Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Computer Science
Computer Science
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Tony Evers, PhD, State Superintendent
Madison, Wisconsin
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science ii
This publication is available from:
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
125 South Webster Street
Madison, WI 53703
(608) 266-8960
June 2017 Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, creed, age, national origin,
ancestry, pregnancy, marital status or parental status, sexual orientation, or ability and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America
and other designated youth groups.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science iii
Table of Contents
Foreword ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... v
Section I: Wisconsin’s Approach to Academic Standards .................................................................................................................................. 1
Purpose of the Document .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2
What Are Academic Standards?.................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Relating the Academic Standards to All Students ................................................................................................................................ 4
Ensuring a Process for Student Success ................................................................................................................................................... 5
Section II: Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science ........................................................................................................................................ 7
What is Computer Science Education? .................................................................................................................................................... 8
Computer Science Education in Wisconsin ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Standards Structure ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Section III: Standards ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Algorithms and Programming (AP) ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
Computing Systems (CS) ................................................................................................................................................................................ 26
Data and Analysis (DA) ................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
Impacts of Computing (IC) ............................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Networking and the Internet (NI) ............................................................................................................................................................... 43
Section IV: Disciplinary Literacy: Literacy for Learning in Computer Science ............................................................................................. 47
What is Disciplinary Literacy? ...................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Why is Disciplinary Literacy Important? ................................................................................................................................................. 48
Wisconsin Foundations for Disciplinary Literacy ................................................................................................................................ 50
What Research and Resources Are Available?...................................................................................................................................... 51
Section V: Connecting Computer Science to Other Wisconsin Academic Disciplines ............................................................................ 58
Connecting Computer Science .................................................................................................................................................................... 59
Literacy in All Subjects: The Shift ............................................................................................................................................................... 60
Connecting to Other Content Area Standards ..................................................................................................................................... 61
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science iv
Computer science education introduces students to topics from programming to being creators of
technology. Students engaged in computer science education find relevance, application, and
understanding of the core subjects to prepare them for college and careers in the 21
Computer science is recognized for the numerous ways it adds value to our students’ education and
success. Incorporated into school curriculum as a stand-alone class or as an enhancement of other
disciplines, computer science education supports our vision to prepare every Wisconsin student to be
college and career ready.
To clearly identify what students in the area of computer science should know and be able to demonstrate, I have directed
Wisconsin experts and educators to develop Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science through a transparent and open
process with public engagement. These standards provide a foundation for aligning computer science curriculum, instruction,
and assessment.
The standards within this resource will strengthen computer science options for students from kindergarten through high school
and beyond. The influence of computer science and the availability of technology will shape ideas and skills gained from engaging
in these computer science standards. By adopting the standards, districts drive student learning to meet their students’ interests
and future ambitions.
Wisconsin is a national leader in this academic area, and one of the few states to develop and adopt standards for computer
science. With these nation-leading standards, we aim to improve student achievement and success while preparing all our
students to be college and career ready graduates and productive citizens who will add to our economic prosperity.
Tony Evers, PhD
State Superintendent
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science v
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) wishes to acknowledge the ongoing work, commitment, and various
contributions of individuals to develop our state’s first academic standards for computer science. Thank you to the State
Superintendent’s Standards Review Council for their work and guidance through the standards process. A special thanks to the
Computer Science Writing Committee for taking on this important project that will shape the classrooms of today and
tomorrow. Thanks to the many staff members across the division and other teams at DPI who have contributed their time and
talent to this project. Finally, a special thanks to Wisconsin educators, businesspeople, parents, and citizens who provided
comment and feedback to drafts of these standards.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science Writing Team
Co-Chairs: Dennis Brylow, Professor of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science, Marquette University
Joe Kmoch, Retired Math and Computer Science Teacher
DPI Liaisons: John W. Johnson, Director, Literacy and Mathematics, and Director for Academic Standards
Mary Mooney, Mathematics Consultant
Brent Kindred, Technology and Engineering Consultant
Dave Thomas, Business and Information Technology Education Consultant
Kristina Blomquist
Pewaukee High School
Darell Cronkright
Park High School
Thomas Gendreau
Lori Hunt
Middleton High School
Andrew Kuemel
Madison West High School
Kristin Matchey
Arcadia High School
Annette O’Hern
LaCrosse School District
John Quinn
Wausua West High School
Daniel Rhode
Baraboo High School
Karla Saeger
Randy Schullo
Rice Lake High School
Jill Underly
Pecatonica Area School Dist.
Doug Waterman
Fox Valley Technical College
Amanda Werner
Madison Elementary Science
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science vi
Department of Public Instruction, Academic Standards
John W. Johnson, Director, Literacy and Mathematics, and Director for Academic Standards
Meri Annin, Lead Visual Communications Designer
Marci Glaus, Strategic Communications Consultant
David McHugh, Strategic Planning and Professional Learning Consultant
Department of Public Instruction Leaders
Emilie Amundson, Chief of Staff, Office of the State Superintendent
Scott Jones, Special Assistant, Office of the State Superintendent
Sheila Briggs, Assistant State Superintendent, Division of Academic Excellence
Section I
Wisconsin’s Approach to Academic Standards
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 2
Purpose of the Document
The purpose of this guide is to improve Computer Science education for students and for communities. The Wisconsin
Department of Public Instruction (DPI) has developed standards to assist Wisconsin educators and stakeholders in
understanding, developing and implementing computer science course offerings and curriculum in school districts across
This publication provides a vision for student success and follows The Guiding Principles for Teaching and Learning
(2011). In brief,
the principles are:
1. Every student has the right to learn.
2. Instruction must be rigorous and relevant.
3. Purposeful assessment drives instruction and affects learning.
4. Learning is a collaborative responsibility.
5. Students bring strengths and experiences to learning.
6. Responsive environments engage learners.
Program leaders will find the guide valuable for making decisions about:
Program structure and integration
Curriculum redesign
Staffing and staff development
Scheduling and student grouping
Facility organization
Learning spaces and materials development
Resource allocation and accountability
Collaborative work with other units of the school, district and community
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 3
What Are the Academic Standards?
Wisconsin Academic Standards specify what students should know and be able to do in the classroom. They serve as goals for
teaching and learning. Setting high standards enables students, parents, educators, and citizens to know what students should
have learned at a given point in time. In Wisconsin, all state standards serve as a model. Locally elected school boards adopt
academic standards in each subject area to best serve their local communities. We must ensure that all children have equal
access to high-quality education programs. Clear statements about what students must know and be able to do are essential in
making sure our schools offer opportunities to get the knowledge and skills necessary for success beyond the classroom.
Adopting these standards is voluntary. Districts may use the academic standards as guides for developing local grade-by-grade
level curriculum. Implementing standards may require some school districts to upgrade school and district curriculums. This may
result in changes in instructional methods and materials, local assessments, and professional development opportunities for the
teaching and administrative staff.
What is the Difference Between Academic Standards and Curriculum?
Standards are statements about what students should know and be able to do, what they might be asked to do to give evidence
of learning, and how well they should be expected to know or do it. Curriculum is the program devised by local school districts
used to prepare students to meet standards. It consists of activities and lessons at each grade level, instructional materials, and
various instructional techniques. In short, standards define what is to be learned at certain points in time, and from a broad
perspective, what performances will be accepted as evidence that the learning has occurred. Curriculum specifies the details of
the day-to-day schooling at the local level.
Developing the Academic Standards
DPI has a transparent and comprehensive process for reviewing and revising academic standards. The process begins with a
notice of intent to review an academic area with a public comment period. The State Superintendent’s Standards Review Council
examines those comments and may recommend revision or development of standards in that academic area. The state
superintendent authorizes whether or not to pursue a revision or development process. Following this, a state writing
committee is formed to work on those standards for all grade levels. That draft is then made available for open review to get
feedback from the public, key stakeholders, educators, and the Legislature with further review by the State Superintendent’s
Standards Review Council. The state superintendent then determines adoption of the standards.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 4
Aligning for Student Success
To build and sustain schools that support every student in achieving success, educators must work together with families,
community members, and business partners to connect the most promising practices in the most meaningful contexts. The
release of the Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science provides for the first time a set of important academic standards for
school districts to implement. This is connected to a larger vision of every child graduating college and career ready. The graphic
below illustrates the relationship between academic standards and other critical principles and efforts that function together to
educate every child to graduate college and career ready. Here, the vision and set of Guiding Principles form the foundation for
building a supportive process for teaching and learning rigorous and relevant content. The following sections articulate this
integrated approach to increasing student success in Wisconsin schools and communities.
Relating the Academic Standards to All Students
Grade-level standards should allow ALL students to engage, access, and be assessed in ways that fit their strengths, needs, and
interests. This applies to the achievement of students with IEPs (individualized education plans), English learners, and gifted and
talented pupils,
consistent with all other students. Academic standards serve as the foundation for individualized programming
decisions for all students.
Academic standards serve as a valuable basis for establishing concrete, meaningful goals as part of each student’s developmental
progress and demonstration of proficiency. Students with IEPs must be provided specially designed instruction that meets their
individual needs. It is expected that each individual student with an IEP will require unique services and supports matched to
their strengths and needs in order to close achievement gaps in grade-level standards. Alternate standards are only available for
students with the most significant cognitive disabilities.
Gifted and talented students may achieve well beyond the academic standards and move into advanced grade levels or into
advanced coursework.
Our Vision: Every Child a Graduate, College and Career Ready
We are committed to ensuring every child graduates from high school academically prepared and socially and emotionally
competent. A successful Wisconsin student is proficient in academic content and can apply their knowledge through skills such
as critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity. The successful student will also possess critical habits such as
perseverance, responsibility, adaptability, and leadership. This vision for every child as a college and career ready graduate
guides our beliefs and approaches to education in Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 5
Guided by Principles
All educational initiatives are guided and impacted by important and often unstated attitudes or principles for teaching and
learning. The Guiding Principles for Teaching and Learning (2011
) emerge from research and provide the touchstone for practices
that truly affect the vision of Every Child a Graduate Prepared for College and Career. When made transparent, these principles
inform what happens in the classroom, direct the implementation and evaluation of programs, and most importantly, remind us
of our own beliefs and expectations for students.
Ensuring a Process for Student Success
For Wisconsin schools and districts, implementing the Framework for
Equitable Multi-Level Systems of Supports (2017) means providing equitable
services, practices, and resources to every learner based upon
responsiveness to effective instruction and intervention. In this system, high-
quality instruction, strategic use of data, and collaboration interact within a
continuum of supports to facilitate learner success. Schools provide varying
types of supports with differing levels of intensity to proactively and
responsibly adjust to the needs of the whole child. These include the
knowledge, skills and habits learners need for success beyond high school,
including developmental, academic, behavioral, social, and emotional skills.
Connecting to Content: Wisconsin Academic Standards
Within this vision for increased student success, rigorous, internationally
benchmarked academic standards provide the content for high-quality
curriculum and instruction and for a strategic assessment system aligned to those standards. With the adoption of the standards,
Wisconsin has the tools to design curriculum, instruction, and assessments to maximize student learning. The standards
articulate what we teach so that educators can focus on how instruction can best meet the needs of each student. When
implemented within an equitable multi-level system of support, the standards can help to ensure that every child will graduate
college and career ready.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 6
The Guiding Principles for Teaching and Learning. 2011. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. Retrieved from
Framework for Equitable Multi-Level Systems of Supports. 2017. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.
Retrieved from https://dpi.wi.gov/rti
Section II
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science
What is Computer Science Education?
Wisconsin defines computer science (CS) as an academic discipline that encompasses the study of computers and algorithmic
processes, including their principles, their hardware and software designs, their applications, networks, and their impact on
society. The standards outlined in this document provide an important foundation to prepare students for post-secondary
education and careers.
Computer Science Education in Wisconsin
Computer science drives job growth and innovation throughout the economy and society. In 2017, demand for computing jobs in
Wisconsin was higher than any other occupation category, and this growth is projected to continue for much of the next decade.
The need for CS education is increasing because all students will need some foundational knowledge in CS, regardless of their
occupational path. To offer formal coursework and integrate CS into K-12 learning opportunities, developing CS academic
standards across grades K-12 is an essential first step. In the 21
century, career and college readiness will increasingly require a
CS component.
At the elementary level, CS content and concepts can be integrated throughout the curriculum. Teachers can effectively use CS
concepts in instruction to develop foundational skills and also can create a connection to secondary CS options. At the middle
and high school levels, all students should have access to CS, including those who wish to pursue advanced courses.
These standards articulate end-of-grade level expectations. Some students - including students with who receive special
education services through an Individualized Education Program (IEP), students with gifts and talents, and English language
learners - may benefit from additional supports or challenges. Some barriers to learning and engagement can be minimized
through Universal Design for Learning (UDL). In addition, learning can be personalized through collaboration between
educators, school staff, families, and students.
Wisconsin’s Vision for Computer Science
The Wisconsin vision for computer science is shaped by Wisconsin practitioners, experts, and the business community, and is
informed by work at the national level and in other states. The overarching goal is to introduce the principles and methodologies
of CS to all students. Wisconsin’s vision for K-12 CS is to:
1. introduce the fundamental concepts of CS to all students, beginning at the elementary school level;
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 9
2. present CS at the secondary-school level in a way that will be both accessible and worthy of a CS credit, or as a core
graduation credit;
3. offer additional secondary-level CS standards that will allow interested students to study facets of CS in depth and
prepare them for entry into a career or college; and
4. increase the knowledge of CS for all students, especially those from underrepresented groups in this field.
Wisconsin’s Approach to Academic Standards for Computer Science
With the release of the Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science, Wisconsin CS teachers have access to the foundational
knowledge and skills needed to educate students for successful entry into hundreds of high-wage, high-demand occupations and
careers. Vetted by business, industry, and education professionals, these academic standards guide Wisconsin schools, teachers,
and community partners toward development and continuous improvement of world-class CS courses.
The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) is a professional organization that supports and promotes the teaching of
CS. The 2011 CSTA K12 CS Standards represented the consensus view across the computing profession, educators, and
academia. The writing of these standards was informed by an interim draft made available during 2016, as well as a separate but
related K-12 Computer Science Framework under development with the involvement of many other states. The Wisconsin
Standards for Computer Science share five overall conceptual strands with these previous standards documents. The learning
priorities and performance indicators contained within each set of CS standards consists of knowledge and skills specific to each
of the five content areas.
Algorithms and Programming
Computing Systems
Data and Analysis
Impacts of Computing
Networks and the Internet
These are critical as students develop an understanding of CS as a discipline and how these skills intersect with other content
areas. In addition, there are many knowledge areas, skills, and dispositions delineated in these CS academic standards that are
common to the pursuit of careers and postsecondary education in many fields.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 10
Numerous existing sets of standards and standards-related documents have been used in developing the Wisconsin Standards
for Computer Science. These include:
The (interim) CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards, revised 2016 https://www.csteachers.org/page/about-csta-s-k-
The K-12 Computer Science Framework https://k12cs.org/
Approved or draft standards from the following states: Arkansas, Florida, Idaho (draft), Indiana, Massachusetts, New
Jersey, South Carolina (draft), Texas, Washington
The Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science may be taught and integrated through a variety of classes and experiences. Each
district, school, and program area should determine the means by which students meet these standards. Through the
collaboration of multiple stakeholders, these foundational standards will set the stage for high-quality, successful, contemporary
CS courses and programs throughout Wisconsin’s PK-12 systems.
Standards Structure
The Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science follow a specific structure.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 11
Standards Coding
Standards Formatting
Standard: Broad statement that tells what
students are expected to know or be able to do
Learning priority: Breaks down the broad
statement into manageable learning pieces
Performance indicator by grade band: Measurable degree to which a standard has been developed or met
Grade Bands
Grade bands of K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12 align to typical elementary, middle, and high school levels
Grade band K-2 and 3-5 performance indicators represent knowledge and skills that should be integrated throughout the
elementary curriculum.
Computer science education should be part of the core curriculum for all middle school students. Awareness, exploration,
and building foundational skills should occur in middle school.
Computer science education at the high school level continues to develop student foundational understanding of CS in the
world through in-depth CS learning, including awareness and exploration activities.
Performance indicators marked with a (+) for grades 9-12 represent advanced CS learning expectations for students with
aspirations toward careers and postsecondary studies in computing disciplines.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 12
Computer Science Teachers Association (2011). CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards, Revised 2011. Retrieved from
Computer Science Teachers Association (2017). CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards, Revised 2017. Retrieved from
K–12 Computer Science Framework. (2016). Retrieved from http://www.k12cs.org.
Section III
Discipline: Computer Science (CS) Standards
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 14
Content Area: Algorithms and Programming (AP)
Standard AP1: Students will recognize and define computational problems using algorithms and programming
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority
K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
Construct and execute
algorithms (sets of step-by-
step instructions), which
include sequencing and
simple loops to accomplish
a task, both independently
and collaboratively, with or
without a computing
Construct and execute
algorithms (sets of step-by-
step instructions), which
include sequencing, loops,
and conditionals to
accomplish a task, both
independently and
collaboratively, with or
without a computing device.
Decompose (break down) a
computational problem into
parts and create solutions
for one or more parts.
Analyze a problem and
design and implement an
algorithmic solution using
sequence, selection, and
Decompose a larger
computational problem into
smaller sub-problems
independently or with
teacher guidance (e.g., to
draw a snowman, we can
draw several different,
simpler shapes).
Decompose a larger
computational problem into
smaller sub-problems
independently or in a
collaborative group.
Identify how sub-problems
could be recombined to
create something new (e.g.,
break down the individual
parts that would be needed
to program a certain type of
game and then show how
the parts could be reused in
other types of games).
Explain and demonstrate
how modeling and
simulation can be used to
explore natural phenomena
(e.g., flocking behaviors,
queueing, life cycles).
Categorize a group of items
based on the attributes of
actions of each item, with or
without a computing
(+) Provide examples of
computationally solvable
problems and difficult-to-
solve problems.
NOTE: This standard continued on next page.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 15
Content Area: Algorithms and Programming (AP)
Standard AP1: Students will recognize and define computational problems using algorithms and programming (cont’d)
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
AP1.a: (cont’d)
(+) Decompose a large-scale
computational problem by
identifying generalizable
patterns and applying them
in a solution.
(+) Illustrate the flow of
execution of a recursive
(+) Describe how parallel
processing can be used to
solve large computational
problems (e.g., SETI at
Home, FoldIt).
(+) Develop and use a series
of test cases to verify that a
program performs
according to its design
(+) Explain the value of
heuristic algorithms
(discovery methods) to
approximate solutions for
computational problems.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 16
Content Area: Algorithms and Programming (AP)
Standard AP2: Students will create computational artifacts using algorithms and programming
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
Develop and
implement an
Construct programs to
accomplish a task or as a
means of creative
expression, which include
sequencing, events, and
simple loops, using a block-
based visual programming
language, both
independently and
collaboratively (e.g., pair
Construct programs to
solve a problem or for
creative expression, which
include sequencing, events,
loops, conditionals,
parallelism, and variables,
using a block-based visual
programming language or
text-based language, both
independently and
collaboratively (e.g., pair
Develop programs, both
independently and
collaboratively, which
include sequencing with
nested loops and multiple
branches [Clarification At
this level, students may use
block-based and/or text-
based languages].
Use user-centered research
and design techniques (e.g.,
surveys, interviews) to
create software solutions.
Plan and create a design
document to illustrate
thoughts, ideas, and stories
in a sequential (step-by-
step) manner (e.g., story
map, storyboard, sequential
graphic organizer).
Create a plan as part of the
iterative design process,
both independently and
with diverse collaborative
teams (e.g., storyboard,
flowchart, pseudo-code,
story map).
Produce computational
artifacts with broad
accessibility and usability
through careful
consideration of diverse
needs and wants of the
Integrate grade-level
appropriate mathematical
techniques, concepts, and
processes in the creation of
computational artifacts.
Use mathematical
operations to change a
value stored in a variable.
Use an iterative design
process (e.g., define the
problem; generate ideas;
build, test, and improve
solutions) to solve
computational problems,
both independently and
Design, develop, and
implement a computing
artifact that responds to an
event (e.g., robot that
responds to a sensor,
mobile app that responds to
a text message, sprite that
responds to a broadcast).
Use mathematical
operations to change a
value stored in a variable.
NOTE: This standard continued on next page.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 17
Content Area: Algorithms and Programming (AP)
Standard AP2: Students will create computational artifacts using algorithms and programming (cont’d)
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority
AP2.a: (cont’d)
Develop and
implement an
Create variables that
represent different types of
data and manipulate their
(+) Decompose a
computational problem by
creating new data types,
functions, or classes.
(+) Develop programs for
multiple computing
platforms (e.g., computer
desktop, web, mobile).
(+) Implement an Artificial
Intelligence (AI) algorithm
to play a game against a
human opponent or solve a
(+) Demonstrate code reuse
by creating programming
solutions using libraries and
application program
interfaces (APIs) (e.g.,
graphics libraries, maps,
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 18
Content Area: Algorithms and Programming (AP)
Standard AP3: Students will communicate about computing ideas
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
Recognize and
cite sources.
Give credit to the source
when using code, music, or
pictures that were created
by others.
Use proper citations and
document when ideas are
borrowed and changed for
their own use (e.g., using
pictures created by others,
using music created by
others, remixing
programming projects).
Provide proper attribution
when code is borrowed or
built upon.
Compare and contrast
various software licensing
schemes (e.g., open source,
freeware, commercial).
about technical
and social issues.
Follow simple instructions
to complete a task, such as a
simple visual tutorial.
Understand that algorithms
have impacted society in
both beneficial and harmful
Discuss how algorithms
have impacted society
both the beneficial and
harmful effects.
Evaluate and analyze how
algorithms have impacted
our society and discuss the
benefits and harmful
impacts of a variety of
technological innovations.
Compare different
Compare different
algorithms that may be
used to solve the same
problem in terms of their
speed, clarity, and size (e.g.,
different algorithms solve
the same problem, but one
might be faster than the
other). [Clarification
Students are not expected
to quantify these
(+) Compare a variety of
programming languages
and identify features that
make them useful for
solving different types of
problems and developing
different kinds of systems
(e.g., declarative, logic,
parallel, functional,
compiled, interpreted, real-
NOTE: This standard continued on next page.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 19
Content Area: Algorithms and Programming (AP)
Standard AP3: Students will communicate about computing ideas (cont’d)
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
AP3.b: (cont’d)
about technical
and social issues.
Modify a set of instructions
(e.g., in dancing, cooking, or
other areas) and discuss
how many paths can lead to
the same result.
Modify existing code to
change its functionality and
discuss the variety of ways
in which to do this.
(+) Modify an existing
program to add additional
functionality and discuss
intended and unintended
implications (e.g., breaking
other functionality).
Document code.
Interpret the flow of
execution of algorithms and
predict their outcomes.
[Clarification Algorithms
can be expressed using
natural language, flow and
control diagrams,
comments within code, and
(+) Describe how Artificial
Intelligence (AI) drives
many software and physical
systems (e.g., autonomous
robots, computer vision,
pattern recognition, text
Use documentation
regarding code to modify
Write appropriate
documentation for
(+) Use application
programming interface
(APIs) documentation
Use online resources to
answer technical questions.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 20
Content Area: Algorithms and Programming (AP)
Standard AP4: Students will develop and use abstractions
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
Create and use
) to solve
Use numbers or other
symbols to represent data
(e.g., thumbs up or down for
yes or no, color by number,
arrows for direction,
encoding or decoding a
word using numbers or
Use several existing
functions or procedures to
solve a problem (e.g., using
several square, circle, and
triangle drawing functions
to create a larger picture).
Define and use functions/
procedures that hide the
complexity of a task and can
be reused to solve similar
tasks. [Clarification
Students use and modify,
but do not necessarily
create, functions or
procedures with
Demonstrate the value of
abstraction for managing
problem complexity (e.g.,
using a list instead of
discrete variables).
Understand the notion of
hierarchy and abstraction in
high-level languages,
translation, instruction sets,
and logic circuits.
Deconstruct a complex
problem into simpler parts
using predefined constructs
(e.g., functions and
parameters and/or classes).
(+) Compare and contrast
fundamental data structures
and their uses (e.g., lists,
maps, arrays, stacks, queues,
trees, graphs).
NOTE: This standard continued on next page.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 21
Content Area: Algorithms and Programming (AP)
Standard AP4: Students will develop and use abstractions (cont’d)
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
AP4.a: (cont’d)
Create and use
) to solve
(+) Critically analyze and
evaluate classic algorithms
(e.g., sorting, searching) and
use in different contexts,
adapting as appropriate.
(+) Discuss issues that arise
when breaking large-scale
problems down into parts
that must be processed
simultaneously on separate
systems (e.g., cloud
computing, parallelization,
(+) Define the functionality
of an abstraction without
implementing the
(+) Evaluate algorithms (e.g.,
sorting, searching) in terms
of their efficiency,
correctness, and clarity.
NOTE: This standard continued on next page.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 22
Content Area: Algorithms and Programming (AP)
Standard AP4: Students will develop and use abstractions (cont’d)
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
AP4.a: (cont’d)
Create and use
) to solve
(+) Identify programming
language features that can
be used to define or specify
an abstraction.
(+) Identify abstractions
used in a solution (program
or software artifact) and
reuse those abstractions to
solve a different problem.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 23
Content Area: Algorithms and Programming (AP)
Standard AP5: Students will collaborate with diverse teams
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
Work together
to solve
problems using a
variety of
Work together with a team
to create a solution to a
computational problem.
Apply collaboration
strategies to support
problem solving within the
design cycle of a program.
Solicit and integrate peer
feedback as appropriate to
develop or refine a
Design and develop a
software artifact working in
a team.
Use teachers, parents, and
other resources to solve a
computational problem.
Understand there are many
resources that can be used
or tapped to solve a
Demonstrate how diverse
collaborating impacts the
design and development of
software products (e.g.,
discussing real-world
examples of products that
have been improved
through having a diverse
design team or reflecting on
their own team's
development experience).
(+) Demonstrate software
life cycle processes (e.g.,
spiral, waterfall) by
participating on software
project teams (e.g.,
community service project
with real-world clients).
NOTE: This standard continued on next page.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 24
Content Area: Algorithms and Programming (AP)
Standard AP5: Students will collaborate with diverse teams (cont’d)
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
AP5.a: (cont’d)
Work together
to solve
problems using a
variety of
(+) Use version control
systems, integrated
development environments
(IDEs), and collaboration
tools and practices (code
documentation) in a group
software project.
Foster an
Understand the value for
teams to include members
with different perspectives,
experiences, and
backgrounds, including
race, gender, ethnicity,
language, ability, family
background, and family
Analyze team members’
strengths and use them to
foster an inclusive
computing culture.
Create design teams taking
into account the strengths
and perspectives of
potential team members.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 25
Content Area: Algorithms and Programming (AP)
Standard AP6: Students will test and refine computational solutions
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
Test and debug
Analyze and debug (fix) an
algorithm, which includes
sequencing and simple
loops, with or without a
computing device.
Analyze and debug an
algorithm, which includes
sequencing, events, loops,
conditionals, parallelism,
and variables.
Use testing and debugging
methods to ensure program
correctness and
Use a systematic approach
and debugging tools to
independently debug a
program (e.g., setting
breakpoints, inspecting
variables with a debugger).
Develop and
apply success
Determine the correctness
of a computational problem
solution by listening to a
classmate describe the
Apply a rubric to determine
if and how well a program
meets objectives.
(+) Evaluate key qualities of
a program (e.g., correctness,
usability, readability,
efficiency, portability,
scalability) through a
process such as a code
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 26
Content Area: Computing Systems (CS)
Standard CS1: Students will communicate about computing systems
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
hardware and
Identify and use software
that controls computational
devices to accomplish a task
(e.g., use an app to draw on
the screen, use software to
write a story or control
Select and operate
appropriate software to
perform a variety of tasks
and recognize that users
have different needs and
preferences for the
technology they use.
Justify the suitability of
hardware and software
chosen to accomplish a task
(e.g., comparison of the
features of a tablet vs.
desktop, selecting which
sensors and platform to use
in building a robot or
developing a mobile app).
Develop and apply criteria
(e.g., power consumption,
processing speed, storage
space, battery life, cost,
operating system) for
evaluating a computer
system for a given purpose
(e.g., system specification
needed to run a game, web
browsing, graphic design, or
video editing).
Use appropriate
terminology in naming and
describing the function of
common computing devices
and components (e.g.,
desktop computer, laptop
computer, tablet device,
monitor, keyboard, mouse,
Use appropriate
terminology in naming
internal and external
components of computing
devices and describing their
relationships, capabilities,
and limitations.
(+) Identify the functionality
of various categories of
hardware components and
communication between
them (e.g., physical layers,
logic gates, chips, input and
output devices).
NOTE: This standard continued on next page.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 27
Content Area: Computing Systems (CS)
Standard CS1: Students will communicate about computing systems
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
Understand how
the components
of a computer
system work
Identify the components of
a computer system and
what the basic functions are
(e.g., hard drive, and
memory) as well as external
features and their uses (e.g.,
printers, scanners, external
hard drives, and cloud
Model how a computer
system works. [Clarification
Only includes basic
elements of a computer
system, such as input,
output, processor, sensors,
and storage].
(+) Explain the role of
operating systems (e.g., how
programs are stored in
memory, how data is
organized and retrieved,
how processes are managed
and multi-tasked).
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 28
Content Area: Computing Systems (CS)
Standard CS2: Students will test and refine computing systems
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
Problem solve
and debug.
Identify, using accurate
terminology, simple
hardware and software
problems that may occur
during use (e.g., app or
program not working as
expected, no sound, device
won't turn on).
Identify, using accurate
terminology, simple
hardware and software
problems that may occur
during use, and apply
strategies for solving
problems (e.g., reboot
device, check for power,
check network availability,
close and reopen app).
Use a systematic process to
identify the source of a
problem within individual
and connected devices (e.g.,
follow a troubleshooting
flow diagram, make changes
to software to see if
hardware will work, restart
device, check connections,
swap in working
Devise a systematic process
to identify the source of a
problem within individual
and connected devices (e.g.,
research, investigate,
problem solve).
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 29
Content Area: Computing Systems (CS)
Standard CS3: Students will develop and use abstractions in computing systems
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
Generalize in
Analyze the relationship
between a device's
computational components
and its capabilities. (e.g.,
computing systems include
not only computers, but
also cars, microwaves,
smartphones, traffic lights,
and flash drives).
Demonstrate the role and
interaction of a computer
embedded within a physical
system, such as a consumer
electronic, biological
system, or vehicle, by
creating a diagram, model,
simulation, or prototype.
(+) Describe the steps
necessary for a computer to
execute high-level source
code (e.g., compilation to
machine language,
interpretation, fetch-
decode-execute cycle).
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 30
Content Area: Computing Systems (CS)
Standard CS4: Students will create and modify computing systems
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
Modify and
Extend or modify existing
programs to add simple
features and behaviors
using different forms of
inputs and outputs (e.g.,
inputs such as sensors,
mouse clicks, data sets;
outputs such as text,
graphics, sounds).
Create, extend, or modify
existing programs to add
new features and behaviors
using different forms of
inputs and outputs (e.g.,
inputs such as sensors,
mouse clicks, data sets;
outputs such as text,
graphics, sounds).
(+) Create a new artifact
that uses a variety of forms
of inputs and outputs (e.g.,
inputs such as sensors,
mouse clicks, data sets;
outputs such as text,
graphics, sounds).
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 31
Content Area: Data and Analysis (DA)
Standard DA1: Students will create computational artifacts using data and analysis
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
Represent and
manipulate data.
Use numeric values to
represent non-numeric
ideas in the computer (e.g.,
binary, American Standard
Code for Information
Interchange (ASCII), pixel
attributes such as Red
Green Blue (RGB)).
Represent data using
different encoding schemes
(e.g., binary, Unicode,
Morse code, shorthand,
student-created codes).
Convert between binary,
decimal, and hexadecimal
representations of data
(e.g., convert hexadecimal
color codes to decimal
percentages, ASCII/
Unicode representation).
Answer a question by using
a computer to manipulate
(e.g., sort, total and/or
average, chart, graph) and
analyze data that has been
collected by the class or
Analyze the representation
tradeoffs among various
forms of digital information
(e.g., lossy vs. lossless
compression, encrypted vs.
unencrypted, various image
(+) Discuss how data
sequences (e.g., binary,
hexadecimal, octal) can be
interpreted in a variety of
forms (e.g., instructions,
numbers, text, sound,
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 32
Content Area: Data and Analysis (DA)
Standard DA2: Students will recognize and define data in computational problems
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
Gather data to
problem solving.
Collect simple quantitative
data over time (e.g., daily
temperatures or sunrise
Collect quantitative data
over time from multiple
sources (e.g., class or group
pools, individual
observations of street
Gather and organize
multiple quantitative data
elements using a
computational tool (e.g.,
spreadsheet software).
Discuss techniques used to
store, process, and retrieve
different amounts of
information (e.g., files,
databases, data
(+) Use various data
collection techniques for
different types of
computational problems
(e.g., mobile device Global
Positioning System (GPS),
user surveys, embedded
system sensors, open data
sets, social media data sets).
Categorize and
analyze data.
Sort objects into buckets,
recognizing relevant and/or
irrelevant data (e.g., one of
these things is not like the
Choose appropriate
classifications or grouping
for data by shape, color,
size, or other attributes.
Develop a strategy to
answer a question by using
a computer to manipulate
(e.g., sort, total and/or
average, chart, graph) and
analyze data that has been
collected by the class or
Apply basic techniques for
locating and collecting
small- and large-scale data
sets (e.g., creating and
distributing user surveys,
accessing real-world data
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 33
Content Area: Data and Analysis (DA)
Standard DA3: Students will communicate about data in computing
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
about data.
Collect data over time and
organize it in a chart or
graph in order to make and
communicate a prediction.
Organize data into new
subsets to provide different
views or commonalities and
present insights gained
using visual
Describe how different
formats of stored data
represent tradeoffs
between quality and size.
[Clarification compare
examples of music, text
and/or image formats].
Use computational tools to
collect, transform, and
organize data about a
problem to explain to
Organize and evaluate data
for its sufficiency and
relevance to making
accurate inferences or
Explain the processes used
to collect, transform, and
analyze data to solve a
problem using
computational tools (e.g.,
use an app or spreadsheet
form to collect data, decide
which data to use or ignore,
and choose a visualization
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 34
Content Area: Data and Analysis (DA)
Standard DA4: Students will develop and use data abstractions
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
Model with data.
Use a computing device to
store, search, retrieve,
modify, and delete
information and define the
information stored as data.
Create a computational
artifact to model the
attributes and behaviors
associated with a concept
(e.g., solar system, life cycle
of a plant).
Revise computational
models to more accurately
reflect real-world systems
(e.g., ecosystems,
epidemics, spread of ideas).
Create computational
models that simulate real-
world systems (e.g.,
ecosystems, epidemics,
spread of ideas).
Create a model of an object
or process in order to
identify patterns and
essential elements (e.g.,
water cycle, butterfly life
cycle, seasonal weather
Modify an existing
computational model to
emphasize key features and
relationships within a
system. (A model can be
used to simulate events,
examine theories and
inferences, or make
(+) Evaluate the ability of
models and simulations to
formulate, refine, and test
(+) Use data analysis to
identify significant patterns
in complex systems (e.g.,
take existing data sets and
make sense of them).
NOTE: This standard continued on next page.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 35
Content Area: Data and Analysis (DA)
Standard DA4: Students will develop and use data abstractions (cont’d)
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
DA4.b: (cont’d)
(+) Identify mathematical
and computational patterns
through modeling and
simulation (e.g., regression,
queueing theory, discrete
event simulation).
(+) Identify mathematical
and computational patterns
through modeling and
simulation (e.g., regression,
queueing theory, discrete
event simulation).
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 36
Content Area: Impacts of Computing (IC)
Standard IC1: Students will understand the impact and effect computing technology has on our everyday lives
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
Understand the
technology has
on our everyday
lives and the
effects of
computing on
the economy
and culture.
Compare and contrast
examples of how computing
technology has changed the
way people live, work, and
Discuss computing
technologies that have
changed the world and
express how those
technologies influence, and
are influenced by, cultural
Provide examples of how
computational artifacts and
devices impact health and
wellbeing, both positively
and negatively, locally and
globally (e.g., effects of
globalization, and
Debate the social and
economic implications
associated with ethical and
unethical computing
practices (e.g., intellectual
property rights, hacktivism,
software piracy, new
computers shipped with
Generate examples of how
computing can affect
society, and also how
societal values can shape
computing choices.
Explain how computer
science fosters innovation
and can enhance careers
and disciplines.
Discuss implications of the
collection and large-scale
analysis of information
about individuals (e.g., how
businesses, social media,
and government collect and
use personal data).
Compare and debate the
positive and negative
impacts of computing on
behavior and culture (e.g.,
evolution from hitchhiking
to ride-sharing apps, online
accommodation rental
NOTE: This standard continued on next page.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 37
Content Area: Impacts of Computing (IC)
Standard IC1: Students will understand the impact and effect computing technology has on our everyday lives (cont’d)
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
IC1.a: (cont’d)
the impact
technology has
on our everyday
lives and the
effects of
computing on
the economy
and culture.
Describe how computation
shares features with art and
music by translating human
intention into an artifact.
(+) Develop criteria to
evaluate the beneficial and
harmful effects of
computing innovations on
people and society.
Understand the
effects of
computing on
Explain the differences
between communicating
electronically and
communicating in person.
Compare and contrast the
effects of communicating
electronically to
communicating in person.
Analyze and present
beneficial and harmful
effects of personal
electronic communication
and social electronic
Evaluate the negative
impacts of electronic
communication on personal
relationships and evaluate
differences between face-
to-face and electronic
NOTE: This standard continued on next page.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 38
Content Area: Impacts of Computing (IC)
Standard IC1: Students will understand the impact and effect computing technology has on our everyday lives (cont’d)
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
IC1.b: (cont’d)
Understand the
effects of
computing on
Describe ways in which the
internet impacts global
communication and
(+) Create a list of practices
that individuals and
organizations can use to
encourage proper use of
both electronic and face-to-
face communication.
(+) Evaluate the negative
impacts on societal
discourse caused by social
media and electronic
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 39
Content Area: Impacts of Computing (IC)
Standard IC2: Students will experience learning within a collaborative, inclusive computing culture and explain the
steps needed to ensure that all people have access to computing
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
Understand the
effects of the
digital divide.
Brainstorm and advocate
for ways in which
computing devices and the
internet could be made
more available to all people.
Explain the impact of the
digital divide (i.e., uneven
access to computing,
computing education, and
interfaces) on access to
critical information.
(+) Evaluate the impact of
equity, access, and
influence on the
distribution of computing
resources in a global
Test and refine
digital artifacts
for accessibility.
Brainstorm ways in which
computing devices could be
made more accessible to all
Critically evaluate and
redesign a computational
artifact to remove barriers
to universal access (e.g.,
using captions on images,
high contrast colors, and/or
larger font sizes).
Design a user interface (e.g.,
web pages, mobile
applications, animations) to
be more inclusive and
accessible, minimizing the
impact of the designer's
inherent bias.
ethically in the
creation of
digital artifacts.
Work with others as co-
learners to solve a problem
or reach a goal.
Use online collaborative
spaces ethically and safely
to work with another
student to solve a problem
or reach a goal.
Use the internet ethically
and safely to work with a
group of people who are not
physically near to solve a
problem or reach a goal.
Ethically and safely select,
observe, and contribute to
global collaboration in the
development of a
computational artifact (e.g.,
contribute the resolution of
a bug in an open-source
project platform, or
contribute an online
NOTE: This standard continued on next page.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 40
Content Area: Impacts of Computing (IC)
Standard IC2: Students will experience learning within a collaborative, inclusive computing culture and explain the
steps needed to ensure that all people have access to computing (cont’d)
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
IC2.c: (cont’d)
ethically in the
creation of
digital artifacts.
Seek out and compare
diverse perspectives,
synchronously or
asynchronously, to improve
a project.
Demonstrate how
computing enables new
forms of experience,
expression, communication,
and collaboration.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 41
Content Area: Impacts of Computing (IC)
Standard IC3: Students will understand the importance of proper use of data and information in a computing society
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
property and fair
Use resources from the
World Wide Web in making
artifacts and recognize that
the work came from others.
Understand laws associated
with digital information
(e.g., intellectual property,
fair use, and Creative
Compare and contrast
information access and
distribution rights.
Describe ethical issues that
relate to computing devices
and networks (e.g., equity of
access, security, hacking,
intellectual property,
copyright, Creative
Commons licensing, and
Assess the
practice of
digital privacy.
Respect other students’
information and refrain
from accessing others
devices or accounts without
Explain problems that
relate to using computing
devices and networks (e.g.,
logging out to deter others
from using your account,
cyberbullying, privacy of
personal information, and
Analyze and summarize
negative and positive
impacts of using data and
information to categorize
people, predict behavior,
and make recommenda-
tions based on those
predictions (e.g.,
customizing search results
or targeted advertising
based on previous browsing
history can save search
time and limit options at the
same time).
Research and understand
misuses of private digital
information in our society.
NOTE: This standard continued on next page.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 42
Content Area: Impacts of Computing (IC)
Standard IC3: Students will understand the importance of proper use of data and information in a computing society
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
IC3.b: (cont’d)
Assess the
practice of
digital privacy.
Understand what kinds of
digital information is
considered private, take
steps to keep their
information private, and
respect the privacy of other
students’ information.
Debate laws regarding an
individual’s digital privacy
and be able to explain the
main arguments from
multiple perspectives.
computing and
(+) Design and implement a
study that evaluates how
computation has
revolutionized an aspect of
our culture or predicts how
an aspect might evolve (e.g.,
education, healthcare,
art/entertainment, energy).
(+) Debate laws and
regulations that impact the
development and use of
software and be able to
explain the main arguments
from multiple perspectives.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 43
Content Area: Networking and the Internet (NI)
Standard NI1: Students will understand the importance of security when using technology
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
Use secure
practices for
Use secure practices (such
as passwords) to protect
private information and
discuss the effects of
Create examples of strong
passwords, explain why
strong passwords should be
used, and demonstrate
proper use and protection
of personal passwords.
Analyze and summarize
security risks associated
with weak passwords, lack
of encryption, insecure
transactions, and
persistence of data.
Provide examples of
personal data that should
be kept secure and the
methods by which
individuals keep their
private data secure.
Remember basic concepts
and facts regarding security
issues with general
computer use.
Understand security issues
with general computer use.
(+) Explain security issues
that might lead to
compromised computer
programs (e.g., circular
references, ambiguous
program calls, lack of error
checking, and field size
Understand the
importance of
Give examples of
information that
organizations keep private
as opposed to information
that they make public.
Explain the principles of
information security
(confidentiality, integrity,
availability) and
authentication techniques.
Compare and contrast
multiple viewpoints on
cybersecurity (e.g., from the
perspective of security
experts, privacy advocates,
national security).
Identify digital and physical
strategies to secure
networks and discuss the
tradeoffs between ease of
access and need for
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 44
Content Area: Networking and the Internet (NI)
Standard NI2: Students will understand how information is sent by the internet
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
how the internet
works at the
physical layer.
Use a physical tool (e.g.
flashlight, string) to
communicate with another
Model how a device on a
network sends a message
from one device (sender) to
another (receiver) while
following specific rules.
Simulate how information is
transmitted as packets
through multiple devices
over the internet and
Illustrate the basic
components of computer
networks (e.g., draw logical
and topological diagrams of
networks including routers,
switches, servers, and end
user devices; create model
with string and paper).
Provide examples of
computer use that involve
the internet.
Differentiate between
using the internet and not
using the internet (e.g.
identify difference between
local and remote
computation, such as
collaborating on a Google
Doc in “the cloud” versus
editing a local document).
Explain, using basic terms,
how a wireless or cellular
network allows internet
information to be
transmitted from a server
to a user device.
(+) Explain ways in which
the internet is
decentralized and fault-
Illustrate how information
travels on the internet.
(+) Simulate and discuss the
issues (e.g., bandwidth, load,
delay, topology) that impact
network functionality (e.g.,
use free network
NOTE: This standard continued on next page.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 45
Content Area: Networking and the Internet (NI)
Standard NI2: Students will understand how information is sent by the internet (cont’d)
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
how the internet
works at the
protocol layer.
Act out a protocol that
people use in common
everyday communications
(e.g., checking out a book
from the library, meeting a
new person, making an
appointment, playing a class
game, or calling a friend on
the phone to invite them
Define the term protocol,
provide an example of
protocols in daily life, and
explain their use on the
Describe key protocols and
underlying processes of
internet-based services
(e.g., http/https and Simple
Mail Transfer Protocol
(SMTP) or Internet
Message Access Protocol
(IMAP), routing protocols).
how the internet
works at the
addressing layer.
Devise a system for sending
a physical message to
anyone in their school by
using addressing
techniques (e.g., address
envelopes by student first
name and teacher, grade, or
Devise a system for sending
a physical message to
anyone in their school by
using addressing
techniques, and then draw a
tree or visual
representation of their
addressing system, and
finally act out their
addressing system by
sending messages.
Explain the hierarchical
structure of the Internet
Domain Name System
(+) Evaluate how the
hierarchical nature of the
Domain Name System helps
the internet work
NOTE: This standard continued on next page.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 46
Content Area: Networking and the Internet (NI)
Standard NI2: Students will understand how information is sent by the internet
Performance Indicators (by Grade Band)
Learning Priority K-2 (e) 3-5 (i) 6-8 (m) 9-12 (h)
and explain
Communicate across a
classroom using a secure
method of their own design
(e.g., pictures, physical
movement, text).
Encode and decode text-
based messages using basic
algorithms (e.g., shift cipher,
substitution cipher).
Write a program that
performs basic encryption
(e.g., shift cipher,
substitution cipher).
(+) Explain the features of
public key cryptography.
(+) Explore security policies
by implementing and
comparing encryption and
authentication strategies
(e.g., secure coding,
safeguarding keys).
Section IV
Disciplinary Literacy:
Literacy for Learning in Computer Science
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 48
What is Disciplinary Literacy?
Computer scientists have unique ways of accessing and communicating information through specialized language and text
specific to computer science. Students benefit from educators who understand computer science practices in order to link
language skills to this complex content. Disciplinary literacy in computer science focuses on the unique ways that scientists
interact with texts such as programming languages.
In Wisconsin, disciplinary literacy is defined as the confluence of content knowledge, experiences, and skills merged with the
ability to read, write, listen, speak, think critically, and perform in a way that is meaningful within the context of a given field.
The Wisconsin Academic Standards for Literacy in All Subjects are connected to each set of content-specific standards to guide
educators as they strive to help students meet the literacy challenges within each particular field of study. This national effort is
referred to as disciplinary literacy.
Disciplinary literacy is important in ALL courses and subjects at all grade levels. Therefore, the Wisconsin Academic Standards for
Literacy in All Subjects provide standards for cross-discipline literacy in all disciplines and every grade level K-12. This literacy
focus must begin as soon as children have access to formal education and continue intentionally as college and career readiness
goals advance for all children in Wisconsin.
Elementary classroom teachers build the foundational literacy skills necessary for students to access all learning. Additionally,
they develop content-specific literacy skills to read, write, listen, speak, and think critically in each discipline beginning at an
early age. The applicable K-5 standards help educators in Wisconsin build a ladder of skills and dispositions that lead to
accelerated achievement across disciplines.
Why is Disciplinary Literacy Important?
The modern global society, of which our students are a part, requires postsecondary learning. An analysis of workforce trends by
Georgetown University economist Anthony Carnevale and his colleagues found that likely 65 percent of all job openings in 2020
will require some postsecondary education. Postsecondary success depends on students’ ability to comprehend and produce the
kinds of complex texts found in all disciplines. Therefore, the economic future of our state, as well as our students and their
success as productive citizens and critical thinkers, links to disciplinary literacy.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 49
Textbooks, articles, manuals, and historical primary source documents create specialized
challenges for learners. These texts often include abstracts, figures, tables, diagrams, and
specialized vocabulary. The ideas are complex and build across a number of paragraphs
requiring focus and strategic processing. To comprehend and produce this type of text,
students must be immersed in the language and thinking processes of that discipline and
they must be supported by an expert guide, their teacher (Carnegie Report, 2010).
A focus at the elementary level on foundational reading, when expanded to include
engaging experiences connected to informational texts, vocabulary, and writing for
content-specific purposes, builds background knowledge and skills in each discipline. This
increases opportunities for success as students approach more rigorous content in those disciplines (Alliance for Excellent
Education, 2011).
Reading, writing, speaking, listening, and critical thinking must be integrated into each discipline across all grades so that all
students gradually build knowledge and skills toward college and career readiness. Collaboration among institutes of higher
education, CESA Statewide Network, districts, schools, teachers, and family and community will guide the implementation of the
standards in Wisconsin.
The Wisconsin State Standards require educators to support literacy in each classroom across the state. Since the impact of this
effort is significant, it is essential that resources and supports be accessible to all educators. To build consistent understanding,
DPI convened a statewide Disciplinary Literacy Leadership Team in 2011 comprised of educators from many content areas and
educational backgrounds. This team was charged with examining standards, identifying the needs in the field for support, and
gathering materials and resources to address those needs.
The message is that literacy
is integral to attainment of
content knowledge and
content is essential
background knowledge for
literacy development. This
interdependent relationship
exists in all disciplines.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 50
Wisconsin Foundations for Disciplinary Literacy
To guide understanding and professional learning, a set of foundations, developed in
concert with Wisconsin’s Guiding Principles for Teaching and Learning, directs Wisconsin’s
approach to disciplinary literacy.
Our goals for Wisconsin students are:
1. Demonstrate independence.
2. Build strong content and knowledge.
3. Respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose and discipline.
4. Comprehend as well as critique.
5. Value evidence.
6. Use technology and digital media strategically and capably.
7. Come to understand other perspectives and cultures.
Academic learning begins in early childhood and develops across all disciplines.
Each discipline has its own specific vocabulary, text types, and ways of communicating. Children begin learning these context- and
content-specific differences early in life and continue through high school and beyond. While gardening, small children observe the
form and function of a root, stem, leaf, and soil; or measure, mix, and blend while baking a cake. School offers all students
opportunities to develop the ability to, for example, think like a scientist, write like a historian, critique like an artist, problem solve
like an auto mechanic, or analyze technological advances like a health care technician. As literacy skills develop, educators
gradually shift the responsibility for reading, writing, listening, speaking, and critical thinking to students through guided supports
in both individual and collaborative learning experiences.
Content knowledge is strengthened when educators integrate discipline-specific literacy into teaching and learning.
Educators help students recognize and understand the nuances of a discipline by using strategies that “make their thinking
visible.” They promote classroom reading, writing, listening, speaking, and critical thinking using authentic materials that support
the development of content-specific knowledge. They guide students through these complex texts by using strategies that
The literacy skills of reading,
writing, listening, speaking,
and critical thinking improve
when content-rich learning
experiences motivate and
engage students.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 51
develop conceptual understanding of language and set expectations for relevant
application of skills. These literacy practices deepen students’ content knowledge,
strategies, and skills so that their learning transfers to real-world situations.
Educators who foster disciplinary literacy develop experiences that integrate rigorous
content with relevant collaborative and creative literacy processes to motivate and
engage students. Setting high expectations, they structure routines and supports that
empower students to take charge of their own learning. When students work in teams to
research science and mathematics concepts in the development of an invention or a
graphic arts design or when they collaboratively build a blog that contains their recent
marketing venture, they use specific literacy skills and strategies to solidify learning. Students need these opportunities over
time to develop the precise and complex reading, writing, listening, speaking, and critical thinking skills demanded in today’s
Students demonstrate their content knowledge through reading, writing, listening, and speaking as part of a content-literate community.
Students who are literate in a particular discipline are able to successfully read, write, and speak about that discipline and can
listen to and think critically as others communicate in that community. Performance tasks that allow students to present the
complexity of a content area in a way that is meaningful to the field become authentic approaches to assessing mastery within a
discipline. Such tasks empower students to discover the real-world connections across disciplines and to actively participate in
communities of discipline-literate peers.
What Research and Resources are Available?
The Wisconsin Academic Standards for Literacy in All Subjects reflect the importance of literacy in both the oral and written
language and in both productive (speaking and writing) and receptive (listening and reading) discourse. Clearly, critical and
precise thinking are required to develop all of these specific strategies and skills. The standards also address the learning and
functioning of language in a technological, media-driven world because the language that we use is selective depending upon the
context of the conversation.
The following section offers relevant research and resources to support professional learning in reading, writing, speaking,
listening, and language across disciplines. Collegial conversation and learning, both cross-discipline and within-discipline, will
help make the Wisconsin Academic Standards more applicable to schools and districts and will address the needs of unique
programs within those contexts. A collection of online resources will continue to develop as support materials emerge.
“The ability to comprehend
written texts is not a static
or fixed ability, but rather
one that involves a dynamic
relationship between the
demands of texts and prior
knowledge and goals of the
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 52
Reading Connections
While early reading focuses on learning that letters make sounds and that words carry meaning, reading quickly develops to a
point where the message taken from text depends on what the reader brings to it. The Carnegie Report, Reading in the Disciplines
(2010), describes this phenomenon:
Therefore, a musician reading a journal article that describes concepts in music theory will take more information
away from the text than a music novice because of their knowledge and experience in music. As well, an individual
who spends a significant amount of time reading automotive manuals will more easily navigate a cell phone
manual because of familiarity with that type of text.
A chart excerpted from the Carnegie Report (2010) details a few of the generic and more discipline-specific strategies that
support students as they attempt to comprehend complex text. While the generic strategies pertain across content areas,
discipline-specific ones must be tailored to match the demands of the content area.
Both generic and discipline focused strategies and knowledge must be applied to the comprehension and evaluation of:
journal and magazine articles
historically situated primary documents
full-length books
newspaper articles
book chapters
multimedia and Digital Texts
Generic reading strategies*
Monitoring comprehension
Setting goals
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 53
Thinking about what one already knows
Asking questions
Making predictions
Testing predictions against the text
Discipline-specific reading strategies*
Building prior knowledge
Building specialized vocabulary
Learning to deconstruct complex sentences
Using knowledge of text structures and genres to predict main and subordinate ideas
Mapping graphic (and mathematical) representations against explanations in the text
Posing discipline-relevant questions
Comparing claims and propositions across texts
Using norms for reasoning within the discipline (i.e. what counts as evidence) to evaluate claims
*Source: Carnegie Report, (2010)
Additional resources support reading in specific subjects. Content Counts! Developing Disciplinary Literacy Skills, K–6 by Jennifer L.
Altieri (2011) is a guide for discipline-specific literacy at the elementary level and offers strategies to balance the demands of
literacy while continuing to make content count and help students meet the reading, writing, speaking and listening demands of
the content areas as they advance in school.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 54
A resource by Doug Buehl (2011), Developing Readers in the Academic Disciplines, describes
what it means to read, write, and think through a disciplinary lens in the adolescent years.
This teacher-friendly guide helps connect literacy with disciplinary understandings to
bridge academic knowledge gaps, frontload instruction, and build critical thinking through
Note on range and content of student reading
The Wisconsin Academic Standards for Literacy in All Subjects require that “students must
read widely and deeply from among a broad range of high-quality, increasingly
challenging...text.” This type of readingincluded in an intentionally developed
curriculumsupports students in building a base of content-specific knowledge while
developing skills to read increasingly complex text.
Wisconsin uses a three-part model for text complexity, considering qualitative, quantitative, and reader-and-task demands (see
for more information). In addition, a well-developed collection
of complex texts carefully considers representation and diversity, including diversity in the creators and topics of texts.
Writing Connections
The Wisconsin Academic Standards for Literacy in All Subjects call for emphasis on three types of writing: narrative, informational,
and argument. Writing that presents a logical argument is especially appropriate to discipline-specific work since credible
evidence differs across content areas. The ability to consider multiple perspectives, assess the validity of claims, and present a
point of view is required in argumentative writing. These thinking and communication skills are “critical to college and career
The study found writing to learn was equally effective for all content areas in the study (social studies, math, and science) and at
every grade (4-12).
Note on range and content of student writing
The Wisconsin Academic Standards for Literacy in All Subjects require that students “write routinely over extended time frames
(time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-
specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.” This breadth and depth of writing ensures students are able to flexibly select a format to
Writing Next: Effective
Strategies to Improve
Writing of Adolescents in
Middle and High Schools
(2007), detailed research on
writing to learn, rather than
only for assessment, as
having a significant impact
on content learning.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 55
meet the needs of a specific audience and purpose. This is accomplished through
significant amounts of time dedicated to varied writing.
Speaking, Listening, and Language Connections
The ability to share ideas and orally communicate with credibility in a specific academic
discourse empowers students and allows access to specialized groups. In Situated
Language and Learning: A Critique of Traditional Schooling, James Paul Gee (2004)
describes the need to prioritize these skills so that students are at ease as they enter
situations connected to a specific content area and are more likely to continue their
learning in that discipline.
As expertise develops, students feel more and more comfortable applying knowledge and
skills while speaking and listening in a specific discipline.
A media course may teach students appropriate expression, tone, and rate of speech when addressing a large audience.
Listening carefully to questions posed is a specialized skill that debate facilitators develop.
Scientists learn to listen for bias in the perspectives presented by peers to determine the reliability of scientific outcomes.
Artists have very specialized and specific ways of speaking about the many aspects of a piece.
A policy brief from the Alliance for Excellent Education, Engineering Solutions to the National Crisis in Literacy describes “a staircase
of literacy demands” and emphasizes the importance of a progressive development of language and literacy over time.
The conceptual understanding of “functions” in mathematics may begin to develop in elementary school in its simplest form. As
the concept develops over the years, students will use the word “function” in a meaningful way when speaking and writing to
describe the mathematical concept they apply. When educators explicitly connect a mathematical term to its application and
repeatedly expose students to the concept connected to the term, a specialized language becomes second nature to the
mathematics classroom.
Skills in determining or clarifying the meaning of words and phrases encountered, choosing flexibly from an array of strategies,
and seeing an individual word as part of a network of other words that, for example, have similar denotations but different
connotations, allow students to access information and support their own learning.
Students must have
extensive vocabularies, built
through reading and explicit
instruction embedded in the
context of content learning.
This enables them to
comprehend complex texts,
engage in purposeful writing
and communicate effectively
within a discipline.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 56
Literacy in Multiple Languages
Increasing economic, security, cross-cultural, and global demands underscore the value of literacy in more than one language.
Students who think, read, write, and communicate in multiple languages are an asset to our own country and can more easily
interact and compete in the world at large.
English learners in our classrooms face significant challenges as they add a new language and work to grasp content at the same
rate as their English-speaking peers. In a report to the Carnegie Corporation, Double the Work: Challenges and Solutions to
Acquiring Academic Literacy for Adolescent English Language Learners (2007), researchers found that a focus on academic literacy is
crucial for English language learners’ success in school. In their description of academic literacy, they include reading, writing,
and oral discourse that:
varies from subject to subject;
requires knowledge of multiple genres of text, purposes for text use, and text media;
is influenced by students’ literacies in context outside of school; and
is influenced by students’ personal, social, and cultural experiences.
The needs of our English learners are addressed when we embed disciplinary literacy strategies into our subject area teaching.
These high impact strategies and skills allow English language learners and all students to more readily access content
knowledge and connect it to the prior knowledge they bring to the classroom. When educators take the initiative to understand
and embed these strategies and skills, they offer additional opportunities for success to all of our students.
Altieri, Jennifer. 2011. Content Counts! Developing Disciplinary Literacy Skills, K–6. International Reading Association.
Buehl, Doug. 2011. Developing Readers in the Academic Disciplines. International Reading Association.
Carnevale, Anthony, Nicole Smith, and Jeff Strohl. 2013. Recovery: Job Growth and Education Requirements Through 2020.
Washington, DC: Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce.
Fitzsimmons, Shannon, and Deborah J. Short. 2007. Double the Work: Challenges and Solutions to Acquiring Academic Literacy for
Adolescent English Language Learners. New York: Carnegie Corporation.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 57
Gee, James Paul. 2004. Situated Language and Learning: A Critique of Traditional Schooling. New York. Routledge.
Graham, Steve, and Dolores Perin. 2007. Writing Next: Effective Strategies to Improve Writing of Adolescents in Middle and High
Schools. New York: Carnegie Corporation.
Haynes, Mariana. 2011. Engineering Solutions to the National Crisis in Literacy: How to Make Good on the Promise of the Common Core
State Standards. Washington, DC: Alliance for Excellent Education.
Lee, Carol, and Anika Spratley. 2010. Reading in the Disciplines: The Challenges of Adolescent Literacy. New York: Carnegie
State Superintendent’s Adolescent Literacy Plan. 2008. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.
Untitled Presentation. 2010. Washington, DC: Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce.
http://www9.georgetown.edu/grad/gppi/hpi/cew/pdfs/CEW_press_conference_ppt.pdf (accessed June 7, 2011)
Vygotsky, Lev S., 1978. Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. 14
edition. Cambridge MA: Harvard
University Press.
Section V
Connecting Computer Science to Other
Wisconsin Academic Disciplines
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 59
Connecting Computer Science
In Wisconsin, the education vision is for every child to graduate college and career ready. To achieve this vision, students must
develop the skills to think, read, communicate, and perform in many academic contexts. Since students must develop these
specific skills, every educator must consider how students learn in their discipline.
Wisconsin Academic Standards for Computer Science are designed to be focused and coherent, anchored in college and career
readiness, and evidence and research-based. The Wisconsin Academic Standards signify the need to change practice in at least
three areas: content, instruction, and assessments. Educators in CS must be knowledgeable in how both CS and other Wisconsin
standards are addressed in their classrooms. Connections between the Computer Science and other Wisconsin Standards come
in two forms.
Making the Connection: Wisconsin Academic Standards and Computer Science Content
1. Integration with disciplinary literacy (literacy in all subjects) and standards for mathematical practice:
Standards and instruction: The use of reading, writing, speaking, and listening and the application of Standards for
Mathematical Practice to build and communicate knowledge specific to computer science.
Assessment: Standards should be measured through multiple assessments including performance-based assessments.
2. Integration of content and background knowledge where standards from other content areas are embedded:
Standards and instruction: The use of multiple sets of standards to create relevance of content for students; both
computer science and content or standards from other subjects (such as science or mathematics).
Assessment: Standards should be measured through multiple assessments including performance-based assessments.
Equivalency: Equivalency shows a one-to-one correlation between Wisconsin State Standards or other content areas
such as science and social studies and CTE standards through a state-approved equivalency process in conformity with
the Wisconsin State Statute for Equivalency Credit (§ 118.33, Wis. Stats.). This is an option for Career and Technical
Education (CTE) courses that prove to have sufficient academic content and are taught in a technical and applied setting.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 60
The Connection
This visual shows the relationship of the Wisconsin Academic Standards for Computer Science, Literacy in all Subjects, and Mathematics.
This combination leads toward college and career readiness.
Literacy in All Subjects: The Shift
Disciplinarily literacythe ability to read, write, listen, speak, think critically, and
perform in different ways and for different purposesbegins to develop early and
becomes increasingly important as students pursue specialized fields of study.
Wisconsin Academic Standards for Literacy in All Subjects strive to help students meet the
literacy challenges within each particular field of study.
Disciplinary literacy will look different in every classroom based upon the nature of the
academic standards addressed within the course and the types of reading, writing,
speaking, and listening required to convey knowledge. Students are reading texts to
gain knowledge about the discipline; teachers are engaging students with questions
and performance tasks; students are writing, composing, or creating.
Wisconsin Academic Standards for Literacy in All Subjects identify the specific literacy skills that should be a part of all disciplines.
The task, as experts, is to engage students to the authentic literacy activities of the discipline and teach students how to interact
with content effectively.
Mathematical Practices: The Shift
The shift in mathematics processes means students are able to transfer math skills and understanding across concepts and
grades. Focus allows each student to think, practice and integrate new ideas into a growing knowledge structure. Mathematical
proficiency is necessary for every student. Therefore, understanding concepts and being fluent are both important.
CS + Other
Literacy in
All Subjects
Standards for
College and
Career Ready
In Wisconsin, disciplinary
literacy is defined as the
confluence of content
knowledge, experiences, and
skills merged with the ability to
read, write, listen, speak, think
critically, and perform in a way
that is meaningful within the
context of a given field.
Wisconsin Standards for Computer Science 61
This means teaching more than “how to get the answer” and instead support students’
ability to access concepts from a number of perspectives while demonstrating
conceptual understanding of core math concepts by applying them to new situations.
Teachers in content areas outside of math, particularly science and CTE, ensure
students are using math at all grade levels to access and make meaning from content.
Educators must intentionally engage students at all levels, so they are readily able to
apply mathematics in their ever-changing world.
By combining the mathematical practices and CS standards, it allows the teacher to
build on students’ prior learning from multiple content areas. Students are able to see
the relevance of their learning in their chosen career pathway and deepen their learning
by transferring skills and concepts.
Connecting to Other Content Area Standards
Computer science courses and programs are the quintessential convergence of
standards from numerous content areas. Not only do students learn the knowledge and
skills necessary for successful transition to college and careers, they also practice and apply their learning in real-life
instructional situations that prepare them for specific entry-level careers and postsecondary studies. Along with CS specific
standards, students are applying and reinforcing the standards learned in many other areas of study such as, career and technical
education, science, arts and creativity, social studies, and mathematics. Educators should consider how standards from other
content areas are incorporated into instruction and assessments within CS courses and units.
Jeremy Kilpatrick, Jane Swafford, and Bradford Findell. 2001. Adding It Up: Helping Children Learn Mathematics.National
Research Council, Mathematics Learning Study Committee, Center for Education, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and
“When today’s students
become adults, they will face
new demands for mathematical
proficiency that school
mathematics should attempt to
anticipate. Moreover,
mathematics is a realm no
longer restricted to a select few.
All young Americans must learn
to think mathematically, and
they must think
mathematically to learn.”
Adding It Up, National
Research Council, 2001