Chapter 4. Part 1: Adult and Dislocated Worker Program Activities
Revised August 2018
On-the-Job Training Policy and Procedures
Table of Contents
I. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 2
II. On-the-Job (OJT) Policies and Procedures ..................................................................................... 2
A. Eligibility for OJT Participant.............................................................................................................................. 2
B. Employer Pre-Screening .................................................................................................................................... 3
1. Employer checklist must include at a minimum: ........................................................................................... 3
C. OJT Requirements.............................................................................................................................................. 4
D. OJT Agreement Packet ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1. Training Agreement Number ........................................................................................................................ 5
2. OJT Agreement Approval............................................................................................................................... 6
E. Training Documentation .................................................................................................................................... 6
1. Activity Enrollment Summary ........................................................................................................................ 6
2. Case Notes ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
F. OJT Agreement Invoice ...................................................................................................................................... 7
1. Invoice Processing ......................................................................................................................................... 7
G. OJT Voids and Discontinuations ........................................................................................................................ 7
1. OJT Void ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
2. OJT Discontinuation....................................................................................................................................... 8
H. Progress Report & Attendance .......................................................................................................................... 8
I. References ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
III. Exhibits ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Chapter 4. Part 1: Adult and Dislocated Worker Program Activities
Revised August 2018
I. Introduction
WIOA was signed into law in July 2014 and strengthens existing workforce development and adult
education programs by serving low-income adults, dislocated workers, and youth who are most in
need and face barriers to employment. Additionally, WIOA expands on the education and training
options that are available to job seekers and businesses, with the goal of increasing access to better
careers and professional advancement. These programs also help disadvantaged & unemployed
adults, as well as eligible youth earn wages while learning through support services and effective
employment-based activities.
Work-based learning activities involve building worker skills and establishing pathways to higher wages
and career opportunities. Work-based learning strategies emphasize business engagement,
incorporate training objectives while job-seeking participants are working, and lead to unsubsidized
employment. A key advantage of work-based learning is that job seekers and participants can “earn
while they learn” and achieve improved employment and earnings outcomes.
In addition to the advantages for job seekers, work-based learning opportunities provide businesses
with occasions to help develop and retain a skilled workforce utilizing WIOA resources.
For additional information regarding Work-Based Learning under WIOA, please visit:
TEGL 19-16, “Guidance on Services provided through the Adult and Dislocated Worker
Programs under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and the Wagner-
Peyser Act Employment Service (ES), as amended by title III of WIOA, and for
Implementation of the WIOA Final Rules. “
II. On-the-Job (OJT) Policies and Procedures
OJT is a type of training that is provided by an employer to a participant (job seeker). During the
training, the customer is engaged in productive work in a job for which the customer is paid and the
training provides the knowledge or skills essential to the full and adequate performance of the job. OJT
may be provided by an employer in the public, private non-profit or private sectors. This OJT Policy and
Procedures outlines the process to issue, document and track an OJT under the Workforce Innovation
and Opportunity Act (WIOA).
The following sections list the requirements for the Service Provider to provide OJTs.
A. Eligibility for OJT Participant
Under the WIOA there are two levels of services: Basic and Individualized services. A determination
that a participant needs individualized and/or training services can be made without regard to how
long the individual has been receiving services at each level. Participants in Adult programs must meet
eligibility requirements, before being provided training services. Eligibility for services is found in
SDWP Operations Manual, Chapter 7, Part 1: WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Program
Chapter 4. Part 1: Adult and Dislocated Worker Program Activities
Revised August 2018
Training services are available to those participants who are unable to find employment. Need and
ability to benefit from WIOA funds must be established and the participant must have the skills and
qualifications to successfully complete the training program. An individual’s need for training shall be
determined through an assessment. Participants with marketable skills within an in-demand
occupation shall not be deemed eligible for WIOA funded training.
B. Employer Pre-Screening
OJT is provided under an agreement with an employer in the public, private non-profit, or private
sector. Prior to entering into an OJT agreement, a pre-screening should be conducted to ensure that
the employer meets the minimum standards and can provide both training and employment to an OJT
participant. If additional training is needed, the Service Provider should ensure that a third-party
training provider is included in the agreement.
1. Employer checklist must include at a minimum:
The business has not exhibited a pattern of failing to provide OJT participants
with continued employment;
The business verifies WIOA funds will not be used to relocate operations in whole or
in part;
The business has operated at its current location for at least 120 days. If less
than 120 days and the business relocated from another area in the U.S and
individual(s)/employees were not laid off at the previous location as a result of
the relocation;
The business is not utilizing OJT participants to fill job openings as a result of a
labor dispute;
OJT funds will not be used to directly or indirectly assist, promote, or deter union
The OJT will not result in the full or partial displacement of employed workers;
Participant wages shall be at the same rate, including periodic increases, as other
participants or employees who are similarly situated in comparable occupations
with the same employer, and who have equivalent training, experience, and
Participants must be provided benefits (e.g., workers’ compensation, health
insurance, unemployment insurance, retirement benefits) or working conditions at
the same level and to the same extent as other participants or employees
working a similar length of time and doing the same type of work; and
The employer will comply with the non-discrimination and equal opportunity
provisions of WIOA law and regulations;
Chapter 4. Part 1: Adult and Dislocated Worker Program Activities
Revised August 2018
C. OJT Requirements
1. An employer orientation must be completed with each employer and/or employer
representative to discuss the contract provisions and training plans. The contract process sets
the ground-rules for OJT with an employer and ensures there is a legally binding agreement
between the employer and the OJT training provider, if the latter is an outside provider.
2. Employer must complete ATTACHMENT - EO WIOA SECTION 188 COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST found in
the SDWP Operations Manual, Chapter 8: Monitoring and must be submitted along with
3. OJT duration must be limited to the time necessary for a customer to become proficient in the
occupation for which the customer is receiving OJT.
Duration of training shall be no more than 26 weeks (1,040 hours maximum).
Length of training should be based on individual assessments of the participant's
background, skills, and barriers to employment.
Reimbursement Example: 1,040 hours x hourly wage x reimbursement rate = amount of
Service Provider should consult with the employer(s) and use the Occupational
Information Network’s (ONET) Specific Vocational Preparation Range (SVP) to determine
the appropriate occupational training needed. Using the SVP provided by ONET, the
following duration times are recommended in addition to the participant’s past skill and
4. OJT must be full-time, regular employment (minimum of 32 hours per week) unless otherwise
approved by SDWP.
5. Service Provider shall verify that an OJT employer has not been debarred prior to entering into
an OJT agreement.
6. Reimbursement shall not exceed 50% of the participant wages.
7. OJT must meet the approved target self-sufficiency wage as determined by SDWPs Workforce
Development Board (WDB). Or, if an OJT does not meet the self-sufficiency wage but pays the
current minimum wage as dictated by the state of California and has clear documentation of one (or
more) of the following benefits may also be approved:
a) Documented, historical or written evidence of step raises that lead to a higher wage and self-
sufficiency for the candidate within a year of training completion; or
b) Documented, historical or written evidence of career ladders or advancement opportunities
that can be directly linked to the successful completion of the OJT.
Further definitions of these benefits are listed below:
Level 1
< 1 month
Level 2
1 month
Level 3
< 1month 3 months
Level 4
>3 months 6 months
Level 5 - 9
>6 Months
Chapter 4. Part 1: Adult and Dislocated Worker Program Activities
Revised August 2018
Step Raises: A regular schedule or calendar of raises that a person becomes eligible for based
on the amount of time they spend on the job.
For example: An OJT candidate may start out at $10.00 per hour but know that every six months
their pay will increase by .50 cents per hour. These types of raises are often found in labor or
union positions and retail work.
Career Ladders: Many occupations and industries offer clear career ladders. Through
established career ladders, customers shall have the opportunity to acquire the necessary
skills to enter and move up in the workforce. Each step in a career ladder must lead to greater
challenges, responsibilities and/or the opportunity for increased wages.
For example: A customer may start out as a receptionist making minimum wage, with the
knowledge that after the customer grows proficient in that position, it could lead to career
advancement and higher wages as an office assistant, executive assistant or office manager.
Note: Hours trained on the job prior to the start date of training will not be reimbursed and
disqualify both the participant and employer from entering into an OJT. Only hours worked and
trained on the job shall be reimbursed. Vacations, holidays, sick leave, personal leave, union
dues, jury duty, commissions, bonuses and overtime compensation for work in excess of the
maximum hours per week authorized by law will not be reimbursed.
D. OJT Agreement Packet
The AJCC staff shall generate the EXHIBIT ON-THE-JOB TRAINING AGREEMENT PACKET and obtain all the
necessary signatures no less than 5 days prior to the start date of training. SDWP staff must receive the
OJT Agreement within three working days of the AJCC Operator’s signature date.
1. Training Agreement Number
Once an OJT opportunity has been identified for the participant, an employer ID shall be
requested from the AJCC staff via email: newvendo[email protected]. If the OJT is with a
new employer, you are required to include EXHIBIT NEW VENDOR REQUEST FORM. Please allow 3
to 5 business days to receive the employer ID for new vendors.
For existing OJT employers, the following must be submitted via email: Please allow 2 business days to receive the employer ID.
Employer Name
Contact Person
The following shall be used to assign OJT Agreement numbers:
Region Code (1 digit) + Funding Code (1 digit) + Employer ID (5-8 digits)
Example: MA-0234-001
Chapter 4. Part 1: Adult and Dislocated Worker Program Activities
Revised August 2018
Region Codes
Funding Codes
E East
A Adult
M Metro
D - Dislocated Worker
N North
S South
2. OJT Agreement Approval
a) SDWP staff shall date stamp the EXHIBIT ON-THE-JOB TRAINING AGREEMENT PACKET upon
b) In the event the EXHIBIT ON-THE-JOB TRAINING AGREEMENT PACKET has missing information
or incorrect information, SDWP staff will notify the AJCC training funds coordinator the
training tracking system that the agreement is being returned listing the specific reason(s)
for the return. The date of the AJCC’s signature remains the driving date to determine the
agreement due date.
c) Within three working days of receipt of the complete and accurate agreement, SDWP
programs Department shall approve and forward the EXHIBIT -ON-THE-JOB TRAINING
AGREEMENT PACKET to SDWP’s Finance Department. SDWP staff shall document approval of
the agreement in the training funds tracking system.
d) SDWP’s Finance Department shall enter the EXHIBIT ON-THE-JOB TRAINING AGREEMENT
PACKET into SDWPs accounting system.
e) The AJCC staff shall notify the Employer of the approval via e-mail that the EXHIBIT ON-THE-
E. Training Documentation
1. Activity Enrollment Summary
The AJCC staff shall confirm that the participant started training and shall document
confirmation with the CalJOBS activity code.
OJT 301
2. Case Notes
The following sample case note shall be used:
On Date I called Name of Employer to verify that Name of Participant started
training on Date. I spoke with Name of Contact and Contact’s Title. Name of
Contact verified that Name of Participant began training program on intended
start date.
If the participant’s start date was different that the “projected start date” noted on the EXHIBIT
ON-THE-JOB TRAINING AGREEMENT PACKET, a case note should be used to document the change
and the reason for the change.
Chapter 4. Part 1: Adult and Dislocated Worker Program Activities
Revised August 2018
F. OJT Agreement Invoice
SDWP Programs Department must receive EXHIBIT ON-THE-JOB TRAINING INVOICE within five (5)
working days of the scheduled midpoint/completion date. Once the invoice is received, there can be
1. Invoice Processing
The AJCC or Service Provider shall complete EXHIBIT ON-THE- JOB TRAINING INVOICE and attach
required payroll documentation and EXHIBIT CLARIFICATION OF HOURS FORM to support the wage
reimbursement. ATTACHMENT HOURS OF VERIFICATION FORM is only to be used at end of fiscal
year and will only be accepted for the days worked in which the employer could not produce
payroll record due to their payroll dates.
In the event that the invoice has missing or incorrect information, SDWP Program Department
shall notify via e-mail to the Subrecipient documenting that the Invoice has been returned and
shall list the specific reason(s) for the return.
SDWP Programs Department shall forward the approved invoice to the SDWP Finance
Department for payment directly to the Employer, in full, within 30 days of receiving a correct
G. OJT Voids and Discontinuations
Participants, at their right, may discontinue training at any point during the program. It is the
responsibility of the AJCC Case Manager and Employer to work with each participant and ensure their
training needs are met. However, a participant may not switch to a different training and/or Employer
under the same OJT Agreement and may not be eligible for another OJT if they discontinue.
Discontinuations will be evaluated on a case-by case basis by SDWP.
1. OJT Void
An OJT Void occurs when a participant decides to forego training. An OJT Void occurs when a
participant does not start training and no costs are incurred, or a participant starts training, but
discontinues within 5 days.
OJT Void Process
voided within five (5) days of the training start date, if applicable.
2. If the participant has begun training, the AJCC staff shall submit a data change request
(DCR) to have the activity code removed.
3. A case note noting the void and the reason for discontinuation must be added to the
participant’s profile in CalJOBS.
Chapter 4. Part 1: Adult and Dislocated Worker Program Activities
Revised August 2018
2. OJT Discontinuation
An OJT Discontinuation occurs when a participant starts training and discontinues training. If
the participant’s discontinuance is due to an unforeseeable emergency (e.g., illness, death)
then the participant is eligible for reinstatement, based on approval.
OJT Discontinuation Process
1. An OJT Discontinuation requires the Discontinuation section of the EXHIBIT - ON-THE-JOB
TRAINING INVOICE be completed within thirty (30) days.
2. The AJCC staff shall document the change and OJT status in a CalJOBS activity and shall
update the CalJOBS activity code.
A case note noting the discontinuation and the reason for discontinuation must be
added to the activity code.
Note: Once the OJT Invoice has been received by SDWP, the training activity code cannot be
removed from CalJOBS, regardless of payment/refund status.
H. Progress Report & Attendance
The Employer must provide an ATTACHMENT - PARTICIPANT PROGRESS REPORT on the participant’s
progress and attendance to the AJCC Staff by the tenth working day of each calendar month, as part of
the Service Agreement. In the event that the participant fails to attend training the Employer/training
provider must inform the AJCC within three days of non- attendance. If the Employer/training provider
fails to provide progress and attendance reports, the AJCC staff shall contact the Employer/training
provider or Participant to obtain this information. All attempts to obtain the reports must be entered
into CalJOBS.
I. References
WIOA Regulations at 20 CFR, parts 680.200, 700, 710, 720, 730
TEGL 2-15, “Operational Guidance for National Dislocated Worker Grants, pursuant to the Workforce
Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA or Opportunity Act).”
TEGL 19-16, “Guidance on Services provided through the Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs under
the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment
Service (ES), as amended by title III of WIOA, and for Implementation of the WIOA Final Rules.”
III. Exhibits