. In the case of all other certificate types the OCSP
responders will give an ‘unknown’ response for expired certificates.
3.8 Publication of Critical Information
Comodo publishes this CPS, certificate terms and conditions, the relying party agreement and
copies of all subscriber agreements in the official Comodo repository at Comodo Certificate Policy Authority maintains the
Comodo repository. All updates, amendments and legal promotions are logged in accordance
with the logging procedures referenced in section 3.5 of this CPS.
3.9 Confidential Information
Comodo observes applicable rules on the protection of personal data deemed by law or the
Comodo privacy policy (see section 3.11 of this CPS) to be confidential.
3.9.1 Types of Information deemed as Confidential
Comodo keeps the following types of information confidential and maintains reasonable controls
to prevent the exposure of such records to non-trusted personnel.
• Subscriber agreements.
• Certificate application records and documentation submitted in support of
certificate applications whether successful or rejected.
• Transaction records and financial audit records.
• External or internal audit trail records and reports, except for WebTrust audit
reports that may be published at the discretion of Comodo.
• Contingency plans and disaster recovery plans.
• Internal tracks and records on the operations of Comodo infrastructure,
certificate management and enrolment services and data.
3.9.2 Types of Information not deemed as Confidential
Subscribers acknowledge that revocation data of all certificates issued by the Comodo CA is
public information is published every 24 hours. Subscriber application data marked as “Public” in
the relevant subscriber agreement and submitted as part of a certificate application is published
within an issued digital certificate in accordance with section 2.12.4 of this CPS.
3.9.3 Access to Confidential Information
All personnel in trusted positions handle all information in strict confidence. Personnel of
RA/LRAs especially must comply with the requirements of the English law on the protection of
personal data.
3.9.4 Release of Confidential Information
Comodo is not required to release any confidential information, unless as otherwise required by
law, without an authenticated, reasonably specific request by an authorized party specifying:
• The party to whom Comodo owes a duty to keep information confidential.
• The party requesting such information.
• A court order, if any.
3.10 Personnel Management and Practices
Consistent with this CPS Comodo follows personnel and management practices that provide
reasonable assurance of the trustworthiness and competence of their employees and of the
satisfactory performance of their duties.
3.10.1 Trusted roles
Trusted roles relate to access to the Comodo account management system, with functional
permissions applied on an individual basis. Senior members of the management team decide
permissions, with signed authorizations being archived.
Trusted personnel must identify and authenticate themselves to the system before access is
granted. Identification is via a username, with authentication requiring a password and digital
3.10.2 Personnel controls
All trusted personnel have background checks before access is granted to Comodo’s systems.
These checks include, but are not limited to, credit history, employment history for references and
a Companies House cross-reference to disqualified directors. Training of personnel is undertaken
via a mentoring process involving senior members of the team to which they are attached.
3.11 Privacy Policy
Comodo has implemented a privacy policy, which complies with this CPS. The Comodo privacy
policy is published at the Comodo repository at
3.12 Publication of information
The Comodo certificate services and the Comodo repository are accessible through several
means of communication:
• On the web:
• By email from [email protected]
• and by mail from:
Comodo CA Ltd.
Attention: Legal Practices,
3rd Floor, Office Village, Exchange Quay, Trafford Road
Salford, Manchester, M5 3EQ, United Kingdom
Tel: + 44(0) 161 874 7070
Fax: + 44(0) 161 877 1767
4 Practices and Procedures
This section describes the certificate application process, including the information required to
make and support a successful application.
4.1 Certificate Application Requirements
All Certificate applicants must complete the enrolment process, which may include:
• Generate a RSA key pair and demonstrate to Comodo ownership of the private
key half of the key pair through the submission of a valid PKCS#10 Certificate
Signing Request (CSR) (or SPKAC request for certain Comodo TF or Dual Use
• Make all reasonable efforts to protect the integrity the private key half of the key
• Submit to Comodo a certificate application, including application information as
detailed in this CPS, a public key half of a key pair, and agree to the terms of
the relevant subscriber agreement
• Provide proof of identity through the submission of official documentation as
requested by Comodo during the enrolment process
Certificate applications are submitted to either Comodo or a Comodo approved RA. The
following table details the entity(s) involved in the processing of certificate applications.
Comodo issues all certificates regardless of the processing entity.
Certificate Type
Enrolment Entity
Issuing Authority
Secure Server Certificate -
all types as per section 2.4.1
of this CPS
End Entity Subscriber Comodo Comodo
Secure Server Certificate -
all types as per section 2.4.1
of this CPS
Web Host Reseller on
behalf of End Entity
Web Host Reseller Comodo
Personal Secure Email
End Entity Subscriber Comodo Comodo
Corporate Secure Email
End Entity Subscriber
EPKI Manager
Account Holder
Comodo TF Certificate End User Subscriber Financial Institution Comodo
Content Verification Certificate End Entity Subscriber Comodo Comodo
Code Signing Certificate End Entity Subscriber Comodo Comodo
Comodo Dual Use Certificate
End User or Administrator
of Subscriber
Subscriber Comodo
4.1.1 Web Host Reseller Partner Certificate Applications
Web Host Reseller Partners may act as RAs under the practices and policies stated within this
CPS. The RA may make the application on behalf of the applicant pursuant to the Web Host
Reseller program.
Under such circumstances, the RA is responsible for all the functions on behalf of the applicant
detailed in section 4.1 of this CPS. Such responsibilities are detailed and maintained within the
Web Host Reseller agreement and guidelines.
4.1.2 EPKI Manager Account Holder Certificate Applications
EPKI Manager Account Holders act as RAs under the practices and policies stated within this
CPS. The RA makes the application for a secure server certificate to be used by a named server,
or a secure email certificate to be used by a named employee, partner or extranet user under a
domain name that Comodo has validated either belongs to, or may legally be used by the EPKI
Manager Account holding organization. Validation for adding domains to the EPKI Manager
account may occur solely using a domain authorization letter.
4.1.3 Methods of application
Generally, applicants will complete the online forms made available by Comodo or by approved
RAs at the respective official websites. Under special circumstances, the applicant may submit an
application via email; however, this process is available at the discretion of Comodo or its RAs.
EPKI Manager Account Holder applications are made through the EPKI Manager Management
Console – a web based console hosted and supported by Comodo.
4.2 Application Validation
Prior to issuing a Certificate or issuing a Site Seal, Comodo employs controls to validate the
identity of the subscriber information featured in the certificate application. Such controls are
indicative of the product type:
4.2.1 Secure Server Certificates Validation Process
Comodo utilizes a two-step validation process prior to the issuance of a Secure Server
Certificate, or three-step process prior to issuing a Code Signing Certificate.
This process involves Comodo, automatically or manually, reviewing the application information
provided by the applicant (as per section 4.3 of this CPS) for the following :
1. That the applicant has the right to use the domain name in the application (or, in the case
of Code Signing Certificates, the domain name used in the application email address, i.e.,
for email address [email protected]
, applicant must demonstrate exclusive control
of, which is validated by:
i. Reviewing domain name ownership records available publicly through Internet or
approved global domain name registrars, or
ii. For government and educational institution associated with a .EDU or .GOB
domain only, receiving a letter on official departmental letterhead, with the order
details and a statement verifying that the signor (which must be a WHOIS contact
or senior member of management) is authorized to act on behalf of the
iii. Validation may also be supplemented: (1) by sending an email to a generic
address only available to the person(s) controlling the domain name
administration, e.g.,, [email protected],, etc. or (2) direct communication with the administrator
associated with the domain name register record.
2. To authenticate the identity of the certificate requestor, which is done by one of the
i. For organization entities, identity is authenticated by using at least one third party
database or service, or organizational documentation filed or issued with a
government agency or competent authority, or
ii. For non-organization individuals, identity is authenticated by documentation such
as a bank statement, passport, driving license, or other such documents.
3. When validating Code Signing Certificates, the applicant will be contacted at a verified
telephone number to confirm that the applicant requested the Certificate, and in the case
of organizations, that the person submitting the application on behalf of that organization
is authorized to do so. Telephone numbers are verified through third party databases or
submission of a telephone bill under the name and address of the applicant to confirm the
The above assertions are reviewed through an automated process, manual review of supporting
documentation and reference to third party official databases.
4.2.2 PositiveSSL / PositiveSSL Wildcard / PositiveSSL Trial / OptimumSSL
/ OptimumSSL Wildcard / Comodo Multi-Domain / Instant DV SSL / Instant
DV SSL Wildcard / Instant DV SSL Trial / Intel Pro SSL / Unified
Communications / ComodoSSL
To validate these secure server certificates, Comodo checks that the Subscriber has control over
the Domain name at the time the Subscriber submitted its enrollment certificates by reviewing the
application information provided by the applicant (as per Section 4.3 of this CPS); and
1. Reviewing domain name ownership records publicly available through Internet approved
global domain registrars and using generic e-mails which ordinarily are only available to
person(s) controlling the domain name administration, for example, webmaster@ . . .,
postmaster@ . . ., admin@; or
2. Requesting documentation that verifies control of the domain.
In addition, Comodo at its discretion may establish domain control by utilizing third party domain
name registrars and directories, by verifying control of the domain by practical demonstration of
the control of the domain, by implementing further validation processes including out of bands
validation of the applicant’s submitted information, or by relying on the accuracy of the applicant’s
application and the representations made in the subscriber agreement.
4.2.3 InstantSSL / Trial SSL / Content Verification Certificates
Comodo operates a website identity assurance database referred to as IdAuthority. The database
contains pre-validated identification records for known domain names and uses automated
algorithms to marry domain name ownership records (from global domain name registrars) with
company ownership identification records (from official government and third party company
information sources).
If IdAuthority contains sufficient pre-validated records for the domain name used in an application,
Comodo may employ the data held by IdAuthority to expedite the validation process. If application
data matches the records held by IdAuthority, manual validation intervention is not required. In
the event that the application data does not match the prevalidated records, the application is
processed manually by a Comodo validation officer in accordance with the two-step process
outlined in section 4.2.1 of this CPS.
4.2.4 InstantSSL / ProSSL / PremiumSSL / PremiumSSL Wildcard / EliteSSL
/GoldSSL / PlatinumSSL / PlatinumSSL Wildcard / PremiumSSL Legacy /
PremiumSSL Legacy Wildcard / PlatinumSSL Legacy / PlatinumSSL Legacy
Wildcard / PlatinumSSL SGC Legacy / PlatinumSSL SGC Legacy Wildcard /
Comodo SGC SSL / Comodo SGC SSL Wildcard / Educational Certificate /
IGTF Certificate
These certificates are processed by a Comodo validation officer in accordance with the process
outlined in section 4.2.1 of this CPS. Comodo may employ the data held by IdAuthority to
expedite the validation process. If application data matches the records held by IdAuthority,
manual validation intervention is not required. In the event that the application data does not
match the pre-validated records, the application is processed manually by a Comodo validation
officer in accordance with the process outlined in section 4.2.1 of this CPS.
4.2.5 Intranet SSL
Intranet certificate applications are only accepted for servers on internal networks, which are
defined as non-Fully Qualified Domain Names and non-public IP addresses. During the
application process Comodo verifies in real time that the common name (server name) submitted
in the application is neither a Domain Name nor a publicly available IP address. Upon successful
verification that the Intranet certificate cannot be used publicly on the Internet, the certificate will
be issued.
Comodo validates that an Intranet certificate cannot be used as a public certificate. As the
Intranet certificate is restricted for use only within a closed network, the company identity
associated with the certificate need not, nor is, validated.
4.2.6 Personal Secure Email Certificate
The Personal Secure Email Certificate is persona non-validated. Comodo only validates the right
for the applicant to use the submitted email address. This is achieved through the delivery via
email of unique login details to online certificate collection facilities hosted by Comodo. The login
details are sent via email to the address submitted during the certificate application.
Once logged into the online certificate collection facilities and prior to the installation of the
Personal Secure Email Certificate, Comodo validates using an automated cryptographic
challenge that the applicant holds the private key associated with the public key submitted during
the application process. If the automated challenge is successful, Comodo will release the digital
certificate to the subscriber.
4.2.7 Corporate Secure Email Certificate
Corporate Secure Email Certificates are only available through the EPKI Manager and will only
be issued to email addresses within approved domain names. The EPKI Manager Account
Holder must first submit a domain name to Comodo and appropriate domain name ownership, or
right to use a domain name, validation takes place in accordance with 4.2.1 of this CPS except
that a domain authorization letter may be used in substitution of any domain ownership validation.
Upon successful validation of a submitted domain name or receipt of domain authorization letter,
Comodo allows the EPKI Manager Account Holder to utilize email addresses within the domain
The EPKI Manager nominated administrator applies for Corporate Secure Email Certificates. The
administrator will submit the secure email certificate end-entity information on behalf of the end-
entity. An email is then delivered to the end-entity containing unique login details to online
certificate generation and collection facilities hosted by Comodo. Once logged into the online
certificate generation and collection facilities, the end-entity’s browser creates a public and private
key pair. The public key is submitted to Comodo who will issue a Corporate Secure Email
Certificate containing the public key. Comodo then validates using an automated cryptographic
challenge that the applicant holds the private key associated with the public key submitted during
this automated application process. If the automated challenge is successful, Comodo will
release the digital certificate to the end-entity subscriber.
4.2.8 Code Signing Certificate / Time Stamping Certificate
Code Signing Certificates and Time Stamping Certificates are processed by a Comodo validation
officer in accordance with the process outlined in section 4.2.1 of this CPS.
4.2.9 Comodo TF
Validation procedures of applicants for Comodo TF Certificates are performed by approved
financial institutions validating the subscriber’s existing online account username and password.
4.2.10 [Reserved]
4.2.11 Custom Client Certificates
Comodo Custom Client Certificates may receive one of the following levels of verification:
Persona non validated: No identity validation is performed. The subscriber may be
required to show their access to an email address identified in the certificate. Persona
non validated is further described in 4.2.6.
Domain validation: The subscriber’s must demonstrate their access to a domain name
specified in the certificate. Domain validation is further described in Section 4.2.2
Identity validation: Information about an entity’s identity is verified as described in Section
4.2.4. For individuals this might include requiring the individual to appear before the CA,
an agent of the CA, or a notary or similar official. The official must check the identity of
the subscriber against recognized government identification.
Custom Client Certificates issued from partners are validated in accordance with the validation
procedures set by the partner. Interested parties are directed to the partner for full information on
the validation of their custom client certificates.
4.2.12 Comodo Dual Use Certificates
Validation procedures of applicants for Comodo Dual Use Certificates are performed by Comodo
or an RA. Authentication is based on the physical presence of the Applicant before an agent of
the CA or RA or before a notary or other official with comparable authority. The agent, notary, or
other official is responsible for checking the identity of the Applicant. An RA may issue the
Certificate to its own employees and users if the organization authenticates the employment of
the employee and the employee’s authorization to obtain a Certificate. Verification by Comodo is
based on the confirmation of the identity of the Applicant in connection with their Application.
4.3 Validation Information for Certificate Applications
Applications for Comodo certificates are supported by appropriate documentation to establish the
identity of an applicant.
From time to time, Comodo may modify the requirements related to application information for
individuals, to respond to Comodo’s requirements, the business context of the usage of a digital
certificate, or as prescribed by law.
4.3.1 Application Information for Organizational Applicants
The following elements are critical information elements for a Comodo certificate issued to an
Organization. Those elements marked with PUBLIC are present within an issued certificate and
are therefore within the public domain. Those elements not marked with PUBLIC remain
confidential in line with the privacy and protection of data provisions outlined in this CPS.
• Legal Name of the Organization (PUBLIC)
• Organizational unit (PUBLIC)
• Street, city, postal/zip code, country (PUBLIC)
• VAT-number (if applicable)
• Company / DUNS number (if available)
• Server Software Identification
• Payment Information
• Administrator contact full name, email address and telephone
• Billing contact persons and organizational representative
• Fully Qualified Domain Name / Network Server Name / Public or Private IP (PUBLIC)
• Public Key (PUBLIC)
• Proof of right to use name
• Proof of existence and organizational status of the Organization
• Subscriber agreement, signed (if applying out of bands)
4.3.2 Supporting Documentation for Organizational Applicants
Documentation requirements for Organizational applicants include any / all of the following:
• Articles of Association
• Business License
• Certificate of Compliance
• Certificate of Incorporation
• Certificate of Authority to Transact Business
• Tax Certification
• Corporate Charter
• Official letter from an authorized representative of a government organization
• Official letter from office of Dean or Principal (for Educational Institutions)
Comodo may accept at its discretion other official organizational documentation supporting an
4.3.3 Application Information for Individual Applicants
The following elements are critical information elements for a Comodo certificate issued to an
• Legal Name of the Individual (PUBLIC)
• Organizational unit (PUBLIC)
• Street, city, postal/zip code, country (PUBLIC)
• VAT-number (if applicable)
• Server Software Identification
• Payment Information
• Administrator contact full name, email address and telephone
• Billing contact persons and organizational representative
• Fully Qualified Domain Name / Network Server Name / Public or Private IP (PUBLIC)
• Public Key (PUBLIC)
• Proof of right to use name
• Proof of existence and organizational status of the Organization
• Subscriber agreement, signed (if applying out of bands)
4.3.4 Supporting Documentation for Individual Applicants
Documentation requirements for Individual applicants shall include identification elements
such as:
• Passport
• Driving License
• Bank statement
Comodo may accept at its discretion other official documentation supporting an application.
4.4 Validation Requirements for Certificate Applications
Upon receipt of an application for a digital certificate and based on the submitted information,
Comodo confirms the following information:
• The certificate applicant is the same person as the person identified in the certificate
• The certificate applicant holds the private key corresponding to the public key to be
included in the certificate.
• The information to be published in the certificate is accurate, except for non-verified
subscriber information.
• Any agents who apply for a certificate listing the certificate applicant’s public key are
duly authorized to do so.
In all types of Comodo certificates, the subscriber has a continuous obligation to monitor the
accuracy of the submitted information and notify Comodo of any changes that would affect the
validity of the certificate. Failure to comply with the obligations as set out in the subscriber
agreement will result in the revocation of the Subscriber's Digital Certificate without further notice
to the Subscriber and the Subscriber shall pay any Charges payable but that have not yet been
paid under the Agreement
4.4.1 Third-Party Confirmation of Business Entity Information
Comodo may use the services of a third party to confirm information on a business entity that
applies for a digital certificate. Comodo accepts confirmation from third party organizations, other
third party databases and government entities.
Comodo’s controls may also include Trade Registry transcripts that confirm the registration of the
applicant company and state the members of the board, the management and Directors
representing the company.
Comodo may use any means of communication at its disposal to ascertain the identity of an
organizational or individual applicant. Comodo reserves right of refusal in its absolute discretion.
4.4.2 Serial Number Assignment
Comodo assigns certificate serial numbers that appear in Comodo certificates. Assigned serial
numbers are unique.
4.5 Time to Confirm Submitted Data
Comodo makes reasonable efforts to confirm certificate application information and issue a digital
certificate within reasonable time frames.
Comodo assures that all certificates will be issued within 2 working days after the receipt of all
required validation information as per this CPS.
4.6 Approval and Rejection of Certificate Applications
Following successful completion of all required validations of a certificate application Comodo
approves an application for a digital certificate.
If the validation of a certificate application fails, Comodo rejects the certificate application.
Comodo reserves its right to reject applications to issue a certificate to applicants if, on its own
assessment, by issuing a certificate to such parties the good and trusted name of Comodo might
get tarnished, diminished or have its value reduced and under such circumstances may do so
without incurring any liability or responsibility for any loss or expenses arising as a result of such
Applicants whose applications have been rejected may subsequently re-apply.
4.7 Certificate Issuance and Subscriber Consent
Comodo issues a certificate upon approval of a certificate application. A digital certificate is
deemed to be valid at the moment a subscriber accepts it (refer to section 4.9 of this CPS).
Issuing a digital certificate means that Comodo accepts a certificate application.
4.8 Certificate Validity
Certificates are valid upon issuance by Comodo and acceptance by the subscriber. Generally, the
certificate validity period will be from 1 to 10 years, however, Comodo reserves the right to offer
validity periods outside of this standard validity period. Comodo verifies all information that is
included in SSL certificates at time intervals of thirty-nine months or less.
4.9 Certificate Acceptance by Subscribers
An issued certificate is either delivered via email or installed on a subscriber’s computer /
hardware security module through an online collection method. A subscriber is deemed to have
accepted a certificate when:
• the subscriber uses the certificate, or
• 30 days pass from the date of the issuance of a certificate
4.10 Verification of Digital Signatures
Verification of a digital signature is used to determine that:
• the private key corresponding to the public key listed in the signer’s certificate
created the digital signature, and
• the signed data associated with this digital signature has not been altered since the
digital signature was created.
4.11 Reliance on Digital Signatures
The final decision concerning whether or not to rely on a verified digital signature is exclusively
that of the relying party. Reliance on a digital signature should only occur if:
• the digital signature was created during the operational period of a valid certificate and it
can be verified by referencing a validated certificate;
• the relying party has checked the revocation status of the certificate by referring to the
relevant Certificate Revocation Lists and the certificate has not been revoked;
• the relying party understands that a digital certificate is issued to a subscriber for a
specific purpose and that the private key associated with the digital certificate may only
be used in accordance with the usages suggested in the CPS and named as Object
Identifiers in the certificate profile; and
• the digital certificate applied for is appropriate for the application it is used in.
Reliance is accepted as reasonable under the provisions made for the relying party under this
CPS and within the relying party agreement. If the circumstances of reliance exceed the
assurances delivered by Comodo under the provisions made in this CPS, the relying party must
obtain additional assurances.
Warranties are only valid if the steps detailed above have been carried out.
4.12 Certificate Suspension
Comodo does not utilize certificate suspension.
4.13 Certificate Revocation
Revocation of a certificate is to permanently end the operational period of the certificate prior to
reaching the end of its stated validity period. Comodo may revoke a digital certificate if any of the
following occur:
• There has been loss, theft, modification, unauthorized disclosure, or other compromise
of the private key associated with the certificate;
• The Subscriber or Comodo has breached a material obligation under this CPS or the
relevant Subscriber Agreement;
• Either the Subscriber’s or Comodo’s obligations under this CPS or the relevant
Subscriber Agreement are delayed or prevented by a natural disaster, computer or
communications failure, or other cause beyond the person's reasonable control, and as
a result another person’s information is materially threatened or compromised;
• There has been a modification of the information pertaining to the Subscriber that is
contained within the certificate;
• A personal identification number, Private Key or password has, or is likely to become
known to someone not authorized to use it, or is being or is likely to be used in an
unauthorized way;
• A Subscriber's Digital Certificate has not been issued in accordance with the policies
set out in this CPS;
• The subscriber has used the Subscription Service contrary to law, rule or regulation, or
Comodo reasonably believes that the Subscriber is using the certificate, directly or
indirectly, to engage in illegal or fraudulent activity;
• The certificate was issued to persons or entities identified as publishers of malicious
software or that impersonated other persons or entities;
• The certificate was issued as a result of fraud or negligence; or
• The certificate, if not revoked, will compromise the trust status of Comodo.
4.13.1 Request for Revocation
The subscriber or other appropriately authorized parties such as RAs can request revocation
of a certificate. Prior to the revocation of a certificate Comodo will verify that the revocation
request has been:
• Made by the organization or individual entity that has made the certificate application.
• Made by the RA on behalf of the organization or individual entity that used the RA to
make the certificate application
Comodo employs the following procedure for authenticating a revocation request:
• The revocation request must be sent by the Administrator contact associated with the
certificate application. Comodo may if necessary also request that the revocation
request be made by either / or the organizational contact and billing contact.
• Upon receipt of the revocation request Comodo will request confirmation from the
known administrator out of bands contact details, either by telephone or by fax.
• Comodo validation personnel will then command the revocation of the certificate and
logging of the identity of validation personnel and reason for revocation will be
maintained in accordance with the logging procedures covered in this CPS.
4.13.2 Effect of Revocation
Upon revocation of a certificate, the operational period of that certificate is immediately
considered terminated. The serial number of the revoked certificate will be placed within the
Certificate Revocation List (CRL) and remains on the CRL until sometime after the end of the
certificate’s validity period. An updated CRL is published on the Comodo website every 24 hours;
however, under special circumstances the CRL may be published more frequently. In addition,
Comodo’s systems are configured to pre-generate OCSP responses using the private key of the
certificate. This provides real-time information regarding the validity of the Certificate making the
revocation information immediately available through the OCSP.
4.14 Renewal
Depending on the option selected during application, the validity period of Comodo certificates is
1, 2 or 3 years from the date of issuance and is detailed in the relevant field within the certificate.
Renewal fees are detailed on the official Comodo websites and within communications sent to
subscribers approaching the certificate expiration date.
Renewal application requirements and procedures are the same as those employed for the
application validation and issuance requirements detailed for new customers.
4.15 Notice Prior to Expiration
Comodo shall make reasonable efforts to notify subscribers via e-mail of the imminent expiration
of a digital certificate. Notice shall ordinarily be provided within a 60-day period prior to the expiry
of the certificate.
5 Legal Conditions of Issuance
This part describes the legal representations, warranties and limitations associated with Comodo
digital certificates.
5.1 Comodo Representations
Comodo makes to all subscribers and relying parties certain representations regarding its public
service, as described below. Comodo reserves its right to modify such representations as it sees
fit or required by law.
5.2 Information Incorporated by Reference into a Comodo Digital
Comodo incorporates by reference the following information in every digital certificate it issues:
• Terms and conditions of the digital certificate.
• Any other applicable certificate policy as may be stated on an issued Comodo
certificate, including the location of this CPS.
• The mandatory elements of the standard X.509v3.
• Any non-mandatory but customized elements of the standard X.509v3.
• Content of extensions and enhanced naming that are not fully expressed within a
• Any other information that is indicated to be so in a field of a certificate.
5.3 Displaying Liability Limitations, and Warranty Disclaimers
Comodo certificates may include a brief statement describing limitations of liability, limitations in
the value of transactions to be accomplished, validation period, and intended purpose of the
certificate and disclaimers of warranty that may apply. Subscribers must agree to Comodo Terms
& Conditions before signing-up for a certificate. To communicate information Comodo may use:
• An organizational unit attribute.
• A Comodo standard resource qualifier to a certificate policy.
• Proprietary or other vendors’ registered extensions.
5.4 Publication of Certificate Revocation Data
Comodo reserves its right to publish a CRL (Certificate Revocation List) as may be indicated.
5.5 Duty to Monitor the Accuracy of Submitted Information
In all cases and for all types of Comodo certificates the subscriber has a continuous obligation to
monitor the accuracy of the submitted information and notify Comodo of any such changes.
5.6 Publication of Information
Published critical information may be updated from time to time as prescribed in this CPS. Such
updates shall be indicated through appropriate version numbering and publication date on any
new version.
5.7 Interference with Comodo Implementation
Subscribers, relying parties and any other parties shall not interfere with, or reverse engineer the
technical implementation of Comodo PKI services including the key generation process, the
public web site and the Comodo repositories except as explicitly permitted by this CPS or upon
prior written approval of Comodo. Failure to comply with this as a subscriber will result in the
revocation of the Subscriber's Digital Certificate without further notice to the Subscriber and the
Subscriber shall pay any Charges payable but that have not yet been paid under this Agreement.
Failure to comply with this as a relying party will result in the termination of the agreement with
the relying party, the removal of permission to use or access the Comodo repository and any
Digital Certificate or Service provided by Comodo.
5.8 Standards
Comodo assumes that user software that is claimed to be compliant with X.509v3 and other
applicable standards enforces the requirements set out in this CPS. Comodo cannot warrant that
such user software will support and enforce controls required by Comodo, whilst the user should
seek appropriate advice.
5.9 Comodo Partnerships Limitations
Partners of the Comodo network shall not undertake any actions that might imperil, put in doubt
or reduce the trust associated with the Comodo products and services. Comodo partners shall
specifically refrain from seeking partnerships with other root authorities or apply procedures
originating from such authorities. Failure to comply with this will result in the termination of the
agreement with the relying party, the removal of permission to use or access the Comodo
repository and any Digital Certificate or Service provided by Comodo.
5.10 Comodo Limitation of Liability for a Comodo Partner
As the Comodo network includes RAs that operate under Comodo practices and procedures
Comodo warrants the integrity of any certificate issued under its own root within the limits of the
Comodo insurance policy and in accordance with this CPS.
5.11 Choice of Cryptographic Methods
Parties are solely responsible for having exercised independent judgment and employed
adequate training in choosing security software, hardware, and encryption/digital signature
algorithms, including their respective parameters, procedures, and techniques as well as PKI as a
solution to their security requirements.
5.12 Reliance on Unverified Digital Signatures
Parties relying on a digital certificate must verify a digital signature at all times by checking the
validity of a digital certificate against the relevant CRL published by Comodo or using the
Comodo OCSP responder. Relying parties are alerted that an unverified digital signature cannot
be assigned as a valid signature of the subscriber.
Relying on an unverifiable digital signature may result in risks that the relying party, and not
Comodo, assume in whole.
By means of this CPS, Comodo has adequately informed relying parties on the usage and
validation of digital signatures through this CPS and other documentation published in its public
repository available at or by contacting via out of bands
means via the contact address as specified in the Document Control section of this CPS.
5.13 Rejected Certificate Applications
The private key associated with a public key, which has been submitted as part of a rejected
certificate application, may not under any circumstances be used to create a digital signature if
the effect of the signature is to create conditions of reliance upon the rejected certificate. The
private key may also not be resubmitted as part of any other certificate application.
5.14 Refusal to Issue a Certificate
Comodo reserves its right to refuse to issue a certificate to any party as it sees fit, without
incurring any liability or responsibility for any loss or expenses arising out of such refusal.
Comodo reserves the right not to disclose reasons for such a refusal.
5.15 Subscriber Obligations
Unless otherwise stated in this CPS, subscribers shall exclusively be responsible:
• To minimize internal risk of private key compromise by ensuring adequate knowledge
and training on PKI is provided internally.
• To generate their own private / public key pair to be used in association with the
certificate request submitted to Comodo or a Comodo RA.
• Ensure that the public key submitted to Comodo or a Comodo RA corresponds with the
private key used.
• Ensure that the public key submitted to Comodo or a Comodo RA is the correct one.
• Provide correct and accurate information in its communications with Comodo or a
Comodo RA.
• Alert Comodo or a Comodo RA if at any stage whilst the certificate is valid, any
information originally submitted has changed since it had been submitted to Comodo.
• Generate a new, secure key pair to be used in association with a certificate that it
requests from Comodo or a Comodo RA.
• Read, understand and agree with all terms and conditions in this Comodo CPS and
associated policies published in the Comodo Repository at
• Refrain from tampering with a Comodo certificate.
• Use Comodo certificates for legal and authorized purposes in accordance with the
suggested usages and practices in this CPS.
• Cease using a Comodo certificate if any information in it becomes misleading obsolete
or invalid.
• Cease using a Comodo certificate if such certificate is expired and remove it from any
applications and/or devices it has been installed on.
• Refrain from using the subscriber’s private key corresponding to the public key in a
Comodo issued certificate to issue end-entity digital certificates or subordinate CAs.
• Make reasonable efforts to prevent the compromise, loss, disclosure, modification, or
otherwise unauthorized use of the private key corresponding to the public key
published in a Comodo certificate.
• Request the revocation of a certificate in case of an occurrence that materially affects
the integrity of a Comodo certificate.
• For acts and omissions of partners and agents, they use to generate, retain, escrow, or
destroy their private keys.
5.16 Representations by Subscriber upon Acceptance
Upon accepting a certificate, the subscriber represents to Comodo and to relying parties that at
the time of acceptance and until further notice:
• Digital signatures created using the private key corresponding to the public key included
in the certificate is the digital signature of the subscriber and the certificate has been
accepted and is properly operational at the time the digital signature is created.
• No unauthorized person has ever had access to the subscriber’s private key.
• All representations made by the subscriber to Comodo regarding the information
contained in the certificate are accurate and true.
• All information contained in the certificate is accurate and true to the best of the
subscriber’s knowledge or to the extent that the subscriber had notice of such
information whilst the subscriber shall act promptly to notify Comodo of any material
inaccuracies in such information.
• The certificate is used exclusively for authorized and legal purposes, consistent with this
• It will use a Comodo certificate only in conjunction with the entity named in the
organization field of a digital certificate (if applicable).
• The subscriber retains control of her private key, uses a trustworthy system, and takes
reasonable precautions to prevent its loss, disclosure, modification, or unauthorized
• The subscriber is an end-user subscriber and not a CA, and will not use the private key
corresponding to any public key listed in the certificate for purposes of signing any
certificate (or any other format of certified public key) or CRL, as a CA or otherwise,
unless expressly agreed in writing between subscriber and Comodo.
• The subscriber agrees with the terms and conditions of this CPS and other agreements
and policy statements of Comodo.
• The subscriber abides by the laws applicable in his/her country or territory including
those related to intellectual property protection, viruses, accessing computer systems
• The subscriber complies with all export laws and regulations for dual usage goods as
may be applicable.
5.17 Indemnity by Subscriber
By accepting a certificate, the subscriber agrees to indemnify and hold Comodo, as well as its
agent(s) and contractors harmless from any acts or omissions resulting in liability, any loss or
damage, and any suits and expenses of any kind, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, that
Comodo, and the above mentioned parties may incur, that are caused by the use or publication of
a certificate, and that arises from:
• Any false or misrepresented data supplied by the subscriber or agent(s).
• Any failure of the subscriber to disclose a material fact, if the misrepresentation or
omission was made negligently or with intent to deceive the CA, Comodo, or any
person receiving or relying on the certificate.
• Failure to protect the subscriber's confidential data including their private key, or failure
to take reasonable precautions necessary to prevent the compromise, loss, disclosure,
modification, or unauthorized use of the subscriber’s confidential data.
• Breaking any laws applicable in his/her country or territory including those related to
intellectual property protection, viruses, accessing computer systems etc.
5.18 Obligations of Comodo Registration Authorities
A Comodo RA operates under the policies and practices detailed in this CPS and also the
associated Web Host Reseller agreement, Powered SSL agreement and EPKI Manager Account
agreement. The RA is bound under contract to:
• Receive applications for Comodo certificates in accordance with this CPS.
• Perform all verification actions prescribed by the Comodo validation procedures and this
• Receive, verify and relay to Comodo all requests for revocation of a Comodo certificate
in accordance with the Comodo revocation procedures and the CPS.
• Act according to relevant Law and regulations.
5.19 Obligations of a Relying Party
A party relying on a Comodo certificate accepts that in order to reasonably rely on a Comodo
certificate they must:
• Minimize the risk of relying on a digital signature created by an invalid, revoked, expired
or rejected certificate; the relying party must have reasonably made the effort to acquire
sufficient knowledge on using digital certificates and PKI.
• Study the limitations to the usage of digital certificates and be aware through the
Relying Party agreement the maximum value of the transactions that can be made
using a Comodo digital certificate.
• Read and agree with the terms of the Comodo CPS and relying party agreement.
• Verify a Comodo certificate by referring to the relevant CRL and the CRLs of
intermediate CA and root CA or by checking the OCSP response using the Comodo
OCSP responder.
• Trust a Comodo certificate only if it is valid and has not been revoked or has expired.
• Rely on a Comodo certificate, only as may be reasonable under the circumstances
listed in this section and other relevant sections of this CPS.
5.20 Legality of Information
Subscribers shall solely be responsible for the legality of the information they present for use in
certificates issued under this CPS, in any jurisdiction in which such content may be used or
5.21 Subscriber Liability to Relying Parties
Without limiting other subscriber obligations stated in this CPS, subscribers are liable for any
misrepresentations they make in certificates to third parties that reasonably rely on the
representations contained therein and have verified one or more digital signatures with the
5.22 Duty to Monitor Agents
The subscriber shall control and be responsible for the data that an agent supplies to Comodo.
The subscriber must promptly notify the issuer of any misrepresentations and omissions made by
an agent. The duty of this article is continuous.
5.23 Use of Agents
For certificates issued at the request of a subscriber's agent, both the agent and the subscriber
shall jointly and severally indemnify Comodo, and its agents and contractors.
5.24 Conditions of usage of the Comodo Repository and Web
Parties (including subscribers and relying parties) accessing the Comodo Repository
( and official web site(s) agree with the provisions of this CPS
and any other conditions of usage that Comodo may make available. Parties demonstrate
acceptance of the conditions of usage of the CPS by using a Comodo issued certificate.
Failure to comply with the conditions of usage of the Comodo Repositories and web site may
result in terminating the relationship between Comodo and the party.
5.25 Accuracy of Information
Comodo, recognizing its trusted position, makes all reasonable efforts to ensure that parties
accessing its Repositories receive accurate, updated and correct information. Comodo, however,
cannot accept any liability beyond the limits set in this CPS and the Comodo insurance policy.
Failure to comply with the conditions of usage of the Comodo Repositories and web site may
result in terminating the relationship between Comodo and the party.
5.26 Obligations of Comodo
To the extent specified in the relevant sections of the CPS, Comodo promises to:
• Comply with this CPS and its internal or published policies and procedures.
• Comply with applicable laws and regulations.
• Provide infrastructure and certification services, including but not limited to the
establishment and operation of the Comodo Repository and web site for the operation
of PKI services.
• Provide Trust mechanisms, including a key generation mechanism, key protection, and
secret sharing procedures regarding its own infrastructure.
• Provide prompt notice in case of compromise of its private key(s).
• Provide and validate application procedures for the various types of certificates that it
may make publicly available.
• Issue digital certificates in accordance with this CPS and fulfill its obligations presented
• Upon receipt of a request from an RA operating within the Comodo network; act
promptly to issue a Comodo certificate in accordance with this Comodo CPS.
• Upon receipt of a request for revocation from an RA operating within the Comodo
network; act promptly to revoke a Comodo certificate in accordance with this Comodo
• Publish accepted certificates in accordance with this CPS.
• Provide support to subscribers and relying parties as described in this CPS.
• Revoke certificates according to this CPS.
• Provide for the expiration and renewal of certificates according to this CPS.
• Make available a copy of this CPS and applicable policies to requesting parties.
• Warrant the accuracy of information published on a Qualified Certificate issued pursuant
to the requirements of the European Directive 99/93.
• Warrant that the signatory held the private key at the time of issuance of a certificate
issued pursuant to the requirements for Qualified Certificates as in the European
Directive 99/93.
The subscriber also acknowledges that Comodo has no further obligations under this CPS.
5.27 Fitness for a Particular Purpose
Comodo disclaims all warranties and obligations of any type, including any warranty of fitness for
a particular purpose, and any warranty of the accuracy of unverified information provided, save as
contained herein and as cannot be excluded at law.
5.28 Other Warranties
Except as it may have otherwise been stated in relation to Qualified Certificates issued pursuant
to the requirements of the European Directive 99/93 Comodo does not warrant:
• The accuracy, authenticity, completeness or fitness of any unverified information
contained in certificates or otherwise compiled, published, or disseminated by or on
behalf of Comodo except as it may be stated in the relevant product description below
in this CPS and in the Comodo insurance policy.
• The accuracy, authenticity, completeness or fitness of any information contained in
Comodo Personal certificates class 1, free, trial or demo certificates.
• In addition, shall not incur liability for representations of information contained in a
certificate except as it may be stated in the relevant product description in this CPS.
• Does not warrant the quality, functions or performance of any software or hardware
• Although Comodo is responsible for the revocation of a certificate, it cannot be held
liable if it cannot execute it for reasons outside its own control.
• The validity, completeness or availability of directories of certificates issued by a third
party (including an agent) unless specifically stated by Comodo.
5.29 Non-Verified Subscriber Information
Notwithstanding limitation warranties under the product section of this CPS, Comodo shall not be
responsible for non-verified subscriber information submitted to Comodo, or the Comodo
directory or otherwise submitted with the intention to be included in a certificate, except as it may
have otherwise been stated in relation to Qualified Certificates issued pursuant to the
requirements of the European Directive 99/93.
5.30 Exclusion of Certain Elements of Damages
In no event (except for fraud or willful misconduct) shall Comodo be liable for:
• Any indirect, incidental or consequential damages.
• Any loss of profits.
• Any loss of data.
• Any other indirect, consequential or punitive damages arising from or in connection with
the use, delivery, license, performance or non-performance of certificates or digital
• Any other transactions or services offered within the framework of this CPS.
• Any other damages except for those due to reliance, on the information featured on a
certificate, on the verified information in a certificate.
• Any liability incurred in this case or any other case if the fault in this verified information
is due to fraud or willful misconduct of the applicant. Any liability that arises from the
usage of a certificate that has not been issued or used in conformance with this CPS.
• Any liability that arises from the usage of a certificate that is not valid.
• Any liability that arises from usage of a certificate that exceeds the limitations in usage
and value and transactions stated upon it or on the CPS.
• Any liability that arises from security, usability, integrity of products, including hardware
and software a subscriber uses.
• Any liability that arises from compromise of a subscriber’s private key.
Comodo does not limit or exclude liability for death or personal injury.
5.31 Certificate Insurance Plan
If Comodo was negligent in issuing a digital certificate that resulted in a loss to a Relying Party,
Relying Party may be eligible under Comodo’s certificate warranty to receive up to the Maximum
Certificate Coverage per incident, subject to the Total Payment Limit shown in Table 5.31 below
for all claims related to that digital certificate. Except to the extent of willful misconduct, the
liability of Comodo is limited to the negligent issuance of certificates. The Maximum Certificate
Coverage of Comodo to all applicants, subscribers and relying parties for each certificate is set
forth in Table 5.31 below. Under Comodo’s warranty a covered person may only receive a
payment in accordance with the Maximum Certificate Coverage set forth in Table 5.31 per online
transaction for which the Covered Person claims there was a breach of the Comodo Warranty
(each an "Incident"). If multiple Covered Persons are affiliated as to a common entity, then those
multiple Covered Persons collectively are eligible to receive a maximum amount in accordance
with the Maximum Certificate Coverage set forth in Table 5.31 per Incident. Any payments to
Covered Persons shall be limited by the Total Payment Limit for any claims relating to that Digital
Certificate. For example, if a Digital Certificate carries a Total Payment Limit of $10,000, then
Covered Persons can receive payments in accordance with this warranty for up to the Maximum
Certificate Coverage per Incident until a total of $10,000 has been paid in the aggregate for all
claims by all parties related to that Digital Certificate. Upon renewal of any Digital Certificate, the
total claims paid for such Digital Certificate shall be reset to zero dollars.
Table 5.31
Comodo Certificate Type Max Transaction Value
Cumulative Max
ComodoSSL $10,000 $250,000
ComodoSSL Wildcard $10,000 $250,000
PositiveSSL Certificate $1,000 $10,000
PositiveSSL Wildcard Certificate $1,000 $10,000
PositiveSSL Trial Certificate $1,000 $10,000
PositiveSSL Multi-Domain Certificate $0 $0
OptimumSSL Certificate $0 $0
OptimumSSL Wildcard Certificate $0 $0
Comodo IntranetSSL Certificate $0 $0
Comodo TrialSSL Certificate $0 $0
Comodo InstantSSL Certificate $5,000 $50,000
Comodo InstantSSL Pro Certificate $10,000 $100,000
Comodo PremiumSSL Certificate $10,000 $250,000
Comodo PremiumSSL Wildcard Certificate $10,000 $250,000
Comodo SGC SSL Certificate $10,000 $250,000
Comodo SGC SSL Wildcard Certificate $10,000 $250,000
Comodo Multi-Domain Certificate $0 $0
Comodo PremiumSSL Legacy Certificate $10,000 $250,000
Comodo PremiumSSL Legacy Wildcard
$10,000 $250,000
EliteSSL Certificate $10,000 $500,000
GoldSSL Certificate $10,000 $750,000
PlatinumSSL Certificate $10,000 $1,000,000
PlatinumSSL Wildcard Certificate $10,000 $1,000,000
PlatinumSSL SGC Certificate $10,000 $1,000,000
PlatinumSSL SGC Wildcard Certificate $10,000 $1,000,000
PlatinumSSL Legacy Certificate $10,000 $1,000,000
PlatinumSSL Legacy Wildcard Certificate $10,000 $1,000,000
EV SSL Certificate $10,000 $250,000
EV SSL SGC Certificate $10,000 $250,000
EV Multi-Domain Certificate $10,000 $250,000
Personal Secure Email Certificate $0 $0
Corporate Secure Email Certificate $0 $0
Code Signing Certificate $0 $50,000
Time Stamping Certificate $0 $0
Comodo TF Certificate $0 $0
Content Verification Certificate $0 $0
Trial Payment Credential CVC $0 $0
Payment Credential CVC (1 logo) $0 $0
Payment Credential CVC (3 logos) $0 $0
Payment Credential CVC (Wildcard) $0 $0
Essential SSL Certificate $1,000 $10,000
Essential SSL Wildcard Certificate $1,000 $10,000
Essential SSL Trial Certificate $1,000 $10,000
Unified Communications Certificate $0 $0
Intel Pro SSL Certificate $0 $0
Comodo Dual Use Certificate $0 $0
Education Certificate $0 $0
IGTF Certificate $0 $0
5.32 Financial Limitations on Certificate Usage
Comodo certificates may only be used in connection with data transfer and transactions
completed using a credit card and having a US dollar (US$) value no greater than the max
transaction value associated with the certificate and detailed in the table in section 5.31 of this
5.33 Damage and Loss Limitations
In no event (except for fraud or willful misconduct) will the aggregate liability of Comodo to all
parties including without any limitation a subscriber, an applicant, a recipient, or a relying party for
all digital signatures and transactions related to such certificate exceed the cumulative maximum
liability for such certificate as stated in the Comodo insurance plan detailed section 5.31 of this
5.34 Conflict of Rules
When this CPS conflicts with other rules, guidelines, or contracts, this CPS, dated 3 February
2005, shall prevail and bind the subscriber and other parties except as to other contracts either:
• Predating the first public release of the present version of this CPS.
• Expressly superseding this CPS for which such contract shall govern as to the parties
thereto, and to the extent permitted by law.
5.35 Comodo Intellectual Property Rights
Comodo or its partners or associates own all intellectual property rights associated with its
databases, web sites, Comodo digital certificates and any other publication originating from
Comodo including this CPS.
5.36 Infringement and Other Damaging Material
Comodo subscribers represent and warrant that when submitting to Comodo and using a domain
and distinguished name (and all other certificate application information) they do not interfere with
or infringe any rights of any third parties in any jurisdiction with respect to their trademarks,
service marks, trade names, company names, or any other intellectual property right, and that
they are not seeking to use the domain and distinguished names for any unlawful purpose,
including, without limitation, tortious interference with contract or prospective business advantage,
unfair competition, injuring the reputation of another, and confusing or misleading a person,
whether natural or incorporated.
Although Comodo will provide all reasonable assistance, certificate subscribers shall defend,
indemnify, and hold Comodo harmless for any loss or damage resulting from any such
interference or infringement and shall be responsible for defending all actions on behalf of
5.37 Ownership
Certificates are the property of Comodo. Comodo gives permission to reproduce and distribute
certificates on a nonexclusive, royalty-free basis, provided that they are reproduced and
distributed in full. Comodo reserves the right to revoke the certificate at any time. Private and
public keys are property of the subscribers who rightfully issue and hold them. All secret shares
(distributed elements) of the Comodo private key remain the property of Comodo.
5.38 Governing Law
This CPS is governed by, and construed in accordance with English law. This choice of law is
made to ensure uniform interpretation of this CPS, regardless of the place of residence or place
of use of Comodo digital certificates or other products and services. English law applies in all
Comodo commercial or contractual relationships in which this CPS may apply or quoted implicitly
or explicitly in relation to Comodo products and services where Comodo acts as a provider,
supplier, beneficiary receiver or otherwise.
5.39 Jurisdiction
Each party, including Comodo partners, subscribers and relying parties, irrevocably agrees that
the courts of England and Wales have exclusive jurisdiction to hear and decide any suit, action or
proceedings, and to settle any disputes, which may arise out of or in connection with this CPS or
the provision of Comodo PKI services.
5.40 Dispute Resolution
Before resorting to any dispute resolution mechanism including adjudication or any type of
Alternative Dispute Resolution (including without exception mini-trial, arbitration, binding expert’s
advice, co-operation monitoring and normal expert’s advice) parties agree to notify Comodo of
the dispute with a view to seek dispute resolution.
5.41 Successors and Assigns
This CPS shall be binding upon the successors, executors, heirs, representatives, administrators,
and assigns, whether express, implied, or apparent, of the parties. The rights and obligations
detailed in this CPS are assignable by the parties, by operation of law (including as a result of
merger or a transfer of a controlling interest in voting securities) or otherwise, provided such
assignment is undertaken consistent with this CPS articles on termination or cessation of
operations, and provided that such assignment does not effect a novation of any other debts or
obligations the assigning party owes to other parties at the time of such assignment.
5.42 Severability
If any provision of this CPS or the application thereof, is for any reason and to any extent found to
be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this CPS (and the application of the invalid or
unenforceable provision to other persons or circumstances) shall be interpreted in such manner
as to affect the original intention of the parties.
Each and every provision of this CPS that provides for a limitation of liability, disclaimer of or
limitation upon any warranties or other obligations, or exclusion of damages is intended to be
severable and independent of any other provision and is to be enforced as such.
5.43 Interpretation
This CPS shall be interpreted consistently within the boundaries of business customs,
commercial reasonableness under the circumstances and intended usage of a product or service.
In interpreting this CPS, parties shall also take into account the international scope and
application of the services and products of Comodo and its international network of Registration
Authorities as well as the principle of good faith as it is applied in commercial transactions.
The headings, subheadings, and other captions in this CPS are intended for convenience and
reference only and shall not be used in interpreting, construing, or enforcing any of the provisions
of this CPS.
Appendices and definitions to this CPS are for all purposes an integral and binding part of the
5.44 No Waiver
This CPS shall be enforced as a whole, whilst failure by any person to enforce any provision of
this CPS shall not be deemed a waiver of future enforcement of that or any other provision.
5.45 Notice
Comodo accepts notices related to this CPS by means of digitally signed messages or in paper
form. Upon receipt of a valid, digitally signed acknowledgment of receipt from Comodo, the
sender of the notice shall deem their communication effective. The sender must receive such
acknowledgment within five (5) days, or else written notice must then be sent in paper form
through a courier service that confirms delivery or via certified or registered mail, postage
prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed as follows:
Certificate Policy Authority
3rd Floor, Office Village, Exchange Quay, Trafford Road
Salford, Manchester, M5 3EQ, United Kingdom
Attention: Legal Practices
This CPS, related agreements and Certificate policies referenced within this document are
available online at
5.46 Fees
Comodo charges Subscriber fees for some of the certificate services it offers, including issuance,
renewal and reissues (in accordance with the Comodo Reissue Policy stated in 5.47 of this CPS).
Such fees are detailed on the official Comodo websites (
Comodo does not charge fees for the revocation of a certificate or for a Relying Party to check
the validity status of a Comodo issued certificate using Certificate Revocation Lists.
Comodo retains its right to affect changes to such fees. Comodo partners, including Resellers,
Web Host Resellers, EPKI Manager Account Holders and Powered SSL Partners, will be suitably
advised of price amendments as detailed in the relevant partner agreements.
5.47 Comodo Reissue Policy
Comodo offers a 30-day reissue policy. During a 30-day period (beginning when a certificate is
first issued) the Subscriber may request a reissue of their certificate and incur no further fees for
the reissue. If details other than just the public key require amendment, Comodo reserves the
right to revalidate the application in accordance with the validation processes detailed within this
CPS. If the reissue request does not pass the validation process, Comodo reserves the right to
refuse the reissue application. Under such circumstances, the original certificate may be revoked
and a refund provided to the applicant.
Comodo is not obliged to reissue a certificate after the 30-day reissue policy period has expired.
5.48 Comodo Refund Policy
Comodo offers a 30-day refund policy. During a 30-day period (beginning when a certificate is
first issued) the Subscriber may request a full refund for their certificate. Under such
circumstances, the original certificate may be revoked and a refund provided to the applicant.
Comodo is not obliged to refund a certificate after the 30-day reissue policy period has expired.
6 General Issuance Procedure
6.1 General - Comodo
Comodo offers different certificate types to make use of SSL and S/MIME technology for secure
online transactions and secure email respectively. Prior to the issuance of a certificate Comodo
will validate an application in accordance with this CPS which may involve the request by
Comodo to the applicant for relevant official documentation supporting the application.
Comodo certificates are issued to organizations or individuals.
The validity period of Comodo certificates varies dependent on the certificate type, but typically, a
certificate will be valid for either 1 year, 2 years or 3 years. Comodo reserves the right to, at its
discretion, issues certificates that may fall outside of these set periods.
6.2 Certificates issued to Individuals and Organizations
A certificate request can be done according to the following means:
On-line: Via the Web (https). The certificate applicant submits an application via a secure online
link according to a procedure provided by Comodo. Additional documentation in support of the
application may be required so that Comodo verifies the identity of the applicant. The applicant
submits to Comodo such additional documentation. Upon verification of identity, Comodo issues
the certificate and sends a notice to the applicant. The applicant downloads and installs the
certificate to its device. The applicant must notify Comodo of any inaccuracy or defect in a
certificate promptly after receipt of the certificate or earlier notice of informational content to be
included in the certificate.
Comodo may at its discretion, accept applications via email.
6.3 Content
Typical content of information published on a Comodo certificate may include but is not limited to
the following elements of information:
6.3.1 Secure Server Certificates
• Applicant’s fully qualified domain name.
• Applicant’s organizational name.
• Code of applicant’s country.
• Organizational unit name, street address, city, state.
• Issuing certification authority (Comodo).
• Applicant’s public key.
• Comodo digital signature.
• Type of algorithm.
• Validity period of the digital certificate.
• Serial number of the digital certificate.
6.3.2 Secure Email Certificates
• Applicant’s e-mail address.
• Applicant’s name.
• Code of applicant’s country.
• Organization name, organizational unit name, street address, city, state.
• Applicant’s public key.
• Issuing certification authority (Comodo).
• Comodo digital signature.
• Type of algorithm.
• Validity period of the digital certificate.
• Serial number of the digital certificate.
6.4 Time to Confirm Submitted Data
Comodo makes reasonable efforts to confirm certificate application information and issue a digital
certificate within a reasonable time frame. The time frame is greatly dependent on the Subscriber
providing the necessary details and / or documentation in a timely manner. Upon the receipt of
the necessary details and / or documentation, Comodo aims to confirm submitted application data
and to complete the validation process and issue / reject a certificate application within 2 working
From time to time, events outside of the control of Comodo may delay the issuance process,
however Comodo will make every reasonable effort to meet issuance times and to make
applicants aware of any factors that may affect issuance times in a timely manner.
6.5 Issuing Procedure
The following steps describe the milestones to issue a Secure Server Certificate:
a) The applicant fills out the online request on Comodo’s web site and the applicant
submits the required information: Certificate Signing Request (CSR), e-mail address,
common name, organizational information, country code, verification method and
billing information.
b) The applicant accepts the on line subscriber agreement.
c) The applicant submits the required information to Comodo.
d) The applicant pays the certificate fees.
e) Comodo verifies the submitted information using third party databases and
Government records
f) Upon successful validation of the application information, Comodo may issue the
certificate to the applicant or should the application be rejected, Comodo will alert the
applicant that the application has been unsuccessful.
g) Renewal is conducted as per the procedures outlined in this CPS and the official
Comodo websites.
h) Revocation is conducted as per the procedures outlined in this CPS.
Document Control
This document is version 4.0 of the Comodo CPS, created and published on 1 July 2012 and
signed off by the Comodo Certificate Policy Authority
Certificate Policy Authority
3rd Floor, Office Village, Exchange Quay, Trafford Road
Salford, Manchester, M5 3EQ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 161 874 7070
Fax: +44 (0) 161 877 1767
Copyright Notice
Copyright Comodo CA Limited 2012. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise) without prior written permission of Comodo Limited. Requests for any other permission
to reproduce this Comodo document (as well as requests for copies from Comodo) must be
addressed to:
Comodo CA
Attention: Legal Practices
3rd Floor, Office Village, Exchange Quay, Trafford Road
Salford, Manchester, M5 3EQ, United Kingdom
Comodo ® is a registered trademark of Comodo CA Limited, Comodo Security Solutions, Inc.
and Comodo Group, Inc.