Five Ways Imperva
Surpasses the
Competition for Web
Application Security
Five Ways Imperva Surpasses the Competition for Web Application Security - Whitepaper
Executive summary
Web application firewalls have become an essential component of the modern
organization’s security infrastructure, providing scalable high-fidelity protection of
business-critical web applications from a broad spectrum of cyber threats. As with
any must-have enterprise security solution, there is considerable variation in available
oerings. To help IT security and application defense teams navigate the evaluation
process, this paper examines five ways that Imperva Web Application Firewall (WAF)
Gateway surpasses the competition.
With Imperva – positioned by Gartner for six years in a row as a Leader in the Magic
Quadrant for Web Application Firewalls
– enterprises obtain a web application security
solution that sets itself apart by delivering:
Highest accuracy of detection with dynamic profiling and correlation;
Comprehensive protection in one integrated application and data security platform;
Broadest deployment options to meet a variety of business requirements;
Extensive out-of-the-box integrations for simplified security operations; and
Enterprise scale management for globally distributed deployment.
The state of web application security
The fact that web applications are a prime target for data thieves, hacktivists, and
cybercriminals is practically a foregone conclusion. After all, web applications are:
Pervasive – as they are used in support of countless customer, partner, and
employee-facing business processes;
Valuable – as they expose material business functionality and often serve as a
conduit to numerous types of sensitive data, including personally identifiable and
proprietary information; and,
Vulnerable – as they often incorporate multiple third-party components and cutting
edge technologies, and typically sacrifice security in favor of functionality, ease of
use, and time-to-market.
Making matters worse for the IT teams charged with defending these critically important
assets are changes occurring on the threat side of the ledger. In particular, no longer
is it suicient to be able to thwart technical attacks such as SQL injection, cross-
site scripting, and remote file inclusion that exploit application vulnerabilities. Web
application defenses must also be capable of handling business logic attacks that work
by exploiting flawed logic encoded into applications or abusing standard functionality,
for example to create unauthorized accounts, “game” the checkout process for a retail
application, or deposit a ton of comment spam. On the rise too are highly automated
account takeover attacks and similar threats responsible for fraudulent transactions
– not to mention botnet-driven, application-layer DDoS attacks capable of evading
volumetric defenses.
Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Web Application Firewalls, Jeremy D’Hoinne, Adam Hils, Claudio Neiva, Rajpreet Kaur, Sept. 2019 Gartner
does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in its research publications, and does not advise technology users to select
only those vendors with the highest ratings or other designation. Gartner research publications consist of the opinions of Gartner’s
research organization and should not be construed as statements of fact. Gartner disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, with
respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
Five Ways Imperva Surpasses the Competition for Web Application Security - Whitepaper
To adequately address this ever-growing set of fully automated attacks, it is necessary to
make sure proactive security measures are in place. Security technologies and solutions that
proactively stop web application threats outright and prevent organizations from ever being
compromised in the first place are a critical part of organization’s overall security strategy.
Due to the potentially substantial impact of successful attacks – ranging from application
downtime, theft of data, and brand damage to financial costs in the millions of dollars per
incident – we also see the elevation of web application security from a check-box item for
compliance purposes to a board-level concern for many organizations.
Why web application firewalls are a must-have
Traditional network defenses: Application awareness is not the
same as application fluency
What sets next generation firewalls apart from earlier network defenses is their ability to
identify the type or even particular application associated with a given stream of network
traic. The result is a powerful way to tighten access control rules previously dependent solely
on IP addresses, ports, and protocols for enforcing security policies. However, this basic level
of application awareness is nowhere near the same as having the application fluency required
to thoroughly protect web applications. Besides not having the means to establish how each
web application is intended to be used, solutions limited to application awareness also lack the
ability to validate application inputs, correlate multiple attributes, provide cookie and session
protection, and prevent automated attacks that abuse business functionality.
Web application firewalls: A unique blend of capabilities
and coverage
Compared to the available alternatives, leading web application firewalls deliver a more
comprehensive and completely non-intrusive solution for web application security that is at
once eicient, eective, and easy to scale. Such solutions leverage an in-depth understanding
of the applications being protected as a foundation for identifying abnormalities associated
with otherwise elusive threats and attacks. Additional strengths can include the ability to:
Dynamic profiling to account for changes and upgrades made to protected applications
Stop unwanted traic before it can consume valuable computing resources
Stay ahead of attackers by incorporating superior threat intelligence into detection,
enforcement, and response policies
Detect bots and prevent the rising tide of fully automated threats
Reliably thwart evasion techniques and minimize false positives
Mitigate account takeover attacks and other fraud-focused threats
Proactively detect security breaches by tracking users accessing sensitive data through
internet facing web applications
Provide out-of-the-box coverage for any web application
Automate and scale web application security and compliance operations
The net result is a strategic solution for protecting all of an organization’s essential web
properties, now and in the future.
Five Ways Imperva Surpasses the Competition for Web Application Security - Whitepaper
5 critical dierences that set Imperva
WAF Gateway apart
Acknowledging the need for and value of a web application firewall is only a starting
point. Organizations must still select the best solution for meeting their needs from a
variety of available options. To help with this challenge, the following sections disclose
five significant ways Imperva WAF Gateway surpasses its competition.
Highest accuracy of detection with dynamic profiling
and correlation
Modern organizations require protection for tens to hundreds of web applications, most
of which are custom built. Similarly, they must contend with thousands to millions of
cyber threats, a growing percentage of which are exploiting a combination vulnerabilities
and business logic attacks in applications. Given the scope of the problem space,
automatic detection and action is a much-needed ingredient for any solution.
Imperva WAF Gateway addresses the need for no manual intervention in numerous ways,
including the following:
DYNAMIC APPLICATION PROFILING. Patented Dynamic Profiling technology
automates the process of learning the structure, elements, business logic, acceptable
inputs, and expected user behavior for protected applications – as well as changes that
are made to applications over time. It eliminates the biggest drawback of other web
application firewall solutions that require manual rule creation and maintenance of
constantly changing variables including URLs, parameters, cookies, XML elements, and
form fields, which can be major drain on operational overhead.
GRANULAR CORRELATION POLICIES. Imperva WAF Gateway further boosts both
the eicacy and accuracy of detection by enabling detailed correlation between all
available sources of information to establish a clearer picture of what is going on in
any given situation.
Figure 1: Dynamic Profiling Screens in Imperva WAF Gateway
By analyzing traic, WAF
Gateways automatically learns...
So it can alert about or block abnormal requests
Expected user input
Five Ways Imperva Surpasses the Competition for Web Application Security - Whitepaper
In addition to activating numerous pre-defined correlation policies, WAF Gateway
administrators can craft custom policies to account for other pieces of contextual
threat intelligence to minimize the occurrence of resource-sapping false positives.
A straightforward example is one where an SQL injection attack is originating from a
malicious bot sitting behind a TOR (The Onion Router) network, which can evade IP-
address based detection techniques that other web application firewalls typically use.
AUTOMATED CONTENT UPDATES. Regular content feeds from Imperva’s
internationally recognized security research team ensure that WAF Gateway is
always armed with the latest defenses against advanced application attacks, along
with best-practice protection policies and up-to-date reports for maintaining
regulatory compliance.
Compared to the competition, not only is dynamic application profiling relatively unique,
but so too is the customizable correlation policies that is included in content updates
from the Imperva research team. This valuable combination enables customers to
proactively detect evolving cyber attacks with the highest accuracy and least number
of false positives or false negatives.
Comprehensive protection in one integrated application and
data security platform
Hand-in-hand with the requirement for automation is the need for protection that not
only spans the broad spectrum of application attack vectors organizations are likely to
encounter, but also secures the related data stores accessed by the web application with
one integrated WAF Gateway security platform. Strengths of Imperva WAF Gateway in
this area include:
COMPREHENSIVE THREAT COVERAGE. With Imperva WAF Gateway, organizations
obtain coverage for a broad range of threats and attack types. Where many other
solutions do little more than counteract common technical attacks, WAF Gateway
protection extends to account not only for the full OWASP Top 10
, but also the twenty
classes of automated threats identified by OWASP
and a wide range of business logic
attacks. Specialized protection is also available to prevent account takeover attempts in
real-time, before fraud events can be perpetrated.
DEEP THREAT INTELLIGENCE. Unlike most competing solutions, WAF Gateway
directly incorporates comprehensive threat intelligence to further enhance its protection
capabilities and better account for constantly evolving threats.
IMPERVA THREAT INTELLIGENCE. A powerful combination of crowd-sourced
intelligence from the WAF Gateway worldwide customer community and threat data
feeds from best-of-breed, third- party providers that is curated by the Imperva
research team – arms WAF Gateway with the following proactive intelligence-driven
protection services:
OWASP Top Ten Project
OWASP Automated Threat Handbook, February 2018
Five Ways Imperva Surpasses the Competition for Web Application Security - Whitepaper
IP REPUTATION INTELLIGENCE identifies known malicious and otherwise troublesome
source IPs, such as those associated with anonymous proxies, TOR networks, phishing
attacks, and comment spammers. Combines with anonymized attack data that WAF
Gateway customers have opted-in to share with Imperva. So, when one customer sees
an attack from a new source, all other Imperva customers get protected from attacks
originating from those sources.
CLIENT CLASSIFICATION accurately distinguishes between human and bot sources of
incoming traic, good and bad types of bots, and “imitation” browsers used by bots to
fool detection mechanisms into concluding they are human users.
Broadest deployment options to meet a variety of
business requirements
Application architectures, delivery options, and protection preferences are as diverse
and rapidly evolving as application threats. Accordingly, web application firewalls need
to have flexible deployment and configuration options to satisfy every organizations’
unique requirements, now and in the future.
With Imperva WAF Gateway, enterprises get the flexibility and adaptability they need a
number of key features, including:
A BROAD SET OF DEPLOYMENT OPTIONS. WAF Gateway can be deployed on-
premises as a physical or virtual appliance. In addition, a variety of deployment modes
- transparent in-line bridge, transparent proxy, reverse proxy, and out-of-band span/
tap mode are supported. Some of the deployment modes require no changes to network
configuration or application changes. In all cases, customizable detection, enforcement,
and response policies further ensure the ability to match an organization’s unique
preferences and requirements.
Imperva Threat
Research Team
Third Party
Threat Intelligence
from Customers
Figure 2: Imperva Threat Intelligence crowd-sourced threat intelligence for WAF Gateway
Five Ways Imperva Surpasses the Competition for Web Application Security - Whitepaper
images are available for Infrastructure-as-a-Service providers such as Amazon AWS
and Microsoft Azure. It enables customers to automatically expand their applications
and data footprint into cloud infrastructure, and auto-scale based on customer demand.
WAF Gateway leverages the load- balancing and high-availability capabilities natively
provided by AWS and Azure, to provide robust deployment options to customers.
AN EXTENDED SOLUTION PORTFOLIO. As their needs dictate, customers can build
on the foundation of web application security achieved with the Imperva WAF Gateway
in a sensible and coordinated manner. Progressively adding WAF Gateway data security
solutions (for database and big data protection) and Imperva Cloud WAF - which
boasts a cloud-based DDoS protection service as well as integrated API Security and
Account Takeover Protection - provides unparalleled protection of data and applications
wherever they reside – on-premises or in the cloud.
Our laser focus on protecting business critical data and applications is what sets Imperva
apart. Unlike competing solutions, ours are not a secondary, add-on component to
another oering, such as a content delivery network (CDN) or tied to a unified threat
management (UTM) or application delivery controller (ADC) platform, where they
compete with five or ten other components for research, development, and maintenance
resources. The result with Imperva WAF Gateway, part of the Imperva’s leading full-
stack application and data security portfolio, is a best-of-breed solution with the
flexibility and adaptability organizations require to achieve and maintain a maximally
eective implementation.
Out-of-the-box integration for simplified operations
There are no silver bullets when it comes to information security. Defense-in-depth
is not an option, but a necessity. Accordingly, a web application firewall needs to
provide seamless integration with other essential components of an organization’s
security infrastructure.
Out-of-the-box integrations available with WAF Gateway that enhance web application
defenses and accelerate related operations include those with:
including Splunk Enterprise, CA Enterprise Log Manager, HP ArcSight, IBM QRadar,
McAfee Enterprise Security Manager, RSA enVision, and more – for enhancing visibility,
incident response, and detailed forensic investigations.
VULNERABILITY SCANNERS. WAF Gateway integrates with the leading vulnerability
scanners to automate the process of generating vulnerability-based signatures, thereby
reducing the need for costly out-of-cycle application fixes. It integrates with HP
WebInspect, IBM, AppScan, Qualys, WhiteHat Sentinel and others – for enabling instant
virtual patching of custom web applications.
AUTOMATION APIS. WAF Gateway provides RESTful application program interfaces
(APIs) to automate IT/Security operations for deployment, configuration, and on-going
maintenance of security policies on multiple web app firewall instances. It provides
additional API’s and template scripts to simplify provisioning of proof-of-concept
environments and large scale deployments in cloud infrastructure environments
Five Ways Imperva Surpasses the Competition for Web Application Security - Whitepaper
Enterprise scale management for a globally distributed
Any multi-national company typically operates hundreds of web applications to conduct
business worldwide, and these applications may be located in dierent geographically
distributed data centers. Such companies must be able to centrally manage application
security policies, monitor events, and investigate security incidents at a global level. WAF
Gateway provides the following capabilities to simplify enterprise-scale management
across web application firewalls are located in separate data centers or continents.
PROVIDER SCALE MANAGEMENT. A single WAF Gateway Management Server can
manage up to 25 WAF Gateway gateways. To manage larger distributed deployments of
WAF Gateway, Imperva provides tiered management with WAF Gateway Management
Server Manager. A Management Server Manager helps overcome the “disconnected
islands” problem that plagues some solutions. Maintaining consistent web application
security policies and creating unified, enterprise-wide compliance reports remains
straightforward even for large implementations.
REALTIME VISIBILITY. An intentional by-product of WAF Gateway’s scalable, multi-tier
architecture is that administrators obtain real-time access to monitoring and event data,
along with associated reports. In comparison, solutions with legacy architectures are
often limited to batching and periodically aggregating information gleaned across multi-
site deployments, resulting in significant delays before administrators can view, analyze,
and respond to detected issues and threats.
ROBUST REPORTING. An extensive set of pre-defined reports enable customers
to easily understand web application security and compliance status, while full
customization capabilities allow complete alignment with organization-specific policies,
processes, and practices.
Most competitors do not provide centralized management of security policies,
application profiles, or logging, and fundamentally can’t scale to manage hundreds or
thousands of applications. A key proof point is the Imperva significant footprint for web
application firewall in the hosting environments, which also use network infrastructure
solutions from competitors. From a business perspective, most hosters would have
preferred a single vendor, but found the competitive solution to be unable to meet their
management scale requirements.
+1 (866) 926-4678
Imperva is an analyst-recognized, cybersecurity leader championing the fight
to secure data and applications wherever they reside.
Copyright © 2019 Imperva. All rights reserved
SSL Untreaceable Connection
Custom Violation
HTTP Signature Violation
Illegal Parameter Encoding
Slow HTTP from a Single Source
Slow HTTP from Multiple Sources
Unauthorized Method for Kno...
SQL Injection
Abnormally Long Request
Unknown HTTP Request Method
United States
of America
Kingdom of
Great Britain
Figure 3: Customizable Reporting in WAF Gateway
Monthly Events in Finance Dept. By Severity Monthly Event Source GeoLocation
in Finance Dept.
Alert Name
Num. of Events
Web applications drive businesses more today than at any other time in history.
To adequately protect these business-critical resources, organizations need a web
application firewall.
However, not just any solution will do. Eectively defending against increasingly
automated and sophisticated web attacks depends on selecting a web application
firewall that, as described in this paper, delivers unparalleled levels of situational
awareness, threat protection, flexibility, automation, and scalability.
To learn more about WAF Gateway and Cloud WAF and other Imperva solutions for
protecting your organization’s data, applications, and reputation, please visit: